Mutter lit I ' O H I - A i i n u . i l R u l e I D o l l a r s uniU-r A i t of JN71I. WliKlc Copy 10 C c n H
5,000+0 Israel in Month
Registration Open .
AH members of the Jewish com; miiuity have bi-en invited to the f>."ith Annual Meeting of the tfeu'isli Federation, Sunday, January I II, .it H p. III., :lt (lie Jewish Com-
mindly Center Kolicrt II. Hooper, Federation president, announced. J e r u s a l e m , (JTAj-r-Totnl liiind- ^ yuMti'; people and children ainon;; "The Annual Meeting of tha ^ r a t i o n to Israel during lliit-nibc-r i them. Keporliug on immigration Federation is the most important will rcmli .1,0011, t h e largest nionlli-; prospects in romieclion with .1 community event, of the year. At Registration is now open for the Ibis meeting, Federal ion leaders ly figure rrrnrdi-d for several j discussion ol next year's increased winter session ol the Children's report on community progress and > e : i r \ S.'/,. Shrugal, director of the i budget needs, Mr. Shragai- said achievements. In brief summaries, .li-wish Agency'.', iiiitnigr:itlon !><•- , that the total immigration '-••• for Sunday Funday program schedeither chairmen or co-chairmen, linrlmriit, reported. ! H'58 would be 2."i,r>00 persons. uled to begin .Sunday afternoon, will report on their respective deFive huml-i-il iininlgraiits. cliii f i Iiimiiiry 11, at the Jewish Compartments. ly from Europe, have u - > < w - ^ _ _ _ _ _ —.— munity Center. Federation Activities rived in Israel in t h e past t w o ! « ~ *»«'"• The session will continue for I Tel Aviv, (,ITA)—The ibilm or "The activities of the Federat l a y v T h e r e a r e u largi* numliei of unlit consecutive Sundays from 2 Avralianl Al:i/.ilialt, a Jewish boy tion," Mr. Kooper said, "are inp. m. to 4:30 p. in. and is open to timately involved with the spiritboys and girls between the ages living in an Israeli klbhiit/., to be- ual, physical and moral welfara of three and twelve. Special (groups ing the Ki'iiiidsiiii anil MIII- heir of of the community, reaching pracuill be organized for pie-school till1 late Nuri I'aslia es-Snld, ns- tically into every Jewish housechildren, ages' .'i-fj. I sassiiiuteil former I* r e in I e r for hold, in one manner or another. In "Dumbo" on January II ! Iraq, was uphi'ld by a Moslem re- addition, our Federation is also Israel Israel's population the instrument through which A special free treat Is in store ligious court in Jaffa. numbered 2,(llC».10(i persona at for registered Funday members Nuri Pasha's widow has made an Omaha Jewry helps national Jewthe Cenirnl Bureau of -Statis ifteuding the January IHth pro- application to the High Court in ish agencies, overseas relief intics. III the first ten months of when they will see "Dumbo," London, seeking control of the stitutions, and in the rebuilding of the highly entertaining and amus- entire Nuri es-Said estate. The Israel. l'Kift Israel's population grew ing technicolor film cartoon at '•'<hoy's relatives here entered a Attenilaiiei! I'rged liy '10.000. of vvhicli p. m. On this Sunday only, the pro- claim that he was the sole nclr. "For this reason, I urge every accounted for ni',000 giam will be opened to all other They claim that Avrnhatn was the member of our community to 'atdud immigration in egress of children not' regularly enrolled for son of a Jewish mother and Nuri's tend the Federation Annual Meetemigration for 7,()00. this Sunday activity at twenty- only son. Stibah. ing, January 11, Mr. Kooper confive cents.' The Arab religious court In cluded.. UJA IS ELIMINATING Klcction ol Officers Youngsters regularly enrolled in Jaffa, the case heard arid ruled MA'ABAROT •— Sido by side Election of officers will taka with new housing going up are the Sunday Funday program will in favor of the boy. Now Avra- place. Nominations will be prethe ma'abarot—transit villages be able to participate in sports hain's claim to being to sole heir sented by Morion A. Richards, of huts and shacks in which at swimming games, trips, parties, of the murdered Iraqi Premier will chairman, and his committee, conleast 100,000 recent immigrants musical activities, dramatics, mo- be certified to the High Court in sisting of Roljcrt Chapman, Harold London. to Israel still live. The elimina- vie shows and arts and crafts. Fiirber, Mrs. Mike F r e e m a n , New York, I . I T A l T h e find tion of these ma'abarot through fall JA ISflfi for KeRistrutlon Henry Greenberg, Maurice Katzsynagogue as an airport will be new housing construction is Children may be registered by man. .T. Harry Kulakofsky, Mrs. liulit at New York Inlernatioiial the number one problem of the calling the Children's Activities Robert Newman 'jmd -F. Ralph' Airport on property made- avail- United Jewish Appeal immigra- Department at JA" l.W:" Fee for Nogg. lible'l'o "Hie New" York' Hoard (if tion absorption effort in Israel. the entire program is $7.50. S. Kliner Gross, General chair> Itahbis by the Port of New York New York. f.ITA)—The first na- man of the 1938 Philanthropies authority. tional merit fellowship in the field Campaign will submit the final The .SffiO.000 synagogue of clasof social work was announced here campaign report, and present spesical modern design will be built by the National Jewish Welfare cial awards to campaign leaders on an acre site- for which a lease Board. The JWB fellowship, worm of the various divisions. was signed by the Hoard of Itnb$.1,000. will be spread over two Present officers are: Robert H. his and the Authority at a cereyears lo permit graduate social Kooper, president; Harry TrusA musical program will be preThe Pioneer Women's Organl/umony. Work on the sfnieluie. or work education for a person seek- tin, first vice-president; Ernest Israel limestone and marble, will tion will have Mrs. Havera I-Isther sented with songs by Mrs. Harry ing a career in Jewish community A. Nogg, second vice-president; Rlchman, accompanied on the piZackler of Chicago, a national iK'gin next spring for completion center or Y.MIIA work. Deadline Arthur H. Goldstein, treasurer; by the end of 19WJ. The site is leader, us guest speaker at the an- ano bj Miss \tatie Kcslei •ind se- for applications, available to col- Milton R. Abrahams, secretary, nual child rescue fund dinner, Sunniioul oiie-tliiid of a three-acre leRe graduates interested In social and Dr. Philip Slier, honorarynri-a ultimately to be occupied by day, January 4, at (i:.'