March 6, 1959

Page 1

•»• .1 v v v n i v , , •>!• 1'iilillMn-il r u r y Kililiiv. 101 N •.•inn . , . , . , . \»\. X X A M I . N . . . , ( . O l , , , . l l M , ; , L . | , i a ; K a , i-honc JA irilil. OM.MIA,

Captains "wh.< will si'i'\c ill the ranks of lln1 Men's Division of tin1 Philanthropies ("iiFiip.iii'i) have lift-ii announced by Arthur A. ("iihn, (jeni'ral Chainneii and his \ ire-eliainuei), Charles Mona.scc, Milbird Margolin. Donald N.>:'.;', mill (leorge Sinter. Four fulls II( Captains Margolin, Unit A. said hi-, captains are Al Ki'ldman, Karl Siegel, Sidney Taren, Dave Wine, Herbert Winti'oul) anil Snl Yaffee. Not;:,' of Unit It. lias his full complement of captains: Klliot IJI'I>\\II, ,litn Karbrr. Jerry I'Yeeman, Yale flichards, Krvin Simon mid Marlon Somber:;. Monnsee, Unit ('., reported Warner Krohman, Bruce (Jreeiiberg. Martin I.nlter. Holierl Irvine and Yale. TriiKlIn as his captains. Shafer said liis Unit D captains mi' Louis t'annr, Max ('rounse, Irvin Kpstein, Maurice Krman.

vi.'1'l'KIII .NI J . K A N I I A .

I'l-llltv H.III.M,

\ u » ™ M A K ( II

<• I.,


Knlcrwl us .Si/mmi-Cliisi M a t t e r lit P n i t - Annuiil K a t e 4 U u l l u r i orrict'. Onmlia. Ki-Lnisku, u n d e r Act o M S W . SIIIKIC CJupy 10 C e n t *

Howard Kaplan. Ruben l.ippi.'tl, Sam Killun, Robert Silver and .Marvin Treller.

Mmes. S. ECcsizman, A. Wolilner, A. k to Serve

Colin t r u e s Tcitul Aid

Mr. Colin had high praise foi this contingent of captains who pledged tlicir lime to the task of rounding oul a siiece:;slid drive. He said thai anyone wishing to serve with his division .should eimtart him. any viee-ch.'tirmen or team captain. "We need to make .'in all-out community effort in l!l."i!l", he added. "We must lie faithful to our responsibilities al home, in the I'nitcd Stales, in Israel and wherever we receive I he call." He pointed out that this year, "Ihe urgency of cooperation is more necessary than in the past ten years. To date the response of our community lias been |;ood but we always need to assure complete coverage to make our f;oal. We need to assure that our children are educated In Talmud Torah and relii;ious .schools, that our Old Age Home is adequate*! supported, our local projects continued on a high level, that ivo finhnce our National Jewish Hospitals and learning instil tit ions and more important that we rescue 10,000 Rumanian Jens und resellle them in '['he man on the street iii Israel Israel. This goal demands of us suddenly f''lt the financial im- our utmost efforts as Jews," pact of the Romanian mass immigration when ,• Hie price* of some | KO items leaped upward following i in p o s i t i o n of Washington, (.ITA'i IJr. Kmaniliarp increases in uel It. Piore, Jewish physicist and taxes on a variand electronics specialist, lias been ety of commodimimed ' hy lllsenliower to memties, it was rebership on the President's Science ported by Hiimticl Advisory .Committen. N. Wolf, General Dr. I'iore was born in Vilna, Chairman of the Russia, in 1908, and has been in I'll i I a nlhropie*. the United (Sales since 1917. He Campaign. Samuel Wolf received his doctorate at the UniThe increases, covering a range versity of Wisconsin in l!).'!0. His from sti^ar and coffee to paper wife is the former Nora Kalin, mill ImildiiiK materials were ap- daughter of Alexander Kiilm, genproved hy the Ministers seeking cral manager of the Yiddish newsOWli increase in the new bud- paper, the Jewish aDily Forward, Kct to financi' immigrant hotisiiii: and absorption, Canadian Jewry Plans The increases preceded an announcement hy Finance Minister Intensive Fund Drive I.evi Kshknl of a 522,22:!,O()0 comMontrael, (J'I'Ai Cn n a (I i a n pulsory Immigration loan which Jewish leaders began tin intensive will represent a 10 per cent hike drive this week to enlist nil Jewin everybody's Income tax. ish organizations in 1he country A bachelor earning 585 or more in an unprecendenled campaign n month is subject to assessment for funds to make jiosstble. maxifor the loon as In a married couple mum elnlgration of Jews from with income of 5110 or more Kastern Kurope to Israel. monthly. A father of two children One hundred fifty leaders of will be subject to the loan If.his major Jewish organizations were income is more than $M0 a month. summoned to an emergency conThe father of three will be affected ference in Toronto,'March 8 to if he makes more than 5170. discuss a joint plan of action.

Israeli Citizens Taxed Support of Immigrant, Samuel N. Wolf Says.

Pesident Appoints Jewish Scientist

'i\ v. t •Mrs. Kut/

UJA Campaigns Score) West German Life Initial Success, C. T,1. Being Re-Nazified Herlin, UTAi'--Public life in Nevrman Reports

the West Grrinun Federal Republic is heiriK re-Nazified quietly and without any resistance, Heinz Oalinski. chairman of the Berlin Jewish community, asserted here. Addressing a public meeting devoted to Christian-Jewish reapprochement, the Jewish leader warned that with the return to important roles in the life of the country of tlie most prominent representatives of National Socialism, democratic forces in West Germany were being forced info isolation as they were during the Weimar Republic which gave way to the Hitler regime. From Bonn comes the report of a spate of new acts of anti-SemiKos Angles,. California-: -890,000 tlc vandalism has occurred in various parts of West Germany in -~ l,2:iO.GOO. •'-..•• San Francisco, C'ullfornia--713,- the last, few days, and authorities are blaming Communists, saying 000~-844,O0O. , '•• -.;.;';• ; that East German agents are inPort land, Oregon-31.000:-49,- citint; the West German popula7 tion. Seattle. Washington —105,000-143.000. \ ': Allocation Made ro San Dleijo, Calirornin 58,000—

