September 26, 1958

Page 1

.-ji Entered u s Second-OluKS Mutter at font- Single Copy 10 Cents ""office. Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of 1879 Annual Kute 4 Uulluri

v w i ' n HI/ « Published every every Friday, Friday, 101 101 N N 20t 20th. AXX\II No. 8 Published omaha .Nebraska. Pfiona JA 13UG

strong Bond Official To Meet With Leadership

I.t. Tiiilma Van/. <>t Israel, Army Deputy C'miiiiiiiniler and Chief Instructor of Camp Marcus, a major training renter of tin: Israel De/enso Force,, 1n shown with two recent graduates at the Camp's course for Sergeant-Major*. LU-Tmima Paaz, of the Army of Israel, Deputy Commander and Chief Instructor of Israel's C;imp Marcus, will be guest of honor at the "Bond Hot ween Us" luncheon of the Women's Division lot Israel Bonds Wednesday, October 1. This noon luncheon will be held In the ballroom of the Blackslone Hotel, Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf, chairman of the Greater Omaha Women's Unit, annouced. It will not be necessary to buy Q minimum amount of Israel Bonds in order to attend, Mrs. Wolf -pointed out. Reservations may still be made by telephoning the bonds office at AT 1177 or AT lOfi.S. First Public Meeting Lt. Paaz, the attractive young officer seen and heard by millions of American television viewers on diet Huntlcy's program this summer, will arrive in New York City from Israel Sunday. Her Omaha appearance will be her first public meeting in the United States. Active In .De.fe.liso Efforts Born in Palestine In 192!), she lias been active in Israel's defense efforts since the age of 16 when (she Joined the Hnganah. The daughter of a frontier security officer and a nurse, she grew up In the midst of Arab rioting at Camp Marcus, named in memory of American Col. Mickey Marcus, who died in the defense of Jerusalem 10 years ago, where she directed the' entire program ot studies and the teaching staff. There, immigrants going into Israeli armed forces receive a thorough grounding in Hebrew, citizenship, history and geography. Officers also complete their training ut Camp Marrus, Thousands of young -men and women have received •their instruction there under her leadership. "We have eliminated the requirement of advance" bond sales this year so as to enable hundreds of additional -Omaha and Council Bluffs women to meet nnd hear a true symbol of modern Israel," Mrs. Wol said. Women Complete Organization Organization of the Women's Division was virtually completed 'Sunday morning, at a breakfast meeting at the Jewish Community Center attended by 40 presidents '{Continued on Page 4.)


'Miss Israel Bluffs Guest Miriam Hadar, Miss Israel of 1958, has arrived in Omaha and Council Muffs to spark the launching of this year's campaign for State of Israel Bonds. She was to appear at the annual "Sponsors of Israel" coffee at the, home of Mrs. Isadora Chapman at 10:30 this morning and will be honored at a communityw i d e receptlonl sponsored by the Council B l u f f y chapter of Ha-Jj dasah at 2:30p p. m., Sunday [/ S e p t e m b e r 2R»y The meeting Is[l_ s l a t e d for the Council B l u f f s Miriam Hnrtur Jewish Community Center. Visiting Cousin") Israel reached the finals Miss Miss Universe contest in of theBeach, California, this sumLong mer and won the trophy for the best original speech in the international beauty contest. She is visiting her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Saul Suvalsky, In Council Bluffs. Daughter of a Polish immigrant to Israel, now a prominent Israeli attorney, Miriam was born in Jerusalem in -10,'J7. She volunteered for military service at the age of 17, after completing high school and a full year before subject to conscription. She reached the grade of sergeant, and then be(Continued on Page 4.)

Y.C. to Organize Theater Troupe The first organizational meeting of the Youth Council Theater troupe will be held Sunday, Sep tember 21, at 1 p.m.' at the JewIsh Community Center. Members will confer with Shirley McKen zlo, professional director, to make plans for the coming season. All teen-agers Interested In any phase of theatrical work are far yited to attend,

Milton Krochinal, Midwest director of the Stale of Israel Bonds Organization, will meet with the leadership of Hie Greater Omaha Committee for Israel Bonds Sunday morning, .September 2H, n(: a 10:15 a. m. breakfast at the Jewish Community Center. Sam Kntzman and Sam tticc. •o-chalrman of the local committee, said presidents and Israel Bonds chairman of every men's nnd women's Jewish organization in Omaha and Council Bluffs have been invited to the meeting, which will conclude by 12:l.r> p. m. Mr. Krm-hmal, whose area'Includes Detroit, Minneapolis, St. X.oiils, Kansas City, Milwaukee, Indianapolis and (lie three-state area, which headquarters tit Oma!iu, IK former national director of the It'iiul B'ritli program for Israel Bonds. A resilient of Kvanston, 111., he is an active leader in several Chicago, Til., and Midwest communal organizations. He will arrive here at H a. m. Sunday from Kansas City, where he will confer with Abba Khan, Israel's ambassador to the United States and the United Nations. Mrs. J. Hairy Kulakofslcy, chairman for Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota, and Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf, Women's Division chairman, also will participate In the meeting, f A co-feature of the kickoff session for the 1958 drive to provide vital economic assistance to Israel will be the Omaha premiere of n new film on Israel's 10th anniversary. Eddie Cantor is both the star and narrator of the 15-minute motion picture.

