v v v v i •No. w™ 48 *« I'ubllshod every Friday, 101JA N 13Mi iWtli, XX.W1 Omaha .Nebraska. Phono
ini« "'"
Entered uu Second-Cluaa Muttei ut Cost- Annum liute 1 Uullura office. Omuim, Nebrusku, under Act or 187!) Single.Copy 10 Centi
PHiLANTHHOPIES SCOREBOARD An of August Jit, I MX The following are current reports from divisions In the 1958 Oinahn .Jewish Philanthropies Campaign: m">8 Total Division To Date Initinl Gifts $3.1-1,097.50 Wen's Division 11,172..r>0 Women's Division , (il,505.51 H. & P. Unit 3,354.50 Children's Division I,72').a5 High School Division . J.I-l.'i.L'S University Division • 100.00 Organization!! ~ 2,118.75 Miscellaneous , 1 ,-152.00 Total to Date
?•! 17.003.2!)
U. S. and Hammarskjold Differ in U.N. Proposals United Nations, N. Y. (JTAJ-IVIajfjr differences from the point of view of Israel's .security wenBeen here between the plan on the Middle Kast proposed to the emergency session of the United Nations General Assembly last Friday by UN Secretary tlcncrul Ran ilammaisltjold and the plan which was to ho proposed by tin1 United-Slates when the Assembly reiumed its meeting on WednesCoy. Tli« American proposal i;; expected, to slickest the protection against aggression of all Middle East countries, including Israel. Wr. HamniiirjiUjold proposal calls for a pledge by the Arab countries not to attack each other. The Hammarskjold plan evoked much dissatisfaction in Israel. High points or HIR Aini-rlcan plan, It was Indicated, arc: 1. vV rollectlve guarantee l>y the I'nlteil Nations "f (lift territorial integrity of all the countries In Ilic Middle ilnnt; 'i. This guarantee to he HIIIiervlsed by a United Niitloiis po•|l<-p force. 3. The establishment of snimo form of a run control to prevent mi armaments race betneen the Arab countries ami Israel; I, Tho establishment of. n Middle East Kcoiiomle Authority through which economic usnlstJUICO would )>e given to Israel and the Arab countries. The economic aid suggested by the American plan would be financed to a very great extent by the United States, officials of the
Washington (JTA)— Sen.; Leveretl Saltonstall, chairman of the Conference of Republican Senators, today advocated a new program to stabilize, the Middle East that would prolect - Israel's security. The Massachusetts Kepubllcan Urged continuous direction of "every fact of our policies" to support the fact that "Israel In here to stay." Ho recommended unrelenting efforts to work out a peaceful settlement between Israel mid tho Aral). Mates without which "there will never he ft relaxation of those tensions and a greater opportunity for freedom and economic opportunity In this Important a m i of tho world." He urged resettlement of Arab refugees and oempensation for lost property and called for United Nation's guarantees of boundaries of nil nations In tho Middle East. Another point in his proposed program wn.s encouragement of private and public aid to the Middle Eastern states, including Israel. He urged that long-range policies encourage Arabs to develop truly Independent and self-governing nations. , . . . . . ••-.,.
American delegation Indicated. It would concentrate "oil regional projects, such as development of the water resources of. the Jordan River, the Nile and F.uphrates. American circles here anticipated that Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A; firomyko will, in his speech tit the (icncrnl Assembly, also suggest some form of economic aid to Middle Eastern countries, but. will insist on a United Nations bun on the shipments of arms not only to And) countries, but also, to Israel and Turkey.
A gift of 5100,000 for a chair in Clinii'ril Psychology ut the liebrew University in Israel has been made by Philip M. Kliitznielt, and Sam Beber of Park forest, III., former Omniums and Nathan- Manilow of Chicago, The chair Is to be named .after Sam and Helen-Honor. Mrs. lieber is the former Helen Riekes of Oninhn. Mr. Beber, an attorney, served as president of Ihe Oinahn Federation for Jewish Service in 1M4 and 39-15 and was the first chairman of the local Jewish Philanthropies campaign. lie is a past president of U'nai B'ritli District Grand Lodge No, (5. Air. Klutziiicic, an attorney, is the International president of B'nai B'ritli and alternate delegate of the United States to the Unled National. He was the principal speaker ut a dinner hole April 27"celebrating the tenth anniversary of Israel.
Omahans Attend Colorado Seminar Three Omaha/is will attend a seminar to- be conducted by the Education Council of the Mountain Plains Region of Hadassah August 2-1-27 in Estcs Park, Colo. They are Mrs, Phil Schwartz, education chairman of the Uusiness and Professional group" of Uaddssah mid a regional vicepresident, Mrs. M. F, Levenson a past president of the region and Mrs. Gerald Schwartz, "education chairman of die Omaha Chapter of Hadnssah and a past president of the Miami, FJa. Chapter.
The B'nal -B'rllh Women's Bowling Association will open their season wit htheir first regular senslon, Tuesday at 9 p. m,, Soptember 2 nt the Ranch Bowl. Those Interested In joining the women'* league are invited to cull Rose Garrop, WA 9330.
