August 29, 1958

Page 1


17,.i v v v v i No. TJ.. 00 rn Published every Friday, 101 N 120th, Vol. XXAVI O m u | l a .Nebraska, pjiona JA 13G0


1ST Fit It A OKA

As of August 21, J95» Tho following are current reports from divisions in tho 1!)"»8 Omnlia Jewish Philanthropies Campaign: 1958 Total Division To Data Initial Gifts $341,610.00 Mon's Division 12,.mOO Women's Division 6! ,607.34 13. & P. Unit 3,410.50 Children's Division ^. 1,738.'J5 High School Division I,17h23 University Division ." -100.00 Organizations 2,4-18.75 Miscellaneous 1,452.00


Soviet Subs to Join UAR Fleet


Entered uu Second-Class Mutter at Post- Annual Itute 4 Dollars o f f | c e O m u t l ( t f N u brasku, under Act of 1870 SlnKlo Copy 10 Cents

feolda Meir Finds-

London (JTA)—The four oceangoing Russian submarines which passed through the Straits of Dover last week were en route to join the United Aral) Republic fleet, Informed Uritish sources reported. They said that the submersibles which were accompanied by a submarine depot ship, are among Ibe most modem in the Tel Aviv (JTA)--Returning from a three-week tour of Europe's world. capitals, Foreign Minister Golda Meir reported that It was far easier British sources were inclined to on this trip to explain Israel's position in relation to Middle East believe they were destined for the developments than during previous contacts with Western leaders. Gulf of Ai|alm and-the Persian Among tho men with whom she (Julf.They added that while Rusc o n f e r r e d on this trip were: sian technicians were on the subFrench Premier Charles ds Gaulle marines, part of the crews were • Total to Date S425.932.29 Egyptian. and his Foreign Minister Maurice Couve de Murville; Italian Premier Amintore Fanfani, and BritThe ranks of the Omaha Jewish ish Foreign Secretary S e l w y n Youth Council will include two Lloyd. new clubs this year with the reNation's Stability n Factor cent organization of the Kdward Two major factors made it Rosen ("F.diar") chapter of Jerusalem (JTA)—Israel has npent one billion dollar* In its ten A. easier to explain Israel's stake, The first Omaha Business and years of existence? to build mid cijiill) Its armed services, Finance Min- B'nai B'rith and the Ronu chapter she said: Israel's stability in a Professional group of Brandels ister I.evl Kslihnl told tlm oponlnff session of the first International of AZA. restless area and her military and University will be installed early Israel Uond conference ev«r li«ld in Jerusnloin. Threw hundred and Members of both groups have socio-economic strength. Problems Sunday afternoon at the Blaek- fifty delegates -from the (.'nltiid States, Cnnnda and Latin America devoted a good portion of the which even a year ago seemed unsummer vacation to planning prostone hotel. The organization will nro at lending. grams and activities for the com-explainable to foreign statesmen be the guests oMhe senior chapter Mr. F-shkol said that in the abing season, it was revealed by are now readily accepted. From at a 32:30 p. m' luncheon. sence of ditch sources of funds as their presidents, Roni Meyers of this experience, she said, she had Mrs. Hymnn Ferer, national the bond organization, Israel flow. deducted thai Israel must increase Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz, execuboard director, who will conduct would not have been able to push tive vice-president of the Israel "Kdiar" and Justin Ban of Ronu. both her economic nnd military the Installation cremmw will her economic development at Its Bond Organization, reported that Tin; girls group lias already held strength and the stronger and a bake sale and a rush party and piesent pace because of the tre- in its seven years of existence the are looking forward to many oth- more stable she becomes the more mendous needs of the defense es- bond drive had netted Israel $347,- er activities. obvious this vvill be to the world. tablishment. "Israel bonds," be 640ioO0—one-third of the total Is- Ronu,- the name of the AXA Meeting With Cabinet said, "enabled us to press forward rael budget for development pur- group, the boys report, is a deriv- Mrs. Meir was met at the air\ulh development while we used poses during that period. Iru liull- ative of the Hebrew word mean- port by diplomats, officials of the our own resources for our se- den, New York Jewish leader who ing happines and gaiety. Foreign Ministry and government presided over the opening session, Teenagers lire invited to join leaders. She went to Jerusalem j etirity." Tim I''inanr« Minister said that reported that &>i,000,000 worththese groups or any of the Youth for a meeting of the Cabinet to Hie crucial problems faced