January 9, 1959

Page 1

Community Leaders Survey Needs

Jcsei W. Mcsrer tleporh < lunii'wiuuc.v of founds required io • lieep |I:IIC uilli Israel's iiiniiiili"I; liei'ds for uninterrupted develop- ; Hirnt unit tlie general awareness: that loiiil ni-eilt In tile l u l l e d i Stiites must receive greater fiuan-; t'hil aid itiiHiM'beii tin* attention of: leader* .•itlendlii(; Hie November ; Annual AsM'inbly meeting of llii'j .(eilisli I'rdcratlon and Welfare! Funds ill M'iislilnutdii. :

The cravity of this two-fold j situation was drought home by Jack W, Marer. Om-il.a delegate to the gatherinc, in a report al the hist meeting of he executive committee of Hi.1 Jewish Federation of Onuihn. Mr. Marei is a past Federation president. PrlvntP Invi'Htiiient. Munition Mr. Marer said delegates were concerned with the questions ol business opportunities for private investment through liberalization| of lax and investment and withj secondary education prob'ems in • Israel where Ihere \y, no compul-j

sory hii;h school p r o g r a m .

(^neslldii of Si'lf-Snppiirt Israel's prosjject of becoming s('IF--iipoiplin); was another aspect under observation al the ineetin:;, Mr. Marer deelared. To be fared, were the Middle Kast silnntion and the need to maintain armed forces: the fifty or sixty thousands on full or partial relief; Hie need for lionsinf,' construction: the development of farm settlements and the anlicipated incrensiiu; influx of immigration. I.IMIII Nn-il Nijjlei ted

There appeared to be a feelirij; at the sessions tlwit on the home front, local needs have been ne(,'lected since 1'1,'H, Mr. Marer said, and there should be a more self-analysis and clearer look into Federation services arid pro'irarni; positive plans for developing new leadership and that a "new slimulanl is needed to awaken American Jew.';." .Mr. .Marcr Indicated dial Hip I'.I.X will iigiiin ("liilint no I'.mrr^rnry i:uil|i;ii^h. anil plans to intensify its fund raising «-apa<lty. He i.aid the Council represents a 'iroup of consecrated lay leaders and a useful nalional service The Childirn's .Sunday Funduy agency. pi'ogiam will liold its I'lr-l mceling of the winler session, January 11 at the .le'.vish Communily Center, Mglil Sessions The program will include ei;;ht coiiseciilivc Sunday gatherings from '1 p.m. to •\:?,{) p.m. and is open 1(i hoys and girls between the 'J'ht l'eth i:i Syna^oijiK! fiislera';es of three anil .twelve. Special grmips have been organized for buoil will he hosts Tuesday, Jan. pre-school children, age.; three to 1,'l at 1 p.m. al the SynriKociift to tlw Sisterhoods of Temple Israel five. and lieih Israel at their annum .Sports, Mviuiniiit';, games, trips, joint mei'lin);. parlies, musical activities, dramatA story of Jewish music through ic.;, movies, arts and crafts are among Hie activities planned for the ai;es, "For Music is Like a Voice" written by Mines. Stanford the youngsters, I.ipsy, Morris Felhnan, and MorChildren may be registered by li)y ZipUi'sky, will hi; presented. crdlini; the Children's Activities The program will feature the IniDepartment, JA Kif.fi. Fee for the tial performance of the Beth F.I' entire session is $7.50. Women's Choral croup augmented Dnniho—January 18 by some of the members of the A special feature has been ar- lieth Kl Choir. Cantor Aaron I. ranged for the January lKth pro- F.di;ur is the director, and Mrs. gram when "Dumbo." a popular Harry DliHoffv.'ill be at the ortechnicolor film cartoon, will be fjan. Narrators will be Mines. P.opresented at 3 p.m. Arrangements Ijert Wacner and Hose Ilollis. have been made to open the JanuMembers of the Women's Olioral ary IKih event for twenty-five (,'roiip are: Mines. .Sam Ban, Morcents to all children not regularly ris Brick, Irvine Chudaeoff, A. C enrolled in tile Sunday Funday Fellman, Mnrrie Fellman, Bernard session. (ioldstroin, Leuniird fioiild, Max Lashinsky, Sain Newman, Nathan L. I\To(;i!, Irvinj! Pomerantz. David Itosenbatim, Al Swarlz, Slewart Tully, Norman Wnhlner and I. B. ^eifjinan. lielh Kl Synajjofiue T)r. Nornmti A. Milgram, staff Choir inembiMS who will augment psychologist, Nebraska Psychiatric the choral group are. limes, Dan Institute, will speak on "Today's Cohen, Norman Dencnherg, StanTeenagers" at a Youth Council ford Lipsy, Stuart Musken, A. G. Advisor.-.' Workshop, Thursday, Itlrntnernian, Arnold Itoscmnn, r;<lward Itosen, Max Itosen, FtoJanuary 15 at 7:.'!0 p.m. The program will also include bert iichiller, Norman Whitman, consideration of club elections, nnrl Alan Wolf son. conventions and the advisors' role Other paticipants in the program in ";;ta-e night." are. Mines, Hnrton GroenlJcrg, Max Blttner, Seymour Cohen, Hohcrt Iierlnstein, Irvin Sherman, and Henry Uieltes. A tea will he served In the social hall following the profiram by The, Jewish Community, Center Circles 9, \2, and 13 with Mnies. Committee will meet at the Jcw- Julius Stein, David D, Weinberg, Ich Community Center on Tues- William I/ohrman, Harry Ilavifz, day, January 13/ at 12:15 p.m. and Morris Hoitsteln in charge, Luncheon will be.served. Lou Ca- The decorations committtc innnr, committee chalrmnn, urges cludes Mmcs. Irvin Sherman, nil members of tho committee to Daniel Katzmaii and Harry Lincoln. he present. /

