,! o n Published every Friday, 101 N. 201 h. , , , , , „ , o, /!« omjhn, Nebraska, Ptiono JA 13WJ OMAHA,
TA?JirTAi?v 9Q " 1 " u / u " i6>
Housing Going PastV
New York (JTA i—A nli-n that American Jews give "full philanthropic priority" to u United Jewish Appeal 55100,000,000 Special Fund for rcsettliiiK 100,000 immicrant.s oxpeclcd1 by Israel this year from Eastern Kuropu niado IJ.V I.evi I'shkol. Finance Minister of Isrm.'l. Emurfidir.v Srdslon * — •— — Mr. Kshkol's plea wax made I" rui'l iv|i('cli'd huiiin H,il(;0 Immi200 key American-Jewish leaders grants monthly following Hie rohere, called together in an emergency session to hear the high cent lihcrull/ailon of emigration ranking official report on Israel's liy JCnst Kuropeaii guvernniiMits. greatest immigration crisis in a Thi> largest Jewish community In decade. He declared, "we are KuKfcrn Europe outride Hie Soviet faced with our greatest immigraI"uIrID Is that of Ktimnnia, liumhertion emergency in ten years." The ITIKIH arises "nut Jnsl from ing •;.-,(l1l){|ir,Ic»h. Poland has about the numbers who are coming," lie 10,000 rriiialnlng Jews. told-tlio group. "It derives from Upreeedented Call the fiirf that Israel has no housing Leader also heard Morris W. Jivulhthln for liiimlp,nuils beyond lierinstein, UJA general chairman, tlio next month mid no funds with Avraham Harmon, member of the which to build more." Hn wild Is- executive of the Jewish Agency, niul C'hnrles Jordan, director general of the Joint Distribution Committee. The UJA general c h a i r m a n pointed out that the emergency meeting was ."unprecedented,"-in that the leaders had been called back from their communities only The fourth meeting of the dis- n month after the UJA annual cussion group donllng with "Ag- conference, December 12-14 in ing In.the Modern World" will be New York. There they voted to
'Aging in Modern World* Course fo Meet January 26
hold at the home of Mr, iind Mrs. Leonard Kulakofsky, G418 Glenwood.Road, January 26 at 8 p. m. Text* containing required essays and recommended rending pninllellng topics discussed at meetIngs were available at the lnst session. Dr. Norman Mllgrnm, leader of the group laid, "In order to retain the intimacy of small group discussion, it has been necessary to close further new membership to this group." The Community Center, its sponsor, la.prepared, however, to establish new groups ns the need arises. Anyono Interested in participating In such a studydiscussion group is asked to contuct Saul Silvertnan, Center Aotfvitiec Director, JA 1360.
seek a $100 million Special Fund "over and above" the 1959 CJJA regular goal of $105 million to meet the ongoing programs of Its boneflclories. "We have cnlled you back to glv« you the full story on Israel'* nwe immigration emergency," Mr. Berinsteln said. He recalled that in December, Dr. Dov Joseph, treasurer of the Jewish Agency, had urged delegates to tha UJA annual .conferenca to help.-Israel's people take in a large Immigration In 1959. Immigration Estimates Doubled "Israel's leaden last December estimated 50,000 would be coming," Mr. Berinstein «ald. "In a single month," the UJA general chairman added, "all immigration estimates have had to be doubled. Today evidence points to th» fact that an immigration flood has started that will continue for many months." Avraham llarman, member of the Jewish Agency executive at the meeting, declared that despite the present emergency, one itKif) welfare objective that mutt be retained to the fullest extent possible win a program for clearing Inrnel's "ma'abarot" — s h a n t y towns housing 110,000 earlier Immigrants. Mr. Harmon revealed that the Agency hopes to direct the greatest number of newcomers to various "development" areas in Israel's less populated regions. These Include the Galilee region in Israel's north, and the Negev. He said that the Agency must have 31,600 to meet the costs of an immigrant's first year In Israel. This Includes transportation from Easti h ern Europe, the Immigrant's shore d welfare lf of housing costs,
IO-O 1UtJl
Entered as Secund-ClusB Matter at Past- Annuiil Kale 4 Dollars ' office, Omaha, Nebraska, under Act of 187U. tiinj,'Ie Coijy 10 Cents
L -_ >-John Kallna Photo.
liolx-rt II.' Koopcr, Jenit.li Federation president, with Arthur A. Colin, who will head the Men'* of Philanthropic; Saniuel N. Wolf, the dononil Chairman, and Harold Solid, Federation Fniiilly Welfare Director, who will iiwiMt Mr, Colin In coordinating I ho McnVDIvNImi's activities.
