Published cwrv ('"rlflfiy, 101 N. 'jnth, Ni'linislwi, I'IIDIU' JA 1.'!!,:,
Vol. xxxvn No. .rt Um.'iha,
OMAMA, JVKHICASKA. I'lilHAV, AI'UII, 21, l!ir>!>
Mill 1*1 cd us Seeoiid-L'lasi Mutter ut Post- Annuul Rulo 4 IJUIIULTI (ifflre. Onmlui. Nebniska. under Act of WW. SliiKle Cony 10 Cento
David Skoke Heads
New Voi k Israel w;is Ihe only "II is regrctl Skoke will .serve its chairThe .Men's Division of the I'liUrneniber of the Unilcd Nations not should him* ... uie Youug Adult Council's uiilliioplrs hus leached a total of invited l o attend an " A f r i c a Frce- however iniu'lll Philanthropies. ('.unp.iigii lie is over $'> 1,0(111, Arthur A. Colin, Dilo yield to these ,.it*s, result tlom Day" celebration at Ihe Wal- I11K in .11. act of i r i l K " '"•<"s-ill'->1" 0 I vision Chairman, reported followdorf-Astoria Hotel last week. The which violates the accepted tradl- Hie organization The ]!I5'J Camp Jay-C-C Com-! ing H (ally curlier this week «f event was sponsored by the A f r i - (Ions of courtesy helwcen nations." ; 'I'he Council is * fr;:t cards solieited. He said H11-.0 \ initlee will be composed of several, Israeli, however, was invited to, j p|;innj,i|» i t phi|. can stairs in Hie United Nations. figures represent close to u 12
Camp Jay-G-0 Sub Committees Warned
subcommittees, each dealing with and wits represented at a second i . .' ,. percent Increase over the entire a particular phase of Hie total j celebrating ' Africa Freedom Day,'"nlhrupies lalh X j Hl.'.tl total or ?IH,Xr>l. '•try camp operation it was revealed by ; from Hie reception Ineliided <inv.'observed at Carnegie Hall. It was on Sunday, M i> "This very, fine response," Mr. conducted by the American Com'( a I X p. in. The Mr. Norman Halt, camp chairman, i Nelson A. Korliofellcr of New, millec on Africa, which Iind in- place where Ihe I Colin asserted, "is an incentive York; (iov. Memirn Williams ufvited : The following appointments have ; f,,,- o l ( r division to aim for a 20 all Asian ami African mem- rally will be held Michigan; (iov. Abraham Kihiroff ber states as guests of honor. been made: Dr. Abe Fellmun, Dr. to 25 percent increase over Hie ivill be aimouncuf Conner!h i l l ; Mayor Robert I". Daniel Miller, past chairman, med- past year. We must make our col'v •d s h o r 11 > by ical; Mrs. Harold Zelinsky, intake; lections correspond with this year's \ •Jltoke. ! B e r I Robinson, CIT program; great need and the necessity for Isis, .Marhin Anderson, Kurtha: A l l y o 1111 ff Mines. Barney Ilobernian, Morris being prepared for emergencies." l i l t t and Harry Helafonle were j "Our division owes much to Hid l);i\id Sliiiku idults 1 1 re inFrmnn, Mike Freeman, kitchen 111110111; the multitude of celebriJerusalem (JTAi Col. Chaim vited lo participate ill the cam and food; Mr, and Mrs. George coojierutlon unit determination of ties nlni shunned the observance the men woiliing. They Imvi' 1U5Shafer, sanitation and facilities; voted their energies to making tlin lii-cmisc Israel wii* excluded from Herzog, former Israeli military paign activities. attache at the Fmbassy in WashMr. and Mrs. Fdward U. Brodkey, increase possible and will contliiiia the list of |i:irliclp:iiits. ington, was appointed chief of milMrs. Norman Bull, Judge and t'o work until every prospect isj An Israeli spokesman noted that j itary intelligence to succeed Brig. 1 Mrs. Donald Brodkey, program. contacted. The1 group of 2KI neiv "Israel has not been invited for! Jehosopbat Ilnrkavy, one of the the simple reason Hint five of thetwo high Army officers disciplined Members of the subcommittees cards 01 persons who had not given nine countries concerned are inciii- for the "false alarm" army reserve will work closely with the camp In Hl.'iH or prior to that (lute ll-isi lieea