September 19, 1958

Page 1

«r i-vi-iri. every Frlduy, 101JA N 20th. ciMiiiA iVJ.I Ttfi'l' Vol • X n \ I I Nv» . ni'ulinstica 2 on,,,,,,, .(jcbruBltu 1'liono 13«U OMAHA,

1 9 J 8 Entered un Sccund-Clu» Muttei ut I'ust- Single Copy 10 Cents UMQtVci) omuiiu. Nebraska, under Act or 1870 Annum Kate 4 Ouilsri

Yom Kippur Begins Tuesday at Sunset ing services will begin at fli.'fO a,in. The Milicha-Maariv service will begin at fi p.m. Daily services during the week will be held at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Iti'/ni i s i t . u x Services 11lls; Friday evening The Sunday morning service will will begin nt ():ir> p.m. Salurday be held at <l a.m. inoi'iiini: services begin 8:1.) a.m. YOM Kirrnc nnd the Junior Congregation Tuesday, September 'I'.i meets at 10 a.m. The Saturday Kul Nidre 0:15 p.m. afternoon Talmud class meets at Wednesday, September !!l 5:.1"> p.m. and Mincha. followed Morning Service . . . . 8:00 a.m. by Shalosh S'eudos and Maariv Yi/Iior, Memorial be'Cins at fi:1"> p.m. Service 10:30 a.m. II :00 a.m. The Sunday morning service be- Youth Services gins at K:i:> a.m. and is followed Mihcha-Neilfih Service 1:00 p.m. by breakfast and the Bible, The I1NAI JACOB-ADAS Sunday morning Junior service lie- YKSIH'KON gins at 8:,'t0 a.m. j Services at B'nai Jacob-Adas Daily services will be held at Yeshuron will begin Friday at (> 7 a.m. and G:l."> p.m. p.m. and Saturday morning nt K:.'!0 a.m. with Minchn at <!:.'!0 p.m. UK'I'II ISKAKI. SCHOOL*. followed by Shalosh S'eudos Dally New students of the Heth Israel .services (i a.m. and f> p.m. T.iluMid Torah and Sunday School VO.M illl'l'l'K will he consecrated to their studies Tuesday, Sept. 23 on Sunday morning, September Kul Nidre •r>:.'!0 p.m. 21. The consecration service will Wednesday, Sept. 21 take place in class during the reg- Morning Service . . . . 7:.'!0 n.m. ular scheduled class periods. Visitor Service HltfO n.m. ISKTII ISKAKI. Ne-i-Iah Concluding ItKTII HAMICTMCOSII H.ViOPOL Service 5:15 p.m. YOM HU'l'lK SKKVKJKS CONfiltWiATION OK ISKAKI, Tuesday, Sept. 23 Kol Nidre <>:!." p.m. (South Omaha)


Friday, Sept. 19 . ..(S:07 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. X\ . .(i:0(l p.m.


»•'•"> I'" 1 -

Wednesday. Sept. '!! Morning Service 7:"0 Sermon ":l!i Junior Congregation . .1O::'.O l'l«ltor Memorial Services I":'1'" Junior Congregalion ..l'_»:.'!(> • Kel-i-lah—Concluding . Service 5:1")


a.m. a.m. a.m.

YOM rciriTK

Tuesday, Sept. 'i'\ Kol Nidre .r>:.'i.'> p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 21 Sermon 9:00 a.m.

II'XAI ISKAKI. OF I' 1 ". COINCII, JIMJI KS p.m. YOM KII'J'IK Tuesday, Sept. 2,'( p.m. Kol Nidre. '6:1:5 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 24 Sabbath Shuvali services will be Morning Service . . . 8:00 a.m. 10:.ri0 a.m. 'conducted Friday at Temple Israel Sermon 11:.'H a.m. by Rabbi Sidney Brooks at 8:15 Yisluir 3:00 p.m. Children's Service i p.m. 5:35 p.m. Ne-I-lah Sunday, Sept. 21 Annual Memorial Israel Processes 20% Service- -Pleasant Hill Cemetery ........2:00 p.m. Of World's Diamonds Tuesday, Sept. :!.'! Jerusalem (JTA)--Twenty per YOM KIITIJi; cent of all the polished diamonds Evening Service . . . . 8:1.' p.m. marketed throughout the world Wednesday, Sept. 24 last year were processed in Israel. Service Begins 10:00 a.m. Israel last year exported in exChildren's Hour . . . . . 1:13 p.m. cess of S.'!2,500,000 worth of diaYlsltor 4:00 l » mondsf processed in plants employing ,'MOO polishers. Seven I!?;TII FA. Sabbath evening services nt more diamond-polishing plants are IV'lh Kl Synagogue will lie held being established in this country Friday at 7 p.m. Sabbath morn- now.

A trio of veteran leaders of the Jewish community were named today to direct the 3958 campaign of the Greater Omaha Committee for State of Israel Bonds. Sam Rice and Sam Kutzman Were selected us co-chairmen of 'the committee and Mrs. Sam Wolf was designated as chairman of the women's' division. Announcement of their appointments was made jointly by Morris Alexander of Chicago, III., and Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofslcy. Alexander is Midwest chairman for the Israel IJonds organization and Mrs. Kulakofsky was named as chairman f o r ' " t h e -Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota region. Served Bonds Previously Rice, co-owner of Company, is past president of the Omaha Zionist District and served on the board of Jewish Philanthropies. A member of the Henry Motisky lodge ofB'jial B'rlth, the liad an active career in B o y Scouts' activities. He is a former scoutmaster and served as chairman of a troop committee. Rice - also has been active as vice-president dt Beth Kl, nnd as chairman of its board Of education. He has participated in: the Israel Bondtf campaign since its Inception in 1951.

Hosted Parlor Meetings Katzman, co-owner of Mastercraft Furniture Corporation, Is past president of the Beth Israel Men's Club. He also is past president of the Omaha B'nai B'rith Bowling Association, and a member of Henry Monsky Lodge. Katzman served in an active role in recent Israel Bonds campaigns here,, hosting several parlor meetings. Mrs. Wnlf, Women'* Head Mrs. Wolf, a former chairman of the women's division, who also a c t e d as "Sponsors of Israel" chairman, is n past president of the Beth Kl sisterhood, is now its

Sam It Ice



'"T-tl k >

UJA HELPS IMMIGHANTS TO ISRAEL — Immigrants pour into Israel daily, leaving countries of oppression and fear behind them, The United Jewish Appeal now shoulders the major part of the burden of immigration absorption in Israel.

