August 22, 1958

Page 1

Vol. XXXVI No. 10 l






Entered us fa'ecund-L'liiss Mutter ut I'usl- Annual Huto 4 Uulluri office. (Jmufiu, Nt'orusliit. under Act of 1871) SIIIRIO Copy ID Cent*

Arms S\

AH of AugUNf 20, l!l.r>H

The following are current reports from divisions in the 1958 Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign; Ji).ri8 Total Division To Date Initial Gifts $335,207.50 Men's Division 12,298.00 Women's Division 61,007.54 B. & P. Unit ... 3,384.50 Children's Division 1,738.25 High School Division ] , 1.43.25 University Division 100.00 Organizations 2,-148.75 Miscellaneous 1,152.00 Total to Hate


Bill Aids Washington (JTA> -President Disenhower had before him this week a bill passed by the Senate - allowing aliens who entered the United States us students or on visitors visas to change their status ti> (regular Immigrants without going through the traditional formality of leaving the country nnd re-entering on immigrants visas secured In one of the countries neighboring! the United States. . ; In the fiscal year that ended June 30, more than 7,000 aliens had lo meet the requirements for n change of status by j;oing to Canada, picking up a visa and coming right back. The legislation would allow the .Just ice Department to approve their applications while they slay in the United States.

INTERNATIONAL LAWVKKS CONFKKENCE Jerusalem (JTA)—Several hundred Jewish lawyers and jurists convened here lonigh't for the first International Jewish L a w y e r s Conference.

Aussie Official Lauds Israel Sydney, Australia, (JTA) — As tho Australian Parliament continued to debate the Middle East problem, Hicliard G. Casey, Minister for External Affairs, declared that "Israel has maintained a correct Attitude." Israel, he stated, "has done n o t h i n g to sharpen the present situution." "Israel," continued Mr. Casey, "has assumed a watchful position, concerned lest encirclement of her borders become a possibility. It would be tragic if any action occurs to revive the Israel dispute."

Egypt- Threatens " -London, (JTA)—The Egyptian semi-official daily, Al Ahram, asserted that' President Nasser of the United Arab Republic warned Jlobort Murphy, President Elsenhower's special Middle East envoy, that the UAR would "immediately attack Israel" if I s r a e l moved against any part of Jordan. Al Ahrasn, asserted that the Awrphy-Nusscr meeting in Cairo lust week was concerned mainly • with the presumed intentions of Israel in the event of a change in the regime in Jordan.

Lehman Proposes Program New York, (JTA)—A program .'designed to case tensions in the Middle East, was proposed by .former Senator Herbert H, Lehman, general chairman of tho American Committee for Israel's Tenth ' Anniversary Celebration. He called f o r ;


• -.




Visit Israel Exhibit Brussels (JTA) ^ The millionth visitor lo the Israel Pavilion at the Internatiohal Kxhibition here was a Catholic priest, Father Viseur, whose visit was made the occasion for n special ceremony in which he was presented with an all-expense free trip to Israel. The priest, who is preparing n Ph.D. thesis on Hebrew philology and who is a warm friend of Israel, expressed his joy at the realization of an "old dream of visiting I he Holy Land and seeing tho revival of modern Israel."

Federation Executive Committee to Meet1 The Jewish Federation of Omaha Kxecutive Committee will hold a luncheon meeting at 12:15 p. m., Friday, August 22, at. the Kegis Hotel, it was announced by Robert H. Kooper, Federation president.

1. A guarantee by tho West mid flio United Nations "of the national security mid territorial Integrity of nil (lie nntlons" of tlio Middle East "against either direct or Indirect ngresslon." 2. A prompt arid c-iinslructlvt: response on tho part of tlio West to "Just Arab dumtinds for economic! and soclitl Justice" which "(mould not bo ascribed to Communist Intrigue." S. Recognition of Israel "im one of tho major centers of ntuhllily and strength In tho Middle; Kiist, which has nerved IIH u containing wall for the explosive forces which Inivo erupted In Lebanon, Iraij nnd Jordan." 4. Pending ii disarmament agreement for tho entlro uri-ii, tho "supplying of arniH to Israeli to Imlance tho.MO which have been nvqulrcd by Arab forces hostile to Israel.'

Ireland Asks for Action United Nations, N. Y., (JTA)— A proposal that the United Na lions make an immediate effort to solve the Israel-Arab problems, as issues that are basic to the peace of the world, was made to the special emergency session of the United Nations General Assembly by Frank Aiken, Foreign Minister of Ireland. Declaring that the Arab refugee problem was "the grentest embittering factor between Israel and her neighbors," and firmly repudiating the Idea that the situation confronting the. Arab refugees was "the r e s u l t of Israel's action alone" Mr. .Aiken proposed that the United Nations undertake n program of guaranteeing full compensation to ail tho Arab refugees.

