June 12, 1959

Page 1

J'uiillshcu every rrldiiy. 10] N. 'Jinn.

Vol. XXXVII No. 10 Ulnulia. Kuhrusllii. I'holio JA l.'iliii





ml ('hiss I'O.SIIIK

ill Oiiiitlui, Ki'l

AIIMII.II Hull" 4 Dollar* Slwjle Copy JO Cents

Z)r. Philip Sher Home for the Aged CV\\v Uv. Philip Kh*-r Home lor t h e AK<M| n r k n o u l e d g e s

the ful-

I n w i n i ; riKMtiorifils juiit (I'iiuil i o n s . I


In M e m o r y o f i

Jerusalem , , | T A t ./fl,,, Government Ihi.s week announced the appointment of Avraliam Jlai'inau I'*our weeks of va<'utU)ii fitu Jewish as Israel's Ambassador to the United Stales. Notification was s t a r t s for youn^Hters on Mond;i,v, Daily I.nneli Served received that the United .Stale.-! J u n e 15 wlien (tit- Jewish CornCampers will be served IuiicU Government, has accepted the new funnily ('i'Mt'r liny fiiinp offl- daily and a snack ;\\ !i p. in. Tli» cisiltv <>|>ens t h e cuinnlng' seasnii. first period is from' June IB to nominee as Ambassador. I'lik-uji Foiiits June L'fi. The second period is from Mr, Il.'innan is well known in the United Stales. For a number Campers will be picked up al' June 2<.) to July 10. Kales are $[',$ of years, he WHS Israel's Consul- five convenient locations: Jewish for each luo\vcek period or $60 General in New York. Since o,uit- ('oiniiiunity Center, Beth Israel, for the entire four weeks. There " linK that post, lie has been leadini; Hctli Kl, Temple Israel and the are no extra fees. Hales included member of the Jewish Apencv corner of G2IIII anrt'UiHlcnvoml nnd transportation, ioo(i, crafts,- intaken to the camp .site ui Peony surance and I rips. Enrollment in Mr. and Mrs. Pril Rip. •. Al» Welsi P.\ecilllV(> 111 Israel. limited and there are only a few Misl O w e Olunk, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Verel Abraham Welnslcln < P;irk. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vcrcl .. , Harry shukctl, AnJlid Zcllniky more places available. Full nay« tAr and M r i Hcirry V/liiod'.ky ...Lena and J. L. Rojiran, Rozran Coldiltin, Bernard, Cl PicU-up of ohildreu will he inadc and Sora VViiio( men! must accompany application. al 9 a. m. daily from Monday Dr mid Win..A. A. Slelnbcrg Mrs. RcWcca V, Call JA l.ififi for further informs, through Friday. They will be re- tfon. • • i: turned to the same points each day Donor Mrs Den Handler . . . , . . ; . Recovery of M r l . Jacob Ooodblndn at 4-.:iO p. in. with Hie exception Mr.. Abo Moitr 50lh Anniversary ol Mr. and Mrs. Cliarlcs Grwimtn )Ifi(ii'll)/;rK I.TTAl T h e latest of the pre-schoolers who will be • iliOVK TO HKAK NAMIO Mis Leonard Kloln , W.r«. Bernard I'lolklne Kfcovir of the brought, directly (o I heir homes nt OF' ADKNAI'KK Mrs Lillian BerKcr-. • • . . . . . Fallier. Sum Cosier issue of the monthly Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wigodsky ..Recovery ol Jock Kaulinan, Mrs, Rnubon Bordy, General .Students Coniinillee at Mrs. Bernard Plolkln New York IJTA.I—A tr ... : ....Recovery ol Mrs. Morris G, Cohen "nil Mri. jocob Ooodblndtr i Heidl'lbrTK I'llivcrsily, Was l:on- noon. Mrs. Ben Hoodler B tAt. and Mrs, Paul Day Camp activities Include trees named for German Chancel;, rismied here ,,n „ "I'onrt 0,-de,Mrs. David Mill™!""°!.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: "'Xr^tf'&"rm£ holding that the publication has swimniiiiK. athletics,' c a m p i n g , lor Dr. Konrad Adenauer is being' "attacked the honor and personal hiidiiK, group Rallies, trips, nature planted in Israel "as a lolten of Donations to the Home Synagogue ^ .„ and .... .Ijjratitnde" for his efforts to effect dancing rights" of a self-styled students' lore, arts and cr?fts, Mrs. Henry Sherman, Loi Anaolti, Coll)., Mr. Roy B. CohCJi. Minneapolis, Minn.. Dr, siiiKiiiK. cookouts' dramatics and ' restitiilion to Nazi vicliins. Pblllp Sher nndowntenl F»"d, M. B. Green, Mlnneopnll-,, Minn., tM. and Mrs. Snm fascist organization.

•jton. III., Dr, Mrs. Uetljc Hess . Hcrmun O. Coldilci/i M r s , Helen Coldiicin Mrs. Willlum Blclwehs M r s , HOSP Kercr > • Mr. and Mrb f'fjul Vcrrl, Mr, ami //in. Jo« Levin, Sioux Oty, la.... Mrs Ethel liroittey Hurtun Mil tier Mr. god Mrs, Morrl-, Milder Mr, ond Mrs' Leon Grcict^, M r i . Nellie Van Dyrn, Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Bcrfk, Mr, and iAr; J. Brrcl<, trie Hutim Rjrnlly, Mr. und Mrs. Harry Trusfln, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Calm Mri Marlon BluUic, Mr. and Mrs Jnck Brumion, Mr, and Mts. Hurry Wi(tod>)ty M[;'r' Ouiile CrooU (An lien Handler Mrs. Uftjer.ro Summon Mrj. Adolpli Frolimoti and Dr, omi Mri. A, A. Steinberg AArs. Jenny Leverncn Mr ond Mrs Peter Grf-enbtrrJ W " . Pdllh Kahn, Mrs. 1 cnu Coldrheck Mrs. Ll/rJc Adtcr J"co(j Adler Mrs. Adolpli Hrofinian Saul Kati tAn Herman Aueri)(.rh, Mr. und Mri. Eugene Cooper, fAr. and tAri. Sair.»«| Friedman, Mr* Pen Handler, Mrs. Akr Mo/er, Loulj 5ommer and Boo, Mr. and Mrs. Huul A'rs. Sophia Uovihfcy Vcrel Mrs Mermen Atjerbnch, Mr. and M r l . Fred Roiefistock, Louis SDinnier oiid Bin. Mr. und Mrj Paul Vcrel • • Mrs, Brssle Lrv/ tM*. Maurict Gilinsfcy, Mllwuukcf, Wii, Mrs. Morris F-rledi;n Mr. oild Mrs. Haltum Nairn Joseph Shinfltcr Mr

a n d fM\ tA K. fH>lf. Ktrmpton, III., M r . out) M r s u n d M r * . A. A, M e m L e i y , Muxwefl U u t e , Bluoinlnrjton,

