«r i vXXXVI v w i No. Tirn 43 .~ Published every Frlduy, 101JA N. 13GU 20th, Vol. Omaha .Nebraska. Plione
r\\iAH\ luirltlr »un A OMAHA, JNftKICASKA,
un U t iil ri tnyi.
Entered us Second-Clasi Matter at Post- Annual Itute 4 Dollars office. Onmiiu, KebruKka, under Act of 1879 Single Copy 10 Cents
Camp Parents Will Meet Thursday, 8 p.m. at Center "From ship to settlement" is the slogan in a land where thous;:unds of newcomers become citizens within the hour among a population which never pauses in its buildi K for peace or loses courage when national boundaries are threatened. This is Israel to Mr. and Mrs.' + J. Harry Kula.kofsky and Mr. and pence, and continues to grow with ed with the aid of more people and Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf, well known the help of world Jewry/' increased funds from the outside. community leaders who are home Mrs. Wolf, also an active figure Memories Kevlved nftcr Kpeneiinn 20 busy days tour- In Jewish Federation activities The transformation of already ing every corner of the new stale. and those of Israel lionds, shared developed sections revived memItofsky and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel her husband's impressions. ories of the earlier visit of. the N. Wolf, well known community Kvery Dollar rtilizeil Kulak.of.skys prior to Passover ten leaders who are home afler spend"It was an exciting experience years ago. ing 20 busy days touring every to see the way UJA funds have "The people at that time bad corner of the new state. been utilized," Mr. find Mrs. Wolf not seen a potato since the prevTents Disappear declared. "Kvery dollar has been ious October," she recalled, "until Conspicuous to the Kulakof- put to maximum use and we were a boat brought in a load just the skys was the absence of tents used impressed by the magnificent day before the holiday. On this to house refugees when they last achievements on all sides." trip we saw .sacks of potatoes visited Israel ten years ngo. "We felt a personal identifica- stacked in a field, just another "Today, the. temporary transit tion and pride in what efforts we evidence of the progress made. quarters are gone," noted Mis. have made on behalf of Israel's "F.very dollar invested in Israel Kulakofslty. who served as Oma- progress" the Wolfs and Kulakof- haj been used to the fullest exha's first women's division chair- skys both agreed. "All the stories tent." man for both the Philanthropies we read and heard about were The Omahans left Israel June I) and Israel Bonds and a past pres- more than true." to visit Vienna and the Scandanaident of the Omaha Zionist Counvian countries before returning to Potential of I<an<l cil. "Modes! homes have been built liolh couples \vciv Impressed by the United States. They also for these people and even the the potential of the land, and the toured Spain, Portugal and saw 'Maabarot', temporary camps of untapped areas yet to be ctdlival- Athens before arriving in Israel. Wooden and fabricated structure ore disappearing, she said speaking for herself and her husband. Mr. Kulakofsky, a past president of the Jewish Federation, has been closely associated with many As of July 1), 1058 community activites and has served as a General Chairman of The following are current reports from divisions in the 1!C>8 the Jewish Philanthropies. Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign: Many Changes Everywhere JSKiS Total Kvery phase of Israeli life has Division To 'Date Undergone tremendous changes-economically, in the field of eduInitial Gifts $:J00,772.r)0 cation, agriculture and in the outMen's Division 7,270.50 look of the people, it was appnrent Women's Division 00,8.15.25 to the Omahans. B. & P. Unit 3,273.50 "Ten years ago, just after the War of Independence there was a Children's Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' : . : /•••••• 1,719.25 bravado about the Israelis," the High School Division . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,036.73 Kulakofskys said. "Notv afler the University Division . . . . . . . . . / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , 95.00 Sinai campaign the people have Organizations . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . / . . , . . . . . . ; . . . . 2,298:75 a feeling of real strength, yet hope Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > . . . ' . . V i V . ; i . . . . . / . . . . . . 2,^2.00 it won't have to be used." Newcomer's Importance The people feel peace is essenTotal to Date . . . . . . . . . v . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . , . . . . . $ 3 7 9 , 0 7 3 . 5 0 tial to build for security and that the newcomer is just as important to the land as it is to them, both the Kulakofsltys and Wolfs Israel Navy Prepared concurred, "Israel fulfilled all our expec- For Sub Warfare tations" Mr. and Mrs. Wolf said, Tel Aviv (JTAI—The Israeli "fantastic is the word of every A joint, picnic of the Pioneer visitor in describing the impact Navy is prepared to handle submade by the spirit of the people marine warfare if ' it develops, Women and Farband Poale Zion oniJ the development of, (he coun- Naval Commander Shtmiel Tankus will be held Sunday, July 13, at told a press conference. try." Elnuvood Park, beginning at. 2 Two factors ore responsible for p. m. The program will include Mr. Wolf, Initial Gifts chairman for the 1958 Philanthropies cam- the Navy's posture of readiness, he games and prizes. paign and a key figure in its past revealed: new equipment and a Mrs. Sarah Okun is serving as drives and', a leader of Israel high degree of training and proBonds efforts in Omaha, sees Is- ficiency on the part of the crews. chairman of the picnic arrangerael as a self sustaining nation be- •He, disclosed that the Navy had ments. She is being assisted by a fore another decade, "if it is at upgraded its vessels several limes, committee c o m p o s e d of Mines. from corvettes to frigates and now Jacob Feldman, J lurry Richlin, IsaI'KOfHCAM MAltKS I0TII VKAIt to modern destroyers and high dore Forbes, Jake K a p l a n , II. The Red Cross Nebraska-Iowa speed motor torpedo boats. The Freed, S. Schwartz, Michael ColRegional Bldod Program will cele- latest type guns have increased ton, Leonard Pinkovil.z, M i l t o n brate its tenth birthday during the the destroyers' fire power and Nearenberg, Goldie -Forman, Sani their accuracy, he disclosed. month of July. Novak, M. Slerenherg, Sam Richman, U. R e s n i c k , Sam Rifkin, George Kaplan, Sophie Rdssen and the Messrs. Harry Rifkln, Max. Ueisbaum and Benjamin Klaiman.
