October 3, 1958

Page 1

every Friday. 101 N Vol XXXVII No. 4 i'uljllnhea Omuha Nebrusku. Phone JA

Mmes. J. M. Newman, Maynard Greenberg to Head Project Mrs. Jules M. Newman and Mrs. | at Mrs. Newman's home, 501 Maynard Greenhorn have been ap- 52 .SI. Volunteers Needed pointed chairman ami co-chairman Volunteer workers are needed respectively of Section J foi' the lied Fenlher-Iled Cross Women's HIII.1.those interested in helping out Campaign, it project of Ihe r'edcra- an- asked to contact Mrs. Newlion of Jewish Women's Clubs, man. VVA. -lo'll, Mrs. Greenberg, GL 5202, or any of the captains. JWp.s. .Mike Kreeman, firi'sidont, anThe Majors, Captains and Lieunounced. tenants will meet for coffee on Major and Captains Friday, October 10, al 10 a. m., Assisting as majors nnd captains at the Jewish Community Center. /tee Ilii?. following: Mrs. Daniel "The Jewish community of Oma'Kat/.nuiu, District No. 1 msijur iind lier captains, Mnics. Wallace Kl- ha lias a vital inferest in Ihe sucUon, Yale Gulsdiner, Stanley Maln- cess of Die campaign of Ihe Chest," ^hock, Iivin KlKimin ,ind Kdwaid Mrs. N e w m a n said. "For one ciZimskv, .MIS Millon Abiahains tiling, this annual campaign repre-; Disliut No 1 in.iiui, ,ind lii'i tap- seuls a human advenlure in which I tains, Mini". D o n a l d Uiodltej, all faiths and groups in the comStanley l''isk. Aitluii (.icrne, Jack munity, band together for. the W M.itei .uifl Rail Veiel- .Mis common welfare of nil people of! St<»>le> .Shapno, DistucL No. .'! OiiKilia." "Then, too, she added, "the Jewliujor, and her Captains, Mines Donald Cohen, f i n e s t Horhstor, ish Federation is a beneficiary liuhm Li [i p e l t Philip Miilnirk, agency of the annual chesl drive, Ailliur I ' m II m a n , ami Louis which furnishes a substantial gran! Sipoiin; nml Mil Samuel S Slein- toward the welfare and recreationl>e>g, DistiiLl No 4 nisijnr anil hei al- program .'of the Federation." captains, Mines Hjinan Belman M a t Ciiiiiii ami Ah<> V Yengei l^eoiioniie pru^rrss <ji Isratd Is polnteil out fo hrealtfasf nieetMrs. Hurry Sidmnn, vice-president in)C ill the Jewish ('iiiniiiiinil.v (.ruler uliieli o/icncd loeal Israel of the Women's Federal ion, ts in llmiils drive. Slmlyiiii; may pn-parril liy (lie Jewish I'Vderutitm nf charge of tliis phase of activity. Ouiiilm for use in IMA (nut ltniuls iielivities are, (I, Irr'r.) I'lilil Verci, I'i.vecul\\v J>ireelor of Federation; MfMiry Newniiin iiitd IsnA coffee hour for the Majors nnri The Jewish Community (Vnler dore ( li ijiiii.iti. jVIt (tiri'e \lsite<l Isiuel this >v,n and |ircHelltcd u Captains -.will be lield on Friday will sponsor ;t Junior I.ife-.Saviltg morning, October 3, at 10 o'clock, Course in cooperation vvilh the |> mi I ilisc usslim mi tin li tlieii \lsit to tile Hlel.iiff M SSKIII. American Ked Cross beginning Monday, October ]'•'•. The nine week course will be lield between ":',',<) p. m. and '.):.'IO p. m. in ihe Jewish Community Center Pool. The course is open to all persons 12 years of age and older. Anyone interested in Ihe Junior Life S.ivinLT is urged to register tor (he class Monday, October,i:1,, at 7::'.(> p. m. at the Center or call the Hed Cross Office. FRIDAY, OCT. 10 Hucky Greenberg, Center aquatics committee representative, an10 A.M. nounced (hat Ibis first course of Ihe New Yc;ir is open lo both boys Jewish Community Center nnd girls. Knrollment Is free.

Jr. Life Saving Course Offered


Women Workers COFFEE HOUR

Label K.it/ of New Orleans, La. and Herman F.de)sbern of Washinctoti, I"), (', botli prominent community and national leaders, will headline the week-end conference program of the Plains Stales ReKionnl Hoaul of the AMti-Defamation LeuKlio in Omaha. The meelitiK will be held October IT. and 32 .'it the ]li|;hl«nd County Club. Kul/. to upi-uk ut '"Opener" Mr. Kill/, will be the niain speaker at a dinner at Ihe Club, K;iliiiday niRht, October 11, the opening aff.ili on the week-end's calendar. -Mr. K a C a native of New Orleans, in a member of AOL's National Community Service commit lee. A lawyer, real I or, New'Orleans community leader, lie is nlso a member of Ihe National Cabinet of the United Jewish Appeal. He li.n seived as chairman of the U'i'mi B'rllh A n t I-Defamalion

llpirimn J'Ulekliorfi

League Committee in New Orleans, and is currently 'chairman of The B'nai B'rilh National Youth Com: mission. Legislative HepresiMiljifive Herman Kdelsberg of WashingIon. D. ('., ADI.'s legislative representative in Congress, will also he a fealured guest on both Saturday and Sunday, October 11 and V2. Leo Kisenslall, Regional ADI, Chairman, has slaled "In a community in which the federal role on civil rights is rmely published, it will be of tremendous significance lo hear Herman F.detsberg discuss the extra-ordinary, historic and political significance of the first Civil Rights Bill (o be adopted by Congress in the 82 years since the Reconstruction Kra."

