I'ulilislicil e v e r y Krliliiy. Jiil ,N. y O m a h a . Ktbrjisli.-i, I'lK.lil: J A K
Men's Division to Hold First Report Breakfast thropies dri\e, \V'i" are depending on everyone to PAKT1CIPATK.SOIJClT-CONTKIIJUri'J to insure that we can shoulder our share of lesponsibilily." IJeiitenitiits Nunied I .Mr. Cohn announced the following contingent of lieutenants who luill serve his division: Morton ] Brett, Ted Cohen. Jerry Cohn. -Marvin Gilinslty, Joseph (iinsburj;, .Stuart Gottlieb, Dan Goldman, Colemnn Greenbcrj;, Jerry Grossman, Paul Grossman, Harry Goldberg, Charles Cuss, Norman Halm, Kurt llir.shin;;er, Moe Kagan, Hen K hitman, Morris K. Klrshenlimim, Morris I.ipp, Sol I.ittman, Dr. Stanley Malashock, f-.'d Milder, Sherman Poska, Joseph Radinou'slci, Bert itender, Millard Rosenherg, Harry Saltzman , Donald Schoenbauni, Maury Schwartz, Irvin Singer, Leonard Shelton, Irving Stern, William Stone, Nate I'artlelpato-Sullelt-C'onlrilmtc • He continued "the needs local- Turner, Jlyman Wclner, Dr. Karl ly, nationally and overseas has not Wigodsky, Herbert Wintroub, Sol been ns great in a decade as it in Yaffe, Ben Zeff, Seymour JCooh and today and demands the utmost Al Swelling. support from every man. I um confident that everyone approached l>y a solicitor will accept his rekponsihility in the 10.")'.) PhilanArllitir A. Colin, fJcmrral Chairman of Hit' Philanthropies Men's J.ilvision, lias scheduled the "first report" b i' e a k-^ fast fur this Sunday, March 1") al ?l:.'!0 a. in. at the Jewish Community Outer. Loiters of inv i t a t i o n have been sent to all workers, lieutenants, ca p t a 1 us find vice-chairmen, ti r g i " B them to bring uli Arthur Colin Hieir..signed pledge curds to the meeting. Mr. Cohn reported that everyone is enthusiastically fioing Jiis part of the campaign, which promises complete coverage of nil cards,
Huge Gate To M e Jessel's Birthday A cake, Hi inches in diameter will mark the Cist birthday of George Je.ssel at the Golden Jubilee dinner, March 22 at ISe.th Israel Synagogue, Pan Gordnian, chairman, said. The cake to be baked at the synagogue, will he a feature of the occasion when the veteran showman will receive the annual Beth Israel humanitarian award. More than 6.")0 persons ale expected to attend the G:<15 p. rn. dinner, Maurice Katzman, Synagogue president, reported. Guests are expected to make their sent ing selection an soon ns they arrive. Sam Hnhn, souvenir journal chairman, said the new volume will be "one of the most Interesting" and that copies be distributed to all present. Jessel will leave Omaha to visit on March 2.'i with former President Harry S. Truman, 1957 award recipient, and will speak in behalf of the Truman library in Knnstis City.
Felix Flhleli. whose skill us a choreographer anil dancer won for him the 10">H Television dunce iiwurd, will present lili Internationally famous repetolro here Thursday, March II) uhon lie performs tit the Jewish Community Center at 8 p. m. Ho will appear In the. fourth program of the month series. Admission Is frer.
Dr. Philip Sher Home for the Aged Donor
Kntcjcd us Scrond-clusi Mutter at Post- Annuul Rute 4 Dollura office, Omiilia, Nebraska, under Act. ur 1H70. ainptle Copy 10 Cent«
In Memory of
Mr. Dr. tAr. Pr, tAr. Mr. Mr. Mr. tAr.
