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Knteiud us Sevonri-C'luss Mutter a t Post- Annuul Rule 4 Dullart offico, Umuhii. Nebraska, under Act of 1H7U. aiiiKlo Copy 10 Cents
. . .,
Israel Considered xGigantic Annuv ...cue Award Day Camp to Provide Night Set for Way 13 Insurance Policy' For Jews SpeGial Swim Program "Israel is u gigantic insurance offered till) Invocation mid Kalilil policy fur . I r a s wherever ( h e y Myer S. • Krlplm of firth'Kl, tlie invoeutlon, lire."
Mr. Wolf presented tlie leadership of tho Youth Council, u high .school division. They were Justin Greenberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Greenberg. Phyllis Aura* hams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Abrahams, Grand Marshals and their co-chairmen, Alvin Newberg, son of Mr. mid 'Mrs. Jack Npwberg, und Ethel Sabes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Sabes, Young Grcenberg reported he had Tlie ipoiikor uluiso cari-cr in In- received a check for $250 from torwoven uilli (IIH liiiildlni; of I i -his grandparents,''. Mr.--'and Mr*;r:i«I, ussi-iti-d lit hit iipprurance Philip Greeiiberg of Tucson, Ariz., linfora hutli group*, Hint tint moral to kick-off the unit's drive and justification for the e.xtstencei of encourage high school students in Ills country l i to vttulillNli a home campaign participation.
This was the message delivered by Iteiiven Oiifni In addresses nt two major cvt-iits launching the Philanthropies Campaign. Ml', Dafni, a foremost Israel loader, spoke lit (lie Women's Division city-ivi<li> dessert litiiclicon at IJeth Jsrae] und in llie evening nf tha s;iine ilny, nt (ho Men's Initial Gifls dinner al Hie Highland Country Club.
The Jewish Community Center Athletic Committee has announced that the annual "athletic award night" will be held Wednesday, May 13 at 7:30 p. m. Sam Ban and Ducky Greenberg have been named co-chairman of the evening . by Irv Yaffe, Athletic ! Committee
Swimming and aqiiatictictivities \vill be featured in the Jewish Community p.eri ter-; Pay Camp program which,; will lie held a t Peony Park between June 15 to July.10.
iloj'K und (,r'''s ri'if 1stcri'il for tho pro-school Day Clump program will not Hirim In the IVony I'nrk pool, It w w unnoiinecd by Mrs. MurMimll HrrkiT, jire-school director. All ,vnuni;stors h e t u e c n (ha ages of ,1-5 will be jirovlded with a K]iK<'lnl NuiJiiniiiig urt-a offcrlnjf tli<« udvanfiifre o f julvacy, doslralilo for pre-KcliiKil children.
••'''• . ,. . Tlie goals of the aquatic proMembers of tht Athletic Com- gram is to provide recreational mittee will convey the awards nnd.'instructional yva\jet activities Won by grade; .high school and for each camper under the dtrecadult participants in the athletic tlon of a mature, experienced and The first Day Camp session will program. Highlighting the affair fully qualified Red Cross Safety run from June 13 to June 26 and will be the presentation of the instructor assisted i>y a sUilled the second from June 2!) to July J. J. Grcenberg Mciporial Award staff, The Center Duy Camp ad- 10. Fees are $,')3 for each two to the outstanding midget league heres to .the standards designated week period or $00 for the cntlra basketball player; the Harry Trus- by the American Red Cross tor four week session. These fees ara tin Trophy to the outstanding hifjh water safety in addition to those all inclusive. Children are picked school athlete and the Les I!urk- of the American Camping Asso- up and returned to five convenienroad Award to tlie qutstandiiif; ciation. . . . . ent pickup locations, For further athlete'.in varsity competition. All information call JA 1366— Day star 'selections in midget and Camp office. nml uildres* fur tliosu who need it. Youth Council basket ball leagues Mrs. Sam Katzman, a co-chair- will also be announced. [ID paralleled the roles of Isman, presided n't..'the-'afternoon* rael and tho United .States in dealThe affair is open to the public Ing wltli world crises. Ho pointed function in the absence of Mrs. and the athletic committee invites out that (lifspjlB th» fact that Morris Grossman, Women's Chair- all center members,-parents and Camp Jay-C-C, Federation sponneiiliar had anything to do with man, who was prevented by ill- friends of award recipients to sored resident camp program for thorn—alluilin); to Germany as the ness from at tending either'-of the attend. Paris ( J T A ) ~ Jordan's Ambas'•'•.•',* Jewish boys and -girls-,will begin latest in the case* of tills country events. its third decade of professional sador in Madrid has been assured Tho speaker WHS presented It.y and to the Rumanian emigration camping service on Sunday, July by the Spanish Foreign Ministry for his nation, such crises must Mrs. Albert Wuhlner, and the 19, opening day of the 1959 sea- that Spain. will not recognize Isprayor liy Mrs. Hoplilr. Both lire be faced. son, Norman Batt, Camp Chair- rael and that Spain has no intenco-rliairmcn. A inoim'iit'd silence If Israel had coins Into being tion of establishing diplomatic? man, reported. •" •;-• : eunucil hi lueniory of tho late .Mrs. twenty yours n((o instead of ten, relations with Israel. Hen Shapiro, 195H Women's chairC. I. T. ApplleatloimUcavy Tlie award winnlnc; Walt Disney million!; of •lews destroyed by HitPress dispatches which brought man. Soon after receiving national coloV movie "Alice in Wonderland" ler, might have been saved, Mi1. Mrs. Freeman brought-greetings will he the feature attraction nt recognition by the American Camp- this report here from Amman, Dafni declined. from tho Federation of Women's the Chlldrais' Movie Festival ing Association, over 50 young Jordan, stated also that Spain has "Wo Iirael'K nro » proud peo- Clubs nnd Introduced Mrs. Charles Sunday, April 19, in 2 p. m. Tho teens from tho Omaha area have promised—Madrid's "full support" ple," lio stressed n i he tulil of tlie Ross, chairman * of the Business 2."> cents admission movie program applied for the newly organized to any Arab state that might bo $li,,'>OO,flVQ ralsetl voluntarily by mid Professional Women's Section. is heiriK spoiiHiiied by the Oniahn coimselor-in-t r a i n i n g program "the victim of'Israeli aggression." Saruel's "and wlicii we a s k for Sim expressed the division's ap- •Icrwisli Vduiu; Adults. All proceeds fC.I.T.i. Camp .Jay-C-C Is one of money, jyo are riot asking for our- preciation to tlio Beth Israel lioiml will no to tin' li)5D rhilanthropins the few nationally approved camps »nlve». "Wo urn ashing you to slmro and its sisterhood board for mak- (hive, David SUnite, Youni; Adult in the rnld-WL'st to offer a complete Irt thin «;\]M"rlincnt of mtvlng lives." ing tlie sociul available for the Cliainii.'in nnnoiinci.'d, camp and general, leadership proIsrael could be self-sustaining If occasion. Tlie sisterhood board •grum-for teen-agers. "Allir In Wonderland" Its doors wci'o closed to immigra- headed by Mrs. Henry Appel, presThis year the capacity of the Sunday nl the .Jay—'! |). in. tion, but thfit will never happen ident, presided over "a coffee." Omahans are asked to leport Ymmu mlult^t to donutc pro- camp has been extended to acus Jong aa Jew* need n haven, ceeds to IM/V erncrKciiey r;im- commodate the heavy demand for any change of addresses for servthe speaker said. camping experiences l>y Omahu ice men by Mrs. Joseph Freeman, piilBn. "Wo Imvr >viilt«'il 2,000 yearn youngsters and the new wave of Service .-to Armed Forces ChairSpecial refrcshinents, candy, and can stick it out a i long i n man for the Federation of Jewish popcorn find treats will he handled leon enmpers interested In the npeMWiry," ho adiled. "We can Womens Clubs, who Is preparing a special C.l.T. program. 