Vnl XWVII Vn In Puhlished every Friday, 101 N. 201 h. Vol. XXAVIIJVO. 1U oinalia, Nulirusko, l'l'one JA. 13(58
._..tored as Second-Class Matter at Pofit- Annual Rate 4 Dollars oifk'o, Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of 1HTJ. slncle Copy 10 Cant*
Federation Officers Re-elected to Posts Chairmen Report To fhe Community Officers of the Jewish Keilerullon of Onuilm, were re-elected nt the annual meeting last Sunday night at tiin Community Center. Ilobert II. Kooper will serve n (jiil n nit Federation President. Others renamed are Harry Truilln, KlrHt Y'lec-Pri'sident; Ernest A. Nogg, Second Vice-President; Arthur If. Ooldsfeln, Treasurer; Milton II, Abrahams, secretary; Dr. Philip Slii'r, Jlonorarv President, The nominations were mibinitled by Morton A. Richards, Nominating.Committee Chairmen. Mr. Koopor In addressing the
Recommendations by Robert H. ICooper, Federation President 1—Intensify program Involving yomiK men and women It) community leadership. 2—A permanent Camp Jny-O-C'.
site for
3—Study of reloeutlon 0,f Jewish Community Center. 4—Provisions for p r o p e r building' maintenance. R—Mahe plans for chronic ajred. 0—A s t u d y of way* of fttrrngthenliig c o n t r l l i ntor's roll* to Philanthropic*. 1—A leadership rosier IlxtInjf volunteers on Federntlon hoards and committee*. gathering, st r e a s c d community harmony among Omaha Jewry. Federation YVorlw With All "Tlic Federation Is not competitive to the community and Its organizations," Mr. Kooper declared. "There are many areas In which we work hand In hand. And there Is not n single activity of the Federation In which we fall to enjoy support and cooperation of the organized community. Merge Forces "We merge our forces In our annual United Jewlflh Campaign, the Philanthropies Drive, to provide Omaha's share for local, national and Israel needs. "There mnny avenues for joint enterprise which will enable us to maintain the tradition and reputation of a Jewish community geared for service."
A Certificate of Award > ^;3VU1* Ntovvcd l>y Mr. Hoojier u Khuer Gross, 1058 Philanthropies General Clmlrinun, for "excellent campaign leadership In 1D.*>8." Mr. (Jnisi annoiineeil award* to IIIH campaign associates. Mr, Gross reported $150,200.29 was raised in the 1058 Philanthropies Campaign. Hut/man I'ri'.sciits Plaque Mr. Kooper ;iccept:cd on behalf of the community, it plaque honoring its record in the Israel Bond Drives. The presentation was made by Smn Knlzman, who nerved with Sain Rico ns co-ehnlrmen of the Bond Drive. Reports of tho commuity's progress and nativities wore made by chairmen of Federation committees. Humuel K. Wolf, 1959 Philanthropies General Chairman, with Federation PrCNldent Kolifcrt H, P,i>n E. Kaslow, for the Bureau Kooper; S. Elmer dross retiring campaign head and Calvin M. Nowinnn, who will serve ns Initial Gifts of Education, spoke with regret o n Chairman get together following' fhe announcement of the new appointment* (L. to It.) the retirement of Dr. Morris Margolin, Its chairman. "This retirement WHS accepted with reluctance, mid we fclmll continue to lenn heavily on him for counsel and guidance, Mr. Kaslow said.". Ninety percent of Jewish children of grade school age, here, are enrolled In religious schools, he said. I/miff Itange ISulldlng Program In a report on Buildings' Committee, I Furry Sldmnn described the results of a long range program set up two years ago Including permanent Improvements, The appointment of key figures In tlio 1959 Philanthropies Campaign was announced to the comremodeling, mid enlarging of ex- munity Sunday night at tlio iinnual meeting: of tho Jewish Federation of Oniaint with the naming of SamV isting, facilities; maintenance and net >'. Wolf, IIH (iejHTiil Chairman and Calvin M. Newman, Initial Gifts Chairman, by Robert II. Koopeiy proper care of federation proper- Federation President. ties and replacement of equipItoth men uro well Imown for their active participation In the Federation, community drives and ment and furnishings. uctivltici. • . • ' . ; • " Irvin C. I-evln, reporting on Mr. Wolf assumes leadership of Community Statistics, said that tho Philanthropies with a long rec- ho added. "Immigrants need hous- ber of tho ADL Advisory Board the Omoha Jewish Child Popula- ord of service to tho Federation as ing', they iiuiHt bo placed In Jobs and tho Douglas County Red Crosj tion survey was completed hi Oc- a member of its executive body and tlio education of their children Board and has just completed a tober 1958 and the Jewish Com- and of many of its committees. He must not ho overlooked. term us chairman of its blood promunity population report, as of wos Initial Gifts Chairman In the "This week We hear about the gram committee. Decemlier 31, 1958. 