87. J95»
The determination to bring the J958 Jewish Philanthropies Campaign (o an early and successful conclusion was expressed last Wednesday by Klmcr Gross, general campaign chairman. Speaking to a gathering of campaign workers, Gross strongly urged all volunteers to finish up quickly the <ask of contacting the prospects assigned to them. "Tho very .serious situation confronting our agencies, not only overseas hut here in Omaha as well, demands that we exert all our efforts in the next few days lo getting tlift job done," Gross declared. "It is imperative) that every worker concentrate now on covering all his cards, and on securing the necessary gifts that are so essential to the health and welfare 8ervie.es vital to all of us."
The following are current reports from divisions in the 1!C>8 Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign: • 3 058 Total Division ' To Hale s Initial Gifts 4281.812,50 Men's Division .'{,H21.!iO Women's Division G0,(iH7.25 V. & P. Unit ....3,271.50 Children's Division 1.70(!.'.'5 High School Division 970.75 University Division 95.00 Organizations 2.298.75 Miscellaneous • 1,292.00 Total to Date
Youth Council Tops Goal The Youth Council has already lopped its "over $1,000 goal" for Philanthropies and anticipates additional funds, it was reported by the group's co-chalmen. Justin GreenberK and Phyllis Abrahams. Total pledges are now over $1,150 and total payments are close to S950. Both the amount pledged and that paid, exceed the sum raised by the Youth Council during any previous year. Rayim now leads with 9fi per cent in percentage of club members who have pledged to -Philanthropies,. In the percentage of members who have paid their complete pledges, Rohnaue leads with 85 per cent. • "Our appreciation and thanks are extended to all our captains und lieutenants, and especially to all Youth Council members whose ready participation in the drive made it such a great success," the co-chairmen said.
Congress Ashed To Act on Hombings
' Parents still have a final opportunity to register their children for the Jewish Community Center Day Camp's second and last session startin^ this Monday If applications are made immediately for the few openings left. Mrs. I>eoniiid Kulakofsky, day camp chairman, Urged interested parents to contact Sol Silvcmian at the Center Camp office at once to make arrangements. The high calibre of the staff, all pre-camp trained has been greatly responsible for the success of the first session, Mrs. Kulakoffcky said. All the activities of the first two weeks will be carried over to the second .session In addition to many new features. Campers enjoy boating, fishing, hiking, rlflo practice, nthletics, trips' and surprise events. Swimming instruction is offered on all levels. A highlight of tVia first period was the celebration "of the tenth anniversary of Israel in which every group participated witli songs and dances of many nations. .Rates- for -the second session which closes July 11 are $35.00 including food, transportation, inKurunce and craft's fees'. The day camp |3 open to children five to thirteen years of nK<? and its preschool group, three to five years. JSKAIX I,lVIN<i COST CJ'1' ; : Jerusalem (JTA)---'J'he cost of living In Israel rose four poliits* in May, to a now high of 270, the Eoverninerit announced.
Washington (JTAl Six major national Jewish organizations and •12 local, state and regional Jewish community relations agencies called for the enactment at this session of the Congress of a bill to establish u "juiisilielional basis" for action by the KM I in cases of bombings, by prohibiting the illegal transportation or use of explosives.
Mr. Gross stated (hat Hie 1958 campaign is now in (lie crucial stage. To delay in the gathering of contributions, he declared, could well result in an eventual cutback of local health and welfare workers. Gross called attention to this year being Israel's tenth anniversary" and a time for celebration because we kept our promises and they kept theirs and that was why the gates of Israel have stayed open for ten years. More than 920,000 men, women and children were rescued from countries of terror and danger in Europe, and the medieval squalor of Moslem lands. "Let's finish the Campaign! We need the funds right now, and we don't want the campaign to drag on into the summer, so let's get out and wind it up," Gross concluded.
. Scopus
Will Be Opened Jerusalem (.JTAl Israel has agreed in the wake of UN Secretary General Dag Haminarskjold's visit, to re-open the road from Issawia village on^Mt. Scopus for Hie iisu of tho Arab villagers. Agreement, conditional on the villagers not creating further Incidents on -the height, was given at a meeting between Foreign Ministry officials and Andrew W. Cordier, Mr. Hammarskjold's 'executive assistant who lias been negotiating between Israel and Jordan. ' • The Israeli press reported that during the recent Premier David Guripn-Hammarskjold meeting It was indicated that Israel would return to the Israel-Jordan Mixed Armistice Commission if Jordan showed willingness to implement Article V1U of the armistice pnet which guarantees Israel the right to resume normal operations on Mt. Scopus.