Funday Will Starr Jan. I!

BetihEI'fo.-Host Meeting • Of Sisterhoods

Dr. iilgrain To Speak at Advisors Workshop

Oesiter Oommiitee ieels Tues., Jan. 13

Millaid llosenbri^, ehainnan, AIM. Ad\'isory Coininitti'e. Calvin M. Newman, chairman, Iiiid(;r| Coimnillee. . lien K. Kablow, chairman, i'.ureatl of Jewish Kducation. Dr. Daniel Miller, chairman, Camp Jay-C-C Louis Cannr, chairman, Community Center. Harry Sidman, chairman. Federation I.uildiiii^s Comniitt.ee Nathan L. iN'oi;);. chiiirnian. Dr. I'hilip Slier Jewish Home for Ar,ed..

' • • • " . . •

Vale Richards, chainnan, Fiimily Service. S. I'ilmer (iross, cbairnian, 1!K>8 Jewish Pliilantliropies. I'IIUI Crossman, chairman. Jewish Press. David Keilcr, chairman, Pledge Redemption. Irvin ('. Levin, chairman, Communily Statistics. Mrs. Mike Freeman, president, Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs.



Paul Veret, executive director, Jewish Federation.

'Aging in the Modern World' Study Oroup To Meet January 12 The "Af;iii(i in the Modern World" study group will hold its third meet in;; on Monday, January 12 at the home of Dr. and Mrs. I.eon Fellman, .''.01 South IV'trd Si reel al 8 p.m., it was announced by I>r. Norman Mihiraiu, group leader. This new type of study group has stimulated interest among other adult organizations in the community. Dr. Milgivim said. Hooks and selected materials which have been oil order, may be purchased now at the Jewish Community Center Activities Office. New members of the group are Messrs. and Mines. Sain Davis, Arthur Jliihin and Karl Siegel. Anyone interested In joining such a group is invited to call the activities office, JA K',66.

Program of the Month 'I'll.- third feature in the Program of the Month will be held Thursday, February li), 8 p.m. at the University of Omaha, Adult Conference Auditorium. The guest speaker for the third program In the. series will be Dr. Bernard Cherrick, Director General of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, .wild will discuss "The Middle Fast Today." Arrangements for the program are being made by the Omaha Chapter of Ifadassali, host group for this presentation. Admission is free and open to the community. Free parking will be provided for those who attend this event.

Women Invited to Offer Candidates Letter have been mailed to all Oirmh/i women's clubs inviting them to submit their candidates for the B'nai B'rith Women's annual Citizenship Citation. The award will be made at a public luncheon Thursday, February 2'J ht the Fontenelle-Sheraton Hotel. The idea of honoring an Omaha woman for outstanding service in community find civic affairs was inaugurated in 1933 in observance of Brotherhood week. Mrs.'Sidney Snokler, of Henry Monsky chanter, has been named Citation chairman, with Mrs. Julian Baumel of Nebraska chapter as co-chairmnn. Members of the newly formed Cornhuslcer group will serve on the planning committeo. The selection committee will announce tho name of the recipient nfter all qualifications of the candidates hnve been considered.

AIM?LT CLASSICS Adults interested in joining the new winter Latin-American and Ball Room Dance Class sponsored by the Center may enroll by calling the' Activities Office at JA l.'Mifi. The class is open to beginners or intermediate dancers. JOnrollrnent. is limited in order to provide1 maximum individual instruction according to Miss Carrie Griffiths, Omaha University dance instructor who is in charge of the class. Fee for the 8 week course IK $15.00 per couple or $8.00 per person. . The class meets on- Monday, .8 p.m. at the Center, For additional information call JA 1,'tGO. KVKMN(i CICIIXiK CLASS' The Winter F.vening Bridge Class to be offered soon at the Jewish Community Center has openings for a few more beginner or intermediate players, Sheff Katskoe, hridge instructor, reported. The planned course continues for eight consecutive weeks wilh a total fee of 5S.00. It is open.to non-members and members of the Center. The class will meet in the Center from 8 p. in. to 10 p. m., Tuesdays. Anyone interested in enrolling in the Winter Bridge Class is inviled to call the Activities Office at JA l.".Gf>. CLASSICAL MUKIC;, LISTENING (iKOTIP The classical music listening group will meet Sunday, January 18 at 7:15 p.m., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Cohen, 1701 South 01 Avenue. All members of the music listening group are urged to attend the first home Hi-Fi Concert of the new year. A variety program has been planned, according to Mr. Cohen, program chairman.

i r s . ICripke to Speak To Ohio featherings Mrs. Myer S. Kriplie will speak in Cleveland Heights, 0., on the afternoon of January 13 nt a meeting of the Sisterhood of Park Synagogue currently 1 celebrating its ninetieth anniversary. That evening, Mrs. Kripke will address the Communily Temple of Cleveland. She will go to Canton O. on January I t io appear before the Sisterhood of Sha.iray Torah Congregation.

