November 21, 1958

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V V V V I I A;.. 11 I'uDilnnca every l-'ruiny, 101 N MWi n \ t A I I \ X X X I I I Nil. 11 omalio Nehrusku Phono JA 13«G U-UAI1A,



•Special comment was related to the high calibre and experience of the cam]) staff as well as the overall supervision by the camp professionals and lay committee. Camp Jay-C-C supervisory ratio fur exceeds the nationally recommended I'fliio with an actual councilor to camper' ralio of 4 to 1. 'Members of the If>58 Camp JayC-C Committee ;lre Dr, Daniel .Miller, c h a i r m a n, .Mrs. Miller, Judge and Mrs. Donald Brodkey, Dr. Abe F e 11 in a n, Mmes. and Messrs. Norman Batt, Kilward D. Brodkey, M o r r i s Krman, Mike Freeman, Barney Hobonnan, William J. Lohrman, Harold Zelensky and Camp Direct or Saul Silverman, past president of the Nebraska Section American Camping Association.

During the past two years Camp Jay-C-C was visited by the S tion committee and received an excellent.ratine in regard to program, staff, and professional administration. Herman Crowcll, chairman of the Slate standards committee for the American CampSteve Bloch of AZA No. 100 and ing Association said he was very pleased and Impressed with the a Central High School senior, will total operation of Camp-Jay-C-C. present the major address at the eighteenth annual Jewish Youth Council Thanksgiving S e r v i c e Wednesday, November 2fi at' 8 p. m. at the Beth El Synagogue. The service will be conducted en tiroly by members of the Youth Two holders of the United State:-; Council, it was announced by M<1 Army's Bronze Star /or heroic ac- die Sidman and Madeline Krlp. tion will address the Henry Mons- ke, the group's religious commit l<y Lodge, B'nai B'rith, at 8 p.m., tee chairmen. A Youth Council choir has been Wednesday, November. 2G, at the organized for the evening by Walt Jewish Community Center. Wise,, Uonu AZA and Carole GoinMajor Alfred Koiasky and Cap- berg, Debs. Bill Horwich, Rayim tain Bernard B. Cohen will explain the workings of STRAC, the will lead the opening prayer. Other Army's global strategic planning participants include Doug Platt, unit. They will supplement, tlieir Ronu AZA; Dick Knslow, AZA No comments with "on-the-spot" live 100; Eden Cohen, Kleanor Roosefilm illustrating the Army's role. velt; Susie. Speir, Ediar BBG and Major Kulasky, USAIt, began Carol Comber and Barbara Berhis army career ns ail enlisted man cutt, Debs. and worked his way up through the Eddie Sidman will offer a welranks. He made numerous land- come to the gathering and Sarah ings In the South Pacific under Milder, Sandy Gross and Bette battle conditions and was awarded Wciner all of Rohanue will do a the Bronze Star with ribbon for choral reading of a prayer. outstanding heroism. Knthy Adlcr, an eighth grader, C a p t a i n Bernard B. Cohen, has liren chosen to represent her U.'iAH, received a battle field com- class in tlic program. The Youth mission while serving under Gen- Council I'vtcnds :in Invitation to eral Patton through four cam- nil eighth grader/* and their parpaigns. He also holds the Bronze ents to attend the event. Star with a citation for outstandMilton Kutskee, president of the ing heroism. Youth Council and Phil Kutlcr, chairman of Youth Activities committee of the Jewish Community Center will deliver brief greetings. Youth groups from various Ed Rosen, Hairy Colick, Earl Omaha churches nnd parents of Siegel and IT. Gerber will serve as, members have been Invited to join auctioneers lit the Thanksgiving in the service. Festival and Bazaar Sunday, No- ' An Israeli dance demonstration vember 23, at 7:,'iO p. m. at the will be presented by the Youth Blackstone Hotel. The event is Council girl's club following the sponsored by Henry Monsky Chap- service. Refreshments will be served by the Beth El Sisterhood. ter No. 470, B'nai B'rith.

Address by

Bronze .Star Vets To Address iHertry.

' ne

Auctioneers For-Festival

Call to Divulge Facts On Upped Immigration Jerusalem, (JTA) — The 100niember United Jewish Appeal study mission, here for conferences with Israel's political and economic leaders and a tour of the country prior to the national annual goalfixing conference of the UJA, was told bluntly that the flow of cash from the American campaign and from other sources was "inadequate" in the face of increased immigration from Rumania and elsewher In Eastern Europe, Igraelf leaders aro planning on re-

ceiving .10,000 immigrants in the next six months. Jewish Agency treasurer Dov Joseph, who told the Americans that there was not sufficient money to integrate the expected new arrivals, stressed that there were still "unmet heeds" with respect to earlier immigrants. Ho pointed out there is need for housing for 22,000 families and called upon American Jewry to Join the Israel people in closing transit camps and putting their occupants Into permanent housing,

