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DeGaulle Message Avows Friendship for Israel I'iii-iii (W.N'.Si Premier Clialies of Premier (io Gaulle's policy. They fli- Gaulle, in ii message acknowl- recalled that wlii'M thp General edging congratulations fur Premier established liis government Hi lor IJavId Ht.'ii (iiirion of Jsrael on liis tilt* liberation in 19-11, his central n s c c n . s l . n M In the premiership, regime was quick to aid Jewish fowled Israel us a "oiunigt'oiiK" refugees emerging from thp mtderIi.'Hinii "with wliirh France has gl'OIIIld, solid Jinks of fricMiiship and shares the same ideals." Confirms Ties 1 landed lo Israeli Ambassador Ya.-icov Tsui' liy IJ r e m i c r de Summoned lo action by their. {iaulle's seeietjiry, Ihc message ;c neral chairman, Robert II. Silver v.a.s a.confirmation nl France' the' Sunday breakfast of th» <.•'<>•.e friendship with tin1 Slate; Men's Division al the Jewish Com* <> Israel. The l!ir>8 Jewish Community muiiity Center, workers swung into The French (iou-nmicnl is to Center Day Camp will open ofo.e: ii a (.'(insular a;:«'i>ry and nil- ficially on .Monday, June Hi, al 0 their phase of the Philanthropies tin.-d center in Kiliit. thus hecoin- a. in, according to Mrs, Leonard campaign. 1 'in : tin" first nalimi to tal-.e such Kulaknsky, day camp chairman. The division will solicit Home n step in Israel's purl on the Gulf ICeserved Camping Area I,(!IM1 cards, Mr. Silver reported. •»' Anaba. Both the Regular Day Camp j Most of them are already in thci .And Si'inlliMii Krnpts ^ and the Pre-Hchuo] Camp will (1. fit r.) diaries Mim.iHee, <fapt ; Mirvin 'I reller, Ctpl ; I'.irl '['lie ugly hi'ail nf aiiti-Kem m, | occupy special camping sites on Siegel, Col.; Ken Klalniiin, I.t., working on card distribution iinilei linnili of workers, always » (.'onroiiilllaiil of unrest jj t h en(iwly developed and improved direction of (Ciibert II. Silver, Men's Division <ieneral Chairman. "Mindful of the tremendous job and revolution, erepl over the; Peony Park. Outdoor ' sunnmiug we have to do", Mr. Silver deFrench scene nI the height of the j will he conducted daily in the clared," we feel every man in tha coiinhy's polilii-iil tension ere (It'll-! modern beach type pool of the community will want to cont.rl» or'I de (iiiullc u a s invested with I Park. During had weal her fliis hute to this campaign. "Omaharul 1 ji,. .•!-. 1 activity will lie transferred |o the have never failed lo heed Ihe call when Ihe lives of their fellowmen YJ.r. anti-Semitic fishermen ill I •'«wisli ('.immunity (.'enter. Pre-Sehoolei's will be picked up hang in the balance, as it does in Tel Aviv (JTAi The Israel For}•' mce's t r o u bl e<! wat<-is were many areas of the world today." cl 'rlly scmi-fasri:,! jiiiilhs associ- Jit the same lime as regular camp- eign Ministry starlcd proceedings ated with the outlawed extremist ers ahd returned home for lunch. with Turkey to obtain release of "We must be prepared for each group Jeune Nation iiiid elements Day Campri's will he picked up the Israel fishing boat, the. "DolJack \V. Miirer, Omaha attor- new emergency that strikes out phin." .'which was detained by a claiming to represent the French at the following points; '('ruler, ney, has been elected first vice- at our people" so that the" home* settlers in Noiih Africa. | Belli 101, Itelh Israel, Temple anil Turkish naval ship while fishing president of the West Central Re- less can 1'iolc forward to restora* T witli two other Israel boats out(,'Jnd and l nderwoud. gional Conference of the Council lion and help. This is only pos« Aided Itefugeis In Mill of Jewish Federations and Wel-sible by generous giving. WelThis development, coupled with ! Children will leave the park ill side Turkish waters. _ t'1 p. in. and returned to the pick A message received al the Haifa fare Funds ;it its meeting held in come the man who calls on you report, of the distribution of anti-j shore station reported that while .SI. I'aul, Minn., from June "lib for your contribution. He. is doSemitic leaflets in the Paris sub- up points aboul 1:.'!() p. m. ing his part. We want to comThe Day Camp which meets the Dolphin, und the "Neveli Vain" to Klh. way, u a s being; viewed with seriousness if not anxiety by Jewish Monday thru Friday (except July and "Schachaf" were fishing offj Mr. Marer formerly held Ihe plete the job without delay." circles here. However, informed lthi provides the children with the Turkish port of Iskandrim, the post of treasurer and is also ii Every man who has attended sources here v. ere (juick to point hot lunches, craft supplies, trips Turkish ship approached at great member of the national hoard of the last two Sunday breakfasts out. that anti-Semitism is no part and n battery of fun-filled camp- speed. The ship, fired several warn- directors. has generously volunteered his ...I ing aclivtiies. Adventure trips arc ing shots and then brought the helj) in accepting cards and sevDuring the Friday, afternoon | planned for children of all ages Dolphin to Iskandrun. Five" fishereral teams have already tackled men were abroad the Dolphin. The conference proceedings, Mr. JUarer their solicitations, reporting favvi was chairman of a session devoted other two Israel boats eluded the to a discussion on "Preparing orable responses, Mr. Silver said. A dall.^ nulritioual afternoon re- Turkish warship. More manpower is needed for Young Men and Women for Leadfreshment snack will be provided The Nachshon Company, owner and special. treats will he given of the boats, said that earlier mes- ership." It was pointed out how larger teams, Im went on to nay CliiciKo (WN.Si The liuieau of lo the campers as parl of the JFrlcommunities have organized and and urged others to offer tliclr Jewish Kniphiyiiionl I'roblenis. in | day afternoon Oneg Shahbot pro- sages from the fishermen indi- the progress they have developed service*. cated clearly that they were fisha report foiiMVl on u two-year aur- gram. to meet the great need for new, Captain named at the meeting ing outside of -Turkish waters and young, informed leadership. Vi-.v, disclosed that husiness firms are Millard Margolin, Sol Parsow, Trained Staff on Hand that, the yield was excellent. Comhere wore still barring Jews and Other officers elected at the Harold Garber, Moi? Kagan, Dr. Additional staff has been hired pany officials recalled that two oilier minority* groups from re- lo supervise and conduct the exmeeting were K. S. Goldberg of Ben Kutler, Ernie Nogg, San* sponsible