ami M a . Philip lcli«oru • Ell W«ll and {Art. Herman Jahr ,;..............,.. David Marktj and Mri. Den Zelf. Mr. and Mr«. Paul V i r i t .......Nathan Levlntort and Mrt. Herman Jahr . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . * . . . . , . . . . . . . , « . . . . . . . . S a m u e l Grctnbero and M n . Hymle MII0«r , ....'...Mrl. Ltna Upp and Mri. H/mH MUCir M n . Mlnnlt Chirnlock and M r i , Hymlt MHdor , . . . I . H. Cohan atut Mri, Hymle Milder *.. .Rubin Freeman and Mri. David Orkow, Mr. ood Mri, Paul Vtrel, Mr. and M r i . Howard Milder, tAr. and M r i . Julei ShoptrOt tAr. and M r i . Max Schouermon, Or. and M n , Atw Sielnuoro, Mr. and Mr*. Morris Newman , . . . M r i , Bering Solzman lAt. and Mri. Sam Wlnlroub, Mr. ond Mrt. I, M. Wlnlroub, Mr. and Mri. H. R. Allon, Mrs. O. W. Allon Hyman Wintroub tAr, and M r i , Grneit A, r/oflo, Mr. ond tAn. Hainan Plllor ..Reuben and Ruth Vonn tAr. and M r i . Ernoit A. Nooo, tAr, end M r l Lloyd Frladman Mr. Louli Sommer and Beo " Mri, Eihel BroUkey Mr, ond M r i . A. Malli „ . . , . . . . , , M r i , P«orl Harmel Mr. and Mri. A. Mollr Sam Faler M r i , Den Handler , ,. ,.., .Harry Kaplan Mr, end Mri. Morion Donan ..... Mri. Minnie Deaan Mr, ond M r i , Morris Green • . , , . . « . * . • . . ,..,. ....,, M r i . Fannie Jacob! Mr. and Mri. Morrli Green ,..,.,.,.., Mri. Anna Kalbora Mr, ond Mri. Morris Green . . . . , „ , , . . Jullui Helphond
Women Workers Meet March 24
Mrs, Oiciiles
"I'lirlm J'remiore" will lilglili>,'lit tho worker**' meeting of the Philanthropies \V<iin(!ii')t J>hlsion on 'liicsilay, Alnreli '.l\, 'llie iiiiislrnl rwvleiv featuring outstaiKiliiK' local talent will follow a dessert lnnrliAnii ut 12:S0 ji.in. ut thfi Jewish Comiiinnlly Center. Shied till* worKers" (,'iitlieiln); \H helnfr held (luring tln< pulillc school sjirlni,' vncutloii, u soparulft projjrnm for children Is heln^ planned to rolnrldu with the afternoon's activities.
Popular Broadway if Comedy Show The Theutor Ciiruvun of New York whose pnrforninnre lust year captivated Omniums will roturn to tlie Jeivluli Community Conter •>tn(;« with n rompl«t«ly new uliow, Tuesday night, March ?,4. The Jewish Culture Council of the Jewish Com nuinity.Ce n t e r along with other Centers through out the United Stntes und Cannda are the sponsors of this unique cultural e n t e r talnroent program which has been present ed annually slnca 1921, with overw h o 1 m ing suecess. Tlie Caravan Players are a sextette of musical comedy performerj of the New York Broadway Stage and New York Jewish Art Theatre. They are Mlna Bern, Lilly Ulliana, Leon Liebgokl, Al Harria, Joe Barash and their director, Ben Bonus: The troupn'a iicrformunre will ronuiienioriite the 100th anniversary of the birth of Sliuloni Alelclipni Iiy |irosentlii(r o now muslnil play adapted from Ills book, "Tevyo'n VnunMi-.TH." Tlin miiterhil was adapted for the singe, Iiy the noted jioct, Wolf Yunln with speelnl innsle by Sholcni Hprunda. Tickets are on sale at the Jewish Community Center. Admission Is by season ticket or Individual ticket at. SI.25. Reservations niny be made by calling: the Center's Activities office, JA l.ififi.
JWV Sponsors iovies For Home Residents Jerome P. Grossman, commander of Epstein-Morgan Post 2&f, Jewish War Veterans, announced his o r g a n i z a t i o n will srwnsor movies for residents of the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home for the Aged. Plans have been made by JWV to entertain residents of the home HS Its guests at various film showings a t Cooper Foundation theaters, Mr. Grossman said.
Mrs. Charles Itosi
Washington (JTA)— Israel Ambassador Aliha Klian, who Is also Israel's permanent representative to (lie United Nations, formally ninile known that he Is leaving his posts at the end of Slay In order to return to Israel. In Jerusalem, reports indicated thnt Mr. Kban Is expected to run in next November's general elections for membership on the ticket of the dominant. Mapai Party. If elected to Parliament, he will probably be appointed as Foreign Minister. These indications were advanced in well informed circles here followlnf; the announcement of Mr. Khan's resignation from his twin posts as Ambassador to Washington and this country's permanent representative to the United Nations. The present Foreign Minister, Mrs. Ciolda Melr, has said several times that she does not intend to continue in her post, after the next elections.
Annual Memorial Service Planned All organizations are invited to send representatives to a conference, Wednesday, March 18 at 8 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center to Join in making plans for a Memorial Service to honor the Warsaw Martyrs and the loss of 6,000 Jews during the Hitler period. The meeting is1 being sponsored by the Farband Poale Zion and Pioneer Women. Further .information may be obtained by calling JA 3891.
