x! ;n t'tibiu.tioel ovory Friday, lUl N. Jintli. WMJ IMI. in Omaha .Neliraska I'none JA JSiJO
ert H. Months of Planning Go Into Camp Programs 'Anticipation is already high a m o n g those youiigsl'.-ii enrolled for Camp Jay-C-C whose program involved in months of planning promises to lx" packed with «d'Venture of the wide op MI spaces. ('oiiHiiltatloiis Welcomed T h e daily irtervic.ws of anxious Children am! their pnrenls with crimp officials at the Jewish C'on'itnimity Center oflice indicates lhe gaining . m o m e n t u m of Interest, on t h e July 20th onp.uinp:, .-is il draws a bit nearer. P a r e n t s are Invited t o . make apnointment< for nny t v w of consultation which will aid tht'iii in preparing a child for r a m p b y calling the office, ,TA L'ififi. ""'.'!• four week camp. I'Vderatlon | g'.i.Ti^rii'ed for boys and girls, ages j Six • tlimu"h 11 venrs, will be in Jts 17tb vear of operation al its S ! le on P.ellevue P.nulovarcl ills' a few niMes soiilh of tlie city limits. T ' ' e vv'clesuread grounds have al- '• Wiv* contributed' n v n v -'I'lvan- j t ; " ' e s to the cnmo's pro^nnn con- t tliieted under fbe MineiAW'on of; li'ider^t'iudiii'* counselors, vvbu .'tre
notch program, Mrs. Leonard KuIaUofsky, Day Camp Chairman, stated. Mrs. Kulakofwky added lliat the admission to this veritable "Alice In Wonderland" program for children is by regislration at the Day Camp Office at the Center. Keglstrations, limited to insure a quality program, have (Continued on Page 4.i
Copy Deadline Monday, 9 A.M. The deadline for acceptance of news copy for the May 30th issue1 of the Jewish Press has been moved up to Monday, May •'>('>, at '.) a. m. so that the paper can he in the mail before Me'inorial Dnv.
Israt • ^rab Wins Eviction Case Jerusalem (WNSi-IiRhl U w ish families 'consisting of a total of forty people hnve been oideied by a local court to \acate homes of an Israeli Arab which they claimed as refugees The foity were•'evacuated in ]9i8 fiom Old Jerusalem. In earlier litigation the Israel Supreme Com I in fa\oi of the Arab who successfully biied the Israeli custodian of his piop erty. The birch court held that the Arab was an Israeli tcmpoiaiilv absent but still the lightful ownei of the seven building in <|tieslion
tioji and I know that undei hi* leadeiship, the Men's Division will show excellent results " Robei t Silvei is active in B'nai B11th and in manj othei civic groups. Workers Nmlvd ' I believe 1h it we a l e \ e i y for'We have some 1,200 piospectf tiniute that Itobeit S i h u aKieed in oui division," Mi Silvei stated, to lead oiu Men's Dhlsion," Mr 1 and that simply me ins that an Gioss said 'Mi Siher has enwed the leputation of nn eneigetlc and competent oig,ini7er and leader The job in the Men's Division calls foi good planning and oig.uii?aHubert II. Silver, active in <<>nimuii d and (Ul< u i t i . l t i i s lias uc(i pti il the post of ( b iinnan of the Men's D I I N K I I I of 'tin IH1K IMilluntlir<i|ili s ( unpaid", S IJmer d r o s s (,i ueral ( uii|ialKii C liairniun, annoliiiced this week.
Dr. Ira Kisenstem Rabbi of .of ' C i e i l u e Judaism," 'Palestine Anshe Kmct Synat<ot'tie of ( Incn i In the Life of the Jew" and 'Jugo, will he the HIM st spt il u at daism Undei Fieedom " Ilie Hclh i:i SynaRntjui annual I dited Kell^ioiiK Volumes I With his fathei -in law, PiofesI soi Moidecai M Kaplan and H,ihhl 1 ugene Kohn Di riscnstoiii uhtul The New H iRg.ui ih, the Sihhitli Pi IVCI book and the f l i g h H u l s D i } P i r t \ i i Book ol tin Ii( i o n s l i H e d o n i s t MiiMinint ( m l il is p i c s e n t e d in tin pM In tin l ! e l h 1 I ( lion mil o t h c i S\ n ij'ot in gioups li IVI In i n mi in;, IIHIM wi illi ii In Di ] isen -.Iciii ind his wife J u d i t h K lpl m I ISI nsti m whose woilis include VMul is i o i i h ' 'Oin IJIihk Sew n d o l d d i K u t t o n s ind o l h ISn.ircl L l i ( l i n n
•Jerrj ]"< rer Dr. Ir« KIsenHti ill Woikeis seiving In tlie dine aic Bill Abnun- dmnei mtetinK, Sunda>, Mine 1 in kon Flank Beig I ouis Blown its soci il hall. Carol Spectoi, Gail Specter, PaulPiioi to his Chicago appointine Stone, Ainie Winei and Mat ment. Dr. Kisenstem seued as Speclei I Kubbl of the-'Society foi the Ad1 A speci il diiinei meeting and \aii(enient pf Judaism in New piogi mi will he held Wednesday Yolk City. He is a past piesldent M ly 2H at 6 30 p m ai the Jew of the Rabbinical Assembly o| ish Community Centei by the 01- Anuiica mid a formei visiting pioK mi/ ition It is open to all joimg fcisoi of Homiletles at the Ituish 1 lieologu il Seminal y and authoi adults and college students
I i^ht numliiis of the s\nai,ogues Houd of D n u t o i s will he eleded at the meeting The boaid will elect officeis at the fust leg ul.u meeling aflei the ditinci F R.ilph Nogg and Mis D,I\P Colin aie geneial clinmncn of he e\etit The dmnei will be cateied by Mined AToiton Itu hauls, Floyd Perlmetei, Julius Stein, Ma\ Hosen, Phil Rosenhlalt, A V Kiledman, David Platt, Jack i'psteih and their Sisteihood Cheles Nos 1 U, 14 and 15 Dmnei tickets ,ue ?2 50 each Reseiv.il ions with checks should be sent to the Synagogue office at once
Kin Reunited After 53 Years 'Ihe visit of M r s Hindu Eillch of R.unaana fsiael at the Morn s Kudeniiiin home is the pecaslon foi a family lcunion. biniBmg togethei a brother and sistc i who have been sepaiated foi 3 i v eai s
Honor Haccalaureati- services for Jewish graduates of Oiniiha high schools will be' held Wednesday, June '1. 8::'.O p. m. at Both El SyIiafjogue, under the auspices of the Jewish Federation, Dr. Philip Sber. announced. Dr. Slier, honorary president of the Federation, Is the founder of Jewish 'Community Ilarcalaureate Service. A reception for the (('"'duales ivill be held after the services in the Hetli Kl social ball, The service is held annually with the cooperation of the synagogues in the community.