U'Hcica us Secund-Cluss Matlt'i at funl- Slnmo (Jopv 10 Cents offire Omuhu. Nehraska. undoi Act ol 187!)/»ni,,,Mi Kute 4 iJullari

r Special Israel Report-

Camp Jay-C-C Becomes Nationally Accredited Camp Jay-C-C, the Foderatioi sponsored resident camp for boys and girls, lias boon nationally accredited by the American Camping Association it was announced by Dr. Daniel Miller, chairman of the camp committee. Full membership and accreditation in the American Camping Association is permitted only by strict observance of nationally approved camp standards and compliance with the objectives of the association, Dr. Miller said. Camps a p p l y i n g for membership are placed on a "provisional" status until such time as a .Section Standards committee is uble to arrange to visit the camp, evaluate the policies and practices of the camp and verify the staff.


Top leaders of the Omaha and Council Bluffs Jewish communities will participate in an emergency, national telephone conference on the unexpected, increase of immigration into Israel Tuesday afternoon at the Jewish Community Center. Sam Katzman and Sam Rice, co-chairmen of the Greater Omaha Committee for State of Israel Bonds, said the meeting, slated for 1 p. m., will hear a special report from Dr. Joseph J. Schwartz, executive An urgent appeal for more vol head of the Bond organization. Dr. Schwartz left for Israel this week aboard an El Al Israel Airuntenrs for B.I.G. (Bonds of the Israel Government) Day was is- lines plane in Iespouse to an uigent invitation (iom Finance Minister ,. ^ ^ , Levi Eshkol. He sued today by E. Robert Newman, J,* ' "*"** /*" ,**"'K ! will r e t u r n to grand marshal of the November 30 f "" * ' " ' ' <••».'• » < New York in time community- w i d e solicitation for for the telephone Slrite of Israel Bonds purchases. conference. Mr. Newman's call came as the , 4 Dr. S c h wartz Greater Omaha campaign to sell '' 1 was a s k e d to $200,000 in Israel Bonds this year come to Israel to pushed past the $105,000 mark. take part in a (See further details on page 4). \' discussion of. fi- : Volunteers are urged to enroll by nancial problems telephoning the Bond office, AT confronting t h e 1177 or AT 10!).'). ,, , , T „ , . Government of The grand marshal is assistant Finnneo Minister Dr. Joseph J. Sclmarti [ s r a e , a s a ,. e . secretary-treasurer of II i n k y LcM Kshliol suit of the recent Dinky Food Stores and is a native "resumption of mass immigration" of Omaha. A graduate of Omaha fi'om Eastern Europe. Central High and Stanford UniverOn his departure, DK. Schwartz sity, he earned bachelor of science said: . . .• and civil engineering degrees. An Ah' Force veteran, Mr. NewGiven the resources needed to man is a member of B'nai B'rith absorb newcomers and to enable The November meeting of I he them to become economically selfCornhusker Lodge, Temple Israel's Men's Club ind Tau Betti Pi hon- greater Omaha Adult Education sustaining, the new influx will be orary cngimciing fiutemitj He i Council will be held al Hie Jewish a welcome addition of strength for Community Center on Tuesday, Israel. November 25, at 1 p. m. and will "But, if adequate investment lie followed by a tour of the build- funds arc not immediately availing. Saul Silverman, vice presi- able lo establish the new immident of the Council and Center Ac- grants as a productive element in tivities Director, will preside at the shortest possible time, the new this meeting in the absence of the situation may well prove a serious Council president, Jack "Williams, drain on the country's limited reRegistrar at Creighton University. sources. We must find the means 'f.i '»/"-"* ; Among the many organizations through the Israel Bond drive to v represented on the Council are the help Israel avert this danger." ADL of B'nai B'rith and the Jewish Community Center, Joslyn, Omaha U n i v e r s i t y , Creighton The Next University, Board of Education. Program Of The Month YMCA, YWCA, Great B o o k s , t Parks and Recreation, and the Will Feature Public Library.

Newman Appeals for More B.i.G. V

« * j> 1

fleedfework Ouild

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E. Kobitrt Newman a member of I he board of Temple Israel and former secretary of the Cornhusker Lodge. Mrs. Sam Wolf, women's division chairman, said all members of that unit will participate in the annual drive aimed at making every Jewish family in Omaha the holder of at least one Israel Bond. More than 1,000 families already are bond holders, according to Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky, honorary chairman of the drive.

