July 3, 1958

Page 1

Vn.i v v v v i V n «» Publlnlnd «v«ry Friday, 101 N. anth, Vol. X X X U J N o . 4X omah« .Nebraska .Phone JA 13(iU

Ex-Israeli Army Chief to Forego Public Speaking



Nmil\>iiu M.IHWHK*,


PHILANTHROPIES SCOREBOARD A s o f J u l y J. The following aii OuiHha J e w i s h I'liiliint

Jerusalem (JTAi -Premier David Ben Ourion, in his capacity of pefense Minister, has ordered Brig. Moshe Dayan, former Army Chief of Stuff now on leave, to forego public appearances "in the interests of hygienic politics." ih\ Ben (Surion announced his order in Knesset during a debate on a hcrut motion of non-confidence in the government for' its permit tin},' Brig. Dnyan. n member of the finned forces, to make political speeches. 'J'lie Ileiut motion was (lofeiited. Responding to Jlcnit mill (!cneral Zionist heckling against die •presence of Hrig, Daynn unil other senior nnny officers ai Mapni public rallies, the Premier said that lie was proud that the nnny hnd been kept out of politics in Israel, lie knew of no oth'T country in the world. Mr. Ben Gurion continued, where the army interfered less in politics than in Jsrael. However, he continued, in view of the storm raidi-d over ling Davaii's speeches, he dem^d it advisahle to request the officer ti> end them.

. . . . •

ions in the



To Date

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5;295,::72.r)O fj.lK8.00 (iO.HI5.25 3,271.1)0 1,719.25 "J,O.'!(i.75 95.00 ,. 2,298,75 2,.'W2.0()

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Entered HI Second-CJasi Muttai «t Punt-Annum lint* 4 Uuliurj Omiiha. Ncbrusha. undei Act of 1S7» Single Cunv 10 Centi

o rrnc.