by Is- of bonds -had already been sold Council clubs. Additional infor- present her detailed report. rael in Hie past would lie over- this year toward a.goal of $75,-mation may be obtained by conshadowed by even graver prob- 000.000. tacting the president of a club lems in llio near future. lie noted or the Youth Council office. that the Kgyptian-doiiiliiated Aral) alliance Is increasing in strength while arms pour Into the neighDiscrimination against: Jews boring Arab slates in an unabated seeking employment in firms Washington (J'J'AI -The .Senate has voted to grant, a Federal owned by non-Jews is "a wideCharier lo tho Jewish War VelB'naf B'ritli erans' spread problem" in this area, acNational Memorial Shrine A dessert luncheon will mark A meeting will be held Monday, which is located in Washington. the season's opening, meeting for cording to a report submitted here September H at 8:15 p. m. at the Sen. Uourke B. Hickenloopcr, members of the Federation of to a state commission investiJewish Community Center to or- Iowa Republican, spoke in opposi- Jewish Women's Clubs al Ibe gating the status of civil rights in ganize (t new B'nai IVrith group tion to (he charter but the meas- home of its -president, Mrs. Mike Ohio. Mrs. Julia iM. Jacobs for young married women, All in- ure, passed despite his object ion. Freeman, 5-119 Western Avenue, The evidence of discrimination .speak on the progress of Brandeis terested persons are invited to at- It has already been passed by the Thursday, September 4 nt, 12:45 was submitted to Gov. O'Neill's University during the 'last ten tend. House? p. m. Advisory Commission on Civil years. • Rights by tile Jewish Community The Business and Professional Relations Council of Cincinnati. Croup will be headed by Mrs. Testimony submitted'' by the Julia Jacobs, president; Miss Jane Jewish group notnd thut religious Kohl, first vice president; Mrs. discrimination In employment U Marion Bondarin, second vice presoften practiced subtly, sometime* . ident; Miss Dorothy Roscnthal, taking the forms of hiring Jews treasurer; Mrs. Carl I.ngman, secwithin only certain departments retary nnd Miss Evelyn Levey, of u firm, as \v«ll ns denial of recording secretary. ••"'* . eijual promotional opportunities. Mrs. Frances Greenberg was It was noted that the reluctance ' chairman.of the nominating comof aggrieved job applicants to mittee. Mrs. Bernhardt Wolf, lodge formal complaints has tendpresident of the senior chapter ed to obscure the extent of diswill serve us advisor to the group, crimination. Information was also ciled which indicated .that- tha presence of Fair Employment Practice'laws tends to substantially decrease the frequency with which job applicants are quesUnited Nations, N. Y. (JTA)-~ tioned about their religious affiliaUnited Nations Secret nry General tion. . •. . Bag Hannnarskjold indicted he may "drop in" to Jerusalem to 'consult with the Israel Government during his trip in the Middle East to cany out the provisions of the. Arab League resolution adopted unanimously by the emerLondon (JTA) — Britain has gency session of the UN General started construction of port inAssembly. stallations at a cost of 2,500,000 "However," Mr. Ilammarskjold pounds sterling at the Jordan emphasized, "Israel Is in no sense port of Aqnba within easy view directly a party tu tho Inter-Arali of the Israel port of F.ilat. arrangements and inter-Aral) The new facilities, expected to njfreements, reflected In tho resbe finished in one year, wil include olution—and tbe resolution as KIICII a new wharf .with deep enough wadocs not call for anything that, In ter to handle large cargo ships the usunl diplomatic Interpretaand a mechanical conveyor cap* tions of Hie word could bo culled able of loading 500 tons of phos.consuhilloim lu Jerusalem." phate an hour into ships, The UN Secretary General, who British paratroops and a small slnrtcd his,tour In the Middle Candidates for A.Z.A. No, 1 sweetheart arc I. to r. (hack row) Misses l'liyllis Abrahams, Car- number of British technicians are Kast with a week's visit in Jor- olyn (item, Ton! Kaplan, (front row) Betty Ernian, Barbara Hentilt utiil Jollno 1'rlcilnmn. Unloading an average of 15 cardan, said that "Arabs nnd nonArabs alike" stand to benefit from , The A.Z.A, No, l's 25th annual tel. The dnnco will start at 9 will be highlighted by the crown- ;oes and tankers'daily at-the port the "now approach" to the Middle sweetheart dance will bo held Sep- p. m. and the music will he fur- ing of the twenty-fifth sweetheurt. to supply British troops now stationed in Jordan. *•* East problem. tember 6, at tho Blackstona Ho- nished by Jack Ross. The evening

