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'w Vti\xt -MotetI'd ua .Seroml-C'lasH Mailer tit Post- Annum Hula 4 Dollum X. *B.>8 o ffl( c. Oinatm. Nc-bruska, umlei Act of 1879 SlnKle C«pv*tU C*nli
As nf August li, l!)38 Tin- folluwinu .'in1 current reports from divisions in I ho I03S Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign: To Dale %:v.\n,y.n.-,<i ll.OIii.00 (il,4!).~>.75
Division jnit iai an is Men's Division Women's iJivision . . . H. <& I'. Unit Children's Division lliflh School Division University Division Organizations Miscellaneous
.'!..'!!!».."0 1.1.'!'!.75
2,1 I.H.75 I ,I.')L',()O
Israel Rescue Copter j Makes Forced Landing i
Mr. Ben Gurion—Meet Goldstein United Nations. N. Y. I.JTAl If and when Prime Minister David lien (lurion comes hen; to nltencl summit meetings on the Middle Ivisl,Mitchell Goldstein is ready and alerted. Kiltila S\ Khruschev. pounds, is the United Nations security officer who ha* been designated as personal bodyguard for the Israeli premier, Goldstein speaks Yiddish and is one of ton Jews in the 150rnnn UN security lorce. He has heen a member of I he force for six >'ears. A former V, S. Maiine, Goldstein sieved in World War II find in Korea and was in the Maiine Corps military police and rriminal iuvesigation nnifs. If Mi". Hen (lurion does not come here, then Officer GoldStein will be one of Hie security parly for Soviet Premier Goldstein, .'52, who stands six foot three and weighs 'J'iO
While the e.selian'Ke of views .'ontimies and lias not yel fully crystallized, the fnllowinj; ])oints have emerged so far in the cxchaiif;e betuceu (he two Kovernmeiits since July M ; I. Tli« {;ni)i'(l Sliile.s lias slroa^ly affirmed its ,sii|ipiirt for tin; Integrity Mini imlciieiiilenee of ] K nirl, wlilch it reganlw us M|iml to l.elianiin in (ITIIIS of Aniiwieiiii riiiiiiiilliiiinls. Isiiii'l representatives are iirj,'lii|j Hint Him policy he KKCII clearer it ml more coneretw irvpression.
Te| Aviv' 1 I JTAl An Israeli ; helicopter on a mission of mercy made a forced landing on a Unit- ; I'll Slales Navy carrier in. the Mediterranean Sea when il r a i l ; 1'. A list of ili'ins of new defen(JTAl The most out of fuel. The plane was head- : Jerusalem sive equipment is now under conin:.; for Hie Israeli freighter N c ; - heal'-d discussion to take place sider.-ition. .Sonic of these are unliali which bad a soriou-ly injured in the Jerusalem municipal counlikely lo cause much difficulty as seaman aboard. The helicopter was cil in the past five years ended they beJonj; lo culc.^ories already refueled by the carrier, took ofl authorized in the recent past. 11 is inconclusively earlier Ibis week ;ind landed next lo the freighter, j too early lo predict the outcome .some 21) miles from shor.?. II tool; I with ii 10 to If) lie vote on a proof the request for heavier equip1 "III'-* patient aboard iind returned; posal to ban mixed bathing in the ment, which is the main source of safely to this city where the .sea-' new pool in Jerusalem. Washiiiirlini (.ITA)—The belief Israel's COIICCI n. Ambassador Kban Jerusalem (.I'i'A)—The •• m m . willi it fiacluied skull, w; for the •"•'"sale.,. (.JT.M-Thc • -eessa- has invited Shimon Peres, director Tin- A^-ililiis Israel, National IU-- that the time has <•< ll^imis Party, Ilerilt mid (icucral l u l l e d Stab's (;(iveriinient In ev- H-ni id Itritlsh overflights of Isrnel general of the Israel Defense Min•larlly territory with troop mid supply istry, lo conic for consultations Zionist* unKel lo (lerilillld it le,",is- presn Itself wit li greater elarlty iiomitments tI" , ,,|,uies frniii <:.vpiiis to Jordan tva^ on these mailers. lAtlVe li;:n lint l\ere belli nJT ll.Vmi its M'ciirily eoiniiilliiii-iils the Labor p;irtles. Iliirin^' Hit* de- Isriiel \ta^t evpressed 1,,-re hy Am- , ,.„„,,,.,„„,, ,,„,. ,'!. There is still much obscurity bate. .Mapal .Mayor <;•• I.'.IIIMI ,\';- hassuilor I. flail mi a li'le\ isloil prnis understood thai, when (he j ••'l>oiil Hie scope iind'character of tram. He iilsn ralli'il for (beat ; run sii^^e^teil tliat the iiuiidel|)atIMrilisli slirii^'.;ed off coulinueii I s - j i b e projected summit meelinif'bf fl>- I'ci-iimmend In tin- niaiei'^e- I'liwer Kill I'.lllteeH til tin: .Middle j r.-ieli ri •<! lies Is for an end lo Ilie | Hie Security Council. The United I'Jiisl slates, I in tiiilin;; Israel. iiient of Hie piiid—now a .M.-'.|iaiStales lias told Israel .that it falie ;isl:ed U. S. arms for Israel '\iolation.s of Israel air spaer, Hi'.' vors her participation if mailers as a delerrenl (o iH^'.ression, on ! Ilrilish Ambassador \v:;s called allecline Israel arise. Hu( Hie pilbthat special da\s lie set aside dur(he same flee basis which the MU and lold, in (he finiK'st tones, 1 i s li e (I slalemcnls of President hl^' I lie weell for men all;l for L'ntcd Slate,- has provided 111" thai the lights niiisl ce-'ise. Tl'.--1 Federation of \Vn- Women hi-|i:iriltcl,\ Mi (bat (UllloI i l n Loii'lon. JJrilisb ilefcnse of- I'.'isnnhcM'c'r and Secretary Dulles Arab si .lies wil harms. r indicate ii desire to limit. Hie coninen'.i- Clubs v.ill n', .'iin lime Its | do.v .lews could Use tbe pun! at A summit meeting should pro- i ficials (liselfised Ibiit future snp- ference-, (o the specific nuillcrs IIW/I booth ill the annual eiiilden'.s such time*. Other days, hoiwvrr, : plies lo lirilciin's paratroops in mote direct negotiations betwet-n Memorial hospital linzaar to J>e; be would le;t\e for ini.\e:| bathing. [ Jordan will y,a Ihrou-.'