Seventy New York Schools Have Hebrew Classes New York, (JTA)—Hebrew has been included as a fully accredited foreign language by four additional public junior and senior high schools in New York City. A total of 70 New York City schools now teach Hebrew language nnd culture as part of tholr regular language studies program. Hebrew is -now taught In the public high schools of 16 cities in nine states, including California, Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, New Jersey,' New York, Ohio and Rhode Island. More than 1.400 colleges in the United States grant admission credit for Hebrew studied In accredited secondary, schools, and Hebrew Is taught in over 200 colJeges in the country,'

The Hon. James Roosevelt,

The following Needlework Uuild CONGRESSMAN contributions have been received from California since the last list appeared in the J e w i s h Press; Mines. Morris Sunday, December 7, 8:00 p. m. Abramson, Ben Chait, Samuel M. at Temple Israel dayman, Jacob Cohen, Simon Feldman, Isadore Forbes, David Admission is Free L. Fredericks, William Freiden, Paul M. Goldstein, Leon Graetz, Sam Hornstein, Philip Katzman, 1 E.-Lleb Kiperstein, Alfred Kolasky, Joe Kurz, Sol Mann, Alvin S. Nogg, N a t h a n Novak, Arthur Parilman, Edward Z. Rosen, David The Youth Council Human ReRosenbaum, Harry Shrago, Phil Sokolof, David Wine and Miss lations Committee in cooperation with the Anti-Defanjation League Isabella Gerbcr. office-is planning a Human Relations tour of Omaha, Friday, NoChildren to Celebrate vember 28. • . The lour will include a meeting. Thanksgiving Sunday at the Urban League, a visit to St. . Children will participate In the Benedict's church, a luncheon with Thanksgiving p r o g r a m being top staff at the World Herald and, a meeting with Mayor John Rosenplanned for all groups in the Sun- blatt and the mayor's committee day Funday program on Sunday, on Human Relations. .. . November 23. They will also preYouth Council chairmen, Sharon : Frank of Debs and Jim Gussof pare decorations. Each group will present a song Rayim said the tour will offer an or playet which will be followed opportunity for committee members to gather first hand informaby Indian dances. tion on problems of intergroup and A live turkey and duck will be intcrfaith relations. visiting each group and "a name and draw the turkey and duck" contest jvill be held. Refreshments will be served.

Relations Tour to He Taken

SI t o

EXTRADITION TREATED SICiNEI) P a r i s , (JTA)—An extradition treaty covering nearly all penal offenses except, petty misdemeanors was signed here b e t w e e n F r a n c e and Israel. Ambassador Yaacov Tslir signed for Israel.

The 1958-59 calendar of Youih Coiincilwill include a Stage Nitwit, it was decided by all participat lg clubs at a meeting November '}., A board will be'selecicd to se' ;p regulations (;ovocning the e.'..Hand to name judges.


