I'M \OI.
11 i'uljllslicd every Frlilay. Ill) N. It'rth. -M Omaha, .NVI.iiiska, I'lium- J.\ KW>
.Entered us .Sccond-C'luss Mutter ut Post- Annual Rule 4 Dollar* ' office, Oniuliu, Nebraska, under Act of 1«7». Single Copy JO CenM
Cohn Aims for Full Coverage as
Rolls info Action
J\ ris Grossman, OIIMIU business woman who has hcen closely identified with community Tlie. Philanthropies Men's Divi- Aged, as well as national and over- activities including Philanthropies' sion swunK inl" action as C'hair- seas hospitals and organizations". drives, will lead 1 lie- Women's Division of the Kt.VJ Philanthropies inail Arthur A. Colin and Mis divil'rohleins KiieiMl in NHIC! (Campaign, it was announced hy sion lenders pledged full a n d I'aul Veiet, Kivlei atiou F.xecii-I Mrs. Mike Freeman, president of coverage at a c a p t a i n s ' meeting Sunday moniiiu; at the Jewish live Director, pointed out ||,,,| ! Hie Kecleriilion of Jewish Wonien'i. Community Center. Israel is willing and able to acCiiril To VliT-Clialrnifii eopl all of the the. expected 100,000 cept Cards were turneil over to the: Rumanian Jewish refugees, but. j vice-chairmen: Millard Margolin, ! are faced with the problems of; Charles Monasee, Donald Nogg! providing homes, jobs and food, j onri George .Sliafer for distribution "The United Jewish Appeal is Widespread interest in I lie aruiy to members of their teams, the method hy which American f Mr. Colin sniil full coverage of Jewry accepts its responsibility", I » youthful talent to be on disflu- division's 1,0110 r;irds "Is a he .said. "Although Israel Citizens, j play for Stage Night, Saturday, must". He felt ussilrril of tliU through increased taxation and pviiruary 21 »l 8 p. in. at Cential goal with the high calibre of men voluntary loans are doing their ut-1 , , j g | l K c h o ( ) , KWCS evory l m ] i c a | i o n . . . . I>tml|;c(l to 111*- task of contacting most, the job cannot lie done withprospect*. out our Willingness to share our j t h ; i t l l s t«en.y-lhml annual show I'se Of I''IIIMI» dollars with tho.se refugees finding ' will be maikrd by a record at"1 know that when Omahara homes in Israel." j tendance, ore approached by a solicitor, Mr. Spcelnl Appointment* The event, sponsored by the Cohn added, "they will voluntarMr. Cohn announced the fol- Jewish Youlh Council will feature ily increase their pledge, recog- lowing special assignments: Klliol acts by Robanue BUG, F.leanor nizing their money will be used Brown and Willie i-.'pslein of H"jial Roosevelt BI!O; Dehkn Debs; t o resettle 100,000 Htirnanlan Jews D'rith Cornlmsker lodge; William Kdinr BUG; AZA No. 1; AZA No In Israel; to continue support of Stone of U'nal B'rith's Nebraska 100 and Rayim. our Jewish Youth in T a l m u d lodge and Jerry Crossmnn and Awards will be made for the Torahs and Sunday schools: our Max Kanner of Hi? Jewish War beat performance among the boys' Dr. Philip Slier Home for the Veteiani groups and among the girls' orgnnizations. Judges will be Dr. Edward Corbett, Mrs. Mary Steele, Dick Waller, The program will have Bob Wilson, KOIL disc jockey, as Master of Ceremonies, Music and stunts will he presented belween acts by individual performers Including Hurbnra Bercult, Gail Shrier, Arnie Fellman, Howard Chudakoff, Mike Markovilz. Phyllis Shapiro, Walt Wise, Lurry Gilinsky, Gall Pcllman and Toni Knplnn, Admission is 51 for adults and fifty cents for students. Tickets may be purchased from tiny Youth Council member in advance or at the door on th<? evening of the performance.
Club.-, .ind .Samuel K. Wolf, General Campaign Chairman. Mrs. Freeman expressed deep sali.sfaclioil over Mrs. Grossman's acceptance as chairman. Women Hope To Up Iteeord "Our Women's Division, always outstanding, will ha\e to outdo
Siago Nsglif Expected To Draw Large Crowd
Felix Fibichio Appear on Series Felix Fibich, choreographer and dancer will appear on the next presentation of the Program of the Month Series, March 19, 8 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. The Series is sponsored by the Jewish Community Center in cooperation with Beth El Synagogue, Beth Israel Synagogue, B'nni B'rith Lodges and Chapters, Omaha Chapter of Madassah, Temple Israel and the Young Adult Council.