Sunday Picnic Starts 4 P.M. •Final preparations are being made for the second annual picnic supper to be held Sunday, June 29, from 4 p. m. to 7 p. m. at the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home For the Aged by Bilmr Cholim. Chairmen In charge of the arrangements are Mrs. Charles Ross, tickets; Mrs. Jake Wine, supper, and Mrs. Paul KaUman, reservations. Proceeds will be used foe the organization's medical fund. Tickets may be purchased at picnic site at $1.50 per plate for adults and 75 cents for children.
Silver Exhorts Division To Speed Up Campaign Although an encouraging response is reported in the Philanthropies Campaign by the Men's Division, Robert H. Silver pointed out that in comparison to the total number of contributors to be reached, a large number remain to be contacted. Karl Sie^el and Louis Canar, Division Colonels, are pleased with the results from those contributing so far but are convinced that coverage of cards must be stepped up. "Workers", stated Mr. Silver, "who are seeing contributors ara 1950 B'nai B'rith Meet being met with a warm welcoma To Be Invited to Omaha and understanding of the pressDelegates from lodges and chap- ing need for funds. But all desigters of the Southwest Regional nated must be seen to assure sucCouncil of B'nai B'rith will make cess of the campaign." Mr. Silver praised the efforts of determined bid at it* conclave In St. Paul next week, to secure workers in the Men's Division anil feels assured that Omahans recthe 1960 convention for Omaha, ognize their responsibility to mainDavid Bleicher, Council president tain local programs as well at and member of Nebraska Lodge, overseas rescue operations. He emphasized, however, the hope that said. • The meeting will open Saturday. those who have not yet contributed will do so at once so that as June 28 and conclude the following much as possible of the soi-ely Tuesday with a banquet at which needed funds can be obtained former Oniahan, Philip Klutznick without delay.. will be the principal si«aker. Omaha lodge delegates include Joseph Mayer, Cornhusker; Morrie Franklin and David Bleicher, Nebraska and Dr. Abe CJreenbcrg, Louis Canar, F.dward A. Rosen, Dr. Leon Fellman, Sam Pollalc, Sidney Taren, George Shafer, Gerald Schwartz, Max Breslow, Bert London, (JTAl—A threat from Render and District Governor Moslem extremists to blow up th« Marvin Treller. Jewish quarter of Beirut, capital Women who will represent their of revolt-torn Lebanon, was re-> chapters at the meeting are tlie ported In the press here. Mines. Harry Smith, .Aaron. KpA Beirut dispatch said that tha stein, Harry Friedman, Ben Blnll Jewish community had received and Max Krlzelnian, Henry Mon- an "ultimatum" from the leader sky and Mines. David Bleiclier and of the extremist Moslem Najjada Paul Sacks, Nebraska. " Party, to remove from Its synaMrs. F.pstein will serve on the gogue and nearby nuildings alleged nominating, committee for the caches of arms and ammunition. women's district officers. The Unlrut rabbinate I ill me illately denied Hint any arms or ammunition were stored in tluvnyun-. gogiitt or In Jewish homus. The World Jewish Congress here said that although arrests have been made since the establishment of Israel, among the now estimated 10,000 Jews in Lebanon, it nevertheless, has remained the only Arab country in the Middle Kast^vith a stable and practically unmolested J e w i s h Population. "Hut the economic lot of the former Syrian Jews- a large portion of the Lebanese Jewish community is worse und they have not been granted Lebanese citizen'ihip because of Syrian pressure," the WJC emphasized. Israeli Minister to the Unit • 1 Slates, YuiU'ov llorzog, wiid la t Hiiffnlo, N. Y., television Intervli-.v Unit "Israel's policy, i" regard In Hie l.i'lmncse crisis Is one nf toiil restraint mid non-Interference :• ml tills hits been Israel's Hue III r.'l-iIioii to lilt aspects (if th« 'Inlr.iArali conflict." ... ' '
Beirut Jews Threatened
CANADA HAS SKVKN JKWISII MAYOUS Montreal (JTAl Seven Cur. 'iAirs,. Julio Wind, Mrs. (Jiiirlo* Itoss uml Mr*. I'uul Kat/iuiin, aided by members »f Bikur ( liullin I an cities are currently huidj I / deplumes liunmiliijf a» tli«y worked on reservations fur tlielr accond iilenlo supper, Sunday at 1.1.Tew'.sh uvijoi-., t'nc C uiarti in J Kept tin* tele] lsh Coni;ie-iS repji nM. •tlia-Dr. I'jilllu Hlicr JewWU lionio {or the Aged.