An initial repoit of the early progress of U n i t e d Jewish Appeal was released this morning hy Calvin M. Newman, initial gift chairman of the Omaha Jewis h Philfinlhro[) i e s campaign, iv h i c h includes the United Jewish appeal Itegu- Oiilvln JJewrmui lar and Kmergency Fund*. According 1o tiiese community reports, Newman indicated the following are representative figures showing the rise from li>38 to



.' •••• :'•••"•. •;

Speed Water Search

Miami ahend of percent; Newman

is running 26 per cent Jerusalem, (JTA> — An allocalast year; Winnipeg, 21 tion of 855:5,000 has been made by and Tucson. 37 percent, the Ministry of Development to speed up search* for water in the said. Ne»ev, the southern desert. J,ATIN-AMKHICAN 1'IAN SI0,000,0(10 CAMPAIGN ICHON- Sunday, March 8. liuenos Aires, (JTAi —-Repre- 8:50 'a. m., MI'JSSAGK OF ISsentatives of all Lntin American RAEL— "•"Doubt—IteliKloiis Asunited Jewish campaigns will meet set or liability" by Rabbi Louis here March 2H to set a $10,000,L. Mann of Sinai Congregation, 000 goal for aid to Israel and Chicago, IU. overseas relief activities.

How Israel Meets Influx of Rumanian Settlers KYRIAT GAT, I s r a e l - The problems faced hy Israel in absorbing the mounting Influx of Rumanian and other Kast European immigrants were Illustrated concretely in this -settlement. 1 More than 400 Rumanian Jewish families have been settled in newly-built houses prepared for them in advance at Kyrlat Gat. The settlement is in central Israel, about lialway between uethleheni and the coast In the Lachish area. A croup of American newspaper nml radio editors and correspondents was brought to Kyrlnt Gat today because this settlement is typical of about 25 others, to which most of the newcomers from Rumania nnd other Kiist Kuropenn countries iiave been taken in the last ten weeks. Immigrants como there directly from Lydda airport or from the port of .'Haifa, and are put up in one-story nnd- two-story homes,

modestly furnished. Kach home in equipped with kitchen utensils nnd be'ridiiiK - and contains an eight-day supply of food. The arrangements are designed to <;ive the immigrant family head at least one- week's freedom from the worries of looking for a job and to adjust himself and his family to the new life Iti Israel. In addition to the 100 Rumanian families here, there are also 270 families from Poland nnd Russia, and IIbout ."W families from Hungary. The -1,300 Kiimiiiiliin J«w.« represent three, fjroups. Onn Is mnde up of thow coming from old Rnnuinlu, Inrltiilini; Ituiliare.Ht, most of them being* In the managerial and profcHHlonnl category. The second group in-ro'mpoMul of JOVVB from Tniiisylvitniii nnd Iluliovlna, They arc moHtly nrtlsnns and hldllcd worker*, Including electricians, meUI workers and loatlier worker*.' The third group In made up of Jen» from Mnrntorcsli, 81B-

liot mill Sutinur. Tlmy have largo fiiinilles, an- devoutly religious, and eager for physical I:i1>or nnd furni work. Though only about half of the immigrants have as yet found employment, they are happy to be In Isnif.-l. They are reluctant to talk about life in Rumania or-their reasons for leaving. In dealing with the employment problem, the Israel Government is expanding industry and helping to establish new industries in the area, based on regional raw materials. In the Kyrlat Gat region —where cotton and sugar beets are grown—textile and sugar factories are being set up, simultaneously with the construction of new homes. Workers from the ranks of the newcomers are employed on the new construction. Kyrlat Gat already linw ft population of 7,300 families, which includes a group of vetoran Israelis who agreed to nottlo here to bolster the morale of the newcomer*

The veterun settlers also liullevc that Kyrlnt (i:it will develop into a major Industrial and commercial center of the Lucliish area. More than .'130 empty houses are ready here for more expected newcomers. Plans are being developed for another 2,000 housing units for those expected to come later in the swelling immigration. Some skilled newcomers, Impatient to find work on their own initiative, have left Kyriat Gat to seek work elsewhere in Israel. No effort Is being made to dissuade the. About GO Rumanian famines have moved from Kyriut Gat during the last two months after the family heads had found employment in other towns. V Meanwhile- more new'" families continue to arrive. At this writing, the SS Aeolla, a Greek ship chartered by the Jewish Agency, was due in Haifa with 400 immigrants, more than half of them Rumanian Jewn who renehod Nnples via VIenrri.

MM MOU IS diussman, general . chairman of the Jewish PhilanIhiopies Women s Division announced tod<iy the appointments of time le.ideis in the Omaha Jewish community who uill s e n e us her : co-clfairnien. The theme of this ji'dt's c.unpaign is one of "Changing the Picture' foi the lefugees who are coming out of Kuropenn countries. Co-1'b.drineii arc Mr*. Sam Kutr.niMli, jiast president of tile Iteth Israel<» Sbterluinil and n member of the lD.IH Israel 'Rand. Cabinet; Mrs. Albert Wolilner, past president of Ueth 101 Sisterhood and a lladassuli elmptcr bonril niemher mid Mrs. Alfred Sojihlr, vleci-jiresidejit i>f Templo Isniel Sisterhood. .Mrs. MorrLi I'rllman lint, iH-en mimed i eliiilriniiii by .Mrs. (irossman. "I feel privileged to share tha campaign leadership with women as devoted as these," Mrs. Grossman said. "Their record of service and leadership in the community is evidence of their dedication to all worthwhile causes. With their cooperation, we are assured of a very successful campaign." While Mrs. Grossman was attending the recent United Jewish. Appeal conference in Miami Beach, Florida she learned "that the 10.18 emergency needs are as great as those in 1949 when we were taking refugees out of European Camps." Mrs. (inissiniin expressed Iinr delight »vllli« great number of rnuponses to her request for volunteer worlK-r.t. She urged those who had nut responded to the ranis mailed to them recently to Jilen»<> ilo so an HOOII as possible, or cull ono of tlio three rliulnnon or ciunpulffii office, JA ISfifl. A coffee was held this morning-' at the home of Mrs. Mike Freeman, president of the Federation, of Jewish Women's Clubs. Attending to make plans for the approaching campaign and workers' meeting were Mrs. Grossman and her co-chairmen, captains and members of the steering committee. •

