November 28, 1958

Page 1

Clusi Multci ut t'ual- single Copy 10 Cent! ''•" lc ' t ' 1< U J orrirc Omaha, Ncliidsku. undej Acl of 1879 Annum Kjie 1 Ouliuri


Ma Ily lielle Zeff November 7 to December 7 throughout the country, Jews will be observing Jewish Book Month. Here in Omaha, in our own Jewish Community Center Library, can be found the most, complete collection of Judaiea in this part of the country, anil we invite yon to come in and browse. Whatever your literiLATH'S INDUSTRY, HOUSING, E5/IRD0P. ary taste, whether it be history in Its many forms, biography, religion, ASSISTED BY STATE ©F ISRAEL BONDS ; trreheplogy, or fiction, we have a , wide selection of books lo meet the most discriminating taste. For the art lover, a rare treat is in Store in our many nlluuns of art reproductions and photography. For the man who has liltle time members of the f'enlei" Physical to read but who would like lo keep abreast, of the times, we offer the ^duration and Health Department latest in Jewish and Israeli period- will lie interviewed on KMTV. icals and magazines, featuring the Channel ,'), Wednesday, Dec. '.'lid, at 12:'.',() p. in. Mary Ann Peters finest in contemporary writing. For those who are inleresled in will conduct the television interIhe problems and development of view in color regarding Ihe new Israel, we have hundreds of books physical education and health prodevoted to its history, economics, gum for women offered by the agriculture, and politics, as well (.'enter. Among tiie many activities ofOS its culture its art,.music, dance and literature. Our Israeli periodi- fered at the Center to receive cals bring the current news right public acclaim are The Mens and Womens Health I'rogram, Health up to the moment. M'hen you select IIOOKN for your Club, Slimnastics, Swimming and own reading be Mire lo see our Organized Athletics. many books for the children, from llui tmltllcr t<> the teen-ager. Nurf»ory rhymes, ISIble stories, holiday mid festival books are included. For music lovers, the Center library h;is hundreds of record albums covering evcrv range of Jew. , . isl, music. Ifvo.i like can.orials. -11.-.I roci.n dancing and I.alm Yiddish sougs/fo,k dances, Israeli American dancing classes willremusic or the classics, the music sumo fit the JCC Monday, Janlibrary has a wide selection of Ihe nary 5. Advanced registration for the finest in long-playing and hi-fi reTel Aviv, (JTA)---Pyrtieipanls cordings, with new records added new adult, dancing class may be from ]7 Afro-Asian'counlries in a made now by calling .'A 1 .'!(>(>. The lit frequent intervals. Among the new hooks offered at classes will last eight weeks, and Seioml presentation in the three month Ilistadrut-sponsored the ("enter library are the best will be under the direction of Mr. coiiiinunity-wiile l'rogiaiii of seminar here on cooperative niovefellers "Only'In America" by Har- and Mrs. Kugene .Jackson, wellthe Month will be held at Tem- ments were greeted. by Israeli ry Golden, and "The Knciny Camp" known Omaha instructors. ple Israel Sunday, December Foreign Minister Go\da Meir who by Jerome Weidniau. Just added to 7 at H p. in. (liiest speaker wilt Instruction is available for nil our collection are some exciting levels of dance experience, with be .lames Koosovelt,'Congress- told them that this conference was n/'\v biographies, Fannie Hurst's special emphasis for beginners and man from California, l(ep. unique in thiitiit was not "directed "The Anatomy of Me," "The (ier- intermediate dancers. P o p u l a r Jtoosevelt will speatc nil the against anybody. • iiliwin Years," "The Nine Lives of steps to lie taught include fox trot, Middle Knst sit nation. The aims of the parley were deMichael Todd," "For (be Life of waltz, cha-cha, tango, rhumha, The Program of Hie .Month fined by Mrs. Meir as: lengthening Mo,"- the life of Robert. Biisroe, samba and others. Is being sponsored liy Iletli Is- the life span, improving the standthe former Lord Mayor of Dublin, rael, Hctli .El, Temple Israel, ard of living, and development of Knrollmenl will lie limited, and Olid many others. It'nal ,11'rlth lodges and chap- natural resources for the "greater adults are urged to register in ad.!•'«r tin! latent word on tlm Mld- vance. ters, the Young Adult Council happiness of all without distinc. • llle Kant situation and Israel, we ami the J e w i s h (.'itnimtinity tion. .. •.-.-. luive Home exciting hooks written Center. liy men on the scene of history. We Admission is free. recommend' S. I,. A. Marshall'* "Sfnal Virlory," "Si'lgw In the Hills «>( Hfliron," by Duv Knnlil, "I'.'gyp in Transition," liy Jean I-aeoulure Washington, fJTAI The United nntl "Mitlilln Kimfliiillrtiiii'iit," by States Jixport-lmport Hank anLondon. (JTA>--Leo Abse beArslon Iliimtiunirl. came the 20lh Jew to sit. in the nounced that it is prepared to acNew York, (JTA)---Thc annual currer Parliament with his elecWe'll be happy lo help you in cept-applications for l o a n s in your selection- any time from 9 Israeli pounds out of the proceeds meeting of the Joint Distribution tion, officially confirmed as the a. in. to noon and 1 to 5 p. m. of a commodity sales 'agreement Committee.will be held on Decem- Member from Ponlypool, MonMonday through Friday. Do drop between the United .Stales and ber, n at the .Statler Hilton Hotel mouthshire. In soon! Israel which was signed on No- in New York, it was announced by vember 6, covering transfer of Kdward M. M. Warburg, .ICC U.S. TO SKI.I4 ISItAKI, surplus aj(rir.tilkirai commodities. chairman. Leaders of Jewish comUnder arrangements by the Ex- munities from coast to coast Will Washington, UTAl—The Deport-Import Bank, 25 percent of attend the meeting to elect, of- partment of Agriculture anIhe sales proceeds will tx> made nounced nn agreement between available for loans by the L'xport- ficers for Ihe coming year and to the United Stales and Israel which Irnport Bank to private business adopt, a budget for JDC activities provides for the purchase of Four Veterans hospitals in this under the so-called C'ooley amend- during' I!)50 on behalf of some $:17,742,000 worth fiiicluiliiiK cernrcH have receive!) television sets ment to the Agricultural Trade 200,000 needy Jews throughout the tain ocean transportation costs) contributed by the Southwest Re- Development and Assistance Acl. world. of U.S. agricultural products. gional Council of B'nai B'rith, The loans will be made and will be composed of nine lodges in Ne- repayable in Israel pounds. Interbraska, Iowa and South Dakota. est rales will be similar to those Sets were given to hospital* In charged for comparable loans in Omaha, Lincoln. (Irainl Island anil Israel. riloil* Fulls, 1'rcsentntion of the net In Omaha was made by Dan I.tid/.mau of Henry MOUHU.V lodge First Woman Assistant Cleveland, (J'l'A)- -The National the NCC invited Kabbi March U. nml I.onls Passer of Irving C'oben Professor of Bible Council- of Churches of Christ in Tenenbaum, of New York, execulodge of Council lihiffs. Ihe. United States unanimously tive director of the Synagogue Tel Aviv (JTA).-TliB first wom- adopted a resolution requesting its Council nt America, lo make a The presentations were a highlight of the year's activities of Ihe an instructor named nt Bar llau international affairs department lo statement on the plight.uf the Jews service committee for armed University at Ramat Gan is Dr. conduct an inquiry into the re- in Russia. Itabbi Teneiiiinum exNehenia Leibowilz who becomes ported moves in Soviet Russia lo pressed the appreciation of the. fortes and veterans. assistant professor of Bible and destroy ths human rights of the Jewish community for this exhducation. COMMUNIST CHINA Jews there and, it justified, to HAS VKWV.K JI0\VS Dr. I.eibnwitz warf last year make a strong representation to pression of concern of Christian New York (JTA)--Williin one awarded the Israel Prize for re- the Kremlin "to prevent any nnti- conscience and asked the Christian yeai' the Jewish community In search in education. Her weekly Semitic movement: such as our World lo maintain on unwavering Communist China has decreased bulletin on Rible study has over civilization has too often witnessed vigilance of the Soviet campaign against the Jews in order to avoid by about 2.1 percent, according'to 3,000 readers throughout the in the past." world. . . • ' the World 'Jewish Congress. The Human Rights Section of a recurrence nt genocide.

