October 31, 1958

Page 1

*> i v v v i n i A; a i'>ibllsnoa every Friday, 101 N 'J'llh. Vol KAAVII A o , a umuhfi Nebraska Phono JA I3C.0

11 01,


1O1K "niored a« second-Ulms Muttej at Pint- Single Copy 10 Centl iKuootf|ce ornutia. Nebraska, under Act ol 187U Annum Huts 4 Ouliuri

Bonds Pasf $85,000-

Robert E. Newman Is B.I.G. Day Marsha Greater Omaha's 1!).">8 I s r a e l Bonds campaign punched past. the. $85,000 nlark--more than -12 per cent of Its $200,000 goal -this week . o'- E. Robert Newman was named grand marshal of this year's B.I.G (Bonds of I s r a e l Government J Pay. V,)-<7 Voting Adult» Newman's appointment was nnliomieed by co-chairmen Sam nice and Sam Katzinan, who set Sunday, November 29, for the all-day, cily-wide bond sales program in Oninhii and Council Bluffs. Newman, an active lender of Temple Israel, was n member of last year's young adults division of I s r a e l Ilonrls. K.uzman and Rice reported early reservations for the November 16 •'Dinner of State" honoring Ambassador Yaaeov Tsur, Israel's chief envoy to France, were running "well aliead of expectations." Cabinet Appointments They also announced additional appointments to the campaign cabinet, which will guide this year's record-breaking drive, still running some 15 i>er cent ahead of 3O.V7. Accepting posts on the cabinet are the presidents of the three largest Omaha congregations, Harold'P. Fnrber, V. 'Ralph Nogg and Maurice Kat/in.-ni. Last week their respective rabbis and six former chairmen of the Greater Omaha Committee were named. Oilier* Appointed Also named to the cabinet lire Lou Canar, fsadore C h a p m a n, Herman Cohen, S.un Kpstein, Abe H. Gendler, David Goldman, Dan Gordman, Jake Kaplan, J. Harry Knlakorsky, K;irl N. Louis, Henry A. Newman, Albert H. Newman, Hymnn Osoff, Sam Hifkin, I'aui Veret and Sniniiel N. Wolf, Mrs. J. Jinny. Kulakofsky was

named honorary chairman of the cabinet and ltahhis Nathan Feldman and David Korb of Omaha and Council Bluffs \vere added. Gerald .Schwartz is executive secretary of the cabinet. Israel's steadily improving picture on the political, military and economic fronts was emphasized during a two-day visit here Tuesday and Wednesday by Michael Arnon, information counselor of the Israel Embassy In Washington, D. C lie spoke at" a Wednesday night parlor meeting at the home of Mrs, Nathan I,. Nogi;. November JO Dinner Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf, women's division chairman, reported that her unit is now concentrating all its efforts towards the November ](> dinner. "It is a signal honor for Omaha to have been selected by Ambassador Tsur for a visit during the 10th anniversary year. I am certain the community will re--spond with a record attendance at the dinner at the Blaekslone Hotel,'' Mrs. Wolf said. Working with Mrs. Wolf on the dinner are Mrs. Isadore Chapman, sponsor chairman, and Mrs. Henry A. Newman, Chen chairman, along with women's cabinet members, Mesdamcs Mike Freeman, Ben J. Gersbun, Nathan L. Nogg, Krnest A. Nogg, Herman Bondarin, Morris Grossman and Isldor Levinson. Newmun, who will head the city's eighth and largest B.I.G. Day, said that "we hope to mobilize some 200 workers from every Jewish organization in Omaha and Council Bluffs for this important effort." '

TV Feature 5 Israeli Acts WOW-TV-Simdfiy. Nov. 2, 7 p.m. - Kd Sullivan Show Winners of the First Israeli talent contest- Singers Batya Ostrovsky, Niko Feklman, Suzana Kuben; folk dancers, a violinist and other performers. Sullivan Who was one of Judges of contest will show film of tour of Israel.