Ametu.is hist Ambassador to Ihe SI ile of fsiael James G Mci ilrt will appeal ,i( pailoi meetin -s m Om.ih.i and Council U\u((« Odobei 14 .uid Yi in behalf of the Si ile of Jsr.iel De\ejopme;it Bond Issue Announcement w.is made hs S,\m K.il/man and Sam Kice, cluinnien of Hie Gic.itcr Omaha Commidee AtlMsoi^ Cmmeil Wi.ilrrn in One ol Ameiic.i's Doled public fi'iuics, Mi AlcJion.ild is national chin n u n of the Advisoiy CouncvV iif the lsiael Bond OiganiAition. He «jll <ipp,ilc Octobei ]4 at (he home of Mi <tnd Mis Isadoie

Chapman. The following nighl he will refioit lo Council Bluffs Jewry al the residence ot Mr ivnd MA** Ken CJeislum Bolh the Chapmans and the Uoishuns \isilcri Isi«el this yeai and m.ide extensive touii of lsiael Bonds and other development piojects The Geishuiis went on the B'nai B'rith tour and Vhc Ctapmans paitieipated in Ihe opening <eiernonies in1 Israel ni the Ifllh anniwisaiy teleln idon Iiil<-riiatii>nal Antliorilv J . l i n e s (• M i D o n i l i J h i s hrcn fi j j u i d u v > e n s ail o u l s l a u d i u g .mtUciiUs o n m t i i n a t i o n a l a f f a u s .

lie is o n e of the founders of the i'ljtcifin f'ohev Association an m j im/atum wlneh h t s siwe WW M'orkcrl





studies in jnfejnalimnj jclnfions. lie seived as- Chan man of tho Uoaid of studies In international lelcilions He seived as Chairman ol Ihe Bo.ud of Ihe Foieign Policy Association tiom its \ncepUim unl\\ 1<).1I, when he was a p p o i n t e d League of Nations Hiffh Commissioner for German Refugees As League Commissionei until 3936, Mr McDonald was one of the fu«t to recognize the impending threat Smiles mean success for the .opeutug {ihiiHe of the Women's ta woiM peace imp\icil in Nazi Division runip'.iiKH of the <>mit<-r Oniulin <oiimiittce for State of pel sedition of the Jews Israel lionets. Left to right lire Mrs. Isidore ('Inipniaii, sponsor Oti his return to Ameiica, Mr. chairman; Mrs. Siiiiiurl \V<il(, Wmneii'it Mirl.sfnn Cliuirmaii; and Mti, McDonald was, successively, au Henry \<-wiii;tn, <'hen Division ehalrmiin. editorial wntei for the New Yoik Tunes and Piesidenl of the Biooklyn Institute of Aits- and Sciences. Clt'nitmnn, Uo'iMnsvelt OommlttnB

Parents of Freshmen l o Meet Oct. 9

Four Events Open Bond Campaign

He was then appointed Chairman of President Roosevelt's Advisory C o m m i t t e e on PoUUcaV Omaha's 1958 Israel Bonds cam- Refugees, which dealt m ihe main paign rolled info high gear with wilh attempts lo ncliieve .Slalo A meeting for parents of fresh- four major events lield during (he Department agreement to wider

men members of the Youth Council will be held Thursday October !>. at Hie Jewish Community Center Auditorium al ":.'1O p. m. it was announced by Phil Kuller, Center Reservation may be ni.'ide for Chairman of Youth Aclivilies. The proRi-am will consist of o the meeting through the API. ofpanel discussion of problems facfice. JA. <17:15. ing Ihe incoming freshmen group. Members of the panel will he Mines. Diane Ruhiu, Bess Weinberj;, Pearl ciross, Arthur Pnrilnian, Koberlu M. Miluram and Mr. Loll Canar. The discussion will he moderated by Nell Danburg. Regional Director of National Conference of Christians and Jeww. Questions lo be discussed will include: hours for teen-agers, smokiii« and ilrinklnK iimoni! the youth, parties and the responsibilities of the Center for the youth Council

l,afel A. Jtntz

First American Ambassador to State of Israel

Members of the conimunily al 1'irge are invited to participate in tliis program. The ccnlcr staff «ill be ready to answer a n y questions freshmen parents inay have rcKarding Voulh C o u n c i l youth. Members of the community at large are invited to participate In this program.

past week. The first annual "Bond Between Us" luncheon, held at the Blackstone Hotel Wednesday climaxed the busy schedule. l.t. l'nux, <ine»t Speaker Lt. Tniiina Pnaz was the guest of honor and principal speaker, brinKing a message ol friendship and appreciation from Ihe women of Israel to be women of Omaha and Council Bluffs in her first American appearance, K a r 1 i e r events included a highly successful "Sponsors of Israel" tea al the home of Mrs. Isailore Chapman last Friday, a kickoff breakfast (Continued on Page 4.)

American Jewry Hailed For Aiding Education Philadelphia (JTAi- Dr.. Robert M. Htitehins, pre.sic/onl of the Fund for the Republic of the Ford Foundation and one-time Chancellor of the University o! Chicago, at a dinner, here, hailed U\e role of the "Jewish-community ot the United Stales -which lias been the staimcliest and most s'eadfast defender of freedom ot inquiry jn this country find ihe world.''

James <•• McP»"ald interpretation of V S muiugialum laws. In 1945, Mi'- M c D o n a i o was asked by President Truman to serve on the AURlo-Aiin'iican Commission of Inquiry uhich was to offer u solution ol the Palestine d on r<i"e 4.)



Friday, October 8, 1058 Conclusion of Succoth and SimcliatJi Torah - Congregational dinner Sunday, October 5, at 6 p. m. at the Temple Services at 7:45 p. m. Ilakofoth will be observed and Kiddush in our Succah will follow the services.