Fafe Two
Friday, June 17, 193«
Rabbi Brooks To Present Paper Published Every Friday by the Federation of Jewish Service
liabbi Sidney H. B r o o k s of Temple Israel was to present paper nl a seminar on "The Kabbl and the Non-Jewish Community" Editor Friday at the Central Conference of American Kabbis In Chicago The meeting which opened Tuesday, June 2*1 will conclude on the 29th. Rabbi Brooks is a member of the conference commission on church and stale. the J e w i s h Community Center C.':ini|i Office or through mall upidieatlon. Only five openings' re miiin for the first, two werk session while 13 implications will still he accepted for the second period. 1'arents ure requested to register their children Immediate ly to avoid possible disappoint ments later.
Eecuno -lust MtUliiij> frjviiegefa Authorized ut OmtiMu, Nebraska ^ Annual buDscrlutiun, 44.UU, Advciilblnit Hales on Apnllcutlun. Editorial Ui i-e—101 No iuih Street, Oimsha. Nchr.. jAckson lMWi. Print Sh Address 4808 So Mlh Street.
•hop thursday: 9:30 a. m. to 8:30 p. m.
pre-scesscEi prices . . .
Creative Camprcaff To Be Offered a\ Camp Jay-C-C Creative campciaft will be I ho Impetus for making many practical items at Camp Jay-C-C this sum .ttier under the guidance of an ex perienced staff. Campers will learn to utilize m a t e r l i i l H for signal towers benelieSi tables and rump utenhils while learning first aid, rooking over an open fire, using axes anil other outdoor equipment. Trip-outs are a special feature of the summer program with boys and girls handling all aspects of the trips from the planning phase to working out menus and preparing the meals. Horseback overnights, star hikes, nature trip? and a camp zoo are other attractions in the campcraft area. Campcraft is just one of the more than ]5 regular activities conducted by the camp in its four week Bcason starting July 20 and running through August 17. In addition, evening programs and unusual events are planned. Special snacks are served to the campers in the afternoon and before retiring. V'ounifRters may be registered tor the camp sessions by contact Ing
Copy Monday 9 a. m. Deadline for acceptance of news copy for the July 3rd issue has been set for Monday, June 30 at 9 a. m. so that the Jewish Press will be in 1h" mail before the July 4th holiday.
Births Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Somlicrg have selected the name Jane Dchra for their daughter, born June 19 at Clarkson hospital. They are also the parents of a daughter. Linda Gail. Grandparents -are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Shapiro and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Somberg. Mr..and Mrs. Abe Goldstein and Mrs. Abe Somberg are paternal great grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Shapiro 'are maternal great grandparents.
Netrt and MPIMOIOM At The I>r. PhUlp *brr J<-*lnb ll»m« For Tilt Afcd by Dai Id Orkon.
A watermelon treat was given our Folks by A. fisher to start the watermelon season. Flowers were donated last WCVK by Mr. and Mrs. riam Steinberg, in honor of the marriage of their daughter, Phyllis Joy and Edward G. Belzcr. The flowers this week were presented by Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Friedman of Dallas, Tex., in honor of the wedding of their daughter, Barbara to Jerome Goldls of Sloitx City, la. A Kiddush was given by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Schwartz, in honor of the coming wedding of their con, Lawrence Kay to Miss Jean Edith 'utler. The Rabbinical Visitor this week was Kahbi David Korb of Council Bluffs, Ta. Yahrzeit: Tammuz 17-July 5•- Ben Milder. Tammuz 18-July 6 - Louis S. Ltbowitz. Tammuz 27-July 15-Sam Josephson. Tammuz 29 July 17- Molly Tully. OUT OF TOWN V I S I T O R S were the following: Dr. and Mrs. Mittleman and family of Sioux City: Mr. and Mrs. Bill Slolsky of North Sioux City, S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Goldfcin of Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. Jake Chosen and family of Lincoln; Mr. and Mrs. HnrriR Sirinsky and Koby Sirinsky of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greenwald and family of Sioux City; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Patz and son of Mission, Kansas and many others whose names we did not receive. •'WELCOME .HOME: Mrs. Sara Silver.