U. N. Report Says—


United Nations, N. Y. (J'l'A)-- iained, especially in the fare of a el'; t i l s continuing—possibly heavy — illachiev during the past year, as well as flux of Immigration. thf" serious economic problems Israel's tut ai foreign obligations, which it is s.HII facing, are out-states the report were $^()<),600,000 lined in a report issued by theby 'he end of March, IWH, as Total to Dale .$".'',2,1X9.00 United Nations. against $89,(i00,000 in foieign curThe report emphasized that .Is- rency balances, with a nel outrael is now producing about 70 standing liability of ,V210,000,000. percent of its own food and an even higher percentage of certain "This," the report adds, "Is likemanufactured goods for internal ly to become a burden on tha consumption. . At the same time, economy and additional difficulthe report stresses, Israel's whole- ties are to be expected by 19K2, Jerusalem (JTAi- An Israel sale price index is rising steadily when payments under the German agreement to re-open a road Agreement will hava and d e f e n s e-expenditures are Reparations from Issiiwiii village on Mt, ended." New York (JTA) A Metro- climbing.. Scopus for use of (he Arab vilpolitan New York I'osl Office rullagers ran into a hitch. "AI the.' present stage," the re- The report states, "Inflation In one of Israel's greatest obstacle* Israel had agreed to re-open ing, .stemming from the large port declares, "the country In still to achieving Its alms In a reason- ' the road, which is entirely in number of Sabbath-observing Jew- far from achieving nn evternnl able amount of time." Whiln (lio Israel territory, from sunrise to I ish postal workers, which requires financial equilibrium. Without fur- report shows 11 vast progress 111 sunset daily hut. asked thai n inew postal employes to agree to ther evlernal financial aid, it Is almost every field of Israel's special Israel "representative be work (in weekends on request, was doubtful whetlier the progress I economy activity, internal us well permitted to investigate the iindi'r protest this week by thefar tirhicvcd can even be main- as external It declares that "tlm truth of an Aral) claim ahoiif Rabbinical Council of America. Inflationary process ehaiaeterlztin- road. The claim, transmitted Applicants are required to sign Ing Its economy makes It Increasthrough tin- UN. was that the ,i declaration of willingness to ingly difficult for Israel to nehlevo road was practically the only work on .Saturday as part of their n level of consumption—prlvatu use-able one for Arab villagers. five-d.'iy week, a ruling which inand public—-properly related to The road remained closed pend- cludes other Jewish holidays as the Income produced In the couning Jordan's reaction to the Is- •well. The new policy does not aftry Itself." rael request to inspect the roiid. fect postal workers already emIsrael's "nel nation d pioduel" Jerusalem I JTAi--The Israeli ployed. authorities have informed the Is-in 19f)li aggregated 2 '! 17 000,000 The now policy is also related rael-Jordan Mixed Armistice Com- Israeli pounds hut its lot ill conLaymen Called Upon to seniority provisions which give mission tliiil. Israeli delegates will sumption exceeded that figure by For Prayer Offerings postal workers with the most sen- attend a subcommittee meeting 202.000,000 pounds. Most of that Minneapolis (JTAi A resolu- iority the option of choosing days discussing Jordanian complaints discrepancy was due to what Ihe tion urging Jewish organizations off in their five-day schedule. against Israel's planting of trees report calls "public consumption," to assign invocations and benedicin the. no-man's land area of Jer- which almost doubled in lOoB over tions to "other than members of the I!).").'} level, while private conusalem. the rabbinate, whenever feasible," Israel sourcus, meanwhile, Iwve sumption in that period rose only was unanimously adopted here by lidded that this Is the first nf u by .'11 percent. the Minnesota Rabbinical AssoTh« general wholesale price Insurles of steps designed to bring ciation, A flagpole presented to the Israel hack Into the MAO, which dev ruse last your, based MI ID.VI The resolution noted that prayers were not the monopoly of theSouth Omaha branch of the Y,MC.\ has been under Israel boycott since costs, while tlin cost of living index rose. From l!)53 to September rabbis and "can and should be Twenty-fourth find K streets l>y ]«.->«. The Israel Foreign Ministry has IM37, the number of unemployed said hy men and women . . . of thethe Philip Greenhorg family will lie dedicated in a ceremony fit JOreceived no information so TarIn Israel decreased from l7,(iKQ organization. a. m., July 4. At the same time an from the Jordanian authorities on to H.'Xllt. In spite of I lie (net thut American flag will be presented the Israeli man and woman kid- the total population had risen conhy Omaha-Seymour Camp, Wood- napped by Jordanians this week- siderably. men of the World Life Insurance end while they were bathing in "Government expenditure," tha Society. the Gulf of Akaba off Elath. The report declares, "has- btcn steadiThe flagpole will be presented hitch in communications, through ly increasing, not only In absolute by Sam and Henry Groenberg to the intermediation of the United figures hut also relathe to gross Postmaster Walter Korisko, a di- Nations truce staff, has developed national product." rector of both the South Branch because Moslems are currently Private investments lose from and Central YMCA's. 'Max B. celebrating a three-day religious 185 million Israeli pounds in 19.TJ Hurt, executive vice president of holiday. , to 205 million in 1956, the report Woodmen of the World, will pre- (Information reaching London establishes. It also shows the insent.'the flag to LeRoy Baker, today from Jordan stated that the crease in "gross domestic capital president of the South Branch Jordanian authorities have ad- formation" in the country, which 1II-Y. mitted holding the two Israelis includes dwellings, non-residential but claimed that they are notbuildings and other construction civilians and are, therefore, being transport equipment, machinery U. N. Gives Israel held for interrogation.! and other equipment, and stocks Technical Equipment in share corporations. This figure almost doubled in the last four Jerusalem (JTA)- Shlomo Ara- East German Jews years. Manufacturing production zi, director of Israel's state prop- Lose Official Posts increased in the four years whilo. erty department, accepted title to agricultural production went up some $:100,00() worth of laboraBerlin (JTA) All Jews in East also. tory and research equipment used Germany who held official posiThe figures on Israel are part by United Nations technical ex- tions either as Government offi]!)I8-I9f)8 — Israel on guard and perts to train Israeli technicians, cials, parly posts or commissions of an overall report, issued by the building' for the greatest'home- Title was transferred by Kric in the East- German "National United Nations as a .supplement coming, in history conducted with Ward, resident director of the UN People's Army" have been dis- to its world economic sin icy for 1957. The report also shows tin;I. the aid of the United Jewish Appeal. technical assistance hoard. missed. in the entire Middle East region, Israel ranked first in figures for per capita consumption Israel's figures show the countries inhabitants having "a total calorie, Jerusalem ( J T A ) - A three-day to or needs to come here" and to sive method of de-salting sea wa- intake 2.8G0 per day/' with Turconference of the United Jewish "build" a great civilization which ter and utilization'of Ihe Negev's key next and Egypt third. Appeal, the first to he held out- will be (he pride of Jews every- mineral wealth. He said Israel would continue side aof the United States, heard where." He declared that "we must pre- to study the utilization of atomic Prime Minister David Ben Gurion pare ourselves for the great day energy as a source of power and emphatically assert that "hundreds of thousands of Jews will when the nates of Russia are to continue its succesful efforts to come to Israel from the Soviet opened find hundreds of thousands tap solar energy. Israel alone, he of Jews will come to Israel from Siiid, had an alternative to the Kpstein-Morgan Post, Jewish Union." Suez Canal and he promised that Wfir Veterans will lie hosts to Terming the U.IA not simply a the Soviet Union," The Premier reviewed Ihe rev-Israel would build a pipeline-from Omaha Veterans Hospital patients charity hut "an unprecedented expression of the unity of the Jewish olutionary transformation in thethe Gulf of Akaba to the Medi- at a bairgame at Municipal Ball people," the Premier told both Immigrants coming to Israel find terranean to liberate Europe from Park, Monday'night. July 7, it w.is the UJA delegation and his fel-outlined among the'problem of Ihe Egyptian Dictator Nasser's grip announced by Milton Goldberg, low-countrymen that their goal immediate future the reclamation on its oil supplies. He predicted VAVS representative. Posl members will hold their for Israel must he to "build here of'the Negev, by bringing the wa- Israel would become a great mara safe, free anil Independent home- ters of the Jordan to the arid itime nation, nnd a world center monthly variety show at • Ihe hospital July 8th at 7 p. m. land'for .every Jew wiio wishes places,' the finilhijj of an inoxpen- oC learning and research.