Fagc Two


Omahans In the News

Published Every Friday by the Federation of Jewish Senico Jack \V. Marer has been elected Becund -las* Mulimp Privileges Authorized ut omuha, NebrusKu Annual Subsunutlun, $4.00. Advertising Rates on Application. to the presidency of the Insurance Editorial O' ce—101 No 2uih Street, Omaha, Nebr.. jAckson lalie. Print 8h Address 4S08 So 25th StTcct. Federation of Nebraska. (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN Editor Mrs. Leonard Del'orte Is convalescing at Lutheran hospital folBirths lowing an appendectomy. Lt. and Mrs. Don Klein of Millun (ioldlierg has been named Junction City, Kans., announce the birlh of a daughter, Stcphani Jane manager of the National Self Servon October 30. Mrs. Klein, (lie ice Shoe S t o r e s newly opened former Ilene Sachs, Is the daughstore at 20th and Oiming Streets. ter of Dr. and Mrs. Maurice Sachs. Dr. Sachs just returned from JuncMrs. Max Kal/. bns returned tion City and Mrs. Sachs will rehome after spending two weeks main there until after the Thanksin Chicago where she visited her giving holidays. son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Candlelight ing, 4:10 p. in. Mrs. Eri Marx and granddaughPaternal grandparents are Mr. ter, Rhonda Sue. and Mrs. Elmer Klein of Paw- TEMl'I-rc ISItAKL huska, Oltla. Great grandparents Services will be held this Friday Calvin SI. Newman, vice-presiare Mrs. Jacob Abramson of Oma- evening at 8:15 p. m. Maury L. ha and Mr .and Mrs. Abraham Schwartz, Director of Education, dent of Ilinky Dinky Stores Company, will preside over a session Sachs of Detroit, Mich. will officiate. of the three day Mid-Year ConferShabbas morning services will ence of the Super Market Institute Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Bernstein, former Omahans, announce begin at 11:30 a. m. with Schwartz in Hollywood Beach, Fla., Decemthe birth of a daughter, Ellen Gay, officiating and the R e l i g i o u s ber 10-12. School choir under the direction of October 28 in Dcs Moines, la. Pfc. mid Mrs. (iordon Elewiiz They. also have a son. Andrew Miss Ida Gillin singing the musispent a week in Omaha enroute to Paige. Mrs. Bernstein was the cal portions of the service. Chicago from San Antonio, Tex. former Kethel Bur-stein. They visited their parents, Mr. and BKTII KL Services at Beth Kl Synagogue Msr. Izadore Elewitz and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kahn announce the birth of a son, Marc this evening will begin at 8:15 Mrs. Albert A. Orueh. Larry on Ninemtwr 8, at St. Cath- p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will Recent guests of Mrs. J. Fregdeliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron erine's Hospital. ,;er were her son, Norman S. The Kahns have two daughters, I. Edgar and the Beth Kl Syna- Fregger of Chicago and her son-ingogue choir will render the muLinda and Pamela. law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. sical portions of the service. Julius Kaplan of San Pedro, Cal. Sabbath morning services are at Nathan Shcrsky of Louisville, Ky., 9:30 a. m., Junior Congregation and Mr. anil Mrs. Ben Kahn. services are at 10:30 a. in. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Cohen The Sunday morning service is All friends nml relatives am announce the birth of a daughter, at 9 a.m., followed by coffee and Sherie Hope on November 11. rolls and the study-discussion ses- Invited to attend services ami Grantlp.ilcuts are Mr. and Mrs. sion with R;ibbi Kripke iit 9:30. reception. Jacob Goldstein and Lt; Col. (Ket.i Dally services at 7 a. m. and 7 NKIL MILMCIl and Mrs. Michael Cohen. Paternal p. m. IIL'till AIJKAHAMSON great grandmother is Mrs. G. Neil Miller, son of Dr. and Mrs. Winer. Il'.VU JACOK-ADAS Daniel Miller will observe liis Bui' YKSIHItO.Y Mitzvah and Hiinh Abrahnmson, A son, Michael Lee, was born Services at B'nai Jacob-Adas son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Abto Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Richards, Ycshuron will begin Friday at 4:30 rahainson, will observe his Bar November 12 at Immanuel Hospi- p. m. and Saturday morning at Mitzvali at Beth El SynaROKtie tal. The Richards also have a 8:30 ii. m. with Mineha at 4:30 this evening and Saturday inoi'ndaughter, M-irlce Beth. p. in. followed by Shalush S'eudos ins,'. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Daily services at (1:30 ;i. m. and Leonard Sknlnik of Rock Island. 5 p. in. 111., and Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Who Would Ever Richards. BKTII ISK.UOL Rabbi Benjamin Groncr, Cantor Think of It? Eli Kagan, the Beth Israel Synagogue choir, and the Intermediate Thaf you will find such a large MRS. StSAN KUBACK "D" class will conduct services variety of merchandise in a nolghFuneral services for Mrs. Susan this evening at H p. in. Traditional Jlubiick, 86, who died Monday, Friday evening services (Kabbalas borhood store! were held Tuesday afternoon at Shabbos) 4:J5 p. m. Sulihulh morn- Yes—WQ do carry a big sfock of the Jewish Funeral Home. Burial ing services begin at 8:45 a. in. and hardware, palnr, tools, electrical was in Pleasant Hill Cemetery. the Junior Congregation at 10 a.m. supplies, electric fixtures, window Surviving are a son, Meyer L. Rabbi Groncr will conduct the Sat- • glass, plumbing fittings. Rubaclt, daughters, Mrs. Morris unlay afternoon Talmud Class at Margolin, Mrs. Sara Cooper,' Oma- 4:15 p. m. Mincha, followed by We also carry ami-freeze, furnaco ha; Mrs. F. E. Goldstein, and Mrs. Shalosh S'eudos and Maariv at pipe and elbows, leaf rakes, garJoseph Stein, Los Angeles, Cal.; 4:45 p. m. bage and troth cans, and leaf 16 grandchildren and 14 great.Sunday morning minyon meets burners at very low prices. grandchildren. at 8:45, followed by breakfast and 20-gal. garbage cans at $2.49 and the class in Bible. Sunday mornLOUIS J wire leaf burnorj at $1.88. Services for Louis J. Margolin, ing Junior minyon begins at H:.'!0 83, former Omaha business man, a. m. Daily .services are held at 7 2-bushel city approved trash burnwere held at Beth El Synagogue a. m. and 4:50 p. m. ers at $3.79. The weekly Talmud Study group Tuesday morning. He died Friday meets every Tuesday evening at in Los Angeles Cal. National Hardware He was major owner in the Al- (he mill and Burt Street Syna3419 No. 30th St. gogue at 8 p. m. and services len Ice Company, and had other business inler-ests here and on the there every Saturday morning at STORE OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY 9 a.m. West Coast. Use Your First Charge Here Survivors: wife, Bessie, LOB AnPatronize Our Advertisers geles; sons, Harold, Kansas City, Mo., and Millard, Omaha; daughters, Mrs, Minnette Finklc, Riverside, Cal., Mrs. Abe Winer and Mrs. Ben Papilslty, both of Los Angeles, and Mrs. Joe Bernstein, FREE ESTIMATES Mrs. Hymen Belrnan and Mrs. PL 5396 Max Platt, all of Omaha;. 14 Residential Commercial grandchildren and four greatgrandchildren. Burial was at Beth El Cemetery.


SAM KlIKUN Sam Kuklin, a former resident of Oma_ha for 44 years, died Sunday in Chicago. Funeral services will be held in Chicago. Surviving are his wife, Rose, daughter, Mrs. Neoma Salinsky, Chicago; sister, Mrs. A. Walk, Washington, D, C; and two grandchildren.