K. Bui«, Blooi


iiSfudenf Paper Banned in Honof ofFor Censuring Nazi's

Goldteln. Lincoln, Nebr., Mlllnrd KiDSn'e and Lazor Kavlcll

The fascist students base published numerous articles supporting Nazi racist theories and sayMiss Gusile Craeti, Rpchael Dvvoriky Mell ni),r that, the figure of (i,OOO,O()fl Special Contributions .lews exterminated liy Hitler was In m memoryy ol Mrs ; I n Jacob He« s Beltl« Hess "largely evai/yernled," The court M i , oiid Mrs. Jacob M Rchl M ll Mr andM Mr» AAllred Anelrod On memory o(( Mrs. Rachel Mell M l l d held, however, that the official Mr' and Mis Philip Boll irlectrlc Meol Sllccrl,.,.ln honor ol Bar Miltvali of arondr.i,n, t.awrpnc» Irving Ball and araduatirjii W'asliinKtou I.ITAi ();:den K. where he will sevve as new ITniicd ' of oranddauijhler, Chearle Roberta Ball publication of Ihe students' organization docs not linvo the right, to IJeid, former president and editor .Sluies Ambassador. He was sworn attack Ihe "rich's' 'of the fascist of the New York Triliune, is e.v- into office last week-end after Hie nate confirmed his nomination pceted to lease soon for Israel students. to the post by voice vote, following 10-1 vote in his favor by the "UJA Seeks $40,000,000 In Cash by June 20th" .Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Present ;\\ the ceremony W a s h i n g ! " " U T A ' T h e Unit'iVIAviv (.ITA' ••Fonniiliun of was Yaneov Ilerznj,', Israel's ed S t a t t s Gfi'-ci-niiiMit is v.atcha viimpiiiiy to plan pink-els in j , ' Charge d'Affaire.s here. iii|; closely the developments coii'unclear riiKiiiecriii(f mid the use cerninK ' h e ease of Ihe Danish Opposition Ahse.tit siof nuclear power in Israel for in- vessel Itij.;e Toft, which is Mill de'+ r Musi of the Senators who had t opposetl Mr. Reid's nomination in dustry, medicine and HKI iciillure, tained by .lh': Kjjyptian authoricommit Ire were absent when (ha was announced here. The. an- ties a t t h e S u e / Canal for refusUpper Mouse of. Congress finally t , I inn to unload an Israeli cariio desjiotmcviiu'iU was made by voted for confinnalion late Thurs, , ., . . . i lined from Haifa lo the Kar ICast day. However, Sen. J. William Fulp d e k - I s r a e l Oil ( . m u . a n y . which | ( w ; | J s | a | ( , ( , | ) y „ . S l I l U , ,,,,,,,„.,. idil of Arkansas, !us principal , declared il will eslabli.sb the n e w | m ( > m spokesman, Lincoln While oppoiienl, spoke in opposition to firm in cooperation with "Isrii-I Air. Reid's nominal inn on the floor lorn," a new corpora lion initialed I f : " r « " «••»•«'••« ' " ' Vessel :>f the Senate. A number of oilier by private inveslors. I T h e S t a t e Department, ofliclal s;ii( lllil( l S isi Senators praised the nomination ' T h e Dclek-lsracl board of direc-j ' '•"• ' - '"*>-"*»">Z '""•• and the appointee before the. \ o t 8 1<irs also Voted to parlicijuite i n ; «•<>!"<.»...,ml Us miplu-ations. I he was taken. the financint: of the new Hi-inch j ' ' ^ " ^ " " f a r c being conducted foreign diplomats in WashI.mills Israel Mmnlnrils oil pipeline, now beinu construcled ; " ' " ' iii as well as in a number of During the swearing-in ce.reto join Klnth and Heersheba. j foreign capitals, including Cairo niony. at the Slale Department, i Tel Aviv and London. At prc-i-iil Umlersccrelary of Slate Robert j the Stale Department dues not Murphy told Mr. Reid: ''We consider this mission of yours to the i yet have any precise information Middli; liist as one of our most '! reKarding the cape and Hie carjio important diplomatic missions." | which K>!.vpt decided to confiscate In response, Mr. Reid declaredi Ton outstanding teenagers from'but which is still aboard the ship "We approach Ihe post humbly. the B'nai B'rith Youth' Oruaniza-i (From Cairo, il wan reported thai We consider it an opportunity to tlon Cornhelt Ite^ion have been ; the Danish ship is under charlei serve Ihe United Stales." lie said selected to lead seminars at the to nn American company, t . he was eager to meet the Israeli ' ^BBYO leadership. Traininc In-j I'Ali DKrlalitm !!e(>.poiisililllty people, whom he lauded for raisgtitute lo.be held in Omaha on: TijC customs' Division o! the { ing their standards, of living and June 13-15, It was announced by, United Arnti Kopuhlio- disclaiim culture and for achieving progEd Tlosen, cliairnum of the LTI. 1 responsibility for any losses caused LET'S GIVE ISRAEL'S NEWCOMERS A FRESH START! ress in fields involving the peaceful They are Gerald Lelchook, of Sioux | )V t\,P ,|oion(i<iti of Ihe Danish uses of nuclear and solar City, la., Arnold Carson, of Lin-! freighter, Inge Toft, at Ihe en111 P1.OM ATIC KK1 -AT1ON » coln, Kilwln Sitlman. DotiKlas; irancc to the Sue/Cimnl, accoril.Icrusiilem (JTA1 -A CambodiPlatt, Richard Knslow, Kden Colin, ji,, K \0 dispatches received-in Lon-I an delegation informed Israel jMinSa/idy Bassman, Judy Politick,; dou from Cairo. istry of Cambodtn's willingnuss to Ron! Meyer, .Susan Speir, all of: Tbc HAll's deputy,foreign minOmaha. Seminar topics will in- 'later, Aly Siibry, was quoted in ., ^ , for Publicity establish dlplomntlc relations with A coffee-workshop elude discussion of programminsf,; dispatches to London to tho ef-1 chairmen and Presidents of Jew-! Islnf " i Tht Workman Circle Branch 258 orientation, and leadership. |Toc.t that his Kovernnienl. IK deler-|i S M Women's organizations will be will celebrate its fiftieth year held under the auspices of ! n e j P | ' | n g ' c Omimlttee ! mined not to allow any Israeli jubilee with H dinner, Sunday, • cargoes through the Canal. J\Ir. Federation of Jewish Women s • .Mine .14 at ti:MO p. m. at Ihe Firecommittee '";V Sabry reiterated his governmenl ut's Clubs on Thursday, June 18 at aide Ke.Rtnuninl. eludes delegates from ea '' : contention thai. Kgypt l« Ktill still " a t ' o;3O a. ni. at the home of Mrs. gypt is Representatives from the Midm and BBG croup; Susan with Israel, und that any- Mike Freeman, president. Jerusalem (JTA)—-As a "good west Dislricl, Workman 'Circle Buddy Epstein, Richard Kaslow, j J^1,',„ s'i,'pnrVhe'in Israel's econParticipating In the workshop F will" gesture, Israel will soon re- Dramatic Club, Labor Lyceum, Sandy Bassnian, Honald Gordon, io m y j 8 "H (hreat to Ihe UAK." will be Isndore Chapman, Jewish; turn to Lebanon the Lebanese .re- Omaha Dramatic Club <ind' KarJmly Pollack, Judy Goldner, Ron! France To Back Israel press Chairman! Paul Veret, Fefl- j connnlssnncc plane which was in- band will participate. Meyer, Arlene Grossman, T h e arrangement committea Reports from Paris indicate that J era tfon Director and Mrs. Frances tercepted over Israelii airspace reCurtis to 8p«nk the French Government'* position Klein, Jewish Press Kdltor. cently while photogrnphinn Israeli consists of Ben Uarelick, Milton The highlight of the three day', parallels Israel's in the case of the An Interesting feature of this territory from the air. The three Nearenberg, Morris Goodman and Institute will be a banquet nt tho Toft and that tho UAR lias no workshop will be an exhibit of aids members of the Lebanese crew William I'aperny. Blockstone' Hotel, featuring Sena- right to block movement of ships and pamphlets on publicity for have been handed back to Lebanon women's clubs which may be bor- through the Mixed Armistice Com- COMMISSIONED TO tor Carl Curtis, as the main spealt- through tho Canal. mission. COMI'OSi; COJM'KUTO rowed from the Center Library. jer. Senator Curtis will be iiitioNew York- Paul Ticn-IIaiin, IsA« part of the "good will" exTduced by Pr, Abo Grcnberpr, who TIIKOLOOICAL SEMINARY change, Lebanon is expected lo rael composer was commissioned NAMED AFTER AMERICAN • \ recently returned from a trip to GRADUATES F1FTV-NINB Israel—Th« Haifa Initltute of return to Israol a diplomatic pouch by the American-Israel .Cultural Now York—Fifty-nlno studenti, Israel. The public is iiwltod to attend the banquet.- Hesorvations including sevorol women, rocolvad Technology onglnoorlng depart- solzed at Beirut. The Israeli par- Foundation to- compose, a violin nre S3 par plate mid mny be mads diplomas at th» 65th Commonco- ment hai beon named aftar Wal- col was taken from a Swissair concerW for the Israel violinist by phoning Mrs. Hess Pollack at ment of the Jewl»h Theologloal tor C. Lowdermilk, American soil piano when tlta ship landed at Zvi Zeilliii, while visiting In tlia United States. -.-..•'•'.••: Beirut on way to Iran. tnglnoer. Seminary. IfA 1950.