Will Head Men's Division Of Philanthropies Drive
Chicago Rabbi to Address Annual Be+h El Dinner
1 •th'irnii'dilv f;>niiliar vvilh tlie i n - ! J e i r v I''en. 'I lias been apftoinli d t e r e s t and problems of vmnr'sl'Ts \ ehairman of tin; lil.'iH Young Adult a w a y from home. T>r. Ii.mi''! Mil-j ind Ccillei-ie Division Philuutiiroler. Cninn Cb.'tirnriii, said of th pii •< H i m II Si'mmer <.."--viiin. Clu-in" date i me i (,i >s I'liilA'-'iist 17lh. ml In i pit s (,i it T''e canni was reeeatlv cited nil ( h i u man li" '111- Allleriean Cimiolni; Assoi imioiiiuid c ' ' l ' o i i for liavlnu' the bcM t r a l n e l bn\ m up S'P1ff, finest jirogram and best pf i cl iHsm in at runnier tn counselor ratio of the I HIM isil v of o •"••IH In the \eliraslc!i-Imva area Om ilia is i BusiTlie capacity of lhe camp Is ili ss Administi dli'ivted to 10f) youiv'stci's i-ich of 11on Mnioi who t h e two week sessions with ovt i seivcd as Youlil thi'ee-fourlli.s of the re"i>tralions ( ouncd Plnlnii' |jein« comnleted, Dr. .Miller. >'Pthiopies <hnnI> i"ted. Parents rU-sirinjj lo have nvm in 19">5
their children at Camp Jay-C-C tl"s season, Dr. Miller continued . Should enroll them Imrnrdiatel.v C'liip Ja-C-C campers this uuni n>"r will. PII joy swimming, arts and 1 craft.1. boating, riflery. spoils and Kainps,- hikes, trip-outs, horseback riding, journalism; dancing imil . music. Other special activities in elude rodeos, evening and sabbath programs plus special clays and -evenls. "Fun I'niler tlie 'inn" "Full Under The Sun" H the theme of this season's Ceiilei Da> ;Ojm'p program which open* June 3filh" for ljoys and girls of giade School ace. Swimming In u large tillered pool with lied Cross trained Instructors on linnd, an expanded arts and crafts program condui l).v n specialist In this field nre Just a few of the mum fine activities planned for the eiijovnic nt anil welfare of raniperN The Day Camp, coniliii led on the spacious playground aiea of Peony Park, is always pnpul il and lias a fine reputation foi its top-
lulered us Senmd-C'liisa Mutlor ul Pest Annum Hate 4 Uuilurs office Oraulia Nebraska uudti Act of ibTJ Sinde Copv 10 Cent*
(I. to r.) Mrs. Bernard AHsiller, Mrs. Morc.v I.alidinail, Mrs Hurvey J.ipsinan, .Mrs. Seymour Zooh, Mrs. I,eo Kamlsiir 1 1 M ol !l.\ niemliers rust of "Out of This World," a llad.'issah production. —John KallDO Plioto.
The HiiditKKah Spectacular of 1958, "Out of This World," will make Its hiitial appearance on the Jewish Community Center stage, Tuesday, May 27, in a 9 p..m. performance open to the public, fol-
lowing a social hour The"show will he pie ••uteri tin next day, Wednesday, at 1 p m Iladassah's last meeting of the year at the Center. Admission to (Continued on Page 4 )
' l h e biotlui is Ch,nles Mann former Omnium and father of Mis Rudeim.in who has made Ins home in l o n g rie.ich, C'al, dining the past bt\ vcais Last Sund iy was tlie fust time he h i d seen Mis l i l i c h sinre he left the f.imilv home in A u s t n a r i 1 \i u s ago when she u is an ml ml Two olhi i s i s t n s Mis C . I I I nide 1 IK IK I and Mis F.inuv l e l d both of Uioolilvn N Y met Mis 1 ilich on liei a i m il in N( w Yoils < itv /ind m u l e the ( u p to Om ih i with he i Mis Krlich has made her home in Isi nil foi the belli i Pint of a decade Aftci a week m Om.ilia she will return with her sisters to Ilrooklyn where she will spend the siimmei Mis M i n n ac comp mif cl her
husband to Omaha for the re union. They also are visiting other children, Paul Maim of Council Bluffs; Sal Mann and Mrs r li Kagan of Omaha
timv of woikeis will hive to be II ci uiled to leieli these piospeets on lull iIf of lhe ciuuiil campaign foi Isnol n ilional and local needs Ihese woikei-. Will be needed to leieh Omaha Jewiy in the .swiftest possible time and bung to them the message o r the oamp IIRH and its tienieiidous needs" Need Must lip Mi t Mi Silver cmphasi/ed that "Isinel, which is leceiving 70,000 lefugpes tins year, now, is facing a ie.il cnsls which calls foi a genei ous i espouse on the pai t of eveiv Jew Needs of our national nnd~loeal agencies nlusl. be met, if they aip to continue seivmg Amciican dm\ Omaha Jewiy "Ai this moment I am appealing to membeis of the community to come foi th and join our workeis' gioups We fuco the kind of a ion which must he shnied by as manv people as possible " Mi Sihei announced that the Steeling Committre of the Men's Division is now being oigam/ed, nm) that a leeruitmPiit oi woikeig will start Immedntclv
UCS Approves Pool Repair S<im A W>7fi7 00 appiopnation for lepnns m the Jewish Commumry Centei 4w miming pool has been ippi lived bv the United Commiin)tv Services The nppiopiiatlon was recommended hv AI ] Hick, chaitman of the Capital Funds committee Payments made on appropnations to UCS Red Keathei agencies to covei the cost of opeialing in Mav this \eai amounted to ^«U1•ifil - . 0
Play to Be Given Dramatic CBub A t l n c e a c l h(,ht conic dv u i l l b e p u s c n t i c l in Y i d d i s h In the W o i U mi u ( n c l e D i i i n i t i c C lull S m i cl iv i u n i 1 at H 0 p m a l t h e low ish ( o m m u m l v C c ntc i Ilic s h o w t i t l e d ' I 'obkc Alolnclels dc ils w i l h I b e life of l a i i l ilv w h o l< fl l l n s s i . i foi Ameiica to b f c o m e w e . i l l h v 'JicUcI a n TS c e n t s a n d in i> he p u H l n i ' - c d Hi 1' e
Pate Two
|Temple Israel, Beth El Confirmations, Bar and ias Mif-zvah (Bar, Bas Mitzvah Hebrew School Exercises Scheduled [Group to Be Feted
Religious cSSUI
t'nlirrlv iii H''bi'.'v,-. A -.ijccia] i t a d in;; will he i-in-n rrniilia'J/in;. the jilace of Hi'' Hebrew lan^nas r, in Ihe life of tlie .leuish jieople. I.loyd l'aiik, chairman of the HeliKious School Conimiltec will emSfembers of the- confirmation |in. enl t h e diplomas. Class memand their p a r e n t s a l e ; ., ,-•= class aiid. their respective parents Ti'inplr Israel on Salinday. May -•lib. v,ill hold confirmation ceremonies al S:ir> p. in. and graduation exercises for till.' D.'iled 1 Icbrow Class at -1J::W a. m. , ('onfimiundtt .-.•.•!..••
: Shusmil lupins Saturilay at suiiXcena U e h e r, Mr. and Mrs. (IOHII unit ends Monday al suii- are: iSamuel A. llleicher, Mr. and David lieber; Barry Goldware, Mr. Mrs. David Blcicher; Kancy Ellen
BKTII IJsKAtX IJ;ibbi Benjamin. Grone.r.Cantor Kli.-Kiiga'n, the Beth Israel .Choir, : ami; ibe Has Mitzvah group svii) conduct late Friday-evening' i>ervices at 'H p.. in. Rabbi Groin.-!'!.1! "'• se.rmon is enliUcd "Torah'•— Compulsory or .Optional." Traditional : Friday evening sersices Mvablwlas Shiiljbos) begin at 7 p. in. Sabbalh moriiinii' sersiees; begin at 8:45 a. in, anil the' Junior dingr'e^a;lioh; meets at 10 a. in. Rabbi Gruncr will conduct Ihe -Saturday •atteriicMiii Talimiil.class at. 'I p. in. .'Miiicluii ;f o 1 j'.o is e d l»y Sbalosli S'ciidos and Maariv ssill-lieKin at
