j k \ \ V l Wn 11 Published every i rlduy, 101 N 20th, <VAA\ I No. 34 O m n h D Nebraska Phone JA 1300
Entered us Second-Cliiss Mutter at Post- Annual llute 4 Dollurj office. Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of 1879 Single Copy 10 Centi
Philanthropies rviiies Half Mark Israel Bonds City Manager Is Named The appointment of G e r a id Schwartz as1 manager of the Omaha office for State of Israel Bonds has been announced by Morris Alexander, Midwest chairman for the Israel Bond organization. S'hwait/ who was assistant city manager for Israel Bonds in Greater Miami when the bond drive was launched there in 1951, will be in charge of bond campaigns in Nebraska and Iowa with headquarters in Room 1014, City National Bank Building. A graduate of North Carolina State College and the University of Miami with degrees in electrical e n g i n e e r ing, mathematics and journalism Worked with (-olleijes Schwartz has served as SouthJolin KiUlnn Photo (Front, l.-r.) Mrs. Ilimry Newman, Mrs. Mike Freeman, Mrs. eastern United States director for Slue Venger. (Krur, !.-r.) Sirs. Kilwln 1). llroilkey, Mm. Uoyd Fried- the Albert Einstein College of man, Mrs. Hurry Siilinan—congratulations being extvndril to Incom- Medidne, Yeshlva Umveisity, the ing officers of Women's Federation by retiring president, Mrs. J«wish Theoloficil Seminal y of Ni'Winnn, and Installing officer, Mrs. Veiigrr. America and Technion. He also was campaign director for the new Jewish Home for the Aj'( d in Miami and the Cancer croup wns currently ' celebrating Institute at Miami. Schwartz is a Mrs. Mike Firciiiiin was inEl illi (1 is !>x KIMII <if tin']> pill i i its 12th anniversary M r Jlr nt> A N> uin in ii 111 tini) (if Jewish Women's dubs ««!<>!i!r with o t h e r new officers ;i( in;.; president was awardctl a certitin 1 oiyaiii/ntien's hist iriijelinf; at lieate in appreciation and recni;nithe Jewish (Vjiiiuninily Center. Shi 1 ion of communal service aim r|bfipiim I Iv m cl i fust Vii pi i si- tni ushrd If idi ishi|i b< Mi s 1 I <i'-!ii us is ii mitinnal hniifil mcmlx'i wan! K. llrodkr}'. Airs. Newman presented the annual report of of Hie United Ji'Wi.'ili Appeal. Officers who aivepli-d llielr new (he Fedora lion. 1 Anniiunnt-'ineiii \va:-: niade of the <>lni n l i ip II fit > it tin s inn IIIIM Wi'TO Mrs. Lloyil Friedman, first nppriintriicnt of Mrs. Krnr.-st A, \ K ( p i t s i d o n t , Mrs H u n Sid- No;;g as chairman of the Children m in, s< eolid vui -picsnk n t , M i s Memorial Hospital Bazaar for the L d u i n V. H i o d k r v , st>crel.u> and i;ronp. Mrs. Nogg" in turn named 3\11H lliihcit Kuopi i, p u l l u w n t l i l • Mrs. Hubert Soinmer as her cochairman. 1m Introduced at the meetinic were Conducting the Installation Was Mis Moe Veneer, fust piesident Gerald Schwartz, new director for of the Woman's Federation, who lstiel Bonds and Paul Veret, Fedreminded the gathering tint tin' eration Executive Director,
Federation of Women Install
Adults To Aid Youth In Drive Orientation Adult Oimmumt> lead.ns will make orientation talks at Youth Club meetings during the Youth Council Philanthropies Campaign, its Co-Chairmen, Phyllis Abiahams and Justin Greenberg, announced. Speaker* will explain the role of tlin youth Council In the drlv.o nnd the need for Us participation. Srlieilule.il to address groups till*) week are Milton JR. Abrahams, Arthur (lolilsteln, Mrs. Calvin Newman, Ernest NoRg and Mrs. Hen Shapiro. A film dealing with l'lilhintlirnjiles* services will be Bliuwn. The Youth Council campaign will be climaxed by a large rally, Wednesday evening, May 21, with n special guest speaker and entertainment. AH Jewish high school students will ])(; invited. Appointed as < iplaint foi the drive are: Sam Hleicher, A'/.A. No. t; Larry Gilinsky AZA No. 100; Kden Colin, HKCi; Barbara Greenbrrg, Pi-bka Debs; Phil. Gorelick, llayim; Hotly. Krman, Rohanue, «nd .Bennett Hornstein, Unaffilinl< s Lieutenants for each organizailnii are: AZA No. 1; Steve Dloogoff, Jerry Goldstrom, Marvin Ruback and Ec| Sidman; AZA No. 100: Justin Han, Richard Friedman. Ronnie Gordon, Richard Kosluw, Hernie Polikov, Howard Sluskv mid. Bruce Winlroub; IJBG: A'lem (.K>« nun Mill mi K itz, an-l i.inda Magzamtn. O I I I T lieutenants Include: Dobh,-! !)-'iis Chariot Ie Brmlkey, Carole (limh'-i'i/, Maiivs Isaek, Alic?
Kurz, and Rozanne Siporin; Rayim Arnie Fellm in, Steve Guss, Lairy Kohn, Al Newbeig and Keva Shykcn; Rohamie — Judy Ban, Judy Brookstcin; Frances Erman,. Marcia Fogel, Joyce-Kooni, Sheila Novak, Ethel Sabes and Enid Venger; Unaffiliates—Alan Noddle, Marijyn Kaplan and Chuck Havltz.
