Vol. xxxvn
Publlnlieil cvory Friday, 101 N. Moth, Oinuliu, Nebraska, Phong JA 13(ifl
JS, 1I»3I)
'Kovod Keys' to i e Presented tit Youth Council Program, W e d at Center; Installation of Officers Scheduled A speeiul innovation will be cil oflicers and announcement added to the ]!).")!) Jewish Youth commit lee chairmen. Council Award Night, Wednesday, I'Jdwin Sidman, head of AZ. ]\lay 20 ,'it the Jewish Comnuinily Center, when "Ko\'od Keys" will No, 1 and the son of Mr. and Mrs he bestowed upon individual mem- Harry Sidman has been elected bers who have distinguished them- president of the Council. A deselves through community serv- hater, he was recently elected ice. "Kovod" was select -d for the j president of the Central High title of the keys because ils He- ; School National Forensic League, brew connotation of honor would j He was chairman of the last significantly apply to the achievements of I he recipients,1 council ; Youth Council Thanksgiving scrvleaders said. The -program opens f ice. is a !!)."!) Y. C. Philanthropies lieutenant and is active in many at 7:30 p. m. high school clubs and activities. Club Speakers to he Judged Serving as vice-president is Best club awards, the annual Stephen Guss, son of Mr. and Mrs. feature of the event, will be based Joe Guss. He is n member of on present (it ions of club programs Rayim. Is Council reporter, and a by n represent- r~ Forensic Society member, who ntlve of each has also chalked up an enviable group. " F l i s t .' record as a Central debater. He places" will go to shares a special interest in the Youth Council official family with one girls' group is father who was its president dud one boys' tiring the l'ClH-.'M) season. The c on t e s I Siegel To Conduct Ceremonies will be judged by I Installed will be Konnie GorProfessor Man| don, of Ronu AZA. the son of_Mr. fred I' i e c k. I and Mrs. Richard Gordon as secC'relglilon UnlI retary; Arlene Grossman, of Kleaversity Law nor Roosevelt BBG, the daughter School; the Kev. "Kovod Kry" of Mr. and Mrs.. Arthur Grossman Charles Tyler, Calvin Memorial and Roni Meyer of Kdiar BKG, Presbyterian Church; .Sherman daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Poska, former Center Youth Di- Meyer, as reporters. The installarector; .Mrs. Mike Freeman, pres- tion ceremony will be conducted ident of the Federation of Jewish by Karl Slegel, Federation Adult Womens Clubs and Mrs. Donald Education committee chairman. Nogg, an active Philanthropies Music will be provided by a worker. The awards will be presented by Arthur Goldstein, Fed- "combo" consisting of Arnold eration vice-president, on behalf Fellman. I'.aylm; Howard C'hudaof the Federation. koff, AZA No. 100 and Mike Markovilz. AZA No. 1. . . Officer to be Installed The evening will be highlighted j Special guests will be eialith b y the installation of Youth Coun- | graders and their parants.
Three athletes were honored for outstanding ability at the annual Jewish Community Center Athletic Award Night Wednesday evenine. Hill Kutlcr, son of Mr. and Mrs. MorrW K. Kutler received the J. J. Greenberg Memorial trophy for being the "outstanding grade school athlete." He was captain of the I-Go Van championship midget basketball team. An "outstanding high school performer." .Justin •Ban, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ban, was recipient of the Harry Trustin trophy. He was- a member of the Youth Council All-Star basketball team, a wrestling champ, Y. C. singles handball champ and a partner in the doubles. The Les Burkenward award went to the outstanding Varsity performer, Wayne Siegel. He lms been a uMtball player in city leagues ami was a member of the
Tel Aviv (JTAl Israelis this week were celebrating the eleventh anniversary of the founding of the fitute. Officially, Independence Day, the holiday celebratim; the achievement of independence in 1918 was Wednesday. But the observance began earlier in the week with mass meetings and rallies in ninny cities and settlements, Welcome lVure. lifforts The planned four-power conferonce nt Geneva w a s greeted this weok by Israel's President, Itzhak Ben Zvi in a special Independence Day radio broadcast, l/JA Chairman Cables (Jreeting The observance was Iinilea In n cablegram to Prime Minister Ben Gurlon from New York City In
Varsity basketball team. "Hall of Fame" selections announced by Sain Ban were basketball - - Sam K a t /, m a n, Iz Schrcibman. 1/ Bogdanoff; swimming -Ted Haduzlncr, Joe Turner; handball- Morris Bloom, Manny Goldberg. Dave Frank; baseball Max Altsuler, Joe Turner; tennis-Sam Epstein, Nute Cutler and horseshoes -Jake Adler. Speaker of "the evening was Les Burkenroad, former Athletic Committee chairman for 19 years.
Center Committee The Jowish Community Center Committee will meet Tuesday, May 19, nt 12:15 p. m. at Harry's Restaurant, It was announced by Lou Cmuir, chairman.
Knicrcci us Second-Uiusa Mutter ot i'ost- Annual Rate 4 Uullarf offku, Omaha. Nebraska, uiiilor Act of WTJ. Single Copy 10 Cent!
Dr. •!. Illelcher
I. Chapman
Tlit: appointment of sub-commit* tee chairmen of (lie Budget Com* mittee of the Jewish Federation was announced this week by Er-> nest A. Nogg. General chairman, and Daniel Katzman, Co-ehaimiaja,. of the Budget Committee. . "The limpet Committee," (lie co-chairmen explained, "is divided into I'ljfhl suli-commltlces, euch one of which is c h a r e d with discussing mid H( miring agencies which in Jurn reviews them, mid TJiese Mili-roiiiinllices make a Alike Firriiuin Dr. A. (Srcenberg thorough survey of the Institutions and agencies assigned to them, und/ siihnilt their recommendiitloas to tin- General Budget Committee, Avlde hiu turn reviews them, imi arrives nt final budget for nil activities or the Jewisli Federation, und the agencies s u p p o r t e d through tl,,. IMiilnntliropfo* ,.,, m piillfii."