lirodkejyMrV and Mrs, Edsyard Ji.. BrodKey; Judith". Friedman, Mr. and MJS. Ilernian l'"iiedmar); Judy Goldner, Vr, aiid1 Mrs. Julius C ,„, (k)ldner, ^jnnie J^Gi-eeneT" M.v . . . ' ,.i ii • „ , . c,,,),,
and Mrs. Joseph Goldware; Larry Greene, Mr. and Mrs. A r l l i u r Greene; Frances Grossman,. Mr. nnd Mrs. -Paul Grossman; Sandy Ka!i m ' ' M.r- and " r s - 1 I : | r " l d ^ a s l n ; Jimmy Krasne, Mr. and Mrs. Leon-
Kuily, J. M, Nesv GordX L. Cross. Marlys LVn). W**«.Mr, * ^and S°»Mrs. Kmelman; BUly
Isack, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph iKack; mail.:. Susan Makicsky, Mr. and Myra J. Lipp. Mr. and Mrs. Loin's . Mrs.; F,d\s-ard Makicsky; Alex prE. Lipp; lioth Aiine Mnkiesky, Mr. kosy. Mr, and Mrs. David Orkow; and 'Mre...K»l\s'ard MaUiesky; ItJib- j Mark PI a i t ncr,-'.Miv and Mrs. ert S. Nogp, Mr. and Mrs. F.. l^o Ijissrenee Plattner; Kdsvard 'AeliNoRg; Maurice L. Pepper, Jr., Dr. er, Mr. and Mrs: jlarvin Treller; and Mrs. Maurice Pepper; Judy Susan Sutin, Mr. and Mr*. Oscar Pollack, Mr."Faye Mild Mrs. Harold lack; Gail Shrier, Mr, Pol and Sutin: Ronald Woblner, Mr. and
Mrs. Jly .Shrier; Jeanne OoroMiy Mrs. Harold VVohziier. of Fremont, Trost; Mr. and MITS. Adolph TroKt, Rnd Leonore AVolfson, Mrs. Joseph Woifsoir. . •'.' :•.-.••.Daily, •mornjlig services a i-t> field add Bette VV'einer, Mr. and Mrs. •.'"•.'..."', Beth KI Ceremonle* at " a . in. and 7;.'iO. p. in.-Tlie Tal- lsiilor Weiner. : . \::. • ' .' i Belh KI SynaKOfiue has anmud discussion group meets every . . II«*hre\v ('IBKI* ..'. : liouneed that its high School conTuesdayevening at ..7:30. at the .Sindents of the Daled Hebrew firmation and Talmud Torah gradBIlH Synagogue and services• at class ssill conduct their exercises uation classes will participate in p i f H c v e r y /'Saturday, morning. joint ceremonies, Friday, May liOtb vfliere will be no late Friday eveat 8:15 p.-in. at tlic synagogue. ning service next Friday;..Holiday Confinnaiids aiid (heir parents Schedule at /Hetli Israel and Bill! are Aiinabeile Graetz, Mr; and r Saturday ('selling, May IMtli. ; Saul Graetz; James unit lm(t|ii'illiic« • ! p 7:.']1) p. in. Sunday .morning. May •tbrrNew* *«rd Jmlah lln,,i- fur Mi', and Mi-s. Chniies GUss; '••25fh: 8:45 a. in. Junior Cone; llniM -Orknn. Jlieh, Mr, and Mi-s. Eugene Rich, . 10 a. l i h . evening ..Sersiees 7:.'Mi p. ,m. Monday-; May 26.t.li - H-ATt .VitllK/.KIT: Special: Memorial j and Mnrlin Sneider, Mr. and ili-s. , H. iii^ J r : pmk;~; 10:00 :i. -in,-,; VI*- Services ilurini,' lhe : iNIonth of Si- Sidney Sneiito, kor Memorial Serviccv 10:-irv a. in., ven ssill be held for the follosv- '.Talmud Torah (jradiiutes aiid Rnd.fiseniiig Sersiees ' 7 : W p. in. IIIR: S1VAN 1. • May 20,-' Israel Sa- iheir parents are Maureen I5orden,1 dufsky;'SIVAN 2 May 20, Doivi Mr. and Mrs. Murray Borden; Jcrrj Cbait; SI VAN 1.1 June:%. Sarah Ff-renstein, Mr. and Mrs. Harry TEMMJ-P ISKAI'il. Ferenstein; Leanne Goldberg, Mr. .Services ssill be held. Ibis "-Friday Weiiisteu; SIVAN 11 Jnli" IV| and Mm. Charles GoUlbfrt;; Bar^Veiling. May 2,'ird, at 8:13 p. in. Morris' Turner; SIVAN 1-1 .-••'Julie bara Kaplan,--Mr, nnd Mi's.Meyer T n t Congregation honors I be Con- 2, Joseph;; Bush and Si VAX :!!•; ; Kaplan; Joseph Schik. Mrs. i'o.se •-•• . firmands and their parents at :i June 7, MalciaCross. • Xovak Schik; .ludy Mr Eei'vice of consecration,.Rabbi Sid- CONTUIIMITIONS TO Till': and Mrs. Bernard Sii: Siej;Ier, •heli ;ler : Mil IIO.MK, April,.l-:.iny 2(1. ney H. Brooks will ufficinli*. Simon, Mr. and Mrs L c o Simon IN MKMOKV Ol": Sliabbas si"r\ices will b"t;in ,'it .Mis. Sarah Giirelick by "Mr. anil and Sunny Steniber^, Mr. and Mrs .1.1:30 a. in. s\ ilh H'lbbi l;,ii'il:s Mrs. Paul Verel. Xate Kaplan. officiating and Ihe R e l i K i . o n s Mis. Sojihie I'.othkop by K. -V. I n a d d i t i o n i n p a i l i c i p . M i u j ; in School Choir under tin- diiei-iioii Lori^. Mrs. Ben Handler, Kditli the sen ice, the Confirmands and '. of Miss Ida Giilin Kinging the IandOllie (jrosri. . graduates will oiler a narrative miiHicar portions of the service. . j Mi's. Jacob. Milder by Mr. and presentation with son;;, svhnse text was adapted by liabbi Myer C. C k i s i i i ^ ilntcs for..Temple schools Mrs. Joe Tlicc. Mr., and' Mrs. II.s'are as- follows: Sunday .1 iisision of mah (.Miff and .'Mrs.' -,J. J.'; Grecn- Kripko w'ith music chosen and dithr?; Religious .School, June ] s l ; bcrc. :..•.• V':.;---:- " ; ''"\':^i. '. -'. •" rected by Cantor. Aaron I. ICdijar. Following tin-/ services the parSaturday'Division, Miiy i'lst. Ue.Mrs. Kva Kon.<;cky. by I.iniis ticipants will be-honored by a re.'brcsv Scli6.il: Aleph-'f!la'ss, .Monday .Sommer and Bea Soininer. May: «ith; Daled Class, Tuesday • Airs. Father Slalmaster,by. D*ii'- <:eplioit in the social hall by their May 27-lh;- Oimmel Class, AVednes othy Weiner and Mr. and • JVIis. parents. day, .May . 2Sth and Ketli C i a ^ Reuben'Brosvh. : . ' •••;•. Tliiiralay,: May .2!llh. • : : ; •'.-'• J ,•• Abe .Milder, Mrs. .Sophie Kns- Teachers to Study at Meeting ;dalrs during 'lli58-10^tt; low, Beii Miniff, ] Ieimaii Ki iipin: for I Icbrew classes were .•innotiiiCL-d sky aiiilA.iron Shafer by, Mr.. ;ind Summer Institute ••"•Mis.-Robert Gerelick, .Arrs. Kd: "by'AliuiryL, .Schwartz, Director of; Mrs. Albert Newiuaii;..:.'.'••'., ,: / . Kducation. ('lasslV'th (2ntl;.yertr>: ; .Mrs. Moi'i'is'.iFreiden by dant,'li- u-ard .Makicsky, Mrs,. Normaii; arid Mimry L. Sehsvartz, ; . svil.1."ijicol •on Monday: Class. Alcpli ler, Mrs. Morris Gilinsky. :••-.••••:' Whitman Teiuplc..Israel religious school slaff (1st year) on.Tuesday; (;!aSs l)aie<! Mrs.'. Jleboec.il 'i'ciu.in'." by Mr. members, will ,-itli-nd the Siunnici' ., (4th. yeai-i ' o h Wediitsday; and Morrii* .Teiiiin. . ' . • ("!Ias?l GiinniX-l '•'•vil_yV-aj-i 'onThurS- IN.IIONon^OKr' '••.•:.;.; "^v.<:'':-. ';•': Institute ..for leathers and administrators at Union (nstiiute, u L i i r Fifty-fifth Wedding aniiiscrsary f.a lielle, Oeononiossoc, Wjscoiisiii; of Mr, and...Mis. AIK' G^oldsleiii by from June Z7lh tliroiiKh Moiiday, Mr.\ nndMrs;.: Moi-ton... liicliards.. June .''Oth. The Institute is planned .- Serviiws nl.-Belfv-'-Ki- Syi.iii^.g^u'Mother, Sirs.. P.osC Glazmaii. by. as intensive toacbers traiiiini; and : :. sviil bcj^iii ill. 8:lo'Jv.ii'v .lliis.'.ci'e- H:ui-y Glazman','-; .;.'.'; - -..;• . ' : 'cuiTiculum review of l : 1 hin^.::.I.labbi Myer ,S.: K.ripUe.,svlll :..":IJu )i)rlay' -ifr.:Mi*.'-:T^uis''.'nifi r^' •school pi-o;;raniminu. ilelivei" the sermon..C'aiiliir Aaron liialrkby Mr. and. Mrs. "Jay Clicr/ 7 : : ! 0 p .i n .