MdJ-lkog'S § United Nations, N. Y. (JTA)—A resolution emliracing five points of the six-point Middle East program laid before the special emergency session or the VH General Asemljly here last week by Presi>dent Eisenhower was introduced at the Assembly; The resolution omits Eisenhower's proposal dealing with "steps to avoid a new arms race spiral" in the Middle East. The resolution goes one step beyond the Eisenhower proposal by giving Secretary General Daff IlammarskjoUi authority to implement the purposes and inviting him to report hack to the Assembly not later than September 30. The resolution, busing itself on the old "essentials for p e a c e SIHIKI adopted by the United Na. lions in 194!) calls on all member* to "refrain from any threats or acts direct or indirect aimed at impairing the .freedom, indepertdence or integrity of any state, or tormenting' civil strlfp and sub> verting the will of the people of any state." The resolution culls upon all member stales to observe thesi obligations strictly "by word anq deed in relation to the general area of the Middle East." Sponsoring the resolution were Canada, Colombia, Denmark, Liheriaj Norway, Panama and Puraguay, Letters to the President of th0 General Assembly from Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and Foreign .Secretary Selwyn Lloyd w e r e circulated simultaneously" with tlie resolution. Tho letters appeared to be pledges by tin; big two VVostorrt I'mvors to withdraw their forces from Lebanon nnd Jordan U tliU draft resolution Is pussi-il, us no loiijfcr in ss;irj "fin tho main— i wouoeq, wwrgr HE' teiiuiicu of international pwicoand security." Authoritative sources In botli the AuiL-ricun and Britlgh delegations expressed confidence that flu) resolution would com., mund tlio needed two-thirds majority in the Asembly. 1 Noting that Mr. Hammarskjold Gail Shrier, Leannc Trost, Nanalready has studied the possibility cy Brodkey, JMarlys Isaac, and Itabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld, for- of asking the next regular session!' Jerry Frank, members of the mer spiritual leader at Temple of the General Assembly to estabTemple Israel Youth Group will lish a stand-by United Nations Israel, has been named senior peace force, the draft "invites attend a Youth Leadership trainrabbi of Fairmount Temple in Mr. Hammarskjold to continue ing camp at Camp Seymour, DeCleveland, O. He succeeds the late those studies. However, in being catur, 111 from August 24 through requested to study the feasibility Dr. Burnett R. Brickner. August 31. Hdbbi Lelyveld, who will assume of a peuce force, Mr. Hammarsk* jold is given that instruction onljr This year the theme is in honoi of Israel's 10th Anniversary and his new post Octobpi 1, is at pies- in reference to the Arab coun> is called "Israel and America." tries. He would also be instruct* ed by the resolution to study th$ possibility of a "development ln> stitution" to f u r t h e r economic growth, but again, only in th> context of the Arab countries. One of tho proposals nnula Air. Kisenhowor concerned t^ monitoring of radio, transmission* The Workmen's Circle Midwest w h i c h might forincnt conflict, District of Omaha will hold its Thut point is ombrnced in that annual conference Sunday, August part of the resolution which urgat 31, and Monday, September 1, at ull members to refrain from •fothe Labor Lyceum, 3024 Cuming menting' civil strife" by word and Street. The first session will begin deed." Sunday at 10 a. m. In conjunction It was noted here that only on« with tho conference the Lnbor Lymember of the Afro-Asian blofl, ceum will celebrate its 35th anand that one considered of rela* niversary with a banquet, Sunday tivcly minor importance, was will* at 6 p. m. . ing to co-sponsor the draft. That Delegates from the Workmen's country is Liberia. On the other Circle Branch of the Midwest Dishand, t h r e e important Latin* tricts Des Moines, la.; Sioux City American members — Colombia, la.; Denver, Colo.; Lincoln, Nebr, P a n a m a and Paraguay — ar^ Itiibbl Artliur J. Telyveld and Omaha, will attend. There will mong the co-sponsors, indicating he joined by representatives from ent executive vice-president of the a possibility of wide backing from several Omaha organizations at American Israel Cultural Foun- the Latin American group. the Labor Lyceum for the Jubilee. dation. He is a former national diThe Workmen's Circle Dramatic rector of Hillel Foundation. Club choir will entertain at the He was at Temple Israel in banquet with Jewish melodies under the direction of Sam Zwerling. Omaha from 1941 to 1944. Rnbbi Lelyyeld was named presThe arrangements comittee inThe Both Israel Men's Club will cludes Milton Nearcnberg, chair- ident of the Jewish Peuce Fellowman; Max Crounse, Ben Garellck, ship in 1941, and held the post supervise the annual Synagogua. Joe Friedman, Snin Susmnn, as- two years. He served as executive picnic to be held Sunday, August 24 from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. at Bon> sistants. A Gale, regional director of tho Workmen's Circle1 of Chi- director of Common Unity for Pal- son Park. Activities will be trans» cago will be guest speaker and estine 1914-16 and as its national ferred to the park pavilion In casfl of rain. I,. Witkin will be the toastmastcr vlce-chitirman until 1918. of tho banquet. Officers of the A special program of games and Rnbbi Lelyveld Is married to the Midwest District aro L. Witkin, former Toby Booltholtz. The cou- surprises lias boen planned for th» chairman; Morris Goodman, see- ple has three children—Joseph Sa- occasion. Those attending ari retary and Max Crounse, troas- lem, 21; David Simon, 17 and Mi- asked to bring lunched. P6p will be furnished, ' clmel Stephen, 10. urer.

Temple Youth to Attend Conclave

Workmen Circle To Held District

iefh Israel fro Picnic Sunday


Bible In SchoolsA special Goesthree-man to Court court, sitting T~ Published Dvery I'rirtaj by tho r e i l c r a U u n ol Icwisli Service Eecond L'lu&i* Mulllnv I'livilcges Authorized ui 1 Omaha, Nebraska Annual S'-lbSL-rl|)t!on, $4.00. Advvi Using Hairs on Alililiralloa. Editorial or -.cts—101 No li'ith sin-rt, Omaha. Ni/bi. JAilisua KiiiO P r i n t Sin i AciJi-csa <ssus So vriin stu-ct.


Doctors Heatili Program






F.dit,.,r : Arahs. some ,.f I hem local Coin: iiiiuiisl leadei s in A r a h u l l a g e s , : h a w been ai irsli-d and have been : charged by pnliie with having • funned "a inn:;l d a n g e r o u s espioil! a;/e iin-..:'' which was i-'alherin^ | military informalion for the Svr i ;i II ;:(t\ erninent's intelligence



to he speeded to (he I'nited .StatM Supreme Court. The action was broiiyhl. by Mr. Mid Mrs, Kdward I,, ,Schemp[) 'of P.oslyn, incmbers o[ tlia Unitarian Church, and is being fought' by tilt Abincton Township School Board ami the Philadelphia Hoard, Of ^duration. The Sehempps charged that tho Uiljlo rendhi).; regulation violate; the and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution.

