c^rry Kihliiv, 101 N. 2'Jlh. Vol. XXXVIJN... ?A I'uMished rjiiiuhii, NL'bniskii, i'huiii' J A i:n;ii
OMAHA, Ni;i5KAS!lA, MtlltAV, JAM
i"' 1 -' y>.->
On the Air William Wolff Concert
KBO.V--Sunday. HA'i u. in MHS.SAGK OF ISRAEL "The Lost Dimension" by I'.ahhi Joseph II. Maori, 'IVmple Israel, Miami. l>'Ia.
Members cif iii• • Steering coniItiittcc of the Men's Division of Die Philanthropies will n I tend a breakfast inccliiiL; Siirnl.iy at !):.'1O (I. m. ;it the Jewish Community Ccnler, il was announced by Ailliiu- A. Colin. O n c r a l C'h.-iinnrm of tin.1 Division. Mr'inhers of the steering committee lire past chairmen of the men's division who have agreed to assist Mr. Colin in planning and livippiii:,' tiicir rniupnlgn. Thoy are Jvirl riin;i,'l, Miirvin Treller, llohcrt Silver, Harry Woinberg, Louis i C'-'iiii'ir and I'libcii Ijppctt. Mr. t'olm Issued an urgent np|ie:il tn (In- entire community fur volunteers fur the division, lie mild the general nirn'n division lias it Inriri* number of prospects unit rii|iilr<H (he maximum rimnlier of worker* for «(iin|ilete coverage.
"Our intention this year," Mr. Colin declared, "is to see every prospect large or small. This is n must because every dollar is essential to ;ill recipients of the campaign."
Adenauer Gondetnns Recent Anti-Semitic 'Excesses' of Germans I'onn (./TAi— Fifteen years after the Allies smashed ifiller's nightmare state, Chancellor Kcinra'l Adenauer told the West Geimnn parlinment lie ret-iardrd "leri'nt anti-Semitic excesses" as a disgrace f) the German people and i "serious affront to our Jewish fellow citizens." What I* <i»v't Diiinc'.' Arthur
A. Colin
Smallest Israel Coin Abolished
Social Democratic leader Adolph Arndt asked what the Adenauer f;overnment was doinK to hrinpr Nazi criminals to justice. Arndl also asked what the Government was doint; to prevent the escape abroad of wanted criminals like Dr. Hans Kisele, fonner concentration camp doctor who fled to Egypt to avoid prosecution for crimes against camp inmate*. No (ieiiTnl Amnesty Meanwhile, the Minister of Justice of North Rhine-Westphalia told a mevthiH of legal experts In Dusseldorf that there would be no general .amnesty on X.'izi crimes.
J <• r u s a l e m (JTA >- Israel's mounting inflntion has maile the smallest unit of currency, the prtilah, of so little use that a bill has been presented to the Knesset to establish a new basic unit. The bill divides the Israel pound into The Jewish Community Center | 100 units, each of will be called will sponsor a first aid course, for an "agorrah." Tim prutali repreadults starting Wednesday, Febru- sents one one-tlioii.sandth of an ary 11. The class will meet on ten Israel pound. consecutive Wednesdays from 0:30 Jewish Contributions a. m. to llr.fO a. in. at the Center. The Israeli Treasury decided The only cost involve! is flic that a coin representing the thou- To So. Africa Lauded purchase of a SI.00 American Red sandth part of an Israeli pound no Johannosluiru fJTA) — llcpreCross first Aid hook which may longer had any practical value and sentatives of the South African l>» obtained at the Red Cross was not a negotiable currency. Chapter office or at the Center. The.Israel pound was originally government .and of various ChrisJoseph K Mieek, Center Aquatic pegged to sterling and had a value tian denominations lauded Jewish Director, will Instruct the class. of I?.'!,60 and the prutah was a contrihutlons to the country at a The Center parking Jot will he useful coin.-Hut with the Israeli silver jubilee anniversary banquet available free to all members of pound at CO cents, even a street of the Federation of Synagogue of beggar spurns the coin, The new the Transvaal and Free State. the group. coin the "aKorrah," will haw a Minister of the Interior Tom value at six-tenths of a cent. It is Naude, .said that the Jews could Britain Training named after the earliest reported justify their claim to having consmall coin In Jewish history. Ref- tributed their fair share to the Israel Scientists erences to it are in the First Book aschlevement of South Africa's national ideals. The Jews of South of Samuel. London, (JTA i ~-B r i t a I n lias Africa, Mr. Naude continued, are been and is Riving Israeli scien"good Jews and good citizens." tists aid with n multiplicity of F. C. Odendanl, Administrator nuclear problem, Dr. M. Shaffer, of the Transvaal, expressed his scientific attache at (he Israel To Vote in Israel deep respect for the Jewish reEmbassy here, declared. ligion as the "main force of JewJerusalem (JTA) • — Israel Pointing out that Britain's asish survival -and the vital ingredBar Yehuda, Minister of In- ient which had imbued the Jew sistance to the Jewish State in terior, reported that under the this field is on o level with nny with Ideals of public service." new voters registration law, Chief rtnbbl Louis I. Habinoreceived by Israel from other nearly 1,300,000 Israel citicountries, Dr. Shaffer reported drew a comparison between zens will be eligible to vote in witz that Israeli scientists were receivSouth Africa and Israel, noting the Knesset elections now set ing training at British research inIn both the government was for November 17. The law that stallations, and Britain has been commanded hy one dominant race provides for the establishwaking available to Israeli scienreligious group. This, he caument of an annual voters' reg- and tists information of a non-military tioned, laid a responsibility on ister to include all persons character, countries to resist the tempwho have reached the age of both On the other hand, he pointed tation of favoring one's own whore IS or arrived as immigrants out, Israel years ago provided consideration was required since the preceding Decem- equal Britain with information and techof representations made by Jews, ber 31. nical experience in the production Anglicans, Catholics and others. The number of voters lias of heavy water, an element necesIncreased by 230,(100 since the sary in the production of nuclear 1955 election, the Minister Stage Night Set energy, by u method invented in said, Israel.