Sunday 'Funday1 To Open Oct. 26 The fall program of children's activities at the Jewish Community Center will open with a Sunday Funday session on October 2(>. flight Sunday Session The first session will run for eight Sunday afternoons from 2 p. m. and is open to children ages 3-12. The goals of this program are: 1 - T o provide a recreational experience for our children through our program of activities. 2—To prepare children for summer camping and other situations where both independent thinking and group cooperation are necessary. 3—To have the children learn the skills of.democratic social life. 4—To develop a love and respect for things Jewish. flroups To Be Formed The children will be divided into groups according to age and sex under the supervision of a mature and experienced worker. Groups for the most part, will do their own program planning with guidance from their leaders. Astivitles will include drawing, painting, crafts, puppetry, sports, swimming, quiet games, singing, dancing, •movies, story hour, dramatics, nature. Holiday parties, trips, and special mass programs will also be featured. Registration is being taken for a special pre-school group tff participants. Enrollment is limited. A fee of $7.50 per eight week session is charged. The fee for the entire sixteen week session is $12. For further Information call JA 136G, Children's Activities, Jewish Community Center.

An appeal to SHARE generously in the annual Red Feather-Red Cross campaign was made to members of the Jewish Federation of Omaha Friday by its president, Robert IT. Kooper. This year's city-wide goal Is SI,7!)!),(173 the minimum amount required for the whole family of health and welfare) jidaencles, S3 hi all. 'J'lie Bum l« a slight Increase over J9S7. Gout Must Ri; Kracliccl "The goal .must be attained to meet the growing needs of a progressive city . like Omaha," Mr Kooper declared. "Cost of services are rising just like those of any business and more than dial the demand for agency services mount." The Red •Feather-flod Cross campaign will be in full action during the month of October. It is the annual fund raising effort; of the entire community in which all faiths and groups merge their efforts for the good nnd welfare of Omaha. The Jewish Federation of Oma-

ha received ?G2,17!5 towards Its operating funds for 1958 through the United Rod Feather-Red Cross campaign. The Jewish Community Center was- aided with capital funds of over jjil.0,000 for much needed repairs. Mr. Kooper reported that the Jewish Federation agencies alone served 4,349 individuals during the first six months of 105H. • Opportunity To Aid Community "We are deeply concerned with the success of the drive," Mr. Kooper declared. "We are not only helping ourselves, but have an opportunity to help our neighbors." "Let's help the campaign push off to a good start by giving our SHARK when called upon," ho added. "Every humanitarian effort must bo made to avoid any crisis through backsliding." "The challenge to meet the needs of a growing city is ours," Mr. Kooper emphasized. "The story of tlie annual campaign's monniinental achievements is a source of pride to our city. Everyone should give his SHARE.'-'

with a GENEROUS Pledge


Center to Form Dancing Classes Various courses in dancing, ballet and tap for beginners, intermediates and advanced students are now being organized at the Jewish Community Center by its children's activities department. Miss Betty McMichaels has been named Instructor. Small classes are being planned to accommodate pupils with Individual attention. Fee will be $3 per month. Children's activities, at the Center, JA 13G6, may be called for registration or additional information.

JNF to Celebrate 60th Year Oct. 12 The sixtieth anniversary of the founding of the Jewish National Fund will be celebrated by the Omaha section on Sunday, Oct. 12 with the presence of Mrs. Archibald Silverman of Providence, R. I., a prominent national leader. The dinner will be held at 6:30 p.m. at Beth Israel Syagoguc, Mrs. A. D. Frank, chairman, announced.

Ghana Seamen Train On Israeli Ships Haifa (JTA)—Apprentice sailors from Ghana will be taken aboard Israeli ships from now on, it. was announced by the Ministry of Transport. After qualification, Ghanlan seamen will be allowed to fill berths aboard vessels of the Zim Navigation Line plying the Haifa-West Africa route. At present apprentices from Ghana are crew members of snips of the joint IsraelGhana Black Star Line.


ADL Regional Board to Meet October 11-12 For the first time In five years, the annual meeting of the Plains States Regional Board of the Anti-Defamation League, will be held in Omaha this coming October 11 and 12, at the Highland Country Club. Previous meetings have been held In St. Joseph, Mo., Des Molnes, la., nnd Kansas City, Mo, 52 Cnimniinlties Represented Representatives from .52 com> munlties in Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, South Dakota and western Missouri will be in attendance. Loo Eisenstatt, Regional ADL chairman, has stated "This ja a real . opportunity for Omaha's' Jewry to participate in the development of local'policies. It will, probably be another five years bofore your annual meeting will r e - , turn to Omaha. We are Inviting all community-minded members of the Jewish community to join us in our deliberations.". Label Kutz To Speak Label A. Kntz,, a member of AOL's National Community Service Committee, will he the main speaker at a dinner, Saturday, October 11, at the Highland Club. Mr. Katz, a native of New Orleans, and a member of the executive committee of the National Council of Jewish Federations and Welfare Councils, will discuss the effect of current racial tensions on the growing anti-Semitism in the South. Herman Edelsbei'g of Washington, D. C, ADL's legislative representative to Congress, will present an address at the meeting on background of problem* fac(Continued on Page 1 )


Fag* Two


Friday, September JSfi, 1058

Israel Bonds Tim® Table


eil Every Friday by tlio Federation of JcnkJi Service .-ictona Clast Mttllln? I'rlvlleges Authorized ut Omnhu, Mebratku Annual Subscriutlun, $4.00. AdvuUsing Hates on Application. Kdltoilui 01 !co—103 No. IV. M Sticct, Omaha. Nebr.. JAclisoii l'MU l'llut Sli Address 4S0S !ao. '.Htii Street.