!() p. in. at w o r l d s March li). president. . Urn Jewish Community Center. the Jewish, Catholic and Protestant faiths. The Catholic clinpel Mrs. tackier, president of the w.'is finished in l!C.r> and the Pro- Chicago Council, was instrumental testant chapel Is now b e i n g in orjjani/iii!; the first junior group there. She has served us national planned. convention chairman and is now a member of the national board. The Yiddish Culture Council will a nee here of National Jewish The Chicagoan has made several open its 1959 p r o g r a m series, Music Festival and Brotherhood trips to Israel, where she visited Tuesday, February 10 with the week. major institutions of the Moetzet presentation of William Wolf, senIlapoalot and Pioneer Women, obmusical Comedy sitional young baritone and formtaining first hand information on The second program of tha er cantor at the Jewish Communtheir vital services conducted for Sulie Hiil'iind, who has cap- the rehabilitation and training of ity Center auditorium. Kvery event ;erios Tuesday, March 24, will bo ;. tivated audiences hi all the major women and children coming to Isscheduled for the series promises the presentation of a musical ••cities of the Knst and Middle West rael. to he of the highest calibre, it comedy based on the works-of with her one was announced by Joseph ttndi- Sholom Alcchcm. Ben Bonus, well A graduate of Del'aul University known' actor, of the New York woman musica nowski, in charge. of Law, Mrs. Zackler was admitBroadway and Yiddish stage will show, will highOpera Star ami Cantor appear with the New York troupe, ted to the Bar in lODft. She is the light the proMr. Wolf who recently returned and will direct'the production, asdaughter of a veteran Pioneer g r n in of the from a world Hinging tour which sisted by Nina Bern. Mrs, Iliiveni ICslher Zncklcr woman, the late Chana Polishuck B e t h -Kl Men'.-. Included Israel, I""* '»<"< hailed • C1 u b, Wednesand the prominent Yiddish philosBook Ilcvicw and Movie ilny, January 7, opher and author. Dr. I. S, Poli- lections by Mi'3. Milton Nearen- as tin . international operatic, star. The third event in the series He lias IIIKO hecii acclaimed for berg. in the Beth-El shuck. will include a book review in Members and asked to call Mrs. his iini()uo Interpretation of Jew- April and the fourth, a first-run social hall. •• Mrs. Milton Nearenberg, local ish ami Israel folk music. Harry Hichlin, WE. 15G2. or Mrs. president, and Mrs. Murion BonA dinner will The entertainer's appearance in Israeli movie with selected short durin, Moetzeth Hapoalot chair- Jacob Kaplan. \\'K 5-15-J, for reserlie held at 6:,'!0 Omaha will highlight the observ- subjects, hi May. man, will preside at the program. vations. p. rn. for men Season tickets are $2.50 each only. Wives have j or SI.25 for individual admission been invited to MIIIIP Ilaraiul to the conceit or play and fifty join their buscenters for the third and fourth banils a t 8 p. in. programs. . Miss IVirand is acclaimed as Tickets may be purchased at America's f o r e ' m o s t musical the Center Activities office or clnramtist, and her unique comfrom members of .the Yiddish Culbination of musical and dramatic The broadcaster, predicted that ture Council. Season tickets may Lomlmi (JTA)-Soviet propa- that "the facts presented in this talent has secured her', a place be reserved by calling the Acflmong the great American artists. gandists continued this week to lioolt »how that during the nrmcil Britain would supply Is- tivities Office at JA-13G6. She will present her original ver- build for the Russian people in Intervention by IJrltiiln nnd the rael to the total, value of about sions of outstanding past and cur- radio programs for home con- United States In .Ionian nnd Leb- 150 million dollars. , rent Broadway musical comedies. sumption a picture of Israel as a anon, tho Israeli ruling circles "The United States does not lag were In collusion with the uggrcsAdmission for non-members Is "puppet" of the "imperialist col- Nor« and provided tins territory of behind Britain," ho rontlnueil. onizer.V partiularly of the United $,") per person. their country as transit base for "She k* also sending IIKIV consignTickets may bo obtained by call- States. ments of arms. Tnllcs on equipping KUON -Sunday H:lr) u. in A Moscow radio broadcast their troops nnil nlso for tlio fly tins Israeli army with U.S. roeket ing the ticket chairman Donald over the V.H. and British pliinea." MKSSAGK OF ISRAKI. ; ". . . Nogg, HA. 8903, or the Beth-El gin urged the (imiple In tli'u Soviet Another broadcast alleged that Installation nro In progress. In- And None S h a l l Make ML-. Union to ncqulro un nntl-Ittraul Synagoguo office, GI.. 3221, "both in tondon and in Washing- tnnsivo m i n t a r'y construction Harry L. Golden, Carolina news- hook published recently by tlio ton special concern Is shown for work Is In progress on Israeli ter- Apraaid" by Rabbi Jacob M. paper editor, will appear In a pro- Stnto l'uMlshlng House under the the strengthening of Israel ns n ritory In sirens bordering the Rothschild of Hebrew Benevolent Congregation, Atlanta, Ga. ffiam nt- the Bynngogue,' Sunday, title "Tlio.State-'of Israeli Ha Po- military forward post." Ar.-t!) inoTitiiM, Mnrch. 1" "t 8 p . m . _ • ..' r t i o n niul.-'Policy." I t emphasized
'Dumbo* on Jan. 11
jClaim as Heir ! Recognized
Israel Population Over 2 Million
First Airport Synagogue to Be in Mew York
JWB Announces Merit Scholarship
Beth El Presents Sulie Hcrand on Wednesday Night
On the Air
- ,
. £
_ -
Page Two
eBB Published Every Friday by the Federation of Jewish Service Second Class Mailing Privileges Authorized at Omalin, Nebraska. Annual Sub rriptlon, SI.00. Advertising Hates cm Application, Eclltoiial Office—101 No. 20th Street, Omalia, Ncbr., JAcli.son 136(5. Print Shop Address—-1808 Ho 25th Street.
