May 22, 1959

Page 1

Vol. XXXVHNii. 37

Published every Friday, 101 N. 'JOTh. OMAHA, Omaha, Nebraska. Phone JA l.'iflii

Israel Ants Violates



.WAV T!. l!).~i!l

made for Day Gamp Opening June 15 >6

The Jewish Commiinily Centci

i:ntrmj us wima ciusa urcice, Omaha Ni'ht


ut 1-NisY-"

Annum Hale <S IJolluls Single Coyv 10 Cents

Youth Council Leaders Installed, at Program ~~m9*".


UXITKD NATIONS. N. V. I.ITAJ -Israel took issue this week; filled day camping season which with Ihe complain! submit l t d by 10 Arab nations, lo the United Na- will begin on June ].">. All indiea tions Secretary Ccneral against Ihe emigration of Jews to Israel. A tious point lo a capacity enrollSpokesman lor the Israeli delegation said that the Arab complaint violates a clause in Article I I of the United Nations Charter, which Ilienl for holh day camp periods, forbids interference by members in the internal affairs of other Parents who have not yel enmembers. rolled their campers are encouraged lo d» so immediately since "As far back as lii-ls, Arab rcpj'Pljistralidii is limited and applica lcsentalives in the Security Counlions are taken in order in which cil debate n.'i the Arab invasion of | they are received. Children mn) Israel expressed nhicrliniis t register by submitting application immigration into Israel." I h e ; ... , ,,., , . ,, ,. . •i • ii ,1 ,i i Pans. i.JJAi Ihe Palis Radio blank and Ihe fee to the Day (.'amp spokesman sard. He pointed ' » " L,.,,,,,.,,.,, | , l a | Soviet Premier Niki- office in the Jewish Community tbat Israel had then rejected such | u Khnischehev, Speaking at a C e n t e r . •.-.- . • . • [ . ' . object ions, coulendiiii; that "iru- j public j.;alherine in an unnamed. Day enrnp will be held between pruviiieial city in the .Soviet Uninu'ralion into Israel is no of Nnypt or lrai| or the Arab ion, declared thai every Jew in June Ii) and July 10. Fees are $.'!;"> League, and can (m in no part of Ihe l.'SSIt desiring to emigrate f o r e t e l l two week period or Sfib anv iliscussifins with them, just as from the country will be permit- for ihe entire four weeks. A few openings remain in both (ho r Israel claims no rinhls to influence i teil to ilo s<<. . 1 the iinniicr.ition ]aus and policies j Tile Pjirjs Hadio also reported JII'T day camp open to boys and girls,-.5 to 12 years of age and in ol F.gypt or Iran or the countries j from liciiiit that the slnlcmcnt of the Arab I.eainie," made by Mi1. Khrushchev, to visit- the pre-school division, 3 to "> the ing American war*. veterans that years. (Further information .may The spokesman said lhal and possibly the ori- he is playing with1 Ihe idea to per- he obtained by calling JA !.'!<!(>. i tii'e riioliv ;'ui of the Arab note's react ion to mit "in the future ' the emigration! the humanitarian process ol re- of all those In the Soviet I'nlou j Uniting the dispersed Jewish peo- who would like to ieave the counple v. ith their l:iu in Jsra"l are li,'si illustrated by a statement on February I."). I'M. by Ihe Voice of Ihe Arabs., ihe ollicial radio station In Caim." He cited Ihe stale- Israel. Television Si.iljon K.MTV ChanMn Israel. Prime Minister DaIIICIII as follow;-': "The only explaii'-l :; will devole il.s 11 :.'•,(» a. m. nation for the increased Zionist vid Men (iuii'»n. commentinf: on: |iro'.;rain on Munday, May 25lh lo immigration to Israel is a Zionist-. Khrushchev's stalenienl said Ihnl Ihe (.'(imp .lay-('-r story il was jnrierialisl plot In face the world j although the .Soviet Premier did lait accompli thai would I mention the exact lime when emwith , cjn;l|i( usia would be per- j ,,t(|ff lnf,,.vi(M,,.,. ' make the lii|ii'flatioii ol Israel ' igration from Hi he did not mean; | mil led, " I hope 'III'.(|i|fi"M'l." much Norman Holt. Camp Chairman. this would happen in the 'lessiahV days." i i said he was "ind'-ed |ileased Ihat K.MTV selected Camp Jay-C-C to 'i,'irllcip;ile in the program notinjr American Cnnipiug M011II1.

Klwischchev—Mews n."rrr".i Permitted to Leave'


,\ special cvi'iit at tiir rocriif •l«»\\'isji Yniith Conix-il Aw'.'trd iN'i'jIit wiis the inslalliilioi} of lln- gmup's officers. Tliry ur« (left to rl^Jil) IE nui Meyer, a reporter; Ifoimld <i onion, Neeivtn ry", I'JUuiu Sttlniaii, president; Arlene (trossiiian, a reporter, atul St'^iliMi <*IIS<I, \ Ice-president.

Picks Camp they' Are Going to C&mp This Year -C-C for Camp\ The fiisl annoiincemenl of res Eoys Girls dent cani|tcr.s enrolled for the TJ.tU , Bull, Ho.i fh Program Efhun . Boll. I or, Stuiron

of humanian Fasti lies

program is ahead of last year's registration for the same period. Norman Halt, Camp Chairman, reported. In order to avoid waitin:; lists, parents are urced to enroll their campers while openings still exist. Mr, Hall said.

Cfub WiH e EWh.Year . ,.. e;.,o.o

j^cpe for I


Jeiusalem MT.S i The l!l.">!) Israel Independence Day literary awards included for the first lime •i. prize lo an author, a Yiddish poel who writes under the pseu-

•..>•>• ol t h e

f lo'den A':" Club will be celebrated 'J'he Hiird'n of C,a", which was bs members vvilh a hiilhdiy parly I published in a literary monthly in ai the Dr. Piiilip Sher Home For

ment of mid enrichment in (he lives of American citizens. Miss Peters stated Camp JayC-C was selected on the bus's of its hli;h professional standards and <|tia!ily of services rendered In Omaha community.

