December 12, 1958

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v»i v x i n i No. Nn ,14 , Published every Friday, 101JA N I3(i(l 20tn. om. uj Al "<1i iA - NEBRASKA Vol vJCVXVU omuha Nebraska Phono «I.I«IA»M./I,


1? 1,!,

in»;» t ; n l e r c d ttS Secuntt-CluBB Mutter al tusl- Single Copy 10 Cent* 1U58 0 »lce. Omuim. Nebraska, under Act of 187B Am/uuj KIUO 4 Oullurli

Eban Pleas for Peace-

United Nations, N. Y., (JTA) — Israel Ambassador Abba Ebun told the United Nations Security Council that the Israel Government considers the recent bombardment of Israel villages by Syrian artillery as "an act of war." lie emphasized that a repetition of mili. tary attacks by Syrains would lead to "drastic and exhaustive" retaliation. However, Mr. Knan-pleaded with •the Security Council to help avoid such a step. "The Government of Israel," he said, "is a r d e n t l y nnxlous to avoid this contingency, if it can." He spoke at the opening meeting of the urgent session of the Security Council convoked to deal with Israel's complaint against Syria's agrcssion in at-

Mrs. Max Fromkin Receives Award Mrs, Max Fromkin, organizer of the Mid-Central States Chapter of the Women's Branch of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America and now its honorary president was honored with an award for outstanding service at a Beth Israel Sisterhood meeting Tuesday afternoon. The citation wns also from the national organization in New 'York. Mrs. Fromkin served as Mid-Central States chapter president two years. Announcement has been received of Mrs. Fromkln's election to the national Board of Directors of the Women's Branch.

Needlework Guild Contributors .Mrs. Dave Colin, chairman of the Jewish Charities Section of the Needlework Guild Drive, issued an urgent request this week to all women to send in their contributions now. Jn addition to those previously listed, the following: have contributed: Mines: Milton Abrahams, Joe Adlcr, Harry Altsuler, Jacob Bernstein, Norman Bordy, Max Breslow, Abe Chunovlc, Sam Cohen, Abe Cooper, Sol Crandcll, Paul Crounse, Rnlph DeKoven, Sam Elcwitz, John A. Farber, Phil Feldman, Louis Fellman, Alexander D. Frank, Sam Frank, Morris J. Franklin, Albert Gillnsky, Nntlian H. Greenbertf, Charles Guss, Joe Guss, Irving Hor/og, F.ll KaBan, Milton Livingston. Mmes. Harry Lobel, F. Ralph Nogg, Max C.'PIatt, William Poster, Milton S. Resnlck, Yale Richnrds, Kmanuel Segel, Harold Slosburg, Robert Swartz, Lee Ta'ub, Morris Welner, Herman Weinsteln. Harold Wicsman, Samuel B. Wicsman and Miss Elizabeth J. Hart.

Sunday Funday Will Celebrate Chanukah A portion of the Sunday Funday program, Sunday, December 14, will be devoted to the celebration of Chanuknh. Each group will participate In" the activities which will include the traditional candle lighting ceremony. Refreshments will be served.

Youth Council 'College Night'

lacking Israeli villages in the Hiileh arpa, pouring some 800 artillery shells into them. He p o i n t e d out that on all borders, except that d i v i d i n g Israel from the Syrian region of (ho United Aral) Republic, tranquillity has prevailed for about two years. . "The prolonged maintenance of cjuiet during 19f>7 and 1958 had proved conclusively that if Arab governments decide as a matter of policy to let Israel live in peace, there will bo peaceful conditions on the Arab-Israel frontiers." Mr. Eban declared.

Congressman James Koosi-volt speaking before a "I'rojjnim of the Month" audience of over 500 persons at Temple Israel, Sunday, nrccmlwr 7, lauded IKNICLIIS "tlu< only rcnl democratic nntiuir to practice what It preaches." Mr. Roosevelt urged this government to take the view that an aggressive attack on Israel constitutes an attack on the United States and other pro-western .democracies nnd a threat to world peace, In _ referring to Israel as the only democratic nation in the entire middle-east, the foreign policy of the United States must be changed to protect the concept and Ideology of democracy ralhcr than be concerned primarily with our material Interests in the middle east or in any other sector of the world. A visitor to Israel only but one year, ago, Mr. Roosevelt stated he was amazed to see the technological and industrial gains made in such a short time and that the entire State of Israel in.practically every phase of development and Krowtli achieved a record never before achieved by any nation In the world In modern times. Congressman Roosevelt replying to a question during the question