Friday, January 2, 1059
Crop Irrigation With Sea Water
Religious Services
Editor Cuinllc]l|;liting—4:10' p. in. BK'I'II ISKAEL Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Eli Kagan, and the Beth Israel Synagogue choir will conduct services this evening at S p. m. Traditional Friday evening services (Kabbalas Shabbos) at 5:i5 p. m. Services Saturday morniiif,' begin at 8:45 a. m. and the Junior Congregation meets at 10 a. in. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Saturday afternoon Talmud Class at 4:30 p. m. and Minchii, followed by .Slialosh S'eudos and Maariv will begin at 5 p. m. Services on Sunday morning begin at 8:45 a. m. and are followed by breakfast and the Rabbi's class in Bible. The Sunday morning Junior service begins at 8:.'1O n. in. Daily services are held at 7 a. m. and 5 p. m. The Talmud Study group meets every Tuesday evening at 8 p. m. Sabbath morning services at the 19th and Burt Streets Snyagogue at 9 a. m.
B'XAI JACOB-ADAS YESIU'KO.V Services at B'nai Jacob-Adas Yeshuron will begin Friday at 4:30 p. m. and Saturday morning nt 8:30 a. m. with Mincha at 4:30 p. m. followed by Shalosh S'eudos. Daily services at fi:30 n. m. and 5p.m.
TEMPLE ISJtAEL Services will be held this Friday evening at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Sidney Brooks will preach on "The Israel Digest—Three new discoveries by Israeli scientists, which Pause for Reflection." New Year represent a significant contribution to the new state's economy and Thoughts Out of Jewish Thinking. the world of science, have been announced. BETH EL Paper I'roni Cornstalks Services at Beth El Synagogue A low-cost method for produc- duced experimentally in the Petro- will begin at 8:15 p. m. this eveing paper and cellulose from corn- chemical Laboratory of the He- ning. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will stalks has been successfully de- brew University and the Israel Re- deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron veloped at the Israel Institute for search Council. The work, which I. Edgar and the Beth El SynaFibre and Forest Products Re- is still in progress, is being con- gogue Choir will render the musisearch. A factory for the manu- ducted by Professor Milton Rosen, cal portions of the service. facture of paper from fibroid cel- assistant professor of Chemistry Sabbath morning services are lulose, utilizing the new method, at Brooklyn College, who is spend- at 9:30 a. m. and the Junior Conthe first of its kind in the world, ing sabbatical leave at the Hebrew gregation Services are at 10:30 is scheduled to start production University. a. m. Mincha-Manriv services are late in 1959. at 4:45 p. m. Coffrfi (Srowing K.vpamleil Sunday morning services begin New methods of growing cofat,9 a. m. in the Chapel, followed fee, discovered by Dr. Y. Gindel by breakfast at 9:30 a. m. and a at the Agricultural Research Stastudy-discussion session with Rabtion, may ultimately make it posbi Kripke. sible for Israel to save the two Dr. Ben Kutlcr has been named Daily services are at 7 a. m. and million dollars it now spends per chairman of the committee of the 7 p. m. annum on the import of coffee. Omaha Area Dental Society which will aid in celebrating the cen- JEWISH III(>H SCHOOL Detergent From Sugar A new type of detergent ob- tennial of the American Denial OI'ENED IN TIJItKEY tained from sugar has been pro- Association during 19:>0. Dr. H. S. Istanbul ( J T A ) - A Jewish high Susman is editor of the society's school has been opened in Izmir, monthly publication, which will site of the second largest Jewish issue seven special editions- de- community in Turkey. voted to dental specialities, in AH friends and relatives /ire connection with the occasion. Invited to attend serviees and reception. Janice and Majurif! Sirrf, ALAN II. BINIAMOW. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. William The Bar Mitzvah of -Alan II. Siref attended the Rose Bowl Biniamow, son of Mr. and Mrs. grime in Pasatlana, Ca)., on New Ralph E. Biniamow, will be cele- Years Day. They accompanied brated at the Beth Israel Syna- their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. gogue this Friday evening, Janu- Melvin Brown of Council Bluffs ary 2nd, and Saturday morning, and the Brown's son, Steven. January 3rd. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Goldstein CAUL RIEKES of Allston, Mass., were in Omaha Carl Riekes, son of Mr. and Mrs. last week to visit their parents, Henry Riekes, will observe his Bar Mr. and Mrs. Arthur II. Goldstein .Mitzvah on Friday evening, Janu- and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Barron. ary 2nd, and Saturday morning, Mr. Goldstein is a student at HarJanuary 3rd. vard College.