Gerald Srliwnrtz: member of the Public Relations Society of Amenca and of the American Government, American College and Florida Public Relations Associations lie is • past piesjdent of tr-e Greater Miami pi of essioiwl and alumni chapter of the Alpha Delia Sigma advertising fraternity, is a member of Omlcron Delta Kappa and Theta Omlcron Pi honorarles, and was a trustee of the Unl(Continued on Page 2)
$271,710 So FarFull Coverage Urged Tim 105H Jewish 1'lillunthroplen and United Jewish Appeal Campaign which opened officially Tuesday, April 29, has already passed the 50 percent mark this week, having raised the amount of $271,710, ns of Wednesday morning, Klmer Gross, General Campaign chairman, announced. Of this ninuunt $372,710 came from the Initial Olfts Division and $11,000 from the women's division. "We aie wetl beyond the initial phabe of the campaign," Mr, Gross said, "and from now on W8 will have to work unceasingly toward raising the balance of the funds " New York (JTA.)—- Six major The amount raised thus, _ far national J e w i s h oi garii/ations came largely through three camjoined in urging Congress to pass paign functions held by the Initial a pending bill that would make Gifts, Women's Division and its illegal possession or use of dyna- Business and Professional Unit, Complete Coverage Goal mite a federal cume They also "In vie.w of the influx of refcalled on the Federal Bureau of ugees into Israel, one refugee evInvestigation to launch an inves- eiy seven minutes, it is most urgtigation into the recent bombings ent and important that complete of Jewish centers and places of coverage of all prospects be made, woiship in southern cities and the largest possible gifts obThe American Jewish Congiess, tained to enable Israel to receive Jewish Labdr Committee, Jewish the refugees, and to absoib them," War Veterans of the USA, Union "Mi Gtoss said Women Active of American Hebrew Ooiigiega"The intensive part of the Womtions, Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America and en's Campaign has been conUnited Synagogue of America cluded," Mrs. Ben Shapiro, chaircalled for prompt enactment of a man, stated "and now we are enbill which would make it a federal gaged in the clean-up process." crime to t r a n s p o r t. between "How well workers function in sidles, or would make it: a federal getting their cards completed will crime to transport, between states, determine the final success stage." oi tn pji ses iinv dyii mute so Mrs. Shapiro, urged all workers transported, intended for unlaw- to turn all completed cards into ful use. It would create the pre- the Ccntn and finish up on all sumption, that a federal law has caids as vet incomplete been violate d bv- anyone found" to This yeai 's figui e compares favhave dyinmite in his possession onbly with last jeai's total to against local state Iiw date
Action Urged on Dynamiting
Jay-C-C Super Tops Nation®! Gimp Jay C-C supoivisory standards fai exceed the nationally accepted and appioved ratio of counselors to campeis, it was disclosed in a recent camp survey conducted by the local community sel vices, Dr Dan Miller, Camp Committee Chairman, announced The camp period extends fiom July 20 to August 17 Camp Jay-C-C camper and counselor ratio is four to one," Dr. Miller said "In other words, foi every four campers theie Is a trained, experienced cabin coun-
CEtolim Guest Monday, pedker, Wednesday Athletic Honors To Be Presented A tea honoring great grandmothers, grandmothers, mothers, and daughters will be given Monday, May 12th at 2 p. m. by the Bikur Cholim Society at. the. Jewish Community Center Auditorium. A musical program will include several "Yiddish" numbers to bo sung by Mrs. Albert rUmmermrtn with Mrs. A. C. Fellman, accompanist and modern selections by Miss Carole Gomberg with, Miss Hozanne Siporin, accompanist. Mrs. Phil Smith and Mrs, Bernard Schien, chairmen of special events, have announced that prizes will be awarded for the oldest and youngest person present. Preceding the tea, the- Honorable John Rosenblatt, mayor of Omaha, will install the new officers for the year 1958-59.
Mayor John Ro<ii!iiblutt
"A Look to the Past, Present and Future," will keynote, the Jewish Community Center's 11th Annual'Award Night next Wednesday, May 14 at 7:l!0 p. m. at the Center, The award Night program sponsored by the Athletic Department, will feature Mayor John Rosenblatt as guest speaker. Sandy Ilniphy, chairman of the event, slated that the public is inviled to attend the program in which all Center sports participants will be vecor ni/.ed and be presented with awards for their skill and conduct in the niiinv activities offered throughout, tin' current season. The annual event will. include, a l!)r>H Innovation, the beginning of a Hall of Fain!1, Mr. J'.ropliy (Continued on Page 41