GSianukafi Programs for Jewish Servicemen New York (JTA)—Thousands of Jewish military personnel on duty at U.S. missile rocket, jet nnd aircraft warning stations in this country joined their fellow Jews at military posts round the globe in the celebration of Chanukah. The world-wide Chanukah programs were conducted by Jewish chaplains and USO-JWB field men under the auspices of the National Jewish Welfare B o a r d sponsor of global "Operation Chanukah." Programs took place at more than 600 military posts and veterans hospitals in the U.S., and in 65 overseas lands. Gifts Given in Germany . Gifts were distributed a t a Chanukah party in Nuremberg, Germany, at a special cnndlelighting service for GI Children, when the youngsters were hosts to 20 German children from the city of Furth, JWB gifts also found their way to lonely stations In Germany, where U.S. GI's arc on patrol along the- Communist East Zone border. ClianiiUnlr Story Told The story of Chanukah was told at Vandenberff Missile Base, Cal,, Huntsville Missile Arsenal, Ala., the Army Chemical Center, Baltimore—and at tho Aberdeen Proving Ground, Baltimore, where scientists are at work on the Bomarc missile and the now" moon rockets. Chaplains rend the »erv-

A college night program to which all junior and senior members of the Youth Council and all college freshmen are being invited, will be hold Tuesday, December 23 at 7:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center, A panel composed of college freshman wll lanswer questions on Ices at the aircraft, warning sites college life, The program in spon- in Kurd Beach, Winston-Sfllem and Roanoke Jtapjds, M...C. . , sored by the Youth Council.




January llfli

Bonds lo Award Honors Af Festival Program

Omaha and Council Bluffs' Jew of Omaha's favorite 'comedians ish communities will join in a and singers, heads the entertainmammoth "Salute to Omaha" ment program. A dessert suppep Sunday night at the Beth Israel synagogue auditorium. Greater Omaha will be signally honored by the international Israel Bonds Organization for "eight years of leadership in the sale and purReservations still are availchase of State of Israel Bonds, able for Sunday night's Salute climaxed by its record-breaking to Omuha at the Chanukah effort in the historic year commemorating Israel's 10th anni- Festival. Telephone AT 1177 or AT 1093 today or any time versary of Independence." Sunday for reservations for the Presentation of the official cifunction to be held at the Beth and answer period stated "that tation will be made at the ChaIsrael synagogue auditorium, he was in favor of guaranteeing nukah Festival for Israel, slated Admission of 75 cents includes Israel military aid and support in for 8 p, m. Sunday, by Morris sweet rolls and coffee. tho event of nn aggressive war He further remarked this is to be of coffee and home-made sweet interpreted that in the event the rolls costing 75 cents a person has time element prevented immedibeen substituted for a dinner "bO ate military aid, retalitory measa maximum number of persons can ures would be assured by this participate," according to Israel government. Bonds co-chairmen Samuel KatzMr. Roosevelt congratulated man and Samuel Rice. the Omaha Jewish community for The twin presentations will clisponsoring the Adult Education max a busy day of meetings of Series (Program of the Month). leaders of Jewish communities of Earl Seigcl, Chairman of the Iowa, Nebraska and South Da» Jewish Community Center Adult kota at the Blackstone Hotel and Education Committee, opened the the Jewish Community Center of forum and introduced Jack Marer Omaha. past president of the Jewish Fed Itluffs to Slntro Honors oration who se.rved as chairman of the evening. Council Bluffs, with the best sales record on a per capita basis The next Program of the Month in Iowa year after year, will share presentation will feature Dr. Berin the community honor with nard Chcrrick, Director General James G. McDonald Omaha, Mr. Alexander pointed of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem on Thursday, February IS, Alexander of Chicago, national out. chairman of the B'nai B'rith Com8 p, m. at Omaha University. Governor-elect Ralph Brooks of mittee for Israel and chairman of the board of governors of Is- Nebraska will make his first ma301 appe.uance in Omaha followrael Bonds for the Midwest. ing his recent election. The eduMcDonald To He Cited Sharing the spollight with the community honor—only one in Steve Fisk, president of Rayim the nation to be presented in 1958 and Edio Singer of Rohanue will and the third in the history of the serve as co-chairmen of Youth Israel Bonds campaign in 27 counCouncil Stage Night. A stage tries—will be presentation of an night hoard consisting of two award to James G. McDonald, qualified representatives from each first United States ambassador to club will regulate and co-ordinate Israel by Consul General David r this program whose date w ill be Tosher. announced in the near future. Phil Lind of Chicago, long one The annual meeting of the Jewish Federation will be held Sunday evening, January 11th at the Jewish Community Center. Robert H. Kooper, president, urges everyone to plan to attend the meeting.