,;'; . ;.'•.• ' '•:-•/ .' -•
With the Home Folks :
d a ^ . - : - / ; • ; . • • . ' . - • - . • ; ' ; • '
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: T I I
> : ! ; ' .
• -
- ; :
Friday, May 23. 1958
All f r i e n d s anil r e l ; i ! i \ e s a i r Invited lo i i t l e n d M T SI r f s a n d rtjei'iitlons.
'I IH- Hi Hi l;-r; li-l t\Ji-n",s Chili ill A.\NI-;TTTT: CIIAI;.M:V honor i h , • 1 ull./ ^ illj.;; iia r .-.ml li as U I : M ; I ; KI III.V Mit/va ll (•'.• lehr il 1 ll S u l lilt ! ' • • • ISt ! A K I . I ; M ; TI;I'I-I;K veur ;il a dim l e r Tue: Mlay,. M,ay | I.A VKHXIv\VOI.!-\SO\ A cjijiip }Jas Mit/\ ah rc-i'i'iiions' j tl\\\, 7 p. in . in the .Syii;nt'ofim • S o will lake place al the Beth Israel j did Hall: .Synagogue Friday, May I'.'lrd, at H Mirljael Simon, <;>iry Purilniiin, p. ni. The following girls will jiar- ]>uberl Stein, Sol William Kullcr, licipate: Annette I'harney, daugli- Michael Shennan, Leon liaskin, ter of Mr. and Mrs, Irvins,' Char- GaroUl Lewis-, Steven. BOKilc.hsvnl, nes RtiiLP Rubin diuijilei of Mi SleS'e haplan, Kaphael (jroncr, Sol HIKI Mrs. Harold Rubin: Arlene Marcus. Kdsvard Manheinier, HowFejipd diu^htei of Mi and Mis ard Ilalin, Joan Brookstein, Mjuvin'' Malsinjepper I 1 Veine Wolf son Cohen, Mordee Sokotof, Barbara daujjhtci of Mi and Mis \\ ilham Parilman, Susan Kul/.man, SIVMII \\olf»on Brookstein, Barbara Givol, Marilyn J^essis, Ilai'leiie Schnpiro, AnSOL STKI'IIKN MAIM I S nelle Qiarney, Ilenee Itubiii, ArIhe Bai Mitzsah of Sol Stephen lene Teppei Laseine Wnlhon and Marcus «ou of Ml and M n Sandra I'arilman. Nathnn M u c u s ssill (>ke plnee on Saul Siherman Vmith Aetisity Satin day inoiiiinc Mny Hst, lit Director of the .Teisish Comiininily Ihp Be.lh 1^1 ael Ssnafiogup C'entei, ssill addiess the group. Rabbi Benjamin (,IOIKI will u p JOHN' IILNHV S P I T / M I lestnt the f a l h d s nf the h o n o u r s The follossinij Men's Club offiMi and Mrs Oeorge Spit/ri nnnouiiLc the Bai Mit/Mih of tlun cers for the eominp year ivill lie son, Joint Henry, will be r.ele- installed jMalsm \ \ Jeppii (111 hIjtated F n d i y esenuiR mid S i l m - Ident: (Jene lirann. Harold Rubin dns 11101111113 Mas '.Otli ind '.1st nnd Sidney Kwaitrk, vice presidentji; B.-irney Dresich, at Temple Isiael
Party to Be Given At Dr. Sher Home
j Walter Frank, corresponding secretary; Donald Strauss, recording 1.secretary; .Snni Kaplan, . H a r r y |.lj«ttis, tees.
nnd ••.-
Zs\eiback, ...'••••
trus: •,•.•'.
IU'Bersalions may be made by:!
Tlie J'loneer Women's calling the synagogue office, RU tion will enteitam residents of u788, or Mr..Rubin, a t WA 90K!», the Or Philip Sher Tesslsh )Iome for the Affd at a p i i t y at Hie home Sunday, M iy 2">lli at 2 p m A prosram svill present KOII^S b> Mis' M1II011 ISeucnberK and
For Satisfaction
mid Mis
! bs' M J \ UWebuim 1 piano! solo b> Mis I r o u n d Pmkosil/ | nd Jc\ ish folk songs' bs S mi mil 1 I I u i s
R <f i f s h i i i f M i s \i l l
be served. ( Ii 111111 in mil pi* sjd i t oiip js M i s S H U \ ^ dt P i l l in /( O u i
Hi ]
\ d \ 11 n w 1 s
Levenson Pest Control Service
Monument Co. Stb ISubbyl Pglvcicnic
25 Years' Experience With Jesviih Lettering and Memorials 2211 So. 8»h
1407 Harney St.
AT 2452
• - , - ; • ; : ; - >
• ' . . < •''..••*•':;:.;:
;;'ii. lud^ar-and the lletl^K), Syna' fc<i;;nu Choir-ssill .rei.iiier. the-mi'isi-' eal'jiiH'tioiis of (lie serviei;. . ,-'. Sfibbaifi nioi-iiirii» services nix* . JIJ. *.T:30 • a, in., -.runior rOin^i-ejja* . .tioiV .seryices -are at 10:.'!0 a...in.
• ; • . . .
, • • • • • • . :
. . - • • [ .
