October 10, 1958

Page 1

*>j i w v t ' i t xr« K Published every Friday, 101 N.<20th \ o ) XXXV II No. 5 oinulia .Nebrasku. Phono JA 13<;ti

ttiiliircd us tiocoml-ClHSS Mutter at 1'unt. Single Copy 10 Cents office. Oroutiu. Nebraska, under Act of 187U amiuui Huto 4 Uullurt

Monitor d

Of The sixtieth anniversary dinner celebration of the Jewish National Fund will be held t).v the Jewish National Fund Council of Omaha Iliis Sunday night, October 12, at Beth Israel Synagogue. Dinner will l>e at 0:30 o'clock in the evi'ninj;. Members of tin' reservallonsplione coininittee, named by Mrs. A. I). Fronlt, chairmnii of the event, lire Mines. Marion Bondaren, .Toe Cuss and Charles Kimmel. Mrs. Frank's co-chairman is Mrs. Aaron Kim. Mrs. A. V. Friedman is in charge of decorations. Activities Kcport Mrs. M. F, Levenson, president of the Omaha Council, will give her annual report of activities of the Omaha group, prior to the address by Mrs: Archibald SilverHum of Providence, R. I, Mrs. Sllverman, oiie of the founders of 3. N. F., htis visited [sr.'iel over 20 times, and is internalionallyknown as a dynamic speaker, who lias been associated with every worthwhile cause in Jewry in tlie last, half-century. Present Itronzc 1'lao.nes During the evening, those who have planted miles of trees, groves

Center Health The Center Health Club, Omiilia's largest health club for men, has been completely enlarged find expanded, it was announced by I.es Burkenroad, Center Health Club chairman. The improvements include both an enlarged lounge and dry heat room and the addition of a coat room. The club is open from noon until ft) p. m. during the week and from 9 a, in. to d p. m. on Sundays nnd offers convenient parking on the Center parking lot, personal locker facilities, dry heat and H'eam rooms, large modern lounge, slumber room, shower facilities nnd massages in addition to heat nnd sun lamp treatments. Five masseurs are on duty every Sunday and a well trained staff is present throughout the week. No oppolmnent Is necessary.

Huston ,./l'A)—The Infllic-ntlal Christian Scleiicfi Monitor warned the Western Powers In an editorial that lliey Iiiic] to deal wlfh President Nasser of the United Arab Republic "at more than urni's length and regard him as an InImmigration to Israel Ii.is spurted to the largest rale since the veterate enemy." dramatic flow to the Jewish state in the summer of 1D50, officials of Tlie newspaper said that "Amer- the Jewisli Agency reported In a series of statements this week. The twin crises in Egypt and icans and Britons have tried hard to be just as between Arab aspiraHungary at that time placed an unprecedented burden upon the tions and Zionism. Washington ofrefugee life lines to Israel, but ficials have been at a point where new developments in Rumania and they would welcome an opporelsewhere this month indicate a tunity to extend economic help to flow of immigrants of almost the Egyptian and Arab peoples on a A giant Hula Hoop contest same magnitude. scale comparable to what. Israel will be held at the first Sunday About 2,000 Jews from Red Ruhas received. Funclay program, October 20, "But Niisserism sounds u con- when the group meets at the mania arrived in Vienna this wpek en route to Israel,' it was reported. stant warning and a threat against Jewish Community Center. Israel and Rumania recently In addition to a grand prize doing too much lit tills respect. To agreed that 50,000 of Rumania's for the winner, a prize will be 200,000 hnlld up Nasser-Ism rather than a Jews could migrate to Isawarded to every child who rael. more constructive. Arahlsm might lie 11 dls-servlco to tile world. The enters the contest. Judges will More than 5,000 immigrants - a ambitious dictator of the United score skill in Hula Hooping as sharp increase over earlier months well as tricks. Arab ICepulilIc leaves tlie West in .1958—are expected to arrive in • Only children registered in Israel this month, the Jewish little alternative hut to (leal with the Sunday Fiindny program Agency said. him at more than anny'H length are eligible for the contest and and regard him as an Inveterate News of the exodus from KuPlans are underway for a Youth they are urged to enter it toenemy." mania heightened efforts by the Council reception Sunday, October day. The program is just one of the eight weekly fun packed national and local campaigns of VI at l.'.'iO p. in. at the Jewish gatherings beginning Sunday, tho United Jewish. Appeal a n d ('(immunity Center for l'uullne October 26. Registration may be State of Israel Honds. A $40,000,Halm, teenage star o f "The Diary made by calling Children's Ac- ODD cash collections campaign by of Anne .Frank," It was announced the IMA and a drive to sell ,«,"i0,tivities at JA 1366. 000,000 in Israel Itonds (luring the liy Larry filliimliy mill Hetty Erbalance of U)58 luive Just gotten nian, reception co-chairmen. under way. A specially designed program All Youth Council clubs are parElmer Gross, chairman of tha ticipating; Ediar TjBG and Konu offering tap and ballet dancing is Omaha Jewish Philanthropies cam» A/A, decorations; Debs, F.Ieanor available at the Jewish Community paign, urged all workers to comRoosevelt BUG and AZA No. 1, Center. plete their assignments as rapidly reception and program; AZA No. G e o r g e Koltauowski, Internaas possible "lo meet this sudden The courses now in the process 100. Ilayim and Hohanue BOG, tional Chess Master will appear challenge." Gross also called for of formation still have several publicity. at tlie Jewish Community Center increased giving 1o the Emergency The clubs are organizing a mo- openings left and those interested Tuesday, October 28 at 7:.'iO p. m. Rescue Fund being conducted sifire urged to register at once by torcade to escort Miss Ilalm to the Mr. Koltanowslii will not only multaneously vvilli the a n n u a l reception til (he Center. It will be- calling Children's Activities JA, play a simultaneous match of over Philantropics campaign. gin at Memorial park and then 1360. 30 hoards but will wear a blindSam Katzman and Sam Rico, proceed to the young star's hotel. The courses are being 'organized fold throughout, the event. co-chairmen of the Israel Bonds for all levels of instruction includYouth Council club members Thu "Mental Magic" chess ex- campaign here, said, "Not only who will serve on the reception ing beginners, intermediates and hibition will be sponsored by the. must we give to UJA In order to advanced students under the dicommittee are Steve Dloogoff, Omaha Chess Club, the . YMCA bring the immigrants into Israel, Justin Han, Dan Hollis, Irene Wi- rection of a professional instructor, and the Jewish Community Center; but we must step up Bond purrBetty Mat-Michaels. Miss Macner, Arlene Grossman, Eden Colin, Any chess player may enter the chases in order to maintain IsJudy Pollack, John Schimmel, Michaels is an exiwrtly qualified exhibition by calling the Activities rael's economy under the new Marlys Isack, Gale Schricr, Bar- teacher and is a r r a n g i n g the Office at JA 1306. Player fees are stress." bara Bercult, Leslie Kpstein, Roni classes so that students will have $2.00 for adults and SI .00 for Late reports Wednesday said an Meyer, Lurry Hoberman. All Y. C. plenty of individual help. .students. Spectators will be ad- additional 4,000 Jews already ara members as well as freshmen, who in the pipeline from Rumania, at A fee of 53.00 per month will mitted free. have not yet pledged to particular be charged. Further information Mr. Koltanowski holds the title the same time that steady emiclubs, are invited to attend the will be furnished to those calling of the World's Blindfold Chess gration from Polnnd and North Sunday reception. Champion. Africa is continuing. the above number. of trees, or given a "Nachlat," will be honored with the presentation of special bronze plaques by Mrs. Silverman. Among these will be Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mycrson, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Myerson, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Myerson, Mrs. Lena Grossman and Sam Rice. A Nachlat is enough funds to prepare a plot of grounds sufficient to accommodate 30 families in Israel. Entertainment will be furnished by Gidon Ari-I.avi, Israeli folk singer, who will sing native Israeli folk songs. Mrs. Harry Dnboff will accompany him. If anyone is missed, reservations may be made by calling Mrs. Hondaren, GL .r>170; Mrs. Giiss, GL ">227 or Mrs. Kimmel, GL 780fi.