Farband-Pioneer Picnic, Sunday
Tel Aviv (JTA)--Tho Govern-' ment of Austria has violated international law by refusing -to compensate former Austrian Jews whoso properly had • been taken over by Austrian-Nazis, an Israeli judge charged. Speaking at a press conference In his - cnpiirlty >•» head of tlin C'ommlt/co of Austrian Jcwii In Israel, IMslrlct Court Judge J. I/un cited tho treaty between Austria arid the Western I'uwitrs to prove tliiit Austria was obligated to i-oinpensato nil persons who had suffered as a direct roiiHcquenctt of llio occupation of Austria liy the N l a . Ho contrasted Vienna's lax-
ity with respect to tlin JewH ullll Its granting Austrian* Imprisoned liy the Allies for war crimes -3(10 NcliilllugH compensation for each month spent in prison. Dr. Lam revealed that of 1RG,000 Jews in pre-war Austria, 70,000 were annihilated by the Nazis while, only 2.500 have returned to their pre-war homes, He estimated that over 51,000,000,000 worth of Jewish properly was seized and stolen by the Nazis in Austria and thai in the past 10 years the Austrian Government has made available as financial assistance to Austrian Jewish victims only $22,000,000. '
Parents and campers will be introduced to Camp Jay-C-C at a special "Get Acquainted Meeting" this coming Thursday, July 17th at H p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Camp program plans and new activities planned for the
Premier AsEcs for Stronger tie With Jews Abroad Tel Aviv. (JTA) -One of the nost essential, and at the same time one of the most difficult, tasks facing the Israel people is the consolidation of its ties with Jews abroad, Premier David Ben rjurion declared, in an address ut a convention of Israel schoolteachers. The task is "lough," lie stressed bemuse life in Israel changes far more rapidly than Jewish life abroad. It Is "urgent," the rrcmlcr said, that links he tightened now because this difference in peace iimy result in "estrangement" between Israelis mid other Jews and the gap may provo too late to bridge later on. II is "essential" that the gup be bridged, Mr. Ken (iiiriou continued, because Israel "will not stand atone In the stormy world" wifhout the only ally wo have—tli« Jewish nation." 7'he Premier- underlined the important role of the leaching profession in Israel, comparing it with the army, "The Israel Defense Army has been entrusted with Israel's security," he pointed out, "bill into your hands the future of our people has been confided." The foremost task for Israel he went on, is gathering In the Jewish exiles, hut no one can predict when and how long before this is accomplished. He cited the fact that Jews were living outside Israel even during the period of the first Temple, that their number increased in the period of the second Temole, and there is a great doubt that the diaspora will be completely eliminated "during our third Temple." More than 115 teachers representing both the .secular slate and the religious school systems are attending the parley.
Pittsburgh Hospital Receives $1,000,000 Pittsburgh (JTA) -Montefiore Hospital here announced a, gift of 51,000,000 from Miss Amy P. Frank, of New York," a former Pitlsburgher. This is the largest single gift received by the hospital. It will be used toward I he projected construction of a new wing, to be designated as the "Samuel and F.ttie Klein Frank Memorial."
campers will be explained at this informal program, Dr. Daniel Miller, Camp Committe chairman, cited. Besides the introduction of staff and Camp Committee members, questions regarding the administration and conduct of the summer's program of camping will be answered. All campers and parents are urged to attend this meeting. Campers May Still Enroll Dr. Miller reports that parents may still enroll their youngster* for either of the two week ses-. sions by calling the Camp Offlca at JA 1366 or by mailing in tha regular Camp Application Form. As only a limited number of opening are available, parents are requested to register their youngsters immediately. Staff Training To ISegin •'.;'.' Training for Camp Jay-C-C staff members will begin next Wednes- • day with intensive orientation and instructional'sessions to he conducted throughout the week. Each member of the Camp staff will 1)9. prepared to adequately instruct and supervise the runtime and formative program' of youngsters at camp. Special emphasis is given to the health and safely aspects of camping, to insure all campers a pleasant and happy summer. The buses for camp will leava the Center P a r k i n g Lot Sunday, July 20th at 9 a. m. to start the 19th season of camping for Jay-C-C boys and girls ages six through fourteen. .
