every Friday, 101 N. 201 li. Vol. XXXVII No. 35 I'ubllslied Orniiliti, Nebraska, t'huuo JA l.'Nif;
H, 1051)
Entered 113 Kccoud-Uiusi Mutter ut Post- Annuul Iluto 4 Uollur* oifko, Omahu. Nebraska, under Act of 1K70. Sluiilo Cony 10 Cent*
Camp Kitchen Rated Superior i In a recent local camp survey I conducted by the United CommunI ily Service of Omaha, Camp JayMany Omalinns are emouto to to draw 1,000 B'nai B'rith men i C-0 was noted as having a suIsrael and Kuropean areas with and women. perior and outstanding food servthe advent of 1 lie spring travel ! Delegates from the. Southwest- ice and kitchen department ralijig, ; ern Regional Council are Mr, •Norman Ball. 1!C>9 Camp ComThose 'who liaw left the city ini Bleicher, its retiring president and mittee chairman, reported. clude Mr. and Mr.s. Max Fromkin, Mr. Butt staled thai his comMr. and Mrs. Sam Rifkin, Mrs. Dr. Fellman. Dr. Greenberg will mittee is proud of the food servJulius Newman, Mr. and Mrs. Mor- altend as a member of the board ice and kitchen service department ton Richards, Dr. Abe Greenberg ,' of governors of the Supreme Coun- of the camp. lie added that "Camp and Dr. Leon Fellman. .lay-C-C has constantly endeavored cil. to provide wholesome and delicious Planning an early departure also were Mr. and Mrs. David Beber, kosher meals in balanced nutriMr. and Mrs. Homy Itiekes, Mr. tional menus." and Mrs. Joe Rice, Mr. and Mrs. The kitchen staff again I his year Krnest A. Nogg, Mr. and Mrs. Dawill be uiider the expert supervid Bleicher, Jake Turek, Mr, and vision of Mrs. Addie Seals, head Mrs. Izzy Garsiek. cook fur 16 years, and Ronnie Simon, University of Nebraska One of tin.' major attractions for tourists this year will lie the • The Beth Israel Sisterhood student, who will be kitchen crew B'nai B'rith triennial convention will host the S p r i n g confer- chief. All enmp menus are checked by which will be held in Jerusalem ence of the Mid-Central States May 25-2!*. The event is expected chapter annual spring conference Ihe medical committee to insure of Women's Branch of (lie Union proper daily diet for active growof Orthodox Jewish Congregations ing children. (jf America. M o n d a y , May 1.1, Parciils are encouraged to enTuesday, May VI and Wednesday, roll their children promptly since May V.S at the synagogue. registration has passed the halfMrs. Sam Kat/man, chairman way mark. They are invited to call I and Mrs. Alfred Frank, co-chair- the Camp Director, Saul Silverman have announced the following man at JA ISGfi'for additional inS e l e c t I o n s for the "Hull of i chairmen for. Ihe meeting: Mines. formation. Fame" will he announced at the l/.adore L'lewitz, Sidney Knfleman, 32lh annual Athletic Award night, I programming; Harold Zclinsky, May l.'l, 7:M(I p. m, at the Jewish | publicity; George Schapiro, Albert Community. Named will be Center j Sorkin, registration: Sidney Kwiaathletes who distinguished them- i tck, tran.s|W)rtation and housing; D. I). Kpstein, Sam Kpstein, Sidselves In the thirties. Patorson, N. J. fJTAl--Twelve ; ney Goldberg, menu planning; MiAthletes honored last year were jchael Cohen, Harold Siegel.. dining high school students, members of Joe Ii'Vey, Hcnn Segelman, Sid jroom; Morris J. Shapiro, decorat- a secret club culled the Nazi ReCorenman, Phil G e r e l i e k , Les ! ing; Ralph- Biniamow, program, gime of America, were suspended Hiirkeuroad, Max Alisulcr, Joe and Sam Kaplan, Monographer. by officials of the high schools liice, Iz Levinson. Abe Brodkey, they attended near Paterson. Harry Trustin, Johnny Rosenblatt Sisterhood presidents who will An investigation f o u n d iron mid Sam Kaufman. i serve as presiding officers during The program also will honor out- j the scheduled events of the constanding athletes of 1058-11 season I ference are Mrs. Louis Ileyman, with the awarding of the .1, J. | Des Moines. In. Chapter president, Greenberg Trophy to (he outstand- ! Mrs. Abe Leiscrowitz, Dcs Moines, ing Midget league athlete; the Mrs, David Schifman, of Kansas Appointment of Ted B. Sennett Trustify Trophy to the top Youth City, Kaus., Mrs. Henry Appel of Council performer and Ihe liurk- i Omaha. Mr.s. Max Fromkin, Oma- as Director of the Plains States enro/id Award to Ihe best Varsity | ha, is honorary chapter president. Regional office of B'nai B'rith j Local Belli Israel Sisterhood Mem- Anti-Defamation League was anathlete. The Center Athletic commlllee bers may contact the registration nounced by Leo Eisenstatt, the extends an invitation to the com- chairmen for pre-C'onforen're reg- League's Regional Advisory Board chairman. Mr. Sennett has arrived rmunity to attend the event, its istration. The conference will include the in the city and taken over his ' chairman, Irv Yaffe slated. Mr. Yaffc said he hoped parents, rela- May 12 Sisterhood insinuation duties. A former teacher, Sennet I has tives and friends would turn out meeting in its program of scheduled events. spent the past three and one-half to see the awards presented. years as assistant director of the L e a g u e 's Wii-i-—-" cousin office and/ of Ihe Milwaukee Jewish Council. Prior to that he 1 taught at junior)'."'• r• Jerusalem. (JTAl — Informed cargoes if carried In Bhl|is not colleges and high { * "~ aourccs indicated dial three-way chartered by Israel or the MnsHagn schools in Michi-H \ > - * negotiations. Involving Israel, the of Israel-chartered foreign-flag gaii and Illinois.) United Arab Republic and the ships If they were not carrying H e h a s a l s o United Nations would continue oil | s e r v e d on the the question of transit of Israel j cargo. According to the report, the f a c u l t y of the cargoes through the Suez Canal | I'AK would not ugree to nllow De p a rlment of following the visit here of Dr. j the I r a n n i t of Israel cargo on KiiRlLsh, Unlvei Sennett Ralph J. Bundle, United Nations; Israel-chartered ships anil it was sity of Wisconsin, Ted and as Undersecretary for Political Af-! known Hint Israel-chartered cargo- struclor in die School of Journalin infairs. • • i IINS khiptt p.'iKstMl through the C'aniil Ism, University of Illinois. His Dr. Iliinclie apparently Heeiln'd professional background includes without incident. Israel's agreement lo continue for newspaper, radio, and television the time being a policy of silent work.
