Published every Prlduy, 101 N VOtJi. omulm, Nebraska. Phone JA 13GG
27 •"•
Entor a u s ' Second-Clus« Mutter at Pusf- Annual Rule 4 Dollar* ofllco, Omaha. Nebrm-ku, under Act ot 187U SinKle Copy 10 Cent«
J f nlJf ] JU "
UJA Units
Into Action
Return Signed Cards, Arthur Cohn Urges
Philanthropies B & P Unit Plans Cocktail Supper
An tin* men'* Dhislon of the I'lilliintlirojiir.4 reached ii Imlf-uay mark In IN rifort», Arthur A. Colin, Men'i General C'liulmmii, personally appealed to nil Milirltors to complete iliplr cards iillh1ft the next iveelt. In a call to iQimediale action, lie said "Every man in our comniunlty must lie contacted, so we can begin to meet the needs at lionic, In tile United Stales and the? entire world. It is only through our concerted efforts that we can begin to fill the. unmet need* of our nged, youth and fellow Jews." I'irtlirnl iil>i>\e ;ire leaders of the l'lillantliroples Business and Mr. Conn pointed out that <!«•in>» will not liolp (lie people Heed" I'rofesMloiuil women who are directing anil e x e c u t i n g deIng our imslslanee and unless we tails for their <'oel<t:ill supper, on Wednesday, April 1 at the Jew»eo and ronlact every man prompt- ish Community ('filter. (U. to ){. Htiindlng), Mrs. Charles K. KOSH, Section riminii-iii; Mrs. Sadie Neunian, 1IB8 Cimlrnian; Mlsx Ma ly, our Intentions lire futile. "We must see mid tell everyone Sprlni; mill (waled) Miss Dorothy liosen, the latter two Co-C'linirHint this year, wi> face n real iiirn. Not pietnreil are Mrs. Joseph Mayer, one of the ilriw-'s e.ocrisis," Colin emphasised. "Usual eliiilriiicii, iiml 1\1ISH .Myrtle Freeman, mipper rnminittc)- eliairniim. contributions are .simply nut enough. All must give time and money beyond the usual " I "In our lifetime we ha\e Inetl through intiny cnses; In help our KHON-Sund.°i>, Apnl " .> fellow-Jews in Ituinaula now is H 10 a in , "M!.SSA<°K OF our rh:illeii|;e Let's nol In.1 iv,poiiISKAI.i."-- Dr. J.icob It. M.irsiblc for the runiiniii'il sep;u••ilioni The Youni1 Adult C'oiircil of lhe[ eu.s. HUC'-JIK 1'rofes-or of Jewamong families "There is tin risk Hint we run do Jewish Coinmunily Center v.ill j ish l h s l o i y ami iJirerloi ol American J e w i s h Archives too iniiih, lull ruder, by nut inert- open its Philanthropic-.-. Campaign Ing our obligations, doing ton lit- with u fiill-lcnjjlh movie lor rhil- To|tic 1 "The S u b s t a n c e ol tle. This is u time fur urllini, Let dien, Sundiiy, April 12 at the ('re.itnf .-.',." us pledge our time, money and Jewish Community Center at 2 efforts. This ui'ck "Millrlt-piirtl- p.'m. The program, H.'IS planned to flpati: and contribute." Workers are asked to turn llieir provide entertainment for children and In turn funds for tho current BIRIICCI cards back to the division's vlce-chaiunen, Millrml Margolin, campaign, Jerry Fercr, Council Charles A. Monaseo, Donald NOI;B president Stated. Tin; movie will mark the first time, he said, that ami CJeorge Shafer. the Young Adults will "kick-off" Munich (JTA I--Tlie question of its drive with nn activity for an- resurgent anti-Semitism in Gerother ago group. many occupied o major place on The organization's refreshment the agenda of tho. Congu-.ss of commitlQc will provide refresh- I'Juropean Resistance Fighters ments and treats for the children which convened here. Jerusalem (JTA) - -Tlic f i r s t The planning committee will an"The resurgence of anti-Semistage of a project for erecting nounce tho movie program shortly tism and national Socialism must markers along tho Syrian-Israeli and literature will l>o mailed to be met wit'i strong measures," frontier, which was agreed upon all Jewish children. Georges Hldaull, fromcr Premier last December when Secretary Young ndult philanthropies lead- of France, told the Congress at General Dag Hummarnkjold visited ers will bo named at the next meet- its o°>cninK .session. However, M. Israel and the United Arab Re- ing of the Council. Biduult stated, the "real enemy" public, linn begun. now "is in the Kant." Start D'/j Mile Htrctcii Rudolph Pecher, well-known auTwenty-four United Nations ob- Fund Raising Goal thor, expressed apprehension about servers started the work along n Doubled in France the danger of fascism in Germany, stretch of bonier about nine and declaring that "Nazis and antiParis (JTA) -The central fund- Semites again play a role in Gern half miles In length, north of Lake Hulch. The markers to be raising organi/ulion for Jewish man public life." Former resisterected follow the Palestine-Syrian welfare and cultural needs in ance fighters, ho said, "nre being demarcation line ngrced upon In France set n record goul Of 300,- systematically defamed