Tel Aviv—It is reported,, from Tel Aviv that an Israeli Scientist Dr. Hugo Boyco has developed a method of irrigating crops with sea water. Tlie report says that about 200 species of plants may be grown in arid regions by pouring ecu water directly over them from above, forcing tile salt deeper into the soil and leaving the upper layers of soil less saline.. Plants with .short roots absorb water from the upper layers, it is said.
Committee Reeling
Prof. Gottlieb Attends Law Schools Meet Professor Stuart Gottlieb of the Creighton University School of Law, is attending the convention of the Association of the American Law Schools, in Chicago, December 28, 29 and 30. Professor Gottlieb is nt present developing a course in Legal I-Jthics at Creif.lHon Law School, ami plans to confer with leading authorities attending the convention. The Omnhnn is also engaged in special research in preparinj; a comprehensive study on the subject of legal education in Israel, and the status of the legal profession.
The Jewish Community Center Committee will meet Tuesday, January 13, at noon at the Center. Lou Canar, Committee Chairman, urges all members of the committee to attend.
For Satisfaction In
FAMOUS NOVELIST DIES Los A n g e l e s (JTA) — Lion Fcuchtwanger, world famous novelist, died here at the age of 74. Born in Germany, he came to the United States in 1941.
Patronize Our Advertisers
Co. Seb (Subby) Pulvcrente
25 Years' Experience With Jewish Lettering and Memorials 2211 So. 8th
Omahans In the News
1407 Harrtey St.
AT 2452
SAVE Be Sure to Attend the ANNUAL MEETING of
JEWISH FEDERATION at the Jewish Community Center Sunday, January 11, 1959 8:00 P. M.
Sunday Funday Winter Session — Starts January 11 Sundays 2 P.M. to 4:30 P.M. OMAHA'S LEADING
Kosher Meat Marhet and Delicatessen WA 5554
55 C 9,.
THE FINEST IN KOSHER FOODS Call Wednesday for Thursday Delivery
For Children, Ages 3-12 Special pre-school group for 3 to 5 year-olds
Parties-Games-Movies Arts and Crafts
FEE: $7.50 for 8 Weeks
Cdll JA 1366 Today
Trained Sfoff
Friday, January 2, 1059
Herman ftieyersons To Mark 'Fiftieth'
Fage Three
Miss Haykin 's Engagement Announced in Savannah
C I V I L I A N IJKFKNKK T O HK MICKTIVO HVMEC.T Mr. and Mrs. Ili-nnan Meyerf.oi The Itjiicliion inei-tiiif: of Henry of Council Jihiff.s, who will cc-leMr. and Mrs. Harry Haykin have January 4 from Savannah where Monsky c h a p t e r N o . 470 of H'nni brnte their fiftieth weddinj; anniB'rith will be ilcvcilfil to civilian verxary, Jiiinuiiy 3 will be hon-announced the engagement of their thry a i c house gursls of the Pikes, (li-feiise on J a n u a r y 7 .'it 12:30 p.m ored by their children at. family daughter, Miss Honnie. Jo, to Larry at tho Jewish Oomnumiiy ( ' e n t r r . dinner on thai date, at the lilaelt- .Samuel I'iiio, son of Mr. and Mrs Abram Pilte of .Savannah, Ga. Clues t Kpf/aliei'S will be K r a . sfone Hotel. The engagement, was revealec Thomson, cliaimian of tile Civilian Cumin); from out-of-town for the. by the parents of. the bride-lo-b( Defense' Sjienkers liurcan a n d Mrs. event, will be their snn.s-in-law and Muriel Kiiij;, n Hrilisli \v;ir briilo daiijditerK, Messn;. aiid Alines. John at a party given in honor of Miss who li.'i.i experii'iiced tlie British •Smart, o) Seursdide, N. Y., andHaykin and Mr. Pike in .Savanna! on December 31. brmibir.Ks "f Work! Way I I . Georjie Frisclinr of Kansas City, Miss Haykin attended the UniA film "K-ill O u l " will be shin .. Mo., and their families. Other chilAl m e m b e r s me invited lo a t - dren are Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kran- versity of Nebraska at Lineoli tend nml brini; j;iicsts. ko] of Council Muffs and Mr. and and the University of Missouri, at
His, Lester Marcus. I-;I, sis'i I;KHOOI> (iiie.slK from Milwaukee, Wis., "oi'KN" IIOAKI) MI:I:TI.\<J will be Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wald, Tho Jimurtry mwiinj; of the the latter the daughter of the Beth Isriir'l Sisterhoorl will lie an Leon Krankels. Steven Frankel, :i "Open Iioiird Mcctlnj;" ciunbinliiK student at. the University of Penn. the rp^uhir board inrptin;; ''mil sylvania, Philadelphia, will extend j;oncral membership proeocdijijiil. his vacation until after the dinnei A Snnchvicli IjUiiclioon will be for his j;randpnrents. served at 12:30 p, m. preceding the business session which will be hold ill (ho Syiii'iKriKiie Social Hall on Tuesday, January C. Bab Silti-r Service will be available. Reservations for the lunchJerusalem, (JTA) Some 5'!0 eon inay be mado with the Minos. .Sam KoKeiistein, PI, 5!)G7; Arthur physicians arrived to settle in EpsU-in, 111'. 