vvvvTi VXXMI
Tki- <i lJuhlisticu every D'rlday, 101 N Jioth. . . , , , , , , No. 9 Omaha . Nebraska Phono JA l.'IBO OMAHA,
t'Jnicied ai, bcfund-Clusi, Matioj u\ ijum- sinme uunv 1(J cents office Omiiiiu Nehrasku unclei Ad uj !H7!i •« ^ K;IH- <I Jitjiiurfl
,,, ( ,3U\'1
As of November•5, I!I."JK The following are current reports from divisions in Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Campaign: 1958 Total Division To Date Initial Gifts .S-*MH,415,00 General Men lf;,210.50 General Women 61,755.51 Business and Professional Women 3,512.50 Children / • 1 ,73f>.25 High School 1,171.25 University , 110.00 Organizations 2,57.'i.7.r> Misc 1,517.00 Total
Omaha and Council Bluffs will celebrate Israel's Tenth Anniversary at a Dinner of State on Sunday night, November 16, at the Blaekstone Hotel, it was announced today by Sam Katzman and Sam Rice, co-chairmen or 1he Greater Omaha Committee for •State of Israel Bonds. The dinner honoring Ambassador Yaacov Tsur will focus attention on the local drive for the sale of Israel Development Bonds. Ten Years of Achievement "During the past decade, Israel has built a strong democracy, despite the pressures of Arab belligerency, economic boycott and blockade," Mr. Rice asserted.. "These ten years of achievement have been marked by an outstanding record of economic development and immigrant absorption."
Jack Carers Will Attend National Federation Meev Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marer will represent the Jewish Fedoration of Omaha nt the General Assembly of Jewish Federations and Welfare Boards in Washington, D. C, November 13-1G. Mr. Marer, a past president of the local Federation, and member of the national hoard of directors us' well as vice-president of its West Central Regional Council, will participate in a panel devoted to Campaign Budgeting in Communities of less than 15.000 Jewish persons at the meeting. Following the Washington meeting he will join other Omahans In New York City at, a B'nai 15'rilh dinner on November 17 when the Order's Hoard of Governors will honor Bernard Munich, philanthropist and financier, with the I'resldel's Medal "for humanitarianism." The citation will he piesented by Philip Kluiznick, national president, and a former Omahnn. Mr. and Mrs. Marer will attend the dinner with Dr. A. A. Greenberg, Mr. and- Mrs. Morris Jacobs and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peebler. Jr. Joining the Omaha party will lie the Marcr's son, Alan, a freshman in the. law school at Columbia University. Mr. and Mrs. Marer will visit their other son. Jerry at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, before returning home.
Bikur Ghojiit) Plans Therapeutic Project A new therapeutic project at the Dr. Philip Slier1 Home is being planned by the Bikur Choliin Society, an organization for the welfare and visitation of the sick. Plans will be presented at the group's luncheon meeting November 10, at 1 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. A Chanukah potato latke party will be held December 8, to raise funds for this project.
Center chess players are Invited to participate in a weekly chess play every Monday, 3:30 p. m.•1:15 p. in., a I the Center. Jacob Feldman, president of the Omaha Chess Club will direct the new chess group. Men, women as well as hoys and girls are invited to join tlie new group. Tournaments and exhibitions will be held periodically Mr. Feldman said. There is no chnrge for this activity. Kach person is requested to bring his own board and chessmen. For additional information call JA. 13(i(i.
'Mr. and Mrs/ iowlers Rehearse Production The Mr. and Mrs. Council Howling League Show went into production Thursday, October .'10, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irving Malashoclt. Rehearsals for the show, "The Alley Cats Revue" scheduled for Saturday. November 2f)th at the Paxton Hotel ballroom, are being held nightly at the Jewish Community Center. The cast will be composed of members of the howling league and was written by Mrs. Norman Oenenberg and Mrs, Donald Kiee. Mrs. William Fogel is director; Mrs. Russell Blumenthal, accompanist, and Mrs. Lloyd Friedman producer. .
