vv i vAn, .i * »•> Published pvoly I'rldiiy, 301 N. 20m. M Mv i ' i11 «, omalm, Nebraska, pm.iiu JA i:)M
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i « - a Kntercd a s .Seeund-C'lufis Matter at Post- Annual Rate 4 DoUuri 1«.>9 u t , k . C i oniutia. Nctu-naka, under Act oHa7i). Single Copy 10 Cents
Men's Division Leaders Meet Sunday at Center Tin* Men's Division's Advisory Commit lot1 find Vice-Chairmen will meet with their newly recruited Captains 1o lay the courso for their Hlo'.) Philanthropies Campaign (it n U:-'.tO a. in. Breakfast, Sunday, February ].">, at the: Jewish Community Outer. •Arthur A. Colin, General Men's Chairman, throughout (ho past week mo I with cotimmnity groups to outline the need fur solicitors to participate in the ilrivo. He said, "I intend to reach over}' organization in Omaha to make this the most successful campaign in our history." I'timaniaii Crisis Acute "Wo realize.," lie added, " w {ire faring the greatest iminiKiatioji crisis in u decade as (lie full .scope of (lie Rumanian refit" gee situation is revealed to us. To meet this emergency it is essential that all "I'AirnCII'ATIv -SOLICIT- CON'TIUKUTK." Mr, Colin declared (hat the initial response on the part of tin* Omaha runmiiiiiity on advanced sulicialion, has hecii most
Hebrew University Stage Night Feb. Head to Speak in 21 at Central High Members of the Omaha Jewish Omaha Feb. 19 Youth Council are polishing up The University of Omaha Adult Conference Center Auditorium will lie the setting for the third presentation in tlie Program of the Month Series, Thursday, February lit, 8 p. in. when Dr. Bernard Cherrick speaks on the "Middle Knst Today." Or. Clii'rrlck Is llw Director (icncrul of tho Hebrew I'nlverslty In-Jerusalem iiml UIHIJ II niemlier of the Itoynl Inwlllute of Iiilernatlitiial Affair;. t'onslilpriMl an <>rutur «( iniilrhlcss clui|iiciue Dr. t'liurriclt Ims lectured on ii variety i>f .iiilijerls stemming from the
Dr. llrrnnril Clicrrlrk political, economic and cultural Htamljmlnt of the Mliltlle Kntit to tin- Dead Sen. Scroll* nnil lltcratnr« of the IJIIile.
The highly publicized current dilemma of Israel nnd the Arab world will he Included in his address. Or. Cherrick, born in Ireland and educated in England, accepted the 'invitation of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem to become Its Director General In 1917. He has lectured extensively in the United States, Canada, South Africa, Kurope, South American and New Zealand. The Program of the Month Is presented by the Jewish Community Center in cooperation with Beth E| Synagogue, Beth Israel Synagogue, B'ual B'rilh Latinos and Chapters, Omaha Chapter Hadassah, Temple Israel and the Young Adult Council. _ The Omaha Chapter of Hadassiih is serving us program hostesses with Mrs. Mike Freeman-as chairman. Mrs. Harry Kulukofsky will Introduce the guest speaker and Dr. Milo Ball, President of Omaha University, will present the University's greetings. An exhibit of the Hebrew University 1$ on display In the lobby of the university auditorium. Admission fa. free. Special parking areas adjacent to the library building have been reserved for the occasion.
for the ZJrd annual Stage Night, which will be held Saturday, February 21, ul 8 j). m. at the Central High School auditorium. Skits by seven groups will be presented, Steve Fisk and F.die Sinner, co-chairmen of the event, said,-They are "Once A Year Day" by "ohanur BBG; "The Beaten I'ath" by Eleanor Hoosevell BBC.; "Gentlemen Be Seated" by Debka Debs; "It's Only Make Believe" by Ediiir BBG; "Howdy Dooit" by AZA No. 100; "Two Years Before the Mess" by A/CA No. 1 and "With Liberty and Justice for AH" b>; Itayim. The sluts are written by members of the clubs, who also prepare costumes, scenery and stage props. Two awards will be presented, oije to a girl's group and the oilier to a boy's club. The perfonnance is open to the public. Milton Katsltee, Council president, is ticket sales coordinator. Admission is fifty cents for students and one dollarfor adults. Tickets may be purchased from any Youth Council member or at the program.
(l-r fr«nt)!>r. Alxi Oreenlier^ Culvin M, Newiuun, Arthur A. Colin, Henry Newman, Paul Veret, ItuDcrl Cuopi'r; (^inl rftiv' (ieorjjo Sliufer, Cliiirle* >I(inasee, Itrnce (jn'e.iil)er(f, Duvlil Ulaeker, Harry Sldiiiun, II. B. Cohen; (3rd row) Lcunnrd* (Jotdsteln, Mlllnril UosuntH>rg, Irvln A. Sherman, Murijolln; (St(f.) Itohort I'>lnli(*ri{, Sum Steinberg, Or. Ulniirleo Steinberg.
Memorial Broadcast A memorial broadcast will be presented Sunday, February 13 at 8:50 a. m. for the late Dr. Jonah B. Wise on KlJON's "Message of Israel." Dr. Wise, founder of the 25-ycar-old proKrnm and Rabbi of Central Synagogue, New York City, died February 1.