Junior S^mp Fans Organize Club An Omaha chapter of the American Junior Philatelic Society will, be organized under the auspices of the Jewish Community Center In the near future, Louis Rich, chairman of the Organizing Committee'', announced this Week. The chapter Will be affiliated with the National American Junior Philatelic Society, and will give all Omaha youth' an opportunity to develop and intensify, their stamp-collecting hobby. An interesting year-round program will be planned. Louis Rich said. Louis is a Junior at Central High School, and is the son of Mr. and . Mrs. F.ugone Rich. I, ; ' V Membership in the club will be/ open to elementary and high schooLstudents only. All interest-. ed in joining Jhe club are. request-' ed to write to Louis Rich, temporary chairman. American Junior; Philatelic Society, Jewish Conir . numity Center. •/•'' Membership will be 52 a year, and will include ninny . services' offered by the national office, of tbe "American Junior Philatelic Society.
Israel Ton fists pew Gan Drive Themselves 'Definition of Jew' in .Knesset Tourists In Israel can now rent drive yourself cars in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and Haifa, from the Hertz American Express International Lid. licensee, Lucky Drive Limited, according to word just received by Arthur H. Goldstein, local Hertz licensee. Reservations may.be made from the local Hertz system .in Omaha for service in Israel. The American Express company Is providing a full range of services in Israel to local and foreign customers; •••:-..
; 1
Jerusalem tyJTA) The burning political issue of the d a y . ' withdrawal of the United Religious Party from the Ben Gu •'.. Cabinet, over disagreement on the definition of who is to be .<;'.' sidered a Jew in Israel is being debated in Knesset. Two nso ings which were held between coalition and religious leaders in attempt to resolve their differences ended in failure. • It is'apparent that the government parties will have a ro time since the opposition parties, Herut and General Zioub have decided to support the position of the Religious deputies : the "who Is a Jew" issue. ..'-. With the Religious bloc, formerly partners in the Ben GUT; Cabinet now in the opposition, the Premier faces the largest h' of yotes against him since the Stale was proclaimed and he u der took to lead the government. Nevertheless, the coalition w still be able to maintain a slim edge. .
Pubilsliei) E\erj frldaj t»y the Federation of Jewish Service
Eecuno LUttBto MulUji? Privileges Authorized ul oinaha, Nebrufilcu. Annum Sublicrlutlun J4.O0. Aclvvillbtng Halts on Application. Eulturlui Oi ce—101 Nu ayiii street, Omnhu. Ni-br.. JAckson 13W). Print Sh Address 4Su8 i u » t h SUcct.
Family United In Israel
Dinner and Dane©
An installation dinner and dance will bo given by the Henry Monsky Editor B'nal B'rith Lodge Saturday, All gust 2, at the Hlackstone Hotel, it was announced by Lou Jess, chairiinn i" charge of arrangements.
14-*•<**. :«* « r *
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Friday, July I I , J958
Jt-S -' - •
A cocktail hour at 7 p. m. \vi precede the dinner. All members .ue urged to make their reservations as early as possible to facilitate arrangements. Mr. Jess said an enjoyable and interesting evening A in store for everyone. MilMO will be provided by Lambert B, rtak and his orchestra and tick(ts are .S'i.75 per person. Reservations may be made, by calling any of the following numbers: RE OHSO, GL 2751",, T1-: VM). and W'A O'JL'I.
Jerusalem (JTA) —Refusal of Syrian authorities to guarantee safety for United Nations observers attempting to establish boundary lines in a border region south of Lake Huleh prevented the beginning of impartial surveying operations. The Syrian refusal to cooperate followed on the heels of Israeli compliance earlier with a request by the UN truce organization that all reclamation activity be halted near Ashmora settlement where Syrian gunners attacked Israeli workers twice recently. However, when learned that .Syria would not permit UN surveying, work was resumed with armed guards protecting the laborers.
After the most recent incident Israel agreed to halt work to permit UN surveyors to make exact, measurements to determine whether thre was any truth to Syrian claims that part of the; land involved was not In Israel territory. It even offered to withdraw its border police to facilitate the investigation. Israel officials said that the events indicated a standard procedure by the Syrians in which whenever Israel started drainage or land improvement near the Syrian border, the Syrians started shooting while claiming that the affected area was Syrian territory. The next step was for the UN to ask temporary suspension of work pending a survey which usually showed that the Syrian claim was 90 or 100 percent unfounded whereupon work would be resumed- after Israel casInvitalionr; arc extended to all ualties of wounded and occasionally dead victims of the initial Syrian members of the Jewish Community attacks. C (liter Youth Council to attend the (1 mciiig portion of the program Marling at ii:.'!0 p. m. as guests of the Henry Monsky lodge.
deceives Scroll
Attacks Bible 1958—Three Kcnirations of Polish Jewi reunited in I rnel through the help of UJA funds, This is the UJA'i 20th cmijaign jcar.
