mr i VVVI/I u , • •1'ubllnhed overy Frlduy, 101 rr Both, Vol. XXXVI No. 45 omaila .Nebraska. Piionu JA 13G0
. ( t I . , »,. OMAHA, >
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Entered os Soconrt-CIuss Matter at Post- Annum Hats 4 Dollar! offlro. Omuhu. Nelirusku, under Act or 1870 Single Copy 10 Cent!
f,?',^!1 cast Developments — As of July -Z3, VMH The following are current reports from divisions in the 1958 Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign: 1958 Total Division .; . To Date Initial Gifts .$325,947.50 Men's Division 9,410.00 Women's Division 60,890.75 B. & Ii Unit 3,297.50 Children's Division ],727.X5 High School Division 1,040.75 University Division . 95.00 Organizations 2,373.75 Miscellaneous ................... 1,452.00 Total to Date
The Federation of Jewish Wornon's Clubs, in an effort to avoid conflict of dates among organizations, has this week mailed 6ut a QUESTIONNAIRE to all adult groups. Some of tho information requested will bo used in connection with the New Year's Edition Of the JKWISH PRESS. Part of the letter reads .as follows: "In order to prevent conflicts In community meetings and events, we will appreclato it very much if you will check tho dates and enter the events in tho Community Calendar at tho Jewish Community Center, JAckson 1368. "With your cooperation, and that of all other organizations, disappointments and inconveniences will be. avoided." Mrs, Joe S. Guss, Calendar Chairman and Mrs. Mike Freeman, President of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, urged a prompt reply so that needed material will be received in time for the Jewish Press New Year edition.
Sceen^is? New Brunswick, N. J. (JTA)— Dr. Selman W a k a m a n, Nobel Prize winner, discover of streptomycin and other untl-biotic.drugs end long one of this country's top microbiologists, will retire as director of tho Rutgers University Institute of Microbiology. P r o c e e d s of the salft of the. Streptomycin and other "wonder drugs" developed by Dr. Waksman end his associates have largely supported the Institute of Microbiology of which Dr. Waksman was. the first director. After-his retirement. Dr. Waksman, who will be 70 soon, will maintain an office and laboratory at the Institute. He plans to continue working In a number of fields, including the search tor a cancer euro.
British Planes To Ship Israel
London (JTA)—Britain's Middle East command has been ordered to route its airlift to Jordan in such a way as to avoid flying over Israeli territory. British Defense circles feared Israel might refuse overflights to RAF planes bringing supplies working on tho zoo, an evening and vital stores to tha troops splash swimming party and folk in Jordan. Consequently, tho new dancing wera just a few of the orders era for the planes from activities staged for cabin night, Cyrpuj to go first to El Adem, Tuesday. Wednesday, campers par- Libya, then across Sudan to Aden, ticipated In the evening unit night then up to the Red Sea to Jordan's with other cabins of the sanui age port of Akaba, then to Jordan's group. Thursday, campers enjoyed capital of Amman. a special chuck wagon cookout Word muched here, however, and h o r s e b a c k overnight trip, that Air M i i n i t a 1 Sir Hubert Campers will participate in .the I'atcli, us well n» tlio Foreign Ofspecial Friday evening services floo lialHon officer with the Middle while only special Shubbnt ac- East command in Nli'onlii, Cyprus, •tlvltiesr • are to be conducted to- snld-ttiirt-^Israfilln are not In any morrow. way Interferrlhg with or hamperTlio campers' days me filled Ing our jilimi." with regular camping activities which include riflory, horseback riding, horsemanship, sports and Bonn Government games, journalism, d r a m a t i c s , dancing- crafts, nature loro and Expresses Stand camp craft. Bonn (JTA)—West Germany Registration*) Ojion feels strongly that tho U n i t e d A /ew openings still remain for .States and Britain urn backing the final two week .session of tho wrong horse in the Middle Camp Jay-C-C which Marts'August East, and that the West "must 3rd and runs through tbo 17th, come to terms" with United Arab Dr. Daniel Miller, Camp Cominit- Republic President Gamal Abdel teo Chairman, stated this week. Nasser, it was reported. Registrations may bo phoned to tho Camp Office at JA. 1366. The resident rate of $85 includes the Israel Praised camp fee, camp medical Insurance, oraft charges, laundry service and As U. S. Friend transportation costs. An additional Wcstbury, L. I. (JTA)—Leoncharge is made for horseback ridard W. Hall, a candidata for the ing. Republican gubernatorial nomination, praised Israel as a staunch of the United States in the Beth El Women to friend troubled Middle East. Ho spoke at a testimonial dinner in his Plan Next Season honor and In support of the United Tho executive committed of Jewish Appeal. Beth El Synagogue Sisterhood will be hostess to the board members at a summer luncheon meeting Senator Appraises Monday, July 28th, at 12:30 p. rn. in tha Synagogue social hall. Arab-Israel Conflict Plans for the ensuing year will New Orleans, La. (JTA)—Sen. be discussed. The following have Allen J. Ellendcr of Louisiana said been appointed to servo on the in a broadcast on the current standing committees: Middle East situation that a great . Mrs, Ernest Nogg, board, tele- difficulty lies in the "deep-rooted phone; Mrs. A. G. Rlminermun, belief on the part of tho Arabs briefer; Mrs. Seymour Colin, cour- that the United States is totally tesy and cradle roll; Mines. Rob- committed to support any move ert Bernstein, Henry Riekes, taken by Israel." membership; Mrs. Elmer Novak, publicity; Mrs. A. V. Venger, standing nominating committee Jewish Youth to chairman; Mines. Jacob Bernstein, Reuben Bordy, Ben Mlnkin, Meet in Israel Charles Altman, telephone; Mrs. Harold Fox, table setting; Mmes. Jerusalem (JTA)—Jewish youth Leonard Gould, Norman Wohlner, representing 200 organizations books and publications; Mfs. Alan from the right, to the loft, with Wolfson, Braille; Mrs. J. H. Kul? tho sole exceptions of the Neturei akofsky, Council of Synagogues; Karta and the Communists, will Mrs. Irvln A.' Sherman, decora- be present at the first world Jewtions; Mmes. Dave Sherman, Abe ish youth congress which opens Rbffman, Max Laslilnsky, gift here July 28, Eliahu Dobkln, memshop; Mrs. Isldor Levinson, educa- ber of tliB Jewish Agency execution; Mrs. Yale Gotsdiner, Judaism tive, announced this week at a In the home; Mrs. Morris H. Brod- press conference. key, library; Mrs. Harry DuBoff, Mr. Dobkln. said the 380 delemusls director; Mrs. Maurice Al- gates expected at the parley would pcrin, Outlook magazine; Mines. come from 42 countries on all conStan Lipsey, Morloy Zlpursky, tinents,' including Yugoslavia but program. not from tha Soviet led bloo, The Others nre Mrs. Georgo Kagan, United States and Canada between lliem are sending 84 delegates. (Continued on Fuge 4.)
