v i v w i - i x? ,.. I'ubllshcd every Fridtiy, 101 N. 20th Vol W X M N u . .41 Omaha .NciiiabkB. Phone M 13C0
Entered us .Senind-Cluss Matter at Post- Annum Kate 4 Dollars otrice. Onmhu, Nebraska, under Act of 1878 single Copy 10 Cent*
Community Urged fo Make Dinner Reservations Mow David Blacker, cliulrmaii of the committee planning the celebration this week, urged I hat reservations for the Omaha Jewish Community Dinner honorinn the state of Israel be made as soon as possible. Invitations to the dinner on Sunday evening, April 27 at the Shernton-Fontenelle Hotel were issued to the Jewish community last week. Philip M. Klutznick, international president of B'nai Ii'rith, will be the principal speaker. Also sharing the speaker's rostrum will be .Senator Roman L. llruskii and Mayor John Rosenblatt. Since the banquet hall space is limited, it is Urged that reservations be made immediately. Those waking reservations are urged to indicate whether they prefer .•.meat, fish or fruit'dinners.1
Anniversary Celebration s Tuesday at Joslyn
Program Features |OZ Dancers, Talk , By Veret, Exhibit i
Beth Israel Dinner to Set New Record 11 We are happy to report," said Dan Goldman, General Chairman of tho Sixth Annual Beth Israel Humanitarian Award Dinner April 20, "that the enthusiastic support of the community lias made it possible for us'to exceed last year's record in every department of the Annual Dinner." Sam llalui and Dan Gordman ha\o Announced the appointments of the following chairmen for the event. Appointments Announced Mrs. Harold Zcllnsky and Mrs. Jack Levey, co-chairmen, Women's Division .Souvenir Journal; Henry Appel and George Kchaplrn, cochairmen, Men's Division Souvenir | Journal; Mrs. George Schapiro and I
berg, assisting banquet chairmen; Mrs, Sam Garrop, decorations; Mrs. Hairy Sidmah, Jewel Page; Harry Sldman, patron reservations; Mrs. Sidney Kwialek, publicity; Harold Zellnsky and Mrs. Alfred Frank, publishing; Henry Appel and .Ernest Hochster, serving; Irving Stern and Paul Shyken, check room; Malvin Tepper, parking supervision; Morris 1'!. Kutler, ushering; .Samuel' Slone, n u (1 i o and photography; Mrs. Michael Cohen and Mrs. Harold Siegel, table setting. Dignitaries on Program The program for the evening, H was a n M n u n c e d by Maurice Katzman, President of the Synagogue, will he featured by the presence of di!>tin"Ui lied lor il and out-of-town dignitaries, including Governor Victor Anderson and M,IJOI .John Rosenblatt. The committee has approved the full and official text of the Citation to he presented personally to Eddie Cantor at the Humanitarian Award. Dinner "for contributing his t a l e n t to every worthwhile cause irrespective of: co 1 o r or creed, and for his extraordinary efforts on behalf of the United Jewish Appeal and the State of Israel, Beth Israel Synagogue singles him out to be the recipient of the coveted Citation of Distinguished Merit."
Mr. Cantor will arrive in Om.'ihn Saturday at 7-30 a. m. at the Union Station. The doors of the Social Hall will be opened promptly at 5:15 p. m., Cantor To Hi' Ilunnrril hy one hour before the beginning of j the banquet on Sunday, April 20. Belli Israel Kyiiiigftgu'i*. Guests are urged to make their Albert Sorkin, secretarial com- Individual seating selections as mittee for the Souvenir Journal; soon ns they arrive. Mi's. Heniy Appel, banquet chairman, Cit.itlon Uinnei; Mis. Sam Katzman and Mrs. Sidney Gold-
Libraries Display Israel Materials Many Umiiiii e\)nl>ils will hon or the lOtli anniversary of the Slale of Israel'beginning Ap'ril 22. A display of bmjUs ami'posters is being arranged at I he Omaha Public Library by Miss Catherine Beal, .Supervisor, Adult .Service.1;. Nearly .10 titles un Israel arc new on display. At ('cuter Library The dramatic exhibit of "Israel through its . Stamps" an exhibit which originated in,Australia and New Zealand, will be on display at the Joiilyn Memorial during the week of April 22 IhruuRh 20. This display will he enhanced by a colorful exhibit of timely books, 'painting and sketches, "first; covers" and posters from the Jewish Community Center Library. At the Center library, one of thenio.it complete collections of books on Israel, records, painting;;, posters and other items of interest will bo available for viewing ns well ns checking out, nccordlnp; to Mrs. Ben Zcff, librarian.
