October 17, 1958

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vVoli Xv A v vA vVrI Ii NO. -KT« 0« Publlshod every Friday, 101JA N. 2fJth. n n t Omulia .Nobruska. Phono 13GG mOMAHA,

vMrMnUi M KIAA , I AiM


Entered us Second-ClusB Mutter at Post- Single Copy 10 Conts onioiia. Nobraska. under Act of 1870 AIHIUUJ Hate 4 Dollars



report said. These expressions contributed to the general feeling in the local Jewish community that while the bombing had its Yehuda Hellman, former head of the United Nations Jewish Telegraphic Agency Bureau In anti-Semitic aspects, It was essenParis, will be in Omulia Tuesday night to speak at a parlor meeting for tlie Israel Bonds Committee at tially a blow at democratic values the home of Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Wolf. , . ' Robert Briscoe, former Jewish 1'ost Correspondent Lord Mayor Dublin addressed a and law and order. The Atlanta Constitution, in an Co-chairmen Sam Katzman and gathering in the Agudas Achim ISEtAEE. GQC3E25 E3GLP CREATE Sam Rice said that Mr. Hellman, Synagogue Tuesday evening, but editorial today, called Hie bombwho served for several years in the Rabbi of the bombed Temple ing the "harvest of defiance of ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES FOR NEWCOMERS Arab by many Southern polsaid be did not see any connection the Courts countries as correspondent' 1 between the Briscoe appearance itician. !." for the Jerusalem Post, "is one of und the bombing. the most informed men in the world on the current Middle East Indignation High crisis." Community indignation runs 1 He appeared here several years Iiigh in Atlanta where a synaago in behalf of Israel Bonds, and gogue suffered $200,000 damage the free-Jance foreign correspondaccording to tlie JTA and where ent agreed to return upon the pevseveral suspects have been desonal invitation of Messrs. Katztained by police for questioning. Dr. Henry Kissinger, author of man and Rice. Among those interrogated were the best, seller, "Nuclear Weapons During the past few years, Mr, members, of a group which recent- and Foreign Policy" will be preHellman has reported major dely carried out an anti-Jewish dem- sented by the University of Omavelopments in Israel and worldonstration in front of the offices ha as the first of nix speakers to wide Jewish news? of an Atlanta newspaper. An in- appear In lecture series at the as an on-the-spot I tensive hunt has been launched University. o b s e r v e r and by the combined forces of the (iovernnii'iit Consultant FBI, state, and municipal police. analyst. Having Dr. Kissinger, director and conAn Atlanta police captain snld the sultant returned in tlio to numerous government department was putting al) re- and international study groups, summer of 1057 r _ sources into operation. from his latest j will speak on "Nuclear Weapons visit to Israel, SI0,000 Kewnrd Offered and Arms Control," Wednesday, where he met Rewards offered by the Mayor October 22 at 8:15 p.m. In the with the leadeis of Atlanta, William M. Hartsfield, University Auditorium. of Israel's indusmunicipal agencies, local newspaFive other lectures will be pretrial d e v e l o p pers and others for finding the sented on consecutive Wednesday ment p r o gram I terrorists ncared $10,000 today. ' evenings at tlie University. and acted as ad- Yehuda Itellman Meanwhile, many churches and I'V(li'r;iflon, One of Sponsors visor to a group of private Amerother non-Jewish groups and in.Sponsoring organizations and Israel'i) geologists have located valuable rhemiral and mineral sources in the ican investors, Mr. Hellman ia dividuals have expressed shock advisory committees include the Negcv, and are exploiting them with I lit' aid of Israel Bond dollars. In a new uniquely equipped to present tha and repugnance at the deed the Federation for Jewish service, Alplunl near Harhtcsli Damon, along the Iilalh.Bcerslicba highway, which was problems of the country's economic also financed by Israel Honda, gypAiim-hcaring rock is fed into a crusher as Irusa Club, American Association expansion and needs. the first step in ill processing. The workman is an immigrant from North of University Women. Omaha Africa, one of many thousands who hove brcn helped to become sclf*Hti0icient Kducation Asociatlon, Nebraska as a resiill of industrial development made pouililo by Idrael lionds. Educated in Palestine Federated Women's Clubs, Second Educated in Palestine, he studied District,- Omaha "Rotary Club, at the Hebrew University in JeruYoung Women's Christian Associasalem and received degrees in poliThe Jewish Community Center tion, Woodmen of the World Life tical science and economics at th» will conduct n Latin American Insurance Society, District 66 American University of Beirut. . . Dance Class again this year it was Teachers' Association, University Several years ago, when accomannounced by Karl Siege), Chair- of Omaha Alumni Association, panying the Anglo-American Comman of the Adult Department. Unlverity of Omaha Board of Remittee of Inquiry through tho The eight week course will he gents, University fo Omaha Col- Kmll Cohen, outstanding Amer- because of the limited capacity of Instructed by Mr. and Mrs. Eugene lege of Adult Education and the ican-Jewish humorist will open the the social hall .reservations for Jackson, well known bnllroom University of Omaha Institute of lO.iS-SQ series of programs planned guests should be made with Donby the Beth El dancers of local television fame. Public Affairs. ald Nogg, ticket chairman, TE Mr. and Mrs. Jackson will Instruct William T. lit ley, Head of tlio Men's Club. Mi. 1264. ail file popular Latin-American University Department of Politi- Cohen will apSeries tickets ant .