February 6, 1959

Page 1

Vol. XXXVII No. 22

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Collective Visas Speed Emigration

Youlli Evening Pack With EnteriainBfienf

Tn us ilt m (7I'A>

"J»m!JicjiuHKi Jlouiid-A Analysis, Action" will he tlic suliji-cl u[ an addn.'.is hy Henri! Itini nii'i'iii.'in, Saturday, February i at ":."-0 p.m. lit a ISioIlirhund f;p<>ns<iird by Ihf- J'lvvNh Yonlii Council in cooperation with tin United Synagogue Vunth at 1-ieth l-.'l Synagogue. The program will *•, • fir 1 \ l< *° "~ 1 << , be n)ii'nL'<l hy Carol Frank. Carol Amlei;; "I Si. ' mid David UYddle nl YIMIIII for Christ, whose locna'.ie Hifinlp'.'r. have been invited to he quests, will lning greetings to the gathering. (iiinlio and Daiicrs The program will includo n "combo" of Anito Kcllman, Unwind C'liudiilvOff and .Mike MarltoVitz and an Israeli dunce group fonsistint: of Malelaine Kripkc Hence ijimrnennan, Naomi Rolhenberg, Frances Knnan, Donna (Si"iilril)."\ipn's Division Cli;iinnan A r t h u r A. Culm Itetwcen Donalil Nojft;, (I.). (Jcuruc Sliafer Kidman, Lynctte Forbes, Leslie Smith, M a m a Fo<el, Bunny liloch. ( r . ) ; (Hlanilini;) ( IIMIICS Afonasce, Millanl Margolin, all oo-cliairmcn, iiixl Harold Sobcl, asslstinj; In Irene Wiener, and Arlene Gross- C'OoriUimlion of iirtlvitii'H. man, A solo hy Hetty Krman nnd entertainment hy the youth groups will he presented. (ironp Discussions Gioup discussions on human relations, another feature of the eveii'ii::. will he headed by prominent Oinah'i lay and professional leaders, Irving .Stern, .Sheldon Cohen, Sol Unman, Jack Duitsch, Harold Sobel, Charles Garelz and Dr. NorMr. Colin praised the high spirThe Men's Division of the 1939 Colin disclosed, "but they also will man Miljjram. An informal reception will be Philanthropies ''was on its way" actively solicit in this drive to it of those present and felt assured its. force would spark the held. All teenagers urn invited to as General Division Chairman Ar- assure complete coverage." Optimism keynoted the-gather- entire drive. attend the affair. thur A. Colin, Ms vice-chairmen

'Cavalcades' at Beth Ei Feb. I I Dr. Harwell Silverstein of Brooklyn, N. Y. will speak on "Can We I.ivc By Jewish Law," in trie second presentation of tho Cavalcades of Conservative Judaism at ISelh Kl Synagogue on Wednesday, February 11th at 8:15 p.m. -A service of the National Acadrmy of Adult Jewish Studies, programmed by the United Synagogues of America, the Cavalcades is presented In Omaha under the auspices of Beth El Synagogue, its Sisterhood, and Men's Club and Is open to the public. Dr. Silverstein, formerly a United States Army Chaplain, Is a member of the Chaplaincy Committee of the Jewish Welfare Hoard.

and advisory committee laid the foundation for their campaign at a Sunday morning breakfast at the Jewish Community Center, Millard Margolin, Charles Monasee, Donald Nogg and George Shafer have accepted the posts of vice-chairmen, Mr. C"ohn announced. Each of the foursome will head units for complete solicitation of their division. •Already imbued with enthusiasm, the vice-chairmen reported they have begun working on their full complement of team captains. A group of former chairmen have banded together to shnre their past drive experiences with the 1959 leaderK. They are Louis Canar, Kubon Lippett, Earl Siegel, Robert Silver and Marvin Treller. "They will not only offer us the benefits of their experience," Mr.

such as one on Sunday. February 22, id 9:.'iO n, m. when the famous Cleveland "Temple on the I-I-'-fhls" choir directed by Cantor Saul Melsel will present a complete program of Jewish Music written liy Jewish-American composers. Leonard Bernstein will be featured on Friday, February 6, on N.B.C. 9-10 a. m. and 7-8 p. in. In a program taken from tho works of Ernest Cloch and his own compositions. Variety Typo Program Omaha Is fonmate to have such an outstanding musical personality Joins with other leading commun- participating in this city's coleities in the nation in celebrating the Nutionai Jewish Music Festival, with the "one night only" per- Television Program formance by'the newest of the Professor Stuart Gottlieb, of Jewish o p e r a t i c stars, William Wolff. Concert halls, symphony Creighton University Law School, orchestras and music groups in will represent the Nebraska State larger American communities are Dar Association, on Marianne Petpresenting special week long cele- ers' television interview show, brations in honor of this festival. KMTV, Monday, February 9 at C.I5.S. and N.B.C. are carrying 12:30 p. m. His topic will be "Wom. • Jewish Music Month programs en In the Law", "One of the great voices of this generation" quoted one of America's leading new^papeis will be heard in Omaha, Tuesday, Februtiry 10, 8 p. m. at the Jewish Community C c n t e i when W i 11 i a m Wolff, bass barllono, of interna tional fame, presents a Musical Concert in honor of National Jew-

ing as every man pledged himself to recruit workers to contact the 1,600 prospects. Mr. Colm and his associates plan to meet witlf the newly recruited captains for an orientation and advisory session Sunday morning, February 15 at the Center. Plans will be made for the successful course of the campaign