GuumioM, rialttUM Dicrnoiid, Richard fitai'owicz, Pierre Hlciir.iil, Barry VrisOmai).


F rsf Visit to Arab Town by Ben Puncn


Tetnpfe Hebrew O'ass To Be Graduated

, Sir.on Brrnolpin, Santfro Brody, Fronrrs Brody, Lynn Buckwcild, Suiomi.. Cliapmon, Kalhy Fcllinan, Nancy Freemon, Lorle Fromlcln. Debbie Garber, Dale" Garbcr, Susan Goldware, Mallory Gordnion, Deborah Grncnbcro, Kalhy Hcislcr, Susan Joss, Barbara . Jcsi, Sandra • KaU, Susan Lincoln, Nancy Llpp, Dcbby Milder, Gayle Milder, Cheryl' NcpomnlcK. Dlone Ncpomnlck. Ronna Nogn- Laurie Nowii Linda • Nqoii. l.yriiic. •.. Norw, Terri . . Noodelli Sharon Novok, Marilyn'Orkow, Linda Rotner, Judy ' •> Robinson, Barbara ; Robinson, Gwenn Rodin,. Jennifer • Rosonbaum, Carol ihermaiv Carol • '. " " " * n m n , Dih'se . .

zen. II was his first visit to an For further information call the Arab town since Israel was pro- C»nt»r C-imp Office, .IAc1?win.l366: claimed and Ihe start of a. tour of minorities districts.

Israel Suspends

Jewish Fa*n% Forced From German Gcawlle Pledges j Fiankfurl U T A i In the face nt constant and repeated antiin Semitic p e i'S e e u I i o n s. directof

JJ. in, Th;1 club is sponsored by tin.1 A prize lor research ill Islamic 'IVI Aviv (JTA I - Israel had a Coinii- I of .Icwi.Ji Women and the j culture was awarded posthumJew's'i Federation of Omaha. ously to (he late Prof Leo Meyer promise Iroin President Charles Cantor ]•:Ii K1r4.n1 of Ileth Israel Kabbi S. I. Zevin war honored for De Cnulle of France of active Svnamoiiue and Hymen Karl will his work on the • Talmudic Kn- Frenel) supporl if Israel again cyclopedia. Prof. Kphraim Kal- faced danger. The proniise was I>or;s on current events will be ehalski and Dr: Micahel Si?|;di cuiivcyed by (luy Mollel, Premier id a color film, "lln- were awarded prizes in the nal- of France al the lime of ihe Suez fc.'iUit'cil, mini I I ' M !•" will be shown. Tea ural sciences and Prof. Ilillel campaign. rieil|;c Aliiilc In Speech wi'l follow HIP pi<i;;rafn. Opcnheimer vvas honored for his 1 fosk-hxes of Hie (lay air: .Minos. research in citrus growing. Yosef In a speech before a mass meet/Hid Urn Cut- Zarilski won Ihe award for paint- ing sponsored by. I be Israel-French .). .Milliin ing and sculpture and Aclor Yes- Friendship League,' M. MoPcl. said hosluia Herlonov for Ihe theatre. President De Gaulle had asked ler, I'omicil cii-ordiiiatoi's for (lie him to convey lo Israel a message j;ioii[>. and Mines.' Kalhan Simon, of friendship Trout the French naIlyiii.-in Fried. liessie Helm, Sol tion. Also that France would come None, Aillnir I'uliin. Charles Hosto Israel's f i d if Israel vvas enenlieiru,. fien Miroff and fsadore dangered. Follies. Aid In Constructive Klliuls i'nr 1 hose, who do mil have The Hebrew, gradual ion exerThe French President also said, transportation to the home, ride.s cises at Temple Israel Sabbath will lie available from the Jewish services, Friday, May 22,' will be according to M. Mollel, that IsCommunity Center at Vi;'M) p. in. conducted in Hebrew by class rael could- rely on French help in members. Students will conduct ils coiistriiclive.efforls, "President Saturday Sabbath services also. Oe Gaulle wanted Ihe people ol Harold Farber, congregation pres- Israel to know that tthough he ident, will award diplomas to the had not been in power during .1051), lie had supported fully Ihe • Iit*;:»Hl 1 Htlrtn for summer swim- following: Brvce Harriion Orodkey, Bolty Ann Brolly,French decisions on aid to Israel elasscK is liehic accepted at Goll L. Brodkoy, Lynnt R. Chtrnlock, Rich, ord Barry Cohn; lloncy MokHiky, Harlon and on French.parlicipalinn in (he Community Confer. Pritinian, John Henry Spllicr, Align Z. Wolf- Suez campaign," M. Mollel: sfnled, ion and Paula Zlegmon. FARN/i'

Genier Swim Glasses Start on June 8

Caul, Jar'.: •

Goklljcrq, Mplvfn Galllli>l), Claiidn Green, Richard Hclsler, Sfdncy Hobcrmon, Bruce nobcrmon. SlepMcn Jonov, Ricky JcSb, Hovvord Kualan, Gary, Kal2. Oav>ci Kalzman, Larry Kal/man, Steve James Camp conuiiittee members who Nazareth, Israel ( J T A ) Israel i'ranl*. Kroll, Hichora u i l l parlicijialc in the program is ready to penuit Moslein resi- Mellier, Sleven M-llicr, Viclor " i l l be Deri Robinson, Mrs. Har-dents to make Ihe. annual pil- Mlrson, Alan 'IVI Aviv Hope lhal iiiigialiouj old Zclinslty, Mrs. Barney HoljerMlrsoo. Brian grlm.'ige lo Mecca, Prime. Minis- Morjii, 'Sloven of Moroccan Jews to Israel would | inan and (JeorKe Shafer. Novak. Jim ter David Ben Gurion said durOrkow, Alex . In; renewed soon was' expressed by The riiiuilh of^ May has been ing a visit al the f'i'irqa Klgarhiyn Perlmoter, Floyd Rubin, Dan = village. '•: '-..;, : •;..''.. : ; : . Rubin, Tom . R\cr, Jimmy liovver as Anieric.'i.n C a m p i 11 g ig of Arab Me spoke at a Rodin, Irvln : rican .h'\\* held in Nathanya. Month in the United States and as notables and cili/ens and was pre- Shapiro, Siciney a tribute to the role professional sented with a symbolic key to Hie Slonc, Mllelicll camps lire playing in the develop- village and made an honorary citi- Trcikr, Edward Ya(f;, Ribert