To I'Jxeryone in tlie community urged Id attend tlie fifty-fifth annual meeting of tin- Jewish Federation of Omaha, Sunday at 8 p. in. at Hie Jewish Community Center Auditorium. Robert II. Kooper, Federation president, stressed the importance of the reports to be presented by Federation Departments. IieportH T» (Jive Story "It is vital that members of our community spend this evening together to hear the annual stoiy of our progress and activities," Mra. Kooper declared. "Each report will be brief. but pertinent. This is also an opportunity for our members to know each other better and join in a common bond in a community-wide event significant to all of us." Election To lie Held An election of officers will ho held. Nominations will be presented by Morton A. Richards, chairman and his committee. Young Adults I'rged Special urging to the youn|{ adults of llie community to hi present at the meeting was issued by Mr. Kooper. "During the past three years \va have succeeded in developing ,i young adult participation program within the Federation," Mr. Kooper said. "We have an awareness unions our young folks of . their communal responsibilities and tho need of potential leadership," Present, officers are: Robert H. Hooper, president: Harry Trus« tin, first vice-president; Ernest A, Nogg, second vice-president; Ar« thur II. Goldstein, treasurer; Milton R. Abrahams secretary, and Dr. Philip Slier, honorary prcsi-. dent. ..

Florida Rabbi Will Be First on Beth El Winter Series Rabbi Yaakov'Rosenberg of Miami, Fla., will be the first of threa speakers to be presented in the "Cavalcade of Conservative Judaism" at Beth F.I .Synagogue. Ha will speak on "Prayer in the Modern Mood" Wednesday evening,' January 11 at 8:15 p.m. in the synagogue social hall. Prominent Community Lender Spiritual leader of Beth David Congregation, Rabbi Rosenberg w a member of the Board of the Dade Council for Community Relations, the Miami Branch of the American Civil Liberties Union, and of the Jewish Family Service. He serves as chairman of tho South Florida Council of the American Jewish Congress. Rabbi Rosenberg is one of a panel of three prominent Rabbis from American pulpits touring four midwest communities for the Cavalcades of Conservative Judaism, a service of the National Academy of Jewish studies. Tlie series will present analyses of various aspects of Conservative Judaism in informal discussions. Coffee Hour To Follow The lectures will be sponsored by the Beth El Synagogue, its Sisterhood and Men's club, and are open to the community. Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest Wintroub I'.ro chairmen in charge of the seriei. No admission will he charged. A coffee hour will follow the sion.




Page Two

Miss Maxine Freed Married In Candlelight Ceremony


ed Every Friday by the Jewish Ftdcraiion of Oni;ili;i. Second Class Moiling PrMicqes Author-lied ct Omaha, Nebraska. Annual Subicriplion, S4.00. Advertising Raits on Application. Publication Office—101 No. 50th street, Omaha Nebr., JAckion 1366.


Friday, January 8, 1059


In an early evening candlelight ried u family Bible covered by a ceremony at Beth Israel Syna- white orchid. gogue, Miss Maxine Janet Freed Her attendants were Mrs. Max became the bride of Martin Lesser, Bitner, matron of honor of honor; son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lesser of the Misses Annette Kosowsky, Mitchell, S. D. Rabbi Benjamin Harriett Shapiro and Frances Groner and Cantor Eli Kagan per- Mintz, bridesmaids. They wore formed the ceremony beneath a ballerina frocks of iridescent royal canopy of gladiolus. blue taffeta and hats of taffela The bride is the daughter of Mr. petals with halo veil. Marsha Felland Mrs. Harry Freed. She chose man was junior bridesmaid in a a floor length gown of pure silk gown of pink satin net. taffeta, fashioned by Eva of EleAttendants to the groom were gante. Her fingertip veil of im- Paul Lesser, Houston, Texas, best ported illusion was caught by a half-hat of tnffeta with appliques of jeweled Alencon lace. She car-