Attendance A record enrollment of children kicked ofr the Sunday Funday seaBon with singing, Raines, sports and craft activities. Winners of a colorIng contest, a featured event of the afternoon, were Peggy Perlmeter, Mary Kofman, B o b b y Bernstein and Monica Parker. A trip to Rivnrviow Zoo has been scheduled for this Sunday for the pre-sehool group participating in tho Sunday program. Members of the older 'groups will be entertained by magician whose performance will be followed by a movie. These special events have been arranged for the children in addition to the regular program. Those who missed the first session may register this Sunday, November 2. Sunday Funday runs for 36 weeks and is open to all children in the 3 to 12 year group. The fee is'$7.50 for eight weeks and $12 for the entire Bixtcen week session. Parents may call JA 1366 for. further'Information;

Youth Council Plans A Youth'Council "pledge breakfast" will be held Sunday, November 2 at 9:30 a.m. at the Jewish Community Center to give high school freshmen an opportunity to pledge the club of their choice it was announced by Skip Soiref and Carrie Rubin, chairmen. Other members of the planning committee are Nancy Felfman, Phyllis Shapiro, Leanne Kraft, Dora Gerber, Maureen Borden, Larry Mayer, Gary , Parllman, Mark Goldstrom, Howard Mulnlck and Irvin Karl. Reservations for the breakfast will be twenty-five cents. '

Contributors Urged In Needlework Although the Needlework Guild response has been steady, those who have not sent in their contributions are asked to do so in order to complete the appeal as early as possible. The following have mailed In contributions since the last list appeared in the Jewish Press: Mines. Norman Abrahamson, Leo Abrnnison, EInar Abramron, Sum • .Applemnn, Norman' Batt,

Dnvld Becker, Jack Belmont, Dave W. Bernstien, David Blacker, David Bleicher, Dave Bolker, Abe H. Brodkey, Alfred Brody, Benjamin Brown, Jacob Burstejn, Irving W. Charney, Daniel Cohen, Meyer Cohen, Ralph Cooper, Bernard Diamond, Harry DuBoff, Ben Eisenbarg and Ruben Epstein. Additional names will appear in the next issue of tho Jewish Press.

§XQ][T(o][M) Ten community organizations to-date have united in tho sponsorship of the new 1958-59 Program of the Month series. They are Beth Israel, Temple Israel, Jewish Community Center, B'nai B'rith Lodges and chapters, Young Adult. Council and the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah. • •— • : fc Several additional groups have expressed an interest in participating and sharing in the sponsorship of this outstanding communityA» of October 29,1058 wide program. .. The following are current reports from divisions in the 1958 Artists Aro Outstanding Earl Siege], Chairman, Jewish Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign: 1958 Total Community Center Adult EducaDivision To Date tion Committee, stated that "tha.. Initial Gifts $3-18,515.00 exceptional quality and outstandGeneral Men 15,948.50 ing reputation of the personalities General Women 61,755.51 participating in the new series, as well as the versatility of each artBusiness and Professional Women 3,512.50 ist has been a dominant factor in Children 1,736.25 receiving sponsoi-ship by so many High School 1,171.25 major communal groups." University 110.00 Organizations 2,573.75. Series Is Freo Misc ' 1,517.00 Kncli program of tlm Heries will foe presented at the home locution Total $436,839.79 of a sponsoring organization. Mr. Slegd pointed out that as a result of tho cooperative effort oh the part of tlm sponsoring groups, the programs will be free of clinrge to member* of our community." Jon Silo, First The opening program will featThe appointment of Ambassador of Israel Bonds Wednesday. nli:ht lire .Ion Silo on Thursday, NovemAbba Kban as president of the at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Na- ber 20,' 8 p. m. in the Social Hall Welzmnnn Institute of Science at than Nogg said Mr. Khan will con- of Belh Israel. Mr. Silo is a BroadRehovot, Israel, will not In any tinue in his official offices as Is- way actor and humorist, and a rael's Ambassador to the United long-time favorite of the Jewish States and as pennanent repre- and Broadway stage. Mr. Silo was sentative to the United Nations. the star of the Cole Porter musical The Omaha visitor said that "Can Can." Other outstanding personalities earlier in the week he conferred in Washington, D. C, with Am- to appear later in the "Program bassador Kban prior to his depar- of the Month" are: James Rosoevelf, Sunday, Deture for Israel where he will deliver an address at the Institute cember 7th, at Temple Israel. Dr. Bernard Cherrick, Director Sunday in memory of the late Civilm Welzmann, first president General, Hebrew University in Jerusalem. of Israel and founder of the InFelix Fibieh, choreographer and stitute wheih bears his name.