an Important contribution t(» liers of Ihe Arab League. The |call-up, broadcast by the Israel Members of (lie Golden Age director to provide a more eco- our drive." Arab League has always pursued radio on April 1. Col. Herzog has Club will have their children and nomical and efficient camp operaan intransigent policy of boycot- been head of the Army's southern grandchildren as g ties I s at n tion Mr. Batl said. This proceMr. Colin said thai if the workting Israel. The exclusion of Is-command headquarters. permits Ihe total committee ers continue to make cwiy effort "Turn-About Passover Tea" M011-, rael comes from the undue prcs- [ The commander of the northern day, April 27, at 1:,'!() p. m. at the ! upproach in planning and adminix- lo return completed cards, the disure which these five slates have I headquarters, Col. lUhak Rabin, Jewish Community Center. The Irating the Federation-sponsored vision will be a be able to hrinij its campaign to a succes&lul conbrought to bear on Ihe others. wan appointed to the second va- Club is sponsored by the Omaha Cil 111 p . cancy resulting, from thai "false Seel ion, National Council of Jew- Ocneral plans for the coining clusion in a couple of weeks. Last alarm" broadcast, replacing Brig. j ish Women and the Federation. season were discussed at the last year 850 cards were turned in. .Meir Zorea. I Introducing and greeting I be rornmfltee meeting at the home I guests will'he Mines. J. Milton of Mr. and Mrs. Norman liatt. [Margolin and Louis Cutler, CounA p p o i n S m e n f s ! cil co-ordinalors. Mrs. Robert I.e1 Washington (JTAi • Congress' Members of a committee i n !j vine. Council vice-president, and : Mrs. Nathan Simon. Cinlden Age will be asked by ihe Administra- j chari;e of arrangements for Ihe: Paris (JTAi -• Stronger l.iws lion to pass new legislation which ! cummunily-wide meeting lo honor chairman. banning publication and dissemina"For Music Is Like a Voice" would provide specific aid from I tion of nnti-Scniillc Merature, anil the United Slates toward solving! the heroes of the Warsaw Ghetto'' will be sung by Ibn ISelh Fl Sister, The Jewish Community Center forbidding riiscriininalion in eirithe world's overall refugee prob- ! uprising and Hie millions of Jews ; hood choral group iind choir, di- Day Camp was highly praised for ployment or in housing because1 1cm. as part of the World Refugee; annihilaled by Hitler on Sunday,! rected by Cantor Aaron Kdgar. its outstanding safely record by of race or religion are being sought Year which will start July 1, 1111- I May .'!, at 8 p. 111. al the Jewish;} Pupils of the Flfi Ilosman Dance Herman Crowell. president of Ihehere, Passage of such Jaws it retier United Nations auspices. j Community Center, have been an- jfStudio will elilerlain. State Camping Association, in a quested by MRAP, the Movement Among Hie stops being plaiuied ',nouueed. I Assisting with the affair are recent announcement. Camp offi- of I ho Resistance Against Antiby the Administration are a new! They are Jake Feldman,- Carl Mines. Sol. Nogg, I'essie IJehn, cials attribute the fine record in Semitism and for Peace." law broadening the American im- Rosenberg, Sol Ash, Max Feiwlo- Morris Fried, A r t h u r Rubin, safety to a wry close enmpermigration policy to permit Hie ad- wilz, Bunjamin Klaiman, Il.'irry Charles Rosenhelni, Hen Miioff, rounselor ratio and careful, conmis.sion of refugees from areas Itilkin; the Mines. Marion IJoit- and Isadore Forbes. slant staff supervision of campers. other than. Kurnpe. At present, j diirln and Hose Keizbaiim. Special arrangements have been the law, passed in H»57, provides; worked out witli officials at Peony for admisison of a total of 11,500 Park, where the camp will open refugees. The object is lo allow