• Plaques

Israel Plans Nuclear Ship Carrying Israel Power For Industry Cargo Still Detained

• \

Leaders Selected For LTI Seminars


Women Plan Publicity Workshop Thursday

WC Branch 258 Will Hold Jubilee Dinner

'Good Will' (gesture




Page Two



Friday, June 13, 11)59

| Bread Breakers Elect S. Goltliefi President

tV* illltj 1 nine* al 'Ihr Mr . I'lilMji H u m c To r A l tfJ b> lt«r •; S i n . i t t ( l o l l l i t ' b h a s h.M*n i ' ! * ' c t f ( ! >u\ Id O i rl.ow j pjt'.sii it'll' of \}ii' I If MI r y .Mnn>I<y

Published Kvery Friday by tins Jewish I-Ydcratton of On •k'C^ntf Cia-.i Po'-iaoe PU'tl at O'Tiuha, Ncbr. Annual SuDscriptkm, 54 CO. A t j ^ c r l i i i n q H« let en ^pphcdtion Publication Office—101 Mo. ':0th b i r e t l , Omaha, IJCDI.. j A c f c i c n ISde.

j l/jdir-,(-



Dr. A. 0. Rimmerman Is Belh El President


l-'J.OWT.'ltS: L a s t \\.-el(, H u b e r t ,\1. Keinlit'i:;. piv.-iileiil of T h e ; PepM-('ol;i ('oiiijiany sriit fiov\ii> ' f'»r I h e Iwim*, lu eei'ebrat*' Hie j o p e n i n g of t h e • imw I V p s i - ( Yil,i : plant. Tliis u e e k , t h e u i i i i i p Ji'is M i t / v a h c e l c b r . u i t s ,-il l i d h J ' - I ; M 1 S y n a j i o ^ u c . l.irou^ht fro>)i-eut Ilo1.1.'e r s t o d e c u i a l e tile (lining muiii at t h e h o m e . T h e g r o u p i n r l u d r - d J-jieen I J a \ i s , J e j i i n e K r a f t , lti,nn:i W o i l s o u a m i Mai-cia Z ' . v e i l i n i l .



M-jf'tni/'iijoii ; ( i a \ nofti) ! ily





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Dedications A monwincnt will I>e dcdjcalrd lo l!nl iiH'intjiy ol Mrs. S a r a h B a r S'jii, .Sunday. J u n e M a t U:.'i0 a. in. at Jjclh Jl.'imi'drosh JI;ii;ocli>I' (Viiielery. Itiibhi Hcniamin (Jroncj of f-irih lM,if] Svn.:t!:o^'iie, will officiate.

Wcfiiit'.M("(ininiunronlinue Tii'-\'



o f 3oiii:t' ; i f l i l i a t i o n .






lip Crandell

u ish 1 o <*\pri ss I h i lion f >r the n; ny .•ml illcf i t/int'in durim. M r . < j .-mil illlic..-

ir ap|jrccialorni1 wishes s "received •H's recrnl

M r . anil Mi

j Dr. A. G. Kimmc.-rman was j 1(»IP~;|'-I| pi'iMiiiK iiKiy ( M t i i n e t M r , jek'L-lt-d president of Beth Kl i (ii>nli<'h n\ A T VW'.i. ] SyiuiKOHue at u j meeiiiiK of the l'iitroni/tr Our Advertisers executive board A SIIAVCOTII I'AKTV, spun 1 on June .'i. Dr. sored by Tlie Fioneci Women No. V- ' » • Pressed Tonguo Loaf Rimmenna ir was 1, under I he leadership uf .Mrs. i Wiisliin-loii IJTAI 'Die Ada .-member of the S;mi Novak, will he |;j\en M tlie juirlist ration hits fu-Mu'cd Hut House B'NAI JACOB \I>AS ; LB. home on Sunday, June 14 at l:.'t0 Koioi^fi Aff;iii s ('• in in) it \oc Dial synagogue board YKSHUKON p. in. Services at B'nai .Jacob-Adas- for many years ; Aincrir.'iri ^•;mts in ;*U] to Tsr<tef Yeshumn will begin Friday-at 7115 and a f o i m e r MOVIJ-JS: Tlie fc.-itjire film tbi» Jwill be foMi.niu'rf tlnriii^ th<» cofnDIAMOND'S p. m. and Saturday morning at chairman of its week was rui Israel pioluie. "Door- I inp fiscal ypar ;*t Uu* ciin'pni l**v**l. WA 5S54 4415 Cumlng 8:30 a. in- with Mincha at 7:15 school board. way To The Future." accompanied 'llxe current \o\c) of Aiiicrirnn p m. followed by Shalosh S'eurlos! by an educational film find short i Ki-ant fllr! t o I s i n#*l in .ST.-VKI.fXXJ 8 M o r r i s r>llPaily services at 6:30 a. m. andman was elected I ) r subjects. ' y e ar. - nimmrrmaii 7:30 p. ra. lUODt S H : D.nid Orkow on Ihe I first ..vice-presi Adicrkt? T r a d e H u l a n r c dent and Joseph Homstein. sec- occasion of his birthday. j I n i(*( icport, Ihe r.'on.miMee TKMFLE ISKAEI, ond vice-president. Re-elected were: A very special Kiddush given by r nnted that Israel still Kufferod j Services will be held in ijie Tem- Saul Graetz, secretory and Natli-' Mr'«. Sarah Minkin, Jinnie resi- front an t'i'l\erk-o trudp bili.jic*1 and • ple Ohapel at 7:30 o'clock. Rabbi an Turner, treasurer. ! dent, in tliankfulness for the safe- that it is in ne^d of liaid cunpney I Brooks wili officiate; and deliver Dr. Rimmernmn will announce j ty of her Kieat-granilehild, Keith for oil. vtliich Israel (runiiot pur-: a brief scrmonetie. committee appointments during thej Babendir, who w;m in H motor ac- chase from it* Arab neiKhborji, -TJ< ! cident. summer. well ha for indiistri/il . imports, !