1 by individual members, of the Halt for orononilc! Inileiicndeiice.' Mr. Butt, declared registration Passover card mailing to those in Young Adult Council. All. boys'and A musical skit depleting (lie the Armed Forces. Calls may be fjirls, teens nnd--grownups, alike Is car-marked for a new high over, made to Mrs. Freeman, \VA 8814 agencies l)enc"fitiiif; from tlie camprevious years. Already, enrollare. invited to see this Oscnr.win-. paign was presented at both the or the Center, JA 136G, niiiK feature while at the same ment is passed last year's mark men's and women's events under for tho same period and. registratime assist the Omaha Yoiing tho direction of Mrs. Norman DenTills week we welcome our enberg, also :t participant with Sioux City neighbors to the Adult Council l/i launching their tion has virtually just begun, he added. The camp committee Is ex. y:. tho Mtticj. Robert Baker, Donald Jewish Press. The Sioux City 19:59 campaign. freniely. concerned with the new KoHi!, Robert Sllvennan and Mor- Section will a p p e a r in the 'Interest in teenage camping and ley Zlpui'sky. Mrs. Harry UuBoff PICHS for a period of time durhas unanimously agreed to provide was accompanist. ing tlie Sioux City United JewVisits; to .Youth Council Club C a in p i n g activities for Omaha OIIKIIKI'S I'Jii IJI nt )i ropl'S [ n n I ish Appeal Campaign. Members youth,, 6 to 14 years of age. "•'. meetings will be made by Phyllis ftlnn at SGOIMIOO, Calvin .11. Sow- of tlie. Sioux City Jewish ComAbrahams, Justin Greenberg, Alvin Tlirco Vlllafies In Camp iiian, Inllliil (lifts Chairman, who munity will receive this publiBelli Kl Synagogue* will present This year the camp will be com- Newberg: and Ethel Sabes, Council |iri:HliI«il, H.-iiil nt the Initial (;ift* cation. Cantor. Aaron I. Edgar and an prised pf tiireb: "Villages!', Junior Philanthropies leaders, illnner, Tlie mrrlliiK \\im opened augmented Concert Choir jn a Village, Seriioi Village and Teen : They will report on the address Itolierl II. Knopor liy Siiluilfl N. Wolf, (icncriil Phiprogram of varied Jewish iroislc Villuge. Boys and girls six through niade by Iteuven Pnfnl, Israeli T'edcrntion President. lanthropic* Chairman. Kobcrt K. by contemporary composers ^Fri- fourteen 'years of age are; now leader,-which they heard at tho Isadoru Chapmnn Hooper, Jewish Federation pruslday evening, April 21. ThoVocl'ress Committee. Initial Gifts dinner and will dis. (hint, liitrodueoil .Mr, Dafnl, Itubbl caslon will mark the twenty-third eligible to enroll at Camp Jay-C-C. cuss the goals of the campaign Chairman, Dates anil liutes BIdney Brooks of Toiiipln Israel annual Concert of Jewish Music 1st Sessloii—July 19-Atigust 1-— with each club and the plans for at the synagogue. : . the Youth Council special event : $90.00. ; ":"... '; ;•:•.- : ; A special feature will be selec2nd Session—August 1-Augiist 16 on May 3. tions from Mendelsohn's oratorio - 5 9 0 , 0 0 . A tape recording of a stirring ' •'. :•.'•. Full Session—July 19-Augtist 16 address by Rabbi Herbert FriedThf; Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Homo for tho Aged gratefully ac- "E 1 i j a h." Tlie program will also — $ 1 7 0 . 0 0 ; . ' . ' • • ' " man, presented in Miami, Fla,, will knowledges I tie following Memorials and Donations to the Hume: include some new Parents are invited to arrange be played at each meeting. Club Donor In Momory of I s r li P. 11 music for appointment and interviews captains will outline their plans Mr ond.Mri. R. K. Pcrscll. V/Hllum H. Holm, Mr, ami Mrs. Jainoi P. Lotfiom, Mr, with the Camp Director to discuss for their club's participation in tha Y i d d i s h f o l k ond Mrj. Harold triybsffj, tAr, ond Mrj. Wolfer Zlinmormofi, Mr. ana Mri, Thornol their individual camping needs for drive nnd Jiey will introduce tha Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. r/aurlco Urriorl, Omaha Live 5tock T(oders Exchange, Mr, songs, nnd neu and Mrj. n. J. Roaan, Jr., Mr. ond V n R, J. Rcqan, Sr., Mr, ond Mrs. B, M, this year. The Camp Committee lieutenants of each g r o u p . All Nalntl, Mr. ond Mri. Pol Murphy, Mfi, ond Mrs, Maurice Frank, Mr. ond Mn, liturgical c o m urges all parents to enroll their Youth Council members are urged Iradors Elcvlt/, Mr. ond Mri. Rolnh n, V/ellmon, Mlsl Rulh J . Mopklni. Mrl, nesi Uornsloln ol Kanial Clt/, Mo., Mr, and Mri, Chorlet Allman, Mlsj 6jlell9 positions. youngster as soon as possible In to a t t e n d their club's philanHell of Cnlcooo, III., Mr. ona Mrs. Morris Erman, A/r. and Mrs. Tom Chapmon, tAr. ond Mrs. f-red Lov/no/, Allen Dudlty Co.. ifJ, ond Mrs. Morion Degon, Mr. Tlie r c g u 1 a l thropies meeting. order to avoid disappointment. ond Mrl, Oavld Orfcw, Mr. and Mri. O, VI, Rcuhslilner, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Friday Evening v/ieser Mrs. Bclllo Hoii IM. and Mrl. Mix SctlCLrormon, Mrl, Oen llonillrr Mrj. Judah Wollson services ut 8:15 * p. in. will precede Mr. onrl Mri. Lev Mlldsr, Mr, ond Mrs. Morks U n a , Mr. ond Mri. E. W. Daron ol Sioux Clly, la., Mr, and Mrl. Harold Chcrnlack, Mr, ond Mri. Jay Chernlack, ' r. ond Mri. Uaiiori Cliopmon, Mr. ond Mri. C. Leo (loaa.. Mri, Elhel Brodkcy the concert. Itabbi Myer S. Ivrip Cantor A tM. ond Mri. Morki Lorlg, Mr. ond Mrs. David Orkow, Mrs. tlolcn L. Buckland, Miss Laura Haiiingi, Mr. ond Mrs. Mox Schcuerman Mri, Jenny Lcventon Ice will comment on the musical Mrs. Morris Grossman, Worn and efficiently, on returning to tha Mr. ond Mri, John Roblnion Mri, Suion Rutock, Mri, Fannl* Jacobi selections. en's Division General Chairman scene of action this weelt. IM. ond Mn.'A, A. V/holen , Mri. Dolls Oilier "My co-chairmen went far beChoir members are: Mines. Dan and her Co-Chairmen, Mrs. Sam Mr. ond Mri. Loo Mlldjr Mri. Ida Sharman Mr. ond Mri. Sl»v«n Luitoarton ...Mr. Bernard Friedman Cohen, Norman Denenberg, Bert Knizmnn, Mrs. Alfred Sop.hir, Mrs. yond the call of duty to keep the Employes! ol U. S. Army Enolneari Olvlilan Office Mri. BtstK Schwartz Moskovllz, Stuart Muskin, A. G. Albert Wohlner and B. & P. Chair- pace of the campaign from falterIM. onrj Mri, A. H. Morkovlti—Mrj. Bertha Solimort, Mr. Nolhan Levlmon, Mr. Sam Ilimmorman, Edward Rosen, Mas man, Mrs. Charles S. Ross urge ing," she said, and we are deeply Grcenuerfl, Mri, Susan Rubock, t^r, and Mri. Ruben Vonn. Rosen, Arnold Roseman, Paul Ru- all workers in the divisions to com? indebted to Mrs. Mike Freeman, In Honor of back, Robert S c h i l l e r , Sidney plele'solicitation of their cards on Federation of Jewish Women's Donor ..Mr. Joioph Haykln'i C?ln Birthday Schwartz, Hay Simon, nnd Norman or before April 20. Cards should Club president, who adiled her f/f. ond Mrl, A. H. Morkovlfl . ....Mr. Sam Porlir'i SSIh Birthday Mr. and M n , Leo Mlldtr Whitman, the Misses Marilyn Mey- bo returned to respective captains many capabilities and wisdom in ...Crandfatriir, Mr, Herman Nichols Mr. A. J. Schwartzman j keeping the wheels turning." Recovery of David Orkow er nnd Julia Zucker. Messrs. Harry or to Center office. Adlfr'i Qoker/ . , «... Michael Katz, Selwyn .........Granddaughter, Jonl Hulman DuBoff, Mrs. Grossman, whoso lorent I As women's publicity chairman, tf,r. ond Mrl, J. Seljil Roffman, Jerry Simon, Drs. Sol. illness temporarily interrupted her M r s . - M u m s ( ' . I'Vlliii.ui c i ' M r i b j Special Contrlbutlon» K.utlcr and Melvln Tatolman. public participation In Philanthro- u l i ; d tinkili I n l lvi ' -iK' • d! ' ' • n Mr. and Mr». MOfrli Adlir In honor of their 50lh Wedillnfl Annivtriory p a i u n o p . T i l l i o n ' It. i " . ' " ' I; d ' S pies activities, praised her assoMrs. Georgo Eisenberg will be Jiwlili V/or Vituroni 1 . Mr, Jamil Jamuelion ciates for cMiT«rin<' on ••'< f'liiihfullv elvir'.TiiVC h e r duI:' -. at the organ,
CampJay-G-C Third Decade
Spain Does Not Plan To Recognize Israel
Movie Sunday to Launch Y.A. Drive
Address Changes for Service Men Needed
Beth El Choir Plans April 24th Concert
Youth Council Leaders To Visit Club Meetings
Dr. Philip Sker Home for the Aged
'Women Walters—Let's Finish CompSefeei Ccsrds Should He Returned
Mr, ond Mri, Elnar Abramioil
Frldny, April 17, 19.10
Pag* Two
Bar and Bas lifzvah 'Low-Calorie' Lunch All friends urn] relatives nre Invited to attend services mid To Reward Slimerettes t»cry rrnl.ij Iij tin J n n t l i rrderntlon of Omahu.
reception. HAItflAICA ( III DACOIT Barbara Chudaroff, daughter of .Editor Mr. and Mrs. Irving Chudacoff, will observe her Has Mitzvah (his evening and Saturday morning at Beth KI Synagogue.