1958 Philanthropies Campaign. largo-scale exodus of Jaws from In accepting hl» new offlco, M * Mr. I^ovin dlHClosnd that his He headed the Israel Bond "spe- Romania to Israel. Tomorrow, we Newman said that "the youiig men committed ploni In lO.W to mako may hear from a new corner of of our Jewish Community Imvo n distribution map of the. Jewish cial Bales" in 1957, is a member oppression. The need for nid is been given nn opportunity to show Community which will he lifllpfiil of the Beth El Synagogue Board great on all those fronts and on leadership and to accept responsiin any planning for the location and vice-president of Highland our own home ground as well. bility In our local activities." Country Club. of a now JOWINII Community CenAHucccasfiil Campaign "I know," he asserted, "that I am happy to be selected and ter building If needed and innko "All I ask Is the cooporation they will riso to this challenge and a study of whut happened to high feel it Is an honor to head such a Ncliool graduates, during tlio last tremendous Job, tho new general and willingness of our people to uld us in this forthcoming drive. ten yearns, in form* of residence, chairman remarked, following his work and achieve a successful In presenting the 1959 Philancampaign. thropies drive to the Jewish Comappointment. occupation and etc. Succeeding Mr. Wolf in his pre- munity, I hope to emphaslzo local Thousands Holpi>d Saw Need Personally vious post as Initial Gifts chair- needs as well as the pressing InReporting for Lou Canar, Cen"Observations during a tour of man is Mr. Newman, who plans to ternational needs." ter Committee Chairman, was Israel taken by Mrs. Wolf and my- draw many of his young contemUrges Community Support Enrl SICROI, who said that in the self last June," Mr. Wolf declared, poraries Into the Philanthropies In stressing tho "responsibility past year "literally, thousands of "has convinced me of the great ranks. He was an ardent worker of man to man," Paul Veret, Fedadults, senior citizens, youth and need arising from the steady in past drives, is chairman of the eration Executive Director, In hli children have been helped to re- stream -ot refugees Into tho coun- Federation Budget committee, a remarks, stated that leadership it alize their maximum potential ns try, . . ' member of the Executive Commit- the expression of that responsibilIndividuals, as group members, ai "One feeln tlio obligation to tee, has nerved on tha Family ity and urged community-wide supcitizens'rind personalities of tne sorve In nny way after ncehiff first- Service committee. He is a mem- port of Campaign loaders. . ' Jewish faith," through its pro- hand tlio problem faced in Iwrucl," (Contlnued on Page 2.)
One of America's all-time greats the congregation's auditorium, (Continued on Page 4.) of show business, Georgo Jessel, will be the recipient of thohumanitarlanism award at Beth Israel Synagogue's Annual Citation Dinner, Sunday night, March 22, at
Federation Boardof Governors Heel
Robert II. Hooper, Harry Tnutfn, Ernext A. Nojfff, Arthur II. Goldstein, Billion K. Abrahams.
The Board of Governors of tho Jewish Federation of Omaha will meej Sunday morning, January 18, at 10:15 a. m., at the Jewish Community Center, Robert H. Kooper, Federation president, announced. There will be the annual election of flvo members to the Federation Executive Committee, In addition to other matters.
George Jessel
Clear Club Dates Mrs. Guss Urges '
Published Every Friday by the Jewish Federation of Omaha.
Second Class Mailing Prlvllcacs Authorized at Omaha, Nebraska. Annual Subscription. J4.D0. Advertising Rates on Application. Publication Office—101 No. 20th Street, Omaha, Nebr., JAckstn 1360.
Religious Services CiUullellKlitlng—5:01 i>. in. TEMPLE ISItAEL Services will be held this Friday evening at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Sidney Brooke will preach on "What Is the Jew—In You?" Shabbas morning services will begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi Brooks officiating and the Religious School Choir under the direction.of Miss Ida Gitlin singing the musical portions of the service.
Friday, January 10, 1858
Page Two
'Dumbo' of Center Sunday Afternoon The full length technicolor Walt Disney production of Dumbo will be shown twice, Sunday afternoon, January 18 at the Jewish Community Center—at 2 p. m. and again at 3:30 p. m. The presentation will be free of charge to children enrolled in the Sunday Funday program. Special arrangements have been made to open this event to other children for twenty-five cents. The Sunday Funday program, held regularly on Sundays at the Center from 2 p. m. to 4:30 p. m., features games, swimming, sports, arts and crafts, outings, films, holiday parties for hoys and' girls between the ages of three and twelve. Special pre-school groups are organized for children between the ages of three and five. Fee for the entire session is $7.50. Children may be registered by calling the Children's Activities at the Center, JA 1,'iCG.
"There is only on« way to avoid conflict of diitts anil ussiire your organization, of success - - clear through the community calendar." These were the words of advice from Mrs. oJseph Guss, calendar chairman of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, following a meeting with her committee On the subject. Plans of groups have been upset on several occasions, Mrs. Guss said, as the result of non-clearance of dates. The calendar IK used for reserving and clearing meeting tuid activity dates for all organizations 'luilIng those of men, vtonirn nnd youth. This service is of great practical value to the community, Mrs. Guss declared, in that it keeps a record of future events scheduled. It is maintained nt the Jewish Community Center by the Jewish Federation of Omaha under the supervision of the Federation of Jewish Womens Clubs and its information is always available. t "Hie cooperation of all groups in notifying the Jewish Community 'enter, JA 1306, of planned events would nld in avoiding any possibility of conflicts among different organizations considering the same day for an affair," Mrs, Guss said.