Arthur A. Colin, veteran ciimjmigncr and outntundlng community leader, him accepted the post of chairman of the Men's Division of tlio Jewish Plillantliroplos, Samuel N. Wolf, General Chairman, announcod ut the meeting of the Board of (lovcmars of the Jewish Federation, Sunihiy morning at the Community Center. In his acceptance remarks, Mr.*Cohn said, "the occasion marked in 1939." Mr. Cohn has served in to the Board of the Governors of the twentieth anniversary or my various fhllanthrople* caplcitles the Federation at the meeting. first appointment to the same post since 1930 and has worked with They are Arthur A. Cohn, Rothe Initial Gifts Committee ror bert Kulnborg, Mrs. A. C. Fellmau, twenty years, serving al»o as Cam- S. Elmnr Gru.sx nnd Mrs. J. II. Kupaign Strategy committee mem- lakoffiky, ber. The nominating committee conBuilding Commltteo Chalrmun slstcd of Mrs. Edward E. Brodkey, Mr. Cohn is a past chairman of chairman; Isadore Chapman and Representatives of d i f f e r e n t the Federation building commltteo, Ernest A. Nogg. branches of military service will and is currently Co-Chnirmnn with Dr. Margolin Presents Survey b» .members of a panel on military Nathan L. Nogg of the Dr. Philip A survey of the trends in Jewish advisement in a program to be Sher Home for tha Aged Commlt- education during the past fifty presented by the Jewish Youth teo. He has been identified with years in Omaha was sketched by Council, Sunday, January 25 at the latter committee for many Dr. Morris Margolin, past Chair* 3 p. m. at the Jewish Community years, He Is a past, president of m>-n of the Jewish Education Bu« the Beth Ei Congregation and its reau and currently. Chairman of Center. Men's Club and of the Highland the Omaha Jewish Education SurYala Trustin, who served for Country Club. vey. nin years in the Air Force, and Vice-Commander of American Le- "The Philanthropies Is the most Dr. Margolin mild the baslo Idea The following hava contributed gion Post No. 1, will serve as mo- Important all-embracing project In In Jewish education Is that It if to tha Needlework Guild since the derator of the panel. Its members the community," Mr. Cohn assort- not merely the responsibility of last list appeared: will be Captain Charles C. Alli- ml. "I am already working on an Individual parents but a combined Mmes. Morris Adler, Harry son of Creighton University, rep- advisory group and many other responsibility, shared by congregaBearr, Leo - Bercutt, Harry A. tions and the community. resenting the military; Col. Wil- facets of organization." Ilrodkey, Louis Canar, David It. liam H. Dowd of Omaha Universi- Harold Sobol, Federation Fami- "There would be no community Cohen, Herman Cohen, Lyman ty, the Air Force; Sergeant Larry ly Service Director, will assist Mr. without education," Dr. Margolin Ci/hn, Harold Cooperman, Meyer Lane, the Marines; Chief E. J. Cohn in the coordination of the concluded, as he pointed out, th« Crandell, Aaron I. Edgar, Ruben importance of Jewish education Ball and Chief C, E. Davidson, activities of the division. Epstein, Sidney Feldman, Isaac 5 Now Board Members Elected and the strides made in that dithe Navy. Glllnsky, Arthur Goldstein, Harry Five new members were elected rection in Omaha. A. Green, Ben Horshorn, Samuel Various phases of military life S. Kaplan, Abraham KaUkee, Joincluding National Guard proseph Litt, Edward Mason, 1'cter grams, Reserve Officers Training, Meyers, Donald Nogg, Isadore F. officer's candidate schools, six Obermon, Albert Okrcnt, AIox month reserve program, service Oppenhelmer, Ben L, Rosen, Moracademics, enlisted reserve and ris Ruderman, Jny Stoler, Yale regular enlistment programs will Trustln, Donald I.,. Vonn, Victor l)c discussed. Literature will be William Wolff, world famous him again on his coming appearWeiner, Ira Whitcbook, and distributed. baritone and former cantor will ance here. eas Wlntroub. Members of boys' clubs will meet appear at the Jewish Community Individual tickets are on sale at nt.the Center at 1:30 p.m., David Center, Tuesday, February 10, 8 the Center for $1.25 and season Wlntroub and Howard Stoler, p. m., the opening event of the tickets for the entire series ara Program co-chairmen, announced. 1959 Jewish Culture Council Se- available for $2.50. The other two ries. Mr, Wolff will present a con- performances on the series are a cert especially arranged to high- musical comedy featuring a New light National Jewish M u s i c York and Broadway, road comMonth, January 24-February 24. pany on Tuesday, March 24 (PuThe famous Canadian operatic rim) and a special Israeli Color All aliens must filo an address star began his musical career as a Movie on Sunday, April 12. report form before January 31, cantor and although he is noted Tickets may be reserved by callwith the Immigration and Nat-, for his romarkable range in sing- ing the Activities Office, JA 1366. utilization Service, according to ing well known operatic arias, Mr. Mr, Robert C. Wilson, District Wolff publicly profosses his first Director of the Service. Form* are love to be Hebrew and Jewish folk tunes. available at any Post Offico. -Any non-citizen who is ill oan Raturnlng just recently from a have'a friond secure the card for world-wide singing and concert An ancient London (JTA) him and return it to the Post Of- tour, Mr. Wolff was highly ac- Haggdah dating back to the 15th fice or Immigration Service after claimed in every country he ap- century brought 4,000 pounds it Is completed. peared as "a rare gift to the mu- (511,200) at auction here. Tho The'law Imposes, sovoro penalties sical world.' Mrs, Abo Fellman, manuscript, in Hebrew and Arabic, Israel faces tlio greatest emergency Immigration crlnls In a dopado as It receives on unprecedented flood of refugees, transported against anyone who wilfully vio- who on a previous occasion served is one of the oldest known copies . ' . , . , • .-* •..-.• ns his accompanist, will accompany in existence, lates the low. • HI UJA funds from Europe, North Afrlon and tlif MM-Katf;
Nsedlework Guild Contributors
Military Personnel To Serve on Panel
Non-Citizens iVfusf Register
Haggadah Goes for $11,200 at Auction
Page Two
Friday, January 22, 1959
Deaths Published Every Friday by the Jewish Federation «f Omaha. Second Class Mailing Privileges Aulhorlied of Omaha, Nebroika. Annual Subscripfion, UM. Advertising Rutes on Application. publication Office—101 Ho. 20th Str^t, Omaha, Uet>r., JAckicn 1366.
Miller, New JWV Nations! Officer
P.l. Office Reeeiues Letter for '3 Kings'
Abe Miller, past lowa-Xebraska j Pepartmeiit Commander of the i Jewish War Veterans,, lias been j n a m e d one of /** four national ie- / gional area vice- ;, commanders foi f "•* JWV. The an- I, . / ' nouncement was made by Sam S h a i k ewitz of J W a s h i n g t on, F.C., n a t i o nal commander. Mr. Miller is attending t h e Abe Millrr fifth regional meeting of the organization in Columbus, O., this! weekend. Representatives of 1CI stafe posts are present. I The area Mr. Miller will super- j vise as vice-commander, includes I Nebraska, Iowa and Colorado.
