December 5, 1958

Page 1

W W I I •V,, Tt Published every Frlduy, 101 N 2Otli. AA.AH1 <xo. I J Omaha Nebraska. Phono JA 13(iO




Tlio Honorable) Junies IEousevclt, Democratic coiigrcKsmun from California, will speak to the Oinatni Jewish coinitiunity thin Sunday, December 7, 8 p. in. Jit Toni|il« InraW. , Congressman Roosevelt is the* second personality to appear in Lodges anil C li a n t o r s, Omaliii the 19.)8-1!)59 "Program of the Chapter of II a (1 as sn Ii, Temple Month" series, Israel and tlio Yonnjj Adult CounTlie P r o K r a m of die Month cil. Series Is spoiisori-d' by (lie Jewish Congressman R o o s e v e l t will Community Center in cooperation speak on "The Free World and tvltli IlRtli El Synagogue, Ueth the Middle" East." Mr. Roosevelt Israel Synagogue, B'nnl B'rllh for many years has been especially interested in the foreign policy of tliis country toward the Middle East. James Kooseveit is the oldest son of the late President Franklin D. Roosevelt and acted as the .Secretary to the President from The Jewish Community Center December 1936 through 1938. He Auditorium on Monday, December 8 will be the scene of Bikur Cholim's annual Clumukah Lotke party at 1 p. m. Proceeds from the event will be used for a new therapy project at tlie Dr. Philip Shor Jewish Home for tlie Aged. Providing funds for medical expenses at tlie Homo and malting monthly trips to the State IUental hospital in Lincoln arc nmong the principal projects of . Bikur Cholim, 1 Special donors for the event fire Mosdames Kinar Abramson, Rose Frieden, Sam Elewitz, S. Canar, I.. Paponiy, A. Colin, C. James Itooscvclt Finke], Mae Freid, J. Cohn, Leo Fox, Joe White, Kd Mason, A. was the California National DemoSmith, Dave Potash, Ben Chnit, cratic Committeoinun from 1948 J. Kooin, J. Goodbinder, Alex to 1952. He now serves on the Katz, Jennie Nogg, Max Arblt- House Committee on Kducation man, H. Delrogh, C. Izcnstatt, and Labor and the select commitPaul Katzman, Allen Zalkln, L. lee on Small Business. He has been Siporin, Jake Wine, Dave Raz- particularly active In sponsoring nick, Charles Ross, Harry Sldman, legislation relating to labor, social M. Polinkoff, Jack Alberts, Rose security, and rights and the probEpstein, Wm. Epstein, Phil Smith, lems of the small businessman. Saul Fellman, B, Schien, P. Batt, The program will begin promptly J. Chorney.D. W. Frank, S. Good- at 8 p. m. and sponsoring group man, N. H. Greenhorn, Max Katz, members are urged to attend, AdW. Katzman, H. Milder, N. Velt- mission is free. zer, Ben Wine, Dave Wine, M. Zalkin, Eli Zalkln and Abe Krantz. i r s . Bear So Serve on Mines. Jake Goodbinder and Harry Sldman were appointed GO chaljtnen for the donor list. Tickets are one dollar per person Mrs. Abe Bear will serve on the ond may be purchased at the door. Voluntary Service Hospital AdGuests me asked to bring their visory Committee at tho Veterans <nvn cards and arrange their own Administration hospital as the tables. Members will exchange representative of the Federation twenty-five cents Chanukah gifts. of Jewish Women's Clubs In conjunction with the Women's Organizations' Division of the National Jewish Welfare Board. The appointment was announced by Mrs. Mike Freeman, president of the local organization. Norman Kirschbaum, Central Mrs. Bear succeeds Mrs. J. High School faculty member, will review "Remember Me to God" "Milton Margolin. , by Myron S. Kaufman at a Youth Council gathering, Sunday, at 2:30 TV Features p. m, at the Jewish Community Center auditorium. KETV—Dec. 8, 9 a. m. The program will be presented "Time for Valor," story on in lionor of Jewish Book Month, Chanukah. Sponsored by Jewit was nnnounced by Al Newberg ish Society, eduand Cindy Klein, co-chairmen for cational project of National tho event. Federation of Temple BrotherThe traditional Chanukah can- hoods with which Temple* Isdlelighting ceremony will be per- rael Men's Club is affiliated. formed to usher in the first day of the holiday with Walter Wise WOW TV—Sunday, December singing the blessings. 7. 10:30 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. "The Council members will assemble American Jew; A Tribute to Freeat the Center at 1:30 p. m. dom," report on position of Jews in America today. Produced by Public Affairs Department of CBS News in co-operation with the Anti-Defamation League of B'nal B'rith, Children enrolled in the Sunday Funday will be treated this Sunday to a "free" program of movie Beth Israel P-TA comedies and cartoons beginning Dinner Sunday Ot 2 p. m: in room 26 at the Jewish Community Center. Reservation's are still being acPre-schoolers will be dismfeesd cepted for the, Beth Israel P-TA efter the cartoons and will resume annual Chaukah dinner Sunday, tholr regular activities under tho December 7, at 3:30 p.m., it was supervision ot Virginia Becker and reported by Mrs. Norman Pitlor, chairman, . . ....-,.••;. .,..;. , Rose,Logman, group leaden.