Births Dr. and Mrs. Sol Kutlcr announce the birth of a son, Murray Alan on Novemlwr 25. They are also the parents of Stephanie Lynn and Mark Lawrence. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hirsch of Savannah, Gil., and Harry Kutler. A daughter, Nancy Suo was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Nachman on December 25. The Nachmans are also the parents of another daughter, Marilyn Joyce. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, George Novicoff of Lincoln and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Nachman. Maternal great grandmothers are the Mmes. M. Novicoff and Clara Wolff of Lincoln. Mr. nnd Mrs. Sheldon Coren announce the birth of a dnughter, Ruth Miriam on December 14. They also have two sons, David and Slmcha. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Swcngil and Mr. nnd Mrs. Nonh Medlov.
Newi and hnpprnlnift at The Dr. Philip Hhrr JeuUb Horn* (or 1 b. Arrd by David Ortow.
BETH-EL MEN'S CLUB—Ernie NoKBj president of the Men's Club invilcd our folks to an interesting evening and arranged transportation to and from the Beth-El SynKIDDl'SII—A special Kiddush was given by Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gendier in honor of the birth of a son, Gordon Irwin. Max Peltz,, home resident, is the paternal grandfather. *» ItABHIMCAL SERIES—Rabbi Benjamin Groner cave a provocative talk on "Behind the Scene in the Little Rock Integration Problem and I(s Effect on the Jews of that City." Rabbi Sidney Brooks will be our visitor this week. " C O U N C I L I'KOUKAM—The Council of Jewish Women's Arts and Crafts classes will resume its regular sessions starting this week under the guidance of Mrs. Albert Gaer, project chairman. NEW HICSINENT—Harry Kaplan.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Goldstein are the parents of n son, Michael Lee born December 21. Patronize Our Advertisers Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Goldstein and Mr. and Mrs. Al Rosen, the latter couple formerly of Omaha and now of Los Angeles, Cal. Great-grandparents are Mr. nnd Mrs. George J. Rosen of Los Angeles and Mr. nnd Mrs. Isadore 5cb (Subby) Pulvertntt News of the publication of his song writen for 4-H has been re- Goldstein. 25 Yoari' Exporienco Donations have been given Bikur ceived by Sam Berek of Fremont. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Elliott Cholim for the Dr. Philip Slier The song, "The 4-H Goes Marching With Jowlsh Home for the Aged in memory of Olong" carries the national or- Krantz announce the birth of a Lettering and Memoriali the following by those named. ganization's approval. Mr. Berek daughter, Susan Lynn on December 28. They are nlso the parents has been identified with 4-H acThey are for Mrs. Fagel JaAT 2452 2211 So. 8th of a son, James Alan. cobs by Messrs. and Mmes. David tivities for 20 years. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Bernstien, William Epstein, LawDavid Bialac and Mr. and Mrs. rence Kpsteln, Willis Epstein, Dr. Federation Officers David Kruntz. Mrs. Leonard Kohn md Mrs. Morris Margolin; for (Continued from Page 1) is maternnl great-grandmother. •Irs. Susan Ruback by Messrs. and grams and functions. BETH 1SKAEL Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor •lines. Willis Epstein, Lawrence Calvin Newman in his budget Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Feltman Eli Kagan, and the Beth Israel •jpstein, William Epstein, David committee report declared that in Synagogue Choir will conduct late Bernstien, H. Dvosln, Dr. and Mrs. line with training young people announce the birth of a son, James services this evening nt 8 p. m. •lorris Margolin; and Mrs. Esther for future responsibilities in Fed- Randall on December 19 at ClarkIn Traditional Friday evening serv- tfarks; for Louis Margolin by eration activities, each one of his son hospital. They are nlso the ices (Kabbalas Shabbos) at 5 p. m., vlessrs. and Mmes. Dave Bern- sub-committees had a young man parents of a son, Lee and daughter, Lynn. Saturday morning services at 8:45 stien, Lawrence Epstein, Wiliam serving as co-chairman. Mrs. Rachel L. Swartz of Los a. m. Rabbi Groner will conduct Epstein, H. Dvosin; for Mrs. Pearl David Fi'iler In reviewing the the Saturday afternoon Talmud ilamiel by Mr. and Mrs. David work of the rledgc Itctlomptlon Angeles, Cal., and Mrs. Sarah Bernstien; for Louis Landman by Feltman are grandmothers. Mrs. Class at 4:30 and Mincha, folCommittee pointed out that Its lowed by Shalosh S'eudos and Mrs. Louis Landman; for Sam average rollrctlon Is well above Sophie Novitsky Is a great-grandKuklin by Messrs. and Mmes. Jake !)S per rent of the funds fitib- mother. Maariv, 5 p. m. Services Sunday morning begin Mendelsohn, Lawrence Epstein, srrlbrd." Mrs. Mike Freeman, president at 8:45 a. m. ami are followed by William Epstein; for Mrs. Nathan breakfast and the Bible class. Steinberg by Sam Steinberg and of the Federation of Jewish WomMrs. Betty Milder; for Mrs.,Sarah en's Clubs, described the role her Daily services at 7 a. m. and 5:15 Live Fish Market Frank by Mr. and Mrs. David organization played in the comp. m. Bernstien; for Mrs. Ruth Pitlor by munity. 