Israel—A letter addressed by a Spanish boy to the Three Kings of the Kast fin the New Testament story) on the occasion of the Feast of the Epiphany has been received in the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem. Salvador Fernandez Carillo of San-Sebastian knew exactly what he wanted to ask of the Three Kings, hut he was not quite sure of their address, So he wrote on the envelope simply: "To The Honoured Kings of the Kast. Caspar, Melehior and Balthazar. Jerusalem." The Spanish postal authorities added the world "Israel," and MO the letter found its way to the Prime T.linistcr's Office. This is what it said: "Dear Kings. Honoured Sirs, "I am a child from San-Sebastian. I am very diligent at school. I do all my work well and would like you to send raf on the "Day of the Kings' a cinema projector worth 500 pesetas and 10 rolls of film, very fine ones. That is all I ask. "A thousand thanks, and so I take my leave," (signed! "The child Salvador Fernandez Carrillo. San-Sebastian." With all the goodwill in the world the Prime Minister's Office felt unable to substitute for the Three Kings of the F.ast, but Salvador will soon receive an album of pictures of Israel and one of the Tenth Anniversary memorial coins. (Reprinted "from the Israel Digest.)
Italian Premier Tells Nasser to Recognize Israel
Athens UTAi—Stopping off in J the Greek capital following his five-day visit of state to the United Arab Republic, Italian Premier Amintore Fanfani told a press j conference that he had "always stated and repeated that Israel ! exists and is an historical nnd ge- j ographieal reality." ; Israel's Kij;lit To Kvist j Later, sources close to the Pie- | mier confirmed to Jewish Telegraphic Agency correspondent, that the Premier had during his meetings with United Arab Republic President Nasser repeatedly emphasized the unanimous determination of Italy and the West 1 to defend Israel's right to existence. The Premier also expressed the hope that Arab lenders would A program in observance of eventually recognize Israel's existence. The same source told the Brotherhood Month is being JTA correspondent that President planned by' the Jewish Youth Nasser seemed to admit the in- Council in cooperation with the evitability of such a move by the Beth El Youth group and the Anti-Defamation League for SatArabs. . urday. February 7, at 8 p. m. at Help llulw Standards Beth El Synagogue. At the press conference, the Teenage members of Youth for • Italian Premier reported that he and President Nasser had dis- Christ and SL Benedict's Church cussed in detail the situation of Youth group, will lie invited to be the Arab refugees. Premier FanRenec Rimmerman, S h a r o n fani declared: "If, during the past three years the West had made Frank and Jim GUEK ere chairmen fewer mistakes toward Egypt, in charge of co-ordinating activithe situation would he different ties f'Jr the evening. today. The free world must help those who make an elfort to better their economic and social standards. All those who seek and wish for equilibrium in this sector Israel film actress Hnya Hararit must help raise living standards with a view to eliminating the so- has signed a four-year contract cial and international imbalance." with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and trill appear shortly with, Frank Sinatra in a picture to he filmed in Burma.
Youth to Observe 'Brother Month
Israel Actress Signed by MGM
Rabbi Brooks lo Talk At S. D. University
Rabbi Sidney I t Brooks of Tern- j pic Israel, will represent the Jewish Chautauqua Society as lecturer at the University of South Dakota, in Vermillion, Monday and Tuesday, February 2 and 3. He will participate in the Religious Emphasis Week program to be held at the University. The Chautauqua Society receives support in Omaha through , the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign
On the Air KBON—Sunday, 8:45 a. m. MESSAGE OF ISRAEL—"A New Man For the Space Age" by Rabbi Emmet A. Frank, Dil'ector of the Mid-Atlantic Council of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations and spiritual leader of Congregation Beth EL Alexandria, Va.
I j
Kosher Poultry Killed and Dressed Daily
OPEN SUNDAYS Call Wednesday for Thursday Delivery
Rev. Harry Lutz 1314 Ho- 24th St.
Stronger f?o!e Urged To Oor.i'jal Bigotry
Kosher Meat Market end Delicatessen WA 5554
for Your Delicatessen Meeds Delicious Lox (Thin Sliced)
' -Smoked Whife Fish
^ jj =
NATHAN" I.EV1NSON Newi nod bapiH-nlnfrs Kt lite Dr. I'tifllp Funeral services were held tihr* Jr^-tsti tlunid Tor Tli« Acrcl by Davlil urltim Wednesday afternoon at the JewTIJ B'KHVAT-JKWISII AKUOIt ish Funeral Home for Nathan LevHAY—will be celebrated Sunday, inson, 81, prominent member of Jauuary 23iii i t 2 p. m. at the Dr. Jewish communal circles for many Philip Sher Jewish Home for Ihu years. Mr. I.evinson who died Agt'tl. The Omaha Chapter <>f Tuesday in a local hospital after Iladastah will present a proi;ra:il a long illness was the founder of for tliis occasion according to Mrs. the former Levin.son Fruit Comg ; : 0 9 p. in, Ilyinan Behnan, party chairman. pany. Il'NAI JACOH-AIMtf IlefreshmentM will follow. Mr. Levinson was also among YKSIIt.'HON U A R I I I M C A I J SE1UKS: llabbl the founders of the early Asso.Services at B'nai Jacob-Adasciated Jewish Charities, the fore- Yeshuron will begin Friday nt 4:30 Sidney Brooks of Temple Ixi'uel, rtiscussed the broadway siaRe sucrunner of the Jewish Federation p. in, and Saturday morning at of Omaha. He served several terms H-30 a. m. with Mincha at 4:.'!0 crss "J. B.". The subject matter of xis a member of the Executive p. in. followed by .Shalo.sh S'oudos. this play was taken from the Book Committee and the Board of Gov- Daily M.