London (JTA)—Foreign Minister Golda Meir of Israel warned here that her eounIry would have "seriously to weigh the new .situation and the measures to be taken foj? the security of its frontiers and its integrity" in the event'that the United Arab Republic takes over Jordan. :
She declared that the situation^ • — required a collective guarantee to all the countries of the Middle I-Jasl l>y "the greatest number of countries interested in (lie peace and stability of the ami." 90 .Minute Conference The Israeli Foreign Minister's warning came afler she hfid met with SeHvyn Lloyd, the British Foreign Secretary, in a long exchange of views whicli" was officially described as "useful." Israel circles here stressed the significance of the meeting as the first time that Anglo-Israel relations had been discussed on so high a level. The !)0-mlnulc meeting nt the Foreign Office was followed by a luncheon tendered by Mr. Lloyd n't Oirllon Gardens, the foreign Secretary's official residence. I'lnn for Arms According 16 the official comniuni(|iiu, the two foreign minislers discussed problems "of Interest to the two countries, .particularly those of 1he Middle East," but it is understood that Mrs. Moil1 made a strong plea for arms Ste\o MelUei. Nathan C'hnpman, Ste\cn Lewis, Tom Rubin, for Israel, particularly niiti-siih- Alan KuliiUof.sity—swimming wan one of their favorite sports at mariric equipment callable of deal- Camp Jay-t'-C'. ing wilh the submarines Col. NasParents will greet campers re- will climax the evening's enterser recently received from Ihe'Soturning from Hie closing session tainment. Special camp mcmen> viet Union. of Camp Joy-C-C .Sunday, August tos will be presented to all camp(iiinraiitceb of liotimlarlcH 17, at 9 a. m. at the Jewish Com- ers and a full scale fireworks disIn culling for international munity Center parking lot. The play will conclude the candla guarantees of the boundaries of youngsters will he taken to the lighting ceremony at" the swimMiddle l-.'aslern . countries Mrs, ('(inter in large modern cunip ming pool. Meir said the-situation called for lluses. Luggage, will arrive in adA reunion of all campers and guarantees to he given all inde- vance, staff will be held during the winpendent countries and stressed This final week for campers has ter school vacation in Deccimbep, that: tills should certainly Include been filled with camping trips to Israel. In this, Mrs. Meir was re- Louisville, horseback trail trips, ferring to proposals advanced last coolcout.s and chuck wagon dinweek by United Nations .Secretary ners and featured special saljiath General Dag Hammarskjold for observances. guarantees by Arab States of each Campers will be served in nnnother's territorial integrity with- rjuel style at the closing camp Mrs. Edward Levinson, ..presl" out reference to Israel. ceremony, Saturday. Following dent of Temple Israel Sisterhood, She said In response to ques- the dinner, honors "will ba award- has announced the following offitions on Ihe utility of the 3930 ed to the campers and the corona- cers and chairmen will serve on Tripartite Declaration-- that the tion of a camp king and queen the 1958-39 Sisterhood board. They are: Mines. Alfred Sophl«\ changed situation In Jordan and first, vice-president; Robert CoHrt, Lebanon and the annexation of .second vice-president; Harry .Alt* Syria by Nasser's United Arab suler, third vice-president; Rob« Republic concurred to make the ert I.evine, fourth vice-presidentl 1!)50 declaration "not sufficient." Edward Makiesky, corresponding The United Nations Charter, she added, could not adequately pro"A lipstick league" will be secretary; David Bleicher, treas* tect the territorial integrity of .sponsored by the Youth Council m w ; ' Harold Farber, auditor) Middle Eastern states. "The most Girls' Athletic committee, it was Adolph Trost, recording secretary! the General Assembly can do," announced by Helens Franklin, Adolf Mayer,'dues secretary and Mra. Edward Gilbert, parlimenshe remarked, "is to vote n resolu- chairman in charge. tion without having the power to The Lipstick League will be an tarian. implement it." The following chairman havd organized schedule of girls athbeen appointed: Mines, Sidney Annexation of Jordan by the letic activities starting around Oc- Brooks, Sam Zaeharia, Edward United Arab Ui-|>ul>lir, MrH, Meir tober 17. League sports include Milder, programs; Harry Wise and declared, "would constitute, n volley ball, newcomb, basketball, John Solomon, n n i o n R r a m s| griivo and dangerous menace for badminton and deck tennis. High- George Spitzer, .uniongrain collecIsrael." In tho situation that lights of the season vvill also in- tions; James Samuclsdn, telewould follow, sho pointed out, the clude a swimming meet, a pro- phone; David Beber, Paul GrossUnited Aral) Iti-jmhllc would con- gram of tumbling, and. boy-girl mnn, Julia Jacobs, religious school; trol nil of Israel's harden* and competition. League games will bo held every Maurice Frank and Krhvnrd V. even lintd'n "last friendly fronBrodkey, youth activities; Marvin tier, the Mediterranean," through other week except during, vaca- Taxman and Donald P.rodkey, Its recently niigmenfed Mulmiiirlnn tions and exam periods. Practice nursery school; Phi! Laser, prayfleet. Israel him appealed to all md instructional sessions will take er; Richard Goldman, cradle rollj frlnmlly countries fur arms with place on the weeks when there Howard Milder, Ben Zeff, N. R. which to parry tho Nasser stlb- are no league games. The following girls have been Kartman, family education. marine, mennce, Mrs. Meir dlsAlso appointed are: Mines.. I, appointed athletic . chairman by closed, H. VVeiner, budget; . I. M. Libertheir clubs: Linda Magzamin, BBG Replying to questions about air(Continued on Page 3.) lifts across Israel territory to sup- Eleanor Roosevelt; Ellen Goldstein, BBG Edward A. Rosen; Reply British forces in Jordan, Mrs. i Raid the airlift was "fin- nee Franklin, Debka Debs and ished." She made it clear, how- Sliola Baskin,' Rohanue. ever, that Israel, as a member of Mayor John Rosenblatt of Omatho United Nations, would con- an Israeli Government came here sider TX demand by the United Na- at the invitation of the British ha is the winner of the 1957 Pubtions for transport of n United Government for political talks. To lie Personnel Awai'd of the PresNations force across Israel ter- reporters, Mrs. Meir expressed her ident's Committee on Employment ritory, joy at being in England and ex- of the Physically Handicapped. pressed" the hope that, "my talks The committee Raid he was Lloyd At Airport Mr. Lloyd was on hand at Lon- with tho Foreign Secretary will ba chosen "for the effect he lias had don Airport to greet Mrs. Meir fruitful and wll help in bringing on employment of severely handion her arrival from Rome—-the to the Middle. East peace and sta- capped by tho various city de..,.•.. ,; • . partments," first -'tlrno a .ranking member of bility.',', .
e , Officers
CoundS Sponsors e". .
Published Every Friday by tlie I'Yderatlun ot Jewish Smlco Class (.lulllnj! I'l'ivllescs Authorized ul Uniaha, .Ncbrutka Subscription,H 00. AavcMlstiiB Unit's mi APJIM.•HII-HI. OtTul uru-e—lUl No. yum M.'tct. Omaha. Nttn-.. JAi-Hioii i:>Mi. " " i Address '.S03 So 'Jfltn s t i n t FRANCES KLEIN Editor
!¥ Religious
ISNAI JACOB SVNAfiOCI'ti HONORS JOK ADLICK Jlii^ Il'iiat Jacob Alias Yesiiiiriin Synu(;oijiU! lias planted tn'i'S in Israel in lionur of Mr. •hta Adler upon Ills M'llr.'ineut from ail tlir ;u-li\i! duties a t (lid It'nai Jiii oli Adas Yeshiiron
@efh Israel Bible \o Have Guesfr Speakers
¥@flc«w Sees 'Jtrasolem Koine MTAi- The Vatican is preuwni,' a plan for the inli'inatioiiiili/iitiun ot Jerusalem whlcli Would place administration of the ci|y under the control ot the Knights of Mnlla, it was n-poitcd by Ilio liberal new5in,M;;a/iiio "I.-Ksprcsso." Tlio icjmrt asserted that Jsrat-l's jjositiou with i isjicct - to iiiti'nmtionali7atinii bad "softened." H Holes that the Vatican had ulways hoped to convince tlie Israel Government, with which it maintained continuous contacts," of (he "i Ifhtiieps" of its poinl of view. 'Tiii1 Onl''i" of St. John of Malta which was j',iven jurisdiction over the island of Malta in 15'!0 by Holy Jtotiian Kmperor Charles V was chiefly distinguished in Jewish eyes fur the rapture and enslavement of Jews en route to Hie Holy Land. During the Jfilli and )7th centurirs, when the entire Jewish population of Malta Was composed of Mich slaves, mistreatment of Jews by the monks of Malta earned the island a reputation for evil and cruelty.!