DM. FUED CHOSS Funeral services were lioltl Wednesday in St. Joseph, Mo., for Becona -'lust Mulllnr ITlvlleues Authorized ut Omaha, NebruEUu. Dr. Fred Gross, 01, of 118 North Annual Subscription, $4.00. Advertising Hutcs on Application. Editorial Oi ce 101 No. 2Wh Street, Omaha, fs'cbr.. JAcltson 13WS. 31st Street, who diod Monday. He Print Sh • Address 4808 So 2SU) Street was a veternarian with-the United Service (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN Editor States Department of Agriculture BKTII EL for more than i!0 years anil served Sahbath evening services at as government representative with CamlUlightliiK 5:13 p. in, Ueth El Synagogue will be held State I/.iboralories here. PHILANTHROPES SCOREBOARD Corn BI;TH ISKAKL Friday at. 7 p. m. Sabbath mornSurvivors are wife, Mollie, As of October 1, 1958 daughter, Mr;;. I. R. Bernstein, Friday evening services at Beth ing services will begin at 9:30 Israel Synagogue will begin nt a. m. The Mincha-Maariv service The following are current reports from divisions In the 1958 Omahn and son, Joel M., New Or5:45 p. m. Services Saturday will begin at 5:45 p. m. leans, La. Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign: morning begin 8:45 a. m. and the Daily services during the week 1958Total Junior Congregation meets at 10 will be held at 7 a. m. and 7 p.m. JACK Kit AM Kit m. Division : : ToDate The Sunday morning service will Funeral services for Jack Kra- a. The Saturday afternoon Talmud be held at 9 a. m. Initial Gifts . . . . . . . . . . . ; . , . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$348,020.00 mer, a former Omahan, who died class will meet at 5:15 p. m. and Men's Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' '•• • • • . • • » . . . . . . . 13,217.50 September 2f> in Los Angeles, Mincha, followed by Shalosh S'eu- Holiday .Schedule: Hoshanah Rabbah, Sunday, OcCalif., were hold there last Sun- dos Women's Division . . . . . . . , . . , . . » . •. • . . . . . . . . . t ...••• 61,695.54 day. Surviving are wife, Ethel, p. m.nad Maariv will begin at 5:45 tober 5th, morning service—0 • B.&P. Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . " . . . . . . . . 3,495.50 son, Erwin, Los Angeles; a sister, a. m.; Shemini Atzeresh and SimChildren's Division . . . . . . . . . > . . . • . . • . . • • . • • • • • • • • • • 1,738.25 Sunday morning services begin chnth Torah, Sunday evening, eveMrs. Sarah Nathan, Omaha and at 8:45 a. m. and are followed by ning service—7 p. m. High School Division . , . . . , . . • . . . . • • • • . . . . . . . . • . . • « 3,171.25 two grandchildren. breakfast and Rabbi Benjamin University Division , . . . . • . . . . ; . . . . . • • • • • . • 100.00 Groner's class in Bible. Sunday Monday, October 6, Morning SAML'ici, liOHDY Organizations 2,473.25 service—9 a. m., Yizkor, memorial Services were held Wednesday morning services for children be- service, 10:30 a. m. Mincha—5:30 Miscellaneous . ; ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • •• • • 1,317.00 at the Jewish Funeral Home here gin at 8:.1O a. m. Weekday services begin at 7 p. m. Maariv, Simchath Torah—7 for Samuel Bordy, 68, retired Silp. m. Total to Date $433,428.79 ver Creek, Neb., merchant who a. m. and 5:45 p. m. Tuesday, October 7th, morning died in Silver Creek. Holiday Schedule: a. m., Mincha Maariv— Sunday, October 5th, evening service—9 Mr. Bordy retired in June from 5:30 p. m. Minneapolis Rabbis Condemn the general merchandise store he service—5:45 p. m. The Simchath Torah services Monday, October 6th, morning and had operated 48 years. A Fremont celebration will be held at 'Going Steady" by Teenagers service—8:45 a. m. native and lifelong Nebraskan, he Beth El Synagogue, Monday, Ocshould be postponed until the UTA)—"Going Yesltor Memorial service—10:15 was a veteran of World War I, a Minneapolis " ~" " *"* *~' tober 6th at 7 p. rn. Children of Bttady" by Jewish teen-tigers was Jewish young people were "mature member of the Masonic Lodge at a. m., Junior Congregation—10:30 the Congregation will participate. enough to consider seriously the a. m., Mincha—5:45 p. m., Maariv, Silver Creek and a charter memvigorously condemned by the MinThe children will be provided with responsibility of marriage." ber of that community's American Ilakofoth, and children's parade— Simchath Torah flags and will join nesota Habblnical Association 7 p. m. "We wish strongly to emphain the Hakofoth (Torah proceswhich termed that practice "In- size the fact that "going steady" Legion Post. Survivors: wife, Jennette; sons, Tuesday, October 7th, morning sion). consonant with Jewish ideals of among teen-agers is unwise and Philip E., Scottsbhiff, and Dr. service—8:45 a. m., Junior Conmarriage." unhealthy and should be firmly gregation—10:30 a. m., Mincha— The rabbis urged Jeuif.lt par- discouraged," the rabbis declared. Mnrvin, Kansas City, Mo.; Bisters, 5:45 p. m. BNAI JACOB-ADAS Mrs. Lottie Mokofsky, Omaha, ents to do all they coulil to per- "It can lead to undesirable emoMrs. Eva Minkln, Los Angeles, Services at B'nai Jacob-Adas suade their teen-age children not tional involvements and harmful TKMPLE ISRAEL Yeshuron will begin Friday nt 5:45 to "go steady." In a formal state- temptation and frustration for Cal., Mrs. Rose Weinstein, San AnServices will be held this Fri- p. m. and Saturday morning at tonio, Tex., Mrs. Lena Namen, El ment, tlie rabbin said such dating both the boy and the girl." Paso, Tex., Mrs. Jeanette Her- day evening at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi 8:30 a. m. with Mincha at 6:30 The rabbinical leaders added man, Shfboygan, Wis., and broth- Sidney Brooks will preach on p. m. followed by Shalosh S'cudos that they "emphatically" affirmed ers, Nathan, Los Angeles, Cal., "Two Diets—Starvation and Sur- Daily s e r v i c e s at 6 a. m. and B'nai B'rith Will the traditional J e w I s h \alues and Louis, Columbus, Neb. plus in the Same World." 6 p.m. self-respect and healthy Sabbath morning services will Convene in Israel toward sex feelings which should be ex- MKS. RUTH 1'ITLOR begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi Patronize Our Advertisers pressed only through the marriage Funeral services for Mrs. Ruth Brooks officiating and the ReB'nai B'rith will hold its annual bond." Pitlor of San Bernadino, Cal., a ligious School Choir under the diconvention in Israel on May 25, The rabbis urged Jewish par- former Omahan, were held Sep- rection of Miss Ida Gitlin Kinging 1959, according to the Jerusalem ents encourage teen-age chil- tember 26 in Los Angeles, Cal. the musical portions of the service. Post of September 8. Jerusalem dren to "to enjoy group friendships Mrs. Pitlor died September 2.i has been selected for the meeting and companionship" and to parti- In a Los Angeles, Cal. locale. It is exepected that Oma- cipate in such activities as sports, Surviving are husband, Albert: ha will be represented at the dramatics, school projects, syna- daughter, Mrs. Justin Ross, Los gathering. gogi/e clubs and religious servmother, Mrs. Fannie CoBARGAINS LIKE THESE The convention originally plan- ices. They declared It was a pa- Angeles; Omahn;' three sisters, Mrs. ned for mid-May was postponed rental responsibility "to provide hen. 2-Door, 4-Door William Epstein, Mrs. Charles S. to the end of May at the sugges- for the teen-agers and the friends Ross, Omaha; Mrs. Bess HornWagons, Hardtop), Houjo Can tion of the Israel Government thr* opportunity for recreation and stein Sob (Subby) Pulvcrcnto a brother, Leo BernDELOW INVOICE Tourist Corporation. It was de- religious worship In the home and stein, and Los Angeles and three cided by officials that at that in the family." 25 Years' Experience grandchildren. time it would be easier to acWith Jewish 80 '58 Fords Left commodate the 1,500 delegates and Lettering and Memorials guests which B'nai B'rith expects from the U.S., Canada and EuSee GBIEL1CK 2211 So. 8th rope. AT 2452 Save on a Ford This will mark the final event Startles Mt Zion Worshippers 4719 N. 30TH PL 8111 Jerusalem, (JTA)— The Shofar who fell in the War of Indepenof Israel's Tenth Anniversary cewas sounded on Yom Kippur at the dence. A Shofar salvaged from lebrations. Wailing Wall in Old Jerusalem for the Bergen Belseh concentration the first time in more than a dec- camp was sounded at the end of The sound was clearly heard the Mt. Zion service. Oommentary Publishes ade. by several hundred worshippers RUG & UPHOLSTERY Essay by U. Oiensffrey at the Ml. Zion services. CLEANERS .Mr. Arthur M. fireen wishes Worshippers straining their eyes Personal experiences while serv- toward the Old City for a glimpse to thank his friends fur the RUGS—CARPETING ing as an enlisted man in the army of Jewry's most sacred shrine many cards of good wishes reLAMP SHADES were described in September's is- heard the blasts of the Shofar ceived during his recent stay sue of Commentary by Harris at the close of Neilah services. in the liosjiitnl. FURNTTURE Dienstfrcy, son of Mr. and Mrs. There was an awed silence until Cleaned In Your Homel Joseph Dienstfrey of Mt. Vernon, the word was passed that the N..Y., former Omnhans. Binding • Laying • Repairing "phantom shofar" was sounded PAUL'S The article, "Life in the U. S. for a group of Jewish soldiers Don Bernstein HA 2554 RADIO 6 TV SERVICE Army" was cleared by military among the British troops .stationed TV CAR RADIO authorities, "with, a disclaimer to in Jordan. RADIO PHONOGRAPH the effect that the clearance docs This year's readings on Mt. PAUL GOLDBERG not imply the Department of De- Zion were from a Torah written FOR CHOICE SEATS PL 8598 fense endorsement." especially In memory of the Israelis 4325 No. 54rb St. The author's review of "Small Town in Mass Society" appeared In last April's Commentary. • The writer's parents were prominently identified with Omaha MRS LEO WEITZ —RE 7212 or community affairs while residing here. MRS. LEO NOGG — GL 2065 Published Every Friday by the Federation of Jewish Senice