.h Ihc JJOI! which led to its convening, namely, lield Sunday evenin;; anil all day J In til;1 coinse of the d"biile, on:.' slates of I he .Middle Kast region i of Aliaba, on the (lull' of Aliaba, the. Soviet chillies against t h e and end Indirect n^ri'ssion, be IMnnday, November f) and 10 a( opposition councillor a d in i t I e d ' o\ci l.inil lo the interior. A con-Western intervention i n Lebanon . the Slieralon-Konlcnelle ilolel, i t ' that miNod bathing was p.'rniitleil said. On (he rjiances of a direct i lin;;enl of supply (loops arrived and Jordan and Hie A m e r i c a n ' meeting of Isriicl w,ilh the Arabs, uas announced by .Mrs. Kinest A. ill the Mizrachi-.spon.sorcd KibI in Akaba lo handle the ship- charges of recent "indirect, aggression" in the Middle Kast. NOK'-J ami Mrs. Hubert .Soinmer, butz Xvi. However, lie in- Mr. Kbiin said Israel had always 1 incuts.) been williti'4 and that il was up project chiiirman and co-chiiir-| sisted that Jerusalem's' special Israel has not iieea u central to the Arabs. A \ c r y grave lineal Altholu;b, by coincidence, the man. respectively foi; the Women's; status must be observed, else Jeru| eleiiieiit in either of those two to Israel security would develop final Israeli demand calm; on the Federation. | salem "will lose its special place in the event of Jordanian col- same day (he Soviet Union pro* j piiibli'iiis. iMiiel ebcles, however, I-'or the past several years Hie in t i n e\t -, of the woild " lapse, Ambassador Kban said. tested lo Israel against Hie. Hi il isb | doubt whether the discussion will Jewish uunii'i] have done an out-' a c t i o n , ' i t was staled here lhat ; lit fiiet lie confined to mutters not ! Israel, mid consider i t standin:: job for this cause, .Mrs Ihere was no connection between affecting s Noi:u declared »mi added "Itini the two developments. The Israeli j pnil.alile tluit Israel ttill In the: end b.'ive lo exercise her ri^ld* mi* VM' want, to do even bet lei' this demand was rnolivated by two in-1 year. Lust year, we wi'if top ter-connecled factors: ji der the t'.N Charter lo he repre.f seilled. * ' biiolh". . 1. Israel's desire lo iivoid fur- i j Israel representatives have been A self-addressed envelope lo be llu.'r involvement i n Hie Uritisli i ifjiven lo understand that, there is . returned to.Mrs. No^u Was mailed intervention In Jordan. ; no foiindalion (o . newspaper ret.) women in the coinuiiinily su;;2. Israel's suspicion lhat B r i - j ports Hint the Unilcd Stales is (jestin^ thai they Indicate the (I., to It.) M l l -tain is again playing an anti-Is- ; proposing iin •arms. eiiihiii'Ko for all type of items Ihey are plaining | rael K'^ine i n Jordan. Cuinmentin- | 'm. p ; l ,.| ^r n l f . Middle lOasl. Tlipre to contribute. c l i H I S l i m e, ion London reporls thai Isrnel !i a „ 8 o v k , , proposal for an pinX il II e y Lilicnlll, | would iparch inlo Jordan if Ibis- j | l a | . , ; o „ „ l h ( , u .| 1()|( , Near and M i d i ;seiin fell. Israeli political circles : ( | | ( , ,.;. ]s , i, l c .| l u ii n f , Turkey, and Joel ltleh and i hinted that Iliesi? reporls consti-I Iran, which the United'Slates, reJ.uiey l''ov re- tule another British attempt to jects. <ilte " O I I I H I I I I I I I - ! «<•• »l> Israel as a bogey to con- Israel is luiderstoofl (o 'ootieve. Yhe Workmen's Circle I)ramavince Jordan lhat British troops a Security Council coinerence* IIIR" v n in |> e r tir Club will hold an installation are needed in tin? country to pro- such as thai proposed will, at of officers Saturday evenini,', Aumost, lie able lo.ii^rcc on certain at (,'ump vent .'in Israeli attack. CIHI !) at the Labor Lyceum, 302-1 broad principles, and will mil bo a. Jiiy-C-C. Cumin;; street. substitute for direct ne;,'olialions on oulslandin^' disputes. The prinThose who will he in.sliilled are ciples which in the Israel view Jv'uu Susnian, presidi.'nt; Morris .should be endorsed, comprise Ilie Goodman, vice-president; Mrs. Mil A life membership in the Na-integrity and independence of ton Nearcnbci'K, secretary' and tional Masque and Gavel Society states. .including -Lsraol; )>iiarantmblirity; Mrs. S. I L Hinder, was awarded trj Justin Lewis ill Ices aiiainsl chanfjes of existini; treasurer; Louis Witkjri. dramatic The first session of (. nip J a > - | ( i i l camp ilwiics, qwinunini; eom- the completion of a five-week borders by force; settlement of. disdirector; Milton JN'eiirenliorg, asand special s l w e e k •••' • ' ' C-C came to u close last week j petition ami linntin? sistant dramatic' director; Sam] couise in radio-telcvision-film at p pules-by direct negotiations; and ' i . ' i i l u r l n i ; religious observances the High .School Institute of cessation of hostile acts, blockades, JCwcrlinji, musical director; Max with a special HiiiifjlK't fealurinu Visitors Day for parents of the presentation «f special awards .Speech which he attended - f i t and iiiflrininiatory propaganda. Crounse, hospitaler. and trophies for camper partici- Jay-C-C campers will be observed, Tin! social commit toe is com- pation and performance in the this Sunday, .August 10th from Northwestern L'niver.sily In Kvanston. III. posed of Mrs. Hinder, Mrs. Na-camp activities and programs. .'5:.'i0 p. in. His parents, ]\lr. and Mrs. Lou than I.erner and Yetla, Oraislein. Cited were Mitchell Stone, Joel Visiting Is not permitted at any Trustees are Mr. unit Mr. Rich, Nancy Lincoln and .I.uiey other times .The camp is Incited Lewis and a brother, Harry atWitkin, annual Vox. A similar award banquet will one mile south on Hellevue Blvd., tended tin? Instilute's Tel Aviv l.ITAr- -A party of Tim program also will celebrate be KtiiHcd at the close of the and miiy he reached via I.'llb award banquet whore the award the birthdays of Sara Schwartz, second cijpip. period. street nt Iho corner of Harrison. was made. The family have re- senior Israeli infantry officers was lo Icavi. Iliis week on a train1 n;; Sum Novak and Sam Zwerllpj;. Activities featured during the All curs must lie parked in the lumed to Omaha. .'our (if the Ihiiletl Slates, I I . I ("amp parking lot* located oii'the Tin? organization wll hold its current' week include (special hayJustin will he a senior iit Cm- '•liii iiiid F r - u i c to 'U'(|i!'i'n.t i!':il|annual picnic Sunday, August 10 rack riile.i, water sluing .trips, grounds. Special programs and accampouls, horseback trail tripa, tivities are planned for the visit- Iral •.Hifjiv school nnd is ;i nvjnili?:' ••ClVi'3 ill tits llOVi'Pril.' lUSillOt'ilt" Oi ul Fontenello Park. All illfanlrv ivilrfniv" tr;iini»« of the Junior -Honor Society. cookouts, TV"and stunt night, spe- ing parents. and friends lira invited.