Channel 3 To Feature JCC Sports

Afro-Asians to Israel Seminar

Trade Expansion Loans for Israel

JDC Annual Meet

20 Jewish Members In Parliament

B'nai B'rith Gives Television Sets To Vet Hospitals

Churches to Study Soviet Treatment of Jews' Rights

Workers to Meet 9 A.M. at Center Greater Omaha will witness an extraordinary one-day effort to mobilize economic s u p p o r t Sor Israel on Sunday. No\ember 30, which'has been designated as BIG (Uonds of the Israel Government) Day, according to Sam Katzman and Sfim.-Jiice, co-chanmen of tha Omaha and Council Bluffs Committee Tor State otjsiael Bonds The i n t en s i ye push will ba launched at 9 a. in. Sunday with a •breakfast meeting of. volunteer* at the Omaha Jewish Comrmmrty Center.-Oilier-'worker* wilj meet in their own neighboi hoods, of Omaha and Cinmci) Bluffs, Corfes and bagels will be sened at th» JCC, according to BIG Day Giand Marshal K. Kobert Newman. jMr. Newman reempluiil/ud lilt call for more volunteers today. I In said men mid women interested la ilevoting as little as one Jiour on .Sunday .should telephone the Israel Ilmnln off lee today or Sundin at AT I IT! ur AT HttM. 1,M« tmv« lieen pripared boili In Keogiapli. leal area anil liy inilh Idual nanien, lie said. '.'In I'eceiit monllis, Isi lei has proved itself llie strong! si bulwdik of democracy in Ihe Middle J.'ast," Mr. Kal/.mim'said. "IsiacVs eco> nomic streiigll' must be maintained, for the crisis in thai patt of the world is still umesolved, and Israel inust face the possibility of danger for some lime to come, "The vital need to aid, Israel'* economy at this time \v'n\ b» brought directly into Jeuish homea in our cornlnunity hnd In many, other^communities byjde\oted men. and women Israel Bond volunteer Workers,'.' Mr, Rice said, "Heading the intensive Qne-day canvais ia Omuha and CovmciV B\uf!s on B1Q Day will be E. Kobert Newman, communal leader, who has aocepted the post of Grand Marshal," Mr. Kalzman announced Stressing the central role ot Israel Bonds In the absorption ot immigrants, Mr. Nnwmnn saWi "Israel now faics new problems of Immigration, with unexpected waves or immigrants coming in fro Kamslern Kiiropc, Israel must he reaily lo provide the thousand* of new Immigrants with n lionie, einiilojntent »ni\ the opportunity to enjoy their new-found freedom. "Israel Kor.d investment funds are needed to make this possible. New centers of population and inlluslry must be built in the Ni'gev. Water must, be brought to hurtdreils oC thnusnnils of <u 1 es of land through the completion of tha second stage of the pipeline fiom the Yarkon River to the NeRev. The harbor at Klalh on the Gulf of Aijaba must be greatly expanded, and a new harbor at Ashdoil must must be put into service. New industries must be built, including a rayon plant at Ashdod, a cosmetics factory in the sama town, textile plants at Na?areth. and Dimonah, and new steel plant* in the Haifa Hay area With tha aid of Israel Bonds, the country must be prepared to maintain a population of at least 2,'>00,000 five years from now. "That Is why tin' iniporlunco of ISK; Day cannot li« <>\er-enipuasl/.ed," Mr. Ijlce said. "In order to unsure that (irenter Omaha Will fulfill its Mi g n l f l e a n t role In achieving unprecedented results for Israel ISIIIHIH, a record ttumlior of Israel Hoiul volunteer uorlrori will lie needed. I am 1 niifideiit that iindnr the leadorship of K. Kofwrt (Ciinfmue.1' on Page 4 )


Page Two



Friday, November 28, 1958


Published Every Friday by the lederatloD of Jewish Service tiecuna .last Mulling ^nvtteges Autliunzea ui umuhu, NebrusKu ' " iii'utlon Annum SuDsci'lutiun, $4.UU AUveci.sing Raiea on Aiipilcutlon Edltuilu. o .•(•— 101 No 'JOih street, Oinuha. Nt-br.. JAc' ftckson Print Sh Address 4SUS i o 2Sth Stiret



Deaths MliS. NEl LAII KPSTKIIi Services for Mrs. Betilah Epstc-in. 5(i. of 1)22 South One Hundred K'jurtcenth Street, were Sunrl.iy afti'Minon at the Jewish Fu-

Religious Services

n the i


IIT.II Jlunir.

C;iN(Hi'!i(,'liIiiiK 1 :.'47 j>. m .

BKTII *X St'iAiccs at Beth I.'I Syiiat'iiKut.' this evening will begin at 8:1:5 p. ni. Raljlii Ralph DeKovcn will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue choir will render the musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning services are at 9:30 a. m., Junior Congregation services are at 10:30 a. m. The Sunday morning service is at 9 a. m.( followed by coffee and rolls wtih Rev. Alexander Katz at 9:30. Daily services at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m.

Mrs. Epstein, who died Saturday in a local hospital, was the widow of Joseph Epstein. She is survived by a son, David, a sister, Mrs. Bess Roitstein, both of Omaha; two brothers, Jack and Abe Cohen ,of Los Angeles, Cal.; and three grandchildrei. Burial was in Golden Hill Cemetery. MKS. EDWARD VERET Funeral services for Mrs. Edward Veret of New York City, who died Saturday, were held there Sunday. Paul Veret of Omaha, brother-in-law, attended the services.