I r s , like Freeman To Address Lincoln Women's UJA Meeting
ten ©yrion Pleads for
Jerusalem, (,ITAP--AS Rumanian Jews continued to pour into Israel, the task of energizing the Jews of the free world for the staggering rescue and rehabilitation tusk was pushed on a dozen fronts under the leadership of the Jews of Israel. I'rlmo Minister Duvld Bon (illrlon niiide si half dozen hjierchex as he pleaded ullli-liuth tlio (HIzens of Israel and Jew* In tlio free rounlrlcs to help Inrnel shoulder tlio trcmcndiim bnrdciiH of tiildng In mill absorbing tin100,000 refugees cxpeetcd thin yenr from Eastern I-urope, prinilpully ilnmanhi, 10 Groups Uopriisenteil Meantime four hundred Jewish leaders, rcprcsonting 39 major national Jewish organizations at a meeting this week in Now York City, joined in an urgent call to the American Jewish communities t rise to the "historic opportuniShe Is a member of the Federa- ty" afforded by the great emigration of Jews from Eastern Europe tion Executive Committee,
Mrs. Mike Freeman, President of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs; will address a UJA Women's gathciJng, Wednesday noon, February 25 at the home of Mrs. D. Da\ld Nefsky In LlnIs'ebr. She -will d i s c u s s "C.'inip a I g n Pointers and Needs." Mrs. Freeman Jins been a member- of the na, M. tional hoard of the Women's Division of the United Jewish Appeal, served locally as Worncn'g Division Chairman of the Philanthropies in 1955 and as a co-chairman In 1951 and 1957.
and make It "one of tho momentous development In contemporary history. (ioliln Meier Speaks Israeli Foreign Minister Golds Meier, one of the first of a scries of key speakers to tour the United Statea for the emergency regular goals of the United Jewish Campaign, told the ronforenro that the people of Israel, despite tho hard pressures thu new Immigration would fs.vcrt on them, were "determined to iveleomo idl Jews wlio came to our NlioreH." She voiced confidence that Israel's pooplc, with tliv help of J e n s nbro.-ul, "particularly (lie Jews of tlin JJnitc<I Htatos," qould MiirrtfHMfuIly topi with tlio challenge poseil by tlio new lmnilgratlou, Mcdlcnl Field Saturated
Meanwhile, plans wore mnde In Tel Aviv to divert immigrant medical ;tudents to related fields be cause of the saturation of the medical profession in the country
V Mrs. Morris firossmnn
Brotherhood Event To Feature Panel
self Ibis year", she said, "and e arc -grateful for the leaderlip of which we are now assured." "[ think", she added, "that the allowing excerpt from a letter. received from our chairman, who (tended the recent United Jewish ippeal conference in Miami Reach, 'la., speaks eloquently of her L'elings on tho campaign's imortance." Mrs. Grossman wroto "After tho MA affair which was attended by bout :!,()()(( people, I feel moro iimble tlmn ever about tailing Ids responsibility, and will MI'favor to do piy very best." Upon her appointment, Mrs.: rossman said "we cannot fair tho nen, women and children who can >e saved and I r a n s p o r t e d to srael." . . rumiliur With Israel Picture Mrs. Grossman has been an eye-'Itncsis to the refugee problems in srael during her tours of the couftry In 19.").') and 1958 and also is icquainted wtih local n e e d s through her association with community affairs. During her 1958 visit to Israel she "planted a mile of trees" near Bcershoba in memory of her husband. Active In Organizations Her participation in Israel Bond ,voik includes serving as one of he leadets of the Women's Diviiion in l')15, n membei of tho 1958 vomen's ndvismy committee; Chen -hairman and sponsor She Vwis onp of the organizers if the fiist Hada&sah gioup In Council Iiluffs and later served as advisor to the Omaha Business und Professional unit for three ears. She belongs to the Ohama 'oastmistross Club, Benson Comnerclal Club and Eastern Star.
A group of prominent Omahans will serve us members of a panel at the annual Brotherhood Event of the Nebraska Lodge No. 1145, H'nal IJ'rith, Thursday, February 26, at 8:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. The panelists will be the Ilonorble Kohert It. Troyer, County court judge; Dr. Philip Starr, child psychologist; Dr. C C. Madsen, )ana College president; David J. Majors, United Community Sorvce and Saul Silverman, Center Activities Director who will be modrator. Those who will represent religious youth groups will be Miss Harry Truslln, City Councilman Joyce Pope, St. Benedict's church; Aubrey Wise Ji , Calvin Memoi- nd prominent community leader, ial church and Jeiiy Frank, Tem- has been honored with two special a p p o I n tments ple Israel. this week The panel will discuss "Youth He was named Tells the Adult" The public Is ma member of tha vlletl. twelve-man National Commander's Board of tha Jewish War Veterans, it was anfi nounccd by Aba Hal Bernard of New York City Miller, area "D" United Jewish Appeal Field Divice - commander rector, during his visit to Omaha of the organUathis week, reported that 3939 Cam- -Hurr.v Trnstln tion. paign activities throughout the Mi 1'iustln, an engineer, also country already indicate increased was appointed by the Mississippi "giving" over the previous year. Valley Association to a committee Mr. Bernard who succeeds Her- hat will dnect a major effort by bert Lipson In this area, has been tho 23-state organization against conferring with UJA leaders in water pollution Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakola. He said that increased funds are being raised to meet the emer gency needs created by the tin preceilehtcd exodus of Rumanian Jews.