On the Air Sunday, April 21) WOW-TV—"Face the Nation," .'5:.'!0 p. m. Interview with Israel Prime Minister David Hen-Gurion. Unrehearsed program with Stuart Novins as moderator. WOW H a d io —Above program re-broadcast at X:.'',0 p. in. KIJON—"Message of Israel," 8:-ir, a. m. KFAB -"E t c r n a l Light," 8 p. m.
The Jewish C'omnuinit_y Center will sponsor for tho second consecutive year, the Jewish Welfare Board National Air Mail Swimming Meet at the Center, April 20 from 11 a. ni. to 1 p: m. All membership holders are qualified to enter the competition and will receive certificates. Events will be run by the stop watch.
Tho ( ) / Dancers who \\\\\ hiiii^ un oiitcrtdininrni treat to Oinah:ihH :it tho program Kr««Unjf the 10th imniversary celebration of Israel Tuesday at H p. in. at Joslyn Memorial.
llll K>
OllMlt.l UUmf'M the i iimniiiiiitj.
will receive birthday (,'lfls from Israel marking tlie State's tenth anniversary wliitu they a t t e n d forthcoming Philanthropies meeting.., One of the Israeli gifts which were selected by Paul Verct, r*ederatlon Executive Director during his recent trip in Israel, will go to a member of the Business and Professional Women at their cocktall supper, Wednesday, April 23 at 5:30 p. m. at the Jewibh Community Center, Another gift will be presented to a guest at the community-wide meeting of the Womon's Division scheduled for Tuesday, April 29 at 12:30 p. m. at the Beth Israel Synagogue. Mr. Vcret, on request of the Women's Division, personally selected gifts of special significance to convey birthday greetings to Omahans from Israel on Its tenth nnniversai v Items Individually Crafted 'these items are individually n.ifted lij the skilled hands of Isi.ieli artisans 1'iodueed of the fiiir.ii qu ihlj bi-iss, the ' patina finish is a lephea of the oxidation which covers articles of antiquity It ami I* Supper Plans are in readiness for the cocktail supper of the iiusiness and Professional Women".! group being arranged under the direction of Us chairman, Mrs. Julius Newman. Roy Feltman will be the division's host at a cocktail hour at 5:.'iO p. "m. " •. A birthday cake marking Israel's tenth anniversary will he a highlight, of the supper menu, Mrs Newman has announced. Itahbi Frlrilman, (iucst Speaker Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman Kxecutive Vice-Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, the guest speaker fit the dessert luncheon of the C.enernl Women's Division April 29, will present the Tsraeh Gift to a guest at the gathering. Kahhl Friedman comes to Om:i» bit with nil extraordinary background nn an American JUWIHII loader and n driving forc« t>ohlnil tho rnsouo programs of Jewish refugees, will hrinft n message of profound Interest to woninn of
A number of Omulians became acquainted with Rabbi Friedman's d y n a ni i c personality when he sei \ ed as r e l i g i o u s leader in Temples at Denver and Milwaukee, as well as overseas. Known to Omniums Among those who knew him were the Yale Trust Ins while'stationed in I'Jurope when Rabbi Friedman was advisor on Jewish Affairs to General T. McNarney, Commander of the American Occupational Forces in Germany. Reservations for this meeting are to be phoned to the Jewish Community Center, JA. 13G6 by Drive Lieutenants by 5 p. m., Tuesday, April 22, Mrs. Shapiro said. Table Number to ho Mailed Each gUi-'st will receive, through the mail, <» table number assignmen t for beating at the affair. Transportation will be available for those who request it by calling the Center. Baby sitter service also has been arranged at the Beth Israel Synagogue. Every Omaha woman Is urged to attend this meeting, the outH t ii n d 1 n fj \\ omen's conirnnultv event of tho ynur.
l'.uil Vcret
One of the most delightful musical treats of the year is In store for those attending the opening event in next week's celebration of the tenth anniversary of: th"a .state of Israel by the Omaha Jewish Community. The famous OZ danceib and singers from Israel will appear at the Joslyn Me* moiidl, Tuesday evening, April 22 at 8 p m. in a program open to the entire community In addition to the OZ group the anniversary program will me'ude an address by Paul Veret, executive diicctor of the Federation for Jewish Soivice, and a stirring exhibit of "Isiael thiough its Stamps." The OZ gioup, formerly the Oirtmm and T/ab.ir groups, includes compo-.ci'*, d.incers and instrumentalists combining their talents to bring the living folklore of Israel. They have successfully toured this country from Los Angeles to New York and from Quebec to Buenos Aires. In addition they have appeared in every, medium, on stage and on the air and have been acclairfied for their performances, .jncluding/.a ..rgcent^ one at Carnegie. Hall. Because . their programs include the rich: traditions brought to Israel by the different ethnic groups1, their presentation is both "stirring and exciting,", according .. to -Mr. Yeret who' saw the group at the annual meeting of the National Conference of Jewish Communal Service In: Atlantic City. -.P ' \ ;::....': ;;•:
Appoint Omahans To National Posts Four Omaha Jewish Community leaders have been appointed to national committees of the Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds. They are Arthur H. Goldstein, National-Local Relations; Dr. Abe reenberg, Campaign '"Planning; Jack Mnrcr, Community Organization, and Paul Vcrel, NationalLocal Relations. The Omaha Federation is a member agency of CJFWF.