Foreign Films To Be Shown

BETH ISItAEL Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Eli Kagan, The Beth Israel SynaAmong the many programs and gogue Choir, and Intermediate "C" class will conduct late Friday eve- activities provided by the Adult ning services at 8:00 p. m. Topic Education Department of the Cenof Rabbi Grower's sermon will be ter will be the forthcoming For"Looking Backwards." Traditional eign Film Series. The Series will feature outFriday evening services (Kabbalas Shabbos) at 4:45 p. m, Sabbath standing film works of art and morning services begin at 8:45. literature from all parts of the and the Junior congregation meets world directed and produced by at 10 a. m. Rabbi Groner will con- the "greats" of the film industry. A series ticket may be purduct the Saturday afternoon Talmud Class at 4:15 p. m., and Min- chased just as soon as final plans have been completed, Earl Siegal, cha, followed by S'eudo.s and Maarjv will beijiii at 4:45 Adult Activities chairman, announced. For additional informap. m. Sunday morninf: minyon mijets i tion call JA 1?.C,G. at 8:45, followed by breakfast and then Bible class. Sunday mornin;; Junior minyon begins at R:.'!0 a. in. Daily services are hnld at 7 a. m. and 4:50 p. m. Services ThanksJerusalem—The first tracks of giving Day will begin at S:45 a. m. the Bcershaba - Dimona railway Weekly T a l m u d study group line were laid last week. Delegates meets at the 19th and Hurt Street who attended the "Bonds' for IsSynagogue every Tuesday at S rael" Conference participated in p. m., with services there Satur- tho ceremony and tightened the day morning at 9 a. m. gold-plated screws used in this first section. B'NAI JACOB-ADAS The Beersheba-Dimona line will be about 22 miles long nnd will Services at B'nai Jacob-Adas take two years to complete. As Yeshuron will begin Friday at 4:30 soon as the project is completed, p. m. and Saturday morning at work will start on an extension 8:30 a. m. with Mincha at 4:30 line to Oron and the phosphate p. m. followed by Shalosh S'cudos works 23 miles away. The lines Dally services at 6:30 a. m. and from Oron will go to Elath and 5p.m. Sodom. It wns also planned to luiild another linn SKTOSS t h e TEMPLE ISRAEL NCRCV, linking Elath,with the new ' Services will be held this Friday port at Ashdod. Evening at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Broo':s will preach on "How A Modern Jol> CATHOLIC DONATES TO Celebrated Thanksgiving. A Scene BOMB DAMAGED TEMPLE From J. B. And Our Own Home." New York, IJTA i -James GeriSabbas morning services will be- ty Jr., a Catholic layman and vice gin at 11:30 a. m. wilh Maury L. chairman of the sponsors commitSchwartz officiating and the Re- tee of Religion 4n American Life, ligious School Choir under the di- has donated $1,000 toward the rection of Miss Ida Gitlin singing cost of rebuilding the bomb-damthe musical portions of the service aged Atlanta, Ga. Reform Temple.

ieershebcs-Demona Railway Link

JR. COLONY, home for famous junior names The women to whom "junior" is a si7Ci not an oge, know our junior colony is headquarters Jor holiday and everyday fashions. They've learned that we carry the largest selection of Ihe best junior styles—and at a right price!

a- JONATHAN LOGAN wool sheath ' ' ; • vith bateau neck trimmed i»llh grosgrain, cap »leeve3, kick pleal. Black or navy blue. Sizes 5 to 15 17.95

b. MR. MORT winter while wool sheath •with lor.g z i p p e r e d sleeves, empire waisl with busllino deiailing, V b a c k w i t h bow.

Sizes to IS



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Junior tolony •-third Hoot

Ca!J Diamonds for Your Thanksgiving Fowl TURKEYS—DUCKS—GEESE—CAPONS Call Tuesday for Wednesday Delivery Open Thanksgiving Till 3:00 P.M.


i Friday, November 88, 1958


Lesly Klein Wed in Evening Ceremony

Music Group

Center Topics




Name Hadassah Gapfs.