First Aid Course For Adults Opens Feb. 11 csf Center
For February 23
Dr. Philip Slier Home for the Aged
The 23rd annual Youth Council Stage Night has been set. for DONOR IN MEMORY OF Saturday, February '21 at 8 p. m. Tlio Dr. 1'Iillfp .Slier Jewish Homo for thtt Aged gratefully at the Jewish Community Center, acknowledge tlio following Memorial* mid Donations to tlio Home: it wan announced hy Steve Flskr and Edle Singer, co-chairmen f° Mejjrj onti Mmei. Morrl* Fronklln, Jacob Sfoj&uro, Jr., Reuben Drown, Harry Rochmon, Yo»» Fomlllci, Mill Mcsn Dlonk Sam Folcr this program. Mr end //.rj Morrlj'J, Franklin, Mill Maxlno Ncwsom* , M Mn. Sorah Frank All clubs will present original If.n. Ben Handler • ' < - Leino GdeKloln Mr und M r i . Loull Kulokofjky • Mo< Mutkln. iam OrecnlMro skits. Prizes will be given for the Ren Koilof* • " * ^ r 3 > Sophie Kaslow Employees of Mlsiourl River OlvKlon Loboralor/, U. 5. Army Corpi ol Engincerj, best boys club presentation and , Mt<ir>. ond Mmei. Den silver. A, W. Broabury, L. A. Drown, E. J . Dekloli, w, J. Heck. J. F. Hurjl, Jomc! KlelJcn, P. 6 . WoWt ....Ell Well the best girls' club presentation. rV.ui D«H« Blonk. Mr. and M n . Fred Roicmlock . . . . B . . Mr>. Tibs Dlonk Gron Steve DIoogoff, Arnio Bre.slow Mr. ana Mri,. nen Silver Adolpd Frohmon Mr. ond M r i . Fred Roicn5lock Dovld Markel and Don Noodell have been apM r i Cv Silver • . . . X y Silver pointed stage managers. M««er» ond limit. Joy Ownlock. Horold Chernlack, l>odor» Chopmon .......liaae Cohen IMt. U. L. Orcen (Santa Monica, Calif.) Jullui Helphand The rules governing the event drawn up by club delegates Donor In Memory of and Messrs. ond Mmt«. tlolhon Noo.5, E. L«o Hbsj—5Mh Wedding Anlverjory ol Mr. and M r i . were amended and approved by If.r.^nS'lMtf'EXtt'uatia Recovery ot Mri. M. Brodk»y Council Advisors nt their recent Mr. anti Mn. Jacob Sloiburg, Jr Rjcovsry ofiador« Colditeln workshop. The BIIOW IS opon to the community nnd tickets arc available at the Jewish CommunSYNAGOGUE DONATIONS ity Center. Student admission Is Ben Joldln, Uuli frun, Ida B«rB, Ben Ativtnon, Mra. L. Oilier, Mturt. mi Aarsn Bipi. Htrman rftytnon, U « willi, Mri, Morrll OroMnraV Bm fifty cents ond 51 for Adults, Kl
.Second-Class Mutter ut Post- Annual l'.nlo <! Mulluri Nebraska, under Act of IUTJ. SlnRlu Copy 10 CenH
fi .,,i«.lnaha,
A Music Month Feature William Wolff, bass baritone and internationally known radio, television ami stage personality will be the featured attraction in the Jewish Music Month Concert on Tuesday, February 10, at H p. in,, in the Center Auditorium. Possesses "Moldcn Voice" Mr. Wolff, whose professional career is similar to that of Richard Tucker, slated a well known music critic, possesses "a golden voice with a charm and cultura all of which are in complete harmony." A former cantor, Mr. Wolff continues to include and brings to the concert stage liturgical and cantorial music of Hebrew and Israeli origin. Praised by the foremost critics of the east and the National Broadcasting companies in this country and abroad, Mr, Wolff presents a unique interpretation of vocal music and the clasWllllnm Wolff sical, semi-classical and especially folk tune selections. 'Slimerette' Course Jewish Music Month Feature Wollf's appearance in Oma» For Women at Center haMr. is part of the Jewish Community Center's participation and celoThree Times a Week bration.of National Jewish Musio Month. The Jewish Music Month A special ".Slimcretle" exercise Steering Committee asks' that and figure control course for wom- tickets be purchased or reserved en has been organized at the Jew- at the Center now so that each ish Community Center, The class, person will be assured of a seat. open to women of all ages, meets Mrs. A. C. Fellmnn, pianist, will every Monday, Wednesday, and accompany Mr, Wolff. Tickets ara at $1.23 each. Friday from 10 a. in. to 