Elmer Gross
Mrs. Hen Shapiro
Ulmer Gross, (ii'iicral Chairman of the. I'liiluiitliropie.s and 1'anl Veret, Federation Kxoc.utlvo Director, assist Mrs. lieu Shapiro, (ieuoral Womon's Division Chairman In choosing'from a selection ol Israoll Items, gifts to be presented at Women'!) Division meetings.
Pag* Two
sionaries for Their Faith?" Shnbbas morning services will begin ut 11:30 a. m. with Rubbi Brooks officiating and the Keligious .School Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin singing the musical portions of the service.
Published Every Friday by the Federation of Jewish Service Eccona OluEi Mulling Privileges Authorized ut Omaha, Nebraska. Annual Subscription, $4.00. Advertising Rates on Application. r-H.,.,rt in ;,.„—101 Ui Or Editorial icie— loi No. 2uih 2Uih Street, Omaha. Nebr» JAckson 1366. Print Sh ,- Address 4808 So 25th Street
.Editor Ciinilli-llgliling—<i:17 p. in.
State of Nebraska
TEMPLE lSICAEL. Services will be held this ¥r\day evening at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Sidney Brooks will preach on How Cun Jews Be Effective Mis-
Bar Mitzvah
WHEREAS, the young and flourishing State of Israel will celebrate its Tenth Anniversary on April 24,1958, thus completing a. decade of inspiring progress as a democracy dedicated to the self-same ideals which gave our own country birth; and, WHEREAS, it has remained a steadfast bastion of the Free World in a troubled and turbulent area, where international communism seeks to subvert and outflank our defenses, and has shown constant {\roof of friendship and community/of interest with the United States; and, WHEREAS, it continues to fulfill its great and historic role of providing purposeful work, secure homes, and .abiding hope to hundreds of thousands of refugees from persecution and intolerance; and, WHERAS, it has made giant strides forward in agriculture and industry, with acknowledged and welcome assistance from the United States, increasing the productivity of its labor, redeeming the desert, building new cities, and expandng the horizons of its growing population; and, WHEREAS, it has kept equal pace in the arts and sciences, making a notable contribution towards humanity and civilization in these fields; and, WHEREAS, it is a symbol of peace and brotherhood and an examplar of the potency of self-help to the backward nations of the earth; NOW, THEREFORE, I, VICTOR E. ANDERSON, Governor of the State'of Nebraska, do hereby proclaim the period from April 21 to April 27, 1958 IRAEL'S TENTH ANNIVERSARY WEEK in honor of the renascent: nation of Israel, and I bid all our "citizens join joyfully in its celebration in harmony and brotherhood. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Nebraska to be affixed. Done at the Capitol, in the City of Lincoln, this 2nd day of April, in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight. " BY THE GOVERNOR
Victor C« ;••• V-: S e c r e t a r y of S t a t e
b yM a y o r
All friends and relative* are invited to attend service! and reception*. 1IAKI,AN I'RIKSMAX Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Prlesman announce the Bar Mitfcvah of their son, Harlan William, will be celebrated this Friday evening and Saturday morning at Temple Israel. MELVIN El'STEIN Melvin Epstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry I. Epstein, will observe his Bar Mitzvah /on Saturday morning, April 19th at Beth El Synagogue. .MARSHALL WIDMAN Mr. and Mrs. E. I. Widman announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Marshall, on' Friday evening, April 25 and Saturday morning, April 2Gth at Beth El Synagogue. MARK I'LATTNEIl Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Plattner announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Mark Leslie, will be celebrated Friday evening and Saturday morning April 25th and 2Gth at Temple Israel. STEI'IIKV JlOr.CCinVALThe Bur Mitzvah of Stephen F. BoKijchwnl, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morns nogHchwal.will bo o!> scrvnl Saturday morning, April 2(!t.h, nt the Brih Israel Synagogue. B.AKIIAHA filVOT SI'SA.V KAT/.MAX MARILYN LEWIS HARLEM-: SCIIAI'IRO A group Bas Mitzvah Will1 be celebrated at the Beth Israel Synagogue Fndny evening, April 25th at 8 p. m. The following, girls will celebrate their Bas Mitzvah: Barbara Givot, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Givot; Susan Katzman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Katzmnn; Marilyn Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Lewis, a n d Haiiene Schapiro, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Schapiro.