Women's Federation Makes Appointments Appointments to the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs for the IU.18-59 season have b e e n announced by Mrs. Mike Freeman, president, ' 1'roject Chairmen Named were: Bonds of Israel, Mrs. .7, Harry Kulakofslty; Center IKtchen, Mrs. Jake. Wine; Children's Memorial Hospital, Mrs. Ernest A, NOKK and Mrs. Hubert Summer; Civil Defense, Mrs. Dan Ciordinan; Community Calendar, Mrs. Joseph Guss; Community Chest, Mrs. Jules M. Newman and Mrs. Joe Zwelback; Emergency Drives, Mrs. Louis Katz; Historian, Mrs. Paul Blolcky; Hospitality, Mrs. Harry Wise; Jewish Home for Aged, Mrs. Max Frorrikin; Library, Mrs. Sam Katzmim; National Conference of Christians and Jews Auxiliary, Mrs. Hairy Wigodsky; Needlework Guild, Mrs.

member of the executive committee of the Federation for Jewish Service. Mrs. Wolf returned this summer from an extensive tour of Israel with her husband, the latter who served last year, as local chairman of special sales, for Israel Bonds. "With a trio of sincere supporters of the State of Israel and its campaign for economic self-sufficiency at its helm, I am certain Omaha will exceed its previous outstanding record in sales of Israel Bonds," Alexander said. Mrs.

HiiliikoiHk.V, 1'ralsed

Alexander, who also is international Israel Bonds chairman for praised Mrs. Kula-

Mm. Sam Wolf

Sum Kntziuun

An intensive) drive to rai«« $40,000,000 In CHKII to meet a "e.anl» enuT|;iMie.v" for its relief nnd rescue programs has linen Iiniiiclird throughout flio nation by 11m United J<nvi«li Appeal. TIIOKO funds ara desperately needed fur its ngoneii's .willed nffprt tin; lives and welfare of mure Hum 500,000 Jewish men, women and children la Israel and 24 other countries. The announcement was mada here by Robert II. Kooper, president of the Jewish Federation of Omaha, in . conjunction with thd resolution adopted at a New Yorlt City special session of the Appeal'* 51-man National Campaign Cabinet. 'I'ho resolution declares a "cash eiiiorifeiii-y" and calls upon community campaigns to conduct special organized casli efforts to socure |> ii y m Mil of outstanding pledges to iiieitt ii rrlticul need tot cnsli tn maintain Ilio operation* of tlin fluencies wlniso -programs arft financed 1>V , IMA funds. Mr. Kooper siiid Omaha would act immediately to provide iU quota of cash to ease the eilier* gency situation. • "This urgent apjie;il makes our community morn determined thai) over to accept Its responsibility," Mr. Kooper said In pointing out the l'\(reme Importance of the "cash drive." "If we. can help la spci'ilingf UJI tite process of relief: and riwcui; prop mint*, then we will act at once." "I appeal to my fellow Omnhana to do their share so that the wanderers of the earth shall come to live in the freedom that we cherish so dearly."

Dave Colin; Pledge Redemption, Mrs. Morion A. Richards; Programming, Mrs. Morris C. Fellman; Services to Armed Forces, Mrs. Joseph Freeman; Telephone, Mrs. Nathan Turner; Veterans Hospital, Airs. Abe Hear, and Welcoming, Mrs, Arthur II. Goldstein. Affiliated Organizations The Women's Federation is composed of 14'community organizations. The organizations, their presidents and appointees respectively are: Beth Kl Synagogue Sisterhood, Mrs. Abe C. Fellrnan and Mrs. Jack Bramson; Beth Israel Sisterhood, Mrs. Henry Appel, Mrs. Stanley Shapiro and Mrs. Harold Xelinsky; Bikur Cholim Society, Mrs. Jake Wine and Mrs. Louis The Jewish Federation- Agen« Siporin; B'nai B'rilh Nebraska Chapter No. 3'lfi, Mrs. Paul Sacks cies' Section of the 1958 Omaha Needlework Guild has opened Its (Continued on Page 4,V annual appeal for contributions''it was reported by Mrs. Dave Cphnv its Guild chairman. The appeal for funds is an an-, kofsky's leadership in Omaha nnd nual event sponsored by all charitable croups in the community to throughout the region in the pust furnish clothing and linen supplies seven years. "Her record of serv- for needy families. . ice to Israel, Judaism nnd the enTile announcement was mailed tire Omnliu community for many to all Jewish women by the Feddecades speaks for itself," he con- eration of .Jewish Women's Clubs, Mrs. Colin .said. cluded. All contributions' will be acGoal of the 195H campaign will knowledged In'future'issues of the be set in the next several days, Jewish Press. Itice and Katzman said, "hut we hope to increase the S174.000 total for 1057 substantially. The great number of communal leaders from r here who went to Israel this summer, the tremendous local and Adult advisors of the teen-age national publicity attendant to the Youth Council Clubs held their ]Oth anniversary of Israel's inde- first problem solving workshop of pendence, and the steady progress the new school season, Thursday Israel hns made on the economic evening nt the home of Lou Cafront in recent months all will nar, it was announced by Phil combine' for accelerated purchases lor, chairman of Center Youth activities. and sales." they said. Plans for other advisor's. workI.iiiiclienii, Octotier 1 First major event of this year's shops were made in addition to drive will be on Oct. 1 luncheon ut the discussion of youth affairs. noon at the Blackslone Hotel, Sam Epstein, head of B'nai B'rlth Mrs. Wolf said. An outstanding Is- Youth Commission and Mrs. Ethel raeli personality will be guest of Levenson, head of tho Omaha Zionist Youth Commission reprehonor for the function. An "appeal for workers also wns sented their organizations. Mt, issued by the throe newly-named Kutler announced that any mem> chairmen. "We ask every organi- ber of the community Interested zation in Omahu to select its Is- in becoming a club advisor Is liw rael Bonds chaimhn at once," they vited to contact the Youth Office at the Jewish Community (tenter. said.