S«cona Clasi V a r Irp Prlvi ?f t» ^ " - i n t ' t ' O r *u N e b r a s k a Annuol SLbscrlril'n H O I £ « . < r • • j I.- i s tn (It rciicn Publication Olflcc-lCI No . n i 1 n 1 Ci •- i l « L r j A ^ n o n \M.
A HAPPY PASSOVER TO ALL Passover Observance Begins .Wednesday Night
ALAN Sl'SMAN The Bar Mitzvah of Alan Susman, son of Dr. and Mrs. H, S. Susman will be celebrated at the Beth Israel Synagogue this Saturday morning, April 18. Services will begin at 8:45 a. m.
Candlelight me—April 22, 6 52 P M.
With the Home Folks .NCK« «o0 u p p n i a n »1 TM Dt. Philip Khfr JrttUh Horn* For Tk« Alt* bj l U
Religious Services Candle lighting 8:40 p. m. B'NAI JACOB ADAS VESHOKON Services at B'nai Jacob-AdnsYeshuron will begin Friday at 6:15 p m. and Saturday morning at 8:30 a. m. with Mincha at 615 p. m. followed by Shalosh S'eudos. Dally services at 6:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. ro.
Deaths JACOB GOLDSTEIN Funeral services were held April 9 at the Jewish Funeral Home for Jacob Goldstein, 4946 Erskine Street, who died April 7.> Surviving are wife, Anna; son Albert, Omaha; daughters, Mrs William Cohen, Omaha; Mrs. Arthur Ories and Mrs. Gladys Brown, Washington, D. C , 11 grandchildren/four brothers and four sitters.
BKTH I X Services at Beth Hy Sjna?ORiip will begin at 8 15 p. m. Rabbi Mycr S. Kripke will deliver the •crmon, "The Kinds of Freedom " Cantor Aaron I. Edgar .and the Beth El Synagogue Choir will render the musical portions of the service. Sabbath morning services arc a t 9:30 a. m. The Junior Congregation service Is at 10:30 a. m. Mincha-Maariv Services are at 6 45 p. m. Sundjy morning sen Ices aie nt 0 a. m. Dally sen ices are at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. BETH ISRAEL Rabbi Benjamin Grand*, Cantor Eli Kagan, Primary "B" Class, and the Beth Israel Synagogue Choir, will conduct late services this evening at 8 p m Rnbbi Gronerte sermon Is entitled "Passover Reflections." Traditional Friday evening sen ices this evening at 6:45 p. m. Sabbath mornmj; SPI vices, 8 13 a. m.; Junior Congicgaiion 10 n. m. Rabbi Groner will lead the
Junior n.
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Patronize Our Advertisers.
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MONUMENTS in tfio Jcv/ish Tradition
Vui i ij.rld «i ™ii! l,o placed ucll In nrlvniifc of "Yiihrzell" BO the l' (]'«(s jif,l ha\p lo bo hurried.
p. m.
RuEcs Children Jeiu'-ilfin U T A i - Tlif1 lcijuncme-nl of J P I ' I - I I i("li?ious law t i n t i; is tin' duty of a son or d a u g h t e r t o "-upprjil nivdv p i i i n t ' i loicivrrl official rcf'jfnifion fiom the Israel S n p i f i n p Coin t
The high court upheld the ruling of a lower court, ordering a • .married 1 woman to ronfribute to I Ihc m'lintrnanre of her nertl p-n-
T n f « f r! 1' T i ' ! 'i 1 ' • t i <K G ' O ,,-i meets
to . . .
S a t u r d a y afternoon T.ilmud Cl.i s a t 6:13 p. m. and M i i u l n , W i n • rd by Sliulosh S'ru'los <\vA M i ip will begin ( t d !") p m ^ Mid 'y morning rrivices folio >rd b> brcakf
'DIG Slimcix'ttcs who meet ot the J e w i s h Community Center WA 5454 4415 Cumlng three times a wc-ek for e.terci.sos and flamour «r«* y.<)\ny, to eolebrate. Their achievement—the disap-1 pearancc of 90 inches in measure- j ments among the dnss. To mark the iiecomplislnni-nt, the strennilincd class will gather for a low-calorie luncheon at the Rose Bowl, Friday, April 17 at 11:30 a. m. The event la being planned by Its co-chairmen, Mrs. William Kaiman and Mrs, Russell Blumenthal. Awar-ds will bo made to members shedding the greatest lotnl of Inchps to-date. The class will continue through spring, concentrating on diets, exercises, -correct posture, standing, sitting and walking. (Wo hastctY to add tha' tho attractive Slimerettes possessed enviable measurements upon first undertaking Leonard Jocobson the program.)
h'lwi-Lil <ilft: Mr. and Mrs. Philip Batt presented the Dr. Phillip Slier Jewish Home For The Aged with an Electric Meat Slicer in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Lawrence Irving Batt and the graduation of their granddaughter, Cherie Roberta Batt. of Chicago. MR9. K E B E C C A W E L L S resident of the Dr. Philip Sher Mr. Jacobion II a forrlforial Funeral services w e r e held Jewish Home for tho Aged, who leader In life insurance- proKidduHli: Mr. and Mrs. Norman Batt gave a special kiddush at the April 9 at Fitch and Cole Memor- died April 7. Burial was in Pleas- duction In en area which Inhome last Saturday In honor of ial Chapel for Mrs. Rebecca Wells, ant Hill Cemetery. clude* tho itatet of Missouri, the Bar Mitzvah of their son, LawOklahoma, Kantas, Nebraska, rence. ;•.-.••' ,.. •'•;"• '"••• ': For Thcrt New Suit for Passover Colorado, Wyoming and Now I'ufcbover Fitrtyt The -Mizrachi: Women of Omaha will entertain Mexico and among a group at the home during the Passover of 1,149 men. Holiday on April 26th. Education FUmi Tho following "Yoi, wo are mighty proud films were shown during the past AT 4949 3501 Leavenwortfi of Mr. Jacobson." week: "Anesthcsiology" and "CiThe Very Finest in Men's vilian Disaster." There are part of a series called "Medical Horlzans" which will continue throughout the year. LIFE INSURANCE Shrine C'irruM A large group of From our residents took advantage of COMPANY the invitation of tho Shrine to see Of Coune, Alter* tiom are Frco the opening i,( the Circus at the Madf Rrght In -the Sforo by Carl'i Export City Auditorium. Mr». Herbert TAIIOTI. YOU een be auured of i p o e d / Weil and Jake Wine assisted with Patronize Our Advertiser.-; icrvtce. transportation. Pasnovrr ( i-li lir.illmii The gala Passover celebration will bo held as usual at the home with SeMAKE PASSOVER A PLEASURE doilum on Wednesday and Thursday evenings Sam Poster will asSHOP AT sist David Orkow In conducting the Sedorium. New RcHldentsi Mrs. Helen Goldstein and Mm. Bessie Fishman. In Memorlumi Rel>ccca Wells. WA 5554 OPEN SUNDAY 'TIL 6:00 4415 CUMING ST. Yahrzelti Special M e m o r i a l Services wil lbo held in tho Home YOUR Synagogue for the following, the anniversary of whose death falls during the month of Nisan. Nisan 13—April 23—Dr. Manuel Grodinsky; Nisan 17—April 25—Mr. The Largest Selection In the Mid-West Morris Nogg; NVan 18—April 20 -••Mr. Morris Gross, and Nisan 21 of —April 29—Mrs. Tena Bush.
TEMPLE ISRAEL Services will be held this Friday evening at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will preach on "Letter For A Lifetime." This Is a special sen Ice honoring the Religious School Faculty. Oneg Shabbat following sen ices. Shabbas morning t e n ices will begin at 11 30 a. m. with Rabbi Brooks officiating and the Religious School Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin singing the musical portions of the service.
V/o era I'no^/n for our oxactinq Hebrew loitorinr} and detail. You moy placo your oonfidonco in ui knowing oach doteil and iradition will bo fidhorod fo with utmoit care and skill.
Hero you rtc.il (i inri . . . . Wo ly •ollrlittlim , .ipj<fjluTjntnt qt
illicitly with tho permit no untime. . Call u« fur >our convenience.
3213-15 "9" St. Frank Henna Open Sunday 2-S Hlnre 1023
y* Lb.
Cello PItg.