Candlelightlng 7:41 p. IJ'NAI JACOB-ADAS Services at B'nai Jacob-Adas Veshuron will begin Friday at 7:15 p. m. and Saturday morning ut 8:30 a. m. with Mincha'ni 7:30 p. m. followed by Shalosh S'eudos. Daily services 6:30 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. m. BKTII ISRAEL Services at Beth Israel Synagogue, Friday at 7:30 p. m. Sabbath morning services begin at 8:45 a. m. Junior congregation 10 a. m. Saturday afternoon Talmud Class 7:15 p. m. Sabbath Mineha, followed by Shalosh S'eudos and Maariv 7:50 p. m. Sunday morning breakfast, Minyon, 8:45 a. in. followed by Rabbis bible class. Sunday morning J n Congregation 8:45 a. m. Daily services 7 a. m. and 7:50 p. m. The Tuesday evening Talmud class meets at the BHH Synagogue 19th and Burt Streets every Tuesady evening and services every Saturday morning at !l a. m.
BETH .EL Sabbath evening services will.be held Friday at 7 p. m. Sabbath niomin;; services will begin at 9:30 a. m. 'Die Mineha Service will begin at 7:45 p. m. Daily services during the week are held at 7 a. m. nnd 7 p. rn. 'Die Sunday morning service Is held at 9 a. m.
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Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bloom announce the birth of a soni''Brent Michael, on June 14 at the Lu-theran hospital. Grandparents, are A monument will be dedicated Mr^ond Mrs. Sam Bloom of Omaha and Mrs. Leah Cohen of Chi- to the memory of Louis Gitlin, Sunday, June 29. 11 n. rn. at cago. i Golden Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Bcn;imin Gl n A daughter, Nancy Michelle was! J 110 w'°i «" °f Beth Israel Syna" officiate. Friends find .borni to Mr. and Mrs. Burton «°': Robinson, on June 19 at St. Jo- relatives are invited to attend. seph hospital. A monument will be dedicated Grandparents are Mrs. Ida Robinson of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. to the memory of Harry Rubenstein, Sunday, June 29th, at 3 p. m. Ben Capin of Nogales, Ariz. Mrs. - Capin who is a guest at the Robin- at Mt. Sinai Cemetery'- Rabbi son home will be joined by her hus- Myer S. Kripkc and Cantor Aaron I. Edgar will officiate. Friends and band in the near future. relatives are invited to be present. Mr. and Airs. Harold Abraham son became the p a r e n t s of nj William David Kully wishes daughter, Ellene Gay, on Juije 19th! at the Methodist Hospital. They! to thank his friends for realso have two sons, Mark and; membering him with UnionBruce. ; grams on his recent Bar Mitzlah. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. j Ben Abrahamson and Mrs. Jeani Kaplan. Mr. and Mrs. A. Friedman j and Mrs. Jake Kaplan are great! grandparents. I
Monument C®.
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^ T r - s ^ g ™ '&y"VJ|fflma
Friday, June 27, 1958
Robert Krasnes are on Florida Wedding Trip
June Suzanne Richards Bride in Beth El Synagogue Wedding Beth El Synagogue was the scone of the lale Tuesday afternoon wedding of Miss Suzanne Richards and Ramon Stuart SombiTg. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke of Beth El tint! Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks of Temple Israel officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr.-f— -— nnd Mrs. Morton Allon Richards, featured a portrait neckline am the bridegroom, the son of Mr. and short sleeves, both outlined b; Mrs. Louis Somberg. Alencon lace and seed pearls. A The bride's gown by Priscella of scattering of re-embroidered ulonBoston was fashioned of ivoiy silk con trimmed the full skirt unc] organdy over taffeta. The bodice chapel train. Her three tiered veil of French illusion was held by a Regency cap of Alencon luce and pearls She carried an orchid surrounded by lilies of the valley and sterih anotls. Miss Nancy Richards served as maid of honor. Bridesmaids were the Misses Nancy Ann Rlekes, Jean Goldstein, Ellen Goldstein all of Omaha; Susan Chosen, Lincon, nnd Carol Wicc, Philadelphia Attendants wore identical gowns of re-embroidered ivory silk organdy over mist green taffeta They wore matching picture hats and carried crescents of stepano tls and ivy. Marlon Somberg was his brother's best man. Ushers were Joel Rotenstreich, Birmingham, Ala.; Robert Mattson, Louisville; Laurence Straus, Ronald Budwig, Chicago, 111.; Tom Klutznlck, Park Forest, III.; Steven Riekcs and Richard Fnink. After a dinner at tlie Blackstone Hotel, Mr. and Mrs. Somberg left .Mrs. Human Stuiirt Somlicrg for a wedding trip to Bermuda.