Harry Trusfin Gets Two Appointments
Hal Bernard Notes 'Increased' Giving
Rabbi f%er Kripke
Abe Miller Reports On JWV Decisions The Jewish War veterans ar seeking national legislation "tc make the unlawful use of dynamite a federal offense," Abe Mil ler, area "D" national vice-coin marnlor reported on his rctur from a regional conference in Columbus, O. The proposal wa prompted by the recent wave o Synagogue and religious hnildin bombings. Mr, Miller also suid that tin conference voted to continue it: stand, opposing';nil forms of Tsrap
J\\\ Review 'Dr. Zhivago" Feb. 25
The icwew of ,i pn/e winning book by Rabbi M>er S Knplce of Beth Kl SynagOKue, will hiRlilight the open meeting of Homy Monsky Lodge of B'n.ii B'nth, Wedncsdny .Febiunry 23, at 8 30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Rabhi Kupke has selected "Dr. ' Zhivago," the Nobel Prize winning volume by Boris Paslornnk as the subject of his review. World-wide controversial i-eactions and opinions by leading literary critics on the book have been studied in regard-to its Rr.-atnoss and Jewish Implications.The meetinT i=! nr-cn to the pub-
P»ge Tiro
Academy of Arts and Mrs. Max Sacks Science for Israel Elected District • The Cabinet h;fs decided Bowling President j\ onIsnii.-lthe establishment of an Israel
Religious i Services Canill<'li|;litini;—ii'.i'i [i. in. B'NAI JACOB ADAS XESIH'HON Services at B'n.'ii J.neol)-Ail.isYeshuron will begin Friday at 5:45 p. m. and Saturday morning at 8:30 a. m. with Mincha at 5:45 p^ rn. followed by Shalosh S'curlos. Daily services at 6:30 a. ni. and 6 p. m. TEMPJLK ISKAKL Services will be hold this Fridayevening 'at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Sidney Brooks will preach on "Dr. Zhivago and Toynbee." Shabbas morning services will begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi Brooks officiating and the Religious School Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin singing the musical portions of the service.
Friday, February JO, 195D
MItS. 1SEKTHA SOLZMANT Funeral services were held February 11 nt the Jewish Funeral Home for Mrs, Bertha Solzman, 78, of Council Bluffs, who died February 10 after a long illness. | She was a resident of Council Bluffs 40 yoar>; and was the widow of Nathan Solzman. Surviving are sous, Meyer, Council Bluffs; Herman, Hambun;, la.; Isel, Omaha and a sister, Mrs. Hose Jnblow, New York City. Burial was in Council Bluffs.
j Academy of Arts rind Sciences. 'i\venty founilin;; members are to be appointed shortly by the (Jovenirn<'nt to draw up statutes j fur (lie Academy, Prof. A. Kalzir |nf the UVizmann Institute, told | the Pro>s. The Acadesny will be financed by a budget allocated by the Government and will be located in the Van Leer Center for the Advancement of Human Culture, to be MVEK LINDA built on a 30-dunam site in JeruFuneral services were held in salem, provided by Ihe Govern- Hollywood, Fla., for Myer Linda, ment. The Academy and the Cen- 07, former Oninhan, who died ter, however, are two separate there, February 5. He was the fabodies. ther of Mrs. Herbert Forbes and The Academy will link Israel was a former member of the Nescience with scientists abroad, di- braska Bar Association. rect and supervise research of all Other survivors are his wife. kinds in Israel ami provide premises where scientists can meet and Sarah; daughter, Mrs. Milton Graditor, and a son, Milton, all of cany on their work. - "The purpose of the Center," Hollywood; two sisters and six Prof. Katzir .-.aid, "will lie to re- grandchildren. veal and f;ive form to the humanitarian content latent in scientific KN'KIIIT OF DMIKA DEBS Marshall Bernstein of AZA No. research and discovery. It will serve as a national and interna- 100'was voted Knight of Debka tional meeting place for think- Debs at its annual "Knight to Reers, scientists, writers and artists member," January 17 at the Blnclcfor the exchange of ideas and for stone Hotel. invcstlfiatfnc mun's relationship Patronize Our Advertisers with his environment." (Israel DiThe Nebraska Board of Public gest) Accountancy recently announced the granting of a CPA certificate Jewish Community Dwindle* ;o Albert Friedman who is assoNew York, (JTA)—The 2,000 iated wilh Sheldon A. Bernstein, member Jewish Community of InCPA. donesia has dwindled to less than j Saul Silvprmun, Community 200 in the last decade. Center Activities Director, has been selected chairman of the So"Get the cial Group Work Section of the j Omaha Chapter of the National | Breadbreakers Association of Social Workers. | 11 Mrs. Max Sacks WHS circled president of t)u? Women's District No. tj B'nai B'rith Bowling Association, at its 11th annual Tournament in Detroit. Mich, February 6, 7 , 8. Other Omahans present at the ;athering were Mmr.s. Albert A. Oruch, .Sam (Jarrop, Meyer Kaplan and Paul Sacks. Delegates from Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin, attended the tournament. It was also announc* (1 at the convention that Mrs. Sacks will serve as general chairman of the 19C0 District Bowling tournament which the Omaha Women's B'nai B'rith Bowling Association will host here. The appointment was made by Mrs. Harold Cooper, head of the local association. Mrs. Sacks has named the following co-chairmen for the 19C0 event: Mmes. Albert A. Oruch. Harold Cooperman, Bernard Zevitz and Louis Singer.