'Salute' Reservations Are Still Available




' 1



y; < '•

Op-Chairmen for Stage {High? Appointed .



I "Living from criis to crisis" describes the pattern of the United Hlns service program in the words of William Frank of New York City, one of its three-man staff of field workers. Service Discussed Mr, Frank whose work takes ham on an 18 states work-trip once a year when not at the New York headquarters, was in Omaha this week to diseiiss with officials of the Jewish Federation of Omaha, the services of his organization which arranges for Jewish persons to leave lands of persecutions as well as their resettlement in new countries. Jewish Federation Bonoficinry The United Hias of which Jack Marer, Omaha attorney, 13 a member of Its national council, is a beneficiary of the Jewish Federation here. Tho United Hias processed- nearly 17,000 persons during the past year. Principal countries, other than the United States to roceivo Jewish refugees ara Australia,

Canada, South America, particularly Brazil. Mr£ Frank was In charg« of th« United Hiaj raceptlon • canter at Camp, Kilmer,. N. -Ji, during, the

Hungarian revolt when for a time approximately 12 planes flew in daily to deposit some 5,100 persons, six of whom came to Omaha. Impressed with Library The trip to Omaha was the first for Mr. Frank who In a tour of the Jewish Community Center said he was deeply impressed with the facilities of the Center Library and "remarked he hnd never seen anything like it." Mr. Frank was a practicing at torney in Berlin before coming to this country in the thirties.

ioolde? Goes to Schools A copy of "Prejudiced—How Do People Get. That Way" by William Van Til has been placed In the hands of ninety social studies teachers o£ Omaha's junior and senior high schools by the Henry Monsky Chapter of B'nal B'rlih. Thfl booklet was given to the schools as part of a project of the antl-dofamatlon leagua committee of the organization, to^ng' w i t h hum&n relation!. Mrs. Harry A. Wlso and Mn, Herbert Melches are chairmeni of: the project.

I'lill Llnd cator is regarded as one of th» area's best speakers and is a nominee for the role of 1960 keynoter at the Democratic National convention. Sales of Israel Bonds In Onwha and Council Bluffs passed lUe $183,000 murk parly tills neck an tho cmpliasls shifted to collection of thin year's commitments. Mrs. Sumucl Wolf, women's' division chairman, said more tlinn $150,000 In cash already has been deposited. She urged nil persons 8\IH owing on their commitments to pay prior to Sunday's t'liamikali Festival. Special Awards Special awards will be made to leading salesmen and saleswomen {ov the 1958 drive, wWch already has eclipsed all previous marks of Greater Omaha bond campaigns. Mrs. Isadore Chapman and Mrs, Henry Newman will present most of the charms to wonien volunteers,.. ". ;,..•;.!.:,.,.....„ *./




.. '



P»ge Two

SANFOKD L. FIUKDMAN Sanford Lee (Sandy) Friedman, son of Mr. and Mrs. I. II. Friedman will observe his Bar Mitzvah this Friday evening and Saturday morning at Belh El Syna- BETH EL, Services this evening at Belli El gogue. Synagogue will begin at 8:15 p.m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver JOSEPH EltMAN Mr. and Mrs. -Morris Krman an- the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their and the Beth El Synagogue Choir son, Joseph, on Friday evening. will render the musical portions December 19 and Saturday morn- of the service. ing, December 20th at Beth El Services Sabbath morning begin Synagogue. at 9:30 a.m. Junior Congregation service at 10:30 a.m. Mincha-MaBAKRY L. KKICSK1XI) nriv Service is at 4:30 p.m. The Bar Mitzvah of Barry Louis Sunday morning service is at Kricsfeld, son of Mr. and Mrs. 9 a.m. in the Chapel, followed by a Joseph G. Kricsfeld, will be cele- study-discussion session'at 9:30 brated at the Beth Israel Syna- a.m. led by Rabbi Kripke. Breakgogue on Friday evening, Decem- fast will be served. Daily services ber 19th and Saturday morning, are at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. December 20th. BETH Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Eli Kagan, The Beth Israel Synagogue Choir and Secondary "B" LIVE FISH MARKET Class will conduct, late services this evening at 8 p.m. Rabbi Gro1314 NO. 24TH ST. ner's sermon will be on "The Mystery of Chanukah." Traditional Live Fish Friday evening services (Kabalas Kosher Chickens Shabbos) at 4:45 p.m., Saturday morning services 8:45 and the . BUY AND SAVE Junior congregation at 10 a.m. Rabbi Groner will lead the SaturBy Calling day affemon Talmud Gauss at 4:15 p.m. and Mincha, followed by Shalosh Seudos and Maariv will ' Harry Lutz begin at 4:45 p.m. Sunday morning services begin at 8:45 a.m. and are followed by breakfast and the class in Bible. The Sunday morning Junior service begins at 8:30 a.m. Daily services 7 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. The weekly Talmud Study Group LANTIC meets at the 19th and Hurt Street "Synagogue every Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. and services there every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. •


JA 8627

B'SJtl JACOB-ADAS VESIIiritO.V Services at B'nai Jacob-Adas Yeshuronwill begin Friday at -5:30 p.m. and Saturday morning at 8:30 a.m. with Mincha at 4:30 p.m. followed by Shalosh S'eudos Daily services nt 6:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.