supervisory mid white panded program, Mrs, KulaKOMicy years ago, Turkish officials de- St. Paul, .president;'diet Litman Pollak, David Richards, Ted Santained two Israel boats, Legal proCn'lar jobs. reported. The staff1 has been se- cedures to obtain their release of Kansas City, Mo., second vice- ford, Sol Littman, Barton GreenOeidiin; with the current tiusi- lected oil a merit nnd qualification lasted nearly 18 months during president, and Harry Filoch, jr., of berg, Dr. Melvin Tetelman, Owen Meyerson, Donald Nogg, Marty Ir ss recession, the report notes basis and has undergone an In- which the captured boats were se- Milwaukee, Wis., treasurer. that wljile its effect has licon to tensive pro-e.ainp training. Among verely damaged while anchored Approximately 100 key federa- Colton, Dave Cooper, Tod Rekely, Klow up tlie hiring of nil people It the many areas covered in the unattended in a Turkish port. The tion leaders were present, repre- Yale Richards, Merle Potash, Irv""particularly affects persons who training s e s s i o n were: skills, company officials said that since senting every major area in the ing Gendler, Saul Graetz, Stuart Muskiii, Ben S h a p i r o , Harold n.c traditionally victim* of clis— theory, ramping, swimming, child then Israel boats have exercised region. Siegel, Alvin Ahramson, Dan Gord« Oriniiiiitlon." behavior, troup dynamics, health special care not to enter Turkish man, Sam Kaplan, Snm Rosen'If :iO,0O0 job oiie)iin;;s wimpled and safety, Jewish content and waters, Rabbinical Council stein, Harold Rubin, Sain Shyken, in 19."iti and 1057 some 20% were methods, This years camp staff Charles Monasee, Paul Grossman, To Be Arbitrators Ciciicd to .lews, ('iitlii)lics and oilier is one of the most qualified and Max Kanner; Abe Miller. Daniel mature groups of leaders to he Miami Beach (WNSi The . i Lintzinan. Max Bre.slow, Homer minority groups. At the same time! assembled as counselors, Mr. Kula Deauville Hotel here and the Hoisky stated. Furber, Murray Borden, Sheldon it was found that 27',« of the kosky tel Employees Union which have Harris, Leo Kraft, Sidney Taren, Schedule nnd fei"< nrn (is folcompanies placing the 'above-menbeen in dispute have accepted the Marvin Treller, Oscar Diamond, liiined job retpirsts were placing lows: Among the Omniums relit Z Weelis- -lnn« 2 7 — ceived degrees at the University offer to arbitrate their longstand- Harry Sichuan, M e l v i n Brown, d' i.'riininaiory impediments tn eming conflict by the Rabbinical Marvin Kaplan, ,lo;1 Lipton, Aba p'o,'inent either on the ground of Fee SJI5.00. of Nebraska commencement ex2nd 3 U'eeli* -30—.Inly 'II ercises in Lincoln hist Saturday Council of America, it was an- Bear, Max Sacks, "David Bleicher. I1.- 'vinii or nationality. As many nounced by Ilabbi Solomon J. (is 1,.")IH) firms in the Chicago arnti —,1'Ve SH5.00. were: Sharfmaii, president of the Counimn I(!-Jiilv 11 u-vi; involved in discriminatory 'Full 1 IVeeli I.arry A. Kpslein, son of Mr. cil. job orders. There wetv indications, —SBO.IIU. and Mrs. Sam Epstein, Bachelor The Rabbinical C o u n c i 1 of Camp Activities hiiAi'ier, thiil nearly half of Ihe The Day Camp program will of Arts; Lawrence It. Schwartz, America was scheduled to hold its s..-c'illed uncoiniiiitte'l firms were son of Mr. and Mrs. .Sam Schwartz, . ucliially praclloiiif; (liscriinilinlion feature such nctivilies as out22nd annual convention al thei in hiring. Of sevivileen s.uiiplini; of-door living, games, songs, musi- Bachelor of Science, both College Deauville'HotcI here on July Hi Tel Aviv (JTAi The Lebanese of Arts and Sciences; Hubert K. firms foimil lo employ Jews in cal ails, arts and crafts - leather when it. was learned that the hotel guerrillas captured by Kr.ieli poexecutive posts, ei^lil were owned and wood working, athletics, camp Krasne, son of Mr. and Mrs, Mil- was involved in a labor dispute. lice and troops crossing from Syria lard Krasne and Alim M. Rosen, by Jew.s, craft, nature crofts, religious acto Lebanon this week-end were son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Kosen, tivities and special instruction in turned over to Ihe Lebanese.auBachelor of Science in Business swimming on the beginning, inthorities, following a meeting of Administration, College of Busitermediate and advanced levels. the Israel-Lebanese MW'd'Arminess; Marshall D,' Becker, son of Only a few openings remain and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Becker and stice Commission. Several of the Paul Veret, Jewish Federation parents are urged to register Sun- Norman Veitzer, son of Mr. nnd 16 guerrillas' were wounded. day, June 15, the last day before Mrs. Nathan Veit/.er, Bachelor of Executive Director, will speak at a Israel authorities brought t o t "ohert Ft'fiilK'i'K, pre/sident of cnnip begins. meeting of the West Omaha Ro1! :• Omaha Pepsi Cola BottlhiK .For'further information call the Ltnvs, College of Law. tary Club Friday noon at the Hill- the meeting samples of amis and (' ><i)p:iny, this wcekj was present- Camp Office JA.'13(i6. Arnold L. Epstein, son 'of Mr. top House. "Israel" will be the ammunition found on the captured Lebanese and other evidence ed on behalf of his firm, one of and Mrs. Harry Kpstein, Bachelor subject of his address. the annual awards uiado ljy the of Music in Kducation; Lesly Klein, Mr, Veret will bo introduced by including depositions of « hat SyriIs'ilioiml ncci'cattun Association First Hebrew School daughter of Mrs. Leonard Klein Rabbi Myer S. Kripke of Beth El an officers had instructed them to do in the way or guerrilla for eoiiti'ibutioiis to Hie rucreatioii and Elaine R. Krantz, daughter Synagogue. To Open in Denmark activities. Present at the session, in." .'inent. of Mr. and Mrs. Abe K r a n t z , Glasgow (JTA)--A Jew, Myer in addition to the iATSoll and Mr. Feiiilwrjr. ututcd tliut the Now Work (WNS)'--The' first Bachelor-of Science in Education, IV i,;i Colu Company hiifi been ac- Hebrew Day School in the history Teachers. College and Franklin .T.. Galpern, was named Queen Eliza- Lebanese delegates, were the .UnittKe in promoting physical fitness of Denmark is .scheduled to open Pepixsr, son of I>r. and Mrs. Morris both's I-ord Lieutenant, for Glas- ed'Nations, chairmen of the Isrnelfor youth an ;iiirt of its education- In Copenhagen this coming Sep- P«PP<?r, Master of Science, Gradu- gow. Mr. Galpern is a member of Lehanese MAC and the IsruelSyrlan MAC. ate College. the Glasgow city council. al program. tember.
Day Camp to Open Mon.