In Honor of
Chanel Enoil, M r i . Rebecca Zcbrock, M i i l .....ElQhin Anlnvonary Mr«. Herman franklin ond Kaloh < Mr. and Mri. Morrli Gr«»n Mr. and Mri, Paul Vertt , Mr. and Mri. Paul V«ret Th« Grodlnikyi ,,,,,. jsth Mr. and M n . E. Leo II033 Mr, ond Mri. Ernoil A. Hoja Mr, ond Mri, Hymlo Milder tAr. and M r i . Hyml« Mlldir Mr. and M n . Hymle Milder ,
Hilda Kurtwell. M m Marie Acklcy of Dgvld Orkow at th« Dr. PWIIp 5her Home Recovery o! A^n. Morrli Roienitaln Rtcovory of Mrs. Cilhor Mark* Anniversary of Mr. and Mri. Errrtit A, H033 Recoviry of Jot Rodlnowikl Annlverjory of Or, ond Mri. M, H. Grcenbtrg .70ifi Birthday of Michael Kraine Bar Mllivah of Arnold Weld , Recovery of Mr. I. Golditeln Recovery of tAr, and M r i . LogH Kulokofiky Recovery of Mri. Jock Cohen
Donation! to Homo Synagogue M r i . Arthur Meyerjon, Samuel Gllman,
Special Gift Mr, and Mri. Leitir Simon ....Twa Watt Oveni
On the Air KBON—Sunday, March 15, 8:50 a.m., "MESSAGE OF ISRAFM'~Vr. Nelson Glueek, president of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Kellglon, Cincinnati, Ohio, worldfamous Biblical arclmeloglat and author of "Rivers iir the Deserts," dlllneatlng his discoveries pf a lost clvlllzntlon in Israel'* Negev.
Jerusalem (JTA)—Amon Keren, secretary of the Israel Legation In Bucharest, was declared by the Rumanian Government as persona non-grata, and ordered to leave Rumania. It is understood that the Israel Foreign Ministry will summon the Rumanian Minister in Israel,to present Israel's protest and refute the charges leveled against Mr. Keren. ' The Israel Cabinet devoted this entire session to problems concerning the adsorption of immigrant!:
Mrs. Charles Ross, newly appointed '.-haii-man.of the Women'* Business and Pr.>'i.K.;;oi il Division of the Omaha i'liilwnthropies c,impjij,'n will be hi.jtess Sunday to workers of her unit at a brunch at her home, 6325 Glenwood Road, at noon. Throe, C'u-C'liairmun .Sorviiij* with Mrs. Ross will b« the three majors of her division, llie Misses Ida Spring and Dorothy Roscnlhal and Mrs. Joseph Mayer. Plans are underway for a gen* oral meeting of 13. and P. worker* on Tuesday nifiht, March 21. Mrs. Morris Grossman, general chairman of the Women's Division, announced the appointment of Mrs. Ross with great enthusiasm and said, "Sylvia Ross has been an outstanding devotee, of all type* of philanthropy in addition to serving world Jewry and Israel with great dedication. We can expect to see this division top all past records in its activity this year." Mrs. Ross has served in many previous Philanthropies campaign* and Is a past president of th« B and P group of Hadnssah a* well ns treasurer of the Bikur Cholim society. The noon brunch Sunday, March 15 at the Rosa home will be th« second women's affair h.?ld thi$ week. Women's Division Coffee On Thursday morning a joint meeting and coffee was iiicnacd by leaders of the general Women'* Division and representatives of tht Federation of Women's Clubs at the home of Mrs. Harry Sidman at 9:30 a.m. Mrs. Mike Freeman, president of the Federation of Women's Clubs and Mrs. Grosgman introduced the three co-chair« men of the General Women's Division, Mrs. Sum Katzman, Mr*. Alfred Sopbir and M r s . Albert Wohlner and B. and P.-Division Chairman, Mrs. Ross. Plans wer« made by captains, steering committee and chairmen for the overall workers' de3sart luncheon meetin, March 24 at the Jewish Community Center which will fea« ture the Initial performance of the "Purlm Premiere," a musical review.
Basketball Banquet Sunday at Center The midget basketball season will close with an honors banquet for players and their fathers. Sunday at 5:30 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. Jack Cotton, Omaha U n i v e r s i t y basketball coach, will be guest speaker. Reservations may be made by culling the Center Activities office, JA 1366.