Comedy Tickets on Sale An outstanding cast of New York :: actors under the direction of Ben Bonus will be seen in Omaha, Tuesday, March 21, at the Jewish Community Center at 8 p. m. in a . ' Musical Comedy Stage 'O' Rama. The troupe currently is on a transcontinental tour of 1 he United States and Canada. Tickets are available at the Center. ". ' "The production is very well produced and the acting portrayed excellently in an unusual setting of laughter, quoted the Milwaukee Journal." The fine artistry, acting ability, singing and recitations have been reported by each community in which the cast has appeared. " This year tribute is being paid to Sholem Aleir.hem on the'occasion of the 100th Anniversary of the birth of the great humorist. The musical comedy is based on material taken from the works of: Sholem Aleichem and the musical score of the original play has been adapted for the stage by the noted musician and arranger Sholem Secunda. Season Ticket or Individual Admission $1.25. Call the Jewish Community Centers for additional 'information JA 136G.


Pag* Two


Friday, Marrli B, ID59

Arnold Kaiman Named Assistant Rabbi of Philadelphia Temple

rubllbliiHl Every Friday liy tliu Jewish Federation of Ontalia. Second cond Class t.'a\<< a P H .1. c < s A. ' -'..< <J at Cmciho, Nebraska. A.inuul .inuul S'* .'.. iJC- A , c1r ; - r j I*' i*. (;n AJ-IIIICU!.^] PuU.tccticn ccticn O m c c - i l . 1 tic. : * ' n .. "" ii nn 1 .. 0 " " , l i e u . , JAcl-icn 1316.

