June 5, 1959

Page 1



Published every Friday, 101 N, 20th. omaiiu. Kcbruika, Phono JA liliM

Pr. Jonas Salk Receives Doctorate





ud f.'lfiss Postage Paid ;i!, Oinahfi, Ni.'t>r.

Annunl Kale 4 Dollars Single t-'ijpy 10 Cent*

eaders Dr. Abe Greeoberg Reports On s&etvQ ... Posts B'nai B'rlfh Convention in Israel

The B'nai H'rilh Triennial con- board meeting of-the Anli,-Defamavention in Jerusalem was distin- lion League. guished by iis outstanding proA resolution to expand the orgram in the estimation of Dr. Abe der's Jewish adults education praGreenberg, who a t t e n d e d as a grains was expressed, Dr. Greenmember of the board of governors berg said. The learning of Hebrew of the .Supreme Council. was recommended for inclusion In Dr. Greenberg returned from a program. Dr. Grcenlx'rg also reported that Israel Monday with Dr. Leon Fellman, .Southwestern Kegionsil Coun1 cil delegate. David Bleicher, retiring Council president, was anolher Omaha delegate to I he conference. Dr. (ircenljerg Malic* Talk Dr. Greenberg participated in the-piclures(|ue ceremonies which included the burning of the mortgage deed of the B'nai 13'rilh Henry Monsky Washington building under the auspices of the Henry Monsky Foundation. Dr. Gi'eenherg, who IK chairman of the Foundation, described in an address to the gathering at the Tel Aviv, (.ITAl Brigadier Gen'.n" enrollment of tin" I'reHebrew University Amphitheater, Selwiot Division of the Jewish Com- eral K/.er Wiezmann, coniniiiniler the purpose of the building, as munity Center I'ay Camp fur cliil- of the Israel Air Force, left for headquarters for all B'nai O'rith dien between the a<;es of three the United States where he will asactivities. He expressed his pleas,MII] five i.s nearing capacity. The sist in the United Jewish Appeal ure in holding the ceremony in K,ieeialt/.e(l natuie of the |inn;nim Campaign, Kn route lie will visit Jerusalem, makes it nee.ess.iry to limit Ih:* France. General Wci/in,-in», a Shrine Dedicated l.aliel -Kill/, of Ni'iv Orlenns— .•lilcndaiK'" and parents intere-;|ed nephew of the late Or. Chaim in registering pre-schoolers are Weizmann, first. president of Another moving experience, Dr New international president of urgi'd to do ;,o immediately. Day | Israel, was born In Tel Aviv 35 Greenberg said was the dedication U'nal Ii'rith. The" Jewish Federation of of a shrine hewn out of solid rock ("amp will he conducted from years ago. Omaha Kxeculive Committee, in thhe .Iiidean Hills, in memory of Dr. Fellman was named lo tho JIIIK.' 15 to July '.'\,. •; will hold a luncheon meeting the thousands of Jews destroyed Court of Appeals of n'nal B'rilh's (iuim-s. Art, llunilirriirt • CONSTKICTION STAI(Ti:i) at Yl noon. Wednesday, June by Hitler. Delegates helped initi- Supreme Council. Tiie 1're School Day Camp pro-, Tel Aviv - - Const met ion h a s liolh Omahans concluded their 10, at the Regis Hole!, it was ate a second B'nai Ii'rith section pi-anf will feature names, songs, .started on the Ahraham Lincoln lour nl many European points of announced by Hubert II. Koopof the Martyr's Forest. ;ul. dances, and handirraft. Physics Department building of interest with their visit lo Israel er, Federation President. J'hylhms aimed at. building mils- j Israel's Uar-Ilan University. I(a(z Made l'rpshlriil and returned to Omaha in an El cli' coordination and strengthening The selection of Label Kalz of at jet turbo-prop plane. holly muscles will he stressed. The High Praise For Israelis New Orleans, I,a., was lauded by j>re-se))oolers will make frc<|iieiit Dr. Greenberg was high in j the Omahan. Mr. Kalz succeeds field trips during the camp sca< Philip M. Klulzniek, former Oma- praise of the Israel people, us he mtn including one to n farm. described the exlonsive building i han, now of Park Forest, 111. "1 tides" a I Peony Park will he The new prcsjdent has a lengthy activity going on in the country. Dtide available to the children free "The Israelis arc doing u terrific record of communal service includn.'. charge when they arc part of Ghana will establish "kibbut- their being a work'nip. people, their ing membership on the national job of developing U\e land", he ilie day's program. Swimming foi(cooperative agricultural discrimination to achieve the im- campaign cabinet of the United stated. "The people lire happy," ling unit will lie restricted lo a zim" special area under the constant settlements) on the Israeli pal- possible, and lack of any racial Jewish Appeal. He spoke In Oma \vork hard, enjoy life and are not tern, according to members of the discrimination. ha last October at a regioiiiiali«ifraid of (he "Arabs." Mipervisinn of staff members. He added that To! Aviv with its Ghanaian delegation to the Inter"The people of Ghana," he said, $35 For 2 WYilis crow'ded streets, p:liltci-inK with national .Seminar on Land Settle- "know only too well the meaning Mrs. Marshall Becker is the di- ment. • many lights at night presented a of racial discrimination, and it was rector of the Pro-School bay picture as active and modern as This was the word received by the way in which everybody in IsDay Camp program, FOP is $.''.!i that of any American city. rael treated our Afro-Asian delefur each two week period or $(>0 Ilisladrul's Informal ion Center in gallon, their .sincere willingness to for the entire four week season. Los Angeles following close of the be helpful, their luimnii approach Pre-schoolers are picked up at Israeli seminar for .'50 representa- - a l l these things have tied the any one of four convenient pick-up tives from 12 countries, including delegates to Israel with strong A record attendance is expected points but they nre reltirnefl di- Ghana. feelings of appreciation mid af- at the annual fund raising lunchIn summing up his experiences fection." rectly to their homes nf lunch ( eon to be sponsored by the Bikur time. For further Information call in Israel, the Deputy Minister of II will be recalled that the co- Cholim Society Monday, June 8 the Hay Camp office at JA l.'lfiG. Agriculture of Ghana said that operative