Reception Oct. 12 ForTeenage Stage Star at Center

Registration Still Open for Dance Classes

Chess Cheung to-

srael Bonds Show Slight. Increase. Over 1957Greater Omaha's Israel Bonds campaign pushed past the $15,000 mark this week, co-chairmen Sam Rice and Sam Katzman reported. The figures reflect a slight increase over the corresponding period in 1957. Arrival here Tuesday of James G. McDonald, first United States ambassudor to Israel, for parlor meetings In Omaha and Council Bluffs will highlight this week's activities', Kat/mjii said. McDonald will be guest at the home of Mr. and Mis. Isadoie

Chapman Tuesday night and ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gershun Wednesday night. The Council Bluffs meeting is open to the entire community. The Iowa city's bond committee is headed by tlie Gershuns and by Mr. and Mrs. Saul Suvalsky. Members of Hadassah and B'nai B'rith in Council Bluffs are also working on the meeting. (Continued on Page 4 )

Itobort Folnbere, Mrs. Sam Kntzmnn, Alio flcndler, Mrs, Ham Illfkln, Sam Katzman, Mrs. J. Hurry Kuhikofsliy, Sam Itlce, F . nrtlph Nogg, Mrs. Isldor 1 son. Mm. Morris Grossman and Lou tlanar (I. to r,) diiciiwj vnrlout phase* of this yenr's. community mobilization for Stnto of Israel Bonds.



Friday, October JO, 1958

Ben Gurion Asserts His Nation No Closer to Peace Than 10 Years Ago P u b l i s h e d E v e r y I ' r i d a j b y IHo F e d e r a t i o n o l J e n M i S t r \ l c e

Bciund Cluib Bci'und Cluib Mulltap Mulltap Fnvllcijes Fnvllcijes A Authorized uthorized M M Unialiu, Uniali, Ncbr N b k A S b l t l $ 1 0 0 Advertising A d v r t i s i n g Halts H a l t s on APliHcalkin, APliH Annual Subscrlutlnn, $1.00. Kdltuilui 01 ir<:e—101 No '^Jiti .Street, Oinaliu. Nclir.. JAclison lauo Print Sri Uddi-CES 4S03 M 2»th Strct-t



PHILA^THHOPIES SCOREiOAiP Anof OctobrrS, 1058 'Hi"? following are curroiit reports from divisions in the IMS Omrtlia .lew ish Philanthropies Campaign: ]H.j8To1nl Division • • • • . • • . To Dale Initial Gifts ' i v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3*8.120.00 Men's Division . . • . . ' . • ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13,!)49.0O Women's Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (ii ,730.54 B. & P. Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . , . . ; . , : . ^ . . . . ; v . . v : . . . ; 3,512.50 Children's Division . . . ' . . . . ....v. .;•;;•.. ;:.»:...vv>;> . . . . . i 1,738.25 High School Division .'.•... : ..,;-.Y. . j v v . i . ; . ; , . w . V . . . . . 1,171.25 University Division / . . . , . , . " . . . . • . • . .V.>i. : ..V..... „ 11.0.00 Oryani/.ntioi;s 2,473.25 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,517.00 Total to Dale



With the Home Folks Religious

N t t t i anil hain>t-iiinE« HI I tip Or. l'htlli> Klier J K H I A I I II«>fni< t fir Mitt Aeril Ii) Haiti] orl.fjti.

