May 29, 1959

Page 1

i;«i v v v v i i V n « tt PulJiJalieti ovcrv Friday, 101 N. 20111. Vol. XXXVII N o . in omaha. Nebraska. i'liono JA Win;

, .,,. OMAHA,

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* A,

Three-Day Pre-Camp Orientation Course Planned for Personnel The complete staff of the Jew- urged In register their children ish Community Center Day Camp immediately. will meet for three days of intenMrs. Leonard Kulakofsky, Day sive pre-camp training prior to Camp Chairman, reported today the onset of the camp season. that I he Day ('amp Committee exThese sessions will include sem- pects the program to be filled to inars on camp philosophy, camp capacity before the opening day nielhojls and practices as well as on June 15. Day Camp will opersessions reviewing the various ate from.June 15 to July 10. Fees are .%'i5 for each two week period camp skills. or $00 for the entire four weeks. "lie entire staff lias been care- Full .payment must accompany fully selected from an large num- application in order to insure enber of applicants on Uie basis of rollment. Call the Camp Office, their training, successful previous JA l'!(i(i for further information. experience, and suitability to work with young children. Supervision will he by respective unit super- ' vi.sors who are under the direction <jf the Center professional staff. Counselors are already planning;'! activities and programs for the [ NKW YORK (JTA•--The New coming camp days. There are still | York Times, in a cable from its several openings for campers in ! correspondent in Bucharest, reHie regular Day ('amp and in the j ported Western diplomats there I're-School Division. 'Parents a r e ' hope Hie Rumanian Government "will soon permit the resumption of Jewish migration to Israel on a sizable scale." The hopes are based on a belief that the same "humanitarian consideration" that caused the Bucharest regime to facilitate the migration earlier Kiliar HUG mid Kayim frater- would bring about its resumption," nity won first place awards in I lie tile report said. "Particular concern is felt lor Youth Council "best club" contest at the organization's* Award Night the 14,000 Jews who hart made all held nt the Jewish Community the necessary [(reparations to leave hut were caught by the slowdown," Center. the Bucharest calbe stated. "These ( l u l l 1'rogriiiiiH I'rcieiiled people had already given up their Groups were, judged on the pre- Rumanian citizenship and disposed sentation of club programs by the of their property. Now they are following club representatives. caught hanging in mid-air," one Marcia Fo;;el, Kiliar BB<;; Arlene diplomat .said. < Irossmaif, K I t a n o r I'.oosevelt r.HG; Leslie Smith, Debs; Sandy I'assman, Hohanue ISBG; Steve • Jims, Kayim; Kdwln Sidman, AZA No. 1: Gary Multilek, AZA No. 100 and Douglas Platt, Ronu AZA. Advisors of the winning clubs ore Mrs. Graycu Sucks nnd Mrs. A western ranch-type program Dan Gordman, BUG; Sam Ilor- will ho carried out this season ut wich and James Fnrber, Rnyim. Camp Jay-C-C, (July l!) Klcven (let Kovixl Kej H Hi), It was revealed nt a special Kleven young people were camp conference by Norman Batt, awarded the Kovod Key for dis- Camp Chairman. tinguished service in the Youth Mr. Halt stated "The quality of Council ceremonies. They were our staff this year makes it posPhyllis Abraham*!, Justin Green- sible to conduct such a desired berg, Klhel Sabes, Alvin Newberg, program," he said. In addition, Kdwln Sidman, Arlene Grossman, J'eggy Iiiibenstein, Karen Felljnan, Blll.Horwich, Renee KlmnierIIIMII nnd Howard Martin. Koni Meyer nnd Douglas Platt were recommended for Honorable Mention. JKRUSALKM (WNSl An agreeOmaha to Host- 1960 ment under which the West German Government is lo pay the. Hadassah Conference lump sum of S2,-}00,000 to B'nai B'rith for assets seized by" the Omaha was selected to host the Nazis in 1920 was announced here JittiO Missouri Valley Regional Con- Iby Philip M. Klulznick, retiring tercnec of Iladassah on April president of the organization at 21-25 and 20. nt a recent regional | its triennial convention here. nu'etin;;. j Under the agreement, half of the settlement will be paid immediately nnd the remainder by March 31, 10(>2. The settlement covers movable property, including securities and hank accounts seized I-.'psteln-Morgan post of the Jew- by the Nazis. The lump settlement ish War Velerans will conduct rovers all claims of former B'nai Memorial Day services at the Na- M'rilh lodges in Germany. lionnl (•Vmelery nl Offutl Field, Sunday, May ,'fl. Services will be held nl 10:.'!0 a. m.'at the graveside of the late C.tpt. Louis Weiner. , ' Jerome Grossman was elected commander of the Nebraska-Iowa The Irving Cohen Lodge No. Department of the Jewish War 6«8, H'nal n'rith of Council IShiffs. Veterans at their amial convenwill hold u Memorial Day Military tion here last Sunday. Other ofService at Oalthill Cemetery. Sun- ficers are Milton Myles, Des day. May 30 ut 11 a, m. Moines, la., senior vice-commandServices will he conducted by er; Dr. Frank Kpslein, Sioux City, lii obi David Korh and an address- la,, junior vice-commander; Berwill lie made by Kenneth Sacks. nard Fisher, ^quartermaster; RobAn Honor Guard will be headed by ert Katlcman, adjutant, both of *Miiynnr(l Telpner and Jerry Passer 'Omaha;' Hymail Booth, Des will command the firing squad. Moines, judge advocate, and Rabbi '.dills Passer, who Is in charge Albert Gordon, Sioux City, •chop-, "• . . o, .:ir;ingements, and Louis Ka- l a i n . . •• Next year's convention will be tetniaii will decorate veterans' In Dei Moines. •graves with American'flag*.