Bikur Cholim WHS Hold Annual Party Monday at Center

N. Kirschbaum Will Review Book

Sunday Program Feature Free Howies


-cred us Second-Class Muttei ut Post- Sirmlo Copy 10 Cents office. Omulia. Ncbraslta, under Act of 1878 Annual Hule 4 Dollar*

llfh The annual meeting, of the Jewish Federation will be held Sunday evening, January 11th at the Jewish Community Center. Robert H. Kooper, president, urges everyone to plan to attend the meeting.

Classical Musis The Classical Music Group will meet on Thursday, December 11, 7,:45 p. m., at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cohen, 1701 South 61 Avenue. All persons registered for this group will receive post cards. If you have' not yet registered you may do so by calling JA 13G6, Activities Department, Jewish Community Center.

New Excavations Israel—Recent excavations by the Department of Antiquities at Tel Sheikh Ahmed al-Areini (renamed Tel Gat by the Government Names Committee) tend to show that the tel Is not to be identified with Gat of the Philistines, as has been held by many scholars. According to a report by tho Department, the three seasons of excavations so far undertaken (in the summer months of 1956, 1957, and 1938) rather suggest that the tel may be the site of a town named Memshat. Archaelogieal excavations have yielded a lurge number of inscribed stamped jar handles, all belonging to the end of the Kingdom of Judah. They are stamped wim a Hebrew inscription consisting of the word " l a m c l e c h " (for the King) accompanied by one of four city names: Zif, Socoh, Heoron, and Memshat. While the sites of the first three cities are known, the fourth town Is not mentioned In the Bible, and its site has not yet been Identified. On most of the stamped jar handles found up to the present at Tel Gat traces of the name Memshat are visible. If future excavations should bring proof that the Identification of Tel Sheikh el-Arelni with Momshat Is correct, the whole problem of the boundaries between Judah and the Philistine city kingdoms will havo to be re-examined. CANADA NAMES BAY FOR JEWISH LEADER Regina, Sask., (JTA)—Canada's Department of Natural Resources has named a bay one and a half miles long for Nathan Friedman, a Saskatchewan pioneer and^ active mmber of the Regina Jewish community.

Final plans for the Chanukuh Festival for Israel, scheduled for Sunday evening, December 14, at the Beth Israel Synagogue Auditorium were crystalized today with the announcement that Nebraska Governor-elect Ralph Brooks will speak at the program. A gala entertainment show, featuring comedian-vocalist Phil Lind McCook Junior College and superof Chicago, will highlight the pro- intendent of the McCook school also will participate in a regram, according to Co-chairmen system, gional conference of Israel Bonds Samuel Katzman and Samuel Rice, leaders from Iowa, Nebraska and • ¥200,000 Goal Eyed South Dakota earlier in the day, "With ?180,000 already sold, we December 14, according to Mrs. hope to hit our $200,000 goal that J. Harry Kulakafsky, area chairj night," Messrs. Katzman and Rice man. said. They praised tho success of National Lenders Expected BIG Day, under the leadership of Morris Alexander of Chicago, inE. Robert Newman, this week. ternational chuirman of B'nal "The bitter cold Sunday only B'rith's Committee for Israel, will served to redouble tlie efforts of join with David Tesher, Consul our volunteers," Mr. Newman as- General of the State of Israel for serted. 15 Midwestern and Southwestern Gov.-elect Brooks, president of

Youth Council .fro Preside in Candle During the week of Chanukah, December 8-12, the Youth Council will conduct a Chanukah Candle lighting ceremony each afternoon after school at 3:30 p. m. in the main lobby of the Jewish Community Center, it was announced by Donald Noodcll, of AZA No. 1 and Enid Venger, of Rohanue, Y. C, co-chairmen for the project. Two clubs will be in charge of the ceremony each afternoon— Monday, Rayim and Rohanue BBG; Tuesday, Debs and AZA No. 1; Wednesday, Eleanor Roosevelt BBG and AZA No. 100 and Thursday, Ediar BBG and Ronu AZA. The ceremonies will be climaxed Friday by the lighting of the Chanukah candles by the Youth Council officers.

At Nebraska WesleVan Dr. Sidney H. Brooks of Temple Israel, will represent the Jewish Chautauqua Society as lecturer at Nebraska Wesleyan University in Lincoln on Friday, December 12. The rabbi will speak at 10 a. m. on "What Every Christian Should Know About Judaism." The rabbi lectures on college campuses under the auspices of the Jewish Chautauqua Society. The Omaha Jewish Philanthropies Includes the Jewish Chautauqua Society as a beneficiary and makes an annual allocation towards its program and activities.

oUr. ^5ner ^Monte fot the

Morris Alexander David Teslier states, in presenting a special award to former United States Ambassador to Israel James G. McDonald, The presentation at the Chanu-. kah Festival will salute Mrs. McDonald's distinguished service to Israel and world Jewry from his service as High Commisioner Of the League of Nations Committea on Refugees through the present day. He now is national chairman of the community relations division of the Israel Bonds organiza* tion. Dessert Supper Planned Reservations for the Chanukah Festival may still be made by tele, phoning the Israel Bonds office at AT 1177 or AT 1093, according to Robert Feinbcrg, chairman of tha Guardians of Israel, Admission is 75 cents a person, including a des«; sort supper of coffee and homemade sweet rolls. Awards of Chen charms and special 10th anniversary citations will be niftdc to leaders of tho women's division by Mrs, Samuel Wolf, chairman, and by Mrs. Henry Newman, Chen chairman. At tho saino time, Mrs. Isudore Chapman will announce tho roll of 1058 Sponsors of Israel. Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky, honorary chairman, urged persons who have not redeemed their 1958 commitments to send in their checks now "because of the urgent need for cash In Israel." More than. $143,000 In cash already has been ' collected. ;

Tlio Dr. Philip Slier JmvMi Homo for ;tho Aged gratefully acknowledges the following; memorials and donations.