r • i
Mm. Alfred diaries Steinberg
Couple Lives In California
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Charles Steinberg, are making their home in San Francisco, Cal. following a Las Vegas honeymoon. Mrs. Steinberg, the f o r m e r Mildred Radinowskl is the daughter of Joseph Radinowskfl who recently returned to Omaha after attending the couple's wedding June 1 at Beth Israel Synagogue Chapel in San Francisco, A dinner followed. The bride given in marriage by her father, wore a white slllc organza street length gown and a silk organza pillbox trimmed with sequins and pearls. She carried a white prayer book with two white orchids. Miss Ida Rundell of San Francisco, and a former Omnhan, wore a rose silk sheath with a matching hat. Attending the groom were Jack Hanson, us best man and Herbert Judson Rochman was best man Green and Brian Hill, nil of San for his brother. Edward Belgrade, Francisco, as ushers. Omaha; James Lee Wohlner, Chicago, 111.; Jonathan Mindell, NewYork, and Barton Rochman, Pe
Marcia Zalkin Wed To Stuart Rochman
Miss Marcia Zalkin, daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Zalkin, and Stuart Richard Rochman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rochman, were married Sunday, June 22, at Beth El Synagogue. The bride chose an original gown of pure silk organza, frosted with Schiffli embroidery. The shirred bodice featured a portrait neckline and tiny cap" sleeves. The full, flowing skirt of the embroideied organza ended in a swirl of godet T 15s** flounces. Her elbow length veil of triple tiered illusion was caught by a jeweled Juliet cap. She carried a white orchid and stephanotis on a Bible. Linda Zalkin, sister of the bride, was^maid of honor. The Misses Linda Veret, Barbara Nofig, DoJores Shapiro and Joan Mayer, w e r e bridesmaids. Their gowns were ballerina length of Romance blue silk chiffon, fashioned with scoop necklines nnd cap sleeves, with an inset of matching blue •at in accenting t h e waistlines. They wore matching picture hats MH. Stuurt Itk'Iuird Itoclminn and carried straw baskets of blue and white daisies. oria, 111., were groomsmen. Jerry Vengcr, Marvin Nowberg, Dean Frankel nnd Marshall Zalkin ushered. After a Wedding trip to Mexico and Acnpulco, the couple will live at 4353 Dodge Street.
Sandra Fisher, Marvin Kohll Engaged
The engagement of Miss Sandra Joyce Fisher to Marvin Stanley Kohll has been announced by lhe bride-elect'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Fisher. Mr. Kohll Is tho BO not Mrs. Louis Kohll Miss Fisher, a teacher at Brownell Hall, was graduated from the University of Omaha. She is affiliated with Sigma Delta,'Tuu. Sorority, Pi Gamma Mu, and Phi Alpha Thota, social study and history honoraries. She also attended the University ot Iowa. The prospective, bridegroom attended Creighton. University and was graduated from the University of Nebraska College of Pharmacy. B e is a member of Sigma Alpha' Itfu Fraternity. Mr. Kohll 'manBges the Park Avenue Pharmacy. An Aug. 24 yedding date has
been tot
Hire* *
Urn. Jcromo J . Koldls (Story a t Right)
Miss Elaine Rae Kruntz became the bride of Robert Edward Krasm in a fi p. m. ceremony at Bell El Synagogue S u n d a y. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke, Cantor Aaron I Edgar of Beth El and Rabbi Sid ney II. Brooks of Temple Israel officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Krantz; her husband Is the son of Mr. and Mrs Millard Krasne. Following a dinner-dance at the Town House, the couple left on a wetfcling trip to Miami Beach, Fla. I r i d e s c e n t sequins and seed pearls studded the neckline of the silk organza and Alencon lace gown worn by the bride with a fingertip veil. She carried a white orchid on a Bible. Mrs. Willard Friedman in a sheath gown of romance blue taffeta, was matron of honor for her brother's bride. Bridesmaids, wearing similar ensembles of ballet blue were Mrs. Samuel Yarosh of Minneapolis, Minn.; Miss Elaine BernBtein of Sioux City, la., and Miss Patricia Mogil. Best man was the bride's brother, Sheldon Krantz. Groomsmen were Mr. Friedman, Harold Novak
Miss Raduziner To Visit in Mass. Miss Doris Raduziner will leave Saturday, June 28th for St. Louis, Mo., where she will be joined by her fiance, Milton S. Marks on a trip to Worcester, Mass.. where they will be the guests of tile latter's mother, Mrs. Thomas Marks and family. There, several social events have been planned to honor the engaged couple. Miss Raduziner will return home the latter part of July. Her marriage to Mr. Marks will take place on August 30th at Beth El Synagogue.