Needlework Guild Initiates Its Annual Appeal

Y.C Advisors Hold Workshop thurs "


fublislied Cvery Friday by Die Federation of JcuKli Service Second Class Mulling I'rlviJcucs Author!r.o<i ul unmliu. NH;niU;a A n l Subscription.'54.U0. Annual S b i t i 5400 Advuilsinp Advu1l!>1nt; lui luies on Application. MU Editorial Of.'tcc—101 No. il'jlli Street, Omaha. N<-l>r. JAc ::cun i:'.(,(i Print Sli. ) Address '.SOS So CMii S t m t


. Kiiitor

Jerusalem Talks i.e<p



Friday, SotikiuTjcr 19, J938

The Eternal Spell of Yom Kippur Motto: "For on this day shall atonemenr be made by you to cleanse you." (Lev. XVI:2) The great beauty ami solemnity of. (he Uuy of Atonement lies in i t s completeness. Tho awesome d a y begins nil KDI Niilre Xk;bl (.September i'-ll with the chantin;; of (ha plaintive, moving melody Ihat frees us from all vov.s, and ends lit sunset. n c \ l day will) the Ni-ilah s'Tviee aiid tlie shrill sounds of the r a m ' s horn proclaiming Clod's forgiveness. Oi'it:'m;iny, Yom Kip])iir w a s an historical festival niniking forever the d;iy on which Moses deseendeil from Ml. Sinai wiih tin' .second Luloth H a }i'rith (the. Tablets of the Covenant) on whieh were e n graved the T e n Commandments. As the second 'I'ablfts maiii'.-'l llio fact, that. flod in His AII-.Merey hail forgiven the community for their sins, of idol worship, the d.'iy (t'-nfli of 'i'ishri I came to be observed

J S ,-i t i i i v of lerveiit p r a y e r a m i s i n c e r e a t o n e n x lit. M i r r u r of tin- Soul i N e w York U T A i Israel's fu-j lUI-'YVK presidenl. U|iun the deli-1 l i i d yiHI i-ver t h i n k of a m i r r o r i 1uro ability in f.U|i|j(irl itself ami j nation's return tu N e w V"lk. I in w h i c h y m i r soul r e f l e c t s i t s e l f ? . i l s p n i t i n i s s u e r e iliseu.s-eil Iiy i Mr. Abeles, who headed lh.> del-j <'an y o u J<M>!; a! y m n s e l f , t h e I'eali As of SeptiMllher 17, ItriK a tlelcpuion of the Council of .li-w-j r»,ition the firs! to lie sent h y | self, tin- jn-rsiiii t h a t y o u r e a l l y : ish, federations and Welfare Funds | the I. (I. nil ions and welfare hinds are'.' f",'in you p i y at. yoiu- i n m o s t , The following rue cu.reiit reports from divisions in the 1H5S with lop lenders nf the Israeli to Israel since the establishment soul ami liuiii-sily its l i l e m - j Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign:


Government in Jerusalem, it was | of thf .l.:\\i>,h Slate said thai the report d l l).v Hfiberl K. Abeles, j discussions wen- e.jniluetei! as a .I.— I basis for help to Israel from the ! .Jewish communities in the l.'niied I States and other countries. "We looked specifically ;it uliat ! Israel must d o to close its foiei'^ti ! trade ^ap of almost S^0l> inillioii." .. . , . ' Mr. Al.eles reporled. "The hae!,JMr. anil Mrs. >la.\ Hear of Chi- j grotimI for this discussion was .CO go were tho quests of .Mr. Hoar's n 1 ( , f a ,.t Ihat reparations income " p a r e n t s , M r . a n d M r s . Alic ISrar, will n-air in the i-url.v nr inlil-


In the News

islns? I-'nr many centurie:;. Hi - s o l e m n , sinrciiin;.; spirit of Ihe D.iv of Amm-menl, has !>• •• -ii Ihf reyeiier-j alor of our lives makin;; us at one | with our mer<-iful ('re;ilor and j briii';!!!--: us nearer to the loflyi iile.-ils IKIIII uhieh we h a \ e strayed.! What \^e a r e asked mi this day | of introspr-etion and sim'"re r e - ! pcnlaiiee |)iirtieularly, but. should;do so mi each and every day of our j lives, is to be loyal to the (clients j of Unit and of help to our 'fellow- ; men. l)n this unique day one lives j the da-pest inner life and feels j stirred in an i s a l t e d atmosphere : of emotion. . i

Division I nil in I (lifts Men's Division Women's 1 >i\ ision i:. .<;• p . Knit Children's Division Jlij;h School Division I'nivel'sily Division. Or;;ani/ation.s Mi.'-cellaiiCoii.s

..' ,.

l!i.-)S Total To Dale .S:M5,4.'15.00 12,712.51) (i1,f)87.!5-l :i/i11;.so 1,"•10.25 3,171.2.") 100.00 2,47.'!.7.") 1,-177.01)