settlements in Israel are at 1 p. m. at the Jewish Communfive things impressed him most Mrs. M. R Leven.son. a founder ity. Center, Mrs. Jake Wine, organthere: The friendship of the Is- part and parcel of the Histtidiut, ization president, said. of the Omaha Chapter of HadnsIsrael's general Federation of raelis, their longing for freedom, Labor. Mrs. Wine reported that mem- snh, was honored with the "Ima, bers have been busy working on Mother in Israel" award of Youth plans for the luncheon, the spe- AHyah at .the May 21 niceling of cial occasion when proceeds re- chapter. The National Council of Jewish The -presentation was made by ceived are used to meet medical Women this week announced the expenses of the hospital unit, at Mrs. Max CireenberR, chapter presi'gift'of four camper's scholarships the Dr. Philip Slier Jewish Home dent, at the conclusion of a profor children going to ('.imp JayGeneva Israel has been provigram highlighting the life and acWashington, (JTA) ContinuC-C, the Federation sponsored res- sionally admitted lo the General ance of American grant aid l a for the Aged. This group also tivities of Mrs. Levenson, Mrs. ident camp and the Jewish-Com- Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. Israel i.s definitely recommended makes monthly trips lo the state Morris C. Fellman and Mrs. Robert mental hospital at Lincoln and munity ("enter Day Camp. The "declaration of provisional by Ihe House Foreign Affairs Omi- distributes refreshments to the Gerelick were m i l h o r s of the Norman Batl; Camp Jay-C-C accession" approved at GATT'S mittee. script. chairman nnrl Mrs. Leonard Kul- fourteenth session here will be- Congressman Uarratt O'Hara, inmates. She stated lh.it of thouMrs. Norman Whitman sewed as sands of dollars are required, to akofsky, Day Camp Clialrman, on come effective when ratified by Illinois Democrat, said that the master of ceremonies in ,i tnUe-off acceptance of the gift, expressed two-thirds of the thirty-seven report "definitely pins down the provide this service for the care of the popular "It Could fie You" the appreciation of the camps nlid member countries. Hut Isrnel wns Administration to continuing spe- and welfare of the sick and needy. program during which she brought Guests at the luncheon nre in»nid the scholarship allocation will invited to participate actively in cial nsslst since to Israel at the onto the stage a number of perhe used to provide camping exper- nil GATT activities pending (he current level amounts to $7,500,- viled to make up their own tables sons in the life of Mrs. Levenson and bring their own cards and mall ience for four children. completion of the formality. 000. jongK sets. Other enterlainment including members of her family The Council of Jewish Women The admission of Israel increased The Administration originally will lie arranged for those who do ami business associates. A -tapeDiinnally offer the scholarships in to four the number of countries planned to discontinue this type of not play cards. Reservations may recording and Jeltcr from, Rabbi it11 effort to make the camp avail- that are participating in GATT in aid to Israel In ]000. Afler membe made by calling Mrs. Wine, and Mrs. David Goldstein nf Hiir able for children who otherwise some form of associate memberbers of both the House Foreign WA. dfiMl or Mrs. Harry Sidman, Zion Temple, Philadelphia, Pa., and might he denied the opportunity ship. The others are Switzerland, Affairs Committee and the Senate WA .' !.•)()() Tickets at S1 per person Mendel Fisher, executive director hi-cause of luck of funds. Cambodia and Yugoslavia. of Jewish Nat ional Fund, were F o r e i g n Relations Committee may he obtained at the door. Israel will become a full mem- voiced opposition to this inlention, A partial list of luncheon host- also included. Mrs. Hurry Duboff ber once It has p.xrhiingert with Under-sccretary of State C, Doug- esses include Mines. .!•:. Abramsou, was nl the piano. Mrs. Levenson 1ms served as the other CJATT c o u n t r y tho h s Dillion expressed willingness Miix Arhitman, William Epstein, tariff concessions that are tho lo reconsider the decision. J. J. Frieden, Jake Goodbinder. past president of both the OmaKenjiimin Groner, Max K;uz, ha Chapter and regional \mU uC The Jewish Youth Council will " o n t r n n c K fee." They -will bo IJ.S. AIDS ISItALI, WATIUt Mriliich Kalzmaii, A. Lehman, Ilndassah, national board member, nif.'l Wednesday, June 10 at 7 negotiated during thn tariff conIT. I.ippelt, I, Stern. L, Siporin, organizer of local Young Judaea, p. in. at the Jewish Community ference H<-Ti<*< 1 <11<• 11 |»v «iATT for CONSERVATION PlUMKCT Jerusalem (JTA'i - - t h e new- NV Veilzer, A. Zalkin, L. Fox, D. member of Beth Kl school board. Center, Jvdwin Sldmun, president 1001. She was a founder of Beth Kl Moshe IlarUir, Israeli foreign United Nations Special Fund has Potash, S. Nogg, Fannie Camel. Synagogue, chairman of .Jewish . Hiuioiiucptl. The program' will include discussion of rushing and ministry official, said thnt Is- allocated $320,000 for a new wa- \) Knznlck, C. Izenstall, C'has. National Fund activities and dinpledging, constitution and the rael regarded its entrance into ter conservation project in Israel, Ross, Paul Kalznian, 1). Schiciv ner, member.of "HerzVCtimp Board "eighth grade welcome." Club GA'IT*. as nn "Important stop- toward which the Israeli Govern- P. Matt, Vve<\ Halm, 3i»V.c-Wine, of Directors, and chairman of the president!* Hiid representatives are ping stone in the evolution of ment in adding 1,200,000 Israeli A. Knintz, II. Sidman and Sam Youth Commission. , . . , : Israel's economic policy. jppundi.' ,.'..- Arenson. urged*to attend.•• In-. Jonas K. Salk, originator of the Salk nnli-polio v a c c i n e, *hown at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, receiving congratulations fi'om IVemicr David lien Gurion af1 i-i- being presented ml I lonornry D o c I o r of I'hilosophy degree. Tlie "Premier characterized J'r. Salk as one of the greatest scientists in the world and also as ft Hi eat hnmanisl.