' NEW RESIDENT: We welcome i : Mrs. Effie K.-iy into our . Home 'JV.'ii yotm..T rabbis fioin du" j Society. T.iibavilchpr •Vc.biv.i, lii'nol'.ljn, j WELCOME HOME: Mrs: Itusc N, Y.. will lio j'.Ii• ->.t speakers nl i'Cioldfein and Mrs. Bessie Kriedel the regular SHIMIHV nii'inini; biMc have returned from the hospital. class breakfast mi'i'tim: 'at IJi.th ( null lllgiituiK 7 Dt |i in • Yahi-zeit: S p e c i uI Memorial I'sraC'I Synaf;i);;ui.' at K.!ri a. m. BhTH ISKU I. Services uill be held in the Home K i i cl ,i \ i OIIIIIH; M I MI rs Ti<_th Tlii-y jire Il.-ibbi Sliahsi Alpeni Isr IP! 1M I in .it 7 p in Sitwcli\ Synagogue for the following, and liabbi Abraham K'.rf wlio aftwhose >'ahiseit falls during the 1 jiiniiiiiiK h I ) i in mil Jimioi er a inolltli's lour nf tiiw ..T-rlion Home I JTA i I'ope I'im Nil CuiiKi edition 10 i in lNjliml[i\ month of Elul:,Sat>i Poster is the of the cuiintry will'rcln'-n to thf1 KDUAItl) A. HOSK.V ( IIAI'ir.It Gabai of our Synagogue/ sent a birring to the people of Minch.i 7 15 p iii followed b> Yeshiva for ^raduato stndics. nrsn i-Aifrr Israel, it was revealed here by tho Elui ]—August 17- DortJ(hy'..MIl-. Sh ilosh S ciulos IIIHI M i . u n ' •-.Students at the Yi'shiva. .•-pun(ler Karen Fcllmaii's lake IIDIIM" was;winner of an all-Italy Bible Quiz. Sundu) moimn^ '•en ices begin Klul;2--Augiist 18-;Morris Gros-J5oml_by the (;.;ntr:il Or-ani/ation The blessing was spoken diirini; lit h A > a m followed 1)> bieak for Jewish Kdueation, volunteer the site fur the Kdw;ird A. Itosen ; a prjvate interview the I'ope j^ave; man fast and .t Hible slinh class led t.'h:iiiler"s first ni'di parly, 'J'hurssummer vacations to visit Jewish j by Itabbi Benjamin Gionei U.ulj , I lul S Ant'iist J\ Hannah SUIIR communities during which lime! day, August. 7. Uinner nixt a skit. Miss Laura Cerutti, a Catholic, who was to participate in ttm t e n l t e s at 7 a m and 7 1") p m Klul 39 September 4 Mis Yt Diey discuss with rabbh, business- I \\ere the entertainment for thei finals in Jerusalem of the InteriuihiuM SICKel The weekly r\ilmud class meels men, laymen, Jewish parents, i tlonal Bible Quiz. As far as H every Tuesday evening at 7 p m t lul 2i Septembt r 8 Rebeci i problems and situations pertinent occasion. known, this is the first time (ho (ilassnian ] pstein ' a t the 19th and Hint Stieet >sjmA gravel was prcM-nled to the iPontiff lias sent a ble.'siiij; to Iho to the community, Rabbi Alpern gogiie «ind spiMtps tlieie ewi> organization's president by Mr. and | people of Israel. said. Satuidij morning at 9 i m Cincinnati Investigates . i Both young men are followers Mrs. Edward Hosen. of Rabbi Menachem Schneeison, Ardeeii Korbes has been np-j Attack on Jewish Lads TKMI'I.h IMIAM. present leader of (he Lubavitcher pointed youth Council representuSenTces will be held tins Kudi< •;;.;f("iijcinnati MTA1 At 1he be- movement, who heads a network A monument will be unveiled in evcninr -it 7 W p m In the feni hest of..the Cincinnati Jewish of Yeshivus including the one in tive. memory of Mrs. Nathan Kort, pic Ol.tpel Ilnb^i S i d i i P j II Community Relations1 Committee, Brooklyn. The movement has .Sunday, August 17 at 10 a. m. a t Brooks will officiate mid deliver the local police have becun an in- j hceii noted for year,' for its inter- Kasper Organizing Beth hi Cemetery. Rabbi' Myrr B germane! tr. S. Kripke will ofliciate. Friends xp.stigatinj; of the bratinK of thn-e lest and dcvoliim to the Jewish and relatives arc invited to lie 14 and IS jears «ld Jewish boys people in K eneral and in Jewish Anti-Semitic Party Wa^liiiiKton' (JTA) John Kas- present. in a park by a (;•'">« of five older ] education in particular. For this BKTH I-1, Sabbath t u n i n g -PI lies ill.plh 1 youths who identified themselves i cau^.- the Merkos l.'Inyonei Cht- per, notorious anti-Semite, who 1.1 S\naj;oi;iii' will l)c lu Id Fndiv as members of a Itoman Catholic nuch, a central organization for has been released from Federal »t 7 p jn SIIJIMIII inoiiiinK SCI\ higli .school fnolbail team. Police i Jewi-Ji education, was orRanizrd prison in Atlanta, has announced that, hf is forming a new national ices uill bef'iii il U 0 'lhe Mm said two of the attackers arl-j'" Brooklyn. cha-M.'uiiiv Service will begin at ] mitted ihcir part in the episode, j The Sunday morning Kalherini; j anti-Semitic pulitirat parly which will attempt to nominale a Pres7 p.m. I The three-.Jewish boys reported 1 at lieth Israel is open to the pub-I idential candidate. Daily sen ices ilurim; the v\ei-k! that they were accosted In Die; he. Kasper said the jwv.' party'tt obere held at 7 a, in. and 7 p. in.! park by the quintet who attempt-j Stb (Subby)'PulverenU ' jectives would include •fxpulsion The Sunday liinmini; sen ire v.il] 1 1 of Jews from "any kind of public be hr-ld at '.) a. m. : 25 Yoarj' Experiences life." The paily was described .'is they were asked if they wen; With Jewish based on what he called "racial Jews. Upon hearing an affirmative ll'NAI JA<'OB-ADAS nationalism." It would advocate LeHer.ing and Memorial* answer, one of*the five said: "We New York f.lTAi F h e major VESIiritOX • ; _ • i hate Jews" nml the beating began. Jewish c u l t 11 Jp a 1 organizations the "colonization of Hie Negroes' 2211 So. 8th AT 2452 