• f:

•:- - ' , ••'•«

Ken-s and happrjiinfrt at Tbe Dr. rhlllp filer Jruifih Hume Tor 'Hit Aced by Uavld Orliavr. ,

KIDDUSII: A tiered-cake was an added feature of a special Kiddush given by'Mr. Nathan Nogg on the occasion of his birthday. Mrs. Ruth Nogg, assisted her husband in the celebration and served the cake in the dining room as

KOIIANl'K Sl'ON'SOKINO r'MMAtiE SALE Rolianue is sponsoring a nimmajje sale on November 23 and 24 from 2 to G p. m. at the IOOF Hall, 21th antl K streets. Canned and packaged foods, clothes, toys, records, etc. will be sold. Anyone wishing to donate noods can do so by calling Judy VVohlner, TIC S201 or lietty Weincr, \VA ITifiO. The third meeting of the sixth grade YounK Judea girls will be held November 23 at the home of Harriet Dolgoff, 51524 Jones Street at 2:30 p. m. Officers elected by the club arc Francos Homstein, president; Judy Nogg, vice president and calling chairman; Harriet Dolgoff, secretary; Frankie Harding, treasurer; Judy Goldberg, reporter and Aileen Uimmerrnnn, scrgeant-at-arms.

well as to those, who could not leave their rooms. Many Happy Returns Of The Day, Nate! KABBINICAL SERIES: Rabbi Myer Kriplce will be our visitor this week. EDUCATIONAL, FILM SEKIES: The third film presentation of this aeries will be presented this week and is litled, "Growing Up With Omaha." SOCIAL KVKNTS: Sunday, November'.'iOth: The Tea-Dance—3 to 5 p. in. Wednesday, December 3rd: Council of Jewish Women Thanksgiving Part y. IN MIOMOKIAM; Mrs. Susan Ruback.

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Join the

Center's Social Dancing OSasses


Kosher Meat Market and Delicatessen 1. 7th and 8th Graders 2. 9th and 10th Graders

Bar Mitzyah All friends ana relatives are Invited to attend services and receptions. A L K X F , OKKOW Mr. and Mrs. David Orkow announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Alex Frank, will be celebrated Friday evening and Saturday morning, November 28th and November 29th, at Temple Israel.

Friday, November 21, 1D58

Rhumba, Cfia-Cha, Etc., and Other Popular Steps

WA 5554

TSLL 6 P.I Call Diamonds for Your Thanksgiving Fowl

Classes Will Be Held From 4 P.M. to 5 P.M. Witfi Professional Instructor Register at The Center

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Friday, November "SI, I98JI


William Novaks Leave for New York City and Bermuda Mr. and Mrs. William rtovufc left for New York and Bermuda following their wedding Sunday, November 9 at Beth El Synagogue. The ceremony was performed by Rabbi RIyer S. Kriplte. The / briilo, tlie former Trudi Gail Zcdick, is (lie (liiughler of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Zediek of Seattle, Wash.; the groom, the son of Mr. and Mrs. lien Novak. The bride chose a floor length gown of deep-lustered while satin a c c e n t e d -with re-embroidered Alencon laco. Her fingertip veil of imported illusion was triple tiered and caught by a Swedish crown of seed pearls. Attending the bride were Miss Lorelei Ann Marcus of Seattle, Wash., maid of honor and Mmes. Kenneth Weiner, Lincoln; Elmer Novak, Nathan Novak, brides' maids and Cynthia Novak, junior bridesmaid. They wore identical ballerina frocks of American Beauty peau satin. Flower girls we're Patty Jo Novak, Belli Novak and Sue Kllen Bernstein. Ring bearer was Marc Novak, Arthur Novak was best man for his brother. Ushers were Elmer Novak, Nathan Novak, Jerome Novak, Mervin Rosenberg and Mike Novak. A n t h o n y Zcdick served us junior usher. A reception at the Town House followed the ceremony. Out of town guests were Brian Kyte, Topeka, Kuns.; David S. Zcdick, Krandfiither of the bride; Mrs. Hen Marcus, both of Seattle; the Mines, and Messrs. C. F. lienion, Lon;; Beach, C'al,; Abe Sorkin and I. Sorkin, Chicago; Hen Zogut nnd Miss Cicraldinc Zogut, Los Angeles, Cal.

Renee Krantz Is Betrothed Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Krantz have announced the encasement of their daughter, Miss Hence Krmitz, to Sanford Kasncr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Kasner of Oklahoma City, Okla. .Miss Kranlz was graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles, where she was affiliated with Sigma Delta Tau. Mr. Kasner ntemlcd the University of Oklahoma where he was affiliated with Pi Lambda Phi. A February wedding is planned.