Rabbi Arnold Garth .Kaiman, former Onuihan, has been appoint-1 ed assistant, rabbi of Kenrseth Israel, Reform Temple at KM'.ins Park, Philadelphia,'Pa. Me is thu 1 son of Mr. and Mrs. William Kaiman. At the present he h rabbi Y>£ Temple Hcth-Kl, Colorado Springs, Colo, and Temple Emanu-KI, PueThe fifth annual Henry ".lonsUy blo, Colo. Me and Mrs. Kaiman Lodge of B'nai 1.3'rith Past Presiwill move to Philadelphia dents', stag will be held WednesJuno. day, April 1, ;it 6:30 p. m. at the Highland Country Club, Louis C«Rabbi Kaiman was ordained a t BETH EL liill HOMWIII, Itolic rt -Nogg ,ui(l Itnhcrt F<, (I. to r.) pre- the Hebrew Union College in 1958. Services at Eelh Kl Syii.n;o;:iie nar, announced. pare :i "list <if lVnny Auction items. Ho attended Yale University, the Canar named Bert Render and will bepin at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi University of Cincinnati, the UniMycr S. Kripke will speak on eorge J. Shafer as co-chairmen versity of Omaha, was a Nebraska "How The Jews Fared in Ilu- of the event which raises funds for State Rhodes Scholarship Winner niania". This will be the second in the B'nai B'rith service fund. and served as Jewish Chaplain of a series ol two discussions. CanRender is past president of the the Slate Hospital of Colorado and/ tor Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth Dubuque, Iowa lodge of B'nai the United States Air Force AcadKl Synagupue Choir will render B'rith, a Guardian of Israel for the musical portions of the serv- tate of Israel Bonds and a mem- The Rayim Fraternity will hold fessional auctioneer will begin the emy. * sale of these items at 3 p. m. its third annual Penny Auction and ice. ber of Beth El Synagogue, Carnival chairman Robert Fell- INITIATED Saturday morning services are Shafer Is a past president of the Carnival Sunday, March 8, at 1 Lynn Singer, daughter of Mr. at 9:30 a. m. The Junior Congre- Breadbreakers, a member of the p. m., in the Jewish Community man has prepared both game and refreshment booths for the "Kar- and Mrs. Morris Riniiw has been gation service is at 10:30 a. m. Jewish Federation Board and Beth Center auditorium. Mincha-M-i;iriv service i* at 6 Israel Synagogue. Under the direction of fraternity niviil Kapers" preceding the auc- initiated by Iota Alpha Pi sorority at the University of Illinois p. m. Philip M. Klutznlck, Interna- President Bill Horwich and auc- tion. The Sunday morning service is tional President of B'nai B'rith, tion chairman Robert No;;g, mem- Tickets, priced at 25 cents each, at Champaign. at 9 a. m. in the Chapel followed iovernor Ralph Brooks, Senators bers collected merchandise donated obtained Irom any member by coffee and a study-tiiscusslon Roman Hruska and Curl Curtis by various local merchants. A pro- or nl the door. Women Philanthropies led by Rabbi Kripke at 9:30 a. m. head the list of special Invited Daily services aie at 7 a m. and guests. Also, all past presidents Workers of the lodge will be guests. 7 p. m. Save March 19 Tickets may be obtained by tele.Mrs. I.ouis London of Council phoning Mr. Render at JA 2076 or ABRAHAMS HEADS BETH ISRAEL Bluffs, has returned home after Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor RE 9344 or Mr. Shafer at PR 4233, UAK ASSOCIATION .Milton It. Abrahams, secretary spending five months in Los AnEli 'Kai;ah, the Beth Israel Syna- extension 32, or GL, 8462. of the Jewish Federation of Oma- geles, Cal., with her son, Dr. gogue Choir, and Intermediate ha, has been elected president of Gene London and relatives. "C" Class will conduct late servthe Omaha Bar Association. ices this evening at 8 p. rn. The Mr. Abrahams, a prominent comtopic of Rabbi Gamer's sermon munity leader, has served as presiwill be "Buildins; a Sanctuary." dent1 of the United Community MILS. ETHEL UltODKKV Traditional services ihi.s evening Services and on the Library Board Funeral services were held Monat 6 p. m. Saturday morning servRabbi Sol Landau of Cleveland, day at Beth El Synagogue for Mrs. ices beiii nat 8:45 a. m. and the O., will speak on "Unity and Di- and the Omaha School Board. Ethel Brodkey. 85, of 4903 UnJunior Confirmation meets at 10 versity in the Conservative Movea. rn. Rabbi Gnmer will lead the ment" at Beth Kl Synagogue on Samuel N. Wolf ami .Martin SI. .derwoixl Avenue, who died Sunday Saturday afternoon Talmud Class Wednesday evening, March 11th, Staenhrrg have given the City of in a local hospital. She was the at 5:45 p. m. and Mincha followed at 8:15 p. in., in the third and last Omaha land at 78th and Pacific widow of Morris Brodkey, and a by Shalosh S'eudos and Maariv evening in the Cavalc-ides of Con- Streets as a she for a branch li- resilient of Omaha more than GO will bek'in at 6:15 p. m. brary. Mr. Wolf is general chair- years. servative Judaism. Survivors: daughters, Mrs. Sarah Sunday morning services befjin Rabbi Landau, associate Rabbi man of the 1M9 Philanthropies' Dansky, Mrs. S. A. Rice, and Mrs. at 8:45 a. m. and are followed by of Park Synagogue, holds degrees Campaign. Benjamin Sherman; sons, Edward MONUMENTS breakfast and the Rabbi's class from Brooklyn College and New K., Fred D., and David, all of in the Jewish Tradition In Bible. The Sunday morning York University, as.well as the Mrs. Ahui Wolfhon was one of j Junior Congregation meets at 8:30 Jewish Theological Seminary of four Ornahans presented with a Omaha; 14 grandchildren and 12 Your order MiouM he pin ceil well In advance ol "Yahiv.rtf .so tin? great-grandchildren. 1 a. m.Daily services at 7 a. m. and America. A chaplain in World War Good Neighbor Award by the NaBurial was in Golden Hill Ceme- work iloos not have to ho hurried. 6:15 p. m. tional Conference of Christians II.* Rabbi'Landau is a member of We aro Ifnown for our exacting The weekly Talmud study group the Board of Governors of the Na- and Jews for work and leadership tery. Hebrew lettering and dot ait. meets every Tuesday evening at tional Academy of Adult Jewish in programs for the blind. The You may place your confidence 7;30 p. nx Services at the 19th Studies, of the National Youth presentation was made by Counin us l< flowing o^ch dots it and and Burt Street Synagogue every Commission of the United Syna- cilman. Harry Trutttln a* a meeting I Uadttion will be adhered to Saturday morning at 9 a, m. of the Dundee Kiwanis Club. i gogue, and of the Commission on with utmoit caro and ildll. Marriage and the Family of the Mrs; Wolfson is Beth El chair-: RUG & UPHOLSTERY Rabbinical Assembly. B'NAI JACOB ADAS lU'iv. you (llirrUy \',itli the man in charge of programs for the! o'.viurs . . . Wu [icnnlt no untimeCLEANERS The program is open to thepub- blind and is "blind consultant" for' ly botlnatliHi . . . (-til UK for Services at B'nai Jacob-Adas- lic, A coffee hour will follow the then Omaha Section of the Na-j appointment .it your i-oiivonlcnrn', RUGS —CARPETING Yeshuran will begin Friday at 5:45 l e c t u r e , . •,'. ••:•'• . tional Council of Jewish women. ; L-AMP SHADES p. m. and Saturday morning at FURNITURE 8:30 a. m. with Mincha at 5:45 Kchviircl A. Kcisi'ij has been apCleaned in Your Home! p. m. followed by Shalosh S'eudos. pointed to the Hoard of Trustees! Daily •services at 6:30 a. m. and Binding—Laying—Repairing of the Omaha Safety Council. ! 3213-15 " 9 " St. Frank Rcnna 6 p. m. . • .All trends and relative* are Don Bernstein HA 2554 Open Sunday 2-5 Invited to uttr-ncl services and A new jesuscitator was given! Mlira lU'i.i receptions ; TEMPLE ISUAEL to rescue squad 3. 2o<h and L'; Services ai .Temple.. Israel will ItOBKKT COTLI) Streets, by Henry anil Sum lirwn-i be held this Friday evening at. Robert Gould, son of Mr. and 8:15 P- m. Following the services, Mrs: Lron.ird Guild, will' observe berg, South Omaha merchants, j Rabbi Sidney Brooks will lead the his Bar Mitzvah at Beth El Syna- The presentation was made as a ! fourth in a series of "discussions gogue this Friday evening and birthday gift to their father, Philip j FREE ESTIMATES Greenberg, former Omahan, .now on "The Religions of the World" Saturday morning. living in Tucson, Ariz, PL 5396 . . . What Is Life's Greatest Good? This week's topic will be: Zoras DA.V KATSKKK Commercial Residential Newly elected to the boards of trianism: ethical dualism; JudaMr. and Mrs. Shoff Kalsltee an- directors of the Downtown Parking '~ ls,m: holiness and Islam: submis- nounce the Bar Milzyah of their Association is Arthur h. Davidson. sion. son, Dan, at Beth El Synagogue Among those re-elected are David Shabbas morning services will on Saturday morning, March 14th. (iolihnan and Herman Roldsteln. begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi Brooks officiating and the Religious School Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin singing the musical portions of the service (MRS.) FP.AXCL.S Kl.i:iN


Henry Monsky Post Presidents Event, April I, Highland


Ornahans in the News

Rabbi Sol Landau, Beth El ifech 11



Omaha Monument Oompany

Bar Mitzvah

Another VGERELICK" Saving . . .

Custom 300—6-Pass.-—Tudors Segel Made Nebraska Athletic Commissioner Manny Segel, physical director of the Jewish Community Center in earlier years, has been named Nebraska Athletic Commissioner by Governor Ralph Brooks. He is well known in sports circles and in recent years has operated a record shop here. The family of Abe Zelinsky wish to thank their relatives and friends for the many kindnesses shown them during their recent bereavement, Mrs. Abe Zelinsky Harold and Paul Zelinsky Jack Saylnn

With Heater—Defroster—Perm. Antl-Freeie—Hl-Temp. Thermostar— Positive Action Wiper—Oil Filter—Safety Turn Indicator.