Emigration Eftay Be Resumed hiRumania

West Germany to To B'nai B'rith

JWViemorial Service To Be Sunday, Of full

Grossmcm Heads Jewish War VeH

•>(» „»,


m-.n JU..U

tnlcrcd us "tivi'iinil-Class Matter at I'ost- Annual Rule 4 IJulliira o/fico, Omaliu. Nuhiuslcu, under Act oi 187!) Slnirlo Copy 10 Cent!

Life NKW YORK, ( J T A ) - Documentary evidence on intensifienrrou by the Soviet Union of its efforts suppress the Jewish religion in Russia were reported at the United. Nations, Data oil widespread liquidation of synagogues and u ban against the banking of innt/.oth ill major cities of the Ukraine, u section with n large Jewlsli population, highlighted the detailed report. The ban was Imposed last. Passover in Kharkov, Odessa, Kiev and in the central Russian cities of Kuibyshev and Rostov. Soviet officials made difficulties for Jews who wanted to bake matzoth in Moscow and Lcnningrad but finally permitted the baking to take place. The report revealed that in Kharkov, the twenty small .Jewish groups were dispersed last September during tliti second day of the Jewish Now Year celebrations. All the Torahs were ronnscated and a policeman told one of the Jews. "You aro eating Russian bread but praying for Israel." This was in line with an article denouncing "the reactionary essence of the Judcacan religion," which appeared in the Lvov Prnvda. The article recalled that when Jews eat matzoth at Passover, they,express the hope that they will eat. It the following year "in Jerusalem, on Israel soil," nnd added: "However, don't the religious Jews know that Israel Is at present an obedient tool in the hands of American, British nnd French imperialists?"

horseback riding activities will be expanded with the addition of many more saddla horses tinder the supervision of Jay Rodgers, well-known wrangler and university equestrian expert, nnd his riding staff. Horseback overnight trips and cookouls will be a feature of the riding program along with trail riding, basic Intermediate and ndvance riding Instruction, attendance at camp and Sidney, Iowa rodeos, plun study in care of the mounts. F.nrollmenls for the first period me nearing capacity, Mr. Unit reported and parents are urged to enroll their campers now. For information call the Camp Office at the Jewish Community Center, JA

Youth Council 'Jay ' Thursday Eve. The Jewish Youth Council will sponsor an informal hop at the Jewish Community Center on Thursday evening, June 4 from 7:.'!0-ll p.m. The dance which is to celebrate the closing of the school year will he open to all teenagers. Music \\ill be provided by the Sabres. Tickets will be sold at the door at fifty cents each.

War College Oroup To Tour Israel Tel Aviv tJTAI—Folly sludenls and faculty members of the United States War Cojlege have arrived in Israel for a tour of the country as part of their Middle Eastern 'orientation course* The group includes Army, JNavy nnd Air Force officers, eight Rovcrnnient officials, and faculty members headed by the commandant of the War College, Lt. Gen. Thom-