First Braeideis B. and P. Group To Be

Two New Groups Added to You^i Council (tanks

To-Meet at Home

Hammarsffjold May Visit Israel

Jordan Harbor

Friday, August 20,


Israeli Wins Bible Quiz


Jerusalem IJT.4) - - Amos Or. I'liMp Nfufi fllttl Huppi Ilahain of Israel Ilio winAtr'l lt> klur l.nUn II.NII ner this weeli <if the Inter• lath! urhuu. . national liihle Quiz, scoring Mi. and MI-N. Herman Mirouit/, CO.MMI'MTY ( I l K S T : Many' •VI out of a maximum possihle of .Miami llo.irh, Fl;i., formor of the residents til' the I )r. Philipj •1T> jiuints hefure a hu;;e .-iuOniahniK. who are ;.;ue-.ts of their Slier .Jewish II< for the Aurdj dienc'c in the Ilehrew l.'ni'.ei'. -oii-in-laU' and daughter, Mr. and are husy stuffim; envelopes for | sity open-air aniphit heater and Mrs. M'ivin r.iuwn of Council tho coniin!,' Cor.imunily Chest i a radio audience of 700,000. ,, 1'Jillfs, In., a i r also spending lime Drive. : (':iiii!i'li K liliii-, Vr.Vl p Sinioiie Duniont of France with Irii'iHls and relatives in in 11n-- liuiiii' i l i i ; • r , i ; n i K l , was seeond with '".) points and .,1 • Omaha. > ..... , •I'.-.i'llInl hy Ml', .'mil; Salihalii c\ellhl". sonic Mrs, Irene Santos of Hra/il They .'.'.ill \ i>!l .*11111111»*r son-iuMrs. Bernard Fi;h<r in honor ol i v t h I ;| r<>-ii:t;••••;<n»- v. ill h j lf .|,j Mas third with 2.1 poinl.v. ; .,,..„. lav, and il;iiii:hl<-r, Mr. ,;.ud .Mrs. Ihe wedding of tlu-ii" i I;i 11-* Ii 1 * -1". Friday at 7 p. in. Sahhalh / I ' r t : ident ^'iI^3i:ik l*eu /.v i and Sandra Joyce to .M.-.rviii Stanley j „,,, .service.- v.ill 1 >;•'-.i11 .-.Iii. ui Sidney Seinli-ell ill 11.'.'. Moincs ]>r- j Premier I)a\id Uen ( I n i i o n Kollll. 'The MiMeha-Maaiiv Scrvir -will nif M-lmnin^ In I-'lorida. UT-II' part of tin 1 audience fo.1 l i l D I H S I I : Mrs. I V * Kpsi<-iii; !i<".!in ;it 7 p. MI.' the finals which lasted n-arly r.arh.ira Kips, daiivjitcr of Mr. will irive a J-Citl'.li^li in honor ui Dailv service-, dmin;' the wee:; ~, , .. • ,,. , , !i\e hours. A iar;',e |>.i11 of ; 1 1 A n the filth birthdav ol l,,-r-;.,-:,...l.; ; ,,v hel.l at 7 a. „ , . and 7 p. m. i " ' ^ *•'"»'"> " ' I * - •"< " Israel's populace sat hefore ! Hl ( ; 1 1 daU-hUT, Miss Arl-y Kpsl,;,n. ! Th.. Si.ndav mmnim: v n i , , . will ! - " / , ' " " " ' " I ' ' " ' »»^™»- '* radios until after I a. m.. lisIN SlKMOKI.XM: .Mrs. I-'-,:, ; he held at !i a. ,n. | ' • " " " ' • l i r 1 ' ; ; ' : " " I ^ ' " " 1 ' - •«.'• »»« leiiiii 1 ; In Ihe reaill.s. I'lie empSin-10, will re I! lMis. i i r n Harry home Kiiller. Seplemher Her j )_ y vM io\ie theaters and j u N A l , f A < OB-ADAS : , i m l h , T . M i . W l Kips «:is K...-.M ed sheets were reminiscent of s l A !j Veshuroji ; ' m i v s ' w i:l'l. ln-.-iirFridav "!i" Israel's war-time curfi.u-. . L/eUlCaTIOIIS at 7 1 , , ,. ,r , , ; ". I the sumnier. Fourth, firth, sixth and A HiDiliiinent Mill he dedicated j p. in. andwill .Saturday inoniin^ al j seventh places were won h1 to the ineniory of .!.,si'|)h ttVilfsnu. «:.-,() a. i n . with Mincha al 7:1."")' | - ) ) V ,..,.„„,.,„ | , n s i,,,,,,, installed contestants Iron) '1 i u u i\ Sunday. AUKIISI .-.1 at I I a.m. at p. ni.• fnllowo.l hy Shalosh S'eudos : , | s ( n m , , n i s . i l i , , . i,,),.,,,!,,,^ ,,| locale Finland, Columbia, and M' > Beth Hamcdrnsli Hayodol Ceme- Paily .-fiAi.-.'s li:.'Mi a. m. and 7.:1.> | , )f|( . r , f . , l l p .1(, ti H ,,| i t s ,eeenl ieo. tery. Itahbi Sidney Brooks of p. . „ . " installation meelinK. , , „ „ , „ . , . ,.,, l m . ,,„,„. The I'rime Ministe K Temple Israel, w i 11 oflieian-. | . . . . . . , , , •1""lsl" " ' (••i'.ed the t i m e lop winner | f i e n d s and relatives are invited: , , , , T I I J S K M X , M r s . A)(.v• W o , ^ h ! ^ . t ^ h ^ " Z n O Mr_ Ulll and chatted with them about |

In the News


li.-isis of the scoring system used in the finals, this woulil have placed the Premier third in the contest.

Anyone mtn'l

inttrcitcd in joining A



league on Tu^'day ai 7 p.m. contact Moc Trachtcnborg, GL 5032 cr AT 3(60. Ortjaniialionul meeting will be held Stpl. 2.


-::.-. - , |JnS^'Krr:^.^* > n *TF t y ^rA:.? »-»^'J»S•!-«-»r

-,: A n l ! i I .Uor will .«- dedicated in ,non,i,,K. S,15 a. m. and,,, " ^ r ^ l m •".'ncinoryVof Nathan .Kessehn.'in ('onKreKali<.,,, 10 a. m. Saturday \ ,: „


! " S «"»•'"«•*•«'»>• ™»»*" " l ' ' 1 1 ^ " ' 1 ' " s; '- v " l a l ' ' '

.W XS ™ " rvi..'"7\or"

.VSuml^AuBurtSlafirn.'^M Mincha «,,5 p. „ , fol,,m.d hy'.' ..v'wdl h^i^mpaliled'hy tl.Hr Golden Maaa nr vi .. G o l d e n IH Ii l il ic r- mc em l e ryy . R a l i b i M y e r S h a l o s h S e u d o s a nd d M Unn'ltomer '•<? K r i p l t c .arid a n d Cantor Cantor A a r o n I. I. Sunday m o r n i n , - services ,e-iii ' i;; • •Kriphe Aaron Sunday morniiii: ^er\iees llici<in