.' Nineiy-fifth ^Uiriiiday of: Mrs/i.'.' Fannie Ni'svman by Mr;: arid Mi;s, j . Krncs-t A.;.NoKfr - - . ' . ; ;.'. ••[.. Jjirlliday ofMolher, ^frs; Lizzie Aiiier, by .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brod. j nnd'.Aiincha-Maariv; service; are key, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Trust in i ; ; ;uTT;:15::.;.-; Wy' . ^ •."•"•,' ;:.'-. •'- ;' and .Mr. and Mi-s. Jack'-Zysinaii. ' Fiftieth Wedding anniversary of I .:;.. J>;ii|y services a t 7 a...in. and 7 . j i i . n i . , . S u n d a y iiiorniui;* services Mr. and Airs. 'William Safersiein : liyMrs. Mstlier Malaslmck and M r . :<ti-e f i t . 9 ^-r<i;'••'.': • •-,.'. ! • •;i;.; .Sliav'Uot servici's will b.-f;iii .Salur- aiid -Mrs. William Saferslein. . day, May- tM. eveiiin^' at 1:'.)() p, in.; SVNA<iO<;i i; DONATIONS: A. Fisher. Mrs. A I I a n Zalkiii, • Sunilay, M a y . 'JT> iiiorniii^'. 0::H: !i. in. aiitl rseiiin;,'. 7;:'!0 p. in. and Mr.' and . Mrs. Mjllon i'.os'jnlhal, : MO'iilay nniriiiii'4 a I.!):.'!') a. ni. Yis- and the Speckt'T Family. -
BUYING or SELLING I IIa\p the Right Bu\er foi Your Home Plus Many Valuable Listings in 11K* \V« si Honu! Area. JOEL M. KATLEMAN
ki.)i- ;\ionilay : i l l l a., in, with UOIIMMIion iif Memorial l'l;i<|iu^. \
',', Tvii: ;s -.-ii i;'n:ij .f;im!i-A<i:i- | ' Vesliiiroii S". ill • be;;iii F r i d a y al ,7 p. n i . S a t u r d a y m o r n i n g ,'il H:'Mi I:. 10.: ;S[ii||.| 1; i : i | 7 : 1 r> 11. in. S I K I vilni S"i'v;(;i'.s v, ill b r ^ i l l S a l u n l a y at S p. m. Sunda-y ni'H'iriT; at fr.'.V) a. m . .MiiiclKi a n d M a a r i v al I '7:l"> ]>. ni.' M<mil:iy f>:'.V1 .i. n i . : i Mcnif):-i;'l ;;ervii".\; a I !l;.'!0 n. in j 'Sivl Alinriia. at 7:1.") p. i.i. I FJM:I !iiiil-l!ilH In 1:1 cv.'i SI;I;,(I()0 J'-v.-;; imnii:;: In T:i'.:i>l, l i i - ' n ^ i n r t h e . t o f : I .1 •",•• is!) p o f i n l a t i o n t o 1.5!Kt,l)fiO.
WA 4970—Residence
Kosher Meat Market end Delicatessen WA 5554
SORRY! We Will Be Closed Sunday, May 25th and Monday, f^ay 26th Dae fo the S! cvust Holiday
I lstnif Rcillois Custom Home BmWlns Visit Our New Offices & Bldg. at 4541 Lcavcnworth
I r l d i \ , M i \ 23 1058
Voters to Consider Omaha Plan June 17
Omahans In the News
Officers of Re-Elected
I I >• • I I I->K M l M I t ^ l i n II. A.N'K r. IIAHASSAM Mauric K,it/I!i:ill v. ill 1 Jai-U Kal/., Is MTV film eilil.ir, is | ] i " l h I s r a e l U>r t h e c u m i n ; ; ><• •"11", : >-( I I I X I I I M I < I s l s 1 INSTAIJ-ATIO.V sju'iiilin;^ Ihrci' wed; ; '. aciitioiiinK j • it w a s nnnoiiiicrd fnlliiwiir: ;i T h e " l i l i s i l l e s s ,'ll.d . P j • n f e . - ' i n l l ; i l I I l| I 1 I 1 \ IS I hi Chicaco, Kloridii, llfnmnla and i n i f r t i i i ; ; .-it w h i c h hi.1 n n d " H U T • >(ii I II i nl in 11s I'm I i N n v York. City. Women «f llada.'.sah "ill install fic'TS v . i ' r r i r - f l c < : ( e d including i I h i p i i n l i HI I s l h o r n new officers iol|(j\'. in^ ;i IJ:J") ( i J ) . I I ) ( i n I ' d in ;i n , v i c e - p r e s i d e n t ; >lrs. S.'iui ()i'ifin;in and lirr p. 111. luncheon, 1>i be held Sunday, 1 p . m . l o li p. i n . i n K l m w o o i l Henry Appcl, secretary; S;nn Krandson, Strphcii Allen I'atk Jl.ihn. fin;iiu:i;il secretary iiml Isa- ! I II I I II h i l u l l ! w i l l I ' I I » Q i have returni'd from SI. Louis. Mo., .May 2") al lhe lllaeksloni' Hold. dore. Klov.il/,. treasurer. wijere they altfinled the liar M i t / Officers to be iustalleiT ai e Mrs. Junior diploma. All membop. of TJuaril of ConmiissiiniirK vah of J a m e s Pollock, son Of Air. Alice Ileegar,- president; .Mrs. l i l t I l l l l l i l l II s f I l l l l l l l S I K l l l w l d l Elected for a unP-year lenn on and Mrs. A. 1. Pollock. Ufa. I'ol- Julius "jN'eivmnn, first vice presi- to allend. J thy Board of Commissioners were: lock is t h e former Belly floscn of \ui-iii\ si h il w i l l n o t / m i d dent; Mrs, Josef Mayer, second I I K I I \ M i l SMI h ^ Max Arbilnian, Sam Bloom, Al- Omaha. . vice president; Mrs. Jean Kaplan, fred Frank, Mrs. Sidney Goldberg, treasurer; Mrs. Liilie, Becker, reNorman Ilahn, Maurice Katelniaii, M IKIi\N>i I M l I I T \ I N H » 1 .Mr. and Mr*. J.OIIIK *'Byroii flazniek, Harold Zelinsky ; have, returned home after visitin^ cording secretary; Mrs. Iska Itolh- iiv i u v i \ < i c o i i K N i . o i x i i ; holz, financial .secretary;".'Mrs. A 15 n II B iilli (ommiltec head uiid f>am 'Avveiback. in .San Diego, • C.'al., with. Mrs, Frances (ireenberg, correspondint; ; Committee Clmirmeii I^andman's .sister, Mrs. Anna Fa- secretary; Mrs. Jennie Uiisehblalt. (d b> Louis P issci d i m m m of lhe SIIUIO (oininitUe of tin The.following standing commit- Kelson and in Yuma, Ariz., with tee chairmen were announced, by their son and il^uu'lilor-in-law, Mr. historiali and Mrs. (Tail T^igman, Aimed I'm u s and Void ins I n ••'.,•.:. nig ( obi ri \M\fi No (>8H of ( onn. Mi'. Katzman at the first ineelin;; adn Mrs. (Jury I.i{n(lnian and fam- director, 1958-61. of the new synagogue board May ily, ivri*. I.andmtin is a radio miIn memory of Mrs.' Kvi! Konec- (il Hluffs w<ie hosts lo pilienls 14: Habbi M. M. Pnliakoff. board iiouiii'or in the latter city. ky, a poem "Kye's I'lpitaph," writ- fiom the Oni iln V i t e n n s Admin of education; Sam Freed, breakton by Miss Kvdyn Levy will be ihti.ition liospilal a t i ( nriuiul fast ininyan; Izadore Kleuitz. recited. . ^ ••'. • Dasehall (,aine M ly 1\ Othoi immbeis of the (ommit budget rind finance: Mrs. Alfred Regional Conference delegates lee weie l!(n SthiKidei legionil .Frank, choir; Nathan Levinson, will report, in a panel discussion of lodge pirsidont, M.ijnud lelpKitnn Cemetery; William Milder the recent conference proceedings. ne» I n nig Cohen lodge pitsidcnl, fliiil,Harry Siduinn, (ioldcn Hill Hadassah Kond Club members, I(ny (V.metery; Sam Illooni. nieniorial New York UTA) --K.