1093 TODAY or

SUNDAY for Chanukah Festival

RESERVATIONS Refreshments It

Friday, December 12, 1958

CarnpusNews With theHome Folks Regional Head to

Bar Mitzvah Ail friends and relatives are Invited to attend services anil reception.



TEMPLE ISICAKI, Services will be held this Friday evening at 7:30 p.m. with Rabbi Sidney Brooks officiating. Special Chanukah candle lighting ceremony. A family Chanukah dinner will precede'the services at 6:30 p.m. Shabbas morning services will begin at 11:30 n.m. with Rabbi Brooks offidnting and trie rtellgious School Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin singing the musical portions of the service.

ELECTED TO LEGISLATIVE ItESEAKCH BUKEAU Barton Veret, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Veret, is one of 22 Harvard Law School students elected to the Student Legislative Research Bureau. The bureau does the research and drafting of state and Federal laws. SAM I'l.EIHJK Bernard Bloom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bloom has been pledged to Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity at Cass Institute of Technology. DEAN'S LIST Howard J. Knslow, son of Ben Knslow, has been named to the Dean's list at Yale University. IUTA I'KLTZ NAMED Miss Rita Peltz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Peltz is one of 11 coeds selected for Angels Flight, women's auxiliary to the Air Force Arnold Air Society.

News and linjJjMmJnrt at Ttio Dr. Philip Khtr Jmvlfth Hum* for The AK«d by Davit]

TEMI'LK ISRAEL CHANUKAH I'AiCTV: The Temple Israel Chanukah Party will be held on Sunday, December 14th, at 2 p. m. A talent show will be followed by refreshments served by the Temple Israel Sisterhood committee with Mines. Paul Veret and Leon Fellman In charge. NEW RESIDENT: Hyman Stein YAHKZEIT IN DECEMIIKIC: Special memorial services will be held in the Home Synagogue for the following—the anniversary of whose death falls during (his month: Kislev .19—Dec. 1--Harry Dworsky; Kislev 22—Dec. 4—Sophie Neveleff; Kislev 28—Dec. 10 —Abe Milder: Kislev 29—Dec. 11 —Harry L. Cohen and Tebet 13— Dec. 24 th Julius Newman. The flowers this week were donated in honor of the Chanukah holiday by Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Diamond and Mr. and Mrs. George Shafer.

Address Mizrachi

Mrs.' Abraham Danzig of Kansas City, regional president of Mizra'chl, will address an open meeting of the Omaha chapter Wednesday, December 17th at 2 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Danzig, wife of a rabbi, is regional president and a national vice-president of Mizrachi. She is a Columbia University graduate and has spoken frequently on her visits to Israel. A Chanukah luncheon'will be served at 1 p.m. Members may bring articles not exceeding the price of twenty-five cents to be exchanged as gifts. Reservations may be made with Mines. Max Arbitman, PL 4010; William Kpstein, PL 6144 and H. Franklin, WE 5245. Patronize Our Advertisers

SAM BREAKFAST Paul Alper»on has been named Members of Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity, University of Nebras- b u y e r of Richmond-Gordman ka, Lincoln, were host to 50 mem- Store No. 2 in South Omaha-by bers of Alpha Chi Omega Sorority Hen Kaplan, co-owner. at a 6:45 a. m. breakfast, Novem- 25.

Decays SAMUEL fiHEENBEIUJ Funeral services for Samuel Grecnberg, 84, or 214 South 49th Street, who died December 5 were held Sunday afternoon at Beth El Synagogue. Mr. Greenberg, «»n Omaha grocer was a resident of Omaha 65 years, and belonged to Beth El SynnROfiue and B'nai B'ritii. • Surviving are sons, David, Omaha; Dr. B. N. Greenberg, York. Neb.; daughter, Mi-s. Ida Shafton, Sioux Falls, S. D., six grandchildren and two great grandchildren. ADOLTJI FItOJIMAN Funeral services for Adolph Frohman, 76, of G23 South 35th Avenue, who died December 4. were held at Burket Chanel, Friday, December 5. Burial was in Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Surviving are wife, Carrie, son, Warner B. Frohman, Omaha; brothers, Albert, Danbury, Conn.; Isadore, Chicago, 111.; sisters, Mrs. Lena Neuberger, New York, N. Y., and Mrs. Bertha Hammilrcich, Buffalo, N. Y. " MAX C'APLAN Max Caplan, 67, former Omaha insurance man, died December 2 In Los Angeles, Cal. •Surviving .is. n son, Herbert, Chicago, nnd two grandchildren.