TODAY: Miss Israel, Sponsors Coffee, Home of Mrs. Isadore Chapman, 10:30 a, m. SUNDAY: Kiekoff Breakfast, men and women, Omaha .ICC, .10:15 a. m. Council Bluffs Hudassiih open bouse, Miss Israel, Council Bluffs ICC, 2:30 p. m. WEDNESDAY: "Bond Between l's Luncheon," Blackslone Hotel, 12 noon, I.t. Tmima Paiiz, Army of Israel, (JueM of' Jlonor.

Services J C'amllcligliliiiK 5:55 p.m.

PHILANTHROPIES SCOREBOARD As of St'|>t. 23, 1958 The following are ciiiToilt reports from iii\ isions in the 1!>58 Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign: 1958 Tot id Division . ".-. To Dal^ Initial Gifts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$348,020.(10 Men's Division . . . . . . , . . . . . : . , . . w , . .V.. • > , . . . . . . . . 32,810.50 W o m e n ' s Division . . . . . . . \ . . .>•....•,•••••••••••.• 01.68C.S-l

B. & P. Unit ...,.....».;.........W.....V..... .Children's Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '.:...,*'*•......... High School Division . . , , . . . . ; . , > . . . ; > , . . . ; ; . . . . . . . . . University Division . . . . . . . . - • . ; . . . - . . . . . . . • . . . . • • • • Organizations

3,475.50 1,~:iS.25 ].171.1!5 100.00 2AT.\.2~> 1 ,r> 17.00

Miscellaneous Total lo Date

Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged The Dr. Philip Slier Jrwisli llcjine fnr tin- Aged gratefully ackiiou•d|fe the following MiMiiorluijt and Donations (o the Home; 1

TI:.MI'I.I; isitAisi. .Services at Temple Israel will be held this Friday at 8:15 p.m. Rabbi Sidney Urooks will preaell ADL Regional mi "From Golden Kind to (ioldei) (Continued from Page 1.1 Years." ing Jews on the nalionnl scene. Keci.'|)linn for Mr. and Mrs. .Samuel Friedman's .Vjtli Wedding Mr. Edelberg also will discuss miAniiivej'sary immediately following publicized hadigroiind-of many of the bills Hint liavi- reached Conthe services. Shabbas morning .servie.-s will gress. lK'j;in at 11:30 a.m. with Kabbi "JtcHglnii and I'tililit; . Schools" I Brooks official!!)!,' and the IteliIssues jiu'nh'ini: "ndigion and I gious School Choir under the cli- the Public Schools," "Arab Boyj rection of Miss Ida (.litlin singing cott and Arab Students," "Housthe musical portions of I lie service., ing and Employment DiscriminaMonday morning, September 20 tion," will be discussed at sessions Suceoth Ser\'ice 11:00 n. in. beginning at 9:.'!0 a. m., at the Highland Club, Sunday, October 12. Sessions will continue until 4 BKTII I;I. p. in. Lunch will be served for Sabbath evening services at those attending. Omahans Who Beth El Synagogue will be held Friday at 7 p.m. Sabbath morn- plan to attend ADL's regional coning services will be(;in at 0:.'J0 ference are requested to arrange The Mineha-Manriv service reservations by telephoning the ADL office, JAekson -n.'iS. will begin at 6 p.m. Daily services during the. ueeh will be held at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. The Sunday morning service will be held at 0 a.m.

IN MKMOUIAM OF' I>ONOK Mr. and M r s . Julius K a t z m a n Mr. and. Mrs. H o w a r d Milder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M r s . liena Spring .- M r . and M r s . S a m Pickils, Sioux City, l a . ...Mrs. Bertha Green M r : and M r s . F r e d Kosenstock . . . Mr. and M r s . Morton Derail . v • BNA1 JACOB-ADAS ; -.-'Louis S o m m e r nntl Miss Hea Somiiier : . . •'.- •,". VESIIl'UON 'Sir. arid M r s . M a x Schcuprman. '.'..• .. .:..•. •••"• •;.;."•''-V Services at B'nai

Mr. a n d M r s . Hrn^sl A. Nojjg


Dave Hahn

' •'



: - , : : . ' . v - '•..!'•'•.• ,

Dr. and Mrs. llcininn ,Jahf , : ; . ' • . '., Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gntsilinor v '. • • ; ' : : ; . . ' .15011 Steani, 1/inc Beach, Calif. . . . . . . . . . . . . > * . . . . i ' . . . . . . C y . S i l v e r MIES Lillian Siegil . . . . . . . V . ^ > . . ; > ; . > . . . .Yudis Siegil • "• .••.'.•• ••! ••".', •••-•• ''•"./'•' ','••' ..•.-.' -'.. -:;' . * - '•'•. ..••.•^ • . - : . . . ' • • ' / '•'

M r . a n d M r s .N a t h a n N O C K Dr. a n dM r s . ' H e r m a n Jalir

Mr. and Mrs. Krm-st A. N'ofg . . . . . i . . . . i . . . i . f . . . .Jack Lutlbeg .:•. Mr. and Mrs. Natlian Nogg. ...AIrs,:Goldie'Tutor, Oklahoma City :

M r .a n dM r s . K r n e s t

A . • ' . N o R g " • .: i . . . . . •'


.:: ••';''•. "'•..... •..•/,.••. s :• '-• • '.;•'.'

