Vol. XXXVI No. r.l.'
' n"u'' OMAHA,
PHILANTHROPIES SCOREBOARD As nf Srjil. 3, 1»">H The following lire current reports from divisions in the KKiU Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign: ..-..... 19,")H Total Division ':-~trf , To Date Initial Gilts : « , D K l ' « u l " 3 " ^ '.S-'i 11,710.00
Women's Division . . . . . 15. & P. Unit Children's Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . High School Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . University Division Organizations ;.....,. i......••••.... Miscellaneous
1,171.25 ] 00:00 2,1-1K.75 L-l.")2.0()
To la I In Date'
Feiwlowitz to Present Israeli Flag to Home
Federation Executive Committee to Meet
AM Israeli flag will lie presenlei Id the Dr. Philip Slier Jewisl Home for the Aged Sunday by M Feiwowit/. The iift'Tiinnn event will includi a program by members of tin Fnrband Labor Zionist P.rauch 51 I'onle y.Un\. A variety of Yiddish folk Sonus will lie. offered by Mis. Milloi f .\ e;irenberg, Merman IVJirouitz. ,'IIK S.-IIII Itifkiu. Max Keisb.-nun ant Mrs. I'Jiilip (Yandcll will enlerlain with readings. Dennis am Kslclle Srhulm.'in will play several Tel Aviv I.I'l'Ai The Dislricl j piano selections. Court in 'IVI Aviv began a healing : Juf 'I!adiiiim-sl:i will prrsidr to d e c i d e whether 17 vcjir - old Serving of refreshments will In Abraham Ma/aliah is a grandson (lone !>y Mines. ,M. lioiidarin, M i i \ of the late Iraqi Premier Nmias- 1-Viwlow it/., .1. Feldni.in mid I larr\ Rifkin. Snid. The youth is seeking t" be Tile f l ; i " ceremony will be prerecognized as the sole surviving sented hy members of the Kpsteinheir of the assassinated Premier Morgan Cost 'JIM, ;ind to claim his forltine, estimated to inn in the millions of I Synagogue to Share pounds, find believed to he on deUnitarian Premises posit in British and Swiss hanks. New York (.ITA I —- CongregaWliili" the court wonlil not agree tion Shanray Ti-fila, organized in in hand iloivn ti decision whether 1X!."I as the.West Kml .Syn:ii;nniie, A t i r a i l a in Mnz-aliah is, a* he will hold ils Salihalh and holiilay claims, the Mile •turvlvlng ineinlier services lit the1 Unllariaii Cluirrli of tint Nurla-t-Salil family, It (lid of All Souls here.j .commencing njjren to preside, over proceedings ne.\i Friday evening unlil its new in <*-Hluhli*li his relnliutislifp in it fii'-ii-iers lire i-i'innilelcd. The tcmKniMiUon. iwrary nrrangenient is expected |o Thi.1 first witness was his Jew- la.sl iih-oiigh ine winter unlil early ish mother, who testified that she next spring w l i f i i the guest conmarried to Sitbah rl-Said, son of gregation will be able lo move Nuris as-S'aid, in a legal ceremony into its new synagogue. «l Mossol in 1!)11. Shi' was diversed by .Sabah el-Said in l!tl."5 lieeause of the pressure of Moslem religious circles mid left foi Israel the next year, keeping hi.s identity a secret. Sabah cl-Said, together with another wife and two children, were murdered by an Iraqi mob during ihc Iraqi Army coup in July. The Jewish Federation of Omaha lv\ecutive Committee will hold a luncheon meeting al 12:15 p. in., J'Ut :iil:iy, Se|itemIHT 9, at the Regis Hold, il was announced by Robei/t. H, Hooper, Federal ion prrJjfoVnl,
Youth Seeks to Establish Claim
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Four Teems to Open Council Football Season The annual youth Council six man football league will open its l^tH season at Lhnwood Park .on Sunday. September M wilh four teams competing. Tlie League, to feature one round of competition with a final playoff, will offer flag football competition to Jewish high school hoys. (James will he conducted at 10 and 11 p. m. each Sunday with- regular football coaches officiating at the games, A special " B " League will be organized if sufficient players are recruited to form four additional teams. Howard Martin, youth council athletic chairman, is supervise!- lit this League's competition with representatives of the four hoys' groups assisting. -">lli Through Klh (irndi's .Boys in the fifth through eighth grades will have an opportunity to participate in two special football leagues to be sponsored by the Jewish Community Center. A fifth and sixth- grade league and a seventh and eighth grade league are planned. Millie
Grade schoolers may make up their own learns, ten boys lo a team, and compete in Ihe six man touch football league in their own age and grade bracket. Boys interested in participating in the league or forming a team should contact Ihe Center Athletic Department, JAckson l.'IIKi. A schedule of teams will be drawn up wilh teams being ill lowed lo designate time and plate of compelition.
Thursday, Sept. 1 1 , Deadline for Sept. 19 Issue of Jewish Press A Friday edition of the Jewish Press will lie in the mail on Sep lember l!l. The edition must be completed lielore the intervening' Rosii II islionah h o 1 i d a y s, Therefore nil stories and pictures must he ill livered lo the Jewish Press offiu by Thursday, September 11. It is necessary that all maun scripts be typewritten and double <pa<-ed.