11 a. m. now on sale Now Comnilttvo ui the Center. Members of the new Steering Tlio program will stress n«w Committee are: Louis Canar, MymetliodH of "slimming and trim- ron Cohen, Harry DuBoff, Cantor ming" in body contour. Every Aaron I, Edgar, Albert Feldman, niciiilicr of tlio class .will recelvo n Mm. Mike Freeman, Miss Ida Gitcomplete figure analysis, mid exer- lin, Cantor Eli Kagan, Ilyman cises will lie doslgneil to meet In— Osoff, Joe Radinowski, Mrs. H. Z. dividual needs. Special. attention Rosenfeld, Earl Siegel, Hurry Sidwill lie given to correct posture, man, Dr. Melvin Tatelman, Mrs, .sitting, standing, and walking Harry Trustin and Nathan Yaffo, techniques. Knluxlng music will accompany tlio ivoinrn during tlielr exercises. Terminal consulta- Girls Enroll for -f tions, calorie counter*, and diets will be available. Charm Sessions! • Mrs. Virginia Becker, who has A course In charm will be one of had six years of experience with modeling and exercise classes, is the newest features offered during the coming months by th» in charge. Mrs, Becker said, "a program JewishCommunity Center. of this nature interests women in For high school girls, whosa achieving a more attractive figure many requests prompted its planas well as a generally Improved ning by the Center, the sessions will be devoted to hair styling, skin outlook on life." nail care, make-up und wardThe course is free of charge to care, nil those holding annual Center robe suggestions. memberships and is only $5 a The young ladles Interested are month for others, Free parking now urged to enroll immediately facilities are in the Center's priv- so that a definite day can bo seate parking area. Free coffee will lected fur their g r e a t e s t conbe served during cold weather. venience. Present arrangements Classes will be limited for individ- include 10 consecutive weekly ual specific figure analysis and meetings from 3:30 p. m. to 1:30 control so women are invited to p. in. Kcglstrution will contlnuo register now by calling JA 33G6, from January 30 to February 5 at the Center, Slimerette Department. Cost of the entiro course i s ' only $10.
Perform Israeli Dances
A Jewish Youth Council spon- Theme for Youth sored group has been invited to perform Israeli dances in a Broth- Program Selected erhood Month program to be presented by the National Conference The theme of the Youth Counof Christians and Jews, Sunday, cil Brotherhood program will bo February 8 at Joslyn Museum. "Brotherhood Bound—Awareness, Madelaine Kriplce, Debka Debs Analysis, A c t i o n", it was anis co-ordinator of the group which nounced by Itcnee Rimmerman includes Naomi Rothenherg, Rence and Sharon Frank, its co-chairRimmerman, Frances Erman, all men. of Kohanue BUG; Lynctte Forbes, The Youth Council in cooperaLeslie Smith, Donna Kidman of tion with United Synagogue Youth Debs; Irene Wiener, Arlene Gross- will present a program of entermnn of Eleanor Roosevelt BBG, tainment, small group discussions, and Marcia Fogel, Ron! Meyer, and a reception at Beth El SynaBunny Uloch of Ediar BBG. Thegogue on Saturday, February 7 at girls ulso will perform at' the 7:30 p. m. Youth Council—United Synagogue Teenagers of Youth for Christ Youth Brotherhood Program at pf St. Benedict's Church and their Beth El, Saturday, February 7 at advisors will poin the Youth Coun8 p. in. and at a Brotherhood Tea cil participation in parts of the sponsured by the National Con- evening's p r o g r a m . Alt Youth ference of Christians and Jews at Council members, their parent* lha Hotel Pathfinder In Fremont, and friends aro invited to attend this program. Nebr., February 15.
Center Sports
%^t !ei»t®ij press '
Friday, January SO, 1950
Page Tiro
EEt-at-arms; Barbara Givot, reporter; Sue Katzman, program chairman and Barbara Chudacoff, song and dance chairman.
Published Every Friday by the Jewish Federation of Omaha.