Camp Opens With Song Session And Fireworks Camp Jay-C-C started its 19th eeason of camping Sunday with 100 campers participating in a well rounded program or activities for special events. The first evening's council flra program ropleta with a fireworks display, was followed by a song session. Ilirtlidnys Celebrated Monday the birthdays of all campers and counselors were qelufonited with ealce, ice c r e a m , gomes and stunts. Taffy pulling, kitchen capers, a moonlight hike,
Jerusalem (JTA)—Israel's duty is (tf strengthen its power to counter the increasing Nasserist danger, Prime Minister David Ben Gurion told the Knesset. The Government u doing all it can long those lines, the Premier added. Mr. Ben Gurion made his statement in responding to two motions for a full-scale par. liamentaiy debate on the Middle East situation. The motions, by the right-wing Herat Parly and by the Communists, were defeated overwhelmingly.
Moscow Claims Israel Is Aiding Lebanon Paris (JTA)—The'Soviet: news agency Tnss reported that Israel is supplying the Chamoun Government of Lebanon with Soviet arms..captured, .b}! Israeli forces from the Egyptian army in Sinai. The broadcast sought to deDunk reports that Lebanese rebels were f o u n d in possession of Sovietmade arms.
Ebons Terms Dulles' Meet 'Very Useful' Washington (JTA)—Israel Ambassador Abba Ebnn held a very comprehensivB review of Middle Eastern developments with Secretary of State John Foster Dulles. It is believed that Mr. Khan told Mr. Dulles of Israel's desire for modern heavy weapons for defense, in view of increasing United Arab Republic aggressiveness In Hie region. Mr. Eban would not divulge the exact nature of the points covered. He formed the meeting "very useful." The-Ambassador said ho spent only 30 hours in Israel on what had been planned as a two-month stay.
Council Sponsors Blind Campers
Tlie Prime Minister described the events in Iraq as posing "un> doubtedly the gravest danger sinc< our War of Liberation (in 1948).*' He warned: "The danger of en> circlement by Nasser is growing^. and it Is our duty to do all w« can to obviate this danger. But this does not depend on us alone. The world situation, he stated, i i becoming more and more com* plicated and the situation in th* Middle East in becoming "more dangerous." "Therefore," he saifj^ "Israel must concentrate its ef» forts to increase its strength." The Prime Minister insisted that, instead of an open parliamentary debate, such a discussion be held In Parliament's committee on for* eign and security affairs, Th* Cabinet was expected to meet, to discuss the entire Middle East situation, including British over* flights on the way to Jordan. Yugoslavia's "Friendly Warning;* A "friendly warning'" against Israel's Involvement in "Imperial* ist ventures" was given Prim*. Minister David Ben Gurion her^ by Yugoslavia's Minister to Israel, Dragoje Djuric, Mr.lbjurie came to see Mr. Ben Gurion at. the latter's request. Th« Prime Minister sought an explana« tion of Yogoslav Marshall Tito'l expressed concern over Israel's fu» ttire moves. Goldu Meir To Franco Mrs. Golda Meir, Israel Foreign Minister plans later this month to confer with Prime Minister Charles de Gaulla and Foreigit Minister Maurice Couve de Mur« vllle in Paris, it was reported. A spokesman for tho Israel Embassy here, announcing th0 planned visit, stated: "Tlio object of Mrs. Melr's visit to Paris is to establish contact with the flew Government of a friendly country^ and to exchange views on tha situation in the Middle East.'* Shimon Peress, director-general of Israel's Ministry of Defense^ arrived here yesterday.
Twenty-four .blind youngsters are spending two weeks at tho Gene Epply Salvation Army Camp under the auspices of the Omaha Section of tho National Council of Jewish Women in conjunction with the Nebraska State Services for the Blind. The project is an initial experiment in joint c a m p i n g for "sighted" and "sightless" children in the Omaha area, Mrs. Max Wolfson, camp chairman for Council, announced, The campers include 26 sighted children from the Creche Homo each of whom take part In camp activities with About 5,000 Jews a sightless buddy. In addition to financing the Remain in Iraq blind children, tho Council is providing a weekly party for all London (JTA)—Only 4,000 to campers. Serving at last week's 5,000 Jews remain In Iraq out of a party were Mrs, Wolfson, • Mrs. community of 120,000 before tha Hurry Stolor, Mrs. E'nr] Weiss and start of Israel-Arab hostilities, tha the camp coordinator, Mrs. Alan World Jewish Congress reported. Wolfson.Most of Iraq's Jews migrated Mrs. Wolfson suld the camp does to Israel during ia")() and 1951. not differentiate between the two The Jewish community of Lebagroups except to call the blind non totals 10,000 of whom .half children "B I u e b 1 r d s" and the are refugees from Syria, the ro« Creche children, "Cardinals." port added.