Pre-Scliool Gamp fleari Israel Air GommaEider Peak Enrollment iWill Visit U. S.

Two high ranking Israelis ore being considered definitely for the diplomatic posts recently vacated by Abba Khan after a decade of service as his country's representative to the United States and the United Nations. The appointment of Avr/iliarn Harman, former Consul General in New York, as the next Israel Ambassador lo Washington appears to be assured. Following; formal acceptance by the Israel Cabinet, his name will be presented to tho U. K. government for approval. IR? is now a member of the Jewish Agency Kxeculive. Mr. Harman would fill only the post, of Ambassador to the United States. The other post of chief delegate lo the United Nations, which Mr. Khan also held, will be assigned to another Israeli diploma I. The United Nations role, it is understood, will go lo A r t h u r l.onrie, c u r r e n t l y serving ' as Israel's Ambassador to Canada.


Federation Exec. Committee to Meet

H li

Bikur Cholim Fund Raising Luncheon Monday at Center Shdassah Surprises Mrs. i . F. Lovenson Wilh lma' Award

Council Gives Four Gamp Scholarship

Israel Admission U. S. Grant Aid To Is Voted by GATT Israel Recommended

i 6

Youth Council to Meet June 10



Fag« Two



Friday, June 6, lll.">9

Confirmation Exercises Scheduled O n Next- Week's Calendar of Events PubllKiied Kver.v Friday by Hie Annual Suuicriplion, i^C'J. S c p , i

rederalioll of Oulaiia.

l.'tr-'. « Coil 1.1 V Hoits on Api.''ira!i<,n uhu. Ncbr., JAO'.cn ]3

'.'r\ licit G f j j . J i ' n Kci'jQn, Doimu Kc;unur>, //.(ic'tliiip Kniiiv, Lilid'j t . i t u , Hoc.i r . ' c y r r , Ho-.'jltiiEr l l o v i , Ncr.ee Himiiicrniun, Noonu .4othfr;t.i i n, Suujn '-.ejerf,, onrl Hiure Win lieih Kl . S.Mi.i-ni'.iies t h e l a t t e r Irti'b. T U . r [}'jifnis lire /7,r. a n d M i ' ; l.G'J , L t « i t , Dr. or.il K M I,'.. H Hinakcf. l/i-ist.. purl uf the cuinint; ucel;. :md f / m t v Irvin-i ctiuutirclt, f/iOrm Lrrnun. I'.abbi Sidui-y II. Brooks uf- Or. a d d r.'.rs. A C, f : ellrmirt, A'.C'VV onrl '.'ni^i J ; T ; . ! I Cir.5. Orcrrjc li*iyun, jrlrnucl il in t : . Kminon; B n U i o n d l.'n t:,fct S Knpl-i-. -i r • ' - ti.'il ,7ni... Lnriik.r. 1Mb. L c i t r r ihirli r-ll buy* ami Kills Will be <•» .'.'• r.'.e.er, H. P u l p h Htiwj. D r . (in,! W r j . A G. /<,,i.n.CNiu,n. .V.i. niiil /,',!-.. :i'nn,jel P'.lhtiii i i n i i ' I mi Thurs.d:ry, J u n e 11 U-rr/, O r . n m l l,'r\. / / . ( u i i r e r,ur Its onrl M r , K: 1 ."i i. in. al Temple Israel. C'llitililiall(i;l

• 'niidiicted




w i l l b>'



Bar and Bas fsiifzvah All Irii'inN and relatives <re Invited to attend service* unil reception. I:IIJ;I;N II.VVIS