TYI Aviv (JTAI—Prime Minis- Kast was "only Arab" atsertnig tor Davlil lien (inrlon declared that "(here are peoples in the this week that peace lor Israel Middle Kast who are not Arabs WHS no nearer now than it was and their number is greater than ten years ago nnd tiiut Israel that of the Arabs in the Middle needed arms for defense which Kast." He said that the time was could lie obtained only In the. not far off when Israel would gnin friends from among (lie non-Arab I.'niled States. Speakint; al the r!uMn;j session Middle East countries "whose of the International Israel Bond strength is greater than Hint of Conference, tlie Prime Minister all Arab count lies. warned that Israel's Arab neigh"Give us the tools and ue will bors still hoped lo destroy Israel do the job," Israeli's Minister for and lo throw the .lews of Israel Development,. Morddcai Ilcntov, inlo the sea. told delegates during a luncheon He told the ."."<0 delegates that iii their honor at the Weizmaim with the same quality of arms Institute at Ilehovoth. Mr. Ilentov laid greatest stress possessed by Israel's enemies— even with smaller numbers Israel nil the potentialities of the Newould defeat the Aral) .slates if Cev. He said that dm governthey were attacked a^ain. Israel, ment's goal was to develop the be said, would never equal her area in the point where i! would enemies in numbers of men or he as heavily populated as the quantity of aims, addini; that northern part of the country. Kk'yjjt alone had three times as Mr. Henlov revealed that: two many planes, jmns and 1;tnks as American firms were currently Israel. studying the Dead Sea chemical lie said Jordan, which "may or j works with a view to increasing rather may not remain independ- its annual output lo 525,000,000; ent for IOIIK," could In! added to Kuropean chemical firms were nethe erm;<1ioii but that if Israel gotiating for a parl in expanding could obtain armament of tf|ual the phosphates industry, and the I qualify, particularly planes, .sub- bromine industry was already enmarines and tanks, oven in lesser teriiiL; the international market numbers, "then we are s"cme and as a serious competitor. if attacked, we shall beat, them a;;-'tin." He again expressed his hopes that in the future, lOast Muropcau countries would permit the emigration to Israel of Jews III the iHiiidriils of thousands. He said 5cb (Subby) Pulvcrenta that when this happened, the Integration of these Immigrations 25 Years' Experienco would represent the greatest challenge to world Jewry. With Jewish Lettering and Memorials The Prime Minister rejecled the "prevailing idea" that the Middle

(K.TOItnit 7—Tin' Hikur C'hoiim party featured a IH-W film on Israel, Jack Saylan and his violin and Barbara Cioodman and Ilo'sem.'iry Abramson doing the Hula Hoop. Refreshments were served by tile Ladies of I In- Hikur Cholim I'. »'• Society. BNAI JACOU-AIIAS (H.TOIIKH X—llabbi Wen.iaiiiin Services at lVuni l'iiooli- Adasj firuiicr reopened our liabbinical Yeshuron will lie;.;m Friday ;it 5:451 Series afler the summer reec-ss. p. m. and Saturday mornin atj 'J'liis series is a popular, informa8:30 a. in. with Mincha at M O tive serie, and the Hieni" this year p. m. followed liy Stuilrnh S'u ados is '"J'lie Jew in W'oild Affairs." Daily s e r v i c e s at fi a. m. am! During the month of October, 6 p. m. llabbi Cron.'T will he followed by Jiabbi David Korb on Wednesday, BETH ISKAKI. October I51h: llabbi Meyer KripFriday evening swvires v, ill lip- ka on \Wdnc-.day. October 22 and gin at. 5::'.O p. m. at Kit!) Israel Rabbi Sidney r.tonlis on Tue:;d;iy, Synagogue. S a t u r (I a y morning October 2Klh. • services lien'in at H-Ao a. in. nnd The Onriha .Section, National, " the Junior Congregation nu-rHs at 10 a. in. Rabbi Benjamin Groner Cuuncil of Jewish Women initiateii .will conduct the Saturday after- their fail classes in Arts and noon.Talmud class at .") p. m. nnd CYaits in the C.'onncil room. This • . Mnclut, f o l l o w e d liy Slialosh has been a very successful program S'eitclos and Ma.-iriv will start at and wonderful occupational therapy for our Folks. 5:30 p. in. Ni;\V KKSIDKNTS—Mike DavThe Sunday moinint' services /.'begin ' a t ' 8:45 a. m. and arc fol- idson of t'ouncil Bluffs, Iowa. lowed by breakfast, and the Bible <)CTOIti:it I'J—"The Story of : class. The Sunday nnrniiiK Junior Coluinbiis"- a film on that hisCongregation meets nt B:ffl a. in. toric voyage will be shown. Paily services are held at 7 a. in. VAHUZr.ITS—Special Memorial j and 5:45 p. m. Services will hi; held in the Homo The. weekly Talmud class meets Synagogue f"i' the foliowiiu; whose .'.••'every.-Tuesday evening :it the Yahrzcii:-- conn; duriiii; the month' ]i)tll and Hurt S t m ' t Kynai;<J!;iiol of October: TISIIRI Tt, Oct. 11— anil Saturday iiioriiin:; Kr-rvic.rv I Sam Hoffman; TISIIRI 28, Oct. 12 ore held there at !) a.m. ! Philip Saks; TISIIRI 29, Oct. 13 . L a t e Friday evening servier: j Lottie Silverslone; IIF.SIIVAN will bo rcsum"ij at. the Belli Israel 2, Oct. 10 Sadie Fish; HKSII-i • S y-n n K o f,' U C Friday evening. VAN1. Oct. Ill Invin Stalmastcr; • October 171 ii at 8 p. m. IIESIIVAM ">, Oct. 1!!-.-Joseph J. Grfonbsrg: IIKSHVAN 7, Oct. 21 PMLK ISUAFX • Sarah Farber; IIF.SIIVAN 9, . Services will lm litld tlii.s Fri- Oct. 2.'! Herman Krasne; HF..SHday Kvcniny at 8:15. p. m. Italjbi VAN V.i, Oel. 27 -Mrs. Morris Sidney Brooks will j> r e a c h on fiross; IIKSIJVAN 15, Oct. 29 — "When Religions Differ." Com- Ben Handler. merit on Lpol?*s report of Religious Conflict in Arnericn. , Shabbas morhiii',' services -will j Israel 13fh Among Book begin at. IKSO a. in. with Rabbi j Exporters to U. S. •Brooks officiating and the Ho-1 .liKions School Choir under the j Israel ranks thirU.-cnlh among direction of Miss Ida Gitlin sinjj-j publishing countries e x p o r t i n g ing the musical portions oT the books to tin; United States. Service. .She particularly registered n .sizable increase in the volume of JJKTH IX Services (his evcuinj; will begin books sent to this country isi 1957 «t 8:15••ii. m. at Beth Kl Syna- over the previous year. Report! Ko^ue. Rabbi• Myer S. Kripke will indicate that: $118,5GG worth was deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron received in 1957 compared to $90,. . 1. .Mgar and the Both 101 3yna- 949 in 1950. ' fioj;utf Choir will rentier the musical portions of the service. Sabbath moi'iiinf; services arc at 9:30 a. m.. Junior Conjtresalloii Services are at ]0:.'',0 a. m. Minchato beat -the price rise! . Mapriv .service will begin at 5:r!C ; i>.'riii • • —BARGAINS LIKE THIS\'i Daijy services are held at 7 a. m. • jtt.iul ;7 p. ml SJtVntlny liioi'-iiing servCustom 300 Economy'6 : ice:iS':at 0 a. ill.' 6-Pa55. Tudor. •'j family ••'ni&ht nil! be ob:;orvec' Htr., Oil Filter.. Wfhthis first, lalo Sabbath Evt •tbry-Jes.'al IJoUi iil this Fiiday. Members aVe ur^cd to brin;-, 60 '58 fords Left thioir children and attend in f> family group. The services uilLbc Slightly briefer than usual, nnd the sermon will be directed ti: Save on a Ford younger worshippers as >yell .a: t l i r . parents. • : 4719 N'.iWH PL 8111


