Vni w v - n i TCn in Cubllshea every frlduy. 101 N m i A A I ^ U I MI.,,n, Vol XAAVII ISO. 10 Omaha Nebraska Phone JA 1300 OMAHA, NERIU ;
Omahans will bo entertained with a program of wit and humor when Jon Silo, star of Broadway and Yiddish stage opens tho Program of the Month series Thursday, November 20, at 8 p. m. at the Beth Israel Synagogue. . The series will be sponsored hy the Jewish Community Center In cooperation with ll'nal Il'rldi Lodges and Chapters, IJeth El Synajjogue, Beth Israel Synagogue, Omaha Chapter Hudassah, Temjilc Israel and Young Adult Council.
Jon Silo
A Iniman relations cuniniittei' for tin; study of Intergroup anil Interfaltli ]i r o li I o in H lias Iiecii formed hy the Youth Council witli Jim GUMS of Itaylm and Sharon Frunfc of Delis us eliulrmen. Ch projftrts fur Council groups will he orogaiil/ed In connection with the committee's objectives. Other members'of HIP steering committee Include Harold Forbes, Rayim; Jerry Schwartz and Brad Epstein, AZA No. 1; Ronnie Gordon and Richard Friedman, AZA No. 100; Doug Plrilt and Mike -Hornsloin, Uonu AZA Harriet Schloff, Debs; Naomi Rothcnberg and Ilcneo Rimmenrmn, Rohfinue; Eden Conn and Arlcne Grossman, Eleanor Roosevelt BBG, and Diane . Fogel and Leslie Epstein of T'diar B E G .
^iC, a ( ^ j i , v o ^ ^ ' * '" 0
n i-»i.
1O.1H Entered u« Second-Class Mutter at fust- Single Copy 10 Cents ^JJO office. Omuha. Nebraska, under Act of 1879 Amiiiu/ Kate 1 Dollar*
Oirafi® First Stop On Tour of United
Mr. Silo will present a program of Jewish wit and folklore in his appearance here, Earl Siegcl, chairman of the Jewish Community Center Adult Education Committee, said. Star of the Cole Porter musical, "Can* Can" and an outstanding performer In u number of other ISroadway productions, Mr. Silo appeared on TV In const-to-coast series and in other television productions. A long background of experience In the Viildish Art Theatre led to work on the Broadway stage and in touring theatrical companies. Mr. Silo began his career as a youth in Palestine and Is equally facile In Hebrew, Yiddish and English roles. A foremost exponent of the traditional humor of the Jewish past, Mr. Silo uses anecdotes, characterizations and songs to interpret the meaning of humor for Jewish life. His appearance in the Program of the Month Series which was arranged through the cooperative effort of the co-sponsoring organizations is part of community cultural and educational programs. Mrs. Harry DuBoff will accompany Mr. Silr at the piano. Information may be secured at the Jewish Community Center. Admission to the series is free.
Ambassador Vaacov Tsiir
Noted Israeli Educator .Make Two Addresses Mov. 20 Deadline To Mrs. Use Warburg Radday, not- p. m. The program will also fea-
for Nov. 28 Sssye All publicity chairmen and those.who have news items to contribute for the November 28 edition me asked to have their material in the Jewish Press office by Thursday, November 20. Our printers have asked us to sot our deadline nhcad because of tho Thanksgiving holiday.
ed Israeli educator and lecturer, will be the guest speaker at two special events of the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah during the coming week. Mrs. Uadday will appear at n dinner meeting of tho Business
All articles, us usual, should )e typed, double-spaced and only on one side of letter size sheets.
B'nai B'rith Asks For Blood Donors
. • • . • •
This group will meet with Sol Littmnn, regional director of ADL and with Roberta Milgram, Youth Council director on Monday, No Paul Blotcky has been appointed vember 10 at 1 p. m. at the ADL office where it will learn about to'a special anniversary commilthe operation of ADL. A "human tce in the planning of a year-long relations" tour of Omaha will he series of observances In connection planned. with the 85th anniversary year of the Union of American, Hebrew Congregations and of Reform JuBen J. Gershun of Council daism in America as an organized Bluffs was awarded the Herman religious movement. - ICrause Memorial Trophy hy IrvMr. Blotcky is a member of the ing Cohen lodge of B'nai B'rith at Board of the Omaha Jewish' Fedthe annual father-son banquet at eration and is associate Initial B'nai Israel Synagogue In Council Gifts Chairman of the 1958 Jewish Bluffs Sunday evening. Philanthropies Campaign. Mr. Gershun; Council Bluffs Israel Bonds chairman, was selected by the trustees of the lodge for Meeting on Diabetes his outstanding work in behalf of Israel and the sale of Israel bonds. Wednesday Night* at The citation was presented by Dewey Park Pavilion Sherman C. Sperling, past president and a trustee of the Council The Greater Omaha Lay,Section Bluffs lodge. of the Nebraska Diabetes AssociaSpeakers included Rabbi Ben- tion will hold its annual fall meetjamin Groner of Beth Israel Sy- ing Wednesday evening, Novemnagogue, Omaha, Lou Bernstein, ber 19 at the Dowey Fark Pavilion, Selwyn Suvalsky and Ronald Gor- Turner Boulevard and Dowey. The don, all of Council Bluffs. Harold program will stress "The Forward Epstein, first vice-president of tho Look in Diabetes," Doors will open lodge, was tonstmaster. it 7:30 p. in.
