,l'ijb!ifiHed every Fricluy, 101 K 2'iili, ' Omahu .Nebraska. Phone JA KNiU
Entered us Second-Class Matter ut Post- Annual Rute 4 Dollar* office. Onmija. Nebraska, under Act of 1S7U Sinulo Copy JO Corfu
1 7 <ffll'
iOp& !
le Tuesday A, F. Jacobson, president of Northwestern Bell T e I e p b o n e Company, is to receive the seventh annual Americanism Citation of Henry Monsky Lodge, l.i'nai B'ritli it WHS announced today by "Millard Margolin, chairman of the lodge's Americanism Coimni!Ice.
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Services fo Honor 79 i@ys md Girls
Andy Jean Gross and Saul Aaron Kripkc, graduating seniors at Central High School, will speak on behalf of Omaha's Jewish high school graduates at Bacculaureate Services at H:'M p. m., Wednesday, June 4, at Beth F,l SynaPresentation at Luncheon KoRue Formal presentation of the CiSeventy-nine Jewish boys and tation to Mr. Jacobson will be girls will be honored at this anmade at a luncheon in the ballnual program sponsored by the room of the Sheraton-Fonlcnelle Jewish Federation of Omaha. x Hotel, Tuesday, June 3. Rabbi Benjamin Groner of Beth Mr. Jaeobson, associated with Israel Synagogue, will deliver thy "many business and civic enter-1 baccalaureate address. Rabbi Sidprises, has been particularly active ney Hi Brooks of Temple Israel dining the last two years as chairwill give the invocation, the closman of the Mayor's City-Wide ing prayer and benediction. Rabbi Planning Committee for Oniaha Myers S. Kripke of Beth El Synannd currently as president of the gogue will conduct the services. Omaha Development Council, Inc. The B'nal B'rilb Citations are The Beth El Choir under the awarded on the basis of individual direction of Cantor Aaron EdgaP tvork towards community and will take part in the ceremony. ©?'§i^i^>^^ civic betterment and the general Dr. Philip Slier, originator of advancement of citizenship responthe annual baccalaureate sorvlc* sibility, The six previous' awards and honorary president, of th« honored V. J, Skut.t, 1957; ClarFederation, will extend greetings. ' • ence L. Landon, 105IJ; Robert H. —Jolin KaMna Photo, Saul A. Kripke, Andy JI'HU ft rosfj, l*uuI Shyken »c»n programs for Wednesday night's Robert H. Kooper, president of Jtucciilnurnute Store, 1953; E. F. Pnlti.i, 1951; services. the Federation, will bring greetMorris E. Jacobs, I!).".*"!, nnd W. ings on behalf of the Federation. Richard H. Speier Otto Swanson, l'X>'>. Graduates: Paul Shyken, president of th» Stuart Eugene Stoler , Reservations for the June 3 IIKOWNKU. IIAIX Jewish Youth Council, also will Jeffrey David Swortz luncheon may be made by calling Wallls Cherniack speak. Martin Eli Weil WEbster iY.VMl Jean Linda Goldstein A reception by the Beth El SynHoward L. Weinberg Started as Ch'rk tJiNTKAI, IIKJII S<!HOOr, agogue Sisterhood will follow the Charles R. Wise A native of Omaha, Mr. .TacobBuy* service. Bernhardt L. Wolf, Jr. son started as a clerk with NorthRene Lee Ash Neiv V'ork (WNS)—CondemnaAndy Jean is the daughter of Girls western Bell In Omaha in l'J'22. He Arnold Han . Mr. and Mrs, Gerald S. Gross. tion of Itiugo as n means of synaJudith Ban Philip Edwin Barron Saul Aaron is the son of Rabbi gogues siijiport in carrying out Its Phyllis Ann Bernstein frvin Sam Bel/el' and Mrs. Myer S. Kripke. Paul in religious program, coupled ti'itl Barbara AnaBrodkey Marvin Josejih Jiernstein the son ol .Mr. and Mis S.mi ShyCharlotte Alice Brodkey mi iippcul to synagogues am Bernard Howard Bloom ken. * Marilyn Elaine Dvorkin churches to "reject and bar Bingo Bruce .Stephen Bloom Eleanor J. Falkenstein and similar games as a means of Hubert Myron Urodltey Judith Ellen Freed Michael Gary C'anar maintaining the House of Cud," Sally Mae Freeman Allan Paul Cutler was sounded lure n( the Kilh :mBarbara Jean Garber Gerald C. Kreedman nuiil meeting of the New York Beverly Sue Goldberg Steven Michael Friedman Federation or Reform Synagogues. Berdine Rae Green Alan David Goldstein The Reform congregations deAndy Jean Gross Nelson Terry Gordmun . Members of the*--Golden- Age lona Karl . clared in a statement that I he syBernard Lynn Grossman Club will celebrate the organiza-; Faye Anne ICntz nagogue was "established for the Larry G. Herman Itpn's seventh birthday with resiMiriam Louise Katz ••'•....' purpose of teaching the worthBennett Gene Hornstein , dents of the Dr. Philip Slier JewLinda Sue KaVich Harold Kainian •••:•• while values by which children ish Home for the Aged with ft Nancy Pamela Lewis Saul Aaron Kriplte party, Tuesday, June 3, at the may be influenced and adults guidDiane Llntzmun'' Thomas Iloss Kully h o m e . ' ; ' •...•. ;. .*. • , . * ; ,-..v.: ed" nnd that "to suggest that the Joun Rue Marx ' Stuart Wayne Kutlcr Plans are being made for a synagogue can only survive by be: Sandra Rae Mutters Jack Joseph Lleb .-• . luncheon'..'and entertainment b.y coming a transient gambling hall Madalyn Rose Miroff •".' • ;•. A. F. Marl in Robert Lipp the National Council of Jewish Is to suggest thai the synagogue Barbara Eileen Pitalis / Howard Meyers i '. Women and the Jewish Federation ; later was with the company in has no higher function in moderi liinda Rac Rosenbaum ; Allan Stewart Noddle with Mmes. J. Milton Margolin, Minneapolis, Duliith nnd Sioux Muriel ioyce Rosenblatt Stuart Michael Persell '•..:.