Hebrew University Coed +o Compete for Miss Universe
Hours Extended By Health Club The hours of the Center's Health Club have been extended to' allow more lnisincssmen lo take advantage of the massage and steam room facilities. The hours are now -fuom noon uiilil 9 p. in. weekdays nnd from 9 a. in to (i p. m. .Sundays, Conlcr.-Health Club Chairman, l,es Burkenroad, announced. The facilities of the Health Club Include private individual lockers fur members, a dry heat room find large steam room, shower mid rest facilities plus massage service rendered by a competent staff of uoll trained and experienced mas, scurs..-.' .: ' ; The low Health Club Membership, $25.00 for twelve complete sessions at the Club, make this orje of Ihe best personal service liuys today, JJtirkenroad said. No appointment is necessary. Ample free parking is available in the Center's large parking- lot at 20lh and Dodge StreelR. The Hciillh Club is open to nieinbeiy and nonmenibwj.
. " ! , " f i i t l C l i i s s Mallei Mattel ut Fust-Annual Fust Annual Hale Kale 4 Dollars r, JJil.-.X -.X1^^''""''! offkc. Omulia. Nebraska, umUi Aci of 187!) siiiRle Copy 10 Cents
Jerusalem (.ITA I Israel considers -herself entitled not only to receive full'information on the ways UN Secretary General Dag llarnmarskjoltl is implementing the UN General Assembly's resolution on Jordan and Lebanon, bill also thai her opinion in these mailers be taken into full consideration, it was slated here in high Israeli circle*. While Israel is closely concerned with Mr. 1 lammarsk jold's specific efforts for preserving Jordan and Lebanese independence, Israel's main interest seems to be in steps aimed at implementing the universal aspects of the joint Arab resolution concerning respect for Ihe independence ol fill nations and Non-interference in internal affstirs. I t is believed that tjiese points will be raised when Mr. Hammarskjold arrives for brief talks in Jerusalem, probably after his return from the second international aloms-for-pcacc coiilerence in Geneva. Observers expect I s r a e l will • : raise wilh Ihe .Secretary General never received a reply. Israel is questions of F.gyplian belligerency. .Many months ago. Israel officially likely to renew its demand for an requested Mr. llanimaiskjold to answer from Kgypl. demand of Kgypt whether she stilt Israel i i ubo lil;ely to iiiqiiira of considers herself lo lie in a stale .Mr. llMiiiiiiarsUjiild what ine:isilren of war wilh Israel - - something are phiniii'd to prevent tin) Arab contrary to the United Nations League's further IINC an an inCharter. Mr. Hammarskjold trans- Htriimenl of hostility Inward I»milted the query lo Cairo, but rael anil tlie. West. ICcgardin^ Jordan anil I.eliaiiini, it was sl.-ited, Israel eviirctM that the Seerrtar.v <ii.|iiT.il will engage In "realistic ailiolis mil in fictitious solutions" behind whlcli Prcsiileiit NasHer ciillld l|llietly l,e utrr tint two count I A report by tlie United NaMrs. Charles llynies of j\Iiiinetions correspondent nf the New polis. first vice-president of the York Times said this nv : Mid National Council'of Jewish Womthat Or. Mahmound Fawzi, the en will be the guest speaker at United Arab liepul>lic's Foreign Ihe Overseas dessert luncheon a!i< Minister, suggested to Mr. Ham-' marskjold and repj-csenlativcs of the United States. Uriliiin and the Soviet Union that the big powers join the Aral) slates ilnd Israel in ii declaration pledging to observe the principles of non-aggression and non-iiitervenlion in Ihe area. However, Dr. Fawzi apparently decided not lo press his suggestion at the recent emergency session of the UN General Assembly after other Arab delegates erilici/.ed the inclusion of Israel in the declaration's framework I.
National Council Officer to Speak At Thursday Event
Four Memorial Services Sunday
Sirs. Charles llyines musical to be given by the Omaha Section. Thursday, September I I , at 1L':.'!O p. in. al the Klackstone Hotel. Ih-f subject will he "You and Ihe Changing World." Mrs. llynies is a member of the hoard of trustees of Channel 2, the new Twin Cities Area Kducalion Television Corporation. She was one of nine American Women selected in J!t."i(i to make a study tour.of (iernia-ny as guest of the Federal Republic of West Cermany. She is deeply interested in education and ; i l tended a White 1 louse conference on education at the request of the Governor of Minnesota. TKKN'-AME. l'liOdKAMMINfi Starlight, Pa. (.ITAI--A resolution calling on Jewish educators to study the type of Jewish educational program which would lie geared to the 'teen-ager, was adopted at the international convention of Aleph Zarllk Alepb. boys' division of the B'nai P.'rilli Youth Organization,
TVRosh Haslionah Social Miriam lliular, M M Isruul for 1II58, who win .selected to conipi-ld in the intdriiatloiial 31is* Viilversi- beauty ciinte»t, Nlcips ti> cliut wltli tivo fvlloiv (itiiclenti on the canipnt at HoUrow llnlver»lty ulipn* »li« Is enrolled in tlie I.nw School. Tlifl 21-year-old coeil liituut.v n|i|>eari'il on n miniltcr of U. S. tel«vl')l<Mi stinns during her roceiit visit tu tlie Uultetl Stut«».