-rviccs at.fi:.'S0a. m. and 5 of Job often discussed by <>ur folks, (iorjS'CII.," OK JJCWISI! TOM. ernors of the Federation. He was p. in. :K.V C o u n c i l ' s Arts and Crafts director of the Jewish Funeral classes are being held regularly HMI'I,*: ISKAI'X Home and was a past president of Services will be held this Fri- with Mines. A l b e r t Gaer, Moo the Men's Mizrachi. Mr. Iyevinson wns prominently day , evening at H:15 p. in. with Venijer, and Sam Ilosenbluni, as identified with the affairs of Beth Iluhhi .Sidney Urooks officiating. instruct Hi's. Hamedrosh Hagodol Synagogue Immediately following Sabbath and Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol .Services "The Diary of Maury Cemetery. He was deeply inter- Schwartz" will be presented. ested in the Dr. Philip Slier JewIn tiie triple roles of teachersish Home for the Aged for many aulhors-actois, members of Temple New York (JTA I A stronger years and was a member of var- .School staff have used funny tales ious local Jewish organizations. and thoughts originating from the Federal role In fighting segregaSurviving are his wife. Pearl; youngsters for this program. Skit tion and discrimination was prodaughter, Mrs. Fan Greenberg; participants are: Mines. Kdwitrd posed here by the American Jewsons. Isidor and Edward, all of Makiesky, Jerome Spitzer, Robert ish Congress. The organization Omaha; Hairy of Lincoln, Nebr.; Gereliek, Norman Whitman, Sol called nn President Kisenhower lc> five grandchildren and two great Kosinsky, Martin Haykin and How- lo resist what it termed a "defeatist" attitude toward' civil grandchildren; sister, Mrs. Sam ard Vann. rights legislation and urged him Weinstein, Kingston, N. Y. and Oneg .Shabbot following the pro- lo support a program "lo help brother, Harry Levinson, Fort gram. tnalco the promise of equality come Worth, Tex. Saturday Morning Services at true for every American." Burial was in Beth Hamedrosh 11:30 n. in. for Adults and Religious The ;iction called for enactment Hngodol Cemetery. School. of legislation that would, among; other things, make it a Federal UAVIU MAKKI'X •Services lit Beth El Synagogue crime to transport explosives Services for David Markel, 57, of 7fi7 No. 73 Street, who died in will be held at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi across state linns for the purpose Phoenix, Ariz., Monday, were held Mycr S. Kriplte will deliver the of criminally destroying.homes as Thursday afternoon at Temple Is- sermon. Cantor Aaron I Kdgor and well as institutions. II also urged rael. Mr. Markel was the owner the Talmad Torah Choir will the extension of the life of the of the Markel Cleaners and Laun- render the musical portions of .the Federal Civil Rights Commission two years beyond its original crvire. dry. Sabbath morning services arc at term, nnd the blocking of Federal Surviving arc wife, Winifred; morlsajjo rnmrantees or other asson, Robert; daughter, Mrs. Pa- !:S0 a. m. The Junior Congregation fistnnces to any builder or develtricia Brophy; sisters, Ella Markel service Is at 10:30 a. m. Mincha- oper who restricts occupancy or and Mrs. Bcrnhardt Wolfe, all of Maarlv .service will be at 5:1!) p. m. ownership on grounds of race, reSunday morning services are Omaha; Mrs. Cecily Martin, New ligion or national orijjin. York City; brother, Harry, Omaha held at 9 a. m. In the Chapel followed by coffc-c at !>:30 a. m. ana and eight grandchildren. Burial was fn Beth El Cemetery. a study-discussion BesKion with Rabbi Kripke. Daily services are at 7 a. m. All friends and relative! Bra Oil. (JEKSHON CELBAIIT Invited to attend certioei and and 7 p. m. News has been received of the rj-fcpHoim. death of Dr. Gershon Gelbart, a BKTU ISRAEL TKD SAJfFOHD 'ormer director of the Community Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Ted Sanford, son of Mr. ond Tenter Jewish Education Bureau. Eli Kagnn, The Beth Israel Syna- Sirs. Theodore J. Snniord, will obI>r. Gelbart, 50, a leader in Jew- gogue Choir, and members of Uelh serve his Bar Mitzvah nt Brth fc'l sh education and a member of Israel SYO, will conduct late Kcrv- SynaEogue on Saturday mornirrg, the board of professional consul- ioes thin evening at 8 p.TO.Rabin January 24th. tants of the American Association Groner*s sermon will be on "Arbor for Jewish Education, died Jan- Day—Jewish Style." Traditional uary J4 at hit home in Brooklyn, Friday evening services Ikabbalnji Air. nnd Mre. Jieniy GinsburK N . Y. • Shabbos) 5:15 p. in. Services Satur- iinnannec the Bar Mitzvah of their day morning begin nt 8:45 a. m. son, Billy, on Saturday rooming, and the Junior Congrejjniion meets January 31st «t Both El SynHMUS. WILLIAM Funeral services were lirid Janu- at 10 a. hi. fiatibi Groner will conr y 9 at liie Jewish Funeral Home duct the Saturday j£ft«moon Talfor Mns. William Bleiweiss of Chi- mud class at 4:45 p. m. Sabbath cago, 111, who died in a local hos- Winciha, f o l l o w e d by Shalosh pital, January 8. Her husband S'eudos oral Maariv will begin at passed away Jail December JG. 5:15 p. m. flUG & UFHOJ.STeiY Mrs. Blejadis was the former Tbe Sunday morning minyon beNellie Ferer of Omaha. ;;ins at 8:45 IL m. und is followed CLEANERS Surviving are her mother, Mrs. by breakfast ond (he Rabin's C1BB3 RUGS—CARPETING Rose Ferer, sisters, Mrs. Moe in fiible. The Sunday raoTning Shapiro, Omaha; Mies Sophia, Los Junior minyon bejrfns at 8:30 a. va. LAMP SHADES Angeles, OaL; brothers Meyer and 0ally services at 7 a. m. nnd 5 5 0 FURNTTTmE Morton, Omaha and Sam, Los p. in. Vegas. Nev. Tise weekly Talmud Study group Cleasesl i n Your Homo) Burial was in G o l d e n Hill meets on Tuesdays nt 7:30 p. in. Sliding • Laying • Repairing 'emctery. Saturday morninK services are belt] nt 9 a. jn. at the 19th ond Hurt St. ODD Bernstein HA 2554 MOIUIIE SC11LAIFER Funeral services were held at the Jewish Funeral Home, Monday afternoon, for Morrie Schlaifer, 57, who died Sunday. Burial was in Golden Hill Cemetery. Surviving are his brothers, Leo, Sioux City, la.; C h a r l e s , Scarsdale, OMAHA'S LEADING N. Y. and Nute, Las Vegas, Nev.