iusfcal Comedy Will i e Offered March 24 The second program in the Jewish Culture Council series w ill star Broadway actors in a musical comedy based on the works of Sholein Aletclum. In a Musical Stage 'O' Rama, "Our Heritage" will be Ben Bonus, Minna Bern, Leon Libgold and Lilly Lilliana, Tuesday, March 21, 8 p. in. at the Jewish Community Center Auditorium. Admisibn, by scries tickets or single admission may be purchased at the Center.
Cleaned in Your Home! Binding—Laying—Repairing
Don Bernstein
HA 2554
Omahans In the News
BETH EL Services at Beth El Synagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m, Rabbi .Myer S. Kripke will preach on "So You Want To Be a Rabbi," the first in a series of two discussions. Cantor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning services arc at 9:30 a. m. The Junior Congregation service is at 10:30 a. m. Mincha-Maariv service is at 5:45 p. m. The Sunday morning service is at 9 a. m. in the Chapel, followed by a breakfast and a studydiscussion-sf?*siori lo'l by Rabbi Kplmtlm Marks has been ap- ; Kripke. ] pointed to the committee for the j The daily scr. i c s are at 7 a. ni. celebration of National Defense; and 7 p. m. week in Omaha from Feb. 12 to! Feb. 22 sponsored by the Reserve j BETH ISKAKL Officers Association of the United! Rabbi Benjamin Groner. Can!or I States. Eli Kngan, and The Beth Israel Synagogue Choir, will • conduct Junior B.B. Bowling late services this evening at 3 p. m. Traditional Friday evening Elects Officers services (Kabalas. Shabbos) at The Junior B'nai B'rith Bowling 5:43 p. m. Saturday morning services at 8:45 and Junior Congrega- League elected the following offition at 10 a. m. Rabbi Groner will cers-. Howard Hahn, president; conduct the Saturday afternoon Harlan Rimmerman, vice-presiTalmud Class at 5:15 p. m.. and dent; Dianne Dennenberg, treasMincha, followed by Shalosh urer and Steve Marcus, sergeantS'eudos and Maariv will begin at at-arms. 5:45 p. m: Winners of the annual bowling Sunday morning services begin tournament were Jeff Simon and nt 8:45 a. m. and arc followed by Ina Goldstein. Jeff bowled G5 pins breakfast and Rabbi Groner's class over his average and Ina bowled In Bible. The Junior congregation 58 pins over her average. Both will meets at 8:30 a. m. Daily services receive trophies at the awards banquet at the close of the league at 7-a. m. and 6 p. m . bowling season. Saturday morning services at the 19th and Burt Street SynaI gogue begin at 9 a. m. The weekly Talmud Study group meets every Tuesday at 7:30 p. m.
Technion Conduces Research for U. S.
i:kJ,- i\
All friends and relatives are Invited to nttend services and receptions. •BltlX'K BKODKEY Judge and Mrs. Donald Brodkey announce the Bar Milzvah of their son, Bruce Harrison, this Friday evening and Saturday morning at Temple Israel.
Every Wednesday Noon—1:05 P.M. or the
Jewish Community Center
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Monument Co. Seb (Subby) Pulverente
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llvw you (ir-nJ o w n e r s . . . We ly •i'jtirlatiim . a p p o i n t m e n t nt
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Omaha Itaumenf Company
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3213-15 "Q" St. Frank Rcnno Open Sunday 2-5 Nine* J0J3
Served phin, it's /«</ phin Jelicioui . . . lopped (vith icecream, fruit or berfies, it's « peak-of-lhe-menu dessert!
Kosher Meat Market and Delicatessen
WA 5554.
Paul Goldenberg, son of Mr. and j Mrs. Irving Goldcnberg, will ob- i FCTVC his Bar Mitzvah this eve- j jiing and Saturday morning nt Beth El Synagogue.
The Bar Mitzvah of Bruce Alan Poster, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Poster, will be celebrated at ; the Beth Israel Synagogue next { Saturday morning.at. 3:45 a. m. JERKY STKVENS Mr. and Mrs-. Ronald Stevens announce the Bnr Mitzvah of their son, Jerry, on Saturday morning, February 28th sA Beth Kl Synagogue.
