June 20, 1958

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Vol XXXVI.N... 40 '

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Knlfn-'tl us .Second-dual Mailer ut fust- Annual Kuto 4 Uollur* of fid'. Onmlia, Nubruskii, undei Act of lava SlnRlu Cony 10 Centa

M. Shareft Warns Parley

^Lebanese Situation Is Fraught With Danger7 KriiNsi-lH (JTA)— Tho present . American Jewish <'otiimil <•»r tn filiation in Lebanon U fraught ! I'N members. Mr. Shared added while the world |ii)W"i.> with danger, Miislie Sharetl. for- j thai mer r.rlnin Minister of Israel, should show an nctivi> interest in warned flu- Council of <lit- Socialist ' ;i settlement between Israel find ! Inlernallolial wldi li It llicelinj; the Aral) slates, they should nut j pressure for it. liere. j Tin" one-lime Foreign Minister The Council ;i(Ii)[)lc(] a re.soluof Israel reiterated (InI tin; Aral) tiiMi calling for inleniatioM.il guarrefugee problem must Im solved antees for the borders "f * 111»- Midchiefly through resettlement. He dle F.aslern stall's, including Jsurged that no international sup rm'l, (iiul for tin* launching of port be fjivi'ii to nations which r<!large-scale development projects fusi> to nialce peace. Finally, he in Ihe region un(!<-']' United Naappealed to the Asian countries, lions auspices. Another resolution particularly India, to accept their expressed the hope tlial MM im. . ,. . , ., , ,, „ great moral rcspnlisihi hty In work iiivivenieiM in the world situation i :• ' .J ' ,, , , , , ,• , , for the cause of peace ill he Midwould lead to a relaxation of leu-j '

fcioi'i in the Middle Kast. ,Mr. Sluiri'tt, who Is » ineinbi'r of Ihn .Miipal delegation In till' parley, tolil 1 In? M'SHIOII that nuhvcrnloii of I.i'lianiiii from itltldii mill without nilKlit prmluci1 "nil pxpluHliin" In the Middle Knst. H A noted Hint developments In I.IIIMII.m |»roved Israelis lollg-held i-ontcnlion that the emergence, of Israel ivat not responsible for tension fit

the region. . Mr. Shared said the national movements of Israel and the Arab stales had much in common, hut that Arab nationalism were moving into "wrong channels." lie called for International protection of the territorial integrity of all

Grandson of Rabbi In French Cabinet Paris IWNSl • Minister of Justice Michel Debre is a descendant of a rabbinic family and both he nnd his wife have been active in Jewish communal affairs, it way disclosed in a report which said thai Dehri? is a grandson of Dr. II. S c li w ii r t /., Chief Rabbi of •Slrassbourg. The forly-six-year-old D e h r e (truck up a friendship with General (Iff Gaulle while serving with the French Resistance movement during World War II. He served ns legal advisor to de Gaulle. Mrs. Debre is a frequent contributor tn "F.videnec," published by the Paris.

400 UJA Leaders Fly to Israel New York UTAi- The biggest airlift of any American Jewish organization to Israel was underway for 400 leaders of community campaigns affiliated wilh the nallonwide United Jewish Appeal hound for the U.IA Anniversary Conference to be opened in Jerusalem on June 21. A relay of planes carried out the airlift from New York International Airport, with the majority of the U.JA group leaving via Kl Al I srael Airlines. The airlift group were among the more than 700 American' visitors key I'JA leaders, campaigners, contributors and their families and guests who will attend the three-day sessions. The forthcoming UJA Anniversary Conference in Jerusalem will he Ihe first UJA national assemblage ever held overseas. Leading the conferees are Kdward M. M. Warburg, UJA honorary chairman; Samuel IT. Daroff, UJA national cash chairman; Melvin W. Dubinsky of St. Louis, and Adolph Kie.sler of Denver, bolh UJA national cabinet members, and Rabbi Herbert A. Friedman, UJA executive vice-chairman. Air. Warburg, who h also chairman of Iho Joinl Distribution Committee, will stop over in Geneva, Switzerland, to preside at a conference of JDC officials.

Israel To Get French Jets Jerusalem {JTA I -The Israeli Foreign Ministry announced that Israel and France had signed an agreement for France to supply Israel with six Viioutnre supersonic jet bombers. The new twin engine bombers, capable of n lop speed of.700 miles per hour, will enable Israel to strike back at any Arab country which opens hostilities, The only other bombers which the Israel Air Force possesses now are threa I5-17s, four engine American propeller driven craft known during World War H as Flying Fortresses. Israel usod them in Die War of Liberation ten years ago. . Israel Premier David Ben Gurlon this week received United Slates Ambassador Edward 15. I.awnon in a privalo audience. They are understood to have discussed Middle Kast developments in ihe. light of the titualion in Lebanon. There was no vVay of confirming advance reports thai the Premier would raise with the Ambassador tho question of thn Anglo-American decision to supply late model jet fighters lo Lebanon, Iraq find .Ionian. Observers here believe, tlie Hen Gurion Cabinet has not reached a final decision whether to file a new formal request with Washington for jet aircraft In balance Us arms with those of the Arab slates.

<Mcamvliile, A n d r e w Cordier, executive assistant to United Nations Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold, began meeting with top Israel Foreign Ministry-officials on the Ml. Scopus conflict between •Israel and Jordan. Mr. Cordier, the third personal envoy Bent to the Middle Kast by Mr: Hammarskjold to work on the Ml. Scopus problem, is seeking (o find oul which (subjects each side, wishes to raise. -"It is understood /that the Israelis wailt to discuss implementation of Article VIII of the armistice agreement which provides for the resumption of normal humanitarian and cultural activities in dm Israeli enclave. Israel feels that implementation of till* section is the only way to prevent further (rouble on the height, since it could arrange the details of normalization while at Ihe same timn representing <in expression of Jordan's willingness to honor the letter and spirit of tho armistice pacts,

•- • .


The Israelis hold that tension in (he area of Mt. Scopus, or In Israel-Jordan relations- generally is intentionally created by Amman. Israel bclles'es that th<? United States could assist by mivislng Jordan to adopt a less provoralivn attlludi". It.is thought'that these problems wen; raised at tho Hun Gurion-Lav. son meeting.