A.i..,,.,.,,..,.....IK..-! Moroccan

...'rosalcnr jii",iilun set tiers met Ibis week vt :ib .Mrs. Colda Meir. Israel Fori ;o .Minister, and pleaded for the i;>!'.:imum efforts lo effect re-union of families members of which v. .' still in Uumaiiia. Irs. Meir expressed tin.' hope tb-t Rumania, .which bad furmal!•• cited huinanil'arhn reasons lor I ' • receni Jewi'll departures from t ' l i t country, uould permit res ' . i o l i n i i of <"ini;:ralion soon.


nmnor, Drjvid Orody, Oohby

.lerusalem (.ITAl The Ti'ras-: my issued instructions lo stay the • implementation'of-the compulsory loan which was promulgated 16 ; ed against his wife, his child, hlm- finance, immigration from .Kli••'Clf and his business, Kurt Kunipf, mania. The fate-of will 'H, a restaurant owner at Koep- tic decided al a meeting of the jiern, near this city, has decided Cabinet. to leave Hie town. j Deductions from salaries for'tlie ' Windows in Sumpf's reslaiiranl j loan were l.o lie .started this • have been smasbed several limes month', hut employers were today in Ihe last few months; lie has advised In wail for Tili'l her oHors. been shot at; bis wife was punched in the nose. His son was Irirrassed Second IhiiU'dils about Hie loan, so much at school thai the child which was expected to liriny 10,haih lo be withdrawn from school. (100,000 Israeli pounds, emerged Last January, 1 li men were ac- when the unexpected flow of Jewcused by police of beinj; the rill". , ish inimi'-rralion from Rumania t

leaders in the neifihborhood's anli- | was ahruplly balle:L Semitic- attacks aj;ainnt Siimpl Hut none of the men has as yel been placed on trial. Xou Sunipl is leaving Koepperu, TKI. A V 1 \ ' i.l'J'A I With only about 7."i per pent of the (i'jfi.OOO• elicible voters casting their ballots, ii.'iliiiiial eleclions conducled by Histarlrul, the Israel Federation of Labor, indicated that the. Persons wishing lo have the candidates of the ruling .Mapai Jewish War Veteran Mo^eii David Party v\'on fifi per cent of the marker placed on a Jewish :Vel- votes a%'ain;il 57 per cent in the eran's jjrave before Memorial Day last Hisladnil "•'•'•li'ii^. •••vend, • are asked lo call F.pslein Morgan years at;o. Post Comin-ni'ler Jerome CirossThe ComniUii...... S.IO.M.H IO.S.SCS man al JA (iilOl) or RF, fl!).''.(l (eve- in the bis cities, ('lint, recorded n : nusi i i " M ' I V K'miiei1.. PL. 4-iH'2..lfjiins in new'-immif;i'flnt centcra.

JWV Markers for Veterans' Graves


Page Two

Friday May 22, 1939


JWV Convention Set For This Weekend



A monument will be dedicated Mr. and Mrs. Marshall iinlkin in memory of I.otfi.s FinUenstein, annoiniee the birth of a daughter, Sunday, May 2-1, at 2:.'!0 p. in., at i Hrenda Klaine on May 2 al ClarUThe Xi'lii;isk.i-lo\v;i Department Published Every Friday by file Jewish Federation of Oninhu. Hill Cemetery. Kabbi j son hospital. They al.-o- are the Second CI0S3 Moiling Privileges Authorized ol Oniaha, Nebraska. coiivntiijii Ui be h'-ld here Snlur- Pleasant Annual Subscription, J4.G0. Advertising Rales on Apphcafion Myer S. Kripke of Beth V.\ Syna-1 parents of another daughter, • day and Sunday, M.'iy 2.'i-21. will Publication Office—101 No. Mill Street. Omolra. liebr.. JAcHon 1366. Kouue, will officiate. Friends and '("heril I.\nn. (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN .Editor open uitii a dinner, S a t u r d a y at I 'Ira.ndpareiits are Mr. and Mrs. 7 |). in. at t h i ' Fireside Ri'stiiur.'int. i jcj.ili\i-s are invited. i Members m a y brin:; their wi\ r os. ; Louis Reiner o[ Kansas City and The ('ou\ei]tinn .^e.^isons u'ill ; A monument will be dedicated Mr. and Mrs. Allen Zalkiii. .Mastart al Jf 1; 1 J> a, in. S u n d a y al t h e j to t h e m e m o r y of Paul Wobbler, ternal jjreat grandparents are Mr. Ilil) Hotel with Or. irviiip, Mitlle- Sunday. May 21 at 1:15 fi. in. at and Mrs. Hen Suliii of Kansas I ' 1. O W K It S : T h i ' f r e s h etit ( in.-ui of Sioux Cil\'. la., department lieth HaiiH'dio.-h Har.odol (.Vine-I Cilv.


f l o w e r s o n .ill o u r dinini,' •iKini ' comniander, presidinj;. In attendt a b l e s w e r e s e n t ! o l l u Home! iinee \^ilj he H a r r y Truslin who nt Mayor John liosenin h o n o r of t h e H a s Mitzv.'ih a t t h e j u i l ! ' II as the national i'i>m| l i e t l i I s r a e l .£ynac:'.>Kue of t h e fol-1 •>!••<".


lery with liabbi Myer S. K r i p k e i and Cantor Aaron I. Hdnar, of- \ 1 ici.11i 11K• I'l'iends attd ielrtti\*es a r e invited to attend.