^ ' , 'ni "TVutt, '' _

, , , ,• , ' ',' ' I'">''<l I " I h e f i n a l i s t s . O n t h e

•••Kdicftri will officiate. Friends a n d j a l H:l."> a. in. followed hy hri'/dc1 «." '!.: "^ to lie present. | fast and a I'.ihle study elass led Men to ™Se f.,n ,,„ i,.,,„.,„,„ ......,:;„.„; Men t o Assist A s s i s t Visitors V i s i t o r s j! -j-i,i relatives are invited sr,1(.i w ui partieipai. . .. > hy llahhi I/enjamin (Iron'r : Daitv At Mt. Sinai Cemetery j ; " , , ; ; : ^ ; ; ; ; - ; ; ^ ; - ; ^ . ^ ; ^ ; ^

Expect: Denver Guests j ^ r ^ - " ^ ; , : ! 1 cli^' n U


Prove Gerelick's

lien I.indenliaUm and Sam Fell- i ranean countries. Mileage- Claims!" iii.'in h.ave hern appointed hy Ihej Palronize O'ir '. . . s a i d Carl .1. (lilinon (abovel Mount Sinai Cemetery As:-:ocia-| 424 Park A i p . , Omaha. " I traded ami serviees there n n v lion to assist visiiors at the c m e - i a 7)5 heavy car for my -T>8 Ford A larm- party of 1) -merites will : s;,,,,, ,l,,y mo:nin<; al !l : trey each Sunday llnoueh Sep- i a. „,. Six and with only 2~> miles on ni.VA ronii' t " Omaha tlui'm;; the I.ahor , teinher l_'l. T i n y will he present t , Ford, drove t<i .loplin, Mo,, ana Day week-end to attend the ' ; a ' ' | m r i ' l l l s i : . u : i . each Sunday until MOOM. j ! hack. I averaged X\li mileis per Mit/vah on .Monday, of l ' ' " l l P l t | l ! i : i , f ( i l O f S SCHOOLS i gallon. My Ford Six handles nice, Matthias Huston, son of Mr. a n d : .,, |]fl , , ( , | h j s ,. 1( .[ -j-,.,!,,,,,,, •,•,„.,;, I even better than the heavy." Mrs. Paul Iliisluii of D'lner. ''"">• | u j | | ,,,.„,,<,„ „ „T ,| ;1V .,,„, W r . , | . Memorial Services j If you want economical transportation, see (Jerelick, who has The Hustons and their * - " i ' ! nesday, S'-pteml Scb (Subby) Pulvcrente 2 anil'.',.T a l - | Mimorial services will lie con-j just received the largest single ltoheri and Charles v.ill he 111 • i „ „ „ , .)•„,..,), M ,,, l , •i have heeu mi-!,|,„.,,.,( .,, (; ! | , Hill (•emr'tery. | l) l P 1 shipment in Omaha's history, a l l (;i.iest.s of Mrs.' PJISIOU'S mother.;, 25 Years' Experience of the,,• schedules h\ mail. Sunday, September 7 at 1! Sixes! You save ,'t ways on i n i '.t™ l.'lhfl l.evcnson. The IVu" I V/ifh Jewish idav School v.ill I-I»-i i>v I'nlilii I!<-ni.-imi11 Ciciiier nnili tial cost, on c;as mileage, and on j siime on Seplcmh'.r 7. Sunlla', Cantor Kli Kanan of IV.'lh Israeli maintenance iCerclick's exclusive. Lettering and Memorials at Beth Kl Synauo:;ue. School registrations will he accept- Syna^o'^iu1. CarUiii'^ facilities , w i l ' r*0.000-iiii'o, ,'!-yr. warranty I. SavD c i n c r \isilors nt the home of er! until Jhe ofieninj; session. Fn;* ings up to .ri payments a year at. be available on forty-first street, 2211 So. 8th AT 2452 Dr. and Mrs. Meyer IWhcr will- he further information [ilease call the Cereliek, K i n ; ' or Die Sixes. 471!l Mrs. BHior's mother. Mrs. Ilebec- .school oriiee, ItK.'jrnt C2KH. I'alroni/e Our Aiherlisers . N. :;oth. cu Itiistui) and t h f hitter's sister, Mrs. i;i';sic Kraft as well as Mr.TK.Mri.IO ISIJAKJ. LOOKING FOR THAT SPECIAL GIFT? iind Mrs. Robert H I U M I I and three Services will he held this F r i a siste, of sons'. Mrs. I'.iown give the day evening at 7:.'J0 p. in. in tho

Monument Co.

Mrs. Mrs Ik'her. Ik'lier.

• , ,,,e ho'el'' J '""" 1 '' 1 " ( ' il; '' )<>1 - '«»''•"' Sidnev U. Sl.-tym;; at the I.l.icUlnne I ..el J;I . (JII| s v ^f.-j,.).,',,, . „ „ , (] ,; M

will be M.r. :,.»!. .Ml-s. I .-.rry Kus- a „ „ „ „ „ „ „ „ ton and dair.'.hler, Adnenne of .Denver.

