law!' OMAHA.
Entered on Sccond-Clusi Mutter at I'usl- Annual Riito i Dullar* ultwe. Omiiliu. Keuiusfca. uncJei Act ul lull) Single Copy 10 Cent*
Al'KII. >, 1950
Foremost I s r e ^ ^ J e r To Address Two Top Philanthropies Audiences April 8 Communities Reveal Substantial Jump in Fund Raising Over 1959 Iwlla*. %\ percent; San Diego, 6G percent; Hridgepurt, 23 poirent; Camdcn, 40 percent; Columbus, 27.5 percent, Winnipeg, 21 percent. (•aiiis Huhllng I'p Indicating lint in many commtmilifs early advance in percentage gams are holdin,; up veil into the middle of Hi- diivos. and in some cases art* actually being inci cased, Wolf said that "the Ainerican Jewish community i.s responding extremely well to the tremendous mid uigenl needs of 1!).*>H local, national and overseas " He attributed the strong showing lo generally impioved ecoii'imic- conditions; deep feelings icgruding the ciillcal needs locally, nationally and overseas, the Iremendom backlog of unmet needs arising from previous immigration to Israel, and the special piobA mature and experienced group I Ifins created by the spurt In imdf counselor me now IH-UIK signi d iniffialion Urn j e n lo si iff the I'lVl Irwish CoinmunO n i a h u K e p o r l N i - v t \S'i-i-k llv (intfi Inv C imp ( nun ilois \ l e p n i l (if I lie O n i ill i ( nil
Increases averaging between 20 nml .'!0 percent over last year's gifts liou1 been recorded In many Jewish Community Cinip.ilgns n« (he 19.39 drives gather in.iiivnlinii and such yams1 appear lo In- holdIng well into I lie middle of fund laiaing, Samuel N. Wolf, Philanthropies Gencitil Cliairmiin. s.il'l id reviewing Hie nalii:n:il si-ciie. Survey Mudt< At latest report, (lie coinin>inlties with campaigns f'"' enough along to be indicative, showed the following increases: Toronto. Xi percent; Detroit, UK per cent; Los Angeles, .'!.'! pcrfenl; Miami, 29 perecent; PilUbuiKli. 20 p>rrenl;
Center Organizing Day Camp Staff
S tI I I l i I o i l t i l l
I ) I , H O f 1 1 l l I t paii:n will hi- m a d e I'nllowinir Ihi h'K k M ouud and d n w e s m i j o i m e e t t n s uf i h ' * ( i > n
1,1 ilK c unpin,' I \ p i n n< L md tin ii ( due ilion d h i(.it< inund bith si tnl u and Ji \v*\\ All ipplu mtb a i e (ait 1 fulv s i r d i i u l md those people a i e MlectuI who bf-.\ i n n I the high Bt ind,uds of th* Div C imp
Minimum it indaids of the ( imp a n ' the standards of the Anlen can Camping Assocntion for Day
('.impi All staff memheis are pnvatel> interviewed at length bv the cinip dueotoi The pre scliool division will lie supervised by ti,lined and c\pci fenced teaelieis The cntne staff is under the MIJ|KM \Ision of the piofesiion il Cenlei Staff A few opening on the Caitel D i y Camp staff aie still av nlablc fru persons skilled In arts and ciafl or trained in v\alcr safety Applicants who can quilify Tire asked to call the Day Camp office at JA 1366 immedmelj Day Camp will he held tins jeai from June 15-July 10 Fees ar» S)> for each two week period or $60 for the cntue foul weeks These rates aie all Inclusive Theie aie no e\tiu charges Registrations vwll lie accepted in the older they aie received Lrnolfnient Is limited For ['nlhei in' fnim ition or an interview with the Cimp Director rill JA 1%6
Council Names i Campaign Captains
B'nai B'rith and Beth El to Go-Host Program
C h
m m
I 111' I
li u i h I lltll
e.l 1 111 ( 1 ) 1 ' I l l l l l l ] p M i i - , 1 1111 III I I " (.(•lies is s l a t e d l o In; h e l d at th< I J e l h I I S o . i il H i l l Ihilisiliv Api-il 1G, K p. in. w i t h D r . J u d ill
J, Shapiro as guest speaker, Y)v. Juilnh J.'.Shapiro Is the National Director of tho B'nai B'rllh IHIIe! Foundation and former director of Jewish Claims against Germany. Ills topic will be "What Is Happening To American Jews?" A special reception will ]>a held following the presentation, by the South West Regional Council of B'nai B'rllh In cooperation with tho hospitality commltte* of tha Sisterhood of Beth El Synagogue. Admission Is free.
Women's Meeting At Beth Israel Wednesday Noon N<irn« 700 women lire expected to Kiillier nt Hie Ilctli InriicI SynaKuKiie, UVdiii-gday, April R at i?.'M p. in. to lifinr Keuvnn Dafnl, Mm. Morris (iroHtiniun, Cliairinun of the ('lillniitlrroplcft Women's l>l-
fitrl.i m i d i t s l e a d e r s u r g e all t h o s e m i . H - . l e d in prr IK i p n t i n p t o c o n I ir t tin' i i i h in m i n in c l u b L i p lain,
Women workers have liecn busy aIIweek checking reservations for the event, the largest oni» of the year, Mrs:1, tJros'fimnn mid...The dessert luncheon will culminate uieks of piovmus acthity duilrif which iieiirly .'<()()' vvoincn luive hi i n
< impii
Tlio third and final program in the .19.")!) JeWsh Culture Council, will feature an Israeli movie program, Sunday, April 12 at 8 p . m . at the Jen'liih Cnmmunity Center. Tho films will nialte their first appeuriuicc In tha Omaha area, Joe Rudlnowsltl, ehnlrman announced. Admission Is by soason ticket or single admission of fifty cenU. Tlcketi me on BOIO at the Jewish Community Center.