CSc9ss Bs Changed The Bridge class previously scheduled for Monday evening will be held Tuesday, November 11 at 8 p.m. ut the Jewish Community Center. Devotees of the game will also be able to attend an afternoon class which begins Monday, November 10 at 1 p.m. at the center. Anyone desiring to enroll in either class Is asked to contact the Center's activities office, JA l.'JfiG. Registration fee for an eight week course Is ?8.
riiiliji .1. Drlwoll
"One of tlie major factors in this dynamic program has luion the State of Israel ISond campaign, which since 1!>51 1ms provided more than .?:«5,000,000 In Investment capital for every sector JQ,1— Israel's economy. The, Israel Bond drive must raise §75,000,000 tills year." (jreatnr Omiil'.i; meanwhile, this week luiivrd punt the $02,000 mark tuwnrtis Its goal of $:!00,(l00. The current puce lei 15 per cent abend of las), je.ur. "Israel cannot fulfill this program," Mr. Ri.-e stressed, "without an intensified flow of Israel Bond dollars. Tlie success of the Jsrael Bond dinner on November 16 Will be an impressive indication o( Greater Omaha's determination to aid the development of Israel as she celebrates her tenth anniversary."
Ambassador Tsur Midwest President Will Be Beth El.."V Sisterhood Guest
(The following article on Yaacov Tsur, Israel's Ambassador to France, who will appear in Omnh;[ November 1(1 In behalf of Israel llonds, WHS printed In tin- October Mrs. Percy Genser, president of issue of tlie, Jewish Observer olid the Midwest Branch of the NaMiddle Kant review.) tional Women's League of the Philip J. Driscoll, Director of United Synagogue of America, will Ambassador in I'uris: In the Admissions at liranileis University, striking development of Israel's re- be the guest speaker at a lunchwill address members of the Bran- lations with France, a fruitful as- eon Tuesday. November 11 at deis 1'niyorsity Women's group at sociation which broke Israel's ut- 12:30 p. m. at Beth El Synagogue a luncheon meeting, Wednesday, ter political Isolation during a cri- when its Sisterhood will honor new members. November 12, 12:-I5 p. m. at the tical period, I he role of Yaacov The luncheon will be prepnred Tsur, Israel's Ambassador to Blaekstone Hotel. Mrs. Bernhardl L. Wolf, presi- France, has been, lit lie publicised. by Circles 7 and 10 with Mines. Al dent, of the Omaha chapter, will Yot, II would be iio exaggeration Swartz, T..011 Hiirwit.'., Sam Stern, to state that his presence in Paris and Paul Bernstein. Mines. Henry preside at the meeting. Mrs. Stanley Kntelniun is in during the past five years has Riekes and Robert Bernstein ure charge of the luncheon and Mrs. been the determining factor in this membership chairman. Harry Allsuler is arranging the development. decorations. Tsur works anonymously, as all Mr. Driscoll also will address Ambassadors must. If, in the years (he recently organized Business to come, he finds time to write his and Professional Group of Brand- memoirs, these should prove a faseis women's committee at a dinner cinating commentary on France The veterans committee of Irv-. Wednesday, November 12 at: 6 as well as Israel, and on the un- ing Cohen Lodge No. 688, B'nal .: p. m. at the Blaekstone Hotel. dertones of war as well as the B'rilh, Council Bluffs, will sponsor overtones of Zionist public life. their fourth annual Veteran's Sab- . In journalism:*.While still a stu- bath service, there, Friday, No| dent he contributed to the Hebrew vember 7, at. SrMO p. m. at lieth weekly Ilaolnm, later joining the Israel Synagogue. The Rev. Allan R. Knight,'pastor" Merchandise for the Chil- edllorial staff of Ha'aretz. In 1029 dren's Memorial Hospital Ba- he entered the full-time service of of the First Baptist church, Will J zaar booth of tiie Federation the Jtwish National Fund, first as be the guest speaker. The Friday ''•"•' of Jewish Women's Clubs may Director of the French-speaking evening service will be coiulucted be left at the homes of Mines. section, then as head of the Pub- by Rabbi David Korb and Henry F. Kohl, past commander of RainErnest A. Nogg, 670 No. 571li licity Departmnl. The war saw Tsur on political bow Post, will command the color ave., Hubert Sommer, 531!) Nicholas, Gerald Gross, 651 missions throughout, the Middle guard. Louis Passer, service chairman East, among them that of Jewish Parkwood Lane. Agency Liaison Officer for the for the Armed Forces and VeterThe Bazaar will lie held ans of B'nai B'rith, will be In Sunday November 9 from 5 to Jewish Brigade at G.H.Q. in Cairo. charge. All members of local vetThis leading Israeli representa9 p.m. and Monday, November erans groups and their auxiliaries 10 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., at the tive was given his first diplomatic and the public are invited to the : post in South America, being apShoraton-Fontenelle. pointed Minister Plenipotentiary service. Veterans are asked "to Everyone is invited. wear their caps. ' to Uruguay in 1918.