Nineteen members of the 193!) Philanthropies Campaign Cabinet assembled Monday night at the home of Calvin M. Newman, Initial Gifts Chairman, to hear a direct telephone report on the problems facing Israel in connection with the mass emigration of Jews from Rumania. lO.flOO Hear Iteport More than 10,000 Jewish leaders In 100 communities) listening on
Mrs. J. H. Kulakofsky io Receive i'nai B'rith Citizenship Award
Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky, prominent community leader, vvill receive the 1939 B'nal B'rith Citizenship Citation Award at a noon luncheon, Thursday, February 26, at the Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel Two teen-age charm classes will Tho presentation will be made by start at the Jewish Community Mrs. E. Milton Wilson, last ye u s Center next week. One group will winner. hold its first meeting Tuesday, Annual Citation February 17 from 3:30 p. m. to The citation is awarded annual4:30 p. m. and the other, on ly, in observance of Brotherhood Thursday, February 19 from 3:30 month, by B'nai B'rith Women of p. m. to 4:30 p. m. Omaha, to a woman in recognition Hosiers which have been posted of her outstanding service in comon the Canteen Bulletin Board, munity affairs and in the field of indicate class assignments. human relations. A third class Is being organized Mrs. Kulakofsky has been idenfor nlljflrln who luivo not yet reg- tified with 'service" in many fields istered and who lire urgail to throughout her life. miiko their uppllcation at the CenFlr.it Women's Division llfliiil ter linmedliitcly. Clauses are She was the first chairman of limited to ii,nieml>orslili> of 15 In the Women's Division of the -leuan effort to provide more porwn-
Charm Glasses Open fiexf Week at Center
ish Philanthropies and is a member of the Executive Committee ot the Jewish Federation of Omaha. Her outstanding devotion.to Israel Bonds, brought her recognition .is ' Woman of Valor" for be-
iil attention.
The cost for the entire course Is ten dollars. Mrs. Virginia Becker Is Instructor of the classes.
Israel Transit Camps Reopened
Repatriation Extended
Jerusalem MTA)—The Jewish Agency reopened nine maabarot (transit camps) to house ne"I>arrived immigrants from Eastern Europe. The number o£ immigrants already arrived here now exceeds the permanent housing made ready for the Immigrant flood in a speeded-up conslruction program. Figures published on the vocational composition of the new immigration indicated that Israel stands to profit by acquisition of professional skills. In the five months since large-scale immiRratlon vvflB renewed from' Eastern Europe, about 500 professional men and women have arrived here. Their number included 162 medical doctors, 100 engineers and !MT economists nnd ncrmmtants.
Jerusalem (JTA)—The repatriation treaty between the Soviet Union and Poland, under which tens of thousands of Jews were returned from the USSR together with many non-Jews, has been extended, it was reported here today. However, repatriated Jews, returlng to their homes, were unwanted, in most cases, they could not recover apartments or homes, could find no jobs and became relief clients. In these circustances, the OUT and JDC were invited by the Polish Government to operate F1KST COI'JPKIl EXPORTS Jerusalem, (JTA)— Israel ex- again in Poland. In the past year, ported copper recently for the first these two allied Jewish 'services time since the <lay» of King Solo- have helped thousands retrain for work nnd get on their feet. . mon.
Ifri. ,r. II, Kululcofiky mg cicditcd with the sales of
5100,000 worth of Israel Bonds. She has been president of local and regional Chapter of Hadassah, Regional Director on the National (Continued on Page 3)
Library Open Sun. 'Che library at the Jewish Community Center is now open from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. every Sunday in nddition to iU regular schedule afonday through "Friday, 0 a.m. 0 4 p.m.
the nation-wide, hook-up heard Ilabhi Herbert Friedman and Morris W. Bcrinstcin, national V5jitte4 Jewish Appeal leaders, report on the decisions adopted in Miami Beach at the national UJA conference, to mobilize maximum American Jewish aid for the transportation and settlement of th» Rumanian Jewish immigrants in Israel. 'Must filve More Speedily' Mr. Berinstein toW the 10,000 listeners that "the thousands of newcomers to Israel every month find Israel's 2,000,000 people ready to give them the greatest gift anyone can give—their home, their welcome, their every physicul help. We in America are on\y a»\usd tt» give our dollars. But we must givs them more speedily and more generously than ever before in order to help UOA to cope with the giant needs presented by the huge emigration." KubM FrtiHlmnn reported that already 100,00 of Itiunnnln's Jew* had registered for emigration out ot a total Jewish vopuUvUon ot more than 350,000. He added: "The act of registration i* a clear and positive indication that the Individual wishes to go. Once a would* lie iniinlgront reglsterers, he does not Iiavn the option of elianglnir Ills mind." Absorption Costs Rabbi Friedman asked that Jewish communities throughout the land "give* full philanthropic priority" to the needs of Israel's new immigrants. "If there is any doubt in anyone's mind how sorely funds are needed, let him remember that it will cost about $160,000,000 to receive and absorb 100,000 immigrants—SfiO.OOO.OOO inora than we seek in the UJA special fund this year," he said. The Vih cxecutWe henn aftOeci: "Two months ago it was our hope to help tear down 30,000 tin huts and shacks which still house 120,000 of Israel's earlier immigrants. Today, with the new and hugo influx of Eastern European Jews pouring \n at the rate of 8.0D0 a month or more, plans are being made to use these very same huls and shacks for the wwcomevs, ^l necessary. We must not let this necessity conic to pass." . Mr. Newman c o n c l u d e d tho meeting with a dlscussloj* ot» campaign problems which niust be faced in the forthcoming drive here. ':
• 1 i
,'f t
Page Two
Bar Mitzvah All friends and relatives are Invited to attend services and receptions.' Published Every Friday by the Jewish Federation of Omaha. Xecond CICES Walling Privileges Authorlied of Omaha, Nebrocko. DOI;<;LAS KAIJAN Annual Subscription, S4.00, Advertising Rales on Application. Douglas Kagan, son of Mr. find Publication Oftice—101 Ho. io:n Street, Omaha, Nibr., JAckion UU. Mrs. M. F. Kagan, will observe his (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN Editor Bar Mitzvah on Friday evening and Saturday morning, February 13th and 14th at Beth El Synagogue.
