I'llllllshcil c w r y f'riihiv, 101 K. Vol. XXXVII N<>. 2 3 O m a h a . Nclii;isl;.i. i'Moii c JA K
Mrs. Morns Grossman, General Chairman of the Women's Division of the Philanthropies, returned to Omaha last Sunday to assume complete charge of the Women's Campaign. IIC'UDI JOyi-wltness Iteports "Having at tended the national United Jewish Appeal confercnee in Miami Beiifh, Fla., and having heard a direct report, from eyeWitnesses on the mass emigration of Jews from Rumania and Eastern I'.'uropean countries, "Mrs. Grossman declared. "I decided to cut my vacalicin short and tome back to Omaha." "I am most IIIIXIOIIH," she went oil ID .HII.V, "to sliirt organizing our i.iinpiiiKii personni'l because this IN the ttmst MTIIIIIH ilrlw nimi lit 18
campaign. Msr. Grossman stressed the unusual and generous response among the li.OOO leaders representing every part of the country, who attended the opening session of the U.JA conference. This outpouring of generosity was an answer to the eyewitness reports describing the desperate plight of the Rumanian Jews given by Rabbi Herbert Friedman and Ambassador Abba Khan, she declared. In an interview with the editor
of the press, Mrs. Grossman said the immigrants are put to work planting trees, clearing rocks from the soil, .working in industry and building temporary homes to accommodate (he flood of newcomers. "I'lidcr these rlrciiimtaiiroV Mrs. (Jrossfiiun said, "E liuve Issued :i call to every ivomuti In Omaha lo volunteer IIIT services in (his riiiiip.'ilgn. I kniiw Oinaliii women will reipoud in their iiHiml inanncr and help in Mils gri'ut rrltii'Ml cmnpainn.
Special Message
National TV Dance Winner on Series
*o Women from Mrs. Morris Grossman
See Page 2
Registration Opened to Day Campers; Enlarge Pre-Sciiool Division
AIIH Morris (.rossni in in Ilic nn u in ir JIIMTSIIIII.I vWiere, "u mile of lives" was iilsintril 1 iimi-mory «r IIIT liliibiuiil. Tlio (Icdieatlon iiidli pliu'H during IIIT I!>.">8 trip to Israel, ulii n,Mir 1)1' (,'ninpft u c r e emptlid mid Israel reei'lvcil Hie rritigws with open arms." Mrs. Grossman reported that intense preparations ate being made mid that associate personnel will be announced next week. Several meetings already have been held to chart n speedy and effective
Jessel to Mark 50 Years as Showman George Jessel will mark the completion of his first 50 years In show business at the March 22 Beth Israel synagogue citation dinner at which he will be honored for his humnnitarinnism, chairman Dan Gordman said today. Jessel took part In his first vnufleville act in 1D09, at the age of 13, when he was forced to leave Dcliool by the early death of his father. Two years later, he teamed up with Eddie Cantor in "Kid Kabaret" and achieved national fame In show business. Cantor was last year's recipient of the coveted Beth Israel award, which went to former President Harry S. Truman In 1957. "1 know Of no one more deserving of this honor then my life-long friend, George Jessel," Cantor told president Maurice Katzmnn, this week, Cantor ond Jessel shared honors In Tuesday's klckoff function for Etafe of Israel Bonds in Los AnReles, with s a l e s of well over 51,000,000 accounted for by these two. Gordman r.ald more than 500 of the 700 available tickets for the March 22 dinner already have been • sold. Leading show business celebrities from throughout the United S'afes have been Invited.
The J 1)59 Community Conlci sponsored Day Camp for hoys and girls, is now accepting registrations, Mrs. Leonard Kulnkofslty, Day Camp Chairman, announced. The summer oul-do<>r program will be conducted from June 15 to July 10 at Peony Park. Special arrangements have been made with Park officials to accommodate a larger number of youngsters in the Pre-School divisions. The division will include children in the three lo five year group. Regular 'lay campers are fro'm five to twelve years of age. Ol' special significance this senson will be the corps of experienced and competent, camp leadera selected to serve as camp staff members under the direction of the Center's full time professional staff. Increased interest in the Day Camp necessitates early registration in order to accommodate the anticipated early enrollment since acceptances will be limited. Dnten nnd Jtutes First two weeks -June 13 to June 26-.W3.00. Second two weeks-June 29July 1O—S35.0O. Full four wt'eltn—June 15-July 10-S60.00. The full fee must accompany each registration, Mrs. Kulakofsky reported. Parents nre invited to call the camp office, JA 13C0 foi additional Information.