during the holidays. The latter IfHiO's; repayments on Israel Imtids during C-, Moinc must liptfin about that linn- (IfNilt). recently relumed from rutting iiicijini1 from that sniinrTotal to Date Siril),2i:i.7!l Where they wec-k end with l>y about oiie-thinl. .Tust to nial;e nnblber sonspent and adaughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. David Hear umJ j IIJ> these LISTS will require close their children, 'Philip Allen iiinl \ tu S!)0 million nr rnorr in exports Alpha Theta chapter of Zefa IJnda Ituth, [while holding down imports. To lk'la Tau fraternity, University of The David lieais spent, the lioli- i ••«•* ">»" " " ' K-'i< " ' " require an Nebraska, l.inculn, formally pledfj- j days w-ith Mrs Hour's parents, j "'en «r<:il<-r expansion of exports. ed loiirteeii youiif^ men in a cere- j RUG & UPHOLSTERY Mr and Mis Leon Bhmiberg in I And that's complicated by the fad moiiy, Wednesday, Septi lnher 17. CLEANERS Philadelphia, l'n, and plan to visit ! * » » « personal restitution payThe new pledges lire Buddy i: A I I II.IATIM; here shortIv. " ments-How :,t tlie lev.-. ,,f St.RUGS—CAiUM-rriNG Wolf/ lion.-ibl Simons, Tom I'latt, __ | mdlion annually—-will also decline W I T H itNAi i n t i T i i Miss I ora I'niiildin. who just j Kr< - ;l tly in tin- mld-limU's," .llr. r.ohaniie. ;;irls youth council Stuart Kutlcr. Steve Frieilm.-iii, | LAMP SHADES completed a lour of Israel and i Alii-le-. •.tri-wd. "roup. has requested' affiliation I'aul Shyken. Arnold Ban, Larry FURNITURE Western Kuropc, spent a week, "1'i-ivalt" invi-stiiient was the wiih I'.'nai B'rith, it was announc- Herman, Alliin Noddle, Harold with her parents, >lr. and Mrs. J fourth point of the original Four ed by Betty KnvK.n. its president. Kaiman, all of Om.-dia. Blalt, Cleaned In Your Home! Morris M. I-'raiiklin. ljefore re-j Point Fro:.:i-ain launched in 1!I5O- The club will be granted a tem- Columbus. Nebr., Bill Cioldinnn, Binding • Laying • Repairing turninK to the University of ('nli-;5l Mlie other three points were porary charter by the B'nai li'rith Lincoln. Nebr., Jordan Green, Chicaeo, 111., IIIMI Bernie Kat/, J)enfornia, Berkeley, where she is a j philanthropic aiil. mainly through youth advisory committee. Don Bernstein HA 2554 junior. " (IMA; Israel bonds; and in1er;:o%'Jtohanue is now i-PorjjnnizinK its \'er. ('olo. Miss KranUlin, who is inajoriiis ernmciilal ;.i<li. Huf there has commiilee sirueture. All liiuh in music, education, while in Kur- h(-eu IKI central urbanization t' school Rirls are muled to join its opv, attended tlie Music anil Arts help develop private- invi stment, j membership or any other youth festival in Edinburgh and the and the level has remained static council p'oup by contacting club World's Kair in Brussels. She ar- and much too low. Ideas and plans officials or the youth office nt the for increasing private investment Jewish Community Cenlei-, rived ju Omaha September 10. and how they will relate to philanthropic aid ran through a voirni a Scb (Subby) Pulvercnte number of our major discussions." "Wo eentered our talks on the SNACK «AIt IN CANTKKN The Youth Council clubs are 25 Years' Experience work and needs of the Jewish .'JfOSKI'II <OIIN now operating a snack bar in tho With Jewish Funeral services for Joseph Agency for Israel. a§ tho major teen aye canteen at the Jewish Colin, 72. who died Saturday, Sep- beneficiary of our Welfare Funds, Community Center during after Lettering and Memorials tember fi. in 15c\mly Hills, m l . , nml n» the. major oneraliiiK or- school hours. Ice cream, pop, c;mwere held Wednesday afternoon, gnui/.atinti in Israel for immigra- ily, K'lin, and potato chips are heAT 2452 2211 So. 8th September 10, ,'it Temple Israel tion, nml for Ihe absorption of im- ; offered. Plans arc also underwith Rabbi .Sidney Brooks, offi- migrants. >/:iny of the immigrants way for a "Guess How Many ciating. Burkd was held ill. Beth wlu> come to Israel through the Beans" contest to be started very i help of tins Jcttish Agency eonKl Cemetery. ,oon. Youth Council clubs will Mr. Colin was at one time ow II- tinne to require help for some five rotate proprietorship on a monthELEVEN EXCITING FALL AND WINTER r r of the Omaha Paper and Xotion to seven years thereafter and ly basis. Ilonu AZA and Kdiar. Co. and moved to Be\erly Hills there's a longer period before they BBG are Ihe first to run the snack when lie retired 12 years a^o. Hebegin to repay that help. bar and will continue to do so ABOARD THE CaMiyi'M. LUXURIOUS HEW Jiad hern a resident of Omaha 58 "It was very clear to our group t.hroii;;h September. yea rs. that in the drama of rescue and COMPLETELY AIR-CONDITIONED Surv-iun:; are his wife, Kva, i mass immigration, too little at- vol.'Tii <;KOI:I» TO Beverly Hills; children, .Mrs. Kd- tention has been paid in Ihe X'. S. MKCT Sl.NDAV ward Levitwin, Mrs. Arthur .Sher- to these massive, rontinuim,' needs The Beth Israel Synncoyue NOVEMBER 2 1 , 1SSB 1 3 DAYS JJCO u p thai these are fundamental and youth oiKani/ation will meet ill man and Ted Colin. Omaha, and 61. Thomn. Toil d« fr»n;t. fott C( tpl'H, Cli'ldO. Mrs. Hubert Herman, Beverly far mole costly than Irnnsporling • social hall of the Synagogue. 0°ECEMBER 5, 19SJ B DAYS J 1 7 0 lip the refugees and that much needs Sunday, September 21sl, a t li'.'lO Mills. DECEMBER 14. 195» » DAYS *I7O u p to he done in our understanding p.m. Full reports of all the fund W/Ss**^.**-* DECEMBER J 3 , IS3» 13 DAYS *290 u p KOHKRT IJ. .I.WOI5SO.V 'mil programming for that fact. raisin;; activities will be gi\en ami I'crfect hofiJay ihip , . . perfrct holittay trip— B. .Funeral servicf-s for Kolxrt Tho CJFWh' delegation also in- plans will be completed for the U. Thon II. Fcrt £ • f <»nct. fort ol 'jpim. Curi^«v, willi tht gj:ztnl on *omlerftil ftMjJ, nnfinl Jarohson of .'ilOfi Dod^e Street, terpreted to th« Israelis the re- hayrack ride on September 'JKtb. fio^l succulent tAiifood to choice fowl M i AlditUMl C»,lin[«. Itsti Jin. I. 10 rilrt. 170} DPI piime mean. ^Lilfull/ prepared by Vuwpiun who died A'i;;ust L1!. were held at ut Auierlfani Jews Preliminary ronventioii plans will Hi'r. U, 11 Kyi, K M up; M*V. s i , » Cilrt'lUn *f. chtfi. Beth Kl Synagogue, 2G. for 'Icwisli coiiiinininl need* with- be discussed at this meeting. All Tor infwmsticn md reterwitionj, Conwlt your ticytl oj«nf or Burial was in Bflh Kl Cemetery. in the Initcd States: "We i-.\-biuh school students arc invited j Surviving are wife, I'.ae, son, [>1;ilnPd what our federation*, wel- to attend. C L I N E S , I N C . • 501 r i f i H A v t , NEW YORK M I.«inard, find two grandchildren. fare funds, im<l community councils'are and what they ilo—liow MAX BAliM Funeral servict-s for Max Baum, we raise fimiH ceutrallv tliroiijli 63, of,270ti Burl Street, who died federated cauipaigiis for major September Kl, V.TI-P held Sunday Jcwifth needs everywbere — nntl afternoon at tin- .lew ish Funeral ovv these, funds then flow to Is' Home. Survivin' arc son, Abe;rael from our w e l f a r e funds daughter, Mrs. Rosaline Kpstein, through tlio l,'JA, Heltrow InlverA complete program of physical sily, Trrlmion, and other instituJind three Kianilchihlren. educational and recreational ,iction*," Mr. Abeles emphasized. OMAHA'S LEADING (icities for nil age groups within SCOTT l.EK WKiODSKV the community has been developed Kosher Meat Market and Delicatessen Funeral sen'ices for Seolt by the Center's Athletic CommitWigodsky, 2, son of Dr. and Mrs. V/A 5554 4415 CUMING tee, it was announced this week. New YorkA five and a half Karl Wigodsky, who died SeptemIrvin Yaffe, Athleiic Committee foot; model of the. S/.S Jerusalem; ber 10, were held last Friday afternoon at Temple Israel. Burial Israel luxury passenger line is on Chairman, said that the "TX>8-59 •\vas in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, display in 11 if window of the Com- season will stress instruction nml Tuesday, September 23 at 2 P.M. Besides his parents, survivors are mercial State Bank and Trust Co. close supervision ill all activity two brothers, a sister, and grand- of New York. The mode) \v/is un-areas. Through Wednesday, September 24 parents, Mr. and Mrs.- Harry Wig- veiled in connection with the lin- New programs include special activities forl a d u l t s , football er's forthcoming Caribbean cruit:<: odsky and Mrs. Vivian Weiss. proRram, flic.first, under (lie Is- league for grade schoolers, Iddy CALL THURSDAY, SEPT. 25 rael Klafj, which begins with a I.''- Biddy activities, Sunday sports day .iaiuil lo Iru; tropic; Novem- programs, Slimnastic classes for FOR FRIDAY DELIVERY hc-r Ulst^'The unveiling \y;ui in (he women, a Spring Sports School, DAVID FORBES presence, of Gottlieb Hammer golf and fencing instruction. New Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Forbes president. <if the American Israeli iict.ivifn.-s are to be announced by CLOSED MONDAY AND TUESDAY announce the Bar Mitzvah of their Shipping (5j.i Inc.. New York, the Committee as the sport's seaBon, David, Saturday morning, roprcsc-nlalives of Zirn Liner, and son progresses. Sept. 29 and 30 for Succoth September 27 at Beth Kl Syna- Jacob Leiehlf;ian, pn.-,'di-nt of th> Patronize Our Advertisers gogue. above nirnliunrii b.'iil'..