Paris, (JTA) - N i n e 1 y-seven June.!!), to provide an enlarged many more visas for refugees than ships have been added to Ihu reserved area for activities. Addi- Arab League's anti-Israel blacklist, the i 1,500 limit. United Nations. N. Y. f.lTA) I Rabbi Sidney I I . ISrooks lias tional niodern playground equip- according lo Le Monde, leading Israel's policy of absolute emialily j .been invited to 'preach Hie .sermon ment will also be available for our French 'newspaper. The action was taken at the meeting ol Ihe Antlfor women, in every profession i al Ihe dedication service for thecampers. The J!)5!) Day Camp season will Isracl Iloyeolt Committee iit Damand tr.'nle, was praised here after "''«' sanctuary at Temple Sholom also feature swimming and athin Springfield, O., May 'I. llalihi ascus. a report on I lie economic opportunities offered women in Israel Hrooks served the Ohio congrega- letic activities, nature, dramatics 'J'lie owners of these vessel* ara by Mrs. Tamar Sholiam-Siiaron, tion from l!ll(i-I!)52 prior'to com- iinrl crafts, and programs of Jew- being "punished" for transporting ish content. Day-Camp enrollment ing lo Temple Israel. He will be United Nations. N. Y. U T A l - j Israel's representative on the accompanied mi. Ihe trip by Mrs, to date is quite heavy iind all par- cargoes to Israel. The. vessels will Heeause the situation in Ihe Middle United Nations Commission on Ihe Brooks. ents are urged to register their receive, in Arab ports, only miniKast "is still unstable," the United) Status of Women. campers immediately. Call the mal services, just enough lo enThe Rabbi and Hoard of TrusIn the legal profession, .11.3 j Nations Kmergency" Force must camp office at JA 1,'ifiG.for fur- able them lo gel to Ihe ne\l port. tees of Temple Sholom will give ,-i Of the total of naw ship names continue lo slay mi Hie job, l.t.percent of Israel's lawyers are dinner for the Omahaiis on May 1. ther information. added to the boycott lisl. 17 ara Gen. F.. I,. M. Hums, UNFF com- women, and IS.4 percent of all law students are women. Five per-1 Americaii-owned, while .'!5 are mander, declared. cent of Israel's building engineers British, nine French, five Orman, "C'.NKI1* l» still needed here," are women; 15 percent of Hie New Attitude Interpreted— and six Turkish, Urn. Hums slated at <ia/a, "lo country's architects are women. help lircp the peace because of the In electronics iind aeronautics, 2.5 tensions existing on either hide of percent-of Hie students are womUs. The fad Is that the situation I en. In the .Middle Has! Is still unstable. | Our presence here, ami the MICCCSN > ivn have hud In helping to mainRome In a.,special communica- lant service to Ihe church. But in The two one-act ..plays lo be pretain peaceful conditions. Is |m-I tion to the Israeli Kmhassy here Ihe case of the Israeli Anibassa- sented by. the Workmen's Circle l e |iortanl to the Inhabitants of this | Pope John XXIII has appoi nted '''"' " Vatican is understood to Sunday. April 26 at 8 p. 111. at the (•wen Strip who can go about b r t d by b a desire d i Jewish Community Center, arc beprompted hav liec'n Kliahu Sassoii, the Ambassador to I h Washington (JTAi — Resumed earning their living without Interthe Pope's personal re- ing directed by Louis Wrlkin wit.ii Italy, as a Knight of the Grand United Stales aid lo Ihe United ference or danger to life, mill to gard for the envoy'who repre- Milton Neareiiherg as assistant diall others In the nations Hint Hiir- Aral) Republic was discussed in Cross of St. Sylvester. sented the President of Israel at rector. Cairo at a conference between the First Time for Israeli roiuid us who fear war." the Pope's coronation last year. American Ambassador there, RayThey are "Tin 1 Fanner's daughThe order