Pressed Tongue Loaf

$ f BO Lb.

louinj.;: Marilyn Kaplan, Pamela maiKier, in his ca[iaeity as a memL i n c o l n , Toby KH/baiun, Kva ber of the nalimi'il romiiiander's e \ e i ' u t i \ e eonunittet-. Sand, Klene Sloler. DIAMOND'S CuinllcliuhliiiK: 7:22 p. in. I. L. K.'uer of YuunK'.timn. ()., WA 5554 4415 Cumlng XKIV RESIDENT: Mr. Harry filth ie;;ion commander a n d naBETH ISRAEL Bernstein. tional viee-roiuiuander, will be Mr. and Mrs. Al StrinbiTH or j Rabbi Benjamin Groner, C.'iiiMK.MOKIAr. I'LAQIJK: Special j on,, of t h e speakers. All loeal San Francisco, Calif., will be '.lor'Ell Kagan and the Beth Israel memorial ser\ices were held at the • j \ \ ' \ ' m n h e i s a r e invited to a n y quests of honor at a reception 'Synagogue Choir will conduct late home syi>Mj,'onu<* for Miss fjussie i i,f the sessions planned for Sunday from 2:.'!() services this evening at 8 p. m. Graet.z in \\h')se memory a plaque • p. m. to Ti p, in. al the Fireside . . Traditional Friday evening serv- waS addert to our Memorial Table,,; p e p s i . C o | a p | a n s Restaurant by .Joseph Hadinowski, . ices (kabbalns Shabbosl, at 7:15 father of Mrs. Steinberg, MOVIES: Israeli films shown! " . p. m., Saturday morning services, Mrs. Steinbei);. the loriner Milthis week we,o: " of the!Open House Sunday 8:45 a. m. and Junior CoiiKrefjaThe I-Vpsi-Cola Bntiling Co. of dred and her husBuilders" anil "Story of Hen Ari". band, who are Mr. Radinouski's tion at 10 a. m. Rabbi Groner (iOI.DE.V AUK Chin I'AltTV: Oniaha. Inc., which will hold open Kuests, will return to San Franwill conduct the Saturday afterhouse this .Sunday, May 21, at its I1( vv noon Talmud Class at 7 p. m. and Monday, May nr>th. ' half-million dollar location cisco on May 27th. Council Hluffs Chaplor of Ha- o n 4BO3 South 72nd Street, is headMincha. f o l l o w e d by Shaloslii dassah IJIK B'Onier S'eudos anil Maariv, 7:30 p, rn. j party atwil (heIhold home.aTuesday after- cd by Robert M. Keinberg, a memWANTED T O REHT ber of the board of the Jewish noon, May 26. Sunday'mornlnc services., at 8:45 Federation. Mr. Feinberg also House, two bedrooms. Couple, 1 a m., followed by breakfast and aided in I s r a e l Bond drives child—school age. S90. West or theh'Rabbi's class in Bible. Junior .tnd. lii vice-president of Hie Zionist Benson. Write Box 234, Jewish Congrewition at 8;?&) a. m. Daily Council. Press, 101 No. 20th St. AI3VI:HTI.SI;MI:.\"I' services niro 7 a. m. and 7:35 p. rn. Nem ana n a w u l n t a »l ll>« Or. Phlllo He in associated in the firm JeHlih llunif I'tit Th« Agrd by The weekly Talmud Study Group Hhrt IHtM with his son/Stanley, who'is vicemeets every Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. president. Saturday morning services at. the | JKFFUEV NODDLE 39th and Burl Street Synagogue j Jeffrey Noddle, son of Mr. and I Mrs. .Robert Nodifle, will observe Be.h Israel to Have every week at 9 a. m: I his Beth F.I Syiia- Lag B'Omer Picnic B'.N'Al .lAC'OII ADAS | SOKiie oil Fridayevening. Mayj YESIH.'ltO.V . ] 22nd and Saturday morning, ?,J(iy | The children of Beth Israel j .school system, their parents and !cb (Subby) Pulvcrcntu Services' at B'nai Jarob-Aila.s- \ " • teachers" will celebrate Lag B'Onier Yeshuroiir will begin.Friday at 7:15] with a family picnic, Tuesday, 25 Yean' Expcrionce p. rri. and Saturday morninK at | MF.I.VI.V COHEN I May L'li at 5 p. ni. at Benson Park. The Bar M i t z v a h of Mehin ; In CHSO of bad weather, the e\ent S:'V) :i. m. with Mincha at 7:15 With Jewish p. in. followed by Shalosh S'euclos, Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs, Don ;will be held in the syna^'o^'uo j,tj. Leftcring and Memoriali Daily services at fi:30 a. in. anil Cohen, will be eeli'liraled at the | rial hall. All Talmud Torab class 7:.'!0 p. m. Beth Israel Synagogue Saturday 1 on'Tuesday have been cancelled. 2211 So. Gth AT 2452 • niurnini;. May .'iOth. Services will beyin at 8-.-15 a. in. • TEMl'KE ISItAKI. Services will he held Fri'lay at .8:1.5 p. m. at Temple Israel with UK IIAHl) COHKV AMEAIIAM H'KINSTKIV FOR THE FINEST . . . Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Cohen Rabbi Sidney II. Brooks officiatKimeral services v.ere held Sunannounce the Bar Mil/.vah of their ing. Hebrew School graduates will IN PHOTOGRAPHY day at 1:30 p. m, at the Jewish I son, Richard Harry, will ."held Funeral Home for Abraham \V«'iii-! be honored. Portrait* Friday e v e n i n g and Saturday stein, 74, liolH Capitol Avenue, Shabbas morninK services will Wcddingi be^in at 11 -..'50 a. m. with Rabbi morning May 2!) and HO al Temple who died May 15. Commercial Israel. Brooks officiating and the Re.Surviving are his wife, sons, Dr. i ligious School Choir under the diSam Wein.stein, and Alex, Oraarection of. Miss Ida Gitlin sinking DAItltV I,K\VIH ha; daUKhter, Mrs. Miriam Cohen, the musical portions of the service. (•KKOM> NOVAK I Chicago, one brother and three Niinimu I'rrd Mr. and Mrs. I^ou Lewis an-1 grandchildren. Burial -V/IK in Ml. In leeojmiUoii of his outslnndBKTII EL nounce the Bar Mitzvah of their .Sinai Cemetery, iiiK record an a life undorwriter .son, Barry, and Mr. and Mrs. Max Services at Beth El Synagogue and as assistant mani«Rcr of IMWill begin at 8:15 p. in. Rabbi Novak announce the Bar Mitzvnh AKency, Mr. Norman Prod of their son, Gerold, on Fridny Myer S. Kripke will deliver the has been selected as n feature Snturday evening May 291 h nnd sermon, "Prayer in the Modern speaker at the annual convention Mood". Cantor Aaron I. Edgar morning May 301 h at Beth El of The Midwest Insurance ComDr. Norman Murrain, group and the Beth K\ Synagogue Choir pany to IK-' held at Kstes Park, leader, announces that the tenth will render the musical portions PHOTOGRAPHER Colo., June 14 to lit, and filial meeting of the "AfjK WASHINGTON <JTAt —A naof the Service. 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET Mr. Pred's subject will be "PlanSabbath morning services, at. tional testimonial dinner markiiiK In I lie Modern World" will be held niiiK and Record Keeping for Life HARNEY 1044 May 25, H p. m. al his home, 5R35 (lie departure of Ambassador Abba 9:30; Junior Congregation services, Underwriters." 10:30 a. m.; Miitdin-Maariv serv- Khan was tendered here this woek. Lafayette Street. ices, 7:15 p. m. Sunday morning service, 9 a. m. in Chapel followed by coffee and a! study-discussion session, led by j FREE ESTIMATES Rabbi Kripke, at 9:30. Daily scrv-1 PL 5396 ices are at 7 a. m. and 7 p. m. j 1201 Jones JA 3032