Mf. Scopus Road New Postal Rule Opening Hits Snag Affects Sabbath Observers, N.Y.

Award to Program On Anti-Semitism New York (JTAi- A special program about anti-Semitism in collides produced by Ihe American Uroadcnsting Company and the American Jewish Committee, '"J'lie Trophy," won a $l.(K)0 nwanl in the third annual Robert K. Sherwood Television Awards cornpet ii ion. M.'s. Eleanor Roosevelt, rejireSt'(i; i'ljl the Sherwood Awards jurors, presented cash totaling SI 1.000 to five shows which the jurors selected for defiling most effectively with the subject of freedom and justice in Amerirra. John Duly, ABC network vice president, received a plaque find Irving Kneel, president, of the American Jewish Committee, w;is awarded a special citation for 'The Trophy."

f. Abrcimson Heads Workmen's Loan Isidore Abr.'imson was elected president of the Omaha Workmen's Lonn'Association at a nieet•;lng Monday night nl. the Jewish Conmiiinity Centers. Other officers are II. Guss, vice president;- Marry Hichlin, treasurer; Harry Staenberg, secretary The Hoard of Directors include .7. Kaplan, Ben IJndenbaum, MaytM Frank, Milton Resnick, Phillip Miller, Morris Fisher, Ruben Kpstein, Arthur Meyerson, Mrs. Rose? Ginsberg and B. Klaiman. The organization will next meet July 14 and then on every other Monday during the summer. Mr. Staenberg. VVA 'I750 may bfi contricted by those making loan payments.

Fight Staged Against Saturday Elections New'Orleans (JTA i - An emergency committee of hoard members of the Jewish Federation of New Orleans began nn- uphill fight for repeal of a new state law requiring the holding of all state primary elections on Saturday, The. measure was passed hy both houses of the Louisiana legislature without fanfare and signed 'immediately hy Gov. Karl K. Long. It was not until after the Governor signed the measure: Into law that the Jewish ..community became nwure of it.

Israel to Discuss Arab Charges on Trees With MAC

Greenberg Family Give '¥' Flagpole


JWVtoBeHosfs At Bali Game


Hiurwlay, July t, 1058


Page Two

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Soviet Jews Reveal Fear Published Every Friday by the Federation of Jewish Servlca •econa Clusk Mulllnf Privilege* Authorized ut Omurm, Nebraska. ilnt! Hates on Appllc, Application. Annum Surjicrtutlun, $4.00. Advertising Omuha. Ncbr.. JAck6on 13CG. Edlturtui Ot ice—101 No. auih Street, Oi Print Sh • Address 4808 So 25th Street.