is one of five directly •lewlsh Circles Welcome Action mond A, Hare, and UAK President ter," a dramatic presentation an.l awarded by Ihe Pope and Mr. SasComing so soon after Hie'Pope's Pioneer Women's Tea Carnal Abdel Nasser. It was their son is the' first Israeli citizen lo order removing Hie objectionable ."Landslcit," a comedy sketch. A first,meeting since the UAR leadreceive Ibis high Papal honor. Acreferences lo Jews in Hie Good choral group will appear under the The Pioneer Women's Organiza- er launched his campaign last direction of Sam Zuerliii'f. Ticktion will hold their annual Pass- month, denouncing Communist, in- cording to Ihe Italian Diplomatic Friday Prayers, the award has ets will be sotd al the <1 mr IVoAgency here, there is reason lo naturally caused much satisfaction over ten on Saturday, April '£i, tervention in Hie Middle Mast. ce.'-ils will be used lo ir'iijit Jewish 1:.'',(). p. in., at the home of Mrs. Reports indicated that American suppose that' the Vatican is con- in Jewish circles here. Foreign diplomats, on learning nrnliiins in Israel. Harry Richlin, ,'!0.'ll Lafayetle Av- experts In Cairo expected soon lo sidering Ihe possibility of granting enue. Appearing in u musical pro- resume giving the. UAR aid from official recognition In Hie Slate of the honor to the Israeli envoy .<a;.;.-i' Hen.' inclined to believe Ihal MonCram will he Mrs. Sam Zwerliug the United States Point Four pro- of Israel. signor Tardini, Secretary of slate O V and Mrs. Sam.Itlchmu.11. Joe Radi- gram. They also said that AmerilAidenco of l'ope'x Itegurj i:' nowskl will speak on Passover. can wheat shipments are now unThe Knight Grand Cross of I lie in the Vatican, who under the last Mrs, Jake Kaplan will give a read- der way to the UAR, and that the Order of St. Sylvester, named aft- Pope Was known to be opnosr-il to j Israel Anils ing and M M . Milton IS'earcnbcrg Washington Administration was er the famous Pope of the Fourth any closer relations with Hie State ••JnrK'i :MI ! will open the program. Mrs. Dave considering a Cairo request for Century is usually Riven to per-of I'snicl, hits b e n prevailed upon ! JI! ;'i'..;, ' '• ! at V/indjor l.'psli-'in is cultural chairman. 200,000 tons more of wheat. sona who have rendered lmnor- to follow a different policy. It was noted thai those absent
Gol. Herzog Heads Military Intelligence
Oolden Agers to Have Turn-About' Tea i o n .
Plan Aims for i o r e Refugee Admissions
Stiffer Laws Againsf Anti-Semitism Sought Day Camp Safety
Record Praised
Israel's Equality Policy Praised
Rcsbbi Brooks to Speak in Ohio
97 Jriore Israel-Bound Ships on Blacklist
U.fJ. Troops Needed On Israel-Egyptian Border, Burns Says
esfows High Papal
Program +o Give UAR Assistance
Plays to Be Presented Sunday Night, Center
Page "two
Bar and Bas Milzvah All friends and relative* «re Invited to attend t.«rvi<cs and
Friday, April U, 1959
Bar Mitzvah K. Harrison Fisher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fisher, will observe his Bar Mitzvah on Friday ;md Saturday, May 1st and 2nd. at the United Orthodox SynaKoyue. Luncheon for all nttcndinp; will be served after the Saturday tei-vice. No invitations ;ue Ijein;; sent.
•lKKItV LOUIE MA \ I1KLKNE \VKIM!i:i»i • Mr. and Mrs. William Lulnnuu announce the Bar Mitzvali of thei ton, Jerry, and Mr. and Mrs. D. D Candle Lighting fl:,',4 p. m. einhci'B announce the Has Milzvah of their daughter, Hcleno, on BETH ISKAEL Saturday mornliiE. May 7, at Be,th Phone JA 1364 lo Itistrl ycur VVonl Ad In Ihe Jcrtlih Press. Kriday, April 2i, 8:45 a. m.: l Synagogue. Rate Is 50 cents for toch «hr«e tine In^cr. Mincha, 7 p. m. No late service. tion. The Press reserves me nulil to limll slie of each advertisement Sabbath services, 8:45 a. m.; Junior Congregation, 10 a. m. Sat- NATHAN AMSTEK DAILY JEWISH 1'AI'EHS The Bar Mitzvah of Nalhar urday. BAR find Bos Mitzvau congratuAmster. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ho Talmud Class, 7:23 p. m.; Minlations also for all Jewish holicha, 7:55 p. m:, followed by Maa- man Amster, will lie celebrated a days and special occasions. the Beth Israel on Saturday morn riv. Sunday services at 8:45 a. m.; Meyers News Stand. 1JO2 Dodgo evening 7 p. m.; Monday and Tues- ing, May 2. Services will be^'in at 8:45 a. in. WANTKD—Kxperienccd I' a •• tday, 7 o. m, and 7 p.. ni.-j Tuesday, time Choir _ Teacher. Must he 7 p.m.; Wednesday 8:45a. m, and able to work with ehilrlren. 7 p. m.; Thursday, 8:45 a. m.; Omaha Visitors Write Box 2!R, Jewish ComYiskor Memorial Service 10:15 munity Centci". a. m.; Mincha 7 a. m. Mr. ami Mrs. Leon Wintroub of Talmud Torah classes will not Los Angeles, Cal., arrived In Omameet during Passover arid will re- ha Wednesday to spend the Passsume May 3, The Sunday School oxer holidays with the Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Gendler, Mrs. Win will not meet April 261 troub's parents; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bernstien, brother-in-law and B'NAI JACOB ADAS sister of Mr. Wintroub and other VKSHUKON Services at B'nai Jacob-Adas- members of their families. Mr. Yeshuron will begin Friday at 6:15 Wintroub will'return to California p. m. and Saturday morning at during the week end and Mrs. 8:30 a. m. With Mincha a t 6:15 Wintroub will continue her visit. p. m. followed by Shalosh S'eudos. Daily services at 6:30 a. m. and
Want Ads
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Kilpatrick'i Men'i Clothing — Second Floor
Helerz Increases Oil Production
TEMPLE LSIfAKL Services Friday, 8:15 p. m. Sen- Jerusalem—The oilfields at Heior choir will present musical nar- letz have increased their output, rative, "Passover to Freedom." following the Installation of ImRabbi Sidney K. Brooks will nar- proved machinery. rate. Soloists will be Robert Denn, There are no reports of any Richard McCollam, Rtmn Bunting new discoveries in the area. The RUG & UfHOLSTERY «nd Ida Gitlin with Mrs. Marry overage daily output has risen CLEANERS DuBoff, organist. from 220 tons in January to 360 RUGS — CARPETING Shabbas morning .services. 11:30! tons in March. Heletz oilfield LAMP SHADES a. m., with Rabbi Brooks officiat-1 now fciipplies 9 percent of Israel's FURNITURE Ing with the Religious School ] oil needs. ("hoir under the direction of Miss Cleaned in Your Home! Ida Ciillin. ] tjl Mr, ami Mis. Jack Schrager, Binding—Laying—Repairing TO North Kairacres Itoad. Fur BKT1I El. ] ther information may be obtained Don Bernstein HA 2554 Services at Belli K) Syn.-iKOfjne, j by calling Mrs. I. Herzos. WA 8:15 p. rn. Folowinj; service, Can-'2080 or Mrs. S h r a m . C,\. 628!). tor Aaron I. Kdwr and tbc Both El Synagogue Choir will present SISTKIEI1O0D HOARD FOR THE FINEST . . . the Twenty-third Annual Concert MKETING IN PHOTOGRAPHY of Jewish Music. The Sisterhood board of Beth El Sabbath morninf; services, 0:30; Synagogue will hold their lunchPortraits Junior Congregation service, 10:'(0 eon-meeting May 5, 12:30 p. m. in Weddingi a. m.; Mincha-Maariv services at the social hall. Luncheon arrange Commercial 7 p. m. Sunday service. 9 a. m. merits are being made by co-chairRegular coffee and study discus- men Mmcs. Julius Stein, Harry sion session will not be hclH. Ravitz, assisted by Mmcs. Harold Cort, A. V. Friedman, and Sam Stem.
IIADASSAll ON KG SIIADBAT CITY O r HOFE The Kducational Council of HaThe City of Hope will hold its dassah will hold an Oneg Shabbat, quarterly board meeting, Sunday, Saturday, April 25 at 1 p. m. at April 26 nt 8 p. m. at ilie home the home of Mrs, Phil Schwartz.