Reception Sunday For Visitors j

Bar Mitzvah

Convention Speaker

Monument Co.


'Aging in Modern World'Class

John Kalina


Bruce Goldstein is Exchange Student



No.l specialist in packing


Bruce Goldstein, son of Mr. iiml • Mrs. Paul-Goldstein has boon sc-i lected by the American Field i Service as one of four exchange : students in the Omaha area to ^o \ to 'Europe this summer. Me will leave New York City June 18. He j has also been named to the N*;i-;, tional Honor .Society at WestsirJc j High Sqhool. ;

and In local moving, storage, long-distance moving Jerry Krupinsky, Representative

Want Ads Pnona J A 1346 to Insert your Wonl Ad in the Jewish Press. Rote Is 50 cents for eoch three line Insertion. The Press reserves the rlqht to limit size of eoctl advertisement

DAlXr JEWISH PAPERS BAR and Bas Mitzvan congratulations also for all Jewish holidays and special occasions. Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge COMMUNITY PLAYHOUSE SKASON MEMBERSHIPS NOW AVAILABLE. $10 for 6 plays. Write 6720 Davenport or call GL 3155 for membership .forms,

OMAHA'S LEADING Kosher Meat Market and Delicatessen 4415 WA 5554 CUMING STOP AT


Tired of Your Old Mink Stole? So Many Years the Same Style?

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Friday May 22, JO.1)!)




Pago T?ire«

NAMED FOB ISRAEL Arthur H. Goldsteins Schwid-Milder Rites STKEET Eugene Kohns Santiago, Chile (JTA)—ConOrganizations gress • approved naming one of the Will Attend Harvard Thursday at Beth El streets the Avenue Republic IIETII KI, SISTKKHOOI) Wed May 7 IN Graduation Exercises Miss .Sheila -Mary Sclnvid, ofcity'sIsrael. KMX'TS OFFICIOUS The following Inivi.' been eh't.'lrd i Hanover, N.H. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur I I . Gold- daughter of Mrs. Harry Schwid to'.serve ;is offirers uf Beth El i , stein plan to be in Cambridge, became tlie bride of Jay Louis




•Sisterhood: Mini's Morris (". Fell- j niiin, president; Sidney Sneider, administrative vicr-prrs.; Snul Ginetz, <• u If 11 j - <i 1 viee-pri's.; F. i Ralph Nogg, wiiy.s mid iiie:ins vice-1 pres.; Harry Ferenslein, welfare, ami social viiw-pres.; Robert Wagner, recording seeretiirv; Max BittJier, eorresjiundim; secretary; Max Novak, and Lou Lewis, finanejiil { Ki'crPtaries;'Ira Wliilebroolt, treasurer; Morris Stalmaster, auditor; | A. F. Frank, p.'ti'liainenlarian. Jo- 1 M'pli Hnrnstein and Meyer Rubin, directors for one year; Nathan Turner, A. G. Rhninerinaii, and Kugene Rich, directors, for two 1 years.

| Mass., for the Harvard University j graduation exercises on June 12. | Their .son, Robert is a member | of the graduating class and is • business manage)- for the Harvard ! champion crew. The Goldsteins have been invited to at lend the Yale-Harvard Regatta in New London, Conn., on | June l.'S and will witness the event i with parents of crew members from the Reynolds Dul'ont yacht. "The Goddess" as it cruises alongside the Harvard crew. Their son and his wife will leave June 2.'i for Henley, F.ngland where the Harvard crev will compete against the Knglish title holders. Following the competition, the. Robert Goldsteins will tour Kurope and Israel,