Palestine Arab Refugees Act

Chairman Declares Every

Geneva (JTA I The Palestine AH the .Men's Division of the I'liilanthroples lie.adetl de.e.p lnt<» Arab refugees living in transit I camps in a number of Aral) states j campaign waters, Us general chairman srl the course by charging in the Middle Kast have decided nil personnel to reach every contributor. f Kobext II. Silver, Division «euto take matters into their own eral Chairman, issued « call to evhands.and seek a solution of their ery worker to coneentruto on eucli economic problems through direct rani In the, move, toward* thft fill* negotiations "with any country." fillineilt of his operation. This disclosure of the refugees "Kvery man in the community determination lo act in their own must be contacted," Mr. Silver b-'half, without tying their fate lo declared. "Delays will not help us th*i political pronunciamenlos of or the people waiting for our aid. tin* Arab slates leaders, was mad'1 The best intentions of campaign public here for the first time. The Tlie Women's Division of tlifi | w o l . k e ,. s u , j | | b e u s e | e s s j n | P m i l announcement to correspondents Its || came after a lop secret, meeting l>lilhintliro|>i<-.« Is upjiriinr .-„ raised unless they „.„ n1OIIey h here not long ago of refugees rep- $70,0(100 Kual a* worker ter Ihe j l r a i l s | a , ( . d i l | l o pledges and cash. resentatives who set up a nonphase of the women's ranij „,,,.„ . , i T 1 ) j s j s om c a m ) a g n e r a n u l ! i t political organization ID enter Into palgn, Airs. Ken Shapiro, Women's (iciicral (,'liairillan, reporfed. realize. such negotiations. . "Our IIIVIHIOII is doing; an ex* Mrs. Shapiro said the group has The ten Arabs nl dm meeting eellellt Jolt," lie pointed out "and raised $(JK,()-I7, as of this week and claimed lo speak Tor some UOO.000 KM ineinl)e.r« aro selfless in ilttvot-* men, women and children scat- that there was prospect of addi- hi£ their time and heart to a tered through Syria, the Gaza tional f:nnti'i billions. A clem! up drive is now in prog- eaii.se dedicated to the 1111:11, woiu< Strip, Jordan Saudi Arabia, and en mid children who lire d«pcnilthe Persia Gulf states. They elect- ress to complete the solicitation of Ing upon in for n butter life. It I* ed 3!)-year-old Tewfik S. Toukan, the remaining 100 ranis out. All thlH purpose that inspires them former Jaffa, landowner, as their workers have been urged to have In their unceasing. efforts for » all outstanding pledge cards spokesman. signed and turned in without, de- successful appeal." Itcaily to Talk Anyone who has not been lay so that Ihe women's division "We are ready," Mr. Toukan could tabulate final results and reached by the men's division i.i told correspondents, "lo sit to- officially bring its drive to a close. urged to contact Mr. Silver. hi« gether with any country under The following public statement nides, or any of Ihe following lieuthe control of the United Nations of appreciation was directed by Ihe tenants wlio have volunteered to find a justifiable solution of our women's chairman to each of. her thdir time for the drive. case which will enable the refugees workers. Lieutenants are: Charles Gaietz, to better their economic condi"I wish that I could do this per- .Sherman Poska, Gerald Sclnva'i U, tions." He added that no one, ex- sonally, hut Inasmuch aft (hat is Maury Schwartz, Saul Silvei man, cept the refugees themselves, not possible, to you as a worker In Harold Solid, Dr. Lewis Yager, could represent them on the fol- this year's Women's Division IMill- Max Bittner, David Chapman, lowing questions: antliropiOK campaign, (for* my HIM:- Pennio Davis, MoriU Krman, Stanley Feinberg. Joe Guss, S<">1 1. Direct refugee development; clal gratitude. 2. A settlement regarding Arab "This year's drive was one, that Kutler, Hen Miller, Max Novak, property now Ln the hands of Ihe required tremendous time, dedi- Morton Brett, Lawrence F.pstein, Israel custodian abandoned Arab cation and hard work mid without Arnold Roseman, Jack Saferstein, property; and Ihe Limited reset- you and others like, you who gave. Sid Abraham, Norman Dcnenbeijj, tlement schemes for those Aral) us silt It fine Niipport we could not Walter Greenberg, Leo Kalnisar, refugee* willing lo accept resettle- have achieved our flno record of Don Vann, Don Rice, Selwyn Hoffment on a United Nations indem- accomplishment which has meant man, Jerry Rosen, Stan Silvernity basis rather than return lo life, and hope, to countless thou- man, Morley Zipursky. Marlon Somherg, Paul AlperPalestine. Mr. Toukan revealed sands. son, David Cohen, Jerry Rosinsky, that he sent H letter lo United Na"With kindest personal regards, I'.'ugeiiB Wohlner, Ramon Precl, tions Secretary General Dag Sincerely, David Uice, Ben Shapiro, Geo. KaIlimm.uskjold outlining t h e s e Leona P. Shapiro gan, Joe Mayer, Charles Guss, Dapoints: ' Mrs. Ben Shapiro, Chairman vid Hahn, Yale Halperin, Juliui 1958 Women's Division Schreiher, Hershel F r e e dm a n , Jewish Philanthropies Henry Riekes, Harry Goldberg, Campaign Joe Rothkop, Chaim Farher, Wlllard Friedman, Nathan Novak, Yala Trustin, Morris Becker, LoU A definite western note will be Delman, Irving Rubinow, Wallace prevalent at this summer's Camp FJkon, Norman HMIIII, Julius Colin, Jay-C-C with :i0 horses in the New York {JTAI—The first pa- Joe Klrschenbaum, Kevea Kircamp stables available for a riding rade with,it Sefer Torah in New sheribaum, Ben Rifkin, Kdward B. program under the supervision of York City took place when mem- Greeil. camp riding master Dick Weiner. bers of the Radio City Synagogue A staff of well-trained assistants marched from the hotise of worwill iiiil Weiner in his instructional ship to the Israel Consulate more chores* in Ibe camp riding ring and than a mile away to present the on the miles of Viding trails that Scroll to1 (he people of Israel. The surround the camp proper. Scroll was accepted by Simcha The Omaha Section, National Every youngster wll liuvc. the Pratt, Israel's Consul General in Council of Jewish Women thii opportunity to leai;n about horses New York. The Sefer Torah was contrib- year, has awarded four Jewish. and their care and feeding in this summer's riding program which uted in response to a world call Community C e n t e r Day Camp will include special rodeos, Irail issued by the Israel Ministry of scholarships and one Camp Jay-Crides, riding contests and special Religious Affairs to Jewish com- C campship under its service to events. Camp riders will also munities to provide the new com- foreign born program, it was anlearn how to hitch up and ride a munities ami houses of worship in nounced by Mrs. Julius Newman, horse and buggy on a special sulky Israel with liard-to-get Scrolls. chairman. This one will be flown to Israel. purchased by the camp. Mrs. Newman Siiid the annual campships give several children, Other features of Ihe riding acwho would not be able to attend tivity Include horseback t^jnouts, a camp, the opportunity to do so. trips to the big Sidney ItoileoSjnd The Council also gives an anearly morning rides through the nual campship to Camp Harriett. forest. Michael L. Greenberg, son of Harding for a needy Camp Fiia The Camp Jay-C-C program, to start July 17th, incliules two two- Mrs. Max Greenberg, was gradu- Kirl. week sessions with each session ated "cum laude" from the Unibeing limited to ]00 campers. Be- versity of Nebraska College of B'nai B'rith Names cause of Ihe high early enrollment Medicine al last Saturday's exeronly a few openings remain for the cises. ; Youth Group Head Others to receive Doctor of Medfirst (u:\sslon while several openSam Epstein, advisor lo AZA ings still remain for the filial'two icine Degrees were Phillip S. Alweek ciimp period. Uegislralion Is berts, son of Mr. and Mrs. William No. 1, for. many years, was n.univl by application lo thn Camp Office Alberts; Robert G. Faier, son of chairman of tiie B'nai IJ'ntU at. (ha Jewish Community Center. Mrs. John Faier, and George Kahn, Youth Organization al a meetim; Details and Information regai'din;: son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kahn. held May 2u'th. Mr. F.psteiu also Greenberg and Kahn recently serves as secretary to the Henry other aspects of the Camp's ncl.iville.i may be had by calling JA were named to Alpha-Omega. Al- Monsky Lodge. Al Zwerling wai pha, honorary medical fraternity. also named advisor to A/.A 100.