seloi to supemse the campeis and activities Tins l.itlo does not include admlmstiative staff, muse, kitch n and maintenance staff Di Miller named Bernard Feldman and Janet Handler supeiviseis of the Boys and Ghls Villages lespectively Feldman, an upperclassman .at Columbia University seived as' assistant village diieetor last year Miss Handler, an uppei classman at the University of Nebraska also served at Camp Jay-C-C for many yeais and was camp proTram dhector in J957 Hooding the Arts and Crafts Depaitment this year will be J"rald Gieks, industiinl arts teacher at Mom OP Junioi Hi"b who holds a mosteis degree in Industrial Arts1 fiom the University of Oklahoma Suoeivismi; th" natuieloie pioi;iam will bj Miss July Tsony, a Chinese exilian'e s'udent at Cieiijhton Umveis-ity M s Tion ' is a medicil slir'mt f'om Foimos i Hie svimmmr; pio"- in wll lie d u t d e J bv Mai shall and 1Michrel stu'eni ? Uenpiib in, n, m UIUM rsitj of Nebiaska School of Medicine nnd ctfilif t'd wat'i •• !" t^ mstiucloib Ftank P.eig. a .Tune gi.idiute al Univeib tv of Omaha, will suoervis'.1 the' kite'v^n (iiu undei the dnection of S1' >rm in Posk i Centu Phys'cil U'luLition ind Ileilth D'retloi ill As i t ml Cunp Dnedoi S ml Silverniiin will direct the camp. Addie S( Us L imp cooU foi If \i us will si>i\e is he id took Richard Weiiier, ii .jinii'oi1 at tlio Un vi I sit\ oi low i will Mipeivso the horseback ridin;; proj;riini and Arthur Scliwarlz who will receive Ii s en m emit; de'ier iioni Iowa SI t • Coll e in Ilim will direct rifle shooting activities,
Banquet to Have Chicago Speaker
, May B, 1658
Bar Mitzvah
All friends anil relatives are Invited to attend services mid ria>iui;NT O F l en plloris. Second lilutu Mailing Privileges Authorized at Omaha, Nebraska. MODI U ASSEMULY Annual Subscription, $4.00. Advcitlalnjg nates on Application. TUchard Fellman, junior in iio ICM'IIAKI, CIlONI.lt Editorial OMco—1U1 No 'Anti Street, Omaha, Ncbr.. JAckson 1306 IJmvciLity of Kiln.'ska College of The Kar Mitzvah of Raphael Print Sh • Address 48US So 23LU Sticct I^av, \.as tlecled pi evident of thoGroner, son of Ilabbi and' Mrs. (M31S.) FRANCES KLEIN Editor fust sr^-ion of the ]0r>S model Henjamin Groner will take place United Nations General Assembly, held last, week on the University this Satuiday morning, May 10th at 8;45 a. m. at the Beth Israel campus. The assembly, one of the annual Synagogue. fi'ctrg and tiftpprnlnrn at The Dr. Philip piojccts of the Nebraska Univerfiher Jewish llume l'or The Aged by Ua\ld Orkovr. sity Council of W o r l d Affairs KOBEItT SLIJTSKY (NUCWA), met with individual ALAN WHITMAN FLOWERS were donated by Mr. delegations represented by vari- Robert Slut^ky, son of Dr. ancl and Mrs j1 ; I. Widman m honor ous student groups to discuss und Mrs. Ben Slutzky, will observe hi3 of The Has Mit/.\ah of their son, att upon United Nations problems Bar Mitzvah and Alan Whitman, Marshall. I While an undergraduate, Mr. son of Mr. and Mi s. Norman WhitR E T U R N E D FROM HOSFellman was editor of the Daily man, will observe his Bar Mitzvah PITAL: We Welcome back home, Candlellghtlng—7:10 p. m. Nebraskan, the student newspaper at Heth YA Synagogue this evening Mrs. Minnie Wank, who was in the which won All-American national and Satuiday morning. hospital for minor surgery. Morns BETII EL rating during his editorship; secAckorman also spent a. few days Services at Beth KI Synagogue of the Innocents Society, KOUERT WKINSTEIN at the hospita" for observation will be held at 8 -15 p. m Kabfoi Nut H. Knppln, \\ASI president retary KIDDUSH: A Special Kiddubh Myer S. Kripke will Give the third of the Chicago Jl'nul ll'rltli Coun- the senior men's honorary, and a Mr. and Mrs. Herman Weinstdn. member of he varsity debate team. announce the liar Mitzvah of their was given by Simon Tcnun, home in a series of lccturc-sci-mcms on cil and Albany J'ark I.otluo, will resident. "Fulfillment In Israel" in celebra- be the principal ti|>eal<cr, Sunday, He is a member of Zeta IJcla son, Robert at Hcth i:i Synagogue TRAY; DONATED- Mrs Goldie tion of the 10th Anniveisaiy of May 18, at a 1:30 p. m. banquet Tau, Social fraternity, and Phi on Friday evening May 16th and C o h e n presented a hammcicd the State of Israel. The nrrmon ^tinf of the Southwest Ilrgion- Delta Phi, legal fraternity, and is Satuiday morning. May 17th_ aluminum trjy to the Home, will be on "The Meaning of theal B'nul H'rith Conference at the the son of Dr. and Mrs. I.eon FellSKVVING GROUP: The Council State to the Israeli Jew." I'irrside Ilcstaurant. man. WJIXIAM DAVIO of Jewish Women Sewing Group Cantor Aaron I. Kdgar and the i Mr. and Mrs. J. I.I. Ncwmuri held their legular meeting at The Beth El Synagogue Choir will announce the Bar Mitzvah of their FRATKRNITY ELECTION Home this week Among those lender the musical poilions of the Elected as officers of Zeta Beta son, William David Kull/, wiU bo present were the Mmr-s. L Adlcr, service. Tau, University of Nebraska at cclebrAted this Friday evening I. Brown, G. Colira, 11. Fried, I Sabbath morning services arc at Lincoln,Were Mike Lazcr, presi- and Saturday morning at Trrriple Forbes, P. lljykin, I. Honiitein, M 9 .'JO a in. .Junior Congregation dent; Steve Rosenblatt, vice-presi- Israel. HorowiU, H. Karl, T. Katzkee. K services aie at 10.30 a. m and Marks, S. Nogg, B Sliver and M Mincha-Maariv s e r v i c e s art; at I'aul Hack* has been elected dent; David