University Official To Address Brandeis 's
Observe s Sabbath
Bazaar Notice
ners A scries of five internationally known personalities in a program of Jewish cultural presentations will be held during the next several months under the sponsorship of the Jewish Community Center In cooperation with Temple Isiael, Beth Israel, Omaha Chapter Ila-
dassuh, B'niii B'rith Lodges and Chapters. Earl Siegal, chairman of the Jewish Community center Committee for Adult Education and Adult Activities, said the programs this year will be held at different locations and In most cases .it the home location of sponsoring
mr -
groups. Included in the Series are: John Silo, star of the Broadway and Yiddish stage, who has recently been seen in dramatic and comedy roles of T. V. network shows, James Roosevelt, demociatic r
congressman from California. Dr. Bernard Cherrick, Director General of The Hebrew University in J e r u s a l e m and world traveler. Dr. Judah J. Shapiro, National D i r e c t o r B'nai B'rilh Hillel Foundation,
Felix F i b i c h, actor, choreographer and foremost exponent of the Jewish Dance. The series will begin on Thursday, November 20, with Mr. Silo's' appearance at the Beth Israel Social Hall at 8 p. m. Mrs. Harry Duhoff will accompany Mr. Silo rit the piano
Dr. Judith J. Hh.iplro
Felix FIMch
i' <• „
Jon Silo
Jntnc* Itoosovclt
Dr. Ilerniird Glierricli
Friday, November 7, UK'S
Page Two
Helen Cutler Wed In Los Angeles
With the Home Folks .News nnil tmii uiiii:* at It Dr. I'lilllji Slur Jrnisli Mi, e I or Tim ,<•. K( (I liy PuvUl Oriiiivv.
SCHOOL DAYS: Tin- Onuili; school system will .start specia classes for our Folks at The Dr. Philip Shtr Jewish Hutm- For The Aged thi.s week, under (lie sponsorship of The Omaha Ch.'iptcT, National Council of Jewish Women. KriLii.sh ami composition, writ-; i n l a n d comprehension vili lie liu'j It'N.U JA< Ol'.-ADAS YKSIHKON -object of this- fir-t -cssicm. Services at Biiai KLKCTION I).VV: M;.iiy "I our! Yi'shiijim will beuin F n d i\ residents I>arl ietli.it i-d in 1l,e eicc-j p. in. a n d S a t u r d a y m u n i i tions. Discussions mi r-:ii!(liit:it".:S j S:.'(0 a. in. with Mincha it ) l> n : was thi" topic uf thi.' day. followed by Shalosh S ' t u d o , D u h It.U'.HIN'K'AI. V I S I T S : l.;i-.|i services at <i:.S'O ;i. in. an l i p 1 i week, Rabbi Sitln.-y Br.-oks ful-j Towed thruiiitli in our current ! ISKTII l S K . U X events in relation ID this year's! Rabbi Benjamin (ironer. Cantor .'...format' "The .lev. in The World! • to-day." and discussed the choos-j J-;|I K,a;;aii. the Beth Israel SwiaI'IIL'IIO choir a n d t h e jun:or " A " ing of a new Pope, which v. as tak",",v" i olass will conduct late services ing place i;.*. that iiioni"ii V",' I. R a b b i ! ., .
The marriage of .Mk-.i Jlclcn SylMi Culler, (laughter nf Mr. and Mis. Louis A. Cutler to Dr. Wilon I. Kandel was .• oloninized umlay, November 2 at llio iSlicj— aton-Town House, in Iyis AiH'f-l'-s, C d. The r.ruom is tin: sr»n of Mr. and Mis. Daniel Kahdel nf .Miami j Hi (eh, Fla. \ reception ;yid dance followed the cereinony. After a vcdilinj.: trip j ID San Francisco and ("armel-HyInc-Sea, Mr. ami Mrs. Kanikd will be at IKHIV at -lO'l South M.iripu: a Sliced, I,dr, An;:eles, Oil. i Omahnns who at lender! the wed<!(.), : diiij- wrvc Mrs. .Icnti Schwartz, t Mrs'. Morris Margolin anil the ' bride's parent
M r s . I'.cii \V;iMni;ii>. ( i f l i t e r ) i l : t H K l i t c r . - M r s . H u b e r t S n i i l l i , (I,.) a n d M r « . l r \ i i i | f <()-<Ii:ilrMiiii u f t h i ' l i f t li I s r a e l l i n e n S I K . U I T .