Program of the Month Thursday, Feb. 19 at Omaha University, "The Middle F.ast Today," hy Dr, Bernard Cherrick, Dlr. Gen., Hebrew Uni.,. Jerusalem. Greeting by Dr. Milo Bail, President, Omaha University/ 8 p. m. Admission Free.

o r a t i o n . ' The former C a n t o r and current operatic star will present;a variety type musical program including J e w i s h , Israeli and liturgical selections. Mrs. A. C. Fellman will accompany M r., Jim, A. I"cllm:in Wolff. The community is urged to purchase tickets now Tickets are on sale at the Center at SI.25 (Individual admission and may be reserved by calling the Center at JA. 136G. Cltywldc Displays Exhibits honoring the celebration of National Jewish Music Month are on display at Joslyn Museum, the main Public Library and the Jewish Community lobby until February 24th, These displays of books, symbols and other art exhibit items were selected for their qualitative music and art value and are from ths Center Library.





I,uiel is facof



mi 'r it ion While onlv six weeks if,o it was c t i m . i l e d t h a t t h e tot il ntimhi l of n<v\comers would he 10 000, h\ (>.ul\ January,'. it . hfi nne tic ii Hi it the u l u a l n u m . , lid it immifi nils umild be a t liasl (louhli th it numl "i nnd mora like Iv tlo'-d lo 100 000 Allowed lo Join Relatives In lhosi few \ v ( k s the Runi mi in (•o\( i mm nl decided lo let f o lo Isi u 1 pi K IK ill> all who have n ] , t t i \ L , the IO Jewish as will .is non I ' u i s h oi s 'inizations. h i v e loi in inj v e i l s piesscd tho Bucliuest ic,,ime t i permit H i e iiitiiic of those who belong to fimiiics split when the Rumanian •uilhoiitits suddenly slopped emiKi ltion to Isi ,id Now Bucharest, h is complied and souns interested

to let p.0 all Icus who could not he permanently integrated into that county's economy. There are various indications which put the total figure for 1959 somewhere in the vicinity of 80,000. Mass Kcj;lst nil Ion

Since the end of last September, when registration for emigration was nenewed, tens of thousands Jews-registered—In addition to tens of thousai"1- who registered

Late Rumanian News New York (JTA) — Jewish emigration from Rumania exceeded 8,000 in January and may reach 10,000 in February, it was reported from Bucharest by the "New York Times" correspondent there.

"We will accomplish what we have set out to do," ha added. "This group of ambitious and enterprising advisors and co-chairmen are already eagerly looking forward to tackling the job." several years ago before emigration was stopped. Second, the number of people coming is constantly increasing. In December, 5,000 came from Rumania, in January, 3,000. If this rate is maintained, Rabbi A. Stanley Dreylu3, of it means 84,000 a year. Congregation B'nai Israel, GalvesApplications Kuslied ' ton, Tex., will The Rumanian Government has s p e a k at the speed up the handling of the aptwenty-firs t An plicants. Among other things, eminunl Institute on grants are not supposed to apply J u d ;i i s m for personally and individually to th« Christian Clei 1 Israel legation in Bucharest for men at Temple their visas; the Rumanian auIsrael, F r i d a > thorities transmit the lists of February 13. those who have received passports The institute and exit permits to the Israel Laon Judaism is; gation, which gives collective imconducted each migration visas to whole groups. year by Rabbi KnliM Dreyfus Recipients of passports and visa* Hdney If. Brooks of Temple Is- then have to leave Rumania withrael and comprises a full day of in a very short time study and discussion. More than 100,00 Total Expected • two hundred clergymen from Ne- At the same time, Immigration braska and Iowa are expected to from Poland continues at a rato attend this jear. of a few hundred each month Dr. Dreyfus will discuss "The with reasons to expect a notable Loid's Prayer: a study in Jewish- increase hy the middle of this year. Christian Belief" in the morning In addition, the most urgent cases and "Preaching Texts in Rabbinic from North Africa nlso have to bo Literature" in the afternoon. brought over, this also adding up The Temple Sisterhood will to several thousand this year. All serve a luncheon to the visiting in'all, the total figure may well cleigvmen in the Temple Social he above 100,000. Hall. Strain on UJA Rabbi Dreyfus will be guest Samuel N. Wolf, General Chairpreacher at the regular Temple man of the 1959 Philanthropies Sabbath Service the same eve- Campaign, said "This will put an ning, February 13th at 8;15 p.m. enormous strain on the United Jewish Appeal which has to pay for the transportation, for initial arrangements and for half of tho cost of housing immigrants". Tho Israel Government has to pay for The Jewish Community Center the other half of the housing and camp and camp site committees provide employment for the newwill hold a joint meeting Sunday. comers, he added. February 8 at 8:30 a. m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Brodkey, it was announced by Dr. Dan Miller, camp chairman and Gerald Gross, camp site chair- Readers will n..U news of tho man. Committee members are Sioux City community and its urged to attend 1he meeting which Israel Bond campaign on page 4 will deal with the Iftop ramp pro- this F r i d a y and next Friday, February IX gram. . •.••:•

Ministers' Institute To Meet at Temple

Camp Committees To Meet Sunday

Sioux City Mlews


Page Tiro

Friday, February 6, 10S9

With the Home Folks 'Stage Night1 Published Every Friday by (lie Jewish Federation of Oinuliu. Second Class Moiilng Privileges Authorized al Oniolia, Nebraska. Annual Subscription, 5J.00. Advertiiing Rcks on Application. Publication Oltice—101 No. 20th Street, Omaha, llctr., JAckstn 136c,


Brandeis Women Plan Tel-E-Phon Campaign


NCHB and linrprnlnRi. at J'he Dr. I'hlltp Nhrr J.'ul.l! Homo l o r Hie Acti) by David orlmw.