| Beth Israel Women | To Be Hostesses To Spring Confab
Award Nighf Will Feature 'Hall of fame' and Honors
Students Involved In Nazi Gang Plot
Senneff Warned ADL Director
leif Elafh-Beerslieba Pipeline Approved
diplomatic negotiations rather than j riiourse to tin- Security Council. > Some derision will have to lie j taken by May 15. On Hint date, ai fillip chartered by Israel, carrying Jerusalem ^JTAI- -The. Finance nil Israeli cargo, will leave llalfu j Ministry approved an agreement for Hie I'ar East and M-ek passage I with foreign investors, headed b.V through the Suez f'nnnl. j Huron Kilmond do Rothschild, to Unless President Gamal Abdel invest $:>0,0<>0.0O0 to build the proNasser of the UAR agreed by that jecled Ili-inch oil pipeline from dale not to Interfere with the FJnth to Beersheba. ship's passage, Israel would have The present lOlalli-Ifeersliclia to choose whether to give the UN line, which was hull! during the further time for negotiations, and period of the Slnal canipalgn, IN Bend tho ship through the Canal eight liulics. The Ueernliebu-IIuIfa empty to be loaded at Elath or to refinery section Is Id Inches. When
Bend the ship as planned and demand Security Council action when it was seized. It had been reported hero that tin; United Arab Republic wn* willIng to permit the pannage of Israel
tlio entire lino is 1(1 Inches, it will bo able to transport .1,001),(HH) to (1,000,000 tons of oil annually, Which in approximately the total refining rapacity of tho Hnlfu refinery plant.
A native of Wisconsin, he has die Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees in Journalism from die University of Wisconsin. He did additional graduate study in the field of mass communications at the University of Illinois. As regional director, he will be res p o n n i b l e for maintaining the ADL's educational program for developing inlergroup understanding. ... Scnnell replaces Sol I, Liltman who has been promoted to a similar position in the Michigan Regional Office, with headquarters in Detroit. The Plains States Region serves the states of Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, the western half of Missouri, and the southeastern portion of South Dakota.
WASHINGTON CJTA)-—Although Congressmen recently reported a Slate Department tendency to restore Israel to the list Of "special assistance" nations, C. Douglas Dillon, Undersecretary of State for: Economic Affairs, omitted Israel this week when he recited anew Hie list of nations "specifically in mind." Mr, Dillon, who testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, explained that grant assistance was intended for countries which could not operate otherwise. Meanwhile, (lip Stale Department submitted to the Senate Committee an official presentation showing that Israel enjoyed the highest per capita gross national product (,f882> of all independent countries in Africa and Asia created since World War II. Israel also had the highest annual rate of growth of uny of the 21 nations listed. The country with the gross nationul product next highest was Lebanon with $41!). Jordan had only $102 per capita. The study was based on Ihe year I!O7. Mr. Dillon told the committee that, special assistance "is programmed for certain countries where we wish lo achieve special political, economic, humanitarian or other objectives which cannot be gained from technical cooperation or Hie Development Loan Fund, These include countries of great importance to us, such as Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Jordan, Kthiopin and Ihe Sudan—and beleaguered Wesl Berlin." .