H H•
Friday, Ajnl! 17, 1959
THE JE\visn nacss
Center Library Has Exhibition Of Rare Hagadahs
Oneg Shabbaf to Honor Faculty
Beth Israel Schedules Mother Ildren's Banquet on May
In 1IOIH.II of Pii'vSNVcr, the Jcw-
Tho Temple I s r a e l religious facully will be honored at mi Oney .Shuljhal, sponsored by the sisterhood on Friday, April 17. I'arlicipatiiH! in the Sabbath rvii'e.s will he Miss Ida Gillin, Mrs. Howard Vann, Mrs. Julius Colin, faculty members and Leslie Davis, chairman of the religious seliool committee. Following the. service, faculty members will a s s e m b l e in the social hall to greet parents and children. Co-chairmen for the event are Mines,'Abe Katelmf.n and Maury L. Schwartz. •'•;.'.
h \ {
lbh C omimi]iii\ Library is oxhibilJlif .1 collation of rare and Unlisuil P i s " ) \ i i llaf.;t;;irl:ilis i;alhi pled fiom ni my sources in Israel OMil the United Stales. ***Ll \ '' Outsljiidin^ in this collfclion is the beautiful blue velvet (jold-inMiibul IlTf-T'idah odilod by Cecil Kothiind ina|;nifici'i)l]y illustrated l)\ Aitliui S " k . Known as "The ' K / \ k IlJKi'iid ill," il is an exquisite c\ implo of Oiieiital Israeli ail, 1'iom Ii>i iel too, comes HIP famous "Bezalel IIai;::adah" with its el ilioi.iti Is bind tooled loatlier co ci ,ind h mdsome colored steel ••nf,'i i\inp<s 'Hie "Yavnch Hacujad ill " in Its fiiien and cold leather Inmhnt;, is molliei' fine example ol Orient il in pi red nit from Iali'I In n niMT modern interpretation the Hiij;r,iidiiii illustruled by (Buck rou) Bruce I'ostor, Judy Strnusii; (front'rotv) Barbara A. Allwell, one of Israel's foremost (ontcrnpoiais .irllsts, is complete Fishbnln nnd Ilininril I.euln. with text by I. M. Lassk and essay Arrangements a i e being made Mr. and Mrs! Don Strauss who bv Max Hrod by the Beth Israel Sisterhood for will read Mother's Day poems; AmmiK the most, beautiful. of the annual Mother-CIiildicn's ban- Barbara Fishbuln, daughter of Dr. the HaRcnd.dis produced In the quet at the Synagogue, May 7, at and Mrs. Bennett Flshbain, who fluted Stales lire ttie "Passover 6 30 p m. In the sjnagogue social will recite the Invocation and II.iiKadah" by Hie Incomparable lull Mrs AHhur Panlinnn and Howard Lewis, son of Mr. and 8 ml Raskin and the "Pessach Mri. William Poster have been Mrs. Isadoie Lewis who will recite H<i|/f,'adah" biilllnntly Illuminated named co-chairmen for Ihc event. the Motd. in w\id tolois and gold leaf by Among the children w,)io will A professional marionette show K.ifi.i, after the stylo of Medieval participate will be Bruce Poster, will bo piesented by Mrs, Sam llitisH The ' HaK^adab for Pas.i- son of Mr and Mis WillUm Pos- Boyer. i)\ci ' pie puled by ShulslnKcr tei and Judy Stiauss", d.uifjhtei of J'.mlheis is more contemporary In (ill form ttml unmatched for beauMrs. Lena Grossman wishes 1y of composition. lo take this opportunity to Many other Hai;r;adah.s, incltidthank all her relatives nnd Ini; dellclilful cbililrens' editions, friends for their good wishes will he on display throughout the SAM I'AhENT'S DINNICU during her recent lllne<i. The animal Slfima Alpha Mu weeic of I'assover. For a Passover treat, the community is Invited Paronls' dinner will bo held on to visit the Center Library find Sunday, April 1(1, G p. m. at the oniuy Ibis timely nnd inspirational Fontenelle Hold. Chairman for this year'.s event exhibit. Library hour; arp fiom You'll Be Pleased O-ll! and 1 -5 Monday throu:'b Fri- is Mrs. Harry Friedman. CA lil.'iS; co-chairman, Mrs. Milton Margoday. *
SAVE TAX DOLLARS Itlil.lJ.l-Sli TII'.'ll-Ll'UAi'l'I'.ll IIII-II|[JT4
f tl I
a II C (I, lll'L'ILSH, lt)t. [ I r a s , tmilnltjiunce, luliiliullxn.
Low'« P.r M
on vcarlv basin
lin, CL 'IIICS who aiv iicci-pling
Every Other Friday, I P.M. April 17, May I
Buffet Ltincheon
If Von Shop at
reservations. All parents of alumni as well as those of nc-liv? members are invited.
Couple Married In California
HOLIDAY DANCINti CU.'ll The Holiday Dancing Club will Miss Judith Kay Pulzier, dntiKliler of Mr. nnd Mrs. Clifford Put- hold its Spring Dinner Datico on y.wr, and Itichnrd Stern, son of Saturday, April ] 8 ut the Town Dr. and Mrs. Harold .Stern, were House with cocktails nl 8 p. m. and u n i t e d In marriage on March 29 dinner at 8:30 p. in. Rob .• Vern'n in the South Chapel of the Naval orchestra will play. Training Center at San Diejro, Cal. The ceremony was performed by liabbl E. II. Itlckel, Navy chaplain.
Aging in Modern World
l i z ' Conlribules^ To Israel Theater
Tel Aviv (JTA)—Kli/alielh Taylor, Hollywood film star who'reThe eighth session of the "Aging cenlly announced her conversion In Tho Modern World" group will to Judaism, has contributed ($65,meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 750) to defray the cost of comJulius Katzman, 1C02 North'54th pleting the main auditorium of the Street, April 27th at 8 p. m. Dr.new Chamber Theatre here. The Korman Mili;rani Is leader of the 1,000-seat auditorium Will be Rroup. named after Miss Taylor's late husband, Michael Todd. Women Workers! — Please complete and return Campaign SCHOOL IN AUIIKHS Algiers (JTA)— A rabbinical cards to captains or Center ofschool will be opened here In Ocfice on or by April 20. tober.
12 to 2 P.M.
Quality Clothes for Men
Op«n Till 9 Each Evonlng
Dodgo at 70th
RE 5161
TE 3207 Fancy Foods and Delicatessen
7830 Dodge in Beverly Hills Plaza CHOICE
Manischewitz - Strait's - Rokeach - Mother's
Also Full Line of
All Varieties of Matzos and Other Passover Products
Complete Selection of Fancy Holiday Chocolates
Nebroska Fish & Poultry Market-
Our Fowl Slaughtered on
Promisos by Rev. Boruch Wolfion
1616 No. 24th Sf.
HA 5069
Fashions from Zoob's Ethel Dougherty Models
Style Show
Monday thru Saturday 9 A.M. to 10 P.M.
Page Four
rridÂťy, April IT, 1080
This is the That Jews shall not be persecuted for being Jews That Jews who have been rescued shall not be abandoned That families shall not live in destitution or distress :y
k That children shall not hunger for food or opportunity
WThat the aged shall not want for help or understanding That the unfortunate shall not lack for hope
Make Your Contribution to
Philanthropiesâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; Generous to Meet
Friday, April 17, 1059
Jacobson to Speak CIT Applicants At Colorado Meet Friday
Winners in Moot Coyrf
Leonard Jucobeon, agent for tho Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, who has been cited for his outstanding record In life Insurance production, lias been invited to speak at it company convention, June 7 at the Broadmoor Hotel, Colorado Springs, Colo. Recognition was given Mr. Jacobson at ft recent company banquet for being tho leading representative of his firm In thp men which Includes Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado and New Mexico. Irv Chudncoff, Paul Seiiin anil Jrv Schneidermini, nlso among the company's top agents, will attend the Colorado Springs meeting.