1314 No. 24th St. T h e Weekly Talmud - study Mrs. Ann Bernstein, Mrs. Fanny group meets every Tuesday eve- Cohen, Messrs. and Mmes. Law- ADL and .Jewish Press Reports KOSHER CHICKENS Reports were made on the ADJ. ning at 7:30 p. m. Saturday morn- rence Epstein, Willis Epstein and KILLED DAILY advisory committee by Millard ing services at the 19th and Burl William Epstein. Rosenberg and on the Jewish Street Synagogue 9 a. m. Order in Morning and Press by Paul Grossman. Excerpts Pick Up In Afternoon Tu Bishvut Celebration at from Dr. Daniel Miller's studies Beth Israel on Camp Jay-C-C will be found OPEN SUNDAYS The Beth Israel school system on page. 3. The treasuer's report 1407 Harney St. Save by Calling will celebrate Tu Bishvat, the Jew- JAKE LAZEHSON Funeral services were held Tues- was presented by Arthur H. GoldAT 4977 ish Arbor Day, with special asstein. (How Tel. No.l semblies during t h e i r regular day morning at the Jewish Funeral classes, Sunday morning, January Home for Jake Lazerson, 75, of ELECTED PKESIDENT T h o m a s Brombcrg has .been 25th. The children will be shown 2613 Parker Street, who died SunTu Bishvat films and Tu Bishvat day at a local hospital. He Was a elected president of Phi Sigma Delta, social fraternity, at the Unigoodies will be distributed to all resident of Omaha 50 years. Hear an Eminent Scholar's Account of Surviving are a Eon, J. A. Lazer- versity of Colorado, B o u l d e r , the children. son; daughter, Mrs. pother Evans, where he is taking pre-Iaw. He is •i Chicago, 111., and seven grand- the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry B'NAI JACOB-ADAS children. YESHUnON* Bromberg of Council Bluffs. Services at B'nai Jacob - AdasYeshuron wil begin Friday at 4:30 Be Sure to Attend the Next p. m. and Saturday morning at 8:30 a. m. with Mincha at 4:30 p. m. followed by Shalosh S'eudos. FREE ESTIMATES Daily services at 6:30 a. m. and PL 5396 5 p. m. Presenting
BETH KL Services at Beth El Synagogue this evening will begin at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning services (ire at 9:30 a. m. The Junior Congregation service is at 10:30 a. m. Mincha-Mnariv services are at 5 I>. m. The Sunday morning service is at 9 a.m. in the Chapel, followed by coffee and rolls at 9:30 a. m. and a study-discussion session with Rabbi Kripke. The daily services are held at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m.
Donations Given
Samuel Bereh's Song Published
Monument Co.
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Levenson Pest Control Service
Bar .Mifzvah All friends ana relatives are Invited to attend services and receptions. ALLEN Z. WOLFSON Mrs. Joseph Wolfson announces the Bar Mitzvah of her son, Allen Z., will be celebrated Friday evening, January 16, at Temple Israel. CARL COHEN The Bar Mitzvah of Carl Cohen Bon of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen, will be celebrated at the Beth Israel Synagogue o_n Friday eve ning and Saturday morning, January 16th and 17th. TED SANFOBD Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Sanford announce the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Ted, on Saturday morning/January 24th, at Beth El Synagogue'.' : :;'
DR. BERNARD 'CHERRICK Director General, Hebrew University, Jerusalem THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 19. AT 8 P.M. OMAHA'S LEADING
Kosher Meat Mcsrke? and Delicatessen WA 5554
Adult Conference Center Auditorium Sponsored by tho Jewish Community Center in Cooporation With B'nai B'rith Lodges and Chapters—
THE FINEST IN KOSHER FOODS Call Wednesday for Thursday Delivery
Beth El and Beth Israel Synagogues—Omaha Chapter Hadassah—Templo Israel—Young Adult Council FREE ADMISSION
FREE PARKING (North ef Field Houia)
Friday, January 10, 1B59
Page Three
Gamp Jay-G-6 Begins Panel to Discuss Third Decade with In a report to the Omaha Jewish Community at the Federation Annual Meeting, Dr. Daniel Miller, Chairman of the ('amp Committee stated that Camp Jay-C-C has completed two decudes of successful camping serving the Omaha Jewish Community and neighboring cities. Kmphasl/.lng that the IVdi.T.itlon Kihiiliiil (,'urnp pluyH n vltnl jinrt in developing clinriirtrr, cillycnslil|i ami <»n\\t\ng nkllls, Dr. Miller n-pcirtod the Intensive purtlriputlnn uinl training opportunities In Jeulsli living for each camper at Cunp Jay-C-C. The Standards Inspection Committee of the American Camping Association in a report to Federa-
Jewish Music Month Observance Planned
The Jewish Youth Council will hold a military advisement program, .Sunday, January 25, Bt 2:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Various programs available, including training opportunities In college, scholarships and financial assistance will be presented by representatives of tindifferent branches of .service. A panel discussion will be moderated by Yale Trust in, who with Captain Joseph Davis of Omaha University, has been working with the Youth Council in preparation for the event. Literature and material on the services will be available. Diivld Wintruuli of Kuylm and Itoword Stiller of IConu A/A ore co-cliulrmcii of a committee for the program, composed of Stove Dloogutl, Frank Goldberg, AZA No. 1; Jon Oliiin, Kilcllo Wlntroiili, AZA No. 100; Dnn Hollls, Komi AZA and Holirrt N'o(fg, Rnylm.