Orchestra Schedules Auditions Saturday

Judges Named

Joseph Levine, conductor of the Omnlm symphony Orchestra will RAIIISIMCAL SKKJKS: Rabbi Myer Krijike, our visitor last Judges have been chosen for the hold auditions Saturday, February week, discussed the rabbinical iin- twenty-third annual Stage Night 7, 2-4 p. m. in (he Joslyn Art terpretations of the Ten Com- tot he presented by the Jewish Museum lecture hall, for young mandmcnls. Rabbi Benjamin Gron- Youth Council, Saturday, Febru- musicians interested in being soloary 21, ut 8 p. m. at Central High is' with the orchestra. er will be our visitor Ibis week. Mr. Levine said any music stuCOUNCIL OF JEWISH WOM- School auditorium. EN: 1. Tlie Arts and Crafts proThe judges will be Dr. Edward dent from the age of eight to gram is in full swing now. Mrs.Corbett, Associate Professor of twenty is invited to appear anil Jack Frileck has joined the Coun- E n g 1 i s h, Creighton University, bring his instrument and music. cil participants who this far in- Mrs. Mary Steele, Public School's Accompaniment will be provided. clude Mrs. Albert Gaer, chairman, Director of Communications and Mrs. Kermit Hanson, WA. 753!) Mrs. Moe Vengcr, and Mrs. SamDick Walters of Dick Walters At- may lie called for further information. Rosenbjum. tractions. 2. The Permanent Planning and Bob Wilson, KOIL disc jockey, BEAU OF KDIAK Evaluation Committee of Council will be master of ceremonies. Buddy Herzog was voted beau of will meet this week at the Home Trophies will be awarded to the F-diur, B. B. G., at its first onnual to discuss their new program with best .skit among the boys' clubs Rhapsody in Blue, January 3. Mr. Orkow. and the best skit among the girls' Gifts and money collected by YAHUSKITS IN FEUUUAICV: clubs. Judging will be based on the club was taken to the GlenSpecial memorial services will be originality, degree of participation, wood, la., State School by Karen held In the Home Synagogue for manner of presentation and choice Fellman, seivice chairman. the following, the anniversary of of subject matter. whose deal),» falls during this Tickets are available nt the month: center of from council members. JHEVAT 3t-Ffbr. <th....Fonni« Adelschltln Admission is fifty cents for stuSHOVAT 26—Febr dth Joseph Hubock ADAR 1—Febr. 9th Harry Roltsteln dents S1 for adults.