Jerusalem (JTA)—Israel, is calm in tlio midst of the Middls East crisis. While all here, including tourists, are watching the situation, there is an absolute lack of excitement or concern. Tourists are staying on. Reports from travel agencies here and in Tel Aviv that some have ordered extensions of their scheduled visits. Of 1,600 foreign youths who are hero as part of a Jewish Agency youth study tour, only one received a request from his parents back home to leave-and this youth stated he has notified his1 parents that he prefers to remain hero for the duration of his tour . An indication of the calm atmosphere is the fact that a capacity audience of 3,000 Jammed the concert hall of the Tenth Anniversary Exhibition here, The crowd had come to hear—and to applaud— the opera Toaca, giving: tremendous ovations to tho star, American Richard Tucker, and to tlia conductor, Dlmitrl Mitropoulog,
Friday, July K, ID5R
Omananto At+en ar Mifzvafi Aspirant GSsalks Up 7,000 Miles Brandeis Camp E \ c r y t ' r i i l a y b y t h e f e d e r a t i o n of J c i i l s l i S < r \ l e e Bfcuno Clust. Mtiliii i:eb AuliiuNiied j(l OiiiiiMn Annum Subtvilvtloi AdVeillsInK ItuWx nil API'!!f.tti'Mi. JMIluJ'lul Uf Ve— JO! No li S t r e e t , O m a h a .Neln. JAil:s')ii K!<:ti •JTiih S t i r r t irrlnt Sh Ailiirrts «sus su '2
Kosher Meat Ends j Royal Displeasure |
N'ew Y.iil;, I . I T A I T h e n,\\;il I.-ir-.lv fiiiri- uf the 1'. S. Si\l)l Fleet Ih.'il l;iii(l("-d American m r n i m s iti I.elmnon c.iniiMi Mipplk-s of kosVu'i food ;ind rrlhjiniis nwtU-rKtls alirt l i t e r a t u r e furnished 1/V t h e , \ a -
Miss Fran Malcojn vill l^avf Sunday to hjicnd four weeks al Iiniiidt-is Camp Jii-slilutc, Santa Susana. .(.'al. Mils Mulcom, (he | daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. Hernard i J. Diamond, lias been awarded n I licholaiship h\' the IJnitiflci.s Youth I Foundation. ! HrfoiP returning to Omaha, i h c i \\i\\ spend a u r r k xi.'Jtinj.; i ••latixfs \
Pliocnix i.I'l'A i The wins of I lie? Lehman family of Lurdsbur^. Iho. cmly Jcuish family in that New Mexico (oun. really licliON*' in ^'olii(C a lout; way to cet their linr Milz\nhs.
.Sam IKIS loy^ed 7,000 miles It aveling to Tucson, round trip of lf>!) miles', for it weekly lesson of preparation for the cei cniniiy anil one final trip for Ihe e\enl. ! in J.'is AIIKCII'S. ! .Minneapolis, I . I T A i When i Vmal Jpwis| Wf |f;J)t tin' Shah uf Iran visited hej.e f t H M , supplies • and • l i ^ i u i i s An older brolher maile I he sanie nin-i reci'iilly, he expressed 'riissalis- { terials are part of the st<>cl^ trip two years aj^o for the wmio purjiose. Tv\o years from now u -faction wild the kind of meal ; shijiped liy'JWU to all American third Li'liinati hoy will m:ike it i e n c i l to non-Jews and a.sked j naval vessels for use on the hijjh I Now Urlrans i .I'l'A i Do[iili-j 11 where he could'get pure, lean I sea>; during llosh llashanuh, JWlf •Ji'V.ish I)K*t(-sN. til<1 l,oui.siana! llwee in a ro'. . . beef. : - . • ' . . ; ' . : " / .••:.• is Ihe (,'o v e r u in e li t-antnorl/eil St'iiHlc pai-wd a liill rc'iuiriiif; till t <'ohiiiinist I^liise Oreeno of agency fur serving the religious | p r i m a r y I'lrclions in tin* s i a l c lo ('uiMlii-liKlilliig 1:2K p . m . Mr. finil Airs, llnviit <ii»liluirtti tlie Aiiierieaii Je>visli World HIKI welfare needs of Jewish perB'NAI .IACOK-ADAS j hi' hold on S a t u r d a y . reported that HII oilier A'.as sonnel in the V. S. armed forces. ; Tiic Sonali* h.'ul r*;i11ic-r ICJOI'IIM! j u k l i t o Iliunl, (heir f i l e n d s fur 1 VI S H I K « ) \ t h e ninny KUIIII U UIICS I \ ( C mleil placed uitli a -kosher saiifsaRe] ; this im-aMirr, hul uiidi'i' pi rssui i' j to tlieni In Temple I'ttloitKramfc Chaplain <;Ms Shi|iin«nt S*i\ie<s ii H i m l i i o l j \ i l I S c o i n p a n y , which filled il j Chaplain Manfied 1'echsehafri'li. | from t h e admiiiis>1rniioii a n d f|p-• nil t h e oeensidll iif I heir t h i r t y V r s h i i i o n \ u l l It i i n J i n i i \ tit 7 1") promptly: to (he royal vLsitor's! the only Jewish cliaplain with jspitp f t m i y nppo,sitimi liy a Kroup ; fiflli weildliiK :uiiii\ersiiry, pni . lid S 11 in tl iv in MiiniK a t satisfdction. • " • i-•Amwiea.ii.'