.'ashington I.JTA) Israel Ambassador Abba Kban res'inneil Ibis neck-end discussions,on tbe M i d silualion with senior officials of the Stale Department. The effect of (he coming summit meetl i n g has been extensively discussed bet ween the Slate Department and tbe Israeli Kmbassy in recent j weeks, including lenglhy conversations w i t h .Secretary ol Stale John Foster Dulles. die
Ebon Out-lines Israel's Summit Views
Brifish Flights Over Israel Cease
11 ,
Watnen Began
Campers Receive Awards
Dramatic Clubfo Install Officers
Justin Lewis Receives Award at Institute
Ssrcsel Officers Osi Training Tour
ffrldny, August 8, 1058
for th
Published Every frlday by tlio l r ederatlun or Jewish Service gecund Clust Mullliif i'rivliegei Authorized til Umuhu, Nebraska. Annum Subscription, 44.00. Advwllmiic Hutes on Afirillcutlun. Edlturiui Oi v e Wl Nu 'join. Street, Omana. Nebr.. JAckson WOO. Print Sh • Address 4808 So Ufith Sticet.
^ UN EsfabSIshes BlameMidas line. Cited; In Gol. Flint's Daafii J. fri!edf, Local United Nations. N. Y,, (JTA) — Franchise Holder Lt. Col. George A. Flint, chairman Cited in tho August -1 edition of of the Israel-Jordan Mixed Armistice Commission, who was killed Newsweek is Gordon Sherman, In a battle on Mt. Scopus May 2G, 31-year-old son of ex-Omahan "was shot by a bullet fired from Nate Sherman for his aesthetic Jordanian - controlled territory." approach in the operation of the After two months of investigation two-year-old, $20,000,000 company this fact was formally established which deals with the installaton In a report by Maj. Gen. Carl C of auto mufflers. Von Horn, Chief of Staff of tin Known as Midas, Inc., the firm United Nations Truce Suiwrvislon has 225 shops operated by frnnOrganization in Palestine. clso holders in 41 states where Gen. von Horn's earlier report emphasis is placed on living room had stated only that Jordanian type waiting rooms and playpens blame was "probable." The new for the kiddies In some instances. Sherman says In connection with report, however, established that en the basis of tests conducted at combining the aesthetic with the State Criminallstics Institute business that "business Is an exof Stockholm, Sweden, definite pression of human nature which is hcautful and functional." Jordanian responsibility. Midas has ten former University professors serving as field Israel Premier Wanfrs counselors. In Omaha the Midas franchise Modern Equipment is held by Jack Fnleck, a regisJ e r u s a l e m (JTA)—Israel's tered pharmacist formerly assogreatest problem is strengthening ciated with the drug business for Its security, Premier David Ben 25 years in Toronto, Canada. Gurlon told a closed plenary meeting of the Jewish Agency executive in a 90-mlnute revew of current developments In the Middle East. He underlined the MHS. G OLDIE SPIVAK Funeral services for Mrs. Goklie government's determination to take every necessary and possible Spivak, 87, who died Sunday, were step to fortify the army and bring held Monday at 11 a. m. at the Jewish Funeral Home. Burial was Its equipment up to date. At the same time, he called in Mt. Sinai Cemetery. Mrs. Spivak had been a resiImmigration and settlement the most urgent tasks of the Jewish dent of Omaha 44 years. people. "We need more Jews and we need them quickly," he told Sins. LENA SPRING the Zonlst leaders gathered from Mrs. Lena Spring, 88 of 110 ell parts of the world. South 49th street, a resident of Omaha 20 years, died Monday in a hospital. Services and burial were in St. Joseph, Mo. Survivors are daughters; Miss Ida Spring, Mrs. Rose Newman, Omaha; Mrs. Eva Bergman, ChiTel Aviv (JTA)—The first set- cago, III., sons, Sam, Shrcveport, tlement on newly reclaimed land La. and Joseph, Denver, Colo. of the former Huleh swamp of northern Israel w a s inaugurated EDWARD A. BERG this week at Tel Zammifl in the Services for Edward A. Berg. northeastern corner of the devel- 69 of 4505 Lafayette Avenue, who opment region. A United Nations died Sunday, were held Monday observation post was formerly lo- afternoon a t the Jewish Funeral cated on the settlement site. home with burial at Pleasant Hill The settlers are members of the cemetery. Kahal, a paramilitary youth or Surviving are his wife, Minnie; ganization whose members arc son, Norman N. Berg; (laughters, trained to farm and to defend Mrs. Sam Zorlnsky, Mrs. Ralph themselves. Named N o t e r a— M. Katz, Omaha; Mrs. S. A. "watchman"—the settlement has Kaycs, Madison, Wls,.; a stepson, Vast fertile lands linked by road Leo Bercutr, Omaha, and nine with nearby settlements. A pipe- grandchildren. line brings sufficient water for personal use and the planting of YKSHIA KIUXifiEK vegetables. Funeral services for Yeshia E. Fregger, 87 of 4915 Underwood Avenue, who died Monday were held Tuesday afternoon at the Jewish Funeral Home. Burial was Barry Kort Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kort an- In Beth El Cemetery. Surviving are wife Esther, nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their •on, Barry, Saturday morning, daughters, Mrs. Abe Klotz, OmaAugust 16th at Beth El Syngogue ha; Mr3. Simon Gaiter, Lincoln; ' A xeception will follow the ser- three . grandchildren and" two great-grandchildren. vice. Barry is the grandson of Nathar Kort. Buses are the principal mcan3 of public passenger t r a n s p o r t in The Israel Female Labor Lav Israel with railways second and prohibits night work by women. "Jitneys", third.