Miss Joan lefkow, Fiance Of Gerald Z. Marer

CaiHllfliglitliig—1:53 p. m. HETII EL A family service will be held tliis evening at Beth El Synagogue Mr. and Mrs. Irving Lefkow of Winston, al of Omaha; Mrs. Ella at 8:15 p. m. The sermon by RabSioux City, la. have announced Scharf, of Council Bluffs, grand- bi Myer S. Kripke will be geared the engagement of their daughter, mother of the groom-to-be and to children's attention, as well as Miss Joan to Gerald Z. Marer, son Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bookey of that of their parents. Cantor Dcs Moines, la. of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marer. Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El The couple's betrothal was an- Miss Lefkow and her fiance Synagogue Choir will render the nounced at a family dinner party are senior students at the Uni- musical portions of the service. given in Sioux City during the re- versity of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Sabbath morning services are at cent holidays. The event was at9:30 a. m., and the Junior Contended by the Jack Marers and gregation service is at 10:30 a. m. their son, Alan G., Mr. and Mrs. Mincha-Maariv services are at 5 Hymie Milder, Mr. and Mrs. Hop. m. bert I. Marer, Mr. and Mrs. John The Sunday morning service is Announcement of their forthat 9 a. m. in the Chapel, followed coming marriage in February has by coffee and rolls at 9:30 a. m. been made by Mrs. Jennie Riflcin and a Btudy-discussion session with and Max Levine. Rabbi Kripke. The daily services Their betrothal was announced are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. in. at a dinner in their honor at the Labor Lyceum in the presence of BETH ISRAEL Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor fifty gutsls including Mrs. Rif. Mr. and Mrs. David Greenbert; Eli Kagan, the Beth Israel Syna- kin's children find grandchildren. have announced the engagement In charge of serving the dinner gogue Choir, and Secondary "A" of their daughter, Miss Judith to class will conduct services this were Mines. S. 11. Binder, Nathan Eugene H. Kohn, son of Mr. and evening at 8 p. m. Rabbi Groner's Lerman and Yctta Ornstoin. Mrs. Sam Kohn. sermon will be on "Manna From Miss Greenberg, a former stuHeaven." Traditionul Friday evedent at the University of Michigan. ning services (Kabalas Shabbos) Ann Arbor, is now enrolled at me at 5 this afternoon. Sabbath mornMrs. Murtln Lesser and happtnlilKn at flio Dr. f'llllfp •University, of Omaha. Her fiance ing services at 8:45 a. m. and Jun- Hhi-rNews jFulah llnrne For Tfifl A ted by iran; Mike Lesser, St. Louis and attends Dartmouth College in David Orlinvt. ior Congregation at 10 a. m. Rabbi Hanover, N. H., where he is afGroner will conduct the Saturday FLOWERS: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Joe Lesser, New York, all brothMiss Joan Lefkow ers of the groom, and Irvin ICatsfiliated with Tau Epsilon Phi Fraafternoon Talmud Class at 4:30 Levey donated flowers to the kee, Chicago, III., uncle of the ternity. . Mr. Marer who plans to enter p. m. and Mincha, followed by Dr. Philip Sher Home in honor bride. Ushers were Max Bittner A spring wedding is planned. law school in the fall, formerly Shalosh S'cudos and Maariv will of the marriage of their daugh- and Milton Mintz. attended Stanford University, Palo begin at 5 p. m. ter, Evelyn, to Milton Gross. The bride's mother was in turAlto, Cal. Services Sunday morning begin NEW RESIDENT: David Abrams. A late summer wedding is at 8:415 a. m. and the services are SPECIAL. KIDDUSII: by Mr. and quoise peau de soie and the groom's mother in toast crepe. followed by breakfast and the Mrs. Ralph Biniamow in honor MRS. STELLA RKSSF.I. LEVIN planned. A buffet supper and reception Rabbi's class in Bible. The Sunday of the Bar Mitzvnh of their son, Mrs. Stella Bcsscl Levin, a forfollowed the ceremony. m o r n i n g Junior Congregation Alan. Mrs. Eva Woskoff, home mer Omnhan, died Sunday in Los Out of town guests included meets at 8:30 a. m. Daily services resident, is the great-grand- Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Barron of Angeles, Cal. She was the "widow are held at 7 a. m. and 5:05 p. m. mother of Alan. of Max Levin, one-time Omaha Clarinda, la.; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur cleaning establishment owner. The weekly Talmud Study Group VAHRZEITS in JANUARY: Spe- Shapiro, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Welcial memorial services will be Burial was in Los Angeles. ner, and Mr. and Mrs. Al GorDavid Blacker and Morris E. meets at 7:30 p. m. every Tuesday held in the Home Synagogue for chaw, Sioux City, la.; Mr. and Surviving are daughters, Mrs. J a c o b s were re-elected to the evening. Sabbath morning services the following, the anniversary Eileen Goodman, 'Chicago; Mrs. Board of Directors of the Joint are held at the 19th and Burt Mrs. Harry Allen and family, DenBetty Pattis, Scarsdale, N. Y.; sis- Distribution committee at the or- streets Synagogue every Saturday of whose death falls during this ver, Colo.; Mrs. Sophie Kats,\T,?, month: ter, Mrs. Ben •Polsky, Lincoln; ganization's forty-fourth annual morning. grandmother of th'.- bride, Mrs. TEBET 22—Jonuory 3—RosaMo Epsfcln. brother, Abe Bessel. Creston, In., meeting held recently in New York TEBET 25—January J-Mox Verel ond Beiilo Gene Shapiro and daughter, Air. Scglln. and five grandchildren. IJ'NAI JACOB-ADAS City. 5HEVAT 2—January 11—Babelfo Brmon ami and Mrs. Irvin Katskce and daughMlriom V/elssmon Denies. ter, nil of Chicago, and Mrs, Ben Omahans who are members of YESIIlJItON 5—January 14—Moiho Orsherow. Services at B'nai Jacob - Adas SHOVAT LOUIS I. WEINEU Kolpack of Muscatine, la. the JDC National Council art SHEVAT 7—January 16— Abe Glc5snion. SHEVAT 10 — January 1? — Mrs. Herman Graveside services were held David Brodkey, H y m a n Ferer, Ycshuron will begin Friday at 4:30 The couple will reside at 4727 Hlcholl ond Bessie Moroolln. December 31 at Offutt Air Base David Goldman, Nathan L. Nogg, p. m. and Saturday morning at SHEVAT 11-January 20-Joke Zelclcnbtfo. Cass Street after a wedding trip SHEVAT 14—January 23-//tyer Drooksleln. Cemetery for Louis I. Weincr, 50 Sam Rice, Mrs. Moe A. Venger. 8:30 a. m. with Mincha at 4:30 SHEVAT 21—Januar/ 30-Davld Slsuel. in the south. of 6201 Elm Street, who died De- Paul Veret, M i l t o n Abrahams. p. m. followed by Shalosh S'eudos. cember 28. Robert H. Kooper, Milton S. Liv- Daily services at ff:30 a. m. and Surviving are wife, Kathryn; ingston, Jack W. Marer, Jules M. 5 p. m. sisters, Mrs. Harry L. Lefkowitz. Newman, Joe M. Rice, .Morion A. Omaha; Mrs. Gene Snitz, Mission. Richards. Louis Sombr-rg, and J. TEMI'LE ISRAEL Kans.; brother, II. V. Weiner. Harry Kulakofsky. Services will be held this FriOmaha. day evening at«8:15 p. m. Following the services, Rabbi Sidney Brooks will, lead the second in a DR. S. A. OSIIEIIOFF series of discussions on "The ReFuneral services were held Janligions of the World." . . . What uary 1 in Spokane, Wash., for Dr. Is Life's Greatest G o o d ? This S. A. Osheroff, 68, Cornier OmaThe Jewish Youth Council will week's topic will be: III. Confuhan, who died in a San Dingo, Cal. meet Wednesday, January 14 at sianism—A Better Social Order, hospital. He w a s a graduate of 3:30 p.m. in room 2 G of the Jewand Shintoism—Fanatic Patriotthe University of Nebraska Mediish Community Center. All memism. cal College, here. bers, especially club officers and Sur\ing are wife, Ann, San DieShabbas morning services will ' Ro; sons. Doctors Hyman and Wil- council representatives, are urged begin al 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi to attend. liam, Aberdeen, Wash.; daughter, Brooks officiating and the ReMrs. Norman Bolkcr, Spokane and ligious School Choir under the diWITH BAND AT brother, Isadore, Omaha. rection of Miss Ida Gitlin singing ORANGE HOWL Burial was in Spokane. the musical portions of the service. Dorothy Saylan, Westside High Sohool junior, was one of the ABRAHAM DAVID SACHS Abraham David Sachs of De- musicians, who marched with the 'Mrs. Esther Marks wishes-to roit, father of Dr. Maurice Sachs, school band at the Orange Bowl tliank her friends for - tliclr. in Miami Beach, Fla., on New died December 30 in Detroit. Othrards and remembrances durer survivors are his wife, Esther, Year's day. She is the daughter of ing lier recent Illness. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Saylan. sons, Sid, Sol, Ted, all of Detroit nnd a daughter, Mrs. Harry Handelsman, Sacramento. Cal. Services were held in Detroit, January 1.