Services a t B nai Jacob-Adas j One „.. of. the . . -Jewish . - - boys was h >,sub- called upon Hie Soviet Govern- to send them to Africa." Yeshuron will >M>«in Friday at. sequently admitted to a hospital ment to adopt and put into effect | for treatment. p. m. and Saturday morning a three-point program for Hie res- ;IKWISII I'lOSriTAI* (iKTS 6:20 a. m. with Mincha at 7:13 toration to the Jews of Soviet I'.us- I'SYCHIATHIC I'NIT p. m. followed by Shalosh S'uedos sl.Tof tlieir lights which were] St. Louis (JTA) A new .'15-bed Daily services 6:30 a. in. mid 7:115 abrogated by" Stalin. They suli-' adult psycliialric in-patient, unit p. in. T — R>^ O _ I _ B e» x milled their appeal to Soviet For-; was opened this week at. the JewHospital, the first such faciliI O H© rl©ICa S € l t . eign Minister Gromyko, who is; iidi ties the hospital has fur psychia Mr. nnd Mrs. Ben Sigel of Ot- l l m v i n N i n v y ° r k | trie patients. In tumnw, la. will be hosts Saturday, I ''"he fjroups proposed that thcj ' All friends and relatives are August 16 at the.Town ifo\ise at I Soviet Government take immediInvited to attend services nud a-prc-miptiiil dinner honoririf; the | ain .steps: . receptions. forthcoming niaiTingu of Miss liar-', J. Tu lift the discriminatory 1 .Barry Kurt, yon o[ Mr, and Mrs. riel Epstein to their son, Norman lirulilliltlon and ban mi Jewish < ill- I We want to cxprcu our t ri a n k t tiiral life, Jewish literature and | and appf«c(fllion to our friendi "Harold Kort, uill observe his Bar Sigel. .Miss ' Epstein, daughter of Mr. press, ami permit the Soviet Jews j and customfiri for fhoIr patronage Mitzvah on Saturday, August l('>th nnd Mrs. Morris Epstein and Mr. thn friM'iluin In live creatively mid et Belli K\ Syiinf-;o;:ue. Sigel will be married August 17 in riveslalillsh Jewlsb cultural and while we opcrftted Hadtell'i Pro* a (> p, m. ceremony at I'.fth Israel | iimuiiuiilly life; Viitilish and He- duco and Koiher Mc/it MM., now undc-r new man/igemcnf. Synagogue. brew publications and SCIIIIUIM. '2. To permit the Soviet Jews In MKS. AI.ICI'. .lACOISSON" j ISItAKI.I CKNTKJt NA.MKI) have contact with their relatives We Jalco this opportunity to lay Nesvs has been received hero ol IAf-TKH AN' A.MKICirAN anil brethren 1 hrcii[;lnni the world. "goodbye" At v/e t\to leaving tho the death of Mrs. Alice Jacob.son, | Beershcba. Israel (JTAi The •'• .'I. To |;raiit thii rinht to cinl- city, Wo w^nt to wlifi everyone in 82, mother of Mrs. Jack Newman, Shever tu tluiM', thoMs Soviet Jews ivli'i the community "A Very Happy ihever Community Center, spun- I grate tu who died Tuesday in Los Angeles, s ii/Ted / T e d by • the - • America-Israel • • • Cul- ileslrc It. in Hue witli (lie priuCal. Funeral services and burial tur ural Foundation, was opened I riples "f the 1:N (.'liarter. j Hew Year," were in L'>s Angeles, Thursday. Jlie icre. The ? 100,000 center, made | The statement was signed b y : ; A son,. Kchvard M. Jacohson lives; possible by the contributions of I Congress For .lev1.ish Culture, lie- ! In Los AilKcles. ! Nathan and David Shever, SI. j brew 1'. K. N. •Club, Hi-;tadruth I Mr. and Mrs. Haskell Louis businessmen and philanthro- ! Ivrit of America, Yiddish P. ]•;. N. : BranclsfaHer 1407 Harney St. pists, will offer a complete, pro-' Club and Yiddish Writers I'liion. j MKS. IXNA l.H'I' Funeral services for Mrs. Lena gram of community cultural and A. Lipp. Kl, of 2MH Uurt. Street educational activities. Israel has -1 symphony orches- j who died Friday were h"ld SunIras, 700 choirs, an opera comIsrael's Ministry of Hcallfi op- pany, six permanent theatrical I day morning at the Jewish Funeral Home. Burial was in Pleas- rates 17 hospitals with n capacity groups and 50 little, -theater I of ' 4,500 beds. iinl. Hill cemetery. groups. i Mrs, Lipp, a ri-sidcnt of Omaha since TflOO. had been active in Hadassah and the J'.ikur t'holim So- !. 1201 Jones JA 3032 tiely. . ' ; Surviving are daughters, Mrs. j Harry L. Cherniss, Council Bltif.fr.; j Mrs. Heniian Wise, Chicago; .sdm, OMAHA'S LEADING George W., Kansas City, Mo.; JLouis and Frank E., O'.naha, eight grandchildren, an,1, three great grandchildren. . WA 5554 . 4 4 1 5 CUMING
Pope Sends Blessings To Israeli People
Monument Co.
the:: w,r .c .'™.,^ ;;::;;•,:;;:; Ask ioscow to Restore Bights of Soviet Jewry
For Satisfaction
Bar Mitzvah
Ccill AT 0088
Levenson Pest Control Service
Kosher Meoi Market and Delicatessen
CV SILVER Funeral services for Cy Silver, 49, former Omahan, who died jvj[pnday'in Los Angeles, were held tITiursday afternbon a t , t h e Cros^y-Kunold mortuary with burial |ft Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Ceme>ery. Survivors nre wife, Dorolhe, ,..""!;!•, Mrs. Sarah Silver, San r 'rfliVcisco, Oal., one sister and fivo -ithers. '
Nal specialist
Diamond's Famous Green Pack and
in long-distance moving, packing, storage
$1.10 3f They Are Delicious, Try 'Em . •
Jerry Krupinstcy, Representative
* •..«it""** «
Friday, August 1», J8S8
Turkelin Rites Held At Beth El Sunday
B'nai BVIth Ndmes Chairmen
Page Tfire«
Korts Return To Omaha
Dr.and Mrs. Maurice J,. lVpp«r wlhh to thank their friends J'or the many (,'"(»1 uishes extended to tjiein In (ridong'ntnifi on (IK; occasion of their tu'enfyill'th wedding annl\-ersar>'.