^I imaihiK whose bond installments have been A Y Pei I is Bin P issei |ila(jues; Maurice Katelmaii, diaii- that there tire now'5;235,000 Jew; fully paid, willbe presented with Pissei Hen Idpnoi md l l u o l d , nvin, Harry Lewis mid .Sam Ilabn, in the United States - a slight in- their Israel bonds by the chair- I pstein •,co-chairrnen, properties; Harold crease over last year - t h e Amer- man, Miss Evelyn Levy. . " UORKM1 N S ICel'niky, publicity and paHiainen- ican Jewish Year Book, published Heservations may be m a d e wifn ASSOCIATION '-, tpriun; Mi-s. Sidney 'Goldberg, s<i- jointly by the American Jewish Sally Meyers, PL 12'22; Sylvia '1 lie nejit weekly iiKiling of tlu Jiiiil arrariBCmerits; Mra. li). W. Committee and the Jewish Publication Society, fonortod that, Ross, Of, 1100 and Mildred 'Levy, Omaha Woikniens l o a n Associd >VMII1C,Calendar clearance. IIA2890; '."•:• ; ; .-;,. . ;. .-••.' lion will ho lu Id Mond ly (\oning about 5.3' percent of tho total Jfcadiin; comtnittees are b.-in IiniP 1 nf lhe JoMish Community fiiinlinan, Citation dinner; Div Jewish population hnd iiileiinar- MIZHACHr WOMKN PARTV The Mni.es.: M. Brodkey, ,T. Cuitei Anjone \uslniig to railm ' ' ' Haskell Alorris, (lues revision; piv Gqodbinder, L. Gorelick and L. loans ni pnjments on sune |)lo.is" A. (ireenberg, inaugural brcakaM Among Native Horn the s p o p l i i i IIIIIJ iast; Max Kronikln, legal counsel; rTlie i-atc of iiiteiniairiagf," Paperny have joined the: Mizraehi (•outlet P a n Ciu'rihiian,: inembei'siiip and the report said, "tended to in-, \Vomon Donor Luncbeon Circle. st ieni)i<ig \ \ \ They Will entertain at a full cpufsc, (•(irisecvatjon; SamZweibnck, eon- crease amonj; hiilivi: born children B"rvnti(iii (.'o-chiiirman; Moiris I.e- of native>boin parents reachin!; luncheon at (ho Jewish ConiniiiiiCALL vey, Sophie Neveloff, Memorial H proport Ion of iibdut 7.4 percenl ity Center, at 1 p. in., Thiirsilay, Kmiil; Henry Ajipcl, office nianaKc- of the ''population," Surveys in Hay-29, The p a i l y i s o p e n to evjnent; Sam Illoom, chairman, Alex throe, middle-sized cities show, thai eryone. Players are requostpd. to Kiind, .eo-eliairi.n:in,.reliBioiis; II.tr- .between 77 and KM percenfi'if the bring their own.cards. ly.Sidman, Talmud Torah bu.ildiiig Jewish population there were na106 No. 15th Street. JA 2452 coniniillfn; llribbi M. M. f'oliakdff, liic born, the report stated, add- K.VDIMAIC -CMAVTKK Iln Omaha Loan Bldq. I 1 The regular meeting of • Kartifinid solicitation fui Talmud Tor- ing that . "every passing' decade uli; Morris •Kiiller. usberiiiK; Mrs. sees a smaller and smaller propor- m.'di Chapter of Pioneer Women M;i\ I'^'omlvin. youlh cumiiiission: tion of foreign born ilmong lhe will he held Thursday. May 'I'l at S p. in. n( the home of Mrs. IticliJlcni'.v Apiii-I, Kriduy Ksi'iiiH;; serv- Jewish population." ard Spiejyl IIIKI will be followed ici's;.Mrs, Sam Kat/inan and Mrs. K.vnnKiigni? Affiliation liy a social hour. (r'tin;! 1 Schapiin, rn-chairiii'ii. Al the same time, the Amei'ii;uml anil wcllarr, and Max Aibit-I i-.in Jewish Year Book reporled mail. HUH liaison. I thai more than eighty percent, of "I'lONKKU VVOMKX Mrs. Kthel Levcn.vin who rethe iolal Jewish population ill the United Slates' 'about 4,000,0(10 cently returned from Israel, will American Jews are "regarded as be tin; 'guest; speaker at an Olieg basically 'within, lhe -synagogue"" ..Shabbat to be bold by Hie Pioneer About sixty pf'rciMil, or tbrei: .mil- Women's organization, Saturday, 'i'he youth Council club with tiic. lion Jews, aro fornially affiliated May 2-lth at 1 ;l)0 p. m. at. the laii'/'st ntimhcr nf meml>eis plcdi;- with t lie •synagogue and are djvid- home of Mrs. W. iliniplo,. 200^1 iiiK find paying to the Jewish Phil- ed^ahoul equally in their aiilior- Nol'th 51st Street. Tho program jiiithropies in proportion lo their oiioe to the Orthodox, Consoj'va- will include a reading in, Yiddish elub menil)Ci'sh|p will be cited for t i v e a n d I l e f o r i i i b r a n c h e s o f . J u d a - by >MrK.J. Kaplan and songs by . •'. •••!" •'•••• .'•, Mrs. Milton. Noarenberg, ciilliii-,il their1 efforts at a special incetint; i s m . • . '•'' '.' •:'..;•'•'•..... ;. : . ' ••-. .".". of the Yoiilli Cpuncll.it was ;m- ' Knrolinienl in. both Jewish day c h a i r m a n . - : ••'...•" liounceil IjyJuslin Oi-eep'wjrg and and Sunday'"' '• '; "inl's has doubled -'.. .'Hie organi/.alion will •hold its decade, growing. regular luncheon inept ing Tuesday, JJliyllis Abrahains, its Phltaiitliro1 (liirlnj; the; | , ••May 27tlv.!aC 12::«) ;p. m. at,/the pies (:'q-chuirinqn.; .The aycr;t)>o fi'OUV 231,01)0 V 'eiirreul:'total fif Jeivish.' Comiiiimily Center. " ...tiniouni of fluids pledged by eaeii ••••cilipijoximatolV 'lOO.OOt) stmlenU, The program \yill celebrate: the .'. (,'lul) will, also be cpnhled in the: i'ljp year hook said. Tlic slia rp in-; croasc took place (luring the pe- tenth anniversary of; Isriiol and • • ' • • c o m p e t i t i o n ^ : ; • : • ; " ' ; • •'• ''.-• • - ; :/:'• " riod when tho Jewish populaiiou indiide •'iur election of officers; ^Tliesi! «tat|HtlcK \vili In"...ri'(M)riwl. 'hrihi.i country grew only by about lJirtlidays of lncmbors wili ho noton ii (iiiromi'ter Ih tin! lobby (if the 1f> to 20 iiercent. ed also, "•- "... • ' •.'•.... iitivisii Community Center.
Five Per Cent U.S. Jews Intermarried
The Oin.ili.'i I'l.'in, a proposal j in.ide by .1 grouji of more Iliun .S ' QO • chic leaders for ;i progi'uin of improvenients and expansion of the eily's physicil facilities, will l>e jsubmilled lo the voters for Iheir deeision in ;l speejnl rleelion in Omah.-i, June 17. ,' ."'..
Tin I innk ot Mrt> ll.iri M in nt, uislKs to flunk tin 111:1 nv friends for tlirlr kind o\ pnsslons of Hjm|>ilh\ and 1011 IrilHilioiiN given In In r mnnoi\
Roffman's Home of Delicacies Optn Monday thru Saturday from 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. 7130 Oodq.