ture American and Israeli songs by "Hadassah Troubadors" consisting of Mmes. Stuart Muskin, Harvey Lipsman and Albert Rimmerman accompanied by Mrs. Harry Duboff. Mrs. Alfred Fiedler is donor chairman. Assisting are luncheon chairmen, Mmes. Harry Ferenstein and Sam Ban; decorations, Mmes. Robert Rosen and Milton Abrahams; table setting, Mrs. Ben Slutsky and musical program, Mrs. Albert Rimmerman.
Paul Blofcky lamed
Ben Gershun Cited
and Professional group of Hadassah, Wednedsay, Nov. 19 at 6 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Carl Lagman, program chairman, will introduce Mrs. Raddy whose participation in Youth Aliyah activities have taken her to four continents. "Working on the event are Miss Myrtle-Freeman, Mrs. Sally Meyers, dinner chairmen; Mrs. Sarah Foltman and the Misses Elaine Aronson and Mildred Levy, reservations. Mrs. Radday will address the annual Hadassah Medical Organization and Vocational Education Donor luncheon, Thursday, Nov. 20 nt Beth El Synagogue at 12:30
AH B'nai B'rith lodges and auxiliaries will participate in the nppeal for blood Wednesday, November 19 at the Red Cross Blood Center, 432 South 39th Street. Mrs. Max Sachs, a five gallon donor, will bo in charge for B'nai B'rith and will be assisted by the Mmes. Charles Fisher, Bernard Goldstrom, Al Temln; Messrs. Sam Ban,. Willis Epstein, Max Snchs, Lou Canar and William Stone. . ' Donors who visit the Blood Center Wednesday will be supplied with corned beef sandwiches, Mrs. Sachs said.
Just in Lewis
The architect of Isruel's fruitful and friendly relations witli France arrives In the United States today, Ambassador Yaacov Tsiir will land at Idlewild Airport In New York enroute to Omaha, first stop' in a four of leading American and Canadian com'* niunltlcH in behalf of State of Israel ISonds, The Israeli envoy, who will be guest of honor at a Dinner of State Sunday night at the Blackstone Hotel, will hold a press conference in New York upon his arrival. After resting briefly, he wiJI leave there Sunday morning for a 2 p.m. arrival at Omaha Municipal Airport prior to the 7 p.m. dinner. Commilee at Airport Regarded ns one of the most valuable members of his country's diplomatic c o r p s , Ambassador Tsur will be greeted by a committee including Sam Kafzman mid Sam Rice, co-chairmen; Mrs. Sam Wolf, women's chairman; Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky, chairman for Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota; Mrs. Isadore Chapman, sponsor chairman; Mrs. Henry Newman, Chen chairman; Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Gershun, Council Bluffs chairmen; and representatives of the Omaha Jewish Federation. Kooper to Extend Greetings At the dinner, for which reservations are still available, Robert Kooper, president of the JewishFederation, will extend greetings in behalf of the community. Mayor John Rosenblatt will represent the City of Omaha. A m b a s s a d o r Tsur represents Ills nation in Paris with dignity and strength, and a selfish devotion to democracy and Justice which has won the respect of nil, Mr. Itlce snld. Prior to moving to Paris in 1953, he served as Minister to Urugunjr and established Israeli diplomatic relations with several other Latin American countries. He played a major role in the escape of hmidreds of thousands of Jews from Europe to Palestine during tha final daj's of Adolf Hitler's massacre of Jewry. .¥110,000 Mark Passed Mr. Kalzman reported the bond campaign has moved past the i $110,000 mark in -* Omaha andA Council Bluffs 1 enroute to a goal I of $200,000 for Z L1 1958. W * Joining AmIbassador Tsur on t h e .speaker's (platform will be 5aLeo Pevsner of Chicago, 111., notI.eo Pevsner C(i national personality. Mr. Pevsner,' former chairman of the jewelry division for the United Jewish Appeal in Chica(Continued on Page 2.)
Justin Lewis, son of Mr". and Mrs.. Lou Lewis was awarded a "Superior Senator" trophy at the recent Forensic Student Congress at Cathedral High School. He was Bikur Cholim Bake Sale elected leader in the senate by the Bikur Cholim will hold a sale student senators of his House, Justin is a senior at Central of homemade Jewish bakery, MonHigh School and a member of the day, November 17th at Brandeis S t o r e , -. ••-•-..••Junior Honor Society.