VI. .1300
IIJA M. IJAZMCK | The Bar Mitzvah of Ira Mark j Itoznick, son of. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Raznick, will bo celebrated at the j Beth Israel Synagogue this Friday i evening and Saturday morning. j J'AL'IJ <;or-DENBEKCi
Haifa (JTAI -The Israel'Institute of Technology is caiTying out research in missile design and crystal changes in rocket materials. The researches are being undertaken under contract in behalf of the United States Air Force. In the past various departments of the Technion have successfully carried out U. S. Air Force research contracts.
Bar Mitivah
Central High Auditorium Students 50c Adult's You Liked Our Quarts... Try the Half-Gallons They're Twice as Good!
Prompt Attention Given to Phone Ordors Call Wednesday for Thursday Delivery
Friday, February 20, 1939
Page Three
Rita Olesker Is Beirothed
Kcisners to
Mr. and Mrs. Sain Olesker have Oklahoma City, Okla., will bo announced the betrothal of their the home of Mr. and Mrs. Snnford daughter, Miss Rita Lea to Krnesl Kasner, who were married in a late Lee .Stone, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. i afternoon ceremony Sunday at Nathan Stone of Denver, Colo. The couple is plimniji!; a summer weddini;. Miss Olesker attended the University of Oklahoma at Norman and was graduated from the State University of Iowa where she was affiliated with Sitjma Delta Tau -Sorority. Her fiance received his degree from the University of Denver. "
To Wed in Summer
Planning for "A Night on the Town" benefit dance, Feb. 28 are Mrt. Leonard I'tittlirg (I.) and Sirs. Yal«. (iotMlfnrr. A third corlinlnnnn is Mrs. Kclwurcl K. Ilrodkoy.
Hrondwny entertainers will be featured at Ilie benefit dance, "A Night on the Town" to be i;ivon by I lie Oniiiha Section of the Council of Jewish Woirien, February 2K from 9 p. m. tq 1 ;i. in. at HIP Town House Ballroom. Leo Del.yon, nightclub jiorsonulity and (jinny Siinms, populnr •itiKOr of st!i;;i', r.-ulio and television, will licidliii'1 th(; enlerlainlin'iil.
J'mceeds from (lie dance' will )IP![) send blind children to summer camp, Mrs. .1. M. llurwich. Council president, said. Ticket committee monibci'fi in-
Sylvan Siegler And Fiancee to
Visit in Mr, and Mrs. David Sinner of Wells, Minn., li.ive announced the en;;a),'<'ment of their daughter. Miss Merna of Minneapolis, Minn., to Sylvan Sin',;ler of Kansas City, Mo. .Mr. Sicgler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ucniard Sieglrr, with Ins fiancee nnd her parents will be quests of •Ihe senior Sicjilers during the comim; ueck-end. Miss Singer is a ;;raduate of tlie University of Minnesota where she wns affiliated with Sl^ina Vi Oincna. Her fiance Is a graduate of Oreiejiton University School of J-iw and is a member of Pi Lambda f>hl. A June wedding, in St. Pant. Minn., is planned.
Technion Enrollment Highest in History Haifa fJTA)~ Academic enrollment at tin? Technion on full university level this year reached n total of 2,.'M1 students, the highest figure in the history of the lnfitituto. Not included in the total arc the 800 students at the Technical High School affiliated with the Technion, or tho men and women train nil parts of the coun1ry registered for extension course.';. The latter total is expected to exceed 4,000 this year.
elude Mines. Leonard Kulakofsky, Dan Katzmnn, Charles Roscnstock, Barton Grcenberg, William Uoasbei'i:, Alfred Mayer, Leonard Friedel, Ralph Cooper ;ind Irvln Sherman. Other comniittee niembers include Mines. Hymie Gcndler, Kevee K I r sh c n b a u m, Sydney Schwartz, Lloyd Friedman. Stanley Her/off, Robert -Lcvine, Gerald Bernstein, Homer Farber, Louis Katz, J. M. Ilorwieh, Kdward Levinson, Jlrnl Weiss, Stuart Rochman, Bernard Altsuler and William Kinkle. Also on the committee are Mnif-'fi. Maynard Finklc, Kurt I lii'scliinger, S t a n l e y Slosburg, Morton Richards, Krnesl Hochster, Manny Krcilstein, Morton Friedlandnci Kdward D. Brodkcy, Norman Donenberg, S h e r m a n Siierling, liarney lloberinun, Albert. Epstein, Norman L i n c o l n , Jerry. Haclu/.iner, Morlrs Kellman and Julius Novak.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hicks announce the encasement of their daughter. Miss Janis Lorraine, to L. Leslie Schneiderman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin;; Sclinelderman. Miss Ricks attended the University of Missouri and is currently enrolled ns a student at the University of Nebraska College of Medicine in the fchool of RadiolOKic Technology. The prospective bridegroom received his Bachelor of Science decree in Business Administration from Crei|;hton University. The couple plan an early summer wedding.