Israel Oofs Assurance of U. S. Grant Aid


; B K T H


•.. ':/.-:






Memorial since IsruH'.s ccononiy is not n* '

Graduation and Confirmation of Services a r e being held this month yet on n solf-suslninini; b.'.sis. the high school department and in the h o m e ' Synagogus for the I<*r;iel ClraU'% (.ratifiril FOR Talmud Torah will be held at Beth following. the aimnersary of Israeli fiicl^.s iiere arn gratified : Bridal Portralfi El.'Synagogue' a t Friday «erviccs whose death falls during the month by the develupinent. Yn;i<?o\* Hf»r- I at 8:15 p. m. Cantor Aaron I. Kdof S h a n : Sivnn 1 .lime 7, Dora AND 7.0%. Israeli Charge d'Affiniva hero, j Mrs. Henry A. Newman was Chait and Israel Sadoftky: Si van gar and the! Beth Kl.'.Synagogue Candid Wadding Choir Will render the musical por- elected to the board of the Douglas • 12- June IK, Joseph Goldware; | exprfxsf.'d his .'ippiecintion to I'n- \ I tor.secrptary of St.'»!«? Kob'Tt Mur- j t OAIL tions of the service. County Chapter of the American] Sivan 14 June 20; Joseph Bush. ! phy HIHI Assistant Scci'piary of j Sabbath-, and Shavuot morning Red Cross at a meeting Monday j Morris Turner and Sarah \Win- | Sinte WiJIiiim F'.onntree for tlie j ••ervlc.es will beijin at 9 H. m. TIIP at the lilackstone Hotel. Mr. Npw-i slein; S h a n 19- June 2 . \ M;dcia i Sintt* Dcp;irtiiR'nt'H a?!itnrfa of j Vizkor service will be recited al jnan has been identified with the taking into account tb*? pcononilc ] 017 So. U\k HA 1044 •10:30 a. tn. Minehn-.Manriv Serv- Red Cross cantciMi service since ; situation in Israel. '~November "I'M'J and is ul.«o trained j ices1 are at 7:15 p. m. ' Daily services an' al 7 8. m. ami !in staff aid service. She is a p.T-l president of (he 7 p. m. Sundiiy service is at 9 Federation of Jewish Women's a. m. Clubs. ;i former general ch'tinn.'iii of th Women's l)\\ inion of Ihe . TJio Ji.-lh Israel T.-tlmud Torah BKTH RUG & UPHOLSTERY 1 Shavimt Holiday Sclo-dulf : ' .Jewish Pbilanihropies and is a will hold graduation exercises -SunCLEANERS Friday, June 12 HA't a. in. and; member of tlie Je\vi.«h Federation j day, June 14 at 8 p. in. in the Junior Cons; 10 a. m.: .Saturday. | Boanl. j social hall. RUGS — CARPETIN® Graduate* ov }iv\hon Oobrlil Amittr, June 13~-8:45 a. ni.; Junior Cong \ Among those who received "five] Mtphen LAMP SHADES Prone!* BDfiuchwol, Carl Dovid Co - 0 0 a. m.. and Visitor Memorial) year" service pins at the meeting, hen, Sidnfy V» ill lorn Fronk. Larry Robert FURNITURE Petier, Bdrbara Joy Givot, Donald E. Go!dService 10:.'i0 a. in.; Talmud i were Mmes. Edward B. Green, 1 stefrt, Glodys Groner, Sidney Eorl Heftier, Cleaned In Your Monte! Jeort Kop'on, HowOfd Allen KoizClass—7:15 p. m. and MiiK'ha, fol- | Norman L. llnhn ii'nd Stanley R. MarilynAbraham Marilyn Zoe mon, • ADranom Ktniiiinoer, Ktniiiinflef, Marilyn lot lowed by Shalosh S'eiidos a n d ' Kntelman. Binding—Laying—Repairing j Lewis, Mafihaii Ion L r w i i , Richard Shtrv^in WonOj f/ox Rlctitman, Toby Reiibau'n, HarMnariv—7:15 p. in. Mrs. N. H. Greenberg and Cnl-j i«ne Sandra Scbaplro, Benlcniin Charles HA 2554 Services Sunday morning begin vin M. Newman also are members; Shoflon,. Jtffrey Richard Slman, Sfuarl Don Bernstein Smlih, Allun Raymond Suiman, A r i i n t Jane at 8:45 a. in.; breakfast and theof the Douglas County Board. Tfpper, //elvin Cohen. Their (JorenH are Mfssrt. and //tnes. Rabbi's class in Bible follow; JunRcmw Amjler, Morris Boauchwol, Harry ior. Congregation at 8:.'iO a. in. Cohen, Donald Cohen, Wofter Frantt, Loula Feder, Max Givot, Leonard Goldstein. Rabbi Daily services, 7 a. in. and 7:50 ana! W,r». Benfomin Groner, Measri. and MONUMENTS //men. Ben He.Mer, Samuel Kaplan, David p. m. Kofimon, Sol Klnitllnger, Dave Lew It, Harin the Jewish Tradition Weekly Talmud Study Group MISS JKNXY FKI.DMAN* ry Lewis, Sol Mann, Dave Rlchtman, Max Vour oriler nhould lif) placed wtlj Rierboum, George 5choplro, Cdward ShofTuesday evening al 8:.'5O p. m. Funeral service* were held Tues- lon, Iti iidv/ince of "Vahrzelt" «0 tile //^jndti Simon, Horry Smith, Dr. arid work dDca nut have to lie hurried. H. S. Susmon and Mr. and fMt. Mo)Services Saturday and holiday day niorning at Beth Kl Syna- Wrt. via Tepper, respectively, mornings, 9 a. m. at the 19lh and gogue for JSIi.ss Jenny Keldman, Wa ar« known for our exacting Burt Street Synagogue. 62, of 4804 Dodge Street, adverHebrew fettering mnd detail. tising manager and fashion coYou may place your confidence ordinator for the Brandeis Store, in ui knowing each detell end I who died Sunday in a local hospi-tradition will be adhered to Wtnf H 1ry a n«w ht'tr wifh utmost care and iltill. All friend* and relatives »re tal. Or b* iur« your Invited to attend (ervlcen and Temple Israel will hold a fam- fashion? Miss Feldman \\bs honored as f.Won't* hair afyU It proper* Here you <l»nl rthfrtly with lh» reception. Advertising Woman of the Year ily picnic Sunday, June 14 at Elm- ly cut «nd ••»? You can owners . . . Wo permit no untimely «nllrlntlo/i . . . Call u» for by the Omaha Advertising Club wood Park, beginning at 3 p. m. count on ui for mor* tovelfappointment at your convenience. BKKNAKD TARNOFF last April. All fnmillei wlio have recently Bernard Tarnoff, son of Mr. and Survivors include a brother joined the congregation are urged Mrs. Myron Tarnoff. will observe Philip J. Keldman, Omaha and a to attpnd nnd become ncquflinled his Bar Mitzvah a t ' t h e Shavuot sister, Miss Claire Feldman of Ix>s with fellow members. Service -Friday morning, June 12, Angeles, Cnl. Highlight* of the nftenioon will Beauty Salon at Beth Kl Synagogue. include competitive sportg between 1213-11 " 9 " %t. Frank Rene* cemfirmntion students, parents mid 1531 S«. 90th KDWAJtD JANCO1.K Open Sunday 2-5 BTKPIIKN KOSE the faculty ami parries for the chilKlnro ig;s TI ties Stephen Ilose, son of .Mm. Lau- Kdwnrd Lincoln, 54, a grocer in dren. ra Rose, will observe his Bar Mitz- Ralston for .'15 yearn, died June 3 ICach family in asked lo bring vah at the Shavuot Service Sat- in Los Angeles. Cal., where he re- their own picnic lunch. Soft drinks urday morning at Both Kl Syna- sided since retiring a year and a anfl ice cream will be furnished. half ago. SeiTices and burial were gogue. Adclitionul information may be obin Los Angfles. Surviving lire hia wife Rose, tained at 1I»? Temple office. K1MMKI, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kimmel sons, Marvin, Larry and David, announce the Bar Mitzvah of thoir | daughter Jt-ri ami brother, Sam. OMAHA'S LEADING son. Arnold, on Saturday morning, • all of Los Angeles. June 20 at. Belh Kl Synagogue.