her dud 1 ilbine Tlieii
spoke ofihe former Popp I
Patronize Our AdvertiseiK
! followed Special committes fur 1h<- an-, anil present. Thi.s v.'r-ei:, our vi.-.itor J Shnhbos i will he^in at .->)). m. 'nir and nual Beth Israel Sisterhood Linen j by an will be Habbi Benjamin* kroner. , S a t u , , , . , y , m , n l i n i , ; ; ( n v j ( vs b,.. j Shower. Tuesday. November 11,'card party. Members of tile committees are | T £l>'-f I -«', K I I - ) '» I ' S » : G i V» '%{ ,.i,V".V"Ki^ a ! m " » l Junior" Con-1 liavo been named by Mnies. Rober
• JA 2452 J a k e .Siiiiof.-,,;;,' on the occasion of! ;;,,,,,.,,;„., , l t] ( J ., „ , JJ.,),!^ I;,-,,,-,, j Smith and Irvinj; Charney. i*(i-jj! m : . s , I... w . J'lpstrin, Sam Ep-i106 No 15th Street (In Omaha Loan 8ldg.) the \alnv.eit of !».; Mother. liaila j ^ , h u .Saturday after- j diaiinien. .The event will be held Is iejn, l u n c h e o i i riiran-..;einents; corilluct Sadofsky. and I I j Mines. Micha"! Colir-n, Harold KI;SII)I;\TS AI j i.vu I Mincha, f o l i o w c d by Shalosh | j Sie;/i'l, table arraii(;einont.s; Mines. > • K N . . « ! ! • ; Mi:i-;n.v<;: The foiiowS'eudus and Mnariv will be;-;tn at j • liarney ilicy, Sam llosonsteiii, Ar- j ins; residents juined The (lolclun I) p . m. "I ! tluir I'pstein, rcsfiv.'itions; Mir.es. '"Agers'iit their fir.'t mei'tin^ of the j .Services .Sunday morniiiy be:;in Martin Her/off and Munis Kha-! season a t Tlie Jewish Coinmunity pilo, decorations. • 1 !O Center: Mrs. Minnie Blank. Ben l>"Si;;nnteil as cii'ctil'ilifi',' hosl-j ice begins at Bernstein. Sam Faier. Louis J-'ruday morning service , is followed Mr. and Mrs. Alfred (;l.u!;t.-in of (-sses for t)ie afternoon are thei sen, Sam Posier. Mr. aiui Mrs. Joe liV'hreakf.ist and by the class in Oklahoma City, Okla. announce Mines. l'."n \V a 1 <1 m .'i ii. Martin Shindler and Carl Siiin.sl-y. Hible. Week-day seivineK bet-in at the enlargement of their daugh- Heivoff, Iiviii),' Forbes. -Milton HADE WITH CRISP, SI0\VIN(i ( i l t o r r : Tii»Council 7 a. in. and 5 I>. ni. ter. Miss llel.li Cladstein in M.Cackin. Harry Siref. Phil Ilandel- CHUNKY WALNUTS of Jewish • Women Sowing (iroup Ronald l.irodkey, son at .Mr. and nian, Nate Mandel, Amon 1',1'ooU•were represented by Mrs. <;. Costein, Milton lilooin, Robert Itim-
* *••'* s^^mlXtZ Announced
l!)lh and Hurt Slnet Mrs. l.iavid Hrodl-.ey. hen. The oth'Ts could not • pies-1 niecls at the niernian, Leo . S h e r m a n , Jrvinu at 8 p. in. <-veryTues| Miss C.ladstein is a si'nio.' hlncut. because of illr.e:;s. and services there dent at the I'niversity of Okla- Sbapiio and Bennett Fi:;hbain. ! dav ri.O\Vi;r.S: Mr. and Mrs. Arm! 1 l;;ib>' sitter service will be pro'Klutz presented the (lowers last•\i every Saturday rnornin .; at '.! a. in homa, snd is a mcnib'T of Alpha vided." Kpsilou 1'iii. Mr. Hrodl-.ey is a week on the ore.-ision of the wed-j VIA: isitAici. i'.raduate cf ihe Uniu-rsity of 01:1adine of their daughter. Theonne .. . • „ , , , , •,. to Leonard Edward I)e Por.e. | • i " 1 '" 1 B ' i ; v l l l , " e ' " ' M ' " 1 < ' ; " ! "j holua, v. li"i-,.- lie majored in J-jn1 : Israel this 1' nday eveniii ; at 8:1:>ance .--ud Marketiiir. 11.- :\:,s afr-\ !• |" |i. m. P.abbi Sidnev liroo];.