The Initial (lifts dinner will 1)9 held at Highland Country Club Wednesday, April 8 at 6:30 p. m., Calvin M. Newman, Initial Cifla Chairman, reported. "Ict'iiven Dafnl, our guest speaker, i» mi Israeli with an mialile liafkgroiirid, anil Ills evaluation of the immigration problems In Ills state, wll be of utmost interest tu OriKihani," Mr. Newman declared. "He is nn orator of note and audliiiMt throughout Hut nation Inn9 I In in rmmd In 111* lirllllinl anil
I H I m i 1 Iv I s i u l
and at the B & I' Division meeting during the past week Under the direction of Mrs. Norman IJenenberg this musical thiough its clevei piesentatioti reveals the woik of the agencies bpnefittlng fiom the Tinted Jewish Appeal Paiticipants aie Mrs Denenbeig Mis Morley Zipuiskv Mis Donald Nogrj Mis Robert Silveiman and Mrs Rolieit Baltei Decorations foi this mretnif; is well as those fur Hie recent woik(Contimied on Page 2.)
Initial Gifts Dinner Wednesday, 6:30 p.m., Highland Country Club
i i i f o i m 111 \ c K I I I I I S I I S n i l b e l l i l f o f I I s r if I '
organized for their part In the liinil i using iippi il ,Mrn. Alhert Wnhlncr, a rii-rhnlr Minn of the unit, will illtrinllK <
idivrn Dafni
s the dynamic Isiaeli lo Omaha wete announced by Samuel N Wolf, Plulanthtoptes Genet al Chairman "We considei it most fortunate to welcome Reuven Dafni to our Community to help us initiate the crucial Philanthiopies and U n i t e d Appeals Campaigns," Robert H Koopci, Jewish Fedeiation pi evident, commented. "The community is looking forward lo heanng him discuss many if the Immigration problems, a field in which ho is an acknowledged authonty"
( i i n s u l i nN e w
\uik imi I os Angeles and Directui of tin Isi ul Office of Information in IMW Yurk Mr Dafnl his also siiv(d .is Director of tha Isiatl ofliee of the United Jewish Appe il Mr D ifru was bom in Yugoslavia educrted in Vienna and emigrated to Palestine in 1933 wheic he joined a coopeiative settlement and wdb cine of the cofoundeis of Lm Gev, the first lewish settlement on the eastern side of Lake Galilee In 1UI0 lio volunteered for tha ISrltish Ami), ultli w h i c h lio served for over five jears in tlio Westi rn Desert, (.rei'fe, Crete iind Svrtn In 1!)1S, Mr Dufnl uni leader of a group of Jeulsh jmr.itroojiers who dropped behind tlio German lines In Yugoslavia with tlio task of Kiiv Ing allied pilots and prisoners of war, us well ns Jovt* wherever the) might he found. In IDH ho was discharged from tlio British Ami} with the rank of Lieutenant, and returned home to IIIH settlement.
Norman Batt, Isadore Chapman To Head Federation Committees
In 1948 he was senl to the United States as fnst Isiacl Consul In I-os Angeles In 1931 he returned to Israel where he served 111 the Israel Foreign Office in a double capacity; as Press Offrcer and as spokesman for the Foreign Office lip vvai also the Foreign Office's representative on the Mixed IsraelArab Aimlbtice Commission In July I')i3 he was appointed Consul of Israel in New Yoik and Dilectoi of the Isi ul Office of Inform ition
Chairmen of the Camp Jay-C C and Jewish Pr(si Committees of the Jewish Federation of Omahu, wen- announced this week by Robert H Koopei t'edei ition President Norman Hall.'a member of the Camp Commit In* for four ye i n md the litter tuo veils m cochairman, Will head this unit winch supervises the oper ition of (amp Jay C C now piipnnm; fur its summei sessions tu lie held fiom Inly W to Atigiut 10 C imp Jaj C (
Israeli Movie to Be Featured,
Rt'uven Dafni, whose career is symbolic of the Rreat personalities dedicated to building Israel today, will be the guest speaker at two campaign e v e n t s , Wednesday, April 8. A r r a n g e m e n t s to
VIHIOII, nalrt.