Israel Highway Tel Aviv, ( J T A ) — T h r o u g h American financial and technical aid, a now highway link has been opened between Haifa and thi* city, saving 15 minutes in the motor run between these two centers.
from Rumania and other East European countries. Labor Minister Mordecai Namir reported on the employment situation and the housing of the immigrants. Minister of Agriculture Kadisli Luz reported on the possibilities, of settling the newcomers in farm occupations. Minister of Education Zalman Arrnne reported on the need of additional classrooms, and on the swift pace with which the children of the Rumanian immigrants adapt themselves tn the schools In Israel.
Page Two
Deaths MISS. JVDAI1 WOLFSON Funeral services v.cie held MonPublished K\cry 1'riil.i} li> tin: J< nivh Federation of Omaha. day afternoon at the Jewish Fufecond Closs Mailing Privi't neral Home for Mrs. Judah WolfU i en ApiJliciitlon. Annual Sutjic/it;' en, S4 tc son, 6], of Chicago, formerly of , f.'iLr., JAcfclcn 1366. Publication Off-ce—10] Ho :itri Editor Omaha, who died 3;ist Friday. (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN Burial was in Pleasant Hill Cemetery.
Religious Services Candlelighting 6:08 p. m,
AWARD WINNERS Douglas Kagan, Larry Gross: man, and Carolyn Rubin were among the students who received savings Bond awards in an essay contest sponsored by the Mount C a l v a r y Commandery No. I, Knights Templar. "What Patriotism Means To Me As An American'' was the subject of the contest. Douglas, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Moe Kagan and Lqrry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grossman are seventh grade students at Washington School. Carolyn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Rubin is a Central High School Freshman.
MKS. BESSIE SCHWARTZ Funeral services uere held Sunday morning at the Jewish Funeral Home for Mrs.' . B e s s i e Schwartz, ll'i Turner Blvd., who died last Friday. Burial was in Golden Hill Cemetery. .Surviving are daughter, Miss Eva Schwartz, sons, Abe, Nashville, Tenii.; Sam, Omaha; brother, Max Horowitz, four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
TEMPLE ISRAEL Services will be held this Friday evening at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Sidney MRS. JENNY I.EVENSON H. Brooks will preach on "Listen Funeral services were hold TuesTo What They Said"—Comment on day morning at Beth El Synagogue Religious Attitudes of C o l l e g e for Mrs. Jenny Cecilc Lovenson. Youth. 90, a resident of Omaha 37 years, Shabbas morning sen-ices will who died Monday. She was the begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi widow of Boris Levenson. Brooks officiating and the Re- "DOTS" .MEETING Surviving are n daughter-in-law, ligious School Choir under the diThe sixth gratfe Young Judca rection of Miss Ida Gltiin singing Group, "Dots" will meet March Mrs. Ethel Levenson, granddaughthe musical portions of the service. 15 at 2:30 p. m. at the home of ters, Mrs. Martin Haykin and Mrs. Jack Duitch, Omaha; Mrs. Paul Aileen Rimmerman, 5033 North 33 Ruston, Denver, Colo., and six BETH EL Street. The group will hold a bake great-grandchildren. Services at Beth El Synagogue sale March 26 at Louis Market, Burial wns in Beth El Cemetery. will begin at 8:15 p. m. Cantor 5718 Military. Aaron I. Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the DKBKA DEBS SPONSOR musical portions of the service. UOOK SALE Following the service, at which Debka Debs, senior Young Juthere will be no sermon, the con- dean club, sponsored by Hadassah, Y. C. Wrestling Tourney, March 15 Sunday, Mnrch 15 at 30 a. m. gregation will re-assemble in the will hold a book sale on WednesSocial Hall where Rabbi Myrr S. day, March 25, at 3 p. m. at the The Youth Council Boys Clubs Kripke will speak o/i "Dr. Zhivago Jewish Community Center. Any- will battle for wrestling honors in the Jay workout room. and the Jews." one who has books to donate, Sabbath morning services ait' at please call Peggy Rubenstcin, WA Y. C. Handball Title to Justin Ban 8:30 a. m. The Junior Congre- 0132 to arrange for pick up. Justin Ban is the Youth Council gation/ service, at 10:30 a. m. 