and de1923 in a treaty between France, 000,000 francs for its 1939 drive, nounced by old Nazis, and there which at thai lime had Juris- almost double the amount ruined arc no laws or regulations to stop lust year. (Continued on Page 2.1 them." Former Officer SpeiiUs On the other hand, Dr. Joseph Mueller, C h r I s 11 a n Democratic deputy In the Bavarian I'aninmbnt World War II liaison officer for the Vatican in the fight against Hitler, warned agninsl "overJerusalem (JTA1)— Israelis saw I'oniimicd." lie ^ni'i. "We th<°n cstimiitmg" the danger of neoof Niir.ism. tlielr. (JoVerimicnt'H defense pos- ii'kr-i] Knshim, under the lenns our military agicenient, I'1 .stand R e p o r t s tli.il inllueiili.il N a z i s ture an fully Justified, In the light wllli us aculiist Israel and send occupy important positions in the of u revelation made yesterday hi IiMi'iil army units, but ICnviim re- German I'Vderal llepuhlic are "In •Damascus l>y (liiiiml Ahdcl Nasser fused. I sent Kassim two. moie general, exn'igoialcd," lie declined Iilmselr, disclosing that he had HH",s,ii:es on the same subject, but and denied that there is any nnTigplanned an all-out, "ileclilxe" at- up to now'he lias not answered. iM1 that, former officers of the SS tack ngiilnst Israel Hcvcral months We Knew wo would bo alone If v.e would infiltrate the new German entcied n conflirl v. itli Israel." army. og<»Viewing Hie Nasser revelation Youth righting •ICcsiirgencd' Israel's man in the street read Responsible We.st Germans are the dispatches icporting Nasser's with utter Kruvlty, Israelis weie speech In Damascus with a mix- neveilhelcw uinused liy his sliito- fighting the resurgence of antiture of rhagrlii against Nassei's ment iidiTilltlng that, alone, lie Semitism in the country by oiganreadiness to attack, and balisfac- does not dare .stain: up against l/ing activities especially among Uon over Israel's Government's Israel. The Israel pioss also noted the ("Jcnnan youth. A group of youths here anconstant alert ngalnst just .such a Nasser'n Hlntcmcnt, in which the possibility. IWerriiiB to tlie in- Kgyptinn dictator said th;il tlie nounced that an exhibit on anticidents along the Syrian-Israel Soviet Union hud not aided him Semitism and its disastrous conborder last year, Col. Nasser said during the Sue/.-Slnai ciises in sequences during the Illller regime 193G. In the past, Nasser had is being organized for showing in in liin speech: "We decided to enter a decisive praised the USSfl volubly for Its major cities throughout tlie Federal Republic. battle ngalnst Israel if aggression help in 1956.
Young Adults Open Fund Raising With Children's Movie
On the Air
The. Women's Business and Professional Section of the Philanthropies are planning their annual cocktail supper, Wednesday, April 1 at tho Jewish Community Center. Miss Myrtle Freeman's appointment as chairman of the supper committee was announced by Mrs. Chalk's S. Ross, the group's general chairman. Tlie affair will begin at 5:30 p. m. Highlighting the affair will he a repeal performance of the "JI'C Minstrels" in their "Holiday Preview." In musical parodies, the performers tell the storj of the work of the Jewish Philanthropies nnd many of its numerous agencies. Participants are Alcsdamps Norman Denenherg, director; Donald Nogg, Robert Sllvermnn, Robert Baker nnd Moiley Zlpurslty. Mrs A (,'. Ffllnian is accompanist. Hecaiise of the demand of the winkers for a second showing, the film "One Suitcase" will he presented. This iiio\ing story of the Roumanian Jew is the newest pro tr.iyal of the hardships those people aie encountering today as they
Budget Heads Appointed Tlie- appointments of the heads of the J'urigct Committee of the Jewish Federation uns announced
German Anti-Semitism Glaims Attention of International Parley
UN Marking SyrianIsraeli Border
Israelis Feel Government's
Daniel Kiif'/in-inr'rnesf A this week by Robert II Kooper. Federation president. Ernest A. Nogg will be chairman of the overall budget comniltlce, while Daniel Katznian will serve us associate chairman of tlie committee. The Federation Hudget Committee r e v i e w s allocations to all agencies which are included in the Jewish Philanthropies cam. palgn, and also all Omaha Jewish social services included in the Jewish Federation program. The Budget Committee, Mr. Kooper explained, is divided Into several subcommittees, each ono dealing with problems of the ugencies in specific fields. These sub-committees prepared studies and recommendations! which in turn are reviewed by the entire committee, Mr. Nogg Is vice-president of the Jewish Federation and Mr Kiit/man seivcd as co-chairman of the ly.iS Budget Committee.