Candlellghtlng 7:40 p. m. BETH EL Sabbath evening services will be held this Friday at 7 p. m. Sabbath morning cervices will begin at 9:30 a. m. The Mincha Service will begin at 7:45 p. m. Daily services during the week are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The Sunday morning service is held at 8 a. m. B'NAI JACOB- ADAS XESHURON Services at B'nai Jacob-Adas Yeshuron will begin Friday at 7:15 p. m. and Saturday morning at 8:30 a. m. with Mincha at 7:30 p. m. followed by Shalosh S'eudos. Dally services 6:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. BETII ISRAEL Services at Beth Israel Synagogue, Friday at 7:30 p. m. Sabbath morning services begin at 8:45 a. m. Junior congregation 10 a. m. Saturday afternoon Talmud Class 7:15 p. m. Sabbath Mincha, followed by Shalosh S'eudos and Maariv 7:45 p. m. Services Sunday morning, July 6 at 8:45 a. m. followed by Bible class. Breakfast minyon omitted because of Fast of Tammuz observance. Sunday morning Junior congregation, 8:45 a. m. Daily services 7 a. m. and 7:50 p. m. except July 4th, at 8:45 a. m. The Tuesday evening Talmud class meets at the BHH Synagogue 19th and Burt Streets every Tuesday evening and services every Saturday morning at 9 a. m.

Mr. and Mrs. Paccy L. Wohlner have named their first born child, Lisa Anne. She was born June 24 In Lincoln where the Wohlners recently lived. The family are making their home at 124 North 36th Street and Mr. Wohlner will begin his second year of law study at the Creigbton University School of Law. Grandparents of the baby ftre Messrs. find Mmcs. Harold Wohner, Fremont, and Harold Brodkey. Great grandparents ore Mrs. Harry Bernstein, Fremont; Mr. and Mrs. Abe Weiss, Houston, Tex., and Mr, and Mrs. Louis Wohlner. Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Saltzman announce the birth of n daughter, Amy Elizabeth, June 20 at the Great Lakes Naval Hospital in Illinois. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Philip Klutznick, Park Forest, 111., former Omahans and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Saltzman. Great grandfather is Sam Fellman. A daughter Laurie Leigh was born June 11 to Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Cooper of Hayward, Cal., former Omahans. The couple also have twin daughters, Monica Lynn and Leslie Brooks. Grandparents are Mr. nnrl Mrs. Abe Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Saltzman. Mr. and 'Mrs. Stewart K. Knhn announce the adoption of a son, David Martin Kahn. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bcnj. Kahn and Isaac DIoogotf. Maternal great grandfather is A. Zusman, former Omaha resident, now of Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. Kahn is the former Mnrlene Dloogoff.

Open House on 80th Birthday

Miss Lena Rehfeld will be honored at an open house, Sunday, July 6 from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. on the occasion of her eightieth birthday. The reception will be given by her nephew and nieces, Mr. and Mrs. Kate Mantell jr., and Mrs. Edward Gilbert at the latter's residence. 6009 No, 52ml Street from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. No Invitations HADASSAH BOARD MEETING have been issued. Miss Rehfeld, a native born An executive board meeting of Hadassah will be held Monday, Omahan, is the daughter of the July 7 at the home of Mrs. Max I late Herman Rehfeld, a charter Grecnberg, chapter president. A ] member of Temple Israel where dessert luncheon will be served at I she has been a life-long member 12:30 p. m. and where she was confirmd. Mis Rehfeld is a sister of Mrs. Nate Mantel and has a grand KIONEEK WOMEN niece, Marilyn Mantell, the daughJ>LAN PICNIC The Pioneer Women are plan- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Nate Mantel, jr. ning to be held July 13. Mrs. L e o n a r d Pinkovitz has been named publicity chairman for the organization. . LEONARD C. KOHN Funeral services for Leonard C. Kohn, 79, of 5216 H a m i l t o n Street, who died June 25, were Phune JA X3tnj to loser: your Want Aa held last Friday. In Tho Jewish Press. Surviving are wife, Florence C, Current rate In 60 cents for cacti rout line Insertion. The Pirns reserves [lie rlebt daughters, Mrs. Homer Benson, to limit ilze ol each advertisement Kansas City, Mo.; Mrs. David BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratu- Bialac, Omaha. Mrs. Vcrnon A. lations also for all Jewish holi- Schiff, Opelousas, La., b r o t h e r days and special occasions. Eugene C. Kohn, six grandchildren Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge and a great grandson.