Hadassah Voles For Intensified Support to Israel
g—5:35 p. m. TEMPLE ISRAEL Services will be held this Friday evening at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Sidney Brooks will officiate. Pulpit guest will be Rabbi A. StanJey Dreyfus of C o n g r e g a t i o n B'nai Israel, Galveston, Texas. Rabbi Dryefus will preach on "What Christian Ministers Learn From Judasim" Comment on Inetitute for Christian Clergy. Shabbas morning services will begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi Brooks officiating and the Religious School Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin singing the musical portions of the service.
I'AIL COLUENBERG Mr. and Mrs. Irving Goldcnnerg announce the Bar Mitzvah of their Intensified support to Israel son, Paul, on Friday evening and was called for at a meeting of the Saturday morning, February 20th Mountain Plains Regional Board and 21st, at Beth El Synagogue. of Hadassah Monday in Omaha when endorsement was voted of BltrCE'BKOMKEY two resolutions passed at the New Judge and Mrs. Donald Brodkey York Midwinter National Board announce the Bar Mitzvah of their meeting last week. In part, the son, Bruce Harrison, on Friday resolutions are as follows: evening, February 20, and Satur"Cognizant of the staggering day morning, February 2>, at. Temcost of absorbing an immigration ple Israel. estimated at 100,000 in the current year, Hadassah calls upon its IRA .MARK RAZKICK members in every community in The Bar Mitzvah of Ira Mark the U.S. to intensify their efforts Raznick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe on behalf of the UJA Emergency Raznick will be celebrated next Campaign, and the sale of Israel Friday evening and Saturday Bonds, necessitated by the respon- morning at the Beth Israel Synasibility to raise the amount neces- gogue. sary to absorb this enormous immigration." "Hadassah convinced that the Foreign Aid Program of the UnitMidget and Youth Council olled States is indispensable to the star basketball teams were vicsecurity of the free world and a torious in Sioux City last Sunday. potent weapon In the quest for The midget all-stars won 23-17. peace; The high school lads defeated "Respectfully urges the Con- Sioux City AZA 50-44. The boys •ress of the U.S. to consider af- are indebted to coach Jerry Berfirmatively the Administration's ilian for his efforts and to Sam request for a supplemental ap- Ban, Sheff Katskce, Sid Sneider, propriation for the Development Dave Belzcr and Jack Sadofsky Loan Fund in connection with the for providing the transportation Mutual Security Program of 19C0." to Sioux City.
Patronize Our Advertisers
Dinner for Korneys A no-host dinner was held February 1 at the Town House for Mr. and Mrs. Norman Korney in celebration of their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. "DOTS" MEET SUNDAY The sixth grade Young Judea group "Dots" will meet Sunday, February 15 at 2:30 p.m. at the home of Glorin Raznick, 1014 No. 63 street. The group will hold a lake sale, March 26th at Hinky Dinky store, 72nd and Dodge Streets.
Seb (Sabby) Fulverenta
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BETH EL Services at Beth F.I Synagogue •will begin at 8:15 p. m. this evening. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will preach on "Are Jews the Chosen People?" Cantor Aaron I. Kdgar and the Befh El Synagogue Choir, will render the musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning service at 9 a. m. is followed by coffee and a study-discussion session led by Rabbi Kripke at 9:30 a-, m. Daily services are at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. MRS. ANNA KELBERG Func-ra] services were held Sunday at the Jewish Funeral Home BETH ISRAEL for Mrs. Anna Kelbcrg, 70, of 4905 Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Burt Street, who died February Eli Kagan, Belli Israel Synagogue 6 in a local hospital. Burial was Choir, will conduct late services in Pleasant Hill Cemetery. this evening at 8 p. m. Surviving are sons, Louis, DenJJabbi Groner's sermon will be ver; Frank, Omaha; daughters, on "The Great Emancipator." Mrs., Irving Pazorf, Mrs. Gilbert Tradiotional Friday evening serv- Chessen, Los Angeles, Cal.; Mrs. ices (Kabbalas Shabbos\ at 5:30 David F i s t e l l , Denver; Mrs. p. m. Jerry Jacobs, Whittier, Cal.; Mrs. Sabbath morning services begin Iz Makovsky, Pueblo, Colo., Mrs. at 8:45 a. m.; Junior Congrega- Nathan Berg and a brother, Mortion at 10 a. m. Rabbi Groner will ris Firestone, Omaha and 20 grand conduct the Saturday afternoon children. Talmud Class at 5:15 p. m. and Mincha, f o l l o w e d by Shalosh CIIAIM WINTROL'B Funeral services were Sunday at S'eudos and Maariv will begin at the Jewish F u n e r a l Home fur 5 p.m. Chnim Wintroub, 91, resident of Sunday morning services begin the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home at 8:45 a. m., followed by break- for the Aged, who died Februfast and The R a b b i ' s class in ary G. • Bible; Junior service at 8:30 a. m. Survivors are daughter, Mrs. Daily services at 7 a. m, and 5:45 May Fox, Denver, Colo.; sons. Sam p. m. and William, Isadore, all of El The weekly Ta 1 m it d Study Paso, Tex. Group meets every Tupsday evening at 7:30 p. m. and Saturday morning sen-ices at: the 19th and Burt S t r e e t Synagogue every Saturday morning at 9 a. m.