Greigliton Prof. To Quotas Bar 1,000 Preside af Y. G. Event Egyptian Refugees Paris--More than u thousand Professor Mantred Pieck, Creighton University Law School faculty Jewish refugees from Egypt, now mmebcr, will p r e s i d e st the living in France and Italy, and who Youth Council "nest Club Award have applied for emigration to the Night" on Wednesday, May 20 at United States, cannot at. present 7:'M) p. m. at tlio Jewish Commu- be fitted into e x i s t i n g United States immigration quotas, the nity Confer. United Hias Service reported this This event is planned by the week. council to recognize achievement To date, about 1,500 refugees and provide means of comparing from Egypt have been resettled club programs. in the United Stales under .sec.Each Council club has selected tions of tin; 19.T7 law permitting one speaker lo present its program enliy of aliens who have fled their for the entire year. Judges will be countries "because of persocuallowed to cross-e x a m i n e the tion". speakers. Kuch group has been asked to submit a general outline of Its presentation to the "best club board" one week prior to the judging, and only validated fads will be offered by (he speakers. The period between noon and The judge's decision will be announced on the evening of the pro- 5:45 p. m. on Wednesday, May 13 has been scheduled by the B'nai gram. B'rith lodge and chapters for the next, blood bank drive at the Red Cross Blood C e n t e r, Mrs. Max Sacks, drive chairman, reported. Donors are requested to forgo eating any fatty foods four hours Israel's eleventh anniversary prior to giving blood. which falls on May 13 will be The sponsored groups of B'nai marked by the presentation of B'rith who stage three such drives "Portrait of Tomorrow" by two a year include the lodge and chapradio stations hero. ters of Henry Monsky, Nebraska The program will be shown by and Cornhtiskor. KBON, Sunday, May 10 nt 8:49 Assisting Mrs. Sacks with the a. m. and by WOW, May 13 at drive are Mines: Charles Fisher, 10:20 p. m. co-chairman, Stan Foltman, MilThe show's theme is Israel's ton Mintz, Arthur Parilman, Henry place in the "new world" of Africa Appel, A l b e r t A. Oruch, Art and emerging Asia—Its friendly Abrams, Abe Bear, Moe Grossman, and cooperative relationships with Abe Miller, Harry S c h u l m a n , such countries as Ghana, Burma, Frank Sekar, Earl Slegal, Richard Liberia, Ethiopia and Nigeria— Wright, Delmar Kline, Nathan and the meaning of-that developing Kaplan, Seymour Goldslrom, J. relationship to the United States. Milton Margolin, Harry Friedman, It sketciies Israel's pattern for Paul Sacks, Harry Smith, Marvin the future in such diverse areas Gerber and Yale Kaplan; Messrs: as the harnpssing of solar energy, Lou Canar, Willis Epstein, William the (Icsallnizallon of seawater and Stone, Max Sacks and Sam Ban. the invisible cargo of talent, skills B'nai B'rith will serve corned and energy arriving with Israel's beef sandwiches to donors^. newcomers. The program closes with a farewell message by Abba Eban, who has announced his resignation as Israel Ambassador to the United States and as his country's United The annual Beth Kl Dinner, May Nations represent!!live. 17, nt 0:110 p. m, will honor the Rev. and Mrs. Alex Katz on the occasion of Rev. Katz' llith Anniversary on the synagogue staff. Reuben R c s n i c k, newly appointed director of the Bureau of Tel Aviv, (JTAl—Alarmed by Jewish Education in Buffalo. N. Y., recent Arab incursions and at- will lead u panel discussion on tacks, General Zionist members of 'Stranger in my Own House". ResParliament's Foreign Affairs and ervations may be made with tho Security Committee called today synagogue. for an immediate special meeting of their committee, to discuss the BOWMNCS BANQUET country's security situation. The The B'nai B'rith Bowling AsKnesset Is now in recess. sociation will hold its annual banIn the last ten days several in- quet, Tuesday, May 12 at 6:30 p. m. cidents have aroused concern here. at the Town House.
B'nai B'rifh Plans Pay 13 Blood Appeal
Radio Program Will Hark Israel Birthday
Bev.and Mrs. Katz
Border Incidents To Be Discussed
Page Two
Friday, May I , 1039
'We Are Proud
HARRY L. SIICKICRT Services were held May 1 at To Promote" Published Every Friday by the Jewish Federation of Omulm. the Jewish Funeral Home for Second Class Moiling Privileges Authorized of Omaha, Nebraska. Harry L. Sliukert of 524 So. 36th Annual Subscription, H.00. Advertising Rates on Application. Street, who died April 30. Burial PubMcotian Olfice—101 No. 10th Street, Omoha, Ntbr.. JAckson 1344. Seb (Subby) PulvcrenU (MRS.) FRANCES fCLEIN ...Editor was in Beth Hnmedrosh Hagodol Cemetery. 25 Yean' Experience Surviving are his uife, Mary; With Jewish son, Michael; daughter, Mrs. Arnold Sterenberg; brothers, Duve. Lettering and Memoriali All friends and relatives are Nfithan, Oniiiha; Max, Lo.s Aninvited to attend srrvlcrs nml geles, Cnl.; Joe Cohen, Chicago, AT 2452 2211 So. 8th reception. sisters, MVs. Gary Sherman, OmaJIM; I.ipton, Omaha grocer was ha; Mrs. Samuel Spirilus, Israel. elected 1959 president of the Oma- IHOTTY ANN ISKOUY MHS. J)OKA KOOM ha Food RetailDr. and Mrs, Alfred Brody anPatronize Our Advertisers Funeral services were held May ers Association, nounce the Bas Milzvah of their 1 at (he Beth El Synagogue for at a banquet daughter, Betty Ann will be held Mrs. Dora Koom, CS of 5122 UnSunday at. the his Friday evening and Saturday derwood Avenue, who died April Town House atnorning at Temple Israel. '2H In a loc-il hospital. Surviving tended by more arc daughters, Mrs, Charles Mob >IANE IIALPERIN than 700 persons PAUL SERLIN and Mrs. Richard .Margin, a son, SHARON SIMON Mr. Upton is a Morris Koom and r-ij.;ht grandTo Metropolitan Diane Halnerin.'d.iiightpr of Mr. children. Burial was in Goljlen Hill member oE the Insurance Consultant Int hide* I u I * Intur ind Mrs. Vale Ilalperin, will ob- Cemetery. Jewish Federa• a c e. lirrme, tai erve her Bas Mitzvah, and Sharon MAX (iROSS 11 f c v. malntriuiice tion Budget comtliliiimiliin. 