Sunila.v, Si'plcuilier I I WOW-TV (Channel CI--10 a. 111. "THAT THKV i\IAY 1,1 VK." A timely and exciting film on Life in Israel -1!V>8. A Special New Year Presentation.
Memorial services will be held in four Omaha cemeleries, Sunday, September 7. Tlie Annual Memorial Service at Belli L'l Cemetery will be conducted al 11:30 a , m . by Rabbi Myer S. Kripke and Oinlor Aaron I. Kflgar. The service is arranged annually in keeping with the tradition of visiting the graves of parents and oilier dear ones before the Yomin Noraiin. William Milder, 'Cemetery Melorin! service'chairman, Beth Israel Synagogue, has announced services will start at 11 a. m. at Golden Hill Cemetery and at 2 p. lii. at Tieth Haniedrosli .Hugodol Cemetery. Rabbi- Groncr and Cantor -Kli ICngan will officiate at the services al both cemeteries. Rabbi - (ii'i)iler, in commenting ihout the significance of Beth Israel's annual memorial service, said: "Participation in this service represents a most dignified opportunity for the membership at large to pay tribute to the departed leaders Whose vision and devotion have made Heth Israel pre-eminent among Ihe synagogues of the middle-west." Parking facilities at Golden Hill Cemetery .are now available on Forty-First Street. Memorial services will be conducted Sunday at Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Those wishing to attend on another day are asked to call Joe Adler, WK. 170S. London, (,7'i'Ai—A West Berlin cinema audience saw, nothing to •laugh nt and nothing to applaud when Charlie Chaplin's satire on Adolf Hitler jiml Benito Mussolini, "Th; 1 Gre,i1 r>"ct:iti>r/' hrid its CUTman premiers.
Friday, Sept.mlier S, 1958
Candlelight iiiK—6:31 TEMPLE ISlt.VEL Services will be lulci this Friday evening at 7:30 p. m. in tin: Temple Chapel. Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks will officiate and •deliver a sermonette. BETH KL Sabbath evening services at Beth El Synagogue will be 'held Friday at 7 p. m. Sabbath moni:ing services will bof;in at 9:30 0. m. The Minclin-.Maariv service Will begin at 6:30 p. m. Daily services duriiij; the week arc held at 7 a. in. and 7 p. in. The Sunday moniin<: servicec-w ill t e held at 9 a. m. The annual Sliehoth service preceding Rosh I-Iashnnah will be held Saturday, September 6th at mitlnight, at Beth El SynaKt>;;ue. It is a religious service with a dis. tinctivc l i t u r g y , designed to prompt us to an awareness of sin and the power of penitence and prayer, and thus to prepare us for the Days of Awe—Rosh Hashonah and Yom Kippur. : The service will be conducted by Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Holy Day Choir, and Is preceded by an explanatory sermonette by Rabbi Myer S. Kripke. BNAI JACOB-AIMS YESin'RON Services at B'nni Jacob-Adas " Yeshuron will begin Friday at 6 p. m. and Saturday morning at 8:30 a. m. with Mineha at 6:30 p. m. followed by Shalosh S'eudos Daily services 6:30 a. m. and 6:30 . P- m. Sliehoth service, Saturday, midnight. BETH ISRAEL Services Friday evening, 6:30 p. m. at Beth Israel Synagogue. Saturday morning services begin at 8:45 a. m. Junior Congregation meets at 10 a. m. The Saturday afternoon Talmud class will meet at. 6 p. m. and Minchn. followed by Shalosh Seudos and Maariv begin sat 0:30 p. m. Sunday morning services begin at 8:45 a. m. The services are followed by breakfast and Rabbi Benjamin Groncr's class in Bible. The Sunday morning Junior Congregation begins at 8:30 a. m. Daily morning services at 7 a. m. and 6:35 p. m. • Rabbi Groner, Cantor Eli Kagan, and the Beth Israel Synagogue choir will conduct special Sliehoth services at midnight Saturday, September 6th.
S. SoSender Lead U i t a i Lecigye Discussion Sanford Solender of New York, director.of the Jewish Community Center division, National Jewish Welfare Board, will lead a discussion at the opening general session, of the 1958 annual conference of the National Urban League in Omaha. The session in which Solender will participate on September 9, at the Fontenelle Hotel, will deal with "The Impact of Population Change on Urban Family Life." Participating in another session will be Sol Littman, regional director of the Anti-Defamation League. Rabbi Meyer S. Kripke of Beth-El Synagogue will give the invocation at the luncheon meeting Septem!;er 9.