- will fiiialed with Pi Lambda 1'hi. Mr. Rrodkey ii lea\iiiLf ii'.'xl UedlCatlOnS iprc-aeii ..n "All Is Not 'n.jUl.'ir .That Clilters!" Coinnient on Only week for active doty at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. A niommienl will be dedicated to: In America. Scb (Subby) Pulvcicnlo the inemoiy of Uennan Zubcr,! Sliabbas mnniiii:; services-will . liastin<;s, Nebr.. Sunday, .\o\em-i be;;in at 11 •;.¥) a. m. with Rabbi 25 Years' Experience her 9' ;i. ni. at 12 noon, at. Beth ! Hrooks (jffici.iliiii,' and the P.cKl C e m e t e r y . Habbi Myer S. | litrious School choir under the diWith Jewish MOTEK PFEFFER KripUe and Cantor Aaron !. L'dfj'ar j rection of Miss Ida (Jitlin singing Lettering and Memorials BEAUTY SALON will officiate. Friends and rela-'lhe musical portions of the servtives are invited <_•• alteiul. ! ice. 3813 Charles St. 2211 So. 8th AT 2452
1 "if
Hoard members of the Council i Seruces at Uyth LI Synagogue oC Jewish Women will in/.-cl at ai v.-ill lie-in at 8 p. in. ihis evening., . 1-p. m. dessert-luncheon Thursday,! Habbi Myer S. Kripkc will deliver I November 1.'*, at the home of Mrs. j Hie .sermon. Cantor Aaron I. F.df-ar j .Maurice Aresty. Mrs.-llnrry Wein-1 ; m d the Heth Kl SynaflORUO choir! be co-hoslr'ss. | will render the musical portions of j ! the service. ! Sabbath m(triiiii}; services arc at i '• l():.'t(| a. m. Mincha-.Maariv services j ; are at ~> p. in. I •>•• i The Sunday morninj; service is r-ii? le i.jiii | at '.) a. m. Following this service, i;l| 'iand he^inninj; at. O:.'iO a. m., the • •• •—-- j ui.ckly discussion - study session BAR and bns Mitzvah conf;ralu- j Vi . ith ]'(r)),l)i Kripkc will ho held. All lations •Am for all Jewish holi- '; fathers and sons are invited to atdays and special occasions. 1 tend the service together and par-Mpycrs News .Stand, 1502 Dodye '' ticiprile in a study session. WANTED— Hchiv'w Teacher to instruct 0-year-old h y in HKB-, •,.' RfiW HEADING. Call \VA 21.(51. '
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coffee with Rabbi Mycr S. Kripke will be held at Beth El Synagogue November 12 at 0:30 p. in. Sisterhood members will demonstrate various arts and crafts as a-means ! of carrying out the holiday theme. 1 Hooks am] t;ift iltins will be on j display. Reservations may be made j with Mrs. N'oi'iium Pied, hostess, j or at the synagogue office. I
izations DONOI! AKFAIK INVITATIONS ISSI'lil) Invitations . ;ire being issued to the annual Doiioi' affair of tlic Omaha Chiiptrr of ]Iad;iss:tli which will ljo a luncliPon at. tho Jewish Community Center, Thursday, November :>()'at j2:.S0 p. in. Mrs. Jinn Warlnii'f.; lUddiiy, a Iiiomincnt educator and loeliiror, will bo thf ijnesf speaker. Mrs. Radday also will bt1 i.;uf.st f-'pi'.'iln'r ;it tin.' dinner incctini; of 1 lie Iiusincss and Professional fltoup cjf Ilyda.ssah. Wednesday, November li), at Jewish Community Confer, at G p. in." .Mrs. Caii I.a};in;m, program ihaiiiiian. will introduce Mrs. liaddny. Miss Myrllo Freeman ami Mrs. Sally Meyers are in ehar^e of dinner arrangements. NKHKASKA CHAI'TIOIt I'.OAItK Xebr.-iska Chapter NTo. .'Ufi of U'riai B'ritli, will hold .a board meeting at the homo of Mrs. J. Upton, 4-lP.fi Pine Street, Thursday, November ]3 at 9 p. in.