Release of Boat Sought by Israel
Job Bias U n a b a t e d ; ';• 7 ' '»•"»»'!"« O'"»»" ""»y-
In Chicago Area
s Una. of Nebraska
Over lo Lefcsancn
Local Firm Given f ?crecsfion Award
Veretf to Address y on BsraeS
Published Every ITrUlnj1 bj ih& VeHctni'mn of Jet* Mi Sfrxic©
A n n u a l Subiici'tijtlon, 54.yO. A d v u n a i u i j H a l t s UJI Apitilf'alhin. K d l t m f u i o r 'ce—101 IVJ. auin s t r e e t , OrnnJio. Nehr.. JAcfctioii ia«.-o. P r i n t SM i A d d r e s s 4S0S s o ^ntii S u c c t .
Friday, June IX, 1858
amp SwirRming Will BeSupervised by Cross Accredited instructor :
The in;i<i[;iir:i) niceting <.f t h e | Onialia C h a p t e r of Iho City of Swinimine; will b e one of t h e , Cross M\immhi[j hUill test will r e ; Hope, national j m d i c d a n d r efeatured activities a t Camp .-.iy- • e r i \ e n card of uWifri cmeiit «t tlin (search center, will be held VAii '.. ! 17 al 7:,!0 p. in. » l Hie Black- | ( ' - C , t h e F e d e r a t i o n sponsored clow of Hie earn[> ]ieriiiil. |cani]) f o r boys a n d jjirls il.\ to 'i\w onmp swiminiii]; po'jl p r o | stone hute] with Jjwin l i e l t o n of I fourteen y e a r s of i.ijc, opening | , j , | . f ,.sh. clear iviilor purifierl b y f s
IJbC Aids 12,000 JJews in Poland
July ] 7 . ' ., l-Hjje and modern filtration s y s M a r s h a l l J.ienenbei'K. Hed Cross ; leni. The v.ater is checked rcKuInr| accredited I n s t r u c t o r a n d mplin- ly by Ihe H e a l t h D e p a r t m e n t a m i | more medical school student, scrv- the pool h a s always received t h e • ine bis third season at Ihe r a m p , hii;bes( ratini;s. It lias been freshly painted and a new diving boai'd supervise camp swimming. KXCT.V camper will r c c c h e swim- i installed for t h e use of c a m p Instruction a n d special nt- j '•w-iinmers. | li'iitlon will lie nffereil tu liiilb t h e Yo'.iii:" Iri : m a y still be enrolled i lifKinnrr and tliose liiteresled In ! for t h e c a m p program by m a i l aiKanei'cl life savinj; a c t h i t v . '.registration u i l h the (Jamp Ofl'ieu IliuhliKhts of the program for at the Jewish Community C e n t e r the l!l.i,S season include a lai ;;e , w h e i e additional information i s compeient teai'hiiif: slnlf tn j i v e available. Only a few o p e n i n g , for every c unper a n upportunity to j each of t h e t u n . two week sessions impiove his ai|iiatic skill-, t w o remain, swim .sessions a day one i n s l i u c -
Xcvv York 'i.lTAi A total of! 12.H.S2 Jewish men, v.ninrii a n d ; children in Poland are reeeivin-.;! social welfare assistance i b i s ! month from Hie Joint Distribution J Committee, it was reported here [ by Ch.ule.s II. Jordan, .IDC d i r e c - ; " tor-general l o r overseas o p e r a - ; CaiHllili^litinu—"::iS p. in. j lions. He told a meeting ul t h e ; • 'TEMPLE ISKAEI. 1 Services will IK- held this Fri- .IDC executive committee that t h e ! , total number assisted m the s i \ ; day ut Temple Israel in the Temi months since the renewal of the ple Chapel at 7::H) p. in. Rabbi i .IDC program in 1' was well Sidney II. Brooks will preach a | over 15.1 «')<>, Kt'nnonette. . "Not included in the VJ.iind fi;;. tire a r e new ly~arnve,| families i c BKTIf. KL ; p a l l i a t e d frnni Russia who re special diviir; and life savin.; i n X I I C){£',rar<: : Sabbath evening services at ieeivnl cash g r a n t s earlier ibis slruction and a small c a i l course «-• C t l ^ 1 I H . C n Beth 'Kl Syna'jjiiKiic ' will. be held | year, nor t h e individual artisans for the adv auced. tonight at-.7 p. m. ! T h e Jewish Youir,: Adults will ! and Kroups who received loans to I'.acli c a i l l f i e r p a s s i n g file Keil Sabbath morning services will j enable l.liem to purchase invded e l e c t ofliccis for th mini; fa* '''begin at '.1:30 a. in, Till; Mincha i supplies a n d equipment," he said. I months at a c.athi rinc nt the ln-nm i ul' 1'Yed Marcus, Ijiday, June l.'ilh Seniee w-Hl be»iij at •.•'7;'S0 p. m. "The s i / e our program has a l Jrivln Ilirtun | »t II p. in., it wiif. iinnoiuieed by '.-, Daily services dtirh)'.; the week j tained in t h e first si-, nionths of are held at 7 a: m i i n d 7 p. m. The J j Lowell Haumer, president. ev iilrnre of the e.real Los Angeles, organization \'icr1 Siinuayjni»rning service is held at I! need °iwali,,n A party followini; the election thai existed for special .serv- prc.-idenl. as ^ucst spe.dier. | New Yoik lYVNSi The Jewish , 8 i . n t ! ''-.., : ;. •.'•.••'• . ... ; • honor the retiring and incor;ices that t h e I'olMi novenini'-nt Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scliran(T an- ' I . a l i o r C o m i n i t t e e . i n a l e t t e r t o:vvill . " " ' ''".'.' ' ,'.',''""'' '"'•' " " ' ! . ' , was not in a position to ni"et uii- servini; as temporary chairmen of . , ., . . : i n ; ; o f f i c e r s a n d M r . .Hid M r s . U :! B'NAI JACOK-AOAS j aided." Mr., J o r d a n : reported. "Al- the or^ani/.int; ^roup. Other niem- I t h e A n i c c a n A u t o m o b i l e A ; s o n ; , : ; l i ; i m A 1 ) | , . n , ; ( , ; , „ , , „ „ , . „ „ . , „ , „ . „ , VE^HI'IJOX the o.v.mi/anon t o , j f | h | , (.|(|(i ^ ^ v (,|(, | ( i . | m ( i | d e s i " , n e d l a r g e l y t o M T . C ; bi'i-s of t h e t e m j i o r a i y coiiini:Ili'<- ! l i o n , wv'-'l Services at. TV'nai'• Jacob-Adas I'!"' r e p a t r i a t e s from l!us:ia. the • a r e . Mines, and Miv;srs. l l y m a n w j t l n i r . i w o r v.'ithiHJId » l s r c o i n - 1 , o Yeslniron will liegin Friday at 7:15 ! program also helps t h e sick, the ; Kerer, 1. B. Zic|;man. . I w p h / . w - i - ' m e n d a i i o n ( r n m a n y h o t e l , m o t e l , „ • ; ' ^ , ,,f . , , , , , „ „ , . AI)1.,M|Mllli j>. m. and .Saturday morning at a(4Cil and Ihe handicapiied persons \ back. Ilymau Helm n. Harold I " ; : ' ' ' " " ' " " . ' " : " : ' ic"y- ' ; ' " ; ' 1 ' " P a u l i n e S t o n e , i s a p a s t v i c c p r c s - i ; ieh;;l,M,s disc, jnimal Ion. (1 ,,, |( ( ) f | h ( . o i r a l | i / . . t l i , ( 1 , . O l h ( . , . , l f . 