Mrs. lJliiiieas Winiroiib, nominiiting committee chairman and committee, Mines. Norman Penenberg, .Samui'J ,S. Steinberg, Samuel Wolf and Alan Wolfson presented the slate. OFFICIOUS ANNOrNCKI) UV COKMICSKIOH I.OIHJK New officers elected hy Oornliusker L o d g e Xo. 17fiO, H'nai li'rith are Klliot Drown, president, Alvin Abramson, first vicepresident; Merle Potash,, second vice-president Jack Cohen, third vice-)) r e s i d e n I: Mike Feldman, treasurer; Josef Mayer, financial secretary; Ted I'.akely, recording fi*'cretary; Ilynian Comisar, corresponding .secretary; Marvin Oilman, warden; David Cohen, guardian; Willis Kpsk'in, chaplain and Gerald IJcrnslein. new trustee. H.AIMSS.AII TO I'UKSKNT "IT COI'M) UK VOI.'" •II Could Be You" will he presented al the season's final meeting by Omaha Chapter of Hadassah on Wednesday, May 27, at the Jewish Community Center at a JL'-.'M) p. in. luncheon. The j)rf)gran) written hy Mines. Robert Gcrelick, and Morris Fellman, will be narrated by Mrs. Roberl Kosen. An outstanding Iladasf>ah woman whose identity will be revealed at the program will he honored. 'Mrs. Sam Wolf, installing officer, In the 'Twin Lights" service, will install n e w l y elected chapter and group officers. Program chairman is Mrs. Ervin Simon. Luncheon chairmen are Mines. Sol Lngmnn and I,oui» Albert. B, A I*. IIADASSAH TO HOM> IN'STAIXATIOV Officers will be installed at n noon brunch-meeting, Sunday, May 24 at the Blackstone Hotel by the Business and Professional Women of Ifndassah. Mrs. J. Harry Kulnkofsky will conduct the installation service. Tho newly elected officers are Mrs, Alice Heeger, president; Mrs. Julius Newman, first vice-president; Mrs. Josef Mayer, second vice-president; Mrs. Jean Kaplan, treasurer; Mrs. Lillian Becker, recording secretary;- Miss Myrtle Freeman, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Iska Rolhholz, financial secretary; Miss Rena Gross, parliamentarian; Mrs. Jennie Rosenblatt, historian aiid Mrs. Fan Sherman, director, l!ir>«)-liL».

Airs. Eii


Mr and Mis Ijugene Kohn who were married in • Rollins Chapel in Hanover, N. I?., May 7, plan to spend the summer in Omaha. Officiating at. the ceremony was Knbbi Julius Kravetz of New York City. The bride, the former Judith Creciiberg, is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. David Greenberg. Her husband's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kohn. Mrs. Michael Sol/man, Lebanon, N. 11., and Anthony Roisman of Oklahoma City, Okla., were the attendants, The couple will return in the fall to Hanover where Mr. Kohn will be a senior al Dartmouth and Mrs, Kohn will teach school.

Samuel BerekGets Adult Scout Award

Milder in an afternoon ceremony Thursday at Hi-tb Kl Synagogue. Rabbi Myer S. Kripke officiated Mr. Milder is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Milder. The bride was graduated from tin..' University of Omaha ,'ind attended- the Art Center School in Los Angeles, Cal. Her husband studied at 1 he Chicago Art Institute and al the • Sorbonno in Paris. The couple will live in New York City after spending the summer in Omaha. KONAM) <;OIID0N NAMICI) Irving Cohen Lodge of Council Bluffs has chosen Ronald Gordon, Abraham Lincoln high .school junior as their representative to Hawkeye Boy's Slate. He is the son of Mr. ami Mrs. Richard Gordon of Council Bluffs.

The "Silver Beaver" for "Distinguished Service to Boyhood," top adult scouting award, was presented to Samuel I. Berek of Fremont by the Covered Wngon Council of Boy Scouts of America, at a dinner, May M at the Ak-.SarHen coliseum.


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KI.KANOH KOOSKVEI-T Eleanor Roosevelt B'nal B'rith Girls will sponsor n Car Wash Sunday, May 24, at the Texaco Gas Station on !iOlh and Underwood Sts., from !) a. m, to 4 p. m. Tickets at SI may be purchased from any Kleanor Roosevelt B. B. G. member, or at the gas station on the day of the wash. Money raised from the Car Wash will be used to further Kleanor Roosevelt B. B. G. community projects. Sheila Ruderman is chairman of the event.


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BKTII KU TO FOKM TIMISTKK COI'NCII. Beth-L'l Sisterhood will form it council of trustees al a J;.'!() p. in. Oneg Shabbat Saturday, May JK, at the home of Mrs. Robert Kooper. The Sisterhood also will have iin "orientation day" for the new board /it 1 p. in. May 25 at the home of Mrs. Albert. G. Rimmer-

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Official I'ulilliaflon of Slrnix City Federation

Friday May 22, 1859

iCovertheCampaisnlQfapw Colonels Plan Bigges* Drive Ever Campaign Enters Last





throughout the world paused to celebrate Israel's Independcnci Day,, the eleventh anniversary of the proclamation of (lu> Jewish State, In Tel Aviv, a half million . happy citizens thronged the slice is •'•to.marvel.'at the display of military might provided for the o< casion by Israel's defense fun is • P r e s i d e n t Itzhak lien 7.\\, in an Independence Day !> r o a d c a s t stressed peace not force, hnwcvii "From the depths of our heart*. ' .he'fervently declared, "we welcome these efforts for peace niimnj • the. Great Powers, fur no people has. been interested in peace ,-unonf : the nations for as long a lime • as our long-suffering people." Premier David BenGurion prr.dicted that the s e c o n d decade , would' see Israel's population increased to three million. Me proudly affirmed that "in the midst of a tpmppstuous sea of revolt, subversion and attempts, at military .and : dictatorial .'domination' t>> neighboring states, Israel stands solidly with a regime .'based /on human liberty and free elections " Ho promised that one day theie would he/ a "true alliance" of Israel and the Arab states,