Youth Group Opens New Israel Settlement
Gofda Meir Arrives In France for Meer
H f Paris (JTA)—Israel's Foreign The Dr. Fhllip Slier J<nvl»h Home fur the Aged gratefully Minister Golda Meir arrived In acknowledge Hie following Memorials anil Donations to the Pails from Switzerland where she Home: INMEMOKIAMOF DONOIf spent a week-end resting from her Mr. ond Mrs Frnast Steinberg NOQB Mrs. Ben Handler l-Oulv flnfceliteln Mr ond Mrs. Albert recent illness. She is to confer ....7ilh BIrlhday Gf of Mr. Mrs. Ab« Gclditsln Mr. ond Mrs. Howoid Milder 25rh Annlversory end Mr*. Albert Steinberg here with Premier Charles de Louis Sommer ond Oeu Mr. und r/rs. Ernest'A. Hood IM. end Mrs Irving Molashock ot Gaulle and Foreign M i n i s t e r Mrs. Nalhon Steinberg Kansas City, Mo Mr. end Mrs. Howard Milder..Max Studna Maurice Cotive do Murvlllc. . . R. H. Lebcwlti of Dalles, Ttx. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rosemtock 501(1 Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. WilMr. onii Mrs. Cnarlis Noscmiock liam Softrstcln Jshe was greeted at the airport Mr end Mrs Dcve Rosenstcck Mr. ond Mrs. Ben Silver by M. deMurvllle, Israel AmbasMrs, Jullui Ulumertlhal ....Oirlhdoy of Mr. Jccob Slosburg, Jr. sador Yaacov Tsur, French prototM. Harry Marcus and children Anno Marcus N'exi nni] tinpprn nK* At TUt Dr. Pliltfp col officials nnd scores of newsMr <:nd Mrs. Chorlts Rosenitcrk Hlwr Home l o r Tlio Attd by papermen and photographers and' D»\ld OrLoit. Edna Becker Mr end Mrs. Reuben Bro»vn cameramen for television and Mr, and Mrs. Edward E. Drcdkcy New Summer Program: The newsreels. The press greeted her Mr. and Mrs. David Goldman Council of Jewish Women arc Mir- ond Mrs lien Sliver anticipated arrival as "one of the Dr. Herbert Lcltcr sponsoring a prop-am of automo- most important political visits'' Employes of the SI. Louis PoslDispatch, St. Louis, Mo. bile rides for The Residents of The for France. Mrs. Bertha Ctecn Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home for Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Friedman Mrs. Meyer Klanenbaum the Aged. David Orkow. home suM Meyer Kirshenboum perintendent, inaugurated theso DrelKcld l.'.'t. Id outings, with the aid of The CounMorris end Mollle Turner cil Board. M'S. Mayrnt Temln Abrarn'on A monument will be dedicated Rebecca Tcmin Hospitalized: Mrs. Rose Gold- to the memory of the late Owen Mr end Mrs, Ernest Nc-sa ,,,,, Hannah Sachs fein, who recently underwent sur- M. Lee, 1702 N. 52nd Street, Auggery, Is now recuperating at St. ust 10 at 3 p.m. In Walhelm cemi.'.t ond Mri. Ernest tloga ,', Mills Pearl Franklin Joseph's Hospital. etery in Chicago. IM. end Mrs. M. M. Kruplnsky Miss Gusslo Graetz, has reIda GoldDero Mri. Soul, S Loyal Kaplan turned Homo, from a short hosIN HONOR OF pital stay feeling a great deal HONOR PAUL'S Mr ond Mri. Ernest Hogg 751h Birthday ol better. Louis Sommer RADIO & TV SERVICE Visitors: Among the many outTV CAR RADIO of-town visitors this week, were RADIO PHONOGRAPH the following: Dr. and Mrs. Harry PAUL GOLDBERG Weinbcrg and sons, Stephen and 4325 No. E4*h St. PL 85?S Gary of Davenport, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Weinberg of Fremont, Nebr.; Dr. and Mrs. Norman HASKELL'S KOSHER Brodkcy and family, Mrs, Max Seff of Sioux City, la.; Mr. and PRODUCE Mrs. Leonard Shimller and famUnder Hew Management ily of Kansas City Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jacobow of Ix>s AnKASHRUTH SUPERVISED geles, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Wels7:13 p. in. By Rev. Boruch Wolfson gurt and Mr. and Mrs. Sam GoldTemple Israel fein of Lincoln, Nebr. Kosher Kilting of Poultry or) Services will bo held this Friday vening at 7:30 p. m. in tho Tem- Flowers were presented to the Wednesdays, Thursday and plo Chapel. Rabbi S i d n e y II. Home this week by Mr. and Mrs. Sundayi Brooks will officiate and deliver Irwin Goodman in honor of the marriage, Sunday, of their daughH45 No. 19th St. AT 7010 scrmonette. ter, Miss Shirley to Dr. Norman FREE DELIVERY Goldenbcrg. Beth Kl Sabbath evening services at Beth El Synagogue will be held this Friday at 7 p. in. Sabbath morning services will begin at 9:30 a. m. RUG & UPHOLSTERY The Mincha Service will be held at 7:15 p. m. CLEANERS Dally services during the wceltj are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. The j Seb (Subby) Pulrerents RUGS—CARPETING Sunday morning service is held at j LAMP SHADES 9 a. m. j 25 Year*' Experience FURNITURE With Jewish B'NAI JACOB-ADAS Cleaned In Your Homcl Lettering and Memorials YESHl'ICON Binding. Laying. Repairing Services at B'nai Jacob-Adas AT 2452 2211 So. 8th Yeshuron will begin Friday at 7 Don Bernstein HA 2554 p. m. and Saturday morning at 8:30 a. m. with Mincha at 7:15 p. m. followed by Shalosh S'uedos Daily services 6:30 a. m. and 7:15 p. m.