Mrs. Jennie Rifkin To Wed M. Levine

Judith Greenberg Is Betrothed to Eugene H. Kohn


Omahans Re-elected To National Board


Be Sure to Attend the ANNUAL MEETING of

Youth Council fo


at the Jewish Community Center Sunday, January 11, 1959 8:00 P. M.


AH friends and relatives are Invited to attend services and receptions. ALLEN Z. WOLFSON Mrs. Joseph Wolfson announces the Bar Mitzvah of her son, Allen a t Temple Israel Friday evening, January 16 and Saturday morning, January 17. CARL COHEN The Ear Mitzvah of Carl Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. H a r r y Cohen will be celebrated at the Beth Israel Synagogue on Friday eveDing and Saturday morning, January 16th and 17th.


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J'aul Verct Executive. Director

Milton It. Abraham* Secretary

Eriicut A. Hogg Second VicePresident

The Jewish Federation, founded in 1903 B» the Associated Jewlsl Charities, conducts, coordinates and supervises nil Jewish social serv Ices through several departments, with the object of planning an maintaining a completely lnteijrated program of community service for OmahR Jewry. The Federation departments and their Junctions are as follows:

ADL Advisory Committee MIHiml Rosenberg, Chairman Conducts n community relations program, coordinating Jewish civic protective activities in Omaha, establishing and maintaining good relations in mutters affecting tho Jewish and general Jewish community, and promating b e t t e r K*?1^*:! u n d o rstanding nmong all groups

In the community. . m M. Rosenberg

Bureau of Jewish Education B?n K. Iiaslou, Clinlnnun Dr. Haskell Morrln, ViRC-Clininnun Promotes Jewish education In Omnha, coordinates, nnd provides financial (i&Mst.inre to Jewish religious schools in the. community. Maintains the Jewish Community Library which serv I c e s schools; nlso the Jewish and nonJewish community through its t o m p rehenslve c o l l e c t i o n of b o o k s , recordings, films, filmII. E. Jtnslow strips,-and reference files,

Camp Jay-C-C Dr. Daniel Miller, Chairman Norman Katt, Vlco-Chalrmau A co-educationHi camp for children which provides outdoor va- t y ^ z^g* cation, and op- ' ? J .iw

partunltto f o r ' personality devolopment, with i m p l i m i i on meeting spiritual

\.£*bjf-' ^3, ""T'-'i'fi. '^l®^?' £b^JiKSp:: ;' ' . . s

needs. of Jewish Childre'n. n , . u . Mlllw'

Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for Aged

Jewish Community Center Louis C'anar, Chairman Donald Rice, Vlcc-C'haimiai! Serves the leis-. ,._„ , _ ure time need of ^K'JsSif the Jewish com- j|iiiS2*& munlty of a l l agea, t h r o u g h recreational, cultural, social, edu- • <. .,it';f catlonal, athletic 1 ^**^ . 'jM

Arllmr H. Ooldstein Treasurer

Dr. I'liilli* Sher Honorary President In addition to the Officers of tho Federation, the following aro members of the executive committee; Paul Blotclty, Abe H. Brodkey, Mrs. Edward E. Brodkey, Louis Canar, Isadora Cliapman, Harry B. Cohen, Dr. Abe C. Fellman, Paul Grossman, Ben E, Kaslow, Maurice Katzman, Irvln C. Levin, Ruben Lippett, Dr. Morris Margolin, Dr. Daniel Miller, Calvin M. Newman, Nathan L. Nogg, Morton Richarda, Yale Richards, Millard Rosenberg, Mayor John Rosenblatt, Mrs. Meyer Jlobcrt H, llioopcr I'rfilsloiit of Jewish Federation N. Rubin, Harry Sldman, Dr. Maurice Steinberg, and Mrs. Samuel N. Wolf. of Omuha The following are members cx-officio: Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks, Federation of Jewish Rabbi Nathan Feldman, Rabbi Benjnmln Groner, Rabbi Myer S. Kripke, and Mrs. Mlko Freeman. Women's Clubs Past presidents of the Federation are: Sam Beber, Hyman Ferer, Mrs. Mll;o Krceman, I'renide.nt Dr. Alw Greenberg, Morris E. Jacobs, J. Harry Kulokofsky, Milton Mr». Lloyd Frlcilmnn, 1st Vlcc Livingston, Jack W, Mnrer and Joe M. Rice.

Mrs. Harry Kidman, 2nd VlceI'rcsldcnt Mr«. Kdwln E. Broilkcy, Secretary and c h n r a c ter \-^~Tf" 0j Mrs. Itobert II. Hooper, I'nrllab u i l d i n g pronentnrlnii grams and facill- , -«•..y C o o p e r ate.'i ties. It is t h e 2?& ivith the Jewish "Town Hall" of h e d e r a tlon of the Jewish community. Omaha in carryLouis C'anar ng out Its coriin u n 11 y - wide 'unctions; participates ns a unit n city-wide civic . > *• Jewish Family Service causes and mainalns a calendar. V Vale Richards, Chairman :o prevent con- 1 Morion 8omberp, Vlcc-Chalrmnn 'lict in program t I * S S S £ 2 ^ P^vide, a activities, a n dMrs. M. Frei-man c s i e w o r k pro icrves the armed forces. gram to promote nnd m a i n t a i n Pledge Redemption wholesome fam David Fi-dcr, Chairman lly life; profes sional counseling In family a n d Supervises theft." . ' '•••'-.''% child problems. pledge rcdemp-'./, ' •; Provides " finanV cial flssl s t a nc o :lon activities 011*1$ flffggM whero n e e d e d b o h a l f of thc'^eit » V ' '>•'• BJSI flnd other scrv- ewish P h i l an- fi $. * .' %)> Ynle Richards Ices. h r 0 p 1 e s. The | 'i,, ... high degree of V ; ' pledge collection ^%™Z).

Buildings and Maintenance Harry Sldman, Chairman

Supervises all he buildings and properties of the Jewish Federation, and looks after proper m a 1 n t a inencel and building Improvements.

S. Elmer {front, Chulrmnn

Jewish Press

I'aul <;ruh.inian, (halnilaii NHMMII L. N'ogg, Chairman Itldiard tloldniim, Vlrc-Clmlnnai Hubert Lcvlne, Vlce-Chalrman Provides a JcwIssued weekly i;>h home atmosand serves «s the phere, which inmedium of Jew-. cludes boarding, Ish news of local, '-:•-• I" nursing ami conn a t i o n a l , and valescent c a r e world-wide Interfor Jewish aged, est, and for Jewns well as a proish e d u c a t i o n -'gram of occupathrougli Its ar.", tional nnd recrcticles and'news j sii tional therapy columns. for Its residents. N. h. N I'aul Urossmaa

L o o k s nftor legal matters of tho Jewidh Fed- V oration and its v a r ious departments.