Memorial Plaques To Be Dedicated Memorial Name Plaques placed on the Memorial Tablets in the Beth El Synagogue during the past six months will be dedicated at the Shemini Atzereth Yizkor Services on M o n d a y , 7 p. m., October 6th. Those whose names will be commemorated by their families at that time are: Minnie R. Cherniack, Fannie Eisen, Jacob Eisen, Louis G e r e 1 i c k, Bertha Green, Meyer Green, Loyal Kaplan, Sophia H. Kaslow, Gaston Leibovici, Harry Merriam, Max M. MerTiam, Minnie Saxton and Paul Wohlner.


Kosher Mea? Market end Delicatessen WA 5554



En Person—On Stage—Music Hall Sunday-Monday — October 12-13 — 8:15 P.M.

Don't Miss Itl Don't fifl/ss It! Don't Miss HI 90 YMKS on BreoaVoyl" KERMirDLCOUGMDEHprcsanU PRIZE

CLOSED MONDAY AND TUESDAY Ocf. 6-7 for Succoth OPEN WEDNESDAY, Oct. 8 at 8 A.M. Call Wednesday for Thursday Delivery

Tho wondorful heart-warming Broadway play of a Jewish family living, loving and laughing in »h» face of danger. Prctantcd In Omaha by Dick Walter Attractions




Friday, October 8, 3058

81GMA OFXTA TAU ALUMNAE LUNCHEON Mrs. Robert Eliot Wagner will serve as president of the Sigma Delta Tuu Alumnae .League during the coming year. Other officers and board members named are Mrs. Justin Manvitz and Mrs. Richard Martin, vice-presidents; Mrs. Harold Zelinsky, recording secretary; Mrs. Marvin Kohll, corresponding secretory; Mrs. M. I. Greenspan, treasurer; Mrs. David L. Frcdricks, publicity; Mrs. Bernard Hockenberg, telephoning and Mrs. Arnold Jtoseman, membership. The incoming officers will be Introduced at a luncheon meeting Saturday, October 4 at 12:30 p. m. at the Tower Restaurant. Reservations for the event are being taken by Mi's. Manvitz, RE S509 and Mrs. Hockenbcrg, WA 9256. LINCOLN SAJI MOTIIEKS TO BE HOSTESSES Members of the Omaha Sigmn Alpha Mu mothers' club Will be the guests of the Lincoln Mothers club at a 1 p. m. luncheon, Thursday, October 9, at the S. A. M. House in Lincoln. For further information and reservations call Mrs. E. I. Widmnn, GL 3435. PIONEER WOMEN'S ONEG SHAMUAT The Pioneer Women's Organization Group No. 1, will open their season with an Oneg-Shabbat Saturday, October 4th, i:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Jacob Fcldman, 1815 North Fiftieth Street. Highlight of the afternoon will be the commemoration of the 33rd Birthday of Pioneer Women. Mrs. Jacob Kaplan will j;ive a reading, nnd Joe Radinouski will be guest speaker. Songs appropriate for the Succoth holiday will be sung by Mrs. Milton Nearenberg. Members nnd friends are cordially invited. Mrs. Sonin Epstein is the cultural chairman. The Pioneer Women's Annual Flower day has l>cen set for Sunday, October 5th. The entire membership will participate in the drive. MODELS NAMED FOR FASHION SHOW Models have been selected for the "Around The World in Fashion" style show to be held October 9 in the Beth El Synagogue social hall. They are; Mmes. Seymour Goldston, Sam Goodman, Saul Grnctz, Leonard Gould, Albert Feldman, Dave Rice, Edward Belzer, Louis Blumkin, Jerold Rosen, Alex Katz, Stuart Muskin, Mlllard Margolin, Ralph Nogg, and Ilnrry Ravitz. Also featured will be Lorie Freeman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freeman, Joan Lohrman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Lohrman and Pamela Fox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fox. Musical accompaniment will be provided by Mrs. Russell Blumentha). Baby sitter .service will be available.