Snniurl Klce
Cul»i> Jay-C-<' xtandiirdi mid »U|iKr\i»ury ratio "fur «x<i!«<li'il" those rdcomnn'iiitcd by the Amerlouii Cnmpliig Association It «ins disclosed In » study on pructlces and »t;\nilurd< of Onmlin cumps eondueteil liy die loitnl CnniinnnIty Hi-rvlces. Iteioril I'rnWed The study was headed by Herman CIrowel],. president of Ilia Slate Camping Association, w h o staled that "Camp Jay-C-C consistently provides the lop in camping supervision and Ihe ratio of at least one counselor for every four campers, certainly an enviable record In the midwest and In Nebraska." Normim Bull, camp chairman, said, In appraising the report, that by providing this type of ratio, campers are assured of individual attention as well ns greater opportunity for individual growth. Mr. Bad Indicated that this ratio docs not include kitchen, medical, maintenance or administrative alaff. Village SupitrvlNiirs Nuniwl He named Bernard Feldinan, Janet Handler and Richard Welner Village Supervisors, All three are veteran staff members and former campers. Mr. Feldman who served as Boya Village director In 1938 will "Be graduated In June from Columbia University where he has been an honor student since his freshman year. Miss Handler,
Morton Itlcliurds Dr. M. St<:lnl«!rj(
following her graduation from the University of Nebraska, will begin her second consecutive year RS Girls" Village director. Mr. Weinor who will assume the newly created post of counselor-in-tralning supervisor, will be graduated from the University of Iowa in June. He captained 'the cheerleader's sqund when the Iowa fool bull team captured the Rose Bowl championship on two consecutive occasions, (irmltmto Ntir.tc Appointed Mrs. Joan Jensen, a pedialrlc nurse for the Omalm Board of Education and graduate of the University of Nebraska school of nursing, will bo the official camp nurse und will be assisted by two senior nursing students. Larry Kpstein, University of Nebraska Medical student, will serve on the medical stuff. Kully I'"n-(Miiiui To Serve Sally Freeman, Northwestern University student, will assist the Girls' Vlllngo director. Waterfront director will be Jim Nemer, Omaha University June graduate, who has served on the aquatic staffs of the Center and the Highland Country Club. Ranking boy's senior counselor will be Stephen Broolcstein, Harvard University law student. Camp administration will be headed by Saul Silverman, Center Aotivitios director. Miss Bes»e Blank Is camp registrar.
UiliAN AND m ' I t . \ r , OONTItAST—AS people of Israel piepured for (elehratlon of »tuto'» l l t l i anniversary of Independence, officially May 13, In photo nt left, n cidf Is welcomed to ;i fur m sett lenient by young newcomers. Farm development program Includes sonic 180,000 immigrant * of rocent years, but ninny of tho farmsteads are In need of livestock, water, tools and oilier agricultural essentials to help them develop self-sufficiency. Photo nt• TIRIIC gives indication of construction mslt to house new immigrants us well us earlier arrivals, ninny of whom aro Btlll living in lints and Nlinclis of the ma'ulmrot. To niiiintalii tho inimy-Hlded progranm wlileh niiilco process of immigrant-absorption possible, tho United JewNh Appeal I»-currently conducting1 an nrgent nationwide cusli drive for $10,000,000 from pledges received In '50 campaign. Target dato ot tlio cash drlvo la Juno 2I,<17,IA fundH also aid close to 800,000 Jewish men, women and children In 25 coiintrlcH other than Ionic1
The following will serve as Subcommittee chairmen: Dr. Jerome Bleicher, Health and Welfare institutions in the United Slates. Isadore Chapman, Overseas and Israel agencies subcommittee. Mike Freeman, National Servica • agencies, which serve American! Jewish communities. Dr. Abe Greenberg, Omaha agencies which receive support from the United Community Services. Henry Greenberg. Omaha agencies which receive support front the Jewish Philanthropies campaign. Morton Richards, Religious in* stitutions and theological seminaries. Sam Rice, Community Relation! and Civic Protective agencies. Dr. Maurice Steinberg, National Jewish Cultural agencies. In commenting on the organlza. tlon of (he Budget Committee^ Robert H. Kooper, Jewish Federation president stressed that som« 75 people participate in the Budget Committee process, representing diverse views and the thinking ot the community. Included In the, membership ard youiiff people, who represent thfl young adult Jewish community, who huve an opportunity to lie* come fiiinllinr with problems ot till! Jeulih community, loeullyi national)', Israel and overseas. "Through the process of budget* ing, as applied in Omaha," KTrT Kooper said, "we attempt to d« ft better and more intelligent job or allocating funds raised for outf institutions and agencies. Last year, under the General chairmanship of Calvin M. Newman, and eo« chairmanship of Daniel Katzman, 7.3 members of the Budget Com* mittee put in a total of over 30Q hours in their' deliberations and st udy of appropriations for Jewish activities, in Omaha, in the United Slntos, and overseas."
which a pledge to continue working in partnership with Israel's people for the "aspirations of frcj men," was made by Morris W. Bcrinslcin, United Jewish Appeal General Chairnrin. Praises Acceptance of Newcomers In his message to the Prims Minister, Mr. Berinstein stated tliat he spoke for millions o£ American Jews in expressing admiration for Israel's people and for their willingness and generosity in welcoming nearly a million newcomers who have sought new lives in Israel. Mr. Berinstein also stressed to the Prime Minister the nationwide effort to raise $40,000,000 in cash by June 21st in order to hasten the absorption of immigrants to Israel.
Council fo Present Style Stew fyfcay 19 at Highland
Religions Services C'anillcliglill.i|<: 7:16 p. m.
The next meeting of the Anne Frank Young Judea Group "ill Ije held at the home of Marilyn Leuis, 1820 North 23 Street, May 1 /.
Omahans In the News Dr. and Mrs. Morris .Margolin will leave May 2\ for Denver where they will attend the Has Mitzvah of their granddaughter, Sonia Margolin, on May 22. Sonia is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Margolin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker of Long Island, N. Y. are visiling their children. Mr, and .Mrs. Ar-
B'NAI JACOM ADAS VE.SIII KON Services lit B'ii;ii Jnvub-Adas- j Vcshuron will bc;;in Friday at 0:15 I p. m. and Saturday ' morning a t ! 8:30 a. m. with Mincha at 6:15 j p. m. followed liy Shn)<*h .S'eiiclos. j .Dally'services at 6:30 H. m. and 6:30 p m. TEMPLR ISKAEI, Services will be held this Friday /evening at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks will deliver a •ermon p n 1111 e d "Some Recent Views of Ihc Rabbinate—And My Own".
Friday, May 15, ]«fl9
thur WHIUIT and
Mr. and
Kolnslty, Mrs. Walker lived in Omaha.