Women to.. Meet Ambassador Ahtiu Kban manner affect the status of his present diplomatic roles, it. was pointed out in Omaha by Michael Arnon, press and Information counselor of the Kmbassy of Israel in Washington, D. C. Mr. Arnon who spoke in behalf

Plundered Hooks Received by Hebrew University (Israel Digest) — The Hebrew University lias received some 20,000 books from among those plundered by the Nazis and brought to Austria during the war. This is the first consignment to arrive In Israel from that country following an agreement between the Jewish National .and University Library and the Austrian authorities. It Includes valuable works on music, aj-t, -history, religion, and other subjects In the humanities, The leaders of the Vienna Jewish Comunlty played an important part in the steps leading up to the agreement, under which Israel is still to receive thousands of books and periodicals In all branches of the humanities. vr 130,000 JEWS 8EUVINO IN U. S. AIJMED FORCKS New York (JTA)—About 150,000 Jews are now serving in the U.S. armed forces, it was reported hcr« by tho National Jewish Welfare Board.

The regular luncheon meeting of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs will'be held Thursday, November 6, 1 p. m.. at the Jewish Community Center. The presidents and representatives of the 14 organizations belonging to the club are urged to attend the meeting by Mrs. Mike Freeman, president. Reports will be presented by committee chairmen.

'Slimnastics1 Begins Nov. 4 The Women's Slimnastics program will begin Tuesday, November 4 at the Jewish Community Center. Classes, scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays will consist of a gym period from 9 a. m. to 10 a. m. and swimming from 10 a. m. to 11 a.' m. The only requirement for attendance is a Center membership of $1 per month or $25 annually. A baby sitting service will be provided. . • ; . / Mrs. Lois Fixley who as associated with the recreational program for Army and Air Force personnel in this country and overseas and who was formerly a member of Billy Rose's Aquacade will work with the slimnastic's staff, Irvin Yaffe, chairman of the Center Athletic commute, 'said.' Registration is now open and additional information may be obtained by calling JA 13C6


Dr. Judah J. Shapiro, National Hillel Director, B'nai B'rith.

B.B. Conference To Open Sunday horning erf Paxfon Fall conference of B'nai B'rith'g Southwest Region gets under way at 9:30 a. m. Sunday with a business session of nine member lodges at the Paxton Hotel. Council president David Bleicher, will conduct a one-hour business session following welcoming remarks to delegates from Iowa,Nebraska and South Dakota by Willis Kpslein, president of Cornbusker Lodge. A series of regional seminars will be held from 10:30 a. m. until 12:15 p.'m. Leading the sessions will be Marvin Treller, fund raising; Karl Siegel, programs; "Warner Frohman, ADL; Edward Kantor, BBYO; David Bleicher, presidents and Marvin Bailin, conservation and membership, the latter of Sioux Falls, S. D. Participating in the all-day program will be Morris Ni trick of Chicago, district director of BBYO and David Goldfine and Ben Z. Glass of Chicago, president and executive secretary of District No. 6. Gerald Bernstein will offer invocation and benediction and Saniuel Berek of Fremont will report on Americanism committee activities. IIEKKHW IN HOLLAND IJN1VKKSITIKS Amsterdam (JTA)—Three of this country's Universities have announced that, for the first time, they have scheduled courses fn the. Hebrew language and Hebrew literature.



Omahans In the News

Religious o JQfcs

Mrs. IU'UIH-II Hrowii of Ciiuricil

Bluffs, la., went 1o Demopolis, Ala., whore she was called by (he death of her .sistf-r, Mrs. N. M. Levy of I.imlen, A in. Mrs. Brown expects to return imniciiatoly after tit*1 funeral.

Services [


(.'anrilWightini;. .1:111 p. in.


