December 19, 1958

Page 1

v v v i ' i i K/. i r Published every l''rlduy. 101 N voth. S X W l l SSu. la omuho Nebraslca Phono JA 13fifl



'n ift mist Unterea uu Secund-Cluss Mutter at fust- SInKlo Copy 10 CcntB U ID, JU->Nofr|CO omuha. Nebraska. undur Act of 1879 AIIIIUUJ Kate 4 Uullur»

Warning that Ihe flood-tide of new immigrants to Israel from Roumania, Hungary, Poland and other countries cont i n u e s to rise, Morris W. Berinstein, General Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, this week called on the Jewish Federation of Omaha to join other Federations in a nationwide United Jewish Appeal $40,000,000 c a s h collection drive to meet the immediate urgent need for the absorption of immigrants in Israel.

basic services which must b9 quickly expanded. "It takes cash, and a great deal New York (JTA)—A 529,593,000 live vice-chairman, listed JDC's of it," Mr. Kooper said, "to supply budget for 195!) was voted here major responsibilities in 1959 as: the vital minimum facilities to this week at the 44th annual aid to thousands of Jews in Pomake the absorption of the refumeeting of Hie Joint Distribution land, including repatriates from gees i/i Israel quick and effective. Committee for the relief and re- Russia and members of the soThe vast sum required can come habilitation activities of the or- called "settled" population; asonly from one source—the Ameri" ganization in 23 countries, Edward sistance to Hungarian, Egyptian can Jewish Community, through M. M. Warburg was re-elected and North African Jewish refutlie casli collection efforts of thi JD.C chairman for the 11th con- gees in France, Italy and other Cash-for-Itoscue Campaign." secutive year. parts of Western Europe; mediLocal Effort cal, feeding and other supplemenMiijor Responsibilities David Feder, Pledge Redemption tary assistance to some 100,000 Moses A. Leavitt, JDC exeeuChairman of the Jewish PhilanJews in Moslem areas, principally thropies, is in ciiarge of tho local North Africa; and continued large$I!JO,000 From Omaha effort, Mr. Kooper indicated. "Mr. Omaha has been asked to collect scale aid to aged, ill and handiI \ Feder has been largely responsible capped newcomers to Israel, The 1he amount of $150,000 as its share for the high collection experience JDC leader said that the JDC in the national cash collection efof our community. Through his efmust aid a minimum of 250,000 fort, Robert H. Kooper, Federa< / / 3 X forts, and under his leadership, Jewish men, women and children tion president, announced. The- annual meeting of the overseas during the- coming year. "The influx to Israel of Jewish * '. J £*<*L /, / ™., -.»,-/#,>«//,! Omaha has achieved a most outstanding record-in meeting its obJewish Federation will be held refugees from many lands of ter.Hole of Jew Changed David Feder—Philanthropies ligations to the agencies supported Sunday evening, January lltli rible oppression not only continues Pledge Redemption Chairman through the Philanthropies Camat the Jewish Community CenHerbert Agar, Pulitzer Prize- unabated, but is increasing," Mr. ter. Robert II. Kooper, presi- winning historian, declared that Kooper pointed out, "and this has stand up against this huge migra- paign." dent, urges everyone to plan the creation of Israel "has helped placed an impossible burden on tion.' 1 to attend the meeting. to change the role of the Jew in the people of Israel. Unless the 4,000 In November world affairs." A recent visitor American Jewish community takes He noted that some 4,000 newto Poland, Mr. Agar called that over the financing of the transpor- comers entered Israel in Novemcountry "a shallow graveyard" tation and maintenance of the new ber. These need housing, health A course dealing with the probwhere one can "hardly put a spade arivals, Israel will be unable to and welfare programs, and other lem and pattern of aging has been in the ground without turning up initiated by the Omahn Jewish the bones of those who died heCommunity Center In cooperation cause of the Nazis." with tlio Department of GeronBudget Represents Increase tology of tho University of MichTiie 1956 JDC budget repreThe Youth Council Human Relaigan. tions Commilteo will assemble at sents an increase of more than The course is designed to pre9:30 a. m., December 22 at the $1,600,000 over expenditures in pare persons for the Jate'r yeara Jewish Community Center to Be- 1958. The largest single appropriaGreater Omaha's campaign to sell $200,000 in State of Israel gin its "Humun Relations Tour" of tion, totalling $11,000,000 will go Bands for 1958 is over the .top, co-chairmen Samuel Katzman and and Is being presented through Omaha, it was announced by chair- for support of Malben, the JDC Samuel Rice reported this week. Following Sunday night's Chanukah group discussion, audio-visual material and selected readings. men Siiaron Frank and Jim Guss. welfare program In Israel serving Meetings are held alternately in aged, 111 and handicapped newcom- Festival at Beth Israel, sales zoomed to $201,450. Luncheon at Ciistle homes and at the Jewish ComAn intensive campaign to collect The Rev. Charles Tyler of Cal- ers to Israel. some $40,000 in outstanding com- er public sales meetings or din- munity Center. vin Memorial P r e s b y t e r i a n Tho course, free of charge, Inmitments got under way immedi- ners, however, will be held. Church, will he the guest speaker Praise for Israel and for Oma- cludes ton sessions and Is arately, with more than 5161,000 in nt a luncheon with the committee ranged for adults between tho at the Castle Hotel. Visits with cash already deposited to Israel's ha and Council Bluffs was the ages of thirty-five and the Golden order of the day as Governor-elect Lieut. Lester Smith at the Youth credit. Ralph Brooks, Mayor John Rosen- Your period. Bureau of the police station and Continue