Friday, November 14, 19S8
'Alley Cots'i
,, .
IJjrfhf.j.,; IJjrfh
| ,': ;•:
Mr. and Mil. Barton Rochman Rohanue BBG will sponsor a of. Peoria, 111:, announces the birth of a BOH, Randall Irwin on Oc- rummage sale, November 23 at tho IOOK Hall in South Omaha. Don- . Published Ev«ry Friday by tlie Federation of Jew-tab Service Cast of the Mr. and Mrs. Coun- tober 18. Becond Olasi> fclulllnp Privileges Authorized ut Umaha, Nebraska. ors of saleable articles such ns cil Bowling League's Alley Cats Annum Subacrlutlun, $4.00. Advertising Rales on Application. Grandparents are Mr. and, dishes, bedding, canned Editorial Oi eo—J01 No 20ih street, Omaha. Nebr_ JAckion 1308 Revue to be staged Saturday, No- Jerry Rosenberg, Lincoln and Mr. goods, groceries, and furniture are Print Sh Artrtrecs 4SUS So 25th StTcct (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN '...Editor vember 29 at 9 p. rn. at tlie Pax- and Mrs. Sam Rochman. Paternal asked to contact chairmen—Bette ton hotel have been selected. great-grandmother is Mrs. Anne Weim-r, WA 15G0; Judy Wohlner, Its members arc Eunice Denen- Gilinsky. TK 5201; Rosalind Nofc% WA 3357 berg, Don and Kvie Hice, Stan Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cooper an- and Frances Cooperonan, GL 4721. Lipscy, Orvel and Adrianno MilNew pledges of Rohnmio arc: der, Nogg, Sandy Kaiser, nounce the birth of a daughter, Ne«i npd tmi>[tt'nLnKR Rt The Dr. Philip Lee and Mnxine Sloan, Sam Pamela Sue, October 22 at Clarlc- Siindra Baboiidurc, Maureen BorSlier Jnilelj IIIUIM lur Th» <Ue<) b j (Javld OrLow. Greenberg, Bomber and Mickey on hospital. They also have a son, den, Carol Fisher, Dora Gerber, Judy Ginshurg, Leannc Goldberg, KIDDISH: Mrs. T. Klotz gave Mnlashoclc, Bae and Ktta'Epstein. <c\\ Brent. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ilarbarii Gomberf,', Barljara Kapi Kiddutb in bonor of the weddinj; Joe and Flo Belmont, Jerry and if her gi-iind-flauKhtcr, Thconne, Sandy Hnduziner, Sandy anrl Pat- Javid Hobennan and Mrs. Sarah lan, Helen Kat/., Leanne ICraft, ty Bropliy, Ralph and Rita Cooper, "ooper. Maternal grcnt-grantlpnr- Sharon Kraft, Sandra Parilman, o Leonard Edward Do Porte. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kutelicr f;avo Norman Smeerin, Janet Winlroub. nts ae Mr. and Mrs. I. Sokolsky Linda Pricsman, fiayle Render and l Kiddush in honor of the birth K<i and Trickle Milder, Ruth Gar- f Los Angeles, Cal. and Mrs. Rose Marsha Rosenblatt. Officers elected recently by the .Cuudk'llgliting, 4:40 |i. in. f a j.;;rai]d(i.'iiif;hter to Mr. lier, Coleman Greenbei'g, Bob and lobt'rmiin. Mrs. Susan Ruback is BETH EL Wn Zion Bernstein. Home resident Marge Fromkin, Knt Meyerson. he paternal great grandmother. club are president, Judy Pollack; vice-president, Judy Goldner; reServices at Beth El Synagogue K n V C A T I () X A I. F I L M Joan Rips, Betty Muskin, Jack and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Feklman of eordinf; secretary, Knid Vender; will begin at 8:15 i>. m. this eve- •ii;HIi:S: Last Friday, A team of Lucille Epstein, Sonia Baker and Iinneapolis. Minn., announce the correspomlin;; secretary, Naomi ning. Rabbi Myer S. Kripko will jicilti-i's told the story of our Justin Ilorwieli. tlieuljf'i'j;; bills treasurer, Cindy deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron vater .supply, "A Trip Behind Your Back-stage crew and wardrobe lirth of a daughter, Janet Diane I. Edgar and tlu> Hcth K\ Syna- .Vater Faucet". This week, the membei's include Sonny Garbcr. 