VOI;N"<; JinicA ORGANIZING «ROl I'S A newly or;;ani^ed group of seventh gnuie j.'irls to 1."..' known as the "Anne Frank Young Judeans" selected Alice Fi'llinrui as president. Others to serve as officers are Barbara ('Inidacoff, vice-president; Gail Briidkcy, s e c r e t a r y ; Jane Slider, treasurer and Linda Graetz, sergcant-at-arms. The club's next meeting will be held at the. home of Michelle Aroiioff, 5816 I.ayfayelte Avenue, Sunday, September 7 at 1 p. m. The membership is still open to seventh grade girls who did not attend tinprevious meeting. • Organization meetings for ei;;ht grade groups will be held Sunday, September 7—boys at 1 J>. m. at the home of Howard Halm. 5101 Decateur street and girls at p. in. at the home of Kay Goldstein, 8543 Hickory street. Mrs. J. Lewis Yager, WA. 0735 may be contacted for additional information.
Washington i JTA I •-Reports ul the dcniisi.' of the religious in(jtnirs of lh<; I1. S. Census Hureau have been r\a<;!;cra!<-d, it was learned. Robert W. Burgi'ss, census director, has made known that whili Holidays and Festivals Rosh llashonah Sunday night—Sept. l i Monday—-Sept. 15 Tuesday—Sept. l(i Yom Kippur Tuesday night—Sept. L'3 Wednesday—Sept. 24 •Suceoth Sunday night—Sept. 28 Monday—Sept. 2!) Tuesday—Sept. 30 Shmini Atzcres Sunday night—October 5 Monday—October 0 Simchas Torah
For Satisfaction (n
SYO, BETH ISRAEL, SELLING CARDS Ncn» nnO luniprnlngt nt 1'lie t>r. Philip SYO members from Beth Israel Khrr .IfWlfitl Hume lor The Aged by Oavld Orlinw. Synagogue are selling Jewish New Year's cards as a fund-raising projANNIVERSARY K I D O 17 S II: ect. The cards are $1.00 per box Mr. and Mrs. David Orkow gave a and may be purchased from any Kiddush on the occasion of their member or from the synagogue 25th wedding anniversary. office. RESIDENTS ATTEND OPEN HOUSE: Several residents and EDI Alt' HOLDS their families wore among the SCAVENGER HUNT guests at the open house given by A scavenger hunt followed by a the Orkovvs in celebration of their "get-to-gether" at Leslie Epstein's Silver Anniversary at the home was held August 28 by Edward A. on August 30th. Rosen chapter of B.B.G. SPECIAL KIDDUSH: Mr. and Jean Cecan was* unanimously Mrs. Norman K'irney will celeelected chairman of the scrapbook brate the birth of a granddaughcommittee and Susie Speier was ter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jernamed treasurer. ry Weinberg of Washington, D. C, | Committees are planning a rush with a Kiddush on Saturday, Sep(ea to be held sometime early in tember 7th at the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home for the Aged. Sam October. Poster, home resident, is the maternal great-grandfather and Mr. MID-EAST FIRM TO and rMs. Boris Korney of Omaha BIILD ISRAEL ROADS Tel Aviv, (JTA;—Soleh Boneh, are the paternal great-grandparthe construction company, signed ents, c o n t r a c t s wirn an undisclosed Middle Eastern country for an ex- NAZI POLICEMAN CONVICTED tensive construction program, inVienna I JTA)—A Polish court cluding the building of 2,500 miles at Rzcshow has sentenced to of roads. death a former Nazi policeman, convicted of the wartime execution of hundreds of Jews. Patronize Our Advertisers
Levenson Pest Control Service
(Subby) Pulvcrcnto
25 Years' Experienco With Jewish Lettering and Memorials , 2211 So. Ofh
14Q^Hsrney Sfr. .
AT 2452
Jewish Mew Year Cards Newest and Most Compete Line Cards for Friends and Every Member of the Family
1S02 Dodge
Discover How to Bake Like An Expert —Even II You've Never Baked Before! Golden pound cake , . . spicy gingerbread . . . delicious corn muffins and <Utc m u i l i n s — b A c tli*fn J!1 with expert CAIC, even if you've never baked b t >rc' D o 1 cJ Mixes # v c you perfect results — fm tinre j n d tier, time' They're foolproof . tj*i t i t only J r in Jtcs nm p j i L i / : to p . m ' S'.n I >;p on D r u " L i ry — t o J a ;
in local moving, storage, long-distance moving Jerry Krupinsky, Representative
Kosher Meat- Market and Delicatessen WA 5554
Homemade Dills and Horseradish Choice Beef, Veal and Lamb Turkeys, Capons, Hens and Fryers
U. S. Establishes Chair At Israeli University New York (JTA)—The United States Government signed a eontract with Bar-Illan University, the American-patterned university in Israel, for the establishment of a Chair, of American ^Studies,; it was announced here recently by Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein, chairman of the University's Academic Council. The grant is part of a multi-million dollar program of the American Government to aid Israeli cultural and educational institutions.
the religious question h;id been eliminated from the J'JCO census, the Bureau intended to keep usinj; it in the current population survey. In this .survey persons interviewed are beins; asked to state their religion. The current position was made known by Mr. Hurf;<;ss in a communication to (Ilenn A. A r c h e r , oxeculivi? director of "Protestants and Other Americans United for Separation of Church and Slate." In March, 1!)57, the first use of the (juestion, "what, is your religion?" was made in a Federal census survey. A number of Jewish and other oi'Kanizations protested that tlic covernment was violating constitutional guarantees and American tradition providinc
for separation of the government from religion. In his communication, the census director, wrote that "many have ur;;ed that more information, rather than less, on this fieneral (religious) subject be ma<lo available." He wrote another organization, the Religious liberty Association, that "we do not see how in a voluntary survey the inquiry infringes on the religious freedom of an individual."