Pressed Tongue Loaf
4415 Cumlng
WA 5551
Mr. mill Mrs. llm-ry I). Mnrlis will be at the Commodore Hotel until August when Ilir-y will leave for California when1 they will make their hump.
-Morn* IJ. Jacobs, Omaha ;tdverlisiiij; e.\i>cuiive, is one of the 10 alumni of Ihe University of Missouri School of Journalism, to 'Summer Sloelt." annual style charge of a. "favorite ii/cipe" b a k e be cited May H for distinguished service in journalism. The cereshow of the Omaha Section, Na- s;ile. mony k part of the school's fifShabbas morning services will tional Council of Jewish Women. Officers for Ihe coming two year lerm will FUN UNDER THE SUN begin at 11:30 a m. with -..Rabbi Will be presented May 19 follow- j ** '"stalled by Mrs. Lloyd Friedrnon. Lunch tieth anniversary observance. , , . ', . , / . I con con cchoirmen o ore Mmes, Louis Albtrls ono Brooks officiating and the Re- ng a u : J 0 p. m . l U H C h e o n - m e e t i n c \ David Kront;, assisted b/ M u m . Marry . f( o - ;i Nochmun, David Bioloc, Albert Steinbern, liplous School Choir under the di- nt the Country Decorations are \xy Weinlwr(|i n rection of Miss Ida-.Gitlin..singing ordinators of the show, MnlOS. : l fl niade tjy Wmts. Colnian Greenbtrg and . • ; Jerry Roduiincr. //rs. flen Silver will reod the musical portions of the service. Robert teen and Morris (ilM'MIS, ; |ne opining proycr. Rc;crva1ions mo/ lit I ' i l l H m ' mude with rV.mcs. 7. Gordon Hips or Woy be assisted hy Mrs. ' " " ' " " ! fiord FinkU, BKTU EL Finkle, program chairman. Other j - ,, , . , t Mrs, David Hli-irher was elected , ^ ,,, . ' [ GoldslcinChoiMiion loshions will b e mod- president of the newly organized Services at Beth El Synagogue committee m e m bXorman e r s m e Mines.;| tied Lincoln, XR by Mmes. Eikcn stir, stuart Mu-.ktn. Omaha Council of B'nai B'rith Will be held at 8:15 p. m. this eve- Harry oenbern. Dc-noid tiogg, soi Rosinsky, Women at a mcclini; at her home, mid 1. Lincoln, Richard <'in s'oenbern. ning. Rabbi Myee S. Kripkc will Norman Cain, . , . . ., ... Sanlord Brophy, tfebert Swart/, Mcrfis Kocm. 8 - RACES DAILY - 8 Bernstein. -Mrs. D o i l a i d JSogg Will I Morris Jabenlt, Morton iolrcf ond Irvlno May 7. deliver tho sermon. '"Two Views: v hl be featured in a specially nuni-1 9 • RACES SATURDAYS - 9 { ' Other officers are Mines. Max Similarities and Differences", third Oilier models ure /.'.nics, Kdword 7orinsky. Seldin, Milton ALrtifmms, Louis ICrizelinan, fund raising vice presin a series of three on "Judaism ber, and Mrs. Russell niunienthal j Theodore : ! Kctz, l loyd (duddyl Tyrl-cl, Hufph Cooper. ident; Stanley Shapiro, program ADMISSION 75c and Christianity". Cantor Aaron will serve as accompanist. Yole Wlchflrda, Pliil Sokolof, Al fjepomnkk. Arts and crafts marie by the.- ECwtKd E. Wilder, Hcbert f:rornkin, Owen vic<' president: Harry Sldman, (Induding Slot* and F«d. Tax) t. Edgar and the Beth El Syna//.cyrr^on. Worncr Frotimon, Arnold Slcrn, residents of ilie Dr. Philip Sher i Hcrold Lincoln, Poy Simon, ond foul Ro'.cn mejnber.ship vice president; Aaron gogue.Choir- will render the musiLADIES' DAYS Jewish Home for the AK''II will be | Kp.-.tein, treasurer; AIK- Hear, corcal portions of the service. on display and Mines, i'hil Laser! TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS responding s e c r e t a r y ; Harry Sabbath morning services are Hid Henty (Jrcenlx-rp a r e in I •Smith, recording secretary; Al Admlnton for lodltt 35c 8t 9:30, The Junior Congregation Oriteh, financial secretary. Mrs. Service is at 10:30 a. m. MincliaNO CHILDREN ADMITTED ! Sarah Bland of Chicago, III., conMiiitrlv Sfrvirps are at 7:15 p. m. ' ducted the installation. The J e w i s h Youth Council The Sunday morning service is The now council will consist of reached eighty jwr cent of its Phil8t 9 a. m., followed l>y coffr-e mid representation from the three loanthropies goal of SI,200 at the cal chapters of Cornhusker Xo, h study-discussion srssion led hv Only tour weeks ri'inain before recent rally at the Hlaekstone HoJlnhbl Kripke. 10'VJ, llenrv Monsky No. 470 and :he opening of 1he Jewish Comtel, it was reported by Justin Nebraska No. 316.' nunity Center Day Camp on June BETH ISIIAKr. Gi'(.'cnbfi'g. Phyllis Abrahams, AlIS, Mrs, Leonard Kulakofsky, Rabbi Benjamin Groner. Omtor chairman, reported in advising vin NewberK and Kthel .Saljes, Mrs, Hen Handler wishes to KM K;ii;an, and the Beth Israel prompt registration of campers. campaign leaders. All lieutenants j express her appreciation and 9 were urged at the rally to "cover j Synagogue Chuir will conduct sr-rv- Enrollment II.'JS been heavy this thanks to her friends for their their cards" and turn them in to: Jces tbis evening, at 8 p. m. Tradi- season. many cards and gifts received tional Friday e v e n i n g services. their captains