• I^pu Cutler wid N. Simon. Council Palls. He returned to Omaha" as life." Florence Shrago Sydney Alvln Pessen .'.' :> coordinators, in charge. * president in February, 1!)55, from Lynn Singer Thomas Hugh Piatt A gnldci for Conservative, synaA musical program will be pre-. . New York City, where ho had llelene Spilman Justin Charles Kavitz ; sented by Cantor Eli Kagan of been assistant vice president of gogue IIIIMI'H clubs stressing the Barbara Susan Wolfe Steven John Rlekes neeil for linshriitli nnd traditional A. T. and T. Beth Israel Synagogue, accomMaureen Zevitz Edward Allan Schneider panied on.the piano by Professor His activities and services since observance of the Sftbbath at pubJune Zneimer Robert F. Shapiro Hans Baer, instructor of piano. >.. returning to Omaha include di- lic functions and turning thumbs Maxine Lou Zweiback Gerald Sherman down on the use of games of •Hostesses for the event will inrector, Omaha Chamber of ComWESTSIDK IlKUi 8CIIOOLI. Michael Allan Shrier clude Mines. Margolin, Cutler; pimerce; general chairman, Mayor's chance, as fund-raising devices for Bernard Polikov Michael Shukert synagogue groups, was adopted at Planning Committee; t r u s t e e , CIIKIACiO JKWISH •ACADKMY nion, Sol Nogg, Arthur Rubin, HyPaul Shyken man Fried, Abe Lewis and A. Co-•..' Clarkson Hospital; trustee, Oma- the recent convention of the NnJerrold Louis Stone Ronald George Simons tioiiuj Federation of Jewish Men's hen. . ••••.-'• : ha Safety Council; chairman, CIIIIIH in New York, It was reTransportation to the home will Omaha Parking Authority; memported by JTA. be furnished to Golden Agers if ber, Policy Committee of U. S. they will"be at the Center no•'}&•{' Chamber of Commerce; member, ter than 12:30 .p. m. - • board of trustees, Omaha Community Playhouse; member of Boni'd of Lay Regents, Creigliton University; vice president and Jenisalein (JTA)—Col. (leorgo way to tlie wounded men nnd died member of Executive Committee, Four Omaha delegates will at- A. Mint, United Nations chairman of his wounds as continuous Arab Omaha Industrial Foundation, and of Hie Israel-Jordan Mixed Armispresident, Omaha Development tend the 13 r a n d e i s University tice C'ommlKslon, was killed by fire prevented aid from reaching Jerusalem (JTAi An Israel Women's Conference at Walt ham, Jordanian rlflu fire when he at- him and. the wounded Israelis. Council, Inc. offer, through diplomatic chanMr. Jacobson is also a member Mass., on June R, fl and 10. Full Itcport Promised tempted to rescue xiv Israeli ponels to supply .Ionian with.S'ilk. of the board of trustees of Dundee They are Mrs. Hymmi Ferer, nfi- licemen wounded In a surprise atAt United Nations headquarters vaccine in the fact? of a rising Presbyterian Church. lloiii'il board member and past 'iii'k/liy Jordan forces ill the Mt. in New York, Secretary General polio: rate in Western Jordan has president of the local group! Mrs. Scopus (Icinllltarl/i'il zone." Four Dag Hammarsltjold Issued a slate- been refused "with thanks." The.. Joseph Zweiback. also u past pres- of the policemen subsequently died men! expressing sorrow over the Israel' offer was made after reident; Mrs, 1. M, Lihcrman and of their woiimls after having lain '.'tragic loss" of Col. 'Flint. He ports that the Jordan GovernMrs. Herman Cohen. unattended, imilor Arab fire, fiir promised a full report as soon as ment had requested an American it was received. He warni'd that airlift '.o rush vaccine. liours. "the sacrifices of this day should At- 'the same time. Israel ,'md The 47-yeai--old Canadian offibe a reminder of the vital neces- Jordan concluded-a broad agree. New York (JTA)*— Tim cer, carrying a white flag, braved sity for a radical change of the ment for I he control of malaria United Jewish Appe.'il of the Arab barrage in a heroic ef- altitudes which have led up to the breeding mosquitoes along the en: Greater New York, reported fort to reach the wounded Israelis latest tragic events and which lire length of their common borthat the 1058 UJA drive lms New York (WNS)— Philip M. raised ?17,500,000: from resi- Klutznick of Park Forest, 111., and after the Jordanians, entrenched must be overcome if peaceful con- der. The agreement, reached -In. a dents of the New York area a former Omahan, was named at the Arab village of Issnwin, had ditions are to be restored in the medical subcommittee of 4 ' e * since it began February 1. chairman of the Board of Direc- rejected pleas of United Nations area." Mixed Armistice Commission, proA spokesman for the Cnnadinn vides for Israeli and Jo. This, total represents nn in- tors of the Amerlcnn Friends of officials for a cease-fire to permit a crease of five percent ovor Hebrew University at a meeting evacuation of four Jewish police- Foreign Office at Ottawa was re- teams, accompanied by UN obthe umount the sama people hero, Daniel G. Ross of New York, men who lay wounded In the Is- ported to have said it had been server; to spray DDT and oilier raeli-held enclave. Col Flint was notified that Col. Flint had been insecticides in six major danger gavo In 1957. : was re-elected president, ' hit as he attempted to makn bis (Continued on Page 4.'i areas along the border. *<¥£''
• • • ' ? f - f i ' " ? ' . ' "'•-•i T - ^ - i W k
' f '"•••V''.'--W;'j*tt'v.