Monument Co.



Gomplefe Program Is Planned hy Center Athletic Committee

iotfel Ship Unveiled

Closed for Yom Kippyr


Friday, September 10, 1858

AZA Sweetheart : "/ ; ; :

'"AUOI'NII ' l l i i : WOULD JN FASHIONS" "Around Ihe World in Fashions" will IJI; I he thfii)i> or (lie J!c:th Kl Sisterhood style- show .'inil luncheon Oclobcr !)lh ill l'-':.i() JI. in. in 11)0 Ik-tli Kl suckil IKIII. Chuii'iio'ii





• I '• ]

mils, l i r e . Kln.vil I'erliiieler. Mrs. David \Vrinh:-i;; .'mil Mis. William J.ohnnaii.


zrsr MOTIIKKS Mi:i:ri.\(i A m i ' c l i n i : of lh<- Z i l a I!i-ta T a n M o t h e r ' s C l u b " i l l b e lii-lil Tii'-s<lay. Si'plcrulM-r ".0. a l 1 p . in. a t 1he D i u v l c i ' Il'-ll. A c t i v e m o t h e r s will hr> lioslesM'S t o n e w i n e i n b i ' i s .



S'KW OITK Kits Neuly eleeleil olliei-is of the Simula Alpha Mil Mothers club are Mrs. K. I. Widman. president; "Mrs. M.. lOnnan, • vift'-pi-csiilenl; Mrs. I'en I Hal I, sei'i-ctary. and ?.fre. Albert Orm-h, livasiirer. The criiiip met Thui'Ml.-iy. Seji•leinjjcr .'IS. al 11n* lionie of Mrs. WiiliiKin. Mrs. Albeit Oiueh was

Mihs lt:irh:ir:i IScrcilll, I", (IsuiKlitrr nf Mr. ami M m Itereutl, wlm was r <• e «* n I I y iiiimi'il "Sweetheart" nf Alepli /,:i(lil, Ali'ph No. I. A Central lli^ll srhiuil stuilent, site rcpresrntnl Dehldi Debs In I lie cunipctitlim CDiiilnctcil by tIn- A/A group.