AH Fish Cleaned and Filleted Without- Any Extra Charge Phone Your Order Early — I t Will Be Prepared for You in Advance
1608 Harney Street
AT 8720
CLOSED SUNDAY Sept.';,H;af,5-'P.M;'!i Sept. 15 and 16 for Rosh Hashonah EARLY
; i
Friiluy, Sepfmilier 0, 1058
or and about Doris Raduziner Becomes Bride of Milion S. Marks Miss Doris .Stii; RaduziiKT became thy bride of Hilton Klanlon Marks of Clayton, Mo., in a double liiij; ccTcmojiy last Saturday evening in Uelh Kl SynaRojim1, Jtabbi Myer S. Kri|)kc and Cantor Aaron I. Kdj;ar officiated. A weddini; dinner followed nt the. Ulackslone Hotel. 'J'hc bride, daughter of i\Ir. and Airs. William KadnziiHT-wore her princess [,'own from the H'57 Ak•Sar-Iien coronation. Predominately white satin, it featured an open basteau neekline applifjued with pear) centered pink roses. The j;orcd bodice held Ji bell shaped skirt which featured jipplk|U('d streamers of pink and inMchinc rosettes centered with pink lniKle beads and outlined in tefjuins. A double crown of lace embroidered in pearls and sequins held the bride's two-tiered French illusion veil. She carried white orchids and stephanotis on a Bible. Mrs. Arnold Goodwin, Southbrldfje, Mass., sister of the groom, was matron of honor. Bridesmaids Mra. Milton K. Marks were Mrs. Seymour Lee, Council HIiiffs; Mrs. Jerome Raduziner, sister-in-law of the bride; Mrs. Norman Kips a n d Miss Diane Singer. Attendants were K°wned in Ivory satin sheaths. The bridegroom, son of Mrs. T h o in u s Marks of Worcester, Mass., was attended by Mr. Goodwin as best man. Ushers were Robert Jnspan, Allston, Mass., Abe Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Cohn Sic^'cl, New York City, Mr. Lee,have announced the engagement Jerome Kaduziner and Norman of their daughter, Carolyn Rochliins. elle, to Arnold Jay Stern. .Mrs. Raduziner, t h e bride's mother, was gowned in champaign The bride-to-be attended Indic h i f f o n over taffeta and the ana University where .she was i;room's mother, Mrs. Marks,wore affiliated with Sigma Delta Tau sorority, llvr fiance, son of Mr. tiliel blue crepe. Mr. and Mrs. Marks are spending their honeymoon at. Lake Okoboji, I A. They will make their home at 7553 York Drive, Clayton, Mo.
Carolyn Cohn Betrothed to Arnold Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Jack V.'. Baker bog, St Louis, MO, and Byion who were married .Sunday wi) Cipilo, Kans.is City, Mo. make their home in Norman, Okla At Noiman the gioom will comfollowing a trip to Las Vi'ga:;, New plete liis last >ejr ot college at the They were wed in a 5:.'{() p.m. Uni\ei sity of Oklahoma. ceremony at I'eth El .Syna.'jagur.'. liabbi Mycr H. Kripko, Cantor Aonin I. Edgar and the Kev. McyMr. and Mrs. Jaclc Bramcr of or Sclnilman, the latter a grandDenver, Colo., have announced the father of the bridegroom, officiA wedding dinner followed t'ng;i|;ement of their daughter, ated, at the Highland Country Club. Jean Elizabeth, to Gerald William Mrs. Baker, 1he former Miss Gacr, .son of Air. and airs. Albert Judy Krantz is the daughter of Gaer. Mr. and Mrs. David Krantz and The couple are planning an ear- her husband is the son of Mr. and ly full wedding. They will make Mrs. Abe Baker. their- home in Lincoln, Nebr., The bride's gown, by Sophie, while Mr. Oner attends the Uni-was a sheath of peau de soio, feaversity of Nebraska. turing a sabrina neckline and long pointed sleeves. The sheath gown ended in a full chapel train. Her veil of Brussels Heirloom laco over silk illusion extended to her fingertips. She carried a cascading bouquet of ivory Antherium. Matron of honor was Mrs. Howard Krantz, and bridesmaids were Mrs. Robert Baker, Miss Deborah Miss Vicki Fonbers, AmaMr, and Mrs. Henry Krasne an- Baker, rillo, Tex. and Miss Carol Wittels, nounce the engagement of their Oklahoma Mrs. Jack VV. Baker City, Okla. Best man daughter, Joan Phyllis to Milton for his brother was Robert Baker. Marcus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ushers were Lt. Howard Krantz, Marcus, Flushing, N. Y. Taconin, Wash., Larry TroclitonMiss Krasno attended the University of Omaha. Her fiance, JUSTIN D. HORWICH formerly a student at the Curtis CH P Mrs. Koso Freiilcn wishes to Institute of Music, Is now enrolled Specializing in (hunk her frineds nnil relatives at the University of Omaha. Undervalued No wedding date has been set. for tli« many cards, flowers and remembrances received during Securities Iier recent stay In the hospital.