'ii October 17. They are also the Klein; dues treasurer, Ethel Sabes; serj;cants-at-arniK, Pain Perelman gogue Choir will render the musi- upic will he, "Getting Gas To Bob Silvcrnian, Ann Kaiinnn, Syl- arents of a son, Steven Brian. cal portions of the services. Sab- You." via Marer, Harriett Cherniack, Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. and Nancy Harding; reporlerbath morning services are at 9:30 KAISIS1.NIOAI, SEKIKS: Last Jeanne Lipsey, Tillie Solomon, Bev lax Chasen, Fremont, Nebr., ami cditor, Henee Kimmerman; histurian, Rosalind NOKR; youth conna. m.,. Junior Congregation serv- .veek, liabbi Benjamin Groner dis- Swartz, and Phyllis Swattz. Ir. and Mrs. Jacob Feldman. representative, nolle Welncr; ices at 10:30 a. m. Florence Blumenthal will aciiisscd "The Jew in the Intfiijration Sunday morning service is at 0 Conflict." These current events dis- company the show. Sherman LipMr. and Mrs. Manny Dworkin of alternate, Phyllis Katzman. Myra a/ m. Weekly discussion session :ussions are of keen interest to stein will accompany one special- Cleveland, Ohio, announce the Lipp will retain her duties as secWith Rabbi Kripke will follow at. •ill" "well" nyeii group and arouses ty number. Shirley Fogel is direct- lirth of a daughter Barbara Beth ond vice-president and pledj_;emother. 9:30 a. m. Men'of the Congrega- timufctting debates. This week, ing n October 4. They are also the tion are invited to attend the serv- labbi. David Korb will lie our iarents of another daughter, Amy ice. .'isitor. iue. PAUl/S CLASSES KV KN'ILLSII: These Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. MRS. ET1HX IIASI'EL' RADIO & TV SERVICE B'NAI JACOB-ADAS i'e lie ing held twice weekly, with ohn Solomon and Mr. and Mrs. TV CAR RADIO YESHUKOX Mrs. Lloyd Woods, Hoard of Kdu- Funeral services for Mrs. Ethel Morris Dworkin. Mrs. Solomon reRADIO PHONOGRAPH Haspel, 71, of 2120 California enlly returned from Cleveland Services at B'nai Jacob-Adas •ation Teacher, in ehar;;e, PAUL GOLDBERG Yeshuron will begin Friday at 5 COMING EVENTS:'A dale to Street, who died November 10 ind onrnute to Omaha visited with PL 6598 p. m. and Saturday 'morning at emember—S u n d a y, November were held Tuesday morning at the iier children, Mr. and Mrs. Sig 4325 Ho. 54th St. ; 8:30 a. rn. with Mincha at 5 p- ni. iOlh. The big event of (lie month: Jewish Funeral Home with burial Shattil of Wilinette, 111., and Mr. followed by Shnlosh S'eudos Daily \ Tea-Dance gi\en by The Dr. in Golden Hill Cemetery. Rabbi ind Mrs, Jack Solomon of Chicago. services at 6:')0 a. m. and 5 p. m. 3hilip Sher Jewish Home For The Benjamin Groner and Cantor Eli Ago /or the Community. Details Kagan officiated. Surviving are daughters, Mrs. BETH ISK.UCL •>;t week. Joe Dandy, Mrs. Simon Green. Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor YAIIltZEIT: Special Memorial Mrs. Harry Weinbcrg, sister, Mrs. WORKING MANAGER Eli'Kagan. the Beth Israel Syna- 3'ervices will be held for thc.fol- Joe White, nine grandchildren and CRUISE VALUES Experienced, Jewish gogue choir, and members of owins whose Yahiv.eit comes dur- six great-grandchildren. Wishes Permanent Position A.Z.A.' will conduct services this ng the month of Kislev: Kislev 1 evening, 8 p. in. Traditional Fri- - N o v e m b e r 13, Mrs. Joseph SAM GAKHOr \ EXCITING ! | M ^ DAY '' CALL HA 4716 day evening s e r v i c e s (Kabalas Cosowsky; Kislev 3—November 15, Funeral services for Sam Gar%g&0 CRUISES Shabbos) begins at 4:45 p. in. David Louis Morosnick; Kislev 10 rop, 4G, who died November 6, Sabbath morning services at 8:45 — November 22, Mrs. Meyer Pot- were held Sunday morning at the a. m.; and Junior Congregation ishnik; Kislev 19—December 1, Jewish Funeral Home. Burial was i 2 EXOTIC PORTS at 10 a. m. Rabbi Benjamin Gron- 'larry Dworsky; Kislov 