will be discussed and formulated All members are slmmjly urged to attend. COKNIIl .'SKElt UOlHii: DINNKIt Cornhusker I.odfie B'nai li'rilli will hold a hus'iand and wife dinner meeting, Wednesday, November 12 at 7 p. m. at the Metropolitan Utilities Blue Flame room. The evening's program will deal with "Modern Fashions in f.Jas Cookiiif.;." Ilescr\ations may be made with F.lllot. Brown, UK .4092'or Willis Knr.tfin, HF. 72IW and must be by tliis Sunday.
fage Tliree >
iiUwSiS I mQ ESJif&S PORf
WON. SIIA'KICS TO IHO ON KISTKItirOOU I'KOGKAIl The Temple ]srael. Sisterhood will see slides on Russia and Scaiidanavia on Tuesday, November 1], at the ] p. in. Sisterhood luncheon meeting. i .Mr. and Mir.. Ben Silver who i<-eently returned from a trip t o ' Russia will show and narrate the slides. Mrs. Edward Levinson, Sis j terliood president, will conduct the I meeliiur and board meelint: at 11 a. ni. Mines. Yale 'J'rustin and Gilwn Newman will be in charge of the luncheon. Mrs. Edward Milder will introduce the program. Mines Bernard Allsulor and Maunce Aresty will handle table setting Mines. Alnn Bloteky and Norm m Lincoln are in charge of table decorations. Reservations may be made by calling eltber Mrs. Erum I.andow, TH 5789. or Mrs. Harvey Aronson, WA 7135.
SAM .MOTII1CUS CI.I'U I.l'NCHKON The Sigma Alpha Mn Mother's Club of Omaha will lie hostess to the fraternity's Lincoln Mother's group at a 12:30 p. m. luncheon, Thursday, November 13 at the Hilltop House Restaurant, Reservations may be made by eallinj; Mrs. !•:. Widman, GL :i-ir>; Mrs. Harry Friedman, C.\ V.WS or Mrs. M. Margolin, GI, •)G(iH.
I'l»il'Ki;s AND FASHIONS TO SKCONI1 CIIANTKAII UK Kl'IMIXT OK TALK WOltUSIIOl* lOlhol Dougherty will hpeak on A second Chanukah Workshop figure's and fashion at the next nieelinj; of the newly formed Cornlnisker Chapter of B'nai | B'ril.li Women. A question and answer period will follow. The meet-1 iiu; ulli bo held Monday, Novem- ! h'-r 10, at K p. m. ;it. the Jewish j Coinninnity ('enter. A social hour 1 will follow tho program, ; NI;TII IX'FAMILY : SAH1SATI1 DINNHIt Hi-Hi VA .Sisterhood will sponso) ] its animal Sabbath dinner on Fri-j d.'iy, Nov. ? at (J p. in. in tho Sy-1 iiiiHMKiK1 social hall. 'J'lie dinnor! will be followed by a short Sab- i batli service.
l» proud to icfifdinc to our nintl _
Mr. Bogdanoff has torved hundreds of men
K \VOMi;N The Pioneer Women's Ordain/alion will hold theii- montlily Ono^ Shalibat at the home of Mrs. M Colton, r>M2 (Jrant. Slreet, SaUirday, November 8lh, at 1:.'IO p. m.
in Omaha and vicinity with their clothing noeds for many ycart. Come in and "Doggy."
H i I' IIADAKSAII ItOARlt B & P IlHdriKsah Hoard will meet Tuesday, November 1.1, at 7:30 j). in. at. the Jewish .Community Center. -This will bo an open board mqptint; where fund-raisinR plans
KILPATRICK'S Men's Store Fifteenth and Douglat
300 Luxurious Rooms © Continental Dining
Israel's |ilio=plinti; dqio^its arc biing <K \ clopi t! and exploited witli the aid of funds derived from tlie sale of Slate of Israel Di vtloiimont Bonds. Survc>8 conducted by Israt.li IIIHH ialo|;i^l3 rc%cal llir prtsuuc of inilliniis of tons of phosphate roik in the \ icinity of "(Iron," (uvilh of the Mnrhtesh Uatira a n a of the Nefriv. Israel's |ilio-pbatr» arc hriiiR nuncil by the Nogov ['lio'phottii Company Ltd,.which U J I osubli-licil in 1952 \>ith the ntsisiaiu-c of Urae] Bond dollar*. ihirniR the pa>.tfi\o jcart, Isyail's production of protoescd nliosphaU's has increased from 16,500 tans to moie than 120,000 tans a year, Shown abotr in the Eiiow-hkc fields of "Oron" nrc miners drilling phosphate reck which will be loaded on irmLt and (hipped to such industrial plants n CcrtilircrA' nnd Chotuiials l t d , whcie the raw material 18 iifirtl in th'o niaiiiifartiire of ftipi rphi^plulr , loiiccntralcd ffitili/rrs anil Irho'phorir «a!t«, I
, •
. •" I
© Famous Hawaiian Room @ Year Round Swimming • Town Pump Cocktail Lounge
Dodge a+ 70+h
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AT 0686
Family Portrait* fay
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HA 1044 '<
Finest Ground Beef, Lb Rib Chuck, Lb
Liver. Lfa.