Bar and Bas ^li

Carolyn Cohn Married

Captains for the Hadassah Medical organization and vocational education have been named by the A candlelight ceremony con- the illusion of a band of satin and three groups of Hadassnh. ducted by Rabbi Myer S. Kripke seed pearls encircling the entire They are: Szold group, Mines. united Carolyn Cohn and Arnold skirt. Robert Kooper, I. B. Zies;man Jay Stern Sunday night at Beth Julius Stein, Max Simon, Aaron Kips, David Katlcman, Morris Ka- El Synagogue. A reception and tleman, N. W. Gimplo, Morris buffet supper followed at HighGrossman, Abe Hoffman, Sam land Country Club. Katzman, Jrvin Levin, Isidor LcvThe bride is the daughter of Mr. inson, Henry A. Newman, Dave and Mrs. Seymour Cohn, the Sherman, Max Greenberi;, J. J groom (be son of Mr. and Mrs. Friedman, Sam Geifman, Jack Samuel H. Stern. Green, Wm. Raduziner, Norman The bride wore a floor length Rips, Louis Cannr, Ben Fisher. «(iwn of Alencon lace over ivory Nathan Nogg, Harold Block, Ir- slipper satin. vin Rubinow, Philip Turek, Phil The bride's three-tier, imported Gerclick, J. J. Frcidcn, Sam Da-illusion elbow length veil fell from vis, Harold Coopermaii, H. B. a tiara of orange blossoms and Brodlcey, A. V. Friedman, J. II. forget-me-nots. She carried a hand Kulakofsky, Sidney Katlcman. bouquet of white butterfly orchids. Her/.l group: Mines, Isadore Matron of honor was Mrs. l l a Aurnmson, Louis Albert, Abe Bear. non Swiskay of Plainview, N. Y. David Blacker, David Brodkey, It. Bridesmaids were the Misses SanM. Canar, Homer Farber, Alfred dra Fiedler and Marlene Swartz Fiedler, I. M. Tretiak, Robert Rim- of Omaha. Julie Bernstein of merman, Elmer Gross, Julius Omaha was the flower girl. Katzman, Max Shapiro, Irving Best man was Howard Stern of Scbneiderman, Ben Sherman, Leo Omaha and the ushers were DonMrs. Arnold Stern Weitz, Albert Wohlner, Sam TCoth-ald Stern, Justin Horwich, Justin enberg, Nathan Belzer, Lou Sogo- Stern and Donald Fisher, all of low, Meyer Rubin, Theo. Sanford, Omaha, and William Goldman oC David Platt, 'Art Abrams, Lloyd Lincoln. Banks, Reuben Bordy, Seymour The princess lines rose to a Cohn, Herman Friedman, Sam Ep- snug bodice with deep scoop neckstein, Arthur Goldstein, Ben Perel- line outlined with a band of satin man, Harry Ravi tz, Morton Rich- and seed pearls. The long fitted ards, Henry Riekes, Carl Riekcs, sleeves tapered to points at the I. H. Weiner, Ira WhitebooU, wrists. Around the lower part of FMttlMA AT 36th Aaron Levine. the skirt, the lace parted to give Weizmann group: Miss Fannie Grodinsky, Mmcs. Max Novak, Joe GORDON STORAGE Bernstein, Max Bittner, Edw. D. WAREHOUSE, INC. Brodkey, Fred Brodkey, Harry Ferenstein, Stanley Fisk, Leon JA 3032 Gractz, La/.ar Kaplan, Arthur 1201 JONES Kulakofsky, Michael Krasne, Moo Linsman, F. Ralph Nogg, Ben Pcrclman, Joe Rice, Dave Stein, Samuel Stern, Adolph Trost, E. I. no.l specialists in Widman, Lou Lewis, Wm. Alberts, storage, packing, local Hyman Belman, A. B. Gendler, and long-distance moving Jack Kaufman, David Krantz, Maurice Newman, M. IT. Pessen, Morris Rosenblatt, Abe Slusky, Al Weinberg, Samuel Wolf, Ben MHED Waldman, Herman White. VAX LIKES, Inc.

Miss Losly Klein became the home in Kansas City follow ing a bride of Isadora I. Oznr of Kansas weddinc trip to New York City City, Mo., .Sunday in an early eve- and the Carribean Islands, ning ceremony at Temple Israel. Itabbi Sidney Brooks officiated. The bride is tin; dau^htoi- of Mrs. Leonard L. Klein, (he groom, the BOH of Mr. and Mrs. Simon of Kansas City. The bride's cown of pure si lit •faffeta and imported Alencon lace, was an original by Vene. The sculptured bodico featured a portrait neckline outlined by re-embroidered lace. Her fiiiKertisi veil of triple-tiered illusion was caught by a jcweleil Mury-Quecn-of Scot cap. She carried a white orchid on ii white prayer book. Mrs. Seymour Werner of Kansas City was her matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Z. Gordon Kips and Miss Patricia MOKN. The »' .' attendants wore identical gowns of American Beauty pean satin. Julie Tiii'on served as flower f;iii. Pr. Milton Ozar of Kansas City was best, man for his brother. Groomsmen- wore Frank Morgan .Mrs. iKuilurit I. O/.ar «nd Jerry Kosenbloom of Kansas City. Servini; as ushers were Arnold Robinson of Norfolk, Nebr.; William Lowcnstein and George Aylward of Kansas City. A dinner followed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. O/.ar will be at The Jewish Community Center announces the Classical Music Group will meet Sunday, December 14, 7:45 p. m. at the home of Itwm coiNcn. I:OSTI:K Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cohen, 1701 The Youth Council' Kostcr for S. 61 Avenue. 3058-59 will be given to the printer within the next, week, it was an- Please notify Mrs. Cohen, HK nounced by I>ou Rich, Pain Perel- 357], if you plan to attend. The inan and Susie Speir, Youth Coun- program will include Beethoven, cil roster chairmen. If there are Tchaikovsky, DeBussy and Hoist. »iny changes of address or pnonu jiumber, please notify the Youth Council office immediately. Orders for rosters are now beitus taken All friends and relatives nre in the Activities Office. Price is Invited to ntl'iid services and receptions. CO cents. YOIJ'TH COUNCIL MEKTl'N<i AI.KX OKKOW Youth Council meets Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. David Orkow anPatronize Our Advertisers Tx-e. 10 at 7 p. m, a t the JCC,nounce the Bar Milzvah of thoir Room 2G. A date for Staye Nij;bt .son Alex Frank, to be celebrated will be chosen, a Stage Night this evening at Temple Israel. Hoard will be named and all rules iind regulations will be decided MIXVIN KATKKKK Upon. Melvin Kntskoe, son of Mr. and RUG & UPHO' STERY MIMKOKItAl'II CLASS Mrs. David Katskee, will observe . CLEANERS On Tuesday, Doc. 2, at 3 :.•]() p. m.his Bar Mit/.vah, Saturday mornIn the Youth Council office, a ing,. Nov. 29, a t Beth El SynaRUGS—CARPETING mimeographing class will be held. gogue. Instruction in cutting stencils, LAMP SHADES drawing and tracing on stencils, FXKANOIt YAGKR FURNITURE iind complete instruction in use Dr; and Mrs. J. Lewis Yager anof the mimeograph machine will nounce the Bas Mitzvah of their Cleaned in Your Home! be offered. Those in the group will daughter Eleanor, on Saturday Binding - laying - Repolrlnr practice on the machine in the morning, Dec. 6, at Beth El SyYouth Office which is always nagogue. Don Bernstein HA 2554 available for use by Youth Council members. All clubs are urged to tend representatives so that members of each club will know how to run stencils when necessary. The You Are Right! class will be limited to the first 36 people who sign up a t the Youth Money D o n Not Grow on Tree! Council office. There is no fee And tho National Hardware agrees for this class, which is open only with you. That is why we have to Youth Council members. priced our morchandiio >o t h a t SUNDAY FUNDAV DKLAYED The Sunday Funday program you can buy at reasonable pricei. will not meet this Sunday, Nov. Romombor that when you shop at SO it was announced by the ChilNational Hardware you are turs to dren's Activities Department. Full program of activity will be regot* more for your monoy and still turned Sunday, Dec. 7 nt 2:00 p. m. got qualify merchandise. •'*<.