8005, or Harncy Grey, Israel in the past two years, I lie Ministry of Health disclosed. More Gr- I52GG. Tlio program will feature the than <150 of the newcomers were Jlnies. Sam K a t z m a n , Kidney from Kastern European countries. Katleman, Max K r o r n k i n and with Poland havini; supplied 350 Henry Appel in a .symposium con- of the doctors. cerned wilh "The Ascent of SisterThe Jewish Afjeuey announced hood." that a new immigration transit camp has been established in Greece. The cunip is needed, ncn & r IIADASSAII In preparation for Hadassah's cordin f,'to the Agency, for faciliBusiness and Professional annual tating the handling of a new wave fund-raisin;; bazaar and card party of immigrants bound for Israel, to be held January 25, 1059, theespecially from Eastern Kurope. committee f o r Tradinn-Stamps Collection is osklufi for any and all lilnds of tnulinjc stamps (hat are redeemable at I he local HeJerusalem—A Haifa resident demption Centers. convicted of 11 burglaries said Anyone desirious of contributlrij! Buch stamps is requested to phone he was turning over a new leaf Misses Dorothy Koscnthal, \VA this New Year,' employing the 5055; Sylvia I'arilrmin, GL 3107, same tools he used in his crimior Mrs. Frances ('JrecnljerK, GL nal career. O")H5. The man was anight redHostesses for flip cu'canization's handed while burgling a shop Study Group which will meet .Sim- over a year ngo. At his trial the day, January 4th. at 2.p. m.. at the judge decided to give him anhome of Mrs. Phil Schwartz are other chance and gave him a Mines. Alice lleerr.'ir and -Josef five-year suspended sentence. Mayor. The burglar then applied to the Police for the return of his first-class set of burglar tools. He explained that he wanted to A 40 pruta Israel stamp is one prove that the same tools could of the four prize winners chosen be used for H, good and honest from a hundred stamps of many purpose—in his handicraft workcountries depicting Blbical themes shop. After consideration, the Police by the Society of Collectors of have decided to return the tools, Itelijjious Subjects on stamps. ' The stamp's theme Is the In- convinced lhat the burglar realscription of "Gur Aryeh Yehuda" ly means it «nd that the tools - Mudah Is u lion's whelp) which will give him Ihe feeling that was found carved in stone during the Police also believe in his will the areheological di|!(d"Ks on the to go straight. Kile.of the ancient fortress town of Nefiiddo.
530 Doctors iake Home in Israel
The hfumcsn Touch
Stamps Win Avrards'
Dinner for Parents
Columbia. Her fiance attended Kmory University In Atlanta, Ga., where lit is affiliated with Tail Kpsilon Phi social fraternity and L'la .Sigma Psi nntl Alpha Kpsilon Upsiloji, honorary organizations. The couple is planning a June wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Haykin and Iheii daughter will return to Omaha
HOLLYWOOD TUX RENTAL 106 No 15th Street JA 2452 I In Omaha Loan Bldq.)
You'll Bo Pleased
Early Jewish Records Found in Polish Touis
-Miss Bonnie Hujlrin
If You Shop at
elter A
Vienna, f JTA)—Official, prewar records of births, marriages and deaths of many thousands of Jews going back to the 19th Century have been located in a church of the small town of Zarornb, halfway between Warsaw and Blalistolt .according to a report, in the latest issue of Folkstimme, Yiddish-language newspaper published in Warsaw. A Catholic priest, in the village notified the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw about the cache of official, vital records, and these have now" been taken over by the Institute. No one knows how the records happened to be snvci! in the church at Zaromb. The town of Zaromb was totally destroyed during World War II. Not. a single one of Ihe town's 3,000 Jews sur vived, all having been executed by the Nazis iii fields outside the town.
Quality Clothes for Men Open Till 9 Each Evening
Specializing in Undervalued Securities and Special Situations
FOICMICIl IKKAFX fJONSIII, IN CHICAGO TO HUNOARY Jerusalem (JTA) -•- Yerichmiel Yaron, former Israeli consul in Chicago, was named Minister to Hungary.
Members Hew York Stock Exchango and Other Principal Exchanges
1 1
IfU hmum
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MOTEK'S MODERN BEAUTY SALON 3813 Charles St. • Pcrmanont Waving • Hair Styling • Coloring . • Faclalt
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Continental Dining
REASONABLE PRICES Call RE 1641 for Appointment Op«n from 8 a.m. til 10 p.m.
Famous Hawaiian Room © Year Round Swimming 8 Town Pump Cocktail Lounge
Mrs. Phyllis Joseph, daughter A family dinner was i;iven by Mr. and Mrs. Leo .Sherman mid of -Mr. and Airs. Hershel II. FreedMr. and Mrs. Milton Siiylnn on De- man won sophomore scholastic cember 25 honoring their parents, onors in Ilic College of Letters Mr. and Mrs. Jack Saylnn on their and Science at the University of Wisconsin, Aladison. forty-flint weddinj; anniversary.
Jewish Woman Appointed Perm. Attorney General
Cleaned In Your Hornet
In announcing Judge Alpern'B appoihiment, thef Governortlect described her »s having
.1 e r n s a 1 e m, (JTA)—Several unirjuc \ases, estimated to be G,000 years old, were found recently in Western Galilee. Tlie stone vases were described us "unusual in shape, of excellent workmanship and of a type hitherto unknown in . Palestine." They were discovered together with various flint implements ami postherds attributed definitely to the fourth millenium before the Christian era. It was assumed the vases were also of Ihe same period.