Golden Agers To Mark 7th Year
Officer Killed by
N.Y. Drive Up 5 Percent
Klutznick to Head University Board
Jordan Refuses Vaccine
Page Two
Ben Gurion Hopes Nehru
Fulfill Promise'
Tlmrs., May 29, 1058
Bar Mifzvah
Bleicher Elected To Regional Post
All f r i e n d s n n d i n v i t e d t«i a t t e n d
relatives nr« strvlecs and
David I! . Mli• i e l lii-i ', Onia ha mMiraiicc i
I eli • c l -
JOII.V H I : . M ( V s r i T / K K
Mr. and Mi-:. (<eor(;c Spit/.er ,'d piesi. 1.- HI i f th e thre e-.',l at'M i l l - , P i i n n M i n i . - t e r e m l ] ! ! • -1. Jerusalem iJTAl I'n! 'ii.'Ul 1're'lili••!>• ; in- l l • d i s l i n g u i s l ister David Hen (lurion Southwos 1 i;e;.:ii l!l 1["( iiuicil n f ir n.'ii announce lhe Mar Mit/vah uf their • inf. i n . i but f'rmly declared in K n e w ; nner rei''-i e i ' ' - i \ e i l inii' ll'rith. Hi MIC( V•ed> . 1","li S.'l Hi-'i ll,'!- son, .lohn Ilonry. will be cclebralril that the action ot Indian Prime tioii from the V.V, of Col MCI 1 Ulllll s. this Friday evcniiii,' and Saturday ('iiudlrliglilinK—'••"•'•> Minister Nehru in postponing es- in India. More t h ire h e h a s Kl.'irhe ,. N a I.;II i r.i-r pni-,i.l. •Ill in.ii nhii: at Temple- Israel. tablishment »f full iliplomatic rc- premised our i a t i v e s w h o ITNAI ,IA< OIS-ADAS of Nehrasl ::i l.i IIL-I and lo r m e rly Jaljons with Israel vvns "connected visited India ti at mid i s l . i l i - VKSIU'IEON SOI. S. .M.MUM'S held the I,- i'ioil.'i 1 p. I nl lir- 1 vii' •with' tactics not principles." lie lish diplomats i In'tween •latin; S i ' r v i i v s at H'nai J a n preotieiit. Tin- liar Alilzvah of Sol Sliphcalled on Nehru to "ultimately our two eomiti e w i t h sal'I nut S'l'slimon will l i e - i n F r i d a y fulfill his promise" to-'establish isfaction the Oilier Oninh:Ill- ,. •I,-eted to nf- eii Marcus, son of Mr. and Mrs*. ,.f Imtiaii ll*'i' p. m. a n d S a t u r d a y inor such relations with Israel. fiee inch le K-arl Sie-el :-eei i n d , Nathan Marcus will be cclebnileil e d i t o r i a l l y S:.'SO a. m . vvilh Mnieha |>a|>ers which liaa v e v ice-urcsi .1. • i l l . » lid Mlar\ in rrel.lei". I at the Metli Israel •Sv'iia'^o^ue this The Prjiiie Minister made the asked (he sourci' o f I [M1I.UI inp. ill., followed by S h n l o - h ! district governor, both of Henry I Saturday nvirnim'. May .list, at. ' stilt.onion t in reply to a question I format ion in Israel. D a i l y s e n iii••• ti:T",f 1 a. m. • j Moii.'-ky l.'il^e; Marry CiHulbinder, ! HAT, a. m 1 from a member of Knesset wl'io The Prime Minis! i snd tint h p. m. ' Ciirnhiisk'er lodj-e, third viee-presnsked for comment on Nehni's.re- had "no intention i f silt n^ nn ' idi-iit; and .Marvin Kaplan, X'1- ; cent remark that there wore il t l i o l l l d l i l l self as a .judge" i m:Tii IM;AI;I. I brasUa lodne. secretary. Marvin \ STKWAKT W. FOUISJvS "ominous sounds" and "proeipi "His standing Traiiitional Fi id Itailci) nnd Hans Nancn, both of ] Mr. and Mr;;. Irving \V. Korlxs tnti; notion" coming from Israel ! loader's statement, loader of a There will ho '..during the KgyptianrSyrian merg- as gythe illustrious assured and I services at. 7 p. in. vi(V. -Snlihath .Sion>: Falls, S. D , will serve us |announce the Mar Mit/vah of their ni> late Kriday .sc rf^in at H:-1") i]first vin -president and trrastiier, ; son, Stewart Wayne, on Friday er talks. While there has boon-a mighty nation is ; | evouiii}-, Juno (ith anil Saturday mutual exchange of diplomatic hopo that the giTat Indian statrs- morning s>erv i''os ;ation 10 a. m. I Ifspecliy.-Iy. inornin;:, .lune 7lb at Ilelh Kl Kyrecognition, Israel maintains only mnn will ultimVilcly fulfill his a. in. Junior t'oiiKie MVichcr announced thnt the : a consulate in India and India has piomiso ' Mi Hen fiiinon stitod Rahhi Benjamin Gnuu-r will con- ".i5!) triennial, international eon-i 1 am (,1.I<1 ilso tu note the c\>sf duct the Saturday afternoon Talno reprcsriitative in Israel. vention of 1','nai U'litli will be held j ltONAI.ll S. WOIII.N'KK ; "I read with rrj;rH iind concern price of close conllds Ix-twfcn a t nmd (I iss at p. in, Sahliath Min- , by Shalosh S'ciulo';.! in sra el in late Mav. numlKMof loading Indian inlolj ha, followed I Mr. and -Mrs. Harold Wohlnor c UiR surprising hUilcMicMt nf (ho leetuals mid their colleagues in Isand Ma.iriv begins at 7:.".O p. in. I announce the liar Mit/.vah of their IIHHHII Premier fur ivliicli tlirr** is The Sunday morninj; miiiyon \soii, Iloiiald Stephen will be celeno . fnundution wliiilsoevcr," lien racl and the fac( that: Indian brated Friday eveniii!,' and Salur<>urion s:ilil. "So I'IIIIIMIIIS sounds,, scholars .visiting ISIMPI, have ex- sUrts at KA7y a. in. and is folIhat Indin dfvos not lowed by breakfast and the Ttab. no action |if'ciiiil:it<' or «lolilM'rat« '. . , . bi's class in Isible. Sundr.y mornin;; ' 3 r | T'Mnple Israel. • . • W h r r B .'r Is .,..out I., l,e UUen '"»'««" •;• l o t i o n .ere Junior- ColigrPsation K:.'lO.n. in. . A coiiference on "The Volunteer | by lsr«H in function «ith tl,« i . I1. nW be assutnod thai Nehru Daily srrvicrs 7 a. in. and ~:'Oin Mental Health" will l>e' spun-j IIOU'AKU F. HAIIN ' •Ko-ptl.i.