or to the youth of-1 Spechil C!iiMpin£ Area** WHOLESOME during her recent illness. <Knbl>ala<; Shabhoa) 7:15 p. m. Mrs. Kulakofsky said "special lice at the Jewish Community] SNACK! • Services begin at 8:45 a. m. on camping areas" will be designated Center when completed. Saturday and ihe Junior Congre- or the campers, in Peony Park. | MADE WITH CRISP, gation meets at 10 n. m. Tiabbi The program including .swimming Groner will conduct the Satur- will not be iiitorruptrd during inCHUNKY WALNUTS day afternoon Talmud Class at clement weather when activities | AND THE WORLD'S 6:45 p. m. and Mincha, followed ulll be transferred to the "Jay" by Shalosh S'eurlos and Maariv Through a cooperative arrangeCHOICEST DATES Will befjin at 7:15. ItU.KA'-h ment, pre-schoolers will take part Tlt.ll-tl'C'M'IIAI Sunday morning services l)e«in n in-door programs at Temple Isfal 1 ln\at * u I T , llrrn«v, I Bt 8:45 a. m. The services are rael in had weather. 11 f n t, malntrrmrKe followed by breakfast and Rabbi Day Camp activities will include Groner's class in Bible. The Sun- nstniclional swimming, arts and day morning Junior Congregation crafts, nature, music, dramatics, pieets at 8:30 a. m. Daily services religious .activities, hilling tups i DAVE.MOT BOIL T a. m. and 7:25 p. m. ijames, athletics, campcraft. and I DBOMEOMT CHOCOWTIIIUI « 0 t l \ The weekly Talmud Study Group special events. Campers will be | meets on Tuc-day at 7:30 p. m. served lunch daily and a.snack at ' end ODANGI'NUT SOU Saturday morning services at the ?, p. rn. 19th and Hurt Sired Synagogue Transportation Supervised 9 a. in. Transportation will be supervised at all times. Day campers iri the Jewish Tradition ivlll be picked up at one of four! Vour order should l)c plnct.1'! v»"ell convenient locations at 9 a. m. j In jiclv.'inco of "Yahr/cit" so the FREE ESTIMATES u'ork dncs not huve to bo hurried. All friends and relatives are and returned at. 4:30 p. m. Pre- j PL 5396 Invited to attend services and schoolers will be picked up with | We are known for our exacting Commercial regular campers but returned to i Residential reception. Hebrew lotto ring And detail. their homes at noon. ! You may place your confidence MAKILYN KAI'LAX in ui knowing each detail and Fees are S35 for two weeks and i PAMELA LINCOLN' tradition will be adhered fo S60 for four weeks. Children may I TOIIY ItKIZIIAUM with ufmoit care and skiff. be enrolled by sending application I KVA SAM) and check to (he Jewish Conimtin- i you Ornl directly with the EI.ENK STOLEB ily Center, ] Here ov.m-rs . . . . We permit no unllnR1ly soilriittlnn . , . Call us for' Each of the followiiiK girls will appointment nt your convenience. celebrate her Bas Milzvah at a group ceremony at the Beth Israel OMAHA'S LEADING Synagogue Friday evening, May A monument will be dedicated Kosher Meal* Market and Delicatessen 35th. Elenc Stoler, daughter of to the memory of Mrs. Reva Mr. and Mrs. Jay Stoler; Eva Krasne, Sunday, May 17 at 9:30 WA 5554 ' 441SCUMING £and, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. a. m. at Golden Hill Cemetery. 3213-15 " 9 " St. Frank Raima STOP AT Alex Sand; Marilyn Kaplan, daugh- Relatives and friends are invited Open Sunday 2-5 Since I9!S ter of Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Kap- to attend the .service, Jnn; Pamela Lincoln, daughter of A monument will be dedicated to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lincoln; and Toby Rci'/hauin, daughter of Mr. the memory of Mrs. Anna Marcus, May 17 at 10:30 a. m. at Golden end Mrs. Max Reizbaurn. Hill Cemetery. Friends and relaPhon« JA 13M fo Insert your V/anl Ad In tives are Invited to attend the the Jewish Prcsj, JEFFREY SILVKliMAN Rale Is 50 cents for ecch threft line Inscrservice. llon. The Press rtiervti tht right fo limit Jeffrey Sllverman, son of Mr. sl2C of cacti advertisement and Mrs. Stanley Silvermnn, will For Your Oulildo Bar-D-t?uo observe his Bar Mitzvah on Fri- Friday e v e n i n g and Saturday DAILV JEWISH PAPERS day evening, May 15th and Satur- morning (it Temple Israel. BAU and Bas Mitzvan congratu•lay morning. May IGt'i at Beth lations also for all Jewish holiNODDLE El Synagogue. days and special occasions. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Noodle an- Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge Prompt Attention Given to Phone Order*. nounce the Bar Mitzvnh of tlieii' J.ANCY 3IAHIESKV Wr. and Mrs. Etlward Makiesky son, Jeffrey, on Friday evening, FOn PRACTICAL NURSES and Call Wednesday for Thursday Delivery Prnctical Domestics, call WE. tinnounce. the Bas Mitzvah of their May 22nd nnd Saturday morning, . daughter, Nancy, will be held this May 23rd at Beth El Synagogue. I •5217. -Mrs. lioljert KOMII, u <u-(lir(<(<ir, and Mr*. William Kinlde, |iror l u i l n n a u for Cotmril style show.