Herzog, secretary; SILSAN MAKIESKY president of the Omaha New andSteve Cohen, lusloiian, all of OmaZalk. The meeting was hold jn 7 1*5 p in and Uarry Laupheimer, Stan- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Maklesky The Council Room, Daily services aie at 7 a m andUied Car Parts Dealers Associa- ha ford, Conn, treasurer. announce the Bas Mitzvah of their PARTIES A affair was held 7 p. in Sunday morning sci vices tion. The fraternity was presented daughter, Susan will be celebrated May 8lh under the vponsorship of are at 9 a. m. New officers of the Omaha with a second place scholarship Friday e v e n i n g and Saturday the Council Illuff-a C'luptpr of Food Retailers Association Include impro\cmcnt awaid at icccnt uni- morning May 10th and 17th ht Hadatsah, with Mis Albeit J HW'Al .1ACO1I-ADAS Temple Isiael • Joo Upton, vice-preiident and versity evercises. Krasne as chairman YI;MU'HON COMING KVKNTh: Its mothers Club gave ft tea .Services at 15'nai Jacob-Adas Max Kalk, sergeant-at-aims May May nth- Molliti's D.iy YeOiuron will begin Friday at G VS honoring rushces and their parents May 2"3th: Slmuolh. | p. m. Saturday service at 8 !0 William stone has become asso- at the chapter house, Apnl "11. ciated with the S. I. Harnelt & a in. and a lecture on the "Kthics Associates Agency as insurance of the Fathers" will be Riven by I'LEDGED Bond Manager H.ibbi Nathan Feldm.in at 6:T3 representative. Arthur No\ak has been pledge J p m. MinchiatG 13 p in. followed 'Continued fi urn Page 1 > I'aul Itlotiky was named a rfg- to Delta Sigma I'I, national busibj Sholeshe .S'eudos Daily .services onal vice-president of Hie Mid-ness fialennly at the 1'ni'ei itv j Seb (Subby) Pulyercnto veisity of Miami's dupler of —6:U0 a. m. and 7 p. m. west Region of the Union of Amer- of Oklahoma. ZeU Ueta T.iu social fiatermty. 25 Yean 1 Experience ican Hebrew Congregations at its Is ii'nai K'rilli Mi-inbcr UKT1I ISKAICI, O. V. CHAIKMAN < recent convention in Sioux City. SchwarU is a member of IS n u 1'iaditional Fnday rvening :ci''.V/Itri Jewish Judj Cohen has ben iwmrd I J B'nth, is past president of the ices will befjin at 0.45 p m , There Lettering and Memorials serve ns one nf the committee North Dado distmt of tho Zion,=t will he no late service this eve- Mr. nnri Mrs. Abraham Goldstein Organization of A m e i i r a and mn,1; Sabbath inornint; .services be- celebrated their !55th wedding an- chairmen for tho University of AT 2452 served as chairman of the:tenth gin at 8 <•) a. m Junior CongicRa- niversary last week at <v family Omaha senior dinner-dance, M;'.v 2211 So. 8th 17. annnersaiy and fifth annneisiry tion at 10 a m Ilabbi Groner will gathering. of Itracl celebration;, for the Zion- conduct the Saturday afternoon ist Council of South Fionda. Talmud class at G 45 p m. Sab- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kahn of A \eteran of World War II,bath ininch-i followed by Sholosh Culver City, Cnl, are guests of Mr. SchwarU^seivcd fiom 104G until S'eudos and Maariv begins at 7 15 nd Mrs. Norman Whitman, the atter a niece and Mrs. Veta Co1948 as publicity director of the p. m. Third United States Army and of Sunday morning services begin hen. Mrs. Cohen and Mrs. Kahn arc sisters. the Constabulaiy in Germany, j-ie at 8 VS a. m. followed by the iff a member of the American Le- Rabbi5s class in 13ib)e. The SunKosher Meat Market1 and Delicatessen gion and of Amvels day morning Junior Talis and Tep- Brooks Will preach on "Who In- WA 5554 .. 4415 CUMING He belongs to the Klks, Opti- hilin minyon, followed by break- lucnccs Jewish Life Most- Rabmists, American Marketing As- fast, start1) at 8 30 a. in. bis or Laymen?" —Comment on sociation and Ameucan Institute The Talmud discussion group the Regional Convention of the We Feafure Our Own Homemade Corned Beef of Management. He served for meets every Tuesday evening at Union of''American" Hebrew Contwo years as a member of the 7:10 p, m. at the mill Synagogue, gregations. and Barbecued Beef seven-member Planning Hoard of 1'Jtli and Hurt streets,, and SaturShabbas services will begin at the City of Miami Reach. day morning services at 9 a, m 11 .')0 a. m. with Rabbi Hrooks Mrs ,T. Harry Kulakofsky is OUR FRESH MEATS ARE ALWAYS TOP QUALITY officiating and the Religious School rhairman for the Israel Bond's TKMPLK ISRAKIj Choir under the direction of Miss Nebraska-low a area, wiilrh an- Services will be held' this Fri- Ida Oitlin singing the musical Call Wednesday for Thursday Delivery nually has had one. of the but-day evcniiiK. Uabbi Sidney II. poi lions of the service. standing record* for per capita sales, Mr. Alexander said. Mr. Schwartz and his family will make their home in Omaha IIi.s wife, Felice was born in Pender, Nebr. and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Fred, former Omahans. Mrs. SchwarU is piesidcnt of the Albeit rm«lein group of Hadarsah in Mumi Shoifs, is secretary of the Miami chapter of Iladas^ah and fomvi vice president of the National Council of Published Eiery Friday by the Federation ot Jewish Sen Ice
With the Home Folks
• Omahans In the News
Monument Co.