Omaha Chapter of Brandeis UniC versity National Women's Committee will join the national org a n i z a t ion in honoring Dr. AbTam Leon SachCanilleligliting—5:20 |i. in. ar, the UniveisiBKTJI KL. ty's president, idcnt, on on t *"*" J Services lit Beth El Synagogue his 60th birthdaj J t " i by part icipatinc , / V - ' V will begin at 8:15 p. m. this evening. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will in a nation-wide preach on "An Eye For An Eye"— Tel-E-Phon camWhat Does the Bible Mean? Canpaign for new tor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth memjiers on Sunday, February 15. Dr- A S n ' " a r El Synagogue Choir will render Mrs. Bernhardt L. Wolf, Omaha the musical portions of the service. Chapter president, ant] Mrs. Ern- Sabbath morning services are ADAR 1—Ftbr. »m Rose Frelden Fannie Lleborscl est Nogg, membership chairman, at 9:30 a. m. and the Junior Con- ADAR 5—Ftbr. 13th ADAR 20—Fcbr. 2E'h Samuel Robin •will be assisted by Jlmcs, M. A. gregation service is at 10:30 a. in. Bereovici and Myron Milder, chair- Mincha-Maariv services are at man of telephone workers; Dan 5:30 p. in. Fogel, telephone chairman, plus a Sunday morning service is at large corps of telephone workers. 9 a. m., followed by coffee and a Results will be announced at a study-discussion session led by The Beth Israel Synagogue New York dinner to bo given for Rabbi Kripke at 9:30 a. m. Daily Dr. Sacher by the University's services are at 7 a. m. find 7 p. m. Men's Club will hold an'open dinner meeting for husbands and Board of Trustees an'l Fellows. wives, Wednesday, February 18 at The national goal is 10,000 new- BKTII ISICAKL 7 p.m. in the synagogue's social annual members To increase the Rabbi Benjamin Givmer, Cantor support .of the University's Li- Eli Kagan, Beth Israel Synagogue hall. Father Nicholas Wagner of Boys brary, the primary function of Hie Choir, and the senior class will women's organization. conduct late services this eve- Town and Morris Jacobs, Omaha public relations executive, will be ning at 8 p. m. the guest speakers, it was anRabbi Groner's sermon will be nounced by Gene Braun, program ••' Bar Mftzvah on the "Three Pillars". Tradi- chairman. All friends and relatives arr Reservations are S3.25 a couple Invited to attrnil services and tional Friday evening services (Kabbalas Sbabbos), at 5:30. retentions or $1.75, single and may be made Sabbath morning services begin by calling RE G2S8 or CA 0135. A ARNOLD WK1TZ Arnold Wcitz, .-.in ut Mr. anil at 8:l:"i a. m.; Junior Congrega- social hour will follow the meeting. Mrs. Leo Weitz, will observe his tion at. 10 a. m. Rabbi Groner will Bar Mitzvah at Beth El Syna- conduct the Saturday afternoon gogue on Friday evening and Sat- Talmud Class at 5 p. m. and Min- FOR THE FINEST... cha, followed by Shalosh S'eudos IN PHOTOGRAPHY urday morning. February 6-7. and Maariv will begin at 5:30 p. ni. Portraits Sunday morning services begin DOUGLAS. KACAN Weddings Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Kaiwn an- at 8:15 a. m., followed by breaknounce the Bar Mit/vah of their fast and the Rabbi's class in son, Douglas, on Friday-evening. Bible; Junior service al 8:30 a. m. February 13 and Saturday morn- Daily services at 7 a. m. and 5:45 ' | ing, .February M at • Br>th E! Sy- p.-. m. The w e e k l y Talmud Si udy j nagogue. Group meets every Tuesday evening al 7:30 p. in. and Saturday i morning, services at the 19th and Burt S-t r e e t Synagogue every Saturday morning al !) a. in. The National Conference of Christians and Jews w i l l present B'NAI JACOB-ADAS Hie "Festival, of Nations". Sunday. L> \ PHOTOGRAPHER February 8 at 2:,'i0 p. ni. at 3rr.]yn Services at-E'iiai- .I;icob-Aih j 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET Art Museum. Ycshuron will begin Friday .-it 5:1.1 HAItt'EY 1044 Mayor John Ro-nblatt will p.ni. and Saturday* morning.-at. >' open the program which will in i 8:30 a. m. with Mincha al ri:15 elude dances and songs perform'^ I p. ni. followed by Shaioch S'eudos. by groups in native costumes. Co- ! Daily services al fi-.'l0 a. m. -and chairmen for the event arc Mrs. 5:.''/) p. ni. Irwin Sin-Won and Mrs. Marvin i Taxman. Admission is free. j TK.MrLK ISItAKL Rabbi Ku'.;rm' J.'Lipmau of New RUG & UPHOLSTERY York City, director of both HKCLEANERS Broadway Entertainers Synagogue Activities and ComRUGS— CARPETING mission of Social Action for the At Council Dance LAMP SHADES Broadway entertainers will ap- Union of American Hebrew Conpear at the dance to be sponsored gregations, will present the serFURNITURE mon at. Temple Israel services by the Omaha seel ion of (he NaCleaned in Your Home! Friday at 8:15 p. ni. His topic tional Council of Jewish Women, Binding—Laying—Repairing Saturday, February 28, 9 p.m.-] will be "Beyond .Synagogue Walls". n.m. at the Town House Ballroom. Rabbi Lipman is co-author of Don Bernstein HA 2554 Justice and Judaism. They are Leo DeLyon, nightclub Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks -will personality and Ginny Slmms, singer of radio, screen and televi- officiate. Shabbas morning services will sion, according to .the three chairmen of the evening. Mines. Yale begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi Golsdiner, Leonard Lull beg nn<! Brooks officiating and the Religious School. Choir under the Edward E.-Krodkey. direction of Miss Ida Gitlin singing the musical portions of the Rabbi Brooks to Talk service.

Befh Israel Men Plan Open Dinner

'Festival of Nations' Sunday at Joslyn

Youth Council to Check Calendar at Meeting The Jewish Youlh council will review and adjust dates entered on its calendar at Hie next monthly meeting on Wednesday, February 11 at 7 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center, Room 2<>. Presidents and youth Council representatives of all groups are urged to altend this important meeting.


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Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks of Tem- Richie Ashburn on ple Israel, will represent the Jewisli Chautauqua Society as lectur- Cornhusker Program er at Doane College, Crete, Neb., Thursday, February 12. The So- Highlighting this year's Cornciety receives support in Omaha husker Lodge B'nai B'rith stag through the Jewish Philanthropies February 11 at 8 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center, will be Campaign. 1938 National League batting champion, Richie Ashburn, Willis Basketball Loop Scores K p s t'e i n, president, announced. VARSITY: Pauls 04, Lustys 47; Harry Goodbimlcr will introduce PniKii- JA uob to insert rout iVunt Ao Belgrades. 48, Robinsons 37. the speaker. . . • Hie Jcivisn Prees. rate l» &0 ctntt for each fom YOUTK COUNCIL: -Ronu 34, Elliot. Brown, chairman of the ;lneCurrent Inserlnn. The Prens rtMrvet lb« rlfib! Hayim 32; AZA No. 100 54, AZAevent, indicated that all paid-up 10 emit f|ze oi each advertisement No. 1 50. Cornhusker members will be adDAILY JEWISH PAPERS MIDGETS: I-Go Van 26,-.Play- mitted free; that guests will be BAR and Has Mitzvah congratuland Park 20; Richman-Gordman SI and .boys accompanied by an lations HIBO' for all; Jewish! holi29, Cowboys 17; Slosburgs 13, adult will be admitted at fifty days and 'special occasions.1; Gereliclts 12; Kaimana 17, Tre-cents. Reservations may bo made Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge tiaka 12. by calling RE 4092 or RE 7268.