Mrs. Sunford Knsner
Beth El Synagogue. Rabbi,Myer S. Kripke officiated. The bride is the former Miss Renee Krantz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Krantz. Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Kasner of Oklahoma City, are parents of the bride> groom. An ice blue pcau de soie gown and a fingertip illusion veil were worn by the bride. She carried white roses and lilies of the valley. Airs. Jed Goldberg of Tulsa, Okla., was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Judy Rosenberg of Chicago and Mrs, Louis Blumkin. Dr. Goldberg was best man. Ushers were Malcolm Bernstein of Cincinnati, O.; Coleman Greenberg, Norman Veitzer and Mr. Blumkin. Both Mrs. Krantz, mother of. the bride, and Mrs. Kasner, mother of the groom, chose lace gowns. A dinner was served at the Blackstone Hotel before the couple left on a two-week trip to~ Mexico City and Acapulco.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Specter announce the birth of a daughter, Paula Shelly on February 16. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Zwerlinj; and Mr. and Mrs. Barney Specter.
Mr. and Mrs. Morton Glass have chosen the name of Jeffrey Craig for their son, born February 1 in a local hospital. Grandparents are Mrs. Joo Thomas of Des Moines, la., and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Glass.
SAM I'UOmiE PARTY '•Southern Seas" was the theme of the party, Saturday, February Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Friedman 7, given by the Sigma Alpha Mil announcer the birth of a son, pledge class on the University of Samuel Elias, on January 26 in a Nebraska Campus, Lincoln. locul hospital. They are also the parents of another son, Robert. SIVT ACTIVITIKS Mis. Sam Tarnoff is the Rrand.Seven members of Signm Delta mother. Tnu Sorority, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, will take part in skit at the University's Coed Follies, February 27. They are: Sandy Kully, Judy Freed, Sue GoldhamJUSTIN D. HORWICH V mer, Bonnie Spiegal, Inn Margolin, Madalyn Miroff nnd Naomi Specializing in Kauffmnn. Sue Goldhnnimcr is chairman, assisted by Miss KauffUndervalued mnn. Securities Shirley .Schiff Is chairman of a and "rush" weekend being planned for hi^h school seniors.." Special Situations Jlembcrs. of the pledge class Rave, it Valentine party, February A June wedding is planned by 14, for actives with Nancy GrossMiss Lois Beth Moskowitz and man, Muriel Lelchook and Shirley Private Norman Wine. The couple's Lelchook in charge, betrothal has been a n n o u n c e d Members New York Stock by Mr. and Mrs. Max Moskowitz, Exchongo and Other Convention Delegates A parents of the bride-to-be. Principal Exchanges Mrs, J, M. Horwlch and Mrs. Miss Moskowitz Is a sophomore | 1801 FARNAM at the University of Nebraska nt Stanley Her/off have been apWEbster 4555 pointed by the Omaha Section of 1 Lincoln; Her fiance, the son of Mr. nnd the National Council of Jewish Mrs. Ben Wine, also attended the Women as delegates to the organUniversity of Nebraska and is ization's national biennial convenstationed nt Fort. Leonard Wood, tion In Los Angeles, Cal., February 22i'7. Mo.
1914 famat
Weddings Commercial
Couple Plans June Wedding
300 Luxurious Rooms 1437 So. 13th St. vwv*v
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Due to the Inclement weather of last Sunday thli special hoi been held over (or thli Sunday (only) for our customer!.
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RE 5161 Omaha
Thank You Mr*.
mi'aiix of tliiii)l»lii£ her relatives and friends for the ninny telegrams, gifts and flowers which IVITC M*nt to her in Detroit Mich., whin hlic wan elcctciI President of tlin Women'* District fi It'ilal B'ritli Howling Ah<i(ielatlon. Also, the Meiis nml Women* Howling Msocliillons, the B'nal Il'rltli bilges nnd Chapters for their beautiful expressions of congratulations ami to Mr. and Sirs. Irving J. 1'orben for the Corneous <*»!<« which they (tent to Detroit.
. Y.
lira liners arrive and -/W--*'?*. * depart Iron Israel «•$*&&• * every week of the year
Friday, February SO, J93S
VISIT HERZL The Jewish Quiz Box THOUSANDS New York, UTA)—A record atPIONEER WOMEN A program commemorating «Ttwi»h Music Month hat been planned for the regular luncheon meeting of Pioneer Women's Organization, Tuesday, February 21, 12:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. The luncheon committee Is composed of Mines. Jacob Kaplan, Morris Stcrenbers and Dave Epstein.
ties, will be introduced by Mrs. Carl Legman, program chairman. Miss Myrtle Freeman, HA 0212, Mrs. Sally Meyers, PL 1222, dinner chairmen and the telephone committee are accepting reservations.
POLISH LIBRARY Vienna, (JTA)—-Th« city of tendance of 13,000 during the past Lodz, Poland, maintains a Jewish liy Italibl Samuel J, F o v four months at Herzl Institute library consisting of 15,000 books. (M'ESTION: Why art* animal bus been reported. mostly in Yiddish and Hebrew.
sacrifices still iiicntlolicil In tlic prayers tod;iy?