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Come Meet

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PRESTONE or ZEREX ..$1.95 Col.

Opens January 1 5 . . .


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Store Opon All Day Sunday Use Your First Charge Hera


Finest Ground Beef, Lb.. Rib Chuck. Lb. . . . . . . . . Liver, Lb. . . — Full Line of Fresh Frozen PENN KOSHER FRYERS—PULLETS—CAPONS and TURKEYS

3419 No. 30th St.

Also Many Other Cuts of Fine Beef at Reasonable Prices




Free putty and glazing points with $2 purchase of Window Glass.

56th and Ames Ave. Ample Parking Make Reservations Now for League Bowling



Steel Snow Shovels a t $1.79 Each Aluminum Snow Shovels $2.49 Each

Saturday, November 29th 9 O'clock

Presents Cast of 40


Per Person


JULIE HCMSTEIN COMBO Refreshments Available


P*C« Fear


Friday, November 58, 1&39


Organizations the JCC. The 12:30 p. m. function JKWI3H LABOK COMMITTEE will include door prize». Baby sltSLATES ANNUAL Di.NNKK Membership of (lie Jewish La- terj will be available. Tickets are one dollar each, and bor 'Committee will hava annual dinner Sunday, Nov. 30, 8 p. m.,may be purchased from members in "advance or at the door. Mrs. Responding to the call for Israel Bond volunteers to particlLabor Lyceum, 3024 Owning St. pate in tha intensive one-duy eanvasi of Jewish homes on BIG Members are insert lo call in Morris J. Franklin it chairman of their reservations, AT 4815, $1.75 the committee, with Mrs. Abe (Bonds of the Israel Government) Day'on Sunday, November 30, a record number of volunter workers have already been enrolled, a plate. Chairman is Max Orounse. Bear co-chairman. Other members Toastmaster will be Louis Wit- are Mesdames William Stone, Joe Upton,' Al Oruch, OJoodman Cokin and secretary, Morris Goodhen and Paul Sacks. ISRAEL BONUS UTILIZED ¥@ EXPAND man.