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Friday, February 6, 1939



Page Three

Omaha All-Stars Tactde Sioux City BKV. 1'iiiixirs is U'tfciIKON Sl'KAKKR Rev. Cliarlcs \V. Phillips, who hiis recently returiiPtl from « visit 10 iBruel and the Arab countries, will be the guest speaker at. Hie February 10 Brotherhood luncheon DiOflinR of the Heth Kl Synagogue fii'.torhood «t 1 p. in. '•Israel As I Saw It" will be Hev. Phillip's topic for discussion with lime nllotled for questions. Ho will hf introduced hy Mrs. J. II. Kulasl'.nfslty. Tlio Sisterhood has invited the principals nnd V. T. A. presidents of WnshiiiKton, Dundee, Western Hills, Harrison, Belle Ryan, Hosehill, St. Mai-Rnret Marys, and Diinvncll Hall to he their fiuests. Htihhi Myer S. Krlplto will conduct a tour of the Talmud Torah buildinjc and will explain Beth Kl's educational syBtem followinK Ihp luncheon.

bers of the board wijl meet fit Ihe Center at 31 ::)0 a. m. Mrs. Jake Wine, president, announced that "Cooking for Pleasure," a kitchen arranged for guests at the Dr. Philip Slier Homo for the Aged under the Society's sponsorship, has been completed and that a beauty s,hop on the premises is in the planning.

ItKANDEIS L'NVEKSITV COMMITTEE TKA FOK UK, I'HIMI' SIIICR IIOMi; The \Vo m e n's Committee of Bramleis University w i l l have charge of a tea and program at the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home for the Aged, Sunday, February 8, at 2 p. m. The program by pupils of Mrs. Hy Shiicr will feature readings by Itonna and Diane Nepomnlck, Rocky and Sandy Lipp and Carrie Loss; the presentation of South Pacific's "Honey Bear" by Gail, Jane and Julie Shrier. Refreshments will be served by Mmes. Bernhordt W o 1 f, Verne Cni;N0Ili HOAKI), Hoard members of the Omahn Vnnce, Julius Newman and MorSection, National Council of Jew- ton Ililler. ish Women, will meet Thursday. February 12, at n 1 p. m. dessert MUSICAL FILM luncheon al the homo of Mrs. Julia TO BE SHOWN A musical film will I. 's°ntJacobs, 11B No. 35th Avenue". Mrs. Gerald Bernstein will be co-host- cd in celebration of the Jewish Music Month, at the Beth Israel CSS. Sisterhood mecliiiE, Tuesday, February 10 at l'2:.1O p. m. in the syKISTKItHOOI) 1'I.ANS nagogue social hall. lntoTiiwcnooi- I'KO In observance of Brotherhood Month, Temple Israel Sisterhood will bo hostess to the First Methodist Church on Tuesday, February 10, at 1. p. in. A dramatic presentation by Kabbl Sidney Brooks and Maury Schwartz, Temple director of education, will take place In the sanctuary. Mrs. Harry, DuI5off will provide orpan accompaniment. Ten will bo served followin;: the program. Mrs. F.dward I.evinson, sislcrl u i o d president, will welcome jrucst.s, and also conduct the 11 (i. in. board rncelilii;. Hoard members arc asked to brim; a sandwich to the mefliiu;.

After a trip to New York City, Dr. and Mrs. Harold Austen Oberman, who were wed in Cleveland, O., January 25, will make their home in Ann Arbor, Mich, where Dr. Oberman is serving his residency at the University of Michigan hospital. Mrs. Oberman is the former Marylen Diannc Segel, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Abraham Segel of Cleveland; the groom, the son of Mr. and Mrs. I. F. Oberman. Their marriage in the Temple on th" "'eights in Cleveland wns followed by u dinner. The bride's gown was of bouquet taffeta and her veil of illusion was held by a lace cap. She carried a bouquet of white orchids and lilies of the valley. Her attendants were her sister, Mrs. Robert Saslow, Cleveland, matron-of-honor; Miss I-ois Stern, of Chicago, maid-of-honor and Miss Karol Schiff of Cleveland, bridesmaid. Robert Oberman, brother of the groom, was best man and Charles Rice, former Omahan, and Robert

•'.•ving'iis members of a noniSr i!j; committee for the forthc Vug election of Cornhiislter C-vpier of B'nai B'rith are Mines. ]:;vid Cohen, chairman; Marvin (J-.rhfr, Myron Marlto, Marvin Gii;r::;i;y and Paul Ilifkin. Mtnes. Max K'ri/clman, David HU'ichcr and •Sim I'ollack arc actinc in an adv:vii-y capacity for the committee. J.tVCHKON, I'ICISKUAUY I) h(; regular dessert luncheon i n . liiu; of'DIP Uikur Cholim Soficiy will be- held Monday, Februnry 9th at the Jewish Community Center at 12:.'iO p. m. Mem-

Dinner to Celebrate Golden Anniversary A dinner will he tuven Saturday eveiiinc for Mr. suul Mrs. Morris Adler in honor of their fiftieth wedding anniversary at the home of their son ami daughter-in-law. Mi", and Mrs. Arthur Adler. The Adlers have been residents of Omaha for forty-five years. Oulof-town guests jvho will be present for the occasion will be their children, Sidney Adler of Oakland, Cal. and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fineman of Los Angeles, Cal.