New B'ncri BVith Council Formed
Day Camp Opens in Four Weeks
Youth Council Hits 80 Per Cent of Goal
Assert c
Bar and Bas'Mifzvah
Omaha filonument Company
Frlduy, Mny IB, 1059
Page Three
'Lav/ Day' Explained Nathan Yaffes Celebrate At Women's ieefing
You'll Bo Pleased If You Shop at
50th Wedding Anniversary
MIZKAC'III WOJIKN WKKSKHT M'NCHKON A dessert liinelieun fit 1 p. in. will precede the business meelinj; ol tin1 Omahii Chnpter Mizinchi Women, Wednesday, May L'O at the Jewish Community O u t e r . .Mrs. II. Franklin asks ih;il those who have not yi;t imule Iheir Jeu1M1 National Fund contribiiilon, Ho so at this lneelins;. A movie will be shown for I lie first time in Omaha, "The Howl
The contrast between the demoi eralie uay of life and thu tyranny 1 uniler c o in in u n i s t i c rule was .stressed by Raymond Grossman, .Sr., attorney in a talk before members of the Federation of Jewish Women's (Tubs in a meet in;.; nl the Jewish Community Center. ! Mr. Crossinan ti]ipeared in conjiieelion with the observance of "Law Day, U. S. A." (annually on May l l , whose purpose, lie said, to the KP<I Sen." also was to explain the place of law in American life and to fostei j V<H;N'<; AIHXTS TO respect for the law. The proJMKK I'LANS MAV 17 j;ram is sponsored by the American The Young Adults will meet Association with the participation Mr. nnd Mrs, Yii Sunday, May 17 at 2 p. m. nl the of its state and local organizaJewish Community O u t IT to plan tions. He was introduced to (lie parties and other forlhcomiii}; Catherine by Mrs. Morris C. Fellevents. man. SPKCIAL, <iIKT: A Sewing MaIIADASSAII .MI;I:TIN(;S Mrs. Mike Freeman, president, chine was presented to the Home The Hoard of the Omaha Chap- presented the annual report on by Mr. mid Mrs. A. H. Brodltey ter of Hadnssah will meel at 12::M) services and activities of the wom- in honor of Mrs. Reuben Kulakofp. m. Monday, May 18, at the en's organization, sky on the occasion of her eightyhome of Mrs. Phinnas Wintrmil) A report on the progress of the third birthday. •with Mmts. Jack Kiiufinan :md Philanthropies Women's Division MOTHKIt'S »AY GIFT: Mrs. Uiive Sherman as co-hostesses. was made by Mrs. Sam Katzman, Viola M. Cohen donated a beauti''"liree tlndnssah board meolinijs one of Its co-chairmen. She said ful metal fruit buw] ami stand to and I2:.'iO p. m. ilessort luncheons $(>!,017,25 total pledges had been the Home, as a Mother's Day j;ift nre scheduled for ThurKil.'iy. May made, representing 1,083 cards at in memory of her mother, Anna 21, this time, and that the outlook for Meyers. Szold group will meet at the the completion of the chive looked .MK.MOItlALI'I.AQIJLS: Special home of Mrs. William lUiskin. promising. commemorative .services were held Year end reports wll Ihe Riven by in the Home Synagogue for tho acling committees. Hetzl Group following whose plaques were addlit the home of Mrs. M;ix Shapiro ed to our Memorial Tablets: Jowith Mmes. Julius Katzman and seph Goldman, Susan Ruhack and James Samuelson as co-hostesses Rachel Dwoisky Mell. nnd Weizmann c'oup at the home ItAHIHNICAL K C II K 1> II I. K: Members of the first Bar and of Mrs. Howard Milder with Mrs. Bas. Milzvah Classes of the Rev. Rabbi Benjamin Groner will be Leo Rosenberg us co-hostess. our visitor. May 20th, and Rabbi Members of the Krtucalioniil Alexander K.'ilz and the first David Korl) on May 27th. nursery school class of Mrs. K.'ity Council of the Omaha Chapter of IN MKMORIAMt Joe Shindler. Hadassah, will meet for an OncK will participate in the program Social Activities—Movies: RegShabbat at. 1 p. m. .Saturday, May honorins; their former teachers at ular weekly programs at the home 3(>. nt the home of Mrs. Sam Green. the annual Beth Kl congregational for all residents. Special visits to dinner. May 17. The dinner will follow a social hour at 5:30 p. m. downtown thenlei'.H for those "young at heart." Trips: Visits to MI:I:TIN<I Marlene Freedman, daughter of museums and other places of inChance of ilate of the hoard Mr. and Mrs. Irving Freedman and terest In Ihe vicinity. meeting of the Council of Jewish Arnold Stern will represent the COMING KVKNTSi Israel InWomen to Friday, May 15, was nursery school and Bar Mitzvah dependence dny, Jewish Youth announced by Mrs. J. M. Honvich, classes. Council-date to be announced and president. Mrs. Kdith Prinze, field Dinner chairmen are Dr. Albert Golden Age Club party at the . represent.-ilivc of the National G. Rimmerman and Mrs. Nathan Home, Monday, May 23. Council of Jewish Women for the Nog|;. Sam Orecnberf,' will serve North Centra) region, will he nrcs- as toastmaster, rnl at Ihe 1 p. m. dessert-luncheon Highlights of the prograiii will urn! meeting at 'he home of Mrs. be selections by the Beth Kl SisNorniiin Hahn. Co-hostess for the terhood choral group under the .ICC VAItSITV SOFTBALL rvent Is-Mrs. Yale Richards. | direction of Cantor Aaron F.dcar The .ICC Varsity Softball team and a panel discussion on "A won their first game over G. I. "COFKKI; WITH TIII; itAimr Stranger in Ills Own House." Reu- Forum 5-3. Al Hograil pitched a "A Jewish Approach to Mar- ben Rcznik, Buffalo, N. Y. Bureau \ hitter to get the Jay lads off to riage" will be the topic for the of Jewish Kducation Director, will a winning start. Moe Hiindleman final Beth FJ "Coffee with the serve on the panel with Mrs. Sol had the longest hit of the gnme, a ••ilnbbl" of this"season. Tho dismis- Parsow, Mrs. NnuQuin MilRrnm,1 triple, while Stew Knhn did a fine sion led by Rabbi Myei' S. Kriplco Samuel Cooper and Leon Schmid- job as Bograds batterymate. The Will take place nt Belli Kl Syna- nian. The annual report, will bo team plays Thursday evenings. KOK'ie, May 21, 0:.'!() a. m. Reser- presented by Ralph Nogg, presvations may be made with Mrs. ident. Yale Ootsdiner or Ihe .synnKowic Mrs. Sam Ban and Mrs. William office. A sitter will be available. Alberts, assisted by Circles 7 and 10 are in charge' of the dinner arBKNKKIT CAKD I'AltTV RUG & UPHOLSTERY rangements. Circle chairmen arc T h e Midwest District Work- Mesdames Alan Swart/, Louis CLEANERS men's Circle Family will hold a Hurwitz, Sam Stern and Paul RUGS —CARPETING benefit card party, Sunday. May Bernstein. '.'