Camp Has 30 Horses Available

Donors March With Torah to Consulate

Council Makes Camp Awards

Receive Medical Degrees


' Page Two


icwisn PRESS

Friday, June JO, 1058

A Bar Mifzvah 23 Years Later r



A group of friends created a fund Instead of the usual gifts given the Bar Mitzvah celebrant to 1)0 used to advance Hebrew education for congregants.

Los Angeles (JTA)—The Piesldent of Temple Beth Eniet became a Bar Mitzvah last week. Fred Fine reached the customary 1.1th year 23 years ago bereft of the usual Jewish education needed for the ceremony and did not have one. Last July, when he became president of his Temple, he began Hebrew studies and decided he should have his Bar Mitzvah like any other Jewish male. He studied with his Rabbi and last week chanted the prayers nnd the chapter of the Prophets in the traditional ceremony.

Published Every Friday by the federation of Jewish Service

Second Clu»b Mullllip Privilege* Authorized ut (Jrnulia, Ncbnttku .Annual SuDncrlptlon, $4.00. AdvunlBliiK Units on Apiiilcutlon. Editorial Or ice—101 No jioih street, Oinabu. Hebr., JAtiitun 1JU). Print Sli • Address 4fcu8 So Kith Street.


Births BI-TH ISKAIX i'eiviciK at Beth 1 M a d SynaMr. end I.Irs. F. Ronald O.hn. an- (;orue, Friday jit 7:30 p. m. Subnounce the birth of a Mm, William lath morning services begin at b:45 .NfiKH nod hnpptnlngt at Tho Ur. Philip filler Jcululi Uoiue lur Til. A|fd by Alan on May 31 at Claiksun hos- a. in. Junior coin,TC-j;ntion 10 n. m. lla\ Id Oiktm. New York <JTA>—A six-point pitals-^ Saturday afternoon Talmud Class program for wider Jewish educaITATHKK'S DAY! Our residents Grandpar&rt&jire MIB. A. E. Gil- 7:15 p. in. Sabbath Mincha, foltion for "unaffiliated Jews, in the inslsy and Mr. timr-Mrs. Dave II were entertained by the Carolyn United States and abroad, who Colin. Mrs. Pauline Cohn of Los- lowed by Jrhaloi-h S'cudos and Kagan Dancing Troupe. The affair might otherwise become hcrcft o! Angeles, Cal., is paternal t-iiat Maaiiv 7:-j5 p. m. was sponsored by the Kadimali .Sunday morning followed by faith, religiously disfranchised and grandmother. Chapter of Pioneer Women under Hal'bi's cliifs in'Bible and breakmorally bankrupt," was urged nt the chairmanship of Mrs. Sam is.st bA5 n. in. Sunday morning Jr. a meeting of the board of trustees Kpstcin. Refreshments were served News has been received of the Congregation ft:-3ri n. m. of the Union of American Hebrew by Mines. Moe Kagan, Harry Slref, Congregations by Dr. Maurice N. May 15th birth of a daughter. Daily tr i vices 7 a. in. and 7:50 Rabbi Can't Perform Richard Spiegal, lien Wine, and Miriam Beth to Dr. imd Mis. p. m. Eisendrath, president. Davo Wine. . Rabbi Eisendrath, just returned Gordon Chorwitz of Davenport, la. The TucsiU.y evening Talmud Own Marriage Rites from a global trip, reported that The couple also have two sons, dart, meets at the BHH Synagogue RABBINICAL SERIES: Kabbi Montreal (JTA) — A person can- Sidney S. Brooks was our Rabbin1,500,000 Jews living in the under- David and Richard. l!)th and Burl Streets every Tuesdeveloped areas of the world face Grandparents aie Mr. and Mrs. day evening and services every not perform his own marriage ical visitor this week. ceremony in the Province of Que"spiritual deterioration." He called Philip Sugarrnan of Providence, Saturday morning at D:00 a. m. COMINO E V E N T S : Bikur bec, Associate Cluaf Justice W. upon the board of trustees of the R. I. and Mr. find Mrs. David Cholim will give their a n n u a 1 B. Scott ruled here in annulling a Reform Jewish movement to take Potash. TEMPLE ISRAEL marriage contracted by a rabbi in Garden Supper Party nt the Dr. Immediate action." Services will be held this Fri- Montreal nearly three years ago. Philip Slier Jewish Home for the The program recommended by Mr. and Mrs. Abe Koppcr, ac- day at Temple Israel in the Tem- The marriage was performed in Aged on Sunday, June 29th, from ••.Dr. Eisendrath is: 1. Distribution companied by their son, Sidney ple Chapel at 7:30 p. m. Rabbi accordance with Hebrew law nnd 4 p. in. on. Tickets are available of religious educational literature have returned from Alexandria, Sidney 11. Eroolis will preacn a in the presence of several wit- through all Bikur Cholim memand other related materials to La., where they visited their son- sermonctte. nesses, but was not listed in any bers. For further information contact Mrs. Jake Wine. WA. COCO. Asia, Africa, Australia ami New in-law and daughter, Captain and civil register. Zealand: 2. Recruitment of rabbis Mrs. Maurice B. Schwartz v.ho lie- BETH EL Annullment was granted nt the and religious school teachers for came the parents' of a daughter, Sabbath evening tervices will be Service in congregations around Sue Anne on June 1. The couple held Friday at Beth El Syna- petition of the rabbi who recalled in his plea that his wife by an the world; 3. Encouragement