Until Dee. 81- — blatt, Consul General David TeshThe first meeting was at the at the Urbun League offices will The drive thus exceeded by far er, former Ambassador James G. home of Dr. and Mrs. Leon Fellprecede the noon event. the $172,850 sold during all of McDonald, Midwest chairman Mor- man. Other pioneer members of Interview With Mayor A luncheon meeting of the 1957. Messrs. Katzman and Rice ris Alexander and Phil Lind shared this group are Mmcs. J. Milton, Plans for the afternoon Include Margolin, John Solomon; Messrs. Executive Committee of the said the campaign will continue the platform. a meeting with a youth group at Jewish Federation will bo held until December 31, "because there and Mmcs. Leonard Kulakofsky, Mrs, J. Harry Kulakofsky and St. Benedict's' church whore an Tuesday, December 23, at 12 are many persons who bought last William Stone, Al Zwerling, Dr. Mrs. Samuel Wolf, honorary chaitv open discussion session 'will be o'clock at the Regis Hotel. year or In previous years who have Norman, Milgram, Saul Silvernot yet been contacted." No furth- man and women's division chair- man and Joe Radinowski. (Continued on Page 4.) man, received a plaque from the The Jewish Community Center national Israel Bonds organization honoring the Jewish community of views the need to know mora Omaha for "Inspiring Jewish com- about the aged and meeting need3 of this group as a community remunities everywhere." Robert Feihberg, guardian chair- sponsibility, its activity depart• . '. man; Robert Kooper, president of ment reported. Federation; Mrs. Henry Newman, Chen chairman;' Mrs. Isadore Chapman, sponsor chairman; Mrs. Ben J. Gershun, Council Bluffs chairman; E. Robert Newman, Copy to be submitted for the grand marshal of BIG Day; Maur- December 26th and January United Nations N, Y, (JTA)—.Secretary ticnural Dug Hiiiimmrslijold told tlio United Nations ice Katzman, president of the host 2nd issues of tlie Jewish Press Security Council this week that Iio nvjiccts on Ills forthcoming visit to tlio Middle East not only to look Beth Israel synagogue; Rabbi Ben- must be in the newspaper's ofInto the latest incident of the Syrian attack against Israel bat also Into'tlio "underlying problems" af- jamin Groncr, and Israel Bonds fice the preceding Friday mornfecting Israel and the United Aral) Republic area manager Gerald Schwartz ing of each week. The regular Mr. Hummarskjold virtually told shared the head table at the swift- schedule will be resumed after the Council that he" would prefer during Ills forthcoming visit to the tlio entire responsibility for tlio moving program that attracted those dates. that it tool: no other action on Midillo East. He will fly to Jeru- tensions iilonp tlio S'yrlun border some 300 persons. the Israel complaint against the salem from Soinullland on tlio IK the fact that "tlio United Aral) Syrian shelling except to. leave morning of .December 31 and will Republic maintains a state of tlie dispute in his hands. His pro- leave Jerusalem for Amman Jan- war." He told the Council that posal was immediately endorsed uary 3. Ho will return to New Kyi In has liecn maintaining a polby Henry Cabot Lodge, chairman York January 8. • icy of belllgcrenci; against Israel of the American delegation, who The Jewish Community Center After a majority of the Security and of obstructing Israel's plans took the floor right behind Mr. Council, as well as Secretary Gen- for completing water projects In Latin-American and -Ball Room , The Youth Council will hold its Hommarskjold. B o t h expressed eral Dag Hammarskjold, upheld the Huleh urea since 1051.. Dance class will meet Monday, College Night at Camp Brewster deepest concern over the Decem- Israel's insistence that the Syrian Once again as he did a week January 5, 1959, at 8 p. m. Regis- on Tuesday, December 23 at 7:30 . ber 3 incident in which, accord- attacks on Israeli villages in the ago, Mr. Eban told the Council tration for the new adult class p. m. An Informal "fireside" discus.: ing to the Israeli complaint, Syrian Huleh area on December 3 was a that all that Israel wants is peace is limited in order to provide sion will be held with collega artillery fired several hundred "grave" and "serious" incident the and implied that if it does not get maximum individual instruction. shells into a number of Israel vilJ Council agreed to Mr. Hammarsk- peace It will have to resort to the Dance instruction will include f r e s h m e n answering questions lages in the Huleh border region. jold's suggestion that he make a kind of d e f e n s e it undertook the Rhumba, Cha-Cha, Tango, Fox posed by junior .and senior high Observers licro noted, tfiat one new effort to "attack the underly- against Syrian fire December 3, Trot, Waltz, Samba, and other school members of tho Youth Council. of Israel's prime purposes In fil- ing problems which are nt the In answer (o Mr. Eban, Dr. Omar popular dance steps. All junior and senior Youth ing I ho current complaint—wlilcli source of the tension" between Is- Loutfl, head of the UAR delegaMiss Carrie Griffith, Omaha Was to obtain expressions of con- rael and its Arab neighbors. tion, said that his country will University dance instructor, will Council members and eollega cern from tlio US and tlio major Near the end of the session, Am- "not bo frightened by attacks or teach the course. Those interested freshmen are invited to attend. powers — seems already to have bassudor Abba Khan, chairman of concentration of troops" and that in taking the class are urged to The program is being co-sponsored been achieved. Mr. Hamnmrskjold the Israel delegation, once mare "If attacked, will repol tho nt-. register today. Call the Activities by Debka Debs. Refreshments will be served. . ;••_ will spend three days in Israel told the eleven member- body that lack." Office,, JA IMG.

