«> • v v w > **• ..i Published every Frlduy. 101 N. 20th. .Vol. XXXVI No. 44 omuhn .Nebraska. Phono JA 13UG
Kntered us Second-Cluss Mutter ut Post- Annual Itute 4 Diillur* offiru, Oinulm. Nebrusku. under Act of 1879 SlnRlo Copy 10 Cents
ircies . Tokyo (JTA)—A spokesman for tending participant* know who Ihe Tliird Asian Giinifs Organiza- will nnd wlio will not he ncception Commit lee here crilici/ed the labln. II would he imprudent and '.Times of Indonesia, infliu-'nlial In- in had taste to Invite Israel, Fordonesian newspaper, for .sugges- mosa and South Korea." ting that Israel and two otiiei- naIn Tokyo, a spokesman for (he tions bo excluded from the VM2 Tliird Asian (lames Organizing Asian games hi Djakarta fur pn- Committee said, "An invitation from the organizing committee in lillcal j-oa.son.s. In suggesting rdiliirlullv that Is- Djakarta is unnecessary. If Israel rael, Formosa anil tin; Republic of Formosa and the Republic of KoKnrra lie excluded frimi tilt: gull)!"., rea want to compete, they can do without Djakarta's tin) paper wrote: "To permit tlie so --with or 1 Isrealls to send tlielr competitors 'permission. " The SI rails Times of Singapore here would Illing to (hi- breaking point our relationship with the also look issue with the Indonesian Aralr Mates. To ask Formosa newspaper and pointed out: "Inwouiil provolie itn open breach donesia cannot pick and choose ivilli (Communist) China. As we her visitors. I'Jvery member of the liave not established relations with (Asian Camos) Federation has the I'Mlier of (he Koreans it would In' right lo compete in the names: i\ mnjf to lcf Seoul semi Its nlh- the host country has no say." leles to Indonesia." Despite (he .fuel lhal all three Jialions competed in the Third j Asian names held last May in | |{B«5|I*)??0* Tokyo, the Indonesian newspaper 8 " V t l U adfli'd: "II is our duty to let in A paper .submitted by Saul Kriplcc, Central High Honor graduate, to the Journal of Symbolic l.(v;ic lias been . nccepled according lo nolificalion received here. Said, son of Ilabbi and Mrs. Myer S. Kripke, 11!) North Ilnppy Tel Aviv I.ITAI An Israeli, IIollnw lloulcvard, received Hie ac29-year-old lluiin Abergal, has ceptance from Prof. Alice A. I.nbeen sentenced 1o four years' zcrowilz of Smith College, imprisonment, following his conThe paper, entitled "A Comviction at il secret t r i a l on pleteness Theorem in Modal Logcharges of espionage and en- ic," will bj printed in the Interdangering the security of the nationally circulated journal in State of Israel. Knglish. French and fje-rman. An According to information re- unnamed referee judged Hie paper. leased afler the trial, Abergal, Saul will attend Harvard Unia teucher, crossed the lines into Israel in 1!C>7 and while in Jor- versity this fall. He already has dan gave the enemy .secret in- won national recognition for his formation regarding specific Is- work in symbolic logic. rael army installations.
Israeli Sentenced For
B. I. Sisterhood Chairmen Named Sirs/Henry Appel, president of (he Beth Israel Sisterhood ha.' iippoinled (he following member.' as Chairmen for the ensuing year Mmes. Irving C'liarney, P.obert Smith, linen shower; Mines. Don Cohen, Frank Cohen, Sinn TtosenKk.'in, hake sale; Mrs. Sidney l''eldman, raffle; Mrs. Harry Kidman, holiday candles; Mines. Isidore Klewitz, D. W. Frank, Siiljiey Cloldherg. Aaron Kpslein. donor luncheon; Mines. -Michai Cohen, Harold Sicgcl, table selllnK; Mines. David Kalzman, Arthur Parilman, Maurice Kat elman, gift, shop; Mines. Sidne; KwiMek, Harold Zelinsky, tnemliership; Mines. William Poster, •'Arthur Parllmaii, mothcr-daugh,*er banquet; Mines. Max Fromkin, Sam Herman, special conlriliutions; Mines. D. W. Kpstein Sam Kpslein. monthly luncheon; Mm. Stanley Shapiro, community cooperation; Mrs. George Shapiro, Bas Mil/.vah consultant; Mrs. Benjamin Groner, courtesy; Mines. Martin Her/off. Morris Shapiro, decorations; Mrs. Sam Stone, Talmud Torah liason; Mrs. Harold Zelinsky, publicity. Others named are: Mrs. Abe Hear, Israel Bonds; Mines. Ralph Binlamow, Nnle Kaplan, • program; Mrs. Jack I.evey, conservation; Mmes, Nate lierg, linrney Grey, telephone; Mrs. Krnesl Hochslcr, Home for the Aged; Mrs. Frank Cohen, veterans party; Mrs, Sam Kuplan, administration supply; Mrs. Robert Gereliek, education; Mis. Sidney Goldberg, hospitality; Mrs. ;\:ax Fromkin, youth commission; Mines. Henry Appcl, Isadora Klewitz, synagogue Board -representation,' and Mines,Sidney Katolman, Harry Smith ond William Wolfson, njeinbersat-lnree. ' •.