Vurslty Biu>k«tl>all LcaRuc 7TII OltADE GKOUP teconfl Closi Malllno Prlvll«o« AulhorlKd ot Omaha, Hebrciko. GORDON STORAGE A well balanced scoring attack Newly elected officers of seventh Annual Subscription, M.00. Adv«rllslna Rates on Application Publication Office—101 No. 20th Street, Omatia, Neor.. jAckjon 13«. paced Pauls past Belgrades 53-39, grade Anne Frank Young Judca WAREHOUSE, INC. 1 E(lltor in last week's varsity league top ure Susan Slutzky, president ; .(MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN JA 3032 encounter. Irv Yaffe and Sid Abra- Rozic Bordy, vice-president; Paula insky, Sam Newman, Nathan L. hams each hit for 10 points while Bercutt, secretary; Lynn Cher1201 JONES Nogg, Irving Pomera;itz, David Ray Kirke pitched in with 9 and niak, treasurer; Nancy Makiesky, Roscnbaum, Al Svvartz, Stewart Jerry Simon added 8. Ed Belgrade no.l specialists in Tully, Norman Wohlner end I. B. topped.the losers with 16 points. Zeigman. In the second game Frank GoldReligious storage, paeldng, local Beth El Synagogue Choir mem berg hit a liiyup with 10 seconds 1 and long-distance moving hers who will join the Choral of an overtime period to lead RobGroup are: Mmes. Dan Cohen, insons past Lttstys, 45-43. Fred Services Norman Denenberg, Stanford IJp- Bernsteins 15 points led the win- "Exodus" by Leon Uris will be sey, Stuart Muskin, A. G. Rimmer- ners while Al Brown scored 18 reviewed by Mrs. Myer S. Kripke MLIED at a public dessert luncheon, man, Arnold Roseman, Edward points for Lnstys. VAN LIKES, Inc. March 3 at 1 p. m. in the Beth El Rosen. Max Rosen, Robert Schilrj—fi:17 p. m. ler. Norman Whitman and Alan Synagogue social hall with its Sis- Ha. 1 M Hi. H jniff Ko. I « iyiia- H.l'» Youth Council I-rnirne terhood members ns hostesses. BETH ISKAEL Wolfson. Rayim's" Roughriders ate the Mrs. Keith Sa-mders is in charge . Rabbi Benjamin Groncr, Cantor Call Jerry Krupinsky Sabbath morning services are champions of the Youth Council Eli Kagan, The Both Israel Syna- at 9:30 a. in.; Junior Congrega- basketball league as they really and luncheon arrangements arc For Free Estimates gogue Choir, and the Post Grad- tion service, at 10:30; Mincha- pasted AZA 1, 68-31. Coach Jim being made by the Mmes. J. Milend Prompt Service uate class will conduct late serv- Maarive service at 5:15 p. m. Father's team was red hot with ton Margolin and Herman Weinices this evening at 8 p. m. The Sunday morning services are Dave Wintroub hitting 24 points. stein. Tickets may be purchased topic of Rabbi Groner's sermon held at 9 a. m. in the Chapel fol- Frank Goldberg 11 points were from Mmes. Wallace Elkon, WA GG5G; Sol Kutlcr, RE 120G: Lou will be, "Always Prepared." Tra- lowed by coffee at 9:30 a. m. andhigh for Mother chapter. FOR THE FINEST . . . . Lewis, RE 91(i5 and Max Novak, ditional Friday evening sen-ices a study-discussion session with Ronu A'/A with Mike Sadofsky IN PHOTOGRAPHY (Kabbalas Shabbos) at 5:20 p. mRabbi Kripke. Daily services arc and Justin Ban leading the wayGL 2H50. Sabbath morning services, 8:45 at 7 n. m. and 7 p. m. Portraits with 20 and 12 poinis respectively p. m.; the Junior Congregation at Patronize Our Advertisers Wedding! defeated AZA 100. 58-40. Mickey 10 a. m. Rabbi Groner will conSachs led the Cetiturymen with '"•immcrcial duct the Saturday afternoon Tal12 points. mud Class at 4:45 a. m. Mincha, Midget IJasUetball League All friends and relatives are followed by Shalosh S'enrlos and In hist week's closest Midget Invited to attend services and Maariv, 5:15 p. m. RUG & WHO* STERY league encounter. Tretiaks slipped . Sunday morning services fol- recnntlons. by Slosburgs, 24-22. Larry Lefitz CLEANERS lowed by-breakfast and the Rab-HIIXY GlNSItt'KO led with 15 points, while Ron Wol-1 bi's class in Bible'begin at 8:45; Billy Gin^lmrg, son of Mr. andpa was high for Slosburgs with 9 i RUGS-CARPETING Junior Congregation. 10 a. in. Dai- Mrs. Henry Ginsburg will observe points. LAMP SHADES ly services, 7 a. in. and 5:30 p. m.his Bar Mitzvnh at Beth El Sy- Kaiman Insurance rode hard on The weekly Talmud discussion nagogue on Saturday morning, Gcrelicks, 37-12, Don Goldstein FURNITURE group meets every Tuesday eve-1 January 31st. was high with IK points. Don Cleaned In Your Homcl ning at 7:30 p. m. Saturday momKohn, Gereliek ceiiter, had 7 for ing services at the 19th and Hurt AKNOLD WKITZ PHOTOGRAPHER Bindlno - Loyinq - RcDoirlno the losers. Mr. and Mrs, I*eo Weitz nnStreet Synagogue every Saturday 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET league leading PlaylandWith a Don Bernstein nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their morning at 0 a. m. HA 2554 son, Arnold, on Friday evening. balanced scoring allack won 40-12 HARNEY 1044 February Gth and Saturday morn- over Richmans. Joel Sueider had B'NAI JACOB-ADAS 10 points, while Bob Gould and ing, February 7th. at Beth El .Syl'ESHCKON Bill McPhai! each had 8. Ed TrelServices at B'nai .Jaeub-Adas- nagogue. ler and Bob Weinslein scored 4 Ycshuron v.il Ibegin Friday at5:15 points each for the losers. „ p. m. and Saturday morning at Bill Nel'on hit 10 points to lead 8:30 a. m. with Mincha at 5:15 I-GO Van past Cowboys, 31-15. p. m. followed by .Shalosh S'rudos. Ne«B find nappi-nlncn nt Tin Dr. riilllp Steve Saylan anil Bill Ginsburg rr JfHMl Motnr I nr llir Acrd liy Daily services at f!:.'