January llffo

'Modern Aging Being Studied

Relations' Tour Starts 9:30 A.M., at Center


Committee to Heef Tuesday Noon, Regis

Trip to Middle East Scheduled


ine Change

Center Adult Dance Glass to Convene

Youth Council Night At Camp Brewsler


Faff* Two

Omahans In the News

Published Every Friday by the Federation ol Jeulsli Service

Becuna _iast Mulimp fnvllctjei Autnurized ul Omaha, Nebraska Annum bubscrlutiun. $4.00. Advertising Kates on Application Edituriai O' i'e—-103 No ^uiti Street, Omuim. Nehr.. JAcltson 13MS Print Sh *rtrtress 1S03 So Mth Street


Miss Jtuli LvviiiL1 will arrive December 22 from France for a visit Editor ,vith her parents. Mr. mid Mrs. Hy-


iian Li'Vlni-.

UKTII ISUAKL YU1JTII WILL ATTEND ST. LOUIS CONCLAVE Delegates from Beth Israel SYO and Club Tovim will leave Tuesday, December 23 to attend the sixth annual Synagogue Youth Organization convention in St. Louis. Mo. and will return on Sunday. Beth Israel delegates are: Karen Forbes, Sandra Ncarenberg, Dura Gerber, Stizie Ash, Linda Siref, Ronna Halpcri, Rozanne Siponn. Marcia Cohen, Sheila Ituderman, Neil Bloom, Keva Shykcn and Michael Simon. I n i n g Stern will accompany the group.

Religious Services

Miss Levine left for France a year and a half ago following ier graduation from WHIesJey college to study art history at the Sorbonne in Paris under a Full)ri>;ht scholarship. Slu: is now an SiiKlish instructor in LeMans and will return to France after a brief stay in Omaha.

Friday, December 19, J958

Adulf Activities at JCC (Winter Session) The Jewish Community Center is scheduling a wide choice of educational, cultural and recreational courses for adults, during the winter eason, Karl Slegel, Adult Chairman, reports. Some of the specialized activities nro: .Swimming for Men and Women All levels of instruction Jewish Community Center Staff Slimnastics for Women (Tucs. and Thins.) 3-11 a. m , Miss Rebecca lircssp of U. of Omaha Health Club for Men .Carl Fixley (Daily) 9-9 and Sund. Grad. Physical Therapist Bridge (Tues.J H-10 p. in. Aft. l-.'i p. m.. .Sheff Katsltee and Lee Nelson Art—Oil Painting (Tues.) 7-10 p. m A. Dunbier Dancing (Ballroom) (Mon.) 8-10 p. in Miss Currie Griffitlis reat Hooks Open Great Jewish Books Open Aging in the Modern World (twice monthly) . . Open First-Aid (Wed.) 9-11 Joe Micek Life Saving Course (Mon.) 7:.')0-9:30 p. m Jewish Community Center Staff and American Red Crass A'nter Safety Course (Mon.) 7:30-9:30 p. in. .,.., Jewish Community Center Staff and American Red Cross Waer Safety Aid (Mon.) 7:.TO-9:.'iO p. in ., Jewish Community Center Staff and American Red Cross Classical Music Group (Monthly) Donald Coliiu Program of the Month, next meeting, Thursday, February 19, 1959—Dr. Bernard Cherrick speaking on '"Hie Mid-East Today." Additional activities will be organlzcd'on request. Information may be obtained by calling JA 13G(i.