The mcilical anil hoalih record ON" Till-: A lit ftt C a m p .lay ('-(' this year was Sunilay, August 'ii tp\w of (hi.1 finest in I he c a m p ' ; isFAB Kternal Light .r)::«l h i s t o r y , .'u-ciiniin'.: to a slnlcni' lit Anioiu,' Iho-.e a r r e s t e d a r e forSIWH unit liactl" iilnci. al III," Mr. I'ltlllp a. in. "Great Words in LiteraKlirr J.viMi HIIIIII/ I T TinAcul li> ^•cleu.-t'il hy l)i-. Daniel Miller. mer t e a c h e r s in A r a b schools, one Katlil Oil.on. ture of the Bible" by Mark Chairman ol the c a m p c o m m i t l i e . teacher who was si ill conductin.^ Van Duron, professor of KngDr. Millei- at I lihiitcd the HICA NEW rilOGHAM: Starling cl.vivs when he was c a u g h t , t h e lisli. Columliia T'nivcrsity and •':•'>•! p . £os.s of the health record attained s e c r e t a r y of the Communist ei'll Ibis fall, classes in Kurdish for Maurice Samuels, author and t h i s y a r . in larue m e a s u r e , to t h 1 H'NAI J A C O B - A D A S in an A r a b u l l a g e . A n u m b e r of adults will be ^ivi-ii a I The Dr. lecturer. profo.-iniial skill anil \ i-ilal ional VKSIII KO.N the a r r e s t e d ni"ii speak Hehrevv PhilipJ-iher ,l<>\vis)i Home For the Iirot;rain «l the local .Ic.vish phyServices at li'nai Jaeoh-Adas (luenlly, some heing g r a d u a t e s of A'.;ed. Anyone In the community bicians. Yeshuron will heinn F r i d a y at l\",()\ H e b r e w hii;h schools a n d several wishing to attend these classes Lioclurs v.-liu served on tin* ("amp p. m. and S a t u r d a y m o r n i n g at < hein;^ .students t the Hebrew I'ni- should call the Home for further PAUL'S information. 1'I.easant "i'SHK Ask J a y I'.-C program this year w e r e : 8:."•<) a. m. with Mincha at €">: 15 ' \Oi -il\' h c i e . RADIO & TV SERVICE for David Orktivv. D a n i e l Miller, llaskell Morris. *' p. in. followed hy Shalosh S'uedos ! l l r a l l i Penalty, I'nssil.le TV CAR RADIO Ihiin Muskin. Maiirice lVpper .M. COl'N'CIL SUMMI-.It HIDKS: RADIO PHONOGRAPH Daily services «:•'«) a. m. and 0: jr. i T | l r , .,,.,.,,^,,,,1 m r l i , ,.„.,.,„ t\\,K i0 Wnldlj'iuni. Irving Slia[)iro, J e r o m e '1'lie^e pvoninj; rides into the coiinIllPAUL GOLDBERG i police, had information r e ^ a r d i n ^ Bleicher. Oscar ("ail.. Abo Fell- I'trysicli.1 Jiave been M'ry popular 4325 No. 54lh St. PL 8598 .... defenfe force, military inmaii, Max Fleishman, Ahe (lit-'ii- j •. j l••-•with our folks. / I M t ^'' ! slalations, air fori'e bases and b e r g , J o e Hnrvvich. H e r m a n .lahr, J , 'UX Wilton Margolin. Sidney Uuhin. | F r i d a y f%ojiiji^ .services, Beth j r a m p s , troop movements, t h e lo- \ HIKUR C'lKJLIM PLANNINC: Israel, beyin at 7 p. in.; Saturday j eatioti of anti-aircraft r,uns. and 'J'lie liiRur Cholim Soeicly is pliinAUGUST SALE P r . Miller expressed his; a p p r o - j morning, .8:45 JI. in, and .Junior other vital informalion. They will nin).; several new programs this ciatibn t o the j;roup for their p r o - ! Conerosjatiun ]() a. in. Saturday: be tried under Section Nine of the year. Details later. fessional assistance. I Minoha, 7 p.. m. follouod by S h a - i S t a l e Security Law the only KIDDl'SH: Mr. ami Jlrs. Henry ! losh S'eudos and Maariv. ckui-r 1 in Israeli law that p e r m i t s Fisher are jnviii^ Hie Kiddish this j Sund-iy morning services (jei'i.'i : the d e a t h penalty for tho e con- Salurday in memory of Cv Silver. Selection Unlimited i at ,H:ir> a. m. followed hy b r e a k - | vicleil. SCHMALTZ SALI-J: j)o you j fast and a Hiblo study class led i need chicken fat for The HoliI hy Italihi Henjamin flrfiiier.' D a i l y ' days? We ha\e a supply prep.-tiedj Hebrovv Mcsnuscripfs i s:er\ice at 7 a. in. and 7 p. m. ' by our cook, Kebecca /.ebrack. M r -inil Mrs Will IJIIHUII and j T h e weekly Tallinn! class m e e l - : Pui on Microfilm f'onlact. ^lr. Orkosv or Mrs. 7.r;i ( v w sons'-NVil" iiml how? •"•'' "'> ' > ' 'i''>(>s<.1:.y evenin-.; at 7 p. in. j biaclt. New Yoik (.ITAi Dr. Abra- I S « trip in Minni'sola. !! a. and Hurt Strcels «>•,' llwifllh tin : ham 1. Kalsrh, chairman of the ; j yoyne and services are held the]of Hebrew Studies i Mr. and Mis. Sam .Stoiiff have! on Salurday nioriiin^ at '.) a. in. |:• alDepartment FARHAM AT 36Mi Holidays ami Festivals New York 1'nivei sity, has re- ! vaca- ; - •• • returned from a two two v,week's < .Mi,ii. a n i l T l m r H . N i l i H T i l l , iiroduced on microfilm, for t h ' i Rosh Hashanah lion spi.-nt al Miami He: eh, Kla. : TK.MI'l.l-; 1S1CA10L Sunday ni;.;ht Sept. 14 first time, about 'iOO extremely I Services Mill k." held Ibis Monday Sept. 15 Mr. anil Mrs. Arnold I.asser of il:iy e'.enin;; al 7::',l) p. in. in the | valuable Hebrew manuscripts and j Tuesday Scpl. 1(5 ! fragments now at Hie Hun^.ariaii ! Kew I'.ochelle. N. V., fomier <)ina- Temple Chapel. Kahbi Sidney ] Academy of Sciences. ', Yom l\iiijnir hans. an- visilin;.; M.-. i,as.;ers l'.rooks will oltieiale and il'-l Tuesday- ni';hf Sept. 2'i \ The materials, lx.-luii'r;ii:i; to til-- j parents. Mr. :m;l ^li'". Aarmi l.r- ri sermonel le.