Israel Economy Remains Normal •


_. ..„






New York i J T A i Ileports from Binding • Loylnq • Repairing JA 2457 all fields of ccenoiny activity in i 106 No. ISth Street Israel continue to indicate normal j Don Bernstein HA 25S4 !ln Omohs Loan Bldq.l • conditions-in industry, agriculture, fon-iRi) trade, transportation and finance, with no visible effect on the Israel economy by the .Middle lOast crisis Ihe American-Israeli Chamber, of Commerce reported.! "Kven Ihe .-•(•iisitive field of .tourism has been unaffected." the Newest and Most Compete Line report .snid. "On the Tel A \ i v Stock F.xCards for Friends and Every ••Icuiiji;, teciiritiis linked to the cNchan^e rate of the dollar reMember of the Family liiained virtually unchanged, i n d i - , eating lack of concern about, the I Stability of the Israel pound." the report added.




iar Mifzvcsh All friinik mill relullvis uro iuvitf'd td .'ttd'nil services ami rerrplutns, HOKKKT M. Ul'STON' .Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Huston of D r i v e r , Colo,, announce Ihe Rnr Mit/vah of (heir son, Robert Matthias, Holiday, .September 1st nt •'Beth Kl Synagogue, at !) a. in. Ro'jfrt Huston is the'grandson of Mrs. M. F. Lcvenson.

Draftees May Request Holiday Deferments New York I'JTAl -The Nalionnl Jewish Welfare lioard has been 'off'.oifiJly advised by thr.' Selective S?rviee Commission that all draft toards have been asked to Rive "favorable consideration, vvherr v c r • po.Tiihle"- 10 requests from Jewish fcjintrants for prKiponem?nt of their jihysieal e;;amina i"on o r induction into the Armed JT)i ; eesduring the-High Holy Days.


Are You interested In a Career Instead of a Job? Arc you now employed in the job thai you will want to remain in tho rest of your working life? Do you wont things for your family and yourself that your present income will not allow? If so, you will bo interested in investigating a career with the Northwestern^ Mutual Life Insurance Company. If the work appeals to you, you will be thoroughly tested to assure your future success. The man who is picked for this position will enjoy an unlimited income and the prestige of this one; hundred year old Company with over $150,000,000 of Life'Insurance in force in Nebraska. For further particulars, contact R. H. Pickford, C.L.U.. General Agent — 411 Barker Bldg., Phone JA 1481

Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co.




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and in local moving, packing, long-distance moving

Homemade Dills and Horseradish Choice Beef, Veal and Lamb Turkeys, Capons, Hens and Fryers

Kosher Meat Market and Delicatessen Featuring


Jerry Krupinsky, Representative



Open Labor Day Till 3 P.M.


..Friday, August Z9, 1958


Council Names Chairmen For Overseas Luncheon


Page Three

A ITi-year-old salira ma n i Israeli i who enii'.:i •I teil t l ) Hie I,'S w i t h his parents t w o \( ars .'ij;o relurneil aliio.n. III.-.SS Zion .'is a slow.-iw.'iy 11i<ms Ii; (1 made iii-arly '•!<) \)i-i'\ a l leinpls to ret urn tu 1 1-,-iel b: fore he u as J in.'illv sue Ill



Anli-lsrael Broadcasts


Sabra Returns

" • ! • • -


His ii.ueiils in New York liad

ri" fused liis I'eiiiio.ils In let him

London iJTAJ - - Kfjypl. will ' Jjaiijthlei's of j'.lr. and .Mrs. Wililmiblc its broadcasts' in .195!) and liam X.-i'Ji will I'clflii'.'ilc llicir "ill intensify its anli-lsrael piopb i r t h d a y s on Hie sainc d a y . T h e i r axanija, experts said here danciilii', Carol l.vnn, Ijurn Anon the basis "I I'cjiDrts from Cairo. i;u.'l 7 al CiarliM)]) lu):,piial a r j'Ciic sum of .'i.OOO.OOO IKIIIIKJS will rived on Hi,, second bj-llniay of I be spent by Ihc K;;y|iliaii (iin'ernher .sisler, .M;:i|cne Caylt-. jnicnl for radio broadcast*, the re(!r;'.ndjiarents a r c Mr. ami .Mrs. Sam Nash ui" ^liimcapolis, ATin.. fioris indicated. now visjtin-; i:i O m a h a ainl Mi'.s. I l!o.';e Kreeil of W'iipilipej;. Can. I .Mr.s. Celia (iuldbci'L;, al.-o of" WiiiI nipe;;. is 1 he nialr-rnal crcal-

<b Pwrs

bark I D Israel, .'mil IK-hail in nle a iiiinibi'r "1 altempls I ;;'i'.i IKIIIIO: her. In !;e1 liai.-l; o.'l his nun liy ;. f 1WMr. ami Mrs. '/.in Kai^en ol in ; away in I lit- /.ion. 1 r.'ie! Hock Island, ill., anni/Hiice tinHI d Tlieudoi' J leiv.l. 1 l o w\ er. birth of Ihiir first child, .Michael U as aU'.'.'IV.S fJise'A erer] he IK j Howard on Aui;us(. '22. Mrs. Kaifn .-• sntliil;: lime. lie was peniiilled to 1 • i l V i ' | j;en is the former lioi/ciie Maiuilz j of Omaha. Hi e poll w i t h an iini-lr m m T< 1 Aviv. He nili ncls In I (in I (Ji.indp IIC ills , n e M r :,nil M i s li.ivid M.mvil/', Oinah.i, .md .Mi lb ' ^ ' l ' <hiva ' 1 alintiihi il Col .ind M i s |.oi)ii K.ii'<eii. Hoi-It Isle ;<-l in K f n 11 no i 11 land