!0 a. in. and ml.1 Scb (Subfay) Pulvercnte scored 6 for the losers. Or!«m In 5:30 p m. • 25 Years' Experience SI'IXI.U. KIDDI'Sir will be TEMI'LE I>KAEIy given .Saturday at tlie Home for! With Jewish Mr -. Sam M. Kutler and her The Temple Israel You Hi Group residents by Mr. and Mrs. Morris. 111 >lh •r, Mrs. Eva I'olilcov wisli Lettering and Memorial! under the chairmanship of Marlys Adlcr on the occasion of their i lo Hi: nit tlieir friends and rrlaI sack vvjl Iconduct Friday evening fiftieth wedding anniversary. tiVl-K fur their kind wishes ami 2211 So. 8th AT 2452 Sabbath services on January 301 h K A U U J X I O A L S E M E S . " Visit IIIi u r rs received wlille they at 8:13 p. m. Members of NFTY ing at the-Home this week was j T C in IIIR lu>-.|iit:il recently. will present a dramatic rending Rabbi Myer S. Kripke (if Belli ]•;] ; entitled -'Old Man and the Synagogue. .. . j ATOM." CALL Rabbi Sidney Brooks will install the newly elected officers of j Tin- fiimllv of the I:i(p Louis HOLLYWOOD -the Temple Youth Group during i I. Welner wish to tlianl; Ili'lr Sabbath services. I friends for the sympathy and TOX REMTAL A reception will he helrl for the- kindness shown ilurinj^ llfir 106 No 15th Street JA 2152 Group in the Social Il.-tll. following j ri'i-pnl bereavement. tin Omaha Loan Bldq.' services. Shabbas morning services will begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rnbb Brooks officiatlni; and -the H" ligious School Choir tinder I he d 1407 Harney St. rection of Miss Ida Gitlin 'in'iin the musical portiniis of the sen ice. OMAHA'S LEADING
Mrs. Myer Kripke To Review 'Exodus
Bar Mifevah
John Kalina
Ivionumenf Co.
For Satisfaction
Levenson Pest Control Service
Kosher Meat Market and Delicatessen Officers or the Beth Kl Sister4415 CUMING hood will participate in the an- WA 5554 STOP AT nual Sisterhood Sabbath on Fiiday night. January DOth at the Synagogue. The Women's Choral Group augmented by part, of the for Your Delicatessen Needs Beth Kl Choir will make its second appearance. Smoked White Fish Delicious Lox (Thin Sliced) Instead of the sermon the social hour following the services Bar-B-Qued Salmon Corned Beef will feature Cantor Aaron I. Edgar's report, on his recent trip to ADLER'S BAKERY PRODUCTS Israel. Membeis of the Women's Choral Best and Wilno Products Group are; Mmes. Morris Brick, Irving Chudacoff, A. C, Fellman, Featuring Morris Fellman, Bernard Goldstrom, Leonard Gould, Max Lash-
Want Ads
Prompt Attention Given to Phone and Mail Orders
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DAILY JEWISH TAPERS BAR and Bas Mitzvah congralu-1 lations also for all Jewish .noli-1 days and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge
.Sports Illustrated, G5 Avks., $0.87 Life. 61 v k s $7.91 Ladies Home Journal 22 Mos. M.85 Saturday Eve. Post, 60 wks., S4.79 Vofeuo, 20 issues $6.26 Look, 18 mos S4.00 TV Guide, G5 wks $5.88 MANY OTHER SPECIALS MRS.HORWICH WA3057
By Reuben Lackow May she. in grave honorably rest And the earthen bed to her be best Her righteousness, her piety of deed Forever by many will be revered Her soul Holy and pure To Heaven went in splendour.
Deo. 17, i«58
Free Estimates
PL 5396
• COSTS LESS TO INSTAU: No carpentry needed, no cutting into wall). Simply replaces pent ol regular wood trim. 3 2 " ond 48" lengths ollow you to inilall the excel heat you need in each room. Built-in thcrmoitafic con* trol section. Special duplex 110V tier.' Irical cullel sections, loo. Add os many os you need. • N O V/ASTEO HEAT: Individual loom lemperolur* control. Accurate, liquidfilled Ihermollcl saves current. Hcali scientifically from floor livel. Salt for children, rugi, furnishings. Cleon. No sool or ashes lo cause woVk— cleaning or pointing bills.
Friday, January SO, 1950
F«ge Three
Nancy Richards Is | Honorary Colonel |
BETH ISKAI'JI, SISTERHOOD HOAHI), TVr.mAY, 12:S0'I«. M. The Iieth Israel Sisterhood Board will meet Tuesday, February 3, at 12:30 p. in. at the home of Mr$. Abe Bear, 2115 .So. -12 Street. Co-hostess will be Mrs. Henry Appel.