€> ClotEi Cocafs


In the News

\lrir. W'illi them a l e tlir-ir d.:ii;;liters, Wendy and Marilyn. Mrs. BKTII ML Sabbath Lassi r. is the former UH'IK": •'''•

Wednesday S<'|it. 2\ j Kaufman ('oHeetion, ,are parl of a Succolh I larger c-oUection found at the end Sunday night -Sept. 21-i ! of tho J'JIli Century in an old syn- j Monday Sept, '><> j aj,'OKtie in Cairo. According to Dr. Tuesday- Sept. MO Katseh, who studicil the material Shmini Atzeres in Budapest, the collection will Sunday night October 5 h'lp shed linht on Bible studiesMonday Oclulk'r f> relatcMl to the early Christian era. Simchas Torah Monday night October (j Icgci in Kfar Iluni'rh.


sc;r\ices will 1«' held ^ ' ' i Friday at 7 p. in. Sabbath iiiorn'm;: Mr. ami Mrs. Hen <iol(lstrnin i .services will liOKin at !):H0. Tho Will leave Monday for a week's 1I Mineha-Maai iv' Service will b":;in stay in Chie:t^i> where they wilij! nt 7 p. m. ion Friday, August visit with friends ;,iid relative- I 2'.)th, il will be at (!;1,1 p. in.< They will be accompanied hy their j Daily services during the week sons, M a r k and Larry. i are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. 'J'lie -.. ' • .-i Sunday, morning ser\ice .will h e ! Mr. and Mrs. Myi'r I-in<ia Hollywood. Fla., former Oiiiahans, I RrP guests at the home of Mr, ami Mrs. Herbert Torlies and family. Invitations have been -issued to The visitors are the parents of !all captains by the various groups

Heth \'.\ S


Scb (Subby) Fulvcccnlo

25 Years' Experienco With Jewish Lettering and Memoridlj AT 2452

2211 So. 8th

To dzpmhs for Hadbsscsh Tea

All friends and rclalivi'S are Iin Hadassah who are actively eninvited to attend services mid gaged in Hailassah Medical Organreceptions. 7*lrs. Max IJrt'sImv return' 1 Ailization and Vocational Kducation gust 14 after spending ;.. veral . . . .| KOBEHT M. Hl'STON to attend a tea at tin; home of weoks in I.os Angeles, Chi., visit-' ,"\fr. and Mrs. i'aul A. Huston cjf Mrs. Hyman Belinan, 930G Douging her daughter and son-in-law, Denver, Colo., announce the Bar las nn Monday, Aufjust 25 at. ]2::iO j Mr. anil Mrs. Norman K. Chiida- Milzvah of their .son, Kobort Mai- p. in. Working with the chairman; • W)ff, her biiither Dave Sloboilisky thias, Monday, Seiitember 1st at ami their captains are Mrs. David and other ri'lativcs. Accompanying B('lli El Synagogue, at !i a. m. Brodkey as Fiind-iiaisjni; coordinher were her daughter llarrielle Robert Ruston is the graniison ator and Mrs, Max C.-inar us Play- j liinl Mm, Arnold. of Mrs. M. F. Levenson. hifj Group chairman. Mrs.


RAM ISAKICU Funeral services fur Sam Raker, father of Mrs. M. L. Kuback and Abe Baker, were held August 15 in Sioux City, la. ; Mr. Kaker, who dw'd August 35 is also survived by his wife, .Sylvia and two other daughters, Mrs. Louis Cohen anil Mrs. I. Wilt kin, sll of Sioux City, seven grandchildren and eight great grandchildren. BAVII) COIIKN' * Funeral services for David Co. hen, 71, of 5019 Davenport St., who died Friday' wore held Sunday morning at ISurkcl Chapel. Hurial .was in Pleasant Hill cemetery. Surviving is a son, Raymond Cori;y, a brother and three grandchildren.



A monument will be dedicated In memory of Morris A. Winfroub Sunday, August 24 at 11 a. in. at Jvlount Sinai Cemetery. P^abbi P>onjamin Groncr will officiate. A marker will be dedicated in memory of Berthold RoEcnthal, £unday, August 24th at 10 a. m. Qt Beth El Cemetery. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will officiate. Friends 6nd relatives nre invited to be present, : ; ' ' .