Argentine Head Accents IluiMios Aires (JT.Vl T h e nssuranci' that the* Clos-ernni'Mil of Argentina is "determined not to t o l e r a t e any discrimination" against any group of Argentine citizens was given here by President Frondizin receiving a delegation of the World Jewish Congress 'President Frondizin stressed that complete freedom and equality is bemg enjoyed by all citizens in the country without difference of religion. "We are grateful to our citizens of the Jewish religion who are fully cooperating with the government," he declared. "As it. is known, there are Jewish governors in our country, Jewish members of parliament and Jewish high officials in the ranks of my government," he pointed out.
The following are current reporls from divisions in the 1938 Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign: ' ' • • • ' : • • • ' Division
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T o
D a t e .
T o ' D a i t f e .
Initial Gifts .........;;-.-/'.-..'..;..'*.;.(.-;.y.:?..'i:V..'..'..:.:..$?t4i497.50.-Men's Division . . . . . . . , . . ! , > . . . . . > . . ' . . . " ; . . . > ' . . ^ . V . . . . ' . . - :9,12(3.00 '. Women's Division . . . . , . . . , ; ; . , ; . r - - . ' . v . . i . . . > V . V . . ; . 60,878.25 3.297,50 B. & P. Unit . . . . . . . . > Children's Division'.. .•i,?24'.2.5. High School Division l,0,')8.75 University Division V • 95.00 Organizations . . . . 2,373.75 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . •1,432.00 Totalto Date
Proposes fo Table
tSty Issye One Year Jerusalem (JTA)— T!in Israel Cabinet iiilii)iled :\ compromise proposal uidfli, II Is liojieil, nuiilil li'ail tii Hie return Into the C!«vernnient of till! m-mbisrs of the National Keliglous I'arly who resigned fruni tin' Cabinet bernnse of differences of opinion oil tlio (leflaitiwii of who Is Jewish in the Identity card Tor I-.iaelritl7.ens Issued liy till' Ministry of Interior. The prppsii IT which will he presented by Premier David Ben Giirion tn the resigned religious member of his Cabinet for acceptance, provides thai the entire identity card issue should he referred lo a specially appointed public committee comprised of legal and rabbinical experts, a.s well as of sociologists and men of academic learning. II Is assumed that the comiiillten wouiil lie iiceupleil with the question of denning who Is JcwINII at least until August, I!).)!), when new elections are to tukv place. In tin- Interim, the present coalition Cabinet will lie restored hy the return of the resigned
Gamp Starts Sunday Camp Jay-C-C, a self-contained miniature city, opens for its 19th session this Sunday at a site south of t h e c i t y . A staff of fifty adults will bperale the camp program which involves the niaintaining'of over thirty living units and administrative buildings; filtering of over 150,000 gallons of water a day and preparing over .'iOO meals daily. The camp community of one hundred campers, hoys and girls nges six through fourteen, govern its own activities through an elected Camp Council with n staff of well trained and experienced counselors supervising and guiaing the children. Campers will meet tills Siinduy at the Jewish Community Center where at 9 a.m. Hpeebil buses will IrniiNpiirt them lo Camp. Health Is the prime concern of Hie camp with laundry service being provided twice weekly nnd regular dally medical supervision
AH of .July lfi, 1058
available to the camp through the Federation's Medical and Dental Committee. A registered nurse is in charge of the Camp Infirmary and two isolation units. Experienced Red Cross trained swimming instiuctors conduct the swimming activities while an experienced horseback riding instructor, Dick Weiner, supervises the stable of thirty horses and two wranglers. Other staff members conduct the arts and crafts program, riflery and sports activities, d r a m a t i c"s, photography, singing, journalfsm, dancing, camp craft 'and nature lore programs. Tim openiag night of ramp will feature, u large fire works display. A few spots Htlll remain for campers In the lust two week session of Camp Jay-C-C! which starts ' August 3rd uml runs til rough tin- n t h . Registration Is hy application or phone call confirmation with tlio Camp Office at JA 1380.
" • "
. i
Ortlioduv nii'inherf. In adopting the proposal, the Cabinet today met with strong oppusilion on the part of its leftist members,. However, . the proposal Was approved, and it was decided that the Cabinei should reconvene giving -Premier Ben Ctirion some t'liio to secure the acceptance of th? compromise by the religious leaders. In the nieantiriiB, the-Parliamentary debate on the resignations, of the religious members from the Cabinet was 1-esunicd.
American Rabbi Receives Gold Medal in Rome Rome (JTAi Rabbi M o r r i s Kcrtzler, director of the Inter-RcliKiotis. A f f a i r s Division of the American Jewish Committee, became the first rabbi'to receive the Cold Medal of the Pro Deo. Catholic University of Social Studies. Dominican Father Felix Morlion, Dean of the University, said the award had been given to Rabbi Kertzcr because "nourished by the wisdom of the Founding Fathers and animated by a firm will to promote for God the culture of all peoples he has been among the first to apply these principles of his heart.'"