22—De- in Golden Hill Cemetery. J Kingston, Jimalca; fort u Prince, Haiti er will conduct the Saturday after- ceniber 4, Mrs. Sophia Ncveleff; Surviving are wife, Rose; sons, HAlM$ noon class at 4:15 p. m. Mincha, Kislev 2 8 — D c c c m b e r 10, AbeNorman and Larry: mother, Mrs. followed by Shalosh Seudos, and Milder and Kislev 29—December Ben Garrop, sisters, Mrs. Lewis No Need to Look Any More Maariv at 4:45 p. m. 11, Harry L. Cohen. Asbyll and Mrs. M. I. Grcenspann. i . . . and 8 other fabulous cruises! Sunday morning minyon at 8:45, Here it 6 sforo that it open ALL followed by breakfast and the class DAY SUNDAY and Still Hardware, in Bible. The Sunday morning Opens January 15 . . . Junior minyon, 8:30 a. m. Daily Tools, Paint, Window GUis, Plumbservices at 7 a. m. and 4:55 p. m. ing Fitting! and Electrical Suppliot. The weekly Talmud Study Group plies. meets every Tuesday evening at ABOARD LUXURIOUS V/o sell Portland Cement, Roofing 8 p. m. at the 19th and Burt Street THE NEV/ or Roofing Cement, Guttering or Synagogue and s e r v i c e s there 56th and Ames Ave. COMPLETELY AIR-CONDITIONEO every Saturday morning at 9 a. m. Down Spouts. I Ample Parking We toll cheaper on Sunday* than TEMPLE ISRAEL •i Make Reservations Now for other stores sell on waek dayi. Services will be held Friday • I f' League Bowling • liew-bullt In 1957 • C5% outside evening a t Temple Israel at 8:15 ititerooms • Individual temperilurt controls In all ftaterocrns * Outdoor So LET'S GO Shopping at p. m. Rabbi Sidney Brooks, will Call GLendale 1470 tiled swlmmln j pool • Supirb cosmo. preach on "How to Protect our polltan cultlne (Kosher food tervtd on requist) • Ample dick i p K e for Temple From Bombing," [a. reply iports «nd ruination • Eltvitor to to suggested precautions. • I I decks • Enillstvipciklfli crew Ehabbas morning services will be Consult your t n v i l agent or at 11:30 a. rn. with Rabbi Brooks TRAVELTYME 3419 NO. 30TH ST. officiating and the Religious School choir under the direction of Miss CRUISE LINES, INC. Uto Your First Charge A CIVIlJOil Of WnitOVil TKAVCL CCXTCIt. U& Ida Gitlin singing the musical por CHAPTER No. 470 Account- Her* SOI f l f T H A V I - H1W VOBK 17 • lions of the service.
V/ith the Home Folks
DEC. 5 and DEC. 14
Bar Miftvah All friends and relatives are Invited to attend services and reception*. HUGH ABKAHAMSON NEIL MILLER Mr. and Mrs. Norman Abraham son announce the Bar Mltzvah of their son, Hugh, and Dr. and Mrs Daniel Miller announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Neil, on Frl day evening, November 21st and Saturday morning, November 22nd a t Beth El Synagogue. Friends and relatives, are invited to attend both services and the receptions which will follow.
WILL AWARD • FOUR DAYS *« 4h« L.viih Sroiiinger Hotel, G r o n i n ^ . r ,N. Y.
PL 5396 Commercial
ANNUAL CARD PARTY AND BAZAAR Blachstonc Hotel Ballroom
Join the.
Center's Social Dancing Glasses
Ambassador Tsur (Continued from Page 1) go, is a member of the nationa speakers' bureau of both UJA and Israel Bonds. He is past chairman of the Histradrut Ivrit and of the President's Council of the Zionisf Organization of Chicago. Active as chairman of severa B.I.G. Days In Chicago, he hai helped that city set a pattern for mass solicitation of Israel Bonds Presidents of every Jewish or ganization in Omaha and Counci Bluffs are expected to attend thf dinner. Reservations may be madi by telephoning AT 1177 at AT 109! all day today or Sunday.
: and • THREE DAYS ti the F.bulcui Rl.l.n Hold. Lai, N.v.
1, 7th and 8th Graders 2. 9th and 10th Graders
Kosher Meat Market1 and Delicatessen WA 5554
Monday thru Thursday. 8 A.M. to 6 P.M.