8:30 n. in .with Mineha at 7::«) ainoiu; the settled [i.i]>iil.ili.ui." I'Cherniak. Mas: Caipar mil Dr. andi The J e w e l , cruiili .lemanded that f i ( , . r s „ , , , ,S ( . n .,. ( | , | u | . i n ,. ; , h ( , p . , s t,. followed by Shalosh S'endos. J l e p a l r i / i t e s conliuue to r e t u r n .Mrs. Daniel .Miller, Will such places be removed from ,s j . ,111( ,,,,|,,. ; , n , A r n , , M \ V i,,er, v i e jjaily services • 6:30 a, in. and 7:'M) from Russia. Mr. J o r d a n stated, ; • • j the AAA ilnei.-tory "unU-s they president; Carol .Spertor. sec. e . p . i n . , . :'. ' • . ' • . ; . . • ' ' and flurinc Ihe past month 511 ple.lre to c,tei,d c m a l Ircalinent , Utyv .„„, ,;.,;, .Spoc-Ior, treasurec. families, numbering l.tiOO people. lo all." • ;. " . . . . . 1 'BKT!I*ISI(AI-X:' recei\'nd one-tiinr gr ints to estah: Ser\ : iees this evening l:'.'>0 p. in.lish ' tliemsclws in B l r i i r D r . I ' l i l l l p their jiew . i a t BeTli Israel SynaK'iywe. Late homes. In addition, I l l r A I ' d l>> ll,, LT)1 n e w so- i Id • Kriday evening services v.'ill be re- cial v. elfaiv ea.-ies. RADIO & TV SERVICE represent in;; • sumed in tin; fall! Saturday mornTV CAR RADIO The I'.IKCR CIlOl.lM IIIIM-IK'-CIM , A jiioiiuincnt \v\\\ 1M1 (ifdicaU'd 750 persons, were i-e^ist<>r'":d. ing services bej;in at HA'i a, in. RADIO PHONOGRAPH Assistance to tiie 12.0X2 listed was; attended by several of our to iho moiMoi-y of Mrs. .Snjjhi;i •Thd Junioi" ('on^re^ation at 10 PAUL GOLD0ER& residents on June nth. on the Polish .IDC rolls for May M.'ind'-ll Sunday. June "15, a t 11 c. m, Rabbi lienj.'iniin (ironer v.ill 432S Ho. 54th St. PL 8598 A Special Kiddir.h was j;iven by ;t. in. al Hrtli Ua.'ii'drosl) llJi^odol included one-time grants for ne\'.p conduct the Sal unlay T a l m u d arri\a!s. monthly grants 'to theA. Kislier on Salurilay. rctiK'toiy. Officiating will In1 Ilahclass a t 7:1.") p. in. S a t u r d a y physically lianiliea|iped. care of the Tiiis week's flowers were dou- Iti nenjamin Cnmor am! C.tninr Mineha, follmvcd by S h a 1 o s h a/,ed in tiieir own homes and in : , t ied bv Ir. and Mrs. Sam Halm Kli Ka^an of lU;Ih Isi'a<-1 SynaS'eudos and Maaru' b' ^itis at 7:i"> institiilions, medical care, monthly '• in honor of the Bar Mit/.vah of: p. in. rants to needy .students, child- Iheir sou, Howard !•'. llahn. KrifinJs and rolnlives arc in\ itI RUG & UPHOLSTERY The Sunday mornini; lilcakfa^t Frr-diii,; ph,;;rnuH in 12 eil'ies ami cd to aiicnd. Rabbinical .Sehi'dule for J u n e : ; minyoli and Bible class In CLEANERS " ' ; \ocation;d t r a i n i n g programs. June Hid: Rabbi J S e n j a m i n j 0) • 8:45 a. m.: Siimlay niomin). ' .IDC has also made special i;rants Groner. Patrniii/0 O u r Advertisers Congri'ijation. %A~t a. in. Daily for the restoration of ruined or June l l t h : Rabbi Alex Katz. ; morninj; services, 7 a. ni. and ni'i;lt'cled .Jewish cemeteries ami June HH'n: Rabbi Sidney Brooks.! •7:50 p. in. for the o h s e n a n c e of Jewish holiJulie LMUi: Rabbi David Korb. i The last Talmud Torah session : days, and has set up medical IIJII'ATIIKKS' DAV I'KOCiltAM: \ of the season will take place on ! ply eeniers in three cities. Cleaned In Your Homel A program and refreshments! Thursday. June 1 Utli. Applications i Mr. Jordan called special a t Blnd'tnt) • laying • Repairing will be j.'iven Ibis Sunday, .Tune j fcoin new Talmud Torali and Sun-j lent ion t(> the vocational Irainin;: :day School students a r e now b'^n;:! program operated |,y ( J i n 1 witii iriili. at '1 p . / m. bythe Kadimah j Don Bernstein HA 2554 Scb (Subby) Pulverento Women l o j accept .•pled. | the financial participation of JDC. ' < ' l ; ; i J ) l '' r ','[ .}'*'""?} elebiate Fathers Day a t The Dr. "The OUT courses are now oper25 Years' Experience 1 ating in M cities and are tcfich- Philip She,- .lewish Home F o r With Jewish The Ai;ed. ; in;.; tiadcs to l.'JII adults in Lettering and Memorials schools and l.i.> l.V> in established facscliools fac- j OI"I' OF TOWN' VISITORS: :• • j lories, plus '..'21 minors in schnok," I Anmiy the many visitors at the •'• M r . and -Mrs. Frank Kellwry' ' " ' said. "In addition to payhu; for: home Ibis week, were Sefl of 2211 So. 8th AT 2452 ftiinounee the birth of n (iau::hler,, Hie instruction, we mal:e niontlily' Denver, Colo.; Mis. r i i . i r T e s r Helen Uail. Jnni' . ) at Clarl.sou | w a u l s lo students who am heads j Nichols of San Fernando Valley, hospital. They also have a son. I"'' families, so Hint they can iifkf [ California; Dave Crounse and Mr. J-arry. " ! care of their wives and children. • and Mrs. Harry Croun.'ie of Los Mrs. Anna Kelheri: and Mrs.. In addilion we are linanein;; kin•! Anglos. Cal.. Mrs. Nathan SterlUlillip Snks, an- t-'iaiidmotliers of • deri;arlen programs ill two cilies, i in;; of Sioux Cily. la.; Mr. and Ihe baby. I Wroclaw a n d Legnica, lu take I Mrs. .lalic Chcsen of Lincoln, Neb. . .. . . ; care of the children of mothers Mr. and Mrs. Milton Nearenbr-r:;: who a r e i-nrolled in the OUT \ o have returned from an ICasTt-rn i eationar eonrses." tfbtrcut trip with new s of a new grandson,! _ _ . ^ : '._' All friends anil relatives tirtt K> an tiucm : Marls Lewis who was born to theirj Y O U i l l G O U E l C l ! I © Invited ID utfenil ticrviees uurt ton and dau;;hler-in-law, Dr. and | , Mrs. Sidni-y "Ncarenbei'K. Atiril 1'H ; JOHN <;ICI:I;NIII:K<;K!I in C;ien Cove, N. V. The latter are j also parents of a dauiihler Debbie 1 _ The fust meeiinj.; ,,f t | 1 ( . i;c>K-j .lolm CIrefnberj;er, son of Mr. 817 So. 36th HA 1044 Youth Council will be heldj and Mrs. Hernard (;reenl)er«cj' of