n|icnhii; pnivcr i\ 111 In- offered l».y .Mrs. Sam Kat/niaii, :iniitlii-r Co ('hiilrmiiu. Ill a d d i t i o n to the eagerlyI Cipf mis in Hie \ n u t h Councils i« ntid address hj Mi Dnlni thf Philanthropies Cimpaign have Women si cllj-wide meeting will bom iiniioiinred by Alvin N e w - have the privilege of sueing- the Iii-IK and Kthtl Stilus, Co ( liair- musical review of the "Jewish men and Justin Cieenbeig ind Philanthropies C a m p a i g n MinPhjllis Ahiahiims, Cinnd Mar- lstiels' whi(h VMIS an inslanlanesh ds OUs hit at the '.workers meeting
'Ihcy l iie J t n y Goldstiom AZA N o 1, Bill h a t / m j n AZA N o HX), Hob n,i>lin, Douglas Plall Ilomi AZA Peggy Rubensleln Debs, l i e n s Wiener, I l e i nor R(xisevelt HBG, SUSIB Spcir, I (II ir, and Lnul V'cngcr Rohunue Al Lpstein and P i c i d i Cohen will le id the dri\o for the Unafflhates 'Hie Y C drive had its official kick o f f al I captains' meeting, Match 25 at the home of Alvin New berg 'Die gioup listened to a tape recording of a speech given bv Rabbi Ilerbei t Ti ledman in Miami n , i , describing the gieat uigency and Iniportance of this j e a i ' s drive Plans were made for a full-scale publicity nnd hifoimatlon.il campuign aimed nt making each teeniiKor in the Youth Council flwaie of the cuiTcnt silutttion and need nnd encouraging everyone to make Ins pledge and c m y bis si a i e The entire campaign will be climaxed on Sunday M ly 3 with a big I hi IIK il H i m U n t i l k i d g o , HXLLY it the Hotel Hlickstone mid eli iplc i > u ill i o IINM the finil | b illi oom 1 Pio[ i mi of iho Muntli presrnti i Mmv w o i l c d s a i e ier|iiued to 1 fin \ itli !!( th I 1 Svn igo;ue 1 ml In Ip tho Youth Council In Its ef. S i i i 11
Reuven Dafni To Appear At Women's All~City Luncheon And Initial Gifts Dinner
Israel-Chartered Ship Passes Suez Canal
!•> a d) i dii( it inn il ( inip
lor c h i l d r e n , (> 1J > e a i s »f I^I> w h i c h p i o v i d ( s o u t d o ii v i c i t i o u
and opportunities for pcrsoivilitv development, meeting spiritual needy of Jewish children. Mr. Batt succeeds Dr. Daniel Miller, under whose leadership the camp functioned .successfully during his period of service. Isadore Chapman, past subcommittee chairman of the Federation budget committee and 1958 Initial Gifts Chairman of the Philanthropies, has been named chairman ot the Jewish Press Committee which ii an advisory and policy guide to the piihilr.ntlnri. Thi. r>->.
I d Aviv (I IA 1 \ West Ocri 111 m frei ;hter HIL'S S Hililegard, Iho medium of Jewish news of lo- chartered ' by a n . Israeli shipping cal, national and world-wide inter- company, has passed through this est and for Jewish education Suez Canal on the way from Haifa through its articles and news col- to Klath. apparently without Kgypumns. ttan interference, ' according. ' to. • Mr. Chapman succeeds Paul word received here. Grossman who contributed much The Hildegard will be used lo of his time and interest to the curry bulk cargoes on a run beoperation of the Jewish Press dur- tween Klath and the Far Kast. Usa ing his tenure. of this ship will mark a turning Koth Mr.. Butt and Mr. Chap- point in Israel bulk-cargo shipman are members of the Board of ments to Soulheust Asian and Kast Governors nnd the KKeculive Com- African ports. The cargoes vvil] be Jl
11 |->SUCll
S C 1 U S
Tigt Two
On the Air f
Published Every Friday by the Jewiih Federation »f Omaha.
tKona CIOM Mailing PrMlcgM Auttiorlitd ol Omoho, NebraJko. Annual Subscription, 14.00. Advertising RatM on Application. Publication Office—101 No. 20lh Strut. Omaha, Ntbr., JAckion 13M.
Pope Omits Offensive Reference in Prayer Rome (JTA>—Pope John XXIII completed the procedure started by the late Pope Pius of removing from a Good Friday prayer an offensive reference to Jews. An ancient liturgical te.vt, In a reference to the crucifixion, Included the phrase, in Latin, "Let us pray for the perfidious Jews." The late Pope Pius ordered that the phase be translated as "Let us pray for the unbelieving Jews." Pope John ordered that the Good Friday liturgy should from now on read "Oremus pro Iudaels." (Let us pray for the Jews.)
KBON—Sunday. Apiil fl, 8 30 a. )n, .M1-.SHAGL OF J.SR A 1 X — S p e e i a l program in which Rabbi Jacob H. -Marcus of Cincinnati, O., will memorialize the founder of American Reform Judaism. Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise's. His last surviving child, Mrs. Jean Wise May, a twin sister of the late founder and moderator of the "Message of Itrael," Rabbi Jonah B. Wise, will be guest speaker.
Student Anti-Semitic Activities in Algiers
CundleUgiiting 6:31 p. m. BKTII EL Services at Beth El Synagogue will begin at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Algiers (JTA) — The Jewish JWyer S. Kripke will deliver the community here Is concerned over sernnoa Cantor Anron I. Edgar the recent Increasing activities by and the Beth L'l Synagogue Choir 'Jeune Nation," a movement orwill render the musical portions of iginating In France, which has the service. extended to Algeria and has been Sabbath morning services arc at steping up its anti-Semitic activi9:30 a. m. The Junior Congregaties of late. tion service is at 10:30 a. m. MinThe movement here Is composed cha-Waariv services are at 6:30 All friend* and relatives are chiefly of middle class university p. m. Sunday morning services ar« at Invited to attend services and students known for their racist and anti-Semitic Ideology. Jewish fi a. m. in the Chapel, followed by reception. university students have found coffee and a Passover Institute, GAIL L. BKODKEY their desks smeared with swasconducted by Rabbi Kripke and Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. BrodCantor Edgar at 9 3 0 a. m. Dally Itey announce the Bas Mitzvah of tikas and nntl-Scmific