3028 Cumfng Street

Invites You to Worship With Its Congregation " During the High Holy Days Services Conducted by Our Spiritual Leader, Rabbi Nathan Fcldman

Assisted by Rev. J. Jcnowski

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ue i

I'nai Jacob Adas Yesfiuron


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(and family)

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Trhlay, August 22, 1058



Barbara Nogg Engaged |To Dean E. Frankel

or and about Irsde Su

\[ l\ i J*




.Mr. and .Mrs. lOrm :.l A r t l n i r • l i l i a i e d u-illi Alpha ICpsilon P h i So;.;;; have aiiiiouneed 1 lie eii';n;;e-j s o r o r i t y . J ler fiance, son of M r s . iiient o f their rlaui;htei', Miss l i a r - ' i j a r r y A. Ki'ankel, is a e;-;:(!uate bii'a K a y , In Dean Kliis I' j o f ('reij;hl(»i t y u i \ c r s i l y w in.-re he The brii|e-lo-l)i> i i i l e l l ' l e i l J l l d i - : U a s a lllelllljer of Delta Si).;ii)a J'i uia University when she was n f - j a n d Mela Alpha Psi, Ihe l a t t e r an ~• • • • j honorary organization.

JlruoU.s of Tt'iupiV J-ii'af-l oflit-iat'(I A irn'iilion ;it Ihi! 'I'own I Inn r<i!l'n\v<l 1 lie I'i'i'rniojiy. Tho bride's |;o«n <>i" rnibi'iiiiicrci puri.- silk was sUlril with a liouftaut, sl-iiit. ;tiul shallow neckline A crown triinnieil with orair' 1 Sidney IIIDSMIHIS iielil a lin.^ei'tip l'Yench illusion veil and the Ijiidi- c.-u J n <I .tf a I'.'iniily hihle covered v.ilh a svliilc orchid and .stephanotis

Mirhuel l i . Sul/maii were m u i i e d .Sunfl.iy in ,'i ;.;,inl"ii ee.vninuy ;il 1h" IKIIIH- ipf tli«v liriili '-•; ]j:'ivn1s, Mr. iiiii! Mi'--. Ili'niy M. (iiTi'ii]»•!•;. li.iblii Mjrr Ki ijiki' of IX'lli i:i

jOrkows Hosts !aiOpen House

A I), ( i m b i i

Miss FaSken Wed in'Bluffs Synagogue

.She was allciulcil by Mrs. Jor oine I,'. Mi-lrosi", nialion of honof Amy Lcljowitz of Austin, Tex., \ is flower ejri. Tlic biidc^roiini, the am of Ml and Mrs. Isel I. Sul/man chose his brother, David Sol/man ;is h<">l num. I'sliors were .fustin Kreenl)ei'K, Iji'other <)f the bride and Sheldon Harris. Kollowlrif! the receplion. the couple- loft on a trip to Banff mil I.alto Alia., Canada. They will be at. Inline after September 15 jit Dartmouth folle;:e, Hanover, N. I I . , vvlicre the hiideirroiini will attend graduate school.

Page Three



Hugo Kahns Traveling on West Coast

wrildillf,' is being


Heth Ki ael S\n,i ui MH' HI < <i ini il Illulls \, is tlir ' , i in nl 11K Suiul i\ I S I niii'< \,i ihlip" o| Misi I lame I' 11U< n d i n f i l l " ! ol Mi and Mi I'lulip K ill e I Comic d U l i i l i , .HHI .l.u k l!( i u oil Oi in li, son of Mi and Mis AIW'M Orueh Kihbi D.iMii K I I I I I officiileil A Hiejilion in I lie ' j n i ; o ' u e social hall Jollowul tiie <ei['inon} ' i l l . ' hiule's y;tm n 61 io>eponit Luc and tulle o\ei satin fcituied an I'.li/.ihi'lli.iii hodiee and hniiffunl sliiil A fni(;eitip illusmn Mil was eau'^hl by a half h i t of l.ue The biide eauied a eiM'.tcie of steplunutis eenfeied v i t h a