See GgR


So. Gth

Regional Council To Meet Nov. 2 Annual Fall Seminar of the Southwest Regional Council of D'nai B'rith will he held in Omnlia Nov. 2, President David lileichei1 announced today. The council includes all lodges in Omaha, Council IJluffs, Lincoln, Sioux Cily,_ Sioux Falls, Fremont and Central president of District Ornnd Lodge Nebraska. David C. Goldfine, of Chicago, No. 0, will he the guest of honor and principal speaker at n meetins: which will begin at !>:.'!0 n. in, at the Paxton Hotel. C'.oldfine will confer with members of Omaha U'nal IS'rith groups in initial preparations for (be l'H',0 district, conclave here.


HOLLYWOOD TUX RENTAL 10t Ho. 15lh Stuel JA 2452 I In Omnlia Loan Bldg. I


AT 2452

Bar «nd Bas Mitzvah

CUSt 10 'Mil


All frlendM nnd relnt>\cs arc invited to attend services mil) receptions. l-'UANNV (iKOSSMAN Mr. and Mrs, Paul Grossman anannounce (he Das Milzvah of IIKII daughter Franny will bo celebrated tlii.s Friday evening and Saturday morning at Temple Israel. KI'SSKIX I.KK KAI>I,AN The Bar Mitz'vah of Russell Lee Kaplan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Kaplan, Will, be celebrated at the Uet.h Israel Synagogue, Friday evening and Saturday morning, October 17 and 18..


Kosher Mectf Market- and Delicafesscn \VA 5S54



I.)r. and Mrs. M. H, Brodkey announce the Bas Mitzxah of their daughter. Dale, and Dr. and Mrs. Henton Kutler announce the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter, Laura at Beth i-;i Synagogue, Friday eveing, October 17th and Saturday morning, October 18th.


s Hemember Di F©r fhe"-Finest Call Wednesday for Thursday Delivery FOR CHOICE SEATS

Mrs Leo Weite—RE 7212 or Mrs. Leo Nogg — GL 2065 Sunday-Monday—October 12-13 — 8:15 P.M. Oon't Miss IV. Don't Miss It! Don't Miss Itl KEnwiT BLOCTMGAROEH prMenls

The wonderful •heart-warming Broadway play of a Jewish family living, loving and laughing in the face of danger. Presented In Omaha by Dick Walter Attractions TIeketi Ate Also A»alloble or Hespe Piano Co. Dolly or of Music Hsll et Performance lime


Friday, October 10, 195S

Omahans In the News

l'AM, VKIIKT TO '.Sl'KAK l'iiiil Veret, executive, director of the Jewish Federation of Om.'i]i;i, will he the guest speaker at A post Succoth ten to he civen by JJilutr Cliolim Monday, OciobT 33 at 2 p. in. at the Jewish ('oinmunily Center. All members nnil their friends nre invited to attend Airs. Berniinl Scht'in is 1-liainiir'in for tiiP «'vent.

Arriving Friday at the Hi'n ICisenlierj; residence will'be Mrs. Kisenberg's sister, Miss Anno It. Si|verman, of Chicago. She also will visit with her father, Solomon silvfirmnn, and other members of the Kisenbei'd family including a nephew and niece, Mr. and Airs. (Jeorffe- Kisciil»er£. Miss Silverman, a former Oniahan, is the author of a recent article on "Cantor Yossele Rosenblatt" which appealed in "The Jewish Forum."