H. D. Cohen

Harry Sidman

Community Statistics Jewish Youth Council •x



Irvin C. Levin, Chairman


Donald Nogg, Vlee-Clmlrmnn Milton KittHkee, President

M a i n t oins a permanent register and communRichard Kaslow, Secretary ity master file eeRonnie Gordon, Reporter sential for various co m m unity programs; issues ,3 It is a Fedcraa n n u a l popula~ tion of ali teen>,, tions report and « , j ..-.•••\ ago clubs, that j j \ other statistical v §v*,; y>, • ^ , a i m s to b r 1-n g y A V -" compilations on . •(5r«3^-.. a b o u t unity • -MI jthc Omnha Jew• •••• .','..'"'• among J e w i s h ', jish community. _ (Ui; y o u t h ; and Iriln 0. Levin • through \v h i c h

v o r k of t h l s f / ^ &• :ommlttco. eo. %#*>Ci D.ivld F eder

The fund-raising department of Budget Committee t h e Federation, ,, ,, IJV_ which conductsl 3 Onlvln M. Newman, Chairman tho nnnunl o\cr-| / . »* Dnnlel Katzmnn, Vlce-Chairtnan air campaign for| | ^ ^ } Charged with f u n d s to moot' .he Btudy of bud- x,^¥*O3t. Jewish need In Omaha, nallonal;cts and making [y, overseas, nnd • recommendations Israel, This camor allocations of paign eliminates d u p 11 c utlon In 'unds raised by und- raising lie Jewish Phllconducting o n o inthroplos a n d ' drive for all ma- S. Elmer «row jor agencies and Institutions, llsbursed by tho 'cwish Federn[on.

Harry B. Cohen, Chairman Sheldon Harris, Vlre-Clinlrman

Alex Welnsteln, Vlce-CJhalnnnn

s duo .td the|Ji#i ,

Jewish Philanthropies

Legal Committee

Elhel Sabes, Vlce-PrCN|dent

••p •.,- . I they act togcth•f •••• er" on common

problems, and carry on joint ; activities^ It aids Milton Kntshcc groups in the development of their programs, youth education and leadership development. i

1950-59 Jewish leadershi S. Elmer Gross, Chairman. Samuel N. Wolf nnd Paul Blotcky, Co-Chairman, Initial Gifts. Robert Silver, Chairman; Couls Canar nnd Earl Siegel, CoChairmen, Men's Division. . Mrs. Ben Shapiro, Women's Chairman; Mrs. Alfred Frank, Mrs. Herman Friedman and Mrs. Abe Ve'nger, Co-Chalnnen, Women's Division; Mrs. Julius Newman, Chairman, Business and Professional Women's Unit; Mrs. Calvin M. Newman, Chairman, Young Women's Section. Jerry Ferer, Chairman, University and Young Adult Division. Phyllis Abrahams and Justin Grccnbcrg, co-chairmen, High School Division. •


Federation executive and supervisory staff are: Paul Verct, Executive Director! M i s s Kalah Franklin, Administrative S e c r e tary; Saul Sllvermnn, Center and Camping Activities; Sherman Poskn, Health and Physical Education; Joe Mlcek, Aquatic Activities; Mrs. Norman Milgram, Youth and Children's Activities; David Orkow, Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home; Harold W. Sobel, Family Service; Mrs. Leonard Klein, Jewish Press; and Mrs. Ben Zeff, Librarian. Federation office staff members nre: Besse B l a n k , Mrs. Lloyd Friedman, Mrs. Harry Goldberg, Mrs. Ben Handler, Mrs. Clara Schnilzler, Donna Zoubek, and Mrs. Al Zwerling.