3imon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. News of Ihe denlh on April 27. mittee and an METROPOLITAN Leo Simon, will observe her Bas in Van Nuys, Cat., of Max Gross-, active campaign LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Mitzvah at Beth El Synagogue on retired member of the Omaha Fire worker. Joe Upton Friday e v e n i n g , May 8th and department WHS received in OmaCornhUsker Chapter of U'nai Among the other officers electee] .Saturday morning, May flth. ha by his sisters, Mrs. Teresa Bcrwere Leonard Luttbcg, vice-presimnn nnd Mrs. Helen Frohm. Also B'rith will meet May 11 at 8:30 dent, and Samuel S. Steinberg, NANCY MAKIKSKY surviving nre daughter, Mrs. Philip p. m. nt the Jewish Community Center. sergeant-at-arms. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mnkiesky Weise, Vnn Nuys and brother. Hurry, Denver. Burl.il was In Van announce the Bas Mitzvah of their daughter, Nancy will be held Fri- Nuys. day evening nnd Saturday morning, May 15 mid 16, at Temple Serlin at Metropolitan FREE ESTIMATES Israel. Paul Serlin. nameu one of MetroPL 5396 politan Life Insurance Company's JKFI'KKY SILVERMAX Residential Commercial <op ,-igenls for 1058, who has lwcn Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Silvernian promoted to Insurance Consultant, umotmce the Bar Mitzvah of their attended the company's tmlning ion, Jeffrey, on Friday e%'cning, school In New York during fh<> May 15th and Saturday morning, week of May 4. He also will atCaiiillelightlUR: 1:0!) p. m. May 16th at Beth Kl Synagogue. tend Ihe company's Honor Club 1535 NO. SADDLE CREEK ROAD function in Colorado Springs. Colo, TKMl'LE ISRAEL in June. Services will be held Friday at IAKSIIALL TUIiKKI, Tired of Your Old Mink Stole? The Bar Milzvah of- Marshall 8:15 p. m. Rablii Sidney H, Brooks So Many Yean the Same Style? will deliver a s e r m o n entitled Scott Turkel, son of Dr. and Mrs. "Don't Be "Charitable"—Be Just!" Ralph Turkel will be celebrated YARD AND LAWN SERVICE W« h«v« many new exciting styles in which you will look much differAVAILABLE Shabbas morning services will at the Beth Israel. Synagogue this ent. Our mmi it wall.known in town. Juit a tic your friends about MenEvenings and Weekends vening at 8 p. m. and Saturday begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi heimer workmanship. norning at 8:45 a. m. Call Brooks officiating and the ReWe Are Reasonable, Tool JULIUS HART—PR H 0 7 ligious School Choir under the direction of Miss Ida Gitlin singing MARrLYN KAPLAN 3901 Bedford. Coll RE 0343 (or a Frea far Storage (V Complete the musical portions of the service. 1'AMELA. LINCOLN Estimate Fur Servicing TOBY RKIZBAOI EVA SAND BETH EL Services at Beth El Synngoijue KI.KNE STOLER Max Reizbaum's The following girls will celebrate Friday at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will deliver the sermon heir respective Bas Mitzvahs at Downtown Tailor Shop on "Parting of tlic Ways", the sec- n group ceremony at the Beth ond in a series of three lecture- srael Synagogue on Friday eveSPECIALIZING IN MEM'S AND lermons on "Judaism and Chris- ning, May 15th. E l e n e Stoler, tianity". Cantor Aaron I Edgar daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jayj LADIES1 ALTERATIONS and Reth El Choir will render the Stoler; Eva Sand, daughter of Mr; and Mrs. Alex Sand; Marilyn musical portions of the service. Old Double-Breasted Sullt Sabbath morning services are Kaplan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Converted Into at 9:30 a. m. The Junior Congre- amuel Kaplan; Pamela Lincoln, gation service is at 10:30. Mincha- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward New Single-Breaded Stylo i n c o l n ; and Toby Reizbaum, MaarivServices are nt 7 p.m. Sunday morning services at 9 a. m., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Cleaning and Pressing followed by coffee and a study- Relzbaum. discussion session at 9:30, led by 323 So. 15th AT 8445 Rabbi Kripke,
Monument Co.
Joe Lipfon Meeds Bar and las iifzvah Food Retailers
Tuesday—May 12—6:30 P.M.
BETH ISRAEL Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Eli Kagan, and the Beth Israel Choir will conduct services at 8 p. m. Traditional Friday evening services (Kabbalas Shabbos) 7:15 p. m. Services begin at 8:45 a. m. on Saturday and Junior Congregation at 10 a. m_Jtabbi Groner will conduct the Saturday Talmud Class at 6:43 p. m. and Mincha, followed by Shalosh S'oudos; Maariv at 7:15 p. m. Sunday morning services at 8:45 a. m., followed by breakfast and Rabbi Groner's class in Bible. The Sunday morning Junior Congregation meets at 8:30 a. m. Daily fiorvices 7 a. m. and 7:25 p. m. The weekly Talmud Study Group meets on Tuesday at 7:30 p. m Saturday morning services a t the 19th and Burt Street Synagogue 9 a. m. "B'N'AI JACOB ADAS YESHUKON Services, at B'nai Jacob-Adas Yeshuron will begin Friday at 6:15 p. m. and Saturday morning a 8:30 a. m. with Mincha at 6:15 p. m. followed by Shalosh S'eudos. Daily services at 6:30 n. m. and. 6:30 p. m.