Friday, Ortofwr 81, J938

l.OIIS LAN'DMAN Funeral services wore held October 21 nt the Jewish Funeral Ilomtj fur Louis Landinan, G'l, IS'11 N'orlh 1!) Street, who died Oclolier L>:i. SiirvKiiiK are his wife, Dora, suns; Morev, Omaha; Ciary, Yuma, Ari/.: Miluhcll of Kr\v York City; brother, .Jack, f'hicii'o, 111., and

Mrs. Hcyer Colnic wishes to tlian kher friends ami relatives for the many gifts and cards of good wishes received during her recent illness. Patronize Our Advertisers



1 I Rnbbi IJt'iijiiiniii (jroni'r. Oanrui <e\ en ^ranilcliildi^ !]. CLEANERS ! Kli K;ii,'an, Hie Beth I.M'iii'l Syna- j Dedications j t,ro,'-:ue (,'liuir, imd I In1 st'iiMi' class | KllirilDAYK TO A m o n i i i n c i i l w i l l hi? ( l c i i i i ' a l i ' d RUGS--CARPKTING to tlic memory of Mrs. < JoMit; of the Talmud Torah will cundtuM j Hi': <T;I.I:IHCATI:I> LAMP SHADES Freed, .Sunday, Novrniber 1! at services tliis cvenin;.; at. 8 p. in. | Til'* liirlhdays of .Mrs. S a m Pleasant Hi Jl ncnu'U'ry. Kabbi Traditional Kri'iay ewniiu; .vrv- i.Sussniiin and Max Kat/ will be FURNITURE " Mycr .S. Kripko nf Ili-th i'.l Syna- ices (Kabakis Shabasi will he iiflil j celebrated al a party to be etiven at !> |i. in. | by the Workmen Circle Dramatic Cleaned In Your Home) gogue .will iiffii-intp. Saturday moriiiiii; v-rvlces a r c ! Club Saltidray e\ eninK <tt the LaBindino Loyinq • Rspoirlnc hclfi at 8:45 :t. in.. .Junior r o n y r e - j bor I.yC'iKu. IIAUAS.SAII IIAHVKST TI.'A Don Bernstein HA 2554 Chairman of the Iladassali .Medi- gallon at 10 a. in. llabbi Clroner j Re-Elect ir cal Organization and Vocational will conduct, the .Saturday after- III;M;V MO.VSKY <:iiAi j'r:n T O Education committees and I heir noon Talmud Class nt <l:U0 p. m. IIAVI; <;i I ; S T SI'KAKKK ROMAN L. : Dun Warner, assislant superini,'roup ("hairnifn will honor com- anil Mineha, followed by Slialosli mittee captains at a IlarveM Tea SVudos and Maariv will l>e;;iu at f> tenileiil of schools, will be the Monday, November 3 at the horn'" p. in. Daily services arc hold at ~ ;;ii"st sficaker nt the luncheon mewling of H'nai U'rilh Henry •of Mrs. William Iliuliiziner. HK n. in. and 5:10 p. m. The wer-Idy Talmud study ;;roiip Slonshy Chapter 470, Wednesday, 'Dillon Drivi> nt 12:.'!() p. in. meets a t t h e IDth and Hurt Streets November 5 at 12:S0 p. m. at (he EtPUBUCAH t'OIJTIC'Alj AI )Vi:HTJSi:.MK"."l' SynaftoK'i'1 ••'•cry Tuesday a I 7 Jewish Community O u t e r . S«b (Subby) Tulvtrcnra p. in. and services there every j Mrs. Sidney Zneimer will show I UNITED STATES Snlurday ninrninj; «t 9 K. in. j a film on I!ell"fr.ire. home main- I 25 Years' Experience RE-ELECT | tained for <listurbed,.HiiIdr'>ii In ! V/Hh Jewish TV.MVIA: 1SHAKI,. Cleveland, Ohio. , Lettering end Memorials Snrvit'es will Ije held Ibis Friday cviiiiiK at H:1.i p. in. Kdliow11.U id cald for by'Knutoi lor Buiator B'nai D'rith lus the s e n ires, .Rabbi . S i d n e y ! AT 2452 Ccmrn. John (ll'i!*!!. Yott. (Meli.) CJa. 2211 So. 8th HENRY MONSKY Brooks will lead a discussion on IliiuMiMii, thf first in a s.erics on i CHAPTER No. 470 "The Ho^'ilions of the World" in j I'OI.ITII'AI. AI)Vi:itTlSKMI.KT T'OI.II'H'AI. ADVliHTISKMK.X'i' for comparison with .Judaism. j SUNDAY EVENING. NOV. 23 Sliiibbas niorninc services »i!lj will award IjfKiii a t U:.'!() a.m. with Rabbi I COUNTY •' ' i •FOUR DAYS at the Uroolis officiating and Hie lleli-| Lavish Grotsinger Hotel i;i'pus Srhool C h o i r inidcr the (Ii-! ASSESSOR Gre»slng«r, N. Y. A Capable, Hard Workrection (if Miss Ida (Jitlin .-.Itij-ir.-' j and the iiiiisic.il nortions of th.' S-'T. ic'1. ' ing Man Who Has Consis• THREE DAYS at Iht tently Voted to Keep Your i t i r r u i;i\ Fabulous Riviera Hottl Las Vegas, tie*. Ken ices al Heth K\ Syria',o;,iic I Taxes Down. wiitll b'.-Kin •!' K:)3 p.m. ' h i s . : w . | | n i n / . liabbi "• I ye-" S. Kii[>';'.' will j ANNUAL CARD PARTY j d f l i v c i ' t h " ii'i'.ii'in on '"I'll" J'.t hif-i | AND BAZAAR I of ,\ii-1r.|i<':iii T / i - i n ' - ^ . " ('.•iiiliir; Elackitone Hotel Ballroom | Aaron I. i:d;;ar a-,d t h " l'.i'lii Kl j Syn.ii;r>!;iif C'.viir « i l ! r."ii'!ei tin 1 ] For C0UHTY COMMISSIONER '-fir inusi<::i) [i -itii'iis (.'.' Ml'.1- s,'-v;i.r';. [