it was announced today by Robert Newman, Grand Marshal of BIG Day. Greater Omaha'* principal Jewish organizations and congregations have aided significantly in Hie mobilization of volunteers for BIG Day, lu> said, Kniphasi/.ing the crucial importISRAEL'S INDUSTRIAL BKTIf KL SISTEHIIOOn ance of the Hid Day effort in B'XAI B'JIITH WOHKX Beth Kl Sisterhood Hoard lunchmobilizing economic support fur Regular 'luncheon meeting of Israel as a democratic stronghold Henry Monsky Chapter of B'nai eon meeting, Tuesday, Dec. in the .Middle Knst. Mr. Newrnann B'rith will be held Dec. 3 at I^'JOj l^:.'tO, •Synagogue Social Hall. st-ilcd that more than 100 Israel p. rn. at the Jewish Oomniuiiityj Hostesses will be: Mines. Dave Bond volunteer workers will bring Center. This meetiiiK will honor! Stein, Dave C'ohn, Isidor Lcvinsim, the vital message of Israel Bonds Hew members. A film, "Together- Harry DuBoff, M. A. Bereovici and directly into homes throughout ness," will be shown. Delegates to! Barton Greenberg. Umiiha und Council Bluffs. the district convention in St. Paul "These dedicated men und womlast summer will report. A isoeial en will l><- fulfilling an Inspiring hour will follow. role In the •wnpalcn for Israel llond*, which represent the key BKTII ISItAKI, SISTKKIIOOD Miiiree of economic slreli|;tli mid Mesdames Kinest Hochster und security for tin; people of Israel,*' Nathan Kaplan will serve as cohe Mt lit. hostesses when the Beth Israel Tel Aviv I.ITAI Israel settleSisterhood board meeting convenes ments in the Jordan Valley are "Our BIf; Day activity cornea at Dec. .2. This dessert luncheon! faced with a now hazard, a threata time when political and military upheavals in the Middle Kast have meeting will be held at the home ened Jordanian move to divert the demonstrated the vital role of Of Mrs. Hochster. At this lime Mrs. Yurmuk River, one of the major Israel as a stable and unwaverHenry Appel, president, will re- tributaries of the Jordan River, ing ally of the free world. In tha view highlights of the national j and thus cut them off from ademidst of the continuing Mlririla convention of the Women's Branch quate supplie« of life giving water. Fast crisis, Israel's economy is of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Jordan 1 ! threatened action, restill burdened as a result of Ilia Congregations of America. vealed in a concentration of heavy tensions of (he past ten years. earth moving machinery and the The economic stincline of Israel B'NAI HIUTH HKKADerection of a huge labor camp in must he reinforced in order to BUKAKKHS MEKT WKDNKS. an area south of Lake Tiberias provide homes, jobs and a sena« J>AY AT r.OL'KM.ET where the Yarmuk enters the Sutr of Iir«rl Uonil invrtlmrnli are tein« utilhrd to riiabliih and expand of freedom and security for tens Plans for 1h« annual membership larger stream, strikes the Israelis hundrril) of iiiilualrial enlrrpriio throughout Israel. Shown litre i> * trrli- of thousands of now immigrants campaign of B'nai B'rith will be as the height of unilateral disreniiian of l'liorniria (jlan Worki Lid. inapeclini a finlthcd glani Inttrument, now entering ]9inel from Kastern revealed Wednesday noon at the gard for the lights of others. wliirli will he uirii in cliemiral exprriinrnlt. I'hoenicia, wliirli il a reripient Kunipe. weekly Breadbreakcri luncheon. When Israel in recent years atof lurid Bond airl, oprralo fartoriri in Jerutalem and Haifa lo inanufarlnrt .... , ., , The session, slated for the Gour- tempted to divert a portion of the » wide varirl> of «l».. produrli for varioui purpo.ei. Phoi-nl.ia and olhrr «>ttrl»i(r th« j>nsl m,ven years, met restaurant, will hear a report Jordan'* waters, the opjmsition aimilir .nterpriitu me I.raeli glim land, mi.ird in llie Negrv and prooe.nfj 1,000,000 Ain»rlc.iiM Imvo liouKht by city membei'Ship chairman Mil- from Jordan- und