JKN'INK KliAI'T .Editor (MRS.) FRANCES KLEIN DONNA \V()I,IS(».\ M.XKCIA ZU'i:ill.\Clt Croup Has Mil/.vah celebralioa will be held at the Belli Israel Syna:io;;(ie Kritlay evenlnt;, June ti. Farh uf I lie following (jil'ls w.ill - lit. I'ti Tolimi'J Tcirrjh tjitidJa'p'. v,!ll t o Ddlf I}rod '• Temple ('olifiriilaniK **!/. /.'rlvln Kutiktf. Lr;'iia Kijt!er, IJnl • celebrate her l'.iis Mit?vah: Kileen Tf.o c(.>f> ; Jonathan F. l!< /.'iilcr, Horrild Srt,,-,c-:iir . Jrjrl Sunder, /.Ion | I) flr Bl Norinc.n V/I'.ilnitl'i ond Clconr.r Yonrr 7 l i ' i r porrnl*.' Davis, daii;:liler of Mr. and Mrs. Bciinrc l i Hu-jt I, Un o'e Or ond M r i M M erook^/, IM uw\ Irving ]>avis; .lenine Kraft, daughFfouk. Hir /.'.I Mn. Dovid KaKkr>-. Dr. and Ml-, licntun ' Gclaile.n. K e n fill H Ki.-l>r. Dr i,nd t.'.t; Daniel //.Mlrr, r.'.r. . ter of Mr. and Mrs. I, J. Kraft; Wcscn, Jo ond IM%. Naldan Vhncioer, Mr. und /.'.r^. ! uo.m: I K.tnn I Sulin. They me Ihe sons .'ji'lney ;,ncidr:r. / / r . und /.'.rs Uorninn Wli.t- Donna Wolfsou, il.ninhler of Mr. j'TION IV I'IKXiltlOSS: f'.cderora- nd Jcr, yfirtii and //ir-ci. Llo/d iTHj.'t and Dr. mid / . ' r v J. l . t / j l l Yo-jfr. and Mr.v William Wolfson, and 1 J . l\. B: :lier."ri rti'l BrotlKCy. j l f i i l turn is now lakiiiu place .'it th*-ttfUank,r-H.V, Insli iict,/i-s bavi> b e e n Rabbi, Marna Zueibacli, dauuhter of Mr. /.'.Guricc- f r t n i K Wlli,rjm I n i i f i Gclil'.U-in, A J. anil ' home. The wallpaper has lieen do- Merino i Fr>ci!-"rt>-i, H(rrn litecDerl Mrs. Myer S. Kriplio, hi|;b and Mrs. Sam /.weiback. Silvcnnfin. ":SH p. in. 1 natod by I M. Tretiak of Omaha H o r r i i m L c'-vcircj Po-cn. c-.t.cc lively. school departinenl, and Paul Itaii;-• M l l l a r d SPf:cr. olid O^.rj A recall inn honoring Ibe eon-roilski, Talmud Tnrali Kiadiiatim: .lOSKI'll HOItDV TKMI'I.K ISRAEL TKAHOOM: Coiiipletely finisin<i i fin ii.ii irK niid t l u i r parentf; will be class. .Joseph Knrdy, son of Mr. and Services will be held Friday al with a new cejlini; chandelier ilo- | held ocial listII fnllowini; Special Auurdi Mrs. I^-IIUH Bordy of Columbus, 8:15 p. m. at Tom pie Israel with j naled by Mr. and Mrs. .Jacob I!<\SK. ; l i l t " I.eadeiship training fellowship: Nebr.. will observe his Hnr'Mil/.Habbi Sidney H. Brooks officiat- : OIT-OF-T() W N VISITOKS: pins uill be awanled to Donna i vah al Heih Israel SynaKomii", Sermon. "Is "Is Confirmation • David Slier of New York City ing. Sennon, r Kaiman. Madeline Kripfie dud Jus-!Sunday iiiorninti, June 7, at K:45 Kl Kelij, ioiis schools JIaking of a Jew?" A npecia] bless- spent several days \isitint; his fa- Thf tin I.euis. Itabbi Kalph DeKo\'en • a. rn. ingwill be recited for confirmands ther. Dr. Philip Slier. Other . isi- j will hold Ki:tiiu;i ion and cunliiina- has been I.. T. F. instructor. tors during the week were: Mr. i t ion ceremonies 4 I he hiKh school : and parents. Neil Miller, an Kaj-rle .Scout, s\ill ; .II KAI.MAN Shabbas morning services will 'and Mrs Nathan Ha/nick and .Mr. department and Talmud Torali ivtl(:o . l l u N ( >™ ' ' ' ' ' ""'• ll . I'-I'dous I The liar Mil/.vah of Ronald begin at 11:30 a.ni.. wilh Rabbi | Sam Wieimveg of I.os Anyeles; Al graduation exercises on F. iday, i 1 IK s June V> at 8:15 p. m. ' I"";".' / ' " ! • ' ^ » ' ••><-' ' ; ' " »• Mi' . Brooks .officiating 'and ' the Re- •' Sebring ajid ihe Mines. Chnrles Coniirmonds ..I the iiirjii jel.ool dfpurt- " a l p h P c K o v e n served a s N e r : Kaiman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack ^ _ Choir under the di | Alton and Herman Wise " Chi- mnit win in jusim Lr«i». wno win b« T,'i[iii<l counselor a n d Kabbi Kripke I Kaiman, w ill be celebrated at the ; School | lie Hi Israel Synagogue this .Sat. . rect'ion'of Miss Ida Gitlin singing j cago: Irving Malashock of Kan-grod'Jolcd oilo; f.'ort. tJrodV.r/. Mt.«oid Ctluddcolf, Froncn Etrnoil, Arnold Fellman, ] Was c h i l l l ' l l l l l l l of t h e ri'VieXVIIlg urday niorniiii.;, June (i, a t 8:45 t h e musical portions of t h e service, i sas City; Mr. and Mrs. J. Silver _„ .-. 'coinniitlce. a. in. . ;. . \ of St. Louis; Mr. and Mrs. Joe •j Kutcher and Mr. and Mrs. Jack BKTU EL Kosbcrg of Sioux City. i 1,1-OVI) HOITKTKIN ? S c i ^ i c e 5 at Beth Kl S y n a e w u e ! _ begin _B ^ i SI'KCIAL KIOMSHI.M: The '• Lloyd Hoilsleni. son of Dr. and a t 8:15 p . m . Rabbi My.-r Mrs. Morris Uoltstein, will observe Kripke will deliver the sermon {{ Hahn Family gave a kiddush last I'l.KIKiK ACIIIKVK.MKNT hsi Bar Mitzvah this evening and on "A Man imd His Career." CHII- ! Saturday in honor of Mrs. KM a AWAKI) l.ou Jes«, Oiiiaha" holebnaii and Saturday nininiiitf nt Beth Kl Sytor Aaron I. Kdgar «nd the Syna- ! Hahn, to celebrate the wedding of Mniireen Zevitz. frevhinan at the • gogue"Choir will render tiie musi-j "<?'" children, Mr. and .Mrs. Dave I'nivi'i-.sity uf Illinois, al Chain- i civic leader, has been elected proical portions.of the service. , Hahn. Special serviced were held Ipaign, received the Alpha F.p- j iclent of Hem v Monsliy I.odije of \ H'nal H'rilh add STKI'IIKV ItOSK Sabb.ith morning services are at j,in'The home synagogue for.this jsildii Thi sororily "be-st pledge i will take offii e ; achievement award." Miss Zevit/ j at an inslallalion Mrs. Laura Hose announces the f):'M; Junior Congregation service i occasion. li u Mil/vah of her son, Stephen, a t . 1O:.'1O a. m., .Mincha-Mnariv ! .. On Saturday, June 5. A.special a recent .chapter initiate, had a; dinner later tins it the Shavuot services, Saturday •ei'viccs al 7:.".fl p. in. .j service and Kiddush will lie given leading role in the campus produc- . .summer. rniiiK, June I.'lth, (it Beth Kl Siihrliiy.inoj-niiiu services are at j by Mrs. Helen Goldstein, home res- tion of "Oklahoma." She is the . Olh<-r office!'. 8 a. ni. Daily wrv ices are at 7 idem, in honor of her younger daii'-'Jncr of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard • elected are Mil• . in. and T p. in. ^randdriu^hlers. Paula Jean and V.e\ ilz. j lard Maiyolin IlKltVAIil) TAIt.N'OKF Shavnut Services will be Thurs- Jill Millie. j first vice-presi' \ f l i e ,'illfl MOVIKS: lionian It' Mr. and Mrs. Myron Tanioff day, evening -crviee at 7:.'