Copper Order Placed

Jerusalem, < JTA) — Hungary has placed the first large order received here from abroad for Births copper ore produced in the Timna Mr. and Mrs. Morris Bresel an- mines, near the ancient site of nounce the birth of a daughter, King Solomon's mines in the Marti Jo, November 23 at Clark- Ncgev. son Hospital. They are also the parents of Cnndee Lyn nnd James Michel. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Max Kaplan of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Wpirson of Lincoln.

Be Near Those You Love...


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Tom Middleton Switches; Gerelich Ford Wins Again "Vm back to a Gerelkk Ford," said Tom Middleton (r.), a member ol the firm of Buller Fixture, 3926 No. 30th, to Bob Skoff, Gezdlck sniraman. I n traflinE his "58 Bet Air for a "59 Fcrd, Mr, Midflleton s a i a , . T h i i is-ray fifth CereJlck Ford. I changerl brands Hast year but I'm back with Gcroliek and

Ford tliis year." Sec why more people ere switching to Gcnclkk for a '59 Ford, Better trades, plus Gcrelick's 30,000* mile (3-year) warranty, make him Omaha's Economy King. ..Gtrelick, 4719 Wo. 30th Street. Phtrn* PLeasant 8111.

Friday, December 12, 1088

Carol Spector Is Betrothed

Mis* Carol fipectftr Mr. and Mrs. Morris Spector, formerly of New York, announce the engagement of their [laughter, Miss Carol to Louis Aaron Brown, ton of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Brown. Mr. Brown it attending the Omaha Art School.

Spring Rites Are Planned



Organizations PIONBKK ONKO SIIABBAT the Workmen Circle Dramatic Joe Radinowslti will be the Club Saturday, December 13 at guest speaker at an Oneg Shabbat 8:30 p. m. Tlie four are Mrs. Milto be held by the Pioneer Worn- ton N e a r e n b e r g, Mrs. Max ens Organization, 'Saturday, De- Crounse, Mrs. Jennie Rifldn and cember 13 at 1:30 p. in. at (he Sam Sussman. home of Mrs. H. Fried, 4371 Hamilton Street, CONGItKOATIONAL, DINNER The annual congregational ChaA C'hanukah musical program will be presented by Mrs. Milton nukah Dinner will be held at TemNeaienberg and Sam and Harry ple Israel, Friday, December 12 Kifkin. Mrs. Dave Epstein is cul- at 6:30 p. m. Sabbath services will follow the dinner at 7:30 p. m., it tural chairman. was.announced by Mmes. Leonard Kulakofsky and Leo Kiscnstatt, IIAUASSAII The board of the Omaha chapter co-chairmen of Sisterhood congreof Hadassah will meet at 12:,'iO gational dinners. p.m. Monday, December IS at the home of Mrs. Albert Wohlner with SIGMA ALPHA MV Mmes. Harry Wigodsky and Sam MOTHERS CLUB Tlie Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers RothenbeiK as co-hostesses. Club will meet Wednesday, December 17, at 1 p.m., at the home WOKKiUEN CHICLE of Mrs. Dave Forman, 5602 LeavDKAMATIO CI/CH The birthdays of four members enworth street. Mrs. Joe Lipton will be honored at a meeting of will be co-hostess. Members are requested to make their reservations with Mrs. E. I. Widman, GL 3435.

Bryna Miller to Wed Rabbi Fertig

News of the engagement of Miss Bryna Miller, daughter of former Omahans and Rabbi William Fertlg, Kon of Mrs. Morris Ferllg of Sacremenfo, Ca]., has been received in Omaha. Tlie bride-to-be is the (laughter of Rabbi and Mrs. Uri Miller of Baltimore, Md. Rabbi Miller was at one time spiritual leader of the United Orthodox Congregation of Omaha. Miss Miller is the granddaughter of Mr., and Mrs. Isadore Shafer, formerly of Omaha and now living in Los Angeles, Cal. Miss Miller is a graduate of Stern Colege for Women of Ycsliiva University and is a public school teacher in Baltimore. Itabbi Fertig is spiritual leader of the Mosaic Law Congregation in Sacramento.