Linsman, Dick Marten, Harold Nepomniclt, Arnnc Roseman, Herman Wcinstein Tlie clul) will hold a Valentine parly, Satind.ty, Febiurny 7, ft1 the B'.ifl* to'ie hotel, liegmninK at '.)•::,() p




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4013 FARNflM ST.

Elaine Janger Wed in Beth El

Beth El Synagogue Chapel was the scene of the late Sunday afternoon wedding, January 25, of Miss F.laine Marsha Janger, daughter of Mrs. Harry Janger and David Olbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Gelbert. Rabbi Myer S. Kripkc and Cantor Aaron 1. Edgar officiated. Miss Janis Janger was her sister's maid-of-honor and Miss Sina Gelbart, sister of the bridegroom was bridesmaid. L. Gerald Hulman was best man and Karl I.uefSOL MTT.MAN schuetz ushered. TO IIK <;I;ICST A dinner for the families and CornhusUer ch.-iptcr of B'nai out-of-town guests wns held in B'rith women will have as their the synagogue social hall. guest, Sol I,iMmai)t regional director of the Anti-Defamation UV.V. DANW.Itf; TO SI'KAK iA'iigue, at their next incctinR, AT NKlllt. l.'HAI'TKIS MIA.T 'i'hf; Rev. Neil Dauber;:, oxecu- Monday, February !), at 8 p. m. livi- secretary of I he Mayor's Hu- al Kay's Hrstaurant. rnrin Relations Committee, will oaiuring •••:plain the workings of his Imard 1050 OIT;lCi:ilS \'.W officers of the Holiday CANTONESE jil a Brotherhood ineetini; of the Ji'nai B'rith Nebraska Chapter No. Dancing club are Messrs, and APPETIZERS :'.•!(! Thursday, February 12, at K:.'iO Mines. Harold Nepomniclt, presip. .m. at the Jewish Community dent; Bernard Hockenherg, secre(Vnter. His talk will he followed tary; Jack lielmont, treasurer nnd by a. question mid answer period Arnold R o s e m a n , membership. Board members are the Messrs. nnd tlu1 showim: of a film. and Mmes. .Jack Belmont, Jay Chasen, Wally I.Ollton, Jack KP" • < O;;MII;SKI:K stcin, Mort.Frank, Bernard Rockx \MI;S NOMINATING; enberg, Arthur Jiicobson, Dan AlU'M'S VAI.ICNTINK I'AHTV Plans will he made for a Valentino party at n pipeline of the Younc Adults, Sunday, Fcburary 8, at 2 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Information regarding the organization may ho obtained from Minda Friedman, WA 2211 or Kleanor Rcsniek, TK •JSH.'), information commit tec cochairmen.

Two Omaha all-star basketball Saslow, both of Cleveland weic teams will be in Sioux City this u'-hdb. Raphael IJdg.ir, foimcilv week-end to tackle Sioux city teams in basketball. Mr'••1bers of the >*y le school ' J , contingent are Bill Kutler, Stuart ft , Forbes, John McPhail, Bill Nelson, Sandy Kasin, Ted Sanford, 3 Chet S t o 1 e r, Bill Kully, Joel Sneider and Steve Saylan. High^ school all stars include Walt Wise,' Justin Ban, Dave Wintroub, Mike / 1s ¥ Sadofsky, John Okun, Ed Wintroub, Frank Goldberg, Bill Horwich, I Toward S t o l e r and Roy Katskee.

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Tag* Tout

Friday, F.bruar/ •, 1KSI

Official Publication of Sioux City Federation

I Cover the Campaign By Norman Malison Europe, where Judaism supposedly has been moribund since Hitler'completed his work of de struction, was the scene of Uvc of the week's biggest Jewish news stories. One of them1 perhaps portended good, the other unquestionably contained omens of evil. What looks like the flingim; open of the exit dour fur Ku- mania's 230,000 Jews is the welcome item. Beginning slowly List September, the exodus -all Israel. •' bound- totaled 'about K.Oflf) in •'•••"January and. a 10.000 figure Is mentioned for this month: Ksti mated .••total thus far is between : I'J.OOO and •]3,000 emigrants. . T i l l ' job of inming tliis hites refugee outpouring from behind H i e Iron Curtain is :i complex one, involving mountains cif administrative red tape and si Inn chain <if travel - emmed Inns. The Iiiimnniiin Jews fire moving across ; llupngary into Austria, where the V3.\ takes over at .Vienna. From there, a train takes them to Naples "and embarkation for Israel aboard Israeli or chartered ships. Consensus of opinion seems to be that all of Kumanla's Jews mny be allowed to leave in the near future—and virtually all of them undoubtedly want to leave us the country, once a stronghold of Jewry, contains nothing lint an unpleasant past and a bleak present and future for them. J.Iovement of the Rumanian Jewish community will leave only the concentration of Jews in the Soviet Union, estimated at about 3,000,000, in eastern Kuropo. Latest indications were that the gates very shortly would lie opened to them, too. At the moment, however, a much more practical problem arises—the job of moving and resettling the Rumanian Jews In Israel takes money as well as feverish effort. The exodus came without any negotiation with the UJA or any other fund raising agencies, and thus creates another emergency. Vigorous steps to meet this welcome but taxing event now aro being taken by the American Jewish community. Itoth the Israel ISonil drive nnd the I'JA campaign are taking on a new sense of urgency. Such leaders as tevi KshUol, Israel's finance minister, and Avraliam Ilnrman, a member of the Jewish Agency executive from Jerusalem, have Jjfcen In the United States conferring with American Jewish leaders. Some really big Israeli names are expected in America on behalf of this year's campaigns. They include Golda Meir, development minister Mordecai Bentov, communications minister Moshe Carmel, and possibly Moshe Dayan, well known Israeli military hero. In another part of Kuropo, the Jewish future didn't look nearly as bright—anti-Semitism very definitely was resurgent in Germany, although Konrad Adenauer called the manifestations a "disgrace" and issued a strongly worded denunciation which observers took at its face value. Still, former and latter-day Nazis were speaking, and acting In a highly rambunctious manner. Not only was West Germany's , judiciary extremely slow in tryIng Nazi criminals, not only was the rate of indemnification of Nazi victims moving at a crawl, but Germans actually were making public statements to the ctfect that "all Jews should be exterminated" and offering personally to give "poison injections to surviving Jews." Thus, despite the attitude both of Adenauer and of Ids Social Democratic foes in the German parliament (who have bitterly denounced the latest outbreaks), the outlook for tho surviving German Jewish community Is decidedly an apprehensive one.