....J new flour mill at UecnJic.bn, built with the old of State of Israel Bond dollarn, will soon produce CIHIUBII Hour to meet the necd« of 250,000 Israelis.'' The plant nov) mill» 15 tons of grain dully, tupplyinR 70,000 people I* tbt toutlurn part of the country, bc-lurcn Uccr'-lieho and Elatll,
Page Four
Meiluch Katzman, Sam Katzman, Kcvee Kirshenbaum, Meyer Kirshenhaum, Rose Koneclsy, Norman Koniry, Ilyman Kraft, Abraham Donors who liave not responded Krantz, David L. Krantz, M, E. to the Needlework Guild Drive I Kreitsleln, Myer S. Kripke, Men"are.urged to do so to at once by del Landsman, M o o r e Lasher, Mrs. Dave Colin, chairman of the Aaron Levine, I. M. Libennati, Jewish Charities Section of the Morris Kinsman, Philip Lnbman, Federation of Jewish Wumens Ben Majizniiiiii, Jack \V. Marer, Morris Margolin, Frank Marks, Clubs. The following have mailed in j Benjamin Martin, Samuel Meiches, their contributions since the last ' Betty D. .Milder, Kdwanl K. Milder, list appeared in the Jewish Press: Benjamin M. Minkin, Jack MirJVtmes. Abe Bear, D. K. U e b e r, melstt'in, Sol Miroff. Mines. Charles Mof.;il, Theodore Henry Cooper, Hans D a n s k y , Abraham Diamond, Bertha Kllis, A. Newman, Harry Novak, Charles Nathan Feldmun, Charles I.. Fell- Feebler, Jr., William Polaek, Hurry man, Nathan Ferer, P.uebeti Ferer, PjieKinan, Max Keizbatim, Samuel Alfred Fiedler, Frank Fishber; Richman, Norman D. Rips, Roy Henry Fisher, Harry A. Frankel, Koffmau, John Rosenblatt, Jake Hymah Fried, Sam Fried, Leonard Roseiibloom, Leo Ilosenthal, BernL. Friedel, Herman Friedman, J. J. ard Ruben, Marvin Sabes. Maurice Friedman, Louis Friedman, Adolph Sachs, Samuel G. Salt/man, Keith Frohman, Ben Gareliek, IrviiiR F. Saunders, Charles Schneider, Jack . Gendler, John B. Giilinsky, Sam J. Schrayer, Bernard II. Schwartz, E. Gilinsky, David Goldman, Ilicli- Rose Schwartz, Richard J. Si'itner, ard Goldman, Samuel flohlwarc, Tille Sherman, Max ShniRO,- Earl Benjamin Gorelick, Walter K. Siei;al, Max Simon, Louis .Singer, Gottlieb, Barton H. GreenberK, Louis Somberi;, George A. Spitzer, ,David Greenberg and Steve Feld- Morris Stalmastcr, Abraham A. Steinberg, Sam Swarlz, Sam Tarntnan. Mines. Joe J. Greeulicrg, Jlay- off, Melvin T a t e l m a n , Joseph nard M. Greenberg, Dnvel Green- Tretiak, Morris A. Venger, F. field, Nathan Greenfield, Benjamin Wak.schliiK, Jake Wine, Harry A. Groner, Isadore Grossman, Samuel Wise, Julius Wolk, Irviii Yaffe, 'Guttman, Irving Hobernian, Nath- Irvine B, Ziei;man, Sam Zlotky, an J. Horwich, Harry Jan^er, Mar- Ben A. Zoonvill and Misses Elaine eel .Kahn, Jacob Kaplan, Morris Arenson, Sara Gilinsky, Sarita Katleman, Oscar Katleman, Sey- ZoonvilJ. mour Katz, Maurice Katzman,
Donors Urged lo Make Contributions
Discussion Group Is Sponsored
You'll Be Pleased If You Shop at
er 5 Quality Clothes for Men Open Till 9 Each Evening
Friday, November 7, 19SS
L-enier ^porti Class II Volleyball I.nugue The JCC varsity and Oldlimcrs will carry Center hopes in the on coming volleyball league Monday nights at. the Jay. The varsity te»n will bo. captained again by A Abramson, Members of the squa< are Jerry Cohen, L'lliot l i r o m , Slierm Poska, Stan Feinliei>;, I.indy Paul and Sandy Brophy. Last year's team finished in second place The oldtimes are led by Captain Orville Milder are Bob Malasliock, Phil Fox. Don Rice, Bob Fromkin, Hud SIosbui'K ami Norm
weeks competing for berths in the start of the eighth season of midg et play. Teams will be selectee and all lwys interested should en roll Sundays at 2 p. m. in the gymnasium. Selection of teams will he next welt. Pie-seasun will officially start November ](>.