TEMPLE ISRAEL Services -will be held this Friday evening at 7:30 p. m. in the Temple Chapel. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will officiate and deliver a sermonette.

will come then. That's the trouCALL ble. No fear for today's regime. HOLLYWOOD It's the tomorrow that Is unpredictable that they fear. And they TUX RENTAL do not wont to talk because- they 106 Ho. 15th Srrcst JA Z452 know they have informers In their (In Omaha Loin Cldg.) midst, informers who record and say what people talk about. The records are not used today In the easy regime that is in control, but INVESTMENTS 1 they may be used in any future JUSTIN D. NORWICH P regime. And that's why they do not want to talk. Specializing in Hiltle daises Forbidden Undervalued "Bible classes and the internal teaching that comprises an imSecurities portant part of the synagogue life and have been forbidden. The 20 rabbis to be, who now attend the semSpecial Situations inary for the first time in the 40 years since the 1917 Revolution, CHUTTEMDEN. will be nothing but leaders In their few congregations. They will cover PODESTA & CO. but a small portion, of the Jewish Members Now York Stock synagogues needing rabbis. And Eichango and Other they will be leaders but not teachLeaders Join in Principal Exchangei ers. Rabbi is a Hebrew word that A means teacher, but these men will j j 220 Brandels Theatre Dldg. Bandung Pledge not be real rabbis. They will be t! WEbsfer 4555 United Nations, N. Y. (JTA) — religiously trained leaders." Dr. Kwnme Nkrumah, Prime Minister of Ghana, has agreed with President Nasser of the United Arab Republic that the two counaw tries will continue to support the RUG & UPHOLSTERY Featuring principles of the Afro-Asian counCLEANERS tries adopted at Bandung, IndoCANTONESE nesia, in April 1955 as well as to APPETIZERS RUGS—CARPETING urge "a just solution of tho PalLAMP SHADES estine question," according to n statement issued here by the UAR FURNITURE delegation. Cleaned In Your Homcl Anti-Israel Stand Dr. Nkrumah and Col. Nassar, Binding • Laying • Repairing the UAR delegation here stated, at the conclusion of the former's Don Bernstein HA 2554 visit to Cairo, issued their statement which "reaffirms adherence and support of the principles adopted at Bandung. At that parley.-a resolution was adopted supporting the anti-Israel stand of the Arab states. Embassy In Israel In a forma] message issued at Accra, Ghana, from the Governor raw ccsi to cossi v a General plans were reported for MS can euctotu the setting up of a Ghanian EmFor Satisfaction bassy in Israel and spoke of Israeli arrangements for providing the new African Commonwealth In with technical advice for development projects. Also, the message reviewed the partnership arrangement under which the two countries had established the Ghanlnn-flag Black Star Lines and said that a nautical college was shaping up along lines recommended by Israeli experts. Stockton, Cal. (JTA)—A full text of the talk between members of a U.S. Study Mission In the Kremlin with Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev on the situation of tho Soviet Jews has been issued. Dr. I. I. Weiss of Stockton, included his observations the general report made on the special study of tha Soviet Jews. They read: Feiir Ilnmpant "In Western Russia Jews did not feel free to talk much even in their own homes with me. In Leningrad and Moscow, mostly Leningrad, fear was rampant They fear the instability and especially the unpredictability of the regimes. One never knows what tomorrow will bring. All agreed that things have eased since Stalin died but tomorrow, who knows what

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Man Takes Brother's Tip, Switches to Ford Art Dergan (left), 4026 Curtis, Civilian Employee at Fort Omaha,' switches to Ford this week at Gerelicks. Accepting his Ford "6" from Bob Skoff, Gerelick salesman, Mr..Dergan said, "When I drove my brother's Ford it convinced me. I'm switching ta Ford." You'll switch, too, if you see Gerelick now. Factory quota - bustin's b o n u s

passed on 10 you. Special Sale. Brand new Custom 300, 6-passengcr Tudor only 51829. With Fordo matic, $1979. Station Wagon only $2099.. At Gerelick, 4719 No. 30th, where dollars saved on gas mileage plus savings on repairs with tho 30,000 Mile (3 Yr.) Warranty can equal lour monthly car payments.