"e>.ee|)liunally high qualificaHarrisburg:, Pa., (JTA—Govtions" for the post, lie added ernor-elect David I>. Lawrence has announced (lie appointment that "I am indeed pleased that she will serve as chief legal ofof Judge Anne X. Alpern of ficer of the State us she did for Pitsburgh as Attorney-General the city of Pitsburgh for many of Pennsylvania, the first womyears." an ever to be named to that cabinet post in the State's history. Active In Jewish AffnirK Judge Alpern, who is active in Pitsburgh Jewish communal affairs and has served on the advisory board of the Pitsbureh Jewish Outlook, will resign from the Common Picas Court to \vhlch she w;is elected In 19M. She will tnkc office as Attorney General on January 20. Qualifications Pralml
Vases 6,000 Years Old FOEHU! Recently
Dodge at 70th
RE 5 1 6 1 Omaha
Binding • Laying • Repairing
HA 2554
PL 5396 Commercial
Be Near Those You Love... 1437 So. 13th St.
A Gift Portrait by
John Kalina \ 817 So. B6th
H A 1044
Extra Special GROUND BEEF. Lb. LIVER. Lb. Extra Special PICKLED TONGUES, Lb. RIB CHUCK. Lb Also Many Other Cuts of Fine Beef at Reasonable Prices
Page Four
Friday, Jurumry 2, 1959
lev/ Game For Olilldren
tup lebminder. Mill Kully and Ted Sanloril each added li points. Har- i Aflei December Bombardment T h e .1. C. T. v . i i - i l y !);is!;i'ih,,ll old Sehiieider hart 11 poinrs fur; ol Israel Village* te;un w o n t h e i r first JI.-UIII- uf t h e I-Gn. Children at Hulata in I'pper TI:AM STANDINGS
J . C. C. VAKSITV l ) i : l i : . \ T
s e a s o n a s tht'V look a I'MSO fil-lTj \V I, Ciimc from F l u r r n r e at t h e r e n t e r 'A 0 g y m . Koth squafis w e r e <-olti al t h e k'aimari Ua 2 1 s t a r t b u t F r e d K e r n s ol t h e i-'lfir-j Tretiaks e u r o t e a m be:;;m tu iiini t h e r a n ^ e . (I ."»' H e loci alt s c o r e r s n i l h li'. p o i n t s . ! (ii-relirk .'•• < > T h e J a y .squad v, as l«-'i by U - i nP |i a \ l a n d I ' k - 1 Kp.stei.'i with I'-' [mints. H e u a s C "o\\ boys 3 ~ s u p p o r t e d hy J a c k S t i s s w i t h It < liiehnian-Gordinan (i ;; p o i n t s a n d L i n d y P a u l w h o b i tI-Go \ ' a n .sciii:i)i I . I : S four b a s k e t . , d>r .N p o i n t s . M e m - ; Varsity I.,rague—.Jan. 7 . h e r s >Jl t h e uiiinin:,' t e a m i m r 7:.''.O JI. m. -I'auls vs. I.list;, 's. KuV K u l s k c r . I ' l e d UernMfin, W a y n e Sieuel. R a y K i i k e , S i d A b - 8:l',(i JI. in. • D e g r a d e s v->". kobinrahams and Al d a y m a n . } sons. Youth ('unni'il—'Ian I 11:00 a. in. A.Z.A. lCjf> vs KAVIM. A. Z. .V. 100 SIIAKI-J i Komi A.Z.A. After lour i;nmes in Y! C. has- \ l'J:00 niton A.Z.A. 1 vs. Hayim.
ketbnll competition, llayini and! A. '/.. A. N'o. 100 are on top ol t h e ' league with','>wins and 1 loss. A. j Z. A. No. I and Konil A. '/.. A. have j 1 win and'•'•losses.
Weizmann Institute Quard Arrested
•'••'•• League fjiiint-.s for" this jjf Tel Aviv, I JTA I A yuan, at '..'./•,• have boon canceled as the A.'A.A. !the W'ei/.niarin Institute uT Science ' boys will be up in Sioux City for : .-'.••-. .'the regional A. '/.. A. coiivrntkni. j at Kehovolh has been arrested unit ..-.'.'League play will resume J a n u a r y ; will shortly be brought to trial on 4. Leading scorer:; to date a r e 1 charges ol espionage, police offi•V F r a n k Goldberg. A. Z. A. No. 1! eials announced. The name of the .''• (72 pts.I. Roy Katskee, Rayim <fi0i arrested man was not revealed. | : : pts.), John Okiiii. A. /.. A. . \ o . 100; Faces Two Charge** . | .• . (51. pts.). Justin Han, Komi <4Hi The suspect, who has been under! .'pts.),' Mike Sadolsky, Konu M H pts.), and Mike I'lalt, A. '/.. A. No. detention since November, will face two charges: -passing informs-j •:. / : " . 100 ( H pts.). 1 ••'•••
Calilee. fivi' mill's from the Syrian lronlier \scn i [ila>ing a new game yesterday. They were collecliii:; !-hra|ine| from abmit :V)() m./i'tar and howit/ei' sliells that had plastered their homes . in the I;i•-1 hour of daylight Wednesday afternoon. Walking along the kibbutz was like walking through a village at a war I runt thai had been fought throngh by advancing troops. Hut there wen- no soldiers In Hulata yesterday . . . Only inembers ol I he kibbutz and their children, and there was no one ;;riirnlilini:. Almost every other hoiKe bad been damaged, some by direct hits that shattered the red-tiled roofs, some by blast thai had torn gaping holes, and some by shrapnel that had pock-marked and scarred the walls. It was a miracle, they all agreed, that no one was killed in the shelling, and only one youngster in the kibbutz was wounded hit in the shoulders by shrapnel while standing under Ihe shower. At the infants creche the most fantastic miracle of all had taken place: the four-room house had a direct hit hardly <>0 seconds alter the 10 tots and toddlers had been taken out of their cribs and were snug and safe in the deep shelter in the yard, a few feel away.