TE 3207
Ciub to BeCited For Fund Raising |
':•' .Ciliihs;.• U"'i' :: their :;Lieii.lcnanls hnVe been'.;.'.notified.', lo '. turn in. pledges ami payments no later ;, th«n: Thui'iiday. May. -29; to the .'.•youth''Council Office.'.•Anyone who \vishes to jniikc hisfontriijution arid •fins not been, contacted by his club l>ieute(iant iii asked to notify the co-chairmen of Youth Council J'hilantlinipies. ,:
CampusNews SAFE-WAY
AWAKO UKCKIVKI) HI'OB'I'S ANNOir\<:iN(J . .Stephen dreenberg, was cited for sports announcing when the "Host in •Hailio and TV" awards wore presented al the annual radio and 'J"V banquet, at the. University of Nebraska fe'ceivtly. A graduate student,''lie Is announcer on KtlON-TV, educational 'lelovision Officers insl.'ilk.'ri at, a nii'cllng- station' a t ' the Ijniversily, llo is of Kpsfcii) Morj;an I'osl, Jewish the son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter War Veterans, Wednesday evening Greetiberi;. nl tin.1 Jewish ('linimiinity Cenlcr w i ' c Jcrorne (irossinan, Com- «ATK\VAV i:»IT()K NAMKIt inandrr; UOIJI.TI. Katrlman, senior Lowell Ballmer, son of Mrs. Mn.\ vice-eiiniinander and Ln D n ;i r il liaiimcr 1ms been named managWolk, junior viec-commander. ing editor of the (lalcway student ' ii'ossiii.'in was elected to office newspaper at. the 'University of of s'.'iiiur vice-conitnander of the Omaha. Nebraiijiii-lowi! Department, nl. the recent. Uepai.'tnicut Convention in Kiou.\ City. The post will huld Jewish War I.OlilS FINKKNSTKIN Vi'li'ians Mfiii'iiial l!)ay services Funeral services for Louis l''inMay .10th at 10:.'!0 a. in. at. the konslein, 4!i, former Oinalian, who Kraveside of Aaron Shafer, a char- dkiil Sunday in San Diego, Oil., ter nieiiihcr. Rabbi Hcnj.'imin were held Thursday morning at (iroiior .-mil Cantor Kll Kngan will tin.' Jowish Funeral Homo. Hurial officiate. .Mcmlicrs are asked to was in Pleasant Hill Cemetery. . wenr their JWV caps and ties,. . .Suruving fire lirotliers, Harry, Now York, N. Y., .Joseph, I.as The cactus' fsabral in jnodorji Vegas, Nov.; sisters, Mrs. lierlha usage a symbol of the native-burn Slutzky, Mrs.'JoKef Mayer, OmaIsraeli, was introduced (inly Mime ha and Mrs. Jlarry Juedes, Schofiold, Wis. eighty years ;\Y,Q.
Epstein-Morgan Installs Officers
Don Bernstein
HA 2554
Bridal Portraits AND Candid Wedding CALL
John Kalina \ 817 So. 36th
HA 1044
No Racing on Sundays or Mondays
ADMISSION 75c (Including Stola and Fed. Ton)
LADIES' DAYS TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS Except May 30 * July A Admltiion for Ladici 35c NO CHILDREN ADMITTED
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Spectacular (Continued from Paye 1 i
Friday, Muy *S, 1859
Hebrew University Campus
Israelis Hold Comment On Effect of Events
each performance "ill be SI .50 foi adults '1 he thtnl nimi il II id iss ih bh \ Will cast j n (lulu is is in oi i^ Juuisalcm 1 J T A i - T h e Israel ; ami evil territorial claims In Isinal music il wilt tin In Minis Cabinet discussed major world d e - ; rael. ^lorns ( rillnuin I'ob it ( n i t volopment.s and their relations I " ; Israel alerted naval und fMMst lick Donald N i « md I'.iln 11 Ro Israel, wit 11 P r e m i e r I'Jawd lien delense units last week as PalesBen pi OKI am chiuiniut CUiclfin reii-'ji'lins-' on Ilie I,i-lijinc.se ' 1. ndei the duection of Mis M tinian Arab fc:dayeen comrijando ;intl Algerian situations and im lln.' : M Jabents the slum si i\cs as the raidi.'r.s slipped inln strife-wracked ftiajot contribution of llu Omaha Khrn.-hrhev-Na!>ser ooniinnnii]iie I.i.'hanon. Ohjjitei of HaddSbah to the loca .summing n[i t h e I'liittd Arab HeIsrael officials kept a watchful Qelebiatum of the Tenth Animei piiblic President's IK-d.'-.y visit of: r\e on .the tbro'.-s of their nei 1iai> of the founding of tho state s t a t e tn the I'SSH. I Ij.>i- to tlic norlh and Prime MinOf Israel Resolutions m.n be Israel eirrle.s refie-e Id etniiincni • islei- Da\id lieu fltirion wtirned made v\ith members of the trie(in the 1 .(•bano.-.e and Algerian s i l - ; that Israel was not the only counphone committees of the IIei/1 ualioii.i of the . Mo.sonw commtiiii-! try in the Middle Kast resisting Siold and Wei/jnann gi oupj. 'l'te ,'itul arc- awaitini^ an ojfieial! "Ilio expansionl-it ambitions" of M B Robert Geiehck pioduioi (lus.sian ti-.\t nt the latter, feeling Nasser. W being assisted in the baokstajje that every wold in it may bo sli,f- • *ork and costuming b\ Minos feature 01 Israel« i f nth Anniversary crlchralionH, founded forty >enr# nifleU-nt. j ^ormnn Lincoln. Sam Honnan AP.O, in 1918, Hebrew University matriculated a total of 1,100 students j n i l | I t W ii.'iilristn'.il l u r e that t h e i various nhool> of »i iemt. ami ilie 11111119111110 thij year. leniy Gieenberg, Gilbeil Aionoff, ritelU VVITP c'lnu'iTiinl over t h e oseph Guss and their committees j..Nt'iitiMiiM) 111 whlrh "both (jovern-j i Itage sets h J \ e boon painted by ! incnlH ((if thn r s s H ami VAIt) i 6 crew working undei tho dnec: rcnfflrm their full iii[>]>>>rt for tlii! ; Mcinbci-K of Beth Israel Synation of Mis Rosen and will depict j legltinuttn right*! of tlm AriiM In j Kogue Sisterhood elected to offiea 6ctual scenes in Isiael taken fuiin I Pulestlne." If tll(^ translalliin K nc-1at the recent Di.'s Molncs, In., photographs loaned by the Jewcurate, anil the communique* rends | moi'tlng of tho Mid-Cent! al State.1* ish Community Center library. "In Palestine!" rather than "of •Chapter of the Women's Branch Members of the cast in addition thers and the Lions against each Palestine," Moscutv was seen here ) of United Orthodox Congiogation* to those in the above pirtuie and ,AI> LhAitVK other,on the east diamond while a» endoriHlng 11 fur wider Arab pn-| of America are Mrs- Henry Apo t h e r s named ptewouslv aVe HAS 85 rBOVS Over 6> grade school boy« in the Tigers and Bears clash on the sltion than H IIDH f*syr sujijiorted ] pel, a vice-president: Mis Alfiei Mmes Gei aid C o h n , William in the imst. Frank, treasurer and Mrs. lieu! ^inkle, Morey Landman Millaiil grades one through gix started center diamond. SupiMirt of the right of Arabs janiln Groner, an honornry odvisor. ', Jargolm, Stuait Muskin, J e n j competition 111 the Lad League, a League participants are remindMia. Max Fromkln who was suc« ! iadu/lner, Joe Ra/nick Yale Rlch- special softb.iU league, last Sun- ed to call'the Center Sunday's in "of Palestine" would refer, Israeli lirds, Harry Richman Al Rimmer- day at Flmwood Park. Four case of bad weather for possible circles foel, to the Arab refugees, ccetled as president of tho organbut support of the rights of Arabs ization by Mrs. Louts Hyman of lan, Richard Rosmsky Rubeit team« the Panthers, Bears, Lions game, postponements. New mem-"In Palestine" could mean Mos- Des Moines, was elected honorary losen, Elliot Rubin, Eileen Sell? bers are welcome to the league cow's support of Arab jwlitlcul president. and TiReis will participate in a lobert Silverman, Milton Simons and may sign up at any of the lort Solref, Norman Wohlnei, ix week league of Instruction n»d Sunday sessions at Klmwood Park, ;. .. ieymour Zoob, L'd Zoimsky and actual game play. RAYIM DKKKATS The Beau beat the Panthers 1957'CHAMPIONS "Men Pavi>, daughter of Mi ami ilrs IA'SIIP Davis Seymoiu Gold- 7 to 3 while the Tigers w i t h the The Youth Council Softball strong pitchirig of Jeff Noddle Jton is the barkstagp voice 'League started' off with Iinyim Those seizing in \Jnous back- lowned the Lions in five Innings defeating the previous season's ground tiews aie Almo'j, Louis 9 to 7 in the first .week of play. champions, AZA No. JOG, 18 to 8 Two games will be played each in an ahbiTvlateii six* inning conpelnidn Yale Gotsdinci Stuait Filed, Oscar Jacobson M i\ Bitl- Sund.n staitulK at 2 p. m. This tost at Klmwood Park last ,Sunnei, Stinlc\ H<i/off Nath in Tin - Sund i\ s schedule pits the Pan-day- mornini;. Three pitchers for nor, lA"onard I uttlv'K Ililph Bin AZA 100 couldn't sohc the matter ianiou B it tun (jinnbei^ Sul of Rayim's hitting power aa Justin Pdisott ,7 A Solomon ( h u l l s Grcenl)"!'