and Ronald Brodkey. Ushers wera Leslie Krasne of Council Bluffs; Michael Segal of.Greeley, Colo.j Steve Sherman of Little Rock, Ark. and Peter Brodkey. Mr. and Mis. Krasne will make their home at 4702 Ca&& Street
Mrs. Robert E. Krasne
Betrothal Announced Visiting in Omaha are Mis* Trudi Gail Zedlck and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Zedick of Seattle, Wash., who have announced their daughter's engagement to William Novak. Mr. Novak, the son of Mr. and fi.inea Mrs. Ben Novak me!
Omahan Wed in Baltimore
Married- Sunday in Baitimoro Md. were Miss Naomi Glushakow of that city and Lieut. Herbert S. Dencnberg son of Mrs. David A. Dencnbcrg. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham D. Glushakow. Miss Helen Glushakow was her
Ex-OmahanlsWed At Beth Israel Miss Barbara Ann Friedman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Herman Friedman of Dallas, Tex. former Omahans and Jerome J. Goldis, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Nathan oldis of Sioux City, were united in marriage Sunday afternoon at Beth Israel Synagogue. Rabbi Benjamin Groner officiated. A reception and dinner followed he ceremony. Tlie bride chose a Pcau do Soio iilk floor length gown and wore a ewelcd Juliet cap attached to a ihoulder length French illusion oil, 'She carried a white orchid top a white bridal Bible. Miss Marcia Ellen Friedman, Dallas, Tex., was her sister's maidof-honor. Bridesmaids were the lisses Sharon Sternhill, Sepul\cda, Cal.; Estelle Epslejn, Sioux City, la.; Jolinc Friedman, Council Bluffs and junior bridesmaids, inda Beth Friedman, Dallas, siser of the bride and Sarilye FJsh, ioux City. David Goldis of S i o u x City icrved as best man. Ushers iniludcd Gerald Fish, Sioux City; \aron Lou Sterling, Omaha and lerry Goldis, Normiio, Okla. The couple will be at home In Sioux City following a wedding trip to Brainard, Minn. The brido is tho granddaughter f Aaron Shapiro of Omaha and Abo Friedman of Phoenix, Ariz.
sister's, maid of honor nnd Daniel Denenberg was best man for his brother. < Given in marriage by her father, the bride was attired in a ballenna length gown of white Peau de Soie f a s h i o n e d in .a-square'neck trimmed with lace and seed peaiIs She wore a bridaftiara with a veil of tulle and carried a bouquet of white roses and stephanotis. The bride attended the Peabody Conservatory of Music, Johns Hopkins University, Teacher's College, Columbia University, The Royal College of Music in London and Is «i graduate of the Juilliard School of Music in New York. The bridegroom is a graduate of
Miss Trmll Gail Zedlck while on active duly with the United States Navy in the Seattle area. Miss Zedick recently attendd the Helen Bush Girls School of Seattle. A brother, Tony, al>-o accompanied the family to Omaha. Many social events are being gnen for the visitors. Dinner hosts have been Messrs. and Mmes. Mervin Rosenberg, Elmer Novak and Ben Novak. A recent luncheon was given by Mmes. Henry Riekea :ind Harold Pollack. Tlie couple are planning tentatively to be wed in Omaha during the early part of next year and expect to make their home hoi e.