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Our Own Famous Homemade Corned Beef



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PL 8111



Friday, March C, 1959



Appslnfittenfs iade

Fa go Three


Indian Pursues Seminary

"or Jessef Oinner

ai'd"'.liicol,;,oii and Maury Lamlman. N'c-w York (JTA)— A 13faith Indian families intermar•i'oric AT itKTii isit.ux MI;I;T -Alines. HnriKird Altsulfi" ;ind Mau- Sam Halm has becifc. named yenr-old son of a Mexican Inried with Marranos, ilrs. Ralph Biniamow, procrani riei; Aresly will handle table sel- •hailman of the Kouvi.'iiir journal dian factory worker has been The boy is attending a spen. .Mines. Alan lilolcky ;nid Is'or- (jtiuiiitt''p for the Gporf:e Jc:^;(i enrolled at Torah Vorlaatb of chairman, lias announced tliiit cial class to extend his back"Figures and Fashions" will be ninn Lincoln are in cn;ir;;e of table joldcn Jubilei; dinnei', Mrirch 22 Brooklyn, a traditional Jewish it licth Israel S;.iia!:o::ue, genernl ground in Talmudics. He Is discussed by Ethel ])on;;lifrty at rDi'/itions. llevrvntions may be seminary, as the first Indian ilio Beth Israel .Sisterhood lunch- made by callini; Mrs. Krwin Lan- chairman I Gordman. an- Jew to undertake study for also studying English and Yidnouiir.'ed today, fiifi meeting, March 10, at 12:.'iO dow, TV. 57K!i, or Mrs. Harvey dish, as welj as Hebrew, the. the rabbinatel. . Hiihn nuim'd the lollowinf; dip.m. In the Kynni;ot;iie social hall. Aronsun, W'A 71 .'J5. basic languages a t the sem•Shimon Ben Abraham De Mi Mrs. Krtward Levinson, sister- visional leaders for the journal, Vvga Carbajal of Mexico City . Plans will be discussed for the inary. There are at least twp forth-coming* Mid-Central Stntes hood president, will preside at the which will be issued in conjunction Is the son of a convert to colonies of such intermarried and at the 11 a.m. with 1hp. unniiifl Chapter of the Women's Branch Kcner.-i! meeting Judaism and a mother who is • families in Mexico City, the. i citation dinner: fif the United Orthodox Congrega- board rne' tin^. is .descendant of the Marranos, • seminary officials said, adding Mrs. Sam Katztions to be held in Omaha. He was sent to the seminary that the grandfather- has. man, chairnian of . Reservations may be made by II AND I' IMDASSAII by his grandfather, on • his . , brought back to Judaism . 18 women's d i v i calling Mines. Barney Grey, GL STUDY <JKOUi' •mother's'•• sido, Jose Carbajal, •families. There are ah esti5266, Sam fiosenstcin, PL 5067, or who has dedicated his life to The Study Group sessions of B sion; Mrs. Gco. mated "100 such families in the Arthur Epstein, RE 8094; Baby nn'd P Hadaiisah are now held ev- Schapiro, seciebringing back to the Jewish two colonies in Mexico City, ' Kitter service will be available. ery third Sunday instead of month- ary of women's ly. Two March nicotines are sched- division; Henry uled: March 8th and March 23th Appcl, E u g e n e '••••:••;•••. Births SKEIt ClIAl'TKB at the home of Mrs. Phil Schwartz Braun, B y r o n Mr. and Mrs. Myron Marko an-TO KI.IX'T MAKC'II » Raznick mid Gco. at 2 p.m. nounce the birth of a son, Bruce-.. The- Cornhusker Chapter of B'nai Schapiro, co-orMembers will read and discuss dinators; M r s Dun GnrtlmnH Howard.on February 25 at Clarl*13'rith will hold election of officers lit the next moetliic, .Monday, the Hadnssah* sponsored book Joseph Hadiiiovvski retired this son hospital. They are also the parSidney Kwiatek, ' secretory for March 9, at 8 p.m. lit the now "Great ARCS and Ideals of the week from the Post Office Depart- ents of a daughter, Sheila Helene, Jewish People." Mrs. Schwartz an- men'K division; Mis. Albert Sorkin, Grandparents are Mrs. Libby Aines Bowling Center. ment after 35 years of service. He Nepomnlck, Omaha and Mfe and liaison secretary. nounced that guests are invited but Other committee c h a i r m e n was given a farewell party and Mrs. Irving Marko, Minneapolis, nsks that they notify her In case 8I)T MOTIIKItS (l.VH named by Mr. Gordman and by gifts by his fellow employes. they wish to attend. Minri. Paternal great-grandmoth-: MKKTIN<; IN UNC01.V Maurice Katzman, president of the In 1958, Mr. Radinowski was one ers are Mrs. Bess Rutman and The Lincoln ,Sii;ma Delta Tnu synagogue, are; Mrs. Henry Appel, Mother's Club will be hostess to •IICWIttH CULTURE COUNCIL banquet chairman; Mrs. D, B. Ep-of the nominees for the Omaha, Mrs. Sarah Markowitz, both of •.:••.. , The Jewish Culture Council will stein and Mrs. Sidney Goldberg, Nebr. "Civil Servant of the Year" Minneapolis; the Omaha Mother's Club ut a ineetinf; and lunelicon, Monday, meet Sunday, March 8th, 2 p. m. co-chairmen; Mrs. Morris Shapiro, Award. A resident of Omaha since March 9 at the .Sorority House In at the Jewish Community Center, Decorations; Mrs. Harry Sidman, 1919, he is a member of the JewJoe Kadinowski, announced, Uncoln. jewel page; Gerald Schwartz, pub- ish Federation Board of Governors, A business session will be held licity; Mm. Sidney Kwiatek, pub- an active campaign worker and fit; 10 a.m. and will be followed .MAHHIAOE CLINIC lishing; Arthur Gould, serving; chairman of the Jewish Culture The Young Adult Council of the Irving Stern, checkroom; Eugene Council. liy a luncheon for mothers and Jewish Community Center will Braun, parking supervision; Mor•laughters at noon, .Mis. .Joseph Kaufman of Lin- .sponsor a Murringe Clinic, Sun- ris E. Kutler, ushering; Samuel coln is chairman of the event. day, March H, 2 p.'.m. at the Jew-Stone, audio mid photography, and Kcservutionu are beinj; taken t>y ish Community Center, Jerry Ker- Mrs. Michael Cohen and Mrs. ErYou'll Be Pleased Mrs. J. Milton Marcolin, president cr, president, announced. All Jew-nest Hochstcr, table setting. of the Omaha organization, GL ish youiu; adults arc Invited to If You Shop at Mr. Gordman announced that attend this program free of charge. 4MH. both Governor Ralph G. Brooks and Mayor John Rosenblatt had NEHHASKA CHAI-TKK TO "COI'FICK WITH TIIK HAltlll" accepted invitations to participate I'ICKSKNT OFFICIOUS SI.ATH "Coffee with the Rabbi" will be A .nlate of now offieers will be held Thursday, March 12 at il:,'10 in the salute to Jesse!, who will be Quality Clothes for Men presented at fie bonrd meet in;; of a. m. at Beth El Synagogue when honored on the occasion of his 50th Nebraska Chapter No. .'M6, B'nal Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will talk on anniversary in show business and his Gist birthday. )Vrith, at the home of Mrs. Arthur "Are You a Jewish Parent to Your Opon Till 9 Each Evening "Because of the unprecedented Abram.i, 511 So. 5011* Street, Children?". 4013 FARNAM ST. demand for tickets, we are again ThuiMl.-iy, March 12, at Hu'.O p.m. nr.fured n capacity, overflow COUNCIL BOARD TO crowd," Mr. Gordman said, TKMI'LK SISTIvKIIOOI) TO SKKMKBT MARCH 12 "WONDKHFII, CLAN" SKIT "" Hoard members of the Council At a l p.m. nuelin;;, Tuesday, of Jewish Women will meet ThursMarch 10, Temple Israel Sister- day, Murch 12, for a 1 p. m. deshood members will view an origi- sert luncheon at the home of Mrs. Is Now Featuring nal skit, "Wonderful Clan," writ- Hurry A. Wise, 920 Hillcrcst Drive. ten by Mrs. Lre Sloan and Mrs.Co-hostess will be Mrs. Albert Paul Veret, Executive Directoi J'chvard Milder. The music portion Gacr. of the Jewish Federation of Omnof the skit is borrowed from "Wonha, will he the guest speaker at derful Town." The authors will the Bikur Cliolim pre-Purim Tea, participate in the skit with the Omaha'i Newest and Mosf Beautiful on March 9 at the Jewish Comfollowing: Mines. William J. FOKCI, Downtown.Dining Rooms and Cocktail Lounge munity Center at 2 p. m. Irvini,' Malashock, William A. The program also will ineiiido Kinkle, LaiTy Plattncr, Norman Serving the Finest In The next meeting of the Seventh : H'-Klps, Orville Milder, and War-Grade Anne Frank-Young Judea the showing of a film and Israeli CHAR-BROILED STEAKS ner Krohman,Mrs. Stanford Bro- Group will he at the home of dances by Donna Kaiman, Frances '•••/,''..' . -. . .Relax And Enjoy Yourself In a Different phy ..will accompany the group. Linda Graetz, 307 So. 52 Street, Ermnn, Lyhnottc Forbes, Helcno Franklin, Rence Franklin, Arleno and Mp»t Delightful A t m o t p h e r * Mrs. Kdwnrd Milder Is proRram Sunday, March 8 at 2. p. m. Grossman, Madallne Kripke, Roril ch.'ilrmiin of the moiitli. F a r n a m a t 1 9 t h :••:. Omaha, Nebr. AT 1313 Meyer, Renee IMnimcrninn, Naomi Temple Youth Group will hold I'JLKANOK KOOSEVKLT KBfl Rothenberg and Irene Winer. Klcnnor Roosevelt 1). B. G. has n "bake sale" at. the meeting. Chairman for theh event is Mrs. l.i.ncheon arrangements are un-just completed sending gifts to the Bernard Scheln. . der the direction of Mines. Lcon- Glcnwood Hospital, Glenwood, la. The group is going to devote time Patronize Our Advertisers to the Blood Bank and also plans to hold a "Car Wash" in May. «FM;I;KI;S AMI IASIIIONV