Name Candidates
At >;an -early meet ing Premier David I>n Gurion conferred with Foreign Minister Golda Meier a t . her home where she is' still coil-": finod following her discharge from a hospital after a serious ope ration. . . - . . ! " ',/' Israelis F«:irfnl ; . ., There were g r a v e i c a l s / iri Israel, openly . expressed.-' by .the man in tlie.street Jhat sliduld.the . Kingdom* of Jordan and Lebanon.''-. fall, Israel would be surrouii'ied on every foot of its land frontiers by pro-Nasser, pro-Soviet .elements. 'Brigadier Chaim Laskovv chief-;'. of staff of the Israel/Army, jit this time, declined any comment on the situation, saying il was "too early"..: : Israel Minister Yaucoy ITerzog immediately conferred in' Wiishingr-. ton at the slate department on the implications of the situation for Israel. Airlift lupins : As of Press time, the Atlantic fleet began airlift of an undisclosed niirubc-r of assault marines ; from Cherry Point, N. C. to a .Mediterranean point of quick readiness; to support those already in revolt stricken Lebanon should the need arise. Wednesday, (he United States had called on the United Nations to set up an international military force to protect the independence of Lebanon. . The United States resolution declared that United States' forces would remain in Lebanon only until the U. N. itself is able to assume the responsibility of Lebanon independence. .•••-. I'rotoetioii ltei]iiesteil Lebanese P e J e g a t e Karim Azkoul.. confirmed the statement of. U ni t e d States Ambassador •
Henry Cabot Lodge;"that the. United States forces had been '.re-'-..; quested by Lebanon's president; damille Chamoun. .. . . -. . '.'. A Soviet protest against the : landing of American Force's -.was made by Ambassador Arkady A. Sobolev after the United States : had-formally notified the hurriedly called session of the ll-naiion Coilncilof the move.
Ralph No^q Heads Beard F. Ralph No';g was elected .. president of the 'Beth F.I Syna-..•"•' gogue Hoard at a meellin;, July 9. Other officers, named are Dr! A. G. Rimmemian. first vice-pres>,. ident; Morris Fellman. , second vice-piv\si!ent; Saul Grailst; secre- ;. tary <iiid Mathan Turner, treaf : surer. . . . • -".".. .-' --v..;.'1'.;.',
••'•;.y'^; Candidates for AZA No, I Soyiel- lourhls Su'eellieart have been announced Due in 3srtic! • ; by Don Noodell and Steve DIoOgoff, co-chairman of the group's Joi-us;ilr.-ni (JTAi — Ths first Twcnly-fiflh Anniversary Sweet- j group of tourists from the Soviet heart Dance. | Union lo. Israel is duo.in this counThey are Uetly Krmaii, daugh- try this wee!;. The parlv of soino ter of Mr. and Mrs. Morris F.rman; LTi Jews and non-.Mws is coming Phylis Abrahams, daughlei1 of Mr. to Israel as part of a general tour and Mrs. Milton Abrahams; Toni organi/.-'d hy Inlomist, a Soviet. Kaplan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Government a^Jimy. Arraiv.jements Lir/nr Kaplan; Barb Borcutt, in tliis counlry are being handleil daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Ber- by a private Israeli travel agency. cutt; Carolyn Slern. daughter of Tourist officials here ar;- wMr. nnd Mrs. Sam Stern and Jo- Iitclanl. to weit;h I he msanitv; of line Friedman, daughter of Mr. this devclopni^iit until ;uler ttvi and Mrs. Maurice Friedman of fiist 'jroiui arrives :md allrr if !<•"-/ Council Bluffs. coniej evii!f.'iit w'i'.?!l'.T r>""»;' S:ir v The dance will be held at the viot v -.'!o • I'.' '• ' V •' • ' ' •> vacation ;,i the J e w ^ i S! . . J . Blacltstone Hotel, Septjmber G.
Page Two
Friday, July 18, JOSH
News and happening* At Ilic Ilr. I'htltp khrr JmlMl Ifuine Tur Tliu AK*d by IJ.ivU (l.i.i.n.