'lamlball singles champion, defeat-. Mincha-Maariv service will be at ing Howard Stoler. Both of Ronu 6 p. m. AZA, are matched In doubles The Sunday morning service is against Jerry Schwartz nnd Frank at 9 a. m. in the Chapel, followed oldberg, AZA 1. by coffee and a study-discussion The "humanitarian" role of Jewsession Jed by Rnlibi Kripke »t sh Women will IJP commemorated Spring Vnratlnn I'rngrum 8:30. Daily fervices are at 7 a. m. Friday, March 20, by the Omaha The Center Athletic department, and 7 p. m. Section of the National Council of will conduct a planned program Jewish Women when the organiza- during spring vacation for grade BETH ISRAEL tion will be represented by speak- and high schoolerg. Rabbi. Benjamin Groner, Cantor ers in Orrmhn synagogues. Eli Kagan, The Beth Israel SynaThose who will address the eongogue Choir, and Primary "A" gregations will be Mrs. J. M. HorClass will conduct late services wich, Council president, at Temple this e v e n i n g at 8 p. m. Rabbi Israel; Mrs. Gerald Bernstien, at G r o n e r ' s sermon is entitled, Beth El and Mrs. David Lewis at "Foundations of the Temple." Tra- Beth Israel. Irvin Vnffe of the N. S. Yaffe ditional Friday evening service rinting Co. has been named pres(Kabbalas Shabbosj this evening ident of Uie Graphic Arts Associaat 6:15 p. m. tion, Inc. of Omaha. All friend* ana relatives are • Saturday morning services begin at 8:45 a. m. Junior Congrega- invited to attend (crvlcea and tion meets at 10 a. m. Rabbi recentloni. Groner will conduct the Satur- DAN KATSKEE Dan Katskee, son of Mr. and day afternoon-Talmud Class at 5:45 p. m. and Mincha, followed Mrs. Sheff Katskrc, will observe by Shalosh S'eudos and Maariv his Bar Mitzvah on -Saturday will begin at 6:15 p. m. Sunday morning, March 14(h at Beth K| Seb (Subby) Pulverenre morning services at 8:45 a. m. Synagogue. Breakfast will l>e served after the 25 Years' Experience services and Rabbi Groner will MNII.1 niKKES Mr. and Mrs. Max Hiekes anlead the class in bible study. The With Jewish Sunday morning Junior Congrega- nounce the Bas Mitzvah of their Lettering and Memorial* tion meets at 8:30 a. m. Daily daughter, Linda, on Friday evening, March 20th and Saturday wrvices, 7 a. m. and 6:25 p. ni. AT 2452 morning, March 21st at Both El 2211 So. 8th The W e e k l y Talmud Study Synagogue. Group meets on Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Saturday morning sen-ices at the IDih and Burt Street Synagogue every .Saturday morning at 9 a. m. . • FREE ESTIMATES B'XAI JACOB ADAS PL 5396 1'KSIItJKON Residential Commercial Sen ices at B'nai Jacob-AdasYeshuron will begin Friday at 5:45 p. m. and Saturday morning at 8:30 a. m. with Mincha a t 5:45 p. m. followed by Shalosh S'eudos. Daily lervices at 6:30 a. m. and 6 p. m. .
Friday, March 13, 185»
Maury Schwartz Liifman'Invited to Workshop Speaker Speak tn DOG Mofnes Maury Schwartz, Kducational Director of Temple Israel will speak to the advisors ol the Jewish Youth Council clubs at a Workshop on Monday, March 16 at 7:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center. Mr. Schwartz will discuss the relationship between the Youth Council and the youth programs initiated by the synagogues, the goals of the Y. C. clubs., and the role of the advisor in implementing worthwhile club projects .in general and programs of Jewish content in particular. ^"^""^ Other topics on the evening's agenda will include an evaluation of Stace Night, discussion of Y.C. Philanthroupies; rushing and pledging for the coming season.
Monument Co.
WASHINGTON AKEA FIGURES Washington, OTA)— A report was made to Congress revealing that approximately five percent of the total population of the national capital area are Jewish.
Want Ads Phon* JA Kit to Insert your Wont A<! In »h» Jewish PrtSJ. Rate Is 50 «nts for tech three line Insertion. The Pres> rtstrves the rlcht to limit tlTt of each advertisement
DAILY JEWISH JPAPER8 BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge FOR KENT—Two rooms—Young Men preferred. 119 So. 41st St., Call CA 1472.
No.l specialistin long-distance moving and local moving, packing, storage
Bar and Bas Milzvahs
Dedications A monument will bo dedicated in memory of Mrs. licrtha Kaiman of Glenwood, la. on .Sunday, March 15 at 2 p. m. at Beth Hamcdrosh Hagodol Cemetery. Officiating will be Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Eli Kag.in of Beth Israel Synagogue. Friends and relatives arc invited to attend.
Served plxin, it** just plain dttidous; . . . lopped with ice-cream, fruit or bc/« ries, it's • peak-of'the-jnenu desstrt!