Miiury L. Schwartz, Director of Education, Temple Israel, will atCamllclighting—1:»7 tend the annual conference of the TEMPLE ISRAEL National Association of Temple Services will be held this Friday Educators at Washington, D. C, evening at 8:15 p. m.. Rnljbi Sidfrom December 21th through Deney Brooks will preach on "Front cember 28th. and Back Page." Two news stories of Jewish loyalty. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Seliftn Shabbas morning services will will sjiend the next two weeks In begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi Buenu Park, Cal., where they will Brooks officiating and the Reisit their son-in-law and daughligious School choir under the di- DOTS" UKCIDK ON er, Lt. and Mrs. Ira Stanley Eprection of Miss Ida Gitlin singing SWIMMING PAIITY The "Dots" will hold a swim- tein.and their grandsons, Mark the musical portions of the servming party December 22 beginning David and Robert Jay. ice. AH friends and relatives are Lt. Epstein, now serving in the at 1 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center instead of an originally udiclal Division of the Air Force, invited to attend Mrvires und BETH EL reception. Services nt Beth El Synagogue planned slumber party. Refresh- has Just been admitted to the BAHUV L. KMCSFELD this evening will begin at 8:lS" ments and entertainment will fol- ;alifornia Bsr. The Bar Mltzvah of Baixy Louis p. m. Rabbi Mycr S. Kripke will low the swim. Arriving in Omaha Sunday will Krlcsfcld, won of Mr. and Mrs. JoThe dub.will not meet again deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron be Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Jacobs seph G. ICricsefld, will take place I. Edgar and the Beth El Synn- until January 4. and sons, Keith David and Wade at the Beth Israel Synagogue this gogue Choir will render the musiPewey of DeTour, Mich., who will evening and tomorrow morning, CADKT I'KOMOTKD cal portions of the service. be guests of Mr. Jacob's mother, December 19th and 20th. Larry Hornstein, son of Mr. and Sabbath morning services are at Mrs. Julia Jacobs. JOHEl'II KKMAN 9:30 a. m. Junior Congregation Mrs. Julius flornstein, has been promoted to cadet private first Joseph Erman, son of Mr. and services are at 10:30 a. m. MinMrs. Morris Erman, will observe cha-Maariv services will begin at class in the ROTC battalion at Births Kemper Military School, Boonhis Bar MiUvnh this evening and 4:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Jerold A. Dann of Saturday morning at Beth El SySunday, morning services is at ville, Mo. Denver announce the birth of a nagogue. 9 a. m. in the Chapel, followed by daughter, Wendy Sue on December breakfast and a study-discussion meets at 10 a. m. Rabbi Groner ;AUL IUKKES session with Rabbi Kripke at 9:30. will conduct the Saturday afterMr. and Mrs. Henry Rie'tes anMrs. Dann is the former Jauey Daily services are at 7 a. m. and noon Talmud class at 4:15 p. m. 7 p. m. and Mincha, followed by Shalosh Weiner. Grandparents are Mr. and nounce the Bar Mltzvah of their The Beth El Annual Homecom- S'eudos and Maariv will begin at Mrs. I. N. Weiner, Omaha and Mr. son, Carl Riekes, on Friday evend Mrs. Nathan Dann, Newcastle, ning, January 2nd and Saturday ing Service, in which college stu- 4:45 p. m. morning, January 3rd at Reth El dents home for the vacation parThe Sunday morning service be- nd. Synagogue. ticipate, will be held on Sabbath gins at 3:45 a. m. The Junior Mr. imd Mrs. Bernard Chester evening, December 2(itl), at 8.-J3 Congregation will meet at 8:30 )f .San Pedro, Cal., announce the p. m. a. m. Daily services are held at 7 n. m. birth of a son, Jonathan Roger, on December 7. Tlipy are also tne BETH ISKAEL and 4:45 p. m. LIVE FISH MARKET Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor The weekly Talmud Study parents of Bradley Howard and Eli Kagan. and the Beth Israel Group meets every Tuesday eve- .inda Elaine. Live Fish Choir will conduct services .(his ning at 8 p. m. ' Mrs. Chester is the former Do. evening a t 8 p. m. Traditional Sabbath morning services ate ris Pinkovitz. Grandparents are Kosher Poultry Friday evening services (Kah- | held at the 19th and Hurt. Street Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pinkovitz, balas Shabbas) at 4:45 p. m. Serv- j Synagogue at 9 a. m. Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Abe —o— ices Saturday morning begin at Cliesler, Los Angeles, Cal. 8:45 and the Junior Congregation i IJ'.NAI JACOB-ADAS 1314 N. 24th VKSHt'KON' A son, Mark David was born to JA8627 Services .'it B'nai Jacob-Adas Mr. and Mrs. Jack Saferstein DeCall Wednesday MOTEK'S MODERN Yeshnron will begin Friday at 4:30 comber 11 at Methodist hospital. for Thursday Delivery p. m. .md Saturday moralriK at The Safersteins are also the parBEAUTY SALON 8:30 a. m. with Minclia at 4:W ents of two daughters, PJionna ! p m. followed by Shalosh S'eudos nd Diane. 3813 Charles St. I Daily services at 6:30 a. m. and Grandparents are Mrs. Max 155 p . m . • Permanent Waving Siref and Mr. and Mrs. William • Hair Styling Saferstein.