DONOR IN MEMORY OP .Mr. ond Mrs. Hymon Levlne, Mr, and Mrs Morris Green Mrt. Bertha Green Mrs. jack Slca.ll, Fargo, N, D., Iowa Consumer Financo Co., Mrs, Maxlnc Goldenberg, St. Paul, Minn. , '. Mrs. Minnie Chornlack Mr. and Mrs. Hymon Levlne, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Green Cv silver Louis Sommcr and Oca , ....Mrs. Jcanctto Desnick Mr. and Mrs. Morris Green Mrs. Arthur Mitchell Mr, and Mrs. Morris Grcon . . < , . . . . , , ..William Stone Mrs. Ben Handler Ben Handler Mr. and Mrs. Nolhon Scylln, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Plolkln A. Soylln Mrs. Llla Lutz Oslas Weldman Mrs. Bertha Nathan Isaac Nathan E. V. Lorlg, Miss Henrietta Kohn, Mr. and M n . John Robinson, Mrs. Leonard Klein • Mrs, Tony Stern Mr. Dill Poster Mrs. Sam Poslor Mrs. Herman Auerboch, Mr. ond Mrs. Paul Vcret, Mr. and Mrs, E. Leo Nogp, Mr. and -Mry. H, D. Carmen, Mr, and Mrs, David Hobermon, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Feldman, . Miss Jenny Feldman .., Louis Margolin Mr. and Mrs. M, H. Yudelson • • Rudolph Porlman Mr. and Mrs. E. Leo Nopg, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Verct, Mr. and Mrs, David Hobcrman,, Bolty Grocery Co,, Mr. and Mr*. Nathan Nogg . . . . . . Mrs, Susan Ruback Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Nogp Sam Baker Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Nogg Mrs. Pearl Harmcl DONOR IN HONOR OP Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jacobs .A safe and pleasant European trip lor Mr. and Mrs. David Shor Mr. and Mrs.-Oscar Fox 50th Anniversary or Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Fox Mr, ond Mrs. Mormon Korney, Mr. ana Mr*. Harry Wolnbera, Sam Poster, Mr. and Mrs, Doris Kornoy.*..The birth of Qulncy Ann Welnberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Welnberfl Mr. and M n , Emgtt A. Nogs Speedy recovery of Mrs. I. Goldstein Mr. ond Mrs. Abo Goldstein . . . „ ,«.....«»....Speedy recovery of Lar Chapman, Chicago Mr, ond Mrs. 0 , Leo Mogg • • * • , * « . . . . , Recovery of Mrs. Rueben Smeorln Mr. and Mrf, E." Leo Nogg . . . » * . • • , « . Speedy recovery of Michael Krasne SYMAOOOUfl DONATIONS Albert Steinberg, Llel> Wollion Esla!«, Abraham Malok, 3am Sacks, and Capitol Liquors

Spanish Offered Adults interested in learning Conversational Spanish may now enroll in either the beginner or advanced conversational Spanish Classes at the Jewish Community Center, Earl Siegel, Adult Education Chairman announced. All classes are held Thursday afternoon. Beginners meet Thursday, 1-2:30 p. m. and the advanced group, 3-4 p. m. in Room 31 of th3 Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Mercedes Navarro da Cameron a certified teacher, will serve as class Instructor. Tha course is open to both men and women as a community service. The fee for the total course is: $7.00 for 6 lessons, - .'• .