Washington (JTA) The Administration announced today that it had prepared a .series of legislative amendments to the McCarranWalter Immigration and Naturalization Act and had tiansmitted. them to the Vice-President as presiding officer of the Senate and to the Speaker of the of Representatives. The effect of the amendments would bo generally to liberalize the immigration laws nnd ease the admission of refugees into the United States. Tile major change proposed was in (he iniinigrutlon quoin system. The Administration p r o p » H a I s would base immigration (|iintas on the l!)50 census Instead of on the census of TittO as under the existing law. Tills, it. was estimated, would increase the annual quota total by approximately 05,000. The- Administration also proposed a change in I he system which would permit the unused quota numbers of one year to be used in the next year. It would also set up separate "quota pools" for F.urope, Asia, and the Pacific area and" unused quota v i s a s would he distributed to persons with preferred .status-those having special skills or close relatives in the United States—without: regard to their country of .birth, Another major proposal was an amendment wliieli would permit the United States lo tal<i> nn ne•


tive role in World Refugee. Year l>.v opening Its giiti\s "to refugees. Tlik amendment would empower tlm Attorney •fit'iierul to parole Into the United States refugees from Coiniminisl-ciiiitrollfi] countries who had fled to nmi-CoimminiM areas. I'nder thin provision, 10.11(10 persons could )».- paroled yearly and, iijinn proclamation l»y tliii I'resiriml of an extraordinary si I Hal ion, up (o C,H,(H)U could ho admitted In one year. Oilier amendments .submitted provided for revision of court review procedures in deportation cases; overhaul of flip l;iw coverinK naturalization of aliens in the armed forces and authorization of administrative relief in hardship cases. A conference was held in which representatives of all faiths in the United Stales participated, and approved this program.

On O

NKW VOICK (WVS)— Organized iintl-St'inlllsni Is losing ground In the fulled Slntes 11 was declared here liy Herbert II. IOIirnmmi, newlyjdected president of the American Jewish Committee, who simultaneously took note of the. disturbing recrudescence of antl-.loivlsli manifestations In (f

Officers Elected By Beth Israel Dan Gortlinnn, newly installed president-of the Beth Israel Synagogue, Board of Commissioners, announced the following exneutivo personnel: Maurice Kntelman, vice-president, in charge of properties: Harold Zelinsky, recording secretary; Arthur Gould, treasurer, nnd Henry • Apnel. financial secretary. Mr. Gordman, at n meeting held in the synagogue, Wednesday, May '20 named the following chairmen if standing committees: Hoard of Education,. Rabbi M. Poliakoff, chairman and'Dr. Ilaskoll Morris, co-chairman; George Shapiro, conservation; Irving Epstein and Max Fromkln, legal advisors; Alfred Frank, office manager; Mrs, Sam Herman, nursery school; Harry Sidman, conslmclion; WiUkim Milder and Harry Sidman, cemetery supervision; Harold Zolinsky, dues revision;. Krnest Ilochsler, membership; Sam Ilnlm, >ledge redemption; Hyron Raznick, insurance; Mrs. Max Fromkin, youth commission; Izadore Kleivith, HIIIf; Sam Mourn, memorial plaques; Sam Freed, Sunday norning Minyan; Mrs. Sam Katzman, publicity and good and welfare; Morris Kutler, ushering; Alex Sand and Martin Kolm, religious committee; Mrs. Alfred Frank, calendar clearance. Other members of the synagogue board include! Mrs. Henry Appel, sisterhood president: Mrs. Sidney Knlelman and M r s . Iza:lore Klcwitz, sisterhood representitives; Mrs. Harry Lewis, P-TA president and her appointee, Mrs. ^iaiu Shyken; Dr. A. Greenliery,' ledication ceremonies; Maurice Katzman, ex officio; Mrs. Norman Pit lor, Norman Hnhn, Hymnn Fercr, Rernard White, M^rtx Marcus, Myron Tarnoff and Ben Ru!jin, board memberji,Ht l \ r " v •

Meeting with Jewish newsmen for the first tim« in his capacity HS president of the committee, Mr. Ehrmann said that, with the exception of Ciormany, there in no appreciable anti-Semitism in th» Western Kuropean countries. Ha noted thai anti-Semites in Germany are becoming growingly arrogant but that the West German Government was taking nil possible measures to curb them. At the same time he reviewed the Jewish situation in Morocco, Tunisia and the Soviet Union. Apropos Israel, he pledged the American Jewish Committee to giving nil possible aid to the Jewish stale, which ha called a haven for Jews nnd a bastion of democracy.