Radinowski Retires From Postal Service


• .

'elter A

Paul Veret, Speaker At Bikur Gholim Tea


F-iJher-Son Basketball banquet to Feature Omahans Wed Feb. 14 J.J.Greenberg Award Mr. ami .Mrs. Max Levine whose



marriage look place February 14 lire now at home at 1217 South 11I Avenue. Mrs. Levine is the former Mrs. Jennie Rifkin. A party was given nt the Labor Lyceum by the Dramatic Club for the Levlncs following their marriage.

The presentation of the J. J. C:r<nberg trophy to the most imjiioved 5-Glh grade basketball pliiy(•:' in the Midget League, will headline the Father-Son Basketball J{;m(iuet Sunday, March 15 at 5:30 p. in. at the Jewish Community Crneti' Auditorium. Tim banquet will culminate the Reason's play with the honoring of Israel Plans Export championship teams by the boys Of Smoked Tuna Fish iind their father.':. Kaiman Insurance team is the Jerusalem, i JTA) -The successWinner of the 5-filh grade League fid trial shipment of smoked tuna «nd next .Sunday's games between fish to Italy and Switzerland has I-Go Van and Plnyland Park will created the possibility of the exdetermine the top team of the port next winter of $500,000 worth 7-8th grade league. of tuna to Europe. Team sponsors who supplied the league with uniforms will be honored also. They arc Abe Slushy, Krnic Nogg, Dan Gordman,' Jack Sadofsky, Phil Gerelick, Bud SlosPhone JA 1JM to Initrl your Wunl Ad In Jewlih Prt!>, burg, Irv Kaimnn and Iz Tretiak. theRaft l i 50 ccnli for loch Ihrfe line InstrThe Prin r«»rvei tht rliiht to llml fathers are urged to make their tlon slit ol each odvirllitmenl. reservations. The Center Athletic Jifflce, JA 1366. mny be called for DAILV JEWISH PAPEItS further information. BAR nnd Ban Mitzvah congratu latlons also for all Jewish holl days ond special occasions. Women Philanthropies Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge

; v

Save March 19

FOR RENT—Two roomi—Young Men preferred, 110 So. « 6 t St., Call CA 1472.

',;;•.••'• Unusual Selection

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Shukerts Kosher Meats

Want Ads


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So. 13th St.

FOR Bridal Portrtiti

AND C.ndld W.ddlng

Due fo Illncit of Mr. Dave Shukert, Prop.