IIAUASSAII HOLDS ONE-DAY WOKRSIIOr "Who does what, when, where, wliy and how in Jludassah" will be the theme of the Leadership Trainini,' Course: to be conducted on Wednesday, October 15 at the Blackstone Holel from 9:.".O a. in. to .') p. m. New board members of Wei/.rnann, S'zold, Ilerzl iind Chapler, and those persiins carrying new portfolios are urged to attend. Mrs. Morris Franklin will conSKIT TO in: <;IVKN duct, the one day workshop and AT HKTII ISICAKI/ llcniiy Ahraiiihon, son of ,\rr. A skit. entitled "Wbafs My Mrs. Gerald Schwartz, HV) 70(iT anil Mrs. Kliinr Abriiinsnn, who is taking reservations. Trouble" will lie presented at the has been stationed al Fort Ord, Jii'lh Israel Sisterhood luncheon Cal., has returned In Omaha after "DOLLS FOIl DKMOCKACV" Tuesday, October J1 at 12:30 p. in. completing his active round of IN IVNAI II'JtlTII l'KOUKAlH in the Syna^o^ue .Social Hall. dutv. Members and friends of the Members parlieipaiinj,' in the skit, are Mines. Don f 'ohen, Ernest i newly formed B'nai B'rith WomGuests of Mr. anil Sirs. H. A. Iloelistei', IX'lmar Klein, Ma / < en's Chapter, will see the first fall Kloppcr and their son, Sydney, are showing of the "Dolls for DemocIlerzoff, .Sidney, (Goldberg, Mon ir; the K l u p p e r ' s son-in-law anil .Sliapiro, Irving Stern and n spe- racy," at the group's meeting Mon- daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Maurice H. day, Oct. 1.'!, at R:?,0 p. ni. at the cial "myslei'y ^ucst." Mines. IrvSchwartz and grandchildren, Meying Cliarney and Robert. Smith, Jewish Community Center. er Paul and Sue-Anne. Mines, Harry Wise, Sr., Harry co-chairmen of the Annual I.inen Dr. mid .Mrs. Siliwnrt/. arc here Smith and Sam Pollak, will narShower scliedulp.il for November on a visit from Alexandria, I.a., rate the stories and display the 31. will discuss final plans for that where Dr. Schwartz is stationed affair. Reservations for the regu- "Dolls," which are replicas of at Kn;;lnml Air Force Base as a lar luncheon meeting may be made great people who have contributed Captain in the Medical Corps, lie with Mrs. Nate Ileri;. KM TMH or to the welfare of our country. Program chairmen, Mracs. Max is chief of obstetrics and pynecoMrs. Barney Grey, c;i, 52(50. liaby Kirschenbaiim and Milton Loss, loiiy.nl the Base Hospital. .Sitter S'en ice will be available. The family is also visiting Dr. are in charge of the program. The Sisterhood board meeting President pro-tern, Mrs. Marvin Schwartz's parents, Mr. and Mrs. will precede the general business Gerber, lias announced the name Bernard II. Schwartz ami aunt, ' meetiii):, Oelober M at; 11 a. in, | for the new chapter will be dis- Mrs. Julia Seltzer. in the Synaj.;o^iie board room. cussed and suggestions from members will be welcome. Coffee and K A 1)1(1 U'HJ, social hour will follow the proItJJVIKYV HOOK gram. N . • Temple Israel Sisterhood will j hear jt'ibbi Sidney If. Brooks re- ! •MILLS TO IIC SHOWN' view "The Knemy ("amp" by Jer-: T CKECIIK IIOMK New York (JTAl -B'nai B'rith iimi' Weidman al Die Oelober 1-1 '. Wednesday evening,-October 15 will honor Bernard M. Baruch al K! Uerhooil mreliii!,'. I he Dolls program will be present- ils 115th annual meeting in New The story deals willi a man's ed to the children at the Creche York next month. The 8S-ycar-old 1 1)O:I»III<;< to passion and prejudice. | Home. Story tellers will be Mmos. financier and philanthropist will Thy llahbi will i;ive the review! G'-or;;e Shafer, Bert Render and be cited for "his imprint on future alter the regular I p. in. luncheon Stanley Shapiro. generations1' at a B'nai B'rith banand business meeting. Mrs. Kil-! (|uet saluting American youth Noward I.evinson, sisterhood presl-i vember 17 at the Waldorf Astoria. dent, will conduct. |ho meeting and | Mr. Baruch will receive the B'nai an earlier hoard mcetim; ,i( 11 | B'rilli President's Medal from a. in. Philip M. Klutznick, head of the Mines. Henry Newman and organization and a former OmaClarence Ilerjjman will be in han. charge; of the luncheon. Mines. A full scale program of creative Bernard Altsuler and Maurice activities for grade school boys Births Aresty will handle table selling. and girls will get underway OctoMines. Alan Blotchy and Norman ber 20 at the Jewish Community Mr. and Mrs. Alvin S. Kpstein l.'iicohl are in ehair.o of table dec- Center. announce tlie birth of a son. Stevorations. Reservations may be Arrangements liavo hern m.lile en Howard on September 18. made by Oallinj.; either Mrs. V.v- In give youngsters "every opporGrandparents are Mr, and Mrs. win I.andow, TK .TTWI, or Mrs. tunity for creative self-expression Max Groenberf; of Kansas City, Harvey Aronson, W'A 7K>r>. mill leisure tinio activities," It was Mo., and Mr. and Mrs. William niiiiDiinreil liy llio Children's Ac- Kpstein. Great grandmother is Mrs. Fanny Cohen. KOISIOKT SIIA Kit (Jvltlei department. TO S.l'IOAK Beginning on October 26 the Robert Silver, chairman of the program will offer dramatics, mus- Names Added Jewish Philanthropies' Men's Di- ie, arts and crafts, athletics, swimCaptains have been added to the vision, will speak al the weekly ming, nature, dancing and games. mooting of the Brearlbreakers Splash parties, special holiday recently named rolls of those servWednesday noon at the (iourmot celebrations and outstanding trips ing Section ,1 for the Red FeatjierRed Cross Women's Campaign, a restaurant. are also being plnnned for this project of the Federation of JewSilver will make a special re- j season, ish women's. They are Mmos. Morport on the suddenly increased imA fee of .S7.;->0 per child for the ris Brick, Danny Fogel and K. I. migration into Israel during the eight week session is charged. The Wiilman. past several weeks. All members fee for the entire sixteen week of li'nai B'rith in Omaha and period is only.512. Council Bluffs .'ire invited to the Children must register, in admeeting of the Henry Monsky vance and can do so by calling JA AS (JtUJtlLLAS Jerusalem (JTAl About. 20,000 I,odj;(!-sponsored club! i ' KUiil, Children's Activities. Jewish irregulars fought as guerThe Center Youth program also illas against the Nazis during MIZItAdll WOMION will include plnns for a special pre- World War If in F.urope, accordDKSSKKT MIN'CIIKO.V school group. ing to "Jewish 1'iiilisans" Mizraehi Women will hold a <lc.sse.fl. luncheon meet ing Wedncsduy; ;Oi:tobei' 15 a), the Jewish Community Center. Members who did not brint; their .INK blue boxes 1o the last meetini; are rciiuested 1o bring them this Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Riehaid L. Colin, In who were married August 31 in MirAUIIAT, OCT. II Seattle, Wash., are making their A Symposium discussion by home In Redwood Oily, Cal. members who have relurned reThe bride is the daughter of Mr. cently from Israel will be featured and Mrs. George M. Schweitzer liy the Oinah.i Chapter of Iladas- of Seattle and her husband is the sah at an Oneg Shabbat, Satur- son of Mr. ami Mrs. I-Iymnn Colin. day, October H nt l:.'!() p. m. at The latter recently returned to the Jewish Community Center Omaha from Seattle after al lendI'iOI;I mi j) u In ip ml' will ho in ' the wedding Mm s Sidiifj l'i llm in Mm i h The nodding l e m n o i n u is peidius 1 in.iii, J H knl.iKofWj M foinud at limpk Dillusch III V, IyOVfyison, Henry Newman, Si Utle mil u i<, followed by a dinA n o n Rip" lifithold Ro unhid ner nt the Beau Brtimmel, unil Ch n l e . Stein Hiiolil Sipoiin will show i fil n lian.itive l.ilcrn in J.i.nl \ hlle he New Your (IIIMHIIIKB from v. is SPIV ing with the [ in led SI ile~. boys in the service " b o arc re1 iiiinerl foKc ; i eh Ing tlie Jen lull l'rcts and Mis Adolpli M.iju than man an expression of appreciation Is belnij n*>sistcd by Mis Ilcimnii to Omaha Jewry tor their con1407 Hartley Sh Afierbftcli as co-chairman and cern of bojn nerving with the. croup chairmen Mme.i, Milton SiT*J|ltefl SliitM Mllltnry Bcrvlcc*. mons, S un Tuik'l, (.eiald Rovnor. Benny Alirainoott A coffee, hour will follow the ::,:..±.,.i ^.^