I i . SL< »nil Class M.-itler ut f' 27, l!l.1!l orflre,LOmaha, N'vhrusku, uiulvr AcL of
Felix Filiich, internationally acclaimed choreographer- dancer and recipient of the l'.)7>H Television Dance Award will bo the featured attraction at the Thursday, March 111, Program of I he Month at. the Jewish Community Center. Mr. FiljTch has been featured soloist in dance program; ranging Jerusalem (JTA i--Twenty thoufrom Carnegie Hall to the United iValions F e s t i v a l at Paris for sand Jews have received exit perUN'K.SCO. It was a I this Paris mits in itiim;ini'i during the last program where Mr. Fihlcli was two weeks. Those permits are good lauded as <me of the world'* truly only for travel to Israel—and not original dancers whose interpre- for 'my other country in the world. The 20,000 in trio ln-,1 tuo weeks tations fire unique in modern choreography 'worthy of special are but a fraction of the'vast significance. Mr. Fibicli, In winning number of Jeu.i now u-gistercd the 1938 National Award, used the "Jewish Dance" in all its art forms. Mr. Fibich will employ a full orchestral background in presenting bin program on March 10. A group of the Omaha Section Admission to this presentation and all programs of theh series is of the National Council of Jewish free. This is made possible by tbe Women headed by Mrs. J. Milton Center, through the cooperative Margolin and Mrs. Louis Cutler efforts of the sponsoring organiza- have been working for months on tions--Belli V'.l Synagogue, H'nai a lounge for the "senior citizens" (i'rilb Lodges and Chapters, Helh of the Community. Israel .Synagogue, Omaha ChapThis special room will he opened ter of Iladassuh. Temple Israel, March 1 on the third floor of the Young Adult Council. Jewish Community Center under the co-sponsorship of the Jewish Federation and the Council. The Federation will provide a professional co-ordinator, Mrs. Marshall Becker to plan regular activities Head Coach Tommy Thomsen for a part of the djy. of Crelghton University, will be The lounge will be open from 10 the guest speaker at the Midget a. in. to '1 p. m. Monday through Father-Son Basketball Awards Thursday and Is easily accessible banquet, Sunday, March 15, ut by the new Center elevator. It will i>:.'i0 p. m. at the Jewish Commun- be used for visiting, cards and soity Center. cial functions. Kitchen facilities "We are fortunate in obtaining will be available for preparing and Tommy Thomsen ns our speaker," serving refreshments. said Irv Yaffe, chairman of the The lounge has been partially Center Athletic Committee. furnished but still requires items The presentation of the J. J. such ns hot plutc, vacuum cleaner, Greenberf? Memorial Trophy to the bookcase, magazine rack, ash most "Improved 5-6th grader" will trayn, plastic dishes, radio and recbe one of the highlights of the ord player. Mrs. Margolin, GL 46G8 program. Fathers are urged to and Mrs. Cutler, KE 7113 may be called for further Information. make reservations,
Senior Citizens' Lounge Opens
Thomsen Is Speaker at Father-Son Banquet
l l\iip <j DulJurf 0 CVntJ
for emigration from Rumania under new regulations put into offeel by the Bucharest Government. The new regulations provide that |he exit visa is valid fof three months, »n against four1 weeks under previous rules. This gives the emigrant more time to dispose of his property. Under the new rules, departing .lews receive only a t.t>ecial card valid for Israel. This special card is not rocognized by any government, other than Israel, ns a valid document. None, of the Rumanian Jews therefore could go to nny country except Israel, About Reventy percent of all immigrants during the past two months are from Eastern Europe, primarily Rumania.
Federation Women To Meet Thursday Plans for the Women's Division of the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign will be announced by Its chairman, Mrs. Morris Grossman at the regular luncheon meeting of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, Thursday, March 5, 1 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. The presidents and representatives of the organizations b e l o n g i n g to the club are urged to attend the meeting by Mrs. Mike Freeman, president. Reports will be presented by committee chairmen.
Families Reunited in Touching Scenes at Haifa Port By BORIS SMOLAR Haifa—Moving scenes of the reunion of families lomj sundered were enacted nt dock-side here as a Greek ship chartered by the Jewish Agency brought in 257 Jewish immgrants. Two hundred of the newcomers aboard the vessel, the S, S. Aeolia, had left Rumania only a week ago. They had gone by train to Naples via Viennn. From the Italian port they wero brought on this ship to Israel'* port of Haifa where, parents wero reunited with children, and brother* with Bisters. Onco more famllie* came together, long torn apart because Rumania had closed its gatci to
Jewish emigration eight years ago. American Journalists here observing the joyful scenes viewed the situation as a reenactment of the early year* of large-scale Jewish Immigration into the United States two generations ago. More than a fourth of the new immigrants from Rumania were immediately assisted this morning by their Israeli relatives. The latter took their new found kind to t h e i r own h o m e s , scattered throughout the country. The rest of tho immigrants were taken from the pier to settlements prepared for their reception in Jerusalem, Haifa, the rugged Lachlsh area or In the hills of Galilee. Tho majority of the immigrants
are middle aged or younger. Most of the adults have two children or more. There were in this transport a number of physicians, architects and other professionals but the majority consisted of qualified artisans and mechanics — nn element considered by tbe Israelis AS_a very welcome addition to the economy of the country. Some of the passengers aboard the Aeolia have relatives in the United States. But when they were u3ked whether they would have preferred to go to America, even if they could have overcome the weir nigh insurmountable obstacles to obtaining American visas In Bucharest, they rc-plicd (hat they preferred to coinn to Israel.
The sentiments of those who have kin in the United Statel seemed best expressed by one of this group: he said he had received a message from his American relatives in New York Inviting him to come there. "In the United States," he said, "I have one relative; in Israel all Jews are relatives." None of the newcomers was able to explain the sudden change of the Rumanian Government regarding Jewish emigration. There wore some on the Aeolia who applied for exit visas as long as seven years ago. Their applications had been denied. Then suddenly they not only received permits—they were aetunlly coumged to seek exit.