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The family i>r (lie late Mrs. Katie; L a z e r w i n l i e s to thank tlier friends and relatives for the many expressions of sympathy received at the time of tlielr grief.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rosiasky announce the birth of a daughter, Barbara Jo, December 15 at Clarkson Hospital. They are also he parents of a son, Samuel Jay. Mrs. Fanny Rosinsky is a grandmother. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rohlfs of eward, Neb.

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Jewish Community Center Sunday, January 11, 1959 8:00 P . M .



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i' ^

Friday, Dec»r-,ber 19, 1958


Organizations YOUNG ADULTS The Young Adults Council will meet Sunday, December 21 at 2 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. GOLUKN AGK CLUB The Golden ARC Club will meet Monday, December 22, at 1 p.m. for a belated Chanukali party. Mrs. Nathan Simon is chairman of the affair. Candle-light ing services will bo followed by cards, bingo and checkers. The club is sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Onmha and the National Council of Jewish Women. Co-ordinators representing the Council are Mmes. J .Milton Margolin and Ix)u Kutler. NO DECKMUKIC MKETINO FOR COUNCIL The Council of Jewish Women announces it is not scheduling a meeting during December. PIONEER WOMKN TO CELEBKATfc BIKTIIDAYS The birthdays of six members of the Pioneer Women's organization will be celebrated at a Chanukali meeting Tuesday, December 23, nt 12:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center.; • : • ; Women to be honored will be Mmes. Jacob K a p 1 a n, Max Crounse, Michael Colton, Max Fiewlowitz, Fannie Weiner and Milton Nearenberg. Members of the luncheon committee are Mmes. Jacob Kaplan and Morris Stercnbrefj. Plans are being made for the Annual Child Rescue Fund dinner

" Guests Arrive for Nogg-i-Frankel Rite


Relatives from both coasts have converged in Omaha for the wedding S u n d a y of Miss Barbara Nogg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. NoRg and Dean Frankel, son of Mrs. Hurry Frankel. The ceremony will he performed at Beth El Synagogue. Arriving from Los Angeles, Cal. are the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Kay; an aunt, Mrs. Josh Goldberg mid an uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. Melvin Sommer and children, Kay and John. An Eastern contingent includes her aunts, Mrs. Kudice Brandt of Long Island, and Mrs. Bea Higier of New York City and a cousin, Mrs. David ••Allirocht of Bellrose, Long Island. Wednesday evening four cousins of the bride, the Mines., Stanley Perimeter, Donald NogR, Alvin Nogg of Omaha and Robert Singer of Deliver bold a spinster dinner In her honor at the Donald Nogg home for out-of-town "gunsts and the bridal party. Friday evening, Miss Nogu's uncles and aunts, Messrs, and Mmes. Nathan Nogg, Leo Nogg and Harry Perimeter will entertain at a family dinner at. the Hill Hotel. Mrs. Harry Frankel, mother of the bridegroom-to-be, will nonor her son and Miss Nogg at a pren-jptial dinner Saturday evening at the Fonlenelle Hotel. A brunch for out-of-town guests will be given Sunday at the Blackstone Hotel by Mr. and Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky,' aunt and uncle of the bride.