Face Three

Beth El Men Plan Program Series

Nathan Martins To Visit Israel

The Bi.-ih-fcl Mens' Club, under the direction of President Morley Zipursky, has arranged a sl:\rstudded series of events for ils 11158-50 program. Heading the list of celebrities is Kmil Cohen, regarded by many as "America's Foremost American-Jewish Humorist," who will appear Sunday, Oelober V.I Mr. Cohen is returning by popular demand to open this year's series after his successful appearance before the Mens' Club last. year. This meeting is for members and wives with dinner at G:.'1O p. m. Harry (iulden, Speaker Harry L. Golden, editor-publisher of the Carolina Israelite, will hl|:hli|;lit the meeting Wednesday, January 7. This event is a dinner meeting for men only bul arrangements have been made to allow wives of members who purchase series liel:ets to be present after dinner to bear Mr. Gulden. Dramatist, March 4 One of America's foremost musical dramatists, Sulie Harand, will feature the third meeting of the Mens' Club, Wednesday, March 4. This program is for husbands and wives with a coffee hour following. Winding up the series for the year with a program that will delight fathers and children alike will be Nat Norbert, presenting '•Puppet Play-Time" Sunday, April

A winter vacation in Israel is in store for .Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Martin who left Thursday for New York on the first lap of their trip. "We have heard a jjrt'ut deal about the wonderful resort climate in lsracj d u r i n g the winter months," Air. Martin declared, "and are looking forward to enjoying the mild climate during our tour of many interesting places we expect to see there," The Martins will pay a surprise visit on a cousin, Soma Meley in Tel Aviv whom Mr. Martin has not. seen in '10 years. Mr. Meley w;is educated in San Francisco Cal.


London will be the first stop for the Omahans and will be followed by a visit, of most of the European capitals before llio longer stay in Israel. Mr. Martin said the trip was somewhat of a pre-celebration of the couple's fiftieth wedding anniversary which comes in I960.


You'll Be Pleased If You Shop'at

Qualily Cloihes for Men

Ticlcets for the entire series, including dinners, entertainment and refreshments art- SIS, and may bo obtained by calling Ticket Chairman Donald Nogg, HA 8905. or the Reth-Kl synagogue office

Open till 9 Each Evening '







Grade SchooEers'

Richard Cohns Making Home In Californitt




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Fag* Fonr

Receptions Being Planned Fro James G . H D d d

Nun* for the nrrlviil of Jaincs (i, MrDnnnlil, first American ambassador to IsrucI, lire being maniied by (1. to. r.) Mm. Herman Bondarin, Jacob Klfkin and Mrs. Ben (Jerslmn. McDonald will foe feted at receptions Tuesday night at th« Iiorne of Mr. and Mrs. Isadora Chapman and Wednesday night lit the Council Muffs homo of Mr. and Mrs.-Oernliun. (Continued from Paye 1) Rice minounced today, two major dates for the 1958 Israel Bonds campaign. The annual dinner is scheduled for November 16 and the Ohunuknh Festival for DocemIXT 14. Both functions will be held at the IJlackstoiie Hotel. !Mrn. .Samuel ,\. Wolf, woimm'ii An Invitation is extended to the cliuirnmn, Hfild hond miles in the women In tho community to attend women's illvlHinn lire running more the annual Ingathering tea to he than JO per rent ahead of last given by" the Omaha Needlework year. To date, 25 Sponsor** of JHGuild. Tuesday afternoon, October nicl, niiincii iiiirrhaslrig SI,011(1 or 14 at the Dundee Presbyterian nioro In liunila this year, have been Church. enrolled. Only 20 were enrolled Mrs. David Cohn is chairman i during all of" 1917, nrrnrilinif to and Mrs. Richard Wright, table | M r)l . (iiiipnian, rlialrmun of the display chairman of the Jewish | Sponsors' Division. Charities section, a project of the j K atzman and Uice joined Mrs. Federation of Jewish Women's Wn]{ , n a n a ,, | ) ( . a | f o r m o r e w o r k _ Cl |J " s ars fur tho campaign. Those interMrs. Cohn urges all those who | c s ( M , j n t . l l d n ( { n l ) a c t i v e ,,.„., a r ( , have not responded to the Guild ju r ( , e i l t o C ( m t a c t t he Israel Bonds appeal to do so immediately. j ffico. AT 1177 or AT 1093. The following have enntrihuted o A special sinking fund lia* been since the last list appeared in the established by Israel during tin* Jewish Press: past month to provide funds for Mmes. FranK J. fMberls. Morris retiring Israel Jlonds which maArkln, Sam Ban, Hymnn Belinnn, ture In JOGS mid subsequent yearn. • '"Max I. Bittner, Max Blotcky, Da- To date, more itliun $5(1,000,000 of vid M. Chapman, David Chamey, the §350,000,000 In Israel Bonds Jay Cherniack, Michael Cohen, nold have been redeemed and IllBennett L. Cohn, Max Davis, Mor- most $20,000,000 in Interest paid ton Elirenrelch, Leo Eisenst-itt, out, Klce said. Sam Epstein, John Faier, Max Falk, Jacob Feldinan. William Saul Fellman, Harry Ferenstein, Bernard Fink. Morris Firestone, Alfred Frank, Ed Fredrirks, Jacoh Fregger, A b r a h a m Friedman, SDT I'AItKNTS' HAY Lloyd D. Friedman. The Sigma Delta Tau sorority, Others are Mmes. Harold Gar- University of Nebraska at Lincoln ber. Jack Gelfand, Arthur Gend- is planning a Parent's Day j;et-toler, Abraham Ginsburg, Nathan Kether October 19th at the chapter Gltnick, Jacob Goodbimlpr, Sam house. A buffet at 1 p. m. will folGorellck, Yale Gotsdiner, Arthur low a program of entertainment. M. Green, Max Greenbere, Gerald A Mothers' Club mectinu also will S. Gross, Richard F, Glimmers, be held. Fred Hahn, Meyer L. Halprin. Members adiled to the chapter's s- Manning E. Handler, Stanley II. roster are Naomi Kaufman and Herzoff, Jacob S. Hess, Morton Lee Rausten from the Universities Hiller, Bernard HockenberR, Isa- of Oklahoma and Colorado, respecdpre Hurwitz, William Joseph, Ed- tively. Both reside in Lincoln. ward Kahn, Jean Kaplan, Stanley Katelman, Frank Katz, Frances SKiMA ALPHA MU Klein, Robert H. Kooper, Mick Sigma Alpha Mu, University of Krasne, Louis Kulakofsky. Nebraska, Lincoln, held a "KickMmes. Morris Landmnn, Harry off" party, October 4. The fraterLippett, Abraham Lipsman, Maur- nity reports that Mel Lavine is ice Lipsman, Robert I. Marer, J. in his freshman year at Dentistry Milton Margolin, Nathan Martin, School and that Ken Freed Is a Sol Martin, Alfred S. Mayer, Mey- freshman in Law School and that er Meyerson, Charles Nathan, So- Marty Sophir and Jerry Rosen phia Novitsky, David Orkoiv, Isa- were appointed to represent them dore Osheroff, Robert Perclman, in the campus "Most Eligible Maurice H. Pessen, Samuel Platt, Bachelor Contest." - Isadore J. Plot-kin, Israel Rosenthai, Irving Schneidermnn, Harry , Segall, Morris M. Shapiro,' Abra- Israeli Schools Register ham Shrago, Nathan Shlikert, Ben 500,000 Children D, Silver, Stuart K. Simon, Louis Siporin, Dave Stein, Samuel Jerusalem (JTAJ— Half a milSwartz, Sam Tretiak, Jake Turek, lion Israeli school-children includOscar Waldvogel, Leo Waxenberg, ing 44,000 Arabs and 50,000 new Leo Wcitz, E . I . Widman, Ben pupils, registered for school this Wintroub .Samuel W. Wolf, Paul week. The end of the vacation Wolk, J. Lewis Yager/Harold Ze- found 900 new teachers' at classlinsky and the Misses Sally Gentl- rooms desks, 60 additional Arab ler, Evelyn Levy and Frances Rut- teachers in state schools for Arab stein. . children. ' One thousand new classrooms BEN CURIOS HAS \vere put into service, providing 12ND 'BIRTHDAY seating space for over 40,000 puJerusalem (JTA)- •Premler Da- pils. More than another 1,000 units vid Ben Gurion marked If is must still be constructed to pro72nd birthday, September 29, in vide for 50,000 children still on B the usual quiet and privacy o.' a "second shift" In various schools , around the'country. ~holiday Retreat.