B'NAI JACOU-ADAS YRS HURON' Services at B'nai Jacob-AdasYeshuron will begin Friday at 5:15 p. m. and Saturday morning at 8:30 a. m. with Mincha at 5:15 p. m. followed by Shalosh S'eudos. Daily services at 6:30 n. m. and 5:30 p. m.
Friday, February ft, 18S9
TO WOMEN WHO "HAVE IJ0 TIME" TO BAKE If bet of time is ill that's holding you back, you need only rfir« minutes to prove to yourself that you can do your own home baking . . . with talti Tlut's all it likes to mix a Dromedary batter for pound cake, ginctrbrcJd, corn muffins and other favorites— tilth perfect rciulti the first timt and nfv time you taiel
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INSTALLATION AZA No. 100 will install officers, February 15 at the Fireside restaurant, 6:30 p.m. Dick Zevitz. WA 9718 is in charge of reservations. Pound Caba • Glneorbrsid W Corn Muffin Dili Muffin • CcrnDr«ad • Fod{eend Frosting Mix '
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Boys to Take Airport- Tour The older boys' group of the Sunday Funday program will go on a guided tour of the Municipal Airport Sunday, February 15. Barry Silverman entertained Funday sessions with a magic program Jast Sunday.
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BltEADBKKAKKKS AT .H:\VISII JKWISH COMMUNITY C'ENTKK Site o£ the weekly meetings of the Henry Monsky I^wlge U'nui E'rith Breadbreakcvs lias been uhlfted to the Jewish Community Center, c h a i r in u n Gerald Sch\vartz said. The group meets every Wednesday noon for informal discussions and to hear guest .speakers. All B'nai B'riths In Omaha amj Council Bluffs arc invited.
nry 15, 7:30 p.m. at tlie Jewish Community Center, Committee in charge consists of Mmes. Marion liondnrin, Anna Ilifkin and Max Fiewiowitz. Mrs. Marj;ie Nearenberg will sing Yiddish folk songs and refreshments will be bcrvctl.
KMCOTION AND MI Tlie Oniaha Chapter of the City of Hope will hold a meeting nnd election of officers Wednesday, Fcbrrary ]8 at 8 p.m. nt the ' WOHKMKN'S CIHCI/K I1AZAAII Blackstone Hotel. The Workmen's Circle Family of Omaha will hold its annual bazaar CLASSICS AT IIKTII ElClasses meeting at Beth El Sunday, February 22, beginning a t 5 p. m. at the Labor Lyceum, S y n a g o g u e are "For Women Only," February 16, at 2 p.m., the 3024 Cuniinc Si reel. A buffet supper including many Sisterhood Choral Group, every Jewish dishes such (is Kcfille fish, Monday at 3 p.m. with Cantor tlintzes, Elrudcl and other delica- Aaron Edgar. cies, will be served from 5 p. m. WOMEN to 8 p. m. nt a nominal charge. DONOJt TKA FEBRUARY 17 Bakery, clothes and groceries ""ioneer Women's Organization will be available at the bazaar. will hold its annual Donor Ten, .Admission is fifty cents per per- Tuesday, Fe'oruary 17th at 1 p.m. son. All proceeds will co towards at the home of Mrs. Jacob Kaplan. the adoption of orphan children in A program has been planned by Israel. The public Is invited. Moctzeth Hapolat c h a i r m e n , Milieu. Snru S c h w a r t z , Mwis Mmes. Marion Ikmdarin ami Sam Within, and Mnx Kntz are buzsnr fiifkin. Mrs. Milton Nearcnberg chninrir'n. will preside. Members and guests are invited. JUIt.S. J. II. KIW.AKOF.SKY IS OXKO KHAHHAT IIOSTKSS Mrs. .7. H'nrry Kulfiliofsky will b<; hostess to the Educational Council of the Onuilin Chapter of JIadassiih at an Oncj; Shnhbnt. on Sntiirday, February 14 nt 1 p, ni. HADASSAH IJOAItl) The Omaha Chapter of Hildastali will hold its regular board nuetini; Monday, February 10 at « 12:30 p. m. dessert luncheon at 1lir." home of Mrs. Saul Craetz with Mines. Gerald Schwartz and Gilbert Aronoff as co-hostesses.1 HADASSAH IUJAIMAGK SAKE Omaha Chapter of Hadnssah will Jiulil a rummage sale March 8, !). 1(1, 11, 12 at 0(M-06-()8-Nm-th 16th Street. Kimiin;i|;e sale chairmen arc Mmes. David Shukcrt, A1 fiv.;irtz, Mrs. Barney Hobcnnan. Mrs. Shukert IIKIK that the follinvinv; women be called by those who wish to have articles picked up: Mmes. William Haskin, RE Mr>7, chairman for store wilicitaliun; Hnrney Hobciiii.iii, f»l. 2'lfil .