:;;:;;:,;;;;;; ;;;:,r;:w:,r^r;:i:; Young Adui+s to
AAA Urged to Omit Discriminatory Hotels
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Malpen, I W " • ; l l l o s < l i '- v : -''"'e •» ^ ~-\'-, p. m. , Crand Wand, will observe bis liar of Glen Cove ar- 'maternal "rand- i "I ib° J " u l s h ^'"»'"""'*y Center.; Mil/vah Saturday iii..r»in« at ••narenls ' \ ' '''•I 1 "-; s t ''"' l l ^«. commillee j Hell, Kl Syna!;oj;ue. ,,,..'• . . . , . , . . , ' ! ehainnen and prosjieelive commit-' Patroni/.c Our AiKertisera While m New W k <!»• <)ina : ; t ( . P members are lln -ed lo attend J.ans visited other relatives and, . _:.. ' .. . attended the Bar Milzvah of :, .nephew. Announcement has been received of the birth of a daughter, Debra Belli, to Mr. and Mrs. Brad Harold Marer of Miami Reach, Fin., on June 7. . Grandparent.1; are Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hnnvin of.M ; ami Beach and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marer ol ipmaha. Mr. mid Mrs. Max Hor>vi(z of Beverly Hills, Cal. are maternal great grandparents.' Mr, Marer, a former Omahan, is Bssociated with television station. .WHAT in Palm Beach, Fla. i
Patronize Our Advertisers
4415 CUMING Complete Selection of
That's all the additional cost to tho typical taxpayer . . . . for B package of $68,000,000 in much ncodcd improvements
iE&TS, HEUCSATESSB! MB POULTRY for the Finest Summer Eating Coil Wednesday for Thursday Delivery
Kosher Meat Market and Delicatessen WA 5554
Pbn Ss the Biggest
insuring more business, jobs And prosperity.
Friday, June IS, 1858
Rites Performed in Garden Of Parent's Country Home
Tat,* Three
Omaha Students To Tour Europe
Californians Will Be Guests at Open House
An open house will be held Sun.The (linaha C h a p t e r of the A number of vomit; Omaha day from 2 p. in. to (i p. in. at. the Now (m .1 New York wcddin;; l>r;isk;i City; Mr. find Mrs. M. \V. lirand'is U n i ve r.s i I y Women's women will spend their .summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry 1). 1 trip ii i> .Mr. ;in<l .Mr. -, Charle.'ii Iseman and (liiu;;litrr, 'J'onl, Krc- C o n i n i i t l e e will hold its final Marks for their daughter, Mrs. vacations louriiif; I.'urope. J):;viil Feeblei jr., who ^vel•(! nun- inonl. luncheon nitetinjj of the season Paul (iainor of Simla Barbara, Anion;; the first to leave Ilie rii'd June Y2 in a garden ccreCal., and Ihe laller's mother-inIllinois nursts were Mr. and Wednesday, Jinie 18, J2:45 p. in. 1 country is Miss Susan Lipp, d;iu:,'hniony fit Copper Hollow, the rnun- Mis:. Nathan J !. Jocobs, (llencoe; at the Highland West. Club, with law, Mis. lien (Jainor of Los An1ry home nl .Mr. and .Mrs. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Alan .Jacobs, Hijch- .Mis, Hcrnhardl Wolf, presidenl, ler of Mi-, and Mrs. Louis L'. Lipp fteles, Cal., who arrived in Omaha and a junior at the University of Jacobs, parents of the bride, the Irmd I'ark; .Mr. and Mrs. Homer presiding at the business session. Monday. former Miss Susie Jacobs. Mr. Jienlielt, C'lliraj'.o. The program will feature; the Illinois, Champaicn, who is a memWith Mrs. I'iiul Cainor arc-her ber of a party flying; from New IVobler is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jacobs Viennese slrinc trio under the dichildren, Cathy Dee, Julio Ami Clvules l)a\id IVebler. reclioji of Myron Cohen. Reserva- York City Ihis eomiii),' 'luesilay. came from Lus An;;eles, Cal. and Douglas Allen. The Califortions may be made by calling Airs. I .Sailing from Montreal, Can., on nians are a l s o visilinj;. Mrs. 'i In- weildini; brou::hl a l,ii|;e Charles Kosi'iislock, \\'A. ."."ilili. •lime 20 are Miss Kllcn (Jrcenljerj,'. Oaiiior's brother and sister-in-law, conlin;:enl of out-of-town |;uests d;iui;hter of Dr. and .Mrs. .Maynard Mr. and Mrs. Norton Marks. to Omaha. Coinin:; from Kansas M. Creenber;;; Miss M.-irei.-i KruCity, .\Io., were Mr. anil Mis. Abe .MI/KACIII JacolH, Mrs. Harry Miller, .Mr. and ~ * T7nrYtil\l The last lneelinE,' of Hie season i pinsky, daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. u t x Mrs. Joseph Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Utility of the Omaha Chapter Mizrachij M. M. Krupinsky, and .Miss Mar- IXIOCTIOI) S t a n l e y (Irani anrlMrs. Mdna I Womi^'ii will be preceded by a des- j ne Swarlz, daughter of Mr. and i Mr. and Mis. Harry J. Freed I .sert luncheon at 1 p. in., Wcdnes- | Mrs. Robert Swarlz. All UniVerMillard Margolin will serve as (loldber^, .Mrs. (irant \^'a< matron lime announced the cn;;a;;eiuenl j day, June IKIh at the Jewish Com | sily sl.udeiils, they will return the second vice-president, of Henry of honor. ' latter part, of August. Monsky Lod^e No. ,'!f)4, B'n.'U :iA\ans included JJanl l''iiiiM'y jr.. of their daughter, .Miss M».\ine j nninity Cenli.'r. 1 IJ'rilli. Janet and Martin Lesser, sou of j v.hii si'i'ved as best man, and .Mr. and .Mrs. S a m u e l Lesser, j A rejioi'l on trees planted durin;: 1 Miss .loan AbralKiins, daii;;hler the past tun months will be i;i\en. ' of Mr. and Mrs. Milton I!. AbraMr. and Mrs. Dan Coodwiii. all of Mitchell, S. I). ; I'.'leetion of officers will be held. Patronize Our Advertisers hams and a senior at NorthwestJies Moines, and John Techier, ern I'niversily, L'vanslon. 111., will The betrothal was revealed at j . Jj.'iveiiporf. join a parly composed of members IIOr.lDAV I)AN('IN(; <'M'I» ."Nfbra.slwin.s were Mi", and Mrs. a family d i n n e r r.ivcn by I he! of her sororily. Alpha F.psilnn I'hi, bride's parents recently at 1 1 if' DA.NCIO, .IVSI-: inn .Toiin Kobiiison, Norfolk; .Mines. who sail IVoin Quebec, Can' June Fireside Restaurant. "Fa t he i s Day" will be the Jtobcrt Cohen and Mike Cold, .