Joan Krasne Engaged to Milton Marcus
Israeli to Preside af UM Session in Montreal
United Nations, N. Y. fJTA)— Arthur Livcran, Counselor of the Israel Embassy in London, arrived h e r e en route from Montreal where he will attend the emergency session of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board of which he is president. Mr. Liveran, who was fonnerly counselor of the Israel delegation to the U. N., conferred here in connection with the Montreal meetings which are expected to continue for two weeks.
New York to Have Israeli Drama New York (JTA)—Kris Productions, Inc., n new American-Israeli company, 1ms been established in New York to bring to the American public original plays by Israel's authors, and to bring to the Israel! public modern American drama.
f^iss Cutler Planning November 2 Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Cutler announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Helen Sylvia, to Dr. William I. Kandel, son of Daniel Kandel, of Miami Beach, Kla. Dr. Kandel received his decree in medicine from the University of Miami, Miami. His Intership was taken at the County Hospital, in Los Angeles, Oil. He is now in Residency in Cardiology, nt the City of Hope Hospital, Los Angeles. The wedding will take place November 2.
Miss Carolyn Colin and Mrs. Samuel • H. Stern, is d Nepomnicks Adopt graduate of the University of NeDaughter braska where he was affiliated Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nepom- with Zeta Beta Tau fraternity, jiick announce the adoption of a a member of Innocence Society daughter, Jill Lori, born August and Phi Delta Phi, a national law V.\. Tlicy olso have n son, Ricky fraternity. He is also a graduate of Creighton University School of Alan. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.Law. Sam Nepomniclc and Harry DiaA November 23rd wedding is being planned. mond.
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Call Regent 1641 For Appointment
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All Varieties of Fresh Fish and Kosher Killed Poultry Max Stoller's
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Page Four
Deaths •JACK A. I.I"TTIJEfi Funeral services .for .Tack A. Luttbeg, V.I of 1008 North r>2nd St., ni'ic held Sunday at 2 p. in. ai Crusby-Kunold Funeral Home with burial in Ueth Kl C'eni'?li'iy. Mr. Lut I beg dii'd August 28 in an Omaha hospital after a short illness. Sun hois are wife, Kdna, son. Leonard, Omaha; daughter, .Mrs. Henry Rubin. Kciinifv, J\Tcb. and five grandchildren,
tions will lio jirrpuri'il l>y .Minos. STOKY .OF I A M O I S WOMKN Morris Shapiro ajul Miirlin Her/.1'UESKNTKO IN TAULEAV "Vignettes of Valor" Valor" will be off. lU-sennticms may be made l>y given by Beth Kl Synai.:o<;tie sis-! calling either .Mrs, Nate H<TK, llfc terhood at their .Septemlu'r ythl li-TTW or Uanioy Crey, < ; L 52GH. luncheon meeting. 1<!::'.(J p. in. inJHaby sitter .v.-rvku will be a\ailihe Synagogue Social ball. | able. The program, written hv .Mine?.! Stanford I.ipsey, Norman Whit-: NKKIC. <UAl'Ti:it, I t N . U ICItlTH man, a n d . Morris ('. 1-Vllman, Is CAItl) I'AICTV, WEDNESDAY 8 story in t a . b l c a u of f/imous j The N e b r a s k a Cliapler .'!IG, American Jewish women. Narra- B'nai Ii'ritli Sewinj; C'irclo is liav- j MltS. I.Ot'IS CIIEItNIACK tors are "Rabbi M>er S. Kripke, in^ a dessert luncheon and card; Funeral services for Mrs. Louis Mnies. Norman W h i t m a n and | party, Wednesday, Sept. 10, 1 p. / Cherniack, !)•!. of the Bbickstone Keith Saunders. Participants arc I at the South Omaha Syn;i;;oj;HfC TTotcl, who died Sunday, were held t i m e s . Norman Prerl. Yale Cots- j o-,t|, MIKj j Monday afternoon at the Meyer diner, J o s e p h ' (Inss. Myer S.j 'J'be chaise is se\enly-five rents. Funeral Home in Council Bluffs Kripke, liyman Behnan, mid. J. j 'rickets may be purchased at with burial in Oak Hill Cemetery. Harry Kulakosky. The children's j < | , e door, or fiom » member. She bad been a resident of Omaroles will be. taken by Kli/abeth ha and Council Uluffs for the past
Pred, Steven Colsdini'r, and Paula Saunders. The statin;; and costuming is by Mmes. Alvin Nogn and M, M. Jahenis. Music is under the'.'direction of Mrs. Harrv Du Boff. . : Table decorations by Mines. Irv-.-.-• Ing Sherman and Dun Kat/man ; will feature "Around Ihe Clock in Festivals". Luncheon h o s t e s s e s will be Circles V and II, headed by Mmes. Lou Lewis, J. Milton Margolin. Herman W e I n s t e I n, and MaxNovak. BETH ISRAEL SISTERHOOD FIRST FALL MEETING The first fall meeting of the Beth Israel Sisterhood will be held Tuesday September 9lh at V2:?,0 p. m. in the social hall Synagogue. Mrs. R a l p h Binianow, projjrum chairman, has arranged- a program entitled "Fantasy in Hats," to be presented by M a r i a n n e Peters. Mines, D. \V. Kpstein and Snm KpStein will be in charge of tlie luncheon arrangements. Decora-
IS i- I1 IIADASSAH The Hoard of the business and Professional Group of Hadassah will meet Tuesday, Sept. 9lh, at 7:30 p. m., at the Jewish Community Center. Activities for the coming season will be planned.