BETH ISRAKL I Friday evening ftcrviccx, Beth Israel, begin at 7:15 p . m . Saturday morning, 8:45 a. m. and J u n i o r Congregation 10 o. m. Saturday Mincha 7:15 p. m. followed by S h a 1 o s h S'eudos and Maariv. Sunday morning services begin at 8:45 a. m. followed by breakfast and a Bible study class led by Rabbi Benjamin G r o n e r . Daily service at 7 a. m. and 7:20 p. m. The weekly Talmud class meets every Tuesday evening at 7 p. m. at the 19th and Burt Street Synagogue and services there every Saturday morning at 9 a. m. ADVEKTISEMENT
Kosher Meaf Market end Delicatessen WA 5554
Diamond's Famous Green1 Pack 59c 2 for 25c They Are Delicious, Try 'Em ADVtHTISEMEM"
Have Your Planter Filled and Arranged the Luxurious Way at Only
Omaho's Leading Artificial Decorators Can Do If Ploaso call our e>perf staff at JA 5656 for Fr«« Eitimatji end Unusual Decorator's I d e a r. Aslf for Bob Schiller, Bornie Piters or Marion Ciplnko,
407 SO. I5TH ST.
JA 0656
Transport of Ford Sixes Hit Gerelick
Another transport of Ford Sixes, part of a shipment of 120 new Fords, the largest single shipment to an Omaha dealer, hit Gerelick"s blocklong sales lot today. Brought to Omaha to s a t isfy tho economy buyers, these new Fords aro setting tho town on its ear. Amazing gas mile-
age tests prove economy in running. Gerelick's prices ere proving that a Gerelick Economy Ford Six la economical to buy. Savo on your new car now. Snvc on gas mileage; *ave on maintenance; save up to 5 cur payments a year. At Gerelick; King of the Sixes, 4719 No. SOtH.
Friday, August 8, IOCS
TEMPLE ISRAEL 8ISTEUIIOOD EVENTS Ruring the week of August 4, Mrs. Robert Colin, second vicepresident of Temple Israel Sisterhood held a dessert luncheon at her home for all her committee chairmen. Mines. Alfred Sophir, first vice-president; Harry Altsu )er, third vice-president, ond Robert Levine, fourth vice-president, have all held dessert luncheons during the past month for their committee chairmen. Temple Israel's Sisterhood president, Mrs, Edward Levinson, will entertain the four vice-presidents «nd their husbands at her home for dinner o Tuesday, August 12. Mrs. I. H. Weiner, budget chairman, recently held a luncheon at her home for the budget committee. During the \VC«K of August 11, Mrs. I. Liberman, chairman- of Ways and Means, and Mrs. Millard Rosenberg, co-chairman, will hold n 10 n.m. coffee at the Libermati home for their committee to make final arrangements for the Sisterhood's theatre-luncheon fund raising affair on Tuesday, October 28. BETH EL SISTERHOOD COFFEE AUCJUST 11 All circle and special events chelrmen of Beth El Synagogue Sisterhood will meet at a 9:30 a.m. coffee on August lltli In the Synagogue Social Hall to discuss plans for the coming year. Mrs. Sidney .Sneider, fund raising vice-president, will be In charge of the meeting. Mrs. A. C Follman, president of the Beth Ivl Sisterhood, has anjiounccd the following circle chairmen: Mmes. Ted Sanfrrd, Harry Liberman, Morris Brick, Harold C'ooperman, Irving Friedman, Bernard Goldstrom, Morton Richards, Floyd Perimeter, Lou Lewis, Max Novak, Ben Perlman, Sam Davis, Al Swartz, Louis Hurwitz, Murray Border), Leonard Levin, Julius Stein. Also serving are Mines. Louis Alberts, Sam Stern, Yale Ginsburg, Milton Margolin,' Herman Wcinslein, Wallace Ellion, Sol Kutler, Harry Ravitz, Morris Roitstein, A. V. Friedman, Phil Rosenblatt, I. Oberman, Meyer Rosenbauin, Herbert Winlroub, Charles Cuss, David D. Welnberg, William Lchrman, Gilbert Aronoff, Stanley Diamond, 1UKE SALE AUGUST II Those contributing to the Bake Sale, to be held by the Pioneer Women's organization August 11 at the Brandcls store are asked to contact Mrs. Jake Kaplan, chairman, WE 5454; Mrs. Jacob Feldman, RE 0938 or Mrs. Milton Nearenberg, JA 2591. Items will be picked up on Sunday, August 30.
Shirley Goodman Bride Of Dr. N. Goldenberg Miss Shirley Ann Goodman and Dr. Norman Goldenberg of Indianapolis, Ind., were married Sunday evening In Beth El Synagogue. Rabbi Myer S. Ktipke officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Irwin Goodman. A reception was held at the synagogue Mrs. Harold Goodman was matron of honor for her sister-inlaw. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Sol Stiss, Miss Fayna Manvitz and Miss Judy Alberts, tho latter of Cincinnati. Rlckl Goodman, a niece, was flower girl. Dr. Edward Alberta of Cincln natl was best man. Ushers were Dr. Phillip Alberts of Kansas City, Mo.; Dan L. Goodman, brother of the bride, Bennett Alberts, Louis Goldberg and Donald Noodell. , The bride chose a gown of Schlffli embroidered tulle, with a full floor length skirt which featured tiers of ruffles. With it she wore u maize halo hat. The bridesmaids were identically gowned in white over blue. Tho mother of the bride was attired in a sheath dress of tiered blue lace. Blue was also worn by the groom's grandmother, Mrs. H. Alberts. After a Wisconsin wedding trip, the couple will make their home in Indianapolis.