Jewish Wo.iion
\Ii-i S c l m . u l / is
one of I I . K 1 J I I . I I I S tin c itelei;.,tes
to t h e Zionist Couii'il of Smith Klmida Mr and M i " *-<h" i t / h i v e t w o suiii, Gar> 1'iobi I I (>, . ml Or. <;i; llu hai d. 2 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF AMENDMEHT TO ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF JSV/ISM COMMUNITY CENTER AtlD WELFARE FUDErtATION Notice i: hereby niven 1ha( the Articles cf Inrnrriorciifon of Jewish Community Center and Welfare F*6cra!lon Jinve b « n du(y omend&rt to provide that ti.e name of the corpcro.lon l i Jt /I3H fCDCRATION OF CMAHA, IHC. JE7/ljll FCDF.RATIOH OF OMAHA, INC. By ROBERT H. KOOPEM, Present.
5yrf y^ls^^
S-2-5B 3J
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BAR and Bas Mil/.vah congratulations also for all Jowi.-.Iv Itolidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge
What could i>c moic tliouglitfnl tli tn .i (;ift of J »tep-saving extension phone in Mothrr'1 choice ol colon! It'? brautirul ard pr.irtic al' 'Iv.o way? to srnd your gift: .in attiar|i\c tjift reitifiratcfor .1 color ttlcplionr in-t.illcd where Mother wants it,
vuth tiic monthly < Alemion chaigc billed to _>ou, or a gaily wrapped telfprionc all ready for in.-' 'tallation, with accompanying gift ranlj. Call your telephone bu',lnrsi office todayl ^ NORlflVVi S1F RK Bn.L*IT.r.r.PHONE fX>MPANYi
Friday, May », 1933
Beth Israel Sisterhood to Install New Officers at Tuesday Meeting
"Kosherama " Theme Omaha JWV Will \ovm Meet of Kadimah Dinner Attend An Epstein-Morgan no.jt delega-
Incoming officers of Jictli Israel a Holiday" will be shown. The Synagogue Sisterhood will be in- film was produced by the Israeli Kosherama will be the theme tion headed by Pj:;t Commander stalled at the final meeting of the office of Information in conjunc- of a fund-raising dinner being Marvin Kaplan will alfPiid the anyear, May 33 by Mrs. Max Froin- tion with the Tenth Anniversary planned by the Kadimah Chapter nual convention of I.'-? Nebraska. kin, representative of the Syna- Celebration of the State of Israel. of Pioneer Women. The event will Iowa Department of Hi? Jewish be held at the home of Mrs. Ber- War Veterans in Sioi::: City, Saturgogue Board of Commissioners. Reservations may be made by nard Kaufman, .Saturday, May 17, day evening, May JO, a ,d Sunday, Mmes. Sidney Goldberg and I/acalling Mrs; Sam Roscnstciii or starting at 7 p. m. Many Jewish May 11. dore Klewitz, pa(,t presidents of the delicacies will be served. Omaha reproseiilVvj will InSisterhood, will also participate Mrs. Nate Berg. Sitters will be Chairman of the affair are Mrs. clude Past Departn"- it Commanavailable. in the installation ceremonies. Sam Kpsteln and Mrs. Harry ders Max Kanner, Ah; .tf."Miller, The Incoming officers aie Mrs. Slref.i Assisting them are Mmes. DPlmar Klein and •i-.-o-n'j GrossHenry Appel, president; Mrs. AlNathan Kaplan, Isadore Falk, man. Leonard Wol!:, Ajilton Goldfred Frank, first vice-president; Raymond Corey, Charles Rosen* berg and Morris I/1-.in li.ive been Mrs. Sidney Kwiatek, second viceheirn, Charles Guss, Herbert Win- n a m e d alternate d - ' ^ i t e s . \JC president; Mrs. Ralph Mniamow, troub, George Lerman, Dave Wine, Jerome Grossman J i I1)™ present third vice-president; Mrs. (Jeorge Junior Vice Comm.'"rl»r of the Bernard Kaufman, Abe Bear. SIGMA DKI/TA TAU Schapiro, treasurer; Mrs. Sam All members and friends of Ka- Dcpt. of Nebr.-Iowj ,l»whh War B c r m a n, recording secretary; ALUMNAE LEAGUE Recently elected officers of the dimah are welcome. Reservations Veterans. Past Nutiovl CommanMmes. Arthur Parilman, Albert der Joe Barr will hi'ilie honored Sorkin, corresponding secretaries; Omaha Chapter of the Sigma Del- may be given to Mrs. Siref, RE guest at an i n f o i — i a l dinner Mmes Reuben Ratner, Hprbert ta Tau Alumnae League are Mrs. 8461 or Mrs. Epstein, WA 3476. aSturday evening. A l)n ICS of the Meichcs, financial secretaries and Robert K. Wagner, president; Mrs. Sioux City Post will i.o-^ludc the Mrs. David Kntzman, parliamen- Justin Manvitz and Mrs, Richard evening's festivities.',',<.idJiy Morntarian. Martin', vice-presidents; Mrs. Haring, the convention •„ il open with A movie entitled "Three Girls on old Zelinsky, recording secretary; reports of the ncliw.'i") of the various posts. Mr. Ji'i i1 will adMiss Helen Manvitz, corresponding secretary, and Mrs. M. 1. GreenAn Omaha delegation will at- dress the convention an<T an electend the H a d a s s a h Mountain tion of officers. Siclir/ J/:vine of span, treasurer. Among the sixteen Nebraska Plains Regional Convention May Dcs Moines, Depj: ..";i,t Comand Western Iowa high school COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOMEN 18 through the 21st at Sioux City, mander, will preskK seniors named winners of the covHoard ''members of the Council la., it was announced by Mrs. The Oraaha Post i; .