IRVING COHEN LODGE FATHER-SON BANQUET • Harold S. Epstein, general chairman of the Father-Son banquet to be sponsored by Irving Cohen Lodge No. C88 of B'nai B'rith in Council Bluffs the evening of November 9, announced that Rabbi Benjamin Groner of Beth Israel Synagogue will be guest speaker for the occasion. IIADASSAII STUDY GROUP PROGRAM Organization of intensive study groups program for the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah was announced today by Mrs. Gerald Schwartz, education chairman. Three groups have been set up to-date, but others will lie added later if enough interest is generated, Mrs. Schwartz said. Persons enrolled in the study course on the Hadassah-sponsored book, "Great Ages and Ideas of the Jewish People," will meet for a coffee at 10 a. m., Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Paul Veret. Mrs. S c h w a r t z , Mrs. Phil Schwartz and Mrs. M. F. Levenson attended a special study group on the book last month nt Estcs Park, Colo. Other study groups already planned by the chapter are "Your Child and You," a pamphlet series for Jewish parents and "Great Jewish Women In History." Organizational coffees ar teas for those groups will be held Oct. 22. Women wishing to enroll in any of the courses may call Mrs. Gerald Schwartz at RE 7C67 or their own group education chairman.

National Leader To Spealc at JNF Celebration

Fsfe Itoee

'Anne Frank1 of Stage to Be Guest

Wisconsinife Is Betrothed To Phillip G. Schrager

Teenage Pauline Hahn, "Anne" of the "Diary of Anne Frank," will be the guest of honor at a reception to bo given for her by the Jewish Youth Council, Sunday, October 12 at 4:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. The play a Kermlt Bloomgarden production, will he presented In Omaha by the Dick Walter Attractions Sunday and Monday evenings, October 12-13 at the Music Hall. Talent nt Z'/2 Years Pauline not yet 18 years of age has been in the theater since she was two and a half years old. At that early age she developed such artistry that she became an attraction on the so called "Borscht" circuit touring the summer hotels in the Catskills. She played In "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" on the stage; "Bell, Book and Candle" in motion pictures and has appeared on United States Steel Hour, Alfred Hitchcock shows and various other TV play casts. The young a r t i s t faces one more year of high school work before she can graduate because of the current tour she is studying with private tutors in order to qualify for college by next fall. She was born on New York City's East side and has an older brother now studying medicine In Zurich, Switzerland. Appearing with Miss Hahn nt the Younth Council affair will be Mr. Walter's wife, his daughter, Grctchen, 15 and Belgin Tekce, 1G, of Izmir, Turkey, an exchange student, and adopted member of the Walter household until she returns to her native land. Pauline is looking forward to meeting Omaha members of the Jewish Youth Council and having an Informal visit with them. During the same week-end the Jewish Federation library will display an "Anno Frank" exhibit on the first floor lobby.

Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Kodner fiance are students at the Uniof Thiensville, Wis., have an- versity of Wisconsin at Madison. nounced the engagement of their Mr. Schrager who is affiliated with daughter, Lois Jeanne to Philip G. Schrager, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Schrager. Both Miss K o d n e r and her

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Call Regent 1641 For Appointment

Births Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Rosenthal of Downey, Cal., announce the birth of a daughter, Cathy Jane on August 11, Mrs. Rosenthal is the former Dorothy Friedman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs/ Louis Friedman,' who were in California at the time of their granddaughter's birth. Lieut, and Mrs. Neil Miller announce the birth of a son, Marc Robert on Setpember 15. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Miller of Kansns City, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Simons, Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Dandy announce the birth of a daughter, Stacey Jo, Monday at Immanuel Hospital. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Rife and Mrs. Joe Dandy. Mrs. Ethel Haspel is a great grandmother.

Bas Mitzvah

Miss Lois Jeanne Kodner Phi Sigma Delta fraternity, will be graduated next June. His parents recently returned from Milwaukee, WiÂŤ., and a visit with the parents of their son'B fiancee. A, July 26th wedding is planned.

All friends and relatives ore Invited to attend services and receptions. FRANNJT GROSSMAN Mr. and Mrs. Paul Grossman announce the Bns Mitzvah of their daughter Franny will be celebrated Friday evening and S a t u r d a y morning October 10th and 11th at Temple Israel.

g You are cordially Invited to inspect our new and modern quarters located on the j ground floor at 1801 Farnam Street. s


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I will be on hand at all times to show you around, and also to answer any questions you may have concerning your investment needs.

Reasonable Prices Just Ask for


Mm, Archibald Sllvcrrann, Providence, R. I., who will lie the. guest spender ut the Omaha celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of the Jrulsh National Fund. The event will 1)0 a dinner, Sunday, October 12 nt 0:30 p. m. nt Beth Israel Synngogiie.

Now Pasturing



CRUTTENDEN, PODESTA & C O . Member? of Hie New York Stock Iichang*

Federated Clubs

Miss Evelyn Levey Is Engaged to Student icsicscsr Arfides Mr. and Mrs. Jack Levey announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Evelyn Levey to Milton R. Gross, son of Mr. and Mrs, A. T. Gross of Brooklyn, N. Y. Miss Levoy attended the State University of Iowa and is now enrolled at the University of Omaha. Her fiance is a graduate of Columbia University and is a member of.Rho Chi, Pharmaceutical honor society. He is now doing graduate study In pharmacy ut the State University of lown. A summer wedding is planned. LESLIE DAVIS NAMED Leslie Davis has been namecd chairman of the Temple Israel Religious School committee. Other members are Maurice Aresty, Julius Cohn, Marvin Taxman, Lloyd Friedman, Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, Morris Lipp, Mrs. David Beber, Dr. Earl Wigodsky, Ben Zeff, Frederick Cassman and Harvc/ Aronson. Patronize Our Advertisers

An appeal for handmade items has been made by Mrs. Ernest A. Nogg nnd Mrs. Hubert Sommcr, co-chairmen of the Children's Memorial Hospital Bazaar Project for the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs. Donations of handmade articles including aprons, tea towels, knitting, crocheting and etc. nre badly needed for the Children's Memorial Hospital Bazaar to be held Monday, November 12 from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. at the SheratonFontenelle Hotel, the chairmen reported. The Women's Federation as In past years, will have its own booth, It was announced. "Die Women's response for donations to date has been gratifying," both co-chairmen declared, "but wo need much more to Insure the success of our booth." Anyone offering to have items available or those who have articles completed ore asked to contact Mrs. Nogg, GL 1045 nnd Mrs. Sommer, GL 5051.