Reception, Temple I For S. Friedman ivill 50th Anniversary


Page Tliree

wirious commitlees will be appointed by Hie president at the |H":I regular meeting, Ocfober G. Any iinal Tilialed H'nai B'rilll Temporal y officers were named j woman .is eligible as a charter 1 'ihe fall series of Slimnaslics. lo sri'Vi ii newly instituted H'najj member of the group. tile Jewish Community Center's Ji'rilh Women's chapter al a meei-! popular fir.ure condilionin^ course imc September .S al the Jewish' lor women will beejn shortly with Community Cenler. Kleeled to office until the ;;roup : two classes from .10 a. in, to Jl a. in, on Tuesdays and Thursdays is chartered are Mrs. Marvin I Jcror Wednesdays and I'Yiday al the ber, pi'e.-,i(l;'nl, pro-lein; Mrs. I iene J Osherolf. secretary: Mrs. Merle j Styling Unsurpassed Center. Polash, ineinbership; Mrs. Yale i A special nursery for Ihe children aj;ain will he condiieled as I Kaplan, publicity; Mmes. Ma\! part, of the .Shuniasiies program I Kirshviibaum and Millon. I.os;, | without additional cost lo partici- j pro^ra'm. The li'li?pliiini> r-uiiiinil )<•<• is con-- j pants. posefj of Mrs. llarry ClrefMib'.'i;1,. j Ueilistration lor each class will chairman, co-chairmen, Mines. Ke-I In1 limited !:> Ihe first 1,") partici- vee l\irsheiihauin. 1'hiJip Ilandelpants. The fee for the course will m.'iii, l'.e:i Hilliin and .Millon Cac be a Center Membership. Women kin. FARNAM AT 36th may enroll by calling Ihe Center, Meeting dates ha\e lieen d'.'sMini. IIIMI Tljiirs. Mil's Till 8 .TA i:u;i;. i;;naled for the secmid Monday of A special evening Slimanslics 4-ach month al S p. m. with board! course is also beinc; planned. meetings scliriliiled for thi' fourth | Monday of each month at H p. m,, both al lln' Jewish Community Center, A name for the new chapter will be \oled mi and chairmen for the Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Se^cl, of Cl<'\eland Meif;hls, Ohio, allnoimee the enj;ai;emeiij of Iheir (lau^liler. Marylcn Dinniio, lo Pi1. MOTEK PFEFFER Harold A. Oberman, son of Mi' BEAUTY SALON and Mrs. r.'l i \ Oberman. Mis.s Se^el was a June graduate 3813 Charles St. of the University of Michigan, wheie she was president of Ihe Specialists in Permanents Michigan League, \\'omen's stu<ind Hair Styling dent body. She was a member of Ihe Stuilenl Government Council Call Regent 1O11. and was elected lo Senior Society, For Appoint nient. senior women's honorary. She is on the faculty of IJie lieaehw'ood Reasonable Prices Villa:;e. Ohio, school syslem. I>r. Oberman is a j.;raduaio of Ihe University of Nebraska CoJleue of Medicine, and is a member of Alpha Onief;a Alpha, honorary medical .soeiely. He is taking his You are cordially invited to inspect our new residency al the University Hospital, Ann Arbor, Mich.

Slimna sties Scheduled


Officers Named

© Furs O Cloth


Mini's. Al Alii'.-uns, Il.-irold CiirhiT mid .loo Horiislfin. Cirde <:h;ih nvn in <:h;iri:i' .'ire Mrs. Morris Uriel;, Mrs. Hiirold ('onponiiiiM. Mrs. iMui'lon Ilii.-li-


, Fiancee

IIOMII.W I»AN('IN<; Cl.VR 'I'llP Holiday Dancing C l u b " opened their fall season with a Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Kriednian "Bark to I cliiiol" dance, Saturday, will he honored on their fiftieth Scplcniber ].'!, at the Field Clu!) weildin;; anniversary by (heir chilballroom. dren at an open reception r'riday, September '2H, at Temple Israel JIADASSAII liOAKI) Omaha Chaplei- of Iladassah after Sabbath services. Hosts at the ovenl for their parwill hold ils regular moiilhly . board meeting Monday. Septein- ents ale Mr. and Mrs. I.loyd lier '22, .-it 1J::1O p.m. '»l I he home Kriednian and Mr. and Mrs. Akin . of .Mrs. Aflliiir (Joldslein, S543 Kriednian, Ihe latter of Isansas Jlicliory SI. Co-hostesses will br1 City. Mo. Mr. Kriedman. an Omaha buildMrs. Morris CicKsman and Mrs. ing contraclor. was confirmed in Allen Kohan. June, 1S'.I7, al Temple Israel by HADASSAII (.ItOI 1'^ the laic P.ahbi I.eo N. KranUlin. j Three {groups of Omaha Chapler lie also was graduated from I lie •if Iliidiissah will niccl. in separalo Sabbath School's Normal departJiinrhoon sessions Thursday, Scp- ment in June of 1S!IH and has Ipnibcr 25, al VJ:'.\<) p.m. served on the Temple hoard. Me Nebraska l.ode,e No. .'ltd and Tlio Heniiella Szold j;roup will was graduated from tlwv I'nkfTChapter No. 1445 of IVnai It'rilli hold ils it';;iil:ir ni'Tlitif! at the sily of Nebraska in liiOO. homo of Mrs. Sam Katznuin, 510 Mr. and Mrs. Friedman joined will hold a joint meeting ThursNo. TL'nd Avenue, vyi t It Mines Ihe Temple fifly years ae,o, at the day, September 2ii at. 8:'!0 p. in. al l.oiiis Sipoiin, Sidney Ciolilberi; time ll)e St. Marys Avenue builil- Ihe Jewish Community Center. mill Irv Hubinow as co-hostesses. iii|: was dedicated. Mrs. Kriedman 1.0(1^0 officers will be installed A travelogue will be nivcn by Mrs. has been a member of ils sister- j in a ceremony to he concluded by Henry' Newman and Mrs. I.'wia hood fifty years. y Marvin Railin, of Sioux- Cily, la., (Irossman who lecenlly returned Out-of-town (juesls expectod for regional first vice-presidenl of from Israel, A salail luncheon the occasion in addition to Mr. H'nai H'rilh. Will be served. and Mrs". Alvin Kriednian, will be A dramatic presenlaiion will be Members of the Weizman j.;ioiip Iheir dautihter Miss Dorothy,Miss staged by Ihe orj;anization's drawill nict't on the second Hour of Kmia Kahn of Kvansville. Inil., matjc d u b under Ihe direct inn of (he Jewish Community ('enter. Jess Kahn of I .us AUKPIOS, Cal., Al Zwerlini,'. ItefreshnienlK will ho Mrs. lien M. '/.<•((. librarian ofMr. anil Mrs. Kred Mock of I'itls- serveil. . the Jewish Communily Cenler, bui'Kli. Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Charles will present an illustrated lecture Dennis of Chicago, 111., Mr. and on (he facilities available at the Mrs. Julius Arkin of Sioux' City, ('enter library. Program chair- la., anil Mr. and Mrs. Julius T,eman is Mrs. .Norman I'red. In hrecht (if Kansas Cily, Mo. An C'IIIII'KO of linu'liciiii aiiaii!;eini'ot.s invilatjui) i.s extended lo all of Miss I'hyllis Kreednian, ilaunliis Mrs. Max J,:i^iiii^ky. !ie>erva- I Mr., and Mrs. Kriedman's frieniis ler of Mr. and Mrs. Hershel lions chairman are Mine-;. Illliol I to attend Ihe rceeplion. Hi'oun, F.ernard Diamond. I.eo i A family dinner will he held KreurJman. was married to Allan Milder, Milfoil .Mini/ and Marry '; Saturday nielli al Ihe lilackstone Jay Joseph, ton of Mr., and Mrs. Oui'KP Cohi'ii of Racine, Wis.. J.ilxTin.iii. i Motel. Scplcmher.l in Madison, Wis. A film enlilleil "Israel and AdA .dinner for Ihu iminediale . . venliire" will b ' .shown al tin- MONOI.I l.i: VA< ATION .llorzl Hi'imp nicelin;; in the .JewI.os AiiKeles,. Cal., Mrs. Al Si- family followed. The couple will ; • ••. M\ ('onni)unity Cenlei' auditor- mons, the former Mhi;un Wies- return to Madison where both are jiini. They will also welcome hume man, dani;hler of Mr. and Mrs. students at the Universily of Wis11iosr.* travelers who wenl to Is. .Niitlii'ni Wiesman, of I.os Ati'^olr.i, consin, following; a trip to Chicago. r.'iel this summer. Mrs. Ma* llo<- Cal., ex-()nuilians, is spending a Mi is [iro:;rar,i ehairm.'in. l.unehfoa nu>nth in Monohilu. She was acPAUL'S . . . .chairmen are Mnvs. Abe Hear, companied by her son. Marc Alan, Al"\ Wolpii and Marry and was hostess at a "lion Voyage RADIO & TV SERVICE parly" on hoard ship. TV CAR RADIO