' M » ' . and Mrs. Dave Orlcovv . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . M r s ^ ' L e n a Seff Dr.-and Mrs. Hernian Jahr . . ; . . . > . . . . . . . . . , . ; . . ...Hhrry. JaiiKci'' •Mrs. J.Huback





' • :

• ..:•;;




: Mrs: Sarah Cooper..,;-..' .."."'.-.'•'• . " Dr. and Mrs. Morris M a r g o l i n . . . . . . . . S a m Rakor, Sioux City, la. SYXAKOfitK DONATIONS'. SOCIAL SJiASON OPENS:'.TIie Mrs. Rose Ferer Beth Kl'iSynagogue Sisterhood inMr. Morris Jacobon auguratpd the so<:ial season of the Mr. M, SehulnianMrs. Lee Taub year .r>7!9 with a New Years party Mr. George Kaplan Sunday afternoon. September 2Lst. IWt*. and Mrs. Milton nospnthal The Mines. Karl Wiijodsky, Jack Mr. Louis Margolin Brrunsim and A. ('. Fcllinan were Mr, and Mrs. Jacob I IPSS in cliargn.of the arrangempiits. Mrs. Dora Berg YOM KIPPUri: Special MemMr. Sam Poster orial Services wen? held in Hie Mr. Bill Poster H o m e Syiiai;oj,'ue Wednesday, Mr. Sam Colnic Sept L'ltli Mrs. Morris Margolin Mrs. Sarah Silver Mrs. K. Zcbrairk Mrs. Minkin's Dmighters Mr. Avi-aham Malck Mr. and Mrs. .Toe Shindlcr Mr. Herman' Nichols Mrs. Kate Baunndir for the In "covcry of her granddaughter, larilec.

For Satisfaction


Patronize Our Advertisers

Duo to increased interest in Hie famous Dead Sea Scrolls following1 a recent telecast devoted (o the subject, many calls have been received at: the Federation Library by Mrs. Ben Zeff, librarian. The Federation library, Mi-.s. • Zeff reports is equipped with a complete collection of information to supplement the television program and is available to anyone on request.

Expert Home « r s j |

Monument Co.

Jacob-Adas Mr. and Mrs. Krnest Nous . . . . . . . . . . . . . .\ . . ....".Mrs, Lwia I4pp Yeshuron will benin Friday at (i '•'Clarke Swanson '''"'.'•'•"-'.'• ' . p.m. and Saturday morning at : : Gilbert Swanson ' . . /:: ; ; ':;*:.' 8:30 a.m. with Mincha at 6:30 p.m. Mr. a n d M r s . N'alhai) Kouii; '•.':• . . ' • • : • . - - . : • ' . followed by Shalosh S'eudos Daily Louis S o m m e r and Miss Bea Soliimcr .'•'•••: ••'.'•.; •.•''.• ::•••...•, ^ --: • services at 6 a.m. and G p.m. H a r o l d O. J o h n s o n ',. • : : • . . . V. O. Gottschalk, Columbus, N e b r . . .'. . '•; ; ;': 1 Sir. anil M r s . J e r o m e Siegel, Kargo, N.-D. ,-.'• Mrs. J a c o b Cohen, Minneapolis, Minn. : Mrs. H e r m a n F r a n k l i n a m i Miss Kalnh Ki'anklin • Mr. and M r s . ("harles Rosi-nstock . . Mr. and M r s . F r e d Itosenstock Mr. and M r s . Knu'sl A. No«K .'".••• • Dr. and M r s . Merninn J a l i r • . M r s . .Minnie, C h r r n i a c k Mr. and M r s . Mitzie Malashock . •

Information on Dead Sea Scrolls in Library

BKTH ISKAKI. | • Friday Mincha, followod b.v I Kabbalath Shabbos and Maariv 6 p.m. Saturday morning services .begin at 8:13 a.m. and Junior Conpregation at 10 a.m. Rabbi Groner will concluci the Saturday afternoon Talmul class at 5:.'1O p.m. and Mincha, followed by .Shalosh S'eudos and-Maariv will begin at 6 p.m. v Sunday moi-niiif; .seivios begin at 8:45 a.m. The s m m t s are followed by breakfast and the Bible class. Sunday morning Junior Congregation begins ;it 8:.'!0 a.m. Weekly services will be held i at 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. ! Holiday schedule:'Sunday evening, Sept. 28th, G p.m.; Monday morninx, Sept. 29th, 8:45-a.m.";' Junior Congregation, 10 a.m.; Monday evening, G p.m.; Tuesday -morniiiK. Sept. ,')Oth, 8:43 a.m.; Junior Congregation, 10 a.m.; Tuesday evening 0 p.m.

Seb (Subby) Pulvctcnt*

25 Yean' Experience WHh Jewish Lettering and Memorials 2211 So. 6th

Fist, foolproof I •OlIlKllfio •Ctinlri • Ctm Mania • F*<:« III

AT 2452



Kosher Meat Market end Delicatessen WA 5S54


OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY CLOSED MONDAY AND TUESDAY Sept. 29-30 for Succoth OPEN WEDNESDAY, Oct. 1 at 8 A.M. Call Wednesday for Thursday Delivery

J'atronize Our Advertisers


Mrs. Leo Weirz—RE 7212 or Mrs. Leo Mogg — G L 2965. Sunday-Monday—October 12-13—8:15 P.M. Oon't Miss HI Don't Miss lit Don't Miss Itl KERM1T BLOOMGARDEN presents

BEAT • withBARGAINS LIKE THIS '/2-7on Pickup Hfr. Equipped. Near .New

101 "58 Fords Left

See GERELSCE* Save on a Ford

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PL 8111

1407 Homey St.

Tho wonderful heart-warming Broadway play of a Jewish family living, loving and laughing in the faco of danger. Presented in Omaha by Dick Walter Attractions