$15.00 and dances such at Tango, Rhtimba, cal Science, is in charge of the pear at the SynaFirst report meeting of the represent a substantial savings Mambo, Cha Cha and Samba, plus series. • g o g u o Sunday, newly-formed campaign cabover single admission prices, Mr. the Fox Trot, Waltz and other October 19 at inet of the Greater Omaha Fellman said. Steps. 6:30 p. m, folCommittee for State of Israel Additional tickets at $5.00 each lowing a dinner Bonds will be held Sunday Enrollment for this adult activifor thi sevent may be purchased to be attended morning, 11 a. m. at the Jewty In limited in order to provide at the door but reservations should ish Community Center. Coby members and maximum individual instruction. be made with Donald Nogg, TE chairman Sam Rice and Sam Beginners and Intermediate wives. The class will begin as soon as en1261 because of the limited capacbridge players may enroll in the Katzman will preside. rollment Is completed and will be Mr. Cohen i » t j ^ ity of the social hall. held either Monday or Wednesday Jewish Community Center Bridge returning by popThe women's campaign cabclasses now, It was announced by evening at 8 p. m. at the Center. inet, headed by Mrs. Samuel ular demand aftKmll Cohen the Center Adult department. 'Registrations ore being taken at Wolf, will meet simultaneousArrangement;; are being made er his successful appearance at the Activities Office, JA 1366. ly. The campaign in Omaha for both afternoon and evening Beth El last year. and Council Bluffs, meanwhile, classes at the Center at hours Albert Feldman, vice-president pushed past the §60,000 mark most desirable to players. of the Men's club announced that this week, slightly ahead of the All bridge classes will be limitcomparable date in 1957. ed in order to provide Individual David C. Goldfine, president of attention and instruction. Mra. Lee District Grand Lodge No. 6 of Middle East, Mr. Hellman was arTlie Jewish Community Center Nelson, well known tournament B'nai B'rith, and Ben Z. Glass, rested by the Arabs, who wanted Committee will meet on Monday, player, who taught the. classes at October 27th, at noon at the Cen- the Center last year has been long-time executive director of the to prevent his dispatches from ter. All members of the Center brought back by popular demand. Children's Dancing classes sched- district, both of Chicago, 111., will reaching the world. Committee are urged to attend Players may call JA 1366 for uled for both week-days and Sun- attend the Fall Seminar of the Mr. Hellman has worked as foreign correspondent from Switzerdays, will start. October 2G at the this first meeting of the New Year. additional information. Southwest Regional Council in land, France, England and AmerJewish Community Center. ica, and has covered United NaLessons will bo one hour long Omaha Nov. 2. and will lie divided Into half hour Regional president David Blei- tions sessions since 1917. periods for tap and ballet. The chcr' said the host Cornhusker fee Is ?3.00 per month. Parents Lodge is making plans for a recAs of October IK, 11)58 , are urged to register their chil- ord attendance at the fall meetThe following are current reports from divisions in the 1958 dren immediately. ing, which will open at 9:30 a. m. Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign: _ with.a session qt the Paxton Ho 1958 Total All merchandise which- lifts tel. • ' Division To Date been offered for the Childrens Memorial Hospital Bazaar, • Initial Gifts .$348,220.00 November 9-10 may be left Men's Division 15,104.00 at the home of Mrs. Gerald The next meeting of tho Young Women's Division 61,730.54 Gross, 651 Parkwood Lane, It Adults will bo held Sunday, Octowas announced by-Mrs. Ernest B. & P. Unit 3,512.50 ber 19 at the Jewish Community A. Nogg, chairman of the baSix Omahans will attend the NaChildren's Division 1,736.23 Center at 2 p. m. The group's zaar project for the Federational Hadassah Convention in Mimembership is open to those above High School Division 1,171.25 tion of Jewish Women's Clubs. ami Beach, Fla., October 19-22. the age of 18. ... . '•• . University Division 110.00 Mrs. Nogg asked that ar« Members at their last meeting They are Mmcs. Sam Green, tides be turned in by NoOrganizations 2,473.25 mada plans for a convention out- Max Greenberg, Sam Katzman, vember 5 and also that if it of-town, for sponsorship of the J. Harry Kulaskofsky, Sam RothMiscellaneous . 1,517.00 la more convenient they can Program of the Month along with enberg and Mrs. Joseph Mayer, be taken to the Jewish Comother adult Jewish groups In Oma- tho latter of the Busiriess and ProTotal to Data .....8435,570.29 munity Center. ha and for a week-end camp out. fessional group. S lal Kcjiorl—Tivo Jewish Synagogues have been the tarKcl for bombings this week In the United States, the. latent tlio AIIHIIUI KiiHtfh Temple In J'eoria, III.

off "I Seller Will ©pen University Series

Dance Classes

To Meet Sunday

Bridge Classes Will Be Held

Chicago Leaders To Attend'B'nai

J.C.C. Committee To Meet. Oct. 27

Classes Scheduled

Collection of Bazaar Articles

To Convene

Six to -At fend

Friday, October 17, 1058


Published Every Iridaj by the Federation of Jenis.li Senlue

Needlework Contributions

BUtt Jr«Uli Hi. UavlJ Orl«i\p.

n tit 'f lie Ilr. rlilllp n l l n M t J bf

Tlie Rohanuc rush tea, dctobei* 19 will be bid from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. nt the Town House ballroom . It had been previously scheduled at the home of Judy Pollack.