Page Four



F r i d a y , J a n u a r y 9,

Kohn who was ill. Dale Weiustein Milton Abrahams lias been Patroni/e Our Advertisers and Mark Sclinu;er scored 0 points elected a vice-president of Reeach for the losers. habilitation, Inc., welfare organiYouth Council Haslvi'tbull zation. COIINIUSKKU MKKTIXO [-(I'.i-Vnn t o h; :, l o n e \ i i ' i u r y AZA 3'onu, wilh Justin Han's JAMAItV IS o v e r ( ' { j n S i i > i a-, l i v e M o v e r s cwtiDr. and* Mrs: Norman GoldenThe Cornhusker chapter of Il'nai l i ' i h u l e i l t o t i l " o n e - p n i n t w i n . Hill i'.l jiuints dropped A/A 100 from B'ritli Women will hold their next! K i n k - r lia.i 10 [iiint.s; H a n d y first place as they Ionic a 'il-'!(i hen; of Indianapolis, Iml., former metirit; at the Kanch l!owl on j F r i e d m a n liir f o r ii. Cliet Slolei- victory from the Cenlurynioi], Omahans, were recent visitors at Momliiy, Jiinuary l'Jlli, at S p. in. ! a d d e d 8 a n d Mi!;e Nel-,,m a n d I l a r - Mike Sadofsky aided the iionu Ihe home of Mr, ami Mrs. Jrvvin cause with 12 points. Kddie Win- (.imilinari, parents of Mrs. Gol} old . S c h n e i d e r .-,(•• ire'd '! p - i i n ' s . I!ilCOI'XCIL BOAIil) l . l N d l K O X j ly (;iii-li!;r.: s r o n - d IT) p o i n t s for i Iroub and Mike J lal( each con- denlier;;. | Irilmted V) points for AZA J00. •The Hoard of the Council of! ( ' o u h o y s . I League leadinir Kayim siinee/ed Jewish Women will meet lor a | 7 dessert luncheon, Thursday, Jan-j P h i v h i i w I ' . i n c l o - t t l v i r first pjst a fi'..:h1in^ Motlifi' chaptej ^ a j n e of thr- ^<\I.~<KI a> Uicliip.an ; quintet by a clo.'e '.\\-','M score j nary 15, at 1 p. MI. at tin- home* of Mrs. Kdwanl Malashock. .Mrs. j O o r d m . i n t o o k a 2T-'_'n w c l u i y . ! K'l.v Kal'-k<'i' paced (he win withj FREE ESTIMATES Henry Weinbcri; v, ill be co-hoMess. .Mi!;e S h n ' i n . t n arM t'.ill Ivully led 15 points while Bill Uorwich add- i t h e a t t a c k w i t i i s a n d 7 piiinls r e - ed 10 points to the winners cause. [ PL 5396 -pi'crtiwly. 11 >o flonlil Irid 0 Frank (lolilber^ led Ihe attack for) HADA.SS.YII <<).M.MriTi:i: Residential Commercial P ' l i n l s f o r I h e Io-;?>:s. Mother chapter witti ') jjuints. A! M i i - l i i n ' s eh.-u;ee t o o r i i n ' i ' i Committee appointments have i v i h c o t a ^ i ' I i ; b y i ) n " S f e o i i : ! ' - ; been marie for thf- annual Medical lime as his Slo-hnr^' I!,-:illy team .Cenler nieutin^ of Iho Omaha d r o p p e d n l . S - l ' > ^ . i i i i " t o T i e t i n l t v Chapter of Ilaiin^ah In. h,. held A l ' s i i i t a i i . ' ( - . k c ! j : i - . i / f i l e r t l i e Wednesday, January L'S. al S p. in. h i i / z e r ^ o t i i i i i e i i . a n d l h a t w o u l ' l at tile Town iloust* Ballroom. ] l i a \ e , e n t t h e ; ; a m ei n t o o i e i t i m e . Chairman Mrs. Julius Stein is j Houever- L.irry I.efit/ and Handy being assisted by u'roiip ehainnen.j Kndleman scoied 10 and tl points Herzl, Mrs. Max Shapiro; Wein- vesjiertively to lead Tretiaks. man, Mrs. ]'.en l'orrlmun; Szold, Itonthe W.)]pi had 10 points for J SUNDAY SPECIALS (Only) Mrs. Dan Linlzmair, iiroirrani. the losers. Mines. Morris Fellman and Krvin » Kaiman fnsur ince floured it on Sinion and social. Mines. So] Law- Gerelick .Motors, 17-li!. I'anl KaiExtra Special man and Louis Albert. man led the attack with 25 points GROUND BEEF. Lb while Don Goldstein and lien i'. s. AVi:itA(;i:s Kid I-HONK LIVER, Lb Shalton added in and 8 points CALLS I'i:U l'KKSOX Extra Special respectively. Gcrelicks were playThe 19158 edition of "The World's ing without their ace center Don PICKLED TONGUES. Lb Telephones," released by the AmerRIB CHUCK, Lb ican Telephone a n d Telesjraph Company, shows the United States Also Many Other Cut* of Fino Boef averaRed 4(>0 conversations per at Reasonable Prices person last year--trailini» the Canadian average of -I!i7 and tlie K1IOX Sunday. ,7.iu 11. H n Swedish rate of -Iftl. ' a.m. MK.SSAGK OF ISRYI.I ". . . And None Shall M iKe Me RABBI KICirK't: W'UA. SI'KAK Afraid" hy Ftalihi .TJCJII M BEFOUK STl'OY ( i n O l P Rothschild of Hebrew lienewiRabbi Myer S. Kripke of Beth lent Congregation. Atlanta, C:.i. Kl Syn.iKOKuc will be a Riiest speaker at the Wednesday, January 14th meeting of the Uadassah "Great Age" study Broun, at 9:.'!0 a.m. at tlit home of Wrs. Maurice Newman. 5151 Deeatur Live Fish Market Street. Uabbi Kripke will review 1314 No. 24th St. the Hellenistic period.


Center Sports

On the Air


l!IKl"K CIIOU.M I.rXCIIF.OX JAXUAICV VI AT CKXTEK The Bilur Cholim Society will have a dessert luncheon meeting, Jan, 12 at 1 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center, Mrs. Fanny Camel tind Mrs. Philip I5.I1 t will be in charge of the luncheon. J I


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