Corned Scef
Bar-B-Qucd Salmon
Best end V/ilr.o Products Candid Wedding
John Kalina 817 So. 36th
HA 1044 11
freaturhq PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO PHONE ORDERS Cell Wednesday for Thursday Oefivery
Friday, January ft, 1959
Page Three
Orga nizat i©ns
Adult Classes FINAL AIUtANftEMKKTK HAM: Community Center, for a 1 p.m. To Begin FOR UKTJI ISHAICI, LUNCHEON dessert luncheon. Films of Israel current, events and "Wilderness of '/An" in color a:id sound, will be shown. "The Wilderness of Zin" depicts the archeolojjical exploration of the Nci;ev desert in Israel by Dr. Nelson (Jluecli, president of Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, Ohio. 'Hie Omaha Section, National Council of Jewish Women, and the Federation for Jewish Service, sponsor the Golden Aj;e Club. Mines. J. Milton Margolin and Louis Cutler me co-ordinalors representing the Council.
••'innl arrangements for th< Tenth Annual Beth Israel .Sisterhood Donor luncheon were completed at. i! recent meeting in the home of Jlrs, Jsadore Kle-witz, K«?nernl chairman, 'flip lu'<;hiii:ht of the afternoon will be u Sisterhood production which will follow the 12:.'iO luncheon on Jniimiry 29lh In the Synnj;ojrue .Social Hull. "A Brave New World-Kenmle Knnatasia" will lie presented, by tho following sisterhood members: the Mines. Herbert SMehes, Morris Shapiro, Harvey Lipsinim and Hyinmi Luhnian are cast in the loadin/; roles. Models for the fantasia are the Mine*. Mum-ice Katziiiiui, Irving Cluirney, .Marlin I k r • zoff, Joe llnznick, Hnrney Kaufman. Hiclmrd Spiegel. Nathan Kaplan, Mcy.f.'r Meyerson, and Sain Herman. Mrs. Ralph liinininow and Mrs. Ueln.el' Klein are respectively serving as director anil slatje manOKcr of the program. Uaby .sitter service will he available for the nfternoon.
WSTKIN MOIKJAN 1'O.ST WKDNIiSUAV AT 8 I'. M. The monthly meeting of F.pstein-Mori;an I'nst, Jewish Wnr Veterans, will be held next Wednesday at 8 p. m., January 2R, at Hill Hotel, Jerome Grossman, post commander, snid. 'K VIHCI.K TO ritKSKNT I'l.AVH The Workmen's Circle -Dramatic Club will present two one net plays plus sonftK and readings on .Sunday, April 25, at 8 p. m. ut the Omaha Jewish Community Center. The price of the tickets will be seventy-five cents.
1-IONEKK WOMKN Tin; Pioneer Women will meet Tuesday, V2/M p.m., January 27 ut the Jewish Community Center •vvifli Mines, Jacob Kaplan and Morris Sterenheri; in ehnrue of arranj.'oincnls.
YOI;N<; ADULTS MKKTINH SUNDAY. 2 I1. M. CKNTKK Younf; Adults will plan a Valentine parly nt its meeting .Sunday. January 2.1th nt 2 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center.
BOOK 1H.S0TS.SION KY c o i ' M ' U . STr/iiY ( u c o r r .Study Group of Council of Jewish Women will meet Tuesday, January 27th at 1 p.m. at, the home of Mrs. Arthur .Sherman, J902 North r>8th street. There will he « i:roup discussion of the hook "Only in America" by Harry Golden. Anyone interested is Invited to attend.
ATHI.KTK TO 1IKA1JIJNE OHN'HlJSKKir ntOCKAM Richie Ashburn, 19.ri8 National star centerfieldor of the Philadelphia Phillies, will headline tho annual Cornhusker I/>di;e .Stnj;, NKBICASKA t'HAI'TKIt Febniary 11, at 8 p, m. nt the <;HAN«;K.S D A T I : Jewish Community Center AudiIn place of their regular meet- torium. Included in the program inf;, January 29, Nebraska Chap- will be tiie in.r)S World Series ter No. .'MO, B'nai B'rlth plans to Films. litlcnd the Brotherhood meeting, Thursday, February 12. at 8:30 MIZItACHI WOMEN p.m. nt the Jrwish Community The chapter's meeting was postCenter. The meeting is open to nil poned from Jnnunry 21 to Wedmembers and their friends. nesday, January 28 at the Jewish Community Center. Kruitn approUOLDK.V AlU; CLUB priate for Chnmisha Asar b'.Shevat MONDAY AT CICNTKIl will he served nt n 1 p. m. lunch\ The Golden Atfc Club wfll nioet eon. Monday, January 2G, at the Jewish Following the business meeting, Rabbi Benjamin Groner of Beth Israel Synngoguo, will address the women on ' the Jewish Arbor Day and current events in Israel.
Wedding to Be In Washington
Mr. and Mm. Dnvld Bernstein of WAKhlngton, D. C, have announced the cnRdKement of their daughter, Mi.is Lois Ann to Sol Joseph Friedmnn, son of Mr*, and Mrs. Louis Fricdmnn. The couple will be mnrrled March 2!) In Wnshineton, D. C. The bride-elect attended the University of Texas nnd the University of California at I<os Angeles, where she was a member of Alpha Epsllon Phi Sorority. Mr. Friedman will be graduated 5n June from tho University of Omaha and formerly nttended the Universities of Nebraska and India mi.
The Center intermediate Bridge Class will hold its first session Tuesday, January 27 at 8 p. m. ii tl Center, Karl Siegel, Adul Chairman, announced. Sheff Katskee will continue to serve as the evening adult bridge teacher. Since enrollment is Hearing the limit for the class, couples nnd individua adults are urged to register at once hy calling JA 13GG. Fee for tho eijjht-wpeic bridge course is SI0.00. Duplicate tournament is planned for all students upon completion of the intermediate course The Center Social and Latin American Dance Class meets every Monday night at 8 p. m. In the Center auditorium. Miss Carrie Griffiths, Omaha University dance faculty and class instructor, Invites any adult to join the class. Although tho class is already underway adul Is who have had some dancing experience are now eligible to enroll and join the class.