of are also the parents of n son, gogue at 7 p. m. Sabbath morning rabbis by their congregations to Meyer. Paul. services will begin at 9:30 a. m. earlier marring*/ was alive and undertake preaching missions and Paternal frranripairnts of the The Mincha Service will begin at that that marriage had never been dissolved. The judge reprimanded give spiritual guidance outside the new arrival arc Mr. and Ml:;. Ber- 7:45 p. m. United States. In Daily services during the week the plaintiff rabbi, considering the nard Schwartz. Mis. Meyer KopAlso, 4. A special overseas loan per and Mi*. Abe Beitchman are are held at 7 «. m. and 7 p. m. position he occupied in the community. He said that the defendThe Sunday morning service is fund to subsidize incipient or im- maternal great grandmothers. ant also had not acted in good poverished congregations whose C;ipt. .Schwartz in chief obste- held at it a. m. faith, as from the evidence the income cannot meet the needs of trician and assistant in surgery fit court was satisfied that she knew their communities; 5. Scholarship England Air Force Ease hospital IVNAI JACOB-ADAS SEH¥!CE the plaintiff's wife was still livYESHUKON funds with which to train potential at Alexandria. Services at B'nai Jacob-Adas ing at the time of the second marrabbis and teachers from other Yeshuron will begin Friday at 7:15 riage. countries to enable them to return Mr. and Mrs. Marsh.-)! Zalliin p. m. find Saturday morning at to their native lands as qualified religious leaders; 6. Information announce the birth of n daughter, H:r-,0 a. m. with Mincha at 7:30 service for the unaffiliated Jews Chcril Lynn, June 2 lit Oarkson p. rn. followed by Shalosh S'eudos. Daily fervicc-s C:30 a. m. and 7:30 of all countries with a view to en- hospital. Grandparents ruf Mr. Jir.d Mis. p. m. compassing them within the scope Louis Ilemei o! Kansas City, Mo. of synagogue life. and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Zalkin. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sutin >•< Kansas S«b (Subbyl Pulvcrenfo City are great-grandparents. Dedications LOYAL ('.. KAI'LAN. 25 Years' Experience Funeral services for Loyal G. Mr. and Mrs. Pnul L. Wolf of A monument will be dedicated With Jewish Kaplan, 44, of 1312 South 7Hlh 1o the memory of .Mrs. Vittel Chicago announce the birth of a Lettering and Memorials Shapiro Sunday 22 at 11 a. m. at son. James Allen on June 15. Mrs. Street were held_ Monday after1407 Harney St. ;Mt. Sinai Cemetery. Rabbi Ben- Wolf, the former Snri Shukert ol noon at Crosby-Kunold Mortuary2211 So. Oth AT 2452 jamin Groner of Beth Israel Syna- Omaha, is the daughter of Mr. and Burial was in Beth El Cemetery. Mr. Kaplan died last Friday of gogue will officiate. Friends and Mrs. Dave Shiiltert. Mrs. Shi'.Mert and her son, Jpy a heart attack in Kansas City, 7 relatives ire invited to be present. Mo. He was graduated from left. for Chicago Wednesday end ••eighton Law School in 1938 and A monument will be unveiled at was to be joined by her husband was a member of the American, services in memory of Dr. Ben- on Friday. jamin T. Friedman, Sunday, June I Paternal grandparents of the Nebraska, Colorado and Omaha 22 at 11:45 a. m. at Pleasant Hill | p a b y n r e Mr. and Mrs. Al B. Wolf Bar Associations. Surviving are his wife, daughCemetery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner o f Cmcsgo. ters, Saranne, Oakland, Cal., of Beth Israel Synagogue will ofPamela, Omaha; sons, Charles nnd Kosher Meat Market und Delicatessen ficiate. Friends and relatives are Michael, Oakland, Cal.; parents, •Invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Max S. Kaplan, WA 5554 4415 CUMlMG EDU'AKb MANHEIMER Omaha, a sister and a brother. A monument will be dedicated to Complete Selection of The Bar Mitzvah of Edward the memory of Mrs. Molly Tully. Manheimer, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Sunday, June 22'at 10:30 a. m. nt Herman Manheimer, will be celeCALL Beth El Cemetery. Rabbi Myer S. brated at the Beth Israel SynaKripke of Beth El Synagogue, will gogue on Thursday morning, June HOLLYWOOD officiate. All friends and relatives 26th at 7:00 «. m. All members of for »ho Finest Summer Eating TUX REMTAL «re invited to be present. the family and friends ere invited 106 Ko. IBtb Street JA 24S2 Call Wednesday for Thursday Delivery A monument will be unveiled in to attend. ' I In Omaha Loan Sldq.) memory of Isadore Gerelick, Sunday, June 22, at 10 a. m. at Golden BELGIAN LEGATION ADVERTISEMENT APVERTISE.MENT ADVERTISEMENT Hill cemetery. R a b b i Benjamin STATUS TJPI'ED Groner and Cantor Eli Kagan of Brussels UTA)— The Belgian Beth Israel Synagogue will offici- Government announced that its ate. All friends and relatives axe legation in Israel had been raised DR&MD KGW CAR Invited to be present. to the status of an embassy and that the Israel legation here would become an embassy.