Mrs. Newman Named To Red Gross Board

John Kalina

Beth Israel Talmud


TeinpB© Family Picnic Sun., Elcntvood Park

Bar Mitzvab


Kosher Meat Market and Delicatessen

B.I. Appointments

Received I: byCommittee appointments made Dan Goldman, president of

WA 5554

Among the Omaha us who rej Beth Israel Synagogue included ceived degrees al the University Mrs. Sidney Goldberg, social arof Nebraska commencement were rangements chairman and Mrs. Jack B. Oruch uvith high distinc- Harry Sidman, board-member nttion), Bachelor of Arts; Jerry A. large. Margolin, Bachelor of Science; David L. Herzog. Stanley J. Wid- ISTANBUL HAS 32,010 JEWS man, Bachelor of Science, BusiIstanbul, (JTA)—Istanbul has a ness Administration; Richard M. Fellman, Alvin L. Ross, Bachelor Jewish population of 32,946. of Laws and Donna R. Steinberg, Bachelor of Science, Education.

Birth Mr. and Mrs. Maury L. Schwartz •nnounce the birth of « son, David Michael, on June i.

4415 CUMiNG



Prompt1 Attention Given to Phone Orders

PL 5396 Residential

OmaBia lonufnenl


Coll Wednesday for Thursday Delivery

Friday, Juna 12, 10SO


1959 Jewish Graduates Of Omaha High Schools



Page Tlire*

Robert KaHeman Is Pre-Nupfial Dinner Mrs. fUerriam Simons JWV Post Gommander For Hiss Steinberg Weds Galifornian The JOpstein-Murfian Post, Jew- And Fiance Saturday Announcement luis been reish War Veterans, have elected ceived of the marriage in Sher-