•mil Nate Marcus, C,l. 0!)7.'i. Df pots have boon set vip for receiving all tvp'":i of merchandise, elol.limg, liouscwiires, books, furniture at jh<" following locations.•MiiK'.'i.'.Siirn (irci.'ii, 511 So. 5.1 Street., Arthur Cnldslcin, KA'A Hickory, and Win. l!a<:kin. 10,'tO No. (i."i Street. KKi.M.V IJKI.TA TAU AI.IVMNAK lAJNX'HKON .' :ma Delta Tan A l u m n a e J.<;r;ue members will hold n Valinliiie party luncheon at Kay's ]{r";taurant on Saturday, Fnbrum-y Mth at 1 p. m. Reservations n i ' being taken by Mmes. Justin Mituvitz, HK »50!), find Bernard Hiiekonberfl, WA 9250. SUJ.MA AM'HA Mil MOTHKRS CMJB ''lie Sigma Alpha Mu Mothers Club will hold their next meeting on Wednesday, Feb. IS, at 1 p. m. H' the home of Mrs, Harry Friedman,-4811 Franklin Street, with Mrs. J. Bnrron as co-hostess. Mem. liers are requested to make their reservations with Mrs. E. I. WidJiinn, GL 3435. OMAHA <;HArTE!t JWIZKACItl WO.MKN The regular meeting of the local chapter o( Mizrachi Women will be preceded by a dessert luncheon a t 1 p. ni. Wednesday, February 18th at the Jewish Community Center. In.honor of Jewish Music month. a program of Yiddish music will be presented by Cantor Eli Kngan. VALENTINE PAUTV The Young Adults will hold a Vsilentine party at the home of R o b e r t a Grossman, 5809 Pine, Saturday, February 1, Call Eleanor Resnick, T E 9585. Fred Marcus, WA 3275, It transportation chairman. I*OAXE ZION INSTALLATION Ne\V officers will be installed at a meeting..of Poale Zion Brunch No. 5<1, F- •b.'ino", Sunday,
Dinner to Honor Miss Krantz and Fiance Saturday
Page Three
Girls +0 Perform A\ Fremont Tea
Son of Habbi and Mrs. David Ooldsfein Wed
A group from the Anne Frank Chapter of Young Judea will present Israeli dances, Sunday, February 15 at a Brotherhood Tea sponsored by the National Conference of Christians and Jews at the Hotel Pathfinder in Fremont. The group consists of: Susie Slutsky, Linda Gractz, Judy Turner, Gail Brodkey, Alice Fellman, Barbiira C'hurlakoff, Joyce Render, RozaJyn Bordy. Miss Bonnie Ilnykin, advisor to the group, will accompany them.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Tunlk ot Chicago, III., announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Helen C. Tunik, to Rabbi Jonathan n. Goldstein, son of Rabbi and Mrs. David A. Goldstein of 5420 Woodbine Ave., Philadelphia, Pa., former Omalians. The ceremony took place at Har Zion Temple February 1, in the presence of the immediate family. The bride, a graduate of tlie University of Chicago, holds a doctor's degree from Radcliffe College in Medieval Hebrew Philosophy. The groom, a graduate of Harvard College and the Jewish Theological Seminary is a candidate for a doctorate from Columbia University in the field of Ancient History. They are at home at 336 Riverside Drive, New York City. Eabbi David A. Goldstein was spirituul leader of Beth El Congregation from 1930 to 1946.
Citizenship Award (Continued from Page 1.) Board, past president of Beth Kl Sisterhood, nnd Council of Jewish National Service Her name Is on every memberhip roster of Jewish Women's Clubs in Omaha, in addition to being a member of the Joxtyn Society of Liberal Arts, League of Women Voters, Clarkson Hospital, American Association of the United Nations. Mrs. Kulakofsky is a member of ADA, Brandels University, NAACP, Foreign Policy Association, National Child Labor Committee and Denver UnU \ersity Alumni. She served on the Omaha Library Board for 14 years, and was on the board o[ the Social Settlement House for 17 years. Cli-in Participation Mrs. Kuliikofsky helped organize lie Urban League and has served on the VVoodson Center board. She is a member of the Community Chest Advisory Board, was Jewish Residential Division Chalrmnn in 1025 and has served on the Initial Gifts Committee. During World War II, she helped organize the civil defense program and .served as assistant to the chairman. Her many years of Red Cross work bears recognition. Invitations have been mailed to all B'nai D'rith members, who are urged to return the reservation card enclosed. Friends and guests are welcome.