slogans. kcrvices are at 7 n. m. and 7 p. m. their daughter, Gall L., which will Although 17 "Jeune Nation" be held this Friday evening and members were detained fojt ques15KT1I ISRAEL Saturday morning at Templ« Is- tioning, there have been no prosecutions due to what people here Rabbi Benjamin Gronr-r, Cantor rael, call the "delicate political cliEll Kagan, The Belh Israel Symate." jiagoguo Choir, and Primary "B" IiAlWENCE BATT * > Class will lead late services FriLaurence Batt, son of Mr. and day at 8 p. m. The topic of Rabbi Women's Meeting" Groner's sermon will be "The Do- Mrs. Norman Batt, will observe (Continued from Page 1.) mestic Altar." Traditional Friday his Bar Mitzvah at Beth El Synagogue on Friday evening, April ers' meeting have been executed •vminit services, 6:30 p. m. Services, Saturday morning be- 3rd, and Saturday morning, April by Mrs, Edward Malashock, assisted by Mrs. Stanley Malashock. gin at 8:43 a. in. and the Junior 4th. They carry out the theme "ChangCongregation will meet at 10 a- m. ing the Picture." Rabbi Groner will conduct the Sat- KEXNETH TRETIAK urday afternoon Talmud Class at SHELDON PEIIKLMAN* The-women who.baked for the Mr. and -Mrs. I. M. Tretlak an- >Iarch 24th dessert luncheon ut 6:15 p. m. and Mincha, followed by Shalosh S'cudos and Maariv will nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their he Jewish Community Center. son, Kenneth, nnd Mr. and Mrs. ivero Mrs. Jack Wine and Mrs befiln at 6:45 p, m. Services Sunday morning begin Harold Perelman announce the 'aul Katzinan. at 8:45 a. m. and arc-followed by Bar Mitzvah of their son, Sheldon, The Beth I s r a e l Sisterhood breakfast and Rabbi Groner's class on Friday eveninp, April 10th, board will act :vn hostcstc-H nt no\t In Bible; Junior CongreR.ition at and Saturday mominir. April 11th. dnehd.-iv'n meeting, Its |>r<'«J8:30 a. m. Daily services 7 n. m at Beth Kl ilent, Mrs. Henry AjipW, aalil. A end 6:30 p. m. l>nby Hitter Will l)« available for The weekly Talmud Study group EIJLKN ZKLIN'SKY IIOM- who bring their children. meets every Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. J A M S MKKIJKS Services a t the 19th and Burt KOBKKTA MKYKRSO.V Births Street Synagogue every Saturday IJLAI.VK UIMAMOW Mr. and Mrs. Ixniis G. Hurwitz morning at 9 a. in. A group Bns Mitzvah will be celebrated at the Beth Israel Syn- of Des Molnes, la., announce the 1WAI JACOB ADAS agogue next Friday evening, April birth of a son, Kdward Benjamin, oti Sunday. IKSHl'IION Oth at 8 p. m, Grandparents are Mrs. BenjaServices at B'nai Jacob-AdasHas Jtfitzvah celebrants will be: Ye-shuron will begin Friday at 6:15 Ellen Zelinsky, daughter of Mr. min Hurwitz of Dcs Molnes and p. m. and Saturday morning at and Mrs. Harold Zelinsky; Janis Mr. and. Mrs. Sam Rice. 8:30 a. m. with Mincha at G:15 Seiches, daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. p. m. followed by Shnlo&h S'eudos. Herbert Meiches; Roberta M?>ei- i Mrs. Ro>e Fogel, Rorick Daily services at 6:?,0 a. m. and son, daughter of Mr. and Mis.! Apartments, wishes to express 6:30 p. m. Loo Meyerson, nnd Klaine Binii- j her appreciation to her many rnowv duughtr of Mr. and Mrs. j friends for the charitable donaTKMPLE ISKAKL Ralph Hiniamow. tions given in her name, for Services will be held 1his Friday the numerous cards and gifts evening at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Sidshe received during her illness. ney H. Brooks will preach on "The Y . \ \ CIIICRNIACK Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chorniack She also wishes to thank MizRocket That Went To Heaven." Shabbas morning services will announce the Bas Milzvaii of their rachi for the trees planted in begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi daughter, Lynn R., win be held her honor and Beth Kl SynaBrooks officiating and the Re- Friday evening and Saturday j gogue for its expressions of • llgious School choir under the di- morning, April TO, and 11th a t ; kindness. rection of Miss Ida Gitlin singing Temple Israel. th cmusical portions of the service.
Bar and Bas Milzvah
Friday, April t, 18S9
Officers Elected Mrs. Marvin Grrbc-r is the m picsidcnt of CornhuMter Chanter of U'nal HYilh. Other irTently-elecfed offiews are Mines. Milton J*>.s\ MM It Pota&h, Max Kiiihenbaum, \iceprcsldents; Mrs. Miles Homer, treasurer; Mrs. Gone Otberoff, recording secretary; Mrs. Manny Goldberg, corresponding g e c r etaryj Mrs. Paul Ilifkin, sentinel; Mrs. Burton Duncvltz, guardian; Mrs. Harry Greenberg, historian; Mmes. M a r v i n Gorber, Elliot Brown nnd Jerry Lehman, tn tees; Mmes. Max Krlzelman and Sam Pollack, advisers. Officers will bo Installed April 33 at the Blacks tone Hotel. Mmes. Kevee Kirshenbaum and Harold Abrahamson will be In charge.
Dedications A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Mrs. Eva Ros« cnlilum, Sunday, April 5 at 11 a. in. at I'lcamnt Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Sidney Broolts of Temple Israel, will officiate. A monument will be dedicated in memory of Mrs. Faye Hollander, Sunday, April 5, at 11 a. m. at thp Golden Hill Cemetery. Officiating will bo Rabbi Benjamin Groner and Cantor Eli Kagan of Beth Israel Synagogue. Mrs. Hollander was the widow of George Hollander.
A monument will be dedicated In memory of Benjamin Mlroff, on Sunday, April 5th, at 10:30 o, m.' at the Golden Hill Cemetery. Rabbi Groner and Cantor Ell Kagan will officiate. Family and Arab Student* Warned friends arc invited to attend the Marburg, Germany (JTA)—Five cervices. Arab students at Marburg University have been disciplined for distributing anti-Semitic and antlMAKE DIAMONDS sraell leaflets here last DecemYOUR ber. They were warned that they would be expelled if they renewed PASSOVER heir "political campaigning" on HEADQUARTERS he campus.