Omahans In the News Miss Jenny Felilinan, advertising manager and fashion co-ordinKlcliaril M. Frllinuii ntor for J. L. Brandeis & Sons, has Hie aiiiiniil | year of the law btudent's study, been named Advertising Woman JudK<'d WilllNTS of the Year by the Omaha Adverkn University of Nebraska College j and ndvtmccx In an elimination tising Club. Associated with the toiirnnnieiit to (lie final round. of Law appenllnle moot court comstore since 1933, Miss Feldmon has : petition 071 April -1 were Hiclmrd been responsible for 2,500,000 col•M.Fcllmun nnd Alvin I.. Ross, I umn Indies of newspaper advertisboth Kmdiiatln^ s'-niuis In the law ing. The title of Advertising Man *.'ichool. ' . . I of the Year went to Kenneth C. The team, had aiy.ucd H federal | Flint, Orchard and Wilhelm adIncome tax case before Judges vertising manager, Alpha Tliela chnpter of Zetn Carter, Wenke nnd Mossmore, of the N e b r a s k a State Supreme Belli Tan initiated nine new memDiane (Jroner, a student at the Court. The final roi'ind of the hers on .Sunday, April 5, at the Chicago Jewish.-Academy, ChicaThomas Stlnson Allen Memorial Hold Cornhiisker.. The Initiates go, 111., will spend the Passover Moot. Court Competition culniin- were Lee Bl.itt, Arnold Ban.' Steve holidays with her parents, Rnbb! nted n three year moot court par- Friedman, I.nrry Herman, Harold and Mrs, Benjamin Groner and ticipation roeord in width both Mr. Kaiman, Stuart Kutler, Allnn family. She. will <irrlve. Tuesday, Kellman nnd Mr. Hoss wore umle- N'oddle, nonuld Simons, and Miko Viidclson. 'Hie main speakor was fealed. A. Q. .Schlnimel, prominent hotel Julius Novak, automobile firm Hoss is the ton of Mr. mid Mrs. operator. At the l>aii(|iiet. that fol- executive, has been nnmed to tho Charles S. I toss and Fdlnum is the lowed, John Goldncr was nnmed Motor Vehicle Dealers Advisory »on of Dr. nnd Mrs. I.eoii K. Fell- recipient of the Edwin N. Sonimcr Board by Governor Ralph Brooks. man. Both «re members of Phi Award for outstanding scholarship. Pel in Pill le^al fraternity and The uetlva chapter also presented 5>tn Beta Tan. tlie Benjamin M, J5Hnior.it Me'Hie moot court compel it ion of moi'ial Award, in memory of the the 1-nw school begins 1» tli« Urst late Hen Bolmont which Is to be Riven to tlie outstanding FreshThe Youth Council will present man or Sophomore. a "Best Club Award" In a program, Tho following officers hnvc been Wednesday, May 20, at 7 p. m. nt elected by Zeta Beta Tnu; Bill the Jewish Community Center, YOUTH corNCir, ATHI-KTICS Cooper, president; Stunrt Kutler, Milton Katskee, organization presTlie Jewish Youth Council Olym- vico-presldonl; Hnrold Kaiman, ident, announced, pic athletic proRram finds Ronu treasurer! Leo Blutt, secietary Each club will present lt» group AZA holding a slim.'.i point lead nnd Allnn Noddlo, historian. program before a jury of adults. ©v«T Rnylm. Tlio Eonii boys have Separate awards will be mado to 20'4 points while Itnyim hns 20. CITED FOK .SCIIOLAKSIIIP the best ghi'« club and tho best AZA 100 In clono behind with 16 Among those named for receiv- boys' club, while AZA 1 hns 5. Remaining on ing A averages at tho Unlvenlty of the athletic.program is a ping pong Omaha for one semester, nr« Har- NCUOOL ENROLLMENT •tournament to ha held April 26 at riet Shapiro, College of Business Toronto (JTA)—Jewish schools 2 p. m. at th» homo of Dnn Hol- Administration; Rosalie Cohen, affiliated with Bureau of Jewish lli; a*track and field meel, May Illta Peltz, College of Arts and Education here have a total en3 and a swim meet, not yet. an- Sciences. rollment of 8,000. nounced. Howard Martin, athletic chairman for the Youth Council Boys Clubs, announces that the Youth Council Softball League will itart Sunday, Mny 17 at 10 FREE ESTIMATES a. m. nt KImwood Park.
Y.C. to Present
Do You Need Extra Tables or Chairs For Your Passover
Between 40 find 50 counselor-intraining applicants will meet today at'3:45 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center to discuss newly developed teenage leadership programs for young teens.at Cump Joy-C-C, Due to the henvy anticipated enrollment, the CIT program will be limited. Those enrolled aa campers will receive ipecial advanced camping instruction In nklllj, theory, activities and planning, The CIT program plays a vital role In developing junior and senior counselors as staff members for future pump programs, Norman Butt, Camp Chairman, jald. ents.
Seder? WE ALSO HAVE Baby Bods and Itallaway Beds LET
Take Care of Your Needs Phone AT 4089
ISKAKI/'TO SELL DKUtiS ABltOAD Jerusalem (JTA)—Bight Israel drug manufacturers have formed nn pxport firm in cooperation with Ministry of Trade and Industry to sell drugs abroad.
The Family Bible For Your««lf 4 * * or * Superbly Attractive Gift Wedding, Anniversary, Ho me -Warm Ing, Bar Mifxvjih
George Kagan GL 6148—After 5 P.M.
Specializing in Undervalued Securities and
Special Situations
M«mb»n Now York Stock Exchange and Ofhtr Principal Exchanges
1801 FARNAM WEbsrer 455S
Don Bernstein
HA 25S4
ItOM! AZA ilON'OICS BAN The Youth Council Athletic committee cites tho fine record made by Justin Ban of Itonu AZA who was selected as the outstanding ftthlete of their chapter. Justin WHS handball singles champ nnd Ulna doubles chump. He was a member of the Youth Council nllrtar basketball team, nnd a wrestling champ. JIJN'IOK SOFTHAI.L 1.EAUVK All boys in (he 5-11-7 nnd 8th trades nrc invited to attend softiiall practices at Elmwood Park at 1:20 p. m. this Sunday, April 19. Ban Kpstein of the Jay Athletic department will be in charge- of Ihe sessions. All boys interested lire asked to briiiK their KIOVO.I.
Bakery As Always Mio Leader YOUR YOUNGSTER FOR
I'ASSOVKIl CAICDS BAR and Bas -Mil/van congratulations also for all Jewish holiday* nnd special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge ron' PHACTICAITNUKSKS ami Practical Domestics, "call WE. fi217. WANTED - -Experienced Parttime Choir Teacher. Must 1M> able to work with children. Write Box 248, Jewish Community Center,
Features tho Finest and Most Cqmplofo Selection of
'A Program with a Purpose1 for
Want Ads
Phone JA 1346 to Imert your Want Ad In tho Jewltii P r c i l . Nato IB 50 centi for coch three line Iruerllon. The Presi reserves the right to limit t l i e of roch advertisement
3 to 12 Years JUNE 15 - JUNE 26 JUNE 29-JULY 10 , JUNE 15 • JULY 10
.Fee $35 .Fee $35 .Fee $60
Enrollment IJ Limited
Immediate Registration Urged to Insure Enrollment For Further Information Call the
Sinai Kosher Sausage Breakstone Dairy Products Kopper's Selected Chocolates Manischewitz Products AND
Many Other Passover Itemj Oufcof-Town Orders Given Our Careful Attention BOTH AND UNDERWOOD
Ri 5560
Friday, Aprfl IT, 105»
Passover in Israel
I§! II.
IJ.v Harold i;. IiiUuliiw One of the most fascinating e tnents of the Jewish holiday of Passover is the Huggadnh, that ancient book which although writ Jeni in Aramaic", r e f l e c t s most iie..<Jtfvvish love for free.
" .
modern man. In addition, those who are not pious or Orthodox have found a new way in which to mark these holidays. They see that they can broaden the base of the Jewish religion and can attach the holidays to nationalistic causes. There are those, of course, who see In Passover only religious meaning. They find in the escape from bondage a justification of the survival of the Jewish people. But there are others—and many of them live in Israel—to wnom the holidays are important because they, reflect the continuation of Jewish Pcoplchood. They connect the liberation of the Jews in Egyptian limes with the freedom the Jews have won in modern times. It is not enough for them to recite the miracles of the past; they add the miracles of the present. Think In Term* of I'r«-»ent Nevertheless,- to the pcoplo of Israel the miracle of Passover is riot necessarily the Biblical miracle of the exodus from Egypt; It might very well be the exodus from the Diaspora into I s r a e l . They recognize that: the past \% not a bucket of ashes, in Carl Sandburg's phrase. At the same time, they think more of the present and fit the past and the present into a Judaic, or Hebraic, pattern. ; Many tourists }o Israel, who come during the Passover season, are surprised to learn that the Israelis adapt the Jewish holidays to their own purposes. That the Haggadah is not always tho same one we lend and sing. That Passover is a national rather than n religious celebration. Students of comparative religion point oul that peoples borrow holidays and commemoration1; from one another bringing their own national characteristics to them. The fact that there is an elasticity within the Jewish religion and that even the most ancient of holidays can In a sense, be brought up to date, proves that there is something to be said for the way in which the Israelis arc reacting to our lioiidays.
Nasser Postpones Frontier f k i
New Yuri: ( J T A I — T h e Govern-1 Then this uiubile exhibit will \n: ment of Israel will participate ,ln shipp'.-il to Chirm;o for I he inter-
a serus of industrial, commercial and nrtlstlc exhibits in the United States thin yr-nr, showing its wares, crafts and arts to vast po tential audiences in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Portland, Ore., and many other Important centers. In addition, to the exhibits ready scheduled, others may booked at the annual State Fair at Dallas, where attendance usually runs to 2,000.000 people, and at j similar fair at Indianapolis. One of Iho IJIKK^I exhibits will be held at the lulled Slates World Trade Fair, 111 tlic New Yuri; Coliseum, from May H to .May 10. Here, many Israeli products nevrr l>efore shimn In thin country will Included. Aiming tin-so will be an automobile assembled entirely In Israel, to lie sold at price* competitive with other small, forelgumade cars nold In the I'nlted States. The New York exhibit will bo held in a special pavilion, designed by a famous Israel architect, Abba El-Hnnani. Besides the automobile, many other Israeli products never before offered to the American Irado will be shown at the Coleseum, including women's, apparel and various minerals mined or processed In Israel. T h e Los A n g e l e s exhibit, ihown April 1-12, was part of the California International Trade and Industrial Kxhibltlon. From une 10 (o June 21, the same exhibit will be shown at the Oregon Centennial .Exposition and International Trade Fair, in Portland.