attempt to gain entry to Israel, The JPC Minstrels made their debut at the recent worker's meeting of the Women's General Division. An appeal was strcsbcel on that occasion by Miss Sylvia Neulander, noted refugee rescue worker, for funds to provide for emergencies. She Implored Jewry to make money available to meet emergency exits of stateless Jews such as those in Rumania. She said it Is vitaj to help refugees leave a country when they are able rather then face tho risk of losing them because of the absence ol immediate funds lcquirecl for rescue. P r e s i d i n g was Mrs. Morris .(.Irossiniin, Women's chairman who introduced the guest speaker. Mrs, Mike Fieeman, president of the Federation of Jewish Women's Clubs, presented inMructinns to workers. The meeting was opened with a prayer by Mrs, Alfred Sophir; a moment's silence was obseived by those gathered in memory or Mrs. Ben Shapiro, 1958 Women's Division Chairman, who died March 21. Mrs. Sophir, Mrs. Albert Wohl-ner and Mrs. Sam Katznian, were introduced to the audience us the current year's co-chairmen of "the Women's Division as was Mrs. Riw.s, H and P, head
Series to Present Dr. Judah Shapiro The final presentation in the ProKiani of the Month Series will take place Thursday, April 16, 8" p. m. at Beth Kl Synagogue, when Hi. Judah J. Shapiro, National Director of the B'nni JJ'rith Hillel Foundation, will .speak on "What. Is Happening To American Jews"? A reception will be given In tho Social Hall by the Southwest Region U'nni R'rilh In cooperation with the Beth El Sisterhood hoapilnlily committee. Dr. -Shapiro a noted lecturer, educator and world'.traveler was former' director of Claims against Germany,' Woi'lfl War II, and director of Joint Distribution Committee in Europe specificalry dealing with Educational and Cultural Reconstruction in Europe. Dr. Shapiro, currently is an active member of the publications committee of the Jewish Publication Society and a visiting faculty member of Harvard University wHfcre lie received his Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Karl Slegel, chairman ' ot the Jewish Community Center adult activities committee, announced that free admission to the Program of the Month has been mada possible through the efforts of the sponsoring organizations: the Jewish Community Center in cooperation with Hetli Israel Synagogue, Holh Kl Synagogue, B'nni B'rith Lodges and C h a p t e r s, Omaha Chapter of Hndassah, Temple Israel and Younj: Adult Council.
Only 67 Days Left to Register For Center Day temp Sessions Have you register your young stcr for Center Day Camp? Only G7 days remain to make such arrangements. The two Day (\iiup peiiods were filled to capacity last year and camp officials report a large operation Is planned to meet tin: current Increasing demands of Omaha children. Knrollmcnt will be limited in view of the oxnanded program this
year, ".uenls aro urged nut to delay and enroll'their campers now. Dates and rules are: Period 1 June lTi-June 20— Wi.OO. Period 2 June '£) -July 70— S'iri.OO. Full 1 Weeks June 15-July 10 For iiilililiona) information or ei.sunal inleniew please call the ,,,..
Published Every Friday by the Jewish Federation of Omaha. Second Clou Moiling Privileges AuthorlMd at Omaha, Nebraska. Annual Subscription, (4.00. Advertising Rates on Application. Publication Office—101 Na. 20lh Street, Omaha. N»br« JAckson 1364.
Fiedler, Toastmasfer Beth Israel Opens For B'nai B'rith Event Nursery School Alfred A. Fiedler. Omaha attorney and former Henry Monsky Lodge president, has been named toaitmaster for the organization's past presidents' Night by George j . Shafer and Bert R. Render, program co-chairmen. Governor Ralph G. Brooks and Alayor John Rosenblatt will head the list of public tind religious leaders who will attend. Render and Shafer -Minted out that the evening which will include cocktails, dinner, and professional entertainment must raise supplementary funds for the B'nai B'rith service programs. Tickets may be obtained from any committee member or by telephoning Render at JA 2076 or RE 9344, or Shafer at PR 4233 or GL 8462. "In honoring our past presidents, we take special note that our lodge has given the order two of its greatest international presidents, Phil Klutznick and the late Henry Monsky," Lou Canar, president said.
Rabbi Kripke Will Speak in St. Louis
The Beth Israel Nursery School, the synagogue's first unit to be housed in its. new Talmud Torah building, will hold Its opening Monday, March 30. The school, a new project, will l>e conducted on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9 a. m. to 11 a. m. for children In the three and a half to five year age group and will conclude the season's sessions Friday, June 5. Mrs. Elliot Brown, a graduate of Omaha University, will heaa the school. She is former school teacher and Center Day Camp staff member. Mmes. Sam Berman and Maurice K a t c l m a n , co-chairmen or the school, are w o r k i n g with Mrs. Brown on arrangements for the opening, Information may »e obtained from Mrs. Bemisn, GL 5346 or the Synagogue office, RE 6288.