p. ni. at the Hill Hotel. Anyone Nancy Hichards, daughter of i unable to attend is asked to call Mr. and Mrs. Morton A. Richards, Mrs. Dora Perimeter, GL 1317. was named Honorary Colonel of IIKNKY MONSKY IJDNCHKON the Central Hiph Wi:i)NKSI»AY AT 12:30 P. M. S c h o o l RO'IC The regular luncheon meeting of Regiment, Fnthe B'nai li'rith Henry Monsky day evening, JanChapter No. 4G0 will be held Wed- uary 23, at the nesday, February \, at the Jew- school s military ish Community Center, 12:30 p. m. ball at Peony Due to many requests the Park. Miss Rich"Dolls for Democracy" will be presented. Several new dolls have ards is a senioi Miss J u d y been added to (he collection. "Story-Tellers" will be Mmcs. Planner, - daughHarry Wise, Anron Epslein and ter of Mr. and Mrs. L a r r y Morris Shnpiro, Platlner, was one Reservations may he made with of the honorary Mrs. Abe Miller, PL 7!>71, or Mrs. captains. Naney Klrlinrda Dave Kpstein, HA 4574. Among those receiving KOTC promotions were Justin Grecnberg, IIKTII Kl, ItOAUI), Ron of Mr. and Mrs. Henry GrcenFKIJ. 3, 12:30 P. M. berg, nnrl Larry Hoberman, son The board of Hcth Kl Synagogue of. Mr, and Mrs. Dave Hobciman, Sisterhood will hold their lunch- Cadet Majors; Jim Sophir. son of eon meeting February 3. 12:30 Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Sophir and p. m. in the Synagogue social hall. Milton Katskec, son of Mr. and Mines Henry Hickes, Robert Bern- Mrs. David Katskee, Cadet Capstein, Morton Richards, Al Swartz tains. and Leonard Gould are co-hostesses. "For Women Only," Mrs. Myer S. Kripke's class, will start the second semester February 2, 2 p. in. at Beth Kl Synagogue. aiuring "What Do You Want From Religious Kducation For Your ChilCANTONESE dren," an open discussion to he APPETIZERS led by Kabbi Myer S. Kripke, has been rescheduled for February 4, 9:30 a. in. at I!eth Kl Synagogue. For sitter service call Synagogue office.
"A'Night in Italy" will be the theme of the dinner dance nlunned for Saturday, 8 p. m. by Temple Israel Supper club in the social hall. A revue written by Mrs. Robert Gorelick will be presented. Its cast will include Mrs. Robert Rosen, Sherman I.ipstein and Morey Lnmlmnn. COUSINS CMJB The Cousin's Club will meet Wednesday, February 4 at 12:30"
Tel-E-Thon Day Chairman Mamed Mrs. liernhardt L, Wolf, president of the Omaha Chapter of B r a n (1 c i s University National Women's Committee, has announced the appointments of Mrs. M. A. Hcrcovici as chairman and Mrs. Myron Milder, ns co-chairman of local participation in national Tcl-K-Phon Day, .Sunday, February 15. Ninety women will take part in the campaign that Sunday from 31 a. m. to 5 p. in. to obtain 100 additional members for the local chapter. Mrs. Danny Foi;el is telephone chairman and Mrs. K. A. Nofcj;, membership chairman, Mrs. Wolf will meet with her board at her home, Monday, February 2 at 10 a. in. and Mrs. 1. M. J.iberman will hold a coffee for volunteers at her home, Thursday, February 5 at 10 a. in.
300 Luxurious Rooms © Continental Dining ® Famous Hawaiian Room © Year Round Swimming © Town Pump Cocktail Lounge Dodge at 70th
RE 5161 Omaha
Praise Seamanship Haifa, Jsrael- Israeli seamanphip and nautical knowledge were praised by A b r a h a m Hoaliyc. president of the Ghana-Israel Shippin': Company, nf a board meeting. Mr. Boakye, who was attending the meeting in company with two other Ghanaian directors, said he was sure that in thn Ion;; run it would 1)0 found that the choice of Israel as n partner In the Illaelt Star Line would do much to enhance friendly relations between tlv two countries. Mr. lioaltye announced that n Ni'iitical Training School. Is to be o lulled In Ghana in a fortnight's lime, Its principal will be Captain .Iii'lnli, Ucnrion, of Israel.
1437 So. 13th St.
fr»A*sical IHusic Oroup | I
' ,nr next moeljug of the Clas-j fi-c-il Music Croup will be held Sunday, February 15th, 7::sf> p. m. «' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donii'rt Cohen. 1701 S. 01 Avi-nue. Persons planning to attend are asked tn c-ijl Ifrs. Cohen, RK .T>71.
Also Many Other Cul* of Fino Beef at Reasonable Prices
Guinea, Israel Agree •.On Diplomatic Ties Israel—The Governments of Israel and Guinea, the most recent member of the United Nations, have decided to establish diplomatic relations, IChii'l Avriel, it was announced in Jerusalem.
Torah Scrolls Saved The Hague, (JTA) — The disclosure that the L e y d e n Town Council hid Torah Scrolls in the Town Hall during the Nazi occupation to prevent their ticing destroyed by the Nazis was made during; the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the 1-cydcn Synnj!Oj.;ue. It was also revealed that the c i t i z e n s of the town took In and hid hundreds of their Jewish'neighbors; thereby Having their lives. Jerusalem (JTA) - - A law e.stahlishng Government-opera toil labor exchanges, replacing those presently operated by the tindes unions, will enter Into effect on April 1.