Page Two
Israel Cabinet Increases Budget
etoisb Religious
Published K\ory 1'iid.iy b\ (he Jewish IVileratlon of Om:ili;u Second Class Ma lift] P - i . Annual Subicnp'rcn, S-MiJ Pubiica'ion Office—101 tic
Ncrrjtd ot Omalia, NeDrtiik n j Rates on A(;pUcaiion. O t t.'ttii"., JAckicn ]]£
Caiiilleli^htin;;—">:*)3 p. in.
HETII ISIJALOL llabhj Benjamin (aumi-, (,'anli Eli Kugan, the Beth Israel Synagogue C'huir and Intermediate "1>" class will conduct .services this <'\i'ninf; at H )>. ID. Traditional Friday evening services (Kabbalas Shahbos) at C p. m. Saturday morning services bi'gin at 8:45 a. in. and Junior Congregation at 10 a. in. Tho Saturday afternoon Talmud class will meet at 5:30. p. m. and Mincha, followed by Shalosh S'eudos and Maariv will begin at (! p. m. Services Sunday morning begin at 8:4!) a. m. and are followed by breakfast iind Rabbi Groner's class in Bible. The Sunday morning Junior Congregation meets • at 8:30 a. m. Daily services at 7 a. in. and 6 p. m. The weekly Talmud Study group group meets every Tuesday evening at 7:30 p. m. Saturday morning services at the 19th and Burt Streets Synagogue at 9 a. m.
•Dear Friend: Another year lias rolled around and it Is time to start working on the 1959 Philanthropies Campaign. As you have probably read in the papers, the needs overseas are greater lhan ever on account of the large migration from Eastern European Countries. The success of the Campaign will depend entirely on YOU, the workers. Please volunteer your help! Any assistance at all that you can give us will certainly be appreciated, and will be a big "mitzvah." Please sign the enclosed card TODAY and drop it in the mail. < Thanking you, I am Sincerely,
eJLena (y/roMman MRS. MORRIS GROSSMAN, Chairman Women's Division Jewish Philanthropies
B'NAI JACOB ADAS YESHURON Services at B'nai Jacob-AdasYeshuron will begin Friday at 5:45 . m. and Saturday morning at 8:30 a. m. with Mincha at 5:45 p. m. followed by Shalosh S'eudos. Daily services at 0:30 a. m, and G p. m.
Dear Mrs. Grossman: Since this campaign is of great urgency, I am happy to volunteer as a worker in the 1959 Women's Division of the Jewish Philanthropies Campaign. Name
Youth RECOGNITION' Alice Kurz placed first in News writing and Justin Lewis first in editorial writing at the annual journalism convention held at the University of Omaha, -Thursday, February 19. Both won medals for outstanding articles submitted by the Central High Register.
YOUTH GKOl'P TO CONDUCT BAKE HALE The Temple Israel Youth Group will conduct a "Bake Sale" at the Sisterhood meeting on March 10. The teenagers will bake cookies, . takes and brownies. The bake sale is part, of a national NFTY project—"MHzva Day." Proceeds will be sent, to the Leo Baeck School in Haifa. "DOTS" OF VOl'N<; JIJDKA The sixth grade Young Judea "Dots" will meet March 1, 2:30 p. m. at the home of.Judy Nogs, 8715 Country Club Avenue.
Bar AH friends and relatives are Invited to attend services and receptions.
BRUCE ALAN POSTER The Bar Mitzvah of Bruce Alan Poster, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Poster, will be celebrated Saturday morning, February 28th, lit The Beth Israel Synagogue. JERRY STEVENS Jerry Stevens, son of Mr. and Krs. Ronald Stevens, will observe his Bar Mitzvah, Saturday mornIng a t Beth El Synagogue. ROBERT GOULD Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gould announce the Bar Mitzvah of their eon, Robert, on Friday evening, March 6th and Saturday morning, March 7th at Beth El Synagogue.
TEMPLE ISRAEL Services will be held this Friday evening at 8:15 p. in. with Rabbi Sidney Brooks officiating. Guest speaker will be the Rev. Charles W. Phillips of the First Unitarian Church who will give a personal report of nn extensive tour of the Near East, A reception in honor of Rev. 'hillips immediately f o l l o w i n g ervices. Shabbas morning services will begin at 11:30 a. hi. with Rabbi Brooks officiating and the Religious School Choir under tho direction of Miss Ida Gitlin singing he. musical portions of the servce. .* 5ETII KL New members will, be honored it Friday services, 8:15 p. in. at eth El Synagogue. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will speak on "So You've 'oined a Synagogue." Cantor Aaron 1. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions. Following the service, a panel discussion will be held in the .Social Hall and « reception will be held to honor the new members. Sabbath mornim; s"i'viees are at 9:30 a. m. The Junior Congregation service is at 10:.'!0 a. m. Mincha-Maariv service is at O p . m. The Sunday morning service is at 9 a. in. in the Chapel, followed by a breakfast, mid a study-discussion session led by Rabbi Kripke. The daily services nre at 7 a. m. and 7 p.m.