::;':' -V' ••:--;^':
; ^
Friday, April J8, 1058
:A proclamation concerning Israel's tenth anniversary was also issued on the second day 6f April in Omaha by John Rosenblatt, Mayor. This proclamation also • proclaimed the period from April 21 to April 27,1958' as tha^ime of the local observance of the anniversary.
I1KTII I X Services at Beth El Synagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning services are at 9:30 a. rrt. Junior Congregation services are at 10:30 a, m. MinchaMaariv Services are at 6:45 p. m. Sunday morning services are at 9 a. m. Daily services are at 7 a. Jn. and 7 p. m. BETH ISRAEL Rabbi Benjamin Groncr, Cantor Ell Kagan, Beth Israel Choir, and Primary "B" will conduct, late Friday evening services this^ evening at 8 p. m. Rabbi Groner will speak on "Making Life Meaningful." Traditional Friday evening services (KabbolasShabbos) begin at 6:45 p. m. Sabbath morning services begin nt 8:45 a. m. Junior Congregation at 10 a. m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Talmud class at 6:30 p. m. Snbbnth Mincha at 7 p. m. followed by Sholeshc S'cudos and Maarlv. Daily morning services at 7 a. m.; afternoon services at 7 p. m. Sunday morning services begin at 8:45 a. m. followed by breakfast and Rabbi's class in Bible. Sunday morning Junior Minyan, followed by break-
fust, starts at 8:30 a. m. The Talmud Discussion group meets every Tuesday evening «t 7:30 p. m. at HI III Synagogue, 19th and Hurt, ami services every -Saturday nt 9 a. m.
With the Home Folks News And lini>l>fiiliig« nt Ttio Dr. I'lilllp li-r Jrnluli llumo lor The Acid by BVld Orkow,
April 10; The Bom'd or The Omaha Chapter of The National Council of Jewish Women held their regular m e e t i n g in 'Hie Council Room a t ' T h e Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home For The Aged. This was the first time the meetIng was held here and we welcome them to return real soon. April 14: A large party of Our Folks were entertained at The 29th annual Tangier Shrine Circus at The City Auditorium. April 15: Rabbi David Korb of Council Bluffs, was our llabbinlcal visitor. April 17: Special Memorial serv. ices were held in The Home Synagogue for Jacob Rosenthal on the occasion of his Yahrzclt.
Don Bernstein
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Friday, April 18, I9B8
Mr. and Mis. Philip K.dktn of Council Bluffs announce.'the engagement of their i! u u p l i l e i , Elaine, to Jack Hcrnurd Oruch, son of Mr. and Mrs, Albert A. Oruch. Miss Falken is a freshman at the University of Nebraska \\ here she is majoring in elementaYy education and Is affiliated wirh Sig-
ONEO SHABBAT Members of the Educational Council of Omaha Chapter of Hadassah, consisting of chairmen of the education American Affairs, Zionist Public Affairs and Program committees, will meet for an Oneg Shabhat at 1 p. m., Saturday, April 19, at the home of Mrs. Paul Veret, 120 South 51 Avenue. IlKMtV MONSKY BAKE SALE Mrs. Frank Sekor, chairman of the B'nai B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 Bake Sale and her co-chairman, Mrs. Abe Miller nre announcing the bake sain will Vie hold at the I3mndPi<i Store main floor, on Monday, April 21, at 10 a. m Anyone wishing to hake may hrmg same to Branded Store or r.ill for pickup service. Mrs. Frank Krknr. WE UC1 or Mrs Abe Miller. PI. 7f)71.
MIM Elulno Falken ma Delta Tnu sorority. She holds membership in Alpha L a m b d a Delta, honorary scholastic sorority. Mr. Oruch is a junior In the Arts and Science College at the University of Nebraska. He is a member of Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity. The couple plans a late summer wedding.