U. S. Infer-Refigious Tensions Discussed NKW YORK (JTAI-Inter-religious tensions resulting from conflict over separation of church and stale loom as the greatest singlo domestic issue now facing the Jewish community of the United States, it was reported by the American Jewish Congress at its national administrative committed meeting. • , The report cited n "growing awareness by all major religious groups in the counlry of the need to discuss their differences'frankly mid publicly." It noted the problem was now one of "primary concorn" lo agencies and orgnntzalions dealing with group relations. The report stressed that the major sources of inler-rellgious conflict cannot he discussed only at. a "summit" meeting of top religious leaders, but niusl also lie met at the local level by n free e\chan;',e of views. The report, listed four major areas affecting churcli-stiile relations and religious liberty in which Protestants, Catholics and Jews differ: ] . Sectarian practices in the public schools, including Christmas celebrations, and efforts to obtain public support for parochial schools: 2. Censorship of hooks and films; ;i. "Blue" Jaws prohibiting business on Sunday; 1. Hiith control, therapeutic abortion; artificial insemination, divorce and ndonl Ion across religions


Pag* Two

With the Home Folks


Friday, May 19, J05B

Omahans In the News


Pressed Tongue Loaf

A monument will be dedicated to the memory of Robert Alan Sain Wienzveg of Burbank, Cu\., I Upton, Sunday, May .'11 at 1 p. iti. La If U'Omer offering; Sam IJos- a fornii'i1 Oniiihan, arrived in Oma- j at Beth Hmnedrosh Hacadul C'emI ter. Gabbai of the home, accepted ha Kriday for an extended stay jotery. Knljbi Sidney H. Brooks of ii fruit offering at a program pre- with Ins son-in-lfiW and daugh- | Temple Israel will officiate. sented Hi celebi'ation of the holiday ter, Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Parilby Beth Kl Synagogue school chil- inan and tlwir family. He also will j A inuitumeiit will be dedicated ! to the memory of Allen Cipinko, li t the synagogue. visit with his sislrr, Mrs. Morris 'Sunday 31 al II a. m. at Golden. : Special Kiddush: Mrn, Hemy AbruhfHiifion. <JamJIcllnhlhi((i 7:'!8 p. m. 'Hill Cemetery. KiibM Benjamin ! j .Sherman of I.o.s Anycles gave u : CJroner of Belli Isiael Synanog"i«, ! BETH EL j Kiddush in her Father's N'rmw, on .Saul .Silvermnn. J e \v i \ h ('om- : will offit'inte. : Services at Beth El .Synago-ue , , h l , IH.c:l^,lU o f , h ( . t>Ii-t!• of her niiinity (.'enter Adult Activities at 8:15 p. m. Rabbi Myer S. Knp- j s i x t h K 1 , , m | c l , j l ( 1 , Matthew N'.ir- ; Director, has bei-n elected presi- 1 A monument will be dedicated | ke will deliver Ihe sermon, ".Job ;II1;in Mon/er. dent i>l the Omahit Adult K(iu<:a- ! to the nieiuoiA' uf Mrs. .Suj»hie .;• and J. B." Canior Aaron !. Ktlgurj Movie: A I'ale.-timan Film, : tiou Council, I Kolhkop, Sunday, May •'!! at 11 :'.',U ..-:. and the Beth Kl Synagogue Choir j ..,- p r m T h ( , i r O v v n Sr)i ,.. W.1S , h m v n . ' a. m. at Golden Hill Cemetery. | • •;.;••" will render the musical [XJitioiiHJ ,j,j s u e ( . ] ( Rabbi Benjainin Giuner u\ Beth j .