BsraeS tf© Offer United Nations, N. Y., (JTA)— Israel (old the United Nations it is willing to pay compensation to the Arab refugees if the Arab Mates agree to integrate those lefugees in Arab lands, and if the Dig Powers help Israel to assume tin? financial burden. • This formula was laid officially before the United Nations by Israel's delegation chairman, Abba Kban after the General Assembly's Special Political Committee liad been 'debating the Arab refugee issue for the last ten days. "If such a solution by Integration wore actually carried out and, if the International assistance offered In 1955 were available, Israel would he prepared to pay compensation even b e f o r e the achievement of a final peace settlement, or the solution of other outstanding problems."


Page Three

Miss Jetnger Flans

Women Check Musical Score

Mrs. Harry S. Janger announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss Elaine Marsha, to David Gelbart, son of Mr. and Mrs, Simon Gelbart. The bride-to-be attended the University of Omaha. Mr. Gelbart is o-graduate of the Radio Engineering Institute of Omaha. The couple is planning art early spring wedding.

Ray Kosakoff to Wed Marvin Malfz

Jlrs. William Novak

Johannesburg Has Jewish Mayor Johannesburg, (JTA)—A Jew was elected Mayor of this city, and another has been chosen Deputy Mayor, in balloting by the City Council. Former- Deputy Mnyor Ian Maltz has been elected Mayor, the seventh Jew to hold this post in tlie history of Johannesburg as a municipality. Chosen as Deputy Mayor was Alex Gorsiiel.

Israel Will Observe American Jewry Day London, (JTA)—An Israel-wide "American Jewry Day" will be marked in Israel January 2, 1959, it was announced here by the World Jewish Congress which together with the Association of American and Canadian Settlers in Israel, it. sponsoring the event. The tentative p r o g r a m for "American Jewry Day," which will exhibit to public gaze in Israel the accomplishments of American and Canadian Jews in Israel's behalf, calls for a number of public lectures, addresses, concerts and the exhibition of books and art works.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Nathan S. Kosakoff of Los Angeles, Cal., have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Ray, to Marvin Maltz of Los Angeles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Maltz of Council Bluffs. The bride-elect was graduated from Hunter College, New Yor.k City and received her Master's Degree from the University of Denver. She is a social worker and teacher. Mr. Maltz was graduated from the University of Omaha and attended Creighton University and the University of California, Los Angeles. The couple plans a winter wedding in Los Angeles.

—John Kallna Photo.

(I... to It.) Mrs. KIISMM, .locompaniht, running through the imiKiciil score of the "Alley Cats ltfivue" with Mrs. William Fogcl, director; and Mrs. Norman Dcnenberg and Mrs. Donald Itlce, authors, Tho show will be presented l»y the Mr. and Mrs. Council Bowling League, November 2!) at 9 p. m. at the, Paxton Hotel Ballroum and will lie followed by dancing. Admission is $1.50 per person.

Come Meet

Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff Let Him Help You With Your Clothing Selections

Kilpatrick's Men's Clothing — Second Floor FARNAM AT 36th

You'll Be Pleased If You Shop at Call Justin D. Horwich at

'elterd Quality Clothes for Men Opon Till 9 Each Evening


Change of Addresses Needed by Youfh Group The Youth office at the Jewish Community Center asks Hint It be notified of any change of "address or telephone number of Youth Council members for the Youth Council roster now in the final stages of completion. The roster will bo fifty cents and orders are being taken now, it was reported by Lou Rich, Pam Pcrclman, and Susie Speir, roster chairman.

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RE 5161 Omaha


Pago Four

COUNCIL STIDV (JKOIT TO DISCUSS. ISOOK Study Group of National Council of Jewish Women will moot Tuesday, November 2oth at the home of Mrs. Abe Bear, 2115 So. 42nd St., at 1 p. m. Mrs. Esther Richards of the Nebraska Psychiatric Unit will discuss Menninger's book "Love Against Hate." SIGMA HELTA TAU A L O I S The Omaha Chapter of the Sigma Delta Tau Alumnae League has set Saturday, November 22 as the date of its next luncheon. The affair will he held at the Gourmet Restaurant at 1 p. m. Reservations are being taken by Mines. Justin Manvitz, RE 9509 and Ber nard Hockenberg, WA 9256. YOUNG ADULTS ^The next meeting of Young Adults will be Sunday, November 23, at 2 p. m. nt the Jewish Community Center. Kvervone is Invited, HADASSAH MEDICAL CKNTKR COMMITTh'K MKETS MONDAV Hadassah Medical Center Committee of the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah will hold a meeting Monday, November 24, at 12:30 ' p . m. at tho homo of Mrs. Julius Stein* f>127 Chicago. Plans will be , made for a January.program. Mrs. Julius Stein, chapter chairman is being assisted by group chairmen, Weizmann, Mrs. Ben Perelman, Szold, Mrs. Dan Lintzman, Hcrzl. Mrs.. Max Shapiro.