Bridge Classes T o Resume Beginners and Intermediate bridge classes will be offered again at the Jewish Community Center during the winter season, Enarl Siegel, Adult Chairman, announced. Following the conclusion of the current classes, new groups will be organized. Early registration by calling JA 136G for either beginners or intermediate bridge will reserve a plnce in the class. Sheff Katskee and Lee Nelson will bo Instructors. A duplicate tournament will be held at the end of the course. Seaman Recruit Eugene Kaplan, son of Mr. and Mrs, Ben Kaplan, has completed his basic navnl training at San Diego, Cnl., and after spending a two-week furlough with his parents, will leave for Key West, Fla.


Pape Three

January Wedding Miss Joyce R. Koom

scheduled for Sunday, January 4, 1059. A top national speaker will headline tlie dinner program. CHANUKAII PART* A Chanukah parly was given at the Dr. Sher Home for the Aged by the Temple Israel Sisterhood on Sunday, December 34. The program consisted of numbers by Hie Temple Youth Choir under the direction of Mrs. Lee Jnhr Knntor. There were mus^ai numbers nnd readings by Mrs. Milton Nercnberg, Mrs. Jennie Rifkin, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Swerling and Louis Wtkin of the Workman Circle Dramatic Club. The following Sisterhood members assisted: Mmes. Milton Abrahams, Harry Altsuler, Leon Fellman, Edward Levinson, Harry Malashoek, Elizabeth Neveleff, Millard Rosenberg, Arthur Rubin, Paul Veret. Herbert Weil, Ear] Wigodsky and Adolph Trost. SOT NEW YEAR'S .SNKAK PREVIEW New Year's celebrations will be given a head start by the Sigma Del ta Tau Omaha A l u m n a e League at its,mjd-wlnter luncheon called a New Year's sneak preview. Caniglia's Venice Inn will be the scene of the festivities at 1 p.m. on Saturday, December 27th. All Sigma Delta Tau active members and pledges will be guests of the alumnae. Arrangements for the aftcrnobn have been made by a committee composed of Mmes. Robert Wagner, Joseph Polack, Richard Martin, Justin Manvitz, Marvin Sadofsky, I. M. Greenspan rind David Frcdricks. In keeping with an annual custom, decorations and candy treats will be donated to University Hospital. Reservations for the luncheon are being taken by Mrs. Bernard Hockenberg, WA 9256 and Mrs. Justin Manvitz, RE 9509.

Date Selected

Weds Floyd Turkel

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Stoller of Skokie, 111., have announced the approaching marriage of their daughter, Miss Cecile Diane, and Stanley Burstein, former Omahan, now of Chicago, 111. A January 25 wedding is being planned. The prospective bride was graduated from the Univeristy of Illinois at Champaign and is now working on her Master's Degree at. the University of Chicago. Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs Jacob Burstein, also attends the University of Chicago and is working toward his Master's Degree In International Law and Diplomacy. He is a graduate of the University of Nebraska where he Was a member of Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity.

Mi', and Mrs. Morris Koom announce the m a r r i a g e of their daughter, Miss Joyce Rita to Floyd Harlen Turkel, son of Dr. and Mrs. Sam L. Turkel on November 23. A family dinner honoring the couple was held at the Town House.

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AT 0686


Joint Installation

Extra Special GROUND DEEP. Lb

The B'nai B'rith Youth Organization in cooperation with the Jewish Youth Council will hold a joint installation of officers on Sunday, December 21 at 3 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Officers of AZA No. 1, AZA No. 100, Ronu AZA, E l e a n o r Roosevelt BBG, Edlar BBG, and Rohanue BBG will be installed at that time. Edward Rosen and Sam Epstein will conduct the installation ceremonies. Members of all Youth Council Clubs, their parents and friends are Invited to be present.

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With mounting threats in the Middle East. Israel's people must • urn more of their resources today to meot the poril to thoir vory existonce. Moanwhilo hundreds of thousands of rocont immigrants wait for homes, jobs, modical aid and badly-needed social services. The entire burden of immigration absorption In Israel now falls on the United Jewish Appeal. A sorious crisis has dovclopod that threatens to cripple tho oporations duo to o lack of cash—cash on pledges made. Good Intentions alone will not feed, house, clothe' or train these hundreds of thousands of men, women and children. That is why our community campaign announces the launching of an Intensive drive to help tho UJA raise $40,000,000 in cash. When you made your pledge to our campaign, you undertook a solemn obligation affecting the lives and welfare of others who have no hope but the help you offered. Plcoio mako good your promise Pay your pledgo now. If you havo nor yet made your pledge, ploase mako it—and pay it—the instant you can. Give cash—now.