Governor Loveless, Hadassah Guest Speaker, WednesdayafTown House
The Great Hooks Course will A personal visit to the Hadassah begin soon. Adults Interested in this course may enroll by calling Medical Center and its installations the Activities Office at the Jewish will be described by Governor Community Center, JA 13(56. Ilersehel Loveless of Iowa at the iinnual Medical Center meeting of the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah, Wednesday, January 28, at 8 p. in. at the Town House liallroom. The governor will he introduced by Mayor John Kosenblalt. Governor nnd Mrs, Loveless, who Jerusalem MTA)—The Arab League Roycott Committee has recently returned from a trip to asked all Arah governments to Israel were guests there of the initiate diplomatic action in New Israel Foreign office. While in Delhi against an anticipated in- Is>rnel, the Iowa executive dedicated a Jewish National Fund crease in Israel-Indian trade. forest which was named in his The Boycott C o m m i t t e e lonor. He was appointed honorary "warned" that Israel may soon state chairman of Israel Bonds on begin a program of technical as- his return. Mrs. loveless will be sistance to India. As a result, the present with her husband at the "warnlm;" continued, New Delhi Hadassah event. * and Jerusalem may establish dipThe program will feature also lomatic relations. American and Israeli songs by "The Troubadors," a musical group consisting of Mmes. Stuart
Arabs Fear IsraelIndia Trade i a y Bring Diplomatic Relations
Muslcin, Harvey Lipsman and Albert Rlmmerman and their accompanist, Mrs. Harry DuBoff. A coffee hour will follow. Memfocrs are invited to bring their husbands and guests. Patronize Our Advertisers
Bond Leaders Plan to Attend Chicago ieet
Leaders from this area, expected to meet with the Midwest Region Board of Directors for the State of Israel In Chicago, —January 24 and Sunday, January 25 are Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky, chairman for the Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota region; Sam Katzman, Omaha campaign co-chairman and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gershun, head of the Council Bluffs commltUe.
Solar Energy Research At Hebrew University 300 Luxurious Rooms • Continental Dining • Famous Hawaiian Room • Year Round Swimming • Town Pump Cocktail Lounge •
Dodge at 70th
Variety to Bazaar Sunday A variety of fentures nre .scheduled for tho "Help nnd Heal" Bazaar and Cnrd party to be given Sunday evcnlnir, January 25 at the Bluclcslone Hotel by the Business nnd Professional Women's Group of JlndaKSah. IlifllillghLs of the event will lie bridge tournament opening <'it l:4!i p.m., a "men's only" room and a palmistry iiiiil physiognomy corner where Miss Mildred Levy will Rive readings. Other features will bo the sale of home-made pastries, needlework, art craft, toys and utilitarian articles. Tickets may be obtained from nny member or at (he door. Israel—A public committee has formed here to celebrate the centenary of the Yiddish writer, Sholetn Aleichem.
i II 7 rl I Iowa (iovernor Hersliel Loveless (L.), who will speak a t a Hitiliihsah Kiitlierlni;, Wednesday evening, January 28, nt the Town House, is slnnvri In u conference with Israel Prime Minister David Hen-<;iirlnn, during his recent tour »f the new state.
RE 5161
Lb. Lb.. Dr. Hurry Zvl Tudor shown with nlplmnietcr that ho and his colleague, Dr. Isaac Stclnbcrgcr of Hebrew University's Department of I'liyslcs, developed for mcaMirinif Hie absorption ofnunslilne by
Also Many Other Cuts of Fino Beef at Reasonable Prices
Page Four
Community invited to Use Library for iusic Month Gelebrafioit By Mrs. Ik-He Zeff
NITY OFOTCKHS KMCCTKI) Tin? Temple Israel Youth Group elected the following to office: Leaniie Trost,1 president; Caroline Dolgof f, vice - president: IMarlys IsaCk, secretary; Jerry Frank, reporting secrt'tury; Mary Kay Hobemian, treasurer, and Judy Goldner, sergoant-at-arms. Members of the organization who represented Omaha ut the Midwest Regional Conclave of the National Federation of Temple Youth last month in St. Louis, Mo., were Gail Shrier, co-chairman of the event; l.eanne Trost, chairman of the publicity committee which published the convention newspaper, A n n Graetz, Steve Bernstein, Nancy Brodkey and Caroline Dolgoff.
"Songs of Childhood" and Vina-
age which has always been a mainstay to our people in times of suffering and misfortune and an emotional expression In joy and happiness. During Jewish Music Month let the Library help you enjoy an evening of listening to the mostalgic Yiddish songs of your childhood, the familiar chant of the Cantor, the gay infectious lilt of an Israeli folk song, or the quiet music of a classical program or Bible reading. There Is an album for every taste and every mood. Open Sunday* 1 p. m. to 4 p. m. The'Center Library is open from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Monday through Friday and from 1 p. in. to 4 p. m. on Sunday. The staff is always Selection o( Yiddish Music The Center Library is proud of happy to assist In the selection of its large selection of Y i d d i s h books, records, or films. music with every familiar Yiddish song sung by the Barry Sisters, Leo Fuld, Ruth Rubin, Ben Bonus and many other internationally
known artists.