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Friday, September 19, 1958

Women's Federation

What Will the New Year Bring? By Herbert A. Friedman, IJvecutive Viii'-t'lmlnimn. lulled .Jewish Appeal What will- the New Year brhif;? The temptation in this .season is to look back, to revi<;w the accomplishments of the past, to take pride in good deeds already dime. Tile danger in that is in the lesson of Lot's wife. Looking hack on tvhat one has done can lead to complacency, a kind of hardening of the spirit. Mindful of the clouds that too often obscure the message in a crystal ball, I should like nevertheless to attempt some brief guesses as to the future. 'I'he year 5711) will surely see the Jews of this land continuing to enjoy the .prize of freedom. I think it is safe to predict as well that in Israel, too, Jews will continue to he free. But freedom, as our generation knows through bitter experience, is a costly business. In Israel freedom is literally: ' ~ " ~~ costly and, though to its people no! nainin fin" the complex of rv- The hard facts of livestock, mapuce is too high.^t hough they are I iees jieeded to transform a new- chinery, building*, electrification gladly paying higher taxes thai.<| comer into a productive citizen? and roads come into this picture, e\er, working harder and "eiidur-!Th responsibilities rest heavily a picture that may not be romanting facing Oon ing new new tensions, tensions, they they are are lacing; n the agencies of the United jcally beautiful for what it shows a central fact that their survival, Jewish Appeal. To complete then,,,, s l l n .iy m l I ! i t n i m , , u s ,, y w ( m l is in greater peril now than at any absorption of the many thousands it , n ,.., ns " A ( i ( | ) o t n ( , ,,\pirU\,v t| u . time since 1918. who have entered Israel in th factories, schools, hospitals and Love of Newcomer I last few years is not merely desirservices that must be instituted, With the wilingness of Israel's ; able. It is vital. people to buy freedom high, go a I Fur scores of thousands to re- staffed and maintained, and it is llove and a generosity embracing j „,,-,),, j , , ma'abai-ot without lull possible to glimpse the gigantic of the consolidation that every newcomer seeking a life in j employment, w i t h o u t adequate scale 11IM ' * effected. ,u,.l nil these that land; the ragged immigrant,' training, without proper medical j " the old, the helpless, the feeble. I fa<-iJiti<-s is more Hi an inhumane, I Projects which spell freedom and the sick are the warm concern of | more than demoralizing, more ' life for the Israel of tomorrow can every citizen. Those who "arrived j than uneconomic'; It is dangerous. come about only if the Middle •yesterday and those who will a r - | j t j s dangerous lor the people of Kast is at peace or, at the very rive tomorrow are offered a full! Israel—dangerous for their ecou- least, if some kind of stability preShare in the quest for better ! oniy--dangerous for that pledge vails in that area. life, But despite te the taxes, the they made promising Israel as the Tuslis, Threefold Sharing and thee disciplines, Is-j haven for the thousands upon The tasks ahead are clear. They rael's people are abl able to d do lless s j thousands h d who h will ill yet seekk reff are threefold in nature. Our felthan ever today to contribute fi-iuye within their borders. low-Jews, wherever they are in liancially to' the huge work of imImmigration Continues distress, must be kept alive and 4srmigraiit absorption. They must Meanwhile immigration to Isturn their r e s o u r c e s towards rael continues. One ventures to helped to pursue as decent a life Strengthening their s e c u r i t y predict that as long as there is an as possible. Second, whenever they have the o p p o r t u n i t y to be against the threat which mounts brought from where they arc to daily as their enemies Join bauds Israel those doors will be open. The fate of those who will come parts of the world where their around them. depends on the status of projects prospects will be better. Future of Mu'aliumt? What the future will bring for that are perhaps not thrilling to Israel's immigrants, therefore, is read about -the hard facts of agmore than ever iti our hands. riculture, the completion'of great What will happen to the hundred irrigation schemes, the awakening thousand human beings living in of desert areas in a pattern that tin shacks and huts in Israel's may be familiar to us through ma'abarot? What will happen to repetition but that must be rethe thousands waiting for job op- peated tirelessly until the N'egev portunities, for medical care, for boasts many more green areas.

AFTKK SCHOOL S\VIMMI.\'« CI \SSKS FOR CHILDltKN" C hildren may now enroll in special after-school swimming classes at the Jewish Community Center. Classes meet from 4:15 p. m. to S l i p . in. on Tuesdays and Thursdays or Wednesdays and Fridays. The beginner as well as the more adept swimmer may participate in these classes, Joe Micek. Center anuintics director, announced. Voungsters m a y register by 'membership application at the Center prior to any class session. Swimming instruction sessions are offered through the school season "at. convenient periods to-encourage more youngsters to develop their swimming skills and abilities. —Later in the season special advanced swimmer and lifesaving courses will be sponsored.