-Syri-n n n m .| M ..t j '™J»?. °™ T e ^ s for this a - P. ni. ;, , The Bar Mit/vah. of Howard F. sored by the Omaha Section, Nrau i|ii( stion H I M he rai-xJ u-.s | tittHlo, . said the -.Premier, 'hut it The weekly Talmud study KI "'' tional Council of .lewish Women Halm, son of Mr. mid Mrs. Sam t o u l u t l i r r it i s ii tu illt H mi rfji'r ! is clear that these arc .connected with tactics, pot principles and t mwtx nn Tuesday evenings ' in coolwralion with the State De- Halm will lie observed at the Belli o r n u n \Htioii of S \ rl i i>\ l.^vpt. ~:'M at the••BIIH SyijaRogiic, 10th partment of Health. The niectiiif; Israel Synagogue on Saturday hopo they are only temporary." Kr.irl is not n t h e luliit of »nd Hurt sti-pets aiid services pv- will open with rc^islratimi at '.):•]"> morning. .lime 71h at 8:45 a. m. A i n l r i f r i m ^ m thr- m i d n i l iff.iu-, j ery' Saturday morning'at-it a. ni. i a. in. Thursday, June Tith at the kiddush will follow lhe service. in. countries near nr. far."-.the I Nebraska Psychiatric Institute. TKMI'I.K ISItAKI. 602 South -Mill Avenue. Services will lie held this I'llThe conference will be conchidd i> i \i IIIIIJ; it S 15 p m Kabbi j ed with n talk by Dr. 'i'haddcus RADIO & TV SERVICE > Sidney . II. • IJriKiks will iifficiute. TV CAR RADIO . | P. K'rusli. clinical director of I'MIIRADIO PHOHOGRAm Shabhas services will icauD Coiiventjon: David Or- 11:.'(() a. m. with RabbibcKin at | i m m j [ ( y Services at the Institute Hrooks I Additional iiifornifitioii m a v PAUL GOLDDERG C'onfinnatiori exercises v.ill be!| kuw. Director of the Iforne, has officiating and t h e K e 11 g i o u s | l l l ) ( ; l i n ( 1 | i ]>y , . , „ , , . u . , i n ; . , | ) C 4325 No. 54th St. PI 65M held at B'nai Israel Svna S . W io i n ! just lotu,.,,-.! fr^m The- .National .School Choir u n d e r t h e direction j i . ( ) l l i s K M / 1]pmy i ( mU lvmv f Jrv sl Iliekes a n d Council'Hluffs Sundav' at 2 p. m. - ' ,." -' C"i""uiina|. j of Miss Ida Uillin singing tile inns- ; ]i,,| .| j (-.\'mr )P1 Confirmanils are 'i-oris S-lo. \ S " r V < 1 ' " ' hiraKo. v.here the .,<).,, Meal porlion« of the s-rvice. | ' fjpj,0I-Mniiti.-s for vr/lunleci's in meotinj,' ivs? held. daRiihier of Dr. ami M'rs. Rudolph \ the field of m e n t a l health will be Selo, Marleni' Friedman, daughter [Special w ions and workshops IJKTII I X I discussed at a inoniiiig and an li'-Id in t h e programs and of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Fried- i wfi'o Services at Meth Kl Synagogue j ,.,,„.,.„„„., , , , , 1 , , , , . 1^,,,,,-j, „-,,] |, . f man of Council Bluffs..and .Inniee I problems of ilu ,'11,'fd and the in- will lie held ,t S:l., p. n,. li.'ibb. . , , j , Siref, daughter of Mr. and Mis.creasing important of our .'iKiii'-,' Mjfir S. Kripko will deliver the !s. n o ; i ) h 0 i n s l i l t l t r i population in llir overall communWilliam Siref of Omaha. sermon. Crmtoi' Aaron I Edgar ity services. A reception for friends and reland the Beth Kl Synagogue Choir Shavuot Fruit: Arthur Colin and atives will follow the .services. Harry Du Doff, board members of will render t h e musical poitiujys RUG a UPHOLSTERY the Dr. Philip Slier .IcuiMi Jfomo of the service, The Talmud Toraii For The Ajjed, accepted baskets j| (iraduates and Confirmands of the High School of Jewish Studies will CLEANERS of fruit, donated by the Beth Kl students, at Shaviioth ceremonies also participate in the sen ice. RUGS—CAHPCTING Sabbath morning services are at-their synagogue on .May 18th. Lake Placid (WNS.i The New at 9:.'iO a. ni. Junior-Congregation LAMP SHADKS Flowers: The flowers in the York Stale Conference of Mayors Services are at 10:.'i0 a. in. and FURNITURE will hold its annual meeting here home public rooms (his week wore Mincha-Maariv services are at ! but not at the Lake Placid Club, .sent by Mv. and Mrs. 'Herman 7:.'