!,' led tin- I'.ayim team fellman Maunci* I c l l u m H u l with three home run-". Woiss lulius (ohn Moitie Kir AZA No. 1 lost to I'naffilialef] Shenbuuin I <h ml l» I in II < \ \li iixl Mrs. I'aul Hifkln ;mMilton Ahi.ih.uiis. Ho»,nd Iv.ipl.in, noiinc:c llio birth 'if Ilicii (ninth IT) to 7 as 7 errors \v< re committed M o r t o n Kriodlundor and Hani sun. Donald .Mark, on April 27. ! by the A/.A team. This Sunday siartiii!' a1 Id a. m. \Veiiistein. Their olln'r son.s .'UV 1','iberl, Wil-j at Klmwood Park, the liudefoutpd PrecpfliiiR the show at the Wed- liam mill Krtwnrd. j teams. Itayjin and Unalfiliati'S will nesday Hadassah meetine,, t h e . Crand parents lire Mr. rinil Mrs. j election and iiitallatioii of liCiS-fiil Meyi-r ICirsheiilKiuiii and Mr. im<l play 011 the east diamond mid AZA 100 and AZA 1 will compete, officers will be held with Mrs, Mrs. l l i i n y Kifkin'. . on the middle field in I;UIIIPS open Mike Freeman, president of the to the public. Federation of. Jewish Women's j Two officials will umpire each Clubs,-serving as installing officer.' Volunteers Honored match with the league being afBaby sitter service will be avail Mrs. Meyer'Beher i">d Mrs. J. filiated and under the supervision able. Bramson were presented with of the Omaha Softball Association. 300-houi1 volunteer service awards The .winning team in the league Mailing Addresses 'at 11 ceremony last Sunduy at the will compete al the end of the seaVeterans Administration hospital. son in the city tournament. For Memorial Fund L B P i n i l l
b J ' H f l / l l A
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Conference Efecis
'isQuli IsrcieS Women
Center Topics
.Contributions \i> the Kve Ko-•I'KIZK-WINNINH necky Memorial which has been NOVKI. NAMKD. NewYcirk (WNS1 Awards carestablished by tho Business, Professional Women of Hadassah. are ryinii cash prizes totaling STflO for being taken by Mines. Julia M. (lie best works of Jewish interest Jacobs. 1)8 North 35th . Avenue. in'fiction and poetry in 1057 were $nd Sadie Newman, 1011 .South made here at the annual meetini? S3rd Street; the Misses Ida of the Book Council of the Jewish Spring, 110 South'49th Street; National Welfare Board, with BerJulia Zuker, 417 North Jt'tlt Street nard Mulainud, author of the bestand Myrtle .Freeman," 1005 South sellin<; novel, "The Assistant," winning the .top prize.. 38th Street.
Secrets of Bread Sought By Technion Scientists
Role of Social Worker Stressed Cjiieago (JTAi- The contributions of Jewish social workers to the American community as well to the Jewish community was stressed .lii;i-e at the l>0(li anniversary meeting of the Conference' of Jewish Communal Service, which was attended by mure than 2.000 Jewish communal workers.'
Camp Programs
(Continued from l'»«f t.) boon so heavy this season, only a few ojK'niiiKs remain. Mrs. ICulHaifa, • (JTAt—Millions of dol-] mixed'ivith yeast, and why locally akofsky suggested that parents lars may be saved out ol Israel's! grown corn, rye, barley or maize enroll their youngsters now anil annual budget for food imports if do not rise in the same manner. avoid possible disappointments laresearch now being carried out'on I , tor. Pre-Srlioiil" Day Camp at the Technion,, Israel i n s , i t , l ( e | Mi»t'-'»>lo dou«h, the latter grains ; A Pi-e-.School Day Camp operof Technology, fulfills expectations, produce produce flat flat cakes, cakes, such such as as the ating concurrently with the regit was reported here. The research, "pitta" baked by the Arabs. for which grants wore received The T e c h n i o n Foundation' ular Day Omip, but ending at. the Ford and the food j SpOi:Csm;iii pointed out that half noon each weekday, h under the Foundations, was lieyun' at the tho tolnl prolcins in the Israel supervision of -two professional suggestion of a United Nations diet tire derived from wheat and nursery toachers. In this spocia! : expert in the field of food tech- wheat products, and, .since less program children are returned'dinology,. Prof. Max Milner, after a than 10 percent of the country's rectly to their homes at tho noon visit to Israel under the nusprces wheat requirements is grown lo- hour in time for lunch. of the world Food and Agriculture cally, more than 300,000 tons need Further details and information Organization. to be imported annually at a cost on the Day Camp programs also The Technion scientists hope to of $25,000,000. Moreover, even the are available at the Day Camp complete their research within a small (inanity of wheat grown in Office. JA ir;fi6.. year. The research is directed by Israel does'not possess the physical Prof. Markus Reiner, internation- properties for good broad proally known co-founder of the duction. Tlie research program inbranch of physics known as The- cludes studies of the elasticity and JA luW> ii' tluor. poui Wan: At ology, which is concerned with the viscosity of tho different types of a I'n'jue 't'hn Jov.-i.ili i'rcn. Current • rats 1» &0 csnti fur tach font deformation and flow of mailer. dough, Should results of the re- • me truertlou. Tiie f'riyis rcnervM Urn rltflil The Technion professor and his search prove successful, it will TO -ilmlt aim of eacli advertticuienl staff ore currently studying the mean that good bread may be pro- UAR and Bus Mitzvah congratuphysical properties of wheat and duced from local grain, and irn- lations also foi all Jc/wish noli proteins, to determine why dough I>oits of foioign .wheat m.iy be days- and special occaiiom inade with wheat flour rise? when consider ably reduced M"jers News Stnnd, 1502 Dodge
Greater Prosperity;. . . Mora Poyrollt . . . .'••: :.;'..'':'.;';!.^'':?.-.{ Better Living :
Just as two plus two equal four. . . progress plus planning equal prosperity. Twelve years ago tho Blue Book plan for progress created prosperity. It created jobs where none existed before. It created better living. Throughout Omaha's history, city planning has been the "key to prosperity. Dodge Street . . . Q Street . , . Missouri Avenue L Street . . . .'50th Street . . . all city improvements . . . all planned . . . a l l done by spending money in quantities to match federal and state money. These projects created employment. Those projects encouraged industry to locate in Omaha which created more employment. The.Omaha Plan will do the same. More than $31,000,000 will be spent for labor . . . 19 million man-hours of work. Much of the money spent for building . . . for tools, supplies,' equipment will be spent in Omaha. That means more jobs more payrolls . . . betldr living . , .^greater prosperity.