.forces in the •Medili'r- | of S e n a t o r s li'U Ijy S r n a l o r Kohci i ; wilh M i n e h . i HI T >» V) a m fane'mi.'iiiii who is DII duty with Ain.sworlh of .\c\'v' Origan 1 ; th»' hill jptn followed lij Sh.tloi.h Sutilov the Air Force a t Ankara, Turkey, ! was pa^scil. Patronize Our Advertisers s ( ] \ i < r s t> >U.iiu a n d 7 >0 has received an emergency shipjp.ui. mi'iit nf Jewish religious materials and kosher food .supplies.''Chaplain BKTH Get in the Swing! Allan' Klainc, on duty with Hie al r.eth Friday evehin; Armyiit Munich, froinwhieh |)oinl Be Sure and Attend Israel be«iii at :.'1O p:m. S a t u r d a y Mi* Itoso (,.,,l.,id of ( l u . n ' , o an airliorne battle .t>vti moriiiii^1 K:45 jiml Junior Coiigri u h o I n s lxcn MKiKtuik the iiim- j , , ! , j n f a n i n Mivisiim. was .niigation' fit 10 5i.ni.Saturday >Iinnirr with lui son and ( ljii;,lilcr j | f l ( t ( , ,„ „„, Middle Kast. senl cha followed by Slialosji S'uedos in l.m Mr ami Mm Villimi Sim Jewish men in the and 1 Mnariv begins; at 7:36:.p.m. portion or '""1 . -Services J>uniia>- morning. bc^in a s and '-kosher. fr>oit a t 8:45 a;ni. and Junior Comrregaliou at 0:.'«) a.m. Breakfast Oinih.a Ruest v are Dr. and Mrs.| Itelnfi/ri-enii'iits tupplieil •will not be served this Sunday Donald R SilverniTin and son Jef- ; Saturday, Aug. 2 $ ^ 7 5 '•* Jewish '.'personnel niTioag • ttie morninf; localise of Tirha Bav. frey j toward who previously made : •'• Marines AVbo embarked from bases ! .- Daily morning services 7 a.m. their.•',', hoine in Portland, Ore., Blackstonc Hotel Per Person • in North ami Soulh Carolina and e n d 7 : 4 0 p . m . • • " ': ' • • " • ' • where Dr. Silvernian inteined at j Virginia to i einforce those already 7 --?? ? ' r t e weekly Talmud class meets' t | i e 'j_ nsily nf Oreijon hospital, j in Lebanon were also supplied rvery -Tuesday eveninj* at 7 p.m. j! Tli FOR RESERVATION CALL: They; ale visiting Mrs. .Silver- jwilh rph'KiotiHmaterials and kosher at the KMh and Hurt Street Syji i nian's parents,Mr. and Sirs. A. II. j food supplies by'Jewish chaplains ICK limn <,i, '!7.'/ii i f : fr:i;3 w.\ n t u l ; usOKun and services there eveij '• Gendler and Dr. Silvennan's liiolh" ; in those areas. Ijitiihirt ItnrliiK ilrrlii^lru 1 A in SatunlT\ nioinin^ : er, Mrs. Herman Silvernian. Dr. i ...... - . . ! Silvermnn wilt enlrr the na\y TfMTLE | ni<"dic:il cqrps in Scptcinber, held this FriRosh Hashonch This Year Begins <lpy < \< inn, < t . .;;) p.m. In the In the spoils III'^AS is nu\!il Tempi'" Chap.-I. H alibi' Sidney 11. • HiTiistctn who bist \\*-ck nia-fcri'd Sunday Evening, Sept. 14 BKJOU^ will O I I K I ite and drli\<"'i' tin1 l.'i'.'-saril niiiili-holi* fur an are HiusM'ls I . I T A I V.-ni Clibuni. s serinoiielte. ; with Mil ri^ht iron ;il 'lie f.hn tin- j:'.-\car-»lil Ainciicaii pianisi
, . , ,.„.„.,, .,.,,„
Sat. Voting Lav/ i
In the News
Henry Monsky, B'nai B'rifh Installation
Van CHburn Wants Israel Invitation
: lirook Couniry Chili <'our:.c in v.lirj iccently v.on l u s t pri/.i- in •'" 1 <)i:olj.-ji. la. His c i n i p a n i o n - v.i-ri- ' compclilioii in Mukii'.v, declared Alillon ^ iidcNon, l.:trr> I'Littnrr Iwrc In- wits "dyim; lo |;o to IsI : I I / I . " ' H i ' expi-essed a " hope that nnd Kolicrf R<*rusti-in.
KKTI1 Kl. .Sahhalh i-vrninK s*'i'\Ic':s ;il B;>th Kl. .Syii3K0i:ne "ill In- held this Friday"Ht 7 p.m. .Sabbath morning 'si-rvici'-s "ill ho^in al P:30 a.m. The Mincha Service will i-e^in at ~:'.V.) p.m.
he would l»' iiivilcd to pcrfonn in T'»\ o .'-nuy ri'sc'i\ isi ^ fruni Omn- ISI'.'K'I. li.'i. Privates Kiit-t Class Donald S. Dandy nnd (li'rald A. lliibi-rm.in : Pationi/e O u r Adveiiiscrs Daily f-c-nices durinc the wei'-l'. •recently completed t w o weeks of j l lire held a t 7 aLm. nnd 7 p.m. The ! I'l.iiniial ' a c l i \ e duty traiiiius; a t ; 1 Sunday morning s e n ice is held i Fort Kpstis, Vii. Dandy is t i n ' M M ' Hi 9 a.m.." . I of Mrs. Ann Dandy, a n d 1 lobernian'S jiaifiiLs a r e .Mr. a n d .Mrs.' Davli! It. Iliitii'i'inaJi.