-•••• of the Service. j < Jol( |,, n Alit, c'lub: Tiie eighth j Israel Synagogue, will officiate. ; . Sabbath morning services are at j | l j r ,i u | a y p a r , v o f -r|>,, Omaha j 'M: INSTAM.ATION • :• B:30 and the Junior Congregation j Council" of Jewish Woiwn Golden' officers were installed at Service at 9:30 a. m. Mineha-1 A ( , c f i u | , w a s (e lobiat CM! at tlu-' Mr. ;md Mrs. Jerry Lehman . -Maariv services are at 7:30 p. ni. j l I o m e _ T ) l i s i s (lll a n m m ) ovon, a | the m<»ther-d.'Hii^hler luncheon at announce' the birth of H d.-iunhiei','; . Sunday morning service is at t n e H o m e .,,,(i „ music ,.,i p i - ( ) | ; r i l i n the HlackefuNe Hotel, Sulurflny, Cindy Gale, on May L't al Claiksoii 1 I'.othon;.•..» a, m. in the Chapel, followed by | w a s pri , S( . nt ,.,i ))V Cantor iOli Ka- Mny 9. They arc Naomi r Hosiiital. ' coffee and a study-discussion xe.s-J g a n a n ( ) H v m P n K.ny n ( .r n ..|i- berjj, presiiiont; N nncy Brodkey, (jrandparei^.s art- Mr, and Mrs. ', tion, led by Rabbi Kripke, at 9.-.HQ. me.nts were served in the dining first vici'-pre.sidenl: Linda May/a- Sol Miesner, Chicago, It]., and Pally services are at 7 a. m. and 7 room by Mmes. J. Milton Mar;;olin, min, MIT mother; Mary Vaoger, Mrs. Ann Lehman. recording secretary: Sntidy BMSKp. m. Lou Cutler. Nathan Simon, Hynum, conespondins; seci clary; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bernstein BETH ISRAEL man Fried, Bessie Behn. .Sol N'OIIK. Nancy 1 larding, bills treasurer; Rabbi Benjamin Groner, Cantor Arthur Rubin, Charles RivcnhPiin, Belle Weiner, dues treasurer; Judi announce the birth of a daughter, I.i.'ij;h Anne on May 24 «t Clark-1 Eli Kagan. The Beth Israel Syna- Ben Miroff and Isadorp Forbes, Gendler and Maureen Borrlen, gogue Choir, and the Junior Choir, Council Bluffs Chapter of Ha- sgt,i.-jil-arms; Bonnie Tnnioff, hi1)- .son Hospital. Grandparents nre will conduct services Friday eve- dassah under the chairmanship of torinn: Susiie Sachs, reporter-fdi- Mrs. Cii\ju Chc^naii mid Mr. Bud • ning at 8 p. m. • Mrs. A" Krasne, presented a pro- lor, and Ann Gratez, Fran Kiman. Mrs. Harry 7. Bernstein. Traditional Friday evening serv- gram of Palestinian contonl to Y. C. representatives. " Mr. Hen Murtin wishes to ices (Kabbalas Shabbosl ai 7:30 celebrate Lai; B'Orm»r'. RefreshT.indu Magzamin will bi> chairI brink ull hk frlinds nnd ri-lnp. m. Sabbath morning services ments of fruit mill wke were hinn unr] RozzieNogf!, Cd-chainniiti tJvi'u for the lovoly flon'orN, begin 8:15 and the Junior Choir, served by the nieinlxM's of the of the Beau Dance, to be held in Kills anil kind rvprcitloni durat 10 a. m. Rabbi Benjamin Gro- Council Bluffs chnpter. June. ing hln ri'<I'NI Illniss. ner will conduct the Saturday aftYahrzelt: Special m e m o r i a l ernoon Talmud Class at 7 p. m. services were held In The home CIVIC CI.I'H IIO.VOHS Mincha, followed by Shalosh synagogue for the following, the IIAKOI.D I'OIUIKS Js'eudos, Madriv-at 7:30 p: m. anniversary of whose death falls Harold FOIIK'.S WHS nmiied outSunday morning service at 8:45, dutiiig the month of lyar: Iyar standing member of the Central followed by breakfast and the Rab- 1~-Mny 9 Harry Steinberg: Iyar HiKh School sophomore d a i s by 0 ' Cohen: Iyar ~8 I lu> i" >: c h a n g e Club at aI W's class in Bible. Sunday morn- ]2—May.10-MHry Ing Junior Congregation «t: 8:30! May ifi - • Meyer I'otnsh u n il luncheon honoring representative li.m. Paily services lit 7 a. m. and j Iyar 10—May 18- .Tosrph Kosow- sophomore students of nil Omaha New* nna Happening! at I he llr. I'MlIp Slier Jrnlib II,,me Fi.r 1 hi' Air.] 1.1 Uarld nrUw