Women Invited To Needlework Guild Ingathering Tea


Frlduy, October 10, 1058


'Slimnastics' Open For Registration

Center Activities CLASS A VOLLEYBALL STARTS MONDAY Volleyball activities will star for nix Class A teams this Mon day, as the Center sponsored A League, stai'ln its 1958-59 season. The Center and YMCA each wil have two. teams in the League with Offutt Air Force Base and the Mail Carriers comprising the other two competing squads. A winter tournament, the An mial C'oinhusker Tournament and the National Tournament nre included In the purtlcipati.ni Hchedule for league participants. All games in this League will start promptly at 5 p. ni. »t the Center with the public being invited.

Registrations are being accepted for Slimnastics, the Jewish Community Center'! specialized figure conditioning course for women. To be offered twice weekly duiinc; one hour sessions under the supervision of a well trained and experienced instructor, Slininusties provides the modern housewife tlie opportunity to recondition her figure while improving general body tone mirl personal vitality. Classes will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays mid Wednesdays mid Fridays from 9:30 to 10:.'i0 a.m. Baby sit ling service will he provided as part of the program in the Center's nursery. Parking also will be available In the Center's parking lot. The first session of Slimnastics, to lust eight weeks, will start j itni.iasv i o n GRADE Tuesd-iy. October 1!R with Hie si/e SCHOOL HOYS The Center's Physical Education of each Ki'"up to be limited to the Department has issued a call for first 20 registrants. all grade school boys interested in The fee for t ho course is a Cen- riflery to form a new grade school ter membership or $8 per session. Three sessions fire to be offered rifle club. The first meeting for during the 11)58-59 season. Jta;is- boys Interested in firing lib guns tnttlons may be made by calling and 22 rifles on the City's modern the Jewish Community ("enter at range will be this coming Friday at 4 p.m. nt the Center. Plans for JA 1.166. the year's rifle program will be. drawn up at this meeting. Following tbo meeting, boys attending will have an opportunity to fire on the Center's short riflo range. National Riflo Association Fencing instruction and compe- medals and awards will be pretition will be offered at the Jewish sented to qualifying marksman in Community Center starting Wednesday, October 22. The Wednesday fencing aclivity, conducted by the Center's Physical Education Department; will feature one hour instructional .sessions starting al 7:.'!0 p. m. folThe hoops will be spinning Ibis lowed by practice periods. Hob Sunday at 2 p. m. in the Jewish Garret, master fencing instructor, Community Center's Gymnasium will supervise the felicing program. iia grade .school boys und girls Students as well as adults are in grades one through six wil! encouraged to participate in the be participating in a special free informal activity. Registration Is hula hoop contest jointly sponby phone confirmation with the sored by the Jewish Community Center at JA 1300 or by attend- Center Physical Education Deance at any of the Wednesday partment and Upper-Ten, a beverage drink. class sessions. All youngsters are Invited tc attend the free contest with all those attending receiving free drinks or Upper-Ten pop, pop corn and special treats. No preliminary registration i« necessary for the Tho Omaha chapter of Iladassah contest which will offer special are selling tickets for two stage prizes in each of the six grade shows, both to be.played at the divisions. Paramount theater, one, "LII AhContestants will be judged or ner," Thursday. Friday and Sat- how well they perform the fundaurday, October 23-24-25 and tbn mental-hula hoop skills of spins other, "Auntie iUame," Thursday, around the waist and neck plus n Friday mid Saturday, November one-half minute routine, using 20-21 and 22. any number of hoops, of the conTickets may be secured by con- testant's own choosing. Spectators nre Invited to watch tacting Mrs. Leo Mogg, GL 20G5 the contest. and Mrs. Leo Weitz, RK 7212.