Nature Hike riunwd Children in the older groups of the Jewish Community Center .Sunday Kiuulay program will nf> on a nature hike at the Fontcnolle Forest this coining Smulay. Nature appreciation program is be jnf^ prej)ared and a series of outKrnHnjj (irotip To Mr«*t door i»!ini''s aie also being planned. Fi'iieini,' enthusiast are urjjcrj lo Refreshments will be served to the attend tho firs! fencing session of children. tho season under the ahlr lutoriiiK Two (Jroujts of I're-School of Boh Carrett of the Offutt Air The Sunday Funday pre-sehool 1'^oi'w; baso. The first session will he held in room 21 at the (•enter. lias been split into kindergarten Equipment will he furnished on and pro-school Rroups because of Wednesday. November 1L' at 7:.'!0 the large enrollment of three to p .m. Iliilily IIusliKtball I'mlerwuy All boys In tlie 2, .3 and' llh tirades are invited to attend biddy basketball sessions at the Jewish Community Cent or Kymnasiuin every Wednesday or Thursday at 4:15 p. m. nring f;ym trunks, T shirt and gym shoes to tho Jay. Danny Epstein, longtime Jay Varsity basketball star is the Instructor.
Mlilgt Hoo[wter* Itcaily Boys in the 5, 6, 7 and 8th grades First in a series of discussions have been working out for two UM "Your Child and You", sponsored by the Omaha Chapter, of Hadassah, will be held following a Nov. 13 (Thursday) luncheon at 12:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Joe Guss, Ti'l Parkwood Lane. Maury L. S ch w a r t z, Temple Israel director of education, will speak on "Jewish Education and Ballet, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts and Bowling for 4-jear-olds."
five-year-olds. Tlie program includes rhythms, games, crafts, drawing, trips, stories, films and holiday celebrations. Registration is .still open and the fee is 57.50 for eight weeks and $12 for tha Ill-week session. Further information may be obtained bv calling JA J:K;«."
Youth Council Calendar Tho 20th of each month is the deadline for all cvenls to be added to the Youth Council Calendar, All youth organizations including noncouncil groups are invited to uso the service1.
Binding Laylnq Repalrlnc
Don Bernstein
HA 2554
I 1
You are cordially invited to inspect our j new and modern quarters located on the § ground floor at 1801 Farnam Street. | I will be on hand at all times to show you around, and also to answer any questions you may have concerning your investment needs.
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Members of tho New York Stock Exchanga • •
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§'m spreading fhe word on sometliing great!
r Yes, the Center Health Club is tho greatest. You will be a bet-
Low first cost - low operating cost, with an electric dryer You can buy an electric clothes dryer for §30 to $50 less than other automatics. And you can operate an electric dryer for just four cents a load—an average of only $1.08 a month. So the money you save on its lower otiginal cost will operate the dryer for two to four years (depending on the model). Electric dryen are priced lower because they require no complex mechanical controls. They hava fewer parts. Their simpler construction explains why electric divers require lesi service and last years longer. You'll be delighted with a new electric dryer for these reasons, too:
ter man whon you take my adHo Appointment! Necessary Weekdays N o o n - 1 0 P.M. Sundays 9 A.M. to t P.M. Free Parking
vice and uso the Center Health Club.
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GUARANTEE Any new electric dryer purchaioc k 3 from an NIEC dealer between Octo [^> b«r I and November IS. 1956, and ^ initallod on OPPD tines guar«nf«ed nes U i guarantee "that you will be delighted" or you money bade after 30 dayi' we.
For Mcmberi and Non-Members
JA 1366
1103 W.O.W. Building, Omaha, Nebr.