Plan Advised for Unaffiliated Jews

tome Fobs'



For Satisfaction

Teen-Age Raiders Put on Probation

Mount Kisco, N. Y. UTA)— Nine teenagers from wealthy Westchester families, who pleaded guilty to charges they raided the Yeshiva Farm settlement were placed on probation and each ordered to write a 1,000 word essay on the guarantees of freedom in the Constitution. In sentencing the defendants, Justice Morris E. Lasker of New Castle Court, told the courtroom, Which was partly filled with parents of the teenagers, that "The community is outraged by what happened. You and I and the Yeshiva are all part of the United States." Asserting that there was "no ineed for revenge and harshness" In punishing the youngsters, the magistrate said "Justice will not

f m>


be served by this attitude." He noted that the settlement of Orthodox farm trainees sought to have the charges dropped. Officials of the form school said the premises have been raided 25 times in the last two years by youth gangs.

$<v* Mi*?.' *\*-t . \


u^> r"\>'\

School Custodian Learns Lesson; Gets Gerelick Ford Six Eric Holm, (left) 2423 Spauldlng, Miller P a r k School Custodian, took delivery this week on his new Ford Economy Six from Floyd Perimeter of Gerelick Motors, 4719 No. 30th. "It's my third six-cylinder Ford since 1949," ho said. " I like their economy, and easy maintenance. I used Gci click's service department and liked t h e i r

work. Economical and fast—so when I got ready to buy, I saw Gerelick. They treat you right." Looking for YOUH best deal? See Gerelick before July 1. Factory quota-busting bonuses passed oh to you.'Special sale. Brand new Custom 300 6-paasenKer tiidor only $1829. Same car with Fordomatic only $1979. Stution wagon only $2090.



Friday, June 20, 1958

Organiidflois J"OALB ZION I>INNEIt A 7 p. m. dinner will mark the tension's last meeting for Poule Zion Sunday, June 22, at the Jew lsh Community Center. Max Reisbaum will present a report on the organization's national meeting in Chicago which lie recently attended ns a delegate. Mrs. Marion Bondarin, chairman requests that all members attend the meeting. Reservations may be made until Friday, June 20 with Mrs. Sam Hlfkln, HA 4030. WOKKMKN CHICLE DRAMATIC CHJU The Workmen's Circle Dramatic Club celebrated Father's Day with B dinner and program last Sunday at the Labor Lyceum. Milton Nearenberg spoke for the fathers and Max Katz for the sons. Morris Goodman was toastmaster. The arrangements committee consisted of Mmes. S. H. Binder, Nathan Lerman and Yetta Orenstein,


J'lONEKtt WOMION The Pioneer Women will hold their last meeting of the season at a luncheon Tuesday, June 21, at 12:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. All members are urged to attend.

Omahans In the News Phil GerelMi, N o r t h Omaha Ford dealer, has been named to represent some 1,000 car dealers from a 10-state area as the Central region representative on the National Ford Dealers Council which will meet July 14-18 in Detroit. I,mils Hillcr has been elected to nerve as a director for the Omaha Better Business Bureau. Mrs. Beulnh Rutstein of Sioux City, la., is spending .three weeks In Omaha .-is the guest of her daughters, Mrs. Harry Bilnionl nnd Miss Frances Itutsteln. Louis Sommer wishes to thank his many friends who extended good "Temple Uniongram" wishes on the occasion of his seventy fifth birthday.

Dr. Bernard Magid ro Attend Conference Dr. Bernard Magid who has completed his residency at the Indianapolis, (Ind.) Hospital, will attend the International Conference of Obstetrics nnd Gynecolojjy at Montreal, Canada, during the week of June 21. Dr. Magid will return to Omaha in July for a visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Magid. At the end of the month he will leave for Newfoundland, Canada, where he will be in charge of gynecology and obstetrics at the Air Force Hospital.


Immigration Stand Of Rumania Hit New York (JTA)—The Rumanian Government's arbitrary halling of emigration of Jews from Rumania to Israel was denounced here by Itzhak Korn, president of the Association of Rumanian Jews in Israel, now visiting the United States. Mr. Korn emphasized that though the Rumanian authorities permitted 40,206 Jews to leave for Israel in 1951, in subsequent years the number was reduced to a trickle. Hardships on Families This ban on emigration has inflicted inhuman hardships on families, of which some members were permitted to emigrate while others were forced to stay behind, Mr. Korn stated. Parents were permitted to leave, while their adult children, their supporters and providers, were denied that permission. In hundreds of cases husbands were separated from their wives, exit permits having been granted to one of the spouses only, he said. Promise Not Honored "Requests and appeals to the Rumanian authorities to permit the entire family to leave together, elicited the promise that before long the other members of the family would be permitted to leave as well. The Rumanian1 Government repeatedly assured the Jewish Community that emigrations would be permitted without restriction of age or profession. The assurances and promises have not- been honored," Mr. Korn stressed. Separation!) Inflicted It is estimated that some 11,00012,000 families in Rumania and Israel have been split in 1940-1951 emigration. These are husbands separated from their wives, aged and to a great extent sick parents from their children, and other close relatives dependent on each other striving and yearning to be reunited in Israel. The Rumanian Legation in Israel and the Government offices in Rumania are flooded with thousands of applications and petitions to let spouses, parents and children, brothers and sisters, be reunited with their dear ones in Israel, Mr. Korn stated. In January 1955 the Rumanian Government gave assurances that prompt action would be taken to let relatives rejoin their kin in Israel but only a few families have since been reunited in Israel.

Ex-Omahan and Family to Visit Relatives Mr. nnd Mrs. Morris Miller and sons, Stephen and Sheldon of North Hollywood, Cal., will arrive Sunda yfor a visit with Mrs. Miller's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Collck and their daughter, Edie Renee of Council Bluffs. Mrs. Miller was the former Bertha Collck of Omaha,


Miss Phyllis Steinberg Wed Sunday at Beth El The marriage of Miss Phyllis Joy Steinberg and Edward Gordon Belzer was solemnized Sunday afternoon, June 15 at Beth El .Synagogue. Rabbi Mycr S. Kripke and Cantor Aaron I. Edgar officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .Samuel ,S. .Steinberg', the groom, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Belzer. The bride chose an embroidered organdy waltz length gown, a Mindelle original finished with a snug bodice, snbrina neckline and short sleeves. The skirt was designed with three tiers of ruffles In the back and semi-fullness in the front. Her ballerina veil was caught with n pill box cap of matching organdy. Both Mrs. Marvin L. Steinberg, matron of honor nnd Miss Marcia Krupinsky, maid of honor, wore ballerina gowns of white organdy with a touch of mint green satin ribbon threaded through the embroidery banding the ruffles of the skirt. toi Mrs. Steinberg, mother of the bride was gowned in a beige lace sheath and Mrs. Belzer, mother of the groom wore a green lace sheath. David Belzer and Hilton Belzer served as best man and groomsman respectively for their brother. Ushers were Marvin L. Steinberg, Albert Sorkin, Sidney Kwiatek and Howard Carney, the latter of Peoria, 111. Following a reception at the Town House ballroom, the couple left on a wedding trip to Las Vegas, Nev.