\VMiss I''reed allend"d the T!ni-: theme of the dance to he j.n'ven of Fine Arts Miss Lorn Franklin, a junior at versity of Nebraska where she: by the Holiday Uanciiu; Club SatIs the Place to Find was affiliated with Simula Delta urday, June 1-1, at the Chieftain j I he University of California ,-,t Tail Sorority, and I lie I'ni\ cr.sily \ Hotel in Council Bluffs. Hour,'- Berkeley, is speudjn;; ten days ill of Omaha. ! will lie from !!:'!() p. m. to t a. in. home with her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Morris M. Franklin, before lli'V fi.'inee is a uraduate of the Co-chairmen for the event are Mr k'oin;; to New York City where she Colorado School of Mine:; at Cold- and Mrs. Arnold Ho.seman and Mr, will sail for Israel on June 25. and .Mrs. Sol Kuller. The annual lielli Israel i;railu- en His afliliatious include Beta for Weddings and .'ill),' three and a half weeks (ilitin eeremoilies will be held Afon All Special Occasions KAIMMAII TO KXTKRTAIN AT thi'i'e, she will lour western Kucl.iy, June' Kilh, at S:,'i(J p. 111. in ro|ie. Original 1'iclures int. IMIiMi' SUI:K IIOMI; 1lie .syn:ifj;o<;iM'.' Coraniics — Jewcli'y ; Thi' Kadim.ili Chapter of Pio1 'Kollmvinr; arc iifiincd flic 17 neer Women will entertain the Prices from .f1 on up ^•ni'irs to bo graduated and then residents of the Dr. Philip Slier j DIAMONDS 1 224 So. 41tr CA 1666 IT . .t'i'ti\c parents. i Jewish Home for the Af,"' ', Sun-: HOURS: 1 P.M. to 4 P.M. For tlio Most DPIJCIOUI I I.irry Frirdinan. Mr. anil Mrs day, June 15. j * * Tucs. thru Saf. Ground Beef in Tov/n .Pavid Frii'diiian; llouard Iliilin. The Carolyn Ka{;nn danciiii,' stu-1 Marion Slosburg IMr, mid Mrs. Sam Malm; Konald j dents will iircsenl several son^s | 4415 Cuming WA 5554 Tham Friedman Kainian, Mr. and Mrs. .lark K'ai | and dance' routines. j man; Kusscll Kaplan. Mr. and , .Mrs-. Sam Kpslcin will lie in 'Jlr.s. Natlnin Kaplim; Susan Katz eiiarce of the' affair, 111:111, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice KatzHK.IILAM) STAi; jnan; Jfflin Knt/, Mr. ami Mrs "Henry Willinnis Day" will l>e jMarshall ly;>t/; iS.-ury Kricsfeld, celebrated Tuesday, June 24, beMr. nnd Mrs. Joseph Kricsfeld, (jinnine; at 10 a.»m. at. the High}!ill Knller, .Mr. and .Mrs. Morris land Country Club. The Club will Knller; flarold l.euis, Mr. and have a South Pacific Luau Satur-' Airs. Harry I.euis; Sol Marcus, day eveninj,', June L'H. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Marcus; dary Aliilnick. Mr. and Mrs. BPM JVFilliiIck; Sandra Nearpiibci;;, Mr. si ml iUrs. Milton Noni'onliei'K: l'.arliarn rarilinan, Mr. and Mrs. I n ' ing Pni'ilmnn; Kva Sand, Mr. and That's all the additional cost to the typicaltaxpayer . . . for Mrs. Alex S;IIHI; Mii'hnel Sherman Mr. mid Mrs. Slicrman; Jack a package of $68,000,000 in much needed improvements . ' . . .Stoinnian, Mr. nnd Mrs. Solomon Mils Miiilnc Frodt insuring more business, jobs and prosperity. •Sti'iiiman, and liiidy Sloiic, Mi Jiiitl Mrs. Sam Stone. jTlielii I'i fralernily and Si^ma ! (iamiiifi F.psilou, geological honorIrving Stern is the teacher of ary. Ilif senior class. Oul-of-limn K'H'Kls at the dinner All members of the families and friends'fire invited to atlend the- uere Mrs. Sam Lesser and Mike Lesser of Milcbel/, S. IX; Mr. and ^'initiation exercises. Mrs. Larry Kr.'iiis of Van Nuys, Cal. and Mrs. Sophia Katskee of Chicago, 111. . . The couple plans a December ucddini;. 7830 Dodge TE3207 Harold Farhcr u.'i.s elected presFancy Foods in Beverly ident, of Temple Israel t.'ont;ref;iition lit. a dinner mcc.-liiiK Tuesday and Delicatessen Hills Plena evening nt tin- Temple, lie previously served as vice-president, and mi:-ends A. ][. Ilroilkey. Oilier posts wore filled by La/.ar Mrs. .Jack Bolnionl has relui'iied Kaplan, vicc-prcsiilrnt; Millard from Los Angeles, Cal,, when." she; Rosenberg, sneretfuy, and Lloyd attended the m a r r i a g e of her )J.'ii!{, IreaMirer. brother, Sam Sliraco, a former >''<>ur new Ijonrd inembcrs named Omahan, to Mrs, Doris Shcirier AVI'I.V Warner Fi'olnnan, Alfred of Los Angeles on June 1 in the M'iiyer, Leslie DiU'is and Stanley latter city. SIosliurR. They fill ilie vactuicics Mrs. ftelmonl was iicconipanieil created by the expiration of Iho on thi' trip by her. mother, Mrs. terms of llichard Ililler, Itichard I Max Shra^o who .will remain in I'.'insteiii, Millard Itosenberi; mid California until the end of the J.I'ilierl Summer. month. The dinner was held in honor of M/. llrodltey who wa.s presented a scroll of honur by Milton I.lviii];sto'i, a [i.' presidenl. 'i'rilinlo idso was paid to teacher.; of I hi; religious school in a talk by Jack Marcr. Annual reports AT 0686 1437 So. 13th St. were presented by Mr. Brodkey Sandwich Bar Deluxe Famous Fancy, nnd Itnlibi Sidney II. Brooks. Complete Line of Gourmet Foods COME IN ON SUNDAY AND TAKE ADVANTAGE Complete Liquor Delicatessen and Portugal Makes Trade and Wine Depr. Bakery OF OUR QUALITY MEATS AT LOW PRICES
Engagement Told
Martham Gallery
Beth Israel Graduation
Ihe Omahca PEcsn Is file in
Officers Becved At Temple Dinner
Ex-Omahan Is Wed
Pact With Israel
.Jerusalem (,!TA I • • The first trader acrccineiil between Israel .-i i nl Portugal J i.-1 H entered Into efr'cct. Israel will purchase from l'rn'lii|;,'i| limlier, cork, coffee, liiilis, wool and fish and will sell phosphates, eheniieals, refrigerators, automobiles and irrigation Palroni/c Our Advertisci'a
SUMMER DELIGHT PICKLED BRISKETS Lb. 89c PICKLED TONGUES Lb. 65c "Once You Try "Em — You'll Always Buy "Em!" BEST GROUND BEEF .< Shop and Save at Shuherts
.Lb. 59c
Featuring the World's Finest Delicatessens
NOW OPEN MOH. thru SAT. From 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. Closed on Sundays
Friday, .Tun. JJ,
Israel's Greatest Treasures By Dr. Alfred W e r n e r (l>r. Werner i» a noteU critic and a r t historian)
Omahans In the News
He-elects ©r .