!0 p. m. . • i Cleaned In Your Home I which has Ixvn under fire for Weiiuilein.ii] honor of the Uai' Daily services a i t • »t ' 7 a. m. Mitzvah of their son. Robert. Binding • Laying • Repairing anti-Jewish restrictions. and 7 p. m. Sunday morning serv.Sam Poster, Home Synagogue ices are at 9 a. m. When disclosure was made of Don Bernstein HA 2554 Gabai, has just returned from a the anti-Jewish restrictions allegedly practiced by the Lake trip to Chicago, where he visited Placid Club, a number of mayors with his children, Mr. and Mrs.New Guarantee Mutual and other .dignitaries who were Golden rind family in Skokie, 111. Building Dedicated HAPPY BIRTHDAY: The sevto attend the parley at once indicated they would not attend the enth birthday celebration of The The new office building of Golden Age Club of Omaha will Guarantee Mutual Life Company, sessions if the site wciv not TE 3207 7830 Dodge be. held at tlie Home. Tuesday, on the site of lhe former Indian changed. June ,'ird. Fancy foods • Hills Golf Course, was fonnally in Bevarly In a .statement hailing; the dedicated -Monday following a se"forthright action" taken by the and Delicatessen Hills Floia ries of special events during the Mayors Conference in cancelling previous week. The firm is headed the site of the meeting, the Antiby President Ralph Kiplinger. Defamation league said that in consultations with conference ofOPEN ficials it had "made clear to the Certificates of Confirmation and mayors" its "conviction that 1hc i Graduation will bo presented at I.ake Placid Club is a public re- ] 1)I 0 Beth Kl Synagogue exercises sort hotel which uses (ha private j Friday, 8:J5 p. m. by Morris Erelub device in oni^r to avoid the | man, who will represent the ay. law prnhibitiiig discrimiiuition'' | nagogue school board, and that, the Lake Placid Club | Dr. Philip Slier prizes in Jcw-] 5>b (Subbyl PulverenU "admittedly bars Jews from ir,(.m- ish education, awarded from a j bciship us individual guests." 25 Years' Experience fund established by Dr. Philip | '• Slier, and the Zlotta Kpstr-in Me-j With Jewish | morial Award will be presented tnj Lettering and Memorials honor ibtudents. Parents of the Confirmands and AT24S2 Graduates will receive at a recep-• 2211 So. 8th Denver tW.NSi Belief that re-! t j O I 1 followinii the services. wnt acls of vandalism, iiieludin, a 1 vviec-repealed bil-and-run at.1,'ii'lc nil Uc.lli .loneph Syna^OKiie 0 O and Ihiv .siiiearin^ of a s'tenciled swastika on the door of the JewSandwich Bar Deluxe Famous Fancy, ish Community ('enter of H'nai Complete Line of Gourmet Foods Ji'rilh, were the acts of youthful Delicatessen and Complete Litjuor hoodlums rather than anti-Semites Kosher Meat- Market and Delicatessen was voiced here by Kabbi Daniel Bakery and Wino Dept. C»ol(lber|;<T. WA 5554 4415 CUMING At the same time, ADI.-official:'! : indicated l e n t a t i ve agreement. • Featuring the World's Finest Delicatessens with the rabbi's views. Prior to. at.Ii'ckiiif; the syna^o^ue, where* Itnlled five windows were smashed, the I pi'rjr'tralor.s called the IJ'iiver From 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. Post by phone noiifyiiu; the newsOpen Memorial Day till 3:00 P.M. p.'i;K'r of the impendiii'.: ViindalClosed en Sundays liiu. The newspaper immediately Sundays 7:0 A.M.-6:30 P.M, Kol.in toueii with the police1, who ii) turn notified Rabbi '.;i>l<lber;;er. .
Mental Health to Be Meeting Topic
With the Home Folks
Bluffs Synagogue , ..-;:.-,s's».~K,",'i;'K"K
To Confirm Three
N. Y. Mayors Shun Restricted Club
Erman to Present Certificates
Fri., Memorial Day, 9 A.M.-6 P.M. HOMliHAVC A
Denver Center Is Desecrated
Tliurs., May 29, J658
Page TFirra
Irk Israeli Arabs Ex-O~nahan, Wife Communists 5,472 Jews in 1957 Jerusalem UTA)- A steady the pit-sent time, not even proOltoua i WNS I The Departof ."pjieals is being recei\ed N'as.-iei- Arabs in Israel were giving .'iient of Cili/cu.ship and ImmigraReturn for Visit stream by Piemiei" David I3en Gurion's active supporl lo Israel Commun- tion, disclosed lhat Canada, lasl
A former (Jm.'ihan and his wife office from Christian raid MosMopped in Omaha this week en- lem Arab leaders in Israel askini; ruiilc to <".-»1:f<iiiii.i following a action to end (Joinnninist-iiispired demons (rat ions and disturbances j-i'iif's lour of the country. They are Mr. and .Mrs. Leonard in all-Arab Na/.arelh and oilier Vell/er, who are returning to San Aral) communities. 1)U",y>, Cai., tn attend tho niar- The Arab leaders, in Idlers, iiai;e (if Hie fonii'.'i''s sister, Miss cables and personal calls, have Natalie Veitzer to <»ary Mini/ of indicated concern (hat the Israel O-iklaiid, on June 2!). ist organized troubles to the en.Mr. Veilzer, an arehitecl, is the tire Israel-Arab population. ExSun of Mr. and Airs. IJernard Veit.- perts on Arab affairs here said at zer (if San Diego, who previously niaiit Ihfir home in Omaha.