John Kalina fll7So.3«tti

HA 1044


AT 0686

Page Four

Friday, Mnrrh 8, J959

Jewish Contributions Important To Cuba's Business and industry t i i l i \ Mjlluu I i n ilni in Cnli.i. A li I> I'i A l t h o u g h o n h un C II in in 'j i i i-I 1 - . < 1 IJI -. I' H i l i i i ( i l i u h Is Je w s h tin Jt !•• p i n in mi I |i Ii j n I p j r t a n l i n l e m 111 IJI-.HI ss iinl 1\ [HI ' -, ( n l ) i n M i n i n »-. t i l s i | > , ' i m l u s l i v ol C u b 1 w h i c h is liut HI liiil i n t i n uf II o d d m i k i f n ) n tin 1 b) t h i i n m o t 11 ^ i m i p


i i j \ \ Dim n mi (I I In- I l i l i r r w Iniiui^r n i t Mil S o i u t v pirtnl pilid M u n thiiiisiiniN (if dull w-i



t r i il

I III t'l i Inn K In ill I j tilt 1 t I( \ S I lilt 1 I I \ I 1} O li i mi i - 11' Hun t \iili ^1 i in ii uf i( tin in Inl; ir ( o pi ii \n inuis I in \ M i i n in < n u i i t t i i i in o'u i t il !i ^ I i II i u m l i t h iiiti t. . u lit 11 ,. 11 i li i iippni I inn Mi's cxisti-II



I m o s t i l l s t i n ^ n i s l i i il ( 11 li o tic f ii tip of Flouda i.Kuiml. The war in Cub i w is inulud bj tenor ««nJ violence icmiiuscont ••misKpri of Mirnni i.rli,iii of the Na/i era in Listem Luinpc R l ( l t l | 1 ri11 to C ub i in lh i*> > Yet Cub in Jei\s an c \pnsid mi ' II nnKs '-urn noritj found tint neithei side in lews S [wc'je in l l Hu k

In i n s

MI it

I-.MII il

1'ke < ' " S l u n h ndl nAiiii-rii-iin I''iii:iii<-iiil S u p p o r t I in urnd He IJCC inn the founrfi i \ f i iiil i il mi i i i o f '-I pn II dii of H n a u a s tiolkv cji svslim ind A s h k ' n I / I li i s tnim [il i n 1 Isradi Iti-< ojjnitlon araons the fust i A m m c a n J e w . weic cmi.ulK.I h* li w i i h i n s t i l u l i II «. > i n in s i / o mil Isiael i Cuba's l)\ and mild d i m iti i n i i m h i T , T h e ("iilc!.:ii> M I T / . I . a !>e tiuiu> lo iccOKnl/e the new so\ernShortl> aftci U I.IId U n 1 i 1 ph u i i i i li wi li i h o o l In nidi d in nient Conscious of the help Cuba mistaken ide i tiavcllid ntioss extended to Israel in 1918 Israel war-lorn Eastern 1 uiorx espccnl ' I'll 1 nidi d ^ nidi h t o i t s i u n lieu bl'Mt a considerable rjuiintitv of )y amonc Jews It w is tint imini , l i i n i un] w i l r i i n i i d noli S t p h a r d i L Allied pUism.i to the Cub in Red ({ration to the U'nited Stales w is ' children. This rame us .i result, in [i u t nf \mi»i II in fin mi i il sup t'l oss eisier via Cuba than d i n c t h Sews nrthf III (lie rvvuniiionury from Europe. Cuban entry laws pin I riiovrmi-nl MITI> nuilnly university wcie then lav In 1421 nvei '>()00 f/'iirllii-r iiui:ili;ninatiiiii has simr students and .vounj; professional Jews, mostly from Poland, en- ilevel(>|ieil In tin- inoileiii iiiiiimiinl turn. Ji'ulsli lc;nlcrslil|) solicit to tered Cuba. In 1929 more than t> Mniituri In tin I id I'KIH, II aioitl gl\lii£ un imprt sslon thui 7 000 came Jewish Men-hunts Assoeiatimi w»s HIP Jewish community us Midi wan luitl-Semitie In order to aid Jewish settle- formed to coniliut Involved tvHIi either iido. ment in Culm, n Jewish Commit- propi^itndi sprt ill M A \ l s ii^cntri \rtu ill> most lews welcomed tee for Cuba na» formed in New I m i i i t \t ir*t, ill spiti politnitl the Castio administration The> York. Tlie Nutlonal Ciilltn-11 o f! tllriniiil in (nil i, .If u s li i\c t-iitound Bitisl-is political police Jo\<il good <mniiiiinlt\ n I itiuns


4 Weeks of Creative Summer Fun (With Professional Supervision by Center Staff)



similar to Gestapo HUMS although

anti-Semitism was Absent The Batista agents assaulted all dissenters, hi un atmospheie of oppiession and denial of ciul liberties For the first time in the lustoi} The "Aging In The Modern of Cubi a Jew was named a mem- Woild' stud\ gioup will meet ber of the Cabinet He is I nrique Monday, March 9. at the home of Oltuski. a member of Castro I>r and Mrs Leon Fellman 301 mosemelit He n a son of immi- South 53rd Street, at 8 p. m. grant parents from Poland who established a shoe factory in Santa Clara. An engineer and 'graduate1 • of the University of Miami, Oltuski it ><) \eirs of ine is Mm- i Varslt\ l e a g u e ister of Communications In the Piuls iiici Pc!r;i ulos wcie vienew government. tonoiis in v usilv h u u e p i n last IleuroVil Ukr Itililirul proplu-ts, week 'Hi' tip two te ims won tlm {'astro uriiiv loolccrl murli like eisiK is I'nils diopped Kofoinflu- Ila^anali of prc-Unli-pi-iuli'iire sons Wj "51 mil IJ< p r i d e s defeated

Study Group to Meet Monday

JUNE 15-JULY 10, 1959 FOR

BOYS 5-12 Years __






FULL 4 WEEKS-^JUNE 15-JULY 1 0 . . . . . . . . . . . .