Joseph C.





j;it '.):?•() a.m.. .Itiiii-'jr ('oii,.'i •.';;;!tion | j at 10:'i0 a.m. .Miiiciia-Maariv rer\ J

I ic-ps nn; at .") p.m. The Sunday lunriiin^ service is at. 'J a. m. The weekly discussion session with Knbbi Kripke will follow ;-.l '.):'•',() a.m. All fathers mid sons arc invited to attend the service together and participale in study session.

He Has Saved You From Paying More Than Your Just Share of Taxes!

The following paif «nd prtitnt employees of the DougUt Counfy Assessor's office <si< you to vote for and give whatever support you can to JOE C. STOLINSKI. Delmer B. Klein George H. Kagan

Burton Oberman Henry Grobols

Joseph Kirshcnbaum (Paid for by the above)

li'NAI JACOIl-.YDAS •VKSIIIJIION Services at U'nai Jaco'o-Ad.i.s yeshuron will be;;in Friday at. 5 p.m. and Sntunl.ty morning al 8:.'iO a.m. with Minclia '.it. 5 p.m. followed by Slialosli S'eudis D;iily wrviees at. (i:^0 a.m. mid 5 p.m.

Eii Bit'fner.. Is Re-elected Kli Bitlner was reeledcrt for another term as president of B'nai Jacob-Adas Yeshuron f'oni;reg>iiuin at a meeting Sunday nifiht nt the synaKOfue, Other named to offices were lien j Lindcnbaiini, vice-president; Joe Kirshonhaum, treasurer; Sam Kifkin; .secretary and Izzie Carsick, Jakej'kaplan and Jfyman fjtiss, bofil-d of trustees.

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Friday, OclobtrTM, 1858

Miss Klofz Weds Leonard DePorfe at Beth Israel Miss Theoiim- Klol/.. daughter ol Mi-. .-IIHI Mrs. Abo Klolz Ijenamc the liridf! of Leonard Edward DcI'orlct in a Into Sunday afternoon ceremony at Belli Israel SynaK<n;iu\ ilablil Benjamin Groner, cifficiiiled. assisted hy (Suitor J--1I K.'igan. "J'lio briilc wore a uown of silk Mino Mist l,ilf<tii with a pointed bis<|ii" IXMIII f UKI poiliul neck-




Mrs. Paul E. Gaiter of Lincoln, matron of honor; Mrs. Benjamin Knimaii, the Misses Serena Dwoskin, Roberta Grossman, bridesmaids and Cheryl Plot kin, junior bridesmaid. The K'room, son of Mrs. Bess DePorto <:1IOSP. Gerald ,1. Kantor as best man. Ushers were Albert NVponiiilck, Harold Nepomniclt and Myron Marko, Itonald Wolpa was junior usher. Candleli|;liters Wfiv Benjamin Kaimaii and Melvin Weiss and Steven Nepomniek served as rint;bcarer. The mother of the bride was attired in peacock blue satin and the mother (if the groom wore a sheath of mauve 'tiered chnnlilly IMCC over matching taffeta. A buffer dinner in the synayoKue followed tl)<" ceremony. The couple will make their home at 3906 Frances street following a trip to the went, coust.