Matzo Ball Soup Featured Dally on Menu
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Friday, April 24, 1059
Council Elects Mrs. Stanley Her/off will serve us president of the Omalin Section, National Council of Jewish Women, for the coming two-year term Other newly- |~ elected of fie e r s Die: Mines. Koljert Lcvine, ways and means vicepresident; I m n K a l m an, social w e 1 f a r e vicepresident; Justin Manvitz, education vice - president ; K d w a r d Malashock, public relations vice- Mrs* Herzoff president; Hurl Weiss, memberehip vice - president; Kdward . E lirodkey nnd Sidney Schwartz, fi nnnclnl .secretaries; Floyd Perl meter, corresponding secre t a r y •Sherman Sperling, recording sec I'ctnry; Harry Weinheri;, budge secretary; Gerald Bornstien, trcas urer; Kdward Levinson, parlin mentarian; Harold Farbcr, audi lor; Homer Farber, Lloyd Fried man, Louis Katz, and John Solo man, directors; J. M. Horwich, ex officio, nnd S i d n e y Schwartz chairman of nominatini: commit 1ce. Installation of officers will In performed at the style show-luncheon of the Council Tuesday, May 39, lit the Highland Country Club. 'J'he style show, "Summer Stock,' with fashions by Goldstein-Chapmini's, will be produced and di reeled by Mmes. Robert, Rosen nnd Morris Jabcnis. Program chair Hum is Mrs. William Finkle.
the most exciting fashion
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mademoiselle room co+tons all at one popular price
Students Honored The roll of top scholars announced at the University of Nebraska's annual honor convocation thie week listed both Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Oiuch. Mr. Ouch is « senior and his wife, the former Klalne Falken, Is a sophomore. Among others cited were Irvin S. Helzer. Steve M. Friedmnn an< Harold Kaiman, all freshmen. • MAT7.O .SHIPMENT Jerusalem-Shipments of Matzos for Passover were sent to Jewish Communities abroad, paiticuJarly those in "Iron Curtain Coun Ii-irs."
misses' sizes 10 to 20 a. LESLIE FAY dacron* /cotton voile promotes the new pleated cape collar." Maize, black; sizes 10 to 18. b. 2-piece floral print or dacron*/cotton voile by LESLIE FAY has permanent pleated skirt. Blue or beige; sizes 10-20. c. LESLIE FAY tops a permanent pleated skirt with sailor-effect collar . . . in blue or green dacron^/cotton voile print; 10 to 20. d. The basic slieath by DAN KELLER goes printed for summer wear, has slight scoop neck. Of dacron*/cotton. Blue or green; sizes 10 to 16. mademoiselle zoom — second iloor
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CALL JERRY KRUPINSKY for Fr«« Sttlmeftt <nd Prompt k
Friday, April It, 195»
Official l'lihllcutlun of Sioux <lty IVIIITUIIUII
I)av« Albert, General C'liulrmnii and Advance (>ifl» Chairman.
Mrs. Meyer Kpstoln, Women's Division C'linlrmitn.
Dr. (Commander) Frank Ep-
I Cover the Campaign Veterans Briefed on By N'oriniiti Mnonon
As American Jewry- specifically including the Sioux City Jewish community— mobilized its resources for what promised to be one of tho-biggest and most successful United Jewish Appeal campaigns ever, Israel itself was taking more and bigger Bleps toward an ultimate goal of economic independence. One of them was announced lust week by Lev! Kshkol, the country"* finance minister, who offered a five-year plan at a. convention of the Mapai party, dominant group In the government coalition. The plan calls for doubling of Investment in industry, tripling of Israel's export, an annual increase of eight per cent in production and a stabilizaiton of domestic consumption. Mineral resource davelopment was emphasized. Some of those goals may sound visionary, even fantastic, but recent history has shown they are well within the realm of possibility In the fast growing Jewish state. However, certainly at this time, Israel's own financial resources must be supplemented by outside aid from world Jewry, not , so much for actual• economic development as for transporting, /feeding, housing and integrating the country's latest arrivals. The need -dcspilo the -recent cutoff of immigration from Rumania -is pressing, and Sioux City's Jewish .community as well as those throughout the nation and western world are responding, according to all available reports. Israel's high economic hopes and goals were voiced In an atmosphere fraught with question-marks about the immediate future. Amtassad'ir Abba Kban was planning to meet with U.S. state department officials to review the situation with regard to American aid to Israel. He will try to get the U.S. to reconsider its decision to drop the Jewish state from its grant-in-aid program, t h r o u g h which Israel received an outright 57 million grant for fiscal ISKJO. It was stressed that Israel will continue to receive help through the development loan fund, surplus commodity sales program and technical assistance program, but the grants-in-aid represent a free dollar supply which k of tremendous help in priming the pump of Israel's economy.