Niks Gender fo I Wed October 19

Airs. Vain Trn*tiii, -Mrs. Knn\sl U'inlriHiii, -Mrs. Slii-fnifin Till' Mines. KriifKI W'inlrouli, Yule Ti'iislin ami Siii'i'inaii .Sperling hi'ivi" Ijr-r'ii u.'inicd eii-ehainiieii for Ihc Over.iens Drsserl ItMM'lKull and mu.sie.'il In he c i n n b y tin 1 O m a h a .Si-etimi (if t h e i National Council o f ' J e w i s h Woni•Hi.'lh Kl Syiia::(i;',iic w:is t h e Kcl- i f i i 'J'biii'sdiiy, S e p t e m b e r 1 1 at ( 1'n;; S u n d a y f o r H i e ]2:'V) dpiililf- j iL';.''.O )i. m. at the Illackslonr riii;; r a i i d l c l i ' i h t i ' " r c i n o n y of ,Mi:,s I l I n M .

Wedding On Sunday S a n d r a .Joyre Kislifr Slanlpy Kohll.


Miss Sally ( e nilk i, dniiihlei of I be Kev. and "Mis Ai Hmr (Jencili r and I .eon Wiiili'oiib of lAis.Anijeles, Cal., l i a \ e clmseii Oc lolwi HI a s their u c d i l n i " d lip

Our ArKnlisi'is

Selection Uit'imitcd

FARNAM AT 36th l)|irn MUM. Mini TIHIIS. M d - , I'ill 8

RAMBEIS Saturday store hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

anil • M n r v i n

: A musical pro;:.-':un \\ ill hi- fc.i! IIH'MI liy W a l l e r Seolt, Onliilia Iliilibi .MyiT S, K ' r i p k e , C a n l u i " pianist. A ' i o n I. Kdi;.')!' :uicl I l a b h i IV-ri- ; Mrii. • Siilncy liiiiuk.s will s m i jr'niin ( J i ' d i i w iifi'ii'iali'd al tin 1 I a s jinim'ani d i a i n n a i i a n d Mm< Ulai'old <'oopciinan and St.-inl< \ '!'!«• bride is 1 hi- iluiv.lilrr of .Mr. j KalWinan a s dcr-oi-alions c h i n mill Mrs. lJi-i'M.'mi I-'ishei", 111" lirido:;nioin tlu- .-.on of Mrs. fjiuis .Ki!ltlL.i."." ; " •.-•• Tlit'. iirido uoii- a floor li>nj,'th * i j n u i of pi-ail salin a n d ('h.inlilly laec. an original by Maiu-r Orit,'inals. T h e fwnr.^ hinlit'e fc'itnro.i H sfpinre ncckliiiu of seallopfd I a n ' T i i e p.'iinlijij: o f ,'ni O m a h a a i l i - i l hi'lhli'.diled u i l h M'III pearls and hr.s b e e n p u r c h a s e d f o r t h e C h i ) •. *e<|iiins. H e r ticri'd i l l u s i o n ler Ail iMii.'jeiiin in I'lie. ineetoi n fin w erlip M'il \'.as I'.'ill'.tllt with a Mass., by Walter I'. Chrysler, Ii jrur-Ird half e|•^n^^ h a t . S h e car- it u./s learned here. lied a while f'.'lple with n while The painlinr, was done by I i> cli hill and sii ph ni Milder, sun (if Mr. mid Mrs. I.eo

Painfifieg.l *\ ^r^*^ f to Hcsng itt Museum |


.Milder, in I'nninretown, whole the yoiiiKj nrtisf is Vpendiii); p.'ii I of the. .Mjinuier. .Milder, a Cenlral lli;;h sclmo1 rradnate studied .-it liie Chii ipo Art Inslilule anil ill Paris.


Visitors Entertained

Miss Sully (iniulli-r The eonple's betrothal wns anMr. .(nil Mrs. .Morris K|)slein and Mr. anil Mrs. Vale Richards wi'i'a nounced recently al n supper paieo-hosls al a picnic, supper for Hit" home of the b r i d e - e l c ' fifty relatives (it the Richards res- parents. id'-ni.-e last Sunday eveiiine,. Miss (iendler attended the UuiCursls of honor wore Mr. and \Cf.sitics of Nebraska nnd Oui.ih.i Mrs. Simon J. L'nsteln and daugh- Her fiance, the son of Mr. anil Mrs ter, Lisa of San Joste, Cal- Mr. Kp- William Winlronli, Kl Paso, TCN , slfin is the son of the Morris Kp- was ^radualeil from -Texas Westsleins anil hrolher nf Mr.s. ltieh- ern College at. 101 I'aso. .irds. The visitors left for California 'J'lllll'KllflV. ralruni/.c. Our Advertisers


Mm. .Marvin linlill

Mis'. Klmer \ovak was her sister's matron of honor. Bridesmaids wej'<S Mrs. Klliot I'.rown and Miss Helen Manvil/. C'yntliia Klfiinc Noynlc was junior hri(le.sjiiiilil. The flower (;irl u a s .liiynee Lou No\"ilc. 'J'he matron of honor wore a ballerina f;own of emerald i;reen fashioned with harem skirl and fitted bodice will! a .square neckline. The bridesmaids wore inatchiiifj dresses of sea foam KI-CCH.