Rhumbs, Cha-Cha, Etc., and Other Popular Steps
Fee $5 for 10 Lessons Register at Tho Center
Classes Will Be Held From 4 P.M. to 5 P.M. With Professional Instructor
or Call
JA 1366 for Details
for Ike Finest Call Wednesday for Thursday Delivery j^BEsB^figa?y^agsrc&ra;aHiga'a-Ea.-»3*
Friday, November H, J9M
Organizations OOUNCIJ., WOMEN TO HEAR Dll. BUCK IIUMTIIItUYS Dr. Buck Humphreys, chief psychologist of the Children's Division of the Nebraska Psychiatric Institute, will discuss "Child Development from Ages Two io Four" at a 12:30 luncheon meeting of the Omaha section, National Council of Jewish Women, Tuesday, November 18 at the. Jewish Community Center. He will lie Introduced by Mrs. Louis Katz. The opening prayer will lie rend by Mrs. Harold Farber, In recognition of "Book Month," members mny bring books of interest to children and tccmigeis for the Psychiatric Institute. Mines. Donald A. Hice and Norman Dencnben; will present a srienk preview of the "Alley Cats Itevlle," the show to be presented to the public by the Mr. and Mrs. liowlint; League of the Council, Saturday evening, November 20, (it the Paxlon Hotel. Co-chairmen of the luncheon are Mmes. B. Gilbert Aronoff and Irving Lincoln. Reservations may be made with Mmes. Mnynard .Finlde, HE fiSIW, or Z. Gordon Kips, AT 4lj.'j7. Mmes. Colnian Greenbcrg and Jerry Raduzincr ore in charge of decorations. Nursery service will be available. OMAHA CHAl'TEK MI/UACHI WOMICN The regular meeting of the Mizruchi Women at the Jewish Community Center, Wednesday, November 1') will be pieccded by a 3 p m dessei t luncheon Following the business meeting, Mis Mome J. Fi.inklin will piesent a ptoj'i.mi Mines M.ay Zalk, Ida Blown nnd Fr'iik Sekar h,i\e joined the Donor Luncheon circle. They will entertain at a luncheon and e.uds nt the Jewish Community Center Monday, November 17th at 1 p m 'Ibe pioreeds go to the C'hildien's Vill.ige at Raan.ina, Isi.iel.
chairman, Mrs. Stanley Diamond is Jewel page chairman. SDT MOTIIBKS CLUI1 ELECTS OFFICKKS New officers elected by the Sigma Delta Tau Mothers club are Mmes. J. Milton Margolin, president and Sol Miroff, secretary of Omaha; Mmes. Joe Kaufman, vice president and David Brown, treasurer, of Lincoln. LADIES AUXILIARY PLAN ANNUAL CARD PARTY The Ladies Auxiliary of Workmen's Circle will have their annual card parly, Sunday, November l(i at 7 p. m. at the Labor Lyceum, 3024 Cuming Sts. The refreshments committee includes Mrs. Max Crounse, Sarah Swartz, Nathan Lerman, Sam Binder and Yetta Orcnstein.
Miss Kricsfeld to Wed in February tMr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Kricsfeld announce tho engagement of their daughter, Miss Karen, to Martin Wciner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Weiner of San Francis' co, Cal. Miss Kricsfeld is president, of the Delta Phi Epsilcm Sorority at the University of California, Berkeley and will graduate in June. Her fiancee is affiliated with Kappa Nil Fraternity at the same University and will also graduate in June. The couple is planning a February wedding.
Tat* 'ttntm
Mr. and Mrs. Ben A. Zoorwill announce the engagement of their daughter, Sarita to David Cooper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Cooper. Mr. Cooper is a graduate of Omaha University. No date has News has been received of the been set for the wedding. marriage in Los Angeles of Helen Klitzner Besbrls and Melvin BerkPatronize Our Advertisers owltz, son of Mrs. Sam Bcrkowitz, formerly of Omaha. The ceremony was performed by Rabbi A. Zeldon November 1. The bride is the 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Klitzner of Jersey City, N. J. Mr. Bcrkowitz is a graduate of the University of Nebraska where he was affiliated with Zela Beta FARNAM AT 36th T.iu fraternity
Former Omahan Weds in LA.
Come Meet
TIIANKSMVINfl FESTIVAL The Women of the B'nai B'rith Homy Monsky Chapter No 470 have completed plans for their annual caul party nnd bazaar, the Thanksgiving Festival, to be held on Sunday evening, 7:30 p m., November 23 at the Blaekstone .Hotel. Mrs. Bernard Kaiman is bazaar
Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff Let Him Help You With Your Clothing Selections
Kilpatrick's Men's Clothing — Second Floor
State of l e n d Development Bond funds are being used lo exploit and develop Israel's natural resource*. Shown above at Heletz, where several oil «triket hive been made, ate Israeli workmen adding another section of drilling plp« 10 «tt oil rig. Continued drilling at Hclett may enable Israel to meet all her 011 needs from domestic sources. With Israel Bond attUtance, an extension from Beersheba to Helen and then to Ibe Mediterranean coast near Haifa l l being added to the new 144-mile Elath-Peersheha oil pipeline, which w i t built primarily with Israel Bond funds.