The Omaha Chapter of Hadassnh will seivc as hosts for the third presentation in the Program of the Montli Series, it, was reported by Earl Siegel, Center Adult Education Committee chairman. The event will feature Dr. Bernard Cherrick, Director General, Hebrew University in Jerusalem on Thursday, February 19 at. 8 p. in. nt Omaha University. Mrs. Mike Freeman and Mrs. Esther Grecnbcrg, Hadassah president, are meeting witli Center representatives and Omaha University officials to map final arrangements for the program. Dr. Cherrick will discuss "The Middle East Today." This program occurs during Brotherhood Week and everyone is invited to bring n guest. Admission is free. Other sponsors of The Program of the Month are: The Jewish Community Center, Beth El Synagogue, Beth Israel Synagogue, H'nai B'rith Lodges and Chapters, Mary L. Schwartz, Director of Omaha Chapter of Hadassah, Education at Temple Israel, was Temple Israel and Young Adult lected to the Executive Commit- Council. tee of the National Association of Temple Educators during the Association's recent convention in Washington, D. C.
Omahans In the News
.Amcrlcan Cump Association Nnt. Benl Berelved hy Camp Jny-C-C tion officials awarded Camp JayC-C in 1058 full professional National Recognition while ranking the entire camp operation as "Excellent," Dr. Miller Muted. Office Jtiislicil Hy Young Teens The C'amp Office has been deluged with thirteen and fourtcnyear-old Teens applying for enrollment in Hie Cnunselor-InTmlnint; Program of Camp JayCC for lf).">9 prior to official announcement of date ami rales. The CIT Program is usuiilly offered to a few intorpslrrt early tcori«i;ers In order to provide service for younger campers. Nearly 30 Application Nearly 30 teens to date have epplifd for CfT in order to return to Camp Jay-C-C for additional training, study and fun. Special CIT Klaff will be employed to supervise one of the few nationally recognized Teen Camping Programs In the Mid-West.
iowa Gov. to Be Hadbssah Guest Governor I Icrschcl Loveless of Town, who recently returned from « lour of Israel, will he the guest speaker at the annual Medical Center meeting of the Omaha Chapter of Hadassnli, Wednesday, January 28, at 8 p. in. nt the Town House Ballroom. Committee appointments for the event 'Include Mrs. Julius •Stein, chairman, who will he asjilstfd hy the following group chairmen: Mines. Max Shapiro, llerv.l; Ren Perelman, Welzmann; Dan Lintzman, Szold; Morris Fellman, F.rvin Simon, program; Sol Lagmiin, Louis Albert, social. Captains named are: Mines. Herman Auerhnch, David Urodkey, E. E. Hrodlcey, A. D. Frank, J. IT. Kulakofsky, Nathan' Nogg, Joe Rice, Meyer Rubin, I.eo Wnllz, Samuel Wolf.
Rabbi Dershowifg To Visit Omaha Rabbi Zvl Denihowitz, Direcloi of Her/.l Camp and Activities Director at Temple of Anron, St. Paul, Minn., will l>e the guest of the Omahn Zionist Youlh Commission, Januaiy 21. The day's schedule will include a conference with the commission I nthe morning followed hy luncheon nt the Blnckstone Holel. Mothers of all Young-Judca and Senior Judes members, from for mer campers wil be guests at n tea in the afternoon at the home of Mrs. Max Hiclces, 820 N. Fairncres Road, in honor of Rabbi Dershowltz. Further information may he socured from Mrs. Ethel Levenson, chairman of the Omaha Zionist Youth Commission, or the follow ing committee members: Mrs. . Meyer Rubin, GL 7400; Mrs. Saul - Cnictz, WA-2534, and Mrs. J. Unris Yager, \VA 0753.
Beth Israel Donor Luncheon Jan.29
Jewish Music Month, January 24-Feforuary 24, will be celebrated in Omalia with concerts, television programs, radio shows, displays in various museums and at the Omaha University Music Department, Louis Canar, Jewish Community Center Committee Chairman, announced. William Wolff, internationally acclaimed baritone and former cantor will be presented by the Jewish Culture Council in a concert, at the Center on Tuesday, February K), at S p. m. Individual admission is Tickets are now on sale at the Center. A television program honoring the National Jewish Music Festival will be held on KKTV. the date to he announced later. WOVVs Jolly Joe Martin will play a variety of Yiddish and Hebrew melodies throughout the entire Mti.sic Month on his daily radio programs. He will use many recordjngs from Jewish Community Center Library collection. Dr. James Peterson of Omaha University, will introduce the Jewish Music Festival idea to members of his music classes. Display of Jewish music interest will b shown at Joslyn's Public Library, and the Center during the montli long celebration.
Dedications A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Max G, Slref-on Sunday, 2 p. mv at Golden Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Kli Kagan of Beth Israel Synagogue, w i l l officiate. Friends and relatives nre invited to attend.