Hagguduli Has Stories The Haggadah not only tells us the Order in which the Passover Seder is to be observed: it also includes little stories full of wisdom; snatches of songs and referBnees to Israel's bondage in Egypt, the story of the Plagues and the jvay in which the Jews left Egypt and wandered through the desert for 40 years. Throughout the world the Jewlah people sinj; the songs of the Haggadah, sometimes with differsnt melodies, but always the same Bongs. At a certain period during the Seder, a cup of wine is poured for the prophet Elijah, who, legSnd has it, enters the Jewish home find celebrates with the fnmily. ; Order of Seder The preordained Order of the geder; the reading of Haggadah; "the recitation of the Four Questions; the hiding of the afikomeri; the cup of wine for ••Elijah; and the communal singing of the. traditional melodies mnke this holia unifying force for the Jewr people. It is, therefore, Interesting to note that Passover is marked in Israel in many quarters by a ralhj r different series of observances. I t is true that the Jews in Israel, deeply nationalistic in spirit and fervor, carry through their own Bedorim. They, too, meet at the ceder table; read the Hasfradah; ask tho Four Question1;, and go through the other rituals. Change in Heading Yet in many of the kibbutzim. |noshavim and ot!i<?r settlements. there Is a £l;jrllinir chance in tho reading of the Hnt^udnh. The Israelis luive found tl):it the Jewish holidays have sjicrlal meaning and vitality In their State because they ran relate ancient Jewish history ivllh tlieir ccmtemiiotury experiences. In tho United States, for example, the vlllago of IVIodin In Israel is little more than A name. Only aware- Jews know that tlUs Is ivlip.ro the rebellion of the Maccabees beg;:"). They know that Chnnukiili Is celebrated l>eEdwin Sidman, Central High Cauve of the. revolt that started In School student placed fifth in Blodln. But to the> people, of Is- Oratory In the state finals in Has817 So. 36th rael Jlodln is more than a name; tings, Nebr. He is the son of Mr. It is n place they know well. and Mrs. Harry Sidman. Thus, the Haggadah, to them, is jnore than a book. It is a story jhat has meaning in their daily lives and can he expanded to include contemporary events which Symbolize Jewish freedom. . Stories Personalized A kibbutz which has been in the forefront of the fighting against , the Arabs, or which is on the border betwen Israel and Jordan, or Israel and the Lebanon, may inBlude In the Haggadah which its will be enhanced rnembers read, stories of the heroism of its own people. Many settlements feel that the story of By the ancient Israelites, while historically important, is no more significant than their own history The kibbutz which single-handedly repulsed and destroyed a Syrian tank unit, will edit the traditional Haggadah and include a page or two describing the heroism of its young men and women in that order your fight" • A fanner's settlement or agricultural colony that has taken a Special liking to a Hebrew song which has emotional meaning to them, will not hesitate to sing this song together with the popular Had Gadya. or Contemporary Significance Tho r e s u l t of these various emendations has led to tho creBtion of Haggadahs which are not uniform in content even if they maintain a similar nationalistic 'Jewish spirit. This is an interest, by calling ng development on many counts, For one thing, it reveals that the 'Jewish holidaya can continue to hava meaning to everyone even it
niilionnl f. and exposition to feature U)u city's rHelti at ion of the oponin of the new St. I,:iwrencc Seaw. . In addition in the industrial nncl commercial exhibit-,-, Israel is also conducting a number of other exhibitions In cooperation with various American groups. Among these shows is one called "Forms from Israel," which h;is been exhibited in n number of leading citie.i.
J e r u s a l e m (.)TAi-—After p r e p . n a t i o n s for the tack had. been un-
der way for two weelts, Cairo decided to postpone the actual, physical marking of the Israeli-Syrian bonier, United Nations circles hi-re Naid. Demarcation of I he border had been iigrecd to by both Israel and the United Arab Republic, after I he plan had been proposed by UN' Secretary General Dag Hammar.skjold. The actual work was to be begun. However, at the last moment, the UAH Government at Cairo requested a postponement.
We hava Passover butter, sour cream, and milk—Kosher for
personal supervision of R a b b i Nathan Feldman.
At Your Door or Favorite Store
Place Your Order Mow Call RE 4444 or Your Grocer (Note: Those Products Arc Limited in Quantity)
John Kalina
From Disneyland
HA 1044
The Beauty of Your. Seder Table
Disney's Oscar-Winning Film in Color
Sunday, April 19. 1959, 2 P.M. at the from
THE DUNDEE FLORIST Refreshments — Popcorn — Treats Candy — Lollypops
for the Passover Table
Remember Your Hostess With Flowers
they celebrate events of ancient times. Tho search for contemporary algnlficance Js of utmost im- \, 657 North 50th Street portance to those who feel that all rituals can no longer spenk to,' -*r
All Proceeds for 1959 Philanthropies Sponsored By
WA 2442
Friday, April 17, I8S9
Poss©¥er Quiz y Knhbl Suniurl J. Fox •QUESTION; Wlinl U the di-rlvaQUESTION) Why Is It forbidden tlon of the term "Clmrosctli?" to cat l]):it/os on the day before ANSWEIt: Is is generally con- I'USSOVIT until the evening at tho •ldercd that the term "Chnroseth" Seder? which is tlie name given to tlie ANSWER: At least five reasons mixture of chopped fruits nnd nuts are advanced for this prohibition. used on the Passover has the fol- Ona is that the Bible specifically lowing derivation: It supposedly stated that "Yo shall cat matzos Is related to the term "Cheres" In tho evening." (Exodus 12:18). which means "clay." It was evi- Tills implies that one should wait dently given this name because until tlie evening to eat matzos. the Charoseth is supposed to sym- Otherwise he would be abrogating bolize the clay out of which the the Biblical command, Israelites were compelled to make A second reason is that tho Isbricks durinf; their period of .serf- racliles were commanded to oat dom in Egypt. the flesh of the sacrifice at night and In that samo verso it Is menQUESTION! Why If tlie bitter tioned that they should cat matherb dipped Into the Clinroseth zos and bitter herbs. (Exodus on Fasstover eve? 12:8). This indicates that the matANSWER) The practical rea- zos should be eaten nt tho same «on for this practice Is so that the time as the sacrifice, not before. Charoseth would dull the sharp . Thirdly, some rabbis claim that ' tasto of the horse radish. The rab- that this is done BO that when tlie bis claimed that tho Charoseth malzo is eaten It becomes evident also •ymbollzcd the mortar used that it Is being eaten for the sake by tho Israelites In making bricks of the Passover nnd not for mere lind that when the bitterness Is re- hunger, since one satisfies his huncalled the mortar Is also brought ger earlier In the day by eating to mind to remind us what they other things. Also, say others, this were doing and what made them wus Instituted In olden times ao that the people would cat loss on bitter. the day before Passover to as to have time to attend to the preparaQUESTION! What IngreillcntH tion of the Paschal lamb which usually go Into the C'liaroseth7 had to he offered in the day time. ANSWER: Maimonides mentions Taking time out to eat a full meal the following ingredients: dates, might make them forget or negfigs, raisins, vinegar and spices. lect the preparation. Other 'sources add the following aperies to the mixture: nuts, Furthermore, tome claim that pomegrantes, apples, grapes (or a poison should approach the time wine) and define the spices used of the Passover ritual when he us: cinnamon, ginger nnd cassia. eats the mntzos with good oppelito and anxiety. Eating matzos 'QUESTION: IH thi;rn any spn- beforo the evening meal of the Hnl Significance to any of these first night of tho Passover prevents one from anxiously looking Ingredients of the Cliarnsrth? ANSWER: Year'The combina- forward to them. Basically, it is tion is sometimes likened to the interesting to note that Jewish whole of the people of Israel and tradition placed specific objectives tome of tho Ingredients represent upon the observance of tho prethe terms used by the Bible to re- cepts In their proper timo. Not fer to Israel, according to the in- only are our deeds to lx» virtuous; terpretation of the rabbis. Thus, even the timing of these deeds dates aro used beoau.se Israel Is play a major role in our tradition. (JTA) referred to the date palm in the verse: "I will climb up into the palm tree. (Song of Songs 7:9). Figs aro used because Israel Is referred to as a fig tire in the verse: "The fig tree pulteth forth her Crccn figs." (Song of Sonus 2:13). Nuts ore used because Israel is Mrs. Max Scheuermann and Mrs. compared to nut trees in the verse: "I went down Into the gar- Adolph Mayer, as Youth Aliyah den of nuts." (Song of Songs G:ll), chairmen, represented tho Omaha Chapter of Hadassah, In Lincoln, and son on. April 7, when a Youth Aliyah Somo claim that wine (made presentation was made to Goverfrom grapes) is used to show the nor Ralph Brooks. Tho state execucolor of blood depleting tho Innocent blood of the Israelites that tive received n carving of a deer was split In Egpyt. Others claim made of olive wood by Youth that spices are used to represent Aliyah children In Israel. Tlie presentation wns made by the straw that was used in making the bricks. There mo some who Mrs. Selma Bernstein, Lincoln, believe that apples aro used to In- president of tho Mountain Plains dicate thtat tho fearful Jewish Region of Hadassah in connection mothers hid their babes under ap- with the observance of World Jewple trees nnd tho Lord protected ish Child's Day. Attending were them while they wero in fear of representative from Lincoln, Frebeing killed by tho Egyptians. mont nnd Omaha.