!0, Frident ; S i d n e v IKI riti;v swAitrz < ITKK aniiounce Ilie liar Mit/vah of Iheir day, inoriiiiu; service at 9; Friday "Cleft I'alatc" were t h e films .leffrey Swart z was the re- ; Tai en, K e c o n d ll this week. son. licrnaid at the Shavuot servevening ici>nfirnialion and talmud cipient of lhe Ireshnijin aelhiiy I vice - president, ices, Friday morning, June V2. Ht forah graduationi H:l."i p. m. and Iroiihy Hi a Simula Alfiha Mu fra- Dr. Henfon Kutlietli Kl .Synagogue. Saturflav morning. Via. m. , ler, third viceternity awanl's program. , ; presiitcnt; Sam I,(in-less BI n i INK \i i I (•![ \ I ) l ATKS • K. Epstein, recordinj,'-secretary; Mils IUNNII- I l - W Pressed Tongue Loaf R ililii Rr n i i i i u n C i i u m i ( m l i j i fiinii d seivieiM u t i e htld Sun | Among ttiu'-e graduated from ! Moses Hawaii, finiincial secretary; fh Kit, in mil Hit I'eth Ki H I dtv it 2 .0 p ill it riniple I si icl tin I nneisitv of Omaha are An- i Nathan Turner, treasurer; Sam Svn igo^up ( hoir will rondiut lite foi Mis HiKSie I J H 8b uife of n( tie KosowsKv, Bachelor ofjll Pollak, trustee: Lou dinar. •er\icf( i t 8 p in fndition ll I 11 Ihe late Sol I<\>, who died list Silence Hiismes'. Administration; ; chaplain, C h n rl c s Moi'Kenlhau. DIAMOND'S diy evenni-, s e m r i s iKnbh tits' Fndav in a local hospital She hid Hirold D Stporin, Jack Stiss. j warden and Gerald .Schwartz, WA SS54 441S Cumlng Shihhosi TU) p m ibedi a lesident of Onuhi suite W'uren W Wolpa. Bachelor of ' guardian. .(J> b< gin ' lr*O0 IJIIIMI «.IS in Plei<-mt Hill Science in Ki-tailini;; Kllen B. ! Saturddv morning (jirtnberK Ailene Richmaii, Bach- : at 8 45 a m Jnmoi CoiiKte^i i(Pinrteij tion at 10 a in Hibbi Gion'r will S u n n i n g are drfin,htiis Mis clot of Science in Education; Ilos- !! conduct the Siturdn\ nfteinoon l^xiis Kill ikofskv Onidha M u itlle Cohen Silvia Greene, Sandra Talmud CIJSH at 7 Vt p ni and i Abialum Dividson MlniK-ipohs Kahn Slrlne\ Klopppr, Marcia J RUG & UPHOLSTERY Mlncha "followed hv Slulosh Minn von Alfhur A lev} Kiupinsk\ Pose Lawman, Barbarn \ Seuelosand M n m at 7 11 p in VV'ishinijlon I) C MVIII JJJ ind Mmkin Moms ShnrRo, Bachelor': CLEANERS Sundav nioinniK semte<; fol thildnn and 11 ^ieil RI nridchil of AiK fioni Dirlmoutb, Michael Jeb Cubby) Pulveitnt* RUGS— CARPETING 11 B. Snl/mnn. lowed by breakfast and the Rah-j'l''" LAMP SHADES bi's class in Bible begins at 8:-jr> '•• 25 Yean" Experience FURNITURE HONOIIAItY SCHOLASTIC j a. m. and the Junior Coni-rexation \ M«S- SOI'IIIA XOVITSKV Wifh Jowith 1 Cleaned in Your Homo! , at 8:30 a. in. Daily services at 7 ' Funeral services were held Sun- i-i!ATi;itN'rrv MK.MRKK Letioring end Memoriali Jack W. Baker has been initial- i ». m. and 7:45 p. in. d a y at Croshy-Kunrild ninrliiary Binding—Laying—Repairing The weekly Talmud discussion for Mrs. Sophia Novitsky, W(, 18(1-1 ,ed iiilo Bela Ganiina Sigma lion- I ? AT 2452 2211 So. OHi the 1 . ,.. ; llarney Street, u ho died last KHj oi.uy Scholastic fraternity at Don Bernstein HA 2S54 group meets every Tuesday ( v ' Ciiivprsity of Oklahfiina. ning at H:'.V) p. m. and Saturday ;day. niol'nin^ services at 9 a. rn. /it the Surviving are dun sailers, Mrs. j lilth and Burt. Street Synagogue, i liflly Ilabinouilz, Mri. Sarah Fell- j-NA.'MKI) TO C.'OKNIM'SKKK The June 5 late ser\ice will b e ; man, both of Omaha; Mrs. U-on j Lee Hlatl. son of Mr. and Mrs. the last late Friday evening scr\- Stein, Minneapolis, Minn.; a son. I Sam Hlnlt of Columbus, Neb., 1,'nlIifii Novitsky, Sioux City, la., five Iverslly uf Xebraska,.pre-med slnice for the season. FREE ESTIMATES Krandchildren and 10 treat grand- i dent and member of '/j'in I Jet a Beth Israel Talmud Torali ; children. i'I'au fraternity has been named PL 5396 classes will meet on Friday morn- j liurial was in Coldi n Hill ccine- ' editor of the CoriihusUer school Commercial Residential Ings from June 7 to June i'i. No ! ery. aiinua] section itcvoted to the uniclasses this Sunday. versity's medical, nursing and denThe? holiday schedule for Shav- \ tal schools. not consists of services on Thurs- i day, June J1 7:-1f> p. in.; Friday, j I it.\ri:i:MTV o r n r n i i June J2 K:ir> a. in. mid TATt p. in.; j Arthur Novak has been ejected Saturday, June ].'! 8:45 a. m. and j 7:45 p. in. Yiskor memorial serv- \' Memorial name plagues, placed treasurer of Pi Lambda Phi fraices Saturday, June 1.'5, K):.'1O a. ni. '! on memorial tablets in Heth Kl ternity at the University of OkOMAHA'S LEADING ; Synat;oi,'iie, during the past six lahoma. I months will be dedicated at thrB'N'AI JACOB ADAS Miff HAM OI'TICKKS Kosher Meat Markef and Delicatessen j .Shavuot Yi/ltor Services on SatN'euly Heeled officers of Siiima unlay, June 13. Those uho.se nnmes WA 5554 4415 CUMING Services ;it B'nai Jacob-Adas- will be commemorated by their Alpha Mil chapter at Lincoln, are Yeshuron will begin Friday nl 7:15 fiihiiJ.ItrJi at that time are: Belle .Sinn Kaiman, president; Howard STOP AT p. m. and Saturday morning at Rose Crandell, Meyer Cranciell, Kenyoii, vice president; Alan For8:30 a. m. uilh Mineha al 7:15Harry Dolgoff. Sntn Kaier, Mary man, t r e a s u r P r; Marty Sophir, j p. m. followed by Shalosh S'eudos. Lihbie Forman, Solomon Forman. secretary; Jerry Hosen, pledge-j Daily services at 6:."!fl a. ni. and | Samuel Greehljcrg, Pearl Harmel, master; and Irvin fifl/or, alumni i 7:30 p. m. ' : j Solomon Wolfe Harmel, Max Kap- rccoreler. MANHATTAN GREEN PACK lan, Jacob Kleban, Frim'a N. I^ei- In campus activities at NebrasBARREL CURED DILLS bovici, Jack Ltittheg. Iyiuis J . ka Al Krlzlemnn was elected asMargolin, Ruth Bernstein Pltlor. sistant Ye'll King and Howard Qt. Abrahnm David Sachs, Irving B. Kooper was initiated in Corn Cobs, (They Are Drlldou*!) Sherman. Lena Spring, Samuel B. men'); pep organization, Mmes. M. A. Bercovici, Joe Spring. George S. Steinberg, ReuZweiback, and Hyman Ferer ivill ben Vann, Ruth H. Vann and Alex KI1IT0IC-IN-CIIIRP OK TUB ffATKWAV represent the Omaha Chapter of Wolpa. B r a n d e i s University National Lowell Biiuiner, a junior, hni. TKAM I.VCItEASED Prompt Attention Given to Phone Orders Women's Committee ag officinl been named editor-in-chief of the delegates at the Women's ComJerusalem, UTA)—Israel's team fJarcwny, student newspaper at the Call Wednesday for Thursday Delivery rnittee's National Coiivehtian June of expert* in .Burma will he in-University of Omaha. He is the ton creased from 21 pi embers to 50.of Mrs.-Afax Baiimer.-.-i : 8(.9,,10at Walthann^Masi- :••••'". Offic.fr—IGi No. >Glh Mrf-et,