Cleaned in Your Home! Binding—Lcylng—Repairing
Don Bernstein
HA 2554
B.B. Cornhusker Lodge Annual Fund-Raising
SPRING DANCE Highland Country Club Sat. Night—April 4 ?:30 to 12:30
Stereo Pliono and Man Jongg Set fo Bo Awarded
M O N U M E N TS in the Jcv/ii;fi Tradition Your oi tU r In mlvaiMc- t "Viihr/i-lt" work iloi-.s i t have to tii-
Wo flro known for our exacting Ho brow (ottering and detail. You may place your confidence In us knowing each do tall end tradition will b* adhered to with ulmoti cars and ikill.
I lore you eleni o\vnor« , , . We ly Millrintlnir , affpolutmcKt /it
tllrcrl ly wllli the permit no untime. . fall us f«r .your nwivtnk'nrc.
Omaha Monument Company 3213-15 " 9 " St.
Everyone Welcome
Frank Rcftna
Open Sunday 2-5 Slllio 1O45
Deaths BAM SU'OKIN Funeral service swore hold ] March 23 a t the Jewish Funeral \ Home for Sam Siporin, 61, of 3GG2 | Cass Street, who died March 23. i Surviving are his wife, Helen; j eons, Harold nnd Sheldon; four sisters nnd three brothers.
Phono JA 1366 (o Inscrl your Wont Atl In Jh» Jewish Press. Rate Is 50 cents for each Ihrce fine Inser tlon. The Press reserves Iho right to limit *IZ0 Of eoch advrrflsetnent ,
DAILY JEWISH PAPERS i BAR and Baa Milzvah congratu- i lationa also for all Jewish holidays nnd special occasions. Meyera News Stand, 1502 Dodge FOR PRACTICAJ-. NURSES and Practical Domestics, call WE .•5217. TIIK MAN who mistakenly took j the wrong top coat, (light gray) : after-a- show/ Tuesday night, March 24 a t the Jewish Community Center, may recover his own by culling Max Kadis, \VA E692 or JA 5818.
Omaha's Leading Kosher Meat Market and Delicatessen
5 V-H, Itiidio, Ho.ilrr, Aiitamhllr, Turn NIjfiuilH, KIrrtrle Wnslier, KlPctric Wipers, Oil 1'IUi-n mid Wheel Discs.
Includes: License, Taxes, Sticker and Maintenance
Open Sundays From 7 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.
We Also Have Other Models and Other Malccs
Prompt Attention Given to Phor.s Qritn
2310 Amos Avc. Opoo Evonlagt TII » P.M.
PR 2257
Friday, April », 1B59
Richard Rosenblatts Home Alter Trip to Mexico
Fage Three
With the Home Folks IVeivl and unppruliiM at The Dr. Philip Bhrr /ralili Home For The httt b> Uavld Orkow.
Omahans In the News
MODI2I' SKDKU PLANNED IiV BKTII I X SISTKRHOOl) TJt'iit. Alan Rosen, son of Mr. THANK YOU: To all my friends A model .Seller conducted by Mr. find Mrs. Tiirhard Rosenfor their kind wishes during my and Mrs. Max Rosen, has just comCantor A roil Edcar a n d the blatt who were m.'irried March 7 pleted the Infantry Officers Leadstay at the hospital. Women's Chonil Group has been In Chicago, lire making their home SPECIAL O U T : Mr. and Mrs.ers Courte at Fort Banning, Qg^. planned by Mrs. Norman J'red, at. 4810 Boyd Street. They reHerbert L. Weil have donated two and has bee n.issigned to the First program chairman, for Hie April cently returned from a wedding washing machines and a dryer Infantry Division at Ft. Hlley, 7th, ]2:.'!0 p. in. Sisterhood moet- trip to Acnpulco imd Mexico City, In memory of their father, Eli H. Kans. JiiK nt Belli l'.l Sjnagocuf, In the Mex., following their wedding a t Weil, former home resident. Social Hall of the SynuKot'.uv. the Sheraton-Blnckstone Hotel In KIDDUSH: Sura Poster gave " Participants in the program will Chicago. a Klddiish in honor of the Bar he Mines. Lawrence Kpstoin, AlMrs. Rosenblatt Is the former Mitzvah of' his grandson, Bruce bert Feldman, Stewart Tully, Lee Joan Fox, daughter of Mr. and Poster. Gondler, Hay Simon, Ralph Coop- Mrs. Bernard Fox, one-time resiMOVIE PROGRAM INAUOUer, Lou Katz, Barton Greenberg, dents of Omaha, now of FlossItATEDt Arthur Cohn, Associate Walter Grccnborg, William Pach- moor, 111. Her husband Is the son Chftlrman of the Home Board In man, Martin Staenberf?, and Sam of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rosenblatt. conjunction with Commander JerWolf. Tho senior Rosenblatts and their ry Grossman, Jewish War VetHostesses are Mmeg. Robert son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and erans, has arranged for residents Baker, Louis Jess, Samuel Good- Mrs. Jack Fox entertained at a of our home fo attend the Cooper man, Ted R a k c 1 © y, Bernard reception, Sunday evening at tho Foundatnon Theater senior citiSchcln, Bernard Hockenberg, Irv- Blackstone Hotel, for the couple. zen's movie program. Present were the bride's parJng Wohlner, Leon Alexander, YAHRZEIT: Special Memorial ents, her sister, Sari and her Harry Bassman, Alex Davis, David Service* were held for the foluncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Rob Fredericks and Elmor Novak. lowing, the anniversary of whoso Mmes. Irving Sherman, Daniel crt Fox and their son, Jeffrey of death came during those days In Mrs. Klcliard Rosenblatt Kutzman, Harry Lincoln are in Chicago. Adar that fell