Cliyrclilil Praises Israel's Grovrffii
London (JTA)—"I have been a Zionist for many years, and it is n front pleasure to me to see Israel growing so rapidly mid playing a leading part in the alfairs of .\rws and tiapiM-nlnft* at ? h r Or, f'MIIji the Middle Kast only ton years •ibtr Jrulsb Home l o r The AttO by David OrU«w. after, its birth," Sir W i n s t o n Churchill declared at his ChartTlic flowers in The Home this well country home. past week wore donated by Mr. Sir Winston made this statement and Mrs. Harry Karl and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Grern, in honor of at a ceremony at which he prethe marriage o[ their children sented a golden key of the audiIona Karl to Jerry Green on Sun- torium which bears his name at the Haifa Tedinion to British inday, June 28th. C'amUeliKhtlng <:38 p. m. A special Kiddush was £i\en by dustrialist Isaac Wolfson, Israel TEMPLE ISRAEL Milton Rorenthal on the occasion Ambassador Eliahu K l a t h and Services will be held this Fri- of his mother's yahrzeit. Michael Sobell, president of the day evening lit 7:30 p. m. in the I^ouis J. Ringle £;i\e a Kiddush British Friends of Tcchnion. Temple Chapel. Rabbi Sidney H. this uf-ok. Noting that Israel is "faced with Brooks will officiate and deliver The Admission Board of The Dr. j K r o a t difficulties," the f a m o u s a sermoneUc. • Philip Sher Jewish Home for the statesman a d d e d : "But if you |Af,-ed following a meetinj; last maintain your lead in education ItKTII Kl> I week, announced the admittance arid especially in technical educa!>iil>li,itli evening servict-s will be of five jKTSons uhc) uiH enter the tion, it will go along well towards held this Krid.iy at 7 p. m. Sab- home as soon as space is prepared improving your position." bath, morning services will begin for them. at 9:30 a. m. The Mincha Service AmonR the out-of-town visitors will l>egin at 7:45 p, m. this week, were the following: Mr. After the 1918-19 War of InDaily srr\icis during the week and Mrs.' Max Seff of Sioux City, dependence, compensation of many are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The la.; Mrs. Lillian Bolotin and Miss tens of thousands of pounds was Sunday morning service is held at Sandra Bolotin of Providence, R. paid for cfiurch property damaged 9 a. m. T.: Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wise of during the hostilities Initiated by Chicago, III.: Mr., and Mrs. David the Arabs. B'NAI JACOB-ADAS Perper of Washington, D. C ; Mr. YESHUKON and Mrs. Max Merin of PhiladelServices at B'nai Jacob-Adas phia, Pa. and Mrs. Pauline Berber Yeshuron will begin Friday nt 7:15 of New York City. p. m. and Saturday morning at 8:30. a. m. with Mincha at 7:30 p. m. followed by Shalosh S'eiidos. Daily services 6:30 a. rn. and 7:30 Seb (Subby) Pulvcrente p. m.
London <JTA)~ The B i b l e was attacked as a means of bringing up slaves not free men in a broadcast by Itadio Moscow, which also t e r m e d the Bible a "monument of the ancient world, full of contradictions, naive, concepts, fabrications and distortions. The announcer retailed the tribulations of the people of the Hible and then noted that the prophets hail promised freedom and happiness when the Messiah came. Hut, he continued, "the Messiah has not come."
BETH ISRAEL Amsterdam 1 JTA (-—There arc Services a t Beth Israel this evening, 7:30 p. m. Saturday morning .some 23,000 Jews in Holland, in8:45 a. m. and J r . Congregation cluding Jews of mixed parentage, AT 2452 2211 So. 8th 10 a. m. Saturday afternoon Tal- a survey released by the Dutch mud class 7:15 p. m. and Mincha, Ashkenazi Jewish community refollowed by Shalosh Scudos and vealed today. There were about 100,000 Jew's in Holland before Maariv begins at 7:45 p. m. the war. Sunday morning services, folThe report, complete ns of the lowed by Rabbi Benjamin Groner's end of 1957, discloses that in Amclass in liible and breakfast be- sterdam 10.500 Jews are affiliated gins at 8:45 a. rn. Sunday morninr; with the Ashkenazi community as Junior congregation. 8:30 a. rn. compared to 300,1)00 before World Daily services 7 a. m. and 7:45 War II. In The Ha;;he there arc I>. m. 2,400 members of the community The weekly . Talmud Group as against a pre-war enrollment meets at the 10th and Burt Street of 16,000, while at Rotterdam Syr)agogun every Tuesday evening there ;ire 700 Jews of a pre-war at 7:30 p. m. and Sabbath sen ices total of 12,000. Utrecht has only at 19th and Burt :;t 9 a. m. 430 Jews. Applications arc now available at the sj*na';oi;ue office and are Patronize Our Advertisers being accepted for the fall term of the Talmud Torah and Sunday school. The lalter includes prekindergarten, kindergarten, first,! ROcond, and third. Children four! years and older will be accepted j for enrollment in the Sunday j OMAHA'S LEADING School. The Talmud Torah depart-1 ment will accept children seven ECoshsr Meat Market csnd Delicatessen years and older for enrollment in WA 5554 4415CUMING the beginners grade. For further) information call RE 6288. We Can Satisfy Your Needs for the Choicest CANADA'S WEST CUSTOMER Ottowa (WNS)— Israel is Canada's best customer in the Middle East, according to data just published by the Canadian Bureau of Statistics. .