B'nai Brilh Jfenry Monsk.v Chaplor No. 470 have announeeil comniitle chairmen appointments Mis.s Tevee iiernstcin became Mr. anil Mrs. Harold Js'oi 1 and for the coming season. They are: the bride of Bernard Jerome 'J'urMcsdames Harry Wise a n d their sons, S t e p h e n Avruni ami j Iiel in a candlelight ceremony Herbert Meiehe.s, anl i-defamation; IJ.-irry W a r r e n r e t u r n e d recently Sisferftood Board .Sunday evening nl Heth ]•'.] Syn.':j l l a r r y Lippcll. aid - lo - Israel; to mnke Jlieir home in Om.'ihii i Continued from P.IKC 1.) i;oK'l('. Oflirintinr; were Habbi (Jcorge Colin and Sol Miroff, li'nai JMyer ,S, Krijike nnd the Itev. ; d t e r a venr's stnv in New O r - ! man and Millard Kosenbcr;;, ways B'rilh girls advisors; lien Alugand moans; llymie Milder nnd '.Alexander Knlz. /.iniin, Hillel; l-'rank Sekar, nieni- le.'ins, ] . j . , where Mr. .Kurt a t - j William Kaiman, Judniea shop; 'J'lie bride is the daughter of Mr. hership; Sidne.N' /iif-imr-r, elle- tended Hie cr.'idiiati' school ol'| Harold I'ollack, house and floral mid Mrs. I/, liernslein, and the fidiv; Jay Sloler, Leo N. l.evi Tropieni Medicine at Tulnn:' I ' u i - fund; Jacob He.-s, nursery school bridegroom. ' the son of l>r. :ind Hospital; Hubert Kaiman, Nation- versily. He received his Musters fund; Joe Coldware, cookbooks); Mrs. Sam L. Turk.-]. al Jewish Hospital; Nathan SliuJoe Iforwich, napkins; J. J. Friedkerl, program; liernard Kaiman, I)i-i;ree In Public Health there. Tll<> bride chose il |o|i.;;-slei'ved man, House of I.ivin;; Jiidaism; The K o r t s will lie hosts 1 his i Paul lllolcky nnd ,S:iin Weinstein, Rochester Center; Charles Fishf;own ol white lare over t.ilfrla er and Bernard (ioldstrum, blood eoniini: vveek lo a eoiitinijenl ' r I house commit tec; Abe Kalelmon and her French illusion veil of bank; Dan Cordman, civilian de- out-of-town relatives, who will w-\ and .Manry Hchwart/, receptions; fingertip Jf• n;;111 vva:i fastened to fense; Harry l.ippoll, bonds; Na- rive especially lo a l l e n d the ) i a r | Julia Jacobs, Ministers' Institute; a tiny illusion Juliet cap. She carIlian Knpliin, publicity; M a x Mitzvah of their son, Harry, mil Leo Kisenslall and Leonard Kula:ried a Jiihle witli n white oiehid. .Saturday mornin;;, August. Kith at j kofsky, eon!;re;;.ilional dinners; Krizi-lniati, retention; Mrs. Albert I.. Keldmaii was 1 Others named are Mnies, Uieli- lie til Kl .Synai;o:;ue, and for th. jI.'dwnril Mal.i.'Jioek. lOinest. Priesmatron of honor lor Iier sister. stone dedication serviec to be conanl Wright, Bertha Lllis, Veternian nnd I']. I'ubert Newman, }Jridr.sinaids were Mrs, 'Danny ans Hospital; Stanley Shapiro, dueled lor the late Mrs.,, N'ale mother and ehildrens luncheon. Koj;el, nnd the .Misses Sbarou I.re Korl, m o t h e r of Mr. Kort, al lielii Dolls For Democracy; lien Hlalt, Hernstein and llandi Turkel, sisOthers serviiiK are Mines. Herbulletin; Kichard Spiegal a n d Kl Cemetery on Sunday nl 10 ters of the bride and brii|e;;rooin nard Altsuler, Maurice Arosty, Harry Friedman, donor; Abe Milrespectively. All were identically Mrs. Hernard ,1. 'I'nrkcl ler, Dave Kpslein, telephone; Nate i;o'.vned in Inffitn mint j^reen. Arriving will be Mrs. Henry Q. table settiiiK; Alan Hlotcky, Nor(litnick. Martyr's Forest; Aaron Marx of Alexandria, La., and Mrs. man Lincoln, Lester Marcus and K. llarlnn Turkel was best man lOpstein, Welfare; A. L, Cohen, J. Dado Sline from Beverly Hills, Marvin Brooksloin, table decoraBirths for his b r o t h e r , Ushers w e r e sewing; A b e (linsburg, Bociul; California. Coming from Chicago tions; iMvvin I.amlow, Harvey Thomas Hernstein, Arnold Joffe.! Aronson, telephoning for lunchDr. Ilnlph Turkel, Harold Wics-j Mr. and Mrs.-Alvin Abraiiison Harry Sidimm, inter-club council; vvill be Mrs. Stanley L. Holley, eons; Millard Krasne, Bar and I3as man, I. K. Hcrcovici, of Omaha; I announce the birth of a son, Mi-| r Sam Kaiman and lierta Stern, Mrs. Klliolf. Ilorwieh nnil Mr. and Milzvah's. Mines Sol Liltnian, reMarvin lircslou, Lincoln, JVehr., chael Neul on August 0 at (.'Inrk- J o w i s h . Federation Kopresenta- Mrs. Irving (ioldman, Mr. and ligious discourse; Morris Lipp, • tive.s. Mi's. lCrno Iferz will come, from tuul Larry Mokofskv, Kansas City, son hospital. Maternal grandparents ar<? Mr. Dallas, Tex. Kansas City, Mo. vis- IiiBtorian; Leonard Krasne, hosWo. itors will be. Mrs. Morris Shank- pitality; Herbert Weil, Robert Le-' and Mrs, Paul Rapoport of Chi-''/he bride's mother wore a dress rat;o HIKI paternal griindparclils inaii, Miss Carolyn Shanknian, and vine, publicity: Paul Veret, Leon fjf ashes of roses chiffon organdy arc Mr. mid Mrs. Isadoro AbrnniMr. and Mrs; Albert Korl. Mr. and Fellnian, community cpppeiation; iind the groom's inolher was nt- soii. Mrs. Jacob Ahramson is paMrs'. Irving (ilinert Will arrive Julius Cohn, membership; Louis Lipp, integration, and -Stanley Jta1ired in anna chiffon. from Now York. ternal preal grandmother. tleman, courtesy. . :.