Secuna Clusi> Maiuny. i ' m i i c t c i Authorized ul Omnha, NehrubKu Annual Subscriutlun, »4.00. Advertising Halve on Atn>iK-iit.lun. lidlturlai 01 'ce—101 No. Hull Street, Orniii>u. .-tlir.. .JArkson u w i Print Sh Address 4303 So iftlH Stiett.

HAU15IMCAL HOIK; Our VisiMrs. Dave Colin, chairman of tor this week was Rubbl David CALL I lie Jewish Federation Agencies Korb of Council Bluffs, la. Seel ion of llie Needlework Guild (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN ' HOLLYWOOD corxeii, OF <ir:\visii wo.M-j Drive, isuod an urgent request KN: Mrs. Albert Caer, chairman TUX RENTAL I his week to all women to send in of The Ails and Crafts Program, I Oar end Bas Mirzvah* their eouli iliulions now. 104 Ho. 15rh Street JA 2452 was assisted by The Mcsdaines I LAl'ltA KITl.KU (In Omaha Loan Bldg.l In addition to those pieviously Meyer Kiishenbaum and Sam Rosj u.u.i: iii;oi)M:v listed, the following have contrib- enbJun). A morning session is un| Laura Kutlcr, daughter ff Vr. uted through Friday: der consideration to satisfy the and Airs, Bcnton Kuller will obMines. lOdwani Abrahams, Jo- residents who are interested in I sfivo her Has Mitzvah and Dale seph Bernstein, Louis Illuinlu'n, the program. Among those at-! GORDON STORAGE Brodkey, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Ben Colin, Jerome 1. Colin, Heine tending Hie course, were The . Warehouse, Inc. M. II. lirodkcy, will observe, her Delrogh, Sam F.pstein, Leon K. Mines. GuNsie firaet/, liose (ilaz1201 JONES JA 3032 Bas Mitzvah on Friday evening, Fellman, Hyman l'"erer, Donald man, Rose Shindler, Sarah Silver, j Oclober lTtli and Saturday morii- I-'iscber, Abe Fishman, Stanley Bessie Tessler, Minnie Blank, and ; ft: 21 !»• >"• | ing, October iSlh at Heth Kl Sy- [••isle. Jack Fov, Max Frank", Her- Tiie Messrs. Jo" Shinuler, Herman ! nru;o'.;ue. man Franklin, Joseph If. Freeman, Nichols, Louis Friisen, Sam (,;ilHKTII KISamuel Friedman, Albert (Jarber, niaii ami Sam Fish. Scrviccs at Belli KI .Syii.-iKo.'jiH-' this evening will bcyin at 8:15 f'lJKKKNT KVIONTS IMSCTSMr, and .Mrs. Sidney Sneider an- Samuel Ciendler, Yale finishing, p. m. Rabbi Myt-r S. Kripkr will nuiince tlie Bar Mitzvah of their Sam M. Grcenberg, Bertha Ifers- SIOXS: Among the lojiics disdeliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron son, Joel .Sucidi-r, on Friday eve- covitz, Abraham Hcrzberg, Joe H. cussed among our folks at the I. Edgar'.Hnil Hie Heth Kl Syna- I ning. October 2'llh and Saturday Hornstein. Jaclc Hyman, lrvin C. Home this week, were: "Tin.' Yangogue Choir will render (he musi- ! morning on October 2")!h at Beth Kaiman, I.azar Kaplan, Uave kee Triumph in Ihe World Series," Katz, Julius Kat/.man, Jack J. "Columbus Day and the discovery cal -'portions of the service. | Kl Svna^o^uc. Kaufman. Jack D. Kny, I.ouis Of America," and "The pleasures Sabbath m'oniinc services are at i • ' Kohll, Harry Krantz, Sam Kuller. of Indian Summer in Omaha." 9:30 a. m. The Junior Congregation service is at 10::i0. Mineha- ; I.KI-: KAIM.AN AT Till: HOSPITAL: Miss fiusMines. Morris I.evey, Iivin C ! Tlie Bar Mit/vah of IMsscll I.ee Maariv services are at 5:15 p. in. Levin. Sol Lewis, William Lolir- sie (Jraelz is in tin; Hospital. . Beth Kl Synajjo'^ui', beginning i Kaplan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Na- nnn, Kdward Malashock, Harry G. O I T OF TOWN VISITOItS: -this Sunday, October .12. will in- than Kaplan, will be celebrated Mcndelson, Jacob Mendelson,, Joe and augurate a weekly service for fa- at tin; Beth Israel Synagogue this Meyer, Arthur Meycrson, Hvniie Miss Ann Silverman to we her (.hers and sons. The session will I)C- Friday evening and Saturday Milder. Joseph Morgan, Jack Xew- father, Solomon Silverman, Louis in long-distanco moving, gin a t U a. in. and will he followed morning, October 17th and IKIli. berg. Henry A. Newman, Krnest K. Cbe.;en family to see mother, Mrs. Ksther Chcse.]), Dr. and Mrs. packing, storage '.by' a 9:30. a. in. breakfast. This A. Nogg, Keith Pe.Ilz, Ben