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Tel Aviv (JTA)—United Stules Ambassador Kdward JJ. Lawson was presented with a parchment scroll climaxing a Fourth of July celebration at ZOA House hero which was attended by 2,000 tourists and Israelis. Ambassador Lawson was honored for "strengthening the friendship and partnership (of the United .Slates) with Israel."
Friday, July 11, 1058
Gerald E. Greens Spending Two Months in California
Anita Fellman Is Betrothed
Page Three
Couple to Reside In Los'Angeles
Sam Bleicher r e p r e s e n t i n g Mr. and Mrs. Harold Franklin Mr. and Mrs. Gerald E. Green Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fellmnn who were married June 2lj in Nf-TY Templo Israel's Youth group i.s attending the anual Sumwho were married June 28th are announce the engagement of their Beth Israel Synagogue, will make mer Institute on Reform Judaism their home in Los Angeles, Cal daughter, Miss Anita Merle Fell spending two months in California man to Charles Horowitz, son o Following their marriage they Jeft at Oconomoe, Wie. and will be at home at 1220 North Mr. nnd Mrs. Saul Horowitz of on a wedding trip to Las Vegas Nev. 52nd Street on their return. Brooklyn, N. Y. . Mrj. Green is the former Iona Miss Fellman, formerly of Oma- The bride, the former Miss BevKarl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs ha, has been residing in New Yoil- erly Jean Pessen, is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Pessen. Her Harry Karl and her husband Is husband is the son of Mrs. Tlllie Entries for tho Metropolitan the son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Franklin of Cincinnati, O. Rabbi Benjamin Groner offici- Utilities District's annual CookGreen of Santa Monica, Cal. ated at the wedding. A dinner at book contest may be mailed to itg The wedding ceremony was perthe Blackstone Hotel was held Home Service Division, 18th and formed a t Beth Israel Synagogue Ilarney Streets, Omaha Nebr^ after the ceremony. by Rabbi Benjamin Groner ami Tho book will contain only r e Cantor Ell Kagan and was folcipes of European origin. Awards lowed by a dinner dance ut the will made at the close of the con-. Blackstone Hotci. test. All recipes must be mailed The bride was attended by Mrs. before August 1. Donald Green, I^os Angeles, as maMiss Suzi Wolfson is attending tron of honor, and herself a retho National High School Insticent bride. Bridesmaids were the tute being conducted at NorthMisses Uerdine Green, Sandy Matwestern University, Evanston, HI. House of Dellcaelos ters and Gloria Ostrow. from July 1 to August 4, She is Open Monday thru Saturday Flower girl was Joan Summer one of the 300 high school students from 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. and ringbearcr was Larry Davis. chosen from all parts of the counDr. Donald Green served aa best TE 3207 try and Is participating in the 7830 Dodgo man for his nephew. Ushers were speech and drama division activiIrvin Karl, Sol Friedman and Larties. ry Green. Miss Wolfson, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Wolfson will be a senior at Central High School You'll Be Pleased in the fall. If You Shop at Miss Anita Merle Fellman
Mrs. Gerald E. Green
Observer's q
during the past year. She and her fiance will visit her parents in A monument will be dedicated August. Guests at the home of Mrs. Ed- Jerusalem ( J T A ) — I s r a e l reAn early October wedding In to the memory of Mrs. Becky Treller Sunday, July ]3 at 10 a. m. at Quality Clothes for Men ward Gilbert are Mr. and Mrs.quested that the United Nations Omaha is planned. Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Rabbi SidTruce Supervision Organization reJack Sommerfcld of Chicago who ney Brooks of Temple Israel will Open Till 9 Each Evening lease the results of a ballistics inarrived last week to attend the reofficiate. Friends and relatives are Birfhs vestigation of the b u l l e t which 4013 FARNAM ST. Invited to be present. cent 80th birthday celebration of killed Lt. Col. George A. Flint, UN Mr. and Mrs. Marshall. Kushncr MISK Lena Knhffld, aunt of their observer and chairman of the Is-of Lincoln, Nebr., announce the rael-Jordan Mixed Armistice Com- birth of a (laughter, Karen Lynn hostess. Lena Rehfeld wishes to thank mission, on Mt. Scopus last May 2G. on June 18. her friends for the many teleIlullct or Arab Origin Howard II. Stern who has been Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. grams, uniongrams and cards While the report of the incident Meyer L. Ruback, Omaha and Mrs. received on the occasion of her s e n n i t overseas with the United 80th birthday. States Air Force is-expected to re- —in which four Israeli policemen Max Kushncr, Lincoln. Great turn to his country within the also lost their lives—by Maj. Gen. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. week. Ho i.s the son of Mr. andCarl von Horn, UN truce chief, in- Sam Baker, Sioux City and Mrs. dicated that the bullet came from Susan Ruback, Omaha. Mrn. Sain IK Stern. the Arab side, "unless it ricoMrs. Kus'hner is the former Barcheted," it is understood that the Mr and Mrs. Robert Wolf nnd ballistics tests showed conclusive- ber Ruback of Omaha. RUG & UPHOLSTERY children, Martin and Cheryl spent ly that.the bullet camp straight the past week-end ns the quests from the direction of the Arab CLEANERS of Mrs. Wolf's parents, Mr. nndlines on the height. BETH ISRAEL RUGS—CARPETING MTH. Julius Chsisiinnv. Itaport Delayed LAMP SHADES The original report of the inciAREA Two Omaha youths, Tom I'latt, dent was delayed for weeks, in FURNITURE ton of Dr. nnd Mm. Dm Id C I'latt ivhich the Israelis believe was an S024 Pinknoy and Steve IMekcs, son of Mr. and attempt by UN Secretary GenCleaned In Your Home! Mrs. Henry IlleUcs left Tuesday eral to save the prestige of Jordan Binding • Laying • Repairing Now 4-bedroom f u l l y imulated for, a three weeks motor tour of King Hussein. They see evidence home; Wat king dlitanco to all Mexico. of a similar delay in making pub- school*. Lovely built1 - in kitchen Don Bernstein HA 2554 Graduates of . Central High ic the results of the ballistics in- with ttectric range and automatic school, the boys plan to attend col- vestigation. - oven, tile, disposal, exhauit fan, leges in the fall. Tom will enter birch cabinets, large eating area, the University of Nebraska at Lin- National Group Names charming living and dining room, exceptional bath with built-in vancoln nnd Steve will go to Branity, 3x6 mirror, sliding glass tub dels University at Waltham, Mass. 'Mother of the Year" tile wall, including shower. Enroute to Mexico, Mrs. Ben The National Committee for doors, 2 bodrooms on main floor with Clutit, grandmother of Steve, ac- Furtherance of Jewish Education doublo closets. Completo walk-out companied the boys as far as Bris- presented Mrs. Sarah Manische- basomont with extra light, airy 1437 bo. 13th St. AT 0686 tow, Okla., where she will remain witz with the distinguished 1958 laundry room, two large picture "Mother of the Year" award at a windows and '/i bath. MMm\«WWMmWWV«V for n visit. recent dinner in New York. THIS SUNDAY (ONLY) SPECIALS I Dr. Alyce Bczman left for San Mrs. Manischewitz was born In Second floor includes 2 largo bodFrancisco, Cal., following a visit Israel and is the widow of the rooms with full wall closets and lit the home of her parents, Mr. late Rnbbi Zvi Hirsch Manische- additional storage area, plus Vx witz. She Is the mother of Mrs. bath. ami J(r«. Dan Be/.mnn. She was Ground Beef, Lb. previously with the Boston City Bernard'Manlschewitz, wife of the Sundcclc above attached garage. Chuck, Lb president of the B. Manlsehewltz For appointment to inspect this Hospital, Boston, Mass., for two years and now will be associated "ompany and William B. Manis- lovoly homo, call owner, RE 0378 Tongue, Fresh or Pickled, L b . . . with the University of California chewitz, secretary-treasurer of the or JA 9170. Medical Center.' irm.
In the News
'eller 5
Mr. ami Mrs. Lou Jess and rhiliircn, Ilarliuru, S:ui<ir:i, Howard nnd Linda plan to leave July 17 for n 10 day vacation at Estes Park, Colo. They will also visit friends in Denver. '. Yalo Trustln h<is been elected a vice-commander of American Legion Post No, 1. Mr. nnd MI-H. SI l-Vldiniin nnd dniiKhter, Linda left July 9 for San Francisco and Los Angeles to visit with friends ana relatives. They will return July 23 when Mr. Feldman will open a grocery and meat business on Ihc north side. Minn Mnrhha Feldm.in, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Si Feldman will leave for Chicago in mid-July to make her home with relatives. The rainy season in Israel usually lnsts from November till April. The wettest months nre generally December, January and February.' • Patronize Our
Wo have a limited seloction of Executive C a n and Demonitraton, Buy with a guarantee Now car service, used car prices. Don't mi»» this opportunity.