in March: Adar 21 chargo of decorations. Circles 1 —March 1—-Mrs. Harry Friedend 12 headed by Mmcs. Sol Kut1 man; Adar 22—March 2—Morris ler, Wallace Elkon, Ted Sanford, Spivak; Adar 24—March 4—Louis Harry Llebcrman are in charge of 817 So. l«Hi HA 1044 S. Braunatein, and Adar 25 — luncheon arrangements. March 5—Ruth Shames. A slate of officers will bo anMr. and Mrs. Charles S. Ross nounced by Mrs. Phlnens Winand the latter's mother, Mra. M. troub, nominating c o m m i t t e e d. Cohen, will entertain Sunday chairman. from 3 to 6 p. m. nt the Ross resiA 10:30 n. m, board meeting will dence for Albert Pitlor of San precede the Sisterhood meeting ut Bernardino, Cal., a former Oinathe Synagogue. han. He Is the brother-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Ross arid is also visiting hit brother-in-law and sisCOI FEE WITH THE IIABDI ter, Mr. nnd Mrs. Leonard Pinko"Docs a Seder being in the vitz and other Omaha relatives. kitchen" will lw the topic for disHe will return to California April cussion at the Coffee with the 12th. Frntiirlnic Ilabbl—Judaism In the H o m o scThfl Moht Delightfully DHIcloiiH Corned Ueef iinii rustramt Sunthvlclics ries, conducted by Kabbl Myer S. "MIAMI BEACH STYLE" 'Kripkc, April llilh, 9:30 n. m. at FARNAM AT 19TH — PHONE ATLANTIC 1313 — OMAHA, NEBR. Ueth Kr.Syn.-icoKin1.
'Open House for Albert Pitlbr
I1KTII ISKAIX .slSTi:i(IIOOI> ItOAIil) MKl.TINtt, AI'KII. 7 'I'ho regular board meeting of 11IL- Ik'th Israel Sisterhood will be held lit tile home of Mrs. D. W. .Frank, 512 North T.i Street, on Tuesday, April 7th, at. 1L':30 p. m. Mm. Isidore lOlewitz will servo us ussistarit huMeris for tile dessert Innrhi on. HK.MA ALPHA MC JIOTIIEKS CM IJ Yho next meeting of the Sigma Alpha Mil Mothers Club will be held on April 15, at. 1. p. m. at the homo of Mrs. Melvin Burns, C14 So. ,r)7 Street. Co-hostess will be •Jfrs. Max Rosen. The slate- of new officers will be presented. Mrs. E. I. Widman, president, asks all members to call her, GL 3435, for reservations. The No Host Parents Dinner xvill bo held on April 19th, 6 p.m. nt Hie Fonte;iello Hotel. Reservations may be made- In advance with Mrs. Harry Friedman, chalriiiim, or Mrs. X Milton Margolin, co-ehuinnan.
You'll Be Pleased If You Shop.at
Mis* Snnilra Mutters
Sandra Matters Plans Wedding
'elter 6 Quality Clothes for Men
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Matters have announced the engagement of their daughter, Sandra line, to Dr. Gabriel Seldman of Manhattan, Knns., son of Mrs. Bessie Seltfmnn of Miami, FJa. The couple Js planning a July 11 wedding In Kansas City, Mo. Miss Matters attends the University Of Kansas City. Her fiance recently received his Ph.D. Degree In botany from Kansas State University, He received his Bachelor's nnd Master's Degrees from the University of Miami.
Mr. anil Mrs. Maurice Dcchter of Minneapolis, Minn., announce the engagement of their daughter, Kusan Judith to Sheldon Krantz, •on of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Krantz Both are enrolled at the University of Minnesota where Miss Dechter Is in the College of Education find her fiance In Lav. School. Mr. Krnntz took his undergraduate work at the University of Nebraska and Is affiliated with Zctn Beta T a u fraternity. An August wedding I<s planned
Sift Shop
4013 FARNAM ST. • Continental Gift*
9 Unusual Selection • Distinct Quality * Alto Your Chores of Selact Candiai
Dodge at 70th
Cornhusker Spring Dance April 4
RE 5161
FORBES Bakery and Delicatessen As Always the Leader Features the Finest and Most Complete Selection of
For That New Suit for Passover
MEM'S SHOP 3501 Leavcnworth Tho Very Fineit In Mon'i
Our New
Open Till 9 Each Evomng
Highlighting-the social calendar of the B'nal B'rith Cornhusker YOi;.\H ADULTS Lodge will be (lie annual Spring Yming Adults will hold an election and meeting, Sunday, April Dance at the Highland Country 5 at 1 p. m. at tho Jewish Com- Club, this Saturday night, April munity Center. All young adults 4 from" 9:30. p. m. to 12:30. Willis Epstein, lodge president, iii'e invited to attend. Jerry Ferer, •current president, will leave for announced that over $800 in tickets have been sold and that nil promilitary service soon. ceeds will go to meet the district service fund goal of 51,200. Tickets KKItitASKA. CHAPTKIl may bo obtained at tho door. A KI.WJTION (tfficers will bo elected and Stereo-Phono and n mah jongt; net rhailer members and now mem-will bo awarded. IXTS will be honored' at a meetJiiC of B'nai B'rith Chapter No. The family of the late Mrs. 3-HJ Thursday, April 9, at 8:30 Lena.Kaplan wishes to thank p. in. nt tho Jewish Community their friends nnd relatives for Center. The nipetini; will be held Hie many expressions of symIn place ol Ilio usual board meet- pathy reclvrd following her im;. passing.