Dedications A monument will be dedicated t the memory of Louis J. Margolin Sunday, May 10 at 2:30 p. m. at Beth El Cemetery. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke will officiate. All re]a tives and friends and invited to attend. - ,
Town House Ballroom •
Guests—S3.75 Per Plate
OMAHA'S LEADING Kosher Meat Market and Delicatessen WA 5554 4415CUMING STOP AT
Cleaned in Your Home!
Our Own Famous Homemade Corned Beef
Don Bernstein
HA 2554
(Including Slal» and F«<f. Tex)
Want Ads Phone JA 1314 lo Insert your V/onl Ad in the Jewish Press. Rate Is 50 cent» far eech threi lino i n w t!fln. The Press reserves fho rlflht to limit size of eocti advertisement
DAILY JEWISH PAPERS BAR and Bas Alltzvan congratulations also for all Jewish bolldays and special occasions Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge
THE FINEST IN KOSHER FOODS Prompt Attention Given to Phone Orders Coll Wednesday for Thursday Delivery
Friday, Muy 8, 1959
Organizations RAHBI flltONEK, ' GUEST SI'KAKUlt Ilabbl Benjamin Groner will be the guest speaker and conduct installation ceremonies at the Beth Israel Sisterhood's final meeting of the season, Tuesday, May 12 at 12:30 p. m. in the synagogue social hall. Installed will lie: Mines. Henry Appel, president; Sidney Katloman, first-vice-president; Harold Zelinsky, second vice-president; Ralph Biniatliow, third vice-president; Irving Slern, recording secretary; David W. Frank, treasurer; Herbert Meiches, Morris Shapiro, corresponding secretaries; R o b e r t Smith, M. Irving Charney, financial secretaries; Alfred Frank, Izndore IClowitz and Sidney Goldbei'j;, director.
Myron Milder Heads State Organization
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kulakofsky of Park Forest, 111., announce birth of a son, Daniel Philip Myron "Mike" Milder, oil com- theApril 17. They are also the parpany executive, was elected presi- on ents of a son, David. dent of the NeMr. and Mrs. J, Harry Kulokofbraska J u n i o r ,i sky, paternal grandparents, are C h m a b e r of home after a recent visit in Park Commerce, May Forest. Maternal grandparents are .') at the group Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Colin of state convention Gary, Jnd. in North Platto
Mr. M i l d e i served as a national director of the organization ' ' \ in 1957 and was president of theL-»LS Omaha Chamber Mjron of Commerce in 193G.
Robert Goldstein Gets Scholarship
A daughter, Eileen Gale was born 1o Mr, and Mrs. Marvin Sadofsky on April 2!) at Lutheran hospital. They also are the parents of three sons. Grandparents are Mr. and .Airs. Alex Sadofsky and maternal great, grandmother Is Mrs. Fanny Cohen. Mrs. Sadofsky is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. William Epstein.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Green announce Ihe birth of their first SISTKKHOOI) OPEN The University of Chicago Grad- child,. Jeffrey Brian May 1 at IIOAHI) MEKTINfl uate S c h o o l of Business h a s Clarkson hospital. Grandparents me Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Alfred Sophir, first vice- awarded its 1959-fiO Harvard Unipresident, will preside the Temple versity Honor scholarship to Rob- Norman Green of Santa Monica, Israel Sisterhood open board meet- ert Goldstein, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cal., and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Karl. ing, Tuesday, May 12 at 11 a. m. Arthur Goldsstein. The a w a r d Great grandparents are Mr. and nt the Temple. The regular meet- made to one oustanding Harvard Mrs. Hyman Karl and Mr. and ing which usually follows that of College graduate annually, is the Mrs. Morris Green of Omaha and gift of the Sears-Roebuck Founda- Mrs. B. Shapiro of Philadelphia. the board will not he held. tion. Goldstein, manager of the HarIIADASSAH I)IXI:<;ATKS TO vard crew, will begin his graduate IUCGIONAI, CONFKITKNCE The Omaha Chapter of Hadas- studies in Chicago, either in June K;tl), recently transferred to the or September, depending upon the Missouri Valley Region, was repre- outcome of the Harvard-Princeton sented by Ihe following delegates meet this month. The winning to the regional conference held in crew will row against Oxford on the Thames River in England in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, May 2, .'(, A- June. Should Harvard be victoriThey were Mmcs. J. Harry Kula- ous, Goldstein, who will graduate Itofsky, Morris Franklin, Phil in June, will accompany the crew Do you want a complexion Schwartz, Ted Sanford, Joe Guss, abroad. radiantly alive—g l o w i n g Max Greenberg and Alice Heegcr. with dewy frcifinoit? You In addition to the Omaha and can count on our facial exCouncil Bluffs chapter presidents pert to keep your skin lovely' serving on the regional board, Mrs. always. .Schwartz was elected vice-president. Mrs. Kulakofsky was apAt Sabbath s e r v i c e s , Friday, pointed parliamentarian and conMay 1!