New French Official Fought1 Ansi-Semtfism
Paris UTA)~-The appointment XEW I!i:^!l)j;.S'TS: We wel-of Jacques Soilstelle as a m n n l i T Annual Sutiseiintiun, $-l'JU. Ailvci IIMII|! Kali's 1111 ApjillcaUuii. come the following us new resi- of the de Caulk- Government was KUitunul Oi L e l u l No l^nti Hl.'ivt, Omaha. Ntbr.. JAW;;iun l.Jbo. dents into our club at. the Dr.welcomed in French Jewish cirPrint SJl • Artilrcs:, '.VIS i u 21th Siicct. Philip .Slur JeuMi ]Ionic For The cles. In addition to his kmrnn pio(MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN l-JtiiLor iM'.'if) sland the new Minister of Aged: • Mr. and Mrs. Joe ShindlcT I Hose I Information has fought antiSemitism wherever it has apMrs. Pora I!er;-; ISKTil lSltAl-X peared. Mrs. Ida Hit en Friday evening sei vices at Uelh M. Sonstelle, eliainnan of th« Mrs. Etta Iliilm Israel will begin at 7:30 p.m. Saturday niornin;: services begin at Sri:«I.\L Kinni.'SH: A special rightist Franco-Israel Alliance Iwi 8:15 a.m. and Junior Conrjri'ga- will be given this Saturday by consistently campaigned for a tion services begin at 10 a.m. The Mrs. Esther Ann Chesen in honor closer military relationship beNew York (JTA)-Back from a vice chairman of the United JewSatudny afternoon class in Talmud of thhe v.eddin;; of her jjntndehil- tween France and the Jewish 1 six-week visit 10 Israel, Rabbi ish A:>neal, reported that Israel :; begins nt 7:15 ami Mincha, follow- dren, Jerry and Yield Chesen. State. Jlerbert A. Friedman, exccuti\c peuple are grappling with an im-ed by Shalosh S'cudos and Maariv Mrs. Chesen attended their wedmigrant abruption crisis "far be-begins at 7:-ir> p.m. Patronize Our Advertisers ding in Sioux City. vund their own capacities to solve" Services Sunday mornini; begin at YAHKZEIT: Special Memorial and called on Ann-ricm Jews Tor a 8:-ir> a.m. and are followed by "dynamic cffuri" to meet this top- breakfast and Bible class. Sunday Services will be held for the folpriority humanitarian responsi- piornin1: Junior Congregation be- lowing whose Yahr/eit falls durMRS. MICYEK.UKKKN ing the month of Ah: Funeral services for Mis. Meyer bility. gins at 8:30 a.m. Ab 1—July 18- Mrs. Morris Tin-j "With new immigration continuGreen, 82, of 3725 Dodije street. Week-day services at 7 a.m. and ner. j who died Thursday, July 10, were ing in an unluolcen stream," Rabbi ; held Sunday morning at Die Jew- Friedman si relied, "the 'old' im The Talmud discussion group Ah 4—July 21—-Mrs. Fannie .Stein- j In berg. j ish Funeral Home with Rabbi Sid- migration of Hiru-fiH still requires meets ev&ry Tuesday evening nt ney Brooks of Temple Israel, offi- vast sums for its full absorption. the 19th and Hurt St. Synagogue Ab 9—July 2G-Mrs. M e y e r Brookslein, ciating Burial was in Beth Hame- Thus, Israel's people are now faced and Saturday morning services with tremendous unsolved probAb 11—July 2 8 - H a r r y Friedman. drosh HiiBodol Cemetery. there at 9 a.m. lems in housing, education and Ab 15—August 1 —Ilnrry AdMrs. Green was a resident of employment. The solution o; these TEMPLE ISItAEX slsehtcin. j Omaha GO years. Services will I)e held this Fri- Ab 23—August 9 - M r s . I-ouis I problems demands from both the Surviving are sons, Nathan K., people of Israel and the Jews of day evening nt 7:30 p.m. in the Sommcr. j St. Louis, Mo.; Arthur M., Edward America "as dynamic an effort as Temple Chapel. Rabbi Sidney II. B. and Irvin, Omaha; daughters, they produced at more dangerous Brooks will officiate end deliver a sermonctte. Mrs. Ethel Prrer. Pittsburgh, Pa.; moments in Israel's history." .BKTII EL Mrs. Phyllis Dimsdale, Sioux City, Housing I'robU'tn la.; Mrs. Ann Abrainson, Mrs. .Sabbath evening services at Beth The UJJf leader pointed out that El Synagogue will be held this Frances Fellman, Omaha, 14 grandchildren and five g r e a t despite the dramatic expansion of Friday at 7 p.m. Sabbath morning housing construction in recent services will begin at 9:30 a.m. grandchildren. years, more than 100,000 people The Mincha Service will begin at Scb (Subby) Pulvcrcnte were still living in the huts and 7:30 p.m. MRS. IDA GOLDBERG 25 Years' Experience Funeral services for Mrs. Idawooden shacks of temporary settleDaily services during the week Goldberg, 8-1, of 183 Keeline Ave- ments and in other sub-standard are held at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. The With Jewish