— John Kalina Photo. Itiiritura K n y X O K K

Second Rush Party

Mr. and Mrs, !lii!.;o Kahn who Klennor Roosevelt B'nai Hrith were inarl'ied Ain;us( 10 in I'ul(Jnl, will b.ive • Punic Fever" for ; i : •• i > Jctiti Kallnu Photo. \ersily (,'ily, Aln., will make their the I hen ID of their second summer ?.Irs. MlHfael Hnl/.lll:ill rush party. This event wlil be held liuni:1 in Omaha after a trip to the al the home of Arlene Grossman, Mr. and .Mrs. ])avid f)rkow will West Coast. "iSO'l Pine SIieel, August 27, at 6 be host-; at an ojien house, SaturThe bride, the former Sandra li. in. BUS day, Air.411-,1 .'!0 at their resilience. Kay Kadloff, is the daughter (if B Cull Mr. and .Mrs. Kdward M. Kailloff 7021) Burl Street. Dinner will lie .served at eij;hl of 1'niveiMly CiJy, Mo., anil the and will he preceded by cuCktail', biid"i;rooni, the .son of Mr. ami at seven. Xo imitations ba\e bi'-'n Mrs. lidward Kahn. i^' lied, The bride's' wedding f,'o\vn was Ml, '/.'mil Temple, Siotiv Falls, f,i;liiou"il of C'liantllly laeo. Slie .''. I'., was tb" settin;: Sunday, AuV.'ore a Juliet cap r.moeked with l.u.'.l II) of a i-.indleli.'hl ceremony tiny seed pearls which held a fin3 Vi bedrooms, Spanijh tile roof, in which Mi:,, Virginia Tuiche;i, gertip veil of imported illusion. —E. W. Arnold PhDlo. heated double garage; on beauti('aimhter of .Mr. and Airs. .Ma\ '• .Mrs. Jack IScrnanl Orui-li .Miss Susan Kadloff of Univerfully landscaped 175' lot. Drive fay Turchen, Sioux . KalK S. I)., he-, sity City was her sister's maid of .•.ill:- the hiide of IMar.-hall Heclcthis lovely homo today, 2312 N. The Omaha Section of the Na- honor and Mrs. Sol Sliss, sister of while orchid oil :i Hible. Mrs. .Gordon Klcwitz, San An- 55ffi St. RoKred owner w a n t s er. sou of Mr. ami Mr.':, M O I T U : tional Council of Jewish Women Ihe bridegroom was matron of : toniii. Tex., wns malron of honor llecker. Oflieiatint; were Rabbi will hold its animal Overseas ilfsquick i d l e ! . Submit offer.. Homo, honor. Miss Shirley Millstone of for h e r brother's bride, liriilesKu;^en« Ililislunaii and ('anl'ir sei I luncheon anil musical in the will bo sold by Sepf. I . Cat! Katie-; University City was bridesmaid. maids, were Ihe. Musses 1'liyllis 'riieodore (ireenbei •• ('hiea"O t h e ! Black.lone Hotel ballroom Thursman, C A 1 700— W A 4970. Joseph K'alm, Milwaukee, Wis.. Sokolof, Des Moines, ]a.' and Carlallei i |'M it tun li of 111 hi I le ! day, .September I I , a l ll!:.';0 p. 111. was best man for his brother. Ush- ole Frank. ,• . •:•• •".;..••• •'.• I room Shown By Appointment Mines. Vale Trust in, Sherman ers were David Bclzer, Martin l.i\i n in ni i n la ( h\ IK I 1 illiei The bridefjnionvw'.i.s attended by .SperliiiK and Ernest Winlrotib are j NearenberK, Jack Stiss and Steve 1 .'-' In idt \* s it I u i d in i • o\' l Stanley Widhinn, n.s best'mail, iii-ehalrnieu in charge of arrange- ! Snil/er, the. latter of University I,.' antique .ilk S (|Uin i ulhioi Ushers were Mr. Kle.vvify. and ments and ticket sales. i f ' i t y . ' ..••.• *'"ri (I l o | omt I n e t \tc ml( d into Steven Kalkon, broihcr of the Realtors Builders Speaker of the day will be Mrs. i I I uili Is IIU'I I n ' ' houhli 1 111 Omahans who attended the wed- bride, Norman Garrop and Mycr Charles llyncs of Minneapolis, 1st ding were Messrs, and Mines. Leo- Cohen, the latter of Lineoln, Nehr. Vice-president of the National pold Levy, Waller (iuttlict), Sid- were eandeli^lilors. Council, and past president of the | ncy Kwialek, Nathan Fercr iind Afti'r a wedding trip lo. Ihe FOR THE FINEST . . . Minneapolis section of Council. I Mrs. Isadore Si IKS. Hl.-ick Hills andColni'ado, .Mr. and IN PHOTOGRAPHY Mrs, ()rueh will live in Lincoln where they will continue their Portraits studies al Ihe University of Ne^Weddings braska.


(Is M4e. Mm leefer



Council Planning Overseas Lunch


Miss Epstein Weds lowan p

Mr. anil .Mrs. "Norman .Sij-;t;l left 1 tin a tii[i to Sail Francisco, Cab, and I,as Vet;a.s, New, following their ucddinj; early Sunday evenin;; at Beth Israel Syna',;o;',ue. The ceremony was performed by Kabbi Hi.'njamin ("inner, assisted by Cantor Eli Ka;;an. The bride, Ihe former Harriet Jean Epstein, is Ihe ilau!;hler o i l Mr. and Mrs. Morris Epstein anil the bridegroom, Hie son of "Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sigel of Otlumwa, la. The bride was downed in silk Mirrslcill Keeker bombazine ijraced willl~imporlPil Alencon lace. Her triple tier finfiii.'d bodice, made with a scoop scalloped neckline .and the tiouf- ;;erlip veil of illusion was held by faill skirl which fell into a chapel a Juliet, eap of ser|iiins and seoil train were enhanced with nialcli- [H'arls. She carried a prayer book ill.-; laee and se(|iiin trim. Her fin- with a while orchid and stephagertip '.eil was attached to a nolis. ii",'idpiccc of .seed pearls and se- Mrs, A rn Id Stcrenberg was mai|llins. She carried a bible anil a Iron of honor. Bridesmaids were lihouer spray of white orchids and the Misses Kilccn Kpslein, llarrielfe Hreslow and Bctto litcpl^rnot is. For her daiie,hii:r's ueddin;; Mrs. Itedinan, the latter of OUuniwa. Jerry Sigol of Ottumwa, was Ttirchcn chose a ;;iiun of c;rny l.inine trimnied wtill lace and or- his brother's best mnn. Usliei-s |;anza. Mrs. Becker was gowned were the bride's brother, Gary .Epin ashes of roses ori;anzu over stein nnd Arnoh| Siijel and Jack Itedman, lattor two of Otlumwa. )nce, Larry Epstein, cousin of the bride Follow-in;; the reoplion in the was soloist. Temple Hall I lie eouple left for A buffet dinner and dance was 11 weddim; irij) In Vecas, Nev., held In the synagogue social.hnll. mid California. The couple will Ilvo In Iowa Mr., and Mrs. Hecker will*make th;'ir home in Omahii followitif; City where Mr. &igol is a junior Mi*. Hacker's .service with the Air student at tho University of Iowa National Quart! for three months. College o£ Medicine.