1'O.U.K ZIOX TO HAVE SI'ECIAL MEETING A special meeting of Farband Poale-Zion will be.held at the Jewish Community Center on Sunday, November 23 preceding a dinner at 7:30 p. in. A report on the district meeting held in Milwaukee on November 35-lfi will be given by the delef-;aics, J. Radinowski and Benjamin Klniniiin. Delegates to ilie National convention to be held in Miami Beach will be selected at this meeting. Chairmen of the dinner committee are Mesdames J. Feldman, II. Bondarin,' M. Reisbaum, and M. Fehvlowitz. Reservations may be made by calling RE 0!)38 until Friday, November 21st at 6 p. m. Members are urged to be present by 7 p. m. GOLDEN AGE CLl.'B DESSERT LUNCHEON The Eddie Cantor story "Take My Life" will be reviewed by Mrs. Norman Whitman at the dessert luncheon meeting of the Golden Age Club, Monday, November 24 at 1 p. in. at the Jewish Community Center. The program also will consist of Yiddish songs by Mrs. S. Zwerling. Members of the YWCA Golden Age club will be guests.

1'IONEER WOMEN'S LUNCHEON TUESDAY A regular luncheon meeting of the Pioneer Women's organization Mother Chapter Win will be held Tuesday, November Bobby Ginsberg led AZA No. 1 25th at 12.:iO p. m. at the Jewish t to a 32-25 win over Rayim in the j Community Center. Mrs. Stanley second round of pre-season piny. ; Shapiro will present the B'nai Frank Goldberg, Stuart Babendure j U'rilh sponsored, "Dolls and Al Konecky pitched in with I for Democracy." six points each. Roy Katskee was ! The birthda'ys of Airs. S. Karl the Rayim high scorer with 11 and Mrs. William Rosen will be points. celebrated. The luncheon commitKirsi'hcnhaum Paces Belgrade** tee consists of Mmes. J. Kaplan, In the second round of pre-sea- Morris Steronberg and Dave Epson •variity league play, Joe Kir- stein. Members and friends are shenbauni's 8 points in the final urged to attend. quarter.pulled out a win over Lu-.tys 41-36. Jack Stiss ended high with 14 points while K'irshenbaum added 12. Dan Epstein hnrt 11 points for Lustys. The Paul souad, only unbeaten team in the pre-season trounced the Rohnsons 43-31. R,ay Kirke, led the attack with 20 points. Roy Katskee added 7 and Driz Kahn, 6. Arnie Stern paced the lose! 5 with 11 points.

TWO TANKERS FOR ISRAEL Tokyo (JTAir-Two 4G,000-ton tankers, ordered by the Israeli Government are under construction in a Japanese shipyard. The cost is the equivalent of 515,000,-j 000 in U.S. currency.

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HA 1044


Friday, November 2J, 1038

dinner Sunday, November 2.'i at 6 p. m. at the B'nai Jacob Adds Yeshuron Synagogue. Reservations may be made by calling RE 6816.

ZHT MOTHERS C U B MEKTINO TUESDAY AKNl'AL DINNKR The Zcta Beta Tau Mother's ON SUNDAY Club will meet Tuesday, NovemThe Chcvrc Tlielim and Chevre ber 2.1th at 1 p. m. at the Dundee Mishnaious will hold Iheir annual Dell.

Jay Volleyball Teams Lose The YMCA Volleyball squads won over the Jay "Oldtimers" 15-7 and 15-10. Don Rice's passing and some fine spiking by Bob "Fromkln and Phil Fox stood out for the Jay team. The YMCA B squad defeated an undermanned Varsity team 15-6 and 15-9.


Don Bernstein

HA 2554

Phone JA 136b io insect rout Want Ao <a Tlio Jewish Preas. Current raU Is 60 cents tot eac& tout ilno Insertion. The Tress reserves the rlchfto limit size ol each advertisement

CIIANUKAH CARDS BAR and Bas Mitzvah ...congratulations-also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions, Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge CARPENTER work neatly done a t reasonable prices, HA 5563. 5-12.50 Mah Jongg set for $17.50. 329 So. 70 Ave. Regent 3898. PAINTING-For Interior Quality. Pain line n i l PL 3G°.'3.