nue, Council Bluffs, who died Sat- housing. "Israel's people me deter- .Sunday morning service is held at Lettering and Memorials,mined to eliminate this problem! urday, July 5, were held in Coun9 a.m. 1407 Harncy St. cil Bluffs on Sunday, July f>. Rabbi and 23,000 housing units must be jH'NAI JACOH-AUAS constructed to reich this goal," he I 2211 So. 8th AT 2452 Myer S. Kripke of Beth El SynaYKSIIURO.V gogue, officiated. Burial was in said, di-.clo.in;; lhat the first 7.000 j Services at 13'nai Jacob-Adas units were reentry commissioned i Chicago. as the initial *,!ep towards thisi Ycshuron will begin Friday at 7:115 Mrs. Goldhcrc; was the widow of end "Another urgent need is to; p.m. and Saturady morning at Rosh Hcsfionah This Year Begins the late Sam fVildbcri:. Snniuiitf help M'IIK™ of immigrant farm 8:30 a.m. with Mincha fit 7:30 are daughter'. Mr- Frieda Smal- settlemenis which are struggling! p.m. followed by Shalosh S'uedos. Sunday Evening, Sept. 14 sky, Council' Bluffs; Mrs. Reva toward e c o n o m i c viability but tDaily services G.30 a.m. and 7:.'IO Shapin, Mrs. Anne (;<>!dfin:Ter, which still are short of needed, Chicago; Mrs. I'.oie Brooks, Min- equipment, livestock and irrijj neapolis; son'-, Ben, Chicago; tion facilities," he declared. fsrael-Brifain Trade Charles and Jny. Denver, 1-1 grandchildren and five great grandchilLondon UTA) Trade between dren. London IJTA'I- The .Soviet Un- Israel and Britain last year rose * ion has offered the United Arab j by more than 6.000,000 pounds Republic an opportunity to pur-I sterling (SlG.ROO.'CiOO) over ~l'.iri<ii, it • MKVER KIRSHEXBAA1J.W Funeral services for .Meyer chase unlimited numbers of the | was announced at the seventh anKirshenbaum, t>7, of 3125. La-latest model jet .airliners, it was [ nual general meeting of the AngloIsrael Chamber of Commerce. fayette Avenue, were held last. reported. Friday afternoon at the Jewish Funeral Home.Mr. Kirshenbaum, a long-time, resident of the city, Through the New Year's Edition of -.died':.the,'.previous night. Burial, was in; Mt. Sinai Cemetery. Surviving are wife, Dora, children, Joseph, Kcvee and Mrs. OMAHA'S LEADING Phyllis Rifkin, Omaha; Mrs. Rose Kosher Meat- Marlcef and Delicatessen Becker of'-. Cedar Rapids, la.; brothers, Joseph, Max and AbraWA 5554 4415CUMING ham and .10 grandchildren. Solve Your greeting problem by using this convenient and inexpenCHARLES HEKMANSON" Funeral services for Charles sive method of wisiiing friends and Hermanson former Omahan, who relatives a Happy New Year. died in Los Angeles, Calif., were held there July Sth. lie was the Use the coupon below and check the number Quarts—Half-Gallon—Bulk son of Dan Heimanson and brother of Mrs. Dan Bezman, both of of the greeting you prefer or enclose one of They Are Delicious, Try 'Em Omaha. of your own choosing. Enclose cash or check Other survivors nrc his wife, with your order. Faye, a daughter, Diane of Los I CALL WEDNESDAY FOR THURSDAY DELIVERY | Angeles, three other sisters and Mr. ;md Mrs wish their three brothers. Published Kvc-ry Friday I)} the I'°iMtcration of Jewlhli Service Secunu ^luki Mulllm: f n v i l w s Authorized ul Omnliu, Ncbrusku
'Israel Grappling With Immigrant Absorption' Deaths
For Satisfaction
Call AT 0088
Diamond's - Famous Green Pack HOMEMADE PILLS
\ 7
friends and relatives both far and near a happy New Year. Mr. and Mrs. .and family wish'all their relatives and friends a Happy a?id Prosperous New Year. Mr. and Mrs ...' and family take this means of expressing their best wishes for the New Year to their friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. and family extend their greetings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. MAIL TODAY
JEWISH PRESS. 101 NO. 20TH ST. Omaha, Nebr. Enclosed find $3.00 for which please insert No New Year's Greeting Card in your Rosh Hashonah Edition. I'lpate Print
Navy Man Scuttles Another Make, Switches to Ford Milford E. Klaus, (left) SKI, Fort Omaha, shopped for a new car but settled on Gcrclick. Taking delivery from John Cahill of Gerelick, Mr. Klaus said, "I switched to a Ford Six from another make because of Ford's terrific gas mile-
age. The Ford handles belter, too, and is fun to drive around town." If you like a bargain, you'll have fun shopping at Gerelick this week. Factory bonus passed on to you. Gerelick prices arc factory list or lower. No hidden or padded prices.