ists who. However, Hie experts added, the nationalist elements amont; the Isnifl Arabs were uatehin;; closely how firmly the Israel Government will act lo curl) such Communist-led demonstrations. Lack of a. firm react inn miliht encourage the nationalists and even induce them to join hands with the Israel Communists, the experts said.
Pati'onize Our Advertisers
\eai- admitted a tolal of 5/172! Jewish immigrants, amon;; Diem j •1K2 from Israel and ."ilij from l United .Stall's.
For the Most Delicious Ground Beef in Town
Youth IIOOSKVKI.T KI.I'X'TS OIT'ICUKS Klranor Roosevelt Chapter No. lilW. H'nai lVrith Girls, elected the following officers wlio will serve ilnriiif; Hie next1 six months: Kdcn Colin, president; .lolene Friedman, first \iee-presidenl; Arlenc Grossman, .second vice-president; Maureen h'pstein, recording secretary; M:tilene Friedman, corresponding secretary; Irene Winer, treasurer; •Susan Ash, youth council representative and ISette Zoonvell, ftlternntc; Arlene Crossroad, HHVC ]eiiresentati\e, and Lea Lindner, allernate; liellc Zoonvell, Lea Lindner, historians .-Mid Linda jM-i^/aniin, Connie .SpioKJil, Importers. :. Advisors of the fjruup are Mines. CJ.-'orco fohn, Alliert Oriich mid Stanley Shapiro. ..' . \ . ROIIAM'K i:i>XTS It'ihanue's new officers elected lit 1 lie home of Judy Ooldner are H.'-lty Krman, president; I'hyllis Ahrahanis, viee-pi-eaident; Myr.1 I.ipp, pledRO mother; Judy Goldncr, secretary;. Judy 1'ollnek, dues treasurer; Judy nrook.sli.-in, bills treasurer, Susie Spoil- and Enid Vender, serjeant-at-arms; Kthcl Salies and Nancy Harding, Youth Council representatives; Naomi Hot honlierg, historian and Linda /Calkin, reporter. Cindy Kline wrote lyrics for mrsic jiresented at the style sbmv «t the recently held Mother's Day Tea.
v w i.
diye into the fashion swim together! The roost tempting niqlit on the beach'this sumincr—a slim you, molded and f la t t e r . e d by JAN'FZEM Ev/imsuif!; in Tycora" . . . so tliere's no •drinking, no slrotdiing . . . only lasting beauty and comlort. Choo;;e nov/ from a '.vide, delightful collection! sportswear—second floor
Births Mr. and Mrs. Milton Simon an* lioimce the birth of a son, .Steven llichnrd, on Mny 15 nt Clarkson hospital. They are also the parents or n daughter, Kathy Ann. (Ji'nndparentri are Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Kohn nf Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. .Louis Simon of Brooklyn, N. y. •l!«:lh Ann is the name chosen by Mi', and Mrs. .Sol Crandell for their daiiRhter, born May J5 at Clarkson hospital. They are also tlio parents of another daughter, Jayne Rochello. (irmulparenls of the inr.mt aitMr, and Mrs. Hubert Feinberg and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Crandell. Maternal ijreat cramlmothcr Js Mrs. •Mas Strikowsky- of Canton, O. (•IIICA(;OA>r IfEADS NKU'SrAVEK A.SSO. New York (WNS) - J a c o b Fishbcln, editor of the Chicago Sentinel, was elected president of (he American Association of KnglisliJew'ish Neivspapers at its 55th annual coiivention here. FOR THE FINEST... IN PHOTOGRAPHY Portraits Weddings
a. " c e n t e r p i e c e " cora/cotton/laton kriit sheath, low bock.'rH/ pink/white. g r a y / w h i t e , ,grrcn/ blue/white, sizes 101G 18.95 b. "velvet touch," tycora / n y l o n / lalon s h e a t h , low V back, black, w h i t e , yellow, blue, sizes 10.16. .16.95
- r ': ': i't
Officer Killed (Continued from P a g e 3.)
A Walk With Mr. Gimmel IJ.V Alfred Si-gul
• I met my friend Gimmel at Kaddish in schul the other evening. I was there in memory of niy father, Jahr/eit! Latei £s we walked homeward together, Mr. Gimmel guve out witl philosophical meditation on the mil meaning of Jahiveit . and the Kaddish as lie understands it.