Council To Be March 20
Omahans In the News
.Sol Litlman, Anli-Oefainaiion Regional Director, has been invited to speak at the annual meeting of the Iowa Civil Libei ties Union, in Dps Moines, Saturday, March 34. , Mr. Littman's topic will lit! "Denominational Morality and the Law," a discussion of church-state relationships.
1201 Jones
JA M«. 1 tH 0 . I . HICIIWAYJ
E». 1 IS* JUVIC1
B». « I* T0U9 CCUliUMITT
to Be Sponsored by tho Jcv/ish Community Center During Spring Vacation • MAGIC SHOW AND CARTOON CARNIVAL Sunday, March 22. 3 P.M.
Kosher Meat Market and Delicatessen WA 5554
Sunday. March 29. 3 P.M.
Fro* Rrfreihmenft et Each Performance
. Popcorn—lellypopt—-Candy Bart
Only $1 For AH Throe Event*
Our Own Famous Homemade Corned Beef PRESSED CORNED DEEP LOAF $1.50 Lb.
BE IARLY Eerurn to Jowlth Communiry Center with your name end $ 1 . T)cUt» will b * nellsd to you.
Prompt Attention Given to Phone Orders
Coll Wednesday for Thursday Detivery
No. of Tickets.,..
Frfdar, Marrh IS, 1950
Tins jKwisn PRESS
Martin Coltons to Make Home in El Paso, Texas
JII/.ICACHI WOM10X liva.Miivr, Louis Friedman; hospiCANTONESE The Oninha Chapter Mi/niclii tal chairman, Jake Feldman; fiAPPETIZERS Women will c/_'] eh rate J'urim at its nancial .sei'retary, Joseph Kailinow1 Mi , and Mrs. Martin Col ton Coiton, was a resident of Omaha March inpflini; with a ] p.m. ski; iii'itional fund and Kemfci1 luncheon, Wednesday, .March 18 at chairman, licnjamin Klaiman; ex- now making their home in Kl until recently, Ho attended the the Jewish Community Center. ecutive board, Karl Rosonberg, Paso. Tex., were married there University of Omaha and received February 14 in an evening cere- a Masters Degree from the UniThe business mectinf; will Mart Max Ht'i/baum, Sarah Sbraj;o, Isa- mony at Temple Mt. Sinai. versity of Illinois. He is associated, a t - 2 p.m. Contributions for Moet dor Foi'bes, and Ilany Klflciu, with an accounting firm in El • Chitlin, the fund which provides The committee in charge of the Mr. Collon, soi- of Mrs. Michael Paso. . Passover necessities for the needy dinner and program consists of His bride, the former Sallye in Israel, will l>o requested. Miz- Mines. Marion Bondaiin,. Max Jjifiman, is the daughter of Mr. rachi Women, since its organiza- Feilowilz, Anna Itifkin and Max and Mrs. Ray Kngnian of El liun, has annually contributed to Re izba urn. Paso. She attended Texas Western the Mors Chitlm Fund. A report on his recent, trip to College where she majored in FollowiiiK the. business meeting, Israel will be given by Nathan -Mrs. Gold.i Meir, Israel's For- radio-dramatics. She is past presithe afternoon will bo yiyen over to Martin. eign Minister, has been commis- dent of the Junior Council of bridge* iind other (,'ames. sioned an Admiral in the honorary Jewish Women of El Paso. YOUNG) ADULTS "Nebraska Navy." UUAM)i;iS I'MVEHSITY Following their wedding, Mr. The next meeting of Young She learned of her appointment and Mrs, Colton left on a trip to B & P DINNKK FOR THE FINEST . . . The HusiiK'tiS and Professional Adults will be held Sunday/March on receiving a message from Gov- Las Vagas, Nev. Group of the Omaha Chapter of 22 at 2 p. m; at the Jewish Com- ernor Ralph G. Brooks while atIN PHOTOGRAPHY A reception will be given in Urnndeis University National Com- munity Center. A fund raising tending the National Inaugural their honor March 22 by the Portraits mittee will meet at dinner, Wed- project is being planned for Sun-Conference for Israel Bonds in bride's parents. Leaving Omaha Wedding* nesday, March 18 nt 6 p. m. at the day afternoon, March 29. ForMiami Beach, Fla., where she was March 18 to attend will be Mr. Commercial further information, Eleanor Res- honored for "30 years of service." Jewish Community Center. Colton's mother and his aunt, Mrs. MiB. Julia M. Jacobs, president, nick, TE 9585 or Marilyn Meyer, Irving W. Forbes. will report on the Chicago confer- HA.7139, information committee Births ence and "The IJrandoix Chal- co-chairmen, may be contactcn. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cramer of lenge," the university's latest film, Kansas City, Mo., announce the will be shown. Members are urged BRANDKIS UMVKRSITY to forlnj; friends to the meeting. Plans were made for a luncheon birth of a daughter, Laura Ann, and program on March 3 at 12:45February 28. They are also the COUNCIL TO 1'AY TKIBL'TG p. m. at the Blackstone Hotel by parents of a son, Alan Ray. TO HKUVICK VOM.NTKKKS the Omaha Chapter of the BrandMrs. Cramer is the f o r m e r •Special recognition will l>o paid els University Women's Council Roselle Mason, granddaughter of to service 'Volunteers by the Oma-last Monday at a board meeting of Mrs. A, Katskee and Mr, and Mrs. ha Section, National Council of the organization at the home of Ed Mason of Omaha. PHOTOGRAPHER Jewish Women, at its luncheon Mrs. licrnhardt Wolf. 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET meeting, Tuesday, March 17 nl Mr. and Mrs. Herbert KoUcn 12:30 p.m. at the Jewish CommuniHARNEY 1044 announce the birth of a daughter, ty Conter. Terri Lynne, January 28. They also Mrs. Norman Wliiteman will are the parents o' Scott David present n tribute, "Far Abo\o RuPatronize Our Advertisers and Kim.Ellen. bies." In addition, Mrs. Morris Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. •(Elaine) Jabenis will portray sevThe annual fund-raising acllvieral character:; in a self-authored ios of the Beth Kl .Synagogue Elmer Grecnberg of Omaha and dramatic roadiiiK. "The Magiiifi- Sisterhood will culminate with Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Kotzcn • of cetifc Secret.:" Lighting and sound the "Donor" dessert luncheon at lioston, Mass. Maternal great effects will bo handled by Mines 12:30 p. m., Tuesday, March 31, grandparents are Mr. Joseph LlpRobert Rosen and Hobcrt Orre- n the Synagogue social hall. sey nnd Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jiclc. Greenberg. Mrs. Sarah Kasdan of LouisMmes. Ted Sanfurd, Philip Fox, ville, Ky., author of "Love and **U Alfred Sophir, and Kdward D. Dr. and Mrs. Ervin Colton of Brodkoy are luncheon chairmen, uiishes," a Jewish cookbook, will Mihvuakce, Wia., announce the with Mines. Culrman Crccnberi; ipcik on Jewish cooking coupled birth of. a son, Mitchell Cary on Omaha'i Noweit and Molt Beautiful nnd Jeity ll.ulu/iner planning dec- with humorous anecdotes. She IsMarch 6. They arc also the paroiations Mis Martin Kimniel will a housewife and mother of three ents of another son, Michael, Dr. Downtown Dining Rooms and Cocktail Lounge children. if,id the opmniK prayer. Colton is a former Oniahan. For Your Dining Pleasure and Loto Evening Snack Honored at the annual event A o n e - j e a r subscription to FARNAM AT ifTH —PHONE ATLANTIC 1313 —OMAHA. NEBR. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. will bo the members-whoso speS "Around the World Shoppers Club" Raphael Cohen of Melrose Park, will l)e presmiid at Hit1 meeting. cial efforts and persona] dona- III. and Mi's. Michael Colton. tions have aided the drive. Mrs. Nmsciy s e n n e will lie available. Iii".fiv.itions m i y . b e made with A. C. Fcllman is president of the Patronize Our Advertisers Mines M.ijn.ud Finklp, RK 58.39. Sisterhood, and Mrs. Sidney Sneider is fund-raising co-ordinator. or 7.. Gordon flips. AT 4037. Mmes. Irving Her/og and Louis hrler are co-chairman of the S \ M MOTIII.KS CLUB lo m o h o The Slgmn Alpha Mil Mothers event, and they will--be assisted Cluh will meet Wednesday, March by Circle 14, co-chairmen Mmes. RUG & UPHOLSTERY •1H at 1 p.m. for dessert luncheon Art Friedman, Jack Frileck, and CLEANERS at the home of Mrs. David Shu- Circle ]5 co-chnlrmen, Mmes. Come Meet l«'it, 77r> N'o 73itl Street. Mrs. Meyer Roscnbaum and Harold RUGS—CARPETING Alfred Sophir will assist as co-Kort. Additional committee memLAMPSHADES liri<.l<>ss bers are Mmes. Phil Rosenblatt, FURNITURE The parents' dinner will be dis- Allen Zalkln, Arthur Colin, IrvCleaned in Your Home! cussed and nil members are urged ing Pomerantz, Mike Freeman, Lit Him Help You With to .illend. For reservations, call David Katelmnn, Ben Morris, Alex Binding—Laying—Repairing Your Clothing Selections Mis Widmnn, GL 3435. lotkin, diaries Altman, Al Kohl. HA 25S4 Advisors are Mmes. Sam Ban and Don Bernstein Kilpatrick's Men's Clothing — Second Floor MI:I;TING o r TEMWJE William Alberts. SCHOOL FACULTY Uis Noima Jackson, Supervisor Jo. -l he Omaha Board of Edtication, met with the faculty of the Kelinioiis School on Wednesday •veninj*, March 4. Mrs. Jackson THURSDAY. MARCH 19. 8 P.M. Jed a discussion on the topic "How to Hndcc the Gap of Time in llistoiy" The meeting was designed as a fail of our In-service Training Dancer-1958 TV Award Winner - Choreographer Program for faculty. The purpose of the program Is to hirriicr Integrate religious education with l education.