Friday, July 18, 1058
WGMA DIOLTA TAU AI.U.MXAi; MJNt'HKON The Center Hoof Garden will lie the scene of Sicma Delia 'J";iu Alumnae Len^ne's July luncheon on Saturday, July Ifltli at 1 p.m. Mrs. Juslin Mnnvilz is In chargo of arraii.'ipments iind reservations nre beinfi taken hy Mrs. Mnnvitz and Mrs. Jiernard Ilockenlierjj. IIADASSAII IJOAKI) JIKKTINfi Tlio siiinmcr board meeting of 1 ho Omnlm chapter of Hnrinssali will be held Monday, July 21 nt the homo of Mrs. Keith Siiunrters, 6411 Glemvood Road. A clpsr.crt luncheon will be served n( 12:30 p.m. Co-hostes;ies will he Mines. Arthur Green and Sam Green. HADASSAH I1ONI) Cl.Vtt Mrs. Morris Grossman addressed the ntisinora and Professional Iladnssnh )',ond riuh at their pummer meeting, Wednesday, July 0, at the home of Mrs. Kvelyn I.evy. Her topic was "Bonds Urini: Israel Amazinj: Industrial Development." Mr;;. Grossman who recently returner! from Israel described the liefcinninfT of Israel's tenth anniversary celebration and described her tour of the nation's largest industrial plants liitdiliKhllru; especially the textile, orange., tobacco anil! heavy stmclunl steel ;ind concrete industries which slip X'isiterl as (lie finest of the Israeli Government Rond Office. This is the eighth annual liond club which has functioned ns n division of H & P Hadnssnh since the inception of the iVind campaign. Its membership, however, is not confined to that group alone. Mrs. Abe liear's name was drawn by lot for the purchase of th-> July bond. Two more bonds remain to be purchased before Ihe termination of the cur;cut JWi club. I'OST KNTKKTAINS AT VA IIOSI'ITAL Milton Goldher::. VAVS representative and Iz Lewis VAVS allernate presented the Suoboda's Accordion Hand and vocalist at the Omnha Veterans Hospital. Tues. day cv(?nint», July 15th. These entertainment _prof,'rams are a regJilar monthly feature presented at the. VA hospital by Kpstein-MorEan Post. Jewish War Veterans.
In the News T.ris's Carolyn Kii(j;in will at•fend tlic Conservatoire of the. National Association of Dance and 'Affiliated Artists at the Hotel "Sherman in Chicago, 111., July 19th throiiKh July 25th, where she will further her study or dancing techniques. . neturing to her home In Ohicnj;o, III., after a week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mas Kiilz, was Mrs. Eric Marx and her daughter, Rhonda Sue. Mrs; Marx is. the former Jean Katz. Miss-Joan Krasm-, daughter of Mr. and MI-H. Henry Kriisnc, will return Saturday from a trip to I-os Angeles, Calif, and Denver Colo, Mr, and Mrs. .Jiiroli Slc>r>lmrt;, Jr., have returned from • n fourweek vacation in Nevada and California.
Maine Roffmans To Live Trip Mr. and Mrs. Blainc Hoffman who were married June 2!)lh In Chicago, 111., will be at home at the Rudcliffc Apartments following a wcddin;; trip in Michigan and Florida. Mrs. Hoffman is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Ferdinand of Chicago, and her husband is the son of Mrs. Sam Hoffman of Council .Bluffs, In. Uridal attendants in (he late afternoon ceremony were Mrs. Elliott Brody, Dds .Moines, la., matron of honor; Miss Arlcne Zisooic, Chicago, maid of honor, and Miss Jlutli Kozlan, Elma, la., aiid Mrs. Joseph lilitt, Rock Island, 111., bridesmaids, Susan Ferdinand, sister of the bride was junior bridesmaid. Mel Ilurwicli, Kansas City, Mo., was best man. Elliott Brody, Charles Kosenbaum, Gary Ruben, Des Moines; Stanley Richards, Council Bluffs, and Max Jucobsen, Chicago, served as groomsmen and ushers. A large contingent from Council Bluffs and Omaha attended the wedding. From Council Bluffs were Messrs. and Mines. David Gallner, Sam Sacks, Joe Katelman, Harry Cohen, Mrs. Harry Kubby, Mrs. Morris Grossman and Lea Krasne. The groom's mother, Mrs. Sam Roffman, vacationed with the Ferdinands (it their summer home in Michigan following the wedding. Omnhans were Mrs. Abe Roffman, Messrs. and Mmes.'Jack Hurwich, Sol Schwartz and Kay Roffman.
Omahans on California Trip Dr. and Mrs. J. Milton Margolin and children, Jerry and Inn left Wednesday for California to attend the wedding of Mrs. Margolin's niece, Miss Marilynn Susan Felnblait to William I. Bendat on Sunday, July 27 in,Pacific Palisades. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A-uon Feinblatt of North Hollywood. Her mother is a former Omaha resident. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. liendat of North Hollywood. The Margolins who nre motoring will visit San Francisco prior to the wedding and on the return trip will stop in Las Vegas. Among the Omahans planning to be present at. the wedding will be the bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Lewis who will lea\e here Wednesday, July 2.'!.
Death Comes to Famous Leader; Well-Known Here
Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Vann became the parents of a son, William Douglas on June 29th at Methodist hospital. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Howard Milder and Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Vann. Maternal great grandmother is Mrs. Helen Bolker of Beverly Hills, Calif, and paternal great grandmother is Mrs. Sarah Vann, Dr. and Mrs. Phillip S. Alberts of Kansas City, Mo., announce the birth of a son, Jay Howard on Saturday, July 12 at Clarkson hospital here. Mrs. Alberts Is the former Felicia Abramson. Grandparents are Mrs. Esther Abramson of Kansas City, Mo., and Mr .and.Mrs. William Alberts of Omaha. Mrs. H. .'Alberts of Cincinnati is a paternal greatgrandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Finkle are the parents of a son, Terry Bruce born July 5 in Immanuel hospital. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Srhnlldon and Mr. and Mrs. So! Lagman.