Mrs. Herbert 8. Denenberg Creighton University Law School, attended the University of Nebraska and the University of Chicago. He received his B.S. Degree from the Johns Hopkins University and is a member of the American Bar Association. After a trip to Cape Cod, Massachusetts, the couple will reside in Baltimore. •
Pag* Foar
Pioneer Women Elect Officers Mrg. Milton Nearenberg was elected president of tlia Pionoer Woinens Organization at a luncheon meeting Tuesday afternoon »i the Jewish Community Center, Others elected are Mrs. .Michael Colton, financial secretary; Mrs. Jacob Feldman, trensurer! Mis. Harry Kichlin, recording secretary and telephone commlttea chairman. Members of the latter'.-, committee lncluda Mines. Ilymaii Fried, Bessie Ferer nnd Issdore Forbes. Additional committee chairmen tiamed an* Mrs. Kried. membership; Mrs. Max Fiewlowil/, local correspondenea and hospitality; Mrs. Marlon Bondarin, bonds, Mrs. Sarah Okun, Jewish National Fund; Mrs. Dave Kpstein, CiillnraK In charge of the luncheon committee are Mines. J. Kaplan, M. Sterenberg and Epstein.
Omahans In the News
Organizations TKMPLE ISRAEL NUBSKRYSCHOOL Templa Israel Nursery Seliool which ha» several openings for the fall semester, will begin its three mornings-a-woek program at lJ a. m. and conclude at 11:30 a. in. Activities will includu free play, music, stories, records, handicraft, dramatic* and excursions. Interested parents ara asked to contact Mrs. Man In Taxman, 'IK 4f>Hl or Mrs. Donald Brortkey, U'A 5156.
c o r s i x s CI.III Mrs. L. London of C o u n c i l Bluffs, will e n t e r t a i n the Cousins Club Wednesday. June 25 nt H 12:30 p. in. luncheon at tlit* Mill Hotel. Those unable to attend a r e asked to call Council BlufN 7:VJ'.).
India Press Calls for Diplomatic Relations With Israelis
New Delhi UTA'i The Times of India, one of the most Influential newspapers in lhi.< country, editorially culled for the estabMrs. Robert P. Jaffer and son, lishment of diplomatic relations David of Tampa, Fla Hie visiting between Israel and India. The at the home of her parents, <;<»l. Nehru Government has delayed (ret.) and Mm. Itenjiunln Stern. such a move because of Its close relations with various Arab states. " Mn». Sara Schwartz, has as. her The Times asserted that the gueitj her daughter, Mrs. Clarence principles which justified Indian Cohn, and grandchildren, Terry, recognition of Israel In 1950 the Holly and Nina, of Winnetka, 111. fact of Israel's existence and its Paul GitJin of Cleveland, O.. a recognition by the vast majority nophew of Mrs. Schwartz, Is ex- of the nations of the world - would pected to arrive here Friday. now justify the establishment of diplomatic relations. It insisted Mr. and Mr«. Sidney Walilliauin that the presence of an Indian who previously made their home diplomatic representation in Israel in Grand Island are now residing would "help President Nasser to at 9424 Capitol Avenuu. With persuade Arab opinion Into a more them ar« their children, David, reasonable frame of mind" toward fcaryl, Howard and Douglas. Mr. Israel. Waldbaum is engaged In business in Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. Sam (Jelfman have s i their guests, their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Root and sons, James Leon and Johnny, David of North Hollywood, Cal. The Californlans, also, ara visiting Mr. and Mrs. Max Falk, brother-in-law and sister of Mrs. Root.
Omahan To Serve at
University Workshop Sol I. I.ittman, Plains States Regional Director of the AntiDefamation League, Omaha," will serve as assistant 'director of an advanced workshop in human relations at the University of Colorado from July 21 to August 6. He will be working with Miss Gertrude Noar, National Director of Education for the Anti-Defamation League. Mr. Liftman will also bo in Lawrence, Kans., on July 21 to conduct a session In human relations for the Police Training School sponsored , by the Governmental Research Center at the University of Kansas. •
Firm Agrees on 'Full Service'
Jerusalem (JTAi---Th« American K.xpresj Company, which had been charged by Israeli officials with closing its offices In Israel under the pressure of tho Arab anti-Israel boycott, agreed to provide a full range of services In Israel to local atid foreign customers.
Friday, Juaa ft, J63S
Israel Settles 'Identity' Issue Jerusalem <JTA> Th« Israel Cabinet udupted two amendments to (lie new identity eurdj Issued recently by tha Ministry of Interior and which havu created dissension within the government. Tliu Cabinet vota decree* that any applicant for a card who declares himself a Jew shall be no identified and, provided ha does not profess any other religion, will bo considered of the Jewish faith. Children will ba considered of the Jewish faith If both their parents declare themselves Jews. Neither civil nor religious courts ara required to accept the statement on tlie identity card as proof of Jewishnes*. Religious leaders ai-giiB that under the latest decision the matter of mixed marriages will 1>« further confuscf1. as will the situation resulting from tha fact that member! of some local Christian sects Identify themselves as Jews, though of a different religious faith.