Page Two


Friday, December 5, 1958

Deafhs Sins. I'EAKL HAKMEI, "TWO KN1C.MV CAMP" TO Services for Mrs. Pearl Ilarrice A rest y, table setting; Alan HKV1KWKD AT BETH ISRAEL Blotcky, Norman Lincoln, table mel, 9H, who died November 25 {Second Jittbt Mulllnp Privileges Authorized til Umufin, NebrasHa Annum SuCsgrlutlon. J4.00. Adveiilulne Hull's on Application. "The Knemy Camp," a best-sell- decorations; Erwin Lnndow, TE at the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Editorial O' .e—1U1 No yuili Street, Omiilia. Nehr.. JAcl;sun 1300 er dealing with contemporary Print Sh Address 4SUS So 25th Street 5789 and Harvey Aronson, WA Home for the Aged, were hold (MRS.) FRANCES KLELN Editor Jewish problems, will be reviewed by Rabbi Sidney Brooks of Tem- 7133, reservations. Mrs. Edward November 27 at the Jewish Fuple Israel, a t the regular monthly Levinson, president, will preside. neral Home. Burial was in Golden luncheon meeting of Beth Israel Board mcetinp; at 11 a. m. Hill cemetery. Sisterhood,. Tuesday, December !) Surviving are son, Sam, Los Anat 12:30 p. m. in the Synagogue ANNUAL C HANI KAH l'AKTY ccles, Oil.; daughter, Mrs. Joseph .social hall. Habbi Benjamin Gi'onSunday, Peceniber 14, residents Gotsdiner, Omaha; two grander of Belli Israel, will introduce of the IJr. Philip Slier Home for children and six great grandchilRabbi Brooks. the- Aged will bo fdven a party, dren. • The program was arranged by sponsored by Temple Israel SisMrs. Ralph Biniamow, program (flunukah Observance, December 7-11). terhood with Minna, Paul Verct LOI.!IS M. LI'STOAKTKiV chairman, in connection with Jew- and Leon Fellman as co-chairmen. Services for Louis AT. I-ustgarish Book Month. Reservations may Anyone interested in assisting ten, S3, of North Platto, Nobr., a Synagogue will begin at 8:15 p. M. be made by callin;; the Mines. at the party, plenso contact Mrs. former Omnhan, who died NoKabhi Myer S. Krijike will deliver Ihi! sermon. Cantor A;iron I. Kdgar Barney Grey, GI. 32()6; Sam Kos- Vcret, GL 3001, or Mrs. Fellman, vember 24 were held November I'listein. PL 5!)(i7; or Arthur K ~ p 20 at the Jewish Funeral Home, C.L 3274. and the Beth Kl S.vii:ij;ugiif.' Choir Burial was in Mt. Sinai Cemeterywill render the musical portions of stein, RE 8091. Baby sitter service will be available. Surviving are wife, Estelle; "VOIH < 1III.1) ANIJ the service. New members will be honored YOU" STl UV GHOl'I' sons, Dclmer, Lubbodt, Tex.; AvServices Sabbath morning betMii at 'J:.'1U a. m. The Juniur Com;re- at the meeting with Mines. Sidney Sol Liltman will speak at a roin. North Platte; daughter, Dogation service is at 10:30 a. in. Kwiatek and Harold Zelinsky, dessert luncheon meeting of the lores, Sarasola, Fla., brothers, Mineha-llaariv Service is at T.'M membership c o - c h a i r m e n , in Jladassah's "Your Child and You" Ben and William, Omaha; sister, charge of new members' induction. p. m. .Study group, Thursday, Decem- Mrs. Ada Markowitz, Tulsn, Okla., nK 1:35 p. m. Sunday morning service is at 9 ber 11 at 12:30 p. m. at the home and six grandchildren, TEMPLE ISKAKL a. in. in the Chapel, followed by a Al.l'M-M (JKOri' TO if Mrs. H. Leo Gendler, 1115 . Services will bo held this Fri- study-discussion session nr 0:30 BE OmiANIZEl) MltS. KATIIO I.AZAlt North fiOth Street. day evening at 8:15 p. m. Fol- a. m., led by Rabbi Kripke. BreakFuneral services for Mrs. Katie Alpha Kpsilon Phi Alumnae will lowing the services. Habbi Sidney fast, will be served. Daily services meet at the home of Nancy FriedLazar, 82, of 5142 Blondo, who TAKK-OFF ON Brooks will lead the second in :< are at 7 a. m. and 7 p. ill. died Saturday, were held Sunday lander, 5122 Hurt Street, 2 p. m., t'ONVKNTION series of discussions on "The Ke- IIKT1I ISRAEL afternoon at the Jewish Funeral December 11 to discuss organizaA convention take-off will be Jigions of The World" , . . What ITome. Burial was in Golden Hill Rabbi Benjamin Groncr, Cantor tion of nn alumnae group. All presented al a luncheon meeting Cemetery. Mrs. Laznr was a resiis Life's Greatest Good? This alumnae members of the organweek's topic will bo: Buddhism ~ Eli KfiKun, The Belli Israel Syna- ization, are invited to attend. A of the Ucth El Sisterhood, Decem- dent of Omaha CO years. ber 9 at 12:30 p. m. Tho program The Middle Way and Jainism—. tfofjue Choir, ami the Intermediate skit will lie presented. Survivors are children Jack and "A" Class will conduct late servwill nlso include a talk on Civil Joe, Mrs. Sam Katzman, Mrs. Al Isolation. ices this evening at 8 p. m. Tradidefense by Yale Trustin, • Shabhas morning services will Glass, Mrs. Mark Bell, all of IMEOfiRAM I'OIt OMAHA .Mines. Harold Kort, Myer Ros- Omaha; Mrs. Max Jacks, Hasbegin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi tional Friday evening services VKTKRANS IIOSI'lTAL, enbaum, Ben Perelman, and Sam tings; five grandchildren and Brooks officiating and the Re- (Knbbalns Slinhhosi 4 AS p. m.; The Irving Cohen, Lodge of Davis are in charge of arrangeligious School Choir under the di- Sabbath mornini; services 8:45; seven great grandchildren. rection of Miss Ida Citlin sinking junior congregation at 10 a. in. B'nai B'rith, Council Bluffs, is ments; Mines. Irving Sherman and the musical portions of the service. jiabbi Benjamin Gi'oner will con- planning the annual Christmas and Harry Lincoln, decorations. duct tho Saturday afternoon Tal- Cbanukah program to be presentThe first session of Mrs. Myer BETH EL Services this evening at Belli El mud class at 4:15 p. m. and Min- ed at the Omaha Veterans Hospi- S. Kripke's class "For Women cha, followed by Shalosh S'eudos tal. Gifts will be distributed to all Only" will be held December 8 and Maariv will be^in at 4:43 p. m. patients. at 2 p. m. .Sunday moniinj; service at K:45 ?Whcrt More Is There a. in. is followed by breakfast and C()KNHr.SKi;iJ CIIAITKIt TO YOUNG ADULTS to Tell ThetYcu the Rabbi's class in Bible. The HOLD CHAXl-'KAH I'AHTY Members of the Young Adults Sunday morning Junior rninyon A Chanukah party will highDon't Know Yourself? begins al 8:30. Daily services are, light the next regular meeting of will attend a ClKinukah party at held at 7 a. in. and 4:)5 p. m. the CornhuskcT Chapter of Bnai the homo of Benny Abramson, Glifi You know thai fhc National HardThe weekly Talmud Study Group Brilh women, Monday, December I'arkwrmr] Lane following the ware Paint & Glass Store Sell* meets every Tuesday evenin;; atj 8, at 8 p. in. at the Jewish Com- .lames Roosevelt program Sunday evening. Tlic proup particibetter quality merchandise for !PSJ 8 p. m. al the Ifnh and Burt munity Center. than other competitive stores and .Street S.viiaf;ot;iie and s e r v i c e s .Members will brinj; gifts of 50 pates in bowlinj; at the Ranch there every Saturday morning nt | cents or less, suitable for children Bowl each Sunday at !) a. m. we tell good quality paint—AK!) a. in. between the ages of 7 and 1! SAR-BEH, which is known as the which will be sent to the Bellf/iire COIWCII.. I1OAICI) MJNCIIKON Il'NAI JAC.'OK-ADAS Beit Paint Money Can Buy. Hoard meetiiiK of the Council Home for children. Mali jong and VKSIH-KON We cut and sell window glass lor Services at H'nni Jacob-Adas bridge will conclude the meeting. of Jewish Women will be held Thursday, December 11, at 1 p. m less than other competitors plus Yesuron will he;;iti Friday at '1:30 at the home of Mrs Irving KaiFftEE Putty with $2 Purchase. p. in. ami Saturday morning at TKMl'I.i; ISKAKL SKIT tnnn with Mrs. Yale Ginsburg as H::«) a. m. with Mincha at 4:30 Temple I s r a e l Sisterhood's Of course, you know we have a co-hostess. p. m. followed by Shalosh S'eudos meeting, Tuesday, December !), 1 large assortment of DO-IT-YOURSELF Tools for car pen ten, plasDaily services at 0:30 a. in. and p. in., will feature a skit, "Diary Patronize Our Advertisers terers, electricians and plumbers. 3 p. m. of MViury Schwartz to bo introduced by Mr. Schwartz. Authors No matter what you ask lor we and cast members are the followihave if and by no meani DON'T WE OFFER A COMPLETE SELECTION OF ing religious and school teachers: FORGET WE ARE OPEN ALL DAY Mines. Kdward Makiesky, Jerome .SUNDAY—So Shop at Spitzer, Robert C-crclick, Norman Whitman, Sol Rosinsky, Marlin AT SAVINGS O F Ifaykin and Howard Vann. Arrangements under the direction of Mrs. Joseph Lipton arc being made with the assistance FARNAM AT 34th 3419 No. 30th St. of Mmes Bernard Altsuler, MauPublished tvery friday by t!ie federation of Jewish Servleo