50 years. She was born in Lithuania, and was the widow of the founder of the Iowa Finance Company, v^ Survivors: two sons, Jay mid Harold of Omaha, three daughters, Isadora of Stanford, Conn., Mrs. I. C h a p m a n of Omaha and .Mrs. HIKl'It CHOUM TO David Goldenherg of Minneapolis. MEET .MONDAY Minn.; a brother, J. L. Ix?vitt of The opening dessert luncheon Sioux City, la., 12 grandchildren meeting of Hikur Cholim will be and two great grandchildren. held Monday, September 8th at the GEORGE MOFSON Jewish Community Center. News has been receivrrd here of Mil. Harry Camel is chairman of the luncheon. A board meeting Ihe'death of George Mofson, A\ will h» held at 11 a. m. preceding Tuesday in Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. the regular meeting. Reservations Mofson was born in Omaha and may be made bv calling Mrs. .lake moved |"o Californin 35 years ago. Wine, \VA. 60(10 or Mrs. Paul He is a cousin of Mrs. Julius Barron. Mrs. Harry Ravilz mid Abe Kal/tnnn, GL. 4693. Mnrkovltz. Surviving is his wife, Anita. WEDNESDAY.MEETING FOIl MIZKACHI WOMEN Omaha Chapter Mizrachi Women will hold their first meeting of the season at ] p. m. Wednesday, September 17, at the Jewish Community Center.
Gefilte Fish
Omahans In the News
Jerusalem, (JTA'i — Israel will build its first nuclear power slation wilhin the nt*.\t five years, Maynard Saylan of Los Angeles Lrvi Kshkol, Israel's Minister ol is visiting his parents, Mr. :nnl Finance told the International Is- j .Mrs. Jack Siiyluii, his brother aii'l rael Bond Conference being held sislcr-iii-law. .Mr. anil j\Irs. Millou here. Saylan and bis sister and brotherThe Finance .Minister reported in-law, Mr. iinit .Mrs. I.i'o Sherman that this year for the first lime and their families. Israel's production covered not A family dinner was held Augonly domestic needs but also tlie ust 26 at .the. Milton Saylan home cost of amortization of production in honor of the California!!. Mr, facilities. Thus he underlined, ev- Saylan will leave for home Sepery dollar of aid from abroad went tember 7. inlo the development program. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wolf and son, Dr. Walter Kytaii, director-general of the Foreign Ministry, toM James Alan of Chicago <ue visiting the delegates that Israel needs Mrs. Woll's parents. Mr. nnd '.Mrs. arms more today than ever before David SlmUcrt. because of the unabated threat of Mr. ami Mrs. Muv Slnller liav.! Nasserism. moved to Omaha from Lo.s AnHe warned against the "illusion" geles. Calif. They are former Omathat the United Nations could or ha residents who have spent t i n would defend Israel against ag- pasl two years in California. Mr. gression. The country's security Sloller is opening a Fish and Pouldepends on its deadiness and abil- try Market nt,lfil(i N. 24th Street, ities to defend itself, be said, and particularly on the knowledge of Mr. and Mm. Harry fiol<llier» other countries that il is prepared and daughter, Beverly will leave to defend its sovereignly "in the Friday for Columbia, Mo., whpr.; fullest sense." the latter will enroll fit the University of Missouri, Knroute they will stop in -St. Joseph, where they Founding of Cormel will visit with friends.