A prenuptial dinner will be given Saturday, February 14 at the Ulackslone hotel for Miss Hence Krantz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Harry Krantz and Sanford Kasner. son of Mr. nnd Mrs. M. Krasner of Oklahoma City, Okla., who are to be married in a late afternoon ceremony, Sunday, at. Beth Kl Synagogue. Hosts will be the Messrs. nnrl Mmes. Nathan Veitzer, Aaron Krantz and Louis Blumkin. A large group of out-of-town guests are arriving for the wedding. Among them will be Mr. and Mrs. Hynuin Schneider and Mrs. William Lipman of New York City. Chicagoans will include Messrs. and Mmes. . S e y m o u r Rnkcr, Charles Kudnick, Harry Berger, the la tier's daughter and son, Gall and Jordan linger and Mrs. Evelyn" Welnbcrg. Others are Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kranlz, Denver, Colo.; Dr. and Mrs. Marian Rosenberg, Joe Jacobson, Oklahoma City; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baker, Normnn, Okla.; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dcgcn, Tulsn, Okln.; Messrs. nnd Mmrs, Sam Krantz, Sam Engman nnd Gerald Engman, Des Moines, la.
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Omaha Chapter of MEETING AND ELECTION OF OFFICERS Wednesday, Feb. 18 at 8 P.M. Blacksrone Hotel Everyone Welcome
. No Solicitation
CITY OF HOPE: A free non-iect«rian national medical rereiearch ^center under Jowish autpices fighting cancer, leuiOi blood, ches* and heari diseases.
Thil Sunday Only)
Also Many Other Cuts of Firso Beef #1 Reaionable Price 1
Friday, February ^ 19fff
' a g s Four
Official Publication of Sioux City Federation
'Round the World And the Nation'
' Kosher Meat Motice
IS.v Nuriiian Munson • Now the exodus was Inmi Rumania—;iii(I the likelihood grew ever stronger that the gales next Thirty outstanding leaders of Sioux City Jewry were called Sunwould be opened to the Jews of day to the home ol E. <\. Grucskin to formulate decisive plans foi'.thr Soviet Russia itself. Virtually all I9.~>9 United Jewish campaign. 3.000.000 of thrill may be headed Preparations for this year's effort in behalf of the UJA regular Tor Israel. according .to wiled fund, Emergency Kescue campaigii+ ;— statements from I'remicr Hen- and all local needs will begin in j „,„.„.„.. ,,f slate of Israel Bonds, Gurion. earnest following the conclusion | j( u a s pointed out. Visits to .Sioux Tills exciting prospect o|>encd of the current Israel Bonds cam-1 c i ( y , j y , o , M . ( i n i d n ) ; Is,;,e|i.s are the possibility of vast new chalI expected to spur HIP ellorls of lenges to 'Israel and to work! With (MA anil Isriiel Uomls co- both young ami veteran connuuim! Jewry. The needs include trans- ordinating their drive* on both leaders. portation money and facilities, national and local levels more 'i'lie markedly increased immihousi.ig and feeding the immi- closely than ever, tin; enthusiasm gration into Israel, with SOUK.1 10,grants on their arrival, training or and inspiration generated hy the 000 Rumanian Jews each month retraining the newcomers, and bond campaign is expected to car : now entering, bus necessitated the their economic and social absorp- ry over for Slouv City*** most dy- greatest combined effort in the tion into the fabric of the Jewish n ii m 1 c community mobilization annuls of American Jewry. state. since 1!)J8. Sioux City is confident II will With all Hit; problems, however, Leaders of the United Jewish carry its share of tlie historic the nmv influx—real and hoped campaign also are staunch sup- ] burden. for—wait expected to be a tr«niendoils asset, human and economic, to the griming young nation, For example, it in expected that 1,000 of the new Immigrants will be physicians. Fully one-third are children or young persons 1!) The Center youth council and or younger. Audiences were big and partici- the BBYO, will hold a city-wide Why this apparent reversal of pation was all-out in the early Brotherhood dance Saturday night, Kremlin policy? Educated guesses years of Federation. Some 1,200 revolve around the possibility that people turned out for Federation's Feb. 21, at the Jowish Community Khrushchev finally has decided the first picnic on August 12, 1922, at Center. solution to the "Jewish problem" Woodland Park in Riverside. AftOnly such affair in Sioux City lies in ridding bis empire of un- er a strenuous day's activity of for the past nine years, the Youth ussimilable Jews. The Rumanian baseball, potato races, egg races, Brotherhood dance is* open to all Jews are being allowed to leave eating and sun-burning, the crowd high school students irrespective with an absolute minimum of per- heard addresses by Henry Monsky, of faith and color. Music Is by a sonal property, and what is left in Sam Scheafer, superintendent of live, band; refreshments are supthe country nets financial gain to the Omaha Federation, E. E. Baron plied by the Center Youth Council. Rumanians and consequent closer and Max Brodkey. Co-chairmen of this event are ties to communist rule. An even larger audience attend- Jim Rocklin, Rochelle Lefkovich, At any rate, even without Rus- ed the first Jewish Community and Mary Lou Levich. Last