IVrel- Sydney Hcrgen and Family to .see • Sunday will include a brief study •JOKI, MOM'HOOK The liar Mitzvah of .lofl l.el- ma'n. Sarah W. Potash, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shindsession on "Comments mi the SidI chook, son of Mr. ami Mrs. Abe Mines. Samuel A. Rice, Hyman ler, Mr. and Mrs. David Slier to i;ah" by Rabbi Kripke. ! I.clclmok, will be ccl"braterl at the Richards, Morton Richards, Albert visit, with Dr. Philip Slier,, the VAN IIH£E. Inc. I Beth Israel Synagogue on Thurs- (i. Rimmerman, N. Julian Hips, Sam \V. Goldfcin and the John BNAI ••JACOB-ADA* day nioinint', Ocltiber L'.'lrd at 7 •Daviil lUseman, Abraham Roff- Goldfein families to see Mrs. Rosa YKSHUKON a. m. man. David \V. Rosen, Philip II. Goldfein, I. M. Wintroiib to visit CALL JERRY KRUPINSKY Services at ll'nai ,lacnb-A(i:is Rosenblatt, Sam llosenstein, S:un with his father. Cliaim Wintroub for Free Estimates Yeshtiron will lie-in Friday at 5 Mr. and Mrs, Kdward .Simon will 1. Rolhenherg, Paul Sacks, Don- and Dave llreenberg to visit his and Prompt Service p.m. and Saturday niornlnK at attend the Has .Mitzvah of their ald Schoenliaum, Harry Scbuhnan, brother, Meyer (Jreenberg. 8:30 a.m. with Mincha" at ; 5:15 granddaughter, Renre Dishlip, Fri- Ben Shpiman, Sol Sherman, Sam I'OI.ITIfAI. AUVKItTISKMKNT p.m. followed by Slialosh S'euilos day evening, October 17 at Shaa- Sbyken, N'athan. Simon, .Iamb AIIV['.[!TISI:MI:NT Daily srrvicr-s at ti:,",0 a.m. and ron Xion Synagogue in Sioux Cily, Sloshing, Louis Sokolof, Dr. Muriel! RE-ELECT 5:15 p.m. I la. The eclebrant is ihc daughlcr Steinberg. Marlon Sombcrg, .S. j I of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hishlip of Sleinman, Joseph F. Stern, Myron ; 'BETH ISKAKI. Kabbl Hcnjaniin Clionoi'. Cantor ' Sioux City. Mr*. Dishlip is the Tarnoff. Stewart 'fully, Albert J.; Weinberg, Harry Weiner, Albert! Kli Kagan, and the Belli Israel former Shirley Simon of Omaha. Wohlner, Harry Wohlner, Nalhani Country Treasurer — DemocratSynagogue clioir ivill conduct Uite S. Yalfe, nnil Miss Sarah Slobo- : services this evening at 8 p. in. : dislty. Experienced in Traditional Kabbalas S li a !> b o s services 5:15 j>. in. A monument will be dedicated Economy: Saved taxpayers mon*y by requestServices .Saturday morning be- to the memory of Morris Speekter ing a lower budget wliich helped reduce county gin at.'S:'l5 a. in., Junior Congre- j Thursday. October ~'i at .10 a.m. tax levy. gation inecls at 10 a. in. Rabbi j at Mt, Sinai (V'inolcry. Rabbi Groner will conduct Hie Saturday i Naihnii Kcldman will officiate. Efficiency; Imtitutc-d Caih Control Sytfem RUG & UPHOLSTERY afternoon Talmud ciavt; ai Ii p. ill. A monument will be dedicated *Tho County which hai b*en commended by State Auditor. Minclia, follouod by Slialosli j ID the memory of Mrs, Jacob MilTreasurer's duty it CLEANERS to collect taxoi at Seudos and Manriv uill tryin at i rde Sunilav Oetobcr li) at -' p. m. Service: Eliminated long waiting lines for auto prescribed by law. 5::i0 p . m . RUGS—CARPETING iai- (loldcn Hill cemetery. Rabbi roglifraticnj. Inititutod jervic» potnti at County Ho doet not set ; Sunday inoinijij; services begin ! Benjamin Gron»r and Cantor Kli LAMP SHADES Banks. J I ho amount. at 8:45 r.nd is followed by break- Kagan will officnte. Friends and FURNITURE fast and a class in Bible, Sunday relatives are invited to attend. ..morning Jr. sen ire begins at 8:.')0 Cleaned In Your Homel a. m. Daily• sTvierK, at 7 a. in. gogue, Friday, October 21, immedELEVEN EXCITING FALL AND WINTER N Binding • Loving • Repairing and 5:30 p. in. j lately following services. ChairThe weekly Tnlmurt .study group in in in i!i uge of the leecption for Don Bernstein HA 2554 meets at Hie lOlli and Hurt .st. S M( ili'ioil r e Mnvs. Abe Katelf LUXURIOUS HE.'. Synagogue every Tuesday evening ii; in iind Miurj Si lm iilz. Cliarles COMPLETELY AIR-CONDITIONEO at 7:.'1O p. m. and services there Mon,is'e vill l>e in charge for every .Saturday morning at 0 a. in. Temple Men's Club.