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Page Four

Friday, August 22, 195s

By MILTON I'UIEDMAN (Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) Washington—Jewish organizations are studying possible implications of a White Houso snub o£ New York (JTA i- Nearly 500 leading scientists, engineers and tfclinicians from all parts of the United States will meet in New Jlear Admiral flyman G. Kickover, the nuclear genius who cave America the first atomic submarine. York in October for intensive discusions designed 1o strengthen the Admiral Rickover, son of an immigrant Jewish tailor, was not asked to participate in the White peaceful development of tlie Middle East, it was announced today by House ceremonies honoring the trans-polar cruise of the Rickover-built submarine "Nautilus." The snub David Rose, president of the American Technion Society. of the Jewish officer was so obvious that Commander W. R, Anderson of the "Nautilus" went directly from the White House to Admiral PJckover's office in the neurby navy building. He paid his personal The American Teehniun Society, » composed of more than 11,000 sci- man, said that the Conference will respects. An uproar erupted in Congress. The New York Times and other publications recalled indications entists, engineers a l l l i industrial- be devoted to four principal areas ists throughout the United States, of study. There are: 1. The De- of anti-Semitism in the Navy's resistance to Admiral PJckover's promotion. A nation elated to see the supports the Tedinion-Israel In- velopment of Kncrgy Sources; 2. Russians out-distanced in a vital area of military science was indignant over the slight to the man restitute of Technology, in Haifa. The Conservation of Soil ami Wii- sponsible. Society ia sponsoring tlie tor; .'I Planning for industrial The White House claimed it de"Conference on Scienc; and Tech- Development; -1. Planning fur So- cided not to invite the Admiral Clinton P. Anderson, New Mexico neclicut Republican, took excepcial Development. nology for the Peaceful IJevelopbecause there was insufficient Democrat, has made known thai tion to the Navy's assertion that .ent of Israel and the Middle space. However,' there was ade- the Joint Congressional Atomic it was too "pre-occupied" with ast" which will open on October Energy Committee has already quate room for many other offi- discussed Admiral Rickover'n sta- other considerations to remember •11th at the Hotel Statler in Newcers and scores of reporters. York. to invite Admiral Rickover. He tus with the Navy. Benjamin Cooper, noted indus"In tho past, the okl guard at- said Congress was not "too preNavy Serretary Apologized trial management authority, who Congress boiled even hotter. tempted to force this man out of occupied" to honor the man who is serving as Conference chairSecretary of tin? Navy Gates the Navy," said Sen. Anderson. developed the world's first atomic By Boris Similar submarine and " bold, Imsntl'KISAN TENSIONS: The apologized and siiid the Navy "Congress saved him before and aginative program in both weaptensions developing among various overloked Admiral Rickover when it Is my hope that, if necessary, onry and peaceful uses of atomic religious groups in present day it submitted its list. Belatedly, Ihe Congress can save him again." energy is a monumental achieveAdmiral Rickover got in trouble ment." suburbia are beginning to attract Navy secretary praised Admiral the attention of major Jewish or- Rickover's "unique" contribution by showing his superiors u better Achievement .Medal Jerusalem UTA> - A lengthy ganizations engaged in combatting to ihe development of the "Nauti- way of doing things. He proved Twenty-one .Senators joined in anti-Israel article by one of them wrong. He got results. And bias . . . The heated issues which lus." The snub was nothing new for he was n Jew. Such are the rea- co-sponsoring a bi-partisan bill to 12 Russian Jews who constituted n a v 0 in\aded the cool suburbs the first organized tourist group j onK ,nnte fI(im ihe fact flint Ameri- Admiral Rickover. In 11152 he was sons given by the most reliable award Admiral Rickover a special from the Soviet Union, published c n n s ,,r various religious, social designatd by then Navy Secre- non-Jewish sources within the m e d a l in recognition of his In a Moscow evening paper, led and ethnic backgrounds were tary Kimball as having accom- Navy itself for tlie top-level preju- achievements in "successfully directing the development and con• Israel, charge that brought into close living relations plished "the most important piece dice. struction of the world's first nucpublication of such articles was ( _ rj,, m a n v is.siies, the differ- of development work in the hisKellance on Science. lear-powered ships and tlie first, the main reason the Soviets had | Pm .,, s a r 0 resolved by healthy give- tory of the Navy." He was creditSen. Henry M. Jackson, Demopermitted the group to visit Israel, j a n d-take, but on others, Ihe ed "more than any individual" crat of Washington, noted that large-scale nuclear power reactor The nrtlele, reported at length! dashes bring bitterness and ten- with building the atomic sub- Admiral Rickover is important as devoted exclusively to production In most Israel .iitilics, described sion . . . Tlie American Jewish marine for the United States. Bui a symbol because of the growing of electricity." the alleged suffering of ni'W Im- Cumittee has embarked on a proj- the Navy .selection board never- reliance of the Armed Forces on migrant!* »"<1 IniiiKiimry l'»"g ect which aims to reduce the im- theless refused to promote Rick- scienffic progress. Tho Senator over, then a captain, to the rank causes of friction . . . The queue* In front of the Soviet Km- mediate ... _ . said "we certainly cannot have bassy of former KHMNIIIII Jews try- project consists of a study, to be of Rear Admiral. If tmpromoted, conformists doing great things. Navy regulations w o u l d have RUG & UPHP'STERY Ing to arrange for thi'lr "return conducted by .Columbia UniverThe services have to demonstrate to the homeland." sity's Teachers College, to iden forced his retirement. that there is a place for the eggCLEANERS Tlie Iserael dailies also asserted tify and alleviate some of tlie probPromotions Held Cp head in uniform." that the fact that, the Soviets con- lems confronting suburban comRep. Sidney R. Yates, Illinois RUGS—CARPETING Rep. James T. Patterson, Considered it necessary to send a munities-today . . . The study will Democrat, is a Navy veteran of LAMP SHADES