The Jewish Press Extends Chanulcah Greetings to the Community






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Center Sports MIDGETS KEADY TO ROLL Pre-soa.son basketball games for the seventh and eighth graders are I'cudy to roll with the Selection of teams: The teams are Cowboys—Sieve Marcus, Mark Planner, Bill Ginsberg, Steve Saylan, Dave Forbes, Neil Miller, Ilusly Bohr, barry Sadofsky, and Lloyd Hoifsloin; I-Go-Van—Bill Kuller, Cliet Stoler, Larry Halt, Harold Schneider, lion Nicldaus, Dennis Ctnran, Paul Goldcnberg, Sandy Friedman. Mike Nelson; Ilichman-Gordman— Mike Sherman, Bill Kully, Kd Treller, Jerry t^ohrnian, Jerry Novak, Jeff Silvcnnnn, Bob Weinstein, Ted Sanford, Stuart Forbes nnd Jerry Zysman; Playland Park •—Dan Katskce, Marsh Widrnan, Joel Snoider, Sandy Kasin, Bob Gould, Jerry Slusky, John McPhail, Barry Lewis and Hugh Abramson. Fifth und 6 grade tennis being formed. All boys interested can still sign up by showing up Sunday, November 30 at 2 p. in. ItOXU AZA AND MOTIIICR CHAPTER WIN Prc-seuson finals wore played at the Jay gym with Ronu A.Z.A. winning 32-29 over Rayim. Mike Sadofsky and Justin Ban were (scoring leaders for their clubs. Roy Katskce paced the losers with 12 points. Frank Goldenberg and Al Konecky lead the way with 11 points for A.Z.A. No. 1 to defeat A.Z.A. No. 100, 33-30. Bob Ginsberg added 9 points for the winners. Mike Plait stacked up 9 points for the losers.