Thursday, July 8, 1958

Miss Bette Wdfson Weds

Mrs. Kouben E. Halprln

Omchans In the News

Misa Bctle Joy Wolfson, daughter of Mr. and1 Mrs. Abe Wolfson, became the bride of Rouben Earl Halprin of Pass-A-GriUe Beach, Fla., Saturday evening. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke performed the ceremony at Beth-El Synagogue and a reception followed at the Shcraton-Fontenelle Hotel. The bridegroom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Irving H. Halprin of Pass-A-Grille Beach. After a wedding trip through the Ozarlcs and to Miami Beach, the couple will live at St. Petersburg, Fla. Matron of honor for her sister was Mrs. Bernard Denenberg Bridesmaids were the Misses Faith and Rochelle Halprin, Pass-AGrille, sisters of the bridegroom Herbert Sirota, St. Petersburg Beach, Fla., was best man. Ushers were Bernard Denenberg, Martin and Howard Meyers and William and Harold Wolfson, brothers of the bride.

Robert Goldsteins to Spend Summer in Omaha


1437 So. 13th St.


Former Omahans' Son To Wed in California

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Visitors Entertained

Mr. and Mrs. Irving Epstein entertained Tuesday evening at a cocktail party in honor of out-ofMr. and Mrs. Robert Vernon bodice and shoulder-line. She car- town guests. The visitors wera Goldstein who were married last ried a white orchid and stepha- Mrs. Epstein's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marks, Beaumont, Sunday evening will return to notis on an ivory Bible. Tex., formerly of Omaha and Dr. Omaha for the summer following Mrs. Herman Barron was ma- and Mrs. Murray Finkston, Chia wedding trip to C o l o r a d o tron of honor. Bridesmaids were cago, 111. Springs, Colo. the Misses Deanne Markovjtz, The ceremony was performed .it Anita Ravitz and Kay Goldstein Richard Weiner of Villisca, la., Beth El Synagogue by Rabbi Attendants wore ice blue cock- Marvin Ferenstein, David GoldMycr S. Kripke and Cantor Aaion tail-length gowns with princesse stein, Gerald Marer, Eugene Du» I. Edgar. bodices and soft bateau necklines The bride, the former Miss Nan- and matching head bands and Boff, Phillip and Herman Barron. Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein will cy Sue Barren is the daughter of blushers. They carried nose gays leave on September 1 for CamMr. and Mrs. Julius Barron and her of blue cornflowers. bridge, Mass. The bridegroom will Newton Levee of Flushing, continue his studies at Harvard N. Y., was best man. Ushers were University.

News has been received of the engagement of Sidney A. Pazoff, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Pazoff, MIM Arlene Epstein is spending former Omahans to Miss Harlene I the summer In Oakland, Cal., Ormland, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ormland. All are of Los with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Angeles, Cal. Sheldon Milenbach. She Is the Mrs. Kobert V.'Goldstein The announcement was received daughter of Jack Epstein. by Mrs. N. N. Berg, an, aunt of the husband is the son of Mr. and Mis bridegroom-to-be. A winter wedding is being Arthur II. Goldstein. A life membership award was planned. For her wedding, she was atrnado by the Omaha Chamber of tired In a floor length gown of silk organza fashioned with an Commerce at Its recent awards Mrs. Hcmsen, Soloist, Alencon lace peter pan collar; the dinner dance to Ah in S. NORU, a lace was repeated on the tucked director and education committee Symphony Pop Concert Mrs. Mary Roseborough Hanmember. Jules Drollclt, Paxton wife of Kermit Hansen, presHotel received a special award for sen, ident of the Omaha Symphony work on civic projects. Board, will be guest soloist," at Tuesday's Pop Concert, 8:30-p. m News has been received that at Peony Park. She will be joined fit'rry L. Fcllmnn, son of Mr. nnd in a duet by her son, Kurt, 11. 3Urs. Charles Frllinaii who will have completed his' tour of active duty with the United States Army Mr. and Mrs. Stewart (511late in July, expects to return to Inslty wish to thitnk their this country from Europe in the friends for the congratulatory jiear future. messages received on their twentieth wedding anniversary. Mr. nnd Mrs. I'lilllp HlrBch left June 28th for n three weeks vacation to Cheyenne, Wyo., Las Vegas, DIAMONDS Nov., Catalina Island and various California points. For th» Molt Delicioui Mr. find Mrs. Jerry Lehman nnd ton, Howard, are visiting Mrs. Lehman's parents In Chicago.


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