Friday, September 2ff, 1B58

IIENIIY MONKKY CIlAl'TKIt' TO 1IAVI3 STVU: SHOW Thi' regular luncheon mpctiiig of the B'nai B'ritli Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 will be held ' Thursday, October 2 at 12:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Nate Slmkert, program chuirmnn, announced that a fall style show through the courteey of Goldstein-Chapman will feature "Coats in Season." Models from IIIL" chapter will he Mines. 'A. L. Cohen, Stanley Diamond, Harry Friedman, Norman Outlier, .Foe JJtt, Harry Lippett, Herbert Mei<:hos, Harry Haznii'k, .Stanley Shapiro, i ;nor;;e Sliafer and Morris .Shapiro. H.'iby shier serviee will l)e proviued. R e s e r v a t i o n s may be made hy calling Mrs. Alie Miller VS. 7071 or Mrs. Dave Epstein, HA '1571. •MKNTAI, HK.M/ni' TO ISK i»s<rjssEi> AT MKUTINK Mrs. Robert. .T. Drown, mental health educator at the Nebraska Psychiatric Institute, will speak at. u dessert, lunclieon, fit 1 p.m. Tuesday, September ,'lOlh, at the •Study (iroup* of .Council of Jewish Women. Her topic will be "Mental Health and You." The meeting will be at tlif; home «if Mrs. Harry A. Wise, <)'M Hilln-est. Iload. Mrs. John .Solomon will he the co-hostess. Mrs. Julia M. Jacobs is chairman of the .Study Group. I1ICTH V.I. HOARD MHKIiNC AT HOME OF PKKSIDKNT Tim Oeth Kl S,vnaf:o|,'ue Si.sterJiooil board will meet at the home <if their president, Mrs. A. C. Kellman, (i<S'i Parkv.ood l.ane, October Hth at 12:.'1O p.m. Hostesses for 1he dessert luncheon will be Mines. Charles Altman, Harold Fox, Alan W'olfson and Klmcr Novak. JJKTII V.I. KVKNTS " ' The first, session of clas.'-es In tIn.- ISeth Kl "College for Adults" will be^'iu at an informal coffee for women with Kabbi Myer S. Kripkc October 1 at. 9:30 a.m. rthe .Synat^oeue library. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Yale Cotsiliner 'IT. 0007 or the Synaj;o^ue office CA. .'!21il. Sitter service will be provided. The Wednesday nifjhl "study group for members of the eon^ivKation will meet, on October 1, 8:30 p.m. at. the home of Dr. and Mrs. A.'•('". Fcllman. Reservations may lie made with Mrs. Felhnan (If, 7547 or Mrs. Isidore I.eviason, xisterhood edueation chairman (if.



Pago Three

Chicagoan Engaged lo Richard Rosenblatt

Bluffs Cousin Club Thursday, October 2, at 12:30 p.m. at the Hill • Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Fox of Flossmoor, III., former Omahans, Hotel instead of October 1. The have announced the cngijiinont of organization lias Velincuiinshed its meeting date to the Bond Luncheon on the latter date. All (hose unable to come on Thursday are asked to call Council Bluffs 2-8283 or Urgent 7740. 11. ANI> 1\ IIAUASSAII I-LAN niNNHIl M The Business and Professional Croup of Hadassah will start the current term with a Succoth dinner meeting at the Jewish Community Center, Wednesday, October 1 at Cr p. m. Mrs. Carl Lagman, program chairman and Miss Lee Grcenberg, membership chairman, will dedicate to new members a program composed of a filmed narrative depicting Hadassah'x many services in Israel. Another feature will be a resume of an educational seminar at, Kstes Park by Mrs. Phil Schwartz, education chairman. Miss Mildred Levy, American affairs chairman, will talk on current events. Delegates to the National Convention will be elected. Mme.s. .Sally Meyers and Alice Heegar are planning the menu. Taking reservations are Mines. Fannie Sherman, Sarah Feltman, and Misses Maine Aronfion, Myrtle Freeman and Mildred Levy. COUNCIL TO IIOM> KUMMAUK SAM; Members of the Council of Jewish Women, Omaha section, will conduct a nimmage sale October 12, 13, and 14 at the IOOF Hall at 24th and K Streets in South Omaha. Mines. Stanley Silverman, WA (J9O9, and Abe Feldman, GL 4112, co-chairmen of the project, announced that anyone wishing fo donate clothing or household item:-, may take them to the home of Mrs. Julius Culm, (i3U Glcmvood Road, or call them for pickup.

"1 •


their 'daughter, Joan to Richard Itosenhlalt, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rosenblatt. Miss Vox attended the University of Wisconsin in Madison, whole she WHS affiliated with Alpha L'psilon Phi sorority and is now attending Roosevell University hi Chicago. Mr. Rosenblatt, attended Cornell University, Ilhica, N. Y. and is a graduate of the University of Nebraska where he was a member of Zeta Beta Tail fraternity. A February wedding is planned. Miss Fox and ner mother were recent, house guests at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Newman, the former's aunt and uncle.

Miss Join l'ov

1437 So. 13th St.

Bar Mirzvah DAVII) FOItBiCS David Forbes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Forbes, will observe Ills Bar Mitzvah on Saturday morning, September 27, at Beth Kl Synagogue. Friends and relatives are invited to attend the .service and the reception which will follow.

You'UBe Pleased If You Shop at

AT 0686



We Have Received a Few Whole, Choice Meaty Ribs. Come in Early Before They Are Gone.

Values for Early Sunday Shoppers

Cut to Order, Lb

Finest Ground Beef, Lb. Chuck Roast or Steak, Lb

er's Quality Clothes for Men


Liver, Lb. Pickled Tongues, Lb. . . ..