B. and P. to Have August 17 Picnic B and P Hadassah will inaugurate its annual membership drive by honoring new and prospective members at a "Getting To Know You' outing on Sunday, August 17th at Peony Park. A picnic lunch will be served at 12:30 p.m. by Mrs. Sally Meyers, hospitality chairman, and her committee. Other chairmen are Mrs. Carl Kman, program; Miss Leo Greenberg, membership; Mrs. Fan Sherman, telephone and reservations and Miss Evelyn Levy, publicity. Also assisting are Mmes. Alice Heegar, president, Jennie Rosen blatl, Phil Schwartz and Miss Myrtle Freeman.
tahans on Plan© Mr. and Mrs/ Sidney Feldman and daughter, ViVI, visited Mrs. Feldman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Shuro In Minneapolis en routo from a visit to Israel and Europe. Leaving Israel they were aboard tho same piano destined for Amsterdam as were Mr, and Mrs. Ben-Zvl and other government offclals.
Miss Virginia Turchcn, dauglv ter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Turchen of Sioux Falls, S. t>,, will be wed early Sunday evening in Sioux Falls to Marshall Becker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Becker. Mrs. Sol Eosinsky will be maid of honor for her sister. Bridesmaids will be tho Misses Mayd e n o Carskadan, Gothenburg, Nebr.) Bonnio Hayltin, Omaha; Mitzl Rotkow, Des Moines, la., and Anita Hobinson, Sioux Falls. NormanrKrivosha, Lincoln, Nebr., will act as best man. Ushers will be: Sol Rosinsky, Hamon Fred both of Omaha, Michael Turchen, Sioux Falls, and Claire Johnson of Tilden, Nebr. Tha following have entertained for the prospective bride and groom. Mrnes. Max Turchen, Sol Rosinsky, Morris Becker, Louis Delman, Sam Rosinsky, RIohard Rosinsky, Jerry Rosinsky, Phil Sokoloff, Nathan Novak, Larry Albert, Julius Katzman, Iz Bernstein, Davo Forman, Phil Rlnglo, Morris Brick, the Misses Bonnie Haykin, Madene Carskadan, Sue Chesen and tho Tuesday Club group. A no host stag for the prospective bridegroom will "be given at the Fireside Restaurant. Goldeiiberfr Mr. and Mrs. Morris Becker will be hosts for the bridal couple, at a pro-nuptial dinner at the Town Club In Sioux Falls, August 9. Miss Turchen was entertained with several parties in Kansas A style show presenting both City,,Mo., and Sioux Falls. men's and women's apparel will be held Wednesday, August 22 ut 8 p.m. at the Highland Country Births Club by Hadassah, it was anMr. and Mrs. Richard Segal announced by Mrs. Louis Katz, general chairman for the event. Mrs. nounce the birth of a son, Thomas Sidney Schwartz is co-chairman in Ira, July 2nd at Scottsbluff. charge of-the sale of tickets, and Nebr. They also have a son, David. is being assisted-by the following Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richards of Beatrice, Nebr. group chairmen! and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Segal Mmes. Owen Meyerson, Sam of Omaha. Paternal groat-grand* Geifman, Henrietta Szold group; mother is Mrs. Isaac Segal of Albert Feldman, Stanley Silver- Minneapolis, Minn, man, Theodore Ilerzl group; and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Segal and David Blelcherj Harry Forenstein, their sons are visiting at the home Chaim Welzmann group. Mrs. of Mr. Segal's parents. Harry Altsuler is chairman in charge of make-up. Decorations Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rosenberg will be handled by Mrs. Alvin announce the birth of a son, SamNogg. A dance exhibit will be uel on Tuesday at the Lutheran given by Arthur Murray dancers. hospital. They are the parents of The evening will conclude with another son, Morris and a daugha social hour, with dessert and ter, Helen. coffee.
Omahans In the News Sir. and Mrs. Irvlnir Stern with thir children are visiting thel» families in New York City. Cantor nnd Mrs, Eli Kaseil and daughters, Debby and Randy hav$ returned from a month's stay In Long Beach, Calif. Allen Krizolnmn is spending t«n days in Denver visiting friends and relatives. Sum Greeiiborgr, South OmaJiji merchant, last Monday took pftjt In tho South Omaha Optimist Club presontatlon of a fence<J.-fil playground to neighborhood chit dren at 25th and P streets. The Optimists and the Salvation Army wheh owns the land are co-operating on the project.
Omahans to Attend Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Nogfg left Thursday for Los Angeleg, Cal., where they will attend tha wedding of Mrs. Nogg's niecd, Miss Sally Goldberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Josh Goldberg, on Sunday, August 10. Miss Goldberg who is tha daughter of tho former Bunny Kulakofsky of Omaha, will wed Edward Genecove of Dallas, TeJJ> The Noggs will spend ten day* in California.
You'll Bo Pleased If You Shop at
fetter'& Quality Clothes for Men Opon Till 9 Each Evening
Proceeds for Childrens Hospital Bazaar Mrs. Walter R. Louis, chairman of the 10th annual Childrens Hospital bazaar, announced that tickets arc on sale for the Barber Quartet Jamboree to be held at Ak-Sar-Ben Coliseum on September 6. Proceeds will go to the Childrens Hospital bazaar. As of 1957, Histadrut in Israel had 370,000 members.
Israel Hikes Prless on Gigarels, Alcohol, las
EDUCATION COUNCILS The outgoing and Incoming Education Councils of Hadassah met together Saturday, August 2 for an evaluation of its work. The Tel Aviv (JTA)—A general Inmeeting was held at the home of crease. In the price of cigarettes, alcohol and cooking gas went Into Mrs. Paul Veret. offact throughout Israel In the wake of an increase In custom's POPULATION STUDV San Francisco (JTA)—A study taxes. The Increase, botween 10 of the Jewish population of the and 15 per cent, Is understood to San ' Francisco area will bo bo intended to. provldo rcvenuo to launched next October to provide meet some of the needs of the n basis for evaluating community current Middle East political situation. needs and future planning.