Miss Susan Dechter of 'Minneapolis to Wed Sheldon Irantz
$3950 te $c
Of Course, Alterationi art Frco and Ma do Right In t(i» Store by Carl't Export Tollorl. You can bo aililred of tpoedy Itrvlce.
Sinai Kosher Sausage Breakstone Dairy Produc+s Kopper's Selected Chocolates Manischewitz Products AND
Many Other Passover Items Out-of-Town Orders Given Our Careful Attention 50TH AND UNDERWOOD
RE 5560
Friday. April 8. lf>5#
Philanthropies Women's Honor Roil For 1959
Mrs. Morris Grossman—Chairman
Co'Chairmcn Mrs. Sam Katiman, Mrs. Alfred Sophir, Mrs. Albert Wohlner
Captains Mmcs. Milton AIIMIMIIH, I lent y KutU'innri, Dave Kdl/m.m. Edvvjrd Appel, Abe Bear. S.tm Herman ' I-evmson. Huw.ud Milder, Caliin Uivid Bemilcin. Josi-I, Bernstein, M. Newman, Italph Xogg, Arthur Herman Kondann, R. SU\ C'jiwr, ,,„,„„,„„, w 1111 - m lUdu/lner. M r t l l v f { a w t / i Sam I Rothenherg. Arthur A. Colin. I/.ndnre Elev\it7, Gerald Schwartz, Sidney Schviarl/, Stanley Kisk, Heiniun Friedman, j Hairy Sidnimi. KI'VJII Simon, MilI.lnyd Friedman, Sidney OoldbeiK, ton .Simons, Morris Stalmaster, fcwil M, Graft/ Henry Leon i Natlun Tuuicr, Isndoie U. WeinCreenbeii;, Krnesl HorhsUT. How- ' er, Iia Whilphook and Samuel Nr. ard Kalan. I.^/ar K.ipl.in, Sidney | Wolf
Workers Mines Milton XeaiL'iibi'ig, Al.Mmo Noniidn AlMMhanibon Ai'thui Abmm-., Isndoie Ahrain- bert B. Newman, Henry A. Newbon, L.ivv fence S Albert, Louis Al- man, Jack Newman, Jules M Newi; Leo Nogg, Ernest A. bert, William Alberts, I.enti AIe<- man, T andci1, Mi'iunce Alperm, Hairy .\ ogj», Krnie Nogg. N a«t h a n L AH»uler. Sam Appleman, Maurice Nogfi, Iiadoie Oberman. Albert A Areslv, K (iillierl Aronoff, Her- Orucli, MorrW Parilman, Sol S man 11 Auerbacli. Sam Han, Moyd Parsow, Harrj Paskouitz, MaurBank. D.ivid K. Holier, Iljnun Bel- ice L Pepper. Ben Perelman, Floyd ninn, AIosis A, Beicmiri. Mat 1 Perimeter. Stanley K. Perimeter, Uittner, Loins Blumkin. .lack David C. Pldtt, Max C Plait, Lawlir.mison. Donald llrodkry, Kcl- lence Plattnei, Ale>t Plotkui, M. uard K IJirxlkry, i:dHin }:. Hi oil- M Pohakoff, Harold Pollack, key, Harold B Brodkey. M 11. Williiim Poster, Jeiome Raduziner, IJmdkcy. Kciibrn II lirmvn. Louis Miles Rerner, David S. Rice, Joe C'anar. David M Chapman. Isa- M. Hice, Morton Richaids, Carl doie ("hapinan. Haiold Choi mack. Kiekcs, Henry Rieke.s. Sam Rifkln, Jay C'herniack. Dame" Cohen. Har- Albert G Rimmerman, Philip N Julian Rips, Hurry jy B Cohen, Jack ]i Cohen, Mif\ j : . Cohen, Bennett L Colin, Dave Roclnnan, Ben Rosen, Edward Z C'ohn, Sejmour Colin, Loins Cut- Rosen, Millard Rosenberg, Philip H. Rosenblatt, Sam Rosenblum, ler. Mines Samuel II. Davis, Ber- Herbert Rosenthal, Saul S. Jtoiinnard Diamond, Hairy Dulioff, sky, Arthur N. Rubin, Meyer N. Jack K Diulch. Leo Eisonstatt, Rubin, Sidney L. Rubin. Mines. Ted J. Sanford, Irving David B. Epstein. Lawrence KpStein, Morns Kinian, David P. Schneidcrnian, Donald H. SchoenFeder. Robert M. FeinberR Stan- baum, Leonaid SPROI, Richard ley Fcmlicrg. Albert Fcldman, Seitner, Jules Shapiro, Stanley Maurice Keldman, Leon Fellman, Shapiro, 1 David Sherman, Irvin Harry Ferenstein, Alfred Fiedler, Sherman, ' Louis Shrlcr. Jacob Ben "Fi-sher, William J Fogel, Irv- Shyken, Sam Sh>kcn, Bernard Robeit II. Silver, Edward ing W. Forbes, Alfred Fox, Jack Fo>c, Alex D. Frank, A|/icd Frank, Simon, Nathan Simon, Stuart SiMaurice J. Frank. Morton Frank, mon, Louis Siporin, Harold W. Dean Frankel. Herman Franklin. Slosburg, - Abe Slusky. Norman Moms M Franklin. Joseph II Smecrin, Sidney L. Sneider, John Freeman. Mike Freeman, Hyinan A- Solomon, Ix>uis Somjierg, HuFiied, M Morton Fnedtandcr, Arthur bcrt Sommer, Millard Speier, Friedman, Isnrlorc Friedman. Ja- George A. Spitier, Martin StacnIwrg, Dave Stein, Julius A. Stein, cob J. Friedman, Max FnHiikin. in. Mmcs Charles Oarelz, Jack Sam S. Stcinl)crg. Arnold Stern. Gelfand, Charles Geniller, II. Lee ' C h « r l « S t c r a ' °,SC!