-•' hndulcd to eted National Merit Scholarship1; Harry Wigodsky, Omaha Iladas- be host to the 19,0 Department of Jewls|i Women will meet Thurswere Saul Kripke, non of Rabbi sah convention chairman.' The sesAll n u i ' b ' i ? of the and Mrs. Myer S. Kripke and day, May 15, at the home of Mrs. sions will be held at the .Shera- Convention. Post have been o; '.<• irJ:d an inIxoiis Katz, 1002 Sunset Trail. Co-Richard II. Speier, son of Mr. and ton-Martin Hotel. vitation to attend, i 'cuimander Mrs, Millard Speier. Both of Cen- hostesses for a l p . m. dessert Delegates include Mmes. Al Kaplan, TE. 4671 (.„• ';'r. Miller, luncheon will be Mmes. 'Robert Lctral High school, Kripke will maW o h l n c r , : S a m Rothcnborg, PL. 7971. May be ro.!>jted for jor in mathematics at Harvard vino and Norman Hahn. Harry Ravitz, Charles Garetz, convention inform,j.:'oi. University and Speier In physics at Julius Kntzman, Ed Simon, Ted PIONEER LINEN the same institution. Sanford, Max Kaplan, Max GreenSHOWER-LUNCHEON POIJTICA t. A I) VKIIT1SKM KNT , The annual linen shower-dessert berg, II. Wigodsky, M. F. Levonluncheon of the Pioneer Women son, Sam Katzmun, Max Shapiro, will, be held May 22 at 12:30 p. in. and the following regional board at the Labor Lyceum. Mis. Sam members. Mmes. A. D. Frank, Morris M. Franklin, Meyer Rubin, Novak will preside. Sidney •KaUonian, Arthur Goldstein, Sam G r e e n and•; Charles SIUMA DELTA TAU Parents planning (o aftend ihe Ross. Others to make the trip are Mothers' Day event. .Sunday, May 11, at the Sigma Delia Tau Soror- Mmes. Charles Fredkin, A. V. ity are aslted to meet at the Chap- Friedman, Ervin Simon, William ter residence in Lincoln at 1 p. m. Kpslein, Phil Schwartz am: Max A brunch wilj lie given by the so- Fromkin. rority at (he Cornhuskrr hotel at l:!IOp. in. Sue Goldhammor will be rOUTK'AL A m I1 I "MENT in rhargr"
Anriiversary Honored A thirty fifth wedding anniversary dinner honoring Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pred of Lyons, Neb. was given Sunday at the BlacUstone hotel by their children Mr. and Mrs. Raymon Pred, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Pred of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pred, Dcnyille, N. J.
Hadassah to Meet In Sioux City
Vote for Experience!
1958 Spectacular Is In Rehearsal
Re-Elect [El Joseph J. (Joe)
BROWN Republican for STATE R/ * WAY COMMISSIONER May 13 Primary
SKJMA ALPHA Mil Student awards will be presentA cast of 35 Hndatsah women ed at a Mothers' Day tea at the Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity house, are rehearsing for the 19r>8 Hadassah Spectacular, "Out of this Sunday, May 11, at 2 p. m. World" which pi cents the story of Israel's first decade through MOTHERS' UAV WINNER music, comedy and drama. The Workmen Circle 'Dramatic Two performances will be given Club and the Ladies Auxiliary will at the Jewish Community Center, celebrate Mother's Day, Sunday, on Tuesday, May 27 at 9 p. in. and June 31, with u dinner and pro- Wednesday, May 28 at the regular gram at 6 p. in. at the Labor Hadassah meeting. Lyceum. "Out of this World" is an origiTalks will be made by Mrs. Sam nal eight-act show written by Binder, representing the Mothers Mmes. Morris C. Fellman, Robert and Mrs. Nathan Lerman and Mrs. Gerelick, Donald Nogg and RobYetta Orenstein, the daughters. ert Rosen. The song of the cantor Mrs. L. Witkin will be toasfmist- was written by Mrs. Albert Rimress. merman. Director of the third annual KAUIMAII BOARD Spectacular is Mrs. Morris JaThe Kadimah chapter of Pioneer bcnls. At the piano will be Mrs, Women will hold a board meeting Russell niumenthal with Mrs. Monday evening, May 12, a, the Harry Duboff at the organ. Mrs. home of Mrs. Raymond Corey, Gerelick, producer, is being as5010 Davenport Street. sisted by Mmes. Norman Lincoln, stage; Sam Herman, Henry GreenBIRTHDAY CELEBRATION berg, props, and Gilbert Aranoff, The birthdays of the following costumes. Mrs. Fellman is pubwere celebrated May 4 at a din- licity chairman. ner given by the Workman's Circle Dramatic Club: Max Crounsc, JSHAIX TO OVEN Nathan Lerman, Mr. and Mrs. FIKST C5RAD SCHOOL Sam Mogil, Mrs. S. If. Binder, New York (WNS) —. Israel's Milon Noarenberff, Mr. and Mrs. first Graduate School of CommunDave Sussman, Mrs. Sum Novak, ity Administration and Kduratfon Mr. and Mrs. Max Lcvinn and will open next year at Bar-llan Mrs. Sam Uimcrsily.