Op«n Till 9 Each Ev.ning

Op«n All Day Sunday Closed Sun. and Monday for Succoth


You are cordially invited to attend the

Bond Between Us Luncheon Commemorating Israel's Tenth Anniversary

BKTir ISH \I:L I'-TA The first meeting of I he Beth Tsrael Synai;o;;ue I'-TA will he held Thursday,' October 2. 8:.'iO p.m. in the Syna;;o(;ui; Social Hall. Mrs. 'Harry .Lewis, program chairman, lias arranged for n very inlereslinj,; movie, "Die DKW Line Story."' Plans for the coming Ice Cream Social will be made-. Parents of the Talmud Torali niui Sunday School children arc.urfiod to attend this meeting. A social hour will follow the business meeting and movie.

and to Meet and Hear .

Lt. Tmima Paaz i

Deputy Commander and Chief Instructor Israel's Camp Marcus

COUSINS i:i.I!« : Mrs. Herman Meyerson will be: hostess to tlie Omalia-Couneil

and Star of NBC-Television's "Outlook" Program

Mrs. Rose (JinshurK wishes 1o thank her friends and relatives for their thoughlfulness and many (joort wishes received during her recent stay in the hospital. (

with Huntley This Summer


© Furs. O CSofh Coats

Wednesday, October 1, 1958 at 12:00 Noon

OPEN Man. and Tburs. Nites Till 8

GREATER OMAHA COMMITTEE FOR STATE OF ISRAEL BONDS Women's Division Mrs. J. Harry KulaUofsky. Honorary Chairman Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf. Chairman Mrs, Isadora Chapman, Sponsor Chairman Mrs. Henry Nowman, Chen Chairman CAMPAIGN CABINET (In formation)


Patronize Our Advertisers

Mrt. Mr*. Mrt. Mrt,

Harmon loridarln Mlka FrMfltan B*n fienhun Morrli Grossman

Luncheon $1.75 R.S.V.P.