Lou Jess Will Head ! Henry Honsky Lodge


$ | 5 0 Lb.

Monument Co.

Memorial Plaques To Be Dedicated

Omahans Will Attend Brandeis Conference



. ." , »

Friday, JIIMH 5, 1050





Eban Receives Citizenship

WIN'S MKISIT K< -IIOI.AUSI1II' .leni.saleui, i ,ITA I After he had 'Stephen Fisk, sun of Mr. anil Mis, Sianlry Kislt wiis one of I he served Israel , i K Ambassador lo Iheli United Stales and chief deleOiuiihuiis hludriils IIIHOMK Ilic 85(1 winners in Ihc \'J~>'> Niitioiiiil Mi.'r-Kate lo the United Nations, it was discovered Ibis week, thai. Abba ii Srholiii'ship program. Kban was foramlly not an Israel WINS I'ltl/.K citizen. The o v e r s i g h t wus .Inslin Lewis, f'ciili'fil Hi|;li remedied promptly by a special 1 .School .Senior, is llu winner <>f it older and thus enabling him lo run thinl pii/e in the ninlli Nitlioiuil lor Knesset, . I.mvrence S. M.'iyers M'-tnoii;l! The oversight was discovered JV.uv K^.iy Conies! sponsored hy Ihc JiTilitulc for Iiiternntimwil ()r- when a cheek of Ihe election reg<ler. lie is the son of Mr. mid Mrs. isler showed thai Mr. Khan was nol listed. The unique .situation I ,ml Lewis. aro.su from (be fact Ihat he had JIOIIAM K IIKAC DASCK British nationality because of his KoliMliUi' h;t* been prepjirin^ for birth in South Africa. He could its first annuMl Beau dance (o he hold dual citizenship, hill apparheld June 20 at HIP Sherafon-Kon- ently he never thought it necestenellc Holel from !) a. in. unlil sary to apply formally since he midnight. The event which will held an Israeli diplomatic passImve an oriental Iheniy lias heen port. named thr* Flower Drum Dance. Mr. Khan will nol be able to Beau candidates for the dance vote in the November elections, HIT Hoberl (JiMBlieri;. Ridinrd Kas- in which he will be a candidate, low. Dan Hollis and William Hor- because the qualifying date for wicli. voting was last December. 'I'iekels may lie pnrcliased from H Rohnnne niemher of al the door.

LEAD THE WAY! (A.B., Irv, Lee)

Invite YOU



BBYO to Hold Three Day Institute Here

A/.A NO. I TO HOLD C'AH WASH A/.A No. 1 will hold a "far wash," Sunday, June 7 at (he SinA B'nai B'i'illi Youth OrganiznHair station. •IRth nnd Hodge streets from 11 n. in. to 5 p. in. | tirm Leadership Training Institute ; will be held in Omaha June Ki-14 and 15, it was announced by Kdward Rosen, chairman and Stuart (lotllieb and David Helzer , cochairmen. : Senator Carl Curtis will be Ihe j J'!ONi;i:it WOMKN j guest speaker at H banquet on j INSTALLATION The 1'ioneer Women's Orr,aniz,i- ! June IS at the Blacl.stone hotel | lion will install officers [or Ihe I which conclude the sessions. The ! coming year at Ihe Monthly One;: j conference will be opened with an | Shahhal Saturday, June t>, 1 :.'1O address by Harvey l.orberbaum of j p. in. at. the home of Mr.s. Hose Milwaukee, Wisconsin Regional I j Schwartz, 4216 Mason Street. Also i BBVO director. Ihe hirlhdays of (he following will | Mis. Bess Pollalc is chairman of j ' he celebrated: Mrs. Sam Novak, ' thy telephone committee, Isadore Knrhcs, M. SterenberK. Nathan Marlin, Dan Hermansun, (ieoi[;e Kaplan and Sam Kiehman. i Nathan Marlin will in.st.ill the ofA monument will be dedicated ficers and (;ive a reading. A musical program- will lip presented by | lo the memory of Jack A. I.uttMrs. Sam Zwerlinu and .Mrs, Mil- | IWB, Sunday at 10 a. m. at Beth ton NeaienbeiR. Mr.s. Dave Kp- j 101 Cemetery. .Rabbi Myer S. Ktein. cultural chairman, is in I Kripke will officiate. Friends and I relatives are Invited lo attend Ihe charge of the afternoon event.



11OLIIMV l>A\(.-INf> C X r i l ' The next dance for Holiday Dancing Club members and their guests will lie held at the Cnrter Lake Club, Saturday, June 6 from 9:30 p. in. In 1 a. in.





Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sun.

Ajiin Father has lieen elecled president of the Temple Israel Men's Club for the coming year, succeeding Charles Monasee. Other newly-elecled officers are Lloyd Friedman, first vice president; Morris I.ipp, second vice president; I)i\ Karl Wigodsky, treasurer; Marvin Taxman, secretary.