-••'•' -.' A cocktail supper at the Town House Ballroom followed the cereMiss Jennie Keldman iiiid OrMr. iinil Mm. Steivitrt 'fully mid Larry Kohn Attends mony. There are 3,887 physicians in Mr. mid .Mrs. itiirton I{nl>ins<in ville .Milder will sei'vc (is narraThe couple vvill make, t It o i r will leave Auijust 20 for a motor tors for the Hadnssali style show Junior Red Crbss Meet active practice in Israel. . . . . ' liorne in Lincoln following a trip trip through ('olorado, to present both men nnd women's Lorry Kohn, Central High lo Lake Okoboji, In. fashions Wednesday, August 20, school student, was a delegate lo CALL at 8 p. in. tit the Highland Connthe- Adult Junior Red Cross Workl.h'iit. find Jim. Sol .StKs a n d HOLLYWOOD son of Fort Bli.ss. Tex., are ex- try Club. Mrs. Sandy Brophy will shop in Ardniore, Okla., Aug. 4-0. lie was chosen by Midwestern ported to visit in Omaha soon, I,t. be accompanist. TUX RENTAL Models will be Messrs. Larry Area Junior Red -Cross officials. Stiss has just received his CI'A Kofifl, Kdwanl Dolgoff, Howard Larry is the son of Mr. and Mrs. 104 No. ISth Strset JA 2452 certificate. J*1ONEKK i:\EC.Vn\K Kaplan, Jack Jacohson, Robert Sam Kohn. tin Omaha LOAD Bldq.l MICKTINfJ Krasne and Dr. Albert Rlmmer.Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Kp-Nlein man; Mines. Yale Gotsdiner, RobThe IMonrer Women's Ory.'ini/alion will hold an executive meet- and son, Kobort. of Des Moines, ert. Silveniian, Kdward Malasbock, intf (it the home of Mrs. Morris spent the v.'eek-end in Omaha. Sam Turkel, Stanley Katelman, SlorenlxTK, .'IOOr> llaniillon SI reel. They were the guests of Mr. nnd Harold Sloshing, Lloyd Hank, M. Now Wednesday, Auj;ust 20. A 1 p. in. .Mr*. Henry <JrePnlpor((. M. Jabeiiis Joe I.ernor, Robert dessert luncheon will bo served. Featuring Newman, Phineas Winlroiib, RobCANTONESE Mr mid .'Mrs. Iluhkell llr.ind- ert Hernslcin. TEMPI.*: NTUKKHV statlcr ulio formerly operated the APPETIZERS A dance exhibit will be given by HaskeJI's Proijucc and Kosher Arthur Murray dancers. The .eveTemple Israel Nursery schoul i.Mcat .Market and their daughters, ning vvill conclude with a social has » few openings for the fall 1 llrewln nnd Fay left Wrdnnsday hour. semester which bc-|;ins September for Krooldyn, N. Y., where they 3 Its throe mornii);;s-a-week pro- will ninke their homo. They will gram commences at '.> a. in. and join Mr. and Mrs. 1,. Hrnndstallcr concludes at ll:.'IO a. m. who moved to Brooklyn w\eral Interested parcnls are asked lo works ago. RUG & UPHOLSTERY confnet cither Mrs. Marvin Ta\rii an.TK 4I1G1 or Mrs. Donald CLEANERS Hrodkey, \VA 515K.
Men's, Women's Fashions to Be Presented
New Girls Club Being Organized
IIAIMSSAJI ' CAPTAINS TKAA new .\ijiing Jitdcii C'hih for H.'idassah Medical Organization seventh, eight and ninth grade and Vocational Kducatinn commit- : girls will he sponsored by the tei'.s will cntcrl.iiu at a captain's ; Zionist Youth Commission, il was tea, Monday, August 2't at I hi; ; announced by .Mis. Kthrl l.oven. home, of Mrs. Iiynum liolman, ii.iOi; i son, chairman of Die Ifadassah Douglas Street at \2:'.W p. m. Mr. ' Youth Commission. nnd Mrs. Sam Wolf who have re- I Citrls Interested in liceiimln,: cently K'tnriied from a trip to Is- ! incmbeis tire in\il'.'d to eontaH rael will give their \iews of Ha- • M i l Lewis Yager, :,C(H1,IIJ of the dassah in Israel. A film entitled, I commission, at. \VA 07 r i! "Heart. of Hadaysali-l{fS":i|rh" W'll be shoun, ^.'J'lie coniniiftees in c h a w eon- •Mrs. Bleidier to fists of cliapler chairmen. Mine;. Chicago Meeting J.eo Weit/, Meyer N. Riihin, Tlir-o- j Mrs. 1 J.i\ id Hleicher. a member (lore ller/.l j^'roup; Ted Sajjford, I of the (Jeneral ('ummillce o! Dis] l a n y Uiivilz, 1). ('. T'latl, Hen- ! trie! No. fi of tlic imaflilialed area rietta S'zolrl; Win, liadu/iner, A, I of B'nui li'rilh will allend an V. Friedman, Jack Jncolison, : execulivo board meeting of the Cliaim Woitzman; I.mi T.ewjs, ()-;. I organizntion this ueek in Chic.'igo. car .lacohson. Max Novak, 1'Yei! She is past president, of the Nc" Urodkey. advisor. i br.'isk.'i Chaplor,
Freshman Counseling Program Announced
Israel's wafer supply for Industry and agriculture lias been j-'quiuluplcd In ten years.