Youth KONX A. Z. A. INITIATION Ronu A.Z.A. will hold its first annual Initiation banquet .Sunday, April 5, 6:30 p. m. at the Fireside Restaurant. Harvey LorlKrbaum, new regional B.B.Y.O. director, will deliver the keynote address. Included in the program will be the presentation of the best athlete and best Aleph awards. The chapter attended a hayrack ride and weiner roast party recently. Chairman, Howard Feldman. Religious chairman, Buddy Epstein, announced that the chapter will attend religious services at Temple Israel tonight.
Rabbi Myer S. Kripke of Beth El Synagogue, will address the Patrons Dinner of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America at the midwest convocation at Congregation B'nai Amoona, St. Louis. Slo., Sunday evening, March 29. Patrons are those who contribute $1000 or more toward the support of the Seminary and the Contervatiive Movement. Rabbi Kripke will present special patrons' pins, on behalf of the Seminary. Main speaker and guest of honor lor the occasion will be former Governor Theodore R. McKeldin of Maryland, honoraiy chairman of the Seminary's" Student Center in MKS. LEONA SHAPIKO Jerusalem: Funeral services were held Sunday ..at Temple Israel for Mrs. Leona Shapiro, 51, of 507 So. 91 Border Marking Street, who died Saturday after a (Continued from Page 1.) five month illness. She was the diction over Syria, and the British wife of Ben Shapiro. Mandatory Power controlling PalMrs. Shapiro, prominent in comestine. munity activities, headed the 1958 When the first stage of the new women's division of the Jewish demarcation has been finished, Ihe Philanthropies. She had been presUnited Nations Truce Supervision ident of the Omaha Women's Organization will d i s c u s s w ith Press Club and a member of ComIsrael and Syria the markings to munity Playhouse board of direcbe undertaken in the second stage tors. of this operation. A w-ell known newspaper reportSo far, no progress has been re- er, she was formerly a member of ported in regard to a second plan the World-Herald editorial staff proposed by Mr. Hammarskjold to for eight years. Israel and the United Arab ReOthers surviving are daughters, public, for possible pacification of Mrs. Nathan Novak and Mrs. Marthe Israeli-Syrian border. That lon E. Somberg; brother, Harold plan envisages a special study of Pollack, Omaha; sister, Mrs. Jack tensions between the two countries Kline, Kansas City, Mo., and four to be undertaken by Maj. yen. grandchildren. Carl C. von Horn, chief of staff Burial was in Pleasunt Hill of the UN supervisory group, as Cemetery. personal representative for the Secretary General. Gen. von Horn MAX SOMMEK was rebuffed by the highest UAR Funeral services for Max Somofficials when he made a special mer, 74, of 5127 Blondo Street, trip to Cairo to discuss that plan who died Monday, were held WedNo Egyptian official of high rank nesday afternoon at thp Crosbycould find time to see Gen von Kunold Mortuary with burial in Horn Pleasant Hill C'omotcry Mi Sommer uu<; a lesident of Omithn moip than TO sears, .md imiil Ins
Bar and Bas Mitzvah
Services Candlelighting 6:23 p. m. UKTII 1SK&EL Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Eli Kagan, The Beth Israel Synagogue Choir, and Primary "A" Class will lead late services mis evening at 8 p. m. The topic (if Rabbi Groner's sermon will be 'A Little-Child Shall Lead Them." Truditional Friday evening services 6:30 p. m. Saturday morning services begin at 8:43 a. m.; the Junior Congregation at 10 a. m. Rabbi Groner will conduct the Saturday ufternoon Talmud Class at 6 p. m. and Mincha, f o l l o w e d by Shalosh S'eudos and Maariv begins at 6:30 P- m. Sunday morning services followed by breakfast and the Rabbi's class in Bible begins at 8:45 a. m. The Junior Congregation meets at 8:30 a. m. Daily services at 7 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. The Weekly T a l m u d Study Group meets every Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. Saturday morning scrvces at the 19th and Burt Street •Synagogue at 9 a. m. B'NAI JACOB ADAS YESIIUKON Services at B'nai Jncob-AdasYeshuron will begin Friday at 6:15 p. m. and Saturday morning at 8:30 a. m. with Mincha at 6:15 p. m. followed by Shalosh S'eudos. Daily services at 6:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m.