V A /

Among Business, Professional Women

Clean-Up Phase

The United Jewish Campaign entered the final, clean-up phase as Ibis issue wont to prtss. Advance Gifts reported !),"i per cent I completed,, with Area Division, I Women's Division anil General i Men's close behind, and all mainI tinning the lead over 1'tfiH that was begun, in the stall of the campaign. At press time Husiness and i Professional Women and the new I Young Kxcciitives' Division wen; j poised to take off in high gear, their chairmen, .Mrs. Rose Karl ,uul Boh Krueger, hopeful of selling new records in these .small, but important, i-oiniminity segments. Simi\ City's fastest-moving drive in recent years went into J lie closing st retch. rcrM>n-To-l'erMiii Campaign Besides beating previous records for speed, the 1!»5!l campaign made history in other ways. It was the | first drive ever attempted in Sinus' City without a spectacular opening, dinner planned with great fanfare ind fealurin;; a big-nani'* guest ! -.peakcr. By and large, observers noted, the campaign was conducted informally, intimately, personKi-|iei-.s'(ii). ('(iininnnily leaders and American celebrations of Israel's hi':t:er contributors assembled in .Independence Day'took Ihe form mat Iga tlKTings and convinced generally of a rededication by one another that the neccls wvvi' American Jewry to the task ofj there and had In be met.' In ,-| half strengthening the foundations of! ! do/cn or more parlor meetings, the Jewish State. •''•. . ' ' top-bracket contribut«i|'s reached Mrs. Stanley Karl at an intimate (tinner with tlie II A I' \V roliiiii'ls, in preparation for tin; -Morris W: Berinstein, genei al ' liig kieUoft last Thursday niglii ;it her lioine, l,eft to right: Mrs. J.ester Herger, .Miss ltl:i <ioldlnTg, ;a mutual a"ierni,rit to incrcny chairman of the United Jewish Ap- Miss riiH-etta D n l x n . Mis>; Ilamiili I.ipinau, Mr-.. Karl, Miss Sylvia. Ilicir giving in ldV.l. UorslieVsUy, .'Miss Hose Kesnli-k, peal, in a cable to Premier David! .Mrs. d i e Kainuiu. .Miss Lillian Dislilip. Colonels MM I hi II. (iift- Im-reavd Velunlarllv pif-tun- .Miss lri:i JVIIIIM;III, .Miss KVJI <iorBen Gurion, promised thai Amer-i dun and .Mrs. Ale\ 'rurclien. Cont t ihiitoi'1- voluntarily inScan Jewry would continue, t o . creased their gifts and lh")i volmobilize maximum financial supunteered to take pledge cards and : port for Israel. iAZA and B na B ri|h t solicit their friends and business And while tlieie uas no lonnal 'associates for increases. Tlie .Ic.vcelebration of the anniversary in' ish War Veterans appro.-iched l''ie The I'nilvd Orthodox Auxdiary Sioux City. eveT-yitiif. in the Jewj general chairman of their own aci board vvill nieci Monday. May 27>, ish community \V;K more than 1 1 p. m. at the home of Mis, Saul icord and volunteered their ineni. averagely aware nf Israel, for the ; hersbip as campaign captains i'> Harold 1\i-ini habeen electi'd United Jewish Campaign had nearI cover the entire Men's Division. AZA and U'nai B'rilh Girls have ly 10ft captains busy broadcasting! Conimander of Post .''..'17. Jewish This too made hislory. The Jewish 1 combined forces this week-end. The Women's League luncheon the. message. '• War Veterans, for the criming i Federation was advised that JWV pi'i'*riit a ji'l'-eiinj; %vill hi; ,'vld Tuesday, May Post ,'!.'!7 was the first in the na| May 22, Z: and 21, to : Coincident with the anniversary ; year. Other JWV ,,. flemonstratiou of U'nai 20, 1 p. ni. at Slviaie Zion Syna- tion to volunteer for this kind of formalities last week, a j o i n t Morey Abcnberg. officers are j |living : . gogue. "J)eop are thy Hoots." a Israeli - American statement reduly, though others have '•.incc Senior Vic< B'rith Yotttlr Organization's fivespecial program honoring Mis. II. ported that an experimental atomic Cominander; Dr. Irving Mittlej ftil'owed. Seasoned o'd eainp.-ti'-Mfold program of activity for its j H. Habinov. it/., will ho presented .reactor hearing completion south of Mian, Junior Vice Commander: ers iiinu'il out and o f - m l to help Irving I-efkim. with Mrs. the \'ets, Tel Aviv might be in operation be- Max Ro/en, Ailjutanl, ,- nd Iz Roz- mcinhers. Beginning with attend- j by 1 Mrs. ( I I vin fore the end of the year. The en, ...Quartermaster. Officers will ance at Friday night services. May j J'" ' ' - - ' " "'irralin;:. l.oeil Serviics Stressed . $300,000 reactor was purchased be installed at the June meeting. 22, at. Mount Sinai Tempi"', as Observers of this year's ramTiie Il"hrevv- Women's As:-ociaOne of the youngest members guests of NIFTY, Religious Worin the United States with the aid paigii noieil that the .tevvisli C(i:nof a grant'.of $.r>0,(KX) from the of the"Jewish War Veterans. Com- • slli i ) . Community Service and Cul- litm will also houoi' Ribbi unil initinily Center and Inr-il s;(ir.i-it ii .•"'>•> » ' > , i•'• i . '> i v . i italiinowit/. a n a i o v v n / . aat i aa llunchu n c n - i .. ' • . ' United Stales under the American maniler Harold Ivener is one of the I "ire "ill alternate with Social r Atoms for Peace Plan. The re- distinctive personalties of the Recreation and S|x>rts, as f f i Icon meeting Wcdnesdav, J u n e .'(. x >'>' M'mccs^ c a m e in for more , . , M ) !i, ,,i .' ii i t th Hi.. ir.Miti, Vv,,,,,,,,,,,a,. I lention. and their fin-iiic"; nr-d in Jewish Community actor will not he suitable for JcwJHb community. As Activities rotmd of activities follows, one j 1'- " Mr Louis (i. VHi will with the campaign goal. II was atomic power production but will Director of the Jewish Community j ?1f""l^"!j!,11?!', f ', ) '.!' 1 '! (ll "' ;ili<J " o f dirert pr<i:.'rani Performed stressed that local services for the •'have tremendously i ID p o v t a n t Center he is unofficial program i the P.I'.YO Week-Knd. heiielit of Sioux C.'ilvans and Sioux advisor of most of the adult or- ' An outdoor picnic Saturday by JI'- H-I'IV S dinol ri'Mi'i—n. scientific uses. Cjly cbili'ron air7' a subslanlial : night will demonstrate BBYO's gariizations,. and personal guide j -.