John Kalina
During 1956-57 Israel's agricultural output rose by 20 percent compared to the previous year.
AT 0686
Ground Beef, Lb. Chuck, Lb
Mr. and Mrs. Manny Goldberg are now making their home in Omaha following a New York wedding trip. The couple was married in an early afternoon ceremony June 29 at Flatbush Terrace, Brooklyn, N. Y. The bride is the former Miss Klaine Phyllis v Wintner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wintner, New York City, The bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Morris Goldberg. Rabbi Morris E. Wintner, grandfather of the bride, officiated. Miss Sharon Ulano, New York City, and Dr. George Kahn attended the couple. Wedding guests from Omaha included the bridegroom's parents and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Fox,
Houso of Delicacies
Funeral services were held MonA third sugar factory is to be day in Chicago for Miss Pearl erected in Kiryat Gat, Israel. Franklin, well-known to m a n y Omahans through her national prominence as a leader in Zionist CALL organizations. Miss Franklin died Thursday, July 10, in Chicago. HOLLYWOOD She was the niece of Mrs. HerTUX RENTAL man Franklin and n cousin of Miss JA 2452 Kalah Franklin and Morris Frank- 106 No. 15th Strcot (In Omaha Loan Bldq.) lin, all who attended the funeral. Miss F r a n k l i n , 73, was the founder of the Chicago Chapter of Hadassah ami its president for ten Portraits years. She had been named honorary president for life. She was also a member of the organization's national board for 33 years and a former vice-president. Taking part in the funeral rites was Mrs. Hose Jacobs of Now York, a former national president of Hadassah. Miss Franklin was a member of the- American Zionist Council of Chicago and the executive board of the American Association for the United Nations. She was a • lawyer and taught political science at Wright Junior College In Chicago from 1935 to 1931 and was the author'of "Introduction to Social Science" which Photographer she wrote in 1042. 817 So. 36th St. Surviving is a sister, Miss Lillian HA 1044 Franklin of Chicago.
Manny W. Goldberg and Gerald Kanlor. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Greenberg, ex-Ornahans now of .Silver Springs, Md., also attended.
1437 So. 13th it. Zionsville, I n d i a n a (JTA)— Leaders of the National Federalion of Temple Youth, representing 14,000. teen-agers Interested in the Reform Jewish movement in the United States and Canada, will hold three-day meeting here to map plans for the strengthening of Liberal Judaism among the Jewish youth in America. The parley will ojien next week.
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Like the Omaha Custom;
Youth Rim Hiaifa lor a
The Idea of turning the city government over to lls youth Is just as popular in Huifa, Israel, as it is here. The Israel Digest reports the keys to the city of Haifa were handed over to Iti-year-old. Gideon Turi, "Mayor for the Day" by Mayor Abba Khoushy m the town hall at 6:30 In the morning one day recently. The brief ceremony marked the transfer of the Municipality Into the hands of ;VJ elected representatives of the town's secondary schools. At 7:.'!0 in the evening the keys were handed back again. The youngsters threw themselves into the job of running Haifa for 13 hours with great earnestness. The 38 boys and girls who were chosen to head the Municipal Departments conducted nil the routine work, with the real heads of the Departments acting as observers and advisers. » "Mayor" Turi himself received the usual stream of pressure group delegations, which were joined by many youngsters. The busiest section was the Youth and Sports Department, Requests ranged from support for young animal lovers to u permit for a kiosk in the town center. Adult callers received the usual'Turkish coffee, while the children were treated to chocolate bars. In the evening the youngsters' Municipal Council held a meeting to discuss Haifa's youth problems. The youth council passed several resolutions: Mayor Khousky promised that the Municipal Council would do everything in its power to carry out the resolutions passed at the meeting. He also stated that the Youth Council will continue to exist until the municipal elections next year and will mainly assist in tha work of the Municipal Youth and sports department.
Holland's Queen Entertains Israel President, Wife
Henry Monsky to Ensfali Officers Af Aug. 2 Affair
Friday, July 18, 1038
Polish Action Puzzles Diplomat
Jerusalem (JTA)—A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed "great surprlso" over the Polish Foreign Mmls Officers recently elected by try's expulsion of Jacob Bannor, Henry Monsky B'nai B'rlth lodge first secretary of tho Israel Legawill be installed in a special cer- tion in Warsaw. The Israel diplomat was ordeicd to leave Poland emony Saturday evening. Aug- within 48 hours. ust 2 at the Installation dinner The Polish announcement ac| and dance to be given by the or- cused Barmor of "trying systemaj ganizaliou at the Blackstone Ho- tically to recruit Polish citizen1; for activities contrary to the in' tel. They nrc Lou f'anar, president; terests of the Polish nation." BarLou Jess, first vice-president; Mil- inor, .who had just completed a lard Margolin, .second vico-presi-j four-year tour of duty, had notident; Sid Tared, third vice-presi- fied the Polish Government of his dent; Nate Turner, Ireasurer; Sam recall to Israel, prior to the suEpstein, recording secretary; Mo-1 den expulsion older. The Israel spokesman .said that ses F. Kngan, financial secretary; Julius Schreiber, warden and Mor- Barmor had taken official leave ris Epstein, guardian. I>r. Leon of Polish officials "in the best posFellmnn was newly cleclvd to the sible atmosphere" shortly l>e(ore the expulsion anouncement and bourd of trustees. that top Polish officials had atFor reservations call RE 08R0, GL 27.')6. TF. 92H!) and WA O'JUl.