300 Luxurious Rooms # Continental Dining # famous Hawaiian Room •
Year Round Swimming •
Town Pump Cocktail Lounge
Dodge at 70th
RE 5161 Omada
Someone who has "everything" would prize a portrait of your family! ^ /
John Kalina Photographer 817 So. 36th
HA 1044
1437 So. 13th St.
AT 0686
SUNDAY SPECIALS (Only) Finest Ground Beef, Lb. Rib Chuck, l b . Liver, Lb. Pickled Tongue, Lb Extra Fancy Pickled Brisket, Lb. ALSO MANY OTHER CUTS OF FINE BEEF AT REASONABLE PRICES
As Israel, prepares to celebrate her tenth anniversary of independence, • recent immigrant from North Africa, shown here .at work i n n cotton field, exemplifies come of the ways in which Israel Bond income strengthens Israel's economy. New industrial and agricultural projects help to absorb immigrant! into Israel's expanding economy; new housing projects give them a plat* to live, and the expansion of commercial crops like cotton, sugar iieel* svd peanuts, which receive Israel Bond dollars, are speeding Israel's growtk
Center Sports Ray Klrke and Fred Bernstein were the top point getters in the Varsity Basketball season openers lit the Jewish Community Center. Klrke paced the Paul squad with IS points in routing Lusty's 3i-'25. He received yeoman help from Sid Abrahams whose terrific rebounding was a main factor in the - victory. Steve Lustgarten and pan Epstein each had 6 points for the losers. In a nip and tuck battle which saw the lead seesaw several times, Robinsons finally won en., over Belgrades 40-37, It was the fine Shootins of Frod Bernstein with 17. points that ieci the Rulmison •attack. Burt Kobinson and Arnie Stern pitched in with 7 and 5 points respectively. Ed Belgrade and Bob Levey led their teams With 14 and 13 points respectively.
MIGET IIOOI'STEKS BEADY TO GO . S o m e 70 "midget" hopefuls are battling for starting berths as the league pre-season play will soon get under way. AH boys intending to play in this years league and .not as yet signed are to attend next Sundays practice session as entrants will soon be closed. Fifth .graders and sixth graders are working out at 2 p. m. while the »7th and 8th graders are practicing at 3 p. m. BIDDY BASKETBALL BEGINS Wednesday and Thursday after »chool, biddy basketball players can be found in action at the Center gym. Open to 2, 3 and 4th graders, the future basketball stars are an enthusiastic group as they learn the fundamentals of basketball. All boys interested in playing are to report to the Center gymnasium every Wednesday or Thursday after school with gym shoos, gym trunks and a T shirt. * Members of the group are Maynafd Forbes, Jack Slosburjs, Bob
I i
Youth Council So Hold Thanksgiving Service
Beber, Joel Epstein, David Herman, Jim Rice, Byron Wagner, Howie Jess, Steve Katzman, David Katz, Dick Sopiiir, Gary Soiref, Dan Milder, Bob Guss, Mark Feldman, Lynn Kaplan, Howard Halperin, Harlan Abrflms, Steve Nusman, Barry Kaiman, Hark Rottman and Perry Ratner. KAYIM VICTOUY Rayim drouped AZA. No. 100 in the opening game of the pre-season -12-33. Jeff Wohlnsr paced the attack with 14 points. Steve Guss and Bill Honvich pitched in with 0 mid 8 points respectively. Mike Plait and lid Wintrmib were the Century men leaders with 11 and 10 points.
Sam Altsulers Are Honored
Mrs. Appel f o Attend National Convention
Needlework Guild Contributors
A Veteran's Day dance will be held Saturday, November 15, at 9 p. m. at the Rome Hotel ballroom by Epstein-Morgan Post Nn. 200 of the Jewish War Veterans, it was announced by Robert E. Katleman, senior vice commander. The post's project this year is the purchase of yellow rain enpes and hats for the Safety Patrol of both Omaha and Council Bluffs Schools. It was selected as an assistance to the Omaha and national safety firogfams. Post Commander Jerome JP, Grossman, Post Department Commander Abe Miller, past Post Commander Nate Marcus and Delmar Klein are assisting Mr. Katleman. ,
Arrangements are being made for the annual Youth Council Thanksgiving service to be held Wednesday, November 26 at Beth El Synagogue at 8 p.m. An interfaith service is being planned according to Madeline Kripke and Eddie Sidman, religious chairmen of the organization. Invitations for the first time, have been extended to all eighth graders and their parents as an introduction to Youth Council activities. A reception will follow the service. Each of the girl's clubs in the Council, is preparing a demonstraYOUNG ADULTS PLAN tion of Israeli dances. The chairmen in charge urged WEEK-END IN MINNEAPOLIS The Young Adults Group are all parents to join their children planning to spend the week-end at the event. of December 25-28 with the Minneapolis, Minn. Young Adults in Minneapolis. They also are organizing a Thanksgiving party for the Hattle B. Monroe Home.
Feme Katleman to Wisconsin Post
Miss Feme Katleman. has been appointed director of Youth Activities at the Jewish Community Center in Milwaukee, .Wis. She was formerly Children's Activity Director at the Jewish Community in Omaha and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Katleman. Miss Katleman's new office includes the Youth Department, C h i l d r e n ' s Services, Nursery School and Children's Day Camp. She also was associated previously with the Jewish Center in Cleveland, Ohio, and received her Master of Social Work, degree froni Western Reserve, specializing in social group work.