The library's many albums of Orthodox, Conservative and Reform liturgical music are very popular with Jew and non-Jew alike, since Cantorial music stems from the very heart of the Jew. Cantorial albums range from the traditional Josef Rosenblatt and Moshe Kuseyitsky to Jan Peerce and Richard Tucker with many other famous Cantors and Choirs represented. Classical Selection For those interested In classical music, the Library offers exerpts from the operas "La Julve" and "Nabucco" as well as Handel's "Messiah" and "Israel in Egypt", Haydn's "Creation", Honneger's "Le Roi David", and many other albums by Schoenberg, Bloch, Mahler, Mendelssohn, S t r a u s s , Halevy, and Mllhaud, to list just a few. A recent addition is "The Play of Daniel" recorded by New York Pro Musica, which has received most enthusiastic acclaim in serious musical circles. Among the library's finest and most popular recordings are Bible readings. For a wonderful evening of quiet relaxation, "The Book of Job" read by Herbert Marshall and his cast, "Ecclesiastes" by James Mason, and the "Psalms" read by Claire Booth and Judith Anderson are recommended. For the children ,the Library . offers delightful records for each holiday, with songs, dances, and musical interpretations for every age
Movie Film, Too The library's offerings for Jewish Music Month would not be complete without reminding you of pur fine selection of music films which could add so much to club programs and group gatherings. "Psalms" is a beautiful musical film of traditional prayers and ceremonies. "The Song of Songs", and Israeli film, is. a charming portrayal of that Biblical masterpiece. There are many other musical films of Israeli folk songs and dances, each vHth its own spe> cial appeal. •Jewish music is a precious herit'
Youth SEVENTH GKAUE YOUNG JUIJKA The seventh grade Anne Frank Chapter of Young Judea will entertain residents of the Dr. Philip Sher Jewish Home for the Aged, Sunday, January 25 at 1:45 p. m. with singing and dancing to Israeli music. The program will be hold in plnce of the group's regular meeting.
With the observance of Jewish Music Month from January 21th to February 24th, the Library of the Jewish Community Center invites you to enjoy this celebration with books and records covering the wide range of Jewish music. Among the many books about Jewish composers are two new and timely biographies of George Gershwin, "The Gershwin Years" and "George Gershwin, Man and Legend." Robert Mngiduff's "Yehudi Menuhin" is an interestin story of .t he life of one of our great Jewish Artists. Lltui'!;i<':il Music For those interested in the background and history of liturgical music, "Music in Jewish Life", by the Rev. N. Stolnitz offers a new, yet traditional introduction to Cantorial music. ver's "Anthology of Jewish Music" are just two of the many hooks complete with musical scores and . texts. There is much Israeli music to be enjoyed- through bonks.—folk dance music complete with scores and dance instruction, as well us the Israeli folk music of the land, the Army and the people. Keronl Collection Perhaps the Library's most, attractive offering during this month of Jewish music is its extensive record collection. Arrmnf; 1he hundreds of records on file, every taste will find its choice. Israeli music of every type is here. The newest records from Israel find their way to the Center Library, among them "Selections from Shulamit," the first Israeli Operetta .written by one of Israel's most famous composers, Moshe Wilensky. "Theodore Bickel Sings Songs of Israel" enjoys a wide circulation as do the albums of Israeli music sung by Shoshimna Damari, Yaffa Yarkoni, Hlllel and Aviva and the many instrumental groups which portray the music of Israel so beautifully.
Friday, January 22, 1B59
Report Egyptian Jews Integrated in France Paris, (JTA)—Cojanor, the leadIng Jewish welfare organization in France, reported that some 80 percent of all Jewish refugees who came to France from Egypt it) the 195G-57 anti-Jewish upheaval have been integrated into the French Jewish c o m m u n i t y or helped to emigrate for final resettlement. Agency officials said that some 1,600 Egyptian Jewish refugees families applied for help. Of these, only 300 still were on its assistance rolls.
Alaska Jewish Community Takes Shape By IKMA FINN The only civilian Jewish congregation in Alaska was forma«y oranized on October 3, 1958, following Sabbath services, conducted under lay leadership, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Goldberg of Spenard, an Anchorage suburb. 40, Families in Anclioruwo Except for a short-lived congregation in Fairbanks prior to 1905, there has never been a civilian Jewish congregation in Alaska. There are some 40 Jewish families in Anchorage, not all of whom affiliate. For those eager to maintain their religious traditions, doing so has been a difficult job. It's been difficult for civilian Alaskan Jewry to carry on their tradition because they have had no rabbi, no house of worship of their own. •— They have not been, however, completely without religious guidance, thanks to the United States Air Force. For several years a Jewish chaplain has made his headquarters at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Anchorage, along with chaplains of the Cathslic and Protestant faiths. At the present time the chaplain is Lt. Joshua Wachtfogel, a 24-year-old Orthodox rabbi from Philadelphia, Pa. Chaplain Wachtfogel conducts Friday evening and holiday services at the base to which Anchorage civilians are invited. He also performs religious services at military installations at Fairbanks, Kodiak and the Aleutian chain. However, Chaplain Wachtfogel cannot cater to the needs .or. all Jews in a state over twice the size of Texas. The needs of Alaskan Jews are great. There is the need for a spiritual leader to perform burial rites, to pass tne tradition on to the children, to perform marriage's. There is also the need for a house of worship. Difficult to Maintain Traditions It has been difficult for two reasons for Jews to maintain their traditions in Alaska. Take the matter of dietary laws. Except for some processed meats, it is impossible to buy kosher Tneats in
Alaska, meat slaughtered accordIng to Bibllcnl law. Some Jews tend to Seattle for kosher products; but few can afford to do this. Second, tradition , which plays to large a part In Jewish family life, no longer has the Impetus of family solidarity. Most Alaskan Jew* have left their families outnldo. There is no longer the need or desire to please parents or grandparents who hold the tradition dear. For the most part, Alaskan Jews are cut off from any kind of Jewish environment. The new congregation selected the name of Beth Shalom. The group is undeniably small. At most 25 persons have attended the meetings. But they arc an energetic group, determined to make the congregation thrive. Their tangible assets include some 25 prayer books; a slver wine cup; a pair of silver candlesticks; and a pledge of a breast plate. It Is the hope of the newlyformed congregation that they will be able in time to support a rabbi; that they will be able to establish a house of worship; that they will be able to institute a school of religious education for their children. During the past few years, children of the community have attended Sunday school provided by the Air Force on the base. (JTA)
NEWLY ELECTED OFFICERS Newly elected officers of Eleaor Roosevelt B.B.G. are Arlene Grossman, president; Irene Wintor, vice-president; Francis Rife, secretary; Connie Spiegal, treas.; Marlene Freldman, dues secretary; Doris Selo, corresponding secretary; Esther Fleisher and Sheila Rudcrman, reporters; Marlene Sherman,.historian; Sharon Miller, youth council representative and Eden Cohn, monitress. The organization won tho volleyball trophy for the second consecutive year at the winter convention in Sioux City in December. Members of the team are Frances Rife, captain; Eden Cohen, Arlene Grossman, Irene Winer and Sharon Millor. Francos Illfe and Eden Cohen were elected to the regional all star volleyball team.