Youth 18 TO LEAVE FOR SVO CAMP Eighteen members of Beth Israel SYO will leave here Saturday, June 20 to join other mid-western groups at the fifth annual Synagogue Youth organization camping session at Camp Moshava, Wild Rose, Wis., and will return, Sunday night, June 29th. Beth Israel campers will be: Rozzannc Siporin, Paysie Shykcn, Barbara Gomberg, Carole Gomberg, Helen Katz, Dora Gerber, Lindii Siref, Sandra Nearenberfl, Sheila Rudcrman, Leonard Frank, Keva Shyken, Raphael Groner, Marshall Kaplan, Stephen Appcl, Nell Bloom, Michael Simon, Karen Forbes, and Carol Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Stern will accompany the group and Dr. Irving Shapiro will be the medical counsellor. The camp program will consist of cultural, social, religious and athletic activities.

1437 So. 13th St.

AT 0686

London (JTA)—A seven to ten percent drop in Israel diamond exports In 1958-59 was forecast by the Overseas Review. The review «stlmated that Israel's diamond •xporta would fall off by $3,000,000 due to a slump In the world demand for diamonds and to Israel's disadvantage In the ficrco International competition in the diamond industry because of ts higher wage scales, •

Bikur Cholim has selected Sunday, June 29 as the date for its anual picnic to be held on tho grounds of the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home for the Aged. Supper will bo served from 4 p. m. to 7 p. m. "A committee headed by Mrs. Jake Wine, president, has spent many weeks planning the event. The -menu will consist of various delicacies including many Jewish dishes. Tickets will be available at the picnic site at $l,!>0 per plate for adults and 75 cents for children. Bikur Cholim has been active In community welfare work for more than 35 years and have contributed funds for the hospital \init nt the Home in addition to providing gifts and refreshments on visits to the State mental hospital at Lincoln and supplying other medical needs. •

.—Claude Constable Photo.

Mrs. Edward G. liclzer

«OLF UZAfiVB TO BE ORGANIZED Men and women interested in participating in a city-wide golf league arc urged to contact the Center's Athletic Department for inclusion on a team rosier, it was announced this > week by Irvin Yaffe, Center Athletic Chairman. Competition in these golf leagues is on an informal basis with participants competing on their homo courses. Further information on these leagues is available by calling the Center, JA 1366. THREE PEKFECT INNINGS PITCHED BV JIOKRY NOVAK Jerry Novak pitched three perfect Innings in the Sunday Lads League conducted by the Jewish Community Center as he led his team to another victory. Four teams compete regularly in two rounds of competition.

Scholarship Awarded To Geary L. Goldstein Gary Lee Goldstein has been, awarded the 12-hundrcd dollar Edward Langley Scholarship, it was announced by the Nebraska Archl ; tects Association. He was graduated earlier this month from University of Oklahoma with a Bachelor of Architectural Science degree and will continue his studies at Harvard University. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Goldstein.

Roffman's Houso of Dollcoclcs Opon Monday thru Saturday from 9 A.M. lo 10 P.M. 7830 Dodgo

TE 3207




Don Bernstein

HA 2554

Coll Justin D. Horwlch at


Mrs. Brooks Named

Drop Expected in Diamond Exports

Bikur Cholim Plans Picnic

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IOWA STATE «!»AI)UATE Arthur Schwartz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Schwartz, was graduated Saturday from Iowa State College at Ames.

Mrs. Sidney H. Brooks has been named chairman of the Family und' Children's ^Division of the United Community Services. She succeeds Mrs. Alexander McKie, Jr.

Page Threw

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Friday, June ISO, 1858


Israel Aviation Mechanics Training

Israel s Outpost p . T M a n h a t t a n n e a r Fiflil A v e n u e Behind ts, bill it doi-s .so v i t h as.scuiblyt h e r e is a tin l i n e p r e c i s i o n a n d ell.-ctiven.-s 1 is one of calm, almost f Isrui'l. III.' intc (\.nsulate T o Hie v i s i t o r c i i t . ' n i i . : if n.'lri'al of the wealthy ami . bclotv H e r a of h L',h income ta leisurely, dignity. Many sviiis III..- home of on" of New »t of t h e o t h e r s a ; "Kmha'.sy It t o S u h u r h i . i , Hi,' b u i l d i n g lik IIKS and panel>i(t walls on i the higii-reil Y o l k ' s p i o n e e r l a n u l i i ' s . T l i a t m i g n is p l a i n l y visib 1 t h e first floor, t h e c u r v i n g s t a i r c a M and the llK' fo>cl. It U only t h e appi'aiance w h i c h * I

'" lifiiLHi "