Rae Steinberg Announced In1 rind Mis. Abidham A. Sleinbeig huw announced the engdfsenu-nt of their d a u g h t e r , Miss Donna Kae to Majnard Erwin Small, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Ben Gershuns to Speak on Israel Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gershun of Council Bluffs, who recently returned from a tour of Israel as a members of the B'nai B'rith Survey Pilgrimage, will be the guest speakers, at a meeting of B'nai B'rith Irving Cohen Lodge No. (>88, Thursday, April 24 at the Council Bluffs Jewish Community Center. They will describe conditions In Israel and show color slides of photographs taken during the trip. As the result of u general ad run in Israeli newspapers, shortly after his arrival in the country, Mr. Gershun was contacted by two cousins, sons of his mother's sister. He described his Polish birthplace in the paper, mentioning the five sisters he left there when he came to this country in 1912. One of the cousins, a resident of Tiberias, located him in his Jerusalem hotel. The Israeli while inquiring for Mr. Gershun, was discovered in the hotel by Paul Veret, Federation Executive director and a member of the B'nni B'rith delegation. As proof of identification, the cousin brought Mr. Gci.shun a photo of one of his sisters and also'.one of his'former home In Poland. He Inter mot the other cousin who lives in Tel Aviv, as well as many persons with whom he had attended religious school in his youth.
.KANon uoosi:vi:k/r K.IUS. Kleanor Koosevelt B.B.G. and ""is ^ol l.itlman. niiiri.ice and Dchlt.'i Debs are scheduled to play I The main woik of the Knrs'el in fii'iiilv rnunselor, will speak at the Vdllevb.ill. Friday, Apill '2"i I Israel is the making of Laws. nK-eting nf the Counril of Jew.sh Women Tnesdav. April 22 at the Jewish Community Center. Her mibjpct will be "M.-nringe Is What You Make It".
rot \cir,
Page Three
Elaine Falken Engagement of Miss Donna Is Betrothed
Organizations )l VDA^SAH llOAKI), *.lt<)l 1' Ml.l.li.Nt.S Mimljcis ol the- Uiii.ilm Clinptur Il.A.iwih 12»,ii(l will meet Monday. Apul 21, .il VI .'10 p m. at the home of Mis Jia White-book, 1411 No. 38 St., with Mmcs. J. J. Friedman and Adolpn Mnyer as cohostcsses. Members of the Ilndassah group boards will meet Thursday, April 24, at 12:30 p. m. The Thcodor Herzl Group will meet at the home of Mis. Louis Albert, 505 No. 74 Street, with Mines Ervin Simon and Ed Simon assisting. Henrietta Szold Group at the home of Mis. William Raduziner, 5125 Chicago, with Mrs. Albert Garber as co-hostess and Chaim VVeizmann Group at the home of Mrs. Nathan Turner, 5311 Howard, with Mrs. William Alberts assisting.
o r .H.wisii WOMP.N
Small of Kansas City, Mo. Miss Steinberg is a junior at the University of Nebraska where she is affiliated with Sigma Delta Tau Sorority. Her fiance is a student at the University's Law School and Is a member of Zola: Beta Tau, social fraternity and Phi Delta Phi, legal fraternity.
Obituary JlltS. EST1IEK STALMASTEB Mrs. Esther Stalmaster, 83, mother of the late Nebraska Supreme Court Justice Irvin Stalmaster, died last Saturday at LOB Angeles, Cal. An Oniahan 50 years, Mrs. Stalmaster moved to Los Angeles about 10 yeai's ago. Surviving are sons, Morris, Omaha and William, Kansas City, Mo, and daughters, Mrs. Mort Asher, Indianapolis, Ind., and Mrs. Lee Grossman, Los Angeles. Services and burial were in Los Angeles. MRS. SAKAH I1ARSON Funeral services were held April 10th for Mrs. Sarah Barson, 91, at the Jewish Funeral Home with burial in Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Cemetery. Surviving are two sons, Harry of Omaha and Sidney of New York, N. Y.
For Satisfaction In
Call AT 0088
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AT 2452
BUT MOTHER'S f'LVB The Zcta Beta Tau Fraternity's Mother's Club will meet Tuesday, April 22, at 12:30 p. m. at the Dundee Dell.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wolf of Gary, Ind., unnoumce the birth of a daughter. Cheryl Sue, April 6. They have a son, Martin, also. Mrs. Wolf is the former Adelle Chasanov, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Chasanov.