Kargi), N. !>• UTAi Hershel Sol I. I.lttman, Plains States Lashkowitz iias been re-elected Regional director of th» Anti-! mayor and is the youngest perDefamation Leaijtia, 1ms eontri-j son to serve in that oflice" in Karbuted a chapter to the recently j go. Mo won bin second term by published book, "Case Histories j Hie laryesi tnajoiity in the history in C o in m u n i t y Organization" of Faij;o mayoralty campaigns edited by Dr. Murray G. Ross. against an opponent who was the? Tile chapter written by the Oma- vice-consul of Norway. Karf;o'» li.'in d e s c r i b e s 11m efforts by! comiminity of ."id.bbO is prednincitizens to establish a eouimiin- { jn;intl N')iwei|;iiin and has only
If vou plan lo visit Israel in thu coming moths, and if you aro e a ^ e r to meet Mime of its artists, stop at Tel Aviv Kassit, a rate near Di/eiigoif Squaie. In Jerusalem, an artists' club, witli regu l a r group shmys, is near the Kin;; David Hotel and within sidit of tin; walla of the ancient city. Not fur from Haifa, you v.ill liml Kin Hod. a settlement composed exclusively of artists and their families who had taken over. restored and embellished un abandoned Arab village. An older settlement, the ''Paintbrush Boulevard" at Si fad in Callilee, WHS started immediately after the war of Liberation, wlfen the Government i r u l e d a number of's, deserted by their Arab owners, to artists at a very low r a t e . But you will find artists . . . all over the country, even in irnnlier one can ;'et a survey of all the porary art. In Jerusalem, the Uecolonies where everyone is c\pecl- major aeeonipli.shinents of a i t in zalel School has ojiened un Acad- l i l y center in » section of n small I.'.") Jewish faniilie ed to be as handy with a ••"" a> h'1 K i e l / Israel, from the works ol emy of Fine Arts; whereas the I Midwestern eotiimunily. i •ininht be at the .steering wheel of some of the pathfinders no Iniij'.er school has concentrated on tin .IKWISII SCHOOL Mil.I. OI'i:N a tractor. Alto/ether, the Israeli arr.v lleiirr h;o relumed | . - | K S T TIM 10 SINCi; liCIH nmonk' the living Isueh as the graphic arts and crafts that would from artist lives dillei-enlly Him hi> Angeles; ('ill, ensure a livelihood for its j;r;tduVienna 1WNS1 The Vienna confrere at the Cafe ilu Dome in painter Menahem Shemi and the ate:,, the Academ>* will now pros c u I p t o r /.eev llen-Zvii lo the Paris or the Cedar l'.ar in New Jewish Community's elementary vide instruction in painting and York. He. loo. loves to discuss achievements ot those who only sculptinc as well. "The innovaJewish schools will open this fall events in the world of art, and he. recently have received tiieii dip- tion." the Israel Weekly nicest for the first time since the Anstoo, may be a bit le:-s conservative lomas. editorializes "seems to indicate a ( \ I . or.Ni;isK.\sK.\ MOOT chluss in 1!i.'!H, they will he jointly 1 in the Way Iv lives, ilnv-s'-s and Museum' * ("nlfcrtinn belief that times ha\e changed ( Ol KT (OMCIJIiriON TKA.M ' sponsored by the Coinmuniiy talks than the average riti/eu. Si'^nilie.uitly. 1hts museum ild;e and that today there are oppor(me of the three members of Utlt h e has. on the whole, less lime the much older He/alel in Jeiu.-a- tunities lor artists and painters in the l.'jilversiiy of Nebraska's na- .Council, the Jewish Aecucy and to spare tiian his couiiierpn I in lenii ahvavs relused lo narrow its Israel." tional Moot Court competition ; the .liiini Dislribulion Committee. richer, more developed sections of seope by jiu^'oislir considerations team is Richard M. Kelhnan, son t h e world. Very wisely, the Gov- While the museum displays a e.ood Israel'N A1 tl to Artists of Dr. and Mrs. Loon K. KellniMii. ' '1'el Aviv-Jaffa, the largest city ernment has "regimented" perhaps collection ol works by Jewish ni It also seems as if Israel were The leam will represent Nebraska in Israel has about one-tilth of as many as 'Jfi per cent of the lists fro n the early d< c ••.<•* of fully aware of the treasures its in the regional competition in St. . Israel's total population; the city's artists, employing them as tearh- the la-t century to the HOu's il '"artists p r o d u c e throuj'.h never- Louis, Mo., in November. j population bcin:.; .'i.'V.i.Ow). ers in all kinds of schools, fimn also ev;erlv ^ ;i I h e r ,s whaiever ceriMn^, indefatigable labor, and k i n d e r g a r t e n to college le\el. Many works by the m a s t e r s of all na- of the value each individual artist .MINNKSOT.-V.S OltllDIi o r jSlar and the Order of Ski I' Mali. lepi'i'sents for the country. Israel <;orm:ii TOMKM.AII.V SI:MOK : Mr. and.Mrs. M. M. Joffe. parof them aro itinerant instructors. tious it can obtain trom ilom traveling to kibbulzini where the from lieirless properly (some of helps them to eain livelihoods by i Harbara Jofle, education senior ents of Miss Joffe, will attend artistically jjifted vomit; settler i- Km ope's greatest art collorlors (jivim; them jobs, "by awanlini; j at the I'niver.sity of Minnesota, has their daughter's ej-adutioii, June allowed anil even encouraged In perished, alonu with their families, prizes. Their works are sent to been awarded the Order of the II at the University. ' d u ' ' ' e his tune h' • ' en pr-ii-i!••••! in the ovens ol Auschwitz and Venice. San I'aulo, Tokyo, to com-| ^ . , r for contributions and servMiss J ii f I e e has accepted n work and such activities as distill Daehaut. In a show, "Hecent Ac- pete with the fruits ol oilier civil- • ' . . . . ,. , •• • "• the t'nlversitv. She also re- teachini; post in u Minneapolis his relictions t o life.'tlM'oii'.;li the quisitions.'' held only three years i/ations in major en lur.i con tests. • . ., ,, , " , , ., , . ' . , , ceived the Order of the JSorl i suburban school. plastic expression ol "si;:nilieanl" .v:o. the museum could proudly Hut do we. as American Jews, as 1