Pay your pledge-TODA Y


Page Four

Friday, December 19, 1938


win over Siosburg Realty. Larry Uy liady I'aul Lefitz delivered ii points for tho Y. C. BASKKTJ!AM< winners while Ronnie Wolpa uiid Two one point victories were Bob Milder had G points each for scored in Y. C. play last Sunday the losers. as A.Z.A. 100 and Ilciyim came December In the 7-8lli grade league, Cowout on the long end. Coach lien boys slapped a 21 -10 loss on I-Go- . 2:30-4:15 7:30-9:30 5:15-6:30 4:15-5:15 SUNDAY—21 W i n t r o u b ' s A.Z.A. 300 squad Open Swim Van. Billy Ginsberg was red hot OPEN Closed Doaf School 9-11 squeezed out their second one for tho winners ns lie hit for 12 Membership Card Adulfi Parent J Child 5:15-6:30 point victory in a row as they outMONDAY—29 or 25 Cenfi points to pace the attack, d i e t 1102 Co-Ed lasted A.Z.A. 36-35. Mike Plntt Stoler and .Sandy Friedman got 4 WEDNESDAY—24 8-10 Wen's Swim ^_ 4:15-5:15 Swjm was the hero as his free throw in Cloied - Bus. Men's 12:30-1:30 each for the losers. Children's Class 6:30-7:30 the final five seconds broke the tie for Swim Blind Children A red hot Playland Park team 5:15-6:30 Boy Scout) Service ame. John Okun was the top 10-12 2:30-4:30 Co-Ed poured it on a cold .shooting Ricli7:30-9:30 Women s scorer with 17 points. Frank GoldFamily Swim 2:30-4:15 Swim Class Red Cross erg added the same in the losing man-Gordmnn squad .4-9. Si* Open Swim members of the winning team aid" 12-2 6:30-7:30 MONDAY—22 Training • cause for Mother chapter. Membor Card or ed in the scoring punch as Jerry Handicap Girl Scouts 8-10 25 Cents TUESDAY—23 Hnyim's Koughridors, making a Slusky and Joel Sneider had 0 2:00-4:15 Business 7:30-9:30 9-11 4:15-5:16 determined bid to annex Y. C. points each. Mike Sherman scored Open Swim Men's Swim Opon Women's Child Swim 4:15-5:15 chiimpioship honors won a close 7 points for the losers. 10-12 Adults Slimnaitlcj Deaf School 38-37 win over A.Z.A. Ronu. Tlio Women's Cla» 6:30-7:30 5:15-6:30 11-12 WEDNESDAY—31 12-2 llayim big boys, Roy Katskee and Boy Scouts Co-Ed Swim Kiddy Kuatics Closed Handicap I3ill Ilorwich were the top point 6:30-7:30 2:30-4:15 for 2:00-4:15 THURSDAY—25 [letters with 14 and 11 points reBoy Scouts Open Swim Open Swim Service 2-4:15 spectively, while Ronu was pacea 7:30-9:30 Member Card or 2:30-4:15 by Mike Sndofsky with 11 points. OPEN Rod Cross Admission TO 25 Conti The Hague (JTAJ —The NationOpen VAKSITY BASKETIUM. Program Is by 4:15-5:15 al Youth Orchestra of Israel won FRIDAY—26 Membership Card TUESDAY—30 I.KAOrE Center Child Class first prize in tho third World Muor 25 Cents 8-10 9-11 Membership or 5:15-6:30 Irv Yaffe and Ray Kirke led sic Contest sponsored by Queen 4:15-5:15 But. Men's Women's Individual Fee. Co-Ed Pauls to a 58-37 win over pre- Juliana of Holland. Children's Swim Slimnastics Women Advised Swim Swim .•iously unbeaten Belgrndcs. Yaffe Israel Ambassador Hanan Cidor 11-12 6:30-7:30 6:30-7:30 to Bring 2:00-4:15 opped the scoring with 18 points accepted, in behalf of the young Kiddy Kuotics Bathing Caps. Girl Scouts Boy Scout* Open Aiille Kirke added 14. Ed Bel- Israeli musicians, the first prize—• grade had 14 points for the losers. a fine hnnd-crafted lyre studded At the end of one round of league with ivory, gold and silver. play, Robinsons, Pauls and Belgrades share the league lead with !S 2-1 records. I.ustys have yet to enIKADS IOWA CHi:i:i{INT. ter the winner's column. Robinsons Following the turn of I he New The Omaha Jewish Young Adult ACTION AT KOSK I1OWX Dick Weiner, veteran Camp won by default over Lusty's in the Year, the Great Books Council of, Now Omaha in cooperation with t h e j C o u n c l 1 is completing arrange- ay-C-C counselor, will direct the second game as Lustys could only Ftaturlng put four men on the floor. HowJewish Conflnunity Center will ments for a Winter Inter-City owa cheering section on New CANTONESS Offer a first and second year Week-end, D e c e m b e r 25-28 at ear's day at the Rose Bowl In ever Lustys, using Al dayman APPETIZERS and Roy Kalskeo managed to win study group