Consecration Service Consecration services for new Talmud Torah pupils will be hold at the Both El Synagogue, December 5 at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Ki'ipko will deliver the service. Those who will be consecrated arc; Wayne Dreft, Gar/ Colick, Jimmy Fried, Robert Guss, Ellcne Molprln, Lynn Kaplan, Robert Kuller, Michael Miller, Cynthia Novak, Alan Parsow, Mark Roffman, Marly Shukcrt, Robert Yaffo, Murk Boasbcrn, Amy 13lumenthai, Howard Bordcn, Roberl Bordy, Jeffrey Conn, Mark Fellman, Barbara Fox, A!on Gcndlcr, Shoron Gcntllcr, Jimmy Gimbury, Todd Greenstone, David Kaliman, Robert Llpsey, Jay Novak, Laurie Nona, Steven Perctman, Dorbara Roscman, Sharl Ruback, Julio Simon, Donald Dayman, Larry Blumcnthcil, Marshall Urlck, Jane Fox, Barry Reishl, Etlen Fried, Bobby Goodman, 5undra Jess, Barbara Katske*, Belty Lou KaKkoe, Stephanie Llnccln, Cralo Miller, Sluart Perlmeter, Elalru* Relsi, Wdllam Rosen, Suian Sanford, Marjorle SIrcf, Denlse SHvcrmon, Dale Welmtcln.



Sharon Korney Married in Washington, D. G.Bar and Bas Ftiifzvahs Mr. and Mrs. Norman Korney bride and Jay Milder, brother of announce the marriage of their the groom. The bride, a former student at daughter, Miss Sharon Lee to Alvin Sherman Milder, son of Mr. the University of Nebraska, at and Mrs. Leo Milder, December Lincoln, has been residing in New Yoi'k'Cily. Mr. Milder, a graduate 1, in Washington, D. C. of West Point Military Academy, Attending the couple a t their u now attending Ilaivaid Unnerwedding, were Mr. and Mrs. Ger- Mty Gidduate Law School ald Weinborg of Washington, sister and brother-in-law of the


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The family of I,miis M. I.ustgarteii wishes to thank their frlciulH relatives for their condolences during the time of their grief.


KMOANOIt YMiVM Eleanor Yager, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. Lewis Yager, will observe here Bas Mitzvah at Beth 101 Synagogue on Saturday morning, December (i. SANDKOItD KltlKU.MAN Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Friedman announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Sanford (Sandy), on Friday evening, December 12 and Saturday morning, December 13 at Beth El Synagogue.

Nf-ua mid ti;if>jiruliiKi»ltt Tlie Dr. rlilllp Hhrr Jrii'luli lluini. I nr Tim Acnl l i r David nrltnw.

KIDDI'SII: A special ldddush was given by Mr. and Mrs. David Orlcow on honor of the I3ar Mit^vah of their son, Alex Frank Orkow. KAUKINICAI, SICIC1ICS: The cuncnt series was continued last week with Rnlibi Sidney Brooks nnd a discussion of "Who I s A Jew?" the most provocative subject in Jewish circles today. EDUCATIONAL. PROGRAM: Another in the series of educational programs will be given on Friday, December 5th, by The Metropolitan Utilities District. IN ME.MOIUAM; Susan Ruback, Sam Z. Cohen. COMING EVENTS: December .3, 1958: The Council of Jewish Women will entertain our folks with a bingo program, Mrs. Harry A. Wise is arranging this program. December 14, 1958: The Temple Israel Sisterhood will give a Chanukiih Party with live talent nccording to Mrs. Leon Fellman, who is cQ-chaimian of this affair with Mrs. Paul Verct. NEW RESIDENT: Mrs, Fannie Slot sky.

All friends ana relatives are Invited to attend services and receptions.

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You can give extension phones to friends or relafives wherever they may be living and arrange to have Iho modest charges billed to you. We'll be glad to giftwrap your phone, and installation can be made before or after Chanukah, as you wish. Call your telephone business office now for details. # Northwestern Bell Telephone Company