year's *ii., it looks like a 1959 inllux of. Center Vaudeville Show, held at attendance exceeded COO. up to 100.000 East European Jews Central High Auditorium, May 15, into Israel. It means a big budget j 1923. Archie Kroloff gave a chalk In Israel and big objectives for the talk. Nate Herzoff and Herman Israel Bond and UJA campaigns. Slotsky appeared in playlet "A These momentous events and Woman's a Woman for a'that." prospects formed a backdrop for About 60 small fry danced or sang the current Sioux City Israel in a revue called "How'd you like Bond campaign and gave It u new to be a kid again?" Among these A cash grant of $150 has been meaning and sense of urgency. young performers were—Lucille made by 'the Council of Jewish This stimulus, added to rr.e ap- Barrent (Mrs. Dave Albert), Mae Women for providing door-to-door pearance here of an unprecedented Eirinberg (Mrs. Joe Miller), Ruth bus transportation for Golden Aggalaxy of newsworthy personali- Kosberg (Mrs. Dave Kaplan), ers to and from the Jewish Comties, Deemed certain to push the I Berniee Goldstein (Mrs. Martin munity Center. The Council has drive to a highly successful con- Falk), Bernice Galinsky (Mrs. also been supplying refreshments clusion and, in addition, to pave Harold Goldstein); Lillian Dobrof- for the Golden Age Club regularly the way for a strong IMA cam- sky (.Mrs. Abe Bcrkowit/.t, Frank- since its inception in 1954. paign in the spring. le Rosenthal (Mrs. Emil Levich) The Golden Age Club, Council Governors Brooks of Nebraska and Saul Lansburg. president Mrs. Harold Lewis pointand Loveless of Iowa were here. These and other great events ed out, is only one of a number of Mrs. Michael Comay, said to be of old will be re-lived at the Fed- Council projects that directly and Israel's top woman journalist and eration Annual Dinner March 8. concretely serve the Sioux City wife of the country's deputy forJewish community. A highly coneign minister, added her refreshfidential and little-known Council ing charm and incisive knowledge project ig giving scholarship asto the local scene, while Gen. Meir sistance to Sioux City Jewish colHebrew Women Elan, a hero of Israel's war of lege students. Fifteen students The Hebrew Women's Associaliberation, will be here Sunday. have benefited from this scholartion Board will meet Monday, ship-aid program since it was On that day, the big drive will February 16, 1 p.m. at the home started several years ago. As I)c climaxed with a program honor- of Mrs. Morris Aizenborg. Council does with Golden Age, and ing Rabbi H. It. Kablnowltz us he also Nursery School, the scholarprepares to retire. JWV Auxiliary ship program in carried on in close The campaign here is a vital The Ladies Auxiliary of the Jewpart of a nationwide drive to sell is War Veterans No. 337 will liaison with Federation, Mrs $75 million in Israel bonds this meet Thursday, February 19, 8:15 Lewis stated. Federation staff year. Together with other big p.m., at the Jewish Community members do much of the actual administration, and the Federafund raising efforts, it is hoped Center. tion Board and Executive Comthis will be sufficient to bring in mittee are directly Involved in the and at least start to integrate the Temple Sisterhood many thousands longing to enter The Mount Sinai Temple Sister- policy and operation of these comIsrael. hood will play hostess to the munity projects. The Council also performs servShaaro Zion Women's League and 'BRIEFLY A R O U N D THE the United Orthodox Synagogue ices for the general community, WORLD . . . Nasser received more Auxiliary in a community-wide Mrs. Lewis said. Council volunRussian submarines last week, re- Intra-Faith dessert l u n c h e o n teers work for the TB association portedly the "most modern" un- Thursday, February 19, 1:15 p.m., and the Lighthouse, and the Council was the founder of the nonderseas craft . . . Meanwhile, at the Temple. more infiltrations — i n c l u d i n g Mrs. L. S. Goldberg will review sectarian Bancroft Golden Age Club, oldest and biggest senior shooting of an Israeli shepherd- "Love and Knishes.". citizen group in the city. were reported from the IsraeliSyrian border and Jordan, relaShaaro Zlon Women tively quiet lately, opened fire and Mrs. W. A. Duttbn, who will tute will hold its next session folkilled an Israeli soldier in Jerusa- show slides and talk on the Unit- lowing services Friday evening, salem last week. ed Nations, at- the Shaare Zion February 6. Subject of the discusWomen's League njeeting Tuesday, sion will be "Tim Family From The Omaha National Bank will February 17, 8 p.m., at the Syna- -the Jewish Point of View," Tha lend buyers and holders of Israel gogue. Husbands are invited. meeting will bo open to all.
Packed Sn Old Days
Development Issue Bonds 75 per cent of the bonds' face value at 5% per cent interest..
Center Youth Sets Brotherhood Dance
The Kashrut Council calls attention to llu1 Kosher Meat Older .Service of Jan ISrons(o/i. as the only authorized local source of fresh Kosher mea t. Orders phoned before Sunday noon will be delivered on the Thursday following. Orders are to be phoned to 5-7200.