The Jewish Federation of Onuilia oxtondK ittt con^iatulatioiifi and Robert KaUenian, eoininamicr ior Mr. and Mrs. Philip Small of | man O.'iks, CM , oi Mrs Meriiam best wishes to the following l'.iV.) hij.;h school Kin'lualeN and their tin; lfllifl-liO term and Abe Miller,' Kansas City, Mo., will be hosts i Simons to Arnold Klein, son of as . senior viee-commander, Mr.; fuinilic-s: al a prc-miptial dinner Salur-! Charles Klein .if Bel-Air, Cnlif. Miller also serves as national fifth' day evening al the - Town Mouse .The bride is I hi; dnughter of Mr. I.ynni'lie Hae l'"orhcs w ; . \ s o N iiKiii s m u o i , area commander of the menniza-j honorini; Miss Donn'u Ka<; Sloin-laud Mrs, .\'ale Wicininn of SherJoy Helene Kreideu l.;t\vrene<' Steven H'irnHlcin tion. | ., and their son, Mn y n u r d: man Oaks. IOIIIHT Oniiihan.s. Marlene Dee Friedman ('hiirles Stanley Jvrs A wedding I\IJ> Ui Mexico City, Other officers iiiuned are Maivin j mall of St. Louis, Mo., whose Carole Sue Gombei'K alike Kmlz will lake plac<> day Mex. was taken by the couple. Kaplan, junior vice-commander; j Barbara Ann Greenberg HKill SCHOOL Harold Kalleman, adjutant; jNale noon at Belli Kl Synngot;ue.. Jac(|iie|ine Lou Hukan pallid Abramson M a r c i i K , (iiiiirtermaster; Paul Miss Steinberg the daughter of Alaxine Lee JabeniH Justin Han Crounse, judge ndvocnle; Morris Dr. and Mrs. A .A . Steinberg, I Carolyn Jill Kagan Marshall Hejiintein Levine, historian; Max Kanner, graduated from the University i Toni Judith Kaplan Steven Richard Bloeh service officer mid Jerome Gross- of Nebraska at Lincoln Ibis month, | Dale Phyllis Kasiii Morris 1. Hrortkey man, immediate piust commander, She was initiated recently into! Alice Daiiene Kurt ; Bernard ]„ DeKoven chaplain. Kappa A l p h a Thelii, sociology Gloria II. OslrowSteven Dlooj;off honorary. Lea Pfeffer Allen Gary Kpstein Her fiance arrived Wednesday I for Judith Kay PlatIner Kubort. G. Kcllmiitl and his parents are expected'on I Nancy Beth Richards .Stephen Ki.sk Friday. j Marlene Roxie Rosenthal 'Royal Treatment11 Stuart Jay Koyel Harriet P. Schloff I,;vwrencu K. (lilinsky Chernn Lee Schra^er Philip Goifliek Whsn you want lo pr«Jeanne Merle Silver Mr. and Mrs. Milton Foster of Justin M. (Jreenberg •erv* • precioui memory Kdcle Leo Singer Fox Point, Wis., announce the cnStanley A. Greenfield or • qlamoroui occtilon Ho/anne Leah Slporin of their daughter, Miss Lawrence Joel Ilobermnn for«v«r. Lesly Gail Smith Syrll Ruth to Pfc. Franklin P. Milton A. Katskee Carolyn Rae Stein Berg, «on of Mrs. Sol Berg. They William M. Katzman M «ppointm*nt Gall Maine Tret ink will be married July 3 in Milfor ' • Jerry I,ehr Joyce Room Turkel waukee, Call Edward Levey Heda Turner Justin Harley Lewis Mr. Berg 1B stationed with the Nancy Vce Vender Donald D. Noodell Armed Forces at Fort Lewis, Anny Weinlraub Jon Steven Okuiv Wash., and formerly attended the Susan Elizabeth Wolfson Allen K. Ostravieh University of Omaha. He was acTKC'HNICAr., IIItiH SCHOOL , tive in the Young Adult Council I). Michnel Platt Michael Feldman Arthur S. Raznick and other locnl youth groups. WESTSIDK IIK;H SCHOOL Marc P. Samiiplson Temporary Location Dennis Alan Sehulnuin John K. Schimmel on Second Level of Center Judith I.nzer Jerry S. Schwartz Steven Gary Seglin Rl 0231 42nd A Center Howard Alnn Slusky James C. .Si>phlr Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Slegler Clark It. Swartz . The< Omuhn Chapter of Hadas- who were married .lime 7 In St. Patronize Our Advertisers David L. Wintroub sah andfcgroups have elected the Paul, Minn., will be at home in Kdwnrd L. Wintroub Phyllis Ann Abraham! following officers for Ilia year Kansas City. Mo., after two weeks wedding trip in northern WisHarbara Sue Atiler 1959-1960. consin. Susan Lyrin Baron Chapter officer* will be Mines. Susan Ann Bercutt The bride is the daughter of J. H. Kulakofsky, honorary presiBeverly Shnron Bloom dent! Max Grecnberg, president; Mr. and Mm. David Sinner of Judith Ann Brooksteln Arthur Goldstein, Krvin Simon, Wells, Minn, and her husband is Jutlilh Ann Cohen the son of Mr. nnd Mix Bernard Morris Grossman, vine-presidents; SiP(;ler. Dorothy Ami Corey Allen Kohnn, treasurer; Albert Hefty Hen Krninn Following the ceremony a reWohlner, financial secretary; Keith ivCnora Kay Falk 6ININCT ROOM Sounders, recording secretary; Ira ception was held at the CommoGaylc Helen? Feldman Ton! Phyllis Fellman WhHcbook. correspondi7i[» secre- dore Hotel ill St. Paul. M»«t Your Prlendi In the Sirloin Room After trie Show The bride's sister, Mrs. Maurice lary; M. Slalmasler, auditor; M. Saturday Night Seigler, Borger, Tex., was mntron F. Levenson, parliamentai'ian; directors, Leo Weitz, Irvin C. Levin, of honor and Miss Joan Calof, . PARNAM AT ItTH — PHONE ATLANTIC 1 3 1 1 — OMAHA, MEBR. Minneapolis, Minn, was matron of J. J. Friedman, Nnthan NO;:K, Mor- honor. Miss Judy Singler, sister of ris Fellmnn. David Brodkey, A. the groom, wan junior bridesmaid. P. Frank, M. M. Franklin, Julius BUZHAOIH WIMAttending the ({room were his Stein. 1IOM) KI.KCTION brother, Manfred Slegler, Sim Hei-zl Group: Mme«. Samuel 'Die Mizrachi Women will elect Jose, Cal., IU best man and Mauofficers Wednesday, June 1? fol- Rothenberg, president; Charles rice Seligei' and Mike Efmnii of Gnvetz, Tetl S a n f o r d , vicelowing a 1 p. m. dessert luncheon Omaha, groomsmen. present* its «t the Jewish Community Center, presidents; Max Knplnn, treasurer; Irving Lincoln, recording Mrs. Irving .Stern, retiring presisecretary: Sam Sbyken, corresdent .reported. Mrs. H, KranlsUn naki that those ponding secretary; James SamuelYou'll Be Pleased who have not turned In their Jew- son, Julius Kntzmnn, financial secM M ' I and Women'i Sports Wear Shop ish National Fund boxes, to do so retaries; directors, Robert FeinIf You Shop at berft, Morton Richards, Max Shaat this meeting. A report, will be •cauty Shop presented on the donor'i luncheon. piro. •arbtrShop Weizmann Groups: Mines. .Toe GURS. president; Max Rittner, "\.PP PIONEER WOMEN'S' TARTY •''•'.-:•.-.. > •;•;'• •:•:..•'••• '• : / . / ' C e l l a r Gendler, vice-presidents; Sam II. AT DR. SHKR HOME Stern, treasurer; Charles Fredkin, ; FuckagedXIquor Quality Clothes for Men The Pioneer Women's OrganizaDelicate wen tion are sponsoring a party Sun- recording secret nry; David Krnntz, day, June 14. at. 1:30 p. m. at the correspondinK secretary; Howard Op in Till f iich Evaning Dr. Philip Slier Home for the Milder, A. B. Gendler, financial KI IUT Dodge at 7 0 * 4013 FARNAM ST. secretaries; directors, Mymnn BHAged, Mrs. Milton Ncarenberg, mnn, Mnurlcc Newman, William president, announced. The program will Include a talk Alberts. Szold Group: Mmes. Sam Katzby Nnthan Martin, a reading by Mrs. Philip Cramlell and music man, president; Henry Stern, by Mrs. Sum Swelling and Mrs.Meyer Rospnbauin, vice-presidents; Max Falk, treasurer; Irvln RubinNearenberR. In rharge of the event are Mrs.ow, recording secretaiY; Nathan Sam Novak and her committee Marcus, corresponding secretary; "composed of Mines, Jacob Kaplan, Harry Mulniek, Louis Siporin, fiMorris Steieiiber«, Sara Schwartz nancial secrelnries; directors, Willinm Rndu/.iner, Sam Geifman, Arand Harry Hit'blin. thur Grossman. Young Adults wilt meet .Sunday, J.lune 11 at .'! p. m. nt the Jfivisli (Community CVnter. They also will hold a party Saturday nisjht, June i:). Mr, and Mr.«. Sam Shiff announce the bcthrolhnl of their ilmiRhter, Miss Shirley to Gan'y Nancy Hicjiards wan elected by I.aupheimer, «on of Mr. and Mrs. For Boys and Girls Ages 5-12 the Central Hifjli School faculty If. Lawrence Lniiphclmpr of Slamto receive the Arthur Brandeis ford, Conn. PRE-SCHOOL DIVISION—Ages 3-5 Award for making the greatest The Shifts will entertain at a contribution to the school. She is cocktail party for their daughter the daughter of Mr. and Mr«, Mor- and her fiance Saturday evening PERIOD 1—Juno 15-June 26 $35 ion A. Richards and plans on at- at their residence. Coming for the PERIOD 2—June 29-July 10 $35 tending Welleslcy College, Mass. event arc Mr. I.auphpimcr's parFULL 4 WEEKS—June 15-July 10 .$60 ents nnd his aunt, Mrs. Jerome Wollman of University City, Mo. 12 JKlVS IN NVASALAND R«Ui tncluJa: TrtniporUtion, Food, Crafts, IntUranct and Tript Salisbury, Rhoadesia (JTA) — Miss Shiff and her fiance are 9UALIPIED AND IXPERIENCED STAFF both students nt the University of There are believed to be only about 12 Jews in all of Nynsaland, Nebraska where she is n member Camptri will bi picked up and returrud at. tht following pointi: Canter, Bath Uriel, Beth I I , Tomplt liracl and tha corner of 62nd and Underwood. the East African trouble spot oC Sigma Delta Tau Sorority and where violent revolts have ihaken he Is affiliated with Z«ta Beta Tflu Call Centar Day Camp Office, JA 1346 for Further Information^''•

Miss Foster to Wed Frank Berg


Sylvan Sioglers Will Hadassah Election Live in Kansas City



Cocktail Simper Will Celebrate Engagement



Nancy Richards Cited

the area recently.




;i™a Fmir


Omahans in the News

Friday, June J2, i'.ir,9



I p l i i i i i m . Avelrml. Hurry Mar-j Itidiirii K 1 I list« 111 li -, 1 1 1 1 11 llliol \ I 1 II I ' III if 1 in 1 I t i n I l l a i - l i r r anil Jcroiiii' SIK-IIIIIII an mm; those• i;rad- ; HlHIlK ^s I ll ill I ) i M i l i, i Mi n ni S | I 1 I / I I i i ' r i 1 i « IS H 1 (1 (1 1 , tin ll II 1 II I i! ill I l r u m tin I'niwrsity ol Nc- . l!l Alfred St-Kal I l>i I M i S e h ' H i l o f M r - i i i r i j i f M r u m - I toi IIU IK ' M* 'tit OMMT!S«'N 3-iSl K ; i M U \in r. II M till li 1 t i O n i l l i | d , s ' ]iy television thai evening 1 hadwere talking about (mil I i ( Illi 1 O t i l l s W l l k 11 Ii i I ' H i been ii.stenini; in on Sam I.evenson plained. y Mr .mil Mrs. Morris Milj;niiii of and Arthur (iodfrey. They uere | | ] 1 1 1 iH hi tl 1 l'hihcUlplii i I ' i Yes, this Sammy Jacobs , 111 Is \ uln ii In \l< ll d h . in 111(1 Hoslnn, Muss., are KIK-SIS at I he speakiiu; about jmcnile deliii(|iien- years old, was the son ol the merq in I IU Mi tin 1 Mii M\ home of their son and daiiKhicr- cy in these awful times when chant Samuel Jacobs of Si. Denis. ion M i \ I'( II Hi i h i sp lit >-e\ in 11 iv Dr. "jinrl Men. Norman A IH-yt'.'ir-olds are allowed by the Quebec, SI. Denis, a small place,

Always Trouble, Trouble

Milili im nntl family.