• « • " — " • • " -
• • • •
13 Israeli Experts Assist UN Program
Jerusalem, iJTAi- -Iirael Is actively assisting the United Nations Technical Assistance program by furnishing experts. The report s h o w e d that 13 Israelis experts were at work on 'echnical assistance programs, Including salt production in the Philippines; civil service in Columbia, economic affairs, statistics and sanitation in Ghana; hydrological survey In Turkey; etymology in Liberia, and h e a l t h , industrial management, and civil administration in Thailand, Mexico and India. In addition, two Israeli doctors are serving as advisers at the Geneva headquarters of the World Hnulth Organization. Fifteen experts from foreign countries are ;tt work in Israel under the U.N. The Student Zionist .Organiza- Technical Assistance programs. tion will hold its Fourth Annual College Accredited Ulpnn at tho South B r u n c h Hotel in South MAKE DIAMONDS Branch, N. J., during July ami YOUR August, it was announced here. The Ulpan is n seven WTCK conPASSOVER centrated Hebrew course on the HEADQUARTERS lwginnlttg, Intermediate and advanced levels for undergraduate college students and graduating high school seniors. Mrs. Marion Bondarin, GL 5170 or Mrs. Meyer Rubin, GL 7490 may be contacted RUG & UPHOLSTERY by those interested. The fee for the course covering CLEANERS tuition, room and board is $175. An additional $10 will be charged ' RUGS—CAKl'UTING for textbooks and supplies, LAMP SHADES First session of the Pasfover Institute .at Beth El synagogue this year will be hold for men on .Sunday morning at 9:30 a. m, in the Social Hall. Rabbi Myer Kripke and Cantor Aaron Edgar will lead the discussion of the Passover holiday as well us instruct the men in techniques and melodies for the Seder service. 1 •'This-course, which will extend over a period of three Sunday mornings will culminate in a joint model seder, Sunday morning, April 19 with children of the Talmud Torah.
Student Zionists Plan Annual Summer Ulpan
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TEMPLE ISttAKL Services will be held this Fri25 Years' Exporicnco day evening at 8:15 p. m. FolWith Jewish owing the sen ices, Rabbi Sidney LeHoring and Memorials Brooks will lead the fifth in a series of discus-ions on "The Re-; pons of the World . . . "What Is | 2211 So. 8th Life's Geratest Good?" This week's topic will be: "The Jewish Origin of Christianity." BKTH EL A special family service will be held at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver a sermon on Time-Bomb." Cantor Aaron I . Edgar and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning services are at 9:30 a. m. The Junior Congregation Service is a t 10:30 a. m. Mincha-Maarlv Services are at 6:15 p. m, The Sunday morning service is at 9 a. m. in the Chapel followed by a coffee and study-discussion session ut 9:30 a m. led by Rabbi Kripke. Daily Service*; lire at 7 a. m nnd 7 p. m. Patronize Our Advertise!s
PL 5396 Commercial
s Leading Kosher Meat Market and Delicatessen
I . / . / . .
John Kalina
Beth El Passover Institute for Men
Scb (Subby) Pglverento
All friends and relatives are ' o w n f r o f t h e N . i t i o n . i l l A f i i w 1 , Invited to attend serving and ' C o m p , ' i i j . ' reception. FOR THE FINEST . . . ] SUIVIVOIS ii,>liidi'us ". iI e, | - IN PHOTOGRAPHY , Siiiif, MJM, D I M*"hni I.. JIKI I Gail Brodkey \ • Mr. and Airs, Edward D. Brod-1 daughter,. Mrs. Frances, <J i I I U ' i , Portrait! key announce the HasMitzvah of | both of Los Angeles, t il Weddings thoir daughter, Gail L. will be held j sistc •r, Miss Helen of Omaha, and! Commercial Friday e v e n i n g and Saturday four grandchildren. morning, April 3 and 4, at Temple MUS. LKXA KAPLAN j Israel. Funeral s e r v i c e s were held ' Thursday at the Jewish Funeral I/iiuronee Batt Mr. and Mrs. Norman Batt an- Home for Mrs. Lena Kaplan, 70. nounce tho Bar Mitzvah of their of 2707 No. 33 Street, who died Eon, Laurence, will be celebrated Tuesday in Los Angeles, Cal. She, " a t Beth El Synagogue, Friday eve- was the widow of Jake Kaplan. Surviving are sons, David J., Joe ning, Apiil 3 and Saturday mornS., Council Bluffs; Max, Harry, ing, April .4. Omaha; Louis, Los Angcley and two daughter)!, Mrs. Bessie Good652 COME TO ISRAEL PHOTOGRAPHER man, O m a h a and Mrs. Ruth FKOM ARGENTINE 017 SOUTH 36TH STREET Cohen, Los Angeles. Jerusalem ( J T A ) — A total of Burial was In Golden Hill Ceme-1 HARNEY 1044 B52 Jewish immigrants came to Israel from Argentina in lfnf *•-•>
FrlOay, Mun-li 87, IU3D
Once Again We Offer
Open Sundays From 7 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Prompt Attention Given lo Phono Orders
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Melvin Hurwich and Fiancee to Be Omaha Guests on Weekend Mr. and Mr-, JOP Ilobe of Kansas City, Mo, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss MurJcno to Melvin Hurwieh also of Knns.is City, son of Mr. and Mrs 3. M. Hurwich. A family cocktail supper will bo giien Sunday evening nt the Fire»ido restaurant by Mr. and Mrs. Hurwich for their son and his fiancee. Minn Rose's parents also will attend the event. Mis? Rose attended the University of Missouri where she was a member of Phi Chi Theta, honorary business fraternity. Mr. Hurwich Is n graduate of the University of Nebraska where he was affiliated with Sigma Alpha Mu, social fraternity. The wedding will take placo September 6 at Beth Shnloin Synagogue in Kansas City, Mo.