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin J. HirsehMrs. Izadorc Elewitz lids been tick and children, Jeffrey, Karen, Maralee and Gary, recent Omaha named chairman of the tenth anIsrael Sisterhood donor visitors, have relumed home in nual Beth y,-f-^r^*Nv * luncheon, ThursGranada Hills, Cal, They were the (' ' -***J\ day, January 20, guests of Mrs. Hirsehtiek's mother, Mm. Kate liufoeiidlr, her grand- A ' / \ at 12::i0 P- '"• »' The sixth grade Young Judea mother, Mrs. Sarah Mlnliln and f fjg°> rmS \ I •> e Synagogue Group, "Dots," will meet Sunday, other relatives. 1 ,? ** I J social hall. Her January 18, at 2:.'i0 p, m. at the \i hf co-chairmen will home of Frances Hornsteln, 914 Dr. Victor K. Levlnc, Creighlon he the Mines, Da- Hillcrest Drive. University Professor of Biology, vid Frank, Aaron has returned from Washington Epstein and Sidwhere he attended the meeting CALL ney Goldberg who >f the American Association for are now acceptHOLLYWOOD the Advancement of Science. ing reservations. TUX RENTAL Others in Sirs. chaige are Mmes. 106 No. 15th Street JA 24E2 D. B Epstein, Sam Epstein, lunch(In Omaha Loan Bldq.) eon a r r a n g e m e n t s ; Martin Herzoff, Morris Shapiro, -Harold Dr. and Mrs. Ellis Weitzman Siegel and Michael Cohen, table have announced the engagement of decorations and settings. The program will feature the their daughter, Miss Sandra R. You'll Be Pleased Weitzman to Robert Hrcslcr, son production, "A Brave New World —Fcmnle Fanalastla" under the If You Shop at of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rreslcr. Both families reside In Washington, I). direction of Mrs. Ralph Blniamow and with Mmes. Morris Shapiro C. Miss Weitzman's mother is the former Ann Goldenberg of Omaha. and Herbert Meiches ns narrators. Mrs. Harvey Lipsman, assisted by Miss Weitzman and her fiance Mrs. Hyman Luhmnn, will serve both attend Enrlham University at as musical director and Mrs. DelQuality Clothes for Men Richmond, Ind. mer Klein, stage manager.
Miss Freda Slernhill's Engagement Told Dr. and Mrs. Irving Sternhill, former Omahans, now of LOB Angeles, Cal., announce the engagement, of their daughter, Miss Freda Helene, to Marvin R. Goldberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Manny Goldberg of North Hollywood, Cal. Miss Sternhill is completing her senior year at the University of California at Los Angeles, where she is affiliated with Alpha Epsilon Phi. Mr. Goldberg is an alumnus of Los Angeles Stale College, where he was a member of the ICappa Delta Psi. Currently in the army, he is stationed at Fort Ord, Cal. NEIL MII.LKU ItKCEIVES KMilAi AWAItJJ Neil .Miller, son of Dr. and Mrs. Dan Miller was awarded the Eagle Award, the highest achievement award in Scouting, at a special court; of honor, January 12 by Troop 77, Nesca, Covered Wagon Council, Boy Scouts of America. He was one of five eighth grader* at Washington school to receive the honor. ADULTS Young Adults will meet at th« Jewish Community Center Sunday, January 25 at 2 p. m. Roberta Grossman and L. Brown have been named co-chairmen for a Valentine party scheduled for February 14. Proceeds for the event will go to the Multiple Sclerosis Society.
Former Omahan's Daughter Engaged
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WE 4555
Page Four
VARSITY BASKETBALL LEAGUE man, Grace Lenk, Abe Mozer, JenPaul's and Belgrade's will meet nie Rosenblatt, Iska Rothholz, Phil Schwartz, Fan Sherman, Marian this Wednesday night in a batil Yuwitz, Sally Wolfson; Misses for first place in the Varsity Myrtle Freeman, Rcna Gross, League. Last wee;. Eddie Belgrade Bosse Blank, Roselle Handler, led his squad past Robinsons to a Elizabeth Hart, Lee Greenberg, 40-32 win. It wns a close gama all Mildred Levy, Evelyn Levy, Sylvia the way until Harry Wise hit a Parilman, Ida Spring, Julia Zuker. two hand set shot from 25 feet An appeal for contributions of out to propel Belgrades as Jack home-made pastries and hand Stiss and Ray Brett began to find work is being requested. To con- the scoring range. Belgrade fintribute, phone HA 0212, PL 1222, ished with 11 points, while Stlss and Brett had 10 and 9 points reGL 7675, HA 2890. spectively. PIONEER WOMEN Ray Kirke iind Irv Yaffa proSIGMA ALPHA MV Pioneer Women's Organization vided Paul's with plenty of scorwill hold their monthly One™ MOTHERS CMJB The Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers ing punch as they defeated Lusty's Shabbiit Saturday, January 37tli, 1:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Club will meet Wednesday, Jan- 48-35. Kirke finished high with 23 Pave Epstein, 1819 Locust Street. uary 21, at 1 p. m. at the home points while Yaffe had 10. Roy Katskce was high for