Slow: City Joins In Tribute to Mrs. Leaders of .Sioux Cily will parliup.tle in a great nationwide tribute to Mrs. Gnlda Meir, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Stale of Isi.iel, which will be held in Minim during I lit? weekend of March jdlh to Sth, it was announced today b\ .1. iVrry Osnowitz, Chairman ol the Greater Sioux City Com'millee for .Slate of Israel lionds. | 'I he gala dinner in honor of Mrt> Mnr, on Saturday evening. March 7th, will celebrate her thirty yea is ,1 of historic leadership as a pioneer w . v. sioKKy builder of Israel. Tho dinner will be the highlight of Hie ID?!) Inaugural Conference for Israel lionds, which will be held at the Jtalihl Kaliinowitz Fontainebleau Hotel in Miami. A Ir. Chiiowitz drew attention to the historic significance of the naSioux City's 1**59 Israel Bond tional tribute to .Mrs. Meir, who met with (lovcnior Loveless in Is- campaign, which nunod into high gear with a u omiiiel recently. ' hi honoring Mrs. Muir," he en's diiisiji! tea bind, "we honor one of Israel's last Mondav nt most courageous leaders. She hns the home of Mr •_ _ i J A record-breaking attendance been a key force In the building of and Mrs. ];. N ' fur the testimonial to Rabbi Hy- Jewish statehood." Grueskin, picks mim It. Kabinowitz at the Sioux up new speed Cily Jewish Center Sunday night, Tuesday night. Feb. 15, seems assured by early Leaders of the interest. city's J e w I s h The area-wide tribute, which HEBREW WOMEN'S ASS'X. community, to-1 IS', Grueskin will ha a dessert supper rather The Hebrew Women's Associa- Riithcr with residents of nearby than a dinner to Insure maximum tion's annual Donor Luncheon will Iowa, Nebraska and Mouth Dakota attendance, is sponsored by the be held Tuesday, February 30, 1 communities, will meet at the greater Sioux City Committee for p. m., at tile Jewish Community homo of Mr. and Sirs. W. C. SlotState of Israel Bonds. Center, An original skit written »ky Tuesday, Feb. 10, at 8 p.m. to Among those muking congratu- by Mrs. Nate Goldberg and Mrs. hear and honor Governor Ilerschcl latory statements tills week was Max Gelfand, will feature a "Mys- Loveless of Iowa. The governor will fly In from Dr. Louis Finkelstcln, chancellor tery Guesit." Des Molnes for the parlor meetof the Jewish Theological Semiing. He spoke Thursday night at nary of America, who said, "I only J. \V. V. ' wish I might postpe.no my trip to Jewish War Veterans Post No. an Israel Bonds rally in Davenport, nnd goes to Boston for a FebIsrael another day so that I could 337 will meet Thursday, February join in this tribute to one of my 12, 8:15 p.m. at the Sheraton-Mar- ruary 15 UJA meeting. dearest friend* and colleagues, who tin Hotel. A "surprise" program Offices of the Sioux City Israel has been such a worthy member is scheduled. Bonds committee aro at tho Jewof the rabbinate and of humanity." ish Community Center, with Gerald Schwartz in charge. Frank Margolin, president of the HADAKSAII I1AZAAH Sioux City Jewish Federation, said Tlio annual Hadassah Bazaar "There is no one in Sioux City who will be held Sunday, March 1 at has been more vitally interested the Jewish Community Center. n the development and growth of Luncheon and dinner, with special the State of Israel as well as in Jewish delicacies, will be served what Israel has done for our peo- noon and evening. ple 'throughout the world. And There will bo games for chilthere is no one more deserving dren and merchandise, candy and than Rabbi Rabinovvitz of such an baked hoods for sale to adults. Soil Kroniclc, Harry Rich, Myer expression of appreciation." -Chairmen of the event are: Mes- Shubb, Eddie Kantor and other Reservations may bo made by cames Sam J. Slotsky, Sid Slut- old Newsies have formed a comtcl<-phouli>g the renter at 8-0018. slcy and Henry Ginsburg. mittee to hold a reunion of former Admission Is fifty cents a person. members of the Newsboys Club at Rabbi Rabinowitz will retire this tho Federation Annual Dinner, MEN'S CMJ'B nitOTIIEIlIIOOD year as spiritual leader of Snnare Sunday, March 8. JOINT DINNER Zion congregation, a post he has More than 100 Sioux Cilyans The Men's Club of Shaare Zlon held for all of his .'ij years In the and the Mount Sinai Temple and former Sioux Cityans, some rabbinate. Brotherhood will meet jointly for now prominent in business, some Gen. Meir Elan, Quartermaster dinner, Monday, February 9, 6:30 even in public life, sold papers on eneral of the Israel Army, will p.m., at the temple. downtown streets during the early come to Sioux City to present a Rabbi Kugene Lipman, "national 1920's, and were members of the citation in behalf of Hie govern- director of Synagogue activities Newsboys Club which met In the ment of Israel and of the Israel for the Union of American Hebrew old Jewish Community Center at Bonds Organization. Congregations, v.illl bo g u e s t 30!) Pierce Street. Tim Jewish newsies gathered speaker, daily at the Center for cocoa nnd roll* while waiting for the afterCOUNCIL BOOK REVIEW noon papers to como off tho pressRabbi Albert A. Gordon will re- es. They whlled away the time view "Dr. Zhivago," by Boris Pas- playing gamen and listening (o ternak, at the next Council of phonograph records—It was Iiefore Jewish Women book review ses- tho (lays of radio. However, at the sion Wednesday, February 11, 8:15 weehly meetings of tho rlub the p.m., at tlio Jewish Community Center. The meeting is open to men and women.