817 So. 36th
HA 1044
Binding • Laying • Repairing
Don Bernstein
HA 2554
Coll Justin D. Hcrwich ot
CRUTiEMBEM, PODESTA & CO..'. fai ^-jjo^y v
j \
TIK; Jewish Community Cenlei Youth Activities department will j conduct, a program of counseling | interviews for all hieominfj IIIRII j Kchool freshmen lo acquaint (hem .with the functions of (lie organization, A special paniiildet has bern | jointly prepared by nil the-Council Clubs which describes Ilic workings nnd jirograni of each j;roup antL will .he fjiven to each freshman at his interview free of charge. Apijolntiuwits may be made by calling the VoutlNOfficc, JA 1.160. • ','.
1437 So. 13th St.
Finest Ground Beef, L b . . . . . Chuck Roast or Steok, Lb. . . . . . Liver Steak, Lb. . . . Extra Special Pickled Tongue, Lb.
AT 0686
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Friday, August lit, 1058
Snapshots Of Jewish History Thirty Yectrs
followed heavy shelling by the Arab Legion of the Sheikh Jur1'ICKDKTION: John Deuey, iicli quarter. the noted American philosopher, declined in a letter from ltussla HID: Foreign Minister Moshe made public in New York that the Shertok told a press conference In effect of the Jewish "back to the Tel Aviv that the Israel Governsoil movement" in the Soviet tin- ment hail tried to make direct ion "will prove to be a decisive I contact with the Arabs to seek a factor in th« ultimate settlement ' negotiated peace settlement but ol the Jewish question all over the that the Arabs rejected all such world." He wrote he was confi- attempts'. dent that "after the period of stTUKi'le and adjustment, the JewDK.MAND. A resolution adopted ish colonists will become efficient by the recent convention of the agriculturists." Central Conference of American Kabbis, deploring the "secularization of communal life by those leaders who would exclude the InI'OSITION: After being urged fluence, of the synagogue from the by several MP's to extend recog- general life of the Jewish comnition to Israel, Foreign Secretary munity," was sent this week to [M'nest lSevtn told ('ommons he Jewish communities throughout had."nothing to add" to his .state- the United States. Members of the ment to the House on June it. He ("CAR and of the Union of Amersaid at that time that the British ican Hebrew Congregations were Government does not reeogui/e urged to fight for full recognition any persons in Palestine as con- of the synagogue "by nil agencies which serve Jews." stituting a de jure government.
i ism next,
FIUSTKATION: The World P©chalutz Organization submitted | n appeal to the Zionist Actions committee meeting in Berlin foi tha 3,000 Jewish you in throu;;hOut the world who have completed threa to five years of training for Collective settlement in Pnli'stinn and have been unable to go there. Tho organization said it w.is imperative that the World Zionist Organization R'-'l the needed immigration certificates from the British Mandatory oliiee and provide the funds to transport the would-be pioneers to Palestine before total disillusionment developed.
Ten Yec&rsAgo
DISCO VKItV: Samuel Sl'.liar resigned his leadeiship post in the Communist Youth Organization in Moscow with a statement thai {uiti-Semitism w a s '•rampant" throughout the group. In a speech . reported in the ComMjmolskaya Pravda, Skliar said a Jew should tint be a Communist and that (IAIN: Crimes of violence in IsWhile he was used to persecutions 6f him as a Jew, "I cannot stand rael lire ,'!Q percent lower in towns it any longer." In Israel than in the last year of the British Mandate and 50 per DISTINCTION: A Hungarian cent less in rural areas, accordOfficial told a delegation from the ing to the first report this week Hungarian Jewish communities in of Behar Shilreet, Israel Minister Budapest this week that Hungary of National Minorities. Would "welcome with affection the cooperation of that section of . AI.KItT: Col. Mosha Dayan, Jewry which professes MugyarNm commander of Israel forces in new . (Irst and Judaism second." A. Jerusalem, Issued a warning to SztranyavsUy of the Ministry of all Jewish inhabitants to be prethe Interior added that there was pared Jor renewed attacks by JorNO room in the "curtailed father- dan's Arab Legions. He ordered land' 'for the tyi>e of .lew who put all Jewish troops to be ready "for his .Judaism first and his Magyar- any eventuality." His warning
Did You Know? That the great sage of the TalUy DAVID SCHWAKTZ That Israel was one of the most mud, I'.esh I.akish, was. In his favored names in early America. earlier years, what we uould de(The most famuli': Israel was I lev- j scribe as a professional prize olutionary Gcnei.,1 Israel l J utnam.| lighter. One American patriot in Phila-j dplphia was Israel Israel.) That Rembrandt lived In the Jewish quarter of Amsterdam and That Alexander Hamilton could painted a host of pictures of Jew.s recite the Ten Commandments in, - a l l sympathetically. Hebrew. (His mother's first hiis-J band was a Jc-w named Levine.] Although they were separated iiiidj That Haym Solomon is said loj Hamilton was the offspring of ai have suggested to Washington Scotch father, his mother sent; that hj,» make, the attack on the him to "a Jewish school in the \ Hessians at Trenton on Christmas — liguring that tin; Germans with •West Indies.) hangovers would be easy to take. They v.ere. Itiat some Americana after the American Revolution urged that That Naluim Goldman, presiHebrew bo adopted instead of English -for the American juti- dent of the World Zionist Organization, speaks a half dozen lang u a g e . .:•'.•.•••• guages fluently but his real hobby 13 astronomy. That General Grant once Bent a check for .f25 to a Jerusalem. Jew! That Theodore Her/I was n to help him provide a dowry for playwright and that Louis Liphl» daughter's marriage. sky's real ambition was also the theatre. " That. Margaret Fuller, the brilliant friend of Emerson, had a That Admiral Straus of the .' love affair with a j German Jew Atomic L'nergy Commission was : named Wiess. one time secretary to Herbert Hoover and that Billy Rose was . That Mark Twain introduced Bernard Baruch's stenographer. himself to-Shulom Aleicbem as "The American Sholohi Aleiehem." That Isaac M. Wise, tho "found, er of Reform Judaism" was also a farmer. (He had a farm near Cincinnati.) That the head of nn organization of kibbutz artists in Israel is an Irishman, named Fitzgerald, who fought in Israel's war of liberation. That Orde Wingato, the Englishman who trained the first men of the Haganah and was a devout Zionist was a cousin of Winston Churchill.That Naphtali Herz Imber, the author of the Hatikvah for mrmy years lived at the expense of the Christian, Lawrence Oliphant. phant. .. •'• That' Judah Touro, who fought In the War of 1812 under Andrew Jackson, wag responsible for the : fir»t housing, development in the new city of Jerusalem. He also supplied the funds for the Unitarians to build their chinch in New Orleans.