No.l specialist in long-distance moving
Israel flood Is J e r u s a l e m (.ITA) — Premier David Ben Gurion informed United Nations Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold this week that he had given instructions to allow the Arab villagers on Mt. Scopus to use a road through Israel territory, as a 'means of focilitaling Hamiiiarskjold's efforts to Obtain Jordan agreement to Israeli use of Hadnssah Hospital nnd Hebrew University facilities on Mt. Scopus. In a letter to the I.'N chief, the Premier noted that use of the Israeli road by Issawiu villagers was conditioned on the Jordanians refraining from a t t e m p t s to encroach on Israel territory.
tended a farewell party for him. Israel sources said there was lio basis for tho charges and that t h e / had no idea what motlviated tho net ion. They noted . that Israel* Polish relations had been developing "in the bestsplrit," including trade.
London UTAl—Sir Leslie PlumAmsterdam (.TTA t — President rner, member of the British ParOnd Mrs. Itzak Ben Zvi who were in Holland this week for a three liament, reporting on u recent vis%f* day official visit were greeted at it to the United Stales, told a the airport by Netherlands Pre- meeting of the Labor Zionists here mier Willem Drees. Israel Am- today that during his visit to the bassador Hunan C'idor and Chief .South |n the United States, he was Rabbi Aron Shuster. disturbed to find "many active On Tuesday, Queen Juliana and signs" of anti-Semitism. He added Prince Bernhard were hosts to the that while such activities were beIsraeli Chief Executive and his ing combatted. he felt it was not wife at a kosher luncheon at the royal palace. Wednesday evening. wise to underestimate the "menthe President was host nt a dinner ace" which this condition repregiven in honor of the royal couple. sented. Swim Meet on KMTV During his visit Mr. Ken Zvi utSir Leslie said he was greatly tended services for Dutch Jews impressed by tho "particularly KMTV will televise an AAU. murdered by the Nazis, met with generous way" in which Ameri- sanctioned swim meet July 27, Dutch resistance l e a d e r s who | can Jewry has helped Israel. He •l:'M-7>:',',<) p.m. from Omaha's Milhelped save Jews and visited a reported he found that leaders in ler Park Pool with Sports Dinumber of points of interesl. in- all phases of life in the United rector Steve Shepard describing cluding the grave of BarUch des States were favorably disposed to- the events. Spinoza. ward Israel and that Israel's rep(Tn B e l g i u m , where he went resentatives there were doing "a An Israel planned textile plant Thursday, the Israeli President will j magnificent job" in forming fav- j at Nazareth will include spinH I . 1 OX also lie a luncheon guest of i >J> .iJt > oring public opinion toward the ning, dyeing and finishing departand will return the honor by play- Jewish State. ments. ing host to King Uaudouin and I he Queen Mother Klizabeth. He will also visit the International Fair ai Brussels, i
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GORDON STORAGE WAREHOUSE, INC. Announces the Appointment of
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Youngsters Leave For Camp Herzl An Omaha group of youngsters left Sunday for Camp Hei/I, ncir Webster, Wis., witli Mis Max Illckcs as chaperon. The group included Linda Craetz, Barbara C.'hudacoff, Gail Brodkcy, Hoz Bordy, Linda lieikes, Judy Turner, Joyce and Gayle ftender. Linda Olfand and Alice Fcllman and Eleanor Yager The) are the daughters of Messis and Mmes. Saul Graetz, Irving C'hudacoff, Edward Brodkey, Noim.ni Bordy, Max Reilces, Nathan Turner, Bert Render, Jack Gelfand, Drs. and Mmes. Abe Fellnun. and J. Lewis Yager, respectively Others were Susan and Robert Slutzky, children of Dr .and Mis Ben" SHitzky; Marian Pne.riLin. Howard liahn, Mark Plattner. Joel Sneider, Robert Weinstein* Larry Grossman, sons of Messrs. and Mines. Krnest Priesman, Sam Halin, Larry Plattner, Sidney Sneider, Herman Weinstein mid .Arthur Grossman respectively.
Want Ads Phone JA 13Gb to insert your Want Ac tn The Jewish press, Current rate t» SO cenu foi e a d fom line Insertion. The i*re.« reserves the risM to Unlit 8lz« of each advertisement
BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 3502 Dodge Circumcisions—call Rev. A. Diamond, Mohel. WA 5531 or WE 3899. CLARA RANDALL PLACKML'NT SERVICE. For Practical Nurses nnd Practical Domestics. Call WE 5217.
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