INVESTMENTS ITS! JUSTIN D. HORWICH CH Specializing in Undervalued Securities
Special Situations
Members New York Stock Exchange and Other Principal Exchanges
220 Brandeis Theatre Bldg. WEbster 45S5 1'OMTICAL ADVERTISEMENT
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This Sunday Only While They Last
ONLY Candidate, Connected with Railway Commission for 17 years
WHOLE BROILERS. WHOLE FRYERS Ready for Oven or notieseric. Average 2'/a Lbs. Each Try Our Famous Cornbeef, All Ready to Eat Save and Shop at Shukerts on Sundays
F»t« Four
Nahal—Israel's Fighting Youth
Omahan's Daughter to Be Wed in California
Omahan 95 in June
TEL AVIV—Constant vigil over Israel's long frontiers is., as the military history of the young State has proved, a necessary evil. The Mrs. Fannie Newman, who will safe-guarding of a country's borders is, of course, the task of its army. After one look at the map of Israel, however, and taking into con- be 95 years old June 15, celebrated sideration that its population is under 2,000,000, one must realize that her birtli'lny a bit early at a f;unthe soldiers that would have to be mustered to watch over the lung ]a t w 1M ()I r t0 borders, that run through undeveloped and unpopulated territories, I would be an .enormous burden on Israel's manpower as well as an include In th- festiviti. s two of i » " sons and daughter s-in-]n», Mr. economic impossibility. land Mis. Henry A. Newman and There is, within Israel's Army,* however, a unique formation ex- but also classes in Hebrew, the'Mr. and Mrs. Albeit 13. Newman isting as an independent force, Bible, arithmetic and g e n e r a l ] w h o w \\\ j , e traveling abroad next that has as its twofold aim the knowledge. In addition to their ' military training of the young men high standard of discipline, the of- month. Other members of the pioneer and women reaching conscription ficers and non-commissioned ofage, as well as providing a frame- ficers at the training camps are Omahan's family are another sun, work for new agricultural settle- chosen according to their abilities Jules M. Nowmwi, a daughter, Sally Newman, grandchil ments in hitherto undeveloped with areas. This formation is called Omaha, and J a n , 6 of Nahal.
,.„,,„.,.!„',, ., ,,,,,,
The mrmlHTH of Nnlial—Pioneer and Fighting Youth—tackle the two most burning prohlrms of Israel today: Deft-inK and Development. Nahal soMlers are of two kind!*: they either belong to a Garln—u group grown out of pioneer youth movsments waiting ta settle on the land—and Individual!*, mostly new Immigrants, who Will Join one of the existing groups upon completion of their military service. Thus Nahal performs an addltlondPWvife, In closing tho gap between newcomer and the local-born youth or old-timer. The Army take* on the role of educator and Instructor, It provides a f>liorl-dit to conscious and conscientious citizenship. The syllabus at tin1 recruits' training- camps includes, therefore, not only military training,
U. S. Aids Israel Nuclear Program Washington i\VNS)-~Thc U.S. Government will contribute^ $3r>0,000 toward the cost of a nuclear research reactor project that is being undertaken by the Israeli Atomic Energy Commission, it was disclosed here by Admiral Lewis Strauss, chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, at a ceremony at the commission's headquarters attended by Ambassador Abba Ebun of Israel. Thn cost of the Israeli nuclear program was estimated at $1,410,000.
Roff man's House of Delicacle* Open Monday thru Saturday from 9 A . M . »o 10 P.M. 7830 Dodg«
TE 3207
RICHARi Present Member
Board of Education School District of Omaha
Dr. BaiHroTalk At AZA Banquet
Scientist Given Einstein Award
Ex-Omahan's Kin To Star in Show
Israel Population Exceeds 2 MiHion
will appreciate your in the primary on
ENROLLMENT LIMITED: Parents urgod to enroll vhildron now. Mail in application form or call fho Contei, JA 1366. Personal interviov/recommended for new campers. With
The Perfect Partner for Your Your Vloral Arrangements
Joseph lludinowski left Wednesday evening for San Francisco, Cnl., where he will attend tin; United Nations, N. Y. (JTA) — wedding of his daughter, Mi.ss Mil- Israel waa among the fn-it f;roui> d i e d li,id,nnw-ki, to Al .SU-inl«'ii;. of cosmti'ii'S to sijja the agrecSund.iy afleiii'H.n, .Im-c 1, "I T e m - nii'iits ifucliL-d in Geneva by the ple ]!eth Isiacl. Hi> will \i-it vari- United Nations Conference on Iho ous ("ilifoiiiia puinN bffoie re- Law of the Set. turning t.i Omalm, J u n e .10. Along with 16 other countries, Israel signed thn agreement which is crucial to its maritime interests, permitting "innocent p a s s a g e " through the Strait of Tlran and into the fiulf of Aknba. The other An address by .Dr. Mllo Hall, agreements signed'by Israel depresident of the University of fine the continental shelf, concern Omaha, at a Sunday night bun- fishing rights and other matters quet will climax the week-end pertaining to the high sons. ceremonies celebrating the 34th Israel also signed an optional anniversary of Mother Chapter agreement accepting compulsory AZA No. 1, B'nai B'rith during jurisdiction or arbitration of disthe week-end of May 9-11. Dr. Bail agreements among slates growing will speak at a Mother's Day din- out of the Geneva conference. ner and initiation at the Blackstone Hotel. Athletic awards will be presented op the same occusvon DIAMONDS to members of the club. Observances will begin witli atFor fh« Moif Doliciout tendance of group at Beth El Ground Beof in "Town Synagogue services Friday night, and will be followed by a gather- 441J Cumlng WA 5554 ing at the home of Dennis Schulman. A steak fry will be held in Fremont Saturday night.