."' : 17 at 7 p. m. at. the Labor Lyceum. LAMP SHADES Wrs. Sam Novak is chairman of FURNITURE the event and L. Wilkin is chairCleaned in Your Homo! man of Ihe ori'ani/.atioli. Admission is 75 cents. Binding—Laying—Repairing Proceeds will be used to help imHA 2554 niicmnts to enter Israel, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Goldware Don Bernstein entertained their immediate family May i), at a dinner at Angelo's 1IKNISV MONSKY ISOAKI) The board of Henry Monslty in the occasion of their fiftieth Chapter No. 470, H'nai B'ritli will weddin ^anniversary. meet Wednesday, May 20 at. 8 •Other events honoring the Goldp. in. nt the home of it's president, wares included n house-party SunMrs. Julia Jacobs. 114 S. 5(1.111 day, given by their son and daughStreet. ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Goldware and children, Barry nnd for the HAM MOTHKKS CI,I1B Mallory and a cake-cutling parly, SiRma Alpha Mil Mothers club Wednesday given nt home by their 'Royal Treatment" will hold its last meeting of the daughter, Faye Goldwnre of Washseason, Wednesday, May 20 at 1 ington, D. C. Miss Goldwnre is visp, m. at the home of Mrs, Robert iting her parents. When you want to pr«Kooper. 0212 Oipltol. Co-hostess Mr, and Mrs. Goldware were lorvo A praclaut memory will be Mrs. Stanley Shapiro. Mrs. married In Omnhn on May i), 1909, or a glamoroui occasion K. X. Widman, president, GL, 3435 fortver. may be called for reservations. Colton, financial .secretary, who M a k e an appointment will soon make her home in CaliDANCE lUX'ITAI. for a photograph today. Call S t u d e n t s of Carolyn Kugan fornia, will be honored. Mmes. J. Kaplan, M. Sterenberg, and Dave Dance Studio will present n recitnl Kpstein are members of the lunchSunday, May 17 nt 2 p. m. nl the eon committee. Jewish Community Center. The organization will hold a rummage salo, May 24-25 nnd 26 at PIONKKIl WOMEN Pioneer Women's Organization 191-J'i North 24th Street. One of will hold Its monthly luncheon the following may be called for Tsmpor^ry Location meeting, Thursday May 21 at 12:30 pick-up of contributions of cloth•n Second Uv«l of Cenlor nt the Jewish Community Center. ing anil household nrtlclcs—Mmes. Election of Officers will be held; Jacob Feldman, HE 0938; H. Rlch42nd & Center Mrs. Sara Okun I» Nomination lln, WE 15G2; Davo Epstein, HA RE 0231 committee chairman. Mrs. Michael 4574, nnd Iz. Forbes, \VA B561.
With flie Home Folks
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan S. Yaffc were honored on thVir fiftieth wedding anniversary at a dinner last Saturday evi-ning at the Highland Country Club. Hosts were their c h i l d r e n . Messrs. and Mines. Sol Yaffe, Irvin Yaffe and David Ureslow, the Jaiter ol* Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Yaffe were married in Omaha and have been aclive in Community affairs. Mr. Yaffc was president of tho C.'ily Talmud Torah and was cltiscly iilc-nlified with Jewish education activities for many years. Out-of-town fiuosts were Mrs. Louis Murgo(Illi Lo:, Ancieiev Col.; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Manjolin, Kiinsos City, Mo.; Mr rind Mrs Morris Giller, Mux Yaffc (ind ion, Alan, o!l of Dollas, Tex.; Mrs. Idci Brc-slow, Gene Oreslo^, Mr. <jnd Mr?,. Harry Brcslow, Mox Mwer, tM. ond Mrs. Leonard Wozcr, all of Lincoln, ond Mr, ond Mrs. Jake Greenhorn ond Mrs. Lena Snovsky, Sioux CM/
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MANHEIMER FURS 1535 NO. SADDLE CREEK ROAD Tiretl of Your Old Mink Stole7 So Many Years the Same Style? We hav« many new exciting styles in which you will look much different. Our name ii well-known in town. Juit aik your friends about M a n heimer v/orhmanihip. We A n Reosonoble, Tool Call RE 0343 for a Fro* Estimate
Fur Storage ft C o m p l t t t Fur Servicing
Family Dinner Marks Golden Anniversary
Reservations Accepted for Sunday Family Dinners FARNAM AT 19TH — PHONE ATLANTIC 1313 —OMAHA. NEBR.
Style Show Every Other Friday, I P.M. May I and 15
Buffet Luncheon
12 to 2 P.M.
Fashions from Zoob's Ethel Dougherty Models C A L L OUR CATERING OFFICE FOR RESERVATIONS
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RE 5161
Offldal i'ulilicutiuii of Sioux
Friday, May 18, 1659
I Cover the Campaign j By Norman .Manson ! llvidcnco accumulated this wccl; lhat the Jewish stale is ci.niinuiding I note and more respect lioip. those whose opinion is'vital. The piessure exerted by iiifhiential American senators and conI.ymi A. Allan was elected gressmen to have Israel restored The S t a l e Historical Society of A l'csiiliition passed May Tib by I president ^of the Jewish Federato the state department's grant-in- Iowa ha^ requested j cninplf'le ; the Hoard of Directors of tile Jewtion hy the members of the Fedaid list uas a distinct case in point. file of the "Federation News lj-'\- i ish Federal ion imposes a responeration Board a I the election Senatots of such diverse stripe as ter" and the "Sioux City Jewish j.sibiliiy on llje Kxoeiilivc Commilmeeting May 7lh. F.nrl Kline was Wajne Morse, the Oregon mav- P r e s s " to be hound and placed in '• tee to icview conl ribulions to the elected first vice president, Iiurerick liberal, and Russell I^ont;, ' t h e Historical Society library at i United .Jewish Cntupaign, and in 1 Ion I.ip.shut/. second vice presione of the die-hard southern group, - luwa City wilh nilicr m a t e r i a l (»n certain cases wfiere flagrant indent, Mrs. Stanley Karl, third vice spoke up for restoration of the Iowa J e w r y . • cqualities niiiy e.xisl, to request a presidc-iil, Harold Coldslein, treasgrant Mr. William .1. 1'CRTMMI. Mipci - j more equitable contribution. urer and Harold Hosentluil. secreUndersecretary of state (.'. Doug- 1 intended! of the S t a l e Historical lievilulloii Ilclniv tary. Mr. Arkin and Hie other oflas Dillon, who earlier .presented ! Society, has also it*<|U«-slfd early The resolution, uhich appears i ficei'K Were elected for a term of ( h i s t o r i c a l muierial ahoul the i in entirety, below on this page,' | I wo years. mittee with a written 'report Riv-j Sioux Cily Jewish community. ;ls directed to the case of families ! The new president is a member Jilg such a glowing account of I which -celehrated iis :t(nli anni- of unquestioned ability tn pay tor of Ihe Hoard of Mount Sinai TemIsrael's economic progress that, in j versary this year. 