Sioux City will pay overwh'.'lmF ing tribute to one of its most b*'ij loved leaders .Sund.iy night. I Rabbi Ily/mui H. Ruhinowtiz will j be honored at a community-whin •meeting at the Jewish Community Center at 8 p. in.. Fob. 15, by jtlic Stale of Israel and the Isravl lionds Organization. General Meir Elan, Qu.utiTm is| ter General of the Israel Army .rm<I I hero of the War of Liberation of I liMfj-11), will'present » spcci'il ciMonroe llattcnbach, grandson jtalion to Rabbi RabinowiU for hi'* of Godfrey Ilattenbach, the first ",'tl years of distinguished ami deJew to settle in .Sioiixlnnd, has of- voted service to Israel, Zionism, fered to lend papers, documents, Judaism and IIuiiKinity." photos and other rare inentontos Admission Is fifty rent* u person, of old Sioux City to the Annual t Including » dessert supper, ami ,1. Dinner Committee, fur display in J'orry OMlouitr. c|i:ilrninn of th<» the Center and for use in the pro- Israel HIIIIIIH committee urged all gram, which will dramatize 90 to make reservations now. Teleyears of Jewish life in Sioux City. phone 8-0(11 H today to tin tn-mri'I '-Godfrey Hattenbach settled In of your seat. Mr. Osnowltz asSioux City in 1857, when the city serted. WHS only three years old and the Rabbi Rabinowitz, born in Sreilsurrounding country was raw nick, Lithuania, came to the Unitfrontier wilderness. He had come ed Stutcs in 1901. After attending from Cincinnati, where a number public school in Allentown, ht of.his descendents still live, and moved to New York where he wai lie became one of the pioneers who graduated from Ycshlva Isiiac Elmade Sioux City the cattle-trading chanan, forerunner of today's metropolis it Is today. He and nis great Yeshlva University. After attending Columbia unJ son-in-Jaw, D. A. Magee, who was converted to Judulsm, were among reeelvinir a I!.\ In 1910, the nibM the most prominent citizens of moved a few block* up Itrmxltray Sioux City's early days. Ho was to the Jewish Tlirnloglrnl Seminalso one of the founders of Mount nry of America, from where h» w.'it (jrailuiitfil with distinction In Sinai Temple in 1898. 1925. Married to Gittel Vogel. thi» Only Monroe Hattenbach, of Godfrey Haltenbach's descendants, Rabinowltzes came in honeymooalives in Sioux City today. He and ers to Sioux City, and liave reMrs. Hattenbach have retained a mained ever since. When the rabbi large number of pictures, letters assumed his post at Shaare Zion, and panel's depicting the old days. the congregation was housed in Others have responded to the an old, rented church building at call for old clippings, photos and 7th and court. Under his Inspiring leadership, documents are Jack Robinson, E. E. Baron and Ben Baron, Mrs. the congregants swiftly built a Louis Sbindler and Rabbi II. R. new synagogue, dedicated in 1927 Rabinowitz. Over 100 items are al- at ita present site. ItabbI Itublnowitr. lnw Jieea a ready available for display during the Annual Dinner week, March life-long lender of Zionism and til!) ZOA and Will fur three year* * 8-15. member of the executive council of thf! K.'ilililnlrnl Assembly of America. He is an active member of B'nal B'rith, which is eo-spotHoring Sunday's testimonial in conjunction with the Sioux City chapter of Hadassah. A past member of the board of the Woodhtiry County Red Cross Chapter, tha rabbi is a member of the Sioux City Ministerial. Association, and played a leading role on Its public relations committee. The Rablnowitzs liave onu daughter, Segulah, who is married to Irving Glvot, and granddunghter Deborah is the pride and joy. of the family. Dr. Louli Finlfclitcin ,clmxic«lInr of the Seminary, prevented Itulilii Knbinmvitz with an honorary ili-gmi or doctor of divinity In 11(58 in impressive IS'eiv YorK ceri'monlcB. The Sioux City spiritual leader (Jen, Meir Elan is a contributor to Hebrew pubIsrael's leading representative lications such ns Hadoar and Tulcurrently in the United States will ploth OrHamizrach. He is a conpresent the special award to Kabbi tributor to the Jewish Universal Hyman It. .Rabinowitz Sunday Encyclopedia and the proceedings night. of the Itabblncal Assembly of General Meir Elan, quarter- America. master general of the Israeli, who The rublil visited I'nlestlne In played a key role in the War of 1932 and Israel In 1051, and lias Liberation victory, will arrive in actively bought and sold I*rani Sioux City Saturday night. Itondn nlnce the latter vlsll. Ho The meeting, sponsored by the addressed the Rnbbtnlral Anf»omGreater Sioux City Committee for bly convention In 103(1, gpeaklng State of Israel Bonds, will climax on eulogies. a whirlwind campaign led by J. Rabbi Rabinowitz wa» the JewPerry Osnowitz, chairman. A key ish representative for Sioux Clty'g committee of community leaders, mammoth V-E Day and V-J Day including tha past presidents of celebrations, and has addressed
Dinner Commtff-ee Offered Help
Shaare Zlon, the Federation's president and executive director, Family Instltutt) Mrs. Golda Meir, It a former Hadassah and B'nai B'rlth presiThe Sh'aare 7Mm Family Insti- Milwaukee school teacher, , dents, is, working with. Osnowitz.
virtually every civic, educational and religious group In Sioux City and surrounding Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota communities.