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T : 4 0 p . n i . ' . •"'. -''•••':• 'sky. In addition, a special prayer •r The weekly Talmud discussion* i was said for Abe Weiss on thp ocgroup meets every Tuesday at j rasinii of his Yahr/cit on tho Kith 8:30 p.. m. Saturday services are : day of Iyar. Mr*. Paul Hips z,:\\e held at 9 a. m. in the 19th and . a Kiddiisli in memory of her faBurt Street SynaKOgue. ^ \ ther. Abe Weiss. Beth Israel Sunday school's j •emesler closes May .'11. Talmud | Torah classes will IK> held on Friday morninc ' ^ " ' r ' o n d * "'"I relative* nre Invited to attend services unil B'NAI JACOB ADAS reception.

Services ;it B'nai Jacob-Adas* Yeshunin will beyin Friday at. 7:1.5 p. m. and Saturday morning al 8:30 a. in. with Minciia at 7:ir> p. in. followed by Shalosh K'eudos. Daily t e n ires, at 6:.'iO a. m. and 7:30 p. m.

MKLVLV COIIKN The Bar Mitzvah of ."Mclvin Cohen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dun Cohen will he celebrated »t the Beth Israel Synagogue this Sriturilny morning. May 30th «t.8:15 a. in.

ItirilA'KD COIIN Mr. and Mm. Robert B. Colin TEMPLE ISRAEL Services will be held Friday at anounce the Bar Mltzvah of their 8:15 p. m. at Temple Israel with son, Richard Barry, will be held Rabbi Sidney H. Brooks officiat-j this Friday evening and Saturday Ing. Sermon—"Books t o Take morning al Temple Israel. Along". Summer reading sugges-• . tions, BAKKV I.KWIS Shabbas morning services will flKKOM) NOVAK begin at 11:30 a. m. with Rabbi j Gerold Novak, son of Mr. and Brooks officiating and the fie-| Mrs. .Max Novak will observe bin ligious School Choir under the di- Bar Mitzvflh, and Barry Lewis, son rection of Miss Ida (Jillin Kinging of Mr. and Mrs. Lou Lowin, will the musical portions of the service. observe his Bar Mitzvah, this evej ning and Saturday

hit;It schools. He Is the son of Mr. and .Mrs. Herbert Forbes,





m MONUMENTS in the Jewish TrodiHon Yntir oriJt'r hhonld he jilareil \v<-\\ in Hdvjitue of "Vahrzcit" no the v,'ork does not have- lo he hurried. V/e ato known for our exacting Hebrew l&Hertng and detail. You mny placa your confidence in ui tnowing oach cJct a it dnd tradition will b« Adhered to with ufmoil care flnd tkill.

Deafgis MKS. IUJ.LE HAZNICK Funeral services wvvu held May 22 .'it the Jewish Funeral Hume for Mrs. Belle Ka/nick, 7"> of .r>12K Street, who died May 20. SurvivhiK are sons. Jack, Harry. Morris nnd Joe, all of Omaha, two sister* and ssven grandchildren.


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I Bel h'Kl Synagogue. BI'EAKKIt AT !IKKTI.\« Norman Pred, assistant inan- I ager of Legino Agency, will speak I">NAM> KAIMAN I h e B; Bt the Midwest Life Insurance "' MHzvah of Ronald Company Convention in K s l e . s ! G o r d o n ><''»•»<»'. ™" "[ Mr. and Park, Colo., June 14-19. | Mrs. Jack Kaimun, will be-cclc.1 brated al the Beth Ismol Synajgogue on Saturday morning, June |6th. Services will begin at 8:-15 a. m. . tSKiMA ALI'JIA MV NKWS |IXOYD KOITSTKIN i RUG & UPHOLSTERY UNI. OF NEBK. CLEANERS I Dr. and Mrs. Morris Roitstein ] Sigma Alpha Mu freshmen Irvin i announce the Bar Mitzvah of their j RUGS —CARPETING Bclzer and Bernard Grossman (son, Lloyd, on Friday evening,] LAMP SHADES were two of twenty-four fresh- June 5th and Saturday morning, j FURNITURE men to receive cadet awards In Juno 6th at Beth El Synagogue. ! Air Force ROTC. Cleaned In Your Home! Trophies were awarded al I be EILEEN DAVIS Binding—Laying—Repairing fraternity's Parent's Day program JENINE KKAI'T on May 10. Recipients were: Stan DONNA WOLI-'SON" Don Bernstein HA 2554 Conn, best pledge; lrvin Belzc-r, MAIICIA ZWEIBACK group Bas Mitzvjjh celebration highest freshman average; Jack Orilch, best scholastic achieve- will be held at the Beth Israel Syment; Bob Epstein, best house nagogue Friday evening, June 6. nthlete; Gary Hill, debate award, Each of the following girls will mid Stan Widman, most active in celebrate her Bas Mitzvah; Iiilecn JA 13M lo lm«rl your Won! Ad In Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. lh«Pliont campus activities award. Jev/lth Prets. Jiving Davis; Jenine Kraft, daugh- Rot» Is Vi cents for «och three line InserELECTED PRESIDENT ter of Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Kraft; tion. The P r m reiervei the rloht to itmll Jerry Kohll, son of Mrs. Louis Donna Wolf son, daughter of Mr. tlzt of eoch adver'lltment Kohill, has been elected president and Mrs. WilliHm Wolfson, and »AIL¥ JEWISH I'AI'KIIS o( Sigma Alpha Mu fraternity at Marcla Zweiback, daughter of Mr. BAR and Ba« Mitzvan congratuthe University of Oklahoma. and Mrs. Sam Zweiback. latlons also for all Jewish holiday* and special occasion!. RECEIVES AWAIID JOSEPH noiiny Meyers New* Stand, 1502 Dodge Douglas B. Colin, son of Mr, and Jospoh Bordy, son of Mr. and JATB. Bennett L. Cohn ha» been Mrs. Louis Bordy of Columbus, EVERYONE loves to receive a awarded the United States Army Nebr,, will observe his Bar Mitzmagazine subscription as a gift medal as outstanding junior in. the vah at Beth Israel SynRKoguc, —Father's Day, graduation, Bar Engineers branch of the " ROTC Sunday morning, Junt 7, at 8:45 Mitzvah, get-well. Gift card»furunit at Purdue University. a. m. . . .••'•. nlshed. Mr*. Horwich, WA 3957.