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E. ANDERSON Two reductions in slate taxes in lour years—no curtailment of state Hervkcs-4 NEW RECORD In NEBRASKA'S STATE GOVERNMENT Thin aUverHiJOiiieiil. luild f°r by Aii'Jflrsou-l'or-fiovpnior Comiiiil.lee, Jolui I'. .MC'KHIEIII., clisinmm

SUNDAY at National Hardware Paint & Glass 3419 NO. 30TH ST.

M»-s. ),c<Miiiril .Itrt'nrlc I line. Her French illusion fingertip )enj;tli veil was held by a "Mary .Stewart" cap of rosepoint. clutn1 illy lace frinimed in bands of opalescent sequins edged in seed jiearls and pleated tulle. Her attendants gowned in identical .ladette taffeta sheaths were

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o o o oo

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kasin announce, the Bar Mil/vah of their son, Sandy, will be eelehraled Friday evening and Saturday inoriiill);. .November Ttb nnil Slh, at Temple Israel.


TII/VNKSfilVINC KKSTIVAI. W-ANNKD I'OK NOV. 2!t Thi' B'nai IVrith youth organi/alion is one of the projects which will benefit by the "Tliankiigiving Festival" to be given by B'nai B'rith Henry Molislcy Chapter No. 470, Sunday night, November 23, lit thr.1 Blackslone Hotel at 7:")0

This i i a v e r y technical j o b . Mr. Gollneid has been connected with the office as deputy, chief deputy and now clerk for over 30 years. HE KNOWS THIS BUSINESS. Mr. Gollneid, a lawyer, works with Judges of the District Courts, lawyers and litigants. Approximalely 2 million dollars in judgments, alimony, child support, fines, fees, court costs, etc., is handled each year by his office. IT IS IMPORTANT TO DOUGLAS COUNTY TO RE-ELECT THIS ABLE, EXPERIENCED OFFICIAL

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CONSUMERS PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT (Allvotersare eligible to vote (onthis importantiuu*) LIOYO It. MATT5ON



Friday, October 81, 18.18


f a t * Foot

Organizations KETII ISRAEL 81STEKHOOD B O A K D , TUKSDAY 12:80 P.M.

The Beth Israel Sisleiliooi board meeting will be held Tues day, November 4 at the home ol Mrs. Herbert Welches, 560(5 Kmile a t 12:30 p.m. Co-hostesses will b Mmes. Sam Berman an«! Mo Shapiro. BETH KL HISTUUlfOOll BOARD, NOV. 4, 12:30 P.M. Beth Kl Synagogue Hislerhooi board will hold its luncheon an business meeting NOVCHI1M.T Itli a 12:30 p.m. in the Synagogue Socia hall. Mines. Nathan Turner pnc Morris I'Jrman, chairmen, will In assisted by SImes. M. A. Uercovici. Henry Stern, Irvinn Simon, nnd •Charles Gondler. The history o Chanukiih will be prf'senti'd hj Rabbi Jlyer S. Kripkc at a coffee workshop November 5th and 12th. 9:30 a.m. at Beth El. GUEST NIUIIT KOll HOLIDAY DANCINd Holiday Dancing club will have a guest night November 1 at the Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel, 9:30 to

1 a. m. COUSINS CLUB Mrs. Jack Lincoln will be host•II to the Cousins Club at her home, 1029 North 63 Street, Wednesday. November 5 at 12:30 p.m. ZETA BETA TAU MOTHERS €1.1 H The Zeta Beta Tau Mother's Club will liold their monthly luncheon meeting Monday. November 3, at th» fraternity house in Lincoln, Nebr. Members will meet first at the homo of Mrs. Max E. Cohen, 117 N. Happy Hollow Blvd., a t 10 a.m.

Wc'ro Calling Everyone About tha CENTER HEALTH CLUB • Ntwly Redecorated * Newly Enlargtd No Appointments


Wwkday*—Noon-9 P.M. Sunday*—? A.M..& P.M.