The r e c o r d - setting Israel Bonds campaign in Greater Omaha pressed past the S1G3,000 this week follouing a highly successful dinner honoring Ambassador Yaacov Tsur at the Blackstone Hotel Sunday night. The figure for Omaha and Council Bluffs sales represents a 15 per cent increase over 1957, and kept the campaign exactly on schedule towards its SUOO.OOO goal for the current year. French policy in the Middle Kast is based on close friendship with Israel us "the only staunch supporter of democracy in that part of the world," Ambassador Tsur said. Mr. T»ur, who him come liere for a tour of communities In <lie United States mill Cnnudn tr> promote tin: economic growth >t Israel through tlm sulc of State of Israel IJomls, emphasized Israel's determination to m "an example of progress, <lei«-lopmiint and well-being for all the .young States and nations Former Senator HerJirrt II. Lehman (right) Ii shown receiving a special hat have conic into being In award from Ira (ruildcn (left),, Nationid Campaign pjign Chai'rniun of the Israel ho post-war years. Ho ml Organization, ut a dinner in New York honoring the veteran slatrsinan: "I should like to stress the and Jewish leader. More tlian 21,000,000 in h r a t ! Honda were Fold u* a rcr-ull f I In* dinner for Senator Lehman, 'leaking part in the trihute to Senator bonds of deep friendship which >ind us to this great center of LeJiinun were Al>l>a Khan (renter), Gruel's Ambassador to tlif United Slatee, nnd (in liark, trft to riplit) Sidney J. 1'n^ar, <'aiiipnifin Chatrnmn of the Ouropeati civilization. FriendGreater New York Committee for Israel Ho fids, and Juines (J. MrOoncdd, ship to Israel lias been a nonformer V. S. AniliUMarior to I.Kra«'l. partisan issue in French politics hroughotit the past years, the sole exception being the cxrcme left-wing elements. Israel :is seen by France is a bulwark of stability in the Middle East, he only staunch supporter of Jomocracy in that part of (lie ivorld. It is to the credit of French political opinion that it :iad the courage to see this rears ago and to conform its Middle Eastern policy in the ight of this realization." Climatic event in the 1058 Israel Bonds campaign for Omaha and Council Bluffs will he he annual Chanukah Festival. ..Scheduled for Sunday night, Dec. 14, the gala function will be held in the Both Israel auditorium, according lo co-chairmen Sam Katzman and 5am Rice, The evening function will follow an all-day regional conference of State of Israel Bonds .ead'.'rs from Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota. Mrs, J. Harry .'Culaltofslty, chairman of the three-state area, and Morris Alexander of Chicago, regional chairman, will welcome delegates from more than a dozen communities; l);ivid Tesher, Consul General of the State of Israel with IieuriiiiuirtcrH in Israel, will pur(icfjmte in tho (.-onferenco and make u special presentation in bclintf of the Israeli government ut tlie Clmnukali Festival. James G. McDonald, first United States ambassador to the State of Israel, will he on hand to receive a tribute in honor of his efforts in behalf of Israel prior to, during and following his three-year tenure as ambassador. Veteran Chicago singer-cfimedhui I'hil I.lnil will return to liend tlio i-ntrrtainiiKMit program for the Dee. 14 function. A dessert supper will lie served, mill reservations may ho made now li.v telephoning Hio Isrnc! Bonds office at AT 1177 or'AT 10!)3. * The year's goal of 5200,000 is expected to be exceeded the night of the dinner.

Coll AT 1777 or AT 1093 to Work On B.I.G. DAY

Si The key to the l.OOOth dwelling unit built in Elath with the aid of Israel Bond funds was turned over this week by Minister of Labor Mordcchai Namir to a twenty-eight-year-old factory worker and his family who will occupy the new home. Speaking from a flag-bedecked platform In front of the new house overlooking tlm waters of the Gulf of Aqaba, Mr. Namir announced that 12,000.000 Israel pounds have been invested J n Elath housing by tho Government to date. ' The simple ceremony was held as temperatures dropped to 84 degrees, relatively cool for Israel's southernmost and hottest town, on the Red Sea, where temperatures of 115 and over are commonplace,

Moshe Sharett, former Prime Minister of Israel who is now touring the United States and Canada in behalf of Israel Bonds, this week called for a greater influx of Investment capital to the State of Israel. He stressed the Importance of Israel Bonds as the key channel- through which sucll capital flows from American Jewry to Israel. The Israeli statesmen emphasized that the Investment capital Is particularly needed today to help house ami give employment to a renewed influx of Immigrants from countries behind the Iron Curtain. Tens of thousands are expected In tlio coming months, lie said, and Israel must absorb them productively Into her economy.

Asserting that the next three months will be critical for Israel, especially in view of the flow of now immigrants,- former Senator Herbert H. Lehman this week called for a wider response to the Israel Bond drive, and stressed "the key role which Israel Bond dollars play in the economy of Israel." Senator Lehman spoke at an Israel Bond dinner in his honor at the Commodore Hotel In New York Cily, which resulted in the sale of more than $1,000,000 in Israel Bonds. Mr. Lehman was the recipient of a special award citing him for , his "championship and support of the new democracy of Israel through tlie Israel Bond drive und other channels of moral and financial assistance." Tlie' veteran statesman and Jewish lender, stressing the Importance of Israel Bond Investment capital, said that "us Investor In State of Israel ISomU myself, I can testify to' the key role Israel Itimil dollars play In tlie economy of the State of Israel. Tlm next tliren months will bo critical ones for Israel, especially- in view of tlie flow of new Immigrants Into Israel from E a s t e w Europe, It is fitting', ns Israel comes to tlio end of its Tenth Annlver-. s:iry Year, ivo demonstrate our continuing faith In tlio people of Israel by Investing In her 1 future." rj

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