Lusty's with Mrs. Epstein, cultural chairman, of Mrs. Milton Margolin, 5019 10 points. announced that Joe Radinowski Charles Street, Mrs., Al Swartz League Standings will, give a lecture, Abe Schneider will be co-ho.stess. Members are Team • \V L will read an original poem, and requested to make their reserva- Pauls 3 1 Mrs. Milton Nearenber™ will sing tions with Mrs. E. I. Widman, GL Belgrades 3 1 3135. several Israeli song's. Robinsons 2 2 All members and friends are in- SlttMA DELTA-TATT Lustys 0 4 vited to attend. MOTHERS VIA'n YOUTH COUNCIL The Omaha Sigma Delta Tau BASKETBALL LEA(> UK HADASSAII BOARD Mothers Club will meet for a desA:Z.A. Ronu put the skids on The Board of the Omaha Chap- sert luncheon, Monday, January ter of Hadassah will meet nt 12:30 19 at the home of Mrs. J. Milton league leading Rayim ns they p. m. Monday, January 19, at the Margolin, 5019 Charles Street, at handed them a 37-25 setback. The home of Mrs. Louis Alberts with 12:30 p. m. Out-of-town members scoring twin of Honu Mike SadofMmes. Ira Whitebook and Alfred will be guests. Reservations may sky and Justin Ban did the damFrank ag co-hostesses. be made with Mrs. Margolin, GL age ns they hit for 16 and 11 points resepctively. A stout deGroup boards of Hadassah meet- •16G8. fense held high scoring Roy Katsing for 12:30 p. m. d e s s e r t kee of Rayim to 3 points. Dave lunch'eons on Thursday, January BETH EL COFFEE Wintroub was high for Raylm 22 are Herzl at the home of Mrs. "What Do You Want From with 11 points. . Morton Richards with Mmes. Har- Jewish Education For Your ChilA.Z.A. 1, fighting to get out of r y Ravitz and Louis Alberts, co- dren" is the subject for the "Cofhostesses; Szold at the home of fee with the Rabbi—Judaism in the cellar, upset A.Z.A. 100 33-29. Mrs. Sam Davis with Mrs. Sam the Home" session, for Wednes- Gerry Goldstrom was high scorer Geifman, co-hostess and Mrs. Sam day morning, Jan. 21 at 9:30 a. m. for Mother chapter with 10 points. Katzman will preside; Wcizm.tnn in Beth K Synagogue. A discus- John Okun led the Centurymen , board meeting at the home of Mrs. sion will be led by Rabbi Myer S. with 14 points. Sam Stern with Mrs. Sam Green, Kripke, co-hostess. .MIDGET BASKETBALL LEAGUE The Educational Council will BETH EL STUDY GROUP Bill Ginsburg led his Lowboy meet for an Oneg Ehabbat, SatRabbi Mycr S. Kripke will disuday, January 17 at 1 p. m. at the cuss "What's in the P r a y e r team to a first place tie with home of Mrs. H. Lee Gendler. Book?" at the next meeting of Playland Park as he popped in 11 the Beth El study group, Satur- points and a 26-21 win over RlchB. & V. HADASSAH BENEFIT day, January 17, at 8:30 p. m. at man-Gordman. Bob Welnstem had Hadassah's HELP AND HEAL the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morris 10 points for the losers. I-Go Van knocked Playiand Card-Party Bazaar, sponsored by Fellman. A social hour will follow. Business and Professional Group, Non-members wishing to attend Park into a first place tie as they will be held Sunday evening, Jan- are invited to call Mrs. Jsirlor LDV- handed them a 21-20 loss. Bill uary 23th, at the Blnekstone Ho- inson, adult education chairman. Kutler, "Mover" captain tilt 11 points to lead the attack. Dan tel. Katskee had 8 for the losers. A special feature, preceding the ARTIST TO SPEAK AT opening of the Bazaar and evening COUNCIL LUNCHEON Slosburg Realty won their secCard-Party will be a bridge tourBill Hammon, Omaha artist, will ond game of the season by the nament to be conducted by Miss be the guest speaker, at a lunch- score of 20-17. Ron Wolpa and Al Dorothy Rosenthal, starting at eon meeting, Tuesday, January Muskin were the scoring leaders 1:45 p. m. Players may register 20, 12:30 p. m., at the Jewish with 9 and 5 points respectively. with Miss Rosenthal, WA TiCm. Community Center, honoring new Don Kohn waB high for Gerellcks Assisting Mrs. Josef Mayer, members of the Omaha Section, with 10 points. chairman, are Mmes. Alice Heeger, National Council of Jewish WomKaiman Ins. remained unbeaten Charles Ross. Sally Meyers. Julius en. as they trounced Tretiaks 16-5. Newman, Lillie Becker, Flo BrookMr. Hammon, well known for Paul Kaiman had 12 points for stein, Frances Greenberg, Julia his outstanding mosaic work, will the winners while Jerry Schneider Jacobs, Jean Kaplan, Carl La™- present "The Five Senses and scored 4 of his team's points. Art" in a demonstration to acquaint the layman with the "why George Jessel and how in Art." The speaker will FOR THE FINEST . . . (Continued from Page 1) be introduced by Mrs. David Katz. IN PHOTOGRAPHY M a u r i c e Kntzman, Synagogue Luncheon chairmen are Mmes. President, announced. Portrait» Abe Slusky and David