June 4, 5, 6, 7

YOUR CHOICE Five Assorted Screwdrivers with Hang-Up

Order of

Rack, Unbreakable Plastic Handles




London l.ITA)- Israel's first two submarines, acquired from the Royal Navy lust year, lite underI going overhaul and repairs nt the Portsmouth submarine base.

Bring the Kids to See the Clown! Lollipops for All

The Sitjiiia Alpha Mil Molher's f'lub have elected the following to serve iluririR the coming seaHOII: Mines. Bert Foritian, president: Alfred Soplilr, vice president; Robert Kooper, necrelary Hud Joseph Upton, treasurer.



EXTRA SPECIAL loveliness

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Do you want toft, pampertd looking Handt—well groomed nails with thai extra loot: of perfection? Our manicurists will keep you proud of your handi.

50 Extra Gold Bond Stamps CENTER 66 SERVICE 82ND A N D CENTER JUNE 4, 5, 6, 7




Beauty Salon

Dinner to Honor Philip Cranddls

2531 So. 90lh TE 11BS

Want Ads

The Omaliii Dramatic Club will celebrate the; fortieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mis. 1'hilip Phone JA (36* to Initrl your Wonl Ail In I'r/tndell with a dinner on Satur- Ihe Jewl&h P r c i i . Walr it iO cents tor each three line Inscrday, June li at (i:.'!0 p. in. at the lion, The f ' r e n reiervek Ihe rujhl lo llnitl liome Hotel. iUe of each ijdvertlitimnl The Crandells'liave been memD A I M ' JIOWItSH I'AI'KKS bers of the Omaha Dramatic Club for over twenty-five year«. Mrs. BAH. and Has Mlt/.van congratulations also for all Jewish holiCrandell Is currently its vice-presdays and special occasions, ident. Arrangements committee for Meyers News Stand, 1502 Dodge the evening consists of Milton KVKRYONK loves to receive a Neaienherg, Mr.s. Sam Canar and magazine subscription as a vMi Mr». Ben Martin. Morris Good- Father's Day, Kindiintion, Bar man will be toastmaster for the Mit/.vah, net-well. Gift card furevening. nished. Mrs. Hoiwich, WA 3957



Practical Domestics, cnll WE Hueiios Aires, (JTAl- The Argentine Jewish representative orKanizatlon, DATA, will he Riven WILL Ihe person who mistakenly representation In the Argentine took the wrong ralncont on the morning of May 30 at Beth IsCommittee, for the United Nations rael SynaROtru* pleime cnll CA Kdueatlonal, Scientific nnd Cultural Qrgan!zn.t.inn; (UNESCO); ,




Men's, Women's, Child's—Combined Value Over $2.49 Advertiied in LIFE—Guaranteed by GOOD HOUSEKEEPING


10th & Pierce 13th & Dorcas

16th & Pinkney 17th & Gass 19th S Ames

20th G Nicholas 24th & Himebaugh 24fh & fiHaple 30th & Davenport 45th S

1801 Military 51st S Center 72nd S Blondo 72nd & Dodge 82nd a Center

Friday, iuur B, J95U


P«g« Four

UN Sounds Warning International Idea for Jerusalem Zoo Plans to turn the Jerusalem Hiblical Zoo into a "Garden of InAgainst Overflights ternational Friendship" arc being considered by the Zoo's Board of