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Pickled Tongues, Lb. . . . . . . OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY, OCT. 5



Needlework Guild Will Hold Annual Tea O c i 14


Friday, Ot<loli»r t, 1833

Newe Rnd happening* t t The Dr. rhlllp nhrr Jrniili lining For I k e Aids' br Uavld Orkow.

Tin: men HOLIDAY sroitv The umiual Ingathering tea for Charles A. Monasee, Abe Moz.er, the Omaha Needlework Guild will Ben Newman, Calvin M. Newman, ICES were held as usual this yea! be held Tuesday a f t e r n o o n. Fannie Newman, Julius Newman. in The Hume Synagogue, undei October 14, at the Dundee Pres- Maurice Newman, Sol Nogu, Harry tlie guidance of Sam Poster, Ga byterian church, Mrs. Dave Coin, Noodell, Harold Novak. Julius I. bai. Mr. Poster was aided b; chairman of the Jewish Charities Novak, Sum Oleskcr. S. Orloff, Avr;ih;nn Malek during Rosl xection, a project of the Federa- Albert Ouch, David Onich, Iteva Jtashoiiah and Yorn Kipptir. Al tion of Jewish Woman's Club, an- Phillips, Nathan Pit lor, Alex Plot- oilier services are ncrsoniilly con kin, Wm. Raduziner, Harry Ravitz, ducted by Mr. Pester. nounced. A rKK-SIX'OOTH I'AKTV was In addition to those previously David JUce, Joe M. Rice, Norlisted, the following have contri- man M. Rice, Carl Riekes, Max held on Sunday, September 28th Riekes, Aaron Rips, Harry Rochunder the sponsorship of the Beth buted til r o u g h Friday: Mines. * Samuel Altsuler, Nettie Arnovlt/, i! man, Sam Hosenbluni. Harry /. Israel Sisterhood, with Mrs. Henry Alfred A x e l r o d , Meyer Heber. j H o s e n f e 1 d, Morris Rosenstein,,..,._. , „ for Mrs, KrApppl,., pint'li-hitting Harry Bclinont Jacob' Kereovici, | »ave Rosenstock, Berthold Rosen- jllf . s , ][ 0( . hs ,,,r, who suddenly he M A Borcovici. Clarence L. Ik-r«-Mhal, C h R r l ^ S . J t o s s . I I o w .-> r d , ( , , l n e ,„, Till-: IIOMK SICCOTH is more beautiful than ever this year, thanks to the Bikur Cholini Team who decorated it with colorful JO. Hrodkey, UCK.UK *..!«.,„.,.,....,, .Miriam Hadar, Miss Israel of JJI58, liitM farewell to IHT COIIHMIH, R Reuben II. Brown, Sam Canar, I Jules Leonard Segal,Irvin Jacob S h a pIsai_ro, han^in^s of fruit anil vegetables. Mr. and .MIH. Saul Suviilslty of Ciiimcll Hluff-i. She flmv to Lou AnShapiro, Sherman, Dave Colin. H a r r y C Cooper-man, dore S h e r m a n , Dave' Shukert, Thank you. Mines, Ann Kat/nlan. Keli'H Tuesday after NjienklnK at .several Israel IIUIKIH Ki'S'ilmm durMary Wine and Mary Zalkin. Kid- ing ll week's sta,\' hi th(r area. Philip Crandell, Isadore Dansky, Richard K. Kinstein, 'Harry Elsen- Bernard Siegler, Robert H, Silver, dush is chanled regularly In 'J"he Harry Silverman, Lester Simon, Succoth. Matt, Aaron Epstein, David B. James McDonald Kpstein. David B. Kpstein, Law- Morris Singer, Abe Slusky, Ben NKW RRKIOKNTS: Dunns; the Four Events Slulzky, Harry A. Smith, Abe rence Epstein, Win.' Kpstein, Mor(Continued from Page 1> Somberg,; Harry L. Sommer, Hu- month of .September, wo welcomed ris (Continued from Page 1) i Ennan,, Robert F e i n b e r g , bert Sommer, Max Sonimer, Mor- into the Home Club, the following F Mk problem. He emerged as a chamCharles Fellinan, Albert Fox, ris Specter, Ben Spoctor, Millard new members: Mrs. Recca Wells at the Omaha Jewish Community pion of tin- rights of Jewish vicFreeman, John J. Freiden, Eliza- Speier, Sam J. Steinberg, Sam S. and Maurice Deiehes. Center, Sunday morning and n tims of Hitler's Kurojie to unbeth Fried, Stuart E. Fried, isa- Steinberg, Paul Sujenky, John W. CAUFOItNIA ItOT'N'n: M r s . dore Friedman, .Sidney Goldberg, Tolle, Isadore M. Tretlak, Harry Dora Here, left on Monday, Sep- Council Bluffs reception for Miri- limited immigration into Palestine. .Jternian- Goldstein, Morris Gordon, Trust in, Reuben' Vanri, Paul Veret, tember 29th, to spend the winter am Hadar, Miss Israel, at the In i'MH, he was appointed II. S. Abraham Greenberg, Edward'.: \V. Arthur Weitz, Louis VVhitebrook, with her sons, in San Carlos, Cal. Council'Bluffs Jewish Center Sun- Ambassador to the .Stale of Israel. Grcenberg, Hym'an Cuss, Mmes. Harry Wiiihsk'y/- Bernhardt Wolf, Several of our residents went to day afternoon. He served with distinction fop Harry D. Haykln, David Hober- Max Wolfson, Richard 'Wright, the airport to see her off. more than two and a half year:* Highlight of the meetings wlf, man, Julius llornstein, I<ouls. Jess, Milton H. Y/udelsoh, Sam Zweiback, and, upon his resignation uaa COMING KVENTS: A Gay Max Kadis, Howard Kaplan, Nate and, the Misses: Rebecca Ber- Simchath Torah parly is in the a special message to the Oinaliit hailed in Israel as the man most Kaplan, Samuel, Kaplan, Sidney covici, Edna Cohn, Belle Green- of fine for Tuesday evening, Oel fl-'oiuiiiilnity Irom Ambassador Ahlui responsible for the bond of friendKatelman, Dora Koom, Arthur berg, Henrietta Kohn, Marilyn R. oor 7th at 7 p. m., according to ICban. Tile Israeli delegate to the Kulakofsky, Max Lashinsky, Wm. Meyer, Sally N e w m a n , Sylvia Mrs. Allen Zalkin, parly chairman. ; nitril Stutes and the I X , in a ship between America and the new cpurt transmitted by M I (I w <• % t democracy in the Middle Kasl, A. Levey, Hyman Levine, Harry P a r i 1 m a n , Rose Rothkop, Belle ADDICD: sniel r.onils d i r e r 1 it r, Milton Liber-man,. Charles S. Lieb, Ed- Siege!