Ity I'Jiilill S:il|M'llT
Jerusalem One of the fields of the achievements of which Israel is proudest is agriculture. The pioneers whu came to this country before it became independent settled in regions which for ceuluries iver<; either uncultivated or which were under extensive 'non-irrigated, almost non-fi'i'tili/cdi cultivation. I'.y employing modern fanning methods, irrigation, suitable chemical fertilizers, the Jewish fanners put their lands under intensive cultivalion. multiplying the yields, raising the quality of the produce. Aller the establishment of t h e f — stale, when wide areas became Station at KeliiiMit. Indicates tlutt (available, particularly in the Ne-it is possible lo evlenil <of fee grow| ;;ev. Israeli fanners developed ing lo < ool<'r climates, up to tlm | methods to cultivate arid lands i which before were believed to be laliludf ol '.i'i decrees anil more. Ten y e a r s ago, Dr GincM entirely unsuitable for agrietiltuu1. Thus, in many respects, Israel has brought (iO 'different varieties of '• become an experimental model for coffee to Israel and began his exagricultural development lor many periments to find the types that, underdeveloped areas of the world, can adapt Ihemselves to the local particularly where there is a need climate. Or Ihe 22 that have been to progress from extensive to in- acclimatized, nine did ,so with particular success, and fortunately tensive cultivation. these uere the most valuable vaClose of Anniversary rieties, inrliuiing Cattura from Israel will present to the world lirazil and Moeca from Aden. Afher achievements in this field at ter the lencthy researches, lust the International Farmers Conven- ye;ir a larger area was sown, tion, which next Spring will bring bringing nil average yield of 200 to a close the Tenth Anniversary Ullofirams per acre, which is, howcelebrations. ever, still below the 25(i kilograms Tin- convention program will be per acre in Africa and the variable of live parts: I lip (iciicral Conven- I'OO to 400 kilogram yields in Bration to be held between April "itb zil. Dr. (iindel believes, however, and tl!tb, will lie prccedeil on that proper irrigation and use oi Mimh IGtli by an 1 Inlay sympo- fertilizers can iiicrciise the yields sium on lanil settlement, during on Israel plantations considerably. which delegates will both hear Coffee (ironing Studied led met and study nn (lie spot vaThis year, over 10,000 coffee rious p r O I) I «' 111 H of KCttlt'llU'llt si''tt, irrigation projects, uf- seedlings were sold to farmers at forcstntloii work, swamp drainage, nominal prices, and they have beetc. Tlip following weoli—preced- gun the practical study of coffee ing the (funeral Convention, each growing all over Ihe country. Thu delegate will bo the guest of an results of their work are of great Israeli fanner, and will spend the interest lo California and South week on tin* furni observing both Africa, which have climates similar to thnt of Israel, and which his work and lilt leisure. After the General Convention, have already asked Israel to prothere will be a three-day sympo- vide them with the results of the sium for agronomists, where the coffee growing experiments conspecial problems of transition from ducted in this country. (Jewish Telegraphic Agency) extensive to intensive cultivation will be discussed. The program will be concluded by the week - long veterinary symposium. Fair and Inhibition During the entire convention, there will be an international agLondon, (.JTA)—Col, Nasser, ricultural f a i r and exhibition. I'rcHldi'nt of tin- Dnlted A rail l!eTwenty-five countries have al- pnlilic, told :t cheering aiiillenci- of ready indicated their decision to Egyptians in Port Said thai In- in. participate in the fair. Some coun- tends to (onlimie his fight against tries—including Poland and Uul-Israel uml lliat be cunsidcrs "tlio gariu-—will have official exhibits, ZIOIIISIH. Israelis anil reactionwhile others will have both offi- aries" tilt1 worst enemies of the cial exhibits and displays of vari- Arab people ous private companies manufacturing machinery, fertilizers and oth- Meanwhile, a number of influener commodities used in agriculture. tial Conservative members of the The United States and South Af- Hrilish Parliament were seen here rica are expected lo have the apyrcntly following the lead of most Hrilish Labor prirty In.-urcrJlargest exhibits. A typical I'.xample of what Is- vociferously clamoring for an "unrael wants to present at hutli the derstanding" with the "West's best convention mid the exposition are friend in the Middle -Presithe results of the experiments in dent Nasser." growing coffee in Israel, Coffee Most observers here felt this did plantations at present are lim- not Imply that Britain would drop ited to tbo tropical area of 2'! de- her comprehension of Israel's grees North unil South of Hie problems, although it was felt that Equator. IK'ftf.ireli by Dr. Y. Cjln- Britain might begin to help tha del, conducted (luring She past ten United Arab Republic both ecoyours at tin- Agricultural Hcseurch nomically and fimincially.