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Israel is OnSummit Agenda
Friday, Augu»t S, 16J9
UJA Reunites Family
Circus Tickets
By SAIH. t AUSOX I A n e w of I l a d a s s a h women (ire OIK I'. X. NKWSI.KTTKH I'NITKO NATIONS, X. Y. selling t i c k e t s lor thj) Clyde The loiig-slandinyi sore issue of Israel-Arab relations is on the B e a t t y " u n d c r - l h e - l e n t " c i r o n s Summit agenda, t which v\ill present two performThis is true regardless of whatever denials might Iw Issued front j ances at I'laylaud Pai k on ^Sun-
any source.
: day,
Air;ust 24, one at :\ p. in. and
Dag Hammarskjold himself certainly reckoned by everyone now; the o t h e r at 8 p. m. (iccordin;; t o as one of the P'ifi Powers gave the tipoff to the fact as long a;;o as jMrs. Yale Cotsdincr, I l a d a s s a h chairman, last April. On April '2. the Secii*tary Gen-* Serviiij.; with Mrs. ( i o l i d i n e r a r e eral laid 'the groundwork for the ],,.|j,>v(.|i , h a t y , , ; ; 0 . Mines. Julius Colin, N o r m a n Denr,,rniin present sensational developments. >>!a\ Marshal Tito would also enbei;;. Pnnald .N'oj4j,', b r v i l l e MildWhile paying a .State visit to Knf;- favor such a course. er-, Hartmi (I r e e n b e r 14, Herald .land, he addressed H joint session Both Nehni and Tilo ai't' be- fiross, mid L e o n a r d I.uttbe^. of thi» British Parliament. His lieved favoring a .Middle Knst address was one of Iho-e formal agreement sanctioned by the Ilk; O t h e r s on tire •ticket c o m m i t t e e a r e speeches which discusses the Unit- Four. under v, Inch all the Middle Me.sdamoi Krvin Simon. Bernard Hockenlx i'K. ('•« r a i d Bernstein, ed Natiotis and its functions and KHSI stales vwmld would renounce ag- : ,.,,„„.„,, K ulakofskv. S. I). (Jood-i its potentialities In philosophic on and would pledge hem- , m . | M p ,, i t .|,,,,. d ( ; „ ,',, , n „, , , o l ) i s terms. But Ilammarskjoid, a musnot to use the "I'mln of I B| U t.tkin Harry Altsuler, and Sol ter a t w o r d s t':ivc to those who ivnce." T | , a t last point is (•„,„,,,.„. Anyone cKsirin K tickets Mould listen or rend with care one that Israel has o w n unjlm; , ,„,, c j m l s , n a y purchase themj a preview of things to come. For most ardently. since the Sinai cam- (l> j from any of thu above or by con-1j 1058—Three generations of Polish .Tows reunited in Israel tliruuj;li ona thiny, he called the turn on paign in 19r>(>. j tacting Mrs, Gbtsdiner, TK !(0(i7. ' the lielji ut UJA funil.1. This is the UJA's 20th camnaijjn ycur. the extremely dramatic role of Tiie matter of the Arab refugees j Tickets ore priced nt Sl.fiO for the U.N. that bus the world elec- will also certainly come up. At i adults and 90 cents for children. trified right now, lie illustrated that point, the United States I Proceeds from the ticket sale will hist point. Ond what situation flid mijjht ievive the pledge made hy | be used to further Hadas.sah MediFOR THE FINEST... li# IIS9 by way of illustration? Dulles in 1!*5."> for financial help i cal research-projects. Mcmlii'i'S of IN PHOTOGRAPHY Precisely the Arab-Israel issue and to Israel in paying compensation Jerusalem I JTA) Ai Amerij tho Vaiiety Club are also active; ,, a | l B m i j. s r i l l ,|j dignitaries looked the ne?d for ultimate peace talks to Arab refugees. Britain, at that Porfraifj between the Arab stales and Is- \ time, immediately announced that ' in Ihe ticket sale to further tin on the cornerstone for an AmeriWoddlngi can student center at.llie Hebrew iael. | it, too, would pitch in. These icause of heart rese Commercial University in Jerusalem was laid C'oiii-i*e of Development* ! pledges are on record, and would The key phrases used by Ham-. certainly not be forgotten in the \ : Chamlxns of Commerce in Tel at an academic, convocation. Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem nave a marakjyld in this context were Summit discussions, I memlR'rship of 25.5.r>0. A.MKASSAIJOK l.KAVKS Ihese; He reminded the British ' t JTA i FOIl THAILAND Parliamentarians that the United Nations has "special responsihil-1 United Nations (JTA i.Mordecai ilies" and pointed out that it was j It. Kidron, deputy chaiinian of the tip to the United Nations to en- ! Israel delegation to the United courage a "course of development ; New York (JTAi A hitherto j as a compeniliiim of ancient and Nations, left New York for Banghai we hope will lead in time t o ; unrecorded and unknown f*iji1ioii j Muslim knowledge in the field of kok, Thaiiland, to lake up his new conditions more favorable to the. medicine. assignment as Israeli Ambassador. I'ha^e-of 7'iO Drills peaceful settlement of the Pales-i of the important Islamic medical The Q'mun KIVCS many examPHOTOGRAPHER tin* Question than now exists." •work of the jUiddln Ages, "The Israel's Paid Annual That was April. The pi'in-! Qaniin Fi-I.-Tibb" of Ibn Sina Ithe ples of diagnosis, outlines phar- I>aw grants all workers Holiday 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET ciple point envisaged hy Dammar-; Canon of Medicine of Avicennai macological mi*!hod* and considers annual leave, of which 14 day.i HARNEY 1044 VI day;! nkjold has been hit borne since, has just been acquired by the li- the usiine of 7liO dru^s. It carenibles, con- j that lime in the summit meeting' brary of the Jewish Theological lully describes skjn ta^iou.s diseases and nervoiu dis- ! developments. Now Kisenhower Seminary. orders. lx>th psychological and 1'rlnleil on Vt'lltim and Khrushchev, Mactnillan and Rosh Hoshonah This Year Begins In Hebrew, the library's new ac-1pathological. Nehru - not to mention Nass'-r "Palestine Question" on :'luisilion is printed on wllum and j -Sunday Evening, Scpf. 14 have that is the only such copy known to j IIKAI/MI SKKVICK lcr.SKAItdl their agenda. exist. Although it \v:m issued at '. FrKI.I.OWSIIir A\VAi:i>i;i> Hecull Nasser Reference time. a.s the Hebrew edi-j Newark. N. J. (JTAi A PubMention of Nasser recalls nn- the same illte<1 fc