Syria-was so io northern facloriei wilh Ierorl Bond as.iManie, lo make glan eommotlilifi. morn Hum* $330,000,000 In l»rnel lard Margolin. B r » a d b r eakers furious that it frequently broke . lionils to uld the duveloiniiRiit of chairman Gerald Schwartz said all into shooting. e\'(*ry pluiHe of Ifirufl'it oconomy. AM members of Henry Monsky, Corn» result, the number of factories la husker, Nebraska and C o u n c i l YOfNrt JI'DKA WKDNESDAY^ Jsmel has risen from 3,00 In 1919 Eluffs lodges are welcome. lo 35,000 toilay, whiln the number Tho eighth grade group of Young of agricultural set (lenienlM ros« Judea will meet at the home, of 3VKBKASKA ( HATTI'It SKI'S from 'MO to 7(1(1. Tho oiillivutnd Nina Bleda, 110 No. 21 St., WedA N M A L LATKi; IXNCIIKON nesday afternoon, Nov. 28, at 4 I " ' ^t-sT"^ ' "' l 1 I ncouraged by news news that GreatGrent- «<-™K<> IIHTCIIM-II from -112,300 N e b r a s k a Chapter of B'na!p. m. 1 I S*'*t ***** > er n I,.'.IIKOI .i i)..j,. Oinnha's 1958 Israel Boniis „ cain- acres to 1,000,000 ncr<>»; the IrriB'rith Women will hold its annual All interested in joining should ! ptign has p a u s e d tho $170,000 gated acreage ha.i risen from 72,philanthropy latke luncheon and contact Mrs, Nerenberg, JA 2591. - maik, committee members are fiOO to 275,000. New roads, linrcard party Thursday, Dec. -1. at ' pushing final plans for the Dec. 11 hom nml railways of economic <I»1 (lumukah Festival at lif'lh Israel. velopment niiiHt he curried forBirths ] i h e figure represents 85 per cent waril at nil aecclerated puce In AI.KISANDKA LYNN the coming period. ' of the $200,000 goal. Mr. and Mrs. 'Norman Osheroff "Judging by the largo turnout (onsul <i«titRnil David Teslier, of Israel Bond volunteer workeri," of New York City announce 1he iHrai'H diplomat who will nialie nn I ho (irand Marshal pointed out, birth of a daughter,- Alexandra offlihil presentation to former Am- "we confidently expect responso Lynn, on Nov. S, Grandparents are bnssaitor James C Mel>iutahl at in the form of Israel Bond purThis year's Jay Varsity Basket- Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Osheroff, of the Sundity evening function, has chases on BIO Day. This will help ball League appears to be one of Omaha and Mrs. Ann S. Kornell lid n In his post ulnre July, 1057. lo provide Israel with the ecothe best in many years. Every or Arlington, Pa. He has consular Jurisdiction over nomic resources for carrying forgame has been an exciting, close n Midcstern' and Southwestern ward the tusks of housing and 1 contest and with pre-scason just states, and formerly headed Ihe employment for immigrants, and finishing, the players are looking INT for both, the United States for accelerated development of inforward to tegular season with a mid Canada. I>.i\Id S. T(slur dustry and agriculture. great deal of enthusiasm. 1'auls and Belgrade* SIJII:III fltiKablil and Mrs. Meyer S. Kirpke Ivlied tlic pre-senson wllh it 2-1 are in New York City to attend Tftrord. This year's enthusiasm Is the wedding of Rabbi Kripke's dtifi to the return <if many vets in- sister. Mrs. Kripke will return on cluding Juke (Ageless) Adler, and Dec ] mid Rabbi Kripke on Dec. 3. netvucomerti nay Brett, Bol> I*evy and Perry Nadler. High schooler* performing Include Koy Kntsltee, Walt Wise, Jeff I'oincruntz, Frank Goldberg. Bob (ilnsberg, Howard Stoler, Jolin Okun, Kd Wintronh. In the preseason finale, Belgrades nipped Pauls, 31-M with Jack* Stiss scoring in the last five seconds, Kd Belgrade popped in 14 points to lead his team while Sliss-and Brett added eight each. Roy KiiLskce and Sid Abrahams took scoring honors for Pauls with •eight and seven points respectively. Lusty* took its first triumph of the season over Robinsons, Family Portraits 85-31. Dan Epstein, with 14. points, took scoring honors, while' Burt by Robinson had eight for tha losars.