Patronlza Our Adwtiaen
\ the splendor of the orient . . . by DAVIDOW An elegantly, relaxed suit of pure silk sevge . . . hip-cropped jacket . . . wide-a-way collar. From our DAVIDOW collection. Sizes 10 to 2 0 . . .165.00 french room — second floor
Page Four
Friday, juiiuury SO, 1B59
o Appointment of J. Puny Osnowitz, Siuiix City civic and business leader, as chairman of the Greater Sioux City Committee for State of Israel Bonds, was announced in Chicago this week by Morris Alexander, Midwest chairman of the bonds organization. Mr. Osnowitz, who represented Sioux City on the 195S B'nal B'ritli Survey Mission to Israel, is Id's president of Reliable Furniture
Gere. Liber
"General Meir Elan. Quartermaster General of tlie Israel Army, a hero of the War of Liberation." As Quartermaster G e n e r a l , which is the equivalent to head of 'CA in the United States Army, General Elan is in charge of five corps: quartermaster, ordinance,
fien. Meir Elan Bignal. engineering ;ind medical. He is also u member of the General Staff, which determine top-level Army policy General Elan assumed liN present post In 19S5, after having served for two yearn its Assistant to the Chief of Operations of the Israel General Staff. I'rlor to tliut, lie had been, head of tlio Israel Artillery Corps, which lie and three other officer* established. During the Israel-Arab War or 3018, he served with distinction on many fronts as second In command of Artillery. The Israel Army officer's military caieer begun in 10JO, when at the age of 18, he enlisted in the Haganah, the Jewish Defense Force in Palestine during the British Mandate. He served with the Haganah until 1939, taking part In many actions against Arab raiders. He joined the British Army as a private in the Artillery at the start of" World War II. Assigned to the famed Jewish Brigade, he fought against the Germans In Egypt and Italy. In the latter part of 1944, the British sent him to Officers Training School in England. A few months later, he rejoined his artillery unit as a Lieutenant. On discharge from the British' Army after'the war, he returned to Palestine, where he owned and operated a plantation of orange groves. In 1947, he was recalled by the Haganah, and helped to create the first Jewish artillery corps. General Elan, was born 40 years ago in Lublin, Poland. He emigrated to Palestine at the nge of 16, with the consent of his parents, who remained in Poland. Several years later, when Hitler's armies . orerran Europe, his parents and the remainder of his family were exterminated by the Nazis. The General is-married to the former Miriam Mintz, tin Americ a n who went to Palestineowlth her family about 30 years ngo and remained. They live in Zahala.
Mrs. Comay Dynamic Personality
• Rabbi Hyman R a b i n o w i t z, spiritual leader of Siuiaie Zioii, will he feted at a community-wide testimonial in his behalf Sunday night, Feb. 15, at the Jewish Community Center. To JCctire* in Summer The popular rabbi, who will relire this summer after 3-1 years in the .same pulpit, will be honored for "extraordinary s e r v i c e to Israel, J u d a i s m and the total community of Sioux City" by the State of Israel and . the Israel Bonds Organization. Gen. Klan To Be Presented Gen. Meir Elan, Quartermaster general of the Israeli army, will be among the special guests at the gala evening function which will climax the 1959 campaign for Israel Bonds here, chairman J. Perry Osnowitz, announced today. Itabbi Habinowitz, a graduate of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, is a member of the Rabbinical Assembly of America. He expects to move with his wife to Miami Beach, Fla., after his retirement this year. City To Pay Tribute "All of Sioux City is anxious to pay tribute to Rabbi Rabinowitz Israel and Judaism," Mr. Osnowitz said. "I have been studying under or following his leadership for 34 years and he lias had a great influence on my own life and the lives of literally thousands of residents of Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota," he asserted. Details of the testimonial will be announced next week.
"Joan Comay, the noted Israeli Mrs. Michael (Joan) Comay will journalist, has written extensively be the guest of • honor and principal .speaker at a tea for leaders about Israel for international pubof the women's division of Israel lication." Bonds .Monday, Feb. '1 at the home Mrs. Comay, who is the wife of of Mrs. K. N. Grucskin. the Deputy Director-General of The 1 :.'iO p.m. tea will hear a re- the Israel Ministry of Foreign Af port on current developments as a fairs, is one of Israel's outstandresult of the newly-opened emigration from Eastern European ing writers and speakers. She has served as Israel Bureau Chief for countries. She visited Austrian camps j the publication, "Israel Speaks;" earlier this month, where thou- her articles have appeared in "Holsands of Jewish refugees await iday" and other major magazines. passage to Israel. Currently she is writing scripts for She said, "These men und wom- documentary films. en look to Israel to renew their ties with the Jewish people aftrr From 1051 to 1050, Mrs. Comay having lived in isolation and fear lived in Canada, where her husfor many years In Eastern Europe. band served as Israel's AmbassaThis new Immigration can be a dor to tlio Dominion of Canada real blessing if w<i hnvo the money and also as r member of the Israel to give them a new llfo ns self- Delegation to the United Nations. Mrs. Comay was well-known there, reliant citizens." us in the United States, through Mrs. Comay visited Sioux City her speaking tours for Israel in 1948, Just as Israel proclaimed Monds and Hudassah and through its independence, and was the key her many apparanccs its the wife speaker at a regional Hadassah meeting. -••" ;-•" 1 Mrs. Meyer J. Epstein, president of Sioux City Hadassah, will be given a special award for her work as women's chairman of the 1938 Israel Bonds drive.