>, at 8:30 p. m y the Council stitution chairman. Bluffs High School graduates will ' Beauty Salon be honored by Ihe B'nal Israel 2531 So. 90th MIZKACHI l'OSTl'ONKS Congregation and Sisterhood at TE 1185 DONOR IXNCIIEON the Synagogue. The graduates and The Omaha Chapter of Miz- their parents are: Georgia Ann rachl has postponed the Donor Mezey, Mr. and Mrs. Sol Mezey; luncheon planned for May 13. A Ejaine Selo, Dr. and Mrs. RuFOR THE FINEST . . . June date will be announced. dolph Sclo; Jolene Friedman, Mr. IN PHOTOGRAPHY and Mrs. Maurice Friedman; Myra Portraih BETH I X TO I'HKSENT Cohen, Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Cohen; ^Weddings "LOOK TO TUB'RAINBOW" and Linda Passer, Mr. and Mrs. Commercial "Look To the Rainbow," an In- Louis Passer. stallation program written by Following the service, a recepMmcs. MorJey Zipursky and Stan- tion will be given by the parents ford Lipsey will be presenetd at of the graduates. Friends and relaBeth El Sisterhood luncheon meet- tives are invited to attend. ing May 12 at 12:.'iO p. m. In the Bynagogue. Mrs. Russell BlumenMr, and Mrs. Morris C. Fcllmun thnn will be the accompanist. and Mr. ond Mrs. Saul Gruetz reModels are: Mmes Daniel Katz- turned Sunday evening from Kanman, Philip Katzman, William sas City, Mo., where they atttendLohrman, D. D. Wclnberg, Yale ed the Midwest regional conferGotsdlner, Irvin Sherman, Stan- ence of the United Synagogues of ford"" Lipsey, Wallace Elkon, Har- America. Rabbi Myer S. Krlpkc of PHOTOGRAPHER ry Llberman, Elmer Novak and Beth El Synagogue, in Kansas 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET *ftliss Sara Gall Katzman. City, Sunday and Monday, attendThe new officers will bo in- ed Regional • Youth Commission HARNEY 1044 stalled by Mrs. Joe Guss, vice- sessions. president of the midwest region of the National Women's League of United Synagogues of America. Mrs. Sam Wolf will present awards to Torah Fund Donors.
Fag» Thre*
With the Home Folks
Sunday, May 17 at 8 p. m., at th« Jewish Community Center. '
MOTHERS' DAY J'AItTY will he sponsored by Ihe B. & P, Hadassah Group. COUNCIL OF J10WISII WOMKN: Arls and Crafts program will reconvene after the Passover Holiday recess. VISITOR; Rabbi Benjamin Groner will he our visitor this week. YAIIRZKITS: Regular Memorial Services will he held in the Home Synagogue for the following whose Yahrzeits come during the month of Iyar: IYAR 1, May 9—Harry Steinberg; ]YAR 2, May 10—Mary Cohen; IYAH 8, Way 1G-Meyer Potash and IYAR 10, May 38— Joseph Kosowsky, The residents of the Home will be guests at a Dance Revue, to be presented by the students of the Carolyn Kagan Dance Studio, on
Come Meet
Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff Let Him Help You With Your Clothing Seloctioni
Kilpafrick's Men's Clothing — Second Floor
Bluffs Graduates To Be Honored
John Kalina
DRAMATIC CLUB'S MOTHER'S DAY BANQUET SUNDAY Mothers will be honored by the Workmen's Circle Dramatic group at a banquet, Sunday, May 10 at 5:30 p. m. at the Labor Lyceum. "Mother of the Day" will be Mrs. Sam Binder and "Daughters of the Day" will be Mmcs. Nathan IjCrman and Yetta Orcnstcin. A musical program will be presented by Mmcs. Milton Ncarenberg, Sam Levine and Mrs. Sam Zwerling under Mrs. Zwerllng's direction. The meal will be served by the men in honor of their wives. Mrs. Sam Novak will be chairman of the evening.
Reservations Accepted for ' Sunday Family Dinners
PresenU CIIOUM TO HAVE MOTHER-DAUGHTER TEA On Monday, May 11, the Bikur Cholem Society will have a l p . m. Mother-Daughter Tea in the Jewish Community Center. Everyone Is Invited to attend the regular meeting, which will bo followed by a program. Gifts will be presented to the great-grandmother with the most great-grandchildren, to the youngest grandmother, and to the grandmother with the youngest grandchild. Mrs. Bernard Schien is chair-
Our New
Gift Shop *
• Continental Gifts • Unusual Selection •
Distinct Quality
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Friday, May 8, 1059
WDSIKl Official J'lilillc'iitlon of Sioux City Federation
I Cover the Campaign By Norm.'tu Mansnii As the Sioux City campaign forges ahead lo substantial success. Israel's position in the world ; at large seemed to lie taking a ; distinct turn for the better. There j seemed no question •that, given a j few more years of aid from woild' Jewry, the Jewish state would be Kvury campaign division has reable to stand on its own feet i m 1 ported substantial increases to nomlcally. politically and in all The Jewish children of Sioux date, chairman Dave Albert unother resi«?cts. j nouneed at press time, with Ad- City are the second most im|>orAt the moment, however, the | vance Gifts showing the biggest tant cause uided by the United Heed still is great. Rumanian auI rise, 31! per cent over li»5H lor thorities repeatedly have piomthe saina cards. The Women's I)i-| Jewish Campaign, David Alhert ised to reopen the gates of tint vision was .'10 per cent ahead, just I • sl " l|1 'l in mi address prepared for country departing, at least on ,t prior to the kickoff luncheon. May I the Women's Division luncheon limited basis, and the great liti 5th. The early pace-setters in the last. Tuesday. Through the Jewish manltarian agencies handling imGeneral Men's Division were all Community Center, the communmigration to Israel wanted to !