\r S l l t l n - R ° b " (Icndler. Iivin Gendler. Phil O r e - i f & w a r t ' r n n ( l M l s l ; »<-«trice lick. Kdwaid Gilbert. Sam E. Gil- I i > r j ' l i n i e r ' Insky, Stewart Gilinsk>, Joe Gins- ! „ M n i e s - S ' d " c > ' I a i ' ( ' n ' M a r r u l ? D burg. David Coldmali. Richard j f a , x m ? n - l s a d o r e M - T r c t ) a k ' Goldman, Arthur H. Goldstein, j ^'<»'Ph Trost, H a n y Trust in, Yale loldstein, Paul Paul M M GoldGold- I! Trus Trus in. in Stewart Stewart TTully, , u , | y PPhillip Herman Coldstein, ek M o p AA VfVctiger, e f>11111 -Moc PaulV e r " stein, Joe Goldvvaie. Goldvva.e. Jacob Jacob GoodGood- II rr»'<*. '"« '"i '" j',b c r l I l 1 0: binder, Dan A. Gordman, Yale I! f.V ;._ UWapnnr, ! a C : " P r 'J l Milton . !, et. ^Rober' K G. Gotsdiner. Abraham Groenborg 1 Wnldhaum. Benjamin Waldhaum, Barton Greonbeig. Iiruce Green> Loo \V'a\enbera, Herbert L. Well, beig, D.ivid Greenbfrt:. Joe J Albert J. Welnboi'R, Harold WcinGreenbeig. Sam M. Grc hoff, Sam Weinstein, Hail M Arthur M. Greene. . Weiss, K I. Widman, Harry D. Wintroub, PhiDavid B. Cr<*s. Klmcr j Wigodsky, „„,,, WmtrmlhErnest _ A | | c n s_ W o m . Gross, Gerald Gross, Arthur Gross, ne'as man, Ignac Grossman. Paul Gross ner, Bernhardt L. Wolf. Max Wrisht, Sam man. Charles Guss, Joe Guss and i Bclnari1 the Misses Sarah Gilinbky, Fannie ] ' Grodinsky and Ro-ie Grodinsky. ' '""""•"•_ Mmes. Ben Handler. Joel Hclfman, « Stanley Hrr/off. Irving Hcr/og, , I O U l l g S OUlll Richard Hiller, Bernard Mocken- | berg, Joe B. Hornstcin, J, M Hor- | 10 tJ8 wich, Nathan J. Jlonvich. Louis , Omaha members of Young Judca Hurwit/, Waller Jacobson, Jack Joseph, ,Ir\ln C K.mn.ui William will observe the organization's Kaiinan, Samuel S K.ipl.m, }Iu- fiftieth nnmveisaiy by taking part old II. Karp, N.itlrin K'-utnrin, in .in Onet; Shabh-it. Saturday, Harold K.1-.1T). Abe I. Kit'-lm.m, April •), nt the Jewish Connntinity Stanley Katclman. Morn-, K.itl.'- Crnter al 2 p m In addition to a program of man, D.ive Kat/. Lorm K.it/, Dinlei Kat7man, Julius Kit/nrui, 1.1- sinking and duicing, a dlscussliin zer Kavich, Joscpli Kn •licnbiinin, on "Youth Aliyah" will be prcIlobert II Koopei. IJ.I'.KI L 1 senled by Mrs. Phineas Wintroub Krantz, Manfred KroiLslcin, J. Refreshments will ba served. Invitations have been extended Harry Kulakofsky, Reuben Kulakto sixth, seventh and eighth grade ofsky, .Morton H. Kulcsb. 1 JudaL'.-ins and their mot hers. leadMnies. Solomon Lagman, Max Xashinsky, William Levey. Ir\'in ers of the groups are Nancy FriedC. Levin, Hyman Levine, Robert lander, sixth grade; Bonnie IIay r H. Levine, Isador Levinson, Nor- kin, seventh grade and Bunny man E. Lincoln, Louis K. Lipp, Ravilz, eighth grade. Harry Lippett, Stanford l.ip.-fy, Harvey Lipsman, Joe Lipton, William J. Lohrrhan, Karl .N. Louis, Philip Lubman, Leonard Luttbog, Edward Makicsky, Irving Mala-! Bhock, Abe II, Marcus, Le»ter Marcus, Nathan Marcus, Jack \V. The Jewish Community Cen_Marer, J . Milton Margolin, Millard ter Varsity Soft Ball team will Margolin, Morris Margolin, Harry work out this Sunday, April D. Marks, Adolf Mayer, Alfred S. 5, 10 a. m. at Elmwood Park Mayer, Owen L. Meyerson, Jer- with manager,1 Pan Epstein In ome J. Milder, Leo L. Milder. Or- charge vel Milder. Stuart Mnsl;i"
Center Varsity
A Beautiful New Photo Studio in Appropriate Surroundings With An Air of Relaxation!
Skilled craftsmen v/i!l ba -working for lha next g j x r n o n t i 1 3 fashioning a new and modem studio . . . enlarged facililiea for/a complsto service in photography. When completed you will se9 art all now Donald Jack building . . . comforlab!* year around weather conditioning, Hi-Fi musical background, a convenient coffee bar , . . everything Included to make this a model studio . . . truly a pleasant placa to visit!
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Everything in MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY will 4» »t th* ntv/ Donald Jack Studio J . . the place to go for four Engagement Glossies. Bridal Portraits, Wedding Cindldg . . . wonderful Portrait Studies, Business Glossiei ,., even Passport, Commercial Stills and Advertising Illustration • • . color or black and white!