Gov. Hcrschel Loveless of Iowa, honorary state chairman for State of Israel Bonds, will be principal speaker at a February 10 parlor meeting to be hosted by W. C. Slotsky and Lawrence Slotsky. Gov. Loveless was to have appeared at the February 15 testimonial to Rabbi Hyman Rabinowltz, but the Sioux City Israel B o n d s committee released him from that date so that he may speak at a Boston UJA rally scheduled for February 15. The state's chief executive, recently re-elected, visited Israel in December with Mrs. Loveless. He
has since spoken at a B'nai B'rith "Man of the Year" dinner in Des Moines and Sunday was the principal speaker at the Des Moines UJA kickoff meeting. On January 28, Gov. Loveless spoke at' an O m a h a Hadassah Medical Center meeting. He naid in Des Moines "the ingenuity and initiative of the Israelis in their agricultural development, largely made possible by loans from Israel Bonds, especially astounded me. The Israelis have taken soil we wouldn't dream of cultivating In Iowa, and have made fertile and productive land of it."
Greater Sioux City's 1959 Israel Bonds campaign got off to a promising start January 18 at the Jewish Community Center when nearly 100 persons braved icy streets and the start of a near-blizzard to hear Nebraska Gov, Ralph G. Brooks and Robert Lurie, St. Louis, Mo. business executive.
Missouri state committee for Israel Bonds and. Midwest special events chairman for Israel Bonds, said "Lsrael is the delicate balance which has kept the Middle East from falling into the Communist camp." He praised the role of Israel Bonds in upholding the Jewish state's economy and pointed out that UJA and Bonds are working as a team to meet the new crisis of 100,000 immigrants expected in 1959. .. . David Albert Presided David Albert, vico president of Federation, presided at tho meeting which saw the presentation of special awards—autographed hooks by Israeli Ambassador Abba N In the nearly eight years since Many Sioux City residents will Eban—to last year1* co-chairmen tho first Israel Bonds drlvo was attend the Israel 'Bonds internafor Israel Bonds, Rudy SchinuUor launched, more than $309,000,000 tional meeting in Miami Beach, Fla., March 5-7/ have been sold. and Louis Agranoff.
Gov. ISrooIia Aids Opening
Gov. Brooks flew in a private plane from Lincoln at his own expense to help launch the drive. He iiad previously spoken at an Omaha Chanukah Festival for Israel Bonds. The governor's appearance resulted in a great deal of newspaper, radio and television promotion for Israel Bonds in Siouxland. "Israel's Balance" Mr. Lurie, a popular Sioux City visitor .who 13 chairman of the
Mrs. Joan Comay of the Israel Ambassador to Canada. The Comays, married in 1935, came to Israel from South Africa in 1947. They played a leading role in the defense and building of the new State of Israel—Mrs. Comay served as a driver for tne Haganah, as a liaison officer with the British for the Jews in beleaguered Palestine and, during the V/ar of Liberation, as assistant to a Hndassah team of South African surgeons caring for wounded soldiers and civilians. Mrs. C'oinay, who is Publicity Chairman for the Hadassah Council in Israel, is also a member of tlie Ii'.vceiitlvo of tiie W1Z0 organization in Israel. The Comays have two children. Their daughter, Yael, born in 193?, has completed her Army service and is now studying at the Hebrew University; their-son, Yochanan, born in 1939, is presently in the Israel Army. Mrs. Comay's mother has been a member of the South African Parliament for the past twenty years. "Mrs, Comay's present Israel Bond speaking tour will take her to more than twenty-five communities throughout the United States and Canada.
Mr, Osnowltr. Co., manufacturers of upholstered furniture who also operate two retail stores in Sioux City. A native of the city, ho wa» the first president of the Men'* Club of Shaare Zlon synagogue, has served on the board of directors of the congregation and Is an active member of the Sioux City Zionist District. Mr. Osnowitz was graduated, from the University of Iowa with a B.S. in economics, and served there as president of Phi Kpsilon Pi fraternity nnd as vice president of the Interfraternity Council. A member of the Woodbury Lodge of the Masons, he is a member of the Sioux City Chamber of 'ommerce nnd formerly was active in the Jaycees. He is a member of the National Retail Furniture Association. Long active in behalf of Israeli causes, Mr. Osnowitz was lauded for accepting the challenging post by Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky of Omaha, area chairman, and by Abe D. Clayman of Des Moines, state chairman of Israel Bonds.
Gerald Schwartz Bonds Area manager for the Israel Bonds Organization is Gerald Schwartz of Omaha, who has set up offices in tho „. . „ . -. Sioux City Jewf" ^ i s h Federation. f '
1 Mr. S c h w a r t z
* handles all bond p r o g r a m s in Iowa, Nebraska and South Dale o t a together with Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky of O m a h a, area chairman. _ Mr. Schwartz (icrald Schwart/.ls president of the Henry Monsky B'nai B'rith Breadbeakers club in Omaha and is former president of the North Dado Zionist District in Florida, his former home. (ierry.ivas publicity director of tlio Third United States Army In Germany during 1040 and 1917 ni a War Department Civilian nfler his discharge, nnd toured ail D. P. camps in Europe during the two years. Ho was with the Israel Bond* organization as assistant manager of the Greater Miami office when tl opened in 1951. Mrs. Schwartz Is the former Felice Pred of Pender, Ncbr. They have two children.