Cornerstone Laid
Rare Hebrew Medical Book Acquired
John Kalina
o t h e r w o r d dropped here, almost : ' ' ' " ' i"' " " p u | « i \ i» N a p l e s in ; lie H e a l t h S e r v i c e l e s e a r c h f e l - j c a s u a l l y a s f a r h a c k a s l a s t fail. I 1 " " - ' ' a p p a r e n t l y e s c a p e d t h e i l o w s h i p h a s b e e n a w a r d e d b y t h e • i( f l) T h i n correspondent c o r r e s p o n d e n t was w a s [p r e s e n t ""' -'-' " " " 1 " " ' scholars a n d : National H e a r t Institute to Or. i i K d w i n I.. K o t h f i e l d for r e s e a r c h ' when Mrs. fJolda Meir, Israel's book collector's. Ifin S i n a , f a m o u s e l e v e n t h c e n - , in c a r d i o p u l m o n a r y d i s e a s e t o b e ; 'Foreign Minister, had just emerged •from a session of the General As- tpur reyp a rIes dl a mtihc e p hf iivl oe -svooplhuei rn-es c iQe natni us tn, | pc ai trarli e hd e r eo,u t a t i > t h I s r a e l H o s - jj
sembly, where she had delivered Israel's runenl, major policy speech. The speech had attracted a great deal of attention on the whole favorable. One delegate after another, as lit came out of IheI Israel A new fishing base has | rentai.;e basis, receiving from four J | • Assembly auditorium, congratu- ] been established at Ashdod. 1he | to six'per.cent of the catch, lated Mrs. Meir on her splendid ! new town on the site of the an- There is. a plan for the estab- ; '.presentation. Most of them said a ; cient Philistine city, on the Medi- lishmeiH of a fish cannery in the! --'couple Of words find passed on. i terninean coast about 20 miles Then one of the topmost leaders ! south of Tel Aviv. Speaking at the of the. Afro-Asian group came i dedication ceremony, Mr, Kadish j, the Minister of Agriculture, over. I said that this was another step His hund.shake was not perfunc- I towards making Ashdod into » t o r y - n o r were his words. With major port c,ity. Utter earnestness, he. told the IsIsrael A plan to exploit floodThe site, known as "Jonah's rael Foreign Minister, after praiswaters in the Negev based on exln% her and her government, that Town"- the Prophet Jona'h is be- periments carried out hy a BeJie 'waj sure peace with the Arabs lieved to bo buried there was ' would come. And he added: "Mark chosen by the Ministry of Agri- douin sheik, has been drawn up my words: "The first of the Arab culture after investigation proved by the, Israel Ministry of Agriculleaders to come to terms with you that it was the richest fishing ture. area on Israel's southern Mediwill be Nasser." Sheik Audah Abu Mohamad, of terranean coast. "Now the opportunity, has ' a r The base began operations with the A/azmeh tribe, wth Ministry rived. . five workers hist December. To- of Agriculture assistance, set up Potentinl Condition* day the complement conssts of 20 four dams In • a wade south of Beersbeba. With the rain water The terms to be offered Israel fishermen. will not be. pleasant -at first. All the fishermen, apart from collected, he irrigated 40 dunams There is a strong possibility that the two Italian instructors, are (10 acres) on which his tribe grew Russia may want to revive the new immigrants, most of them summer and winter crops, . and plans for an Israel-Arab "peace from North Africa, now living in fruit trees. settlement" evolved by the late Ashdod. The men work on a per- The dams to be set up under Count Folke Bernadotte. His ideas the proposed plan should provide were even more fantastic than the 20 million cubic metres of water, The Female Labor" Law in Israel 1947 Partition Plan. At one. point. sufficient to irrigate '40.000 duhe wanted not only to turn all of grants women V2 weeks maternity n.'ims for year-round cultivation, leave and several a d d i t i o n a l 'Jerusalem to an Arab State. teach Bedouin farmer could thus month's leave without pay. have three dunams of irrigated There isn't a ghost's chance for land. the Russians to get Western agreeTwo agricultural cooperatives ment to the Bernadolte pipethat plan to carry out farm dedreams. But Britain would be quick to urge a return to the 1917 Phoni J\ 13G5 lo Insert your Waiir Ao velopment work have been established among Negev Bedouin tribe Partition Plan, which would trun- in 'I'd* Jewish IJr.;9H. rate U 50 c?QU for <flch (oui cate Israel almost to cripplosize. lineCurrfiK mftfrtt'iti. 'i'rif )'rfi<*ji reserve* rtie rljirit and are receiving help and into limit I U C of end) aJvcitiasnifnt struction from the Ministry of However, there are positive clauses also in the Israel-Arab BAR and Bag Mitzvah congratu- Agriculture. lations also for all Jewish holisection of the Summit agenda. VKTO OF SUNDAY M,O.SIN<1 days and special occasions' There is no doubt now that the United States would he hiterestcd Meyers New* Stand, 1502 Dodge HIM., SOIKiHT JN N. ,!. In a firm, international agree- qRCUMc]siONS^call~Rev" A. Newark. N. J. (JTA)- The New ment to guarantee the borders of Diamond, Mohel. WA 5531 or Jersey Region of the American "all" Middle East countries, inJewish Congress requested GovWE 3899. cluding Israel's frontiers. ernor Robert Meyner to veto the ., One proposal, which Nehru CLARA JIANDALI, PLACEMKNT Sunday Closing bill. Tho request, would endorse, deals with the SERVICE. For Practical Nurses, was made in a letter from Adrian neutralization of the entire'Mid- -and Practical Domestics. Call M. linger, region president, to the . die East, including Israel. It is W E 5217. •" ' " ' -•'" ' governor1.
-k S
Fishing Base en Site of Philistine Town
i Bedouin Sheik to i Store Negev Rams
Through the Now Year's Edition of
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