German Cabinet Anti-Semitism Bonn, (JTA)—Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's Cabinet has decided to Introduce anti-defamation legislation In the Wait German Parliament, The Cabinet took the view that it would not be feasible to wait for a general penal code reform outlawing race hatred. A draft of the proposal submitted to the Cabinet would make hata-mongerlng against national, religious and' racial groups punishable by up to three months imprisonment. The now legislation would differ sharply Irani existing penal »tatueta In that direct Incitement to violence would not have to be proved to secure conviction. While the now legislation Ii aimed at protecting all religions, nationality and racial groups from hate propaganda, insult and subjecting to public scom, tht Cabinet acted because of the incident jn Hamburg in which the Supreme Court refused to act in the publication of a violently. anti-Semitic piece,of propaganda. -
Israel Rejoices Over Heavy Stain
Varsity ISuikotball League Belgradcs Bombers tuned up for their battle of the Varsity League as they swamped Lusty's 64-30. Ray Brett paced the scoring attack with 18 points, and received support from Jack Stiss and Kd Belgrade, with 12 points each. Howard Sloler played his finest game to date as he pitched In with 11 points. Al dayman led the losers with 15 points. Ray Kirke dropped in 19 points to pace Paul's past Robinsons 43-,'iU. Jake Adler, making his annual comeback pitched in with 8 points. Roy Katskce led the losers with 13 points. LEAGUE STANDINGS Belcjradc-s Cauls Robinsons Luslys ..".
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Midget Itu Pluyland Park, with Joel Snelder's 12 points tcok over first place in Uie 7-8(h Kra<le Midget League as they beat Cowboys 31-22. Bob Gould added 7 points while Jerry Slusky pitched in with Bill Ginsburg scored 8 points for the losers. I-Go Van, with three straight victories defeated a touch Richman-Gordman team 25-17. Bill Kutler and Harold Schneider wero the scoring leaders with 9 and 8 points respectively. Mike Sherman's 8 points were hlph for tha osers. Kaiman Insurance is the only unbeaten team In the Jay sponsored leagues. They bent Slosburgs easily 34-17, Their fast break nnd fine shooting were In great style. Paul Kaimnn was high with 15 points, while Don Goldstein and Ben Shafton added 10 and 9 points respectively. Ronnie Wolpa's 13 points was high for the losers. Tretlaks one-two scoring punch of Larry Lefitz and Randy Endleman were red hot as they beat Gereliclui 29-18. Lefitz finished high with 16 points while Endleman added 9 to pace tho win, Don Kohn socred 10 for the-losers. LEAOUn STANDINSS Ploylond Park I Go Von Rkhmon-Qordmon Cowboys Kalmon Im
W. 4 1 3 2 6
Sloibura Gerellcfi
L, I 1 1 4 0
3 0
Youth Council Basketball League AZA 1 wrecked the title aspirations of Ronu AZA as they took a 48-40 victory at the Jay last Sunday. Little Joel Davis, with some fine shooting was tha main factor in Mother chapter's stun* nlng ups«t. He potted 18 points. Frank Goldberg added 11 to tha cause. Justin Ban and Walt Wise wero high scorers for tho loser* with 16 and 10 points respectively, Rayimj Roughrlders, with Roy Katskce pacing the attack took a 48-40 win over AZA 100. Katskee hit for 19 points and received fins support from Dave Wintroub's 14 points. John Okun was the scoring leader for the Centurymen with 17 points. LBAOUB ITANDIN0I Roylm Romi A. Z. A A. Z. A. 100 A. Z. A. I
"i !
Omahans In the News Mrs. Edward Levlnnon has been re-elected to the Board of Family and Child Service of Omaha. Patronize Our Advertisers
Jerusalem (JTA)—Rain fell for ftiooc J A liioo to uuirt rout Want Hi Tho Jowlnh Proea. several hours in some parts of in Current ra(« U SO M D U for o&c& four Israel this week for the first time I1D0 Insertion. The Preai reserves Un rigtit to limit Mitt or each advertlBement in two months, bringing hope that the disastrous drought might be DAILV JEWISH rAPEKS over. The dry spell already coat BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratuIsrael tens of millions of pounds lations also for all Jewish holiParis,' (JTA)—A new founda- in lost crops. days and special occasions. tion recently established by Baron Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodga Edmond de Rothschild has begun Births making its initial grants to meet Sports Illustrated, 65 wks,, S6.87 Mr. and Mrs, Norman E. Chuda- Life, 61 wks. educational and religious needs in $7.91 Jewish communities in French pro- coff of Palo Alto, Cal., announce Ladies Home Journal 22 Mos, $8.85 vincial areas. tho birth of a son, Lawrence Bret, Saturday "Eve. Post, GO wks., $4,70 First grants provided for the on December 19. Mrs. Chudacoff Vogue, 20 issues 30.23 salary of a Jewish teacher in the is the former Nadinc Breslow of Look, 18 mos $4.00 Vosgcs town of St. Die, the salary Omaha, TV Guide, 65 wks. $5.83 of a rabbi in Toulouse and tuition Grandparents are Mr, and Mrs. MANY OTHER SPECIALS for correspondence courses for Max Breslow, Omaha, and Mr. and MRS. HORWICH WA 395T Jews. in isolated areas. While the Mrs. Dave Chudacoff, Los Angeles, exact amount of the foundation is Cal., former Omahans. Mrg. Ida WANTED—Baby Sitting Position, not known, it is reported to be Breslow, Lincoln, Nebr., Is the Five day* a week. Eight hour* In the ^neighborhood of $350,000. maternal great grandmother. n day. Cnll WE 0260. ;
Rothschild Grants for French Provinces