display works by Canalelto, C'oti.-.table, Hoppncr, Klec, Kokoschka. y,ioui>ts. as art lovers, contribute! Aesthetic Values our share to the steady developIt is astoni.shine and, of course. .Martinet, Morandi, Repin, liodin. ment o| Israels art? The answer, most exciting to see the extent In Sehiele, Teniel'S and Tollloiise- too often, is "No!" I'erhaps the whtrh a small and unilerprivilee.ed I.;mtrec. to name a lew. sume ol first slep;1o be taken in the rililit state, surrounded by enemies, ree. them ';iit;;<if the artisK. others ae. direction should consist of cclo;yii/es the enormous importance <iuired with the assiMtaiiee of the tini; aer|uainle/| with this wealth for I;:r;ii'| Instituof aesthetic values for the wellare American Fund that can be shared by all. Those 1 of its two. million citizens. Any tions" or tin "I-'riends'ot the Art who ranuo! [jo to Israel can, at educated Israeli would find hope- Museums of Israel' in London. any event, avail theniM-lves of nuArtists Devniil uf I'rej.nliie . lessly inadequate the textbook merous illustrated books and art 1 Just ;i> there is nothiii .' jiarodefinition of painting as "the art albums, and ot the handsome Ischial or jd'ovineial about the muof imitating solid object* upon a rael Ail Calendar issued by the seums of Israel, the country's ar• flat surface by means of pi;:Karen Ha\ es.-.od. tists are free men rmd women, dernculs." And why should anybody Seven Arts [•'catiire Syndicate 1 any prejudices b e y o n d make ,1 fuss about a person's iibil- ; v ,,;,| that, all over the world, ity to duplicate in wood, stone or n l ( h l Agency Ch«r<jed With metal the bend ol a bull or even make an abstractionist look wilh disdain often.concealed, but more that of a statesman? Most Israelis often not upon the work of a Spying for Resorts know better than that. They have realist, rmd vice-versa. l,.-e-t sprin1:, New York -i.lTAt The Ameriloiii; realized that in-tructioii of A'judalh Hatzayariin V'llapass.'ilthe children in the making of ob- ism, the Association of I'ainlers can Jewish Conj'ress filed a com• j<v . from -paper dolls to lilho- and Sculptor.-., exhibited works by plaint wi<!> tin; New York State ; g'Tio'ts, (leve'fins tlv< senses fosters its members at the Tel Aviv Mu- CommisMon A/'ainst Discriminathe imaginative powers and nour- seum it was the ',\7Ah annual e\- tion cliar'/ifc; that a licensed private detective agency was furishes a set of higher values. htbition since the foundation of To have understood all this at the association in, MI'S.'., and I l unishine, resort owners in this and a time when Palestine's .lewisli participated. Sitnullaneoiisly. more oth"r. stales reports on the pttoot'[tioii w"!,s- barclv a fifth o1 than ninety non-meinbers exhib- and reli;:ioiis haclcj;rounds of [iniswhat it is today, and when- even ited at the Artists' Pavilion on Al. pective clietils, in violation of the • the boldest did not dare to dream h.-irizi Street. Jud;:int; by first- state's nnti-discriiiiination laws. The AJCconipiained specificalof an independent Jewish slate hand reporls. and particularly !>>• within his lifetime, was the great ly thattthc I'^drls Corporation vvas privilege of r>i/.en:-;olf. the late photographs that had reached me. I . " " K , 1such a, service, , .solicitinj: -,, mayor of Tel Aviv, fn a memo- I am inclined to think that this ! n l l s " " ^ . "»"U«h a '.sample rerandum found nmmiK his papers, Ki'oup was not inferior in ideas or port which stressed that a "samthis pioneer dealt witli the philos- techniques to group shows I had ple" client was of Scotch-Ameriophy that had driven him to estab- seen at .the Gmj'renheim Mic-eum c.»n descent, attended a Presbvlish a museum of art in his city: or the Whitney Mtiseum of Amer- terian Church and hail "no seniitic IJiilanre of Value* ican Art, both in New York, background" in his or his wife's "We are building our country tlioueji there is, perhaps, in Israel family. In its advertising to resort in a manner common to the rest, i less experini'-nlin with new, un- iowners, the Kdris Corporation ofof mankind . . . Possibly our prog- tested media, and the .sixes of; fered a "desirability j'eport" to reress would be less impeded were paintings and sculptures are ^en-: sorts catering to "an-exclusive and we endowed with a better balance erally small compared to the ;;i- jrestricted clientele." of values . . . possibly, if we con- Kanlir erealiotis of the Americans. I sidered the world from an artistic I was also pleased to not'1, in t h e ' viewpoint, we would recognize it • • • i t - 1 " o , . < l o ; ' , " ^ o f | i - . - • < • . ; j , , , i i . . , . ( | as a creation of beauty, and not listed i n t h e lutildiii'j; fund. In Tel, Larry ilornstein nt-rccenl exerns a kind of vale of tears in Aviv. the Helena Rubinstein l'avil- j cises at Ki-ri)|)er .Military School, we strui;(;le and flounder. That ion of-Contemporary Art is under i Hoonville, Mo,, received a Kcmper beauty would be our consolation construction: this buildiiie. in the 1 certificate as a new cadet having during life's transient moments of lily's cultural center (near the I the most merits for the year. He t , - , - , ' - ' ., ' I ' . , ,1 • ;, f,, ,•• . , ( Habimab' will house the Tel Aviv j is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Julius the beautiful is one of our most Museum's new gallery of contem- | Hornsleln. urgent functions, even thoie'h we have socially attained our maturity. Indeed, at that very time we must shoulder this responsibility and never may we shirk it." •Some of Hie American tourists do not wem to notwecii'te Dizei)' goff, for time .'ii;d :i';'iin I have as Only met & traveler who had mann/red to ship the Tel Av'V Museum. Thin "Bob" and "Bern'ie" is most j'e.'ircttab'c. for in the Isirj'c.. bri'iht halls of this pleasCan Do It — C a l l antly while three-story bnildinj: lorm."
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