* B e a t r i c e Sommer, Iiose A JIKMOItlAL plaque in memory of Joseph Itrm'hnial, KM Id "Israel in In Its LEGAL NOTICE ward Lincoln, Louis K. Lipp, Harry Steinberg, Fannie Wezelman, and (Gedc.iiaVRiih.ick, has heen added Required by lite Act of /Vugutt liest ei'iinoinlr position ever at the Slalerncnl Malashock, I r v i n g Malashock', Blanche Zimman. 1913, a t amended hi the ocfi ol March to The Memorial Tablets in the tart of the stToml decade. Hut we3.21, m i , ond July 2, \1*i Illlle 10, United David ManviU, Sam Manvitz. Abe Stales Code, section 2111 ihowtno. th« ownHome Synagogue, and was dedi- till must n'l.v on continued :issUt- erihip, management ond circulation of The . H. Markovit2, Richard M. Martin, culed on Yom Kippur, Jewish published week!/ at Oniohci, !lice from file Jewish (-i)hllllilllltics HHiroika,Press Orvel A. Milder, David Miller, StuOctober 1, !W8. YAIIItZKIT: Mi'inorial Services f the free world in the form of Tlie names ond ocldresses ol the publisher, art Muskin, Harry Neesman, Alwere held in the syivui'igue at the (atc of Israel llonds, now n edllor, managing editor, and Dullness ition* bert B. Newman. K. Leo Nogg. nyirri ore: Home, for the following, whose In :!!) loiuitrlfs." Jewish Federation ol Omaha, Inc., 101 U. Nathan I,. N»gg, Albert A. Oruch, IOIII SI., Omaha. Yahrzeit comes during that part Ilymun Oruch, Hyntun Osoff, Sol editor, nan*. Miss Hadar.whose stoiy of com- Managing : > f The Month of Tkhri, which tdllor, i M r s . ) Francis Klein, 101 II. ?0ltl S. Parsow, M a u r i c e L. Pepper,, bat exiH.'riciics in the 1!).").J Gaza SI., Omaha. frills in .September: Tishri 3, .SepHarry Perimeter, Melvin S. Plot-! Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ncarenlierif action and the ]!>.">G Sinai cam- Business manager, Paul Veref, 101 U. 70'h kin, Sam I), l'oska, Dawd Potash,! have-as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. tember 17 -Sam Kpsleln; Tishri paign captivated local audiences, 51.,TheOmoha, owners: ( I I owned l l / a corpororollan, j , September 19 -R<*bocca Zweiits name and a(J(lre%s ri'uil bo staled on<J Wm. Racusin, Louis Raduziner, Paul Nearenberg of Montcbello, back; Tishri 7, .September 21 - television and newspapers, wel- also Immediately Ihpfeunder tho names and ol stockholders owning or holdlnj Paul RuiKrodski, Donald A. Rice, j Cal., former Omahans. Mr. Near- Solomon Osherow: Tishri 11. Sep-comed Lt. Paaz upon her arrival addresses 1 prr cent or more ol total amount of stock. If not owned by a corporation, the names Eugene D. Rich, David Richards. here Tuesday. tember 25 David Cooper: Tishri ond addresses of the individual owneri must enberg wns to return to Cnlifortie olven. If owned by a partnership or other Mmes. Harry Riekes, Robert Rim- j 14. September 2H--Barney MarkoSales Ahead of '.")7 unincorporated firm, its name ond address/ merman, Philip Ringle, Ida Robin-j "la following the holidays and Mrs. witz; Tishri 16, September ,'W— well as thai of each individual membflr Iincomplelc sales figures showed as must be qlvenl. son, Sehvyn H o f f m a n , Jerold; Nearonber'g plans 1o remain in Mrs. Sam Poster. the l'.)7iH ctinpaign running slightlyNome-Address Rosen, Sam Rosenbaum, Isridore ! Omaha for an extended stay. ahead of last year's drive at the Jewish Federation of Omaha, Inc. Robert I I . Kooper, president, 101 Ho. 50th S I . W. Rosenblatt, Jennie Rosenblatt,! .„. . „ ... . 1,1 1,1 same date, according to -Gerald Harry Trustin, lirst vice president, 101 N o , ?Oth 51. Charles Rosenstock, Fred Rosen-' ^ Cahfornuins visited with Schwartz, area m a n a g e r , who Prnest A. lioag, aocond vice president, lot tin Mill SI. stock, Hurry Rubenstein, ,M. M.ifriends and relatives and with Phil .spoke at the four meetings. Miilon R Abrahams, secretory, 101 !l>). Rubin, Phil Saks, H a r r y Saltz-' Harris of Chicago, brother of Mrs. JOIh St. Arthur I I . Goldstein, treasurer, 101 Ho. M i l l . _ man, Benjamin S h a p i r o, Max Nearenberg, who spent the holi- SKiMA DKI/TA T.VC' I'l.KIMiKS 51. Shapiro, Sam Shift, Louis Shrier, days In the city. Paul Verel, executive director, 101 No. ?Otfi Members of the Sigma Delta St Jacob Shyken, Harry Siclman, Harat the The known bondholders, morlgaoei ond Artlmr M. Oreen has returned Tau Sorority, pledge class 1 old Siegel, Edward Simon, Ervin other security holders owning or holding I University of Nebraska, Lincoln per cent or more of total amount of tioni"*, R. Simon, Ray R. Sinion, Stanley home from the hospital. mortgages or other securities a r t : (If Ihert are Maddy Miroff, Judy Freed. Gerald Sclnvallz, area manager ore none, so state.) None? J, Slosbiirg, Rubin Smeerin, Sidney average number ol copies of each Issul New officers of the Omaha As- June Zneimer, Omaha; Judy Co- of the Israel Bonds organization, of The L. S n e i d e r, Alfred Sophir. Ben fhis publication sold or distributed through hen, Sue Lonestein. Denver, Colo.; moils or otherwise, to paid subscribers fSoshnik, Barney L; Stark, Dora A, sociation of Insurance Agents In- Shirley Lelchook, Muriel