Gov. Receives Youth Aliyah Gift
Israel Government Beth El Talmud To Employ Arabs Torah Model Seder Jerusalem, (JTA)—All Government departments have been instructed to employ u suitable number of Arabs, and private cooperative enterprises should follow suit In order to absorb in employment a maximum number of members of minority groups, Prime Minister David Ben Gurion said, Mr. Ben Gurion made his statement in Parliament after u leftwing Arab deputy, Yissuf Khamls, told tho House thut. the number of Arabs meeting higher educationnl qualifications Is growing. Ha said that manjt of tha Arab intelligentsia are unable to obtain public employment, and declared that putting more Arabs into public service would help speed peace between Israel and the Arab states. The Prime Minister rejected the latter assertion, telling Parliament the Arab right to employment, derives from his being a citizen of status c(|iial to all other citizens of Israel.
Patronize Our Advertisers
The Model Seder for the pupils of Beth El Talmud Torah and their parents will be held in the .Social Hall, Sunday, April 10th from 9:45 to 11 a. m. Pupils of both sessions of Talmud Torah are to come to the Synagogue at 9 a. m. Fathers are Invited to attend services at Beth El Synagogue, followed by coffee from 9 to 9 ;45 a. m., and to Join their children in the Social Hall for the Model Seder. Mrs. Morris Erman and Mrs. Robert Noddle are co-chairmen for this event. They will bo assisted by the room mothers, under the chairmanship of Mrs. Bert Render.
Tlie Workmen's Circle Dramatic Club will present two-one act plays, Sunday, April 26, at 8 p. m. at the Jewish Community Center. They are "The Father's Daughter", a dramatic presentation and "Landsleit", a comedy sketch. The plays will bo directed by Louis Witkln. The program also will include numbers by a choral group and Haifa, (JTA)—A ship with 400 a reading by Mr. Witldn. Tickets Immigrants whoso expenses were will he on sale at the door. met by H public subscription sponsored by an Israel dally newspaper, Patronize Our Advertisers Yedlot Achronot, was welcomed this week by Mayor Abbn KhousnI. Tho Immigrants came from seven countries, Including Eastern Europe. Tho Mayor said that tho residents of Haifa always welcomed tho arrival of an immigrant but that it was "a double pleasure" to greet tho SS Arza. He said the response of Israeli Jews to the appeal of the newspaper demonstrated tho widespread public support, for tho continuation of Immigration.
Paper's Headers ieet Immigrants' Expenses
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Mother's Day..
Memorial for Jewish Martyrs on Hay 3 The annual memorial service in honor of then heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising nnd tho millions of Jews annihilated by Hitler will be held on Sunday, May 3 at 8 p. m. at tho Jewish Community Center, A bill was adopted by tlie Israel parliament setting aside the day of May IS as Remembrance Day which will be ushered In throughout Israel with two minutes of silence, during which all traffic and work will bo halted. Flags nt half-mast on public buildings and memorial meetings will also mark tho occasion In Israel.
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U. S.'Studies Find Israeli Life Expectancy Averages 70 Years Washington, (JTA)—Life expectancy- Of tho average Israeli Is now over 70 years, while the lyplfi! ICgyptian will live but 39 years, according to a study of world health conditions published by.tt Senate subcommittee. The •subcommittee on International Organizations of tho Committee on Government Operations reported that Israel now has more physicians per capita than the united Slates or any other nation. Tho heavy concentration of refugee physicians was cited. Working on Henri Dlhoaso The mortality rato from tubereulosls In Israel was determined to be less than that of tho United States, Tho report told how Israelis wore working to add knowledge to the understanding of heart disease. It cited tho work In Israel of Dr. Franz Sondhelmer who Is workIng In Rchoboth, Israel, on a grant from tho U. S, National Heart Instltuta on tho synthotio preparation of cardlao-aotlvo* substances from natural product*.
Dr. Henry Ungar, professor of pathology at tho Hadassah Medical School In Jerusalem, was mentioned an a member of "a distinguished group under tho ausJpices of tlie World Health Organization developing a classification with uniform terminology for use in the .world-wide study of tu'leriosclerosis," -Among, significant contributions to world dental research, the report listed an Israeli, I. Gdalia, of Hebrew University, who Is working on fluoride. ltcM'anli In Cancer Israelis have been awarded U. £j>. National Institute of Health research grants to advance research In cancer chemotherapy. Work In this field by E. D. Bergmann Of Hebrew University and D. La vie of tho Wclzmunn Institute was mentioned. Other Israelis wero listed ns doing work for tho United Statc-3 National Health Research in tho arena of parloitology nnd tropical medicine, biochemistry, biophysics, pharmacology end experimental therapeutics,
Part EI(ht
Oniclnl I'ulilii l
I Cover the Campaign My Norman Muiisou
Moled Newspaper Ulan Brings Hd-Easl Story To 'Parlor Meetings'
Trouble for Israel arose, from a relatively unheard - from source last week as thg U. S. stato dopartment, and International Cooperation administration disclosed \ the Jewish stato had been drop' . pcd from the American foreign nid .-•;•: program for 19G0. Although 1CA officials said Is. rael had been dropped from (hi grant-in-ald list because of eco•••••• nomic progress tho country had made of Iaate, word from unidentified but generally reliable Washington sources rather pointed to . a state department political decision. It was indicated this was part of a broader American policy of ••.'.• "disengagement" from too close : •*."" a tie with Israel and was aimed at ; smoothing thg way to better American-Arab relationships. Amid this backdrop—a new po:. lltico-economic problem, together with the now-suspended (but by .no means permanently stopped) Rumanian exodus— Sioux City's 1959 United Jewish campaign Yehuda Hellman, who has spent seemed headed for o striking rise, several day« in Sioux City this in conformity with a trend being week representing tho national observed throughout the nation. United Jewish Appeal, is ono of Davs Albert, dynamic campaign tho most Informed political anchairman, counts on a 30 per cent alysis of Middle East affairs In minimum incrcasa over last year's the country. figures. He has assured those Foreign Correspondent working wilh him that a strong Ho wag for .several years chief start toward this goal already hns of tho Paris bureau of thu Jewbeen made. ish Telegraphic Agency, a news Dave's dynamic methods have service to which the Jewish Fedbeen noticeable from the outset. eration is a subscriber. Ha has He has surrounded himself with also worked as foreign corrededicated and able chairmen and spondent in London, Beirut, Basel workers — including Mrs. Meyer and Damascus. Ho has lived in the ; Epstein, women's division chair- Arab states, wa3 arrested and imman, and Harold Rosenthal, who prisoned at least once for writing Is heading the out-of-town divi- dispatches unfavorable to the sion. The general men's division Arab cause, and Is exceedingly InIs being handled entirely by post timato with the mentality and 337, Jewish War Veterans. machinations of Arab politicians. ; In addition, there'll be somo inSpohe at 'Parlor Meetings' , novations. One Is a young men's Mr. Hellmon hac been a guost • -: division, consisting of younger bus- in tha home! of Mr, and Mrs. E. iness associates who previously N. Grueskln, Mr. and Mrj, Max have included their gifts with Rosenstock, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer • those of the family business—to Epstein and of other Sioux Cltybe headed by Kobert Krueger. nns and has been a speaker at This stepped-up tempo of giving intimate gatherings, or "parlor constitutes a striking responso to meetings"—ussembled for tho pura need which cannot bo more ob- poio of soliciting substantially '',,'. vlous to any observer. News of larger contributions for the Camthe loss of tho American grant paign. ' hit the Israeli foreign ministry hard. By contrast, her Arab neighbors wero receiving not only economic but military help, somethings Israel never had gotten. Members of congress, reacting swi Jack Greenberg Lodge of B'nai _**''• ^'y.whether through political or humanitarian motives, express- B'rlth will ogain sponsor the aned resentment over (ha stato de- nual Festival. of Sacred Music partment-ICA position. It looked of All Faiths, to be held Sunday as though pressure would be afternoon, April 26, 3:30 p. m.. 'brought,' both by Israel inself and In tha North Junior High School . by several U. S. congressmen, to auditorium. The Festival, probrestore the Jewish state to the ably tho most striking and effective examplo of "brotherhood" list. Rep. James G. Fulton, a mem- In action in Sioux City, is actually ber of the house foreign affairs a concert of high artistic calibre, • committee, said ho found it hard performed by choirs and soloists, to understand why tho Israelis presenting tho hymns, chants and "as a people so loyal to us, are tho traditional liturgy of Judaism, being left out of these programs." Roman Catholicism, Eastern OrThe grant to Israel for 1959 was thodox and several of the Protes$7.5 million—a mere pittance in tant denominations. terms of American largesse, but a Among tho groups participating . very vital amount when consid- aro the Shaaro Zlon cliolr, First ered in the light of Israel's pre- Congregational choir, the First carious economic balance. Lutheran Church children's choir, Other ominous clouds dotted the St. Jran Baptlstc Itnman Catholic Israeli international scene last CJioir, St. Thomas Syrian Orthoweek, Gamal Abdel Nasser, blow- dox choir, negro singers from the Ing hot and cold, allowed Israeli Mnlone A.M.E. cliureh, Trinity ships to pass through Suez after Lutheran. L.ittcr Dny Saints lind the Itcorgnnlzed church. detaining two vessels earlier. Tho program will, open with an However, Dag Ilammarskjold and his staff, trying to settle the Invocation by Rabbi Albert A. issue by diplomatic means, dis- Gordon, and will be narrated by played an extremely anti-Israel Don Stono, Sioux City'i best attitudo about the matter. Dag known radio and TV announcer. Indicated he believed no grave is- Tha program is being coordinated sua was Involved — despite a by Cantor Felix Gladstcin. Sidney lengtlily list of Egyptian promises Kalin, chairman of the' 1958 Festiand agreements—and asserted the val, aided in the planning and or•»*• entire affair ultimately should be ganization. decided by the International Court Lawrence S. Slotsky Is general of Justice. chairman of the Festival.