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TKMI'I.K ISRAEL Services will be held this Friday evening at 8:15 p. in. Rabbi Sidney Brooks will. preach on "Js Anne Frank Alive?" iseaelion to the current play and. i k inr'ssape for us. Shabbatlr morning .services will begin at 11:30 a. in. with Rabbi Brooks officiating and the Heligious School Clioir under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin singing the musical portions of the service. A new members reception will be held at. Temple Israel Syna-

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Friday, October 17, 1958


Among those assigned roles In 'Thanksgiving Festival" it was Ihe "Importance of Being KarnJIAUASSAH UOAKII v The board of tlie Omaha Chan- announced by Mrs. Max Kri/ei-1 est," to be given by Central High man, general chairman. | Players are Steven Kisk, Dee ter of Hadassah will meet at 12:30 'J'hose working on the affair arc | .S'chriber, Bernard DoKoven and p. in., Monday, Oct. 20, at the Mines. Stanley Shapiro, publicity; Allen Kp.sluin. Pecfry Rtibenslein is home of Alls. J. J. Friedman with Aaron Kpslein, Sydney Zneimer, serving as student director and Wines. Sol La:;man anti Maurice treasurers; Harry Friedman, over- Lynette Forbes, • stage- manager. Ncvcnian as co-hostesses. Mis. Ar- all ads; Meyer Kaplan, Danny Tlie play is being directed by Mrs. Goodman, tickets; Sol Miroff, re- Amy Sutlon with the stage setthur Ooltlsk'in will preside. (ji'otij) boards of Iladassuh will cipes: Stanley Diamond, Jewel tings designed by Norma Kir;>chnicit for V2:?fi p.m. d e s s e r t Page, George Cohen, Sol Miroff, liaum. The jilay will be presented luncheons on Thursday, Oct. 2.'.'. parly and Frank Sokar, decora- Thursday, October 23 at K p.m. in They are Her/1 Ki'oup al the home tions, also working on tlie com- the C'entrl High School auiiitoof Mrs. .Joseph I.erner with Mrs. mittee are Mines. Harry Sidman, rium. Irving Lincoln as co-hostess. Szold Nathan Kaplan, licrnard Kalman, croup at the 110)110 of Mrs. Nathan Harry Smith, Abe Miller, Ben Nancy Richards, daughter of dimple with Mrs. William Raskin Blatt, Norman Gendler, Jay Stol- Mr. and Mrs. Morton A. Richards er, .Sam Pollak, Richard Spcigel, as co-hosless and Weizmann group was named Teen of the Week by at the home of Mrs. Nathan Tur- Beila Stern, Nathan Shukert, Bert the Omaha World-Herald Ibis Render, Dave Wine, Sarena Waldner with Mines, Bernard Diamond week. Nancy is a member of the nnd Oscar Jncolison as co-host- baum, Richard Wright, Bernard Central High School Council, In1 Goldslroin and George Shafer. rsse .-. tracity Council and .secretary of Tickets are $1 each. the Nebraska Association of .Student Councils. IIAI1ASSAII <)NK(! SKAKItAT Tlie Kducation Council of the MllSACiU WOMHN. She is also u member of SafeThe Mizrachi Women will meet Teens, Colleens, Girl.s Athletic Omaha Chapter of Iladassah consisting of group and chapter chair- Wednesday, October 22 at the Association nnd Pep Squad and is man of the following committees home of Mrs. B. Grossman, 3101 an honor student. Kducation, Zionist Public Rela- Lincoln Blvd., a t 12:30 p. m. tions, American Affairs, Program, FAUBANI) SIKKTS" Patronize Our Advertisers and Presidents will meet for an SUNDAY Oucg Shabbat on Saturday. Oct. The first moeting of the season 18 at 1 p. m. al the home of Mrs. of Farband Paole Zion will be Ralph Noi'K. held Sunday, Oct. 19 at 7 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. IIICNUY MONSKV CIIAl'TKlt A dinner will follow a short busiIIOAIM) MKKTINti ness meeting. Dr. Norman MilThe next hoard nicotine of the gram will talk on "Am I My IsHenry Monslty Chapter of B'nal raeli Brother's Keeper?" Mrs. MilJVrith Women, will he held 'J'hurs- ton Noarrnhprfj will present a ilay, Oclolier 2.'l, n( 12:30 p. 111. tit group oi folk songs, and Max Die home of Mrs. Aaron lOpstein, Reisbaum will offer a humorous 27.'IO North 40 street. Co-hostess for the desert luncheon will be skit. Mrs. Jake Feldman is chairman of the dinner committee. ReMrs. Richard Wright. servations may be made by calling Joe Radinowski nt JA :tS!ll. H'NAi li'icrrii TEMIM.K ISKAKI, The H'nai lVritli I'. oAvling TIIKATKR I'AIITY I.i'figun which meets Tuesday at 0 Temple Israel will sponsor a p. m. at the Ranch Bowl still lias theater party at 12:30 p.m. Tuesopenings available. Anyone inter- day, October 28 at Ihe Dundee pstfd is asked to contact Ro-,e theater. Reservations may be Garrop, WA <\X',(). made with Mrs. Morey Landman. UK 11H1 and tickets may be purchased from Mrs. Arthur KulaTAKK ON "KNOW liuisky, RK 42?,0 or Mrs. Milton VOUIt AMKNDMKNTS" ]•)!•; W. C". H. Lambert, political Wcldbaum, RK 2471. science professor at the University of Omaha, will speak on "Know Births Your Amendments" at the lunchMr. and Mrs. Steven .r. l.nstoon-meetiuf; of the Council of Jewish Women Tuesday, October 21, garten announce the birth of n daughter, Jill Maleigh, Friday, ; :at the Jewish Community Outer. Mi'.s, Harry Wise, social legislation October 10 at Clarkson h'ospitnl, chairman will introduce the speak- They are also parents of a son, rr. Program chairmen are Mmrs. Howard Scott. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. William Kinltle and Bernard BalnBen Lustgartcn and Mrs. Helen Tjriri. Mmcs. .). Milton Margolin and Goldstein Loins Kutler, are chairmen of the luncheon, and decorations will bo handled by Mines. Oilman Gicenberg and Jerome A. Radu/.iner. Reservations may bo made with Mrs. Muynard Finkle, RIO fiSliO, or Mrs. Z. Gordon Rips, AT <1fi:i7. . October 27 and 2R, the Council will conduct a rummage sale. Household articles or clothing to he donated may be delivered to tlie home of Mrs. Stanley Iterzoff, TXH North 54 Street.