OPEN I5OATII> MEETING Chapter and group boards of the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah will have an open meeting and luncheon, to which the general membership is invited on Monday, November 17 at 12:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. The film "Hannah Means Grace" will be shown. Reservations arc being taken by Mrs. Irvln Levin and group chairman.
Beth El Women to Florida Meeting
BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holt days and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge
phono JA 1200 U, insen tow Waal A" m Tho Jewish Press Current rat» li &o ccni» rot oaca fmn iloe Insertion. The press reserves too rtEtit to limit sire ol easb advertlaement
An Omaha delegation will at tend the 1958 biennual convention WANTED—Practical nurses and good practical domestics. Live of the National Women's League in or out. Good Wages. Clara of United Synagogues of America Randall Placement Service, WE In Miami, Fla., November 1G-20. 5217. The Omahans who will represent Beth El Synagogue Sisterhood, are PRACTICAL NURSE. Will live In Mmes. A. C. Fellman, president of or out. Call after 5 o'clock. WE Beth El Sisterhood, Myer s. Krlp0260. feo, national vice preaident of Women's League, Eugene Rich and CARPENTER work neatly done at reasonable prices. I4A B5G3. Ralph Nogg.
Mr, and Mrs. Sam Altsuler were honored by their children at a small dinner party Friday, November 7, on the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary, at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Bernard Altsuler, who recently m o v d Into their new residence.
Mrs. Henry Appel will represent the Beth Israel Sisterhood at tho national convention of the Women's firancli of the Union of Orthodox ">Je w i s h Congregations o[ America in Atlantic Cilv, November 17-19. Mrs. Appel's visit to Atlantic City will follow her return from London, Knglaml where she has been visiting relatives. She is the president of Beth Israel's SisterThe following Needlework Guild hood. contributions have been received Patronize Our Advertisers since the last list appeared In the Jewish Press: Mines. Harry Appel, Jack Bratnson, Edward D. Brodkey, Max E. Cohen, Harry Colick, Harold EpFeaturing , stein, A. D. Faicr, William Feiler, CANTONE5B Morton L. Fisher, Irving Ji Forbes, APP2T5ZERS Morton Frank, Leonard Goldstein, Edward B. Green, Morris Green, Sam H. Green, David GreouberR, Elmer Greenberg, Henry L. Greenberg, Morris E. Jncote, William Kaiman, Abe Kaplan, Harry Kaplan, Sam Kaplan, Alex Katz, Louis Kendis, Karl N. Louis, Leonard Luttbeg, Josef Mayer, David C. Platt, Stella Robinson, Samuel H. Rosenberg, Morris Kubenst'cin, Artliur. Rubin, Leon Sehmidman, H. D. \Vi:;odsky, Abe Wolfson and Miss Harriett Honvich.
Veteran's Day Dance To Be Held Saturday
Friday, November 14, 1058
Ambassador Yaacov Tsui*
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Greater Omaho Conun'ttteo for Israel Bonds SAMUEL L. KATZMAN
No.l specialist in storage and in local moving, packing, long-disfanco moving
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Honorary Chairman
MRS. SAMUEL N. WOLF Womon'« DiWiion Chairman
Sponior Cdairman
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Guardian Chairman
Grand Marihal of BIS Day
VAHUHtS.hc. Kj.
I a Stria* Hi. I a fcuCcecnily
CALL JERRY KRUP/NSKY for Free Estimates and Prompt Service
Don Bernstein
HA 2554
Campaign Cabinet'(in Formation) David Blacker
Maurlca Kafzman
Mrt, Horman Bondarin
Rabbi David Korb
Rabbi Sidnoy H, Broota
Rabbi Myor S. Kriplie
Lou Ctnat
J. Harry Kolatofity
Uadoro Chapman
Katl N. .UuW Mri. li'dor Lavimon
. Horman Cofion
. Jack W, Maror
Sam Epitoin Harold P. F«ib«r
Henry A, Nowman
Rabbi Nathan Foldman
Albert B, Newman
Mrt. Milto Freeman
M « . Nalhan L, Nogg
Abo B. Gondler
J*)ri. Ernoif A./Nogg1
David GoMmar)
F. Ralph Nogg
Dart Gordman Dr. Abs Gmsnberg
Jo» M. Rice Morton A. Richardi Sam RiWi Paul Voret Sarnunl N. V/oK
William Grodinslcy R«tbi Benjamin Gronor Mri. Morrii Grottman Jalca Kaplan
MR. and MRS. BEN J . GERSHUN Chairmen. Council BluWi
Women's Chairman, Council Bluffi