(Continued from Page 1.) and Mrs. Norman Itoscn; B'nai B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470, Mrs. Harry Smith, Mrs. Sam Kuimun aiid Mrs. diaries Stern; Brundeis University National Women. Mrs. liernhardt L. Wolf and Mrs. ICarenee L. Bergman; Hadassnh Omaha Chapter, Mrs. Max Greenberg and Mrs. Hyman Belman; Ladies Free Loan Society, Mrs. Sam Waver; Mizrachi Women, Mrs. Irving Stern and Mrs. Ben Handler; National Council of The year 571!) inaugurates JJ.IA's 21st year as it does the beginning of Israel's second decade of freedom. No thoughtful member of the American Jewish Community expects that this 21 st year—the year of maturity as we have come to think of i t - will be the last for U.IA. The rescue of u people, the building of a land takes m o r e than a decade, or even two. It is the task of a generation. IMA will be part of American Jewish life for some years to come. What will the New Year bring? It will bring to us what we bring to it. May we brinj? it much, and may it be a happy and prosperous one for Jews everywhere. NI;\V PIONKKII futon* A group of H3 members of tho Habonitn pioneer youth- movementr mainly from Australasia and South Africa, have settled in the collective settlement of Yizre'el.

Jewish Women, Mrs. Joseph M. Horwich und Mrs. Louis .Sogolow; Pioneer Women No. 1, Mrs. Milton Nearenberu, Mrs. Harry Rich. Jin and Mrs. Michael Colt on; Pioneer Women Kadimnh Chapter, Mrs. Charles Guss and Mrs. David Wine; Temple Israel .Sisterhood, Mrs. Kchvard Levinson, Mrs. Paul Verct and Mrs. Leon E. Felhnan; and Workmen's Circle Auxiliary, Mrs. Sam H. Binder and Mrs. Samuel Ornstein, Thursday, Meet Inn I>ay The various chairmen made their reports al the season's opening mc'lini! ut Mrs, Freeman's home. Future luncheon meetings will be held on Thursday afternoons, November (>. January H, and May 7 at the Jewish Community Center, Books, films, fihnstrijis, records and many other features of the Jewish Community Library were described in a talk by Mrs. Ben Zelf, its librarian, at the Women's Federation meeting;. The facilities of the Library, located on the. second floor of tho Center, are available lo clubs and individuals, Mrs. Zeff snid, She rtffered her assistance to any of the clubs whenever they would require the services of the Library. The following are the liOS-fi!) Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs officers: president, Mrs. Mike Freeman; first vice-president, Mrs, Lloyd Friedman; second vice-president, Mrs. Harry Sidman; secretary, Mrs. Kdwin K. Urodkey, a n d parliamentarian, Mrs. Robert H. Kooper.

FOIt HEALTH CH'B "We're interested in regular guys." Les Burkenroad. Center Health Club Chairman, stated this week. Burkenroad explained that regular guys are those who attend the Health Club consistently for invigorating m a s s a g e s , steam baths, sun lamp baths or for a light workout. The benefits from such regular visits are greater muscle tone, increased vigor, reduced fatigue and a more overall relaxed feeling. The Health Club. Hurkenroad commented, is open weekdays from noon to 10 p. m. and on Sundays from !) a. m. lo (i p. m. with no appointment being necessary Convenient low rates are charged to those taking advantage of our Health Club services, Rurkenroad said, ami the Club Is open to both members and non-members alike. Kurkenroad concluded by saying that more businessmen in the community would benefit by getting the Health Club habit. ' .'

CL VSS B VOJXKYISAM. The Center sponsored Class P. Volleyball League for men will TIIIIKI: rooTH.u.i, (titori's **otirt Monday. October "Kith withj Three football groups are preseight teams participating in three; ently being sponsored by the Cenrounds of competition. The Cen- ter's Athletic Department, f o r t e r s Varsity volleyball team cap- grade and high school youths'. The tained by Al Abramson and the high school league, under the leadOld T'mers Team coached by Or- ership of Howard Martin, stages ' ville Milder will'participate in the I its competition Sunday mornings league. Other teams signing up for] while the Midget Football League the Monthly oveniu>» volleyball for boys in grades five through p),i>* are the YMCA, Offutt Air eight meets Sunday afternoons. Force Base, Sokols, Benson Rec- The Iddy Biddy Leaguers play on reation, Lithuanians and the Mail Wednesday or Thursday afternoon from 4 to 5 p. in. All football C irriers. Other features of the T? League games are played at Klmwood include a, winter and early spring Park.Inlerested boys eligible for the tournament, participation in the league are requested to contact Regional Volleyball Championships the Center, JA l.'HJG,' for further and competition, in the National information and registration, or to Tournament in Des Moines, la., attend any of the actual game next year. sessions. The football season will close TUESDAY EVKNI.WS FOIt Sunday/October 12th. B XD.lHiVTOX ENTIIIJASTS Badminton, a s p o r t played" equally well by women as men, is featured at the Center's Gymnasium Tuesdays at 8 p. m. with in- Pii'jrje J A L'dtin to insert vt/ui rtai.f foimal instruction and competi- .Q '1'ljf- jewisti I'rcua. rale 1* 60 tenu for eacn tion. An open invitation to inter- UnaCurrent Insertion Tin l'rw« reaervea (tie ested players is extended to par- to limit ilze of each advertisement ticipate in the badminton activi- BAH and Bas Mitzvah congratuties lations also for all Jewish holiLater' in the season, a special days and special occasions. Center tournament in badminton Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge will be conducted for high school/ ers while-a separate division will CLARA RANDALL PLAOKMKNT be staged for aUlts. Burton Rob: ; SERV1CK. For Practical Nurses inion is the current Center badand Practical Domestics. Call minton champion. WK 5217.

Far from it! The services described are what electricity does—and much more—in your home. That's why people use so much of it. Our average residential-customer is using more than twice as much electricity as in 1948, but it costs less per kilowatt hour—in fact, 30% less. Electricity is the cheapest household help ever—and the most popular. Let it do' more for you.

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