ANSWER: Basically, tho Messianic nue and the return from the Diaspora are connected with the re-t^tnblishment of the Temple in Jerusalem with its functions. It was this spark of hope that kept the flame of Israel alive throughout the c o n t u r 1 c i . The regular prayers which referred to the sacrifices were to be important moans of keeping nlive the hope of the people Of Israel. Furthermore, its has been stressed in Rabbinic literature for centuries, the sacrifices symbolized many ethical as well ns practical principle's. Referring to them, in the prayers serves as a reminder of the principfes for which they stand.
HENRY MO.YSKV PARTY The Henry Monsky Chapter of B'nai B'rith will sponsor a party IIADASSAH OROl-P MEETINOiS at the Dr. Philip .Slier Home fo Hadassah Group will hold sep- the Aged, on Sunday, Fehruar arate meetings on Wednesday, | 22nd, at 2 p.m. February 11 at 12:30 p. m. lunchThe program will include vocu eons. ! 'lections bv Miss Julia Siuclccr. "Dolls for Democracy" will be ,, cc , )m panied by Mrs. Russell Bin presented by the Weitzman groupj n K . n t I , ! l I | p i a n o S(',|()S h y t h e ! a ) t e at. the homo of Mrs. Phil Katz- a m l j ( , u i s h ,. e a ( i j n ,,.,' by j o s c p ] Wan, 2702 No. 55th Street. Social j Radinowsky. chairman is Mrs. 51a.\ Lashinsky. Mrs. Abe GinshurK is in charge, Reservations can be made with Mmes. Elliot Brown, Bernard DiaZKTA BIOTA TAl' .MOTHERS QUESTION: What lire the basic mond and Leo Milder. The regular meeting of the Zeta reasons lii-hlncl the sacrlflcei whlili A Brotherhood panel discussion Beta Tau Mothers Club will be the Tenth commanded OK' people Will be moderated by Sol Llttman held Tuesday, February 21 at tin of Israel to offer? at the Herzl group meeting; at the Dundee Dell at 1 p.m. ANSWER: In the case of sacriJewish Community Center. Panel fices offered in atonement of sins, participants will be Central High VOL'NO ADILT8 the Talmud contends that the students: Sharon Frank, Renee A meeting of the Young Adults Rirnmerman, Naomi Rothenberg, Hill be held Sunday, February 22 blood of the animal symbolizes the Leslie Smith and Diane Fogle. at 2 p.m. at the Jewish Communi- life of the one who brings the sacrifice. If not for the substituCommittee includes program chair- ty Center. , tion of the animal his life would man, Mrs. Max Rosen; social have to be claimed. (Zebahim 6a). chairmen, Mmes. Edward Simon MILLARD ROSENBERG, This theory la carried further by and Aaron Levlne and telephone STUDY OROUP SPEAKER Malmonides who claims that the reservations, Mmes. Abe Bear, Millard Rosenberg will speak at slaughter and the burn of the Alex Wolpa, Harry Mendelson. A a l p . m. coffee meeting of the sacrifice shows the sinner the movit "AH the Way Home" will Council of Jewish Women Study punishment due him, but which also be shown. Group Tuesday, February 24, at ivas averted by the grace of G-d Szold group which will gather the home of Mrs. Charles Stern, at the home of Mrs. Harry Sid- •101 South 38 Avenue. He will'dis- (Commentary on Leviticus 1:9). In the case of an offering given man, 847 Park Lane will see the cuss "C u r r e n t Happenings In or thanks, the Talmud claims movie "A New Morning." Social ADL". hat this is done because it is not chairmen are Mmes. Abo Marcus Mrs. Arthur Rubin will b» co- ittlng that the table of man and Abe Krantz. Reservations can hostess. Everyone is invited. ;hould be filled while the table of be made with Mmes. Nathan GlmG-d (the altar) remains empty ple, William Raskin and Irving COLDEX AftERH TO Hagigah 7aI. Brookstein. MEET FEBRUARY 23 Aaron ha-Levl (Sefer ha-Hinulo Members of the Golden Ag« Club WORKMEN' CIRCLE BAZAAR will meet February 23, Monday, explains that In the case of tin The annual Bazaar of the Work- for a one p. m. dessert luncheon ifferings the trouble involved with men Circle Family will open Sun- at the Jewish Community Center. he preparation of the sacrifices day, February 22 at 5 p.m. at the Entertainment will include cards. mid with bringing them to the Labor Lyceum. Dinner may be ob- Sponsors of the group are the emple were planned to arouse in tained at a reasonable charge. Ad- Council of Jewish Women and he sinner a sense of shame. Judah mission is fifty cents. the Jewish Federation. Coordina- !ia-Lcvi explained that the tacritors for the group are Mines. J. Ices revealed whether nil was as B Si V IIADASSAH Milton Margolin and Lou Cutler, t should be in Israel. This was B and P Hadussah will observe representing the Council. videnced by tho divine fire that Brotherhood Month and Jewish scended from the offerings. Its Music Month simultaneously at BREADIIKEAKERS TO •olumn would indicate whether their 6 p.m. dinner meeting Wed- MEET WEDNESDAY NOOK he people were acceptable to the nesday, February 25, at the Jewish Henry M o n s k y Lodge B'nal 'reator or not. Community Center. PnmmnnH« r<m»..B'rith Breadbreakers will meet Maimonides c 1 a i in t that the ..'