live and woik together In the far-j flung outposts of the agricultural 1 settlements to be founded and maintained by them. A monument will be dedicated After completing their Initial to the memory of Morris Klch, training period, the soldiers go on Sunday, May 11, at 11:30 p. m. at to work and training at an agrl- Golden Hill cemetery. Officiating cultur.il farm. During their two j will be Rabbi Ilenjamin Groner and a half years of military sen-- and Cantor Eli Kagan of Beth Isj c e _ two years in the case of worn, en -the Nahal soldiers arc trained rael Synagogue. Friends and relain the various aspects of warfare; tives are invited to attend. they acquire experience in agriThe family of Mrs. Sarah Reif cultural work; attend specialized courses, help to alleviate the man- will dedicate a monument in her power problem in existing settle- memory at Golden Hill Cemetery, RUG & UPHG'STERY ments; take an active part in Sunday, May 18, 2 p. m. Friends MIIS. EVK I.. KONKCKY CLEANERS Funeral services for Mrs. F.ve educational and cultural programs; and relatives are respectfully reL. Konecky, 2448 Burt street, who and, last but not least, learn to quested to attend the service. RUGS—CARPUTING died Sunday were held Tuesday live and work, and establish closeA monument will be unveiled in morning at the Jewish Funeral LAMP SHADES knit human relationship with Mlow-soldiers who will become their memory of Mrs. Morris Lieben, at Home. Officiating were Rabbi r-'URNITURE neighbors and fellow-fanner-pio- Golden Hill Cemetery, Sunday, Mycr S. Krlpke and Cnntor Aaron Cleaned in Your Homel neers in one of the border settle- May 11, at 2 p. m. Friends and I. Edgar of Beth El Synagogue relatives are respectfully request- and Habbl Sidney Brooks of Temments. Bindinq • laying • Repairing ed to attend the service. ple Israel. Burial was in Pleasant So far Israel's youth has not yet Hill cemetery. Don Bernstein HA 2554 had a good chance to beat its Mrs. Konecky had been a memswords into ploughshares—but Naber of the Family Service Departhal has at least found a way for j ment of the Jewish Community neither of them to go rusty, Center and WHS active in 'commun{Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) U. S. SENATOR ity affairs for many years. Washington (JTAl -Tin- Albert Snrviww; are mother, Lnia I'ipp Einstein Medal and the $5,000 (jf Omaha; son, Milton X Knnocl-.y, Beth El Deleqarton award of the Lewis and l'<x,;i F o r d s N . .1 ; r,i-.t.• i ,, ( V | n C l i e i Strauss Memorial I-'uml will b'1 To Attend Meeting s, C o i m c i l I'.lufK la.; I!' '. given tins ye ir to Dr. IMwnrd W i . - . C h i c i : ; . . , Ill ; t h : ( i l . l n t h A delegation from B<-th Kl Synn- ; Teller, Hiinijaikin-b'iin American ' (•;•,, f l e u r / e I . i p p , K.vii!-, C.ty. gogue Sisterhood will attend a I nuele.-ir physirxt. The ,iw;ini will! M n . ; L U I I I - K. l . i p | i a n d P i . Ki .ink Conference of the Midwest Uranch i K,, t<j the Jewish scientist for his j K. I . i p p , O n i . i h a . Republican of the National Women's League contribution to "hum.in knowledge | of the llnited SyiH!i:o-;ue of Amer- in the natural sciences" ica, May 131 h and 14th in Waterloo, la. Delegates who will attend are Mmes. A. C. F e l l m a n, A. II. Jerusalem (WNS) -Israel has Frank. Joseph Ouss, Dave Sherreached a population exceedin;: man, Robert Wagner and Alan IVvra Korwin, who has a Mar- the 2,000,000 mark, it was disWolfson. rim.; role in the "Damn Yankees" closed in n report by the GovernM4Y 13 aliening Friday nljiht at the Para- ment Statistics Bureau wliich reveuled that the country's totfil Award Night Hrutlui for Stnatsr Commiittt, John mount, is the daughter of former Rlddcll, York, Neb., Chairman Oinnhaiis, Mr. and Mrs. 'William Jewish population was fibout (Continued from Page 1.) Kline of I-os Angles. She is the 1,780,000. announced. Men wlio hiive dihtln- niece of the late David Kline, KUlslied tliemselvefi in sport* dur- druggist and tlie ]afe Dr. Dnvld ing tli« p.itt 30 years will be Kline of Omaha. She appeared in named U> the Center Hnli of Fume "Call Me Madam" when it apaccording to their tyiw of j):ir-"| peared here some years barfs. tlclpation. j A fencing and gymnastic-1!, ex- j I I I A lubition will be staged during the »*«IM REGULAR DAY CAMP —5-12 Yoan Old eveninj;. Chairman Announced 9:00 A.M.-4:30 P.M. — Monday-Friday Followed by refreshments, the N.-w York (WNS) - Samuel H program will be highlighted by PRE-SCHOOL DAY CAMP — 3-5 Yearj Old the presentation of the top awards Daroff of Philadelphia., has been 9:00 A.M.-Noon — Monday-Friday given.by tbe Center to its athletic named • National Cash •Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal and DATES AND RATES: participants. The L. I.. Buikenroad trophy will be given to'the is heading a special drive to brin™ (Rates Include Transportation, Food, Insurance and Trips) in $-10,000,000 in cash before the outstanding adult athlete; the J. Period I •—Juno I6-Juno 2 7 . . . -J35.O0 UJA's Anniversary Conference j , .Greenbcrc Award to a junior Period 2 —June 30-July I I $35.00 opens in Jerusalem on June 24. competitor :md the Harry'Trustin j Full 4 Weeks — Juno I 6-July I I $60.00 Award to the best, high school Mr. Daroff spoke at a joint (No Session on July 4th) athlete. meeting of the Executive CommitFree parking is available to tee and the Board of Governors TRANSPORTATION: those attending the Award Night of the Jewish Federation here last Modorn Ctiartorod Busos Pick Up and Return Campers af: event in the Center's parking lot September 17th at the Jewish • Confer, Beth El, Beth Israel and Temple (Pro-Schoolor at 20th and Dodge. ' ' Community O nnter. Returned Homo)
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