Jnrold Kolill wns his - brother's best man, Ushers were Rnmoii Pied, KIIKCIIC Wulilnrr and Klmer

Novak. Catiilfeligbters were .Jerome Simon anil Matthew Kaier. IliiiK bearer was Mure Novak. The bride's mother worn a dress of Ice blue chiffon with matching lial and a deep purple orchid. Tin.' groom's mother was nf tired in bei|;e chiffon with mnlching lint nnd orchid. After a dinner iiiul receptiDii in Hie Townhouse Ballroom the couple left, for a Colorado trip. For traveling'the hiide chose a. lif;htweiyht wiiol avoendo 'green suit dress1 with matehinjr nocesfiories.

AT 0686

1437 So. 13th St.


Shipment of Fresh Frozen



Extra Fancy Qualify Very Meaty Will Custom Cut (30-Lb. Average)



Buy a Whole

Turkeys — Pullets

j I j

Finest Ground Beef, Lb. Chuck Roast or Steak, Lb. . . . . . . . . . Liver Steak, Lb. Fresh o r Pickled Tongues, Lb, . . . . . . . . .



Place Your Holiday Order Now


clan river wrinlde-shcd, dri-don cottons


gay, bright, colorful fall plaids

The peifcct sliitt for campus v/cctr, tailored by BEAU BRUMMEI. for c o n t c t fit and comfort. Tho ultimate in carr/rfjfi WCISJI 'n v/par cotton that requires little ironing. Permanent collar-r.tays. Blue, yrey, red or brov/n plaid. Sizes: Small (M to Hl/ 2 , sleeve length 'J2 to 33); Medium (IS to IS 1 ^, sleeve length 32 to 35); Larae (1G to W/-, elc-cve lenc/tli 32 to 35); Extra Large (17 to 17i/2, E!COVC length 33 to 35.)

mail and phone orders wclcoma mctt's furnishings—main floor





Friday, August 29, 1058


One Doctor for Every Israelis Reported

BETH ISRAEL SISTEIMOOD The Beth Israel Sisterhood Board Meeting will 1)0 held Tuesday, September 2 at 12:30 p. m. a t the home of Mrs. Sam Epstein, 5214 Corby St., Omaha. Mrs. Sidney Goldberg will be co-hostess for the afternoon. Major attention of the group will be Kiven to the .current new membership drive •under the direction of Mrs. Sidney Kwiatek. Assisting the chairmen are the Mesdames: Harold Zclinsky, Henry Appel, Alfred Frank. Maynard Katzman, Louis Siporin. Albert Sorkin, Sam Ilosfiistein, Ed E. .Lincoln, William Poster, ,David H. Lewis, Nate Marcus, Harry Cohen, Frank Cohen. Don Cohen, Irving C'haruny, Albert Friedman and Arthur Parilman.

Ernest Priesman and E. Robert Newman. Mines. Bernard Alisulor and Maurice Arc-sty will handle table settings. Mines. Alan Blotcky and Norman Lincoln are in charge- of table decorations. Reservations may be made by calling Mrs. Envin Landow, TK 578'J or Mrs. Harvey Aronson, WA 7K15. Hoard meeting is at 11 a. m. All board members will be held responsible for their luncheon reservations unless they cancel with the telephone reservation chairman.

An exceptionally heavy potato Monday, September 8. Mrs. Marcrop has just been harvested in tin Haykin will direct the school, Israel, which is expected to total assisted by Mrs. Saul Rosinsky. GO.O0O tons, A few openings are available. Jerusalem (,1'I'A)—Israel, with Those Interested, contact Mrs. COUNCIL Marvin Taxman, TE 4661, or Mrs. one doctor for every 425 Inhabitants, has more doctors per capita OF JEWISH WOMEN Donald Brodkey, WA SI 56. than any other country in the world and more are needed, deleWill Award a v gates to Iho Kolirth World AsTHREE-DAY STAY " THE sembly of the Israel Medical AsBLOODMOBILE at the Luxurious sociation were told here. IS COMING RIVIERA HOTEL Israel's supply of physicians was LAS-VEGAS, NEV. compared with thut of the United at 111 IRAK?.A DONATIOH States, France and Britain with ratios of one doctor for 700, 900 OVERSEAS LUNCHEON and 1,000 inhabitants, respecTruck trailers are to be pro- tively. Thuri., Sopt. 11, 12:30 p.m. lucfd in Israel at the plant of the Black«ton» Hotel Patronize Our Advertisers S'ezer Sereni collective settlement.

TKMI'I.E ISKAIX NTIISIOIIV SCHOOL UK<iIN"S SKI'T. 8 The fall session of Temple Israel Nursery School will bt'K"' afurlng

HENRY MONSKV I.IXCHKON • The opening luncheon meeting '••pi the B'nai B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 will be held Wednesday, September H, at 12:30 j p.. hi. .at the Jewish Community!