identification Cords Ordered For Israeli's
Jeriisalcin I J T A I The Ministry : nian «if Omaliji; I.nu mill .lite KalW-*, •of Interior iiniintiiir-ed that il lias] man, of Council Dluffs and their i issued orders thr(n.i(4hont the coun-j families and Sum K:iti-1m:in <•' try for reuisterin;; applicants for •Council Hlilffs. She is spi-udin^ 2211 So. 8th : Wenlific.ilion cirds iii accordnnce a coupli- of !•.I'cks in the city. .with the new ic^uljilioiis to wliirjj' Jixpi-rU'd for lilt' '-Wf.'r'Urfnd li\ the religious bloc objects, and as Mr. and Mrs. Bf.ir ; n c their sons; a result, uf which inciiilici.s of I|IP and families, Mr. and Mrs. D:nid.; VlniteiJ Itc-lit^ious Prtrly lcsi^'ncd Hear nf Des Mnines and children'; from the ('.-iliini'i, 1 ai;'I Mr. nnd M r s . Ma\ j;*.','ir of i limliT (!»• IMW ri'milatioiis. Chic:ii;.'j. • .. i children of non-'lcwisli p;irrnts . i r r : jt-^KU'ri'd on tin* new iib-nlit.v i f'onuniUri1 |i(;;ifjs announci'd by r&rd* as >)i*iii,( prn\iilin^ bnt!i the Chamber of Coniini rce includjpari'iit** ri'ijin-sf siirli ri'^istratlrm. : ed Ihe appointment of Milton AliTUr. new rnliv nNn piriuit a n y : r."ba:ns as cliairiniui of niimlcip.'il | Jidult to ilcsl^iiatc bimsi'ir as u .affaits. • ! /i-\v providing lio ili'i'Uin's hhiiBfclf .Icwish "in j;ond fulth." : The firsl stai,'(l of an I'lrctri'' The Ministry's aniiouncenieiil'. ; lint' in Ab'i (iho.sh, Israel, an i •vhich ndds that.'additinnal inslrue-, Arab village, was ripr-ned tliis year. '• .tions will IK- i s s u e d "in . duf: cour.sir," fullows reports that implemfnlxjtion of the new rules. Iiad ; fceen suspended pending a rejiort l)y a new Cabinet conitnitlei.1 iK'.'id-' <-d by Prime MinisU'i' Oa\id HCJI
tiurion. The Prime Minisler's' office today confirmed ,-m earlier report that Mr. Hen fiurion had tent a letter to former Minister of Post? Joseph Hurt,', offering a movi; whereby Ihe Rrligious Party ministers might return to the 'Cabinet.
S«b (Subbyl Pulvtttnlo
25 Yeari' Experience WUh Jewish Lettering and Memorial! AT 2452
iCSi /J?\
Jw | 1 | | _Jk H H M ^ . \!Sr w JgBr SSr
Solve Your greeting problem by using this convenient and incxpen' . "fiefhod of wilding friendt !ind relatives a Happy New Year.
l vo
Use the coupon below «nd check the number of the greeting you prefer or enclose one of of your own choosing. Enclose cash or check with your order. 1. I\lr. ;ni(l Mrs. wish llii'ir frk'iuls nrul rehilivcs both far and nc.-if a hnp(>y New yr;ir.
2. Mr. am! Mrs ;inil l'.miiJy wish all llicir relatives and friciids a ll:i|i|iy and Prosperous New Year. •3. Mr. nnd Mrs and family lake this moans of expressing (heir hcsl wishes for the Now Year to their friends and iHatives. \. Mr. and Mrs and family extend their greet ings and good wishes to friends and relatives for Health, Happiness and Prosperity.
Kosher Meat Market and Delicatessen WA 5554
Diamond's famous Green Pack
JEWISH PRESS, 101 NO. 20TH ST. Omaha. Nebr. Enclotcd find $3.00 for which please iniert No. . . . . New Year's Greeting Card in your Rosh Hathonah Edition,
Contest- Winner Mrs. Anne Y.. Grossman has ic-pn presented with a 1958 Fiijjitfnire Food Disposer as one of the •Winners in General Motors "Aim •To'IJvc" contest which ran earlier i n . the year, it was announced by the Major Appliance Co.
Through the New Year's Edition of
Monument Co.
Mr. a n d Mm. Abr. Iteur ha l .e a s their guest, the t a t t e r ' s si.stcr, Mrs. -. Jules Wails of IJIS Aiicetes. <'al. : Mrs. Wails is also M'sitin^' h e r ' brothers, Mnrris nnd Abe Kiitil-
i'leukf. I'rlnt
$1.10 ...2 ^ 25c
They Arc Delicious, f r y 'Em ••'.
Friday, July 25, 1058
Pagr Three
Composing Music Is Old Story To This Teenage Musician Philadelphia MTAl- Miebele. Levin of Miami made htr fnit public appearance here as a concert pianist at the second Children s (,'oncort. playing the finale of Beethoven's Second Piano Ooncerlo. Michele is exactly Ki years of age. Last, winter, the Philadelphia Oicheslra eslablislipd a bpeeial invard for lif-r when ber .14-page sonata was entered in a composition contest. Michele demonstrated musical aptitude at Ihe ii(je of thiee and lias been composing little pieces as far back as she can iememb<r Piano lessons did not bej;in till she was six. Her professional life began when her family came to Philadelphia in ltr>!j when one of her compositions was accepted for publication. Kfram Zinibalist. director of the Curtis Institute, learned .ibout Michele nnd invilcd her to audition. Afterwards, Zimbalist, offered Michele a .scholarship but her molher wanted her to wail al leant a year. In 1!l5(i, she was enrolled at Curtis. Dr. Herberl I .run, her denti.sl-fiilhcr, and ln.-r family remained in Florida. Micheli; lives •uilh. her jji-andmollier, Mrs. M. A. Silver, who left Miami to come In Philadelphia .-mil provide a home for Michele durinK her trainini;.