Harold Itoicnthnl, Area Dlvl»lon Clmlrman.
Men'ii Division C'hnlrmiin.
023 P«jrtMall( SUM* T>Ufl~« •0619
Aiding UJA Drives
•IOUX crnr, !ow^
iprU If, :
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Roalti n r«r
lira l i tSi Mjr It's (oljij Hi,
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Joe Goldstein Joe Goldstein, past commander of JWV 337, and co-chairman with Dr. Frank Kpslein of the General Men's Division of tho UJC, got a briefing on how Jewish war veterans are to aid community UJA campaigns at the JWV national headquarters in Washington, D. ('., last week. Joe and Mrs. (Joldstein visited Washington while en route to Nassau, Bahamas, where they are at present vacationing. Under a national directive from National Commander Joseph liarr, JWV posts am aiding UJA. and assisting in community campaigns all over the country. Co-chairmen Dr. Frank Kpstoin and Joe Goldstein will activate the I'ost and .start the divisional campaign immediately'after Passover.
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Harold Ivener to Direct Day Camp
JWV Takes Over Men's Division Jewish Wiir VetcriHU 1'oU 837 1* one of tlif first in tti« country to respond to Ilio mitlnnul directive to Jmvlih vcteniiiH to fo all out for IMA, according to Inracll corre^iionilent VehiKbih llt-llinnn, Voterunn groups in other common* Illeo hnvn In grnrral cnilorsfd tfm locnl I lilted .Jen Kb (mnpalgiis, or have recruited >ohinti-<ir» to work in tlm Hollcitntlonf), hut Sloiu City In the flmt roininunlty wliorn Mr. Ilellmnn noted tliut tlm JWV post lm« nclunlly taken reHjHintlbillty for lh« entire MPII'M division, Mr. Mellinitn studied the relationship of the Jewish veterans t i the community with a news correspondent's impartiality, and dispatched off n report on it to United Jewish Appeal and the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Sioux City Jewish veterans arc more awara of their Jewishness, are more community-minded and more welfareminded, he found, than veterans in other cities he lias visited across the country. He believes that tin example of Post ,'5.'!7 will be followed by other veterans posts. Hem Kiuifimin, ntitionnt c\rrti« tin- director of tlm JCUIHII
VeterniiH, Jn addressing tho locul veterans at a dinner meeting on March H, enjoined them to giVo rvery cooperation to Hie oampalgn. IfIH talk primiptril thn offlrcrH of • In? oruanl/.atlon t« viilimtei-r li» Tuesday, May 5th, will mark tal<<t nvtT the entire Mcu'.H division tho start of the Women's Division campaign, chairman Mrs. Meyer J. F.pstein announced. The opening gun will be the All-Women's Luncheon at the Jewish Community Center on that date. The 05 Jewish families living in Organization plans, a 1 r e a d y started, call for a workers' rally, the stn rounding towns of Ihe Sioux City area will be covered rnoia Monday, April 27, 1:30 p.m.. nlso thoroughly this year, Area chairat the Jewish Community Center. man Harold Rosenthal announced. Notable guest speakers will ad- This division, which raised over dress both events and their names Sfi.OOO in pledges last year on ma it and telephone solicitation alone, ii will be announced soon, Mrs. Kpslein pointed out that bound to respond more generousthe women, like Ihe men, realize ly and in greater numbers, when the urgency of the United Jewish they are conflicted ,und told tha Appeal need this year, and they UJA slory in-person, Harold Rostoo seek a'33 l/.'i per cent increase enthal is being assisted by Harry over last year. "Israel is right I'.lch and Jack Kutcber of Iiereinow facing in immigration crisis." rord, S. D. Mrs. Epstein pointed out. "It threatens to, be the largest since the DP days.". Israel's people will take them all in icgartlless. Mrs. Kpslein Is being aided by the following Women's Division Sam liloom, an active member colonels: Mmes. Julius Arlsin, of Beth Syn^nogue for 25 years, George Feinherg, Niile Coldis, A. was honored ut the synagogue's M. (irucsliin, Sydney Kalin. Joe last board meeting when JIB wan Kulcher, Harold Lewis, Moroy appointed a llfctimo member of Lipshutz, Rudy Schfndlcr, Isadore ils Hoard of Commissioners,. Shindlcr, Sam J. Slotsky mid Soil Kronick, Area Chulrman. Luncheon chairmen are Mrs, Ann Krug- Sunday School Teachers lich und Mrs, Max Iloldowsky.