Lambert Baitak Orchestra
, %,'« J'W.vl'W r ii-i^a/Jf^'^Mo^'i'
Friday, July 11, 1058
Chicago Federation Has New Headquarters
Omahans Meet With Israeli Officia
Chicago (JTA)—A new E!X-> story building of the Chicago J e w . lsh Federation was opened hera which will house the offices of tha Combined Jewish Appeal of Chicago, the Jewish Welfare. Fund, and three of Federation's affiliated icncles.
Free Family Concert1 At Ak-Sar-Ben The Omaha .Symphony Orchesi tra, under tha direction of Eman» uel Wixhnow as (juest conductor, will present a Free Family Concert at Ak-Sar-I3en grandstand, Sunday, July 20, at 1 p.m., with gates opening at 0 p.m. The con« cert will be held in the. Coliseum in case of lain.
Micek Awarded Medal r
i. &
Mr. Kolleck It shown ul»o extending a welcome to Mr. nnd Mrs. Theodore Kolleck, Director General of tlie Prime Minister's ofHenry A. Newman. fice In Israel, greet* Mr. und Mrs. Isudore Chapman. One of tha highlight* of a n | -
Omaha party', tour In Israel was p r e n c f, Organization a visit with Theodore Kolleck, Dl- _ ,
I roiL V
' rector General of the Prime Min- Observes 150th Y
'Meet The Israelis at. Home' Program Hit With Tourists
Joseph F. Micek, Jewish Community Center Aquatic Director has been awarded n gold medal by the American Red Cross in recognition of 500 hours of service instructing first uld and water safety classes. Currently he Is also in charge of "first aid for playground champions" on KMTV Sundays at 2 p. m.
Bowling Tournament
Paris (JTAi- The Consistolre liter's office, there. The Omahans were Mr. and Mrs. Contrale, a body representing the " I shall not forget J e r u s a l e m or | has tlio a d v a n t a g e of s e e i n g , t h e Isadora Chapman and Mr. andJewish religious community of y o u / , w n j t e , u ) American school Sahbalii ushered in. A gay and The first annual Junior Bowling tournament will be sponsored hy France. Is celebrating Mrs Henry A. Newman. Mr. ChapI , -teacher to [in Israeli housewife. festive atmosphere prevail* in Hinky-Dinky Super markets ut man is a former Initial Gifts chair- year of existence. Established "1 can't wait to tell you how much each home; and however humble, Leisure Lanes from July 15 t o man-of'the Philanthropies Cam- Napoleon, the organization be- I enjoyed your hospitality, the religious or jion - religious the September 1 and Is open to botll paign and a member of the Jewish came in l'J05 a voluntary group I concert, and meeting all your love- family, a bouquet of flowers will boys and girls. primarily concerned with the elec- , ,, Federation Board. His wife-is an e another Ameri- grace the. Sabbath table. On that, )} active campaign worker and a tion of rabbis in this country. In | can >"-">^ tourist; while fitil! another evening, the tourist will be greet- DKLEUATfcS ItKTl'KN 1905 tlio church and slate were j member of the Federation of Jew- officially separated in France. The jcongratulated the Haifa Hospitali- ed with "Shabbat Shalom" or "A riEOM .MICICTINU ish Women's Clubs. Mr. Newman dally Le Monde took the occasion ; ty Committee for "this excellent j Peaceful Snbl Hi To You." Three Omahans have returned Is a prominent Omaha business- of the Consistoire's anniversary to j of making Ihe visitors feel The tourist who will ask. to man nnd his wife is the outgoing publish a lengthy article on Jew- at borne in your city." study the life of a farmer, will from Elkhart Lake, Wis., where president of tha Women's Federa- ish life in France. These Americans were respond- generally receive an invitation to a they attended the nnual ULSYO tion and a past chairman of the ing to a relatively new program "kibbutz" or communal settlement. district No. 6 convention held Women's Division of the Philancalled "Meet Israelis at their For most of Israel's farmers live from June 27 to July 1. They aro thropies. Home." Introduced by the Israel on a kibbutz. Here Ihe tourist will llonny Gordon, Council Bluffs and Justin IJan, who represented AZ& Both couples aro active in the Jerusalem (JTA)—The Henriet- Government Tourist Offico to not only see the scope of the work, No. 1 and Eden Colin, delegala j dramatize Israel's warm welcome but also the type of family life United Jewish Appeal and Jewish from Eleanor Roosevelt chapter. Philanthropies and Israel Bond ta Szold-Hadassah School of j{o v i s i t ( ) I . S i t h ( , p i . o j ,, c t has met that exists In a commune; while In the evening he will generally be work; while in Israel toured de- Nursing wai dedicated here at the w jti, great success. velopment projects financed with Hadassuh-Hebrew University McdHundrecl of families in Jerusa- entertained by folk dancing or the aid of Israel Bonds and theical Center. The 1.500,000 pound j ]em, Tel Aviv, Haifa and other music-recitals. United Jewish Appeal. nursing