Holidays and Festivals Rosh Haslianah Sunday ni|;ht Sept. 14 Monday —Sept. 15 Tuesday-Sept. 16 Vom Ki|)pur Center. j Tuesday nigM—Sept 23 Mrs. Nate Slnikert proRrani' Wednesday—Sept. 24 chairman announce* that Mrs. Succoth Ethel Dougherty will speak on Sunday nitfht—Sept. 28 "Figures and Fashion." Monday—Sept. 29 Tuesday—Sept. 30 Luncheon reservations may be 'made by calling Mrs. Abe Miller, Slnnini Atzeres Sunday night—October 5 PL 7971 or Mrs. Dave Epstein. Monday—October 6 HA 4574. . Sitter service will be available. Simchas Torah Monday ni(;ht—October 6 lege i in Kfar Haro'eh. COUSINS CIX'B '• Mrs. Philip RinRle will entertain the Cousins Dull at a 12:30 p. m. luncheon Wednesday, SepFO& THE FINEST... ? tember 3, at the Resis Hotel. Any IN PHOTOGRAPHY member unable to attend please call Mrs. Uingle, TIE 1979. Portrait! Weddingi BETH EL SISTERHOOD Commercial BOARD MEETING Beth El Synagogue Sisterhood will have a luncheon board meeting at 12:30 p. in., Tuesday, September 2 in the syniiKO^ue social hall. • Hostesses in charge will be Mines. Harry Wigodsky and Jack Bramson. Titty will be assisted by Mmes. Morris Katleman, Max Bittner, Michael Krnsrie and Mor. ris Arkin. PHOTOGRAPHER •.TEMPLE SISTKHHOOI) TO 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET HAVE GCJKST SITIAKIZR HARNEY 1044 , . Mrs. Ben L. Rosenthal of St. :., Joseph, Mo., president of District . .20, National Federation of Temple Sisterhood, will be the f,'iie-,t speaker at the Templo Israd Sisterhood luncheon meeting TIM s. . d a y , September 9 at 1 p. in. ,it the Temple. Mrs. .Kdward Levinson, president will preside and the pia\ei •will be read by Mrs. Stella Rcw nthal. • "Following Mrs. Rosenthnl's ad••. dress, a skit style show entitled "The Shape of Things to Come • '' will be presented, and it will be narrated by Mrs. Richard Sntnei Program chairmen of the diy <ne , Mmes. Norman Cain and Howard Vann. Accompanist will be Mrs. J. M. Malashock. Luncheon chairmen are Mmes

John Kalina

Want Ads . Phoni JA 135b tc insert your Want Aci • In Tho Jewiab Press. : Current rate Is ao ccnta roi cicn rout line Insertion. Tht Press reserves Hie right to limit tlze of each advertisement N E W YEAR'S CARDS :

BAR and Bas Mifzvali congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge Practical Numlni;—Day or Night Duty {or bedridden and convalescent patients. Call Mrs. Betty Hirsch, 642 No. 47th St., GL 4138. CLARA RANDALL PLACEMENT SERVICE. For Practical Nurses jand Practical Domestics. Call WE 5217. WANTED—Baby Sitting, Reliable High School Student. Call RE 6563. WANTED—IJght Housework, r>0 cents an hour and bus fare. Call WE 0260 after 5 p. m. TO RENT—Large Sleeping Roon "—Choking PrivileKCs. Woman 1553 No. 20th St. $25.00 month Call WE 0260.

6c lure la ic«





Turkeys—Ducks—Geese—Chickens Shohof Present For Kosher Killing of Poultry Monday through Thursday, 2 P.M. to 6 P.M. — Sundays 7 A.M. to 2 P.M. Kasruth by Rabbi N. Feldman

Free Delivery 144S No. 19th St.




Aug. 31st through Sept. 14th 114th & Pacific (S. W. corner) 2:00 P. M.—9:00 P.M.

A subtle blend of Modem and Traditional characterizes this "showcase oi ideas." The 1958 Idea Home is a blueprint of the future, a forecast of a way of living best suited to a family'i needs. The warm, Traditional exterior surrounds a Modern, well-organized three-bedroom plan for convenient living. The Traditional exterior of this Idea Home is rosy, faded brick, trimmed in

white. With more than 1,600 square feet, it includes living-dining and kitchenbreakfast areas, three bedrooms, two tile baths, and a family room which is adaptable to a fourth bedroom or study. A feature of this 1958 Idea Home is the woodwork and fireplace design, suited perfectly to the Traditional furnishings by Orchard & Wilhclm. The Certified Adequate Wiring is by Fitzpatrick Electric.

The 1958 IDEA HOME features these work-saving electrical appliances for better llvlngi

Androwi 5islerj — The Mariner* end 5th Avenua Fanfstioi W«J.-Thun. nitot—Sopt. 1-4 * * * * PLUS Aulo raco» and thrill tliowj water thow; f r » radio, TV idowi

* oloctric built-in range

* electric automatic washof and dryer

* electric rofrigerator



Starring (h« King of <h» Cowboy) with D«l» Ev«n> and th» «ntir« cr«w SIX S H O W S ^ - A U G . 3O-SEPT. 1 • * * *

\n agriculturo and Indmfry on diiplay

AT 7010

garbage disposer




has been awarded this hall' mark of txctWtnce in modtrn Electrical hiving.

* electric dishwashor

* quioli-reeovery electric wator hoater

& Million Co., •«'«« 3502 North 67th Avenue

REgertt 9534



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