Lelchook, has been elected chairman of the the during the twelve months preceding the dale Stein, Oscar Sutin, Samuel Turkel, clude Barton Clreenlierg, second Sioux City, la,; Vivian Webman, Breadbrcakers, weekly luncheon shown above was: (IMS Inforrnollon l l required from dally, weekly, senjlweekly/ ani Nathan VeiUer, Abe V. Venger, vice-president'.and-Paul A. (Jros»- Superior, Nebr., and Nancy GrossJ.7I8. club of the Henry Monsky lodge of triweekly newspapers only.) PAUL V E R E T . Herbert Weil, Sam Weinstein, Ben- maii, director. man, Burlington, la. Business Monaaer. B'nai B'rith. His selection was 5worn to and subscribed jamin Wine, Allen Wohlner, BernPledge officers are Miss Miroff, announced today by Lou Canar. f l n l day of OcloDer, 1950. before me this City Cminrllmnn Harry Trust In bardt Wolf, Mary Zalk. Ben Zeffi JOSEPH M I C E K . president; Miss Lelchook. secre- lodge president. The Breadbreak- (My commission expire* and Seymour Zoob. The Misses will speak at a meeting of the March 70. !?&!). Charlotte Abrams, Jean Oendler, Good Fellowship Club in the tary-treasurer and Nancy Gross- ers meet each Wednesday aoon at man, historian. Fannie Grudinsky, Rose Gordinsky, Chamber of Commerce Monday The-iiororily has planned a pen- the Gourmet restaurant. Gertrude Hollander, Belle Horny Carnival Booth, on October 3 Leo Kisenstatl, chairman of the wich, Lena Kohen, and Jane Kohl. Mrs. Huso (ilnsliiiri; who hadwith Sue Goldhammer of Denver, five-slate Plain States Regional Others contributing are Soloand Maddy Miroff as co-chairmen. Board of the Anti Defamation mon Lagman, Sam Lebowitz, Joe been in the hospital following an to boat the) price riis! Representing SDT.i in the Sig-league of B'nai B'rith will report J. Levey, Stanley F. Levin, Dave accident, is convalescing at home next Wednesday on the arrangema Chi Derby"Dny Beauty ConI^evine, Leopold Levy, Sheldon Lin•BARGAINS LIKE THIS • ments for the annual meeting of test is Sue Lonstein. coln, Max London, Max Magid, Custom 300 Sluiiry h. Schwartz, Temple Isthe regional group October 11-1" Dena.Locke, Independence, Mo.. Jay M. Malashock, Gail Margolin, Economy 6 Harry Market, Adolf Mayer, How- rael Director of Kducation and and Sue Goldhammer are the SDT here. o-Palt. Tudor. Youth Activities will leach at the representatives for Tassels. Hlr., Oil Filter.. ard Milder, Jerome J. Milder, I,eo Schwartz, a member of Monsky L/ Milder, Mollie M i t 11 e in a n, College of Adult Education at the Bonnie Spiegal, Omaha, is Pan- lodge since moving to Omaha University of Omaha during the hellenic and A. W. S. representa- earlier in the year, succeecB Sidfall semester. His subject will be tive and SDT Homecoming Chair- ney Taren, third vice-president of 80 '58 Fords Left "The Field of Social Work," man and SDT House Manager. the Monsky lodge who was lauded Sandy Kully, Grand Island, Is by Canar for his outstanding recCopy Editor of the Daily Nebras- ord. Savo on a Ford kan. Jt'NIOIl YOUNfi Ina Margolin, Omaha, Is the Patronize Our Advertisers JUDAEA (iltOUP t 4719 N. 30TH PL 0111 SDT Health Committee chairman The next meeting of the Ann ; and SDT representative for the Frank . Junior YounK Judaea A guide in the field of secondary Group will be held October 5th, 2 mathematics for the DeToiir town- University Theatre Honorary ProPlan Now to Attend the Annual Meeting . p. m. at the home of Paula Ber- ship schools in Michigan, by a ducers Competition. cutt, 52H2 Corby street. former Omahan. has received of fha At the September 21st -meeting, recognition by the University of the group went on a hike which Michigan where it was evaluated. started at Memorial Park. An in- The work on the "Curriculum J A 1361 to Insert rour Waal AO formal initiation also took place Publication No. 1" was headed by in Phons Tli* Jswljih Pr»M. ritf u &0 eent* for etch four at this meeting. At a laterdate, Kugene Jacobs, son of Mrs, Julia UnaCurrant Insertion, 'tht Prrutt rMtrvwi tht rlrfit ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE the formal initiation of this group Jacobs. It was developed through to limit «!29 or «ach Kdrartlismmt will he held. Parents are to be in- a five year survey made by Mr. of B'nai B'rith BAR and Bas Mitzvali congratuvited.". The membership for- this Jacobs, bead of the DeTour mathelations nlso for all Jewish holiclub Is closed. matics program with assistance Dinner: October 11-12 days ond special occasions. New officers are: Alice FeJlmon,. from Richard D. Rowley, prinSaturday Hljh» president; Barbara Chudacoff, cipal and D. S. Brumbaugh, super- Meyers New* Stand, 1502 Dodge Highland Country CMb neBary vice-president, Gail Brodkey;- sec- intendent, there. The study was CLARA RANDALL PLACEMENT KctcrvotionS! JA 4 / 3 3 Sunday retary; Jane Shrier, treasurer; made to show people the objecSERVICE. For Practical Nurae» Featuring Label A. Kate, Herman Edelsberg sgt-at-arms, Linda Graetz ond tives of the school's program in and Practical Domestics. Call mathematics. Linda Riekes, reporter. WE 5217.


In the News


'Breadbreakers' Name G. Schwartz



Gene Jacobs Develops iatfiematic's Quids


States rCealonal UD d ealonal UDoar


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