TO UK AI'CTIO.NDI) Marburg, (Germany, iJ'i'Ai A special auction ol manuscripts left 1 iy Heinrich Heine, (icrinan-Jewisli pod, finiiiil in Paris recently, %\j 11 In* aiii'lionH here.


Ught your homo . . .

laws to drive their cars thr'uii^li had meaner facilities lor eilucalini; the niKhts. Their manias and the boy; su Mr. Jacobs sent him Ai living fi'oni I.o-s Angeles Sun- papas can't sleep until they hear to the private school ol Jului Reid MomlKis of 111' Ni In i-.lv i Uis d i> foi a visit with Mr. unit Mrs. the car on the driveway . . . alioiil in the city of Quebec. liirl o f l u t of Uic Mt dopulilnn Clmrlis H. Itoss ami Mrs. Fanny 3 !i. in. Hut, oh, what pain poor Mr. •Lift- Insurance Co.; nioMint; lit a (olicn arc Mr. and Mrs. Justin Sam Levi'iisuii said it all su Jacobs had to lake alter thai. In conip in\ (cinfi i < in i* in (oluiado I'ovs uid children. beautifully that I would have ap- December of the yeac 1VH1 there Splines ( o l o lit lr\lli(,' ( hixl iplauded him could he have beard came to him a letter from Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Klmrr (iriTiilir mff, Idilx rt Murris III niu Ilnl me. Mv wife asked me. "Were kids Hcid, piincipnl of the school: "Sir: I mil, I ' m l SerJin lii nln n s< lilt lit- ii a n t h returned from Norman. ever such a worry as they arc nowjji jj with re.il concern that I am er, Irving ScliiU'iilcrman, Leofmnl Oklii.. where they attended tlie to parents?" j constrained to inform you of ii icJIUOIISIIII and iimiinucr Fremont < r.ulii ilion of their son. T)<JII \V., I myself was blaming most (,f it cent circumstance in your son's [from 'he University of Oklahoma. 1 shell The taller, after a visit with his on automobiles. My own youth was conduct which obliged me to relived in a lime when Ihe autonio- quest thnt he be imiiieiliately roMr. ami AIr». Alrx I'liilkln have family in Omaha, left Wednesday inowd from my family. The dissil e t i u m (I fioni D i l l is T I N uh'Ve fui New York City Where he will hile was not yet even a dream of were horse- pated turn of mind be. has lately 1he\ iittindcd the gMduilinn of join .two friends for a trip to Ku- inventors. There drawn carriages which were only given into h i s prompteil him to then smi D u i d fiom Soiithrm tope mid Israel. for the rich. (A. poor hoy mi^ht commit an art ion v. hich really MethmltM I'lmersilv After lc.uI I I K D I I I I S Ihij stopped In K ins is .Miss I'vllis IEIIIIIIIOW. who wassometime in his young life i;el a shocks me to mention." .Mr. Reid u r n ! on to ?;iy that t i t v Mo In visit annfhci sun c,i i'lu ited from the University of ride in the undertaker's carriage Sammy Jacobs had broken into the Omnhi this June, plans to leave tlist was nrcompanyiiig Rrnn'dpa to Alan home of n Mr. Solomon and .stolen boon foi Los Angeles. C'al, where his K'ave.i a watch . . . "He has connected n^ (million Univeisil> slip will visit friends and rola"Yes." I said to my wife, "it's tn<s She is the daughter of Mr, so different .-with kids today from himself in such a chain of acquainmemli is who i f c c u c d nd vmicemtnK iu I auk <iipl)r \ n t o r nntl Mrs. Irvln Kulilntm. what it used to be. I remember tances as must necessarily prove * Leiine, Piofcssfii I moritu •» and I had to be home at 10 of nights' his ruin." Mr. Keid wrote . . . I)r Miilirlii' I* Mjrjrnlc .iviisl It I'd come in later my father "I have endeavored for your sake, ant piofnsMii would 1M> waiting for me wifh a as well as the youni: man's to keep h 'matter a .secret, that h a rwance the li hg b t f f t h strap, lie was the best of fathers, may be still (jiven him to reclaim," Miss Harriet Shapiro will Ii n o In addition Mr, Jacobs heard as 1 see him now.": June 11 foi WuhinRtoi) D C about this from a friend in Quebec Operates only VVell, after I was wheie bhe mil uc employed ,is n | I s l l l 1 - The Mineral Knginc.r. Jb.mk eximincr in the U S Tie is ! i n - department of the • Teclmlon. Sam I«evenson and Arthur Godfrey . . . Mr. (Irani who said: "I.asl , 7 ' ' ' ^ c c l up a new hook that VjC'k Ihe boy coiiiinilteil an act of when needed . . . ur> depulmuit Mis-, S|i ipno , will m.vcat the (raining center i f" had just come lo me. Title: "Amer- so horrid II nature . . . II has b'een who was gtadualed fiom Omih,i if'" instructors who will ican Jewry . . . Documents . . . discovered thai yoiui;; S.imiiel j;ot automatically or, X;n!veisilv tlu« monlli is the I el s first school for miners. 18th Century" . . , 4!)1 pages of of Mr and Mrs M<ix 1 ° be opened soon in Kilat, the (iocuriients . . . letters, etc . . . oul in the nirrlit lime . . . and in- with a flick dulged his vicious incliu'itiiins I school u ill provide* technical train* Sltaplrn of a switch. i M£ foi workers in t.hp county's written by Jews who were living amongst his idle aciuainlfiu'es.". in America away back there. It's I looked up from the pnye . . Mr ami Mr* lien M / i If will mines inri also will offer basin rill about tin1 liws of plain Jewish "Same stor\-, same .story even i;ir attend Noilhwesicm l i u u i s i t y 1i < u u i v s for inlKirfi's in cxc'ivfitint; people. hack there . . . a l;|d ('.''ttiir; inivcd Low operating cuinmrncemmt pxernsi"-* it I ^ a n jobs Kill I or of the bonk is Professor li I J in bad company," I said. fclon III Tune 1") win i ilun son •*! * t union mining IMI^JUWT* will The heartsick Mr. Jacobs wrote cost. 12 hours a Daniel will ifi'iw the il i n of MI nut iiu :\ regular roiiMiilation Jacob I!; der .Maicus who is diAmerican lewl.-h Ar- Ihn boy: "Dear Sam: I was your night, with a 75-' M istei of Toi II ri ill n "i( i IK • IIU1 \ i i -oty s^rvic- for ihr %HK>O], lector o chives of ihe Hebrew I'nion Col- father and did my duly. Your conle:;e in Cincinnati. Tlie book is a duct has made it void and null. If watt bulb, for Information Office publication (if the Hebrew Union your future behaviour merits evColk'Ke . . . On pa^e 'i\ I discov- cry quod man's esteem . . . 1 then about 40c a . ered a problem child in the years with joy iinii tenderness will own month. I i ml 'urt I.ITAI Bank I.ou- lTSO-lTH.'i . . . Samuel Jacobs, Jr., you at;ain as my child. Till I hen I Volitli Coiiiiiil S"flball rni If Israel,^. UK* slale bank of '>>' name. am only.your well-wisher." r". won tin third ill light ^une in U. Si nil nil I i nl Ins opened an information I looked up from the paj;e . . . j Well, the next year, in October, As much light at off II i here to advise residents" of morning Youth ((infill '•-of 11) "Oh, h'-re's some of the same kind j 17«:>, Sammy Jacobs decided to (iiimiiii whn may wish to invent, of troubU1 , far, far back there . . . run away from it all . . . sailed to you want. Uses League Ste\c Ciii^s « is th( win | fit icli enterprise..,. same as f,evenson and dodfrey the island of Jamaica. He wrole to ning pilchei whilf I i r u d a n o p j i n alKoibed the lo--s A'/A No 100 — liis parent.