Technical Books To Be in Hebrew Tel Aviv (.I'J'A i U. S. Amlias!.idoi" Kdward IS. Lawsuit lias launched a new venture in teehni«.'l ;is.sisliiiic-f." with the sinning of an agreement by uhicli ORT in jsrael is to translate into Hebrew American and other books on in-, duslrial and trade suhjects. The project, which is lo be completed by mid-1%0, will .' make available, in Hebrew for' tlie first time mi cxlensive literature, of workshop and trade manuals tind 1i xlbooks. The publications are inlehderl for use by ieaehors and hludenls in vocalioiial schools lit Israel. The books will also be available lo ai'lisnns end mechanics win) will thus ' Iroduced to American infli nielhods ami practices. Ambassador Lawsun presented a cheek to Jamb S. Shapiro, prcsiile:tl of OUT in Israel, as first payin.'.-nl on a e,rant. that will total K.'O.OOO Israeli pounds over the 1wu-yoar period.
A daughter, Itaudy ,)ean was born ID Mr. and Mis. Leonard L. Kriede! .Inly 16th al Clarkum hospital. They are also. *'th<* ]>aipnts of a daughter, I.ynno Diane. Mr. and Mrs. Shepp Goldit) of Kansas C*i(y. Mo., are maternal Eiandparenls,\ . .. Mr. and Mrs. Kdward lielgradr aniiouncn t h e b i r t h of their first child, a son, July 18 at Lutheran hospital,. Ho has been nnmed Robert Grandparents a r c M r ; mid Mm, Kli Zalkliiajid Mi-.tthd Mrs. Maxv Belgrade. Mrs. Sain ICatz is the maternal great erandniother. Mr. and Mrs. i-'j-ed Osli;ow announce the birth <if'a s o n , Gary Jay on July 10 at Doctor's Hospital.. •'; . , ; . ' •'•••.•
Grandparent.s are Mr. and Mrs Simon Green and Mr. mid Mrs. William Oslrow. Gre.it grandparents are Mr., and Mi-.s. Mouis Green, Mr. and Mrs. Hyii)iin Karl and Mrs. Hymaii Haspel Mr. and Mrs. Kllie M li.itnei
Installation Dinner And Dance August 2
Hie birth of a daunhler. j announce Itoniia Marilyn, .Inly Hill] al j Clai'ksoii hospital. They .ue aho
ibe parents of anolher dauphin, Reservations may still be made j Delira Gail. fi>,' I ho Henry MonsUy H'nai B'rilh Grandparents are Air. and Mi» ],oil'.;c installation dinner and i Sam M, Kutler and Mis, Mai> dance to be c;iven Saturday, Auji-j fiatner. Mrs. Kva Polikov Is inalist L'ml, lilaclistone Motel at. 7 ' Icrnnl Kreat grandiuolber. p.m. Anyone desiring lo attend may call UK 08X0, C.I. 275(5, TK . IlL'Sil or WA 0921. Following 'l«' 'linner. there will lie dancing lo the music of LaiulxTt Bartak and his onthcslra, beTel Aviv I.ITAl A number of Kimiini.; at !):.'X) p.m. Arabs and Jews were rounded up by Israeli police in a recent crackGrate College Head down on a suspected spy I IIIK.
Israel Rounds Up Suspected Spies
I'liilad.'lphia, < J T A » Tile appointment of JIKIKC Ilouis I1). Levln• thnl of (his city as president of • irnlz College was announced here. Patronize Our Advertisers
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Synagogue to Bear Name of French Patriot's Father Tel Aviv (JTA i-Bernhiird Men des-Franee, 23-year-old son of tin former French Premier, Piem Mende.sFranee, will visit Israel a the end of this month to take par In ground-breaking ceremonies for it new synagogue which will bear the name of the ex-Premier's father, Tavi David, who died six months ago. The decision to name tho synagogue at Kfar Saba alter the elder Mendes-France was announced by . Chaini Nachmani, c o m ill u n i t y leader in Kfar Saba, whose associations With the former French Premier date back to 1910 when both were-imprisoned in Morocco. • Mendes-France was detained after •/scaping from France during the Nazi occupation. The friendship made in the Casablanca prison was maintained later through correspondence. When the French leader's father died, Nachmani decided to name the •ynagogue in his memory. The cx. Premier and his wife will attend Inauguration ceremonies for the Synagogue.
Commission Has Jewish Members
Friday, July 13, 1038
fagc Four
Young in Heart
Disputed Israeli Bathing Pool Sold Jerusalem (JTA) Tha newly-built swimming pool here in which men and women will !*• allowed to bathe together hoj been sold to a group of kibbutzim affiliated with the Histudrut branch in Jerusalem. Tho pool has created un international furore under continued attacks and riots of the ulliii-Orthodox members of the Nuturei Karta sect. In the courso of the dispute, the rabbinato withdrew Kashnith seal from the two hotels operating tho pool, while zealots marched up and down In front of the establishments enlisting public sympathy.