Page Four


Chcsnuhcsh Fete Set

Omaha National Makes - i The Oiniihn National I5anl( is one of a group of bunks from coast to coast which will make loans to the holders nf Israel Development Bonds. I'p to 75 per ' 't cent of the value of the bonds maj be borrowed, and the bunk Is permitted to charge iV . per cent interest. This provision makes it possible, for example, for a person to borMrs. Samuel Wolf Samuel Itlce Samuel Katzman row $750 on a SI.000 coupon bond. During the year lie would receive $40 In interest, and pay $11.35. Thus, at a cost nf only 51.25, he would have the use of threefourths of his money and Israel could continue using tlio entire One of the strongest commit- Bonds program since its Inception. tees in the history of Omaha and $1,000. Mrs. J. Harry Kulalcofsky is Council Bluffs Jewish communal honorary chairman, and also serves activities is guiding the recordbreaking 1958 campaign to sell as chairman for the Israel Bonds organization in all of Iowa, Ne5200,00 -in Israel Bonds. Co-chairmen of the Greater braska and South Dakota. Omaha Committee for State of Mrs. Isadore Chapman as SponIsrael Bonds are Samuel Katz- sor chairman and Mrs. Henry ma nand Samuel Rice. Mr. Katz- Newman as Chen chairman bavo man is past president of the Beth guided the women's division to new Israel Men's Club and of the Great- murks this year. Itobert M, Feiner Omaha B'nai B'rith Bowline berg Is chairman of Guardians Asociation. Mr. Rice is former and E. Robert Newman served as president of the Omaha Zionist grand marshal of IIKi Day. District and has been an active Heading the Council Bluffs leader in the Philanthropies cam- drive .ire Mr. and Mrs. Bon J. paign for many years. Gcrshun and Mrs. Saul Suvalsky. Members, of tho 1958 campaign Both the Katzman and Itlce families are among tlio largest cabinet of tho Greater" Omaha purchasers and sellers of Israel Committee for State of Israel Bonds since the first drive began Bonds include the following community leaders: David Blacker, in Oinaliu in 1031. Mrs. Samuel Wolf is women's Mrs. Herman Bond^.rin, Rabbi division chairman. A past president Sidney II. Brooks, I/JII Canar, Isaof the Omaha Chapter of Hadas- dore Chapman, l!*rmnn' Cohen, sah, she and Mr. Wolf have been Sam Epstein, Harold P. Farber, in the vanguard of the Israel Rabbi Nathan Fcldman. Mrs. Mike J.imes (J. McDonald Freeman, Abe B. Gcndler, David


Ben Gurion 9s Own Menorah To Be Used in New York Jerusalem, Israel—Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion last week sented his personal Chanukah menorah to tho Israel Bond Organization as "a token of appreciation for the great work you ore doing in the rebuilding of Israel." The Prime Minister's menorah will be kindled at New York City's Chanukah Festival for Israel,+ which will be presented at Madi- lamps thereon, and seven pipes to son Square Garde;, on Monday, December 8, r;nder the auspices the seven lamps, which are upon of the State -..; Israel Bond cam- the top thereof; And two olivepaign. trees by it, one upon the right aide Prime Minister Iien-G u r l o n of the bowl, and the other upon made the presentation at a brief the left side thereof." ceremony In Jerusalem to Dr. Mr. Ben-Gurion's menorah has Joseph J. Schwartz of New York, nine branches instead of seven, Vice President of the Israel Bond since this is traditional for a ChaOrganization, visiting Israel for nukah menorah. A small metal conferences w i t h Government tube inserted in the right side conleaders. Dr. Schwartz was asked tains a parchment inscribed with to come to Israel to meet with the following words from Verse 6 Finance Minister Eshkol on tlio of the same chapter of Zechariah: .problem of providing Israel Bond "Not by might, nor by power, but resources for housing and em- by My Spirit." 'ploymcnt for an Increased flow of Immigration from Eastern Europe. The full text of the Prime Minister's statement at the ceremony In a statement at the presen- followx: tation ceremony, Mr. Ben-Gurlon "The Cliantikah menorah It asdrew attention to Israel's need for sociated with one of the most "a healthy and expanding econ- glorious chapters In Jewish hisomy." He said: tory, when our people, fighting "The Israel Bond Organization against heavy odds, regained their has played and is playing a cru- freedom and independence under cial part in the practical attain- the Maccabees more • than £,000 ment of this vital goal. "I am happy years ago, to present you with this Chanukah "Later, through the long daik menorah, as a token of our appre- centuries of exile and persecution, ciation to the Israel Bond Organ- the yearning for freedom and ization for the great work you homeland never waned in the Jeware doing in the rebuilding of Is- ish soul. rael, "Our generation has been grant"May you continue to be In- ed the historic privilege of restoispired to keep faith with our Jew- ing the independence of our land ish heritage and Invest where in- and our people. This was the vesting means more security, more achievement of the Jewish people, Independence, more freedom, more the Jews of Israel and tho Jewish strength, more creatl'.ienesn* for communities of the world, headed our people." by the great Jewish community of The Prime Minister's menorah the United States. Once again we is of unique design, based on a are free to determine our own description of a candelabrum destiny. found in Zechariah, IV, 1-3, read"But the main difference being: "And the angel that talked tween our liberation today and with me came again, and waked tho restoration of Israel's Indeme, as a man that is wakened out pendence under the 'Maccabees 1» of his sleep, And said unto me, that In those day* the Jewish What seest thou? And I said, I people dwelt on Its own Boil, and have looked, and behold a can- was deprived only of Us liberty, dlestick, all of gold, with a bowl until It was regained by the Hasupon the top of It, and hts seven moneans."

Friday, December 5, 1038


A steady stream of reservations mikiili Festival, featuring Israeli for the gala Chjinukuh Festival COUIIMII General David Teslier, lor Israel poured into-the Israel Governor-elect Italpli ISroolu, MidHonds office this week, and forced west chairman Morris Alexander, co-chairmen Samuel Kutzmnn und former Ambassador James G. Mc.Samuel Rice to warn that only COO Donald and comedian-vocalist 1'liil scuts will be available for the De- Und, Is lifting eyed by tlio nation cember 11'function at Beth Israel as ono of the most significant Israel Ilonds celebrations. Synagogue Auditorium. Reservations may still be made Only tho giant Chnnukah Fesby telephoning . AT 1177 or AT tivals in New York's Madison lOW. Admisison is 75 cents » per- Square Garden are expected to atson, including a dessert supper of tract more attention, according to coffee and home-made sweet rolls. Gerald Schwartz, area manager of Omaha mid Council Muffs' Cha- the Israel Bonds Organization. Sirs. J. Harry KuIukofHky, area chairman, also announced the acceptance by Iowa Governor Hcrscliel Lovelcso, overwhelmingly rcelected last month, ns honorary state chairman for Israel Honda. Goldman, Dan Gordman, Dr. Abe Grecnbcrg, William Ho will speak in beliitlf of the Grodinsky, Rabbi Benjamin Gro- bond campaign nt various meetner, Mrs. Morris Grossman, Jake ings in Iowa cities upon his return Kaplan, Maurice Katzman, Rabbi from Israel. Gov. and Mrs. Loveless, now In David Korb, Rabbi Myer S. Krlpke, J. Harry Kulalcofsky, Karl N. Israel, will return Dec. 14, and Louis, Mrs. Isidor Levinson, Jack are expected to send a special W. Marer, Henry A. Newman, Al- message to the crowd at the Beth bert B, Newman, Mrs. Nnthan L. Israel Synagogue auditorium. Tho Chanuliah Festival will cliNoj;g, Mrs. Ernest A. Nogg. max the 1958 drive to sell $200,000 F. Ralph Nogg, Ilyman Osoff, In Omaha and Council Bluffs. IsJoe M, Rice, Morton A. Richards, rael Bond sales in (he two cities Sam Rirkln, Paul Veret and Sam- already exceed' the $172,800 sold in all of 1957. uel N. Wolf.

Israel Finance* Minister Lev! Eshitol tills week praised the Israel Bond Organization for helping to finance a now reservoir for Jerusalem, and for "helping to provide essential investment capital" for "crucial development projects to make Israel secure and economically self-sufficient." Mr. Eshkol's views were ex-f piessed in a cable to Abraham valve causing water to flow into reinhcrg, President of the Israel the reservoir, which was built Bond Organization, on the occa- with Israel Bond aid at a cost of sion of the dedication of the new 2.000,000 Israel Bonds ($1,100,000). rcseivoir, which will eliminate the Present at the ceremony were danger of a water shortage in Israeli Cabinet ministers. Mayor Jerusalem. The reservoir, located Gershon Agron of Jerusalem, and in Baylt Vegan, a suburb of Jeru- foreign diplomats. salem, was built with the aid of Tho prorceillngs wero also wltIsrael Bond funds. liy hundreds of Jerusalem In his cable, Sir. Eslikol stressed iiesded residents who recalled tho severe the fact that the new reservoir water shortage) during tlio siego "represents another step In the ten years ago, when not a drop of <ouiitry-wlde program of wells, water reached tlio city In more irrigation systems and reservoirs than three months. which we nre carrying through The full text of the message with the aid of Israel Hand loans." from Mr. Eshkol to Mr. Feinberg The new reservoir assures Jeru- Is as follows: salem of a steady water supply "Today I opened the valve to for the first time since King Heze- fill the newly completed water Iclnh built a water tunnel to the reservoir In Jerusalem built at the city moro than two thousand cost of 2,000,000 Israel pounds yc.itj ago. with the aid of Israel Bond inTri special ceremonies, Finance vestments through the DevelopPhil Und •Minister Levi Eshkol opened. a ment Budget.. This new reservoir will assure the maintenance of vital water supplies, and • allows PRISIHTS for continued growth of population and industry for Israel's capiSTATE Of ISnflGl BOND ORGAEJIZATIOfJ tal city. ' "It also represents another step in the country-wide program of wells, irrigation systems and reservoirs which we are carrying through with the aid of Israel Bond loans."

Prime Minister David Ben-Gnrlon last week presented Ms personal Chanukah inenorah to the Israel Bond Orgonlzntlon us "a, token of appreciation for the groat ivorlt you nre doing in the rehuilding of Isrucl." Tlio menoruh was received In bolinlf of the Israel Bond drive by Dr. J. Schwartz (left), its vice-president, who was in Israel for talks with government -leaders' on tho problem of providing increased Israel Bond resources to nialio housing and employment available for Immigrants from Eastern Europe Tho Prime. .Minister's menorah ivll be kindled at New York's Clmnulcali Festival for Israel at Madison Square Garden on Monday, December 8,

Percy Gardijier, leading Toronto industrialist and financier, this week purchased 575,000 in State of Israel Bonds to aid Israel as "the strongest friend of democracy in the Middle East." Mr. Gardiner, -.vho is a Director of the Bank of Novn Scotia, presented a check for his purchase to Dr. Abba Hlllel Silver of Cleveland, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Israel Bond Organization, nt a dinner at Holy Blossom Temple 111 Toronto celebrating Israel's tenth anniversary, His purchase was made in honor of Rabbi Abraham L. Feinberg, spiritual leader of the Temple, Tlie purchase by Mr. Gardiner Is the largest, slngh Investment \n Israel Bonds made by a non-Jew In the history of the Bond drive In Canada.

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