Today a healthy and grfiW'Inf;1 Jewish cultural life exists. Synagogue attendance is considerably higher thm in the United Statei Jewish Telegraph Agenr}



Lool for

Center Sports

Israel, lniii'fd, a fi-w WITI* Si-phur- I iiit\-, !")' 11 I: iv Knl(r> ind Jcrrj

(lie JeuWi vuutlit from Santa SHIKIIN scored JS md 12 points reClaru, Orli-ntr. S i n t n g o i l i ( nl> i, I sped ivi'h t j pjee P u l l s attack uml ( un II;II<'\ Tin v prout!l\ uorc \ ! m P sti in topped the loseis scortlii- ~\\m\u ill | „,[, « | t h 17 pomts 7ionNt Moicmciit Strong The Zionist mo einent is stiong ln Cuba Since Isiael s tsi i r i s h men t over 200 Jews fiom C'uhj have settled in I s n e l Cubi's Jews feel their lova!t> to Jud usm and Zionism in no waj li'asens their patriotism a.s Cub ins It U a matter of n i o r d tlmt Jenii lived In < iiljn lirforn explorers set foot on tin- territory now known at the ( n l t i i l states Columbus on his first trip, Ii id




BRIGHT RED TA9 •• your

Buy an electric range

• pplisnct dt»l»r'i

»d Iii*li;i ide hitting for 10 points led his teams win while hustling Jeii> Herman uai» ied hot for I ustvs with 2fi points One week of le itjuc remains Stjinllngi W L Pauls 10 1 Belgradcs 7 4

tnjsj FREE Electric Cooking Itr i mtntb*' whin you buy thit nngi

Ilobm-,0113 4 7 Lastjs 110 Miilgnt ItaslictlMill I.rigtic [Jill Kutlei ind Chct Stoler led Marranos (serrit lews) ln Ids I C.J Vin to a 11 ir, over Phjland crew. They wero Alonsi) tie lit Parl' and i one ^ line lead in the C a l l e anil Luis- tic l o r n s i l n l i t - ' ^ S t h r i ide \Iirl ;et l e a g u e With t e r m i s t o l i i m l j u s ' I n t i r p r i t i r .mil o n e gain*: remaining in league t>M knc» Hebrew l'limig »tlirr| ^ thi Models ire in a good t o n g u e s Uelliililo h i s t o r l i n s n g r o o S P 'I to win thr title. Th'.- I'layt h a t d e l o r n s si till il in C IIIJ I IJI> j ' ">>1 tcam was handicapped as f o r e t h e e n d of t h e I'jtli ( i n t u r v ' • r v i r i l in m l j ' i s i e i e . i b s i n t d u e anil died l i e r e i l o illm s Kutki p o p p e d in 11 A t t h e e n d of t1 .• Hjth ( i i i t n i j , p m n t s bill M ilr i nlded 10 t o t h e m i n y M a r i a n o J e w i s n f m i l K s fled ^ m i n i s c m s the S p i n i s h Inquislion t o ( lib i ' Cov b o ^ s d< Ir-itr d I; i c^h m i n B u t p e r s e c u t i o n f o l l o v w d tlicip t o J f ' O i d n n n ('. 11 i- H'llj ' ( i i n s b u r g t h e l u s h t r o p i c il islr. | m d I n-,tj - < o i ( d 1 '. mil 11 p o i n t s

I»himin hid I >sr r s Slo I n n i Hi illj in the final in Spain. The ri^lit to hold Jewr ime of kii'.iie pi ay hunt; a close ish seiwces outairli- prnate horn's v & not gi m l H until C u b i s , 11J loss on K in ii in Insurance emancipation fro n "jpjin in lb')S j foi tlicn onlv lo 3 of tne se.iso.i Cuba s 'Geoif:'" \ \ I'lnnglon tne I I'.OIIIIK Wolpa v <is hi ;h sroier with liberal Jose M u t i hid lewishl') (Joints vhile P m l K nm in h i d friends ind hciitcnints He -. iw to G fur the lo-eis It t i n t Cubin Jcvvi> l e c i v c d 1 Tieti iks with hi ,li st01 in^ Larry O i l llitv when the republic w i s l l e f n / hiltin'; 10 points defeated establish'd lOciehrks 31-11 The Trctiak \ i c Marrano Introilurtd Sugar 11 JI , Icives them in a tie for seeDespite the lnquistion it seems |ond place with S l o s h i n g that mm* Jews pnt'ierj Cull 1 Lr igiie Standing? during the period of formal re"j nih I inils

electric cooking t\m\u3kul\ ihk-Jto

It was not until tint Spun ic •>[)<( i n c h formally permitted Jews to reside 10 points foi

strictions Cuban Instoiiiiiis ciidit Hernando de Castro, a Marrano. with introducing ' sugar cine to Cuba in the 17th Contui* Sur; ir is Cuba's most important export, Historical records show that Cuba's Marranos were a virile lot. When the Church began burning Jews nt the stake in Cuba, Marranos financed French ana British buccaneers to war on Spanish galloons plying the West Indies trade routes. Some of the privateer ships carried tile names of Jewish women killed .by the Inquisitors. There is evidence that even some avowed Jews managed somehow to survive the Inquislion in

Kurn in In, Tretnks Slosburgs Oerelick 7 X'li (.rule I Co Van Plijland Park Richnian-Gordin in Cowboys

W 11 G G 1

L 1 6 6 11

W 8 7 4 3

SUGAR, COI'FEE M \I)E IIILK COM^IODITILS JeniKaleni, (JTA) Sugar and c o f f e e list offic.illy rationed commodities w n e 111 i'le fir>i- romMliid

I r

\ T >t( I l

A modern, autoniUic electric rant;c is a birgain aiiytnnc . . . but right now . . . during the N(.br<isl.d-Ioui Electric il Couiitil'j ' I'll ctric Cooking Carnival" . . . it's a biprjcr h u q i i n than c\cr If you buy a nt . cli-ctric ranyc in Maicli or April fiom any one ol ilia Council mcmber-dcalci,, and li\c in the aita served by OITD, the NebraskaIo^a Eltctrical Council will pa.) for tli*- elcclncity you use for cool.inf? for 6 full inonthi (based on the avcra^i- Oirnlia family's co>t of $1 50 a month). If you're cooking on an outdated, slow, haid-to-control range, now's tlis time 10 cliinr>< to a modem, sife, f i>t-cooLini{ cltctric ranqe . . . and get nn extra bargiin . . a chrcl. fiom thr Cumicil to co\ci \011r electric cookinpf bill for 6 month].

Choose your modern Electric Range from ono of theso famous maketi ADMIRAL HOTPOINr PHILCO













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