tion to a foreign agent with the, intention of violating the security* of the state, and passing informa-' Paul Kaiman dropped in a free- tion without authorization with in-1 -Ted li. Lurie in throw in the final 15 seconds ol Ilent to barm the security of thej "The Jerusalem Posl" an overtime session as Kaiman j slate. The first charge carries a j Insurance defeated Treliaks 19-18, imaxinnim sentence of 15 years in j It was a battle for first place j prison, while the latter may bring which Kaiman's now hold and tbej iiji to a life term. first loss for Tretiaks. Paul KaiTen Years in Israel man led his team with 11 points During an extensive investiga- SAM FAUCIS while Ben Shafton was helping tion, security agents learned that] Funeral services for Sam Faier, will) 8 find was a terrific rc-i the supernumerary policeman, who I reside)* of the Dr. Philip Slier b o u n d e r for his team. Larry] came- to Israel ten years ago. had \ »">'"• f o r '"« Aged who died DeLcfitz was the scoring star for |maitained contact with a foreign j f01,n,bcI-(>,1"."..!.ocii,! h '"!.'! t ."i "I™ Tret inks with 16 points. | held Sunday at the Jewish Fuagent in Israel. neral Home. Rabbi Mycr S. Kripke Lee Ross ami Al .Muskin led: . lU'scarch Conducted , .• . i of Beth El Synagogue, officiated. Slosburg Realty to their first win! _ . , , , . with a 1-1-5 win over Gerelick | The Weizmann Institute has « ; M r 1<1 c r r o s l d H l . Omaha , ., ' '" Motors. They each scored G points. number of nuclear science projects m o r < -t h, a n " flft vcurs progress and. like other Instill.- v - six -Dale Weinstein and Mark Fell- in Surviving are children: Dr. tions of higher learning in Israel, man had 'A and 2 points for the is working on research contracts Herman L, Los Angeles. Cal,; Dr. losers. for the United States armed forces. Samuel Z., Fort Smith. Ajk.: F.sthPlayland Park took over first The special policeman, wno <5 ' - »f.imore« d - [i!ml ? I r s ' place in the 7-8th grade- league Hebrew. Yiddish and llus-1 ^ ™ K J ' 1 « I ". ; " 1 ' San frnncisco. with a .'iO-29 win over Cowboys. speaks i . ,. , . , , , . Cal. and a sister: Mrs. 1. \ \ . was teaching himself hug- " ., , , , , , ,., , , r , John Mcphail and Joel Sncider sian. ,. , i • , , .Rosenblatt, Mrs. Matilda Moskowto further .. r, • , Of' were the scoring leaders with YA hsh. anarentlv in order itz, Omaha. •and 11 points respectively. Sandy his friendship with Institute sciBurial was in Pleasant Hill cemKasin and Bob- Gould played a entists, most of whom use that etery. good .floor game for the winners. language. Bill Ginsburg and Rusty Uehr had! MKS. SAICAII'I'ICANK 11 and 10 points respectively for Funeral services were held Sunthe losers. day at the Jewish Funeral Home, Richnian-Gordman won their for Mrs. Sarah Frank, 68, of 101 first game of the season with a North 52 Street, who died Satur.28-23 win over I-Go Van. Mike Jerusalem I.ITA* Unrestricted. Sherman. R-G center led his tenm freedom to transfer profits abroad j day. Surviving are her husband, Maywith 10 points and was the game's will be'guaranteed-foreign invester; sons. David. Max, Morton and ors in Israeli business and indus- Joe; brothers, Maurice and Harry try under a new economic pro- Cioldenherg; sisters, Jennie Goltlgram being prepared by the gov-j enberg. Omaha and Nettie Fein, eminent. j Chicago and 10 grandchildren. The new plan would exempt j Washington, (JTA i—The United from customs, excise and purStates Government signed an chase imposts all materials needagreement this week to sell the ]ed by. enterprises given official United Aral) Republic 200,00 tons authorization. The investors propof wheat and 100,000 tnns of flour erty will he exempted from inworth an estimated $25,000,000 and heritance taxes. The investor will -«- usalem, (JTAi—Israel is prepayable in Egyptian currency. also receive income tax conces- pared to lend technical assistance Cairo signed a similar agreement sions for the first five years after to Liberia to aid in the developwith the Soviet Union. the investment is made. Approved ment of citrus growing and other This is the first sale of American enterprises will receive concessions agricultural programs, it was anwheat to Nasser since the Suez in relation to the foreign currency nounced following a" conference campaign of two years ago. Ship- loans they require and in loans of between Israel Agriculture Minisments are expected to begin March Israeli pounds. ter Kaddlsh Luz and John Cooper, 1 and continue for three months. visiting Liherian Minister of Agriculture and Commerce, Mr. Cooper had high praise today for Israel's achievements on Israel Digest—The export of Ihe land, particularly its exploitaeggs abroad achieved new records Jerusalem (JTA) —One of the! tion of water resources. The Minfor Israel during recent weeks and amounted to as much as 44 longest regular shipping routes In ister, who has spent two weeks percent of the total production. the world will be opened by Is-1touring the Jewish State, felt that Egg exports amounted to "27,000,- rael's Zim Shoh.irn Company in some of Israel's water develop000 in October compared with partnership with two Asian ship- ment techniques would be of value to Liberia. 1,200,000 during the corresponding ping companies soon. The new line is being estabmonth of last year. lished in cooperation with the Gold Star Company and the Black Star Company of Ghana, in both of I'luTiL J A luCo to lmert voui vvaat AO Tim Jewish Vttaa. which the Israeli company is a n Current rate la BO centi for tach tout Bernard DeKoven, son of Rabbi partner. The new service will car- :lne Insertion. The Press rpscrvrs Uifl rlKbt and Mrs. Ralph DeKoven has been ry African raw materials to Amer- w limit lire of each advertisement. elected first vice-president of the ica, American products to Israel DAILY JKWISII PAPERS ' Midwest Region of United Syna- arid Israel producls' to the Far BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratugogue Youth. He is a past presi- East. Four ships are scheduled to lations also for all Jewish holident of the Bi-Lu chapter of-.USY he charlercd by (he company in days and special occasions. 1 at Beth F.1 Ihf ["'I- * <•! e . , ' H i " n " i - ' " r ' . ' i c Meyers News-Stand, J502 Dodge MIIHiKT
Ssrael Ptestis. New Economic Steps j
U. S.foSendUAR $25,000,00 Wheat
Technical Assistance Offered to Liberia
Firm to Open Record Egg Exports Israel \h Shipping Route
Nasser Threatens Israel in Speech
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