Saul Horowitz of Brooklyn, N. V. Mrs. Leon Gorlicki was matron of honor for her sister. Bridesmaids were another sister, Miss Sandra Fellman and Mrs. Melvin Orcnslein. Brooklyn, sister of the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horowitz bridegroom. who were married October 11. in Second Lieut. Alvin Felljnan, an evening ceremony /it. Beth Kl Gienier Air Force Base, N. H., Synagogue left on a Western trip was best man for his sister's following their marriage October bridegroom. Ushers were Mr. GorJl in an evening ceremony at Beth licki and Al Comisar. Kl Synagogue. Rabbi Mye;- Krlplte officiated, assisted by Cantor Save This Date For Aaron I. ^-Mgar. Council's Mr. and Mrs. Bowling A reception and dance followed League Show in Ihe synagogue social hall. The bride is the daughter of Mr. NOV. 29 and Mrs. Louis Fellman and her Paxton Hotel—9 P.M. husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs.

Couple Leaves On Western Wedding Trip


Fun-loving CEiildren Starting October 26 SUNDAYS, 2 P.M. to 4:30 P.M.

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"TIIANKSCilVING riCSTIVAI," PLANNED The B'nal B'rith Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470 will hold its annual card party and bazaar on Sunday evening, November 2H, In the main ballroom of-the Blackstone Hotel. The yearly fund raising affair will he known as the

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Center Programs Bridge Afternoon and Evening

Children Bowling—Sunday 12:30-1:30 P. M. . SUNDAY FIXNDAY PIIOGKAM Pre-School & Grade School Ages 3 to 12 2-1:30 P. M. Arts—Crafts Dancing Glee Club Athletics Movies Dramatics Holiday Program* Special Programs Swimming

Swimming Ladies—M. !•'. 10 A. M. B. & P, 5:15 P. M. M. T. W. T. F. Adults—Co, Ed. T. & Thur. 7:.'!0-lJ:;!0 P. M. Rec. Swim, T. & Thur. 8:30-9:30 P. M. College, T. & Thurs. 1:30 P. -M. Figure Aids 9 A. M. Tuesday und Thursday Health Club (Men) Dally- -9 A. M.

J.Y.C. Bowling Sunday 12:30.P. M. Boy Scout Swimming Sunday 6:30 P. M.