M. Jacobs Lauded By Omaha Schools Morris E. Jacobs, Omaha publie relations executive and first preskk-n' of the ]9)5 cigani/ed State Board of Education, w a s l a u d e d for his l e a d e r s h i p in? "matters pertaining to education" in Omaha Public Schools Supeiintendent's publication. Mr. Jacobs icelectcd to a M \ year term on the board in 1956, re-Morris I J.uolis cently found it necessary to resign b' :ausc of his extensive conimitmenls as an advrrtising executive. The publication said, "It is difficult to assess the influence of a iran whose talents are of such telling quality of Mr. Jacobs. As one of the country's adept public relations consultants and as one who knew Omaha and Nebraska as intimately as he kiic people generally, he understood when and how to advance his convictions effectively. Fortunately one of those convictions was that he owed much to education and that by accepting every opportunity to support education for the benefit of all children he was only repaying a personal debt." "Perhaps this resolve, held over the years, was as helpful in creating a favorable climiate for educational improvement in Omaha as was his official contribution as a member of the state board and as the master campaigner in the highly successful S20,000,000 bond issue in Omnha." "For his leadership jn matters pertaining to education, the Omaha schools honor Morris Jacobs and looks forward to r continuation of the came constructive relationship with him in his 'civilian1 role."
TOURIST NUMBERS DOUBLE Israel—During the period January-September 1958, a total of 59,218 tourists visited Israel as compared with 35,585 for the some period in 1957.
Patronize Our Advertisers
Jerusalem (JTA)—The Israel Cabinet completed plans for increasing next year's budget by ."?!).'!,500.000 needed lo meet tin; current emergency immigration situat ion. Isniel is making plans to receive as many as 100,000 Eastern European immigrants. The immigration poses three major problems: dwellings fur the newcuni;, employment and vocational retraining fur Israeli economy. Tin? mii',1 difficult problem Is employment. Only ten percent of the Immigrants have relatives hero v\Iio •an help them to find work. Til*; otJirrs musl ho given jobs by the Jewish Agency. Most of these jobs :tre in construction work ur In tree-planting for which the ur\v•omcrs are paid Sli.liO a day. ISul (here Is not enough work for .'ill; [liey^vork only three days a week. The Jewish Agency and tho Minstry of Labor hope that a solution to this will be found. The Jewish Agency helps artisans acquire tools and the Ministry organizes vocational retraining courses, Contruction work on towns will provide labor for about half the 1m-
Sttt» nnd nnpprnliiEn nl I lit? Dr. f'tilllf) Kllrr Jrultli Iloinr I'ur Tlic Acr'l liy David flrluitv.
SPECIA1, KIDOt'SH: On the occasion ol his birthday, George Tliurston, Home Engineer, gave a Kiddusli for our Folks. Mrs. Bertha Rich, Home Resident, will give a Kiddusli this Saturday for her fellow residents. fiOLDE.V A<JH C l X n : Several of our residents attended the Colden Aged Club meeting at Community Center. Fontenelle Blue Birds under the supervision of Mrs. \V. E. Buckley presented holiday baskets with candies to all our folks. KAUI1INICAL SERIES continues with Rabbi Myer Kripke. THE I1IIUJK CIIOLIM CLASS n baking at the Home started this .vcelt with Mrs. Jake Wine and •irs. Allen Zalkin as supervisors, " participants were Mrs. Joe Shindler and Mrs. Sarah Silver. This program will be held each Thursday. COUNCIL OF JEWISH WOMEN A UTS AM) CRAFTS Classes arc going strong with weekly BCSions in the Council room at the lome.
Cleaned in Your Home!
MI!. AMI .MRS. ICEUItE.V VAN.Y Services were held Monday at Beth El Synagogue for Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Vann of 5)1-1 Dodge Street, who dieil following a traffic accident Monday. They were the parents of Mrs. Kathleen Meycrson, Mrs. Irene Helen Sue Vann and Howard Vann, all of Omaha. Mrs. Vann was the sister of Ben I'erelman, Omaha, und Nathan Perelman, Eos Angeles. Mr, Vann also is survived by his mother, Mrs. Sarah Vann, and a brother, Morris, both of Omaha. Burial was in Beth El Cemetery. ABE ZEMNKKY Funeral services were held Tuesday at Ihe Jewish Funeral Homo for Abe Zelinsky, 07, 5005 Hamilton Street, who died Sunday. Burial was in Pleasant Hill Cemetery. Surviving are wife, Lena; sons, Harold, Omaha; Paul, San Francisco, Cal.; brolher, Jack Saylan; sisters, Mrs. Esther Russell, Pcnver, Colo.; Mrs. Ed Oslrem, Eos Angeles, Cal., and seven grandchildren. HARRY KAI'LAN Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the Jewish Funeral Home for Harry Kaplan, Columbus, Nebr., businessman, who died Tuesday In Columbus. Burial was in Beth Hamedrosh Hagodol Cemetery. Surviving are his wife, Ida; daughters, Mrs. Herman Kaplan, Mrs. Louis Kaplari, Columbus, Columbus; Mrs. Morris J. Franklin, Omaha and seven grandchildren.
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migrants. Another i'O per cent will find jobs in trade, commerce or services. Hut some ,';0 percent will be dependent on Government projects. Special efforts arc; being charted to integrate the many immigrant professionals. The engineers can go to work almost immediately. But physicians, lawyers, accountnnts and other;; are handicapped without a knowledge of Hebrew.
Don Bernstein Bernard 1'olilfov, son of Sir. and Mrs. Abe I'oliltov, wishes to thank friends and relatives for the many cards, gifts and flowers Iio received during his convalescence In the. hospital. Ho also wishes to express his appreciation for the contributions, made In his name.