«• ' reporting substantial increases. ity Hebrew School, the. nursery prepared to handle the renewed ' The remaining divisions can all flow. The dollars from Sioux Cltj s be expected to follow the same school and the summer day camp United Jewish Apepal campaign pattern, Albert .said. Both the —through the organized club ac(and others throughout the free i Area and youth divisions were due tivities und the guidance given to worldi ar» an urgent necessiti to gel uner way this week, and teen-agers- e\-f\y Jewish child in announcements will be made short- and around Sioux City is reached Meanwhile, in Washington and ' ly about the start of the UUsi-j and helped in one way or nnother. In other world capitals, talk and ness and Professional Women's j .Jewish Influence Provided action generally were on the favdivision, the Chain .Store divisionj Next to rescuing Jewish lives orable side toward the young lie and the newly formed Young Jix- I overseas, which is the most imIsh nation. ! ecutive.s division. portant purpose of our fund-misSecretary of State Christ i m | ing, Albert stated, keeping tha Hcrter ,in one of his first acts iftCenter and the Hebrew School goer taking office, ordered a w-v ing and providing the children look a t F.rie Johnston's project foi with n wholesome Jewish environa Jordan river joint development to benefit both Jordan ami Isinel j ment to grow up in are the nurnJohn Foster Dulles had kept the pledge to tliu JnJtei) Ji-w- \ ber-lwo purpose of the United Youth division captains decorate the Jewish (.'oiumuuity Cenprogram on the shelf since ]"")) I itli (.'unipalKii Is artiliilljr a Jewish Campaign. fearing that American aid to Is- ter gym for the lulled Jeivi-th Cuinpnlgii youth rally. Left to right: 'contribution th nt I "From the time he is old enough Alan llaron, rhninmin of tinVoiitti diviton, Ilurliarn Kline (on rael for the work would "provoke" the Arabs. In fact, he had ordered ladder), Aronitn Churnli-. Elliott Shindler, Hetty Klus*. Cii]ituini. taken cure of ninny srunrnto np- for nursery school until he leaves 1'Vdcruilon officials dl«-1 high school, if he is a bov and economic aid to Israel suspended . not in plioto—-Judy Levin, Tatty Her/off, Miki; Her/off mid Dan closed. Kncli v o n t r I li u t o r \v it's the same for girls there an? for awhile when tlie Israelis went KnshiuHky. Tile Youth ICnlly program, .May 31 li, featured talks by Vitvid mal«") only one annual pledge din- activities and Jewish influence* ahead with an irrigation project Albert and Alan Huron, nnil tlm slum ing of tin- I IV film "One rliargr* hit utilisation to over 00 for him at the Center, to which the Arabs had objected agencies in tlie lulled Stutr* unil Suitcase." Activities 1'laiuied However, his successor fell difoveriM-iiH who solicit funds from day or night in theweek ferently and. after a talk with the Sioux <'itv Jewish Coninlunilv. Sen. Scott of Pennsylvania (who. Nursery School Spring ! S o c i a l S e r v i c e Renorf ' A " '""•* lmn approved n.v the " i e building swarms with children ;iIul W l < l l g o long had been interested in the j Ro nd'lio M v 13 activity. This This activity activity is isnot not Federation AAllocation's Commit- ' " u l activity. » « | » U I I ;,..,.,,,.,.„„„„ r,,mmltlllirilll,,n., schemei, it was revealed that a j I,,.. '' I just something to take up spare tinle new study of the program was | The Council-Federation will bold ."".''. kceP t h e youngsters out Some that shared in the VXM) planned | Its Spring round-up and registrai campaign nro: American Associa of mischief, it is giuded activity, planned. It is intended to build Pressure from both bouse and | tion for the Fall school term Wed\ tfon of Jewish F.ducation, Nation and 1 llis character, to make him senate committees appeared to j nesday, May l.'i, 'J to 1 p. ril.. at the Federation social service is notal Jrivish Welfare Board, Joint i "I 1 have brought about a quiet back Jewish Community Outer. Chil- too well known to the Jewish con- ; Defense Appeal, National Com-11"'" "' °f being Jewish, to teach tracking on the state department's i dren are eligible who have passed tributors, but it is high on the munity Relations Advisory Coim-.j n i m somplhiiiK about Jewish culearlier decision to drop Israel from j their third birthday on school- j priority list of work that has to be cil. American Jewish Congress,!' 1 1 "* the list of grant-in-aid recipients ; opening day. <md who are below > supported, according to David Al- American Medical Center, Helle-' "If you have ever seen tlie chilfor fiscal 1960. : public school enrollment age. i bert. Social service includes fin-j fa ire, National Conference of dren in the nursery school hold .. .... I ancinl help to the sick or poor,! Christians And Jews, American their own little services and make After the issue was aired on the ; floor in both chambers and some j counselling to people who are | Israel Cultural Foundation, Un- Kiddush on Friday, or play house tough going was experienced by j troubled and disturbed, and case- > dassnh, United Hias Service, Hl.i- in their make-believe Succah . .'.. State department witnesses at • The National Council of Jewishi work when they need it.' Since I ttidrut, Hebrew University, Yes- Or, if you have ever sat in th» committe hearings, it looked as | , . .j.everything , „ of tills nature has to|hivah , , , IVnai B'rith University, Na- auditorium when it is packed with an open board though The Jewish stale would be .Women will. . . .bold T I i • *\t I1"1 k e p l confidential no publicityi tional Youth Services, I.