ISRAEL'S TENTH ANNIVERSARY Tuesday, April 22—8 P.M.- ' '
LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF AMENDMENT TO ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OP JPWI5H COMMUNITY CENTER AND WELFARE FEDERATION Holier 11 litrclj/ nlvcn inul Ihr Article! of Incorf fjrcjticn ol Jtwi&li Conmunlty Ctnlcr tntl V/rltMC l"e ,'crciMrjn have Stfn duly Liiundld lo provide 1M(jt tta ncjrr n of Hi*? M-porullen l» jrrtlSH rLDr.ll/.TION OH
Hear sn Eyewitness Report on Israel's First Decade ,
"jEW*inl"l<i DFHATION OF OVAHA. INC 0, IvOliflU II KfJOI'FH, I'mKinl ±IB ;r i
by PAUL VERET, Executive Director, Federation for Jewish Service of-Omaha Who Recently Returned from a Visit to Israel
I'll me JA 1JU" '<• 'r"c:"1 *mt lVjv"1 *' la ll.o Jimi'li Prut llr'«''K?.'tl" te ri"t i'rcfu'rriprvrn tlio rlcli lo ll'nlt »Jio o' «n-cli u(l\fcrll«cintnt
•World-Famous OZ Group
BAR and Das Mitr.ah congratulatioii'. also foi all Jewish holidays and special occasions. M'-yers News Stand. ISO?, Dodge
To present exciting program of Israel songs and dances in authentic costumes. Hear the music of unusual Instruments played by gifted artists.
"ISRAEL THROUGH ITS STAMPS An exhibit of Israel Stamps and rare philatelic material. Also, a Display of Israel Art—Main Floor, North Corridor, Adjacent (to Gallery A, Joslyn Memorial.
Klik'ily Working Man WANTS TO SHAIli: HIS HOMi; with Midillp-Ajicil Couple or Man. Kxtremi-ly Iieawjiinble. Ilcfcrencca Call Prospect 4520.
Doors Open 7:30 P.M.
Admission Free
•-• r : r
FrM.jr, April IS, IMS
I Cover the Campaign
of th« Jewish
of Sioux
Z.vi Ivoiifz wsii Speak
By Nonuuu JVIunson Almost every active memtior of the Sioux City Jewish Community, so it seems, knows Bob Lune, so it was in a relaxed, jovial atmosphere that nearly 100 volunteer UJA campaign leaders sat down to eat brunch and listen to Mr. Lune g n e his Mews un Israel and its present needs They w e r e n ' t disappointed, either The St Louis raconteur, who has done more than his bit for several pievious drives here, was his usual witty self, even after a last-minute flight and with anDm Iin-,kei, visiting I-wach to Zvi Kolltz, author and producer other lengthy .Jaunt ahead of him ci.il woilc 1' idei, iind Hem> (*ins- of "Jlill it Doesn't Answer," tilt) later in the day He had his bui ; LJA j'f neial < liainnan, gave film about Israel which won Inaudience figuratively lolling in the .CM in pn it inn il lift \o tliu Wom- ti'rn.itlon il prl/< •> in Mivlio City aisles—but he also p a c k e d an ] en's Division drive, tit the .Wom- and ('annex, :ind vvlilcli was chosauthoritative •verbal punch when en s I ol >n< ii and Captains rally, en UH one of the 10 ht*st pictured he told of what has he.cn done in I ' ' will he April JOth. Speaking before an off I'l'i"), speaker at p Israel the last 10 y e n s nnd of is.s( ui!)ia,;e of ovei 00 campaign tlin Vnltcd Jewisb A|ij>cul-()penwhat remains to be done as Ami 11-1 wuikeis, Mi Hnskcr told of the ing Dinner, Sunday nli,-lit, April can Jewiy continues to shouldn eoutage and pride of the Isiach, 27, at flip Jewish Conimiinltj C.'ii-* its sharp of the responsibility and of tlie boost their steadfast- UT. Mr. Kolit/. will Jilso nddrcs* That he genoiated a high degice ness brings to the morale of tin; Women's Division Liinrhcon of enthusiasm was demonstrated American Jews, He described the April 2Xtli. in the spontaneous pledges by I nmaculous evolution of an ill)tMi. Kolit/ vva^ hoi n in Lithumany of the colonels ann captains] ei ate, mal-mirtured, icml-bmbaiic ania, (le'sccndcnt. of an old Rabimmediately following thp talk Yemenite boy into an Israeli navy binical family.. Ho .studied, in \VMnin theme of Mr Lime's nil-1 PCiiiiK officer, in less than !> shivos In Lithuiiniii, and then went dress was the runt liming loni;j — as an example of Israel's tcrm need for funds to keep Jrwh potential for developing its iinmi—70,000 .to'80,000 of them every Kiant Jews. jour—moving Into Isr.irl and to Mi Brisker also called attenIntegrate (linn into thu Jewish tion to two of the local youth who state's economj. 