A Women's World shagmoor coats fit without alteration
Miss Murlonc Bono
Organizations IU3NRY MONSKY CHAPTER TO EUCCT Officeis will by elected at the luncheon meeting of B'nai B'rjth, Henry Monsky Chapter No. 470, Wednesday, April 1, at 12:30 p.m. nt the Jewish Community Center. The following slnte will be presented: Pieudcnt, Mis. Julia Jacobs; membership vice-president, Mrs. Nate Shukort: program vice-president, Mrs. Nomiiui Gcndldr; fund raWiiu: \ice-pri"sidenf, Mrs. Dcrnnr Kniman; financinl seoietary, Mrs. .Sidm>y Zncimpr: dues secretary, Mrs, Aithur Piirilman; rcc%rdliiK siicrolary, Mrs, Del Klein; corri'spondinj.; .secretary, Mrs. Abe Miller; liv.-isuivr, Mrs. .Jiiy Stolen sentinel, Mrs. Abo (jiusburK: Kiiurilian, Mrs. Meyer Kiiplnn; historian, Mrs. Bon Ma^z.iniin; trustees, Mines. Richjud Wriijht, Male C nick and 1J o r n u r d CJoldstrom. Serving on the hominatinK cominlltee .up the .Mmf, M.ix Ki i/el.man, Chairman; Sum Polkik, Harry l'ncdm.in, C'h.nles Stein, Nate Gltmclc, Chules Kisber ,md Kail Hesoiv<\tions m.iy be made with Mines. Abe Miller, PL 7979, or Duvc EpBtcin, HA 4574, Delegates will be named to the district convention to be held in Winnipeg, Canada. COUSINS CU'B The Cousins Club will meet for D 12:30 p. m. luncheon at the
Blackstono Hotel, W e d n e s d a y , April 1. Mrs. Rose Simon will be hostess. Members unable to attend are asked to call PL 2737, UOLDKN AOE CLUB DKSSKItT LUNCHEON The Golden ARC Club will meet Monday, March 30, at 1he Jewish Community Center for a 1 p. m. dessert luncheon. The program will feature the Joy Bells of Sweet Adelinp Singers, a quartette composed of Mines. Mary Council, leader; Mary Jleese, Carolyn Donnelly and Miss Phyllis Puckott; and a rending by Mrs, Ben Klaiman. The Omaha section, National Council of Jewish Women and (he Jo wish Federal ion sponsor the Club. Mines. J. Milton Margolin and Louis Cutler who represent the council are coordinators. Mrs. Culler und Mis Bessie Belm aic in chnrKe of baking for'the mooting.
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S\M PARENTS PLAN DINNI.K The Lincoln and Omaha cliapteis of Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity will hold Its annual no-host pnrcnts dinner, Sunday, April 19, at 6 p. m. at the Fontenelle hotel Mrs. Ktta Rosen, Lincoln chapter housemother, will be the groups' guest. Resei-vntlons may be made with Mmes. Harry Fiiednian, CA 1938, or J. Milton Margolin, GL 4CB8.
11KANUKIH UNIVERSITY WOMAN'S LUNCHEON The Omaha Chapter of Brandets T h e (Mig.iKPincnt of Miss Maxine UnKeiMty National Women's comR e n e e P i e d to J a c k Xoodell. son mittee will liine Its annual hprlng of M i s Mollie Noudell, has been luncheon on Monday, March 30 at announced by t h e bnde-eiect's the Hlackstone. at 12:30 p. m. The father, Benjamin P i e d of Y.mkton, new film of the Unheisity campus y D Miss P i e d , who icsldes in and work of the women's comOmahii, is the. 1 niece of Mr. and mittee, will be shown. A member M i s Reuben I3oidv of the Oin ih.i Ciuc Opciii SociMr Noodell if (vised his M iMein civ will pie-uil highlights fiom tho Vi'i'ui- ,il th< f)inih,i 1 n : \ u i s i l } , fin throming piodut lion of ' Tosc.i " w h e n ; lie HIIS affiliated willi Phi '1 lie IV) new membeis obi ilnen .it ] psilun fi.itc i nit} He i s . i t e i c h e i a recent Tele-Phon will lie liotiHI Wisisiilo Hi ( 'li School i oi(d Mil Heinb.iidt Wolf is piTsA liim L'Olh " I'ddin;; .it H'*th| Idi'iil of the chapter. . S i ni i ' u ii( i , i i l i i n n r d
VOUNG ADULTS The Young Adults will hold an ejection Sunday, April 5, at 1 p m. <it the Jewish Community Center
Maxine Pred Is Engaged
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Exclusive linder-weave 100% wool fabric coat ii precision tailored to give fashion1 versatility and seasons of wear. White, shell pink, bamboo, nutmeg, coralbell, bluejay, sapphire. Misses', petites, and woman's sizes.