Both El Women
A study group «'. Olialo, a rulturul renter »n the *liore of I.nice Klnneret, takes time out to relwarse fur n nuiHlcnl uliiiiv, Olialo, itpontored liy Illitadrnt us part of it> nation-wide program of cultural activities for youtliH anil adults, was built In memory of tlio late Berl Kntznel.ton, mentor of Israel's pliineerlnir youth groups.
is Reports 19,112 Jev/s
(Continued from Page 1.) social actions; Mrs. M. F. Levenson, synagogue attendance; Mines. Samuel Wolf, Joseph Guss, Torah Fund; Mrs. Morris Katleman, cemetery; Mines. Jack Bramson, Harry Wlgodsky, community cooperation; Mines. Max Bittner, ilorton Friodlander, Bralllo fund; •Irs. Michael Krasne, flower fund; Mines, Morris Arkin, Robert Koo>«r, gift fund; Mines. David ROJenbauiu, Nathan Turner, hospllallty; Mines. Freida Jacobson, Max Moskovltz, housekeeping; lines. Barton Grcenberg, Sol Parow, nursery school; Mines. Jack Kaufman, Dave Stein, purchasing; Mrs. Davo Cohn, rentals.
HADA.3SAII BOAKD MEETINGS Omaha Chapter H u d a s s a h I groups will hold Bummer board j meetings Thursday, July 31st, ut i 12:.'iO p.m. Dessert luncheons will | precede the regular business sessions. Mrs. Sam Rolhenberg, presldent of tin; Theodore JU.T/1 group | will be hostess to her board at hep \ home at l.'iOl South 52nd street, I Mmes. Irving .Schneiderman and George Spitzer will be fo-hostp.sM>s. Mrs. Harry Fd'ensfein will l>o hostess to the (,'haim Wei/.manu board lit her home at 1011 South 551h stivet, with -Mrs. Milton Mint./! as her co-hostess. Mrs. .Sidney Katolmmi, president of the Henrietta .Szold group will be hostess to her board ut her home at 7515 Cass Street. IIADASSAII SELLS CIKCt'S TICKETS Tickets for the Clydo Beatty "undcr-the-blg-top circus Sunday, August 24, are being sold by members of the Omaha chapter of"lladansah according to an announcement by Mrs. Yale Gotsdlnor, chairman of tickets. Two performances of tho circus will be given at Playland park at 3 p. m. and 8 p. m. Admission Is 90 cents for children and $1.50 for adults, Hadus.iah Is cooperating with the Variety Club In promoting tho ticket sale to further the Heart Fund, a Variety Club project, a* well as Hadassah heart research.
Minneapolis (JTA)—A suburban eluded 875 w i d o w s and 38 development which hardly existed widowers. 22 yoars ago now contains 28 perSuburban Concentration London (.TTAi — Two J e w 8, :ent of the 19,112 Jews of MinnoNearly half of all^Jewlsn adult Maurice Belicha and Elle Benche- ipolis. it was disclosed In the first men and 35 percent of all Jewish trit, are among the members of a -omprehensive Jewish population adult women in Minneapolis have Jewish Physicist special commission (appointed to survey since that date. had ono oi" more years of college administer the affairs of the City Serving are Mmes. William Al- Directs British The survey, conducted by the education. The typical concentrapf Algiers, according to a ivjxjrt Minneapolis Federation for Jew- tion of American Jewish adults in berts, Sam Ban, nodal affairs adreceived by the World Jewish Con- ish Service, also showed a r.ih- professional, technical, managerial visory; Mrs. Ervln Simon, Sunday Atomic Research gress. M. Belicha was formerlj stantial increase in the Jewish and sales classifications was true School; Mines. Morris Ennan, president of the Jewish ConsisLondon, (JTA)-—Dr. N. I,evln, a population of tha midwest city in Minneapolis as well. Suburban Robert Noddle, Talmud Torah; tory in Algiers. from lfi,280 Jews in VJM. Minne- St. Louis Park has the greatest Mmes. Leo VVaxenl>erg, M. A. Ber- leading British physicist, lias been apolis Jewry now constitutes 2X> number of children in the pre- covici, Veterans' Hospital; Mrs. named deputy director of tha age group—863 of all 2,227 Charles Gendler, United Syna- atomic weapons research estahDiscriminatory Listing percent of the total population of school Jewish c h i l d r e n in that age gogue Youth; Mrs. Abe Katskee, l l s h i n o i i t at Aldermaston, tin? -Minneapolis. bracket. Deplored by Realtors xewliiK group; Mines. Irving f'hu- United Kingdom Atomic Energy' The largest concent ration of Authority announced Dr. Levin, Of all Known Jewish households, Jewish people continues to liva in dacoff, Jerold Rosen, H e n r y who was attached to tin; Royal Montreal (JTAi -'Hie hoard of 76 percent v.t>rc reported as claimthe northern part of thf; city, a Stern. Beth El Grams; Mines. Da- Navy Scientific S e r v i c e during directors of the Montreal Real Estate Board, in a letter to all mem- total of T.'.Wl Jews or :iH percent. Ing synagogue niemljerslitp. While vid II. Cohen, A. D. Frank, Book World War II, was responsible for 55 percent of tho 5,263 children j Th" next largest concentration is bers of the trade association, has of Remembrance. the development of a very high urged the elimination of discrim- in the new suburb, St. Louis Park, in the five to 17 year bracket re-j Circle Overall chairmen are frequency radio communication!