Women to Open Drive With Hay 5 Luncheon
Harold Ivencr, aided by Joan Lefkow as assistant, head counselor, will again direct Camp ManGi-N'ah, I ho Jewish Community ('filter day camp. Other lastyear's counselors returning to the Plans for the AZA Sweetheart Man-fii-Nah staff are Sharon Dance, to be held Saturday night Shulkin and Gary Kline. AltoMay 9 at the Sheraton-Martin i | Ballroom took final shape Ibis! gether, 10 paid counselors and speweek. General Chairman Jim cial instructors will ha employed . — Kocklin and Finance Chairman by the camp. | Mark Ivi-nor announced thai sale i Camp activities will include hik| of tickets Is' unusually heavy j ing, camp-craft, athletics. Dramaamong AZA members and. also tics, nature-craft, swimming,'arts and crafts, puppetry, camp-paper, parents. Music for the diince will be pro- carnivals, trips ar;d games. Fees, including crafts materials, transvided by the Varsity ensemble. The following committee Iieads portation, insurance, luncheon bevlire; Finance, Murk Ivener; Tick- j erage and jnid-iiftcrnoon snack, of*, Alan Iluroii;'Decorations, Tor- ] will be 550 for the Complete ry'uml lirian holier; l)ating, Gary I fi-wcek season, or S'!0 for either I-idlz und Ilelene DnhroNlcy; I first or second 3-week session. Transportation, .Martin. Kiiplan; Camp will open June 22; regisISIils, Wally Kosiii-rg: Flower*, ftulj tration will begin May 1. TCcgisISarrlelis; (ilft-., Di.U Friedman; i Iralion should be done early, acMeanwhile, Israel atso u:is ex- I'uhllcti.v, Jclr I'lll :inil Kdillc • cording to Harold Ivencr. Last pected to seek a loan from the Shlmlli-r. i year's applications far exceeded world bank, and a team of experts i'UfJ sweetheart hostesses, from; the camp's capacity. from that • organization was en- among whom tho 1115!) sweetheart ; gaged in a survey of the country. of tho year will hi; chosen by bal-': On the military and diplomatic lot on the night of tho dance :<rc: \ Meniona! Services fronts, there still were the almost' Estelle Kpstcin, l'atty Her/off, j April 30 ..• weekly border clashes—two Arab Paula Kaplan, Belly Klass, Saudi infiltrators, members of a gang Margolin and Jackie Miller. Memorial services will bn held .stealing Irrigation pipes, were The proceeds of the sweetheart in all congregations on the conkilled by an Israeli patrol. Maj. dance, according to piairman cluding day of Passover, Thursday Cien. K L. M. Burns, commander Rocklin, will go to promote AZA's morning, April 30. of the United Nations emergency 5-fold program. In the past these Yiskor services will be held at Social Notes force, said the force must remain funds were used to send delegates 10:30 a.m. at Sbaare Zion anil the on the job at -the Israeli-Arab to out-of-town conventions, to pay U n i t e d Orthodox Synagogues. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Kazere, frontier because the situation "is for welfare projects, and also to Mount Sinai Temple will hold its 720 Noltze Drive, announce the still unstable," a statement which supplement youth division gifts to memorial services on Thursday birth of a son, Howard Allen, on hardly needed repetition. the United Jewish Campaign. April 11. morning at 11 a.m.
AZA 'Sweetheart' Dance Plans Made
BDII Hrnrcrr. Vniinir KxeruIlve's Division C'lutirnuin.
Rosenlhal Aims for Greater Coverage
S. Bioom Honored! By Beth BsrcseS
To SMeet for Reunion and present teachera of tba Shnare Zion Sunday -School' will assemble for a reunion Monday evening, April 27, at tho hon/ia of Mrs, I-ouls C», Fish, honoring Unbbi and Mrs. II, It. Hablnowilz.