Is Celebrated
Mru. KOMJ Fr(»ldi<n i* convalescNewark, N. J, (JTAt - T h e 75lh anniversary df the founding of ing at home following n stay in Carmel, N. J,. us an experimental the hospital. agricultural .set I lenient for Jews was observed here. Morris April, X00 JEWISH .STIHH'INTS chairman of the Jubilee Commit- IN r i T E l t SWISS SCHOOLS Geneva (,IT.\i There are some tee, said Ihe commiltee has been seeking some 20.000 direct descen- 800 Jewish students currently atof higher dants of the original 17 Jewish tending Swiss schools 1 families from Russia who set I led learning. Fully 4: ) percent of th? in Carmel in IHH.'i. The commit- Jewish .students are American. ""• tee has received 'letters from 500 bnni, of the descendants, he stated. Tiie Carmel colony was founded IKK!) there were 2HG persons livby the Monlefiorp Agricultural ing in 30 homes in the colony, Aid Society of which Michael Heil- wilh X2 children of school age. Jerusalem (JTA'i • - The Israel prin, a leading 191 h Century Carmel now has a total of 75 famCabinet decid'-d to name members American Jew, was founded. In ilies, 40 of whom are Jewish. of Parliament representing both government and opposition parties to its delegation to the forthcoming United Nations General Assembly, which opens in New York later this month. 7 The presence of Mrs. (1 o 1 d a ORDER YOUR HOLIDAY POU1TRY NOW! Meir, Foreign Minister, as head of the delegation in Ihr- opening Turkeys—Ducks—Geese—Chickens weeks, as has been traditional for years, will depend ii|xm the deciShohet Present sion of her physicians. Meanwhile, the Cabinet announced that KatFor Kojher Killing of Poultry Monday through riel Katz has been named new Thurtday, 2 P.M. to 6 P.M. — Sundayj 7 A.M. to 2 P.M. secretary to the government. Kasruth by Rabbi N. Feldman Patronize Our Advertisers
B y . M R S . KEGINA F K I S C H W A S S E R (Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.)
: 2 lbs. winter carp 1 stale roil 2 lbs. yellow pike 1 teaspoon salt ' l i b . jvhite fish 2 eggs 3 onions 1 tcasnooir.sugar Clean arid fillet thefioh. Season with suit and place into refrigerator overnight. Wash the fish and chop with onions, roll soaked in water and squeezed dry. Add salt, well beaten eggs and sugar and "chop the fish until it clings to the chopping knife. Place the fish bones, heads and 3 siiced onions into a saucepan. Pour in 6 cups water and bring to a boil. With moistened hands shape balls and place into the pan. Season with 1 teapoon salt, cover the pan and cook 1% hours. Add sliced carrots and, cook .'50 minutes. Place! thYfish on a platter and boil down the gravy to 2 cups. •
Plan Includes First fluslear Power Plant
Israel Delegation lo Assembly to Be Appointed by Cabinet
Rosh Hashonah Menu Recipes— Gefilte Fish, Kreplach, Etc. ••:••
I»'ri<Iuy, Mrpteinher 5, 1058
LIVE FISH Free Delivery
Kreplach With Soup
1445 No. 19th St.
AT 7010
2 cups flour 1 cup fried onions 2 eggs ] teaspoon salt l l i lbs. ground meat ' 3 teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons melted shortening Knead a. soft, dough from flour mixed with weir beaten eggs, melted shortening and*a little water. Roll the dough out to !i inch in thickness and cut Inlo 4-inch squares. Mix the ground rneat with fried onions, salt, pepper and well beaten egg. Chop it a little to blend all ingredients. Place a little meal on each square of the dough and pinch the edges together. Place in a greased baking pan, and bake in a moderate oven Until golden brown. Remove from the pan and drop into boiling water. Add 1 teaspoon salt, cover the pot and boil for half an hour. Drain and serve with chicken soup. •
' *
Roasted Stuffed Chicken Skin ,5-lb. chicken '/t lb. minced raw chicken fat "'l.llj. veal 1 grated apple J ,a ]b. onions 1 egg, well beaten 1 teaspoon salt. 3 cup flour Remove the skin and the wings from the chicken, including the skin of the neck. Leave skin intact. Scrape off the white meat and grind it with the veal, and onions. Add salt, chicken fat, grated Taw apple, well beaten egg and flour. Chop well to blend the Ingredients, fill the skin, and sew the opening With white cotton. Place into roasting pan with the lower parts of the chicken and Spread with the following paste over it. Mix ,'j crushed cloves garlic 'With 1 grated onion,,2 tablespoons chicken broth, 1 teaspoon salt, Vt teaspoon pepper and add 1 cup chicken broth. Cover the pot and roast In a moderate oven until the meal is tender.
Honey Layer Cake
Oon Bernstein
HA 2554
Want Ads I'liont JA 13C1 is lnierl iroui lV«ut *a a Ttio Jevmli Press. Current ran la &0 osflti lor «»cli trmt line Insertion, 'l'hr. I'rwi renrvt* tut> right to limit i!r» ol each ttdverllserapDi
li cup shortening 2 teaspoons' baking powder : 1 cup sugar HEW YEAR'S CARDS ',3 teaspoon salt li cup honey *,» cup milk or water BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratu2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla lations also for oil Jewish holi2 cups flour teaspoon cinnamon days and special occasions. Cream the shortening with Ihe. sugar and honey. Cream until Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge mixture is light and fluffy then add egg yolks and beat well. Sift flour with baking powder and salt. Add flour, alternating with milk WANTED—Light Housework, six to the batter, then add vanilla and cinnamon. Fold-in stiffly, beaten days a week,'50 cents'an hour egg white*, and bake in a moderate oven 30 minutes in layer pans. and bus fare. Live out. Cnll WE Put layer cakes together, placing jam between the layers. 0260 after 5 p. in.
GEFILTE FISH Chooso your favorite — In Goldsn JELLED or Goldon LIQUID broth...ready to serve. from tht tpotUu kitcttant of Malhir't Fo>d Products, Inc. Niwark S, H.I.