ABCc ©I Technology for s
shot while accompanying n Jordan patrol searching for Israeli snipers. At Washington, State Department .sources said the American envoys in tho Middle East had been requested to send a full report fin the Tilt. Scopus affray. In London, it was expected that Israel Ambassador Kllahtl Klath would call a) the British Foreign Office tomorrow morning to discuss the Mt. Scopus altack.) Wounded '11 Month* Ago Oil. Flint, a veteran of the Korean war. was badly wounded 22 months a;/o by a mine explosion oil Mt. Scopus. lie had only recently Kii;iicd for his third year with the l.'.N. truce mission hero. According to the Israeli military spokesman, a police patrol Youngster* from many lands learn the elementH of their craft of the regular Mt. Scopus garrison at thn Ort Trade School III Jaffa. Knur years of study will turn came under heavy Jordanian fire tlirm Into highly ftUllhd mechanics. They are part of the 7,000 studirected from tin? woods adjoining dents who are being prepared to Join Israel's skilled luhur force lit the demilitarized zone ns the pa- .such school* In 23 localities throughout the country, Ort In Inrm-l trol passed through the Botanical recelvM Vi1\ funds, through nn agreement with the ,II>(!. Gardens area. The exchange of fire continued for two hours during which two of the policemen Economic Aid Would were wounded. Raise Arab Standards At least four more policemen were wounded in attempts by a Bonn (JTA)—Israel would vreU rescuing force to evacuate them coma extension of foreign ceo> Among those to receive degrees nomic aid to tho Arab countries from the line of fire but the rescue attempt failed as Jordanlnris in commencement exercises at the as a means of raising the social garrisoned In the Augusta Victoria University of Omaha, June 2, will and economic level there, thus d e . Hospital joined In the shooting. bo Louis Goldberg, Justin Stern, creasing political tensions, Dr. F , Cense Fire Spurned Bachelor of Science in Business •Shlnnar. bend of Israel trade misA U.N, call for a cease-firo at Administration; I l n i t l o n I'reil, sion in Germany,-told nn audience 3:.'!0 p. in., local time, was spurned Unchelor of Science In Metalling; of leading German Industrialists. by the Jordanians. It waj then Judith Colin, Fiiyann Hnkolof The West German Government that Col. Flint made his gallant, Wclsa, Bachelor of Science In Edu- recently announced plans for exsingle-handed attempt to reach cation, and Edward llclzer, Hob- tending aid to Middle- East counert Greenbcrg, David I.avine, tries through long-term credits, the wounded man. The United Nations truce au- Bachelor of Arts. Dr, Shlnnnr told the central orthorities finally succeeded in getganization of West German Cham, Mrs. D. S. Finkensteln of Los bers of Commerce, meeting here, ting Jordanian agreement to a cease-fire some six hours after Angeles, is visiting at the home that abatement of tension in tho of Mm. Herman Frnnklln. the first men were wounded. Middle East would lead to ArahIsraeJ understanding. The Israeli diplomat also told the meeting that a German- Israel Jerusalem (JTA)—• Premier Da- commodity exchange would convid Ben Gurion told a United tinue even after expiration of tho States delegation of Orthodox rab- German-Israel reparations agreecorsi.vs ci.in ment. During tho past Iwo years, Mrs. Hen Gershun will ha host- bis that there will be no "religious he reported Israel lmd Imught coercion" In Israel. ess to the Cousins Club at a 12:30 gdfidti from Germany outside t h e . The Premier stated that Israel reparations acrwment, to 1he p. in. luncheon. June i at the RegK could not afford luxury of ilisunit Hotel. value of 120.000.000 marks $.'!0,. and a national debate on religious 000.0001. Of this, payment, was HKTII Kf. DINNKK matters until the population had made by Israel to the extent of CHAIKMICN at least doubled. He deprecated Ralph Nogg and Mrs. Dave the position of many extremists 18,000.000 m a r k s < 54,500,000) Colin are general chairmen of the anil scored them as'"swearers." through citrus ex-ports and the remainder In foreign currency. Beth F.I Synagogue Annual Dinner It is possible, he added, that meeting, Sunday, June 1st, to be there is no place for a swimming held at 0 p. in. "in the Social Hall pool, for mi.xed bathing in Jerus- MASSI"S win; of the Synagogue. alem—an Issue which has exer- IS .IKWISIl New York (WNS » - The wife of Dr. lift Ki.senstein, Rabbi of cised Orthodox Jews in and outAnshe Kmet Synagogue of Chica- side of Israel—but the govern- chluss In IMS. They will be jointly go, will be the guest speaker. ment is not empowered to inter- General Jacque Mas.su, loader of the rightist regime In Algeria, is. Mines. Morton Richards, Floyd vene. a Jewish woman whose maiden Perimeter, Julius Stein, Max Rosname was Rosenberg mid who.se en. Phil Rosenblatt, A. V. Friedmother was a native of New York. man, David Plat.t, Jack Epstein Bluffs Lodge to Hold She WHS an amlmlimce driver with and their Circles No. 4, 13, 14, and the Free French In North Africa 15 of Uelh El Sisterhood will ca- Memorial Day Rites ter the dinner. Irving Cohen Lodge No. 688, during the war against the Nazis, B'nal B'rith of Council Bluffs, will TEMI'I.K ISKAKI. SIKTEIUfOOD conduct a Memorial Day Military tSHMMKIt BOAKD MEETING Service at Oakhill Cemetery in Temple Israel Sisterhood will Council Bluffs, May 30th at 11 have a summer hoard meeting at a. m. with Rabbi David Korb, orHighland Country Club on Tues- ficlatlng. day, June 3. Brunch will he served An address will be made by at noon. Reservations are being Maynard Telpner, president of the taken by the vice-presidents. lodge. Roll call will be by L. H. Ka'telman and Kenneth Sacks will be in charge of the firing Bquad. nitAN'DEIS UN Louis Passer, lodge veteran's TO HAVE UOAHD MEETING The board members of Brandeis chairman, is in charge of arrangeUniversity Women wlU hold a ments. Services will bo held in luncheon board meeting, Monday, B'nai Israel synagogue in case of June 2. nt 12:30 p. m., at the Dun- rain. dee Dell. Call GL flfilfl for reservations.