Girl Scout Swimming Wednesday, Thursday 6:30 P. M. Library—Daily 8 A. M.-5 P. M. Clubs—Sunday 2-4:30 P. M,

PROPOSED BY THE 1957 LEGISLATURE Proposed Amendment No. I , Constitutional amendment to change tho provision! requiring certain execuilre officer* to ro •id* at th* test of government. • For Q Against

Stamp Club—Sunday 3:30 P. M. Eagles Boys Club 11 A. M.-12 Boys and Girls Winter Vacation Program Twice Weekly 2-4 P. M. Girls Dramatic Group Sundays 4 P. M,

TEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Be it enacted by tha peopl* of the State of Nebraska, Section 1. That at the general election in November, 1958, there shall be submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska, for approval, the following amendment to Article IV, seciion 1, of the Constitution of Nebraska, which is hereby proposed by the Legislature:

Youth Lounge M. T. W. TH. F. 8-5, 7-9:30 P. M. Swimming; Week Days 3:30-4:15 P. M. Handball Classes Thursday, 3:45 P. M. Season Sports Basketball M. T. W. Wrestling Thursday, Friday Gymnastics 3:30 P. M.

Leadership Training Tuesday Nights 7:30 P. M. Youth Council Daily—3 P. M. Ping-Pong Chess—Checker* Game Room <• i

Charm Course Vocational Speaking 8 Weeks Individual CollegeGuidance Advisors' Clinics Monthly Meetings For Club Leaders Special Service Monthly Counsel Calendar Y. C. Press


Classes Throughout Year Parlimentary Procedure Office Machines Projector, Etc. Library—Open Dally Baby Sitting Courso Monday, 4:15 P. M.

Adults Classes: Americanization Monday—Wednesday 9:30-11:30 A. M. Dance Classes Evenings Art Oil, Water Color Ceramics

Want Ads Phono JA 1309 to uuen you; Want Ao In Tho Jowlsb Press. J Current rate Is &0 cent* for oacn foui lint Insertion. The Preaa ruervea Uit rignt to umlt ilze of eaca advertisement

JBAR and Ba» Mitzvah congratulations also for all Jewish'holidays and special.occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1302 Dodge

"Sec. 1. Tho executive officers of the state shall be the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Auditor of Publio Accounts, Treusdrer, Attorney General, a n d tho heads of such other executive departments as s e t forth herein or as may bo established by law. Tho Legislature m a y provide for the p l a c i n g of tho above named officers as heads over such departments of government as it may by law establish. Tho Governor.Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Auditor of Public Accounts, and the Treasurer s h a l l bo chosen at the general election h e l d in November, 1958, and in each evennumbered year thereafter, and their term of office 6hall be two years and until their successors shall be elected and qualified. Tho records, books, a n d papers of all executive officers shall be kept at tho seat of government, and such officers, excepting tho Lieutenant Governor and members of boards a n d commissions w h e n the board or commission is tha head of an executive department, shall r e s i d e there during their respective terms of Office. Officers in the executive de- . partment of the state shall perform s u c h duties as may be provided by law. The heads of all executive departments established by law, other than those to bo e l e c t e d as provided herein, shall be appointed by the Governor, with the consent of a majority of all members elected to the Legislature, but officers so, appointed may be removed by the Governor. Subject to the provisions of. this Constitution, the heads of the various executive or c i v i l departments shall have power to appoint and r e m o v e* all subordinate employees in their respective departments."


Basketball (Men) Tuesday 7:30 P. M. Volleyball M. W. F. 12:30 P. M. Wednesday—5:30 P. M. Yiddish Cultural Group Monthly Foreign Film Series Monthly Golden AKO Club Monthly Omaha Camera Club 1st Tuesday of tho Month 8 "P. M. Aquarium Society 1st Tuesday of the Month 8 P. M. Chras Club proptrty titles by releasing real property from tax and ucossmenl chargos unpaid for a period of fifteen year* or longer as may b* determined by tho Logislalure. D For Q Against TEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT B« it stuictcd by the people o/ the State of Nebraska, Section 1. That at the general election in November, 1958, there shall be submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska for approval tho following amendment to Article VIII section 4, of the Constitution of Nebraska, which is hereby proposed by tho Legislature! "Sec. 4. Except as to tax a n d assessment charges against real property romaining delinquent and unpaid for a period of fifteen years or longer, tha Legislature shall have no power to release or discharge any county, city, township, town, or district whatever, or the inhabitants thereof, or. any corporation, or the property therein, from their or its proportionate s h a r e of taxes to be l e v i e d for s t a t e purposes, or duo any municipal corporation, nor shall commutation for such taxes be authorized in any form whatever." Proposod Amendment No. 3 Constitutional amendment lo provide for succession lo Iho office of Governor when Iho Spoaker of tho Legislature is incapable of performing tho duties, • For • Against TEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Be it enacted by the peopla of tho State of Nebraska, Section 1. That at tho general election in November, 1958, there shall be submitted to the electors >f the State of Nebraska for approval the following amendment to Article IV, section 18, of the Constitution of Nebraska, which is hereby proposed by the Legislature: "Sec. 18. If there be no Lieutenant Governor, or if tho Lieutenant Governor for any of the causes specified in section sixteen of this article, becomes incapable of performing the duties of the office, tho Speaker of the Legislature . shall act as Governor until the vacancy is filled, or t h e disability removed; and if the Speaker of the Legislature, for any of tho above named causes, shall become incapablo of performing tho duties of Governor, the same shall bo performed as provided by law."