Jordan Threatens Settlements With Water Cut-Off

Cage Secison In High Gear

Omahans In the News


Bond Day

^w~i«, ^^ytf /1* >•:

John Kalina

(Continued from P;i(;e 1) Neivmnn as Grand Marshal, HICSP Workers will lie enrolled within tho next few days In what will undoubtedly result In one of the most Inspiring and meaningful days &f accomplishment In behalf of Israel. phonfl JA 1310 lo lmert your Wltlt Af. "There are two parallel objec- in TUB Jewish Preei. ratt 1* 50 cootj lot «*ob ro:i. tives of our BIG Day effort," lineCurrant Insertion, Tur. Prem rf-aer/ta ttn rlRM Mr. Katzman explained. "First, to limit size of each advertisement. ' Cur goal must ba the achievement CHANUKAH CARDS of a large-scale flow of financial BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratu resources in the form of cash purIatlon3 also for all Jewish Iioli chases of State of Israel Developdays and special occasions. ment Bonds. Secondly, a success- Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dod;: ful BIG Day will serve as a heartwarming expression of unity with PAINTING-For Interior Quilit .the people of Israel." Painting call PL 3035.

Tlie inicttnienl capital provided t>y Sla(e of Inrarl Itondf continues to accelerate the overall economir development of Iirarl in her truth anniveraary year. Al ilia Jormnlcin I.iglil Ilnlli Co. (above left), a young innnlgranl ai>rmhlr.i pnrli of a light bulb. New government homing in lleertheba (aliove riglil) is helping (o absorb Immigrant!. Oil from ilelelt (bottom left)- i* produced in greater

(luanillicf along wlili ollior c)ieiiilc«l» and mineral*. /Vgrl* cultural produrllon comlantly Increaie* (bottom rlght> «t new commarelal rropi like cotton, tugar beeti ani3 peanutt are aiicceufully grown. Every factt of larael a> growing economv it aided hv State of line) Boait, which liiva railed more lhan 1525,000,000 for economlo doveloprnenl ilnc* ill* drive beftn in 1951.

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