11>- emph.isl/cil are planning a tout of Israel in tho this no longer Is a one-shot emergsummer He bide thp as emblod ency matter, lull, uiie which n-lll Women's' Duve woikeis to watch continue to occupj world Ji'wrj, Tccn-aijc r . .r. A. co-chairmen, (I. to r.) Eslclle I psk in, S inillw the tiansformation in these bojs' probablj for the nc\t riccmlr or Margolin anil Jurk Bernstein, plan elclaih of Youth Division Drive altitude tow ird all Jewish nff ins more. What Jews in many parts of the which is to include a combined AZA and lllSCi rally .'Monday night, when tlu> ictin tiocl Mi fiinsbui/ told of thp iniporworld are up against—and figiue April 21 Hie loutli Division will ilso loinlmt a campaign among t nice of the Women i Division in to be facing for moic >cais thin | ioiing .Jud iei im mlii rs the tot il n m p i u n nictiu» It is they cate to think about- is t>pi-i the* women who fiel the hum in fied 'by the latest report from an! emotion i) a poets of the iniPoland. Jews there, many of them I ml^iant ichibilit-ition t isk Also, repatnatpd fiorn the Soviet Union! it is women TS the motheis who In the last two jea.s. .no hvin • | ran undtistind HIP value of the fear-fillpd IUPS local Federation and Jewish ComUnemplo\mcnt among them is the breakfast. lie spoke of the munity Center job with the chilgrowing, they aie .lfiaid to en-, Nearly 100 colonels and captains gage in open religious aclivitv— of the combined Advance Gift: achievements of the Israelis.most chen and jouth Mrs Bui ton Lipshutz, chanman, there weren't cnourb Jews foi a and General Men's divisions at of them refugees themselves only minyan (quorum of 30) in Vtat- tended the pace-sctling workeis'j J f(-« H 1 " 1 ' hefoie.jn lehabilita- called upon the colonels and capZvl Kolltz s.ivv for a Puiim service—and tliey bicakfast at the Jewish Commun- ting lofu'jces by the thousands tains to bring the women of the fear further repatriation from ity C'entei last Sunday morning week in'and week out, and con- community out—enmasse. to at- on to study at the Umveisily of veiting the country into a thuv- tend the Women's Division lunch- Florence, Italy, attaining a MasRussia may be halted to hoar the keynote of the 1938 Most important of all pet haps, United Jewish Campaign .sounded mg industrious nation with mii- eon Monday, April 28th ters degree lie went to Isiael in aculous speed He quoted fiom an is a deep fear that the Polish 1936, and was Chief Recruiting by Geneial Chairman Hcmy C.insinterview of David ben Gurion by government may halt emigration Officer in Jeiusnlem dunng Woild to Israel. Actually, such emigra- hurg, and viiiting UJA speaker Charles Atwood in the current War II. Robert Lune, of St Louis issue of Look Maga/inc Israel, tion is the only real hope lor Chnunidn Henry Ginsburg has He has written extensively in virtually all Polish Jews, for the In an atmosphere that was both Mr Lune pointed out, is strongci announced the appointment of JOP Hebrew and English, and is author 1 future in Poland hold , little prom- genial and earnest, the purposes and In a healthier condition now Shulkin as chanman of the Apiil of the novel "The Tiger Beneath ise of anything but further misery and aims of the campaign were than it ever was, and it is doing 27 Combined D n w Opening Din- the Skin', published In 1917 in H o w e v e r , as Mr, Luile so brought out pointedly, and a de- moie to laise the morale of Amer- ner nnd Mrs Louis C Fish chair- New Yoi k pointedly asset ted, the very fact termination was voiced by all pres- ican Jewry than ever before Mr man of the Women's Division that there is hope, that some- ent to hold steadfastly to at least Lune also stressed the Impoi tancc Opening Luncheon Apiil 28th thing can be done to give these the "level of the last yen's cam- of the Jewish work done in the Mrs Nathan Cloldis , Mis Joe hundreds of thousands of Jews a paign It was also resolved to con- community itself thiough the Irelp Giundman and Mis David Lnit? new. leaseoh life, in 'itself should tinue the Rescuse fund for this of the United Jewish cimpnign comprise Mis Fish's committee serve as a tremendous incentive year and for as long as Israel has The citj-wide Music I>itivil to spur continued and increased to absorb and rehabilitate refuof All Taitlis sponsoi'd by tho giving. For is it not infinitely bel- gees at the rate of 70,000 to 80,000 Jack GiembLig Lodge of B nai ter to give with the very real, annually B'nlh, will be held Sundry, Ap il tangible hope of saving than to A brief, spontaneous round of 20, ;!:.'