-eo I vN. o N. parents on Theater Day . . . Or if luncheon meeting Thursday, mu inuisiav, fti.iy;c;in (>v(,,, , )( . K j v > M 1 | o i.-0,j<M.;,t jOM j Levy Memorial Hospital. | you have attended a Hebrew restored to the list and would reI'J, I p. m. at the home of Mrs. ceive $7.5 million, same as dining social service. j American Jewish C o n g r e s s , School graduation. Or if you have Nate Goldis. Mrs. F.dith Pringlc, the past year. It also includes regular visits J Jewish I.alior Committee, Jewish heard the AZA boys debate' on national field representative, will Federated race relations, or the ISBG girls Two of the major neutralist na- meet with the group and direct a to the Jewish patients al Cherokee Publication Society, hospital and keeping up our af-Council of Israel Institutions, Na- conduct a forum . . . you don't tions. India und Yugoslavia, ap- jworkshop session. YIVO, have lo sold on supporting the filiation with lhe Iowa Jewish tional Jewish Hospital, peared to be moving in lhe direc- j p Home for the Aged. "We have a Hebrew Theological College, Jew- Center." tion of improved relations with i 'llie Shaare Zion W o in e n 's responsibility for helping any Jew- ish War Veterans, Jewish CbauIsrael. Two leading Indian jourT h e s € s e r v i c e 3 for t n e „,„,„!,„ nals editorially urged Prime Min- League board will meet in theish family burdened with 'prob- tauqua .Society, National Council i t v - 8 o w n cr ,j)d rr . n c a n be propcrhome of Mrs. Marvin Cohen Monlems it cannot handle itself, or ister Nehru to establish diplomatic of"Jewish Women, and 13 tradi- l y m a | n i a j n c d only if t h e Camwith the lielp of relatives", Albert tionnl Yeshlvahs now established paign raises enough for local relations, and Nehru himself has J day, May 11, at 1 p. in. .stated, "and we have an obligation been quoted as expressing himself i in t h e United States. Also, H e - | n e c d s a n ( i o v ( . r ! U . a s rescue. Albert to support this work with our con- brew Women's Association, Ponl<*|!it|.(>ijsli(], in a more conciliatory fashion than j tributions to thp United Jewish Zion, Mizrarhi nnd the Kasbrut Usual. i Testimonial Dinner ....•_ Council locally. Marshal Tito, who. has been de- j Rabbi H. R. Rabinowitz will be Campaign." picted as n buddy of Nasser more honored at a Testimonial Dinner often than not recently although of the Shaare Zion Men's Club, he never has blasted Israel as Nob-. Wednesday. May 1.'!, 0:15 p. m.. at ru has, was quoted as having told | the Synagogue. Sam Beielt of Fre-! Jack Kutchcr of Beresford, S. D., an Israeli labor delegation in Bel- mont. Nebraska, will he g u e s t p"t" ^ V ) j Nalc Skalovsky of Odebolt, Iowa, grade last 'week thai he soon j speaker. i and Joe Grundman will tnkp rewould visit Israel. j siKmsibiltty *-for sections of the Also on the international scene, ! JWV to Meet May 14 j Area Division, according to chair1 French Gen._ Pierre Koenig, for-• man Harold Kosenlhal.' Jack Kulmcr defense "minister, predicted Jewish War Veterans Post ;i:i7 c her will contact Jewish residents seven stronger French-Israeli ties •will'hold a dinner meeling Thursin Akron, Vennillion anil surroundunder the DeGaulle regime, a day, May 14, (i;.'!0 p. in., «1 the ing points; 1 Nate Skalovsky will Sharp protest against the Arabs' Arcadia Restaurant. coior I.akeview. Sac City and anti-Israel boycott, was registered S c h a l l e r ; Joe (Jrundm.'in will in the British house of commons, cover Cherokee and I.c Mars. and a new American treaty with JWV Auxiliary Keeps All area residents have been the Arab sultanate of Muscat and Military Listing Oman conspicuously failed to inContacted a l least once by mail, A perpetual list of Sioux Cil> clude the anti-Jewish discriminaHosenthal staled, and some by teletory clauses other such treaties Jewish boys in the service of the phone. Several have mailed in their armed forces is kept by the Ladies have contained. pledges. Yankton and Norfolk resiAuxiliary of the Jewish War Vetdents report that they have com* • • Gift packages are sent'to | pleted independent d r i v e s conON THE NATIONAL SCENE erans. these boys on the holidays and ducted directly by the United Jew... . . Trial of anti-Semtic agitator other special ocacsions. • * ish Appeal. Other communities in Lincoln Rockwell was deferred in the area, however, affiliate with The Auxiliary requests that imy- j Arlington," Va., pending study of the Sioux City United Jouish Camthe validity of the grand jury one who has a son or knows of presentment against hinj. He was someone going into the service, call Hostesses who mil grunt the AZA Surellirnrt Dance Muy !>. paign, Roscnthnl stated. charged with disorderly conduct Mrs. A. Kantrovich or Mrs. Art Upper row—left to right: Jacqueline Miller, Kstcllr Kpitrln, Brtty The Area D i v i s i o n has an* and maintaining a public nuisance. Bronston. Klass; Lower—I'aula KiijiL-in, l'atty lie nut t, Sandl Margollu. nounced a 1959 goal of $'^0,000.
Campaign's Early Big Youth Activities, Lead Is Sustained Guidance Offered For All Ages
Pledge Aids Over I j Stefy Agencies
Given High Priority By Federation
1 Area Division
Sweetheart Dance Hostesses
*"*-•*.*>• H-^yr,^.,*,
.v-4 ' - '• i»«W4).
!Sfarfs Coverage