Manvitz, (iordman. Dinner Chairman Weddingi Dan Gordman, Vice-President of "Mystic Moments," a skit dediCommercial Beth Israel, and an outstanding cated to new members, under the communal leader Is general chair- direction of Mrs. William Finkle, will be enacted by Mmes. Stuart man of the dinner. Jessel will be honored on the Muskin, Robert Silvcrman, Irvin Occasion of the fiftieth anniversary Kaiman, Sidney Schwartz and of his entry into show business. Mrs. Finkle. Accompanist will be He was the star of Gus Edwards' Mrs. Kdwnrd Levinson. Mmes. »how\which valuted him and Ed- Coleman Greenberg and Jerry die Cantor, his lifelong pal, into Raduziner are In charge of decorations. early stardom. Lauded As A Toastmastcr New members are: Mmes. Har"It re only fitting that Eddie old Karp, Sam Diamond, Bennett Cantor's best friend be selected Raduziner, Maurice Alperin, Blaine PHOTOGRAPHER the year following his own cita- Roffman, Stuart Raehman, Cole817 SOUTH 36TH STREET tion," Mr. Gordman said. Our man Greenberg, T. A. Tully, EdHARNEY 1044 previous recipient, former Presi- ward Cecan, Manny Kreltstein, dent Harry S. Truman, dubbed David Kricsfeld, Arthur Davidson, George Jessel "The toastmaster Harry Wise Jr., David Gallner, general of the United States." David Fredricks, Joseph Belmont, Jessel, known to American Jew- Alfred Brody, J. S. Schreiber, ry for his untiring efforts for Is- Ralph Turkel, Neal Miller, Sidney JA 136ft to toaert you: Want Aa rael causes was the master of Osten, Arthur Walker, Irving Ep- in phone Ttio Jewish Press. rate Is 60 cent* for oacn (our ceremonies at the national 65th stein, Harry Stoler, Steve Swartz, lineCurrent insertion. Tbe Prws reaervw Ui# right birthday celebration of Eddie Can- Alex Davis, Elliot Rubin, Kurt to Uralt clze of each advertisement tor in Miami Beach in 1957 which Freiberg, Harold Sobel, Meyer DAILY JEWISH PAPERS also feted President Truman. He Kirshenbaum, Marvin Richards, has turned down numerous offers Myron Milder, Marvin Kohll, BAR and Bas Mltzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holifrom Las Vegas and Miami Beach Manny Goldberg, Cy Demont, days and special occasions. night clubs and hotels to appear Charles Peebler, Arnold Stern, a t charitable affairs. William Novak, Jerry Krupinsky, Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge Reservation May Be Made Now Freddie Segal, Marshall Becker 60*Weeks Sat. Eve. Post . . . $4.79 Reservations for the dinner may and Dean Frankel. 14-Mos. Holiday $3.50 now be made a t the Beth Israel 6 Mos. Readers Digest . . . . $1.00 synagogue, Mr. Gordman said. KBON—Sunday, Jan. 18, 8:45 22 Mos. Ladies Home Journal 53.85 "Those who remember the sell out a.m. MESSAGE O F ISRAEL— 2 Years Good Housekeeping 53-98 crowds for Mr, Truman and Mr. "Robots Don't Pray" by Rabbi 22 Mos. Harpers Bazaar . . . $5.98 Cantor should need no second re- William B. SHverman, Congre- 2 Years House Beautiful . . . $6.00 minder to obtain tickets early," he gation Ohabal Sholom, Nash- Call Mrs. Horwlch, WA 3957— asserted. ville, Term. 5539 Pacific Street. • . POALE ZION ELECTION Officers will be elected at the regular meeting of the Poale Zion Branch 5-1 Farband Labor Zionist group, Sunday, January 18, at 8 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Harold Sobel, Federation Family Service Director, will conduct the installation. A program of movies has been planned and will be followed by refreshments. Members ara urged to attend.
John Kalina
Friday, January 18, 1058
Mrs. Horwich to Be Guest Speaker Mrs. Joseph Horwich, President of the Council of Jewish Women, will 1)9 guest speaker at a luncheon reception honoring the newly elected presidents of all Youth Council clubs at the Fireside Restaurant on Friday, January 23, at 12:30 p. m. It was announced by Milton Katskee, president of the
Jewish Youth Council. Her sub> ject will be "So You've Been Elected President." Guests of the Youth Council will be the presidents of the youth groups: Ed Sidman, AZA No. 1| fid Wintroub, AZA No. 100; Waiter Wise, Ronu AZA; Bill Horvnch, Raylm; Arlene Grossman, Kleannr Roosevelt BBG; Leslie Smith, Debka Delis; Judy Pollack, Rohanuo BBG, and Ronl Meyer, Ediar BBG. KING OF THE 6*s • ECONOMY SPECIAL 01
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Thero is still another side-* direct income for farmers. Durina 1957 tha Industry purchased SI,383,000 worth of primary materials that go into tho maim* facture of merchandise for s(amj> redemption. No one can contemplate the$9 facts and fall to realize that both personally and economically tho trading stamp Industry is a meaningful and welcomo fores in the life of our stato.
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