B AND P HABASSAM Tlie Business and Professional Hadassah board will meet Sunday, December 14th at 2 p.m. at the home of Miss Myrtle Freeman who will be assisted by Mrs. Alice Heeger. A coffee hour will follow the business session.

Pag* Three sisting of group and chapter chairmen of the following committees, Education, Zionist Public Relations, American Affairs, Program and Presidents will meet for an Oneg Shabbat on Saturday, December 13 at 1 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Nathan Turner. GltOUP LUNCHEONS Three groups of Omaha Chapter of Hudassah will meet in separate luncheon sessions Thursday. December 18 at 12:30 p.m. The Herzl group will meet at the Jewish Community Center The S/old group will hold its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. William Raduziner, 846 Dillon Drive. The Weizman group will meet for a luncheon meeting at tne

Eileen Epstein to Wed W. Siegel Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Epstein announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Eileen Mae to Wayne Siegel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Siegel. An early spring wedding is planned.

home of Mrs. Joe Guss, 722 Parkwood Lane. Mrs. Phineas Wintroug, guest speaker, will present a personal aspect of her recent visit to Israel. Special chairman is Mrs. Max Lashinsky. Reservations are being taken by. Mmes, Leo Milder, Bernard Diamond, Elliot Brown, Milton Mintz and Harry Liberman.



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Page Four


Friday, December 12, 1058

Center Sports BELKRADES TOl' VARSITY Belgrade's Bombers, unbeaten In their first two varsity league encounters are leading the league. They defeated Lusty's 52-36. TrailIng 8-6 at the first quarter, Jack Stiss and Ed Belgrade found the range and hit with real consistency. They each hit for 11 points to lead their team. Perry Nadler and Dan Epstein scored 8 points each for the losers. In the second game Butt Robinson scored two quick baskets at the start of the first quarter to break a tie game and with Sanely Brophv's 2<1 points they squeezed past Paul's 50-17. Hoy Katskce was the high scorer for the losers as he hit for 17 points and played his finest grime 1o date. The Central high junior was a terror under the offensive board. Robinsons and Pauls each have a 1-1 won and lost record while Lusty's have yet to get in the winning column. AZA 100, ItAYIM TltllMPH AZA 100 squeezed past AZA Ronu 26-2!) to feature last Sunday's basketball action at the Jay Eddie Wintroub and Mike Platt were the scoring leaders for the winners with 10 and 8 points respectively. Justin Ban topped Ronu scoring with 10 points. Rayim. with Roy Katskee and Dave Wintroub lending the way scored •ni easy win over AZA 1, 48-35. Katskee, a fine rebounder hit for l(i points, while Wintroub added 11. Frank Goldberg, continuing his fine shooting pace led the losers with 17 points. MIDGHTS READY FOK LKAfiirE 1'LAY " Another fine season of Midget basketball play will get underway this Sunday at Hie Jay gymnasium. The 7-8lh graders will square off at 3 p. m. with Cowboys tackling I-Go Van. The 5th grade league will Start one week later as practice sessions are still underway. Team rosters will be in the next issue of the Jewish Press.


CIIANUKAH PARTY A Chanukah party and get-together for members and mothers will be given by the seventh grade Ann Frank Young Judea group, December 14 at 2 p. m. at the home of Linda Riekes, 820 North Fairacres road. The last meeting was held at the home of Rosalind Bordy. EDIAR TO HOLD FIRST OPEN DAXCE Ediar will hold its first open dance, "Rhapsody in Blue" January 3, 1959 .at the Blackstone Hotel. The "beau" of Ediar will be named that evening. Candidates are Buddy Herzog, Rayim; Bruce Bernstein, AZA No. 100; Arnold Altsuler, Ronu and Jerry Goldslrom, AZA No. 1. New pledges of Ediar are: Bunny Block, Karen Brodkey, Ellen Canar, Judy Davidson, Nancy Fellman, Carol Rosenbaum, Carrie Rubin, Neena Beber, Judy Siegler, Terry Milder, Sharon Grossman, Susie Gilinsky, Phyllis Shapiro, Elizabeth Katz, Shelly Sonimer, Michelc Simon, Judy Veret, Linda Joffe, Sandy Parilman and Lois Greenberg. Neena Beber is secretary and Carol Rosenbaum is sergcant-atarms of this pledge class. Adopt Name of "Dot" The sixth 'grade Young Judea girls have taken the name of 'Dot" meaning Daughters of the Torch. They will hold their next meeting at the home of Framcm Harding, 878 So. 89th street, Sunday at 2:30 p. m. and are also planning a slumber party on December 22..