«) p, m. at North Junior give from' the depths of despair, pledging among the colonels and Hi!,rh School. One'of the most unknowing—as we did in the 1930\s captains, achieved without picsusual Brotherhood programs ever and parly 1940s—that a full scale sure oi exhortation, i.nsed over to be held in Sioux City, the Fesmiracle would be needed? S'10,000 in a fpvv mimiles, ind ieptival will be chaired by Sidney Now, the m i r a c l e in si met. respnled an incipisp of iie.ulv 0 Kalin, • vvh/> will serve as Master Israel IK a ill.il, going tomcrn, ppi pent owi IT)" gifts fimil the ol CciLiii'miP C niteji Iclix (.A ith prospects of un ever «jniP donoi . Chi,] in in He ni v andd o n e with stem of Sh i lie '/vm t o n ;|C(' it.on preatftr future. Beset with strife Ciinsbii,' derlaied I he ii spoil i of i will be coordinator of the seven 1 from Its iinncighborly neighbors Ihi i-'roiip .. . i most IK iiluun" indichoirs which will perform al the Festival. There will also lip solo and with repeated economic dlffl-1 cation t h a t , the community will p< ifuini inee-. bv Pull SinnVl mij CIIHIRV It h a s overcome Ibem \-y support the drive, aiid a proinisMi1" iNin i Smith bold, dynamic strokes anil, t!ion;;ii ing-harbinger of its ultimate suc-
At Campaign Dinner
Visitor, Well-
Women's Role Known" as Author !And Is Stressed Producer
Youth Group Planning UJA Drive Participation
Joe Shulkin Named
Festival Features Brotherhood
One Will Be Elected AZA 'Sweetheart' April 26
Its troubles a r c ' b y no means over, cr-ss.
It now has the confidence born Mr. Lurie, who bad appeared ai of success In meeting every chal- several major fund-raising rallies lenge. in HOT and lf)5(i, made a special Mr. Lurie imparted some of that flyinu trip to Sioux City to address confidence of his listeners Sunday morning. The next task is lo-p:ivs it along and drive it home to die B. and P. Make remainder of Dip Sioux City Jewish community. In the success of that operation lie;; Hie key to the i Miss Rose Re:'znick and .Mi-is Kva success of the current United j (lordon, co-chairmen, of- the liusiJewish campaign—now going lull ness and Professional Women Diblast vision, announced the appointment | of Mrs. Bess Babbit/, Miss Lillian JIADASSAII TO Dislilip, Miss Hannah Lipman and ELECT OKOTCKHS Mrs. Alex Turehen, captains in Hadassah will hold its monthly the B. and P. Women's campaign. luncheon Tuesday, April 22 at the The Business and Professional Jewish Community Center Women will, launch their drive Mrs. Frank Ginsburg. and Mrs. Sunday night, April 27, at the Sid Slutsky will present » .skit combined Opening Dinner which highlighting the coming Regional they will attend together with the Convention, Election of officer, Advance Gift sand General Men's divisions. will be held.
Sr on 1 1 loop \ o 117, ' pon OIMI
AZA "Sweetheart" lioslis.es (I lo r ) I'.ilH Her/oft Fslelle ] psleln, I!(lty Dimselale,.SHIIUIK Murgolin, .Imll Baron and' Marlpno f.cvin who will officiate at the <lniicev One will be eleclcel ".Swi'ethearl" of the orgmi/atlon. 'I he AZA Sv\((>theart Dance will be held Saturday nle-ht, April 2Gth, at the Top Hal Hall Room*.with Gus Hihn's Ortlicstrn presenting the music C.'liinaxing A7.\'s activity year, and iopre?cntliig the organiza-
tion's only fund raising event of the year, the members are soliciting the support of the community. '.„ ' Jerry Weiner in dance chairman, and Allen Lefkow Is assistant chairman in charge of ticket sales.
by B'n.-ii li'iith, will present the. colors. Tile Rev. Fosherg 'Ilugh'^ of the First Congregational Church, will give the.-Invocation, ind Die Rev.' Dwighl Walker of the First Christian Church, vvill give tlie Benediction, There Will ,il?o lip a shorl talk l)y Sam Shapiro, president of Jack. .Grcenberi; I.0'l;;e. The participating choirs will hft th" Augustaha Lutheran, First Mcthoilist, Ml. Zion and Mt. Oliva Baptist (iif.';;ro), St. Thomas Syrian, St. Jean Bnplisti!, Roman Catholic and Sliaarc 7,ioii Synagogue. 1,'NITEI) OltTIIOnOX AUX. Tho United Orthodox Synagogue Auxiliary will meet at luncheon Thursday, April 21, nt the SynaMrs. Harry Elsljerg will preside.