-; hopefully: "Honored 25 to 150-watt hid a 11-9 lejd o u r A7 \ No 1 gt , ~ B» A B • Kather and Mother: I take farewell bulbs. e 111 of you and (lie family which, I hope lo fjod, I .shall see af;ain in K'""l d health, but 'God knows when. I • Change light game It will be reMimrd )fl( i the hope I shall deserve (heir atten-! refiulai scheduled Youth Count il lion, as I shall do nothing but what i colon for decgame June if} Next weel< s y mu % will he cinceled due to the IIBYO \\ Islington, D. C . IJTA i -.said, "is Kii.sce|itib)e only to the is becoming a i;enlIonian. I hope i orative effects. Lendership I'l IIIIMI" lnsli uie *5tn it'll E. 1/. Bartlelt strongly j reasonable interjirclation that It ihis voyage will make a.man of me i I can not help but see that I \ 'tiitKi/(d the Slate Department j was intended as a rccummendaVarsity Siitlliull ^ | foi the stand il had taken in the | tion by the Deparlment." The Sen- have been such an expense an.i Added conveniRaymond knk.es mftv twi.lut ISMII of Saudi Arabian pressuie \ ator also chaises that the De-have been of so little use. The time ter kept the T( C Vaisitv t n n i o i; npon Aramco lo discriminate i partment's slalcment miscon- past cannot be recalled . . . I hope once outlets on top in the ( lub Lea 'IK is the\ di"1 i nnsi Vinerii.iii Jews in hiring ; slrued the nature of the Newthe future will IK; better." fe.ilfd the LiSille Mum in>- d 1 Nolhinc more in Dr. Marcus' some models. ; York proceedings and the relief John Okun s t h i n bus puprl the pi " Hi's. Archives on the further 'life of hffiet mi l.'.S. Iiitt-resU : sought, by the AJC. The Coiimiiscenter team attack. Ihi Alaskan Democrat, read in ; sion was not asked that Aramco Samuel Jacobs, Jr. If he lurned oul 'Ihe )( C Olilliiiii i - ill uiln d all right after all, he should by then fust 1 i s to ilif I'IIUP l< un -,Ln it- i letter sent by him to jfoecompelled'to take Jewish cm- now have a big flock of (jrc;'t.Many styles, model*, in the Sunday mornini; Aliaino A-. si nit Secretary (if State U'il- j ployees to Saudi Arabia, but to Kl eat-Krcat-j; r e n t grandchildren CPIKUI 1 S 1 \Ion it II mill in in bun \I fcumhcr, recalling that Ihe j abide by the New York law against and sizes to choose from. whose parents probably worry ^ ork State Commission discrimination, took his fust lo s of tin e con N'v about them. .• i:nd Saiiitlims The Police team is on tori in thei1 A ' mist Discrimination, w h i c h j See (thera displayed on As I said to my wife hopefully, cnnsii' icd a complaint by t h e ' The Senator called upon the Ji U'IK mil i vi i mil) it n the first floor of th« "Maybe, - . • .w.iyor, after iiniT all, im, most mosi of oi the uie ue'APUMICIII Jewish Congress in this Electric Building, mitlii was advised by ihe State Department to continue efforts lo i m ( | l l e , l t ., do turn out well, cxcepl the sanclions aKauist Ameii- , h e o n e s w l ) 0a ,, fi n | 1 ( W e ( | | Q ( I l . j v e Diputmcnl that a finding; against end 17th and Harney. cans by Saudi Arabia. He empha- cars and die so young on the roads Ai juico would prejudice the com-sized that Ihe U.S. should be Anyway, the case of this Sammy ' p m \ s operations in Saudi Arabia scrupulous about the rights of the ind piobably adversely effect oth- American people to he free in in- Jacobs . . . far back there in the 1780's . . . sugKosIs there's nothing ll 1 \ V I V I I I \ l I o Nl W i l l a I S interests there us well. ternal affairs from foreign inter- new in juvenile delinquency so I j Miny .tlr.cliv. P i urn A i n u t< r o f l i u i i n i niiwil IIIK statement," the Senator ferences and pressures. guess papas one] mamas were suf- modali ai low a l . . 111 K l III f o i 111 (iff I 111 St III Vl^lt fering a lot of pain even far, far l.il.dl.g ^ - tile s e c o n d h e a d o f I h e Biirnie.se liitotlotlu •ifrtU hack there." G o w M i i m e n l i n visit this comiti > Council Urges Change And 1 notice this sadly: Samuel Automatic "Electric Ey»" MocJ. I n I T ) ) I h p i r nt 1'ic m i ' i <. pr« In Immigration Laws Jacobs of St. Dennis, Quebec died df< s o i I M i w i s i t,iu I h u e $49.99 only a year after he had to take elta»lowai P r i m e M I I U M I i D i v n l I ' m( m n n New York -The United States in< t M i N i W i n it I v d ' l i A n j Isi it I—Army vocational train Government was urged "to take il. all from delinquent Sammy, poit whiir 111' l i i i i n i i s i Ii ul< i , Peerhaps he just couldn't take it Phone your electric csn* ing s'ho)ls have recently enrolled i inspect! il i unlit i n (,u ml of lion | ,„ , m , n , m ifi"int hoys oflcn teach- l opportunity offered by the- and died. tractor. He'll ba glad t o VVorl(1 (Seren AR & S Feature) or and took a salute '"•' us a niil'l '"•'"' ^ ' in - Ihr in Hebrew in Ihe process. I Rcf»K'ee Year to change its bind p i n t d tin Uuini'si md I help you with your auto* At the len-year-old Air force basic Immigration laws," at the 1 i a ( h i> i o n il i i t h r u s sch iol in Haifa, boys with a sixth executive committee meeting of door lighting plan& ide (ducalion are considered for the National Council of Jewish JO MILLION I'Ol M ) , 1.' in 1 > month courses. One hun-'i W o l n o n JA 1344 lo Inurl your Wont Ad In IN\I>iMI \T idiid and twenty new immigrants | The expression emphasized lhat IhoPhoiK Jffv/Iah Press, Isi icl Xlie l»Hish ( o'uni/ itidn wvri' recently accepted in this I Ihe immigration laws "must not Rol» Ii 50 cenli fur each thru lint lni»rThe Pint r«erv«i th» rljfil to limit Assocution lini d'cidxl t o ( s t i l ) school liter taking special He-j only be revised to meet recurring llon. sir* of each udvertiienunt Iish a 10 million pound fund to brew, mathem.ilic and physics | refugee problems, but also to climhelp SOUK tlnm<-ind in u mum (lis'-i-, linate the national origins quota DAILY JEWISH PAFEKS f;r.int f<unil<s to rorisolul ill then I I h( boys study 4."i hours a week, system which now prevents thoil- BAR and Ba3 Mitzvah congratuholding m 1") sin dlliolflei-. s( llf (>() p(ic nt beim,' devoted to prac- sands of potentially valuable imlations also for all Jewish holiments in the L icluih TMII I ' M IK il v ork and 40. percent to migrants from cumin; to th« days and special occasions. Tuvn n e is tin o n United Slates." Meyer* News Stand, 1502 Dodgo erul cl iv•» \ illi n I i m •. in \\ oi

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Israel Plans Mining School

Center S®or§§ Opened in Germany

in' : r intunlJ-Ve,, X \ Stand o n Saudi Arabian

Pressure Is Criticized

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