Yugoslavia Hess 6,500 J©w$
Bomber Is Senfencsd .Jerusalem (JTA) — M o s h a Douek, tha young Ira<|ul immigrant, who tossed a bomb Into tha Knesset last October, tinning the Cabinet table into a shambles and injuring several Ministers, was sentenced this week to 15 year* imprisonment. The home-made hand f'renada rolled under " bench which partly absorbed the blast. Premier David Ben Gurion, Foreign Minister Golda Meir, Minister of Religion Moshe Shapira (since resigned) and Minister of Communication* Moshe Canne), were hit.
New York (JTA)—A report on the development of Y u g o s l a v Jewry Bines the end of World War II, written by Dr. Albert Vaju, president of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Yugoslavia, establishes that there are only about fi.HOO Jews In that country. Dr. V'ajs, who Is a member of the executive World Jewish Congress, describes the change in the overall atmosphere, of the community. "From n traditional religious community, the Jewish I Irrigated area in Israel now tocommunity in Yugoslavia has tals 2r>(),000 acres. grow)) into a progressive national minority group, which renewed its Jewish life after liheruljon from fascist rule, and, with the assistance of the Yugoslav authorities and the support of large sections of the public. In free and voluntary cooperation with the Jewish institutions and organizations In other countries, has achieved significant results in the field of social and cultural actrvlty." Dr. Vujs claims that the YugoBe tun la ica slav JewH, "judged by their vitalTho ROY ROGERS Show ity, rank among the most positive Starring <h« King of tht Cowboyl Jewish communities in the present with Dafv Evanl «nd tht •ntirt e r e * day Kurope, though numerically New Haven I JTA I- A dispute among the smallest." SIX SHOWS—AUG. 3O-SEPT. J over a library of rare books whose * * * * value has been set for legal purAndrews Siifcrs — Tha Mariners poses at S8Q.0O0 is now before the Oil Prospects Good end 5lh Avcnus Fantasies Superior Court of Connecticut Wad.-Tnurl. nitol—Sept. 1-4 Tel Aviv (JTAl- Though Israel here. The issue involves the libra* * * * ry of the late renowned Jewish is not on a par with the Persian PLUS Agio rac«t and irirlll inowf scholar Prof. Abraham ,S. Yahuda. Gulf states with respect (o oil wator thow[ frea radio, TV "there are good prospects for oil The Hebrew University of Jeru- In other places than tho Heletz NEBRASKA'S BEST salem, which claims the library, oil field," Kenneth Landes, an tn agricultur* and says it has documentary proof American oil geologist reported. that Prof, Yahuda's widow planned Jndutffy on Mr. Landes, who has been studyto transfer the library from New ing Israel's oil prospects, recomAUG. 3 Haven to (lie University In Jerusalem but died before she was mend the drilling be continued in at LINCOLN an effort to uncover new fields. able to do so, Three of four execuIt was learned, meanwhile that tors of tiie estate dispute this and insist that the library must be new drillings will commence shortly near Huldah, in South Jndea. counted as part of the estate, A second rig will begin drilling near Halutza In the southern Negev.
Court To Settle Library Dispute
Soyfli Africa M s fo Check Hospital lias
Juhaniir-.shiirg (JTAl•—A resolution declaring that "a hospital oflieial shall he guilty of misconduct if lie discriminates nn re- j ligiotn grounds in carrying out. his j official duties" was adopted by j the Cape Provincial Council. The resolution was adopted following charges by Major A. '/.. Herman, deputy leader of the United Party in the Council, who alleged theie had been anti-Jewish discrimination against a Jewish applicant for the chair of anatomy at. Stellenbosch University, National Party leaders denied there had ever been anti-Jewish discrimination at the university or at Stellenbosch Hospital, and accused Maj. Herman of raising an issue "to make political capital."
Vivmv JA l^GO lo inierl yom Want Ao in TfiB Jewell I'n-sn. Current rale Is &0 centi for cac!) tout lino Insertion. Tb<; /'rt-Ks reserve tlie rlKlJ lo limit size oi pach advertlhrmrnt.
ORDER YOUR HQLEDAY POULTRY NOW! Turkeys—Ducks—Geese—Chickens Koiher kijling of poultry by Rabbi Boruch Wolfson on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Sundays, Kajrufh by Rabbi N. Foldman
Free Delivery 1445 No. 19th St.
AT 7010
HEW YEAR'S CARDS BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratulations also for. all Jewish holidays and special occasions. thru the Israel--A world record yield of Meyers News Stand, 1502-Dodge ]2 tons of mangold beets per acre, double the country's regular yields, CIRCUMCISIONS-call Rev. . A. Diamond, Mohel. WA 5554 or was recently harvested at Gevim, WE 3899. a collective settlement in the northern Negev, TIaim Bavly, DepGreetings will bo published in tho Rosh Hashonah Edition ufy Director of the Field Crops CLARA RANDALL PLACEMENT »' at $3.00 (throo dollars) por greeting. SERVICE. For Practical Nurse: Division of the Ministry of Agriand Practical Domestics. Call culture, .states that the new rec> Call JA 1366 or complete tho coupon and mail to Tho WE 5217. ord is three times the maximum "Jewish Prosi," 101 No. 20th Street, Omaha, Nobr. yields achieved abroad. Wanted—DAY WORK by young woman. Can Furnish References. Mr. Bavly said recently that the • • Q D S D B a a • • a • a a an a a a n on Call AT 9255. mangold beet, which serves as highly nutritive cattle fodder, JEWISH PRESS would have a beneficial effect on Wanted-DAY WORK— Cleaning 101 NO. 20TH STREET, OMAHA, NEBR. and Ironing. Can furnish refer tho profitability of the dairy Inences. Call HA 7984, dustry. The crop is harvested durEnclosed pleaso find $3.00 for our greeting in your ing July and August when other Good Housekeeping, 2 yrs., $3.98 Rosh Hashonah edition. • succulent feed is Jacking. Harper's Bazaar, 22 mos. .. 55.98 The output of the sugar refinery House Beautiful, 2 yrs. . . . $6.00 Namo.., . (and family) in Afula has nearly doubled this Town and Country, 22 mos. 58.50 season thanks to new efficiency Sat. Eve. Post, 60 wks. . . . $4.79 methods and the workers' growing Ladies Home Journal, 22 mos, experience. Unit production costs $3.85 have fallen from UJX. to IL12. Time, 78 weeks $7.87 Address The fact that the sugar content Sports Illustrated, 65 weeks, $6.87 of this year's beet crop Is much Call your order or mall It to Mm. higher than last year's is a conS. J. Horwich, 5339 Pacific St tributory factor-. WA 3957.
Your Families cand Friends