group of Jews to Israel and to center mainly on the suburban Jewish faith. In ll>5.'i Rep. Yales FURNITURE publish such "reports" was an school systems, since if is felt tliat led a fight in the Rickover case Indication.that the desire of Rus- they are likely to be accurate that resulted in the Senate Armed Cleaned In Your Homol sian Jews to emigrate to Israel barometers of pressures in tlie Services Committee holding up suburban atmosphere . . . In fact, promotion of other naval officers continued undiminished. Binding • Laying - Repairing many of the school systems there to force a N a v y explanation. Don Bernstein HA 255< are in themselves highly charged Finally, the Navy agreed to prostorm centers . . . Ever present mote Rickover to Rear Admiral. are the questions of religious-dif-I Soon Admiral Rickover will be ferenees, holiday observances and Larry Knhn, son of Mr. and .Mrs. the scope of religion's proper role faced again with this same problem. Under Navy regulations he p g Sam Kohn and Jerry Goldstrom. \ In a must retire in .10(10 unless he is son of Mr and Mrs. Bernard G Ooldin the public schools l d 'i number of communities the Board strom aie members of the Omaha of Kdueation tends to vote along promoted to Vice Admiral. Sen. group attending a Junior Red religious linen whenever conflictCross I.e.'dci ship Training Camp ing issues are raised . . . In one at Columbus, Nebr., August 17-2.1 suburb, for example, a controversy "Mr. and Mrs. Bowling' The boys nre officers of the Jun- over whether to expand a public The "Mr. and Mrs. Mixer Bowlior Red Cross at Central High school or to build a parochial ing League" will start bowling on school. school, divided not only the com- Sunday, September 21 at 9 p. m. munity and its leaders, but the at the"Forty Bowl. Couples interArab Restricfidns Clergy as well . . . In another, a ested may contact F.llie Schloff. Jerusalem <JTA>--As Israel's near riot developed at a school RE 5287; I.ibby Kaplan, WA 6202 security situation improves, there board meeting called to consider or Ruth Kraft, WA 8786. will be a corresponding reduction the advisability of presenting a Patronize Our Advertisers of mihtaiy government in the Christmas play . .. Thus, tlie pubArab areas of the country and its lie schools, traditionally regarded eventual abolition, according to as the most effective place for the Israel Foreign Ministry. promoting understanding among The report stated that there children, are now—more often were 213,000 Arabs jji Israel of than not -chief sources of con- l'hone JA t a d to trwert you: Want At ORDER YOUR HOLIDAY POULTRY NOW! Th« Jowi.ili PrMJ. Whom 47,000 were listed as Chris- flict in the suburban communi- •n Current rate 1B W) cent* foi tacli font line Inner-lion. Tin I'rcjii reserves tho rlctit tians anrl 31,000 as Drw.e, the re- ties . . . to limit nlzp ol each ti(lv«rt!scnn*nt mainder being Moslems. While (Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) Turkeys—Dudes—Geese—Chickens NEW YEAR'S CARDS the Druze are being called up for BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratucompulsory national service, just Koiher killing of poultry by Rabbi" Boruch Wolfson on ." lations also for all Jewish holias are members of the Jewish popdays and special occasions. ulation, tlie Arabs serve only as Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Sundays. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge volunteers. Kasruth by Rabbi N. Feldman Bonn (JTA)--Dr. "Herta Ober- Practical Nursing—Day or Night hauser, a woman physician who Duty for bedridden and convalwas convicted of war crimes at LIVE FISH AVAILABLE escent patients. Call Mrs. Betty Nuremberg in 1917 and reinstated Hirsch, 612 No. 47th St., GL as a doctor by West German au4138. Free Delivery COUNCIL SPONSORING thorities, lost her physician's li•JMK. ASh MRS. BOWIJNO* cense this week after a protest by CIRCUMCISIONS -call Rev. A. 1445 No. 19*h St. AT 7010 The Mr. and Mrs. Bowling a British medical leader. Diamond, Mohel. WA 5554 or League sponsored by the Council Dr. Oberhauser was sentenced WE 3899. of Jewish Women on Thursdays, to 20 years for torturing and kill8 p. m. at the Ranch Bowl an- ing Jewish women victims at the CLARA RANDALL PLACEMENT SERVICE. For Practical Nurses nounces it has a few openings Ravensbruck concentration camp and Practical Domestics. Call available. Interested couples may and was released after five years. WE 5217. call GL 9304. The league season Following her reinstatement, she begins September 4. had practiced medicine near Kiel. Wanted -DAY WORK by young woman. Can Furnish References. (3OVIKTS l'KOTKST ISKAKM'S Births Call AT 9255. FKESKNCE IN SYNAGOGUES and Arranged tho Luxurious Way Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alloy anJerusalem (JTA)—The, Chief as Only Wanted—DAY WORK—Cleaning nounce the birth of a daughter, Rabbinate has received several and Ironing. Can furnish referletters from Moscow protesting Rochelle Ann on August 14. They ences. Call HA 7984. the attendance of members of the have another daughter, Wendy Israeli Embassy staff there at re- Susan. Good Housekeeping, 2 yrs., $3.98 Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Omaha's Loading Artificial 'Decorator! —ligious services in the Moscow Harper's Bazaar, 22 mos. . . $5.98 Harry Noodell and Mr. and Mrs. synagogue. Can Do I* House Beautiful, 2 yrs. . . . 56.00 Morris Abramson. Mrs. Bella NooThe letters were- seen here as dell is the maternal great grand- Town nnd Country, 22 mos. $8,50 Ploaie call our expert staff at opening guns of a campaign to mother. Sat. Eve. Post, 60 wks. . . . 54.79 .• bar the Israeli diplomats from the JA 5656 for Free Estimates and Ladies Home Journal, 22 mos. .synagogue, in an effort to discourLt. and Mrs. Howard Silberman $3.85 Unusual .Decorator't I d e a s." Ask age Soviet Jews seeking to emi- of Monterey, Cal., announce the Time, 78 weeks $7.87 for Bob Schiller, Bernio Petors or grate to Israel. The Soviet-author- birth of a son, Cary Jay, on Au- Sports Illustrated, 65 weeks, .$6.87 Marion Cipinko. ities, it was said, were now ap- gust 3rd. Mrs. Silberman is the Call your order or mail it to Mrs. parently compelling Jews to par- former Elinor DeKoven, daughter S. J. Horwich, 5539 Pacific St. 407 SO. 15TH ST. JA 5656 ticipate in this campaign. of Rabbi and Mi';. Ralph DeKoven. WA 3957.


Between You and Me

Soviet Tourists Attack Israelis


Boys Attend Red Cross' Workshop

1 Doctor Loses to Practice

Have Your Planter Filled

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