A Personal Appeal to Jewish Women
Friday, February *7, 1089
Call Wednesday far Thursday Delivery
FrWay, February 27, 1059
Nasser Blocks Mid-East Peace, Says Dr. Cherrich
Luncheon Will Feature
Rohanue and AZA No. I Win Honors
New York Stage F at Cenfer
March 4, at the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Saul Sulvalsky, prominent Council Bluffs resident, will speak a/bout her recent trip to Israel and .show .slides taken by her husband or that trip. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Frank Sekar, \VK. HGI or Mrs. Dave L'pslein, HA. 4574.
TOM TUfUCiYS ,, . Alto Many Other Cull of Fi'no Beef at Reasonable Price*
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Intoxicating lilac
a. ripple brim bonnet with flower wreath trim.. 10.98
AT 0686
RSB CHUCK u............ " ^
The regular monthly board meeting of the Beth Israel Sisterhood will be held Tuesday,- March 3 at ]2:30 p. in. at the homo.of Mrs. Benjamin Groner. Luncheon will ),recede the business session. '.
. . . in a premature celebrabration of spring blossoms . . . a giddy, light-headed tint that has all fashionable heads in a spin!
MKS. SUVAI.SKY TO SI'KAK AT IIWAI U'ltlTII UJNX'HKON The Leo N. Levi Memorial Hospilal, located in Hot Springs, Ark, will be the highlight of the B'nai U'rith Ilonry Monsky Chapter No. 470. luncheon meeting Wednesday,
head . . .
©MEiNfSIMNlDFAlMSIll 1437 So. 13th St.
IIAI1ASSAII IWSlMMiV. SM.V. Last, ininiite arrangements are being completed to pick up items for the Hailassah rummage sale beginning Sunday, March 8 through Thursday, March 12 at 904-0G-08 North Kith St. Donors of rummage articles are asked to call Mrs. Barney Ilobcrnian, GL. 2'1G1 in case they wish pick-up service.
j m. at the Jewish Community Center. Eleanor R e s n i c k, TE. 0585 or Marilyn Meyer, HA. 7139 may be contacted for further information. Marsha I'Yldman is the new historian ami Fred Marcus, transportation, chairman.
goes to your
Thi! 100th Anniversary of SlioIcin Aleichem's birth will bo lion«i;ed when the musical comedy, "Our Heritage" comes to the Jeuish Community Center, March 2) »ii H p.m. as part of the Jewish O i l u r e . Council Series. "he'program, based on the works uf Sholem Aleichem has licen highly praised by New York critics and will be presented under the d>ection of Ben Bonus, a familinr name to Omaha theater-goers.
Page Tli re*
COCSIN (1.111 of Hii'dussah at an One^, Mrs. Philip I'.ingle will enler- .Saturday, I''e'iiuary 1'K, 1AT> p. in., tain Hie Cousin Club, Wednesday, Jewish Cfjinniunity Center. Maich 4 nt a 1'2:'.V) p. in. luncheon Panel parlieipants will be- Naomi at the Hill Hotel. Anyone unable Rolhenber;;, Fiiiiiees L'rman, IieIn attend is asked to call UK. nee Kimmerinan, Kdwai'd .Sidman, and Howard Chudacnff. Moderator will be Miss Bonnie Haykin. Vocal pi.Vi;i(IA(ii: CLINIC AT KYMI'OSII M AT selections will be given by Miss OSiJi SHAIIItAT jvoi.Nr; AMXTS MI;I;TIN<; Carole Comberg. A symposium d i s c u s s i o n on j A mania,"/" clinic will be feaMrs. Atlolph Mayer chairman "Youth Want's tn Know" by C'en- will bo assisted by j^ioitp chairmen | lured Hi the next meeting of Young tral High School students will be Mines. Sam Turkd, Milton Simons, |/.dulls, .Sunday, Maf-eh 8 at 2 featured by the Omaha Chapter (jerald Rovner. A coffee hour will follow (he program.