at the'Jewish Com- Minneapolis, Minn., Jerry Fcrer, 'asiidena. Cfil. munity Center. Weiner was appointed captain the played game by a 42-35 .scpro. president, staled. if the squad on which he has ('layman hit for IS points, vvnile 9Vny person who is interested in All young adults, whether mem- ;ervcd for several years. He Is the Frank Goldberg scored 12 for joining either of the Great Books Courses is invited to call the Cen- bers of the Council or not are in- ;on of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wei- Robinsons. ter, JA 13G6 or register at the Ac- vited to join the group on the icr of Villisca, la. MIDGET BASKETBALL tivities Office. Great Books trip. The organization is open to LEAGUE any Jewish person 18 years or Courses are offered free of charge iA.M FOt'NDKK'S DAY Mirget Basketball got off to a older and meetings are held on as a public service. Meeting date Sigma Omicron Chapter of Slg- fine stnrt in the league openers. and time will he determined by the second and fourth Sundays of na Alpha Mu at the University In the 5-6th grade league, Kaithe month at the Jewish Commun- )f Nebraska, celebrated the Thirgroups. man Insurance, led by Captain ity Center. y-second Anniversary of Its Paul Kaimnn's 14 points knocked Four members of the Council ounding, Sunday, December 14. off Gere-lick Motors 23-17. Don Human Relations recently announced their engageluncheon affair attended by ap- Kohn topped the losers with 12 (Continued from Page 1) held. The tour will he climaxed ments. They are: Carol Spector proximately one hundred alumnae, points. Tretinks got off to n winto Louis A. Brown and Leona M ictives and pledges highlighted ning start with a 20-18 overtime with nn interview with Mayor John !he celebration. Rosenblatt and a meeting with the Brown to Benny Abr.imson. Mayor's Committee on Human Relations. SCIIOLAItSHIP KKNKWED Youth Council members selected ftobort V. Goldstein, son of Mr. to represent their clubs as deleand Mrs. Arthur Goldstein, regates on the committee are Harceived a renewal of a scholarship old Forbes, Jerry Schwartz, Brad, at Harvard College where he is The Sunday Funday program majoring in economics. Epstein, Ronald Gordon, Richard Friedman. Douglas Platt, Michael on the last meeting of the first NAMED TO VAJtSITtf Hornstein, Leslie Smith, cuen session this Sunday will hold an DEBATING SQUAW Cohn, Arlene Epstein, Diane Kogel, "Unbirthday Party" for all youngHoward Kaslow, son of Ben Leslie Epstein, Susan Speir, Noami Kaslow has been named to the sters who cannot claim tha ocRothenberg and Itenee KimmerVarsity Debate Squad at Yale casion as their birthdays. man. University. Sol Littman, Regional Director The days activities will include Of the B'nai B'rith Anti Defama- games, songs and surprises with tion League, and Roberta Milgram, birthday cake and punch. Youth Council Director for the The second session of Funday Jewish Community Center, will will open January 11 and continue accompany the group on the tour. for eight weeks. Fee for the pro and ivory third week Ihtrealtct gram is $7.50 and applications nre '{To Israel na Work on Ashdod Port now being accepted at the Jewish Gibraltar and tlracui) Community Center Activities OfBeginning Next Year U your truvtl OflOnr- fto'l your but lovrct of advle* Construction of the Port of Ash- fice. JA. 136G. dod, Israel's second deepwater ZW liner* irrlii an! Patronize Our Advertisers port on the Mediterranean, will depart lira Israel begin next year. ereri weik el Ihg ; u r Ministry officials conferred with r 42 BROADV/AY, HEV/ YORK 4. H. Y. * V 0 > ~ DIGBY4-760O the French and American experts who are drawing up the plans for the port, and it is believed that the master plan will be ready by October. Work will begin in early OPEN NOON - 1 0 DAILY—9-6 SUNDAY 1959 on the first stage, which provides for a harbor with a handling capacity for a million tons of dry cargo per year.


Israeli Musicians Win First Prize

Plans Under Way for Young Adolvs fl© Great Book Courses


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