CampusNews OMAIIANS Carole Micklin, 7.(5 North 57th St.. Sarah Laurence College; Lloyd S. Brookstein, W.U North 49th St., Northwestern University; M. Ronald Brodkey, 1121 North 5lith St., University of Oklahoma; Richard A. Frank, 120 South 54th St., and M. J. S w a m . 2052 North 53rd St., Harvard University. ELKCTKD FKATKK.MTY OFFICER Don Grcenberg, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Klmer Greenberg, has hven elected vice-president of PI Lambda Phi fraternity at the University of Oklahoma.
ALLEN S. CIPINKO Funeral services for Allen S. Clpinko, 37, of 1102 South 54th Street, were held June 29 at the Jewish Funeral Homo with burlul In Golden Hill cemetery. Mr. Zipinko. talesman for a construction fnn, died June 17 of a heart attack. Surviving are his wife, Marlon; children, Gerald, Robert, Sanford and Linda of Omaha; his parents, Mr. and Jim. Louis Cipinko of Chicago, two brothers and a sister.
Center tiijht fielding whilo Unaffiliale* ISCAIW IK FIRttT I'I,ACK A tripla play and a bases londed 'continued their winning Ktreak by homerun placed the Hears Soft- beating AZA 100, the second placu ball team in first place in the team 25 to 19. Stuart Kutler was Center's I .ad* Lea«un Sunday at the winning pitcher for UnaffilKim wood Park. Alan Kulakosky lates. Steve Friedman, L'naffillale, started tho tripla play by catching Hot on base 5 out of six times at a fly and throning.a man out nl ! bat. second biise, tho second baseman, I This .Sunday's games starting Garry Green in.'ida a fast throw at 10 a. m. at Khmvood Park, feato thtt catcher, Bruti Grossman, to turu AZA KX) against Hayim ami pick off a runner attempting to L'naffillatcs against AZA 1. steal home. Larry lirookstein m/ide the top hit of the day by clouting Arab League Opens a bases loaded homerun to cause his team to win over the Lions Washington Office 15 to 12. Washington (.ITA I ' l ' h a Arab In other I.eai;ue pl;iy the TiKer/ League opened an anti-Israel prodefeated tha Pun I her* 11 to 7. paganda office in the nation's capThin .Sunday, Ilia last day for ital thin week. The Washington league play will pit lha Panthers Bureau of tho "Arab Information adjust th<# Lions and tho Bears Office" will ba headed by Prof ajjm.1*! the Timers. All K'imes start Hussein Knmal Sellin of Cairo. Prof. Sellm recently was sponat 2 p. 'ii. at Klmwood Park. sored by tho "American Friend* of I ho Middle Kast" in a number SOFTBALL (I.1ME of anti-Zionist addresses to AmerFOK VKTKICANS ican audiences. He attacked Jewry Old tlm» soflLill players will as well as the State of Israel. have their day Sunday at Klmwood Park when a special scr'tbiill game will bo played Ktarliub at 1:30 DIAMONDS p, in. on tha Center Diamcnd, All Softball veterans aro urubK to Tor th« Moit D«licioui trim out for the tinv a year ua.'ne. Ground Betf in Town Danny F.pstein Is In charge of th* ijBme under tho sponsorship of the 441S Cumins WA 5S54 Center'* Athletic Department. YOl.'TIt COUNCIL <JA.MF.5I
scoiirc BB IUINS Sixty-ei(;lit rum were scored in two Youth Council games played at Klin wood Park .Sunday. Hayim downed AZA.l 2.1 to 1 with the superb pitching of Steva (>ux« and
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Berek Heads UN State Governor Victor E. Anderson this week announced the appointment of Samuel I. Berek of Fr«mont as state chairman of the Nebraska State Committee for the United Nations.' Mr. Berek is a member of the National Board of Directors.of National Conference of Christians and Jews; has received recognition from many national organizations for his work in human relations and brotherhood. He is the 1957 recipient of the "Good Neighbor Award" from KX AKSARBEN, and is listed in "Who's Who In World Jewry."
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