JA 1364






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BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge



"Uttn" RALPH O. "Hap





Elect . . .


William (iill) CANDIDATE FOR

Coynfjf Democrat An Omaha Buslnasiman far Ov«r 30 Yean


property lilies by reloaiing real properly from lax and assets men! charges unpaid for a period of fifteen years or longer ai may bs delorminod by Iho Legislature. D For • Against

TEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL PROPOSED BY THE AMENDMENT 1857 LEGISLATURE Bt H tnacted by th« peopU Of Proposed Amendment Ho. 1 th« Statt of Nebraska, Constitutional Bm»ndra*ni to Section 3. That at the general c&anga th* prorlsioni requiring in November, 1958, there certain executive officers to ro- election shall be submitted to the electors eid* Bi the seal of government. of the State of Nebjraska for approval the following amendment D For to Article VIII, section 4, of tho Q Against j Constitution of Nebraska, which ' is hereby proposed by tho Legislature: TEXT OF PHOPOSED "Sec. 4. Except as to tax CONSTITUTIONAL i n d assessment charge* AMENDMENT agoin.it real property remaining delinquent ond Be It enacted by th« p<opl« of Unpaid for a period of tht State of Nebraska, fifteen years or longer, tha Section 1. That at the general Legislature shall have no election in November, 1058, there power to release or dis•hall be submitted to the electors charge any county, city, of the State of Nebraska, for aptownship, town, or district proval, the following amendment whatever, or tho inhabito Article IV, section 1, of the tants thereof, or any corConstitution of Nebraska, which poration, or the property is hereby proposed by the Legistherein, from their or its lature: proportionate s h a r e of taxes to be l e v i e d for "Sec. 1. The executive s t a t e purposes, or dua officers of the state shall any municipal corporation, be the Governor, Lieutennor shall commutation for ant Governor, Secretary of Buch taxes be authorized State,' Auditor of Public in any form whatever." Accounts, Treasurer, Attorney General, a n d tho heads of such other execuPropoted Amendment Ho. 1 tive departments as s e t forth herein or as may be Constitutional amendment to established by law, Tho provido for succession to iho ofLegislature m a y provido fice of Governor when Ihs Speakfor the p l a c i n g of tho er of tho Legislature^ is incapable above named officers as of performing the duties. heads over such departments of government as it • For may by law establish. The Q Against Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Auditor of Public Accounts, and TEXT OF PROPOSED the Treasurer s h a l l bo CONSTITUTIONAL chosen at the general elecAMENDMENT tion h e Id in November, 1D58, and in each evenBe It enacted by the people o) numbered year thereafter, the State of Nebraska, and Iheir term of office shall be two years and unSection 1. That at the general til their successors shall election in November, 1958, there be elected and qualified. shall be submitted to the electors The records, books, a n d of tho State of Nebraska for appaper? of all executive ofproval the following amendment ficers shall be kept at tho to Article IV, section 18, of the seat of government, ond Constitution Of Nebraska, which such officers, excepting tho is hereby proposed by the LegisLieutenant Governor and lature: members of boards a n d commissions w h e n the "Sec. 18. If there be no board or commission is the Lieutenant Governor, or if head of an executive dethe Lieutenant Governor partment, shall r e s i d e for any of the causes specithere during their respecfied in section sixteen of tive terms of office. Offithis article, becomes incers in the executive decapable of performing the partment of the state shall duties of tho office, tho perform s u c h duties as Speaker of the Legislature may be provided by law. shall act an Governor unThe heads of all executive til the vacancy is filled, or departments established t h e disability removed; and if the Speaker of tha * by law, other than tho.se to Legislature, for any of tho be e l e c t e d as provided above named causes, shall herein, shall be appointed become incapable of perby the Governor, with the forming the duties of Govconsent of a majority of ernor, the same shall ba all members elected to tho performed as provided by Legislature, but officers so law." appointed may be removed by the Governor. Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the heads of ' Proposed Amendment No. 4 the various executive or Constitutional amendment to civil'departments shall have power to appoint and authorize tho Legislature to provide method to manage, control, .. r e m o v e all subordinate employees in their respec- , and govern all stal* charitable, tive departments." mental, reformatory., and penal institution!. ' Proposed Amendment No. 2 Constitutional amendment au thsrizing the Legislature to cloax