* celve some Jewish education, 791 where 5,.' W 9 Jews now live. Six i Mmes. Harry Ferenstein, Saul system which operated during tho inatory listings by all real estate percent, or 1,125 live in all other! percent do not attend after-school Oraetz, F. Ralph Nogg, David R. invasion of Eurojie. dealers. Hebrew classes. Of the 2,8fi9 chil- Platt. Minneapolis suburbs. dren enrolled in Jewish schools, Heading special event commitKlglit IVrri-nt Inrreitsn American Appointed 59 percent nttond one day a week. Patronize Our Advertisers The survey' I n d i c a t e d there ';.'59 percent attend more than one tees are Mmes. Harold Garber, To Technion Faculty might be eight percent more Jews, j day a .week, and two percent at- Joseph Hornsteln, Arthur Abrams, style show; Mme'j. Jlol>ert Silver, on the basis of new family names PAUL'S New York M T A i - Joseph G. given by the •l.'il Jewish house- tend the Torah Academy, un nil- Philip Fox, Friday night dinner; day school. Zeitlen, a leading American civil i holds sainplied in the survey, than ' RADIO & TV SERVICE Mmes. Phil Katzmnii, Gilbert engineer and soil mechanics ex-1 were actually projected. TV CAR RADIO Frieden; mother-daughter dinner; I RADIO PHONOGRAPH pert, has been appointed dean of Mrs. J. L. Yager, Jitney Ktippei-sThe study showed 12,112 Jewish: the Faculty of Civil Knf;ineerinn children; Mines. Irving Hoiv.og, PAUL GOLDBERG at the Technion-Itfj-acl Institute of adults 18 years or older, of whom i Louis Shrler, donor affair. 4325 No. 54th St. PL 0573 nearly 20 percent were GO years of I Technology in Haifa. Mmes. Sam Newman, Sidney age or older. In this category, 1,287'women and 2-19 men were Jerusalem (JTA)—Tho Israel Sneider, Alfred Fiedler, Morris King Size Decanter retired or unemployed. In the Treasury is s e e k i n g Investors Fellman, over all chairman of FOR THE FINEST . . . overall total, women number 938 abroad to enter Into partnership standing committees. Of Borscht Offered IN PHOTOGRAPHY more than men and there were 725 with it to purchase tho Hui(a reA factory for tho production Portrait* A new king-size decanter of I single men reported us compared fineries now owned by British oil of mirrors Is scheduled for Acre, Woddlngi. borscht, holding over one and! to 4(J3 single women. Tlieso In- interests. Commercial Israel was pictured us not inter- Israel by an American Investor. three-fourths quarts hag been in-1 ested primarily In financial astroduced this season by Mother's! sistance, but rather In obtaining Food Products. It is designed in | a partner who would, arrange for the style of a glass "picnic jug" ! an adequate supply of crude oil to and offers re-use benefit to con-1 bring to full use the refineries iumers. RUG & UPHOLSTERY Rome (JTA(--Italy's stake In which are now' operating at about CLEANERS the Middle Kast and her friend- one-quarter of their nearly 5,000,Israeli Youths Freed ship with Israel and the Arab na- 000 ton annual capacity. RUGS—CARPETING M e a n w h i 1 e, construction has Jerusalem (JTA i -Jordan today tions was outlined hero when PreLAMP SHADES mier Amintore Fanfani presented been completed on a section of a returned to Israel a young Israeli boy and a girl Who were kidnapped his new government's program to 16-inch oil pipeline from Ashdod, FURNITURE south of Tel Aviv, to Haifa. The from a beach at Klath a fortnight Parliament. PHOTOGRAPHER outlet for the eight-Inch line from Cleaned In Your Homel "The region In which wo live ago. 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET The youngsters, clad only in makes us particularly sensitive to the port of Klath. Binding • laying • Repairing bathing suits, had been captured what happens in all the countries HARNEY 1044 by a group of Jordanians who sharing the same (Mediterranean) Don Bernstein HA 2554 sea," he said. Ho stressed that his penetrated 100 yards into Israeli government would a t t e m p t to territoiy. deepen the tide of friendship with Ph'ma JA liifjo tu injscrt your Wunt Ao Ttie Jewut, ITCIN. Israel and the A r a b states as m Current rale is 60 cent* tin Mon foui PEC Appointment Inaertl'ia. Tin 1'reaj rc.«crvf» tin rtclit Italy's contribution to the "broad- lino \o Hml1 9\te ol each udverMsemrnt ening prosperity of the urea," New York (JTAj—The PalesI5AR and Has Mltzvah congratuar# happy to announce tha tine Economic Corporation today lations also for all Jewish holiannounced the appointment of days and special occasions. appointment of John Furman, prominent Tel Aviv Meyers News Stand, 3502 Dodge business executive and banker, as MRS. MARION CIPINKO Circumcisions- call Rev. A. Diathe Corporation's executive viceo» docorotlng comultant mond, Mohel. WA 5554 or WE president in charge of operations Tokyo (JTA)—A Japanese pro3899. in Israel. fessor disclosed that he will direct Mr«. Ciplnlco will b» plosiod Jo auiit you with any plant you may H«vi an all-Japaneso fine arts gallery CLARA RANDALL PLACEMENT In mind for Interior decorating or for bmutifylng your home with 1,110 TO ATTEND JKWI3H scheduled to open next March in SERVICE. For Practical Nurses artificial foliagt. AGENCY STUDY IN ISICAKL the Israeli city of Haifa. and Practical Domestics. Call New York (JTA)—More than The gallery will be Japan's first WE 5217. 1,100 Americans will attend edu- fine arts exhibition hull to open Pleaw Call H«r at Rt 9922 or JA 5654 cational and cultural programs in abroad. Haifa is expected to fin- HOUSEKEEPER OR COUPLE Israel this summer under the aus- ance half the construction cost of TO CARE FOR ELDERLY Bob Schiller. pices of the Jewish Agency, it was the one-story, J a p a n e s e - s t y l e COUPLK 90 MILES FROM Born!* Ptrtre, announced by Mrs. Rose Halprin, building. OMAHA. ATTRACTIVE SALacting chairman of the American ARY. GOOD H O ^ E , CALL ORProps. «ection.,of the Agency, CHARD 0265, Patronize Our Advertiser*
John Kalina
Japanese Exhibit To Open in Haifa