Mrs. Meir Becomes Nebraska Admiral
John Kalina
Beth El Sisterhood to Have Donor Luncheon
Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff
Omaha Premiere FELIX FSBICH
ILADASSAII ONK« SHAMIAT BOAIIU MKF.TIMi The Educiitional Council of the Omaha Chapter of Hadassah will held Its monthly Oneg Shnbbnl en Saturday, March 14 at ] p.m. at the home of Mrs. Joe Guss. The Board of the Omaha Chapter of Hadnssah will meet at 12:30 pjn.' Monday, March 16, at the home of Mrs. Morris Tollman with Mrs. J. Marry Kuliikofsky as cohostess. IAKI1AND I'OALK ZION INSTALLATION Officers will Be Instullcd at a dinner meeting of. the Farband Poale Zion, Sunday, March 15 at 7. p. m. at Jewish Community Center, They arc: chairman, Mrs. Marlon Bondarln; vice chairman, Sol Ash; secretary, Max Filowltz; recording secretary, Sam ftlfkin;
Admission Free
• r-o
J INTERNATIONALLY ACCLAIMED DANCER by Carnegie Hall—UNESCO IN PARIS—Theatre and Ballet In Europe, A l i a , Mid-Ai!a, U.S.A. National TV Award Won with Jewiih Dance.
Jewish Community Center Auditorium
Friday, March 1», 19!»
AN URGENT TO AMERICAN JEWRY Declaration Herewith is the text of a declaration adopted at an Emergency Conference of Major National Jewish Organizations, Sunday, February 15, 1959 in New York
T H E MOVEMENT OF JEWS FROM RUMANIA TO ISRAEL is an event of deepest concern to Jew* the world over and represents a special challenge to the people of Israel and to the Jews of America. The representatives of 19 major American Jewish organizations are met here today in response to this challenge. THE COMING OF THESE NEW IMMIGRANTS TO ISRAEL means a reuniting of families, and the re-entry of multitudes of Jews into the stream of Jewish life. They include young and skilled artisans, workers and professionals, constituting a great new infusion of strength into the life of Israel. The pressure of this sudden immigration—which has been estimated at 100,000 in 1959—taxes the resources of Israel. Nevertheless, the people of Israel givo every indication of being prepared to continue at great sacrifice to welcome and absorb the newcomers. THIS UNPRECEDENTED ASSEMBLAGE of 19 Jewish organizations, diversified in functions and views, gives expression to its determination to act In this emergency. WE CALL UPON OUR REPRESENTATIVE CONSTITUENCIES and members throughout the country to: GIVE every possible assistance to meet this imperative need, including maximum support to the 1959 campaign of the United Jewish Appeal. GIVE encouragement and help to every local community in order to raise the vast funds called for in this emergency. This movement presents an historic challenge to the Jews of America and to the world.
PARTIC PAnNfr frRG-ANIZATIONS American Jewish Committee
Labor Zionist Assembly
American Jewish Congress
National Committeo for Labor Israel
American Zionist Committee for Public Affairs
National Council of Jewish Women
American Zionist Council
National Council of Young Israel
Bnai Brith
United Rumanian Jews of America
Union of American Hebrew Congregations
Jewish Agency for Israel
Union of Orthodox Jowish Congregations of America
Jewish Labor Committee
United Synagogue of America
Jewish War Veterans of the United States
Zionist Organization of Amorica
Religious Zionist Movement Mizrachi-Hapoel HamizrachI
In Omaha, ths Jewish Philanthropies raises funds for the United Jewish' Appeal