Fencing Instruction To Start October 22

Contest To

Slaga Sfaow Tickets

the group as the season progresses. Further information and details on the rifle program are available* from the Center at JA 136G. ACKOKATIC CLASS FOB (JIRLS A special program of* tumbling and acrobatics will open at thff Jewish Community Center for girls in the first, second and third grades Friday, October 17. The Friday sessions, starling at 1 and ending at !>'p. in. will be followed by a short dip In the Center's swimming pool. Ten one-hour sessions, starting with fundamental tumbling and acrobatic stunts and progressing to more complicated skills, will bs featured in the program. Registration, to l>e limited to the first ten girls to register, is by phone confirmation with the Center at JA l.'Wfi. The only fee for tho course is a Center Membership. JACK STISH IH NAMKD PRESIDENT Jack Stlss was named president of the recently formed Omaha Handball Association sponsored by the Jewish Community Center. The Handball Association, whoso nombcrs nre local handball enthusiasts, has as its objectives to increase handball participation while developing additional tournament competition. The nssoeiation Is an affiliate of the local .Assoclatlon of the Amnteur Afhletlo Union and the United States Handball Association. Handball players Interested in participating in Association competition and tournaments and joinng the group may contact Jack Stlss or the Jewish Community Center. OCTOBER VACATION FKCXHtAM PLANNED A program of splash parties, bowling tournaments, and special activities has been planned for grade school youths for tho special school vacation on October 23 and 24, Grade schollers will receive a completed announcement of this program, to be conducted by the Center Swimming and Physical Education Departments, In the mail shortly.

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(Copyright, 1938, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Inc.) Sliortly afterward, a delegation Jerusalem — One of Israel's top officials, returning recently from a of important Moslem notables and series of political talks in several officials arrived from the French Western capitals, nnalyzed at a Sudan; after touring the country closed meeting of important Israe- for a week, they expressed the lis the various factors that re- hope that their visit will soon resulted in a marked improvement sult in establishing trade relations of this country's international as well as receiving technical position. After listing certain Mid- assistance from Israel, mainly in dle East developments, the official the form of scholarships for young unhesitatingly pointed to Israel's, Sudanes to do post-graduate work multiplying ties Vi'h the newly in Israel, and In sending Israel's independent or 1>-'"-independent experts to their country. The colored nations Africa and French Sudanese, themselves MosAsin as one cf ,'.!•.' -important lems, showed a remarkable Underelements in thi '• '•", it"<er- standing of Israel's problems with nntional position. ' . ' . ' ' her Arab neighbors; in a speech ,.i. delivered at the close of the visit, Israel's close tir: : site head of the delegation exand Ghana are well n pressed hope that sooner or lalcr by now. However, it is...S'.-U h h iis a the Arabs, too, will realize how realized-abroad, that there continuous strengthening of .rela- much they could gain by estabtions with other countries of lishing normnl relations w i t h Israel and benefiting from her Southeast Asia and Africa. A few weeks ago, Israel played s c i e n t i f i c a n d technological host to the. Minister of Economy achievements. of Dahomey, one of the semiindependent countries in Equatorial French Africa, situated between Ghana and'Nigeria.. The young minister spoke in blowing Phono JA 126s to mien r°u' Waal Aa The Jewish Preis. • terms of his impressions of Israel in Current rale U SO cents for each lout Insertion. Tbe Ptun ruervo* tli« right and of the hopes that his country lino to limit «l7.o of eacb idvcrllteoitnt will be able to benefit from Israel's experience in the field of BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratudevelopment, particularly in eslation* also for all Jewish holitablishing rural cooperative todays and special occasions, p i e t i e s ; " - ' - « . -,,.•;,!.,-•.:-..,-..„:'.-


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LEGAL NOTICE Sfatemenl Required by m» Ael of Auouil ' , « „ ' flI o*ncnd«cl *>/ trie °ct» o l March . 1 M I , ond July j , ]»4i (Ilife w . United itotts Code, «ecflon j j j ) showing the ownsnhfp, monaoomenr ond circulation of Th» ewlsh Press published weekly at . OmohaV Nebraska, October l. I M B , -The names ond addresses of the publisher* edllor, managing edllor,. and business manopers ore: Jewish Fedcraflon «f Omaha, Inc., 101 M. 20th 5t,, Omaha. Managing editor, none Editor, (Mrs.) Francei Klein, 101 H. 20th St., Omaha. Business manager, Paul Vcret, 101 M. 20lh St.* Omaha. Tho owners: (if owned by a corporaratlon. Its name ond address must bo slated ond olso immediately thereunder tho -names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding; per cent or moro of total amount ol stock If not owned by a corporation/ the names ond addresses of the Individual'owners must bo given, if owned by a partnership or .other unincorporated firm, Ms name ond address, as well as that of each Individual member ' must b j atven). Jewish Federation of Omaha, Inc. Robert H. Kooper, president, 10| No. 20lh Sf, Harry Trustin, first vlcc-prcsldcnt, 101 Ho. 20lf» St. Ernest A. Hogg, second vice-president, 101 No. 20th SI. VUllon R, Abrahams, secretary, 101 No. 70lh ,S1. Arthur H. Goldstein, treasurer, 101 No. ?OJh) pui Vcre.V exccutlvt director, 101 Ho. 20th The known bondholders, mortgages and other security holders ownlna or holding 1 per cent or moro of tola) amount ol bonds, mortgages or other securities ore; (If trier© ore none, so state.) Nono, The average number of conies of each Issue of Ihls publication sold or df»>rlbutcd through Ihe mollf or otherwise, to paid subicriberi during thtf fwelvs months preceding the data shown above was: (this Information Is required from dally, weekly, scmlweefcly, and triweekly newspapers only.) 7,710, ; . PAUL V E R E T , Business Manager. Sworn to ond subscribed before me thlt first d a / of October, 195Q. JOSEPH M I C E K , (Mycommtstiofi t x p l r t i Warch 20, 1964).

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