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Friday, May 20, IBS*

—Organizations— MIZItAC'llI UONOK M'NCHEON Mrs. living Stern is chairman of the annual Donor luncheon of the Oniiiha Chapter Mlziuchi Women to he held Tuesday, June 2 at. the Jewish Community Center. Others prejmring for the event are Mines. H. Kmnkliii, A. Upsnian and Sol Nogt;. luncheon eo chairmen: Mines. MJIX Arbitman, GL 0152 and I. ("Jruenswein, .IA 7864, reservations; Frank Sekar, decorations and table setting; Rose Fogel and IT. Fried, reception committee and II. Paskowitz, William Kpstein. door committee. A-donor is one who has joined the Donor Circle and has given a party to wine funds or pays $12. Following the luncheon earils and flames will be played. C'OKMII ,HKi:il CHAI'TKIt BAKE SALE The Cornhusker Chapter of B'nal B'rith women" will hold a bake sale, May 2», at Hinky-Dinky on 72nd and Dodge Streets, from 9 a. m. tg 5 p. m. TKo committee In chargo Includes Mrs, Milton Loss, chairman. Jlmes. Ben Rifkin, Jay Ohiisen, Burton Dunevltz, Marvin «nd Allen Wlnstein. The Cousin'* Club will meet at the Blackstone Hotel for n 12:30 p. m. luncheon, June 3. Anyone not able to attend is asked to call Mrs. Max Simon, hostess, at GL .•7114. YOI'N<i AIMJLTS SUNDAY, 2 I'. M. The Young Adults will meet Sunday, May 31 at 2 p. m. «t the Jewish Community O u t e r . BJIITIIDAV I'AItTV The Workmen's Circle dramatic group is giving a birthday party Saturday, May .'iO, nt 8 p. m. at the Labor Lyceum, .'JOlli and CumIng .Streets. To celebrate the birthdays of the following members; Minos. Pauline Hinder, Goldie Formun, Sarah Mogil, Sarah Miroff, Sam Novak, .Sam Zwerling and Messrs. Morris Goodman, Max I.evine, Milton Ncarenberg, Nathan Lohrman, XouiB Witkin and Mi1, and Mrs.. Dave Susman and Miss Blanche Silver. There will be entertainment under the direction of the musical director, Sam Zwerling. IWreshnients will be served.



Pag* Tkre*

Playhouse Players Rehearsing For The Diary of Anne FranEi'

JAPANESE INVEST Jerusalem (JTA)—Japanese financial Interests are investing 'I he Beth Isi.iel Tjlmud Toial money in Israeli copper mines ana .Scnioi Clnss uill colebiate a in oilier enterprises in this counSljum, of completion of d tiaetute, try.

Beth Israel Senior Class Siyum, June 3

on Wediiescldj evening, June 3 at 7 p m 'Die students will undeigo a public exuimn ition by Rablj Gionei ,md otbei school officials Pftients dnd fuends .tie invited

I •4 r.. :

Light your home

The modern

' ' 1 '

•*. mih



A scene from "Tho Diary of Anne Frank" to lie produced by the Oinulia Cnminiinity Playhouse, May 20 to Juue 14 shows (loft to right) Kernln DeKuven, Wall Shrinr, (understudy to Nnney I'inlferton n* Anno), Mnvlne Sloan mid Jiuin Marx.

To National ieefings Club League Two JCC Softball teams are unbeaten after two games of league play. In the Club League on Thursday nights the JCC Varsity has a 2-0 record. Last week's rained-out game will be played Saturday, June 12. Ray Kirke pitched A nifty two hitter as the Varsity team took a 4-1 win over the South Omaha Knights of Columbus squad. Ray struck out fifteen batlei's and didn't issue a single walk. In tho Ahamo Loague on Sunjay mornings, Danny Kpsteins Oldtimers also own n. 2-0 record. Last. Sunday Moe Handleman pitched i 3 hit shutout,HS the OJdtiiners ook a .'(-ft win.