r '- """

BOARD MEETINGS A Board meeting of the Shaare Zion Women's League will be held on Monday, February 9, at the home of Mr*. H. II. Shlloff, with Mrs. Ross Levin as co-hostess. The Mount Sinai Tcmplo Sisterhood will hold Its Board meeting on Monday, February 9, 1:30 p.m. at the Templa.


The Mizrochl Women's Board will meet- Wednesday, February 11, 1:30 p.m., ut the homo of Mts. Louis WefnPr.

Increased economic aid for 1.4tael to lay the foundation for pi ogress during its second decade will be sought in the 1959 Israel Bond campaign now gaining momentum, .!. Perry Osnowitz, chairman, said today. Mr. Osnowitz heads Sioux City's campaign to provide investment capital for Israel's economic development through the Israel Bond dine. "Israel today is faced with tlm influx of more than 100,00 immigrants from iOaslern Klirope," Mr. Osnuwilz said. "To provide home* .mi] jobs for these newcomers, and to absorb them effectively, as well as to sustain her steady economic .growth, Israel must have an Increased amount of Israel Itonil funds. Israel Bonds help carry forward her program of industrial anil agricultural expansion nnd tho cxploitatlo nof natural resources. "Among the decisive economic advances during Israel's Tirst decfide made possible by Israel Bonds aro the following: "1. Annual Industrial production has increased from $:i58.O0O,O0O to S710,000,000. "2. Factories h a v e Increased from 2,000 to 3,000. "3. Total area under cultivation has Increased from 412,.">0l) fo 1,000,000 acres. "4. The number of agricultural settlements has risen from 390 to 700. "5. Annual exports havo risen from $37,000,000 to $200,000,000. "8. Natural resources are belnj exploited, Including the potash nnd bromine, of tho Dead Sea, "7. Major irrigation project! have been completed, including s pipeline which brings the water*

of the Yarkon Klver to the northern Ncgov. "8. I m p o r t a n t new factories have been built and tho Fertilizers

members engaged In BIICII cultural activities as debuting, dramatics, music mid dlseusslonn. The club members engaged in sports and bail baseball nnd hnslictball teams with tho Insignia "Newsies" sewed on their uniform*. In 1024 the club put on o vaudeville show which played to a packed auditorium and raised enough money to pay for 32 members to go to summer cam]). The club was sponsored hy a group of business men, which included Abe Davidson, A. L, Galinsky, E. N. Grueskin, Max Brodkey, A, M. Davis, Herman Slotsky, Joe Greenstone, A. H. Baron and A. M. Grueskin. Several of the local alumni arc planning to participate in the Fed« oration Annual Dinner program, which will dramatize the history of the Jewish Community over the past 90 years.

90 ears of local Jewish History To Pass in Review at Annual Dinner

The history of the Sioux City of the 1920's and 1B3O'», tho Ncw»« Jewish community from the earli- hoys Club of the 1920'H, the excitest settlement days will be drama- ing and tragic war years of World tized in period costume—by means of tableaux and other live acts, War II, and the great UJA camand accompanied by music and paign years of 1918 and '49, uhen narration—at the Federation An- the state of Israel was bora. nual Dinner, Sunday, March 8. Aiding Mrs. Albert A. Gordon Tho 'Btago rovuo will cover the in staging this Annual Dinner refirst Jewish settlements, tthortly vue the Mrs. Sydney Bergen, Mrs. after the Civil War, the founding Martin Dishlip, Robert Friend, of the congregations, the old Unit- Enrle Grueskin, Sam Kaplan, Mar- > ed Jewish Charity balls, held an- vln Kline, Howard.Lebowich, Mrs. ' nually between 1803 and 1910, the Arthur Miller, Lawrence Slolsky, Federation Carnivals and Bazaars and Mrs, Sidney Slutsky.

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