It'i a world of fashion dedicated to youthful, complimentary styles interpreted into every phase of. apparel . , . sportswear,, foundations, dresies, coats, and hats. And Brandeii, of course, offers you the widest selection.
Births Mi .mil Mi < Mu Hi I, v > * of I Kvansfon. lil. announce the bii'lli
Newman to Tour I! and Israel
of <i M i l l , H i i d l e s I I . i i i i s n n M n i li j Mis l u l i t i s , " S n s m i n di p u l e d ' 2i M i s S< \ i i l l n f ( j i n n i M u m 1 ( I n s u c k f o i .1 l o i n of L i n o p e , i n d | ' G i e i n nl ( J i n ill.i F i o n i \ c u Y o i l< ( l l j , s h e C i i i n i l p i i i i n l . .ii' Mi turf M i s I ' I . K I Leon Sox of Glencoe, III. and Mr w i l l s i l l o n t h e Q u e e n l l i / i b e l h l1 and Mi< S mi dif en Mi . li'ise foi I ii'.'l i n d "-'he. w i l l f l y f i o n i Adelman of (Im.i/d, III is Hie I ' . n i s t o l i i u l u l w i e s h e p i , i n s t o in,ilte in ( M ( i i ( l ( d W M I , p.iUm.il ,"ieil-/i inilmiitli'i
Mi mid Mu I.' on ml L Ko'in of But'iui Park, Gil., former OmuA niomiiuieul Kill be dcillc.itedj li.ms, (uiiKjiiiife the bull) nf •' *on, Anditu, Bi inn, on M , n i h 2 l Tliey i n n u n i o i v of M i l lieitli.i K m me paiunts of tun nllin sons MMii of Clenuood, I n , on Snnd iv, David Michael mid Doui;l/is lle.nry. M.ncli 2') it 2 p in at H d l i II imeGi.imlp.nulls aie Ml .mil Ml fa diosh Il.icodol C e m e t e r y Offici.itJI.i\ Rosen .Hid Mu, Hemy Weih- inf will be Rabbi lienj.imin G i o n r i mid C'nnloi T.li Kn'^.in of I l e t h ! hi rr, Pnloinal Kreat-ci.i Osr.icl Synai;o;;ue T h e MM \ Ice h.id Die H a n y M.u<ur>, Lo> Cal and M u Mnndel fice-en, Kan- been scheduled e a r l i e r In the SJi. City, Mo M.itoin.il Krcat- month but bad been postponed because of mrlemml weather pi.mdmolhfi I' Ml'. P i n Mnoff
v y; 4
Page Four
1'iiil.iy, March 27, 1050
Omaha Visitors Mr ,iinl Mis. Louis Cramer of !)• me i, C olo will arrive. Saturday 1'' I) yitli their son-in-law and i l i i i - l i t d , ."Mi. and Mrs. .Marvin' J. (iilinaii DM their first weddiiifj ininvi i , n v They also will visit uitli Mi Oilman's parents, Mr.: and Mi>. Isidore Oilman.
Musicians Contest The Omaha Musicians Association .which will participate iii the International Strings contest, has established a $300 scholarship to be awarded to the winner in the Omnha-Council Bluffs area. The contest i? open to young men and women, 15 to 21 years. (Front) Chef Ntolfrv ll.irri Schneider, S.ulilj l'niMlln.in; (II.KII) lion Xicklaus, Itill luitler, (.i|it.un, I-do V.in ('h.iiii|iions ttlth sponBor, Ernie SI>KK :>>•<! J»(-I< Cotton, Om.ih.i t . lusliellull roach. Members not shown arc Dcnnl'i (nrr.ni, Larry Jt.it( and Miko NCIM>II.
Midget Basketball Champs Honored Mcmbcis of the Kaiman Insmance and I-Go Van Championship teams of the Midget Basketball league and their sponsois were awarded trophies at a Fathci-Son banquet at the Jewish Commun Ity Center Special team ti opines «eie accepted by Einie XogB for I-Go Van and b> In Kaim.in tin Kaiman Insurance. Jack Cotton. Oma ha University basketball co.ich
uas the featured speaker of the event, Benjamin Shafton, Kaiman Center and Randy L'ndelman, Tietiak center, weie the recipients of the J J Greenben; Award for the "most improved players" among the 5-6th graders The J J Grecnberg "most valuable plajer" trophy will he awarded at the Centers annual athletic iwaid nik'ht in May
Center Sports
Purim Carnival At Beth Israel
nitor siorx CITY
The appointment of Business and Professional •Women Workers in the Philanthropies Campaign by their chairmen was announced by Mrs Charles S. Ross, General Chan man of the Section They arc? Mrs, Josef Meyer, Co-Chan man Mis. Isadore Dnnsky Mrs Kli/abelh Filed Mrs. David Greenberg Mrs. Julia Jacobs Mrs Jcnn Kaplan Mrs Cdil Lagman Mis IMn$ Rotholz Mrs. Rose Schik Mrs. Phil D Schwart? MIES Lillian Slutzky Miss Fannie Wezelman Mrs M.iri.in Yavvit/ Miss Dorothy Rosentha), Co'hairman Miss BCM Blank Mis Hyman Gteenhoig Miss Ilosella Handler Miss I.li/.ibcth Halt Mrs. Hen Hershorii Miss Jane Kohl Mrs. Sam Lenk Mis Fannie Sherman Miss Dorothy Weiner Miss Julia Zukei Miss Ida Spring, Co-Chaiiman Mis Dave Becker
no.l specialists in storage, packing, heal and long-distance moving
Ik I H I I S Iffiwii,.HiSer>.ti.«a.Illtateam*/
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Tailored From Of Courio, Altoralioni arc Froo and Made Right In tho Stofo by Carl's Expert Tailors. You can be asiurod of spoody service.