•.. Special Jewish music will be Wednesday noon at the Jewish sraelite institution of sacrifices heard throughout the dinner hour Community Center. ,'as a means of detracting the ./business session, consisting of re>eople from Idol worship in which ports, will precede the program. le pagan sacrifices took on nbDr. Benton Kutler, a member urd and even Inhuman aspects— of A n t i - D e f a m a t i o n League •von sacrificing h um a n beings. JTAi. Speakers' Bureau, -who will speak VARSITY LEAGUE on Brotherhood and ADL activiRay Kirke potted 27 points to lead Pauls past Belgrades 74-50. It gave Paul's squad a two-game lead over the losers with three games remaining in league play. Newi »n<r tinptwnlrn-1 at Tin Dr. Fhlllp Ed Pelgrade topped the losers Fhfr Jetrlih llurne l o r Tlii Ar.rO !>? with 22 points. David Orliow. won their first game of Israel—An International SympoBROTHERHOOD WEEK PAR- theLustys season as they hung a 65-56 , TYi Mrs. A. Ginsburg will be in defeat on Robinsons. Al dayman sium on "Concrete and Reinforced charge of the B'nai B'rith Henry was high man with 25 points while Concrete in Hot Countries" will be1 Monsky Chapter No. 470 affair to Fred Bernstein paced the losers held in Israel in 19G0, it was re ported in the Israel Digest. celebrate Brotherhood Week on with 21 points. Sunday, February 22 at 2 p. m. This Symposium, which Is oxL*ogut Standings Pauls S 1 MOVIE PROGRAM: The movies Belgrades I 3 p'ecled to attract scientists and Robinsons 3 6 research workers from many this week were, "Change of Lustys 1 * countries, will be tho first of its Heart" and 'The Earth Sings." kind to be held in Israel. MIDGET BASKETBALL SPECIAL KIODUSIIl David LEAGUE Orkow gave a Kiddush, Friday, I-Go-Van, hottest team in midgFebruary 13 on the occasion of his eighth anniversary as superintend- et play crushed Richman-Gordman 58-10. Bill Kutler, I-Go center ent of the Home. , RABBLTXCAL VISITORS PRO- dropped in 25 points to pace his "-GRAM is continuing with Rabbi team's attack. I-Go Van is tied Istanbul (JTA)—Turkey has David Korb and Rabbi Sydney with Playland for the league lead taken a move which will reactiand a showdown game will be held Brooks as our most recent visivate trade with Israel, brought tors. Rabbi Myer Kripke will be this Sunday, Feb. 22. to a standstill recently as a rePlayland Park, with John Mcwith us on February 25th. sult of a Turkish Government dephail and Joel Sneider contributFLOWERS were donated by Mr. cision to restrict imports and exand Mrs. Moe Kagan In honor of ing 8 points each beat Cowboys ports to nations not encompassed 21-17. Steve Marcus wfis high for the Bar Milzvah of their son, in the European Payments UnDouglas. Mrs, Mollie Perliss, home the losers with 6 points. ion. Ankara authorities have alRonnie Wolpa and Bob Milder resident, is the maternal grandlocated a quota of the equivalent scored 7 and 6 points respectively of $14,100,000 for exports to Ismother. to lead Slosburgs to a 17-9 win COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOMrael during the current year. EN ARTS AND CRAFTS PRO- over Tretiaks. Larry Lefitz was high with 7 points for Tretiaks. GRAM continues in spite of the Kaiman Insurance kept on their inclement weather, thanks to Mmes. Albert Gaer, Moe Venger winning ways as they drove past Gerelick Motors 28-14. Don Gold- Phono JA 1344 to Insert your Want Ad In and Sam Rosenblum. the Jewish Press. COOKING SESSIONS for resi- stein led the way with 16 point!. Rate !• SO cent! lor <ach threi lint IntirTht Press r c u r v n t h i right to limit dents of the Home will be held Dale Weinstein scored 8 points for (ion. slz« of each advertisement. under the auspices of The Bikur the losers. Cholim Society starting this Wed- foyland Park League- Standings 6 3 DAILY JEWISH PAPERS I-Go-Van 6 3 nesday, «S5»rding to Mrs, Jake Rlchman-Gordmcn A S BAR and Baa Mitzvah congratuCowbo/s 2 7 Wine, president. lations also for all Jewish holiKaiman Ins. ,...., 10 0 Trellaks 5 i days and special occasions. osburns , Patronize Our Advertiser. --llrks . ... 5'Meyers NPWI Stnnd, 1302 Dodge
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