has survived the transition from fully occupied," family home to. a consular headTwo departments the Research j quarters. The present occupants and Publications Department, and • .mostly'youthful and alert Israelis. the Israel Office of Information --: deserve rating, In the words of are the |irincipal sources of fac-• • Consul'General Sinicha Pratt, as tual iiifoim.ition. Vaacov .Morris,' Tel Aviv 1JTA1 Pic'inii-r Payjd Gurion Mip|iorli-il last ni;.:h' a most overworked stalf. an Irish-horn .lew, supervises these lien 1 i tin outspoken \i.'\\s "f BrigThe Xe.iv York Consulate In one activities. To deal with the overwhelming Mor-hc Dajan. fornu-r Israel Army of .four SIII-II offices representing tho interests of the State of Is- flood of imiuirii'S he has developed : Chii-r of Stiff, wh.i has b'-i'ii AUiitiiui inedi.inlin for Israel's growing air fleet nr« liciuff rael In the United State*. The oth- a system based On a thorough preaching a tightening of Israel's trained nt the Ilolfj Trade School 111 Tel Avl\. The Institution U licit and a lowering of lium; er* are In Chicago, I.IIH Angeles, analysis of hundreds of the quesnewest of the. 12 Kclmi.lt 111 the "Anial" network where 1,000 l»oy» Atlanta nnd the Embassy hi Wash- tiijns. This analysis demonstrated standards if necessary to speed are, learning Industrial skills under ilistadrut mispli es. the country's basic development. ington. I). <;. Tli« liicutlmi df the that a \ery large propoition of reNew York Consulate in the world'* quests fall into specific categories. ; In an unusual emphasis at a Malargest Jewish ciiinniiinlty mid in Morris then prepared a system of pai PHI ly leaders' "ideological vi'lmt I* probably the most global- packages of material, one for each conference" at Kfar Saba. Mr. Hen minded city in the United States category. This greatly simplifies Gurion appealed for respect for makei thl* ronsuliit« one of the this phase of the departments: Brig. Dayan. The Premier's intervention came work. muHt Important In the country. The work of the Consulate, like No amount of ingenuity can after criticism by a number of .Jerusalem UTA I The Israel i (tested tint Ib" land he nominally top level officials against ' t h a t of most consular offices, falls meet all of the intriguing ques- • JJ sold to uou-.lews for u stipulated Gen. Dayan. Currently a student Chief Rabbinate has promulgated period and that nil ploughing lx> Into three categories: providing j lions produced by thousands of in- j (; ^various forms of help to Israel na-1 quiring minds..-There was one re- [at tho Hebrew University. th<> a series of regulations designed t o ' doiui with an awning overhead—• tionals In the United States; as- j quest, for instance, for which Mor-1 general has recently addnsscd permit tbt' cultivation of land by !to create the fiction that the work sisting the development of eco- iris had neither package nor ln-,: students, calling on pioneciing and Orthodox Jews in the coming sab- :It not helni; done In the field but nomic relationships, particularly dividual publication. That was an | other youth groups for self-sacri- batical year, yet retain symbolic In a "private dwelling." In helping to stimulate sale* of appeal by a writer, working on a; fice lo .speed the country's indus- observance of the Biblical requireIsrael products in this country; i book, for Israel jokes. Morris spent t trialization and agricultural ex- ment of Shmitah that the land be , Leaders of the Poalo Agudali and providing, information—bring-{a lialf hour on.the telephone, pa-: pansion pace. Brig. Dayan has as- allowed lo "rest" each seventh- movement, which has 15 affiliated j agricultural s e t II em e n t s, aning to the American public, Jews ] tiently reciting all the good Is-; serted that even if unemployment year. In Issuing tlie i.^nlutInns, Chief; nounced that the movement would and non-Jews, the message of what' I'ael stories he could .remember, j results from a change of economic Israel stand* for and what Israel A recent development l» the re-; direction in the country, it Is not Ituhhls Isaac Nlsslin and I « a r obey the Biblical injunction and milt of the growth of propaganda ; too high a ^ii ice to pay for basic Her/.ng noted Unit to allow 300,000 deplored tho Poale Mi/.rachi "evaindustrialization, which he views d i l u a l i l s ( i 5 , 0 0 0 a c r e * ) (if l a n d t o ; sion" of Sbmitah through fictitiConsul General Pratt is inclined activities of Arab and pro-Arab as B necessity for security mid HH fallow would endanger the na-\ ous sale of the land a/id continued grouini In the United States. There to think that, in sheer volume, it for the acceptance of more immi- tldii's food supply, Trnclng their cultivation. The Poale Agudnli is the Infontiation service whicli Is a Mteadlly-nituiiithtg flow of let-1 grants. action* bark to rabbinical author-; lauds total more than 50,000 duters from .lews, particularly those bulks largest in the 'overall, con It ten of the past, the ralibls sllg- i naiiH. vl S IM lll r < 1 Dr. Giora Josepbthal. general Bular program. The Consulate re- : " "B '" "" "' ""* "•"•' ' " "Th« Poala Agudah, they anceiyej. during'each working day, i ""'"'"«•» »»ay from the New York secretary of the Labor Party and nounced will launch a worldwkla more than 1,000 inquiries by tele Jewish Itcrhiv*\ who report they a spokesman for the force* opposfund-raising campaign to replace • phona, messenger and mail. An are disturbed by the »tiit<*nit*iitn ing litig. Dayan, ' decried the tin* crops lost through fallowing almost .iiiper-hiiman effort Is made of a pro-Aral) speaker, usually up- •"lough-h'i'ai led" approach to the of the land. In addition, hydiojKjuic to answer every inquiry. A grow- pe tiring h<*fore a local business- ' problem of unemployment. "There •London 1WNS1 Soviet Premier! cultivation, which lias been under ing number of these requests me nien'*) rlvic or fraternal Hub. The Iis no greater calamity than un- Nikila Khruschev recently'assert- ! experimentation' at the settlefor speakers to address an as- writers want advice on what to do. employment," Dr. .losephfhal de- ed that there were virtually no: ments, will IK' expanded. Settler* 'I'lle f*onsulnlt» i.'unnoi of conr.se clared, "for unemployment leads tounding variety of groups interj !ip\K'nv lo be in the position of )>«-; to a degeneration o? public life." Jews left in Birobijan, but accord- :j who are not needed to work about ested in Israel. In^ to a broadcast monitored by the settlements will be asked d> ; coining involved in purely in I T the Moscow Radio in Knglish to : work in towns and contribute There are no distinction* of of- rial American relationships.