'IV. o articles services they derive from the Jew j pie. a member of H'nai B'rilh and his opinion, she no longer needed jI have been completed s-i far for •; ish Commiinily Cenier who contrithe Jewish War Veterans. He is American aid in the orm of out- j publication in the Historical Soci- ; bule less than tbr- cost of the servJa past president of Ihe Kvchange right grants, backtracked 1o Ihe j ety's periodical "The I'alimpsPst". ' ices they use. Such families, il was Club and a member of the ChameMcnt of saying the department one about the .lews of Central pointed out, instead of contiibutber of Commerce. He is a Certified "probably", Would reinstate the Iowa, the second about early Jew- ing to the comtnunity's \ ilf.ue Public Accountant. $7.5 million grant. However, he as-1I'isli s e t t l e m e n t s along the Missis- fund, actually consume cosllv t>ci\ The Jewish Federation Is lli<< sured the committee lhat this wasj sippi Hiver, .-jccordinK l o Mr. 1VI- ; ices and lower the amount at ad ; central iidniinMriillvc linily of Dm for psychological rather than eco- Crson. T h e Sioux City si<Gry is he- able for overseas relief and na!,Jewish ronirninillv, conducting all nomic reasons. ing sought to till an important • tional welfare causes. ! matters which concern the comTo Israel, however, the money g a p in the official recoid of the ! imiulty as a whole. It operates tlin was vital, for this was money given, .lews in Iowa. i.Jewish Community Cooler, handle* In Ihe discussion thai preceded with no strings attached, in Cull-! " l s l (r> o l " " j the social service problems of Dm A s u m m a r y of the m a i c r i a l Hie passing of the resolution il was trast with development loan fund j Jewish community, governs tlin grants earmarked for specific pur- gathered hy Oscar i.iltlefield i n ' emphasized that families of modest I Hebrew School, the K.iKlirut Counp r e p a r a t i o n * for ".lulii'ec Y e a r " ; means ought not to be rigidly as- i poses and repayable. j ell, und conducts the I'nlted JewMore Important from an over-all program hns been sent to the llis-i sessed for the cost of the facilities | The Jewish business and pi ofes- I Isli Campaign now In progress. It viewpoint would have Ihe implica- torical Society. The summary Is; and services Ihcj and their chil- i sional girln will launch the H & Is also a liaison agency with ull tion of discrimination a g a i n s t baKed (id early letters, records, j dren use. In ;i community effort I W V division campaign with a din- •organizations hi the city concerned Israel, had she been the only na- minutes of organization meetings, | a sliding scale is juMllied. and all i tier and lawn party at the home Mvllh Jewish welfare or culture. In tion of the middle east to he de- j newspaper articles and personal .should contribute according to | of the B Hi P W chairman, Mrs. ;riift|H>ra(iiin with the Antl-Hefitprived of this type of aid. This! ••""••'-doles as recalled hy old Sioux their means, il wan g e n e r a l l y 'Stanley Karl. .'ifi'JO Court Street. (nation League, I lie .Irulsli Fed' • Mrs. Karl,' who was chairman eratlon promotes good relation* exclusion, whatever the suite d,.-i Cityans. Much help (u the re. agreed. payment's motiw. could only have I search was given Ijy Jerry KanThe Kxeculive Committee, und'.'r | of the while collar girls' campaign hetwren tin- Jewish cominiiiilt y intensificd Israel's position of iso-i "ovich, freshman at Morningsid..- the conditions of the resolution, i in l!).->6 and lfC>7 pointed out that | und the general community. I | • l>v its hostile \ College, and Mrs. Kslher Levy, a lalion sin rounded may, after reviewing the facts j their division has the best con- j Federation board Is made up »f '.volunteer worker in the Jewish with Ihe family, request a larger tributing record in the community j mrml.rrn elected from tin- general ncighliois 'Community Cenier library. Anothi'i example ol friendship contribution to the L'nlted Jewish for steady Increases year after j community nnd tlift presidents «f was heard in lh» British house of Campaign, and may, af.'er due year. She announced that she ex- {nil local organizations, und tlin loriLs during a debate on the innotice, exact as a last resort denial pects the 19.')D drive to more than i presidents and rulihls Imtli (if tlin maintain the general 33 per cenl ! thren congregations. ternational situation. Karon Henof services. .! 'flic Jewish Federation win; increase in the other divisions. derson, longtime I,,it>or spokesman •$30,000 Fi.r Chllilrcn. V'.nitli ! founded 38 years ago. At its anon foreign policy, called Israel "the.; The cost of providing 'children's B'nui B'rilh will hold an open nual meeting two months ago the? most stable democratic country" and youlh services, exclusive of meeting Wednesday, May 20, 8:15 commiinily celebrated a combined (in the middle east i and urged other Cenier and Federation serv- p. in. al Ihe Jewish Community anniversary -90 years of existence that the Jewish slate he enabled.j A c o r p s o f r i c a p , n i n s c)f , n P ices, was estimated at $.'(0,000. Center. as an organized community, and "to secure herself with military (Advance Gifts and General Men's ,75 years of continuous welfare and economic aid. 'divisions ranged Sjoux City's busii work. • Some more concrete items also | n p s s , i m i industrial district's In I lie came Israel's way last weelt. Prob- j community's most intensive drive ably the most vital were the new; i n recent' years for the United French Supcr-Mystere jet fighters, [ J e « i.sl, Campaign. Concurrently 66 RKSOM'TION' I The Hebrew Women Board will supersonic craft regarded as prob-1 W w m . n - S division captains rang, WHF.itF.AS funds raised hy our Campaign are solicited in j meet Monday, May IK. J p. m., ably the equal of any fighter flown :(,,„,.,„.„, .,„,, „,.„,,, h,m-e the name of the United Jewish Appeal, nnd "our Campaign ex- i at the home of Mrs. Krnst Kauftwlay. The new addition to Israel's j p o i n , , , , , . , , , _ , , 0 . ,„,„., „„,,,. ,„.„.,. ploits the emergency peedx and the appeal of the IMA cause, ; mann. a i r a r m a d a is generally conceded j p ^ . , , , , , h o m ( . „, ,„„,.,, o r i n and to give her clearcut superiority ; , j o ; v , l l o w n s , o u . s WHF.UKAS n substantial portion of Iho funds raised by the over her Arab neighbors, whose j Hadassah will install officers at United Jewish Campaign is deducted first for the operation of latest model fighter is the MIG-17. i All were hurrying lo meet their in luncheon meeting Tuesday, May the Jewish Community Center, it being estimated lhat S30.0OO j campaign deadline and wind up Israel a No received a top-secret 1!>. 