B'nai B'rilh Sponsors Saersd frusta Festival
Friday, April IT, 103»
of Sioux City Federation
Once in a generation events toko such an unusual turn or reach such a critical pitch timt old established patterns must ba altered. Thus It In this year that tha cause of tha United Jewish Appeal has moved us, the Kubblj of this community, to depart from the age-long tradition of each congregation holding tha Sabbath-eve service In the hallowed precincts of its own Synagogue. On Friday eve, April 17, at 8:15 p, in., Shubbos Hagodo], Shaare Zion Synagogue, United Orthodox Synagogue and Mount Slnal Templo will join in a united community sorvjpo which will be held In the Jewish Community Center. We, the Rabbis, urgo every member of our three congregations to attend this joint service which will bo devoted to prayer for the successful immigration of fellow Jews who want to escape from tho Iron Curtain countries Into Israel, and to prayer for the success of tho United Jcwisli Appeal campaign in this most critical year of tha history of our people.
Head of Drive Is Prominent S.C. Leader
Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz, Rabbi Saul I. Bolotnlkov, P.abbl Albert A. Gordon
Tonight Shaare Zion Synagogue, tho United Orthodox Synagogue and Mount Sinai Temple, and tho entire Jewish community, will worship jointly at the Jewish Community Center, In prayer for the success of tho United Jewish Appeal and the Sioux City Jewish Campaign. It will bo tho first time In tho history of Sioux City that all the synagogues will bo allowed to remain dark on a Friday evening, and tho services conducted in other premises. "Only a causo of the magnitude of tho United Jewish Appeal thli year could warrant such a measure, "David J. Albert, chairman of the United Je.wlili Campaign, stated speaking for tho Rabbis and their congregations. "Wo're taking this step .to emphasize tliut thli Is n Jewish crisis. We ennnot let the I'nltod Jewish Appeal flown this year." The joint service will ba addressed by guest, Rabbi Yaacov Eugene Duschlnslcy, Director of tho Committee of Religious Organizations for Aliyah of the Jewish Agency, and former Rabbi of tho Great Orthodox Hebrew Congregation of C a p e t o w n , South Africa. Ho is also former President of the MizrachlFederatton of
Albert Urges Parlor Meeting Attendance "Ho that givelh to tho poor .shall not lack; but he that hldeth his ey«B shall have many u curse." This quotation from the Book of Proverbs was the opening sentence of tha call issued by Dave Albert to all Advance Gifts donors to attend parlor meetings all this week and next in private homes. Intimate gatherings of earnest people, meeting in the quiet of private homo3, aro taking tho place of a big campaign dinner this year, for the advance gifts division. These parlor meetings, according to general chairman Albert, are a vast improvement over the large dinner meeting and are proving exceedingly successful. "The donor has a chance to ask questions, to express his doubts and to satisfy himself that he is getting all the facts, "Dave Albert explained. "Parlor meetings are a trend all over tho country." These intimate meetings bring philanthropy back to where it once rested—In tho hoarts of men, In man to man relations. The small I n t i m a t e meeting brings philanthropy buck to whoro it once was—in the hearts and the understanding of men, campaign leaders in general agree.
South Africa, and a member of the South A f r i c a n Board of Deputies. He is co-author of a book, "The Jews of tha Soviet Satellites", and author of "A History of Religious Zionism". He is a former Hungarian military chapluln, with tho rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Also taking part In tho special services will be Cantor Felix Glatstoln and the Shaare Zlon choir, and Oscar Llttleficld, leading the congregation In responsive readings.
"Tills campaign la different. It ri'inlmli me of tho great UJA yearn of 10»D and 10S0." These wero tho words of Dave Allicrt at the end of tho first Advance Gifts parlor mooting last Sunday night. Chairman Albert was referring to the fact that fully one fourth of tho 1959 goal has been pledged by voluntary acclaim, beforo the campaign had started and. before a sintclo contribution had to be Mllcited. At tho end of tho second parlor meeting tho campaign total stood nt 513,000, and was nearly 30 percent over tha 1938 rerults on the same cards. Some contributions went far beyond tho 30 percent average Increase. One d o n o r doubled B $1,000 pledge to 52,000. Several of $1,500, $2,500 und 53,500 wont up ono thousand dollars, and many more showed $300 increases. „ By mutual agreement of all Jewish Organizations, no meetings, social events or other organization nffairs have boon scheduled for the duration of tho United Jewish Campaign, April 13 through May 15. SIOUS CITY— . . . . (,V 2-MINL'TK PHONE CALL WAS ALL IT TOOK) A 2-minute phone callto Miami Beach produced a $3,300 campaign pledge from Sam Cohen last week. The call was made by Max Rosenstock during a campaign-planning meeting. For tho past 3 years Mr. Cohen, who now makes Miami his year-round residence, has contributed reguarly to tha Sioux City United Jewish Campaign. Each year no other solicitation has been required other than an air-mall letter or a phono call.
David 3, Albert David J. Albert, first vice pni«I< dent ot the Joivlsh Federation, will heart the fulled Jewish Ctuii' pi\lgn till* year, president Frank J. Margolin announced, Mr. Albert mis chairman of the 105* Campaign and ono of five cochairmen who heuded tho drive In 11)53. He hut been nn ardent work' or and leader of every campaign •Incc, Ho was also Advanco Gifts clinlrman of the Sioux City Unit' ed Fund In Jil.17, and of the Lutheran Homo building fund, Dave Albert has boon a bohlndthe-sccno worker from tho very inception of the 195!) campaign. Informed that tho United Jewish Appeal Is faced this year with new Rumanian and Eastern European immigration problems, he an» nounccd his determination to reverse tho downward trend of Ilia previous year. So'far he has been successful in'maintaining a 331/3 percent lead over 193!) in tho advance division. Davo Allicrt lias hi'Iil anil hold* ninny community posts In addition to being vlco president of Federation. Ho I* trfusuriT of ttm Chamber of Commerce, vice president of tho .Sergeant Floyd Council of Boys Scouts, president of Ilia Wholesaler* Group, past president of tlio Iowa Food Distributors, and a member of the boards of tha Community Chest, tho Crippled Children's Society, tho Salvation Army and IJrlar Cliff College,
iflen Heznek Wins Nafbneil Award Eilon Ttezncl:, 11, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Rcznek, and a member of the "Zloriettes, won first prize in a Young Judaea national fiftieth Jubilee Doodler* competition. Ellen's winning drawing depicted the defeat of Goliath by David. She will receive u Gold Medallion. Ellen is a 5th Grade student at Bryant School, and a 3rd Grader student at the Hebrow School. Heir hobbies Ineludo amateur dramatics as well as art and collecting figurines. She took one of the load parts in the Zionetle Theater Day play. Ottawa (JTA)-—The appointment of Sydney David Pierce as Canadian Ambassador to Belgium was announced by the Ministry for External Affairs. Mr. Pierce is tho first Canadian Jew to serve a* an Ambassador.