- The = tho North American continent the! their earnings to the special fund fice rank In till* respect. So great \ problem is den It with by >ieterniin- • 1 one-timu autonomous Jewish .re- ito replace the value of the lost i* tlm demand for speakers that i ing just what the propagandi^ • gion has a Jewish population of I crops. .»nr«ryoiie at the evecutlve level, : said and then providing the Jewish j uiora than sixty percent. ! If lie. or stie. can npcuk passably. Is i inquirer with factual corrections drafted for such assignments. Con- . of ;inv distortions about Israel. Khruschev sairl the decline of i sul (le.neral 'Pratt alone makes Jacksonville, Fla. IJ'I'Ai- More Jewish life in Hirohijan was due lo j DIAMONDS more than 200 speeches a year. and more Ku Klux Klan meetings Jewish Indifference, as well as tlip j Tlie bulk of such requests come and, in some cases, White Citizens decline of the Yiddish tongue, but j For the Molt Dolicioul from Jewish groups, including .syCouncils are turning their efforts according to the Moscow broad- 1 Ground Beef in Town nagogues, centers, Zionist, youth. v to anti-Semitism, the Associated ] cast, in the form of an interview' 441S Cumlng WA SSS4 women and similar audiences. The Press reported here adding, how-! with one Solomon Giirevich, idi'n- ! Consulate also gets and fulfils re- | Unit-ed Nations. N. Y. fJTAl—A ever, that the "mass of Southern-j tified as a foreman in a Birohijan I quests for speakers from church j total of 50 experts were assigned ] ers are not buying the anti-Semi-} automobile plant, the area painted and university and similar non- i to Israel last year by tlie United j tic line." so bleakly by Kbruschev is in <*fJewish groups. j Nations Technical Assistance Pro- j fecl a picture of a thriving Jewish Propaganda 1/rom Outside community where the Y i d d i s h The two topics on which' these ' gram, it was reported here. The In its study of synagogue bombtongue rings with culture and acaudiences mainly want informa-1 report was prepared for the UN; j ings and the growth of anti-Jewish tivity. Gurevich. who is said to tion are reports on the political ji Kconomic and Social Council. activities in the South, the press, tune made the portrait of Birobi4,"> l'ell..\vshl|)i (ilven I situation of Israel and on what is: happening inside Israel - - its' The Technical Assistance Pro-! association said there are at least ! jan in Yiddish when lie was inlet.growth, its devcloiiment. Kor Jew- | gram last year gave •!!> fellow-! 10 Klaus in the region, but that viewed, said there were two offiish audipneen, there is a third pie-! ships to Israeli experts for study the mass of printed anti-Semitic cial languages in Iiirohijan, Rus"uominant topic-the nature of the! abroad. At the same time, it hired propaganda comes from ijMcb sian and Yiddish, that both weie relationship between Israel and j nine Israeli experts to serve in places i's Union, N. J., I»s An- used by local newspapers and raJews in other countries. other countries, while three for- geles, St. I.ouis and Chicago. Near- dio stations, and (hat a new liIf the unique ties between thejeign experts were sent by the UN ly all White Citizens Councils have brary containing some 2.000 Yidrepudiated the anti-Jewish cam- dish books has been named after Jews of New York, as with 41011-1 to study in Israel. Israel Jews generally, and the I One of tho Program's major paign and some councils clnim Sholem Aleichem. ! , State of Israel as tlie Jewish State I tasks, according to the report, was Jewish members. present any particular problems | careful and critical evaluation of Kconornlc Kudor j for the Consulate, Consul General! the efficiency applied to major The Florida Slate's Attorney !n-| ABBA KHAN IIOXOKDD Pratt and his staff seem to have projects. In that respect, the re- Dade County. Richard K. Gerstein, i Waltlin.ni. .Mass. (JTAl-'-'-Abba MEET ENDS no special difficulty in handling port declared, Israel ranked high. linked the rise of anti-Semitism to I Kban, .Israel Ambassador to the them. "In Israel." the report stated, "all jthe declining economic .situation, i United Stales was awarded an SATURDAY Few consulates, for example, technical assistance requests KUII- "As soon as. times get poor some j honorary Doctor of Laws degree have, so many eager helping hands! milted by Ministries or institutions people look for somebody to blame j by lirandeis University. us dues: tlie Israel Consulate, bad to be accompanied by a careJews or Catholics." he said. The! whoso primary, function of pro- ful assessment of results already AP reported that Jews comprise No Racing on FOR THE FINEST . . . vlding Information about Israel is I achieved, and these were discussed less than one-half of one perccn' Sundays or Mondays paralleled |jy an astonishing vnr-j at high-level government niect- of the Soulb's population, lhoui;h IN PHOTOGRAPHY < iety of native American Jeivlsh j ings." .some Jewish families trace their 8-RACES DAILY-8 Pcrtraitj H<mrce<i. Tlir.su Include jiracf Irally ! Kviihiailon .Made history in the region back lo Cc Weddings 9 RACES SAT. & HOLIDAYS ull American .Icuish organizations' Israel also evaluated carefully lonial times. Commercial whose activities might occasional-1 the performance of Israelis who ADMISSION 75c ly he expected 1» complicate life | had been abroad on UN Technical (Including Stall and Fad, Tod 1M7, and still owed S.'lO,5ri(i of that for Consulate official I Assistance Program fellowships, LADIES' DAYS ' "Not at all," says the Consul the report added. II pointed out sum as of the date the year's figTUESDAYS and FRIDAYS General. "We welcome this as an here that Israel is one of the rela- ures were compiled, (in March .'il. 'Except July 4 ifidication of the continuing in- tively few countries where tin? Adminion for lodlo 35c tense interest of American Jews Prime .Minister's' office lakes diNO CHIIDREN ADMITTED in Israel. Whatever "American rect responsibility for technical DON'T M1SJ THE Jews do and ask Is dictated by assistance. $H,5Q0-ADDE0 AK-SAH-BEM that interest and ,we are grateful Israel also benefited from mon- f'done JA i:;1*j to laiert four Wlfit Ao HANDICAP JULY 5711 for it. We really do not knoiv wlial etary expenditures by tlie United ;n The Ji-7/lsli I'ma*. rate in .VI cetilf tot eich four the limit might he of what we Nations Technical Assistance Pro- lineCurrent Uta*rti'in. Thr I ' r u i rfsrrvcji tin rlytit could do in the United States to gram, .'iccording lo the report. Out to limit iU4 of cacti advertisement PHOTOGRAPHER provide information about Israel. of total expenditures of •S;il,500.- BAR and Bas MiUvah congratu817 SOUTH 36TH STREET .Jf funds were Unlimited. We do 000. the Program allocated S-'H-t.lations also for all Jewish holiknow that all of our facilities, ifnd 000 to Israel in HO7. Israel pledijcd HARNEY 1044 days arid special occasions. lill members of our staff are kept in nmiipv a total of 5O."i,<;00 for Meyers News Stand. 1502 Dodge

Israel Asked to Tighten Its Belt

Robbincate Set tecpuita$i©iis

Versions Vary

South 'Not Buying KKK Anti-Semitism

| 50 U. N. Experts

John Kalina

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