Omahans \\rre warned not be deceived by NJISM1" niiinifo.stalj'jiis of "goodness" ;ui<t rmti-rommuniMie guile and heard how (tie I.Iiddlc Jv'iM could benefit by Arab priwi: with Israel in -111 address by )*r. llernanl (.'henkic. Director (J lici'.-il of I hi; Hebrew University jll .ierusnletli. i T. (.'iiii lick appeared at the '"nhersily dl Omaha,-on Die Comti:iniity renter Program of the l.Innth jeries. Tile s p e a k e r said Kf;ypt li;is learned to beware of its association with Itussia anil is Apparently Airs. Myer S. Kripke, nalional i.liiftini: her attitudes to acquire the goodwill of Hie Western Po'.v- vice-president of the Women's «T.'., but in no way lessening her League of tin; Unilcil Synagogue antipathy towards Israel. He said of America, will 1l.;if Arab n a t i o n a l i s m itself, review "Kxodus" i f ' y, weakened by internal feuds, in by Leoii Uris at j J \ ineffective b c c a i i s e it works a dessert lunchv' . ft Jigainsl others. con, .March 3, 1 \ ' ' "Patriotism In n good force uhen p. in. in the Beth £. It works positively", Dr. CJierrirU nssrrtnl, "ami (lie Arabs coulil El Synagogue noRain If they Reared flic ilevvlnji- ci a I hall. T h e mi'iit nf their ediintric" willi Ihfi event is open to (*-f \ -'' "7" iiililcvements of I heir neighbor, the public. Mrs. Kripke is Israel—such :m control of disease, mlentlfie ai liliieinrnt, trade mill author of "Let's ••vclianBo, intii'iiil <>' nlming to de- Talk About God," 'Let's Talk About Mrs, Kriphi; al ory her". Right and Wrong," "Lot's T a l k As for the Arab refugee Eitua- About Judaism," "Rhymes To lion, Dr. Chenick had this to say I'lay," and "Hhymcs To Pray" for - that Israel cannot f.ike back a children, and has given book remuss of people, now increased to views and lectures throughout the II figure estimated between 600,- United States and Canada. 000 and 000,000 who have hern Indoctrinated with hate for his country—"that wonM be national suicide". Hut. he explained that Ihra lias niailo many (frsdiri's to nlli'vlRohanue IU3G and AZA No. 1 Bto the hltuulinti, Including offer* of <oiii|M"nsatl(in for the r c v l He- look top honors at the twentylmut uf Anih refujjers on their third unnunl Youth Council Stage Night last Saturday at Central nun vast lands, hut to no avail. "Israel has accepted a half mil- High School. The prize winning Hohanue skit, lion .Jews from Arab countries", "The Once n Year Day" was writlie added. !>r. Cherrick said peace can ten by Cindy Klein nnd Ethel omy come to the Middle Kast when Sabes. It. was directed by Carolyn Nasser accepts Israel as a reality Dolgoff, Sarah Milder and its au«nd agrees to a logical solution thors. Bonnie Tarnoff and Sheila Uaskin were In charge of props nnd of the Arab refuse • problem. Dr. Cherrick was introduced by scenery. Mrs. Sanford Brophy acJlis. J, Harry Knlakofsky, prom- companied the group on the piano. inent community leader, nnd'perThe winning boys' skit was "Two sonal acquaintance Years Before the Mess" presented I Jr. Mllo Bail deplored the "ex- by AZA No. 1 and written by Borplosive forces in the world" us he nie DeKoven, also one of its direcspoke on the Brotherhood Month tors with Kd Sidman. Sum Bleichmid extended the University's \vel- er was choral director and Donald t'oriV". Noodell, Arnold Hreslau, Gary EpMrs. Mike Freeman, president. stein and Mike Katz had charge of of the Federation of Jewish Wom- staging. en';. Clubs, presided. Albert Fcldman, former Youth Had.ifi.snh, one of the organiza- Council president, announced the tions co-sponsoring the Scries, was winners. Awards were accepted by hostess of this program. the winning organization's presidents, Judy Pollack nnd Kd Sidman.
b. sewn straw cloche with lilac to pink toned pressed roses 10.98 c. sewn-straw pillbox with tiny rose buds 10.98 millinery —second floor see our sparkling collection of high fashion millinery in our new trench' room millinery shop second floor
Pag« Four
Peace With Arabs Possible 'Within Hour' by Israel
Omahans In the News
Tel Aviv (JTA1 Piemiei- David Ben 'Gurion this week leiteralcrl his belief that peace v.;is possible "within one hour" whenever the Arabs were ready. lie expressed hope that the Arab leaders would recognize peace will) Israel was In their own interests. Three factors that would favor an Israeli-Arab prsirr. Mr. I'.i'ii Ourion said, would In* the development of democratic governments In 1 lie Aral) countries, tin- realization li.v tin- Arabs tliat they rnuld not destroy Israel and, liniillv, » lessening uf world tensions. ' M r . Ben Gurion welcomed the announcement of independence- for Cyprus and said this was an example of how long-standing hostility, could be settled by the disputants sitting down together to negotiate. He expressed the hope that if the United Nations did the same for the Arab-Israel dispute, there might be similar results, ."lie said Cyprus independence meant for Israel "the positive fact" of having "in the neighlwrhood" a peaceful country with which Israel w i l l be able to trade, give aid, and be aided.
De Gaulle Receives Israeli Ambassador Paris (JTA)—For the first time since Charles de Gaulle became President of France, he received Israel Ambassador Jacob Tsur here this week-end. (Mr. Tsur was an Omaha visitor last November during his tour of the United States and Canada.) ."•.•:. Gen. de Gaulle asked Mr. Tsur, during the half-hour meeting, about Israel's recent achievements nnd about the present situation in Israel. The Ambassador presented Israel's \iewpoint regarding recent Middle East developments, and dealt also with general Franco-Israeli relations. It is understood that the subject of a possible, formal a l l i a n c e between France and Israel was not discussed. The meeting between President de Gaulle and Ambassador Tsur was officially described as "very cordial."
9 Camps Reopened For New Immigrants
• ' .
.JERUSALEM (JTA,' — T h e Jewish Agency has disclosed that it has reopened nine maabarot (transit campsi to house newly-arrived immigrants from Eastern Europe. The number of immigrants already arrived now,, exceeds the permanent housing made ready for the Immigrant flood in a speed-up construction program. : Figures' published on the vocational composition of the new immigration indicated that Israel stands to profit by acquisition of professional skills. In the five months since largescale immigration was renewed, 500 professional "men and women have arrived. Their number included 162 medical doctors, 100 engineers and 90 econommists and accountants.