1 p. m. at the Jewish Communannually is expended in providing activities for children, and new French fighter-bomber, the ! the solicitation by the middle of ity Center. the average cost per child attending the Center, being approxiy.Jl|ture . I May, when the Business and Pro-j mately $100, while the average cost per child attending Hebrew j fessionnl Women and the Young | 'TIK- U. S. economic mission has All volunteer l e a d e r s of the School is -S75- over and alx.vc the tuition paid by the parents children's and youlh clubs will be announced that 3 million pounds Ii fExecutives divisions are slated and l a k e cnl v feled al the b e n d e r ' s Dinner in counterpart funds would h e ! _ "yVHF.KKAS all contributors, regardless of how much they Tuesday, May lit, f. p. m. at the granted Israel for development of: Driving rurce behind ibis inand members of their families use local services and facilities, Normandy. . hcr railway system. One-third ! tensified a c t i v i t y was general pledge their K'fts in terms of charity needs, und v-OHild go toward extension of a | chairman Dave Albert and diviWHFJiF.AS inequality exists among contributors with reTh Shaare Zion Women's Leagun lilie from Beersheha deeper into j sion chairmen Dr. Frank Epstein spect lo la i the amount of use members of their families malte Mother's and Daughter's Banquet the Negev. In other American uc-1 f""l Joe Goldstein of the Men'* of the Center, und ib) their financial ability to contribute towill be held Wednesday, May 20, tion, tax relief was sought in a ] division, and Mrs. Meyer J. Epward the maintenance of the Center, and still meet philanthropic 8 p. m. at the Synagogue. congres.-,lonal measure for Amer-1 stein of the Women's, who kept obligations. lean businessmen who invest in the | their captains constantly alerted THEP.EFORF. HE IT HKSOLVKD . . . The Mount Sinai Sisterhood will middle east, including Israel.' and ; 1° the needs and keyed up to quick That the Federation Executive Committee periodically rehold its closing luncheon meeting other underdeveloped areas. j action. view the contributions to the United Jewish Campaign of all Thursday, May 21, 1 p. in. ut the On the diplomatic front. Dr. ; With Advance Gifts, General families In the community, including families whose members' Temple. Ralph Bundle, after a visit both j Men's, and the Women's divisions mal<e use of the facilities of the Jewish Community Center. to Egypt and Israel, appeared to i nearly nine tenths completed, an That the Executive Committee in making this review assess The S h a a r e Zion Women's over 1958 have persuaded the Israelis to overallll iincrease off .'15','" ' tin* use of these activities and facilities by children and adult League will hold a Bake Sale Friagree to continue its recent policy contributions is being maintained. members of the families in terms of the actual cost of providing day, May 29, 10 a. m, to 5 p. in. of "silent diplomacy" in preference these services Snd the financial ability of these families to conat the Boulevard Food Store and to a recourse lo the security coun- ; The Memorial Dance of Jewish tribute. • Harold's Finer Foods. Veterans Post No. Xtf will cil. The matter steemed from the i War That the Executive Commit let1 be einjiowered, after detersimmering dispute over Egyptian j ' ) e l i e 'd Saturday, May ,V>, at the mining the family's ability to assume financial responsibility Mrs. II. H. Ilaliinowllz will bo seizure of Israeli cargoes being | Sheratoii-Marlin Hotel, for the services provided for its children and adult members, guest of honor at the Shaare Zion shipped through the Suez canal, i ~~ and after reviewing the facts with the family, to request a Women's League luncheon Tueslarger contribution to the United Jewish Campaign, lhat It bo However, Dag Hammarskjold j tices as .'humane. In New Jersey, day, May 20, 1 p. m. A program, empowered to deny Confer seiviees to families that fail to meet seemed to he making little real a bill which had aroused strong "Deep Are They Itoots," will he their financial obligation toward maintaining these services. progress in his negotiations with j J e w is h opposition on the same narrated by Mrs. Joel Levine, and BK IT FUPyTIIF.R RESOLVED . . . • Col. Nasser over the matlcr, and | subject was returned to the coindirected by Mrs. Irving Lefkow. That a registered written notice be mailed lo each family how long Israel would r e m a i n mittee on agriculture wilh instrucso designated and a 30-tlay probationary period bo awarded be"silent" was a moot q u e s t i o n . tions to hold public hearings . , . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Levin of fore denial of Cenier services and activities be instituted. Meanwhile, in far-away Australia A tough anti-housing discriminaChicago, III., announce the birth —to which the canal is vital— tion law went into effect in Conof u daughter,' Klleii Jo, on May mernbers of parliament, were press- necticut, while a complete program 3, 1939. Mrs. Levin Is the former Twins, Alan and Suzanne Iven- Sharon Merlin, daughter of Mr. ing Foreign Minister Casey to for the elimination of discriminaraise the question before the UN. tion in federal*"housini{ was recer, son and daughter of Mr, nnd and Mrs. Joe Merlin. • * ommended by the Union of AmerRobert Lynn Grucsltin, son of Mrs, Max Ivener will observe their BRIEFLY AROUND THE NA- ican Hebrew Congregations. Par- Mr. and Mrs. Milton J. Grucskin, Bar and Bos Mitzvah Friday and Mr, and Mrs; Lou Feinberg of TION . . . Minnesota Gov. Orville ticularly opposed was the policy will observe his Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, May 29 and .'!0, nt West Covina, Calif., announce the Freeman last week signed into a of allowing state and local laws Friday and Saturday, May 15 and birth of a daughter, Maria Beth, law an amended humane slaughter to determine whether- the federal 1G, at Shaure Zion Synagogue. A Shaure Zion Synagogue. Luncheon on May 5, 1959. Mrs, Feinberg is will follow th Saturday morning bill, which defined Jewish ritual government would support segre- luncheon will follow the Saturday the former Lorraine Arkovich, : Slaughter and pre-slaughter prac- gated .hoiwin". sorvlco, service. daughter of Mrs. Sam Arkovioh,
Historical Society Federation Board Requests Data on to Adjust Sioux City Jewry
Election of Officers Held
to Launch Drive With Dinner
j Advance Gifts, Lien's, Women's Units Haco To Meet Deadline
Federation Board Resolution
Bar and Bas iitzvah