Donald Jack Studios Moves to Oesifer TJit Donald Jaclt Studio will be teinpoiiiiil} loo. ind at the Center, 42nd and Center streets, until tiir October 1st completion of new qu.utoi<, at '1S07 Dod(;p stieef
hone JA 13W to (nscrl your V/anl Ad In (be Jnwish Press. Rate It 50 cents for each three line Inscr flon. The Prezi reserves the rlaht to limit slle of each advertisement
PASSOVER CARDS BAR and Bas Mitzvah congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. 1
JA3032 1201 JONES
Miss Sarah Feltman Miss Lena Greenberg Mr* Alice Ilccger Miss Evelyn Levy Mis Jack Luttbej; Alls Peter Meyers Mrs. Abe Mo/er Mrs. Arthur Muksin Mis? Sylvia Panlmnn Mis. Jenn'e Rosenblatt Mrs. Morris Singer Mis Anne Soskin
Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff
Ulevers News S1nn>1
Chairmen Name Workers
The annual cbildien's runni Sunday <it the J<iy \\,is a bifi Carnival will be held jt Both Israel day for the Center Midget and social hall Sunday. Mcuch 29 from Youth Council All-SMi basketball teams who hum; ,i double defeat 2 to i5 p. m. The program will fentute man> on Sioux City. The m i d g e t all-stdis, came booths and the sale of reficshthrough with a 39-30 victory ovci ments The event is planned and Shaare Zion of Siou\ City. The canicd out by the Youth Clubs were paced by Kill Kutler's 13 teachers nnd P.T.A. point* John Mcphail added 9 and Mike Sherman, returning after a b<id ankle, chipped in with 6 MKS. ItOOSKVKLT IN ISHAKL Jerusalem (JTAJ—Mra Eleanor points. Jerry Shrago led Sioux Roosevelt arrived here for a week's City with 11 points The high school game was the visit as n guest of the Foreign thriller The Jerr> H e r m a n Ministry coached all-stars escaped with a 52-50 win. Their smaller foes- battled them all the vvaj and almost tied it as time ran out but ii was the fine shooting and abounding of John Okun, of AZA 100 that paced the winners' attack Okun scored 18 points and Roy Katskec, Hayim center, added 14 to the cause. Justin Ban played a fine floor game Larry Chesen paced Siouv City with 10 points, while Come Meet Jerry Lait? and Bill Cohen plajed a fine game After the game the players weie Let Him Help You With luncheon guests of the Center. In Your Clothing Selections charge of the meal were Saul Silverman, Sam Bon and Dave BelKilpatrick's Men's Clothing — Second Floor zer. RONU AZA ROMPS TO WRESTLING TITLE Ronu AZA crowned four champions at the annual Youth Council wrestling tournament held at tho Jay. They scored 24 points while runner-up AZA No. 1 Ji id 13, ftayim scored !> points and AZA No 100 had onlv unn point Individual champs vwie (112) Chuck Ginsburg, Ronu AZA, (3 1 J) Dave Wintjoub, R.ijim. (1 l"n Justin Ban, Ronu AZA, ili/ii J<n> Schwnit/, AZA 1, Il7">> IIuv inl Stolcr, Ronu AZA ami IhyvU) Waltei Wiso, Ronu AZ \
1'iiting with Omaha V. IMSIU-IIMII niacli, Jack Cotton lire Kni, man Inn. cli.tmpldiis. (I,, to It.) I\in| Kalman, Jerry HoUk, John Furlirr, Don (ioldslcln and Frank Wlntrouli. licnjamin Sliafton, not shown, if) also a meiiihc.r of (lie team.
SPECIAL Tho Finest in Woolens
Reasonable Prices
OF count, ot Carl'i an flu Smorloit in Nocltwosr, Jaclioti, Shird and All Acceijoriui for Mon! Come In and See far Yourself, Aik Carl l» Show You Hit Complete Selection of Quality Merchandise.