Former Omahan Cited Col. Fred Ackerman, former Omahan and resident of Seattle, Wash., where he is Commander of the Fiftieth General Hospital, U. S. Army Reserve, has been awarded an army certificate of achievement for "outstanding performance as head of the hospital unit." Col. Ackerman, a Seattle eye specialist, is a graduate of the University of Nebraska School of Medicine and the son of Mrs. Ruth Ackerman.
Births Mark Richard is the name chosen by Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Pred for their first child, born February 19 in a local hospital. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pred of Lyons and Mr. and Mrs. Moe M. Shapiro. Mrs, Rose Ferer is the maternal greatgrandmother. ;
Mr. and .Mrs. Leonard I'inUovit/. have returned home after three weeks in California where they visited their children. Ml', and Mrs. Bernard Chesler in San I'edro and Miss Evelyn Pink in Los Armeies. .Mr. and Mrs. S. Alie Klo]>|>er have just returned from Alexandria. La., where they were the guests of their son-in-law and daughler, iJr. and Mrs. Maurice H. Srhwarl/. and family. They also visited New Orleans.
Friday, Febnmry *T, 183»
$3,000,000 Bond Issue Announced
A S'iOO.OOO.000 Slate of Israel Bonds Issue, to be known us the Second Development Issue, will be launched in Miami Jicach and throughout the United States and Canada March 5-7. it w;is announced by Mrs. .1. Hairy Kulaltofsliy of OIIKIIK!, area chairman. Mrs. Morris Grossman, former women's division chairman for Omaha and newly-appointed Philanthropies women's chairman, sold $1,500 in .1959 Israel Bonds during her recent Miami Beach visit. Sioux City sales figures, still incomplete, reflect an increase of more than 20 per cent over 1058, according tu chairman J. Perry Osnowitz.
Sally Freeman, daughter of Mr. | and Mrs, Mike I'Veemiin, will parOfficers were elected by tlio ticipate in a modern dance concert Omaha Chapter of the Cily o[ at N'orlhwesK-'i'n University, Kvan- Hope Medical and Research Censlon, III., where she is a student. ler, iHtarle. C;il., al a meeting, February iH al tin; I Slack stone HoMarl in L. Greene, son of Mr. lei. and Mrs. Ed I<eviiiM>n, IKIS beThey art* Messrs. and Mmes. lly~ rome a charter member of Quincy mie Milder, president; Jack J. House, an addition to the Center Schrai.'er, PenmC Z. Davis, vicefor Undergraduate Li\hisj at Har- presidents; Al Harding.'recording vard University. secretary; Dan t'ogel, corresponding secretary; Hubert Wagner, Recipients of lh<? Associated Re- treasurer; Irving I ler/.og, publicity tailers scholarships at the Univer- and Dr. and Mrs. Dan Miller, medsity of Omaha include Sandra ical representative. Fellman, Kerdine Green and WarRobert Dacbman of Chicago, ren Wolpa. area diieclor, spoke at the meeting. Miss Freeman also has been Tin' oi";iuiizalion announced that ii.xmod one of the two Alpha Kpsi- membership is $10 a year and that li>n Phi sorority representatives on it is not engaged in fund raising. the Pan-Hellenic Council.
<icruld Srliirurl/. has been named public relations chairman of the Governor's Highway Safety Conference by Gov. Ralph C. Brooks. Schwartz also is public relations chairman for the April 11 dinner VAItSITV 1.V.M1VV. ZI;T.\ BIOTA TAU FICATIOHNITV honoring former President Harry R a y m o n d Kirke's 40 points Michuel I.aziir and W i 11 i a m S. Truman and Governor Brooks at buried Lustys in last, week's VarCooper, members of Zet.i Beta Tau the Omaha City Auditorium. sity league encounters as Pauls fraternity. University of Nebrasare champs of the 195K-5I) season. Herman fioldsteln. vice-president They defeated l.ustys 5H-1I, and ka, at Lincoln, have been named of Goldstein-Chapman's Co., has with two games remaining are delegates to the organization's been elected president of the As- three games out in front. Mem- national convention at Columbus, (.).. February ~l> thioiigh March 2. sociated Retailers of Omaha. bers of the championship team are Jerry Simons. Irv Yalfe, Sid AbraTlia Zeta Uetii Tau Bowling Isadofe Elvwitz.hits'been elected hams, I.indy Paul, Ray Kirke, Walt president of the Omaha Pharma- Wise; Stewart Kahn and .Taltp Ad- Team won the" All University Bowling Tournament at the Uniceutical Association, fcr. versity of Nebraska r e c e n t l y . Robinsons, with six players scor-j •"• Recent newscomers now making ing beat Bclgrmles 10-:i5. Fred! Members of the winning team their home in Omaha are Mr. and Bernstein's 9 points was high while wore John Coldner, Tom Pint I, Mrs. Martin Gilbert and family, St. Frank Goldberg and Arnie Stern Larry Herman. Stewart Kutler and Paul, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin pitched in with 8 points each. How- Mike Yudelson.. Fox and family of Washington, D. ard Stoler was high for'the losers C, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Levin and with \'l points. District- Officer at family, Norfolk, Ncbr.; Dr. and I.KAfit-K STANDINGS I B.B. Luncheon for Mrs. Morris Melhcrgi-r and family, New York City: Mrs. Itnsn Horzog, Milwaukee, Wis.. and Allan S. Brown of Lincoln, former Omahan. Mr. and .Mrs. Jeralil A. Flann of Indianapolis arc residing in Omaha. Mrs. Dunn is the former Janice W'ciner of Omaha.