Mrs. Istdor Lcvinscit Mrs. Ernest A. Nogg Mrt. Nathan L. Hogg

ATlanric 1177 ATlanric 1093

P«fe four



Friday, September IS, 1958

Mrs. R. Wright Named 1958 Bond Goal Table Display Head Is $50,000,000

Junior B'nai B'rifh

.'• Mrs. Dave Cohn, chairman o New York, (JTA)—The Israel the Jewish Federation Amende: Bond Organization this week The 1958-59 season of the Junior Section of the 1958 Needlewor. launched a campaign to tell S50,B'nai B'rlth Bowling League will Guild, has announced the appoint 000,000 in Israel bonds by the end open Sunday, September 28 at ment of Mrs, Richard Wright a of this year, as the first step in 12:30 p. m. at the Music Box. . table display chairman at tli helping Israel initiate n five-year current year's ingathering tea. The seasons' activities will in. economic development program. elude a tnkl-scason tournament "The results of the ingathering Dr. Joseph .J. Schwartz, vli'0 and a free banquet at the end of are looked forward to by all necilj president of tlio organization, Haiti the bowling season when all winfamilies," .Mrs. Cohn stated. T< thi> drive to obtain an addition:). ning Individuals and teams will them it means linens, underwear $50,000,000 ill 1h<; balance of the be awarded trophies. Each team towels and much needed clothing current year wu.i inaugurated 111 will be represented by a sponsor I know that the Jewish women o rdance with a decision ndopt 1 mid each member will be given . Omaha will do their share in sup id at the first international mo ii shirt with the sponsors namo porting this worthwhile project blli/.ation coiifemHc for Israel 'ii the back. The following have sent in their inds which >vas held in Jerusalem The Junior B'jiai B'rifh Bowltwo weeks ago. XM ••'••contributions as of last Friday; ing League is sponsored by the Mines. Ben W. Abrahams'JII, AlDr. .Schwartz disclosed that the Omaha B'nai B'rith Lodges and . Vin Abrainson, Isadore Ahraui- Israel Treasury was setting up a Chapters and the B'nai B'rith BOn, Lizzie Adler, Win. Alberts, ilnking fund in dollars to redeem Men's and Women's Bowling AsArt Anchel, .Maurice J. Aresty, he Israel bonds that will become sociations of Omaha. Herman H. Auerbach, Abe Baker, JIID in 19G3. lie said these included League counselors, Mrs. Ida Lloyd Bank, Julius Barron, Eel G. Ihe Independence Bond Issue iind At Camp .Marcus, afop Mt. Ciirmel, I.t. Puuz addresses u world Sacks, Harold Bloom and Harry Belzer, Hoe Bercovici, Kdward he 12-year Savings Bonds sold In history and geography class of Sergeanf-Miijor graduates. Collck announce they can use tha Berg, David B e r n s t e i n , Paul "61. assistance of parents in league Blotcky, Wm. Boasberg, IIiTinan Dr. Schwartz said that the inactivity. Bondarin, S i m o n Boniy, David ternational Bond Conference Brodkey, Edward K. Hroilkny, All interested boys and girls •d that the basic activity for (Continued from Page 1.) Women volunteer workers who between the nges of 10 years and Ethel "Brodkey, Fred Brodkey. he Israel bond effort would be fo and Israel Bonds chairmen of sell $2,500 or more in Israel Bonds high school ago may register by •••"•Hal-old B. Brodkey, M. II. Brod- larrow the gap between Israel cxkey, Isadore Chapman, Julius wrls and imports. He stressed every Jewish women's organlzn- receive a charm or "Chen"' for calling Mrs. Sacks, OA 1802 or tion'in Omaha and Council Bluffs. each such Unit, with a set of 12 . -Chasanov, Harold Chernindi, Isaac hat while exports had been inMrs. Isadore Chapman, who vis- charms representing the the 12 Mrs. Bloom, WA 7807. Cherniss, A. Louis Cohen, Morris reasingly regularly during each of ited Israel with her husband this tribes of Israel achieved by sellG. Cohen, David B. Colin, Sidney 'sracl's ten years, to a peak of 1 ••-Coren, Samuel H. Davis, Harry S210 million in ]!)58, imports also summer, was named by Mrs. Sa- ing 530,000 in the development is- Breadbrecikcrs Meet muel N. Wolf as chairman of the sue. . Dvosin, Morris E p s t e i n , Julius had been increasing to an annual The Henry Monslty BreadbreakFalkenstein, Harold. F. Father, rate of $!)f>0 mi I Horn, representing 1958 "Sponsors of Israel." Airs Campaign Cabinet ers group of li'imi B'rith will hold Henry Newman, who made the I . Ben Fisher, Abe C. Fellman, -David a gap of some S'ilO million, which Selected to serve on the camH. "Fertil, David C. Fogel, Rose he called "the most serious finan- journey to Israel at the same timej paign cabinet were Mines. Mike Its weekly luncheon Wednesday Fogel, Abraham Forman, Leo Fox, cial problem confronting the Is- with her husband, was designated Freeman, Lena Grossman, Her- at the Gourmet Restaurant. All Omaha and Council Bluffs B'nai chairman of the "Chen" division. Oscar f o x , Abraham Frank, Dave rael economy." man Bondarin, Isidor Levinson, D'rilh members are Invited to atAV. Frank, Maurice J. Frank. Sam Nathan L. Nogg, Krnest A. Nogg tend. Freed, Herehel Freedman, Yeshia and Ben Gershun. Miss Israel E. Fregger, Herman Friedlander. Highlight of (lie meeting was a HACK KIOTS ni:ri<oitr:i> (Continued from Page 1.) .-.-Max-Fromkin, llobert Fromkin. gan her studies at Hebrew Univer- panel discussion on I lit ir trips _ ". Other donors, Mines. Sol Garfield, London (JTA •—The Board of city in Jerusalem, where she is Israel by Messrn. Isailorn C'hajl Deputies of British Jews, . in a Izzie • Garsick, Samuel Goifinan. man, Henry Newman, Pun! Verr now enrolled. Stewart Gilinsky, Nathan Gimple, public ..stntemenl, has expressed In honor of the memory of Anne Gerald Schwartz, regional niai ilK "abhorrence" of the recent H a n y Goldberg, Marx Goldberg, Frank, teen-age Jewish girl whose Win Scholarship agcr fur the Israel Itiiiuls organ J. C. Goldner, Abraham u . Gold- famous war-time diary is the race riots between white gangs After extensive travels in Italy, stein, Isadore Goldstein, Dan A. basis of the play, "The Diary of Fiance and England, she won a zatlon, moderated the meeting and Negro residents in London Mrs. J. Harry Kill.iliofsliy, rfi Gordman, Henry Grabois, Saul M. Anne Frank," produced by Ker- scholarship for her second year of and other British cities. G r a c t z , Jack M. Green, Leon mit Bloomgarden, which comes to law studies at New York Univer- cently named as regional chair Greenberg, Peter G r e c n b o r g, the Music Hall, October 12 and ID sity, and won the title of Miss man, wan again selected an lion Arthur M. G r e e n e , Harry M. the dramatists, Frances Goodrich N. Y. U. During that time, she orur.v chairman of tlm Wome CALL Greene, Ignac Grossman, Morris and Albert Hacked, have estab- represented Israel at a junior Division. HOLLYWOOD Grossman, Paul Grossman, Phil lished a number of scholarships United Nations assembly arranged A film on Israel's rapid econo Guggenheim, Ben Handler, Reu- to aid talented young writers. by law students from '10 countries mic progress, "On the Frontier! TUX RENTAL ben Harris, Leonard D. Herman, of Israel," narrated by Edward G in Canaan, Conn. The national company which 106 No. 15th Street JA 2452 Martin Herzoff, Louis Hiller, RichBack in Israel this year, she Robinson, received its Omaha pre (In Omaha Loan Bldg.l ard Hillcr, Kieva Homstein, Joe will present "The Diary of Anne breezed to victory in the Miss miere showing. Sam Katzman, ii M. • Horwich, W a l t e r Jacobson, Frank" here stars Francis Lederer Jerusalem beauty contest and was behalf of Sam Rice and hlmsel Herman Jahr, Max M. Joffe. Max in the role of Otto Frank, Anne's selected as Miss Israel for the trip as co-chaifmen of the Omah Kadis, George Kagan, Jake Kap- stil-living father, and features to the United States. Miss Ha- Bonds Committee, installed th lan, Ralph M. Katz, Archie Ka- Lilia Skala, Gi!!x>rt Green, Nan dar's name in Hebrew means "ma- women officers. vich, Lazier Knvich, Max Kirshen- MeFarland, Otto Hulctt, Loney jesty" or "splendor," a prophetic RUG'& UPHO'STERY baum, Abe Klotz, Martin Kolm, Lewis and Pauline Ilahn as Anne. appelation. Millard H. Krasne, Max Krizelman, Kip Good directed, based on the Function in Open CLEANERS Manuel Krupinsky, J. Harry Kula- original direction of Garson Kanin. Arrangements for the Council Choice seats may be purchased kofsky, Reuben Kulakoslty, Fred RUGS—CARPETING through Hadassah In* contacting Bluffs function, which is open to Kurtzman, Max Kurtzmun, LAMP SHADES Mrs. Leo tt'eitz, RK 7212, or Mrs. the entjre Jewish community, were with .Leo Nogg. GL 20fir>. The show is made by Mrs. Albert Krasne, HaFURNITURE BARGAINS LIKE THISbeing presented in Omaha by the dassah president; Mrs. Sam Mey- . erson, chairman of the function; ' Cleaned In Your Homol Dick Walter Attractions. Custom 3 0 0 Mrs. Suvalsky, co-chairman for Economy 6 6.Pass. I Binding - Laying - Repairing Israel Bonds in Council Bluffs, and AZA 100 DEFEATS. 4.Dr. Htr., Oil Rtr., < by Mrs. Ben Gershun, overall Don Bernstein HA 2554 2-Tono, Demo, BAYIJI chairman for the Iowa city's IsAZA No. 100 defeated Itaylm 13 rael Bonds effort. to 6 in the opening game in the 101 '58 Fords Left Youth Council's Annual Flag FootThe kindergarten class and new Miss Israel will also appear in FOR THE FINEST... ball League. In the other league first grade students of Temple Is- person. game, Rohnu downed AZA No. 1, rael Religious School, will be conIN PHOTOGRAPHY 47 to 6. secrated by Rabbi Sidney Brooks Portraits Save on a Ford This Sunday AZA No. 1 will at Festival services on the first Weddings 4719 N. 30TH play AZA No. 100 while Rayim night of Succoth, Sunday, SepPL 8111 Commorcial and Rohnu are matched against tember 28 at 7:30 p. m. each other. AH League games are Those to be consecrated include: (VET-ACQUAINTED COFFEE The Beth Kl Sisterhood'-wil. played at Elmwood Park and start Michael Abrams, Amy Cassman, at 10 a. m. The public is invited to Elizabeth Cohn, Mjchael Cohn, have a "get-aco,uainted" coffee for Watch League games. Nancy Cohn, Mary Beth Davidson. new members to meet Mrs. Myer Thomas Friedman, Stanley Gar- S. Kripke, wife of the Rabbi and MIDGETS TO FEATt'KE feild, Bruce Gilinsky, Claude Gott- Mrs. A. C. Feldman, Sisterhood DOUBLE HEADER lieb,. Deborah Hausman, Bruce president. The event will be held The Center sponsored Midget Jacobson, Debbie Jacobson, De- Thursday, October 2 at the home Football League will feature twe borah Katelman, Stephen Kir- of Mrs. Henry Riekes, 111 No games this Sunday at 2 p. m. at schenbaum, Barbara Landman, 51th St. at 1 p. m. C.hairmen for the affair are Elmwood Park, Four teams are In Susan Laser, James Lehr, Thomthis flag football group for grade as Levine, Neal Malashock, Wil- Mmes. Robert Bernstein and HenPHOTOGRAPHER school boys. liam Malashock, Lynn Marcus, ry Reikes. 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET The Blue team, captained by Steven Milder, Jeffrey Osheroff, HADASSAH HOWLING HARNEY 1044 Bill Ginsberg, will meet the Tan Terry Porter, Scott Richards, 'Die Hadassah Bowling League team headed by Keith Levin. Bruce John Rosenberg, Nancy Ross, which opened its season September Hobennan's Whites will compete Craig Saylan, Richard Scitner, 9, will suspend bowling September a g a i n s t Dale Weinstein's Red lianiel Slosburg, Craig Starr, 29 and October G because of the Squad. All Midget League games Douglas Waldbaum, Bruce Wigod- Holidays. Plan Now to Attend the Annual Meeting are to be played a t Elmwood Park. sky, Gary Wilson and Joan Yaffe. The Consecrants will he awardAny grade school boy desiring of the to participate In the l e a g u e may ed Consecration Certificates and register a t the Park on Sundays. miniature Torah Scrolls.