• For O Against

TEXT OF PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Be it enacted by the people o/ tha State of Nebraska, Section I. That at the general election in November, 1950, there shall be submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska for approval tha following amendment to Article IV, section 19, of the Constitution of Nebraska, which U hereby proposed by tho Legislature! "Sec. 19. Tha general management, control and government of oil a t a t o charitable, m e n t a l , reformatory, and penal inatitutions snail bo vested ai determined by the Legislature," Proposed Amendment Ho. S Constitutional amendment to change the salary of member* of tha Legislature.

• For P Agalnat

of tho State of Nebraska for approval tho following amendment to Article V of the Constitution of Nebraska, which shall be a new section to be known as section 27, and which is hereby pio-, posed by the Legislature:, "Sec. 27. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 9 of this Article, tha Legislature may establish ' courts to bo k n o w n as juvenile courts, with sucli jurisdiction and powers as the Legislature may provide. The term, qualificat i o n , compensation, and method of appointment or election of tho judges of such courts, and the rules governing p r o c e e d i n g s therein, may ba fixed by tho Legislature. Tho stato shall bs divided into juvenile court judicial districts that correspond to district c o u r t judicial districts until otherwise provided by law. No such c o u r t s h a l l be established or afterwards abolished i a any juvenile court judicial district unless approved by a majority of the electors of such district."

TEXT OF PHOPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL Proposod Amendment No, 7 AMENDMENT Constitutional amendment to Be tt enacted by the people of authorize lhe Legislature to permit municipal corporations to tha Stata of Nebraska, acquire and own zeal and perSection 1. That at the general sonal property lo be leased la election in November, 1958, there privttlo enterprises and to issua shall bo submitted to tho electors of the State of Nebraska for ap- revenue bond* to defray Iho cost proval the following amendment thereof. to Article IH, section 7,-of tho D For Constitution of Nebraska, which • Against is hereby proposed by the Legislature: , "See. 7. Members of tha Legislatura 'shall be elected for a tenn of two years beginning at noon on tho first Tuesday in January in tho year next ensuing the g e n e r a l election at which they were elected. Each member s h a l l ha nominated and elected in a non-partisan manner and without any indication on the ballot that he is affiliated with or endorsed by any political party or organization. Tha aggregate salaries of all the member* shall bo seventy-fivo thousand dollars per annum, d i v i d e d equally among tho members and payable in such manner and at such times as shall be provided by law. In'addition to his salary, each member shall receive an amount equal to his actual expenses in traveling by tha most usual route onco to and returning from each, regular or special session of tho Legislature. Members of t h o Legislature • ehall receive n* pay nor perquisites other than said salary and expenses, and employees of the Legislature shall receive no compensation other than their salary or per diem." Proposod Amendment No. 8 Constitutional amendment au. thorizing Iho Logislaturo to establish a separate Juvenilo court.

D For • Agaiart TEXT OF PHOPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ~. Be it enacted by tha people of the State 0/ Nebraska,

TEXT OF PHOPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Be it enacted by tltc people of the State of Nebraska, Section 1. That at the general election in November, 1058, thero shall be submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska for approval the following amendment to Article XI of tho Constitution of Nebraska, which is hereby proposed by tho Legislature: "Sec. 6. Notwithstanding any other provision in t h e Constitution, t h e Legislature may authorizo any incorporated city or village, including cities operating under home rule charters, to acquire, own, and lease real and personal property to manufacturing, industrial, and com-, mercial enterprises and to> issue revenue bonds for tho purpbse of defraying the cost of acquiring such property by construction, purchase, o r otherwise. The principal of and interest on any bonds issued may be s e c u r e d by a pledge of the lease and tho revenues therefrom and by mortgage upon such property ond shall bo payablo solely out of the revenues derived from the leasing of such property. No city or v i l l a g e shall have tho power to operate any such property as a business or in any manner except as the lessor thereof,"

Respectfully submitted, FRANK MARSH Secretary of Stale

Section 1. That at the general election in November, 1958, thcro Published 3 Tlmci, weeks beginning" shall bo submitted to tho electors Monday, October IS, 20, 21, )05»

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