Youth Council League Rayim's Rougluiders are on top of the Youth Council Softball .eague with a 2-0 record. They defeated AZA 1 14-13 last Sunday. Steve Guss was the winning pitcher, while Gerry Ooltlstrom took the loss, AZA 100 won their first game from Ronu AZA by the scoro of 20-17. Tlie Centuryinen are tied for second with AZA 1 while Ronu AZA is in the cellar with a 0-2 record. Mike Plutt was the winning pitcher and Alan Konecky was the loser for Ronu. Next Sunday, AZA 1 will tangle WJC. XKVINE TO SI'KAK with Ronu AZA, while Rayim will Dr. Victor I.evine, Professor of oppose AZA 100, Biochemistry and Director of the Department of Biochemistry nt Crelghton University, will be guest apeaker at K dinner meeting of Knrbnnd Poale Zion to lie held at the Jewish Community Center on The Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Sunday, May 31st at 7 p. m. Dr, Home for the Aged was the scene Levine's subject will be "Why the of a wedding last Monday evening Polar Hegions Are So Important." when Mrs. Pearl Silverbrand of A musical program will .follow. South Bend, Ind,, a former OinuReservations may be made by han, became the bride of David calling ,1A .'1891 until t>:.'',0 p, ni. Hahn. Mrs. Kiln Hahn, mother of Friday, May 29th. Mines. Max tho groom, is a resident of the Fielowitz and .1. Feldman are in home. charge of ararngenu'iils, The ceremony was performed in the home auditorium by Rabbi Groncr of Beth Israel Synagogue, who was assisted by Cantor f)li Kagan and M. Schiilman. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Schneider accompanied the bride to the alA large number of out-of-town tar and the groom was escorted guests are expected to attend the by Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Hahn. CanBar Alilzvah of Barry Alan Lewis, opy bearers were Norman Hahn, son of Mr. •and. Mrs. Lou Lewis, Nathan Kirk, Dan Slein and J'rrMay 2i)th and .'lOlh at Beth Kl Sy- ome Swengel, nagogue: They are Miss May Following the ceremony resiTucker, Washington, D. C ; Mrs. dents of the home and guests atCharles Grossman, Mr. Max Mozer, tended a reception in the home dinMr. and Mrs. Sam Mozer, Mrs. ing room. Nathan Mozer, Mr. and Mrs. Si A supper party honored the couKaminsky and family, Mr. and ple later nl the home of Mr. an<; Mrs. Marvin Feld and family, Mr. Mrs. Sam Hahn. and Mrs. Leonard Mozer, MissKaron Alozer of Lincoln, Nebr.; MQIUDATK MAJOK Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mozer and JEWISH ACTIVITIES daughter, St. Joseph, Mo.; Miss Jerusalem--The Jewish CoimisRuth Grossmun and Mrs. Jerry tory in Bulgaria has voted to li•Greene, Chicago, III.; and Mr. Leo quidate its major cultural.and reTurkel of Pork Forest, III.. ligious activities.

Dr. and Mrs. Morris Margolin will be In New York City, June 3-4 nnd S when Dr. Margolin will attend a meeting of the American Association for Jewish Education. Dr. Margolin is a member of the organization'* Board of the Governors and chairman of the Survey Commilleo of the local Bureau of Jewish Kducation, Dr, Margolin said a national Jewish Education survey report, including that of Omaha will be presented at the meeting by Dr. Alexander Dushkin of Israel. He will attend meetings of the American Diabetes Association and the American Medical Association In Atlantic City on June 11. Dr. and Mrs. Margolin who left Thursday plan to visit In Cincinnati, O., with their sons Dr. Gordon Margolin and Dr. Harold Margolin and their families bnfore leaving for New York.



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Published Every Friday by tho Jetvlah Federation of Omaha. iKOfla Clol) /Mailing Privilege! AirtHorlnd ol Omaha, Nebraika. Annuol Jubialpilon, n.00. Advirtlilna. Ratti on Application. PuUlcollon Office—101 No. 20th Street, Omoho, Ncbr., JAckson 1M*.


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Friday, May *», l$i$


Pay your pledge-now

Nearly 30,000 immigrants have reached Israel in recent months, A simple, decent house...the chance to work..'.school for the children These things make freedom real for newcomers... but only hard cash can supply them: Some 230,000 earlier immigrants -100,000 of them caught in the despair of the immigrant shanty towns called "ma'abaroW-still wait to be fully absorbed. Only cash can answer their unmet needs. Outside Israel, in 25 countries, hundreds of thousands need help. Only cash can rush aid to those ivho need it. Do your part-through our community campaign in behalf of the UNITED JEWISH APPEAL. Make your pledge-and pay your pledge-now!


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