Epstein-Morgan to Cite Bluffs Group Epstcin-M o r g a n Post of the Jewish War Veterans at a dinner, Wednesday, March 4, at the Fireside Restaurant, will turn the tables and cite another group for "doing an excellent job" in its own field of work—the "veterans entertainment program." Council Bluffs' Irving Cohen j B'nai B'rlth lodge, will be honored when the JWV's National Recognition Plaque will be presented to its president, Sam Coliclt, by Ben Kaufman, national JAW executive director. I Jerry Grossman, Epstein-MorI gan post commander, said that all paid-up post members including those who pay W59 dues that evening, will be guests. Reservations for the dinner, which starts at• 7:80 p. m. may be made through March '1, by calling JA. 5.->:>5, days; nnd PL. 7971, after C:.'i0 p. m. "
Self-Segregation Trend Hit ai ieei Los Angeles (JTA;—A growing trend among Jews and other religious and racial groups in the United States to segregate themselves was reported to the biennial convention of the National Council of Jewish Women. Mrs. Joseph Willen, second vicepresident said, "this not only isolated American Jews but was "Inherently dangerous to the democratic fabric siry;e Americans are not learning to get along with people of other creeds and colors." . The speaker also told the convention that while the Jewish community is In the forefront In its programs for care of the aged, it is still far from recognizing many of the urgent needs of <\lder people. Mrs. Moise S. Cahn of New Orleans, opened the convention Sunday with an appeal for support of the United Jewish Appeal. She pointed out that "a quarter of a million Jews are about to leave the homes they have known all their lives to emigrate to Israel." She warned that when they step across the border "thye will be impoverished." A telegram from Israel Foreign Minister Golda Meir appealing for support was read 1o (be convention.
U (! 4 1
i.EAfii;r: S T A N D I N G S
K iman Ins Slosburg Tretiaks Gerelicks Playland Park I Go Van Itichman-Gordmnn Cowbovs
W ...'.11 5 5 1 7 7 4 2
British Launch Drive for Israel London (JTA> —-Six hundred guests who attended the opening dinner of I lie Joint Palestine Appeal for 19.7.) pledged $700,000 tn get the Anglo-Jewish campaign for Israel off to a whirlwind start. Within 2\ hours of the opening of the campaign pledges reached a total of S1,!«;0,000.
CALL HOLLYWOOD TUX RENTAL 104 No. 15th Street JA 24S2 (In Omaha Loan Dldrj.l
1 ! Mrs. Kulakofsky -1 j (i i Mrs. Robert A. C'oggnri of De91 troit, Mich., president of District N'o. G, B'nai B'rith Women, was MIHfiKT IJASKKTISAJ.T., one of the guest speakers at the IAWGVK. B'nai B'rith annual Citizenship Playland Park tuned up for its! big game this Sunday with I-Go Award luncheon which honored Van by beating Richman-Gordman Mrs. J. Harry Kulakofsky, Thurs•IK17. Joel Sneider's 11 points day. paced the scorin,1; attack. Bob Mrs. Coggan also conducted a Weinstein topped the losers, with .seminar for members of Henry 11 points. I-Go Van squeezed pasl Monsky, Nebraska and CornhuskCowboys ?G-18 as Mike Nelson and er Chapters in the evening. Bill Kutler popped in 11 and 10 Mrs. Sidney Stickier, citation points respectively. Steve Marcus luncheon chairman, was assisted and Bill Ginsburg each had f> for by the following arrangement the Cowboys. With two games re- committee members: Mines. Harry maining, Playland Park and I-Go Wise and David lileiclier, co-chairVan will tangle this Sunday with men; Harold Coopcrman and the championship at stake. Frank Sekar. decoralions; Sam. Kaiman Insurance kept their un- Pollak, publicity; Stanley Shapiro beaten record intact as they took "Dolls for Democracy; IX L. Gooda 27-24 win over a tough Tretiak man, Norman Rosen, Allan Weinsquad, Paul Kaiman and Don Gold- stein. and Meyer Kaplan, reservastein were the high scorers with 13 tions. Others were Mmes: Herbert and VI points respectively,'font It Melches, Paul Sachs, Marvin was the terrific rebounding and I Brookfitein, Harry Smith, Marvin fine passing of Ben Shafton that Gcrfoor, Jay Clnisen, Allan Weinstood out. Larry Ix'fitz was red hot stein, Milton Loss, William Stone, for the Tretiak team with 1 1 ' Harry Sidman, Harry Friedman, Max Krizelman, Ben Blatt, Aaron points. Slosburg Realty drove past Gere- Kpstcin, Julian Baumel, George lick Motors 2G-19. Ron Wolpa Cohen and Joe Lipton, scored 10 points while Jim Rubin chipped in with 8. Don Koh.n led the' "Ford" team with 7 points. •When he fouled out the Sloshurg squad began to find the mark. Pauls Helgrades Robinsons Lustys
Officers Elected By City of Hope
L 0 6 C 10 3 3
New York (JTA)—Members of the Labor Zionist Organization of America, the Farband and the Pioneer Women, were called upon by their national leaders to make an additional contribution of at least one week's income to the United Jewish Appeal Special Fund over and above their regular contributions.
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