:>:'-. *



SchofarsiiPfis to Efonor

Temple to Consecrate Kindergarten Sunday


John Kalina

VOtJNO JUDEA MEETINGS SYRIAN BOAT INTERCEPTED The eighth grade boys' group Tel Aviv (JTA)—A Syrian boat will meet Saturday, September 27, of 150 tons was intercepted by an 7 p. m. at the home of Alan Whit- Israel coastal patrol boat on Rosh man, 2517 No. 52 Street. The boys Hashanah, a t their last meeting, elected the following officers: Marshall Wid- arms. • man, president; Harold Schneider, The eighth grade girls group vice-president; Steve Saylan, sec- will meet Wednesday, October 1 at retary; Stewart Forbes, treasurer 4 p.* hi.'at the home of EHio Yaand Alan Whitman, sergeant-at- |ger, 5010 Western Avenue.

Phone J A ij\>b cu inseri vuur Waat Ac m The Jcwtfth Press. Current rata Is 60 centi for, «acfi four Una Insertion. 'Hie ITWB reaervw tlio rlgbt to limit sizo of each advertisement

BAR ami Ens Mitzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge CLARA RANDALL PLACEMENT SERVICE. For Practical Nurses and Practical Domestics. Cull WE 5217.

f-^iaini ^tatei r\ealonal (JSoard ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE of B'nai B'rirh October 11-12 Highland Country Club Reservations: JA 4735

Dinner: Saturday.Night Plenary Sesslonn Sunday

Featuring Label A. Kate, Herman Edolsbcrg

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