"It's really a ni<u- thing to be* ~ — --~ remembered that \u*y by one's i n g ()f u,iu;, ,[, nvi ,,|, sUiyli ; ,ij v ( . u Jcids," he began. "If your papa you, his il<- crll'fiUl!, 111 Ihat Mill .•'.Who,-as I recall, has bi-cii gone understand what tin' Kaddish Some five years, could see ami means. You know, Segal, I have . hear you ill schul doiwi liere this big idea as to bow to use Kadevening he must have been proud. dish in its ii'.d meaning, as you By that I do not menu thai lie and I understand it." derived pleasure just from looking Mr, Gimmel gave out with a at you there." laugh . . . "Still it's nothing to "Riyht!" I replied. "Sure I'm laugh at. but. rather <|uitr serious. rot much to look at . . . me at my Maybe . , . and, please.-don't you thus of life. I'm sure lie enjoyed laugh at me Segal, it would be a me much more when I u a s a little great good tiling to open with a Icid and brought home a good re- recital of Kaddish the next big port from school, ns I did occa- summit meeting of the statesmen sionally, or Inter when I found my when they get together to try to first Job." do something . . . maybe to im"Quite right," Mr. Gimmel said. prove this terrible world from "If your papa's soul could look in sliding all the way down to hell. (On this evening's occasion in the Really, it's an awful world that schul, his pleasure doubtless was has to depend so much on the not exactly in you but in observing prospect of wars for its economic Judaism surviving in one of his prosperity. Maybe if by Kaddish descendants in you, that is. they speak to God for peace at what the saying- of Kad- that meeting they may be more the hope that effective than just gabbing aimdish Is air for papa or mama may derive some lessly among themselves . . . May pleasure from discovering Judaism He who maketh peace in His high alive in their children long after place bless us! as the Kaddish 'May His Kingdom come they themselves have died. "Yes, your papa . . . if he was speedily in our day' . . . there . . . could see this evening "That's it." Mr. Segal turned to that the Jewish faith in the One me with a wink in his eye . . . God continues in this son of his "Anyway, Segal, I have an idea. '. . that Jewish life goes on and Let you and I recite Kaddish right $nd on. though so many faithful here and now toward the next big Jews keep dying . . . that the meeting of the statesmen. Let's Voice of Judaism and all that Ju- get that meeting started right." daism means for peace, justice and So, as we went along, Mr. Gimrighteousness still is speaking hi mel and I recited the Kaddish tothe world through Kaddish that gether. It u-as the third time I you and nil those other orphans had recited it that evening . . . in recite. That's the whole good sig- the synagogue, on the street in nificance of the Kaddish." Knglish as I walked beside Mr. Mr. Gimmel went on to say thai Gimmel, and now he and I had my father cared more about the done it together . , . "Yisgadal. Immortality of Judaism than his veyiskadash." own; though many of the orphans, "For peace all over the world," When they say Kaddish think they Mr. Gimmel said, "and for peace in are speaking up to heaven for the universe. Oh, .Segal, tho way favors for their mamas and papas we're disturbing peacu up there Up there . . ." As you know, sending up missiles and satelSegal, there isn't any reference at lites . . . adding to troubles out in •all to dead parpenis in the Kad- the universe as far as the • dish," Mr. Gimmel went on. "It's moon and even farther to Vcous, all exaltation of God Himself and Jupiter, etc. The business of man Of His meaning nJong the ways of is on this world of which be has men." made- an awful botch of so far. I replied: "SUIT, Mr. Gimmel, What business has he on tho moon ; you're right. When I was a boy I when there's so much still to be thought Kaddish was words which done down here?" ihy father spoke to God for the So, in conclusion, I said to Mr. .purpose of getting favors for my Gimmel: "Yes, all In all, it was the dead grandpa on his Jaluvelt . . . bent of Jahiv.eits for my papa, to make sure that he had a com- thanks to your bright intelligence." fortable place in heaven . . . all (Seven Arts Feature Syndicate > that. In fact, that's what a lot of people believe about Kaddish, because they know its English translation only vaguely, or they haven't bothered -at all to get its real meaning." Nineteen children will graduate ~ I began reciting it in English to from Beth El Nursery School Mr. (ilmmel as we WIIIIHMI up that Wednesday, June 4th at 10:30 Street in the coolness of the eve- a. m. ning: "Hallowed he flio name of Diplomas will be given by Rabbi Ood in the world which H« Iia* Ralph DeKoven and a program created according to Ills will. May has been arranged by the followIlls kingdom come speedily, even ing teachers: Mines. Alex Katz, In our days. Prnlftcd he His nunie Short Katskee and Phil Sokoloff. forever and ever, and evaltcil A luncheon will tie served follow* above all expression)! of praise Unit Ing the ceremony. can lie uttered. May jit-nee and Mrs. Barton Greenberg, TiV. life in tho heavenly heights rome 9195 may be called for the fall for UH and all Israel. Slay He who semester registration. Patronize Our Advertisers IiiaUctli peace In IIi» high place bless us and all Israel with peace." Mr. Gimmel patted me on the shoulder . . . "Segal, those are really beautiful words and your father should be pleased this evening of his Jahrzeit to observe how Well you understand them. I'm as Only sure that what he's thinking about on his Jahr/eit is not of himself "Bob" and "Bernle" Or of winning favor because you say Kaddish for him; but rather Can Do It —Call he's glad that the essential mean-
Beth El Nursery Graduating 19
than., May *9, JB58
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