Friday, October IT, 185S Evonlngl Glayramlcs Club £n<5 Friday of the Month 1 P. M. Librury—Open M. T. W. Th. F. Program Planning and Development for Individual Clubs and Organizations Chess Tournaments Program of the Motiih Nntionnl Personalities Youth Adult Council Young Adults Forum and Study Groups Club Advisors Workshops ami Seminars Community Wide Programs University Affiliate Forums


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HA 1044

of the State Of Nebraska for up • proval the following amendment to Article V of the Constitution of Nebraska, which shall be a new section to be known as secBe it enacted by the peopto o; tion 27. and which is hereby pro-, tho State of Nebraska, posed by the Legislature: Section 1. That at the general "Sec. 27. Notwithstandelection in November, 1958. there ing tho provisions of secshall bo submitted to the electors tion 0 of this Article, tho of tho State of Nebraska for apLegislature may establish proval tho following amendmen courts to bo k n o w n as to Article IV, section 19, of tho • Juvenile courts, with such Constitution of Nebraska, whlcl Jurisdiction and powers as ii hereby proposed by tho Legisthe Legislature may pro-" lature: vide. The term, quallficat i o n , compensation, andi "Sec. 19. The general method of appointment or management, control ana election of the judges of government of all s t a 18 such courts, and the rule* charitable, m e n t a l , regoverning proceedings) formatory, and penal institherein, may be fixed by tutions shall ba vested as the Legislature. The stato determined by the Legisflhall bo divided into juvelature." nile court judicial districts that correspond to district c o u r t judicial districts Proposed Amondmonl No. S until othorwiso provide* by law. No such c o u r t Constitutional amendment lo s h a l l bo established or chango tho salary of member* of afterwards abolished irjl the Legislature any juvenile court judicial' • For district unlcs3 approved! by a majority of the elec• Against tors of such district." TEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT

TEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL Proposed Amondmonl No. 1 AMENDMENT Constitutional amendment to1 authorise the Legislature to porBe it enacted by the people of mit municipal corporations to the State of Nebraska, acquire and own real and per-, Section 1. That at the general sonal property to be leased to election in November, 1958, there privalo cntorpriEOJ and lo issue shall be submitted to the electors rovenuo bonds lo defray lh» cost j of the State of Nebraska for ap- theroof. proval the following amendment to Article III, section 7, of the • For Constitution of Nebraska, which D Against is hereby proposed by the Legislature: -,!. "Sec. 7. Members of the Legislature shall be elected for a term of two years beginning at noon on tho first Tuesday in January in tho year next ensuing the g e n e r a l election at which they were elected. Each member s h a l l bo nominated and elected in a non-partisan manner and without any indication on. tho ballot that he is affiliated with or endorsed by any political party or organization. Tho aggregate , salaries of all tho members shall bo seventy-five thousand dollars per annum, div.ided equally among tha.membera and payable in. such manner and at such times as shall be provided by law. In addition to his salary, each member shall receive an amount equal to his actual expenses in traveling by the most usual route onco to and returning from each regular or special session of the Legislature. Members of t h e Legislature shall receive no pay nor perquisites other than said salary and expenses, and employees of the Legislature shall receive no compensation other than their salary or per diem." Proposod Amendment No, 8 Constitutional amondmont authorizing tho Legislature to establish a soparato juvenilo court. O For • Against

TEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Be It enacted bv the people of tfie State of Nebraska, Section 1. That at the general election in November, 1958, thero shall be submitted to tho elector* of the State of Nebraska for approval the following amendment to Article XI of tho Constitution of Nebraska, which, is hereby proposed by the Legislature: "Sec, 6. Notwithstanding any other provision in t h e Constitution, t h o Legislature may authorizo any incorporated city or village, Including cities opcrating under homo rulo charters, to acquire, own, and lease real and personal property io manufacturing, industrial, and commercial enterprises and to issue revenue bonds for the purpose of defraying the cost of acquiring such, property by construction, - purchase, o r otherwise. The principal of and interest on any bonds issued may be s e c u r e d by a pledge of the lease and tho revenues therefrom and by mortgage upon such property and shall be payablo solely out of the revenues derived from the leasing of such property. No city or v i l l a g e shall have tho power to operate any such property as a business or in any manner except as the lessor thereof."

Proposed Amendment No. 4 Constitutional amendment to TEXT OF PROPOSED authorize the Legislature ib pro^.CONSTITUTIONAL vide method to mar.ogo, control, AMENDMENT Respectfully submitted, and govern oil state charitable, FRANK MARSH moniol, raformaiory,, and penal B« it enacted by tha people of Institution!. Secretary of Sroto the State of Nebraska, O For Proposed Amendment Ho. 2 Section 1. That at the general O Against election in November, lflBB. th«re Published S Times, weeks beginning Constitutional amendment au(hall be submitted to the electors Monday, Oatober 13, 20, 3T, 1038 thorizing iho Legislature to cleaz

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