school is one of the first i parts of the country have volun This year, the tourist will have r t ™ « J A I3M tt> insert ruur IVant At teered to play hosls to to tourists. a still greater opportunity for n io Tho Jcwljd l'roas. The Omahans included Europe ratt li 60 centi for excti tout In their travels and will return, at the medical complex. It will EJucli Government Tourist Office close study of the life of an Israeli linoCurrent Jn«*:rlt'*n. Tho i'rrn tff-trvti the rlKUl home in the near future. j train 1.10 student nurses. In Israel has a enrd index of these family. Hotel accommodations are to limit i!za of llch advcrUteiucnl. families. Every card lists the- Is- being supplemented by some 5,000 BAR and Has Mit/.vah congraturaeli host's profession, languages rooms with private families. Israel lations nlso for ijll Jewish holispoken, hobbies and special inter- will thus he able to entertain days and special occasions. ' V ) j . ests. An American can thus choose about .15,000 tourists at one andMeyers News Stand, 1502 'DcJdii'i a doctor, dancer, teacher or fann- the .same time. Circumcisions call Rev. A. Diaer he would like to meet. The To assist the touiisl. the Gov- mond, Mohel. WA 5551 or AVI Tourist Office arranges for the in-ernment set up Accommodation .-. The Jewish Community. Center 160 yard medley relay for inter- vitation to be issued, and the vis.''.8'.)!). Offices.fri each Israeli city, as well ranked fifth among .'19 community mediates. itor can thus learn at first-hand as at the Lod Airport and Haifa First place in the 160 yard med- how people in his own business or centers and YM-Y.WHA's in i naseaport. Tourists who will arrive tional airmail swimming meet ley and a fourth place in Iho 160profession lead their daily lives In without hotel reservations will be FOR THE FINEST... yard freo style relay in the senior the Land'of the Bible. sponsored by the National Jewish IN PHOTOGRAPHY ablo to rent rooms with private division went to Wilson, Taft, Prey In the past months, thousands families through the accommodaWelfare Board, in results received and Papadakis. Pcrtraih of American visitors spent an aft- tion Offices at rates ranging behere this week. V/eddingj Award certificates will be The meet held durin? spring mailed to all participants, It was ernoon or evening in private living tween $2.00 and $.'{.75 a day. TourCommercial rooms or gardens of Israel famists can also book rooms in privVacation .was conducted with reported by Joseph Micek, Center ilies. They started out as slrangato homes through their travel 6vents for different nge groups aquatic director, who is also u agents or by writing to the Acand was judged by Midwestern member of the National Jewish ers, but ended as friends. Tha tourist finds a visit any commodation Department, GovernAAU officials. Welfare Board Swimming com- evening an Interesting experience. ment Tourist Corporation, POI3 Individual winners were the fol-mittee. On Friday evening,-however, he 70?.G, Jerusalem, Israel. lowing: 10 to 12 years old, Jim And so, whether he accepts an Larson, second place, 20 yard invitation for an evening, or rents breast stroke; 16 to 20 year olds. a room for his vacation period, the Jerry Schwartz, first place In 40 tourist to Israel is able to study yard breast stroke and fourth the life and thoughts of the averplace, 40 yard free style; Roll age Israeli from inside the host's Wellman, first place and Danny home. Genuine long-lasting friendWilson, second place in TOO yard PHOTOGRAPHER ships across the seas have started free style; John 'Mattes, first'place 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET to develop in Israel as a result of In 40 yard backstroke; Karl LuefHARNEY 1044 Ihe "Meet Israelis, at their Home'' gchuetz, second place in 40 yard project. butterfly stroke; John Taft, third place in 100 yard back stroke; Myron Papadakis, tied for a second place in 100 yard breast stroke and Mike Prey, fourth place in 1(K) yard butterfly'stroke. .Wellman, Schwartz, Mattes anJ Luefschuotz took first place in the
School Dedicated
John Kalina
Have Your Planter Filled
Added Surplus Food Agreed for Israel .
Washington ( J T A l - T h e U. S. Department of Agriculture confinned details of a now agreement to supply additional, surplus food commodities to Israel totalling $G,000,000. The supplemental agreement under Public Law 480 provides for financing the sales of 56,000,000 worth of wheat and corn ''nnd grain sorghums Including cerjVTOP A JERUSALEM IIILLi Many lioyt Jmve prolilrmi only • nitniotain o c e a n transportation posts. man, liearMp-heurt talk with • counselor ton iron out. A Ito)i Town <ouitPayment will be in Israeli pounds. iclor musrTjc frieud, instructor and advisor to the kidi.
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