Belgians Praise Israeli Skills; Techniques Might Assist Congo

U N I T K D NATIONS, N. Y. Directors. The aim is to assemble animals representative of all coun(JTA i—There have been many re- tries or regions of the world, with sections of the Zoo allocated for cent overflights by Israel nnd each region. Arab airplanes over the airspace The Zoo has had an "Australian corner" for some time, and i« of both sides, Secretary General now developing a "North American corner," the foundations of both Dag Hanmierskjokl declared here. having been laid by tfifls. The third country to be repjvscnled will Asked specifically about the in- be either Burma. France or Kthiopia. The Jerusalem Biblical Zoo was founded in KU0 by iJr. Aharon cident of Israeli military jet fighters forcing down a Lebanese plane, Slmlov, Lecturer in Zoology at the Hebrew University. Financial carrying United Nations Kmer- difficulties have beset the Zoo since its inception, and it is hoped ncncy Force soldiers for a vacation that by extending the activities of the Zoo in the direction suggested, in lieirul, Mr. Haminersltjold re- both the scope of the work done will be expanded and the financial difficulties will be overcome. plied: "1 have no complete details in The Zoo was'previously located on Mount .Scopus, now cut off regard to the recent story about from Jewish Jerusalem as a result of the violation by Jordan of tbu the UNBF troops on their way to Armistice Agreement. Its present location l« in beautiful surroundBeirut. Overflights have been ings in the north of Jerusalem. fairly frequent by both sides, alP a r i s - A foundation for In- though the number of Israel overcreased cultural exchanges be- flights far outnumber the Arab cummunity of France to Jacob overflights." Commenting later of Mr. HaiiiTsur who is ending a six-year tour of duty n.s Israel ambassador to irierskjold's assertion that there j France. A ceremonial dinner is be- have been more Israeli overflights,: A new Braille printing puss Is ing planned by Paris Jewish com- a spokesman for the Israel .Mis- . now on its way to Israel as a gift munal leaders at which the crea- sion at the United Nations said: I of the American Foundation for tion of the Jacob Tsur Fund will I "As the'Israel-Egyptian Armis-1 Overseas Blind to the Ministry of tice Agreement had been violated Welfare. The machine will be inbe announced, by Egypt, and -conseijiiently Is- stalled in the Jerusalem Institute Mr. Tsui" was gues of honor at raelis not taking part in the Is- for the Blind to serve the whole an Israel Bond dinner in Omahn real-Egypt Mixed Armistice Com- country. last .November. mission, no complaints by Israel The new press will increase the against the numerous Egyptian supply of Braille literature conoverflights were submitted, and siderably. What is to be printed Birfhi the statistical picture must, thereMr. and Mrs. Jerome S, Spitzer fore, nf .necessity, l>e quite incom- and questions of distribution will be decided on by a special public PlttshiirKh, (JTA)—Of the 335.- announce (he birth of a son, 'David plete." Patronize Our Advertisers committee representing the Jeru000 Jewish boys and girls of high Allen on May .'!0 at Methodist Hossalem Institute, the Library for school age In the United States, pital. They also have a son, Robthe Blind in Natanya, voluntary only about 4^,000 get some kind ert Jeffeiy. GORDON STORAGE societies, and the Ministries of cf Jewish education, it was re- ' Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Welfare and of Education. WAREHOUSE, INC. ported here, at the'-33rd. annual George A. Spitzer' and Mr. and conference of the National Coun- Mrs. H a r r y N'oodclJ. Great "grandPlans are included to supply JA 3032 cil .for. Jewish Education. Of those mothers are Mrs. Anna Weiss of Jewish blind abroad with Hebrew receiving Jewish schooling, .half Chicago, III, and Mrs. Bella Nooand religious books' and to publish 1201 JONES 1 study only one day a week. The dell. San Francisco f.JTA>- A new a monthly journal in Braille. Tin remainder attend afternoon Hevaccine for undulant fever, which AFOH is also to supply the initial brew high schools and all-day is expected to largely eliminate the requirements of special paper for no.l specialists in Schools. Resume Drainage Work disease in Israel, was described the-press. storage, packing, local by its developer, Dr. Aryeh A tape-recording library for the In Israeli's Huleh Area here L. Olilzlti. professor of bacter- blind is another project now helm; and long-distance mor -^ Jerusalem, 'JTA'--Israelis have iology and head of the bacteriology established. This is being done moved heavy diggering and dredg- department of the Hebrew L'ni- throimh a donation of a blind veting equipment into the Lake Huleh vcr.sity-Hadassah Medical School ; eran Zionist in Switzerland, in Jerusalem. Ur. Olit/ki is ending Cleveland, CITA i A 15-year- urea in north-eastern Israel ami a six months rr_*M*arch project at I'MIC I.NTItEASES m r><ii;T resumed the work of deepening Old high school .sliirient with ;) the University of California fiNew York—The Union of Amergenius-level I. Q., was scheduled and widening the drainage canals nanced by the l.'.S. Public Health ican Hebrew Congregations, at a for psychiatric examination this that are converting the area from Service. Call Jerry Krupinsky meetinng of its board of trustees, week after his four-student JWzi a swamp into fertile farmlands. style Bund was c h a r g e d with Woik on the project was inter-) The new vaccine has been tested voted a HCW-GO budget of $1.53,V For Free Estimate! breaking into and vandalizing a ruptcd several months ai,'o ivlientf" 100 patients in Israel with a 000, or nn increase of AW', in exond Prompt Service .Syrian Army forces opened file | rinding of M> per cent efferlheness j ppudiYures forVlie'inovenienfs proCleveland Israel Bonds office. in protection. The young leader said he had on workers in the area. made 300 threatening telephone FOR THE FINEST . . . calls to the Bonds office, which College World Series IN PHOTOGRAPHY he and his companions, who actThe College World Series will dressed him as "The Feuhrer", Portrait! be held in Omaha June 12-18, it later vandalized. Woddingj was announced by General Chair. It was their distribution of antiNew York—-Israel will enter the man K. F. Pettis. Tickets are Commercial Semitic literature ' among fellow U.S. car market with a four-cy- available by mall or over the Students that led school officials linder economy car having a body counter at Kussell Sports Store. to investigate and act a g a i n s t of fibrous #la^s. The car. called V. J. Skutt Is chairman of a them. the Sabra, will come In station World Series parade, Saturday wagon nnd delivery van body morning. .June 13. a new event this styles, and will be priced in line year. with other foreign-built economy cars. Educator Lauds Israelis The . economy car class price New'York (JTA I — Philosophers range is generally between $1,500 and ?2.00O, The wheelbase of the might benefit from visiting Israel Sabra is 85 inches and the overall to study "how the people there PHOTOGRAPHER length, 136 inches. A spokesman manage to preserve calm nnd 817 SOUTH 36TH STREET for the distributor said it is hoped avoid feelings of hate," a promthe first cars will be on sale by inent American educator and HARNEY 1044 fall. From 500 to 1,000 cars are philosopher declared. He Is Dr. expected to be imported during the Carroll V. Neuuom, president of first year, and sold through al- New York University, whose field ready established auto dealerships. ! of scholarship is In mathematics i and philosphy. j . WINS rOKTItY AWARD Sigma Alpha Mu, University of More Bibles Purchased Nebraska, Lincoln, announced K<1An Increase of 11 per cent in the HOLIDAY I N O M A H A ward Diamond won second place In sale of Bibles duriiiK 1958 was repoetry division of the Annual ported at the 71st annual meetI'rairie" Schooner literature con- ing of the Jewish Publication .SoMEET ENDS test. ciety in Philadelphia, Pa. SATURDAY Brussels - Beiguiri busim=:>.srm*n have decided that Israeli techniques can be useful to Belgium ill the Belgian Congo, and Israel oan find commercial opportunities In the African region, according to a dispatch from here by Hairy Gilroy of the New York Times. A group of Belgian businessmen who visited Israel In March, was »O impressed with Israel that Government officials in Israel have spoken of "1939 HS the year of tlie Belgian spring." Following their visit tiie businessmen circulated privately a report on the prospects for Belgian ioinmercial relations with Israel. The Belgian businessmen rated Israeli industry as generally modern and run on relatively high standards compared with West European plants. The report speaks of the "extraordinary physical courage" of the Israelis and praises their scientific and technical leadership nnd the intelligent Use of Israeli manpower.

Thi? vWtuis concluded thai Belgian concerns would do well to invest in Israel. They said thitt Israel was moving toward selfsufficiency in many fields, but that she has need for eaplud goods while the process is going on. The report also stated that Belgium might profit from Israeli techniques If applied in the Belgian Congo.

Foundation Planned In Honor of Tsur

ircaille Press Ss Given f© Israel

Survey Presented On Jewish Education

Israeli Develops New Vaccine for Undulant Fever

Four Youths Break In Ohio Bonds Office

Israel ?o Export Economy Auto

John Kalina

Come Meet

Iz "Boggy" Bogdanoff 8-RACES DAILY-8

Let Him Halp You With Your Clothing Saltcflom


ADMISSION 75c (Including Siatt and F»d. Tax)


Kilpatriclc'i Men's Clothing — Socond I

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NEWSHOPPING LANE Men's and Women's Sports Wear Shop Bc-auty Shop BarberShop Packaged IJquor Dfllcalesjen

Dodge at 70th

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Reservations Accepted for Sunday Family Dinners


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