- Sen. Hubert H. Iluniplirey, a " S.'ia.-u-i- Ziiin Women's I." e;ue part of llif United Jewish C'linranking .member of the Senate and hero to the hundreds of young ) Social Recreation, and a will hold a b:ikc sale l-'rid".'. May paigu, and <-oiitributors vvha-e clothing drive pick-up Sunday people who romf* daily to the CenForeign Relations Committee, took 2(1. at the noulev.'od Market anil i.-hildivn He tho Center were •••••• issue with Undersecretary of State ter, j morning will illustrate Commun- Harold's Finer IMKJIIS. ni'ic'ed tint tln-ir "!e'l".es bad to ity Service. An outdoor Sporl; C; Douglas Dillon anil declared it The Jewish War Veterans ha\ej c.jver tin1 lueal .services thev theniwould be necessary to make sure taken on a major mission in the' program is planned for Sunday Clothing and lioiischold item schrs consume, as we'll as oserthat. Israel w;is restored to the United Jewish Campaign this year. | afternoon, and the week-end will pick-up for the Na'ional Council sc.-is rescue \\(jr'c and the support grant aid list. He warned that a which is described in another col-!"''"' 1 »» w i U l a l>an'l»el G p. m. of .Jewish Women Rumma"e S'lle j of national agencicN. All in all, okservcrs agree, the '.fight might still lie ahead, Sen. umn of this issue. They have also ! Sunday night at the Jewish Coin- vvill he made Sunday. May 21 . Wayne Worse, who played a lead- assumed, as a permanent obliga-! munity Center, at which the B'nai Donors are asked to phone Mrs l!>"fl ranmaign >s d-fferi-nl. Youth niembcrs of both Karl Kline, 7-1 •!(;.'!. ing role in the issue, said that'the lion, the project of supplying spc- ! s"''"''h r w s uil1 ''<• '"'s's to their par-] strong stand taken by Congress jcial needs to the VA Hospital at •c r s Sioux Falls, South Dakota, n n d | " Cuest speaker Judge Don! had caused the State Department' National Council of Jewish to review its position on the Israeli advisory .services to Jewish vet-! O'Brien's talk on "Youth and the | Women will bold an open study erans in Sioux City. j Courts" will supply the Culture i grant. j group on the City Manager Plan, The Cherokee Veiling CoinruitIn the n> c a n I i in e President JWV Post :i.T7's annual Hospital i ;ls P eet .i Monday, May 2.5, "Wi.'iO a. m, at the tee held a parly for Sioux City Eisenhower has nominated as Am- Fund Dance will be held Saturday; Ami Lefko and Sheila Klsberg j | l o m , . o f j,[ rs ' f yju>: rtr,sentock. ! patients at the M'-nlal Health t'lbassador h> Israeli .Ti-year-old night, May .HO. at the Sheraton- ire over-all co-chairmen of events. ; . . stitute May l.'ilh, serving lunch 'o Ogden P.eid, former publisher and M'u-tin Ballioum. the Jewish patients and ll'-'ir editor of the New York Herald friends, and presenting them w'tli Tribune, and g r a n d ,s o n of the Monument Unveiling Whitelaw Keid who once served PJ«.._«S: BU pei-son.'il gifts. Mi.s. Paul DelniMi, nv chairman,Mis. Louis- G. Fish ami with distinction as Ambassador to For Jacob Shimdler liabbi II. R. Rabinowjtz was Rcsejvation.s for Cmnp Man-Gi- Mrs. Ida Levied made up the' vis. tlieh C o u r t of St. James. The one ol four retiring j-abbis Services fur the. unveiling of a honored at the R a b b i n i c a l N'a, the Jewish Community Center iting party. Israeli Government has indicated thiit it would be glad to have Mr. monument in memory of Jacob convention of the United Syna- Day Camp, aio filling up fast, ncwill he held Sunday, May ogue of America, May 19 at Lake eoi'dini; to Heart Counsellor HarIieid as .Ambassador but notice was Shindlnr old honor. A few openings are served on the young appointee t h i s ! ^ ' 2 [)- n i : M , M o " r " <":"'-nefCe,ne". j Kiamesha. N. Y. still available In both sessions. week that he would have to prove i ^ ^ ' _ ; his qualifications for the post be-i ' i Mr. Ben Pred of Yankton, S. D., Ivener reminds parents that iegfore he could gel by tbr> hurdle | said Mr. Fullbrigbt, "if I failed announces- the engagement of his Islratloti will be limited to the Tin1 Police Department has of Senate confirmation. i to state my conviction that our daughter, Maxine Rence, to Jack cap/icily of the Camp bus. asked the Jewish Community Chairman J. \V. Fulbright of the i interests in the Middle F.ast would Noodell .son of Mrs. Molly NooCenter to notify patents not Senate. Foreign Relations Commit- j l>est be served by ambassadors dell of Omaha, Nebr. The wedding to pick up children nt the-lllh •tee, opened the hearing on Mr. ju 'ho have been carefully, chosen will take place in Omaha on June Street • e n t r a n c e nt any 21st. Ileid's nomination this week by i from the career service." time. New traffic lanes have calling for appointment of career f Sen. Jacob Javils who with Sen. Miss Pied is the niece of Mr. been painted on Mill Street and diplomats. He questioned whether Kenneth K e a t i n g , both of New and Mrs. Meyer Arltovich of this JWV will not take part in the •ars cannot stop in front of the it was in the interests of this conn- j York, introduced the New Yorker city. city Memorial Day parade because Center building without cans try to assign diplomats by political to the committee ,told the panel • the day falls on Sabbath. However, ing a traffic block. .appointment . especially to the that Mr. Ileid's nomination had! The Moiint Sinai Mr. and Mrs. memorial services will he conCHILDREN AKK TO BI. Middle East which he termed "an ! been wcll-ieciC'i'.ed in Israe 1 and Club Dinner Dance will he held ducted on the Sunday following PICKED.UP ONLY AT Till: f d t l v - t Mr. It •.•id's back- Saturday, June 6, 7:30 p. m. at the at the cemeteries, Members of , especially .troublesome area." ' "I would, be less than frank," i.'• . • •• : f i n• rust. Sheraton-Martin Hotel. JWV and Auxiliary will meet 1 HEAR'PARKING LOT.

Sraies* H e e d s

' » '

Girls Combine Forces For Weekend Program



• i ki J.

'Reservalions Heau^

OOCial INOteS \E For ff»«^« Oara^i

Sf»ec?al Announcement

JWVpians'Sunday Memorial Services

i " - '

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