Want Ads Phone JA 130b lo insert tout'Want Aa la Tho Jewish Press. Current rate !» CO cents tot eacn rout line Insertion. The Prw» ruerres lbs right to tlmlt Rlze or eacn advertisement


BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratuJations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News .Stand.,. J502 Dodge

Morris Alexander has visited Israel and made an intensive study of its economic and industrial possibilities. He is a member of the board of several Israeli firms and is a builder and attorney in Chicago. He was formerly presldi-ut of the. Chicago Council of Il'nal IS'rith. In 1(118, lie organized the lVnul Ii'rith Friendship Truln which collected food and other materials for Israel. II was tlio forerunner of one of H'nal B'rltli's major projects . . . the Aid to the People of Israel Committee .-. of which he W District No. 0 Chairman. A member of the National Board of Governors of the Israel Bond drive, he serves in a similar capacity with Materials for Israel. He is an Interesting, witty and informed speaker, a knowledge gained from his extensive experience with many oiganiaztions including the Combined Jewish Appeal, the Leo N. Levi Hospital, and the Chicago Council Against Racial and Religious Discrimination.

M. Alexander

David Teshcr

Mayor John Rosenblatt of Omaha will join with Governor-elect Ralph Brooks at Sunday night's Salute to Omaha highlighting the gala Chanukah Festival for Israel. The city's chief executive long has been active in the United Jewish Appeal and other causes benofitting the growth of the Jewish slate. Announcement was made by co- + chairman Samuel Katzman and Samuel Rice today as the bond drive passed the 01.5 per cent mark towards its 5200,000 goal. Sales of more than $183,000 in Omaha and Council Bluffs already exceed any previous year: Phil Lind Is one of America's Xow» that Omaha has been se- most versatile singers and enterlected as the slt« for the presentation of an nward by the Israeli tainers of stage, screen, radio and government and liy the State of television. Israel Itonds organization to forPresently the master of ceremer United States Ambassador monies of several daily radio proJames G. McDonald bus created grams which emanate from Chigreat Interest among the non- cago, Mr. Lind recently completed Jnwlsh community. a successful television series, "The M o r e non - Jewish purchasers Phil Lind Show," for which he was than ever before have joined the acclaimed by critics as the "new campaign this year, according to TV find of the year." Israel Bonds area manager GerThe unique personality of Mr. ald Schwartz. Lind has been identified for more Support for the giant "Salute to thnn two decades'in every facet Israel" Is lining given by every of show business. Ho is an artist Jewish organization in Omaha and who is at. home In the theater, Council Bluffs. Tho Henry Jlonsliy the concert hall and on the lecture H'nnl IJ'rith lodge is substituting podium. He has added immeastho Cbnnukali Festival for a .reg- urably to the American scene with ular monthly program on its Isrncl his original musical interpretations, his keen wit and his ability activities. All of the city's sisterhoods, Ha- to analyze the world-shattering dassah groups. Labor Zionist or- political events which shape the ganizations and other units made destiny of our nation. s p e c i a l announcements urging During World War II, Mr. Lind members to attend the climatic was «'-ll known In the South Paaffair of this year's campaign. cific Theater of Operations, whero Robert Fehiberg, chairman of as a I'FC he performed In O. I. the Guardians of Israel, and E. reviews near tlio fighting fronts. Kobert Newman, I1KJ Day grand While in Tokyo, he nppnarnd with marshal, will their ac- such outstanding stars as Danny tivities during the streamlined Kaye and L«o Durocher, Mclvyn Douglas, Danny Thomas and d r y meeting. Consul (Jeneral David Tcsher, Grant. former head of tho Jewish NaReturning home and donning tional Fund in both Canada and civilian clothes again, Mr. Lind the United States, will lie making was besieged by theatrical offers bis second official visit io Omaha of all kinds, nnd catapulted into and Council It luffs since assuming show business fame almost overhis post In Chicago. night, He was featured in such He is credited with having vast- outstanding entertainment spots ly improved Israeli trade and pub- as the Blackstone Hotel's Mnyfair lic relations throughout the 15 Itoom in Chicago, tho Chicago M i d w e s t e r n and Southwestern Theater, the Strand Theater in states which fall under the Chicago New York and Copa City In Miconsulate. Consul General Tesher ami Beach. Since that time, in and M. Alexander, national B'nftl addition to playing the night cluo B'rlth leader, also will take part circuit, he has been seen on the earlier in the day in an nrea con- screen in several Universal-Inference with Israel Bonds chair- ternational motion uictures.*" men. Horn In New York City, Mr. Lfriil received an early musical educjitlon from his father Cantor Joshua Lind, whose Hinging* puplln have" included Jan IVcroe and Kiclmrd Tucker. Ills brotheriHMurray and Dale—also were coached by Cantor Lind, who M tlio former national president of nil the cantors and ministers In the United States and Canada. Billed as the Lind Quartet, the cantor and his SOUK toured tho nation, receiving unanimous critical acclaim.

James G. McDonald, one of America's noted public figures and this country's first Ambassador to Israel, is chairman of the Advisory Council of the State of Israel Bond Drive. Mr. McDonald has been for many years an outstanding authority on international affairs. He Is one of the founders of the Foreign Policy Association, an organization which has since 1919 worked for the furtherance of studies in International relations. He served as Chairman of the Board of the Foreign Policy Association from its inception until 1933, when he was appointed League of Nations High Commissioner for German Refugees. As League Commissioner until 193(5, Mr. McDonald was o.,c of the first to recognize the impending threat to world peace imFormer Prime Minister Moslie plicit in Nazi persecution of the Sharett of Israel left for Israel Jews. this week at the completion of a On his return to America, "Mr. one-month tour of communities in the United States and-Canada McDonald wits, successively, an editorial writer for the New York for State of Israel Bonds. Times and President or the BrookIn a statement on his depar- lyn Institute of Arts and Sciences. ture, the Israeli leader stressed He was then appointed Chairthe role of Israel Bonds in shap- man of President Roosevelt's Ading a better future for the Stale visory Committee on Political Reof Israel. fugees, which dealt in the main "AH those who rally to the call with attempts to achieve State of Israel Honds," he Hiild, "may Department agreement to wider, Indeed rest assured that, by dem- interpretation of U.S. immigration onstrating thnt Israel Is not alone laws. nrvl will never lie forsaken, by as-1 In 1915 Mr. McDonald was slstlng in the development of asked by President Truman to resources and by assuring the suc- serve on t lie Anglo-American cess of her constructive endeavors, Commission of Inquiry which was they take- a direct and decisive to offer :i solution of the Palespart in the shaping of a better tine problem. He emerged as a future for the Jewish people and champion of the rights of Jewish In the paving of the way to a victims of Hitler's Europe to unpermanent peace." limited Immigration into PalesDuring his tour,. Mr. Sharelt, tine. In 1948 he was appointed U.S. who was his country's first Foreign Minister, was the principal Ambassador to the State ot Isspeaker at meetings for Israel rael. Bonds in seventeen major cities from coast to coast. He was greeted by enthusiastic crowds in each community he visited, resulting in the sale of record sums in Israel Bonds to provide resources for the development of every phrase of Israel's economy. The full text of Mr. Sharett's statement follows: "I am returning to Jerusalem after an extensive tour On behalf of Israel Bonds, in the course of which I visited sixteen communities in the United States and one in Canada. I was profoundly moved by the spirit of passionate attachment to Israel and of unshakable faith in her future, so forcefully expressed both by the upsurging of emotion and by concrete response—at the meetings I was privileged to address. The eagerness manifest throughout to hear the message of Israel and understand more deeply her hlBtorie significance and urgent problems has been such as to give courage to the builders of Zion and to all who flock to its gates. "It was evident that American and Canadian Jewries arc deterPercy Gardiner (right). lending Toronto Industrialist and fimined to persevere In their efforts nancier, is shown presenting a check for bin purchase of Stato of of progressively strengthening Israel Bonds to Dr. Abba IIIHcl Silver (center), Chairman of tho and expanding Israel's economic Board of Governors of the Israel Bond Organization, and Kabbl structure. They consider it tlielr Abraham I<. Felnbarg at a dinner at Holy Blossom Temple' In Tosupreme duty to enable Israel to ronto. Mr. (inrdlner has bought $75,000 in Israel Bonds, the largest fulfill her mission as a home for purchase by a non-Jew In Canada. Tho Toronto industrialist, who all oppressed Jews and for tliose bought the Israel Bonds In honor of Kabbl Felnbcrg, spiritual leader who seek to »Imre the blessings of the Temple, stntcd that he was niotivatod by the fact that "Israel of full Jewish life. is the strongest friend of democracy In the Middle East,"

An extraordinary meeting of the national board of governors and top community leadership of the Israel Bonds organization will be' held In New York City January 9-11, president Abraham Feinberg announced today, ; l'rogress-problems-p r o g r B m. These three words will be tho agenda